#plum knedle
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polish-food · 2 years ago
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Knedle ze Śliwkami - Polish Plum Dumplings (recipe in Polish)
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nanmo-wakaran · 4 months ago
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plum dumplings!
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magazynkulinarny · 5 months ago
Knedle ze śliwkami
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Podczas jednego z pierwszych dni wędrowania po Karkonoszach, zatrzymaliśmy się w Voseckiej Boudzie, aby przeczekać deszcz i spróbować dobrego piwa.
Koleżanka i ja zamówiłyśmy knedliki z czarnymi jagodami i bitą śmietaną, reszta towarzystwa naleśniki z twarogiem i jagodami, i od słowa do słowa wywiązała się rozmowa o knedlikach, knedlach, pampuchach aka buchtach, pyzach z wody, na kartaczach skończywszy.
Nie wiem czy temat został wystarczająco wyjaśniony, zatem skreślę tu kilka porządkujących linijek głównie z myślą o zainteresowanym sprawą (nielubiącym knedlików) koledze.
Czeskie knedliki to bliscy kuzyni naszych pampuchów, inaczej zwanych pyzami na parze lub poznańskimi, innymi słowy bucht. Robi się je tradycyjnie z mąki, jaj, drożdży/ sody oraz dodatków zagniatanych wprost do ciasta (skwarki), ewentualnie faszerując nimi (mięso, grzyby, czarne jagody) ciasto. I choć bywają także knedliki z ziemniaków, przeważają te mączne. Gotuje się je na parze lub bezpośrednio w wodzie.
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Z kolei ten rodzaj klusek, które my nazywamy knedlami (ze śliwkami, morelami, truskawkami, mięsem czy grzybami) przygotowuje się przeważnie z ziemniaków, aczkolwiek zdarzają się też knedle z ciasta twarogowego.
W uroczej książeczce Christine Taylor "Wielka księga knedli", którą nabyłam lata temu, mam masę przepisów na knedle. Zawarte tam receptury są niezwykle ciekawe i często nietypowe: od tradycyjnych ziemniaczanych po bawarskie z czerstwej bułki, wątróbki i naci pietruszki, kaszy manny i twarogu, czy też z bułki, szpinaku i sera. Zatem podziały, które chętnie stosujemy w kuchni (i nie tylko w niej), nie zawsze są ani jednoznaczne, ani ostre.
Podobnie, jak my z Rosjanami i Ukraińcami o ruskie pierogi, tak Czesi z Niemcami i Austriakami spierają się o pochodzenie knedlików. Każdy chciałby być ojcem apetycznej pyzy, natomiast nikt nie chce być ojcem zakalca. Ech...
800 g ugotowanych ziemniaków 250 g mąki pszennej 2 żółtka 2 łyżki masła płaska łyżeczka soli ok. 10-12 śliwek
Orzechowa okrasa 100 g bułki tartej 100 g orzechów włoskich 2 łyżki cukru trzcinowego 100 g masła łyżeczka cynamonu słodka śmietanka (opcjonalnie)
Zacząć od ziemniaków. Bulwy obrać, ugotować w osolonej wodzie i zostawić do wystygnięcia (najlepiej zrobić to dzień wcześniej). Przecisnąć przez praskę do miski.
Przejść do okrasy. Orzechy uprażyć na suchej patelni, a następnie zblendować na piasek lub posiekać nożem. Do rondelka włożyć masło i rozpuścić. Wsypać bułkę tartą wraz z orzechami i podgrzewać, cały czas mieszając, aż bułka lekko się zrumieni. Zdjąć z ognia, dodać cukier trzcinowy i cynamon, wymieszać. Odstawić do ostygnięcia.
Śliwki naciąć wzdłuż i wypestkować. Do ziemniaków dodać mąkę, żółtka, łyżkę miękkiego masła i sól. Wyłożyć na stolnicę i szybko zgnieść ciasto. W razie potrzeby podsypać niedużą ilością mąki. Im dłużej ciasto będzie wyrabiane, tym bardziej będzie się kleiło i wymagało dosypania mąki, co spowoduje jego twardość.
Ciasto podzielić na dwie części, uformować grube wałki, odkrawać po kawałku i formować placuszki. Na środek każdego ułożyć śliwkę, zakleić ciasto i utoczyć w dłoniach kulkę. Jeżeli mamy kwaskowe śliwki do środka każdej wsypać około 1/3 łyżeczki cukru. Zrobić wszystkie knedle.
W tym samym czasie wstawić duży garnek z wodą do gotowania. Gdy zawrze, dodać łyżkę masła, łyżkę soli i cukru. Wrzucać na wrzątek i gotować na niedużym ogniu od momentu wypłynięcia około 5-6 minut.
Ugotowane kluski wyjąć łyżką cedzakową z wody i ułożyć na dużym talerzu. Polewać podgrzaną okrasą. Można dodatkowo polać słodką śmietanką.
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cicerosfavouritelistener · 1 year ago
4. favourite dish specific for your country? (all three countries)
7. three words from your native language that you like the most? (Croatian)
I hope you're having a good day.
Ooohhh! For 4; Australia: Pavlova. Not a real dish, per say, but still. If not that then Fairy Bread. Croatia: Knedle, or Plum Dumplings (this is the God tier of all three imo) Serbia: Burek. The best. So great. Love it
7. My favourite Croatian word is honestly just the Good Ol Fuck you; Jebi Sebe OR! When something goes wrong; Idi se u materinu (Go to the womb)
I don't really have top three words? Kinda like how I don't have top three words in English.
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fismoll7secinv · 1 year ago
I did this tag recently here but some things changed so I can list only them ;>
• Last Song: Parting Ways by We Lost The Sea
• Song stuck in head: Hallucinations by PVRIS
• Currently reading: a book being written by a colleague (and it goddamn rocks, I hope it gets published one day when it's finished)
• Currently craving: peace of mind and a higher compensation at work
• Last movie: Chłopi (it was amazing, the whole movie painted by lots of artists, based on a prize-winning Polish novel)
• Current obsession: my rpg campaign and the book of my colleague
• Three favorite foods: pasta with cheese sauce and peas that my mom makes, pasta with a creamy salmon sauce, knedle with plums
• Last thing googled: "woe meme generator"
• Dream trip: to alaska
• Anything you want right now: food and sleep
I've been tagged...
...by @oo-mi-ru-oo for some questions, thank you :)
• Last Song: Audition from La La Land
• Song stuck in head: Vivre from Notre Dame musical (because I went to see the new adaptation last Friday and it was amazing!!!!)
• Favorite color(s): Purple shades
• Currently watching: BNHA s6 bcs I'm late xD, I am rewatching all snk and I'm at s2, Spy x family s2, Tian Guan Ci Fu s2.
• Currently reading: I'm about to read TGCF books in english, I bought all the volumes
• Currently craving: Our Life Now and Forever (coming in two years x'D) I need more, the demo is so gooooood ;o;
• Last movie: The Boy and the Heron by Miyazaki
• Sweet, spicy or savory: Savory
• Relationship status: Single
• Current obsession: Karaoke xDDD
• Three favorite foods: Salmon Tagliatelles, Sushis, Black Pudding with Apples and mashed Potatoes <3333
• Last thing googled: "Fortiche Arcane"
• Dream trip: Japan with close friends (hi Kinga)
• Anything you want right now: FULL MOON EPISODE!!!!!! (Helluva Boss), GIMME THE STOLITZ ANGST I'M READY I'm not
Tagging if you want: @a-small-constellation @pelucherria @sajou-rihito @fismoll7secinv
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fullcravings · 3 years ago
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Polish Plum Dumplings (Knedle ze śliwkami)
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fattributes · 2 years ago
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Knedle ze Śliwkami
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mishkakagehishka · 3 years ago
I love you kroštule, I love you fritule, I love you paradižot, I love you rožata, I love you štrukli, I love you plum knedle, I love you orahnjača, I love you makovnjača
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everythingwithwasabi · 3 years ago
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Posne Knedle sa Šljivama; Vegan Plum Dumpling
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likopinina · 2 years ago
this is an appreciation post for underappreciated polish foods:
- different types of goop: kisiel, budyń, kasza manna, jaglanka
- huge mamut beans drenched in butter and breadcrumbs
- bób
- rice with smetana and berries
- pasta with smetana and berries
- knedle
- łazanki
- powidło made from renkloda plums cooked for days
- dill soup
- holy trinity: buttermilk & kefir & sour milk
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yumatual · 6 years ago
21 tag!
tagged by @pumpkinhyucks, thank you ♥
rules: answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people you’d like to get to know better!
name: emilia
nickname: emi, emilka, milka, mimi, millie // mikaoriru, mika, kao, cris
gender: female
zodiac sign: scorpio
height: 160.5 cm
time: 10:12 pm
favorite soloist/band: hmm, at the moment probably nct, day6 & seventeen, although there’s a lot of other groups i absolutely adore. i also like girl groups a lot, i’d give them my whole heart. soloist wise, park jimin (jamie from jype), doyoung and jeong sewoon? i like lots more soloists but those two have great fall feeling... and are the first two of the top of my head
last song stuck in my head: day6′s stop the rain until literally seconds ago, now exo’s fall
last movie i saw: oh gosh i don’t remember... can it be the last drama i finished? the japanese drama ‘unnatural’
last thing i googled: ‘how many years of kindergarten in poland’
other blogs: @berryjaelliaes with lots of my reblogs, including a lot of fandom stuff but also aes pics
do i get asks: not really but i wish i did
why i chose this url: okay so i really wanted something cute but i had like, 0 inspiration. i made this blog while at my grandma’s during summer break so i was eating a lot of berries- and i love berries- and especially blueberries. and i just happened to make my theme kind of blue-y. i decided i’d go by millie beforehand, and since i kind of wanted one of my biases’ name in there, and jaehyun was my main bias at the time, i tried to combine it together and i thought ‘berryjaellie’ sounded kinda cute and here i am!! not regretting it because jae can refer to both jaehyun and jaemin ksjfk kinda love it
following: only 43 for now!!
amount of sleep i get: usually about 6 or 7 hours, though sometimes i stay up too late hhh
lucky number: none. i really like the number 11, though (my birth date is 11/11)
what am i wearing: my (obligatory) sports’ t-shirt from my school in belgium. it’s kind of oversized, and super comfy so it’s now my favourite sleepwear and my favourite outfit around the house,,,
dream job: i really don’t know at this point. but i think the most recent (out of the ones i seriously consider, not only as a what-if fantasy), and the one that has been going on for the longest has been web developer or anything that has to do with programming and computer science-y stuff.
dream trip: i’d love to do a tour of japan/korea/china’s most famous places, i think it’d be amazing. maybe see france again from the top to the bottom. recently i’ve been wanting to go to places like finland and norway. i’d gladly go back to the netherlands and be more attentive when visiting it. maybe pay more attention to belgium as well, i think i haven’t appreciated it enough. a nostalgic tour of cracow.
favorite food: belgian chocolate, knedle (with plums)
instruments: nope, and it’s one of my biggest regrets
favorite song: right now, probably fromis_9′s love bomb, weki meki’s crush, oh my girl’s remember me, the rose’s she’s in the rain and two of the best songs ever aka oh my girl’s closer and chungha’s roller coaster. also special mention to april’s oh! my mistake, a very good song that keeps on getting better the more i listen to it
tagging: @doyoungys @neomrk @jaeculturetechnology @uyujae @pepsimimi
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Rules: Answer the questions and then tag twenty-one people you’d like to get to know better!
Tagged by: @sojourner-between-worlds Thank you, that was a very lovely surprise!
Name: Polona
Gender: Female
Zodiac: Aquarius
Height: 165ish cm
Time: 09:50am 
Favorite Band/Soloists: Does Hans Zimmer count?
Song stuck in my head: Ledena by Siddharta
Last movie i saw: Stardust
Last thing i Googled: Nearby gardening center’s phone number.
Other blogs: @thatcreativefan It’s my all things I’m fan of related blog
Following: 257 
Amount of Sleep: 8-9h 
Lucky Number: Don’t have it
What Im Wearing: Leggings and a long sleeved shirt
Dream job: In an archive or a library
Dream Trip: New Zealand
Favorite Food: Plum or jam knedle and thick soups.
Favorite song: Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd
Tagging: @lasaraleen @over-the-edge-over-again (ne mi zamert :P) @nothinggold13 @thissideofparadise44 @customarycreate 
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cooksparadise · 4 years ago
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foodffs · 7 years ago
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I officially transferred from ‘Sunday morning pancakes’ to ‘Sunday morning plum dumplings’ (sounds so silly on English, we call it ‘knedle’ in Croatian).
The cat DOES NOT approve.
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dulcifluous-blog · 7 years ago
zdravstvuysclntse replied to your post “♛ - you're lucky, Anneliese. Nonna very rarely shares dessert with...”
"They're called Knedle," Nonna said pleasantly, tucking into her third, "I think they're of Polish origin, and I have to thank them for that since these are so good. They're basically plum dumplings, you best not have more than a few, though, since they're full of sugar, literally.. That crunch you feel? That's pure sugar stuffed in the middle."
“Oh!” Anneliese paused, nodding in understanding of the little treat. “I’ve definitely heard of these then, but actually having them is apparently going to be a grand little treat.” She’s quite enamored with the little treat, if she’s being honest. “Though I can see why you can only have a few. It feels like that my teeth hurt!” 
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akane171 · 8 years ago
Tagged by : @lenaluthorv thanks sis ^^
Rules: enter your answers then tag 10 people! use the first letter of your name to answer each question. real answers only. if the person who tagged you has the same initial, you must use different answers. you cannot use the same word twice.
That moment when you know you are fucked…
name: Katarzyna a four letter word: kupa? (a poop, pardon me my Polish) a boy’s name: Krzysiek (pardon me my Polish) an occupation:  kat (a hangman) something you can wear: kilt! a food: knedle (fruit dumplings filled with plums or apples) something you find in a bathroom: kondom? (yes, you are guessing right) a place: Kamchatka! a reason for being late: korek (a traffic) something you shout: kurwaaaaaaaaaaaa! (fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!) a movie title: Kanał something you drink: kakao (cocoa) an animal: kot (a cat) a type of car: …doesn’t exist? title of a song: Karma by Kamelot
No tagging.
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