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I shrinkwrapped him :)
Oh no! >:D
I hope you poked some holes so he can breathe.
Or don’t. And let him panic. Let him get to the verge of passing out, then cut the piece over his mouth and give him some air, then when he thinks he’s safe; wrap more so he can’t breathe again. Continue until bored.
#it’s like that oxygen machine from Deadpool but improvised#whoops I made it a torture method#vexic#barry png game#not the same one but it counts to me#asks
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okay SO the premise, Eobard establishes himself as a new speedster and ally when Barry and co first start looking for metas and becomes besties with Barry, meanwhile the Man in Yellow is wreaking havoc and Barry is having The Worst "luck" (Joe loses the house somehow, Iris is upset with him, he's hanging on to his day job by a thread, Linda isn't returning his calls or texts) but at least he has Eo who seems to be picking up this speedster thing just a bit faster than him but is more than willing to help him learn and lend an ear and a word of "advice"
he definitely rescues Barry from sticky situations more than once (Barry's just not quite fast enough, but Eo's nice enough about it and Barry's glad since he keeps screwing it up) at some point Barry definitely develops a crush on him and Eo gets to string him along
Oh I have my evil little gremlin hands together right now, this is PERFECT
Oh ho HO— THE ANGST. Man, Barry’s confidence is definitely going to take a hit in this one and that’s always fun :>
And the inevitable reveal?! That’s gonna hurt so much more for him than canon…
Will be looking forward to this if you end up writing it :]
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I think a lot of what pro-AI people are really wanting is stuff that already exists but they don't know it's out there like
can't format a work email? templates
don't know how to write a resume? templates
writing a thank you card or a condolences card or a wedding invitation? templates templates templates
not sure how to format your citations in MLA or whatever format? citationmachine.net
summary of something you're reading for school/work? cliffsnotes.com
recipe based on ingredients in your fridge? whatsintherefrigerator.com
there's a million more like, guys, we don't need AI, we never needed generative AI
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Warnings: deification and religious themes
Thanks to @ftl-faster-than-life for inspiring this ficlet!
The word of the day on the kitschy calendar on the desk was 'worship'. Noun: from the Old English 'weorthscipe.' The feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity. Synonymous with veneration, reverence, or adoration.
How topical, Wells thought wryly, watching the object of his obsession flit out the door, no doubt late to something important. The boy could move faster than Hermes himself when motivated.
Barry Allen was no god.
Eobard tried to remind himself of this, tried to hold on to the loathing he had for the man and remind himself why he'd returned to the 21st century in the first place, but as he mentored Barry under the guise of Dr. Harrison Wells it was hard not to fall for him all over again. It was hard not to watch Barry's abilities grow and flourish, to watch him save life after life, to witness his drive and determination, without being reminded of his previous adorations. It was hard not to let the affection he'd once felt for his past self's mentor and friend take on a life of its own again, to let it rekindle the spark.
Barry was the only person Eobard had ever felt...well, anything for really. For so long, he'd seemed untouchable and unattainable - a god he could only pray to and hope he answered without ever knowing if he'd even heard. From a young age, Eobard had been Barry Allen's most loyal acolyte; hopelessly devoted before he'd ever met the man, and meeting him hadn't changed that, not initially. If anything, perhaps it had made his devotion stronger - now he could say his prayers to his god's face and Barry would answer immediately. It was everything he'd ever dreamed.
But now...now, something had changed. He didn't view Barry as his god anymore, not really. Eobard's powers were stronger, better, how could his god be weaker than him?
Maybe that was it. Eobard didn't have his powers in this century, not at this moment, not for the last 15 years. Yes, that had to be it, that had to be the reason - Eobard had simply forgotten what it was like to be so painfully weak and human and when Barry was honing his powers so rapidly it was hard not to think of him as something greater. He seemed god-like but it was all perspective, of course.
And yet, it was still hard to look at him and not feel...something. It wasn't a worshipful love anymore nor a quiet reverence, it was something more intense, more possessive - the need to protect Barry and make sure no harm ever came to him that wasn't of his own creation filled Eobard's very being. He knew, deep down, that it was more than mere obsession now.
Regardless of how much he tried to deny it, Eobard knew that Barry would always be his personal deity, no matter when or where he existed.
Barry was no god. But Eobard still loved him, nonetheless.
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Happy (early) birthday, @vexic929!!
I wrote you a little gift fic with your OCs Mihael and Alex!! It's not quite pure fluff, there's a bit of character study in there (god I hope I did it right... lol), but there are some sweet moments in there regardless :D
____ Bittersweet
Word Count: 1.8k Content Warnings: Mentions of disordered eating, mentions of medical treatment, brief mentions of violence/injury
He was just walking out from the lecture hall when his phone pinged twice in rapid succession. Mihael steered himself away from the crowds, using the marble pillars of the building behind him to shield his body from the bitter wind, and fished his phone out of the pocket of his jacket. There were two notifications waiting for him, both from Alex.
The first was a text: coffee and a bagel from the student union café :) you survived midterms!!
The second was a Venmo - erring on the side of generous for something as simple as drip coffee and a bagel with cream cheese, but that was just how Alex was.
Mihael’s first impulse was to cram the phone back into his pocket and keep trudging back towards his dorm. Even with his last midterm now officially in the books, he was stressed, and stress had a habit of amputating his already meager appetite. The thought of food raised a strange paradox within him: his stomach growled and clenched with need, and yet a faint nausea swirled behind his eyes.
His second impulse, perhaps a bit more cerebral than the first, was to pause and think things through. Alex knew about his little… eccentricities when it came to food. That was probably why he’d sent over the money in the first place: a treat, a surprise reward for making it through his exams, but also because he’d known Mihael hadn’t eaten in two days. This last midterm had been the one he’d been dreading the most, and fervent studying had overwhelmed any hunger.
Alex was smart, and damn observant. Mihael knew he wouldn’t demand a picture of the food or anything nearly that controlling, but he also knew the money was more than just a spur-of-the-moment gift.
It would be wrong not to at least try, he thought. For Alex’s sake.
Mihael turned on his heel and made for the student union.
As he walked, tucking the collar of his coat up to shield his shivering frame from the wind, his thoughts continued to turn.
Alex did this sort of thing a lot. Not so much that it became obtrusive, sure, but enough that the pattern was clear. He’d invite Mihael over to his place, and there almost always was a bakery box on the counter or a half-empty pizza box in the fridge. He had microwave popcorn when they watched movies, bowls of nuts and chocolates and dried fruit on the coffee table whenever Mihael came over after his classes, chips and drinks and filler-food for the weekly DnD sessions.
Felt like something special this morning. Those chocolate croissants are to die for, though - you should try one.
Roommate and I didn’t feel like cooking last night. Reheats pretty well, though. There’s a couple slices still in there, if you’re hungry.
Check these out: chocolate amaretto pecans. Bought them from this little shop across town. They’re killer with the dried apricots, too.
Those were nice enough. His intentions were crystal-clear, and he was sure Alex knew it, but it was at least a more nuanced ploy than simply shoving food onto him. It was… a gentler approach. More unobtrusive.
Much as Mihael loved his mother, or the others in his family who wanted so badly to help him, their methods didn’t work. Not usually. Even if he could manage to choke down a few bites, the old “you’re too skinny, you need to eat something” play was infinitely more likely to make his pride and stomach both shrivel to the size of a kidney bean. He knew he had a problem. He knew they knew he had a problem. But there was a level of… mental trickery, cauterization of memory, that he could only achieve with the subtler play.
Appeasing his hunger was like trying to catch a wild hare. If he looked right at it, if he moved too fast, it would bound away before he could ever hope to snag it. Instead it took nuance, misdirection, a way to look at his hunger only out of the furthest corner of his eye and snatch it only at the most unexpected of times.
Mihael hopped up the steps to the student union and banked a swift right towards the café. There was a line out the door and then some. Apparently half the collegiates on campus had also decided to celebrate the end of their exams the same way, or at least decided to grab a quick refuel before the next one.
His nose crinkled at the sight, and he nearly bowed out there, but he propelled himself diligently towards the end of the queue. He was already in it now, he thought. He’d walked all the way here, and it wasn’t as if he had another class to get to. And the smell of roasting coffee beans drifting from the door of the café did make his mouth water.
Besides, it gave him more time to think.
Alex had taken up cooking. That, too, he seemed to attack with more nuance than Mihael would have expected.
That comfort food you like… rarebit? Will you show me how to make it?
He presented it as an act of love, an interest in Mihael’s past and his culture that happened to overlap with crafting something he might be willing to eat. Once again, Alex’s intentions were obvious, but Mihael could pretend they weren’t. It was a kid’s Halloween costume, a Party City disguise, but that was good enough.
There was one little ploy, Mihael thought, that had been particularly clever.
He moved a few paces up the line, now close enough to see the baristas flurrying about behind the counter, and turned his attention back towards those thoughts. It felt disingenuous to call anything Alex did a ploy, as if everything was purely logic and cunning and not the tricky acts of love he knew they were, but… that one had been a ploy. And sometimes the ploys were necessary things.
Got called away for a few days. Mind watching my apartment while I’m gone? I’ve got those ferns that need watering, and the food in the fridge’ll spoil if it’s not used.
That alone didn’t seem all that clever, Mihael thought. Not Alex clever, at least. That was the sort of thing another of his friends would have said, someone with pure intentions but much lesser knowledge into the workings of Mihael’s brain, and Alex was usually so much trickier than that. But in any case, he’d agreed to watch the apartment, and had even made a promise to himself to eat something out of the fridge.
It had seemed an impossible task at first. Alex had started that new job - that confidential job, the one that meant he was sent away and nearly impossible to contact for days or weeks on end, the one that meant he came home all battered and bruised like an amateur boxer - and Mihael’s stress over that had twisted his stomach into knots. He wasn’t fond of Alex’s new job, and especially in the early days.
The cleverness of the ploy came when he’d opened the fridge. There, among half-empty condiments and three-day leftovers, was a Tupperware container with a note on it.
Eat on Tuesday - we’ll share dinner :)
There was the real genius of it all. It came from love, and the desire to share a meal with his partner even when they were miles apart. And in a way it came from luck- some irrational feeling that if he didn’t share that meal with Alex, something might go wrong. Mihael had never been especially driven by superstition, but that was the tick over the edge he needed.
Mihael finally reached the counter and ordered his coffee and bagel- and then, on a whim, a brownie from behind the pastry counter. It was practically dripping with chocolate, and brought him a pang of hunger that was shockingly pure, untainted by his mind. Alex’s Venmo was easily enough to cover all three, and Mihael wondered if that too was all by design. It wouldn’t be the first time, he thought. Alex was so smart it almost scared him, and he’d been able to read Mihael like a book from almost the day they met. Somehow, he found that sweet rather than strange. It was nice to be known, when so few people were able to look into his head in that way.
He collected his order and wandered until he found a seat within the student union. His first bite was forced, like it almost always was, but the snake wrapped around his mind seemed to loosen its grip after that much. Before long, he was looking at an empty wrapper, marred only by a few dark crumbs and a smear of frosting.
Mihael decided not to consider that a victory. Calling it a victory would just place it on a pedestal in his mind, would make it harder to climb back up to that again. It wasn’t a victory. It was breakfast. Whether or not it was the first breakfast he’d been able to keep down in weeks was beside the point.
Maybe he could meet Alex for lunch. Today was a better day, or had at least turned out to be a better day, and maybe he could mesh his present victory (not a victory, this is breakfast) with his desire to see Alex again before he shipped off to his next mission. Maybe he could manage another good meal today. He’d learned to ride that high while it lasted.
Mihael’s last doctor’s appointment told him he’d gained six pounds since the start of the semester. That might not have seemed like much, to another person, but to him it was a colossal victory - and a victory that he could consider a victory, because it represented a larger goal than being able to stomach a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon in the morning.
Part of that was the medical practices, he knew it: the nutrition supplements, the weekly therapy sessions, the various meal-planning and scheduling strategies he’d been implementing to make food seem like a less daunting task. Part of it was his family, and that wider support net: his mother who called him every evening with enough conversation to distract him through his supper, his cousins who sent him care packages filled with snacks and delights from back home, his uncles who worked in town and invited him out to lunch most weekends.
But part of it- most of it- was Alex. Alex with his little tricks, Alex who always had a snack on the counter, Alex who seemed to steady him like nobody else could. Alex who wanted to see him healthy, Alex who knew how to help without overstepping, Alex who could distract Mihael from the darkest corners of his mind like nobody else could.
Yes, Mihael thought, already reaching for his phone. He’d ask Alex out to lunch.
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merry late Christmas! <3333

Awwww, it's Siv and Delilah! I love the concept of the "Turn Eobard's suit design into a nonbinary flag" tee, it's so fun and the ultimate "queer as in fuck you" to the world's best dad. I love the comic book-esque art style of this, it's absolutely gorgeous. And Delilah has that perfect sphynx cat "ugly but in a cute way" vibe to her. I love this so much, words can't even describe.
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🧡 and Sladick if you please <3333
🧡 kissing in bed / lazy kiss / cuddling
Dick smiles at the grumbling noise he definitely heard, emboldened instead of deterred and starting to leave little kisses on the man's nape. His smile grows the moment he sees the skin rising in goosebumps.
«Grayson.» Slade groans, his tone the perfect combination between sleepy and warning.
«Wilson.» Dick echoes, mimicking it in the best way he can. «It's way past sunrise, soldier. Being in bed at this hour is unacceptable.»
Another grumble. Slade turns face up and pulls him closer, smushing Dick against his own chest in an obvious attempt to pacify him.
«I know, the sun doesn't really set in these parts, not at this time of the year anyway...» Dick observes, mindlessly tracing lines on the man's bare chest. Their trip to Alaska wasn't exactly a leisure one but they sort of made it so. «But staying in bed past nine is unbecoming.» He tuts, now tapping on Slade's sternum.
«Is it past nine...?» Slade asks, opening both eyes and giving him an almost started look, to which Dick snorts and reaches up to kiss his stupid face. It looks especially soft without the eye patch or so Dick has found himself thinking lately.
«It's twelve minutes to five in the morning.» He purrs, caressing both sides of the man's head, then kisses him again.
Surprisingly he feels Slade smile, then a broad palm squeezes the upper bits of his thighs. «I'm going to make you regret not letting me sleep, little bird.» He says without any animosity, nuzzling their noses together before biting his lower lip, and Dick doesn't really say anything even if he had been kind of hoping that this was going to be the reaction.
kiss ask game here!
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time for a sisters day! Morgan, Beth, Iris, and Jesse have the day to do whatever they want, what do they do? :)
*Note: Beth Allen is @vexic929’s OC! Find out more about her here (and in the “beth allen” tag)
Oooh honestly they'd probably all go for a mani-pedi, and probably for brunch...and a movie (they'd all fight about which move to see though 😂 especially Morgan and Jesse). Morgan and Beth in particular would bond over being Barry's baby sisters and swap stories about them, and Beth would fiercely reassure Morgan that not being blood-related to Barry doesn't make her any less deserving of that title (which Morgan doubts on occasion, though when she hears that from Beth, it's hard to deny). And ofc Morgan, Beth, and Jesse would all swap stories about their different Earths.
Naturally, in between it all, they'd find time to mess with Barry 😉 with Beth ofc not existing in my AU’s E1, Barry wouldn't know her, so they'd have fun at his expense, jokingly asking why he doesn't remember his "adorable sister" (Beth) 😂 of course, they'd come clean before it went too far though—they want to tease him, not distress him. But he's familiar enough with multiverse shenanigans that he's not too bothered and even teases them for giving up the game early.
Taglist (send an ask or DM to be added or removed):
@arrthurpendragon @ocappreciationtag @raith-way @vexic929 @ironverseocs
@thechaoticfanartist @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @negative-speedforce @starstruckpurpledragon @angst-is-love-angst-is-life
#apologies for taking like…a month to answer this 😅#oc: morgan wells#iris west#iris west allen#jesse quick#jesse wells#vexic ocs#beth allen#other people’s ocs#(for beth specifically)#the flash
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Cisco for the character bingo! <3333
CISCO MY BLORBO!! Thank you for asking!!

The board speaks for itself. I love him, he went through so so much and deserved absolutely none of it. He needs hugs and I am Sad (<- that might be fic related but I shant elaborate)
#I’m not ~quite~ sure I like the color I picked but it took so long that I just said fuck it and settled on one that looked decent#also he can’t have the first box (as much as I love him) because there is only One that reaches THAT level of blorbo#character bingo#vexic#cisco ramon#ask game answers#asks
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if you had to choose only ONE way to whump Barry what would it be? :)
WHY WHO WOULD POSSIBLY CURSE ME LIKE THIS?! ONLY ONE?!?! Sigh. I won't cheat and say 'torture' as a blanket term so.
Gotta go with some sort of captivity. Speedsters in general don't like to be stuck in one place, and even without some form of physical torture :( , it's a good psychological whump strategy. It proves extremely effective for him specifically because while he's trapped, he'll be constantly worrying about his loved ones and Central City in general because in this situation, he doesn't know anything happening outside of wherever he's being kept :)
#captivity#plus it's my favorite whump trope#(not exactly a trope but you know what I mean)#thank you for asking!#twas fun to think about#asks#vexic#barry allen#the flash#barry whump#ok I checked it’s in the tags plus the beginning is pretty damn indicative (or just tells you straight up but whatever)#but Trophy is this trope and it’s been sooooooo fun :D
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☕️the most egregious problem The Flash has is that it literally NEVER ADDRESSES ANY of the trauma it consistently puts Barry and co through, like it has other problems but I think that's the worst lol
1000000% and I will die mad about it.
Since it’s (always) on my mind, let’s take season 2 for example shall we?
If I had a nickel for everytime Post-Zoom-trauma just disappeared at the drop of a hat, I’d have four nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s fucking INFURIATING THAT IT HAPPENED F O U R TIMES
The four (for lack of a better word) victims in question: Caitlin, Barry, Jesse, and Jay.
Caitlin: kidnapped and held against her will for (I believe) two weeks (that’s putting it simply but we’ve all seen the show so🤷♀️). The show gives her one single episode to deal with it, during which she shows very real symptoms of PTSD— solved and therefore ignored and glossed over entirely with a single pep talk. I would also like to add that she showed NO fear of him in the season finale which makes no fucking sense with what the show established only an episode earlier. But tbh, this is the best one because at least the show ACKNOWLEDGED that trauma; if only for one episode.
Barry: Back broken during first encounter (among other severe injuries), humiliated by being dragged around the city to show he wasn’t strong enough to stop Zoom, confidence shattered from the experience. Like Caitlin, we got one episode to deal with this trauma and in that episode, Barry also showed signs and symptoms of PTSD (the entire season is evidence tbh). But of course, one pep talk from his dad and everything’s magically ok :-D !!!!!! I’m going to eat glass (also I will definitely make a post on that fucking episode because I hate it). As mentioned; he continues to have PTSD symptoms throughout the season but it’s glossed over so much and attributed to generic-superhero-stuff™️ that it really doesn’t matter. Gods, I could go on all day about Barry’s post-Zoom AND post-Thawne trauma. (Oh, he was also kidnapped, threatened, and {borderline} tortured by Zoom in the Earth-2 episodes; but that’s all normal superhero stuff ofc so it doesn’t matter right :-D !!! gnawing at the bars of my enclosure)
Jesse: Good gods where do I even start. Kidnapped by a known serial killer, tortured by said serial killer, repeatedly and (probably) constantly threatened with death, and held captive for around 9-10 months. Mm also, she was clearly terrified of Zoom every time he showed up prior to her rescue. Sounds like an extremely traumatic experience with multiple opportunities and instances to develop PTSD right? WRONG! According to the lovely writers; people are completely fine after a traumatic experience is over! What’s PTSD??? chewing glass chewing glass chewing glass. They didn’t even TRY with her, at least with Barry and Caitlin they pretended to give a shit about what they went through but Jesse makes two things crystal clear. 1) The writers don’t care about your trauma unless you’re an MC. 2) The writers put minimal effort into trauma if any; MC or not. It’s like they said ‘Ooo, we should have Caitlin kidnapped by Zoom!’ ‘Won’t that have some sort of effect on her? Being kidnapped is a terrifying experience’ ‘Ah fuck you’re right… eh, we’ll give her one episode ig’ ‘What about Jesse?’ ‘Who?’
Jay: Fucking. Hell. I ordered this in what I consider best handled to worst. Jay is by far— handled worst. Let’s see here *checks notes* Ah yes. Kidnapped and taken to a completely different Earth, an attempted theft of his powers, imprisoned and put in a mask so he can’t speak, {not confirmed but very likely with Zoom’s track record and somewhat implied} tortured, had his identity stolen and {likely} mocked and tormented about the subject, and the ~delightful~ cherry on top— held captive in this situation for at least one year. Fuck I’m so tired. Anyways; there’s not much to say. He got rescued (off-screen ofc), was able to access his powers instantly with no problems, and left to go back to his Earth. Trauma? What trauma? *gestures wildly at said trauma posted above* That’s not traumatic at all! *screams* I don’t care how much experience you have as a superhero— that doesn’t just GO AWAY! PTSD, FLASH WRITERS. LOOK INTO IT P L E A S E fuck I just remembered the show is over now ALL YOUR MC’S HAVE IT! EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Sigh. In the end of *gestures at said trauma* all that, Jay was just used to cause Barry more greif from his father’s death. Obviously he gets roles in later seasons but (as far as I can remember) this whole thing was never brought up again. Sigh.
but I won’t cause dear gods I’ve been typing forever now
#wow#that got long#anyways: you are absolutely correct and thank you for saying it#the flash#the flash trauma#the flash and trauma#post zoom trauma#caitlin snow#barry allen#jesse wells#jay garrick#the flash season 2#tbh I almost wonder if the writers were trying to gloss over Zoom a bit. like. the realized what a monster that character truly was and#didn’t want to deal with the consequences of everything he did#cause they touched on /some/ post-Thawne trauma.#just a thought#asks#☕️ ask game#vexic#thank you for the ask and sorry for the ramble lmao
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eowells getting caught because he references a meme from 2023 instead of 2013 XD

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1, 3, and 10? :)
Thanks for asking!
1: what song makes you feel better?: Safe & Sound (Taylor’s Version). I got one singular comfort song and this is it.
3: what's your favorite candle scent?: Cinnamon🥰
10: what's something you're excited for?: Well my birthday’s in a little over two months so that’ll be fun!
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Singhaway, Snowest, and season 1 Team Flash polycule for the bingo board? <3333

Ok so I know they’re comics canon(I’m like 90% sure ?) but honestly I really don’t know anything about them, so definitely not enough to really have thoughts. And as for CW version— kind of the same deal? Sorry, just don’t really have thoughts on them😅

Ok I’m annoyed with myself for not picking more boxes because I DO love this ship a lot, and I love reading fics about them. Their relationship in canon is so sweet (that is, the few times we got to SEE IT, WRITERS!!!), and I think it can slide so easily into a romantic ship. Idk I just love them.
S1 Team Flash

Ok this may be obvious to anyone else but I’m assuming “S1 Team Flash” doesn’t include Eowells in this scenario (so Barry, Cisco, and Caitlin). With that out of the way— I like this concept! I mean, trios are so often polycule shaped already so ofc I do. But there’s a lot of potential for this one especially, with how close they all got in this season, and how much they care about each other. I like it! “I don’t really see them as romantic” isn’t entirely accurate; that’s more my box for when I prefer things as platonic, which for this trio I do. And “I can make it SO fucked up” is boxed because 1. I can make anything fucked up <3 :> and 2. There is much much angst (and/or dare I say whump) potential for these three~
#vexic#ship bingo#ask game answers#snowest#barriscosnow#I have no idea what their ship name is but that works
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okay queen of Barry whump, I have a fun question (no pressure at all of course! <3333) I'm curious how you would whump his Earth-63 counterpart Barbara :)
Queen of Barry whump?? I’m honored🥹
Ooooo, well two things to start with:
1. Any and every version of Barry is kidnapable, I do not make the rules. and
2. I am incredibly fond of this that you wrote already (love creepy/intimate whumpers, what can I say and ofc I love it; it’s Eoland) *Ngl that one’s already pretty damn perfect so let me try to come up with something elseeeeee
Ooo ok, I noted she’s a science professor, which would probably mean she’s more well known than a CSI would be (I think) and therefore more of a potential target outside of Flash duty. So what if she’s kidnapped {alongside other scientists} by some organization or just misc. bad guys to work on some sort of weapon. Considering her and the others were taken from Central City; the bad guys would likely use some sort of meta-dampener on all of them, so she can’t use her powers to get herself and everyone else out. Personally, I’d have her refuse to help make the weapon so the bad guys can give her a nice little beatdown before everything starts, oh and then threaten her life to remind her how “expendable” she is. Assuming Cisca has vibe powers {if it was mentioned and I missed it; apologies} (and if she doesn’t; there’s plenty of other ways), it’s safe to say Barbara will be found/rescued at some point. The problem, rescue was a little too late and the weapon is now finished and able to hurt people. Guilt ensues as Barbara (but as The Flash this time), has to fight against something she herself helped create.
Wanted to come up with something a little different than what I normally do, hope you like it :)
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so iirc this is hartley (I told you I was gonna spend too long on this lol)

andy mientus is 5'8" if the internet is to be believed and it looks to me that he could probably fit all but his shins and feet if he were to try to lay completely flat
legs are generally around 60% of a person's height on average and then we cut that number in halfish again, subtract that from his height and
the pipeline cells are probably around 48 inches or 4 feet exactly, real freaking small lol
Dude wtf
Just looked it up and apparently that’s smaller than 3 average prison cells combined (according to wikipedia at least)
Yeah that was really bad on the team’s part. That’s the kind of stuff you’d find in a villains lair— not your main characters homebase.
Not 100% sure who said it but there was a post on here about the Rogues suing for Barry (well, The Flash) for unlawful imprisonment. Definitely onto something there
#wow this took a long time for not that long of a response lol#I got distracted like ten times#asks#my vendetta against the pipeline#star labs pipeline prison#the flash#vexic
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