poeimas · 2 years
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͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏ ͏͏͏ ͏ ͏͏͏ ͏ ͏͏͏ ͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏ ͏͏͏ ͏ ͏͏͏ ͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏ ͏͏͏꒰ ⭒ 𝓦onyoung pack . . . 💭 ꒱
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jorgesmc · 3 years
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Tu foto de perfil me habla a ratos. Otras veces está muda, mira a otro lado. Hoy no ha dejado de decirme que pudiste haberme amado, si me hubieras conocido. . #JorgeSM . #poesianomada #poetuit #poeticavagabunda #poesiacuantica #poeima #poerotic #poemas #microficcion https://www.instagram.com/p/CUGQ6k4LZwA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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marielagm64-blog · 7 years
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<3 Bendecido aquél Ser que además de darlo, lo recibe! <3 #poeima
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bm-pacific · 3 years
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Royal Hair Costume, 16th-early 17th century, Brooklyn Museum: Arts of the Pacific Islands
Royal costume of hair. The costume consists of: A- One neckpiece (poekaki); B- one girdle (poekooi); C1 and C2- two wrist bands (poeima); D1 and D2-two leg bands, worn below the knees (poeavaevae). The hair is fastened to a band of braided coconut fiber and each piece is fastened with coconut fiber cord and barkcloth cords. Size: a: 1 3/16 × 11 13/16 × 9 1/16 in. (3 × 30 × 23 cm) b: 10 5/8 × 1 3/16 × 13 3/4 in. (27 × 3 × 35 cm) c: 3 9/16 × 9/16 × 3 9/16 in. (9 × 1.5 × 9 cm) d: 7/8 × 13/16 × 7 7/8 in. (2.3 × 2 × 20 cm) Medium: Hair, sennit, barkcloth
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penmanshipeb · 2 years
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God placed Adam in a garden and told him to dress it and keep it.
He placed paper and pen before me and told me to write on it and fill it.
Has he instructed you or given you any specific purpose?
He called Moses and told him to take his rod and go free my people down in Egypt. He gave Paul a gospel and told him to go preach it. So on and so forth.
I give bits and pieces of my testimony of God saving me in Reruns, but About My Father’s Business directly shines light on it. It is the opening of a three-part series. That’s not egocentric but rather a lot to tell. Beyond the car wreck in 2007 and a stroke that occurred three years later, there’s a story amidst the tragedy and the testimonies of God sparing my life that God instructed me to tell. Truly, the testimony is to encourage others unto life
About My Father’s Business deals with this lifeless world and establishes my mindset and God’s dealing with me in light of the scriptures. Through utilizing the lives of others in the Bible who have gone before me in this journey of walking with God and being led by him, understanding, knowledge, and a pattern are displayed. This book is simply centered upon the catalyst of my faith. This book is about man, which concerns me, the next is about me, which is the entirety of my testimony, and the last is about God, which is the culmination of God’s calling of me, to begin with.
About My Father’s Business is dedicated to my late pastor, Bishop Philemon Turner. He preached holiness. His preaching is what bore me into this relationship with God, this life of Christ in which God calls us to live. Heavy focus is placed upon “the wilderness.” The reason why was because me giving my life to Christ was as me coming out of a lifeless world in order to come unto him. My testimony is for the suicidals. I never wanted to commit suicide, but I did arrive at finding no pleasure with life in this world. Holiness’ significance is separation from the world. Me coming unto God and giving my life to him was the same as me departing from this world. And, it is because my late pastor preached holiness is the reason why I am here living this life of Christ here today. Therefore, anything less of holiness does not sit right nor well with me because it was this world—this wilderness—that I greatly wanted to leave.
  There are others in the Bible who have dwelt much time and have had encounters with “the wilderness” in their lives. God gave me to first shine a light on this in this first book of this testimony series. It establishes a biblical foundation for those who may not know and a biblical foundation also for this series’ titles to follow.
Poeima shall be the next title of this series to be released in December 2022. This title is available everywhere,  but to personally and directly purchase and support this author, get yours here (thanks): Ebook - https://www.slingshotmin.com/product-page/about-my-father-s-business-1
Print -https://www.slingshotmin.com/product-page/about-my-father-s-business
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tym1286 · 3 years
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psalmonesermons · 3 years
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In Ephesians 2:10 the Greek word for handiwork is poeima. What kind of poem are you? Check it out at, You are God's work of art Part 2 at
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christophe76460 · 4 years
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« En réalité, c'est lui qui nous a faits; nous avons été créés en Jésus-Christ pour des œuvres bonnes que Dieu a préparées d'avance afin que nous les pratiquions » Éphésiens 2 : 10)
"Cest Lui qui nous a fait "dans sa racine le verbe faire ici veut dire "un poème, un chant" le mot Grec:"poeima" ou une création unique...Dieu savait exactement ce qu'Il faisait lorsqu'Il nous a créé. Nous sommes de toutes couleurs comme un chant pour le monde que Dieu a créé et avec une destinée. Ce monde ne veut tellement pas avoir Dieu au dessus de sa tête qu'il est mélangé, en a perdu son identité et son bon sens! Dieu ne s’est pas trompé lorsqu’Il a créé toutes les nationalités (races) et leurs diversités, leurs cultures différentes, leurs façons de vivre différentes. Il y a une beauté extraordinaire chez toutes les nations de ce monde, alors ne laissons pas cette pensée démoniaque nous auto détruire. Chaque nationalité est une création unique de Dieu et si certains s’attaquent à ce que Dieu a créé, ils prennent un énorme risque. Dieu prend plaisir dans le cœur du juste et lorsque nous faisons du mal injustement, délibérément et méchamment, nous ne pratiquons pas les œuvres bonnes préparées d’avance de Dieu...Alors, assurons nous de retourner à :
«Mes chers amis, aimons-nous les uns les autres, car l’amour vient de Dieu. Celui qui aime est né de Dieu et il connaît Dieu.»
‭‭1 Jean‬ ‭4:7‬ ‭BDS‬‬
Sommes nous nés de Dieu? Si on dit oui, alors y’a pas de barrières raciales, car cet amour en vous vient de Dieu.
«Qui n’aime pas n’a pas connu Dieu, car Dieu est amour.»
‭‭1 Jean‬ ‭4:8‬ ‭BDS‬‬
L’amour dont on parle ici n’est pas un feeling, mais une décision et une disposition d’aimer notre prochain et de l’aider. Et pourquoi aimer ? Car l’amour est la vraie nature de Dieu et nous partageons sa nature car nous sommes nés de Lui. Et parce que Dieu nous aime. Nous sommes des transporteurs de son amour !
Bonne journée !
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ferretfyre · 7 years
Music ask, 1, 12, 19, 24, 25 :)
1: Top five all-time favorite songs?
Honey, I got hundreds upon hundreds of songs I consider favorites. So have five random songs instead.
1: “Lonely Boy” by The Black Keys
2: “Rio” by Duran Duran
3: “Thriller” by Michael Jackson
4. “Me and Sarah Jane” by Genesis
5: “Hard Times” by Paramore
12: Favorite album in it’s entirety?
Again, I have many, many favorites, since I tend to be “album oriented” when it comes to music. But let’s dig into the obscures, and I’m gonna put up Michael Card’s “Poeima” as an answer this time.
19: Concerts you’ve been to?
So far only two: A small Michael Card one at a local church (that was like 5, 6 years ago), and a Jason Bonham’s Led Zeppelin Experience concert last year. It was epic.
24: A song you think everybody should listen to?
“Blue Monday” by New Order
25: A song you’re currently listening to on repeat?
Umm... I think it was “Give Up the Funk (Tear the Roof off the Sucker)” by Parliament
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dellacruzzin · 4 years
“Poetic Justice” Was on my break earlier today and was think 🤔 I’m need to be sending you all #hugs because you are worth loving. I love you all. You look like the image of unconditional love! Ephesians 2 10 We are engineered by his design; he molded and manufactured us in Christ. We are his workmanship, his poetry. We are fully fit to do good, equipped to give attractive evidence of his likeness in us in everything we do. (God finds inspired expression of Christ in us. The Greek word for workmanship is poeima. God has done everything possible to find spontaneous and effortless expression of his character in us in our everyday lifestyle. The word, proetoimatso, translates a notion that God has prepared a highway for us to lead us out like kings, just like the Oriental custom, where people would go before a king to level the roads to make it possible for the king to journey with ease and comfort. Isa 40:3-5.) @Mirror.Bible (https://app.mirrorword.net) #TodayYearsOld #WOUL #God #Jesus #HolySpirit #Love #FYP #Wendys #MirrorBible #bibleverse #wisdom #scripture #knowlege #grace #LoveOneAnother #LoveYourself (at Wendy's) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC3CgSiBL12/?igshid=71nt6kz6sjsi
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abnormaladi · 6 years
Grace upon grace
Story time, the other night, my young adults group was going through John 1 and in verse 16, one phrase stuck out to me.
Grace upon grace.
Jesus has been reminding me of this phrase for a few days. For the last few month, life has been pretty rough and difficult. One of my resolutions was to be more intentional with certain relationships and Satan has been sabotaging a few of them, and it completely sucks. I’ve grown angry and frustrated with the people closest to me, and in the long run, I’m getting angry and frustrated with God because I don’t know what to do.
Grace upon grace
When I saw this phrase, I thought it would be a beautiful danity tattoo, but real talk, I love/hate how the Lord uses those things to teach you. For my 18th birthday, I wanted to get my first tattoo of a word that reminded me of my worth. In the Greek, there is a word for Poetry which is Poeima. It comes from Ephesians 2:10 which says,”YOU are Gods workmanship, YOU are His Poetry, created for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” My whole life, I struggled with self image issues. Never finding my worth in Jesus. Never feeling beautiful in who Jesus made me to be. Do you know how of a slap in the face that is. How dare I talk down on myself. I am made in His image. I was created with a purpose. He thinks I am to die for. How dare I disgrace my creator like that.
I decided that I needed a daily reminder of His calling that He’s given me.
As I want to permanently place this phrase on my skin, I am tested in it. I am reminded to give grace. How dare I get a phrase that I can’t live now. I must give grace to those who hurt me. I must give grace in the stupid/snarky comments about me. I must give grace in those who I feel like don’t deserve it. I don’t deserve grace. I deserve the grave. But my God came and took that for me.
My encouragement for you whose reading this, you don’t deserve grace, but Our Heavenly Father, who adores you more than life itself, gave you grace. He laid down His life that you may obtain that grace.
I encourage you to walk through your day with that phrase written on your hand, mirror, post it note in your car, on your dog, to give grace upon grace.
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poeimas · 1 year
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i 𝗹𝗼 ⏤ 𝘃𝗲 ( mɥ animal ) nɑmᧉ
᥉hᧉ/him աɑs thᧉ bᧉst thing f𝗈r
mᧉ , ᥣ𝗈᥎ᧉ hᧉr/hᧉ s𝗈 much .
͏ ͏͏͏ ͏ ͏͏͏
͏ ͏͏͏ ͏ ͏͏͏ ͏ ͏͏͏ ͏you are the best thing
for me , i will love you 4ever
danielle marsh . i love ⁠u ♡
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﹝ tաittᧉr — yjdocᧉ ᨘ 🩰 ﹞
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jorgesmc · 6 years
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La piedra que nos despeñó, hasta caer en la locura, fue un solo beso... #JorgeSM #Micropoesia #Poesiacuantica #Poerotic #Poeima #Metafora #Amantes #Amorosos https://www.instagram.com/p/BpgRfXRHI7H/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1a4w51a6pax8e
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enkivzla · 6 years
▶️ Alberto Franceschi: Sacarlos YA es lo Único Deseable ⏹️ UAR Feliz Año #PlanRetorno Página 2 de 365 Feliz Año Víctor Valdés Rodríguez Torres #DeEneroMeGusta #BlackPanther #DíaDelPolicía #poeima Lima https://t.co/U6x3eWOBtQ
▶️ Alberto Franceschi: Sacarlos YA es lo Único Deseable ⏹️ UAR Feliz Año #PlanRetorno Página 2 de 365 Feliz Año Víctor Valdés Rodríguez Torres #DeEneroMeGusta #BlackPanther #DíaDelPolicía #poeima Lima https://t.co/U6x3eWOBtQ
— I. La Madriz 136k (@EnkiVzla) January 2, 2018
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January 02, 2018 at 09:43PM via I…
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bm-pacific · 3 years
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Royal Hair Costume, 16th-early 17th century, Brooklyn Museum: Arts of the Pacific Islands
Royal costume of hair. The costume consists of: A- One neckpiece (poekaki); B- one girdle (poekooi); C1 and C2- two wrist bands (poeima); D1 and D2-two leg bands, worn below the knees (poeavaevae). The hair is fastened to a band of braided coconut fiber and each piece is fastened with coconut fiber cord and barkcloth cords. Size: a: 1 3/16 × 11 13/16 × 9 1/16 in. (3 × 30 × 23 cm) b: 10 5/8 × 1 3/16 × 13 3/4 in. (27 × 3 × 35 cm) c: 3 9/16 × 9/16 × 3 9/16 in. (9 × 1.5 × 9 cm) d: 7/8 × 13/16 × 7 7/8 in. (2.3 × 2 × 20 cm) Medium: Hair, sennit, barkcloth
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assa30 · 7 years
Echa un vistazo al Tweet de @canocs19:
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