#brotp: anything for my best friend
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shrinkthisviolet · 4 months ago
🎭😍🔨😎🥇 for the OC of your choosing please?
🎭: Can you envision your OC in an alternate universe? What au would you choose and what role would they be in that world?
YES absolutely! This tag shows some examples: the Apocalypse (what if Zoom won and Morgan went into hiding) and Supernatural AUs (what if Morgan was a mermaid, what if she died due to the particle accelerator and became a ghost) in particular are my favorites
(it also shows a fantasy/supernatural AU featuring Seer!Reyna that I am so super compelled by. I have been since I made that moodboard/wrote that blurb)
😍: What made you truly fall in love with your OC and made you want to continue their story?
Oooh well writing it was first inspired by me being compelled by her dynamics with Harry and Jesse. Then I realized the former was more interesting if we saw Morgan's dynamic with Eowells, to contrast that, so I started writing the s1 arc and became compelled by Morgan & Thawne's complex relationship, Morgan & Tina's strong relationship, and Barry & Morgan (for reasons I have described ad nauseam 😅).
And ofc, I've fallen more in love with Morgan and James too, as time has gone on, and I adore Morgan & Iris's friendship (expanded further in the last answer).
So really, it's that she has so many interesting relationships, and that she's so very fun to write 💞 especially her development as a hero, which will continue to unfold throughout s1 and s2 (and beyond ofc, but majorly in these first two seasons)
🔨: Are there any whump tropes that you'd love to see your OC's reactions to even though you couldn't or wouldn't put it into your actual story for whatever reason?
I'll answer this one for Lucy (I answered for Morgan here): I'd love to write her being kidnapped by Inquisitors at some point, and either rescued by the gang or saving herself (or a mix of both). It could probably fit between main fics, so we'll see, but currently it's not part of my plans. Lucy deserves to be whumped a little 💞 can't let Morgan have all the fun (granted, Lucy will be whumped anyway, but Morgan's still leading majorly per my current plans for her 😅 I wish I could even it out a little more so Lucy doesn't feel too left out)
😎: Pick one thing about your OC and describe it in detail. (their smile, their eyes, the way they walk, their voice, etc.)
Morgan looks quite a bit like her mom! She has her dad's eyes, but her smile is all her mom's 🥰 it's bittersweet for Tina, who misses her best friends more every day whenever she looks at her precious goddaughter. It helps that she's not the spitting image of either of them, rather a good mix of both, but even so…Tina sees them in her goddaughter's appearance, and even in some of her tendencies.
Though…in regards to behavior that she gets from her mother, that's happenstance (duh, she never knew her mom to inherit behavior from her, she was only a year old when Tess Morgan died). Behavior she gets from her father is…well, it's thanks to Eowells, and that hurts if Tina and/or Morgan think about it for too long
🥇: Pick one aspect of your story that you are particularly fond of. Anything at all
Morgan & Iris! They were originally just gonna be coworkers, and their friendship would develop in 2B onward, but…something about Iris man - you put any character with her and you want them to be friends (at least in my experience). She and Morgan were so sweet and adorable so I wanted to flesh them out more, and I adore them 🥰 it was also the impetus for me bringing Iris into the loop sooner, which is also a plus! And starting them off as close friends will make the transition to sisters-in-law easier
oc ask game!
Taglist (send an ask or DM to be added or removed):
@arrthurpendragon @ocappreciationtag @raith-way @vexic929 @ironverseocs
@thechaoticfanartist @tempests-of-hope @dream-beyond-the-fantasy @negative-speedforce @starstruckpurpledragon
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helluvapurf · 3 months ago
*sips tea seeing HB "Mastermind" making its rounds*
...Sooooo, this latest episode's content definitely was... alot, in more ways than one lol .w. Don't really have the energy atm to do a full "Pros & Cons" list like my prior reviews, soooo... have some jumbled first impressions below lmao:
NOTE: Obv there'll be some spoilers ahead so do keep note of that... aaaaand like usual these ARE just my own personal thoughts at the end of the day, so *please* try to keep things civil if you disagree with anything below. Thank you. 🙏
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WOO, nice to see some more Sins introduced on-screen! 🤩Satan is pretty rad with his cowboy dragon aesthetic, the sleepy sheep lady (Belphegor, I think?) looks cute, and I do like the idea of Leviathan being a two-head split creature (tho ngl, I kiiiinda wish her "pretty" half wasn't just a taller version of the Glam twins 😭 might just be the Bi in me talking hlhjk but... Viv y u so allergic to giving us pretty monster ladiessss-)
Great to see Asmodeus, Beezlebub & Mammon back all at once, and their courtroom getups were pretty cool~ 👀Loved Ozzie & Bee's lil friendship, along with Mammon being the most annoying brother-like figure to both Bee & Ozzie lmao
BLITZ'S (almost) FINAL SPEECH TO HIS WHOLE CREW PRE-EXECUTION (+requesting M&M to take care of Loona if he died), MY HEART- 😭😭❤️For all this man's flaws/past mistakes, there's NO denying how much he loves his employees & loved ones at the end of the day (& vice-versa on their ends)... hhhhh q-q
The inner-most squee I had at the Fizz cameo & his frantic worry for Blitz (+texting Ozzie to protect his best friend), aaaaaa~ TwT 💕💕 (*also semi-related side note; but YAY a lil Verosika cameo too (loving her twin-tail hairdo~), even showing fearful concern for Blitz's fate? Aww~ ���🩷Plsss let this be a sign her character's not completely done in terms of screentime, I'd SO love for more Blitz/Verosika bonding moments (to maybe a potential brotp forming) as he got with Fizz! 🙏🙏*)
Striker returns, yaaaay!~ 😍 ...aaaand he's mainly just there to act like a dumb grunt to Andre's plotting, oh... 😐'least his court getup's pretty snazzy though, loving the jacket~👌
Blitz + IMP finally getting to receive some hero treatments in the public (Impkind's) eye, fireworks, street celebrations, and potential new clients-included? Sweeeeet~ 👏👏
...well I'll be, Stolas actually getting some narrative consequences here?? 😲😲Standing up for Blitz's life, taking the blame for the Grimoire's misuse, accepting his punishment of the 100 year ban from his status, wealth & powers that were part of his life since forever... daaaaang, now this is some good character building here!~ 👀 Now, with such an honorable & grand gesture Stolas did for the sake of Blitz, their brief duet, and the end shot of them basically becoming roommates now that Stolas has nothing left... does this make me an official Stol*itz shipper now?? 🤩 ...Hmmmmmmmmm, nah lol 🤷‍♀️Now, okay I don't mean to sound like some negative nancy bitch or however, cause I AM proud of Stolas taking the lengths he did to protect Blitz & IMP (and now with him not having a fancy prince title anymore, this could potentially give him the chance to challenge his past privileged/classist mindset, living in the same social class as the same Imps his fellow Goetia society have long-oppressed). However, if there's anything I've learned from shows like Bojack Horseman... big grand gestures are NOT the be-all/end-all answer to proving romantic compatibility 👏👏
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When it comes to any sort of relationship, romantic or otherwise... what should matter most is consistent, genuine care & support from one partner to another. And as far as we've seen from Stolas & Blitz's dynamic up til this point... imo, they really haven't had enough positive (non-sexual) bonding moments (save for stuff like their attempts at small talk at "Ozzie's", Stolas laughing at Blitz's sitcom jokes in "Seeing Stars", one photo of Blitz smiling while they slept), to justify them being some "destined-for-one-another" couple? 🤷‍♀️ Not helped by how both men were constantly avoiding & bickering at one another for most of S2 up til now... Iiiii can't be the only one who found it just a tad rushed Blitz was suddenly all "loving/domestic hubby mode🥺🥺" towards Stolas at the end... right? .w.;; Esp. in light of Stolas going through so much as he had to in one trial (+the realization of what'll become of his daughter, following said-punishment) ...he really, really shouldn't be in the mindset for tackling romance rn (at least til he continues to grow & heal better, down the line)... with OR without Blitz😔
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....buuut yeah, thats just my own take on the matter; so ofc NO shade at all to those who are genuine Stolas/Stol*itz fans btw (thanks to this ep and/or previous ones), you're valid!👍👍For me, I'll still be vibing onwards with my own personal HCs/ships, so feel free to stay tuned for that if you're curious! :>
Now that we've finally got to meet Vassago upfront, Iiiii'm honestly a lil disappointed he was just... "there" in terms of plot-relevancy (even with all his previous trailer/merch hype)? .w.;; Don't get me wrong, I DO find it refreshing that Vassago's actually a nice guy, and that Stolas did have some genuine support in the Goetia society after all. But other than Vassago wholesomely cheering on Stolas by the sidelines... hmmm, I can't help feeling like not much would've changed had Vassago not been here at all, ngl 🤷‍♀️ Maaaaybe S3 might change things if he gets more spotlight there instead (esp with what I remember everyone theorizing of Vassago (possibly) becoming a 2nd love interest for Stolas .3. idk, part of me's kinda curious how that'd play out with Blitz in the picture- 🤔)?
Andrealphus's antagonist spotlight here... was fine, I guess? Idk, I can't say I've ever been too big a fan of Andre beforehand (mainly from his late-inclusion in the Stolas plot feeling a lil forced + him stealing the spotlight of what could've been interesting villain potential for Stella imo). Not to say I didn't find some of his hammy dialogue funny, along with enjoying the visuals of his ice magic... buuuut yeah, still pretty lukewarm towards him either way 🤷‍♀️could've also done without those creepy af comments about his sister as well... like bruh that in*cest shit wasn't funny the first time, whyyy keep bringing that back- 🤢
Speaking of Stella... ehhhhh, still a pretty flat character as she was in previous episodes (which I guess shouldn't be too surprising with this show's track record with female characters ngl 🤷‍♀️). Interesting to finally see an on-screen interaction with her & Octavia though (granted, not exactly on a good note given her evil smirk at the end... but I guess it does answer some HC questions I had previously of what their mother/daughter dynamic is like, hmmm... 🤔).
As for Octavia in-question... hhHHHH MY POOR BIRD CHILD T-T 💔💔Girl practically watched her greatest fears coming true (aka: Stolas abandoning her for the sake of Blitz), seeing what became of her dad on live-TV. Even if she obviously doesn't know the full story (esp with her mom & uncle pulling strings), its still SO heartbreaking when you consider her trailer sneak-peek ("You never loved Mother, you don't love me, you love him-"). And with only one episode left before S2 wraps up... ooooof, this ain't gonna be pretty ;-;
-Hoooo yeah, that was alot of rambling my bad... but yeah, thats about as clear of thoughts as I have rn regarding "Mastermind". Even with some of the (admittedly) bloated cast, and some other narrative nitpicks I have with it... I'm honestly hyped to see how the upcoming finale will tie all these big plot points together! 👀🤞🤞
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on-a-lucky-tide · 4 months ago
Curious what you'd say about Soap for the character ask game. You haven't really spoken about him as much as the others so I'm curious :O (id love to hear about every single character tho i wont lie to you but i have a feeling you'll get asked about those lol)
@nekrosmos asked for Soap too.
Honestly? There is unfortunately a reason. I lingered around fandom for a good few months before I got involved at all. I saw some behaviour from his fanbase that I didn't like and so I made the conscious choice that he's not a character I'd probably be creating much for. I love the art, happy to support creators, etc. Besides, there are so many delicious, delicious rarepairs to love and create for and plenty of gallant, productive, devoted Ghoapers.
He's quite compelling though, and I've got quite a few thoughts and headcanons, and I'm happy to write prompts with him. A few friends on Discord really love him and I like to create for them too, cause happy friends give me the fuzzies. So, you know, a story idea might grip me by the balls and I'll wack out a long form thing.
favorite thing about them
His journals.
Reading those finally gave me a connection with his character that I hadn't developed previously. But they really show how driven he is, how much he wants to be the best he can be, so he's not a burden, so he doesn't let anyone down. He's constantly striving to earn his place to the point that it kills him in the end.
I think he genuinely struggles with wanting to be liked (as part of 'earning his place'), and I think he is often too much for people. Ghost giving back as good as he gets is a comfortable relationship because the line for Ghost is way, way in the distance; Johnny doesn't have to worry like he does with 'normal' people. Neither of them is fuckin' normal.
Price giving him a chance would have been the first step towards the hero-style worship he has for him. "What? Me? Ye want... me? Aye, aye I will be the best fuckin' dog ye ever had, I will bite my own leg off for ye." Everything Soap does is to prove that Price didn't make a mistake. That he was a good investment. And Price, the sly fucker, knows it. He sees himself there.
least favorite thing about them
I wish they had given him a stronger accent and leaned more into that in the games. In fact, I wish that for all of them.
I also think that Soap has capacity to cause great harm without even realising it. Like, we get glimpses of it; he's nearly court-martialled for punching out a copper. In his single-minded pursuit of something, I reckon there could be a lot of collateral damage.
He lacks confidence but will cover it up by being an arsehole and doing arsehole things (such as smuggling a girl on base to impress The Guys). I say I like "least favourite"; I think this makes him compelling as a character. He's not all sunshine and rainbows. He's just as gritty, professional and flawed as the rest of 'em.
favorite line
"You sick bastard..."
"My kingdom for a suppressor..."
"Price?... This belongs to you, sir."
Gaz & Soap
Uh... none really. Ghost/Soap?
Don't have any strong feelings on any.
random headcanon
He's really bad at team sport. He showed no interest in any when he was growing up. Gym? Running? Swimming? Anything where the only competition is himself and his own limits? That's where Soap's head is.
unpopular opinion
Honestly? I don't know which of my opinions would be unpopular. Probably the 'not sunshine and rainbows' one, maybe?
song i associate with them
favorite picture of them
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collectivecloseness · 2 years ago
Okay but can you do 25) that’s where all my clothes went but Steve saying it about his reader the girlfriend, and his and your best friend Robin??
Yes because I absolutely respect also loving brotp stobin with /reader for one or both of them haha, I love that dynamic! And absolutely a hc of my own too that Robin occasionally steals Steve’s clothes, as well as his partner doing so lmao
Prompt: 25) that’s where all my clothes went
Steve Harrington x reader, Robin Buckley & reader
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You walked into family video at around midday, knowing Steve and Robin’s shift would be starting any minute.
When you entered the store only Robin was there, who lit up as soon as she saw it was only you, bouncing towards you before she encased you in a hug, one you eagerly returned as you took in the perfume you got her for her birthday.
“Thank God it’s you. The second I put my badge on and a customer walks in, I feel like my whole day is cursed.” Robin laughed into your shoulder, before pulling back with a smile, both of you still holding onto’s each other’s arms.
“Well thank God then. Can’t have your day being cursed. You’re riding in the same car as me when Steve takes us to the movie theatre later, I don’t wanna be collateral damage.” You joke, Robin lightly brushing your shoulder as she backed up a step closer to the tape rack. “And you don’t want me to be cursed?”
“Hmm, that too.” You agree, both of you laughing through your noses, before you sighed at the tapes that were definitely on the wrong shelves. A Nightmare On Elm Street was definitely not ‘kindergarten & under friendly!’
It only took you a second however, now you’d pulled away from Robin, to notice the dark blue shirt she was wearing, accompanied by some dangly bracelets and a black pair of ripped jeans. “Is that’s Steve’s shirt? Or is another one you both accidentally bought?” You asked good naturedly, remembering the time they both showed up to Nancy’s party in the same sports crop top.
Robin sighed, pinching the material and pulling it out from her stomach. “Yeah, I didn’t like any of my clean clothes today.”
You both nodded together, knowing the feeling.
It was a normal thing for both of you to steal from Steve’s wardrobe. You were both over at his all the time, sometimes hanging out there when Steve wasn’t even in.
One day Steve had left bed early to drive Dustin somewhere, but you were still lounging about in his sheets. You heard someone using the front door key, and Robin bounded into the bedroom, only giving you a slightly too ealry in the morning but still cheery “Oh hey!” as you tried to at least put a bra on under the sheets.
Robin had been swiping all of Steve’s jackets on a rack to the side one by one, and when you had last nights bra and Steve’s basketball shorts on, you joined her side, asking “anything in particular you’re looking for?”
“Yeah. His brown jacket, you know the fake leather one? I’ve just got a new bunch of shit and I need to see if it fits these tops that pretty much will only go with that.”
You found it in a small pile and handed it to Robin, used to her raiding Steve’s closet before, and she knew you did the exact same thing. Occasionally with Steve in the room, where you both promised to give it back. Although now, you knew you weren’t the only one to use Steve’s gifted house keys to your advantage.
Now though, in family video, you took in the top Robin was wearing, feeling the material by stroking the sleeves on her bicep, and nodding knowing the answer to your internal question.
“Oh yeah. I wore that one yesterday.” You kept nodding. It was a good shirt. Very fashionable, and unisex. Not that shirts had genders.
Robin blinked, although wasn’t really surprised, looking down at it “Oh really?” She lifted the collar, giving it a small sniff test. “Well at least you smell good. It was on his clean pile.”
“Yeah I put it there last night, I only wore it for a couple of hours when we went shopping.”
“Probably for more clothes. Poor Steve.” Robin pulled a dramatic face at you, woeing for him, and you both shared another laugh. Helping Robin in her duties as you took three copies of Friday The 13th, and four of The Exorcist and helped move it to the horror section.
“I mean, I’m wearing his top and his pants today. Not my fault I can convince him to get pants that comfortably fit both of us.” You gestured down to your outfit, Robin giving it a quick applause in appreciation.
“Yeah” Robin started “Have you noticed he wears this one to work a lot?” She nodded down to ‘her’ shirt, flattening it with a brush of her hand. You weren’t even surprised at how well Steve’s clothes fit you or Robin anymore sometimes. Almost like he wanted you both to steal them, you could argue.
“I think he thinks this one is more ‘professional’ or something.” Robin gave air quotes at the word, rolling her eyes and smiling at you before returning to the task at hand.
You pull it a little from her waist, Robin of course doesn’t care, as you rub the hem of it between your fingers. It really did seem like a good material. “Well do you think he was gonna wear it today?” You asked, only for Robin to give an uncaring shrug at you.
That’s when Steve ran through the door, a good twelve minutes late to his shift.
Luckily his face went from panic and trying to keep the door from flying off its hinges, to a relaxed puff of air flowing from his cheeks, as he realised it was only you and Robin in the store, no Keith.
“Well thank God for that.”
“God’s getting a lot of thanks today.” Robin noted, leaving the tapes for Steve to sort as she went to lean against the counter. There was a really good spot the sun shone through at midday, and Robin rolled her head and relaxed into it like a cat.
“Yeah, that’s probably why so many people are avoiding curses.” You noted as you walked up to Steve.
“Amen!” Robin called with a finger out to you, eyes still closed, as you came and bundled Steve’s sweater up in your hands, leaning over to give him a kiss on the cheek.
“What?” Steve said quietly, a lost look in his puppy dog eyes as he looked between his girlfriend and his best friend.
You and Robin both just chuckled, and you used his sweater to pull him in for another kiss. One Steve smiled against, even if he wasn’t quite in on your antics of the day. Giving just a quiet and happy moan, simply because he was happy to be giving you your first kiss of the day.
It was only when you leaned back, Steve still smiling hooded at you, slightly licking his lips, that you looked at the darker colour between your hands. And as you took a step back, still holding him like he owed you money, you were just a tad surprised. “Is that my sweater?”
Even Robin looked up now, peering her head aorund to catch a glimpse.
“Yeah babe. I’m sorry, I just couldn’t find anything work suitable left for today.” Steve relayed, his hand rubbing the back of your neck, still there from when he’d been kissing you. You could tell it was from a drawer you left at Steve’s house, for when you didn’t pack for an unplanned ‘sleepover’.
Steve still felt comfortable in it though at least. Even if he was late with the chaos of tearing his bedroom apart. “I swear my laundry machine eats my-“
Steve stopped as you gestured smiling apologetically down at your shirt... and at your pants. And when you looked over at Robin, Steve followed your trail. Watching her cheerily wave, before he realised what she was wearing too.
He fell back on his feet, an amused smile on his face. “Oh. That’s where all my clothes went.” He bemused, unable to even sound chiding.
And even though you kissed his cheek in ‘apology’, you knew he loved the easy going and close friendships and relationships he had with you and Robin. And the others, because Eddie definitely stole that sports crop top from Steve after that party, because you remember chucking it out a window at him. You knew Steve loved his little family, even if you punked him sometimes like this.
“Well I’m eventually gonna give it back.” You rolled your eyes dramatically, pulling on ‘his’ sweater sweetly, as Robin called out “I’m not!”
Steve only wrapped his arm around your neck, kissing the shell of your ear. “It’s fine. It looks better on you than it does me. Although Robin could use a little help.”
“Dingus!” Robin called out, letting her middle finger stretch far.
Steve only retuned his half heartedly, before shaking his head at both of you. Getting his attention drawn back as your fingers graced his toned chest. “Just don’t get any badge holes in it Stevie. They look awful in that sweater.”
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shigayokagayama · 7 months ago
gender+random headcanon for tome? or tsubomi, whichever one you're feeling
why not both?
Sexuality Headcanon:
Gender Headcanon:
trans girl! ive actually thought about this one a lot but her whole arc of like. coming out of her mostly male friendgroup and trying to totally remake herself to fit into a girl friendgroup and make herself more palatable to girls her age before realizing that all her friends have weird hobbies too and you dont have to stifle all your interests to fit in with other girls fits the experience of a lot of trans girls i know
A ship I have with said character:
her and keiko from the reigen manga
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A BROTP I have with said character:
her and mob's friendship is very special to me but her and the whole telepathy club ouuughhhhhhh alien arc my beloved... i miss when youd get like 20 posts a day of her and takenaka messing with each other with telepathy shenanigans they mean the world to me. i also think she and teru would get along really well theyd be terrible influences on each other.
A NOTP I have with said character:
i really cannot see her with mob i know this is punching down because theres maybe 1 person on the planet who ships this but theyre definitely a "mob-kun youre my best friend and i love you but i would never date you under any circumstances" sorta friendship. also not really a notp just a "?" but of the possible femslash ships i feel like her and tsubomi appeals to me the least. probably just because they never interact and we dont know enough about tsubomi's interests to know if theyd have anything in common. it gives "pair the spares but we dont like mezato" to me.
A random headcanon:
tome mentions in one of the semi canon anthologies that kijibayashi asked her out when they were first years and im incorporating that into my worldview. i also think she and takenaka had a like one week long middle school "relationship" that consisted primarily of them being too awkward to speak to each other or be in each other presence until they broke up over text just because it makes alien arc even funnier. also more of a reigen headcanon than a her headcanon but in the context of reigen manga i think it makes sense if reigen was very similar to her in middle school then when he was approaching highschool he was like "well i cant stay passionate about things forever" and dedicated himself solely to being a good student and good employee til he burned himself out.
General Opinion over said character:
she is solidly my second favorite mp100 character i love her so so much shes so special to me shes like. level of favorite character where i get excited handflaps seeing art of her. daughter of all time.
Sexuality Headcanon:
aro lesbian is fun for her i think!
Gender Headcanon:
one of my friends really likes transmasc tsubomi and i respect the vision. boy fans be like "not yet"
A ship I have with said character:
mezato and tsubomi. listen. listen to me. of all the femslash ships it makes the most sense. every time we ever hear mezato talk about tsubomi it gives "dear dumb diary". that girl is one long psychoanalytical speech about this girl she's never even had a conversation with from realizing she's bisexual and i think tsubomi would find mezato a really interesting person to interact with. they'd study each other like bugs. it's perfect.
A BROTP I have with said character:
her and mob staying friends is really important to me i like them a lot </3
A NOTP I have with said character:
honestly none really, like i said with tsubomi i dont really get tsutome but i dont dislike it. i prefer her and mob as friends but i dont necessarily think them getting together like. years post canon really ruins the message of the show or anything bc the whole point of the confession arc is that he was chasing this fake image he'd built of her as this perfect person so them getting to know each other and dating in the future wouldnt really ruin that i dont think.
A random headcanon:
i think she's a music person!!! one of her fanbook interviews mentioned that she likes to scream as loud as she can in empty piano rooms and it kind of put the idea of her going into music theory or smth when she's older into my head
General Opinion over said character:
i really really like her and find her narrative role interesting and i both wish we got more of her but also understand that knowing tsubomi would kind of ruin the plot of the show. seeing her only as glimpses and trying to extrapolate who she is through that is unfortunately the point </3
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nestastits · 8 months ago
I definitely believe a friendship will happen between Gwyn and Rhys! They actually have quite a lot in common and share similarities (both their sisters beheaded and both survivors of assault and among other things).
YES! I think they will have a quickly blossomed friendship. And Rhys will be VERY protective of her. Another way for my Rhysta brotp agenda too, those two will start a war with Az the second he does anything stupid that hurts Gwyn.
But Rhys and Gwyn. Rhyneth? Gwynsand? They will be the type of best friends who just sit in silence with one another for hours with this mutual understanding between minds. I think the only person Gwyn will be able to truly open up to about her trauma could potentially be Rhysand. Same for him. He holds so much guilt and feels ashamed to speak with his family about the years under the mountain and what happened with Amarantha. He still can’t talk about everything with Feyre according to acofas. But with Gwyn? He’s allowed to just speak what has been in his heart for years without any shame or fear of being looked down upon, there’s no need for hiding anything from her when she has suffered similar things and feelings. And while Gwyn can speak with her Valkyries she can’t truly open up to them with understanding. But with Rhys she can. They can talk about how they feel they failed their sister, they can talk about what the SA trauma did to them, about how they still hold that shame, and about what coping mechanisms have helped them the best move forward. They are kindred spirits in some way and I find it beautiful.
Plus it will help complete my girls x their mate’s brother brotp theory.
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burntoaster04 · 1 month ago
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Would you like to do a smg4 shipping chart?
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Otp first:
Megari: I FUCKING LOVE THEM SOOO MUCH. Platonicly or even love! They are sooo adorable! Their relationship fills me with joy and love!
Started shipping since WS, And never left that circle. Idc if they stayed friends, I want more of them!
Smg34: self explanitiory. They soo stupid and soo moronic, they actually love each other. No matter what dynamic, I love them. Shout out fot @theartistisme43 and their au!! Made me put them at S tier.
Mario x Karen: their dynamic feels like Richard and Nicole Waterson. Idc if they fight, I love being together.
Melony x saiko: basically my beloved rare pair. They soo cute together, despite not sharing any screen time. I picture how sweet their dynamic is, saiko turn into soft for her gf melon. :3
Luigi x kaizo: blame my best friend @dreamteamredstinger and red Stella from discord and Twitter. They fit soo well. I love more than Luigi x saiko. (No offense to whom you like it)
Saiko x melony x Belle: two punk girls and a deity goddess :3= perfect poly!!
Swag x Chris: basically the dynamic of: "I cause trouble." And "I stop trouble". I love them!
Found family:
Mario and melony: I hc and made an au, Mario treat and adopted melony as his daughter. He loves her soo much.
Mario and meggy: they are 100℅ best friends and besties. I don't like them anything out of that. Out of it? And I go to the uncomfortable category.
Saiko and tari: sorry satari fans, but they aren't lovers to me. To me they couple of close friends, and nothing else. They can be sisters to me as well. If you like them, good but me? They aren't lovers or GF, just great platonic besties. And also saiko is kind of taris mentor. Cause she taught her about wielding the katans. In my au and hc
I genuinely DC about this ship tbh. It was kinda rushed in developing and I didn't like how a axol was treated as a full blown simp. It was not good. Sorry.
This is all. Thank you. I hope my opinion won't hurt you all in a way.
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pangaeaseas · 23 days ago
lily + 1, 7, 4 and sirius + 7!
Starting with Sirius because there's only one question for him
7. OHHH MY GOD so many. First of all I generally think he's a lot more empathetic and socially/emotionally intelligent than he's often given credit for. Like he's very good at LISTENING to people and connecting with them. He's not just using James and Remus as morality props and he's not incapable of being Serious LMAO. I think he has like...morals and ethics. And that he fully rejected Death Eater ideology and did his best to live by a well thought out political system. Like was he completely successful at this? No! But he tried. Sirius is capable of doing terrible things..because he grew up being told other lives didn't have value and is still trying to unlearn this which he actively works at, and because when people do things he thinks are unforgivable--and largely these are people who also personally he dislikes, like Kreacher and Snape, he decides they are unworthy of his empathy. He tries to empathize with most people though.
For some lighter and crazier ones: his favorite cousin growing up was Narcissa because they have similar senses of humor. He plays the piano not because he was made to as a child but because he WASN'T made to because wizards do not have pianos it was a rebellion (he thinks listening to Schoenberg and Alban Berg once in a blue moon makes him edgy I fear, though his favorite composers are Schubert and Chopin.) He was friends with/ a mentor figure to Ginny.
Oh and Lily was one of his best friends, he befriended her before she was dating James. And they bonded over crossword puzzles and
Stopping myself now.
Her sense of humor and her sense of justice. She's witty, she knows how to hit where it hurts (she's fairly emotionally intelligent just like Sirius, though she's also a teenager with imperfect grasp of other people's feelings). And she is able to empathize with people she disagrees with and defend them when she feels they need defending (see her defending James to Snape in Prince's Tale, she's clearly unhappy with James but also thinks Snape is being unfair to him). When she sees injustice she will right it, see her standing up for her friend in SWM and her standing up to Snape over Mary MacDonald. She also seems pretty honest and blunt and says what she thinks--and she's good at conveying her thoughts clearly and eloquently. I also like how she was willing to sacrifice herself for her son and the future of the wizarding world.
4. SO MANY OMG. OK so with some of these it's been a while since I reread so IDK if I'd stand by the characterization today, but there are so many good takes on Lily out there. I'm going to limit myself to only a few though.
Here's one of my fave Jily and sixth-year Lily fics, whose title seems to have subconsciously influenced my own fic LMAO: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27087364
I think the asker might appreciate this one: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27668351
Or this one: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27200833
The fic that has a really core understanding of Narlily for me (also read anything else by the author...): https://archiveofourown.org/works/32651134
This one has a really badass Lily: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15086759
7. My unpopular opinion is that I don't think she was popular at all, at least not until her sixth year. her best friend forever was Snape and she had several casual friends, but no close ones besides Snape until that relationship ended. Then in her sixth year she had to rebuild her social life from scratch--as well as her whole self-conception, since she was distrusted by the other Muggleborns for her friendship with Snape and didn't really know much about the wider political situation. During her sixth year she made the friends she would have when she died and learned way more about British politics, becoming a political radical.
I also think she wasn't a well-behaved goodie-goodie girl: she did drugs and weird experimental magic some people would consider dark and participated in and organized political protests. She was a perfect because she was very good at seeming like a rule-abider while...not actually being one lol.
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k-ssiiii · 1 year ago
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Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual!! God people are hot. I think he found out early on he was bi (like 15-16) and was a little jarred about it, at first, simply because he grew up with the Wu Shi and had no idea he could even be bisexual, but it didn't haunt him. He just sort of went with the flow. It just meant if a guy was cute enough, he'd flirt with him too. Gender Headcanon: I am trans, therefore, I force my trans agenda on EVERYONE. Smacks him with He/They pronouns and dubs him trans. He's trans. Thank you for coming to my ted talk. A ship I have with said character: OTHER THAN OUR LOVELY LOVELY LAOHAN.... I like Lao with Erron Black...Their interactions spark much chemistry and HE'D ALSO DO SOMETHING DUMB AND END UP GETTING INVOLVED. Cowboy Hat x Razor Hat. Also there's again, that aspect of righteousness with someone who...maybe does not have the greatest of morals. A BROTP I have with said character: GOES WITHOUT SAYING, LIU KANG. They're besties in every timeline. Other than that, his interactions with Nightwolf are !!! Interesting. He seems less like someone who looks down on Kung Lao, like some other characters, and more of a concerned figure. I could see them getting along. Nightwolf's down-to-earth humility and dry remarks + Lao's Cockiness and sarcasm remind me a bit of MK1's Raiden and Lao. A NOTP I have with said character: I heard Lao and Liu were cousins??? Not sure if that's true, but also, they seem like besties to me. I don't see the chemistry, personally. That, and also. People ship him with Jade?? I personally like Jade and Kotal so I'm not too big a fan on that one. A random headcanon: Messy as hell. But not as in, like, his room or anything, that remains decently neat, just his way of going about things. The type of guy to sleep almost late every morning and wake up in a hurry, he's still slipping his pants and shoes on as he steps out of his bedroom. The type of guy to multitask and yes, it works, but it makes other people nervous because from an outside perspective it looks like he's precariously juggling a bunch of tasks. He's confident in himself, and what he's doing though. And most times, things blow over well. In fact, most of the time, things only end in disaster when he's being nagged or distracted. Best to let Lao do what Lao does: Lock in and run around for three hours doing a bunch of tasks because he procrastinated for too long. General Opinion over said character:
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I relate to him a lot, actually. His bravado and confidence that often get criticized as being "too much" his desire to be more than someone's second choice, more than just "Liu Kang's best friend", and his overall vibe are something I point at the screen and go ME!! ME FR!! At. But also apparently, he's lazy as hell and like. Me too for fucking real. I'm a class-S procrastinator it's actually a problem. Anyway. He's like my third-favorite MK character. Raiden and Kotal unfortunately take up first and second (that order may change, it always ends up doing so in like a week). I RELATE AND HE MAKES ME LAUGH AND HE'S MY MAIN IN MK.
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shrinkthisviolet · 9 months ago
Or ❛ who did this to you? ❜ with Morgan and Barry?
So this one…really got away from me 😅 it’s much longer than expected, and for that reason, if anyone prefers to read it on AO3, you’re welcome to do so (this is the case for all my prompt fills ofc, which are cross-posted to AO3 in this series, but I mention it for this one specifically because of its length).
Also…Happy Birthday Iris! I’m later to posting this than intended, but I wrote and finished this during June 24th, so it counts to me. Also, Iris is fairly prominent here for that reason (Morgan & Iris took as much center stage as Barry & Morgan in this prompt fill, hope you don’t mind 😅)
And one more thing…this takes place between 1x11 and 1x14 (connected to this fic, though it can theoretically be read as a standalone ig). And, obviously, it’s not canon to the AU—it’s a branching path, something that could’ve happened.
All that said, enjoy:
“You’ve got me, always. If you need anything…”
“I’ll call.”
Morgan hadn't expected to call in that favor so soon, but with her head still ringing from that hit earlier (so stupid, so, so stupid, why hadn’t she dodged it?), she had no other choice. Dad was home tonight, and she was nearly late for curfew, even without factoring in the necessary time to change out of her suit before he caught her.
She didn’t think she could stomach one of his lectures tonight—his disappointment cut deeper than any knife.
So, as her head swam and she struggled to walk steadily—were headaches this bad usually? She’d never had one like this. She hadn’t gotten a migraine, had she?—she called Iris.
“Iris!” Morgan sighed in relief. “Thank God, I…listen, I’m sorry for calling so late, but I really need your—”
“Where are you?” Iris sounded so worried already…but for what?
“I’m on my way—”
Morgan frowned. What…? “Iris, I was saying, I’m on my way ho—”
“On your way where?”
“Home!” Was the connection bad or something? “Listen, I need your—”
Someone pushed her just then, and she turned to shout at them…only to see a car whiz by.
“Watch where you’re going,” her mysterious savior snapped, disappearing into thin air.
She, however, was more focused on what had just happened. She’d nearly been hit by a car. A car that she…hadn’t even heard. What the hell is going—?
“…home alone? At night?” Iris definitely sounded worried now.
“It’s okay,” Morgan insisted, “I’ll be fine, I just…I just need you to call Dad and tell him—”
“What street crossing are you on? Barry can come get you.”
“No!” Morgan couldn’t think of anything worse than Barry having to deal with her problems. He already resented her enough as it was. “No, I…I’ll be fi—”
“Morgan. Street names. I think you might have a concussion.”
Morgan burst out laughing. “A c-c-cussion? Come on, Iris, get r—”
“Please,” Iris begged—much to Morgan’s surprise, as Iris never, ever begged.
So she sighed and said, “One sec,” and slowly walked over to the nearest street signs, squinting. “It says…Pourer and Maim?”
“…do you mean Porter and Main?” Iris replied after a long time.
Morgan squinted at the sign. “I don’t…the letters are all wonky, I can’t…I can’t tell.” Tears welled in her eyes. “God, I’m so sorry. You can hang up if you want, I’ll figure this out mys—”
“Don’t be sorry! I’d feel terrible about leaving you to this—Barry’s on his way, and I swear he won’t bug you about anything. Okay?”
“Okay,” she relented, though right as she said it, she found herself picked up and swept off. Against her better judgment, she leaned her head on Barry’s shoulder.
He shook her as he set her down on a soft bed, looking surprisingly regretful. “Sorry. But we’ve gotta check you for a concussion first.”
When she nodded, he looked concerned, as if she hadn’t answered immediately, exchanging a look with Iris.
“Morgan, honey?” Iris squeezed her hand, smiling sadly when Morgan met her eyes. “I’m sorry, but you can’t go anywhere in this state. Barry already called Caitlin, and—”
“You didn’t have to bother her,” Morgan whispered, wondering why Iris’s sentence kept going even though Morgan had interrupted and Iris was no longer speaking. “I’ve had headaches before, I can sleep this off.”
“Morgan,” Barry said slowly, “do you realize that you’ve been answering our questions and reacting to us half a minute after we’ve spoken?”
Morgan blinked. “I…what?”
“And your speech is slurring,” Iris added, brows knitted. “Not much, but still. Caitlin says those are the two main signs. By the way,” she added to Barry, “what did she say?”
“She said she can’t make it tonight, so I should call her back and let her know how the injury looks. Speaking of which…?”
Morgan drew back nervously. “Why are you helping me? You hate me.”
“You’re hurt,” he said, as if that explained anything.
“So what?”
His face crumpled at that. “Morgan. Please. I’m not going to hurt you, I promise. But I…I can’t leave you in this state. Please let me look?”
Despite her reactions apparently having a time delay, he didn’t do anything until she nodded and took her hood off, exposing the bruising on her face…and the one on the back of her head that was tender to touch—she winced as Barry’s fingers brushed over it.
“Who did this to you?” Barry growled, much to Morgan’s surprise. “Who would dare—”
“Is this from your…side hobby?” Iris asked delicately.
Morgan blinked, confused. Why the discretion? Doesn’t she know that Barry knows?
Barry frowned. “Are you talking about Sentry?”
Iris blushed, her cheeks darkening. “What? No. What gave you that ide—”
“You told her?” Barry’s eyes held pain, anger—and that pissed Morgan off even more.
“So what if I did? It’s my secret, not yours!”
“You had no right to tell her about me!”
“I didn’t!” Did he truly think so little of her? “I only told her about me!”
“Wait, wait.” Iris frowned. “Barry? What are you talking about?”
Barry froze. “Um…I…that is—”
Iris’s eyes widened just then. “This has to do with why you’re fighting, isn’t it?”
“No! I mean…yes, but no, not like—”
“Once Morgan’s asleep,” she interrupted sharply, “you and I are gonna talk, Bartholomew.”
“Okay,” he muttered. “Okay, that’s fair.”
“In the meantime,” she declared, “go call Caitlin and tell her about this. And as she suggested, Morgan, you’ll sleep here overnight.”
“But…but Dad—”
“Do you remember his number?” Iris asked gently. “It’s okay if not, I could just get it from—”
“I’m his daughter,” Morgan snapped, “of course I know his number.”
“Okay,” Iris replied, taking out a piece of paper and a pen, “then relay it to me. Slowly.”
“Sure. It’s 816…uh…42…8…?” Morgan’s eyes welled with tears again as she smacked her head. “Come on, I know this! I—!”
“Woah, woah.” Iris pulled Morgan’s hands away from her head. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not!” She cried. “It’s…he’s my father, why can’t I…why don’t…?”
“It’s okay,” Iris repeated softly.
Barry came back in just then, saying, “Caitlin said she can drop by in the morning. And she’s calling Dr. Wells, so don’t worry.”
“It’s not her problem,” Morgan whispered. “It’s not…none of you need to…”
“Hey.” Barry kneeled down beside her, his expression softer than she’d seen it in the past few weeks. “I think maybe once you’re healed up…you and I need to have a talk, huh? An overdue one.”
“What?” He wasn’t making sense. “What kind of…?”
“I think…I think I might’ve been wrong about you,” he admitted. “Really wrong. In a way that hurt you for so long. I just…I just wanna make sure.”
“You should fill me in first,” Iris reminded him sharply.
“Yep,” he agreed, blushing. “I’ll do that first. And then…and then us. Okay, Mo?”
She was definitely hallucinating now. Or dreaming. Or something. Maybe she had a concussion after all, and she’d passed out without realizing and was delirious now. But…but this was a nice moment anyway, wasn’t it? Even if it wasn’t real? “Okay,” she agreed, her voice breaking. “I’d…I’d really like that.”
“Good.” Barry squeezed her hand. “Then let’s get you settled.”
And so they did. As Morgan drifted off to sleep, Barry and Iris sat on either side of the bed, and Morgan clung to Barry’s hand.
“Sleep tight, Mo.” He stroked the back of her hand with his thumb. “I’ll be here when you wake up.”
And she believed him. Barry was a terrible liar, and he’d surely be the same way in a hallucination or dream too.
But then…is this real after all?
To clarify a few things:
Concussions can have many symptoms, even far more dangerous ones, though the ones I focused on are delayed reactions, confusion/disorientation, and forgetfulness. Slurred speech is alluded to, but I didn’t focus on writing it as a speech pattern 😅 so she has mild slurred speech (a mild-to-moderate concussion in general tbh). Also forgive me for any inaccuracies, I’ve never had a concussion, this is solely based on me skimming the Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic pages about them. (Also ofc Morgan gets checked over properly by Caitlin the next day, and probably goes to see her pediatrician too)
The person who saved Morgan from that car didn’t actually disappear. It just seemed that way to her
816 is the area code around Kansas City, which is a city in Missouri that borders Kansas. For convenience, that’s where Central City approximately is (it’s canonically at the border anyway)
prompt list!
Taglist (send an ask or DM to be added or removed):
@arrthurpendragon @ocappreciationtag @raith-way @vexic929 @ironverseocs
@thechaoticfanartist @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @starstruckpurpledragon @negative-speedforce @angst-is-love-angst-is-life
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largemandrill · 5 months ago
d twins and rogier 🫵
Thank you I have many thoughts about them.
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Favorite thing: His mental illness, obviously. There’s so many things wrong with him that are also things that are wrong with me. He’s just like me fr (bad thing)
Least favorite: I’m gonna be so vulnerable right now but his outfit is so fugly. Like, he rocks it, but it is HELL to draw and I personally rank characters in my head by how fun they are to draw. I love him enough to try though.
Favorite line: I like it when he full on admits that the Tarnished terrifies him. We are very scary and he’s just a little guy. He knows the only thing keeping the Tarnished from murder is that they have a little crush on him lol.
brOTP: Rogier doesn’t have real friends, He only knows how to abandon people after he’s convinced himself that they hate him. However, I do see the relationship with the player Tarnished as the only platonic thing he’s got going on. They are buddies and he’s not used to that. He can’t leave this one behind because he physically cannot move, and that’s probably for the best tbh.
OTP: you know who I am.
nOTP: Honestly I don’t really have nOTPs. Rogier is slutty enough that you can throw him at anyone and it can work. I guess I’m not too privy on when people portray him and Fia with anything close to a healthy relationship, but that’s not the ship itself’s fault.
Random Headcanon: He’s so transgender you could never understand.
Unpopular opinion: Not unpopular within our particular circle, but with the community as a whole. He’s a pathetic little weasel of a man with sad eyes and undiagnosed mental disorders. I love him but therapy can’t fix him.
Songs I associate: Should be noted that I can make any song about him if I try hard enough. The main ones that remind me of him are We are not friends by S, Bag of Bones by Silversun Pickups, Wine and Wheat by Madds Buckley, and Liar by Arcadian Wild.
Pic: This tiny guy from the manga
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Favorite thing: His strong arms that can carry me into the sunset. And probably also his reflexive need to care for others to the point where he would probably die for a complete stranger.
Least favorite: Not his fault but again with that fucking OUTFIT. I love it aesthetically but my wrist hurts even thinking about drawing it.
Favorite Line: I love how much a jokester he is once you join Gurranq. Like when he tells you to not let him starve to death is so funny to me. He trusts you enough to joke and that makes me emotional tbh.
brOTP: In my mind, he and Nepheli are actually really good buddies. They’re both adopted by not great dads and they value other’s lives above all else. Also they probably drink together.
OTP: I’m not going into him and Rogier rn because that would take a full hour to write down. I’m just a man.
nOTP: I can’t see him with a woman, I’m so sorry self-shippers. It doesn’t gross me out, but it doesn’t register as realistic in my mind. He’s gay, that’s a golden order mandate.
Random Headcanon: He wouldn’t be a great dad, but he would be one of the best dads out of the male cast of this game. Really a tallest dwarf situation.
Unpopular opinion: He’s never been wrong about anything that wasn’t related to the Golden Order tbh. The skeletons are an issue and he’s one of the only people equipped to properly deal with them.
Songs I associate: If a song is about Catholic guilt it’s immediately about him. Take me to Church is legally his theme song.
Fav pic: my profile picture/phone background, obviously.
Favorite thing: His rabies
Least favorite: I wish he had more screen time. I know that’s so his speech is more impactful, but I still wanna see him more.
Favorite Line: His iconic slutshaming moment. Good for him tbh.
brOTP: Him and me in real life. We’d be chill.
OTP: I physically cannot imagine Devin having any romantic interests for some reason. He’s not really a person in his head so maybe he believes that he’s incapable of love or something. I have many Devin thoughts.
nOTP: see above
Random Headcanon: I genuinely believe he could be a pretty good musician if he pushed himself. He looks like Kurt Cobain I had to make that joke somewhere.
Unpopular opinion: I know I say he’s a freak, but he’s actually just a grieving little guy. His mouth is foaming and his eyes are filled with tears.
Song I associate: Moon Waltz by Cojim Dip. I dunno the vibe is just correct.
Favorite image: All fan art of him is great. I don’t have a specific pic for him lol.
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gemharvest · 7 months ago
boyfriend from fnf for the ask thing!! :)
favorite thing about them: I reaaaaalllly love his whole beeping thing idk. IDK !!! Maybe it's a neurodivergence thing but I really connect with characters who are depicted in communicating in ways outside the norm. Also there's something very funny to me abt how he beeps absolute gibberish but people understand him anyways. Like just as a comedic bit, not reading it any deeper, that shit's gold to me.
least favorite thing about them: Ok this is a take from my artist brain but fuuuuuuuck his hat fr that shit is way harder to make look right than you'd think. That or I just have a weird perfectionism issue. Which is also a likely contender.
favorite line: the best part of Friday Night Funkin' was when Boyfriend said "Beep bo bop" and funked all over those guys /j /ref
brOTP: I think you could get a really funny dynamic out of Boyf and Darnell. I need to get more confident in my read of Darnell b4 I do anything with that thought but it's There.
OTP: RGB polycule ftw you couldn't even claw these fuckers from my cold, dead hands. You know the ship is good when it's got me making friends through it. /silly
nOTP: I don't knowwww. Like there are ships I can think of for this where I'd never engage with them but I don't feel strongly enough about it to call any of them a nOTP. SORRY LMAO.
random headcanon: This guy would fw chewable stim toys but he'd have to get really tough ones. Guy who would shred a kong if you gave it to him without monitoring him.
unpopular opinion: What evennnnnnnn are the popular opinions in this fandom I barely go to wider fandom here. Unpopular opinion I wish more people depicted his beeping ??? Maybe ?? But that's a tentative one since I know for more serious works it's kinda. Hard to run with that. In my writing I have my workaround of "all his dialogue is in quotes cuz he's beeping so what's written is actually a translation" but liiike I still haven't figured out a pleasing way to do it in art. Like the best I got is speech bubble with beeps and translation underneath but it feels like. A Lot. So like, all of that to say I wish the beeps were worked with more but I can see where people come from just writing plain English for him. And maybe it is worked with more in wider fandom idk.
song i associate with them: OUHHHHHH HUMOR ME. I'm posting two. CW for suggestive themes in both (lyrics/ samples).
eyestrain/ flash warning on this next vid
favorite picture of them: IT'S SO HARD FOR ME TO PICK JUST ONE THERE'S SO MANY OFFICIAL THINGS WITH HIM THAT I FW. Here's the ones I rotate a lot in my head:
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^ I think I've made it obvious my proper fave would be the beach poster art that shit's just Peak to me rn but I am always incapable of picking just one favorite.
[character ask prompt]
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circusclowne · 3 months ago
ask game bot ii
opinion on character: they are so awesome !! i really enjoyed their character and whole arc! they are very shaped. i wish they played an important role in the finale, i wanted to see how it impacted them when everything disappeared. realizing they were the only one that wasnt real then realizing they were the only one that WAS real. their growth was wholesome and im glad they have come a long way! silly
gender / orientation hc: nonbinary(they/them, canon) / omnisexual
best quote / moment: "you can breathe fire?!" "yeah, but only under the full moon. cuz imm part werewolf! on tuesdays."
otps: cabbot mebot cloverbot goobot :3 cabby and bot's relationship is so special to me, i love how they both made an impact on each other personal-growth wise. they make me believe in love. mebot holds a special place in my cold and wretched heart AUGHH i hate them so much. mephone4 knowing bot is the only one that likes hanging out with him NOT because he programmed them to. robot buddies with deep personal issues i hope they die i miss them so much. cloverbot is a silly fun duo and i think they make each other happy with the way their personalities clash! butterfly enthusiast x butterfly shaped. goobot!!! cheer factory!! they are so silly ohmygod i need to squish them. so stupid together and i love that for them
brotps: bowbot and botcase! i NEED bow and bot to interact PLEASE!!!! think of angst and then switch to casual friends!!!! bot and suitcase are a existential crisis duo, i like their (kinda) parallels with the "nothing is real" and "im not real" and then swapping around. i like the characters i make them miserable
notps: anything with fan/test tube(eww), springy or cobs
random headcanon: tries to be ominous / mysterious in a cool way but can't help but be excited and that kinda ruins the whole persona. steven universe + digital horror enthusiast(both canon)! likes bugs, especially butterflies!
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funishment-time · 11 months ago
for the ask game, Toko Fukawa :D
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you got it! i'll include Syo as well. this is a bit Incoherent, but with any luck you all can Parse what i mean
Sexuality Headcanon: Toko's...tough, because she's got so much going on. regardless, i think if you strip everything away she's genuinely Bisexual, as is Syo. they lean towards Men, but Komaru is special. additionally, i say "comphet" for a lot of the girls, but in Toki's case it's a bit different: hers was less societal and more the abuse of her peers and parents. had she never met Komaru it may have never occurred to her that she could love and partner up with a Woman.
brief aside on this: i don't think Toko would ever identify as gay or queer or anything remotely accurate or healthy (ha). nor would Syo, but Syo would probably use a Slur as a label to get a rise out of people, avatar of rebellion and grunge that she is. Toki in particular is on my list of personal "what are you, gay or something?" characters while actively being married to a woman, next to Miu and a few others. good times
Gender Headcanon: okay, hear me out on this one, and sorry if this doesn't make sense, but...
the Fukawas are generally cis to me, though i've imagined a few scenarios where they're trans. when they're cis, however, i headcanon that, if they're with Komaru, only Toko ends up actually being cis. Syo becomes a sort of...genderweird she/her because she sees herself as the fantasy-masc Byakuya to Komaru's femininity. for lack of a better term: Syo thinks of herself as Komaru's husband (hersband...) a lot.
i have no idea how else to explain this without getting mildly NSFW. my thoughts on it aren't really pornographic so much as, like, Psychosexual? you know? and i want to keep the blog somewhat PG-13, so i'll leave it there!
A ship I have with said character: i am a diehard Tokomaru shipper and they're probably the one OTP i don't like splitting up in the whole franchise. they have a game together. they are the Girls of all time
A BROTP I have with said character: i've always loved the idea of Komaru being the entryway into Toko genuinely befriending (or at least earning the tolerance of) a lot of her fellow survivors in the main timeline. i do think Makoto would sincerely be Toko's pal, though, and i adore positioning him as the sweet bachelor brother-in-law in their nasty little family
A NOTP I have with said character: are there people out there who genuinely ship Fukawa System x Byakuya? if so...i'm sorry, but why? whyyyy. again, i try to Live and let Live in this fandom, but lorda mercy you chose poorly in this case, no offense
A random headcanon: to expand on my previous point...i will add, however, that my Fukawa Headcanons generally don't exclude Byakuya. i've said before that, for me, the Fukawas never really lose their crush on him, but it becomes purely, well, NSFW. if you excuse me being blunt for a moment: they still want to rail him, he figures in many of their fantasies, but they don't want to wake up next to him, and they certainly don't want to have his kids or make him breakfast.
Komaru, however, is the Fukawas' WIFE. she is Love, she is Healing, and she is their very best friend at her core beyond all the romance. she is pancakes and shitty manga and joy. Toko (and Syo) may not dream of Komaru kicking them around, but they do dream of creating a peaceful life with her. well...as peaceful as things can get in that timeline. some shit is always Happening
anyway: and Komaru just accepts this, because she knows she's got the girl(s) in the end!
General Opinion over said character: 10/10 i love my Toki so very much. Toki kinnie 4 life. stinky little insect creature. vile and perfect and lovable
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dootznbootz · 1 year ago
Hiiiiiii I just saw the character ask thing :))))
Can you tell me about your NOTP, random headcanon and unpopular opinion about Helen of Sparta?
Thank you so much!!!
I'll save the one that'll get me crucified last! 👍
Random headcanon: Both Odysseus and Penelope were given a "photographic memory" by Athena. When Athena had "forsaken" Odysseus it was taken away. Makes it nice because a lot of the more fucked up parts of the Odyssey are a bit more "fuzzy" for him. And he hates feeling "so out of sorts". He gets it back though.
Also Athena technically took Penelope under her "wing" like, one month before Odysseus.
Unpopular Helen Opinion: In MY FICS, (It's okay if you don't agree!) She is built like Rose Quartz from Steven Universe. She doesn't have a perfect "hourglass figure". She's got some pudge on her tummy. Girl is TALL (Demigod) and CHUBBY. One of the important components of Helen and Menelaus' relationship is that they are both strong enough to lift each other. Also she's the most beautiful woman in the world and chubby women are hot af lskdjf She also SUCKS at singing. She's good at wrestling and spear work. (Sparta. I also love athletic women. Plenty of chubby women are also athletic af. If you think otherwise, literally look up women's Olympic sports participants.)
Homies, know that my NOTP can be YOUR OTP and that's okay! We can still love each other and be friends! Ignore the rest if you just don't want to see that, but know that while it kind of will be in my fics, it's probably not in the way you want it to be.
Please don't hate me and know I don't hate you or think I'm "correct"!
It's OdyDio.
These are the reasons why so avoid them if you don't want to read that! :'D This is the only time I will ever be on the "Odysseus hate train" because he's such an asshole to Diomedes.
I feel so bad about it. 😭 I'm a freak who likes Odysseus/Menelaus (Big BROTP) I think it's because Odysseus is just... SO MEAN to Diomedes. And when he's not mean, he's just neutral. There is not really any "Diomedes, you're the best guy!". Especially when have Sthenelus and Diomedes saying I love you to each other To ME, they are like co-workers who work GREAT together on the battlefield and on missions, but never do anything outside of that.
When Diomedes asks for help, Odysseus sprints away from battle. When Diomedes compliments him before the night raid, Odysseus literally is like "Dude, you're not the only person who knows I'm good at stealing. Let's go."
Odysseus, that long-suffering, godlike man, replied: “Son of Tydeus, don’t over-praise me, or censure me. You’re speaking to the Argives,                           who know everything about me. Let’s go. Night is passing quickly. Dawn approaches. The stars have shifted forward. Most of the night                   has passed, two thirds of it, with one third left.”
(Ian Johnston, Book 10)
Odysseus is an asshole but he's still so mean to Diomedes! 😭 ESPECIALLY WHEN DIOMEDES IS SO FUCKING NICE TO ODYSSEUS!!! I know that's what probably makes them so compelling to so many lovely folks but I love fluff BECAUSE I'm so tired of toxic relationships irl. I don't...I don't see how I can make OdyDio fluffy 😥 With OdyDio, I feel like I'm watching my bestie (Diomedes) get back with their toxic ex who mistreats them (Odysseus). Diomedes is actually quite polite to the others. Even when Agamemnon scolds him, he tells Sthenelus to think nothing of it. He compliments Odysseus! He listens to the gods when they tell him "Hey stop fighting!" and listens to Athena! Like he's violent and a killing machine but he's respectful! He's a traumatized, respectful, killing machine! He bitches at Paris but everyone has done that! That's something everyone partakes in /j
It bothers me even more because when Odysseus is with Penelope, he's so wonderful and loving? And that the Odyssey, literally Odysseus' story/Epic, doesn't even really mention Diomedes? That goes to show how little Diomedes means to Odysseus.
And since Odysseus runs away from Diomedes when he asks for help, it boggles my mind that books earlier, he goes into a rage when his friend gets killed!
[...]but hit Leucus, a brave companion of Odysseus, in the groin,                                           as he was dragging Simoeisius away. His hands let go. He fell down on the corpse. Enraged at Leucus’ slaughter, Odysseus strode up, through the front ranks, armed in gleaming bronze. Going in close, he took his stand. Looking round, he hurled his glittering spear. As he threw, Trojans moved back, but the spear found a mark. It hit Democoön, Priam’s bastard son, who had come from Abydos, where he bred horses for their speed.                                    Angry for his friend, Odysseus speared him in the temple.
(Ian Johnston, Book 4)
Odysseus, you prick!!! You go on a rampage when your buddy gets killed but sprint away when your STILL ALIVE BUDDY asks you for help?! ASSHOLE
They ARE kind of friends/frenemies during the end of the war but it's a weird thing where Diomedes cares about Odysseus but Odysseus tolerates him. Like he left him to die. I love Odysseus. He's my special little guy but he treats Diomedes, another special little guy, like shit 😞
They also have a fairly large agegap, (Odysseus being one of the older kings while Diomedes is the youngest. If you bring up pederasty, you will be smited.) and have very little in common other than them both being Athena's pets. Odysseus is a fucked up lil warrior trickster who loves his wife and child more than life itself while Diomedes is a young child soldier boy who is incredibly duty bound and war is where he feels most comfortable.
Also just...Most of anything about OdyDio (fanart/fanfic/etc.) it's of them fighting or bickering or betraying each other or being very sexual. Even OdyPenDio STILL feels very "OdyDio... + Penelope in the footnotes". I already plan to write Odysseus (and Penelope) as Aspec CODED and so I...just really don't care for that??? There's barely ANYTHING of them being soft. BECAUSE THEM TWO TOGETHER just aren't soft... I personally don't like couples that are mean to each other 😭 (I'm not even including the whole "betrayal with the Pallidium" because it makes me sad to think about. I don't consider it canon.)
Menelaus though?
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I have plans 😌 These two bring me comfort and are a special brotp
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chipistrate · 1 year ago
do that with Cassie
Sure! :D
favorite thing about them I adore how sassy she can be- like yeah she'll go down and save Gregory from the ruined Pizzaplex, that's her bestie she'd do anything for him, but that won't stop her from complaining about it. i.e. "Under Roxy Racers? *huff* that's all the way on the other side, I'm not even close." Also I believe her VA said something about her not being scared when going into the Pizzaplex iirc cause she "didn't know she was supposed to be scared" and I think that's interesting,,, "yeah that old, decaying, falling apart, creepy Pizzaplex? I don't see why I'd be scared. Gregory wants me to go there so I'm sure it's safe. Plus, what could possibly be hiding inside anyways? Bugs?" <---clueless
least favorite thing about them I'm not good at picking out least favorite things about characters I love LMAO They're just precious and beloved and I see no wrong in them<333
favorite line "that was too close. I was almost a Cassie sandwich" the DELIVERY. I love her so much even in the worst situations she's still making little shithead remarks/aff
brOTP Her and Gregory are the siblings ever<333
OTP Again- if these can be purely platonic and have no familial or romantic meaning, then her and Ellis should be and would be best friends and I stand by this forever and ever
nOTP x
random headcanon When she met up with Gregory again after SB she started helping him tear down his missing posters. She didn't know why he wanted them gone or why he was so hesitant in public, but she didn't want to pry too much and just wanted to help out. She tried, couldn't get a lot of answers out of him, and realized it was just too out of his comfort zone to talk about whatever happened while he was missing, so she just resorted to helping him however she can!
unpopular opinion Tbh I don't think she'd be angry after the elevator fall or even believe it was Gregory- at least not immediately!! Like- I could see her becoming angry over time, but I honestly think that at first she'd 100% think it was the Mimic- I mean- she literally just met a giant endo that was trying to kill her that mimicked her friends voice and communicated through speakers, I don't think she'd assume her best friend would try and kill her after meeting a dude like that. Maybe she'd end up thinking it was Gregory later and becoming way more bitter about it afterwards if we're going the Vannie route, but I think at first she'd just be really tired and sad and upset at the Mimic, but not at Gregory. She probably just thinks "he's my best friend, he would never do that. I'm sure he's on his way to get me right now, so I just need to survive a few more hours and I'll be fine." or something like that
song i associate with them Hmmm if we're talking Vannie arc then I'd say "I'm Irritated" by Fishy Bishie. If we're talking normal Cassie, then I don't listen to a lot of songs that I would consider "Cassiecore" that aren't specifically made to be Cassie songs if you know what I mean? But maybe that one really good part of "One Normal Night"
favorite picture of them
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She's so confident and happy how could you possibly hate her<333
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