#plus it's my favorite whump trope
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if you had to choose only ONE way to whump Barry what would it be? :)
WHY WHO WOULD POSSIBLY CURSE ME LIKE THIS?! ONLY ONE?!?! Sigh. I won't cheat and say 'torture' as a blanket term so.
Gotta go with some sort of captivity. Speedsters in general don't like to be stuck in one place, and even without some form of physical torture :( , it's a good psychological whump strategy. It proves extremely effective for him specifically because while he's trapped, he'll be constantly worrying about his loved ones and Central City in general because in this situation, he doesn't know anything happening outside of wherever he's being kept :)
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youpassedout · 9 months ago
literally only created a whump sideblog to post the one (1) silly little scenario i can't get out of my head lately
but i might stay to participate in fandom a little bit, or at least keep a place to reblog to my heart's content instead of perpetually lurking. stay tuned i guess
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aceofwhump · 28 days ago
I've been working on coming up with some This or That game posts and I've decided to go a different route than a lot of the this or that's I've seen lately. In fact, I'm going old school with it.
By that I mean that I won't be using polls. Why? Because I want to encourage people to reblog and comment. I want people to take the opportunity to rant about why they are making this choice. Why is this trope your favorite? Why do you prefer this one to that one? What is your favorite example of it?
By not using polls, if you want to answer the question you have to reblog and tell me which one you are choosing (I suppose people can use the reply too but that doesn't share it with everyone). I'm hoping this will get some more fun whump discussions going like we used to do a few years ago. Polls are fun but I know I tend to just click an answer and keep scrolling and I feel like everyone else does too. Plus polls have a limited time of a up to a week and I want these to go one for forever. I don't want a time limit on these.
I want to hear your thoughts and feelings and read your rambles and experiences and feelings and heck I want to read your writing if the trope choice gives you some plot bunnies.
So that's my current plan. I hope people like the choices and feel encourage to discuss!
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falsemilkbun · 5 months ago
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I did all 20 of @taylortut 's
for both Mithrun and Kabru from Dungeon Meshi, because I have low-key lurked the community for a while and long to reveal my madness, and also I want to spread the 'ganda about my perfect boys before season 2 of the anime drops. Evidence of my illness is below the cut.
Also parts of this are NWS and there's violence including passing mention of sexual violence so like please. There's also visual depictions of stuff like self harm. I've warned you.
What appeals to you about this character?
Mithrun: Without spoiling too much, I'd say the draw for me is that he's a character who's at once very capable and very vulnerable. He's a powerful magic user with a lot of (terrible) life experiences, but he's also afflicted with a condition that makes it necessary for him to have what amounts to a caretaker whenever he's not doing rote daily routine stuff. Also, he's a tiny little elf, which is always a plus.
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Also, he looks like D&D Gilbert, which is Funny To Me.
Kabru: The son-boy! The one through whom I recognize the self through the other! I love that he's a chronic manager of others' emotions, and a doting caretaker to Mithrun, and also sometimes a ruthless killer.
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I've observed this isn't a super beloved character trait of his, but I maintain that it whips ass. He's a character of contrasts like Mithrun is, being very much invested in humans and also willing to rip someone apart.
Also, he looks like D&D Serge, which is Funny To Me.
What's your least favorite aspect of this character?
Both: None! I like that Kabru will stab a fucker, I like that Mithrun is very capable of being a bitch, I like that they both have worldviews informed by their upbringings and think/say things about others that aren't charitable or fair, I love my boys.
What's your favorite canon moment with this character?
God. They have many good moments individually and together, but like. The #1 one, as well as the one most relevant to this questionairre, is this. I goof about it a lot, but it's so tender and the implications are so striking. Kabru is actually treating him like a person. I consider this scene a companion to an earlier one, when they first meet and Mithrun actually treats Kabru like an adult and a peer, which elves generally don't.
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Do you have a favorite fic for this character?
GOD. So many of them are so good, we really do monopolize the biggest crinkliest brains, but the one I'm FERAL about right now is The Chameleon by threesmallcrows. Fuck. Me. Up. It's an AU, too, a gothis horror/romance one, so one could if one wanted just eat it right up even if you've only seen these two on screen for two minutes.
What's your favorite whump trope to use for this character and why?
Individually: Mithrun: Exhaustion or illness or anything that requires him to be toted around like a stupid little baby and handled delicately. I just like him being spoiled, which is a hideous contrast to what I'm gonna type in a minute wwww
Kabru: Persevering through injury, I think. He's a very purpose-driven person, and I think him toughing it out because he absolutely has to is very appealing. He can collapse and be coddled later, it's fine.
Jointly: *throws up my fucking hands* (Threats of) noncon against Mithrun while Kabru is incapacitated. Sorry. It just has juice. Nothing even has to Happen, it can be as inoffensive as someone manhandling him wrong or threatening him. My brain is simple and I like more reasons for Kabru to stab people and for Mithrun to be miserable. SOZ.
Whose relationship with this character is your favorite, shipping or otherwise?
*gestures at entire post* WHAT DO YOU THINK.
Whose relationship with this character is your least favorite?
Mithrun: Milsiril, she very much was ready to murder him when he was at his most vulnerable because she decided his life wouldn't be worth living.
Kabru: ...Nay, I shan't say it.
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Describe your ideal whump scenario for this character.
The main antagonist possessing Another Chara's body and threatening Mithrun while Kabru is temporarily restrained. I. Listen.
No, there's no adequate defense. It's just exciting! It's got juice, to me! I like peril, I like Literalizing, I like protective fury. Rage is a kind of distress!
Do you have headcanons for this character, if they're not an OC?
Mithrun: I write him as something that readers would describe as intersex if they saw it IRL, but it's not treated that way and doesn't work in a way that would be realistic if that's what I was trying to do. I'm not doing realism, I'm doing an artistic expression of sex and gender variety in a fantasy race that's explicitly very androgynous already. Also it's fun.
Kabru: That he's legally adopted. Way less interesting.
What would devastate them the most, emotionally speaking?
Mithrun: Rejection or perceived rejection, canonically. If he were to perceive someone as being tired of him or sick of him and discarding him, he'd be Very Upset.
Kabru: He's majorly motivated by loss and a sense of responsibility, so losing someone he loves to violence when he feels he could have prevented it would break him pretty bad.
If it's not a spoiler, what's the worst thing that's ever happened to them?
It is a spoiler, so: Plenty.
How do they act when sick/injured? Is it obvious or do they hide it well?
Honestly they both kind of keep on keeping on until they Drop or someone stops them.
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What are their coping mechanisms, good and bad?
Mithrun: Relies on memories of how he was before he was so severely traumatized in order to make what are usually constructive decisions about what to do. I get the impression he becomes less able to do this in fraught situations, though.
Kabru: Mentally recites rote facts to himself to persevere through unpleasant situations.
How is their mental health, generally speaking?
Could be better. They're doing their best though.
Who do you like to see hurting them, if anyone?
DESPITE WHAT I'VE WRITTEN ABOVE I'm not super crazy about them being hurt. I guess 'baddies, generally' because while I like them in peril I'm not super specific about it.
Who do you like to see caring for them, if anyone?
Both: Each other, and also the stupid poultry AKA the gaggle of freaks who follow Mithrun around. I just love their various dynamics. Pattadol is very appealing platonically, for reasons.
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What do they do to self-soothe when they're not feeling well?
They don't, it's an established problem. Kabru is literally so terrible at taking care of himself (but not others, he's very attentive to other people) that his landlord cleans his room for him out of either pity or necessity.
Are they good at taking care of themselves or do they need help?
Buddy they do it worse than anyone's ever done it.
Do they have old scars, physical or otherwise?
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Mithrun is missing his right eye and half the outer structure of both ears after the incident that traumatized him. He's extensively scarred from having compulsively harmed himself during his recovery, as well as from having been restrained so that he wouldn't do that.
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Kabru seems fine physically, but they're both PTSD disasters that present it differently.
Anything else you'd like to share about them I haven't asked?
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Thanks for coming to my TED talk.....................
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spnfanficpond · 9 months ago
June 2024 Angel Fish Awards
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(Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words. (Click here to learn more about how to nominate a fic for an award!)
Nominated by @autisticandroids
The Horror of No Detrimental Redaction by sp8ce (AO3)
Really top tier whump that is also a super attentive cas character study which is also willing to sit with him in a really uncomfortable space
The Trapdoor by hal_incandenza (AO3)
it's an epic rewrite of dabb era with a level of attention to detail that i've rarely seen in any fiction. the metatextual elements are carefully woven in and the character beats feel real. plus, it's an almost episode by episode rewrite and the new monster of the week casefic elements are fresh and fun. also it answers the question what if apocalypse world was good.
finer things by @explainslowly
i think it's maybe the ultimate pinnacle of the deancas triangulation of desire genre. when dean and cas have weird sex via a woman... one of my favorite things. and this is my favorite iteration.
By Your Hand by @restlesshush
this is my favorite relitigation of moriah that i've ever encountered. cas is so crazy in it. you can kind of feel that things will eventually work out without that coming off as cheap. it's perfect
Nominated by @candygrammes
LIMBO by entselene (AO3)
It's the creepiest. angstiest, scariest story I've read this year. Sam wakes up in Sioux Falls Hospital horribly injured, with no idea what happened. Not only that, but Dean is nowhere to be seen. Why? Has Dean abandoned him?
Nominated by @charliethealpaccaso
Strange Encounters by deanandsam (Ao3)
I loved the idea that there are dog versions of dean and sam along side the main sam and dean that I found it cute but also opened up a whole side story I wish there was more of.
Dogs Don't Pay Taxes by Zetal (Rodinia) (AO3)
There oddly is a huge lack of dog!sam fics on A03 that I love to try and spread the word of the ones that are out there. This one was cute both prompt wise and just made my day when I came across it
Faithful Companion by brokenlittleboy (AO3)
What if during season two Sam developed a whole new issue with his psychic powers and turned himself into a dog then this is the fic for you. Dean does mess around with him in this fic but I think it was a fun and interesting read for the concept
Nominated by @glygriffe
Why’s every song is about love (or drinking too much) by @quietwings-fics
They didn't give us enough Sam and Castiel scenes in the show. Here's a bitter-sweet one between the two of them, talking about Dean and the whole 'unrequited love' thing. A ficlet the gives a Destiel fan just the right amount of heavy heart.
It’s the Stars that Lie by @seperis
Ok, this fic doesn't need recommandations, but it's still needs public praises. To fully appreciate it, you need to read the fever dream that is Map of the World first, but I love how the author builds on the glimpses that the episode The End gave of the apocalypse!world. The OCs are interesting (and many of them are POC), and the lovely slow burn between Dean and Castiel is spiced up with the fake boyfriends trope.
Since I've Been Loving You - Remaster by tgel210 (AO3)
I like Castiel's first-person POV, Dean being a musician without being a rock star: it feels close to home like my next-door neighbor is talking to me about the love of his life.
Closer than they appear by sunkenfox (AO3)
Dean and Castiel figuring out what their life could be together by looking at Misha and Jensen is interesting. Even more interesting is the concept that like it or not, the Supernatural characters would not exist in their world without the writers and the actors in an other world. That Dean and Jenses share more than a face; same for Misha and Castiel (even if the difference are more obvious between the last two). A story of discorvery on a meta level, hiding inside a cute Destiel and RPF romance.
he feels no control of his body by withthekeyisking (AO3)
A wonderful but sad exploration of Sam Winchester throughout his life; from his lack of bodily autonomy to his dying faith in god(s) and humanity. With just enough brotherly love to leave the reader aching from loss and something like betrayal. (I love Dean, but he his a royal dick to his brother sometimes)
Nominated by @handsliketruth
evergreen endless by @whiskeyjuniper
A glimpse of endverse!Dean and Castiel during the earliest days of The End, via Chuck (prophet? god? something in-between?) as he continues to chart their story...and struggles to keep them from their inevitable collision despite their wildly infuriating pattern of falling into it... (full disclosure, this one was a gift for me, but I would rec this anyway 💛 dark, spicy, funny, clever meta fun)
But I Ain't Dead Yet by @bloodydeanwinchester
I cannot wait to see how this one plays out! Clever and charming with a fun hook: what if s4 Dean and Cas time-traveled back to 1x12 Faith to save Layla? (I would read a million words of Dean watching faith!Dean and Castiel get along 😂)
Nominated by @heavenssexiestangel
Bad Day Love by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
it's a cute pick-me-up story with one of my favorite ships. I really like how Arthur is so soft with Dean here.
Bedtime Routine by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
It's another rareship of mine andI love how they care for each other here and take care of Emma.
The Fool's Journey by @ladyknightskye
I know I was the artist for this story but - what Meg wrote for my art is awesome and it features one of my favorite characters - Gadreel. The journey he has in this fic is extremely important
Nominated by @jinkieswouldyoulookatthis
Presence by @ani-coolgirl
This story broke my heart in the absolute most beautiful way. It's sad and sweet and doomed and it haunts me still.
Nominated by @mariekoukie6661
Stitches by @kittenofdoomage
Its cute! I like it!
Sweet Little Lies by @impala-dreamer
I like how funny it was despite all the angst!!
Nominated by @masoena
Nothing Ever Really Ends by @nyxocity
Beautiful heaven fic with Sam and Dean, bring tissues, post S15E20
In Silence Sealed by @fiercelynormal
Dean loses his hearing but starts talking his thoughts out loud beautifully written Smitty short
Love, Your Brother by @eninkahootz
Sam and Dean communicating by letters btw heaven and earth post-series. Work in progress and so well written
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis
Cretaceous by tiamatv (AO3)
This is a cute, fluffy romp through Jurassic Park as a Destiel fic! You don't have to love dinos to love this fic, but I imagine it would make it even better. If you're looking for something sweet and light to read before bed, this is the bedtime story for you!
Nominated by @rainythursdaynight
Clean Air by @anactorya
I read this story when I was maybe 16 and re-read it twice or three times in the year after. That being said, I can remember it almost excruciatingly well. I'm a post-apocalypse gal and I crave anything in that genre, so it was doubtless that I'd love this story. But the world-building done in this story? The characterization? The tension it manages to build? It's so gripping and exciting and I remember reading it worried out of my mind for the characters and exhaling the deepest breath as the story drew to a close. It's a not too dense read and an enveloping one, you'll forget you're above ground by the end of it!
Empty Spaces by @schmerzerling
This story made me fall in love with writing again. It's so heavy with how it distributes emotion in its words, but also so soothing too. This reads like watching a glass vase get tipped over the edge of a table and, maybe distantly, wondering if someone will catch it in time. But it doesn't quite matter because the flowers are beautiful and if you're crying then it's about the flowers and not the vase. I highly recommend this story to everyone, heavy as its contents may be. I felt safe reading this, I ached, I adore this story beyond words can capture.
Phantasma! by @thisisapaige
I very rarely read things that are horror inclined (funny as that is given the nature of Spn), and maybe this story is not considered horror either, but it left me just on that edge of eerie and it was exhilarating. Most of the story is sweet, and cathartic, as Dean rebuilds his life outside of his family and finds that in Castiel. But the mystery of it all, the unknown, it left me waiting for the other shoe to drop and this writer was excellent at making that payoff worth it.
The Art of Falling by @zipegs
This story was gritty and ugly and didn't pull back punches when it came to its emotional weight. Recovery is a nightmarish process of relapse and pain and relief and this story embodied this with its characters beautifully. This story was lonely, in the sense that its only two characters yes but it also felt a lot like reading about two characters pitted against the backdrop of everything. The world, the universe, existence. It made me feel small but so vast at the same time, and it was so utterly human (funny given the context of the story). It's a short and beautiful read that left me aching but in a way that was comforting as opposed to alienating.
With The End Came You by @lotrspnfangirl
I adore zombie apoclaypse AUs but so few of them focus on the characters' growth alongside the events of the series. And so few of them do side characters justice. This story was THE exception. Not only does the progression of the characters not sideline the plot and vice versa, but the story handles people so so well. You have those that stick around for long, and those that don't, and it treats both parties so faithfully that I'm left emotional over side characters I've only had a page worth of content with as much as the main characters I'm with the entire time. This is a zombie apocalypse AU that puts people first and foremost, and its so human and such a rewarding story to those that have even the smallest interest in these types of AUs. And the progression of the plot is so smooth and natural, TWD could never (and I love that show so take with that as you will).
Nominated by @samanddean76
Dark As Midnight (And You Don’t Look The Same) by @kassyscarlett
This is a story that follows a young Dean (17 years-old) out looking for a good time and running into an older man that gives what he wants. Not realizing he knows him, that he is in fact his Sammy. This story is so good! Time-travel, the follies of youth, needing to be protected from yourself, and realizing years later what that random encounter really was. It is part of a series, but works as a stand alone. But the entire series is worth checking out.
Coming Out Of The Dark by firesign10 (AO3)
It's a story about others helping one they know is broken, giving him what he needs so he can move on and live the rest of his life. The Richesters visit Sam in the bunker after Dean's death, and give him one final night together, so that he might carry on. It tragic and beautiful and has all the feels. Highly recommend.
Nominated by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
Interspecies Romance and Its Associated Perils by suspiciousflashlight (AO3)
I have read this story many, many times. It’s adorable and hilarious. It’s cute and awkward in a way that someone who isn’t sure how to tell about a weird scar or birthmark is. The ending is the best part of the entire thing.
A Helping Hand and Thrilling Touches by mydestielbabies_67 (AO3)
I don’t normally nominate smut but this was just amazing. It was beautiful, and what and intense.
The Cherry Pie Club by zation (AO3)
This is a work in progress. It’s great! Zariah is such a great writer in so many genres. This one is about Dean exploring bdsm for the first time and ends up also realizing things about himself too. Poor Dean learns the hard way that it is Cas he loves about bdsm but still. Their connection and energy with each other is felt as you read. Highly recommend reading!
Absolute Beginners by @ahurston
Chapter 5 made me scream then go feral and foam at the mouth.
Dancing moves by faithlesshunter (AO3)
I am not normally one to read infidelity fics; however, this is destiel. It’s the holidays and Cas and Dean get left alone to reconnect. They tried to be a couple at the beginning once Cas came back from the Empty but they weren’t ready for it. Now, years later and they are! The confessions and the hot smut is just so exacting for them. It’s gorgeous! Dean has always loved Cas and Cas still loves Dean. Oh, I’d love to see how it works out but this reconnection is just purely intense and the dopamine is addictive. Good luck. MUST READ!
The Case of Dean and Castiel's Extremely Resolvable Tension by CanonFodder (Tartan_Temptation) (AO3)
This is hilarious and hot AF! It starts out explaining the premise and drives right into it where Dean finally gives in. He is so happy he does too. He gets a wonderfully deserving reward. Poor Sam and his need for eye bleach. Lol!
Objects May Appear Smaller by @valandrawrites
The instant connection of Cas and Dean, and the science of this story makes this a one-of-a-kind a/b/o. Despite it being incomplete, it’s such a fluffy and fascinating read. It keeps you wanting more with every one of the six chapters. I hope one day they get inspired to write more.
Sentinel by Followsthebees (AO3)
I love this story. I love that it’s a different take on Castiel—he’s a gargoyle. It’s such a fascinating story and their connect is seen by the readers but not Dean. It’s interesting how Dean starts to notice and how intense and romantic it gets. Sex and flying are fascinating, man. This is written oh so well!
Three's Company by @luci-in-trenchcoats
Cas x f!Reader that becomes Cas x f!reader x Dean. It shows a very healthy ethical non-monogamy relationship. I love how the Reader initially freaks, I think, and when Cas and them come to talk to Dean, he freaks too. Everyone is patient with each other though. It’s as it should be when introducing polyamory to non-poly experience people. It’s so sweet and wonderful to read. It’s adorable. This is how poly fics should be.
Ketch and Release by NichePastiche (AO3)
Oh, the fluff and growth! I love this series so so so so much! I always get excited when I see they wrote more. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nominated by @spnbabe67
Finish What You Started by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
I love the tension that melts into silly goofiness.
Spin Cycle by @winchester-girl67
I usually don't do a lot of fluff but I loved the way the writer did this one.
Nominated by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Take A Shot by @rizlowwritessortof
It's just so sexy and Dean. Guh.
Rest by @zepskies
It's swoony and cozy and melancholy, and I love that for us.
The Iceman Cometh by @talltalesandbedtimestories
Ice play is one of my favorite things. Pair that with Dean Winchester, written by Sandra, and, well, you've got a winner.
Damned If I Do by @zepskies
I liked Lisa and Ben, and this is a very satisfying way to show that!
Nominated by @whiskeyjuniper
Truth & Despair by @shallowseeker
It's so compelling, every time a new chapter is posted I'm so excited to see what happens next. Also it's Shal's first fic and they're almost done with it so I wanted to celebrate it :)
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(Divider by @glygriffe)
- From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, and @heavenssexiestangel!
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whumpsday · 8 months ago
this is maybe a little out of the blue/off topic, but I was wondering, do you ever get stressed about plagiarizing when writing whump? I feel like, for a lot of the tropes I really enjoy, and want to write, I've already read just about every rendition out there. having all these awesome whump stories in my head inspires me to write, but I'm also petrified of stealing someone's ideas and stepping on toes. have you ever run into an issue like this?
I'm currently trying really hard to write my first series I wanted to share with the whumpblr community, and I'll be real, the core idea is a very specific trope I've read many times because I love it dearly. I wrote my first chapter and I want to write more but just feel totally stuck without new ideas and paralyzed with the fear of stealing from writers I love and respect dearly. I'd really appreciate any input you might have.
- @fleur-a-whump
no, i don't! you are WAYYYYY overthinking it. you aren't "plagiarizing", you are inspired. that's a good thing! kane & jim borrows a lot of elements inspired by other whump series too, i made a whole post listing them here! mainly inspired by 5 other whump series plus the anime/manga the case study of vanitas. seeing someone's writing and thinking of a story on your own based off that isn't stealing, and that's not a healthy way to look at creativity.
and if you're calling something a trope, then it's definitely not an idea "belonging" to a specific writer. the whole meaning of the term trope is that it's something common.
if this is something that worries you, you could try writing something along the lines of "inspired by [story] by [author]!" in your writing post. i've had that happen to me a bunch of times, and every time i see it i get so happy! i'm always honored when people take inspiration from my writing! (PLUS i get to see my favorite tropes done again without any writing-effort on my part hehehe...)
"There is no such thing as an original idea." - Mark Twain
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seasons-beatings · 1 year ago
Season’s Beatings Info And FAQ!
Hey friends! This is the official information post for the event, plus answers to the questions that have been popping up!
What Is This Event?
Season’s Beatings (formerly Saint Whumpolas) is a gift exchange in the style of a Secret Santa. Everyone who signs up will both give and receive a whumpy gift based on their OCs!
How Does It Work?
When you sign up for the event, you will be paired with two people- one person who you will make a gift for, and one person who will make a gift for you. You’ll be sent an ask with your gift person’s OC/story/favorite trope/disliked tropes information, and you’ll use that to create something amazing for them! Meanwhile, your own gifter will be making something wonderful using your OCs! I’ll collect all the gifts here, and on Christmas Day, everyone will receive their gifts!
When Does It Start?
I’m hoping to have the sign-up form finished this weekend. Stay tuned!
Sign-ups will close on November 28. I’ll hopefully have everyone paired up by December 1.
The deadline to send in your gifts will be December 25, giving everyone three weeks and a bit to complete their gifts, and five days for the standby people to fill in if necessary.
Gifts will be sent out on December 31!
What Makes A Gift?
A gift can be anything! Art, writing, moodboards, other types of art- anything you can think of! There’s only three restrictions- for writers, gifts have to be 500 words minimum (no maximum!). You’ve got to put at least some effort into your gift- five minutes to make a vaguely whumpy meme edit is not going to cut it. And this event is SFW only, so please make your gifts accordingly. (For the purposes of this event, NSFW is anything sexual- so implications, references, fade-to-black, etc., should all be left out.)
Who Can Join?
For this year, the event is open to OC whumpers only. The holiday season is very busy for me this year, and I’m not able to accommodate fandom whump in this style of event right now. However, if anyone would like to create a similar event for fandom whumpers, they have my blessing and I’ll be happy to offer assistance!
And that’s it so far! If I need to, I’ll come back and update this post with more information as the need pops up. Sign-up form is CLOSED! Happy holidays!
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shrinkthisviolet · 4 months ago
🎭😍🔨😎🥇 for the OC of your choosing please?
🎭: Can you envision your OC in an alternate universe? What au would you choose and what role would they be in that world?
YES absolutely! This tag shows some examples: the Apocalypse (what if Zoom won and Morgan went into hiding) and Supernatural AUs (what if Morgan was a mermaid, what if she died due to the particle accelerator and became a ghost) in particular are my favorites
(it also shows a fantasy/supernatural AU featuring Seer!Reyna that I am so super compelled by. I have been since I made that moodboard/wrote that blurb)
😍: What made you truly fall in love with your OC and made you want to continue their story?
Oooh well writing it was first inspired by me being compelled by her dynamics with Harry and Jesse. Then I realized the former was more interesting if we saw Morgan's dynamic with Eowells, to contrast that, so I started writing the s1 arc and became compelled by Morgan & Thawne's complex relationship, Morgan & Tina's strong relationship, and Barry & Morgan (for reasons I have described ad nauseam 😅).
And ofc, I've fallen more in love with Morgan and James too, as time has gone on, and I adore Morgan & Iris's friendship (expanded further in the last answer).
So really, it's that she has so many interesting relationships, and that she's so very fun to write 💞 especially her development as a hero, which will continue to unfold throughout s1 and s2 (and beyond ofc, but majorly in these first two seasons)
🔨: Are there any whump tropes that you'd love to see your OC's reactions to even though you couldn't or wouldn't put it into your actual story for whatever reason?
I'll answer this one for Lucy (I answered for Morgan here): I'd love to write her being kidnapped by Inquisitors at some point, and either rescued by the gang or saving herself (or a mix of both). It could probably fit between main fics, so we'll see, but currently it's not part of my plans. Lucy deserves to be whumped a little 💞 can't let Morgan have all the fun (granted, Lucy will be whumped anyway, but Morgan's still leading majorly per my current plans for her 😅 I wish I could even it out a little more so Lucy doesn't feel too left out)
😎: Pick one thing about your OC and describe it in detail. (their smile, their eyes, the way they walk, their voice, etc.)
Morgan looks quite a bit like her mom! She has her dad's eyes, but her smile is all her mom's 🥰 it's bittersweet for Tina, who misses her best friends more every day whenever she looks at her precious goddaughter. It helps that she's not the spitting image of either of them, rather a good mix of both, but even so…Tina sees them in her goddaughter's appearance, and even in some of her tendencies.
Though…in regards to behavior that she gets from her mother, that's happenstance (duh, she never knew her mom to inherit behavior from her, she was only a year old when Tess Morgan died). Behavior she gets from her father is…well, it's thanks to Eowells, and that hurts if Tina and/or Morgan think about it for too long
🥇: Pick one aspect of your story that you are particularly fond of. Anything at all
Morgan & Iris! They were originally just gonna be coworkers, and their friendship would develop in 2B onward, but…something about Iris man - you put any character with her and you want them to be friends (at least in my experience). She and Morgan were so sweet and adorable so I wanted to flesh them out more, and I adore them 🥰 it was also the impetus for me bringing Iris into the loop sooner, which is also a plus! And starting them off as close friends will make the transition to sisters-in-law easier
oc ask game!
Taglist (send an ask or DM to be added or removed):
@arrthurpendragon @ocappreciationtag @raith-way @vexic929 @ironverseocs
@thechaoticfanartist @tempests-of-hope @dream-beyond-the-fantasy @negative-speedforce @starstruckpurpledragon
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kandisheek · 4 months ago
Wrecking Ball by Sineala
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 1,827 Tags: Humor, Fluff, Mistakes
Summary: Steve is in a wonderful relationship with his teammate Iron Man, adored by the public. Steve and Avengers benefactor Tony Stark are just very good friends. It should be easy to remember that.
Reasons why I love it: Oh Steve, you loveable dork. This fic is so light-hearted and fun, it's super refreshing considering how angsty this trope can be. And their dialogue towards the end makes me so happy, both Steve and Tony feel very in character. I love this one, and I bet you will too!
Pseudonym Salacity by Amuly
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 3,992 Tags: PWP, Dirty Talk, Bottom Tony
Summary: Steve finds out that his boyfriend, the genius industrialist billionaire Tony Stark, is Iron Man. And likes it. A lot.
Reasons why I love it: Putting the “porn” in identity porn. Steve's eagerness is really fucking hot, and I love their banter throughout the whole thing. Also, the bits about Steve's swearing make me chuckle every time I read them. This fic is amazing, and I highly suggest you read it!
When you need an Engineer by MountainRose
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: NR Words: 1,474 Tags: Blood, Injury, Recovery
Summary: Iron Man is injured in the field; Steve needs Tony to come and help him. Tony is hurt in the field; he needs Steve to save him.
Reasons why I love it: Hell yeah, give me all the Tony whump! I really love Steve's inner monologue here, his desperation and fear is so raw, plus his outrage at Tony's 'absence' feels very in character. And the moment he realizes just who pilots the Ironman armor is excellent. Definitely check this one out, it's incredible!
Cherry Ride by copperbadge
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 12,318 Tags: Iron Man 2, Canon Divergence, Car Sex
Summary: A SHIELD agent named Roger Stevens told Tony that his nickname was "Cap". Tony didn't connect the dots until it was much, much too late.
Reasons why I love it: This fic excels at the kind of double-meaning conversations that let us as the readers know that Steve is an absolute master at saying the truth without actually letting Tony in on his secret. Half the time, the dialogue feels like watching a very satisfying game of chess, the other half they're giving major married couple vibes, and I'm here for every minute of it. I love this one, and if you haven't read it yet, you absolutely should!
Eavesdroppers Never by Sineala
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 7,729 Tags: Hypothermia, Huddling for Warmth, Canadian Shack
Summary: When Tony made the decision to have a secret identity, he had several well-considered and carefully thought-out reasons. But there were a few scenarios he never took into account. He never imagined that he, Iron Man, would be cuddling naked with Captain America in a Canadian shack in the middle of a snowstorm. He also never imagined that Captain America would pick that moment to tell him, Iron Man, about his feelings for Tony Stark. Uh-oh.
Reasons why I love it: This fic has one of my favorite identity reveal scenes of all time. I always love when Tony's secret identity comes to bite him in the ass, and a heartfelt confession from Steve being the catalyst is so satisfying. I mean, who doesn't like an 'Oh shit' moment? This fic is amazing, and if you haven't read it yet, you definitely should!
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pixelatedraindrops · 2 years ago
About my Illness Whump Guilty Passion:
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I really enjoy it ^-^
The only whump content I enjoy is illness whump. (no others) Why? Because content around it is usually super fluffy and wholesome. (plus anime characters specifically look really cute when they're sick. The flushed faces, the messy hair and the cozy pjs... and the weak tired voices… gah its all so cute!! >w<)
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My personal favorite trope to play with is high fevers, migraines, and exhaustion/fainting 🌡️
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Colds/Flus are super fun too (tho I'm not too graphic on it as some people are) 🤧I'm not too into snz (its fine) but I do like coughing a lot.
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I'm not into emeto as an actual emetophobic with irl people…💦 However, sometimes I can write it in an implied sense with little graphic detail. And at times I do enjoy reading it if its not TOO graphic. 🤢 (I'm better with it in fictional media and art, but if it's irl emeto with real people vomiting, then nope THAT triggers me.)
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Reasons illness/caretaking hurt/comfort tropes are my favorite
I love when a usually strong, serious, stoic (or asshole) character becomes more vulnerable when they're taken down by illness (bonus points if they become super needy >w<)
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Really great fluff fodder for a Parent/Guardian and Child type of relationship. Or even a found-family situation.
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Super wholesome and sweet for shipping, siblings, or close friendships. In sickness and in health as they say :3
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It is not in any way a kink for me. It's just a trope I really enjoy and fangirl over, but I never get off on it. It just makes me genuinely happy. Its a comfort of sorts to me💜
Its my favorite type of genre to read and watch. And I even write/draw/edit it myself sometimes c: And I usually have my favorite character as the victim of it :3c
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It's also made me really like nurse-aesthetics. Especially masks and thermometers >w<
Just wanted to gab a bit about this.
Here's my AO3 if you wanna read my few fics I have written~
And this is my prime whumpee~🌡️💊
(note this is an EDIT I wish it was real ;w;)
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Rain Code Whump Tag
Art Tag
Thanks for listening!
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Fluffy sickies ftw~ <3
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What is your favorite piece you've written?
Gasp! 😱 Anon! That's like asking me to pick my favorite child (not that I have kids... but still)!
I kid but I'm actually really horrible at picking favorites of anything. So here are three of my favorite pieces I have written:
I'm So Sorry (Jason Todd x Reader):
I wrote this during my first whumptober. It was the first mini-series I had ever written and it just came together so perfectly! It hit all the physical and emotional whump that I love to write, plus I was really happy with how I was able to make the ending tie into not just this story but to the Batman canon in order to make a final impact. Plus, it was the one and only time someone has ade me original art based on one of my fics and that still remains as one of the highlights of my writing on here.
The Colonel and the Sergeant (Rick Flag x Reader, Past Bucky Barnes x Reader):
This is such a special series to me. Not only am I SUPER proud of it but it also contains my favorite scene I've ever written (the flatline scene in Part 2 if you've read it) as well as two of my favorite characters to write for. I was also writing this series when I started talking more to one of my mutuals and reaching out for advice. Since then, they have become one of my closest friends and because of that, this fic will always remain one of my favorite things I've ever done.
No Words (Extended Edition) (Hangman x Reader Soulmate AU):
What I really love about this one is how I was able to take a familiar trope and put a bit of a twist on it. I am usually not a huge fan of soulmate AUs because they can be a bit repetitive so I wanted to do something different and I felt like I was able to accomplish that. Plus, I had a few followers get really interactive after the fact and we soft of crafted scenarios of what would happen next after the fic and it was so fun and amazing that others loved my fic enough to want to join in the discussion about it. Plus, I just love writing soft!Hangman 😂
Thank you so incredibly much, Anon, for the ask! And I would love to hear what other people's favorite pieces I've written are! 🥰
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crownofstardustandbone · 1 year ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Hello love, thank you so much for sending this!!
First up is a story I wrote not too long ago "Mercy Mercy Please (The Monster in Me)" which is a Theo x Liam Teen Wolf fic that is an enemies to hate fuckers to lovers story with 20k words of dirty, nasty, kinky dub-con hate fucking lol I love this one so much because I haven't written this dynamic before and these two are just PERFECT for it.
Next up is "Prussian Blue" which is a Clark x Bruce superbat story in which Bruce gets irradiated to lethal levels and Clark frantically tries to find a way to stop him from dying, while also being forced to confront the depths of his feelings for Bruce. I love this one because it's angsty (big surprise LOL), but also because of the relationships I built between Clark and Alfred, and Clark and Bruce--I think they're well characterized and engaging. Plus I did a SHIT TON of research into the acute effects of radiation sickness and the treatments for it, which is where the title comes from--Prussian Blue is a pretty standard treatment for radiation poisoning!
My next one I'll talk about is hands down my favorite thing I've written in the last few years because it's so unbearably tender. "Ribs Cracked Open, A Home Made Within" is a Geralt x Jaskier story that came about because I had this idea that with his extra mutagens, Geralt would probably be hypersensitive to the point of pain, and wondered what that would look like within canon. I also really wanted Geralt to be handled with care and affection and tenderness because we never really see that in canon, and when someone is so hurt by the world and so self loathing, I desperately crave stories where they get to be treated tenderly.
Next is "Handful of Aces, Pocketful of Nines" which is a Holden x Bill Mindhunter story that came about after a rewatch while I was high and had my brain go galaxy mode and see them as a ship 😂This story follows canon and is filled to the brim with yearning, internalized homophobia, and so much angst it'll break your heart! I love this one because it's got so many tropes that I adore, and I think is a very compelling story of two people who don't know how to love each other, but also don't know how not to love each other.
Finally, is "Unbroken" which I consider to be my Steve x Tony magnum opus lol This story is my baby--I spent two years writing it, during which time I was in grad school, working full time, doing an internship and trying to get homework done. It's angsty and full of pining, hurt/comfort, whump, and all the other tasty tropes that I adore. It's a complicated story about a complicated relationship--Steve is found in the ice during Tony's childhood and comes to live with the Starks where he serves as a friend and protector for Tony. Tony loves him, and when life intervenes, they're married to protect Tony from being given to Obie--but that doesn't mean things get any easier. I do honestly think that this is the best thing for stony that I ever have and ever will write, and I hope more folks give it a shot despite that underage tag lol
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newbornwhumperfly · 9 months ago
whumpmas in july day 5: media that gives you whumperflies
a little bit of a throwback, but a childhood favorite of mine was the prince and the pauper. i found it incredibly whumpy, especially the scenes that talked about poverty and public punishment. sure, it often got pretty dark, but i was incredibly intrigued boy medieval horrors at that age! there's an incredible scene where prince edward is going to be publicly whipped and miles, his bodyguard and friend, takes the punishment for him...utterly delightful and formative of some of my favorite tropes 😍🥺😭
of course, captain america: the winter soldier, is a longtime and eternal favorite 😈😈😈 boy oh boy, this film truly has everything, huh? a human weapon whumpee who is so brutally dehumanized, he wears a goddamn muzzle?? and he's the long-lost boyfriend of the Defiant Whumpee protagonist, who goes through heaven and earth to save him??? AND HE IS SAVED THROUGH THE POWER OF LOVE??? 😩😩😩💖💖💖😭😭😭 creepy whumpers ABOUND (politician robert redford ofc but uhhhhhh brock rumlow and the hydra trash party kinkmeme might've been my first foray into noncon whump and he's the base formula for a lot of my worst whumpers 😈😈😈). people getting nearly beaten to death. brainwashing to kill your beloveds. fitey little do-gooder against the cynical forces of the world. institutional corruption and the rise of fascism thought defeated. epic car chases. just...thee film of all time.
daredevil as a show still slaps prodigiously and matt "marytr" murdock is so pretty when he's in pain (plus, i always love a good "misunderstanding/confrontation scene between besties" and mattfoggy will make me weep every goddamn time). 🥺
the bourne trilogy was also very formative for me in a lot of my favorite tropes 😍 dehumanized weapon of a person rediscovering his humanity and burning down the institutions that birthed him? YES. stoic and grim and quiet and deadly and haunted and longing to be tender? YES. epic car crashes that leave their victims broken, staggering, and bloodied? YES. 🙌
the adventures of robin hood was a childhood favorite as well for its glorious whump, particularly scenes of a defiant errol flynn tied up in prison or severely beaten and ready for execution. what a delight. 😈
these are just a few of the ones that give me whumperflies but i wanted to include ones across the range of my life! 💖💖💖 have a very merry @whumpmasinjuly 🥰
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aceofwhump · 1 year ago
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Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog!
I decided to make a new pinned post with all the information that is available on my desktop site but that will be more accessible for mobile users. Plus a few extras 😉
So an introduction.
I'm Ace. I started this blog back in February 2018 after seeing a post that referenced the whump community. I had no idea there was such a large community here on tumblr! As soon as I saw that making a whump blog was an option I immediately made one. And I haven't regretted it since. I love this blog, I love this community, and I'm thrilled to be here three years later! 
Here on this blog you'll see lots of gifsets both reblogged from wonderful creators and gifs made by yours truly. I also write fanfics on occasion. You can check out my work on AO3 under the name "aceofwhump" or you can look under my tag "ace writes stuff". That tag will have some stuff not on AO3 too. I also do whump lists for certain characters, trope lists, video clips of good whump, and fanfic recs.
Click on the read more for even more information and important links to things like gifmaking tutorials, my trope tag list, my show/movie tag list, my fanfic masterlist, and more!!!
My favorite tropes are:
Emotional: panic attacks, nightmares, insecurities, feeling inadequate, fear, grief, flashbacks, flinching, emotional breakdowns full of sobbing, emotional outbursts, scar reveals, anxiety, self hatred
Environmental: accidents, natural disasters like earthquakes or storms, hit by a car, collapsed building, falling through ice, heat exhaustion, hypothermia, falls, burns, infected wounds from lack of medical equipment, sickness, being unable to breathe, drowning
Small moments: limping, feeling weak and seeking support, breathing through the pain, moving wrong in a way that aggravates the pain, and the sudden seizing of his body, shaking hands, pressing the heel of his hand against his temple because of a headache, taking a moment to close his eyes because he’s light headed/exhausted/has such a bad headache
Sci-fi: space illness, oxygen deprivation, isolation, being locked in the brig, hull of the ship getting damaged, alien attacks
Injuries: broken bones, gunshot wounds, hidden injuries, bruises, beaten, concussions, collapsed lung, slings, casts, crutches, knocked unconscious, blood loss
Torture/Captivity: Being strung up by their wrists from the ceiling, drugged, chained up, caged, tied to a chair, handcuffed to a pole, interrogated
Comfort/Caretaking: hugging, “Are you okay?”, “You’re safe now”, “I’ve got you”, hand holding, helping to walk, ice packs, covering someone with a blanket, a cool cloth on their forehead to help with a fever, a fever check, touching their face to offer comfort
Magic: magical healing that causes pain, draining of powers, powers that are painful to use, curses
Stoic or defiant whumpees
Team whump
Long detailed look at how I make my gifs
Gifmaking tutorials:
Gifmaking for Begginers: my ginormous all you need to know tutorial
Another look at how I make a gif
Tips for beginners
Tips on brightening dark scenes
How to get into gifmaking
Photoset dimensions
How to make a layout gifset
Gif speeds
Links from my desktop blog for mobile users:
My gifs
My whump videos
Ace writes stuff
My Writing Masterlist
Trope tag list
Show list
My Whumptober Masterlists
Fanfic Rec Lists
Blog Archive
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This has been a massive, ongoing project of mine for a while now in which I am endeavoring to catalog and categorize every fanfiction I’ve ever bookmarked. I fear this project will never be complete as I'm always reading and bookmarking new fics but I’m going to share it anyway.
Inside, you will find links and summaries to the fanfictions I’ve read over the years on both AO3 and FF.net. Each fic is sorted by the specific whumpee that they center on. So there’s a page for Danny Williams, for Mike Warren, for Lucifer Morningstar, and many many more. The fics are 90% whump with a touch of fluffy ones thrown in too. This list is based on the fics I’ve read and bookmarked so it leans heavily on my favorite whumpees and my favorite tropes. 
I’ve been working on categorizing every fic by its tropes (so theoretically you could search for say seizure fics or sick fics) but that’s taking me a loooong time because I have to reread every fic in order to determine what kind of categories to make and to look for the specific tropes. So for now you’ll have to make do with the fic summaries and using the search function. When it’s done, each whumpee will have their specific trope categories so you won’t necessarily find the same tropes in each category but it should help narrow down the fics better once I’m done. This is an ongoing project for me.
The list gets updated all the time so check back in every now and then. There might be something new.
I do take suggestions of fics to add to this masterlist but please keep in mind that it may not end up on the list. It's nothing personal I promise. I just can't add every single fic in the world.
Here's the link (note that it opens best on desktop browser because it is large):
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scarlet-hardship · 2 years ago
I've decided to make an official whumplr blog after a long time debating the idea but... here it is!
My everyday blog is @redpapertowel , but I don't feel like posting anything there that I've written myself. That's what this blog will be for!
Call me Scar, He/Him. I'm open to most whumpy things and tropes except for anything NSFW or something that specifically targets minorities—for example, sexism/homophobia/transphobia/racism is something that makes whump aggravating to me. I don't like it at all.
However I do have my whump favorites!
- Lots of comfort and caretaking (plus a sprinkle of found family and parent/child dynamics make me so happy)
- I love the feral whumpees. Absolute animalistic whumpees who aren't afraid to fight back with every ounce of will.
- I'm more of a sucker for comfort and healing than the actual process of hurting a whumpee, but sometimes I feel sadistic and want to destroy a whumpee's life
- Hero Caretaker and Villian Whumpee? BEST SHIT EVER. MAKES MY KNEES WEAK
- silent whumpees. silent whumpees!!!
I love most whump/writing I find, but again I do hate NSFW whump and the use of whump as a way to hate a specific group of people in any way.
I don't think I'll be posting much writing yet, but soon I'll be happy to share!!!
My favorite whump/writing blogs have been these:
@whumperofworlds @a-crumb-of-whump @save-the-villainous-cat @whumpster-dumpster @demondamage @whumpcereal @thepenultimateword @whumpinggrounds @sickficideas @oopsiwhumpeditagain @whumpbump @whumpasaurus101 @the-modern-typewriter @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @whumpsday
All of you guys are AWESOME!!!
Also, @devourerofcheesecake , @tictac-murder-spaghetti , and @roblingoblin285 ? I love you all fr, you guys made me confident enough to try doing this LMAO. Thanks!!!
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geode-crystal · 3 months ago
11. What was your favorite book that has been out for a while, but you just now read?
17. What is the most over-hyped book you read this year?Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
18. How many books did you buy?
Thanks for the ask! This is going to be fun!
Ask list here :)
11. What was your favorite book that has been out for a while, but you just now read?
A lot of the books I read this year that came out "a while" ago were rereads, but my top two new reads this year were both over a year old, so we'll take it!
The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas (published 2022) and The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune (published 2020) were both absolutely fantastic reads for totally different reasons.
Sunbearer Trials is an action-packed YA novel with incredible (queernormative!) worldbuilding and characters that just felt real. I love our main characters so much. The main squad all had very cool and very well thought out magical powers, and I did not see the plot twist at the end coming!
(Also. The sequel that just came out this year has literally all of my favorite whump tropes in it!)
Huge shout out to my sibling for lending me the book lol.
Cerulean Sea is a very cozy fantasy novel that is the epitome of Found Family and a great version of the tumblr definition of Old Man Yaoi. The writing style is so clever, there are a bunch of lines that made me laugh out loud. Plus, again, I just adore the characters!
16. What is the most over-hyped book you read this year?
I guess we could count both Book of Bill and the two new "Percy Jackson tries to get into college" books pretty hyped? I wouldn't call them over-hyped, though. Mostly because Book of Bill 100% deserved all of the hype it got. There is a reason that Gravity Falls was trending for weeks after that came out.
17. Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
Honestly, gotta say Sunbearer Trials again! I had heard of it before and seen it in shops so it was kind of vaguely on my radar, but I had never seen anything about it besides "Hey look! It's got LGBTQ stuff!" which, yeah, that's awesome, but that isn't exactly a plot synopsis. Then my sibling told me it was amazing and I needed to read it.
And my sibling was right! It's amazing!
The world is fascinating, I wound up looking a lot of stuff about a culture I'm not a part of thanks to the setting, and I cannot stress enough how fantastic all of the characters are. I mean. Look at this guy. Look at him he's wonderful and he's such a dork and he's hilarious and I love his sass so much and his slow-burn relationship with his boyfriend is so insanely cute
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I basically devoured the second book once I was done with the first one lol. Both books are so much fun.
18. How many books did you buy?
Only six, actually! Considering I read over 40 books this year, that's not that many lol.
The others were ones I already owned or were gifted to me :)
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