#pls guys pls pls pls i want friends i know its 2020 but come on
leverage-ot3 · 7 months
time for the obligatory post about what episodes I want to see in the upcoming leverage season(s)
(for reference, I made this similar post in 2020 after the reboot was announced. I'm pasting some from that post bc I still want them to happen lol)
new ideas:
I mentioned a date night episode in the last post (apollo really did bless me with foresight for the date night job on that one) but for considerment: ot3 date night. possibly their first date night after they all get together. breanna and sophie know it's happening (harry is, like, peripherally aware) and some crime hijinks are going down and the three of them are frantically trying to stop bad things from happening that are going to interfere with the date. I want to see them going through it behind the metaphorical curtain. I want to see breanna fighting for her life trying to out-hack the hacker that is going to ruin their ten-part itineraried date. harry has to get in a fistfight and eliot is so proud about it when he finds out after everything is over
tree law episode. harry has been frothing at the mouth about it since it was made. his life has been moving him towards this penultimate moment. breanna thinks it's HILARIOUS and cheers him on 100% of the way. she is VERY enthusiastic about this con
I'm not going to mention certain things because I've seen jrogers posting on bluesky social and I know he might be already writing some of those plots
con that the food trucks have plot-relevance. like, one of his food truck stations is being harassed /victimized by, like, a local gang or something that takes advantage of food truck/cart workers and the team steps in. the actual (veteran) food truck workers get involved in the con. leverage international might just have gained a few retainer members
quinn should come back for an episode. I know the actor is friends with ckane. they should make it happen because it would be iconic and I said so
on a similar note, ckane is friends with jensen ackles and. guys. wouldn't it- wouldn't it be extremely funny if a flame from eliot's past named sean sylvester who is a rugged drifter with a questionable past
episode where tara or maggie (or BOTH, can you imagine how powerful that would be???) come back and there is slight flirting with sophie possibly??? that or very obvious chemistry from a past tryst. sophie has slept with both of them, I know it in my heart of hearts. bonus points if tara and maggie fall in love (I think it would be funny. maggie's taste in men is canonically atrocious, I think she deserves someone like tara at this point)
I just want a lot of side characters to come back, okay? sue me I miss them
gonna put the rest under the cut since this post has become obscenely long
not episode-specific, but I want more mentions of the korean leverage team. and all the other teams too! we know that in canon there is the south korean one, the nigerian one, and one in london (I think that's it for mentions so far, but correct me if I'm wrong!)
episodes addressing issues with american imperialism and its effects on minorities and marginalized communities, specifically within this country (there aren't a lot of episodes where they are actively out of country)
dear fucking god take a more abolitionist stance on policing I'm begging. would it KILL you to not be weird about cops? pls just punch some more cops. take down white supremacist cops, I'm sure you can scrounge something up bffrrn
women's rights episodes. I know it's kind of recent, but episodes about accessibility of stuff like birth control, abortion access, etc. y'all are capable of making excellent episodes on that I know it
more climate crisis-related episodes. god knows you're feeling it in the deep south
taking down a corrupt megachurch pastor (although lbr, there is no ethical megachurch anything and you can fight me on this)
something to do with ace rights bc I think it would be really cool to see the team advocate for that stuff, especially since breanna is canon ace
helping a polycule that is being victimized by X organization/entity (maybe a housing association or medical or something???). breanna is bombastic side-eyeing the ot3 the entire time. it is making hardison sweat. sophie thinks it's hilarious
taking down 'writers' that use ai and self-publish AND/OR people that take original/fan works off of like ao3 and wattpad and publish them for personal profits without the author's consent. breanna would have a field day with this (god herself could try to convince me that girl does not read/write fanfic and I wouldn't believe it)
episode about underfunded public schools. we saw corrupt private schools in the fairy godparents job but I want an episode that would make abbot elementary writers proud
episode addressing native/indigenous. eliot is from oklahoma, I'm sure he is well aware of the health/job/economic/etc disparities on reservations. I will email jrogers about it myself if I have to- it anyone can get people going about native rights through a tv show it would be leverage.
I sent an ask to wil wheaton once asking if he was open to returning to leverage and I think he said he would be down for it. but chaos either has to be a reluctant ally to leverage international and is being handled by quinn as a hitter OR he is just. in jail. bc he sucks.
bpas and/or pfas episode. breanna has mentioned microplastics before but I want more
the team tears the shit out of conversion therapy camp owners and plants the seeds for legislation that will punish parents that try to send their kids to those hellscapes
while we're at it, I'd love to see an ep where they tackle the trans bathroom issue. god knows the news doesn't talk about it nearly enough
something to do with foster care. they end up starting some sort of foster care network that past clients/allies can take part in. maybe a mentorship program for kids that want to do what they do one day (they are very reluctant to encourage kids to participate in crime BUT if that is the avenue that they are going to inevitably go towards, they guide them in the right direction). nana makes an appearance (*insert 'everybody liked that' meme*)
prison industrial complex episode. I KNOW we had the jailhouse job BUT we really need this in our year of 2024
another episode on corrupt influencers. maybe influencer parents? dear god pls take them down a notch
ep where there is an underlying message that tells you how to avoid becoming victim to scams or something, or like is a tutorial for how to identify scams you might fall victim to (sorry, I just have to say this after two separate people tried to pig butcher me in less than two (2) weeks))
not to say I want them to do an ep calling out cop city, but it would feel really good to watch the leverage team rip that concept to SHREDS
the minimum wage job. need I say more? we deserve the catharsis
pls go after goodwill execs, esp the ones in the pnw that have their sector as for-profit and have become millionaires+ because of it while paying their staff (especially disabled staff) fucking pennies
while we're on the topic, pls call out salvation army (the corporation)
I can probably go on for like five hours so I'll stop here
ep that we get to see harry and his daughter bond :)
job where they get to lower the price of insulin (and other drugs)
actually, you know what? an episode where the crew annihilates big pharma and terrible insurance companies
I think that breanna should be able to go off about mass/over consumption as a treat. I 100% believe she has Thoughts about it. like, she will absolutely call out the corporations that are responsible for these trends, but also she should be allowed to mention our tendency for overconsumption as a society. obviously there are a few corporations that are doing most of the world's pollution/ecological damage, but we should be doing our part too and I KNOW it would be in-character for her to go off on it
I bet she has a LOT to say about influencers, tbh. obviously not all influencers are bad, but there are sooooo many problematic ones and problems within the influencer industry
sizing discrimination in the modeling/clothing industry. let eliot talk about how there are no perfect bodies. also while I'm on the subject, can we PLS have more body-diverse background actors on the show? I know this is nitpicky but I'd really love to see some more people that look like me, even if they are just in the background
a thinly veiled writers' rights episode (I'm looking at you media execs and the stupid amount of time it took for you to comply to the WGA demands)
something to do with media companies making entire movies/tv shows and then fucking cancelling them/not releasing them and using them as tax write-offs. every time it happens it baffles me. that is cartoonishly stupid villain shit. I can't imagine lovingly working on a project for a year plus and then the company just going, nah, we aren't going to release it because you suck and it's a good business move
ai art and ai in general. please. let it BURN
okay now I'm done
ideas from the previous post that I still want:
comicon job. I said it before and I will say it again- we deserve it!!! come on, it's the age of the geek after all!!! (in the last post I also said a ren faire ep, but I will let the card game job count for that)
summer camp ep? I saw a tumblr fic about it and I think it could be cute. it could kinda be like the fairy godparents job- eliot in charge of some type of sports (archery, fencing, etc), hardison would be in charge of arts and crafts (this boy might be a genius with tech and in general tbh, but the show did such a good job of showing that he’s also very talented with the arts- sculpting the statue for the miracle job, forging the old diary in the king george job, etc), parker would LOVE to be in charge of a high ropes course. breanna would totally be down for some sort of nerdy kid robotics or simple, traditional camp games (can't go wrong with the classics. everyone loves making bracelets!) I feel like it's too stereotypical to have sophie have kids put on a play but we all know that's exactly what she would do. idk for harry? I think he has the same traditional camp activities vibe as breanna. he's in it for the nostalgia. OR something to do with videogames
please, please, please, please, please make an episode where they take down a cult, im begging. that would be such a good episode. definitely a mindfuck episode like the experimental job (4x11). I’ve seen a few posts about a job dealing with a cult (here’s one) and I think it would be really interesting 
MORE STERLING being DONE with leverage shenanigans!!! give me feral!sterling like in the frame-up job (5x10)!!! give me sterling that protests every step of the way but conveniently looks away and “whoops, the team just disappeared, I have no idea how that happened!!! diddly dang darn it, they got away again!!! sorry guys!!!” bonus points if mcsweeten is there too and also participates in intervening hijinks
the team takes down a circus that is still using and abusing wild animals!!! because first I’d LOVE to see acrobat!parker swinging up in the air like a pro and being in her element, but also because those places are the fucking worst and need to Go Down. give me eliot having to pose as an animal trainer with deep sympathy for the animals being abused, quietly talking soothing words to them when he thinks no one is around (correction: hardison is, in fact, around, and filming his boyfriend’s softness to save for later). give me charismatic hardison playing the role of ringmaster, running and flaunting about and being passive-aggressive to the circus master. give me eliot freeing the animals from their chains when they are finally able to shut the place down and relocate the animals to sanctuaries (his hands shaking just a little as twists the key in the lock, because he too was once an abused, caged animal in his own right and he knows how liberating it is to finally be free). 
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torialefay · 2 months
Ooo new dorm arrangements! It made sense to me imo. Ive been a stay for a weird amount of time: started in 2019 and im on and off every other year. I usually listen to bands like ptv, sws, and bmth, uhhh... kinda the music my emo friends listened to in the early 2010s, so i end up coming and going.
Anyways, i remember watching "finding skz" and the survival show back in 2019/2020, and i think it's mentioned that when they all lived in one dorm, I.N. tends to clean up after them, but i think it was implied it was more like "maknae's chores." If my memory is still intact, I.N. everyones favorite roommate bc he's pretty organized and has good style... and he's the youngest, so they can dote on him but also boss him around lmao. Chan was the one most of them wanted to avoid rooming with purely bc he's not only organized, but he was strict on them and their leader, so he had the right to boss them around. They werent all familiar with each other on a personal level back then, just on a professional level, so it was kinda like rooming with your boss in a way lol. His tendency to go naked around the dorm and dote on them probably also contributed to that reason, but it was still really early in their career so they were reluctant to mention anything too """"scandalous"""" on camera. But yeah, those two together fit, especially now, since they've gotten to know each other a lot better and have chilled out.
Minsung together, obviously. I don't see them as clingy with each other as a lot of people seem to think. They're comfortable, secure, and read each other well. They dont necessarily need each other to live, but it's certainly much, much better together.
Changbin and Hyunjin. An emotionally aware person with a really emotional person. Changbin likes to play up his "crush" on Hyunjin for the camera, but i think he knows everyones boundaries enough to know when to reel it back. They seem to accommodate for each other and are still getting to know each other better, but then again, im not at all caught up on everything and dont know any of them personally lmao
Felix and Seungmin... for some reason, they seem both more emotionally attached yet also more emotionally distant than I see stay mentioning. The company's really pushing the "Felix is not human, he's a fairy" idea for a while now, and from an outsider's view, hes very pretty and im sure hes a very sweet person, but it looks a bit... tiring keeping that up.. and Seungmin is known for his "do what i want" attitude, especially lately with his "aiming for jyp" comments, and whatnot... idk where im going with this.... uhh ... well, i think their place is just them chilling. Just dudes being bros and getting a strong sense of being normal guys without the company rules on their image and being casual with each other. "Its not that deep until it is" vibes where they'll do the dude thing and not talk about their feelings much when they hang out, but every now and then, they'll let it all out, but its pretty rare.
you are kinda my life savor anon, coming through with all the hard-hittinf evidence to solidify my thoughts 🥺😂
i really do think the chan/i.n. dorm will work out great... other than innie having to see chris naked from time to time ig. but also, i feel like chris is kinda more respectful towards in??? idk it's just the vibe i get. and to be fair, i wishhhhh we got to see more of strict chris so bad. like when they talk ab it, i wanna see videos so bad. so if you have any recommendations, pls lmk. it's just so hard for me to picture him being scary 😭😂
oh no i agree 100%. like minho/jisung are just chilling to themselves most of the time, but i feel like they are also the type to be at their dorm and one of them is like "hey we got invited to go do xyz. do you want to go?" "not really..." and then they just smile at each other in unison bc it's easier for both to say no than just one. idk idk i feel like theyre just good for each other
oh yes, i'm firmly on team "changbin knows exactly what he's doing." like i genuinely feel so similar to changbin sometimes bc i am truly the same way, but like you can tell when it's a healthy vs unhealthy amount... and i think hyunjin likes that little bit of attention 😭😭😭 i think they're just good for each other
okay so i know felix is our sweet lil sunshine baby, but i just KNOW behind the scenes, he's way more "dude" than what his image shows. like idk if anyone has proof but i just feel it in my bones that he can be lowkey really crude & that seungmin eats that shit up. like i think seungmin probably finds it really fucking funny. bc we've all seen the clips of felix cursing... a lot. i just know seungmin is influenced by it. like 100%. seungmins "i'll fucking punch you".... yeah, those two belong together <3
editing to add: omg omg the emo and pop punk phase will also never die out for me 😭😭 we are one and the same baby. i finally got to see black veil brides a couple of years ago and it was like all of my teenage fantasies were coming true 😭😭
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shiftingtomydrs · 4 months
who are you?? when is it??? any particular competition it is based on (I often see people do it with 22 beijing)?? what jumps do you have??? any ultra c elements (3A, quads)??? if you have one, who's your s/o??? what why who where when aaaa another fs shifter!!
xx kat (@xelsmultiverse)
hiii omg thanks so much for asking this <3
okk so just quick disclaimer beforehand, i dont know shit about figure skating except the very very basics (like what type of jumps and stuff) so if smth is incorrect or doesnt make sense its bcs of that haha also as always im hopelessly overpowered :D
In my dr im a figure skater from Germany, i was born in early 2007 and did ballet from when i was like 3 (thats canon btw i did that in my cr too haha) but then quickly got impatient and kinda bored with it (also canon, i regret stopping tho) and my parents put me into figure skating and gymnastics instead. since in my hometown there isnt really a big figure skating team (there is one but its not good ngl) i scripted that my now coach saw me by coincidence and decided i had talent and she wanted to coach me. I can do more on my coach if you guys want to btw its kinda a whole (unfinished) story (shes an oc).
So then she started coaching me in 2014, after a lot of convincing from me towards my parents cos they didnt actually want me to become a professional skater cos its obviously not the healthiest thing to do but after I saw Yulia at the 2014 Olympics I begged my parents to let me get private lessons until they gave in (yulia is kinda my role model and i wanna be like her)
I have an unfinished list of my senior competitions here (for the sake of plot i kinda made it so the covid restrictions on the 2020/21 season didnt happen for the junior competitions, only seniors, also kamila and i dont compete together before the olympic season) and yes ofc i win everything bcs as i said op af (also i know some of the competitions overlap so idk how im gonna do that yet, if anyone has an idea pls feel free to tell me haha)
for jumps i have all quads (yes including 4A cos im just that good lmao) and im playing with the idea (actually i put it already but its prolly impossible so im unsure if i should put it) of scripting i have a quintuple jump as well at some point.
Im really not knowledgeable on different spins i just scripted theyre centered and i dont have a lot of movement on the ice during them idk if thats how you say it but like i spin in one place and dont move to the left or right a ton
Then like some stuff that goes without saying, i have good technique, i dont get hurt badly, i dont have any long term problems from professional skating, stuff like that
My s/o is ilia malinin but since hes born in 2004 we dont get together for a while. We meet either at a competition or during my exchange year in the us in 2024 (my host family lives in the same state he does and we train at the same rink while im there) and then like slowburn friends to lovers pining everyone-knows-except-them kinda stuff (i really do love torturing myself in that aspect apparently)
Some other stuff i can think of rn is that my nickname is 'golden girl' or 'germanys golden girl' idk just smth i came up with (if you have any other ideas pls tell me haha unfortunately im uncreative af when it comes to stuff like that)
also you mightve noticed im technically too young to do senior competitions in time for beijing but i just decided to script that they make an exception for me for some reason haha
I can speak 4 languages, German, English, Russian (bcs of my coach) and Spanish
I get along kinda good (as well as you can as competitiors) with the Eteri Girls bcs we're similar age and my coach gets on kinda well with Eteri (they used to compete together except my coach is actually nice) and also i yk speak russian
oh also when i first get there its january 2022 so right before the olympics cos i wanna experience that not just in memory
soo yeah thats all i can think of for now again sorry for any inaccuracies or anything (wont apologize for op-ing myself cos thats what shifting is for after all ;) )
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russilton · 5 months
Alright I don’t think anyone wants to read all these answers from me but I’ve never been one to shy from divulging internet data so let’s go.
Thank you for the tag @wigglesforonce
Who is your favourite driver?
Gewis Hamussel. I love Lewis and George equally and I’ve stood by this for 3 years and I won’t stop now. If I’m forced to pick one for a form I’ll pick Lewis because I loved him first and longer, but otherwise I refuse to choose.
Do you have other favourite drivers?
I will die for Mercedes Reserve/Junior Frederik Vesti. He’s just such a great little dude, cheerful, calm, confident, I LIKE this small (tall) man. Doesn’t hurt he’s a fantastic driver.
Doriane Pin is also a new favourite. Go go pocket rocket!
I also have a confessed love for Jack Doohan, he’s very gender. I suffer a fondness for Yuki, Zhou and sometimes Esteban and Oscar. I also am quite fond of the McLaren and Penske FE drivers (a deep hate for mclaren makes this very conflicting. I am aware.)
Who is your least favourite driver?
Oooof, now it’s easier to list drivers I like than drivers I hate cause it’s a long list, but the crown really has to go to Max Verstappen, with a supporting role for Fernando Alonso. Most drivers I don’t like fall into one of two characters - shitty on track, and shitty off track. For example, I don’t really have a good reason to beef with Roman Stanek as far as I know, but he fucked my f2 drivers enough on track he is now my mortal enemy. On the other side, Lando Norris is a perfectly serviceable driver. But he’s also a cunt. So fuck him. Most driver fall into both on some level, or confirmation bias reinforces it, but Max and Fernando embody both and I could probably give a TED talk about why they damage the sport for the future. Also they’re *deeply* racist. So fuck them.
Do you root for drivers of do you root for teams as well?
Drivers. I’ll root for the team in the case that constructors points will mean good things for my drivers, but I hate the idea of being a corporate fan. Businesses aren’t your friends. I’ll often use merc as a catch all, because both its drivers are my favourites, so it’s easier to speak about the team as a whole. But if both boys left and they dropped Fred and Dori, I’d drop merc like a hot rock.
If you like teams, who do you root for?
I WILL admit a fondness for certain Mercedes engineers like Bono, Shov, James, etc. The love and passion shown in the debriefs and BTS videos- but I don’t really count that as supporting the team so much as the players? It’s complicated, I just think Toto Wolff and Merc upper management fucking suck. Call that what you will. I like James Vowles and the roll he’s been taking at Williams is impressive, but I can’t really say I support Williams when I’m neutral on the drivers. I’ll generally warn against supporting bosses because it’ll always bite you… but I’m a hypocrite and James come back to Merc pls.
How long have you been into F1?
This will be my fifth season watching now. My first race was Austria 2020
What got you into F1?
My dad has been a life long f1 fan, from the 70’s to now, so I grew up with it always being around, but it wasn’t until I was back home from uni during the pandemic that I sat down to watch with him, because he was finally willing to explain it to me. I also came across f1 memes on Reddit and it got me hooked. I didn’t join F1blr until 22 though, when I discovered rpf content organically.
I’ve been a hamilton fan from day one, he’s a sort of home town hero, and I remember being in the room and my dad’s cheering when he won the first championship. Runs in the family
Do you enjoy fanfic/RPF?
Be fuckin wild if I didn’t, considering I write it lmao.
How do you view new fans?
I say this as the strongest compliment I can— I have no fuckin idea how you guys survive being here given the shit show of the last couple years- but I’m always excited to welcome new people to the Gewis side of things.
I also end up frequently as the guy going “how can you support x given their shitty history ” only to learn someone is like a couple months in and understandably has no idea about that yet, leading to an accidental crash course on the current grids fuck ups. I’m very sorry to those people, it will happen again.
Are your friends and family into f1 as well?
Here and there, my dad is probably the most passionate of them and its my favourite when we can watch together but my mom will ask what’s going on, and my larger family are fans but in the very… het sense of it. We would struggle to watch together. As for friends, my poor long suffering partner let me drag her into it (go follow @thatsmemate ), and most of my friends are from f1blr, so of course they are.
Some of my old ex stevetony friends I still keep touch with don’t watch, but ask me every now and then what’s been going on in the f1 world, because they are deeply sweet.
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?
Always. Always, always, always. I am generally a nervous guy in new places and conversations, but once settled I’ll chat your ear off.
I do often need other people to reach out to me first, I can’t often tell when someone wants to speak, so I wait for them to speak first, and when chatting I get forgetful and can struggle to remember to reply when busy. Some people find that a turn off, and that’s fair enough.
What I’m saying is if I don’t reach out first or reply slow. Don’t assume I hate you, I just struggle to juggle all my tasks these days. Disability is a bitch.
Wow, over sharing, I said you’d get it
Not tagging anyone bc I haven’t been paying attention so I don’t know who’s been tagged and who hasn’t, and I don’t want to embarrass myself. If you want to join in, I’m your tag.
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another-dra-anew · 1 year
tomoritomoritomroitomo- -iris
-My identity hc for them
canonically sapphic! i think that. currently she’s just waiting to see what experiences she has and where life takes her, she doesn’t want to try and come to a decision on how she feels about non-platonic relationships with guys. she’s content with calling herself sapphic, maybe she’ll change her label one day, maybe not <3. 
+canonically a trans girl! i think she kinda switched between using trans fem and saying she’s a trans girl. depends on the day depends on the vibe!!! not really a identity note this is about presentation. but i think sheeee’s… not really happy with her hair length rn and is considering chopping it short, but she wants to grow it out, and knows if she chops it now she’ll have to deal with growing it again. she’d be happy with short hair, but then she’d miss having long hair. tbh i can see her growing her hair out to donate? but yeah. she doesn’t like the growing out stage v much
- Thoughts on their home life/family
hmm. what’s something that doesn’t get covered in ftes… i think she really likes her maternal grandparents and would like to see them more, but she knows spontaneous visits aren’t really something that either her household, or theirs, can really pull off. she’d call more but she feels weird doing that without much reason.
- How i feel about their canonical writing/handling
!! i like how i write her! i think… any concerns i have are moreso with like. how my writing of her comes across? but that’s another thing where i just have to step back and remind myself that anyone who judges the way the kids are shown now, when we’re only partway through the story, and no one’s ftes are finished, is silly, and that includes me. it’d be silly of me to judge my writing when i haven’t even been able to show all the parts of the kids characterization!
- The one thing i’d want to make canon about them
tomoris my perfect wish fulfillment girl i suppose? i dunno i guess everything i want to say about her gets said…. uhhh? yk everything i’m thinking of is like. smthn that gets mentioned at some point. hm. 
- My number one favorite ship for them
i like her and maki, iii. honestly just like them a lot as friends? and im a huge fan of friends to lovers so. yeah!!! :]. this doesn’t always come across in canon tho ik. not that they ever come across as like. enemies but maki is vv closed off in the game, so. yea. non despair tho, they get along well!
- …Now everyone else i ship with them
she has a lot of hands! i like her and kurokawa a lot tho <3. i don’t think tomoris a huge fan of spooky stuff but tbh i think kurokawas videos and the like would be very comforting? and i think kurokawa is a lil >////< @ tomori. goes from thinking tomoris pretty -> really liking her personality and how she interacts with people (while thinking tomori is pretty). 
- The thing i will NEVER ship
…? i can’t think of anything anyone would ship which i’d be against? ???
- a dynamic/relationship i wish was explored more (in canon, or in fandom)
id like to chat more about her and iranami! specifically in non despair. i think she’d like to try and tug iranami into helping her with cheer practice so iranami can kinda. recontextualize her flexibility/tumbling skills.
- thoughts on their design (appearance-wise)
i don’t want to talk about it. (<- i need to redesign her. so bad. but i keep redesigning her…)…… go away now please i need to cry.
- A music-related thought- a song that reminds me of them, or what their music taste is, etc
OKAY SHE HAS A PLAYLIST. ITS OUTDATED BUT IT EXISTS- oh. mekaru had one too. uh. anyways.
all the songs are more so ones that i think she’d vibe too? hmmm. yk fuck it. have a screenshot of her playlist pls keep in mind most of these r from like… 2020. songs i think she’d vibe to!
Tumblr media
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boyfhee · 3 months
manifesto was definitely one of the best eras of enhypen, i love them. it still doesnt feel real that they are coming back with their full length album :( my bois grew so well...
i watched true beauty and i lost interest in it during its finale time.. you right that it was clear + i havent watched 20th century girl but the clips were definitely heart breaking and worthy to watch, ill give it a try. speaking of business proposal, i love that one scene, he takes his glasses off, it's done for me. the second lead couple are married in my head 😌 and the manhwa??? they have kids?? what 😭😭😭😭 i will read it if you just tell me where ?? and i want to read manhwas but i dont know where to read them.. tell me the websites or apps you use to read manhwas 😊👍🏼
hmm, i didnt read manhwas but i definitely read webtoons back in 2020... i discovered them when i got into kpop soo, even i lost interest in them, i used to read opertion true love and stopped reading it due to exams + these two webtoons: the guy upstairs and hello baby, i like them... i really havent discovered much of webtoon since i lost interest, but shorely i want to get back into reading them, hehe.
i listened to a few exo songs and listen to nct once in a while, i dont know the members but i think the sasaengs should leave him alone but he is doing a good thing by reveal them :) but sm did something saying renjun actions were lame?? idk... pls tell me if i am wrong tho- and for jay, i fell for him in iland, the ras leader 😌 i too have a lot of reasons hehe but i fell for his stubbornness (similar to my dad, hehe.)
i agree with you but pls dont scold me but i havent watched haikyuu despite it being a huge hit, maybe it's just not into my interest... maybe in the future i might watch it soo.... and i also did not watch forest of fireflies, it is sad and the sole reason was i did not want to cry days remembering the scenes, but i will defnitelg watch it and tell you, sweetheart :) and i should tell you, the historical romance — my happy marraige is so cute 😭😭😭😭 like kiyoko is so gentle with miyo... you watch the rest, i recommended you to watch it and can't believe seasosn2 is in the works 🫶🏼🫶🏼
hmm, if i were you, i would have bought the album, i recently got into books because of bookstagram :0 the reels are so hot but most of the books are 18+ so i need find fluff + romance, that is why i want to read classics at the moment haha...
— lover club anon <33 take your time to answer, muah
apologies for the extremely late reply, i didn't want to rush and give a half-assed answer TT i miss you and i hope you've been well :] manifesto didn't get the love she deserved :< it's truly one of their best albums, and i'm super excited for romance : untold omg ><
AND YES business proposal, what's wrong with secretary kim, sixth sense kiss, see you in my nineteenth life, marry my husband— they all have manhwas and they are better than the shows in my opinion. also .. the second lead couple of business proposal are actually married in the manhwa :D they have kids too ^_^ i won't spoil much, but you can read it here. omg now i'm going to read it again tonight .. i miss my babies >< also if you need manhwa recs please let me know. i have so many amazing ones i would like you to read and then gush about with me :>
i need to catch up on otl TT i started guy upstairs and hello baby too but i got bored. i'm more into this office / historical setting hehe you should read webtoons / manhwas if you have time :O they're cute and fun .. unless you get addicted and start binge reading which i do :">
i haven't been keeping up with nct so i only know that renjun has been pretty vocal about sasaengs lately which is a good thing, but i don't know anything about sm's response TT fuck it if they say it's lame, renjun did the right thing by exposing them :/
and it's ok if you haven't watched haikyuu !!! i used to think anime was so lame but my friends talked about hq all the time so i gave it a shot and how i'm six ft deep in the hole TT it's cute and funny, also very endearing so i would definitely recommend it .. however watching it or not is your choice >< also, there was this phase when i was so obsessed with anime movies ?? i watched forest of fireflies, your name, kiki's delivery service, howl's moving castle, a whisker away, weathering with you, five centimeters per second ( all time fav .. made me cry so much ) and i have a lot more i want to watch :D
i love my happy marriage so much it's so adorable >< also one of my favourite tropes / genres .. i will definitely watch the rest and i'm super excited for the next season ^_^
i don't take recs from bookstagram or booktok O_O mostly because they talk about romance with smut and i don't read romance novels. i mostly read murakami, osamu dazai, fyodor dostoevsky, or simply any crime / psych / thriller novelist ^^
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candiedbug · 5 years
bee’s intro :33
so hi yes. i used to be into homestuck when i was 12-14 and now it’s 2020 and i’ve gotten inspiration to go back into homestuck. in 2020. but it’s alright cause i think other people are too so phew,,
I’m 17, she/her, bi, and i go by bee on social media :], i would post a picture of me but i don’t trust tumblr enough for that oops,,
i have a very big interest in cosplay! i was into it when i was 13-15 but my parents didn’t support it and they thought it was embarrassing and at the time i couldn’t make my own money, i’m kind of in the same situation now but i’ve grown so they know who i am and the things i’m into,, but i would love to cosplay now (even tho my net worth is 95 dollars atm :[ ) and i would b in love to cosplay terezi cause she is bae,, and a lot more too but mainly my troll,
anyways, that’s all for now and i would really appreciate if u followed me and messaged me, ik i won’t get many cause homestuck is kinda dry rn but i don’t mind i jus wan some friends to appreciate it w/,, anyways sooo bye bye thank u
instagram: terezisgf
twitter: terezisgf
sc: hanybuns
tiktok: tereziyo
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nctscenarios · 3 years
Chapter 2 ✦Exciting news... aren't always good news.✦
authors note
I condemn hatred towards the aespa girlies irl but I did need antagonists and they fit the role perfectly for a number of reasons. I'm a MY , myself, and this is just fiction so pls don't be mad and don't forget that this is just a story babes. anyWAYS, hellur again and welcome back, this is the second chapter of my new NCT x OC fanfic. It's a idolverse fanfic and it features a lot of SM idols ( NCT, WayV, RV, EXO...) as well as other idols. I will identify which ones on the further chapters :))
on the following chapters, this one and maybe the following two I'll be sharing the backstory, keep in mind that the present storyline is 2022 and the backstory is in 2020. I'll always identify the date in the beggining of the chapters <3
I hope you guys enjoy it ! send me feedback because I want to write something fun and hear your opinions :))
1st Chapter
10 Feb. 2020 ( Two Years Ago )
It was early in the morning, four girls waited anxiously seated in a big black couch in front of their CEO's office. One of the younger girls bounced her leg up and down, and nibled on the nail of her thumb.
The sound of people passing by on the halls, and phones ringing every five minutes could be heard along with the traffic outside. One of the girls, got up and approached the secretary in front of them and tapped on the desk lightly to call the woman behind it.
" Hi, I'm sorry to bother but... do you know if the president arrived yet?"
The woman covered the speaker of the phone she was holding to her hear and glanced at the girl.
" He should be here in 10 minutes Jimin-ah, wait a little longer please. He will meet you any moment now."
Jimin, the girl with long black straight hair bowed and returned to her seat, putting an arm around her nervous friend, a cute chinese girl that had her hair in two braids.
" Can you please stop shaking your leg? Its driving me crazy MinJeong..."
Minjeong slanted her eyes at the girl that talked to her and began to shake her leg even more.
" Go crazy then."
" Petty" the girl scoffed and rolled her eyes.
"Minjeong! Hina! Behave for gods sake, we are about to have a meeting with the CEO and you choose to bicker now of all times? Do you guys, WANT to make ME get yelled at? Yesterday after your little fight in the practice room, our manager warned me that if he caught you fighting again we wouldn't be able to use our phones for two weeks. So, behave, or else."
The two girls lowered their heads and turned away from each other, while Jimin crossed her arms and got up, walking from side to side.
Not even five minutes later, in comes the CEO, Jimin recognized her managers and some other staffs and a girl that looked about their age. Their manager signaled them to follow everyone inside the office and the girls hurried inside. As everyone settled and sat, they stood there uncomfortable, not knowing very well why they were called in so suddenly, and on top of all, to talk to Lee Soo Man himself.
" What are you guys doing, sit!" their older manager ordered, signaling some chairs, where they sat, looking around and trying to read the room.
A few minutes passed by, the big tv on the office was now turned on with a slide being shown "NEW GIRL GROUP DEBUT 2020". Hina felt a shiver down her spine when she read those words on the screen, she looked at Jimin, that had a confused look on her face. With a warm smile, after some time in silence, the chairman turned to the girls and greeted them.
" Good morning girls, how have you been? I'm sorry for rushing you here on a Sunday morning when you should be practicing but as you can see we have some exciting news to share."
Trembling from head to toe, the four girls put on their best smiles and nodded, not being able to say a single word from how nervous they were.
" Of couse, exciting news... aren't always good news. You see, we're making some changes. I don't think you've had the pleasure to meet Aeri have you?" the chairman said while he stopped behind a girl, the girl Jimin saw earlier sat on a chair with a big smile on her face, she had a exotic look and anyone could notice she was a foreigner. She gave them a small bow and whispered a "Hello" in english before turning to the chairman, smilling. " Aeri is from Japan, like our Hina." Hina felt it again, the shiver in her spine. She couldn't tell why but since she put her eyes on Aeri she couldn't take them away from her, she had a bad feeling, and the more the chairman talked, the worst that feeling became. " Our Team is going to share with you the plans for our next debut, pay a lot of attention to this, it's truly an amazing concept." The chairman sat in his comfy leather armchair watching the presentation.
The team explained the concept, something about AI and a multiverse kind of thing within the SM Universe, connecting all the existing groups and concepts lined up for the next comebacks. They played the songs chosen for this girl group and some visual inspirations aesthetic wise. The girls nerves were now replaced with excitment, Minjeong's leg bounced again up and down, but that was because she couldnt sit still in her seat, Jimin was still shocked, with her mouth slighting open but with a glint in her eyes, Ning YiZhuo, the chinese girl and youngest one gave big reactions while the slides played and the team explained the details one by one, but Hina, she remained still. Expressionless in her chair, her eyes glued to the girl a few chairs away from her. Something told her, that the "bad news" applied to her and that they had to be related to the new Japanese girl.
The presentation felt like it lasted hours, people's voices entered Hina's ears with an echo and bounced up and down in her brain. The room began to feel stuffy, and the lights were hurting her eyes. In the screen, photos of Jimin, Minjeong and YiZhuo began to being displayed one by one with some details by their side, one of the details was their new artistic name. Hina heard Minjeong whisper and chuckle beside her " They agreed on Winter wow...".
After NingNings (YiZhuo) slide was finished, a new slide appeared, with a name, a doll like the one present in the slides of the others, it was the AI member, Hina had learned. But there was no photo.
The room that was lively and filled with excitment went silent again, and Hina could swear that all eyes were on her at the moment. With some courage she turned her head and her eyes landed on the chairmans. The middle aged man took a sip from the mug in front of him, and then ordered the manager that was controlling the slideshow to reveal the next slide. It was exactly the same thing, but a photo was there now. " Giselle" was next to a photo of Aeri.
The room remained silent and everyone could understand what was about to unfold.
"I- I don't understand." was all that Hina managed to say.
" Hinata, after a long discussion we have decided that you do not fit the theme for this concept, and you don't really fit in with the other girls. You're very talanted, and you've been with us for many years, I know this is something hard to hear but you won't be debuting in Aespa. Aeri has been training under our company for three months now, in Japan. And the company thinks that she is a better element to add to the group. From today on, you four ( he said pointing to the Jimin, Minjeong, YiZhuo and Aeri) are a girl group, and we'll be handeling your debut preparations as soon as possible, congratulations. As for you Hina, don't loose hope, we'll take care of you, and you will debut too, sometime in the future."
Hina didn't know what took over her, but she got up as fast as she could, making the chair fall in the floor with a loud bang, that startled everyone, she looked at Aeri with a nasty look and to the girls next to her. Minjeong had a slight smile in her face, almost like she was enjoying the whole situation. Hina wanted to punch her in the face, she wanted to scream at the CEO and give him the middle finger, she wanted to slap the smile away from the girl who stole her spot, she wanted to scream and throw a fit. It had been five years since she started training, in a foreign country away from her family, hardly with any friends. She wanted to bawl her eyes out and break everything in front of her.
But she didn't.
She turned around, picked up her chair and placed it neatly in its place. She gave a big bow to the CEO and the team.
" I wish you, a lovely debut, from the bottom of my heart." she said with a fake smile to the four girls. Then she turned around and walked calmly out of the office.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------GROUP CHAT
Hina sent a voice message
" They... kicked me off the line up. They're debuting a girl group in a few months. All of a sudden this new japanese girl shows up and they kick me off, telling me I don't fit the concept and don't fit in with the other girls, and...and they kicked me off guys. I have never been this humiliated in my entire life. AND I'VE BEEN HUMULIATED PLENTY. I'VE BEEN A TRAINEE FOR FIVE YE-" *reached the limit time for voice message.
Hina sent a voice message
" ...five years. Of blood, sweat, tears...only to be replaced by a random ABG that trained anonymously for three months and suddenly she's qualified to debut and I'm not. I hate this place and I hate them all. I miss you... it should be us debuting... it should be us."
Lami is typing
Koeun : Hina?? where are you? I hear cars!
Lami: Hina... I'm speechless. I have lunch break in an hour! I'll skip class and meet you somewhere.
Hina: Idk I just started walking and I don't know where I am...
Koeun: Turn your location on right now, I'll pick you up! Go to the nearest coffee shop Hina.
Hina: Koeun you don't have to, you have college!
Hina: Lami! Don't you dare skip class 😟
Koeun: Not debatable. I'm leaving as we speak, location, now.
Herin: I'm.😤fueming.😤
Herin: Who even is this b*tch??? 😡😡😡
Herin: I'm about to board the plane in a bit
Herin: Babes my flight lands at 7pm, lets all gather in my house. I DON'T WANT NO FOR AN ANSWER. Be there, periodt.
Koeun: Hina, I'm on my way, I'll call you when I get there.
Lami: Pick me up too!
Koeun/Hina/Herin: You're not skipping class young lady.
Lami: boo... I'll walk there then 🙃.
Koeun: 🙄 I'll be there in 20 Lami... you better be quick before I change my mind.
At Herin's house later that night
Hina met Koeun, Lami and Herin a few years ago, they were also trainees in SM and the four of them were part of a group called SMRookies along with some guys that were now part of NCT.
At the time the girls saw how good the boys were doing and how fast they debuted, innocently, they hoped that the same would happen to them but the years passed by andit began to feel like a dream that was farther and farther away from them. More girls started to join the company, and they began to get more attention, leaving the SMRookie girls neglected and forgotten.
At some point, one by one, they started to quit. It was enough, the mistreatment was enough, the hours spent crying, overworked, the pain, all of it was just, not worth it.
Herin was the first one to leave, going back to England and finishing high school before enrolling in Uni.
Lami followed her and joined a middle school to finish her studies before entering high school.
Koeun tried to stay, but when she turned 22, she said she had enough and felt like she was losing her life to an unachievable childhood dream. She left and enrolled in Uni, majoring in Nursing.
The four former trainees placed blankets and pillows on the floor, in Herins living room, she was spending her semester break in Korea and had the house all to herself. She ordered some pizzas and they formed a circle while eating, listening to Hina vent about what went down earlier in the morning.
" Where did she come from ? Like, she jus fell from the sky? Like, the second coming of Jesus Christ???" Herin questioned gesturing with her pizza slice half bitten in her hand.
Hina shrugged her shoulders. " Never even heard of another japanese trainee... it was so unexpected."
" I wish I could say that I don't believe they did this to you but..." Koeun began "...we all know I'd be lying."
"I don't believe they're debuting avatars when they have a basement full of talented humans..." Lami said while she picked olives out of her slice and put them in Koeuns. " You're serious? Avatars...?"
" Beats me." Hina claimed while standing up and grabbing a bottle of coke. "I think its time for me to go home. I can't go back. I don't even think I want to go back." she filled her cup and took a sip from the bubbly beverage.
"Don't say that Hina, you can't quit now, I mean, they said they'd take care of you. Maybe this was for the best, you didn't even like those girls. What if they put you in a group that is better?" Lami said with a glint in her eyes.
"Hina... Lami is right. And even if you did quit, we know you, you'd regret it forever." Koeun added. " Besides, if you left what wou-"
A phone started to ring cutting off Koeun mid sentence. The girls looked around to check whose phone it was. Herin picked up the call.
" Mark Lee, what do you want." she said in a demanding way more than a question.
" Yo, you land and don't even say hello?"
" Why would I?
" Hey Herin, did you have a safe flight?" a voice on the other asked
" Hey Taeyong I did! Thank you for asking, how are you?"
" Dude get off my call. Anyways, do you have plans for the 14th?"
The girls started to woo and tease Herin, Lami picked up the phone from her hands and put the call on speaker.
" Mark Lee are you asking out Herin on a DATE on VALENTINES DAY? KYAAAAAA" she started wiggling her legs and giggling.
" Lami? What are you doing there? I- I- NO, Like it's not like that dude. "
"Dude?" Lami said in a tease "DUDE?
"DUDE, aaaaa, Lami, are you like, with the girls?"
"yES she is with the girls Mark, now gather some speech skills and tell us what the hell you want." said Koeun while Herin rolled on the floor laughing by her side.
" Oh dang, you're all there? sweet! then listen! Jaehyuns birthday is on the 14th and we're throwing him a thing, like a surprise thing, and it would be cool if you guys came, we'll have food and drinks, we can hang out, it's been a while since we saw each other right?"
The girls remained silent and exchanged looks for half a minute, bitting their smiles and giggles before a familiar voice was heard through the phone " Be there of be square mah ladies"
"JOHNNYYYYYYY" they all screamed.
"That's right, your favourite boy is here and I want to see my fam so you guys better come, its a yes, right?"
"We'll be there, send me the details. Byyeeeee" Herin said before hanging up.
"Hey Heri-"
"BYE MARK." she cut him off hanging up.
Hina found herself smiling for the first time in a while, it felt good to see her friends all gathered, and she was excited to meet the boys. A party was exactly what she needed to lift her spirits up.
At the SM Office
" I watched your audition ten times now I think miss y/l/n. I'm very impressed. We're going through a ... rebranding here in our company. Let's call it that. SM Entertainment wants to be number one in all aspects, and we think its time to change. My company has always been the number one, the reference for others. What people do now business wise, I did first. So I can't lose the opportunity standing in front of me, to sign an amazing and talented your individual like you. I have big plans for the future and there's a place for you in then, if you want." the chairman Lee, spoke in a calming and paused manner, he had a cup of tea in his hand, and a small spoon in the other. He stirred the hot liquid while keeping eye contact with the girl that sat in front of him, with a contract on the table.
She smiled and picked up the silver pen that was on the table beside the piece of paper. With a swift hand movement she signed a couple of times.
Lee Soo Man placed his tea cup and got up from his seat, he stretched out his hand and the girl shaked it.
" I promise you, you're going to be a star." he said with a sweet smile and squeezing her hand lightly.
Y/n couldn't believe herself , her dream was about to come true.
What she didn't know was how much of a bumpy ride it would be until she reached stardom.
authors note
besties 😎♥ I hope you enjoyed this I have no idea of what I'm doing but as long as you like it. I knoooow that there's not a lot of NCT content in these two first chapters but it gets better I promise <3 tell me how you guys feel about this story so far pls I love receiving messages aaaa
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azucanela · 4 years
being bolin’s s/o would include hcs?
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SUMMARY: life with bolin from confession to wedding 
WARNINGS: crying, insecurities, kissing, that it this is wholesome there are like no warnings
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ahjsgdhjsgd a simp through and through, he’s gonna think you are literally so beautiful and handsome and amazing when he first meets you and he’ll definitely stumble over his words but aside from that he doesn’t know you so there won’t be and ~feelings~
he’s just gonna view you as his really attractive buddy from then on until he gets to know you because that’s what up? that’s whats up.
once he does get to know you he is like wow you are perfect this is unfair what, and now he is back to simping because damn you are perfect
accepts his feelings very quickly, he is very in tune with his emotions because at the end of the day, he’s an emotional guy which is good bc screw toxic masculinity right
he’s gonna decide if he wants to pursue this further very quickly as well, and will definitely have a long conversation about how amazing you are to a very annoyed mako
mako does not like you rn, its not because you are a bad person or anything, its just because his brother will NOT SHUT UP ABOUT YOU and now he is annoyed by your existence
anyways back to the better other brother
this is gonna go two ways
based off bolin’s treatment of korra when he had his lil crush on her, he’s gonna be very forward about asking you out and taking you out on a date, but when he actually like confesses confesses its gonna be all shy and cute
the first date is gonna be very basic, just dinner and stuff, talking about a variety of topics and life and all that and he’s just gonna be so in awe of you because wow YOU
at the end of the night he’s gonna confess and be like “yeah, i just really like you and I hope you like me too because you’re the most amazing and beautiful and intelligent and all around perfect person i know.”
if you respond positively our consent KING will ask if he can kiss you because he is a gentleman
than ya’ll kiss and he’s like date me pls and you’re like yes ofc 
alternatively you will approach him and ask him out on a date and he FREAKS OUT like he starts sqeauling and stuff because wow his crush just asked HIM out
someone expressed interest in HIM
bolin is the type to never get picked especially when put beside mako and he was genuinely worried you might like his brother hahaha... good thing you didn’t! this is good this is good!
super super nervous on the date but hey you asked him out you MUST like him, right? right.
bolin is a special boy
definitely treats you like the QUEEN YOU ARE, will try and pay for everything despite being highkey broke, exaggeratively opens doors for you, gives you his jacket if he can, is all around a gentleman because he just wants to treat you right and really doesn’t want you to leave him
PDA PDA PDA EVERYWHERE, unless you explicitly state that you don’t want PDA, or set boundaries— which bolin would COMPLETELY respect, he wants you to be comfortable and happy with him! — otherwise he always wants to be touching you and holding you. while you are out together he is holding you hand, pressing pecks against your lips, hugging you from behind while you talk to friends, always touching you, hand on your hip, arm around your shoulder
in private i can actually see bolin as being more shy about affection, especially if you initiate it. he gets SO FLUSTERED whenever you initiate anything and just sits there like w o w 
don’t get me wrong he is still very touchy, you just make him shy and flustered because you are just so amazing to him
not the type to get jealous jealous, but is the type to get insecure. he isn’t going to fight a guy hitting on you, because you are pretty and handsome and amazing and he trusts you. however, he will fight a guy for disrespecting you. bolin drinks a lot of respect juice and does not hesitate to attack if someone hurts you in any way
your number one hype man, whether you are insecure about an outfit or worried about the future of a project for work/school, he’s going to being hyping you up and reminding you how great you are
bolin is also really verbal about his love for you, he has no shame expressing it and telling you he loves you. all around he’s really good at expressing his feelings and communication
if you two ever fight bolin is probably going to start crying, and definitely will apologize first, even if he isn’t the one in the wrong. if YOU start crying, he will either cry more or begin crying if he hasn’t already. 
speaking of crying, if you are ever crying bolin would be great at comfort ngl, he’s gonna bring you food if you want it, blankets, entertainment, definitely trains pabu purely to make you laugh. he’ll listen to you rant and vent and even add on, especially if he feels just as strongly as you do.
supports all your hobbies and endeavors, comes to any events you want him to
speaking of events GO TO HIS PROBENDING TOURNAMENTS. GO TO HIS MOVIE PREMIERES. SUPPORT HIM. HE WILL CRY TEARS OF JOY. literally it makes him so happy to see you at these events, cheering him on and congratulating him
bolin is a good kisser, you cannot change my mind. he’s really soft, like there’s no harshness or anything like that, just pure love. very passionate and gentle with you.
he’s like still lowkey a celebrity so you guys get recognized in public and there are a few crazy fans that he would totally protect you from if they ever went too far, but most of them respect you guys
they all simp for your bf just like you do 
all in all a good boyfriend.
like he decided he wanted to marry you at exactly 2:11PM while visiting Mako and literally booked it in the middle of dinner with Mako just to freak out over this revelation and stress buy a ring, he doesn’t even know what your ring size is oh no
he is literally panicking so much someone please calm him down he wants to marry you and has no idea if you want to marry him back and simultaneously has a fear of rejection oh no
bolin is gonna avoid you and you’re probably gonna think he’s breaking up with you or something like that, even though it is quite the opposite, he literally wants to spend the rest of his life with you
at some point you confront him, crying, asking if he is going to dump you and if he does intend to dump you then to just get it over with because you dont want to waste more time with him
“have you been avoiding me?”
“what? me? never”
“...are you breaking up with me bolin.”
bolin starts crying because you are crying and he is freaking out again because you got the complete wrong message and literally will get the ring and propose right then and there just to reassure you that he still loves you and never ever wants to leave you
honestly, you guys are the type of couple to both have rings, and then one of you proposes just for the other to start laughing and pull out a ring as well because same wavelength guyssss
alternatively you propose and its probably just as chaotic because bolin definitely starts sobbing when you do, he’s so soft and he loves you and wow you love him too and want to marry him thats adorable
you probably do more research ahead of time and have a planned out thing on like the beach or something, and its all cute and nice, maybe you even hire someone to catch it on camera
he is stunned and speechless for a hot minute, like he cannot breathe but don’t worry, he agrees eventually!!!
bolin wouldn’t want like a public public wedding because ngl once again he is a celebrity and stranger crazy danger
regardless it’ll be a bigger wedding because bolin feels like you deserve only the best and wants a big wedding himself, he would be really involved in planning so if you don’t wanna do that he’s perfectly fine with it and will handle everything
invites your close friends and friends of friends 
cries when he sees you walk down the aisle like just cries, hes so happy and seeing you there just brings him more joy and he just :D
let korra be the best man 2020
the afterparty is going to be so intense ngl there is going to be a DJ and music ranges from slow dancing which is all sweet and romantic with bolin, to some rave stuff with people jumping up and down on the dance floor in the most uncomfy shoes.
honestly perfect i love it 10/10
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theobligatedklutz · 4 years
tbh i love that julie's fam is so so supportive and her dad and brother's reactions to her singing... omg just rip my heart out pls. and yess the lack of toxic masculinity between luke, alex, and reggie! tbh i have never seen a show that displays the level of affection and pure joy between those teen boys like... ever??? especially when typically, esp with alex being gay, shows always play off guys affection with an emphasis of OMG WERE NOT GAY. and its like wtf chill out & also who cares?
Julie’s family is one of my favorite dynamics on the show. Carlos isn't the “ew familial affection, get out of my room, I hate my annoying sister” type of kid brother that we’ve all seen like billions of time on our screens. He shows affection in ways we’ve all longed to see -“I’m just trying to protect you” and ‘I’m not afraid to hug you’ and ‘my older sister is playing music again!’ and “there can be two men of the house” (like this kid is really something else). JATP said no to cliche family relations and gave us warm beautiful healthy relationships between family instead. Ray Molina is also such an affectionate soul with the way he acts around both his children - their little finger hugs (pls do not call me out on the way I phrased this im-), the constant check-ins with Julie and asking her how she’s doing (he’s 100% doing the same with Carlos too)- and the way Ray is willing to go far and wide to fulfill his kids’ wishes (ie. moving out, looking for a performing art school for Julie, supporting Julie and Carlos’ endeavors: music (he allowed a house party band performance!!! for goodness sakes!!!) and ghost hunting respectively) and his excitement for both Julie and Carlos (the rain of paper when Julie told him she got her spot back in her school and the mini french dip chef arc). One moment in particular that I absolutely love is when Ray comes into Julie’s bedroom and suggests she see Dr. Turner again but he notices immediately that Julie has tensed at the mention of therapy, he turns that conversation around so fast to make sure Julie is comfortable again (JUST INCREDIBLE - LEARN PARENTING FROM RAY, KIDS). And don’t get me started on Tia Victoria. This woman said ‘no, I have adopted the Molina family now and I will protect and care for them and they will not be eating leftovers or takeout! not on my watch.’ I want to see so many more moments of interactions between Tia and both Carlos and Julie and I want to see her interact with Ray more. Tia Tori epitomizes support and I want to see so much more of that, we need more of that.
One of the things I absolutely love about this show is how nonchalant everyone is about Alex being gay. Luke mentions it in passing so we are not left guessing about Alex’s sexuality especially in the way he visibly gulps in his first meeting with Willie with that “ah shit I'm gay for him” look on his face. He’s just gay. Nothing more to it. Making sexuality something that is finally casual in 2020 (even though it should’ve been casual eons ago) makes this show stand out like no other (Kenny effing Ortego did that!!!). And on the same line of thought, even though Luke and Reggie know that Alex is gay, they treat him no different; there is no lesser affection between the boys because of it, there’s no “no homo” moments. They don’t react when Alex says “no <3” (which is improvised by Owen Joyner- wth??? INCREDIBLE!) when Reggie says “girls, right?” They are just a couple of teenage boys being teenage boys who love and adore each other. 
Luke is the most affectionate boy I’ve ever laid eyes on. This boy LITERALLY writes songs for his boys (see: crooked teeth). The scene between Reggie and Luke where he’s trying to show the boys that he has limitless chemistry- bruh that just got me! He is not afraid to be touchy feely (let’s be honest, it’s his love language) and I just want to see more of it in s2. To be honest, they are all really really really touchy-feely and like I’ve said before, they took toxic masculinity and lit it on fire. They are not afraid to support each other, hold hands and hug, they pick up on each others’ cues, they find each other on stage and give each other space. And they are so quick to pull Julie into their chaos and make her part of their little overjoyed puppy family. And you can see that these are not just their roles. Charlie, Owen, Jeremy and Maddie have the same form of companionship, they are best friends, they are family and it shows in complete fashion on screen. GIVE ME MORE OF THESE LOVEABLE DORKS IN SEASON 2 OR ELSE.
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sakiyo · 4 years
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+ pairings: atsumu miya/reader
+ tags: atsumu bring a messy dude </3, platonic-ish relationship, uni!au
+ warnings: very brief mentions of sex, weed and alcohol, partying
+ word count: a lot probably idk they’re headcanons
+ note: this is gonna be a series but atsumu’s was wayyy too long!! the rest will probably be much shorter [i was too attached to these hcs to shorten them so enjoy]. thank you @kiyoomae for helping me with these mwah ily beaut <3
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© all content from this blog belongs to ushigushi 2020. do not repost, modify, or plagiarize.
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he’s a great person sure
but he’s not the BEST roommate
not even osamu wants to room with him, but honestly he just wants cheap rent [like every other student alive]
so when he sees a ‘roommate wanted’ poster on campus, he basically believes that this a sign from god that he should go to your interview
one thing about atsumu:
he knows that first impressions are one of the most important things in life [mostly because of volleyball and what not]
so naturally he’s going to act the way you want him to !! toxic trait: subtle manipulation i’m telling you
and so when he shows up at your place, hes pretty much perfect. he looks put together and his fit is immaculate okay?
usually, you aren’t one to judge a book by its cover, but when it comes down to roommates….better safe than sorry babe
and the second atsumu mentions his gravitation towards volleyball and sports, you feel like you’ve won the lottery.
a clean and well put roommate who ALSO spends most of their time away from the apartment? what more could you ask for?
and as a quick bonus: HES HOT!! [so you can definitely brag to your friends about the attractive roommate you scored]
you’re quick to say yes, and as soon as you know it he’s added to the contract with your landlord!
atsumu keeps up his facade for another two weeks or so; washing dishes, keeping clean, never being too noisy and giving you your personal space
but when he finally shows his true colours?
you’re not sure if you want to strangle him or rip out your hair strand by strand
whew....he is messy.
atsumu [osamu too] is a momma’s boy, he’s never really had to do dishes or anything like that unless he has to
he never does his dishes. you ALWAYS end up washing them because you prefer a tidy kitchen
dont get me started on the cups
he uses YOUR cups and leaves them littered around the apartment like they’re easter eggs for you to hunt. one time, you found your favourite mug under a couch???
his room is no different either
you prefer to stay away from it, but you had caught a glimpse of it through his partially open bedroom door
....it’s a lot to process.
there are plates on his desk, disposable cups and crushed soda cans on his nightstand, clean laundry in different corners of the room and you swear you see a half full bottle of vodka that had gone missing from your own alcohol cabinet
but for some reason his room still manages to smell like lavender. and you hate that fact.
he NEVER has his house keys on him
he pretty much has you on speed dial because the amount of times this man has forgotten his keys inside the house is WILD
him: hey roomie...it’s me again...
you: atsumu it’s 11 pm and i’m out with friends, i’m not driving back just to open the door for you
him: then what am i going to do??
you: sit there and starve.
so he sits against your apartment door, playing games on his phone and texting his friends
he’s also getting clowned in the gc by suna and osamu PLS ATSUMU GO HOME [oh wait-]
when one of your neighbours pass by or see him sitting there he just gives that rlly awkward white person smile that’s like 😐
so basically he’s sitting there, hungry and bored.
when you come back, he’s almost asleep, a little bit of drool hanging on at the side of his mouth
“wake up, i brought you food.”
atsumu might be an annoying roomie, but you’re not heartless.
he 100% gets hair dye all over the bathroom, and he NEVER washes it out
so you’re not too happy when you have to replace your rug because there was a massive bleach stain on it
he uses your shampoo and conditioner, GENEROUSLY TOO
like atsumu...sir 🤣🤚 that shits like 20 dollars! stop using globs of it at once
istg you could buy a new bottle of shampoo/body wash and it’s already halfway through after a week or so
he promises that he’ll stop, but it just gets worse
NEVER let this man go grocery shopping for you by himself, you’ll get everything BUT what you asked for
okay, he does get you what you asked for, but not really
you ask for wheat bread and he gets white bread. you ask for vanilla ice cream and he gets you chocolate
“i think it’s better than what you originally put down.”
you want a new roommate.
but as time passes by, you deduce that he has some redeeming qualities: like how fun he is when drunk, or how he can keep you entertained for hours about his surprisingly interesting days
you’ve met his friends too! they all love you
but they’re also quite sorry for you for having to put up with atsumu
sometimes, you’ll even join them with them when they’re all hanging in your living room
you never miss the small blush that creeps onto tsumus face whenever his old teammates tell you about the stories he deliberately left out to make himself look cooler [pls give this man love he needs it]
suna: wait i have a video of him getting pummeled in the face with a volleyball-
atsumu: y/n has a test tomorrow!!
you: tomorrow’s saturday-
if you two have roommate rules, he definitely breaks some of them
no parties without you knowing??? like hell he’s following that
atsumu likes to party! he doesn’t mind hosting one or two every now and then
so he picks a day that he knows you’ll be out for the night, most likely studying because you won’t be back home until around 1 am
so the apartment is a mess and it’s partially trashed, there’s a lingering scent of weed and alcohol, someone probably vomited in your sink, and it’s loud.
so loud that you can hear it from the elevator.
you had decided to come home early and surprise atsumu with his favourite takeout, but you’re already met with tipsy and wasted bodies littered along the corridors, and it doesn’t take very long for you to put two and two together and realize it’s atsumu’s doing
long story short, you and atsumu have to go around the apartment to deliver personal apologies to your neighbours [this definitely isn’t your first or last warning]
in terms of hookups?
atsumu doesn’t care too much for sexual relationships, since his priority lies in volleyball and actually graduating, but he’ll have someone over every now and then
usually, it’s meant to be a time when you’re not around, because the walls are thin as fuck
but atsumu doesn’t really care in the heat of the moment
so yeah, you definitely want to neuter him when you hear incoherent moans and a headboard creaking
the morning after, you immediately chase his one night stand out of the apartment and go off on him for a second
after a few months, atsumu doesn’t get on your nerves as much
you could go as far as to call him a friend
during exam and midterm weeks, you both study together and even order takeout— which leads to the two of you passing out in your living room due to pure exhaustion
atsumu sometimes doesn’t get all of his spots because he can only do so much by himself
so after you hear his frustrated groans, you’re willing to help him dye his hair.
and from there it basically becomes a routine
you were also the one who introduced  him to TONER!!
he swears that you changed his life
he also walks around in nothing but his boxers because it’s comfortable but gets flustered and ‘mad’ when you wear nothing but an old t-shirt
forces you to come to him games to cheer loudly for him
this man- he asks you to cheer for him when he does his serve routine and when you do his head gets so big
but he denies it when his teammates tease him about you
half of his clothes have made its way into your closet! but honestly, he does not mind
his cute roommate is wearing his sweats and a hoodie with his name at the back of it, why would he be mad?
you’ve hooked up with him at least twice.
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bbarican · 3 years
life updates: november 09, 2021
my seniors recently complimented me again saying na im a really efficient junior designer and that my main senior is so lucky to have me work with her in all of her projects
yung makati project namin nakakatawa nalang kasi ang daming extra na gustong pagawa nung client namin so syempre madedelay yung turnover pero sila din tong atat mag move it; pls make it make sense po
yung alabang project naman namin, hindi mafinalize ng boss namin yung mga details kasi magboboracay daw muna siya; basta ako ill finalize everything on my end para wala siyang masabi
also! im super duper excited for this one: my ninang asked for my help in designing her condo unit so thats basically going to be my first ever freelance project! wish me luck! im about to prep for our meeting tomorrow too before i go to bed
praying to god na wala kaming ganap masyado sa work para keri kong pumunta ng ust after lunch
last for work: i have officially decided to take the board exam next year meaning i have to email my bosses already regarding my plans on filing for leave from march to july; fingers crossed they allow it!
im so glad my dad is feeling much better; yes, i always am annoyed at him but i really do love him and care about him so much
i am: confused cause my younger brother didnt enjoy bungalow's homer donut as much as i did; IT WAS THE BEST DONUT EVER
my lola is staying over for the night and having her here at home always makes me feel safer than usual
i miss my mom and brother; i cant wait for my mom to come home
syempre di na ko magkukunwari, excited na din ako sa mga pasalubong ng nanay ko yahu
im so fucking excited to see my bestfriends; we're going back to the beach for tiger's birthday and im just so excited to spend a weekend with them especially since its been so long since we all last hung out
i miss my tumblr bestfriends a lot; sometimes i wish it was 2020 again when all we were doing was staying up late on zoom and literally just playing games and watching movies and talking about everything under the sun and planning random meet ups and actually ending up meeting up with almost everybody
im really excited to review with my bestfriends too and go cafe hopping once review season starts! also syempre matik na din yan, lagi sila matutulog dito sa bahay
personal life:
my puson is hurting a bit and im kind of getting worried na its either 1.) pcos related since i do have pcos or 2.) its something to do with the fact na ang lakas ko nanaman sa juice, soda, and coffee
i have to drink water ONLY i swear to god i do not want to get sick at all, especially in this pandemic
got my first ever 13th month pay today! i really really really need to save kasi i dont want to go into review season with an empty bank account
which means, no coffee or pastry runs whenever im out of the house; i seriously need to discipline myself para din i dont keep gaining more and more weight
i am itching to fix and reorganize and clean my room; cannot wait for the weekend kasi ito talaga gagawin ko
eamon and bec, you have stolen my heart; plus your accents are the cutest thing ever
watching their videos just made me really really want to visit morocco soon cause ive been wanting to go their for so long already
syempre wala
if youve made it this far into my post, thank you so much. i just felt extra chatty this evening and i feel like i had to type everything down cause if i dont, i wont remember them with how busy i am. i hope you guys are doing okay and please know that if you ever feel like just typing everything as well, go for it. just go for it! who cares what other people say? either way, again, i hope you guys have a really lovely tuesday evening and i hope the rest of the week treats us well!
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awxward · 3 years
A3! Boys + My Stuffed Animals
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Spring Troupe:
Gabriel is a small elephant with big ears that constantly make him fall over. He has a pink bowtie that says 'I Love You'
Makes Saku feel safe and Gabriel is a reminder to himself that he's loved and appreciated by everyone at Mankai.
Named after a friend from theatre class :)
George Washington
George Washington is a tiger. He is small, but his arms are like those slap bracelets so you can wear him on your wrist (or let him hang on the side of shelf like I do).
So I got Georgy-Boy for easter 2020. i asked my friends for name ideas. They sent me stuff like 'Stripes'. I went offline for a few minutes and when I came back online I told my friends his name was George Washington.
Me: tiger has a name now
Friend: which name did you choose?
Me: his name is George Washington.
Friend: what the fuck. how'd you get George Washington?
Pretty sure he got the name bc I was listening to the Hamilton soundtrack.
Daniel is mostly pink but has other pastel colors that look like watercolors. He's a unicorn. And a ketchain. And he's one of those dream lites, so he lights up. (He's supposed too anyway, but he's never lit up since i got him like 7 years ago at a yard sale).
Named after Daniel Howell (formerly danisnotonfire) [YouTube]
Lucifer is a small panda pillow pet. Very easy to travel with bc he fits in most backpacks.
My mom told me she wanted me to have a stuffed animal with a biblical name, i picked him up, looked her in the eye and said "His name is Lucifer." My mom tried to protest. "You said a biblical name, Mom. Lucifer is in the bible."
Pao is a panda. They are also a phone holder thingy. Like it'll hold your phone if you're watching movies or whatever.
Like 5-ish years old. Got them from a friend. They have a tag with their name on it, but I read it once and then just called them "the panda" for some reason instead of their actual name and now the tag is too faded to read the name, but i am 38% sure it says Pao or something close to that.
Tsuki is a dinosaur. Tsuki is a sparkly dino. He's green rn, but if you brush your hand over him, the sparkles turn over and he becomes orange. I like green tho bc his tummy and the bottom of his feet are orange and so are his eyes.
Named after Tsukishima Kei (Haikyuu)
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Summer Troupe:
Hinata is a narwhal. A bright orange narwhal. Infact he is the same color as Tenma's hair.
Named after Hinata Shoyo (Haikyuu) [bc its the same color as his hair. there is a theme with this narwhal and the anime boys i associate with them]
Steve is a regular teddy bear, except he has a shirt that has pikachu on it. (the shirt was originally Tsuki's bc i got tsuki at a friends build a bear bday party, but it fits Steve better)
I just think Yuki would try new designs/color schemes/styles by making clothes for Steve to see how they look.
I got Steve from a claw machine (my bf at time won him for me just before we watched Endgame together.)
Named after Steve Rogers (Marvel)
Muku most definitely loves the Winnie the Pooh movies and I will fite for this hc. He gets my Eeyore. You know how Eeyore's tail is always going missing or falling off??? Eeyore's tail comes off (velcro) but its attached to his actual body with a string so it cant be misplaced.
Eeyore has a patch that says "official disney store" but i got him for $3 at a thrift store.
Sherlock is a polar bear. Sherlock is very huggable. He makes Misumi feel safe. He has a hat and scarf (that don't come off. they are sewn on him)
the hat has a pom pom on top and the scarf has a pom pom on each end. the hat and scarf and the bottom of his feet have a blue/white plaid pattern.
Victor is a puppy and the first big stuffed animal of mine on the list! He's all tan and abt maybe 3-4 ft long. Victor lays pretty flat so he's comfy to lay/sit on. I think Kazu would like sitting or laying on him when drawing. Probably has him on his bed so he's like a giant pillow.
Victor is from Toys R Us. I got him last August-ish from my Aunt and Uncle who found him at a thrift store and thought I'd like him.
Named after Victor Nikiforov (Yuri On Ice)
PJ is a small white tiger. He is also a ball. He can fit in one hand. When Kumon is thinking or stressed or bored (etc) he just lays on his back and tosses PJ up into the air.
When Kumon is laying on the floor tossing PJ, Misumi sits on the bed closest to where PJ is and tries to grab him (but only if Kumon is in a good mood and okay with it) It's a fun little game they made up they like to play.
Pretty sure he was named after KickthePJ (YouTube)
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liber pls give us a pic with all of autumn i am begging
Autumn Troupe:
Sammy is another one of my large stuffed animals. He is also a puppy, but unlike Victor he is sitting instead of laying. He's abt 2-3 ft tall. His fur is the same color as Banri's hair. Great to squeeze at anytime, but very therapeutic when you're in a bad mood. Has a heart on his ear.
i got him abt 7 years ago. I had just finished spn season 2 and was upset abt the finale and had no way to start season 3.
Named after Sam Winchester
Tiggs is a beanie baby tiger. Tiggs is a little larger than PJ (and not a ball). He's a regular orange tiger instead of a white tiger like PJ. He'd buy Kumon PJ so they could have matching stuffed animals. Small and very comforting to just hold/hug.
Benedict (Ben)
Benedict, also known as Ben, is a small koala. Just a little bigger than Tiggs. He has a heart on one of his feet (i think the right one). very soft. very fluffy.
Named after Benedict Cumberbatch (Actor)
Dean is my largest stuffed animal. He is a dark brown teddy bear that's abt 4-ish ft tall. He can be put in a corner and used as like a bean bag chair, or he can lay down flat and be a good pillow like Victor can.
It's very fun to just wrap around him and squeeze as tight as you can. Especially in when your in a bad mood. Very comforting to cry into.
I got him a couple years ago at a thrift store.
Named after Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Lev is a lion abt the size of a regular teddy bear (maybe slightly larger). I got him a thrift store so he's slightly worn out from age. He's mostly a pastel dark yellow-ish tan and his mane is dark brown. very huggable.
He's the stuffed animal I sleep with. Smells nice all the time, like the fabric softener.
Named after Lev Haiba (Haikyuu)
Emotional Support Iron Man
So Iron Man is small and he sparkles. He will hurt you/someone if thrown hard enough. Sakoda likes heroes bc they remind him of Sakyo they look cool. I'd hc that he got Iron Man from Sakyo when he was younger and its one of his most valued possessions and goes everywhere with him (or stays with Azamo or Sakyo at the dorm. Maybe Izumi or a couple others are on the list of who can watch over Iron Man.) Very protective of it.
Got the emotional support part of his name from a friend.
She saw Eddie Redmayne on a movie cover (think it was The Danish Girl) and started freaking out bc she loved him. I handed her the Iron Man and the next day she thanked me and said he was an Emotional Support Iron Man and the name stayed.
[Emotional Support] Spooder-Mon
Sakoda knew Azami as a kid. He most definitely got him the Spider-Man so they could have matching plushies.
Spider-Man is square and has little blob hands doing the web thingy. The tag said travel pillow, but he probably just chills by Azami's bed. When needed, Iron Man will be placed next to him if Sakoda can't take Iron Man with him.
I brought him to school one day and we had a bio test and all the people sitting around me passed him around and gave him a pat for good luck. We all got good grades and then he was dubbed as Emotional Support Spooder-Mon, but the Emotional Support title isnt part of his name (unlike the Iron Man).
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i wanted guy in the pic, but i also wanted tsumu and hiso in the pic so you get 2 pics for winter
Winter Troupe:
Phil is a zebra. He is a pillow pet zebra. Like Lucifer, Phil is also easy travel size. The bottom half of Phil is pink, so I refer to him as my pink zebra.
I just think it'd be cute to have Tsumugi with a pillow pet ok. I also thought he'd probably have has Phil for many years (since he was a kid) and Tasuku most definitely brings up things from when they were kids and shit.
Tasuku: you chose the pink zebra, and for what???
Tsumugi: its a very aesthetically pleasing pastel pink.
Tsumugi: dont talk bad abt Phil.
the rest of mankai: ????????
I got phil before I got Lucifer many years ago. He was old when i got him and he is very old now. I love him so much.
Named after Phil Lester (AmazingPhil) [YouTube]
Cap is a husky. He was won from a claw machine with Steve.
There's just something abt the grey and white that gave me Tasuku vibes. Also, Cap's eyes are abt the same shade of blue as Tsumugi's and Tasuku knows this bc they are in love. Very squishy when hugged and with the way he sits, you could make it look like he's guarding something.
Named after Captain America (Marvel)
Ushijima (Ushi)
Ushijima, also called Ushi, is the last of my giant stuffed animals. He is abt 2-3 ft tall (like Sammy) and has a tail abt the same length.
Ushi is a raccoon thats mostly hot pink. Ushi's eyes are also pink and just abt the same shade as Homare's hair, although Ushi's fur is brighter by a few shades.
Ushi hurts when thrown/swung hard enough. Very fun to hug bc he's filled with beans (like beanie babies) so unlike all my other giant animals, he doesn't have to be fixed/adjusted after everytime you squeeze him. The tail has cotton tho and makes a good pillow.
Homare would definitely just see a 3 ft tall hot pink raccoon and claim it with no explanation.
Named after Ushijima Wakatoshi (Haikyuu)
Vladmir Dracula the 3rd (Vlad, Drac)
Vladmir Dracula the 3rd, who has many other names but usually goes by Vlad or Drac, is a vampire (surprise).
Vlad is a squishmallow thingy, and their tags say something abt them being able to be used as pillows, and thats why Hisoka gets Vlad.
Vlad is triangular in shape, with triangle ears, and triangle fangs, so I thought abt Misumi, but i figured Hisoka bc it's a pillow.
He's like the perfect travel size and he has a cape and a bowtie.
Named after Vlad the Impaler, the real life inspiration behind Dracula (my brother thought he was named after Vladmir Putin and I wanted to punch him for that but I was too busy laughing.)
Also named after Dracula, who was a vampire.
Idk where 'the 3rd' came from, but it's part of his name for forever.
Sebastian is a dinosaur thats blue with a white tummy.
He's also a squishmallow, but he's bigger than Vlad by abt 2× as wide, so he'd be harder to carry around, which is why Hisoka got Vlad instead. Being a squishmallow means he looks more blob than dinosaur and i love it.
His tag said his name was Dominic or something, but I named him Sebastian before I actually checked the tag, so he's Sebastian.
Named after Sebastian (Black Butler) and Sebastian Stan (Actor)
Moriarty is my other polar bear. I got him with Sherlock and named him Moriarty bc Moriarty is Sherlock's nemesis.
He's just a plain white bear thats very huggable and adorable. I usually have a bowtie on him bc it makes him look fancy.
Guy would like him bc he's plain white and very fluffy.
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catfe-overlord · 4 years
Whumptober 2020
Day 1: “Let’s Hang Out Sometime”
Waking Up Restrained | Shackled | Hanging
::Kirishima knows something is wrong when Bakugou doesn’t show up for their date. With help from the Bakusquad, he sets out to find his missing boyfriend, only to find that he’s been a little tied up (I’m sorry for the bad joke pls forgive me)::
“I’m freaking out, guys,” Kirishima admitted for the umpteenth time.
“Dude, Bakugou will be fine,” Kaminari tried to reassure once again. “This is Bakugou we’re talking about. He’s tough as hell!”
Ashido threw an arm over the redhead’s shoulders. “Blasty can take care of himself. I’m sure he’s just running late! He would never forget your six-month anniversary.”
Kirishima groaned. “But he’s an hour and a half late. Bakugou is the most punctual guy in existence. He would have at least called me if something came up.”
“I’m on Kirishima’s side, guys,” Sero said from the back of the group. “This isn’t like Bakugou. And the location we tracked him to? Feels real sketchy if you ask me.”
Kirishima closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Panicking wasn’t going to help anything. He hadn’t been able to shake the bad feeling gnawing at his stomach all day. Ever since Bakugou stopped replying to his texts.
An hour into pacing around the common room waiting for the explosive blond to show up, the remaining Bakusquad took it into their hands to locate the missing boyfriend. With help from Yaomomo, they were able to find him with a cell tracker she created for them. According to the device, he wasn’t far from the shopping district, right around the area where the boys were going to go out for dinner.
They figured maybe he was just scouting out the location, but Kirishima wasn’t buying it. He marched out the door to find Bakugou himself, and the rest of the squad followed after him.
“This is it,” Ashido said, squinting at the device in her hands. “He should be somewhere in this building.”
Kirishima stared up at the structure—a tailor’s shop. It stood only two floors tall, windows webbed with cracks and paint peeling and chipped all over. The sign was too worn to make out, and it hung lopsidedly from its post. This place was obviously abandoned, which didn’t match the rest of the updated shops along the street.
“You’re sure he’s here, Mina?” Sero questioned her with a raised eyebrow. “Doesn’t seem like the kind of place Bakugou would hang out.”
“Look at the tracker! His blip lands right here,” she shot back.
“I’m going in,” Kirishima said, climbing the front steps. “Whoever wants to come can come, but somebody needs to keep watch.”
Kaminari and Ashido both looked to Sero with puppy dog eyes, who rolled his eyes with a growl. “Ugh, fine. But you guys owe me for this. I always miss all the action.”
The two ran after Kirishima in a heartbeat, shouting a quick thanks behind them. Kirishima tried at the door but found it was locked. He peered inside the window, catching sight of movement.
“There’s someone in there,” he said, straightening. He hadn’t expected this place to be occupied. It looked like it should have been condemned as a hazard. He rapped loudly on the door three times.
A pregnant moment later, the door creaked open slowly, and Kirishima bumped into Ashido as he took a step back from the sight before him. A hunched old woman with long black hair that nearly touched the ground looked up at him with four beady black eyes. She wore a cloak that hid most of her body, which it appeared there was a lot of, but Kirishima wasn’t judging her by size. That would be unmanly.
She smiled at him with lips spread tight. “Hello, children.”
Kirishima had to compose himself. “Good evening!” he said a little too cheerfully. “We’re looking for our friend, and we think he might be here. His name is Bakugou.”
“Bakugou…” the woman echoed, seemingly thinking. “I haven’t had a visitor here in years. I don’t believe I’ve ever hosted a Bakugou. I’m sorry, children. You’ll have to look elsewhere.”
Kirishima deflated as the woman began to close the door, but the familiar sound of Bakugou’s ringtone caught his attention, and it might as well have been alarm bells. It sounded from somewhere inside, past the elderly woman. Kirishima hardened his foot and shoved it between the door and threshold, keeping the woman from closing him out.
“That’s his phone,” Kirishima said as the woman swung the door open once more. “Why do you have his phone?”
Her soft expression sank into a sharp glare. Faster than she should have been capable of, she disappeared into the dark building, leaving the door open for the heroes in training to follow.
Kirishima didn’t wait for his friends—he charged in like a freight train.
The old shop was musty and cold, causing Kirishima to shiver once he was inside. He stood still for a moment, just listening. The woman couldn’t have gone too far. She was keeping Bakugou somewhere in here, so where would he be?
There was a chilly breeze coming from his right. He spun quickly to find a basement door hanging ajar off its hinges. Bingo.
He barreled down the stairs, and the first thing that hit him was the pungent odor of rotten food. He continued down to find a dank basement with the only light source being a few bulbs hanging from the ceiling. There was an empty cot with springs sticking out on his right and dirty dishes and old food scattered around the floor to his left. All around him, layers of spiderwebs covered the walls, the ceiling, the floor.
And on the other side of the room was Bakugou Katsuki, unconscious and tied upside down in a web.
“Bakugou!” Kirishima cried, horrified by the sight of his boyfriend. He was pale as a ghost, his lips were purple, and blood trickled from two perfect puncture holes on his neck. He looked dead.
Please don’t let him be dead.
Kirishima bolted forward, but he found himself stuck after the first step. His feet couldn’t move through the dense jungle of webbing, even with his hardening helping to cut through.
“Kirishima, duck!”
He did as he was told. A wall of acid shot over his head and melted through the webs, opening up a path for him to reach Bakugou.
He started forward again, but the woman appeared between him and the unconscious blond through a hole in the ceiling. Her cloak was gone, revealing her massive spider-like body. She had six legs that perfectly maneuvered through the maze of webs. She raised her clawed hands and hissed at Kirishima, refusing to let him through without a fight.
He hardened his whole body into his Unbreakable form. He wasn’t going to let this monster come between him and Bakugou.
She leapt at him with supernatural speed. Before he could react, she had her arms wrapped around him and widened her mouth to chomp down on his neck, but things didn’t go as planned.
She screamed as her teeth broke against his rock-hard skin. She stumbled away from him, and Ashido took this as her chance to finish the fight. She flung acid at the woman, who only continued to scream as her skin steamed. Sero appeared at the bottom of the stairs too, taking in the scene before him. He leapt into action immediately, shooting tape around the woman’s many legs before she could scuttle off to safety. He used his tape to pin her to the wall, winning this battle almost as quick as it started.
Kirishima could hear Kaminari’s voice upstairs. He was having a one-sided conversation by the sound of it. Probably called for help. Good.
Kirishima made his way over to Bakugou, who hadn’t moved so much as a muscle even with all the noise going on around him. Kirishima cut through the webbing encasing his body, ripping him out of it to cradle the blond in his arms. His skin was cold as ice, and his eyes rolled back in his head. He was as lifeless as a rag doll in Kirishima’s arms.
He rushed upstairs past Kaminari, who spoke frantically into the phone. He needed to get somewhere safe and warm and quiet for his boyfriend. He didn’t stop until he was outside and he could set Bakugou down on the sidewalk under the warm rays of the sun.
Bakugou let out an almost silent groan, and Kirishima could breathe again knowing his boyfriend was still alive. But they weren’t out of the woods yet.
“Katsuki,” Kirishima spoke, lightly patting the blond on the cheek, trying to jar him awake. “Hey, babe, it’s Eijirou. Are you with me?”
Drool leaked from the corner of his mouth. Kirishima quickly wiped it away with his sleeve, but it was painfully clear Bakugou was totally conked out and wasn’t coming back for a while.
Kirishima wiped up some of the blood from his neck too so he could examine the wounds. Two punctures perfectly aligned to be fangs marked his neck, right where she’d attempted to bite Kirishima too. Had Bakugou been poisoned? Was the woman’s bite venomous?
Distantly, Kirishima could make out sirens. He couldn’t have been more relieved to hear the sound. They were growing louder by the second.
“Hold on for me, love. You’re gonna be fine. Everything’s gonna be alright.”
Kaminari appeared from the doorway then, a phone in either hand. “Police will be here soon. Ambulance is on the way too. How’s he doing?”
Kirishima shrugged, holding Bakugou tighter. “He’s alive. I don’t know, man. I don’t know what she did to him. I’m scared.”
He hadn’t realized he was crying until that last part had him choking up. In all honesty, he was terrified. He needed Bakugou to be okay. He didn’t know what he’d do if he wasn’t.
Kaminari sat beside Kirishima on the sidewalk, crossing his legs. “Bakubro is gonna make it. He’s the most stubborn guy I’ve ever known. This isn’t what’s going to take him out of the fight.”
Kirishima smiled as tears ran down his face. “Yeah. Yeah, you’re right.”
Four hours later, after giving their statements to the police and getting reprimanded by Aizawa for not contacting him about what was going on and diving headfirst into danger once again, Kirishima sat in an uncomfortable chair beside Bakugou’s hospital bed.
He hadn’t exactly woken up, but he would open his eyes now and then and mutter a few words that never made any sense. It was a side effect of the hallucinogen in the woman’s venom that she’d injected him with through her bite. His skin was clammy, his forehead beaded with sweat, but at least he returned to a fairly normal color. His lips were their usual soft pink again, and Kirishima would still wipe a trickle of drool from them once in a while.
It wasn’t clear how long it would take the venom to leave his system. Once Bakugou regained some strength, Recovery Girl was going to come by and heal him up. All the while, Kirishima was going to wait right here with his boyfriend.
The rest of the Bakusquad was in the cafeteria getting dinner. They offered to bring him back something, but he told them he wasn’t hungry. He wanted some time alone with Bakugou on their anniversary.
“I was thinking if you’re up for it, maybe we could go hiking next weekend,” he said, knowing the blond couldn’t hear him but going ahead anyway. “We could pack a picnic and take a whole day, just us. It’s supposed to be nice Saturday. Not too hot.”
Bakugou suddenly spasmed then and jerked upright. He turned to Kirishima with wide eyes, face green. Kirishima grabbed the garbage can beside him and held it up for Bakugou to retch into.
This had been going on for the past hour. Bakugou was dispelling the venom, but he also didn’t have any contents left in his stomach to vomit. He spat acid into the bin, then sank back into his bed.
He blinked up at Kirishima a few times before they drifted shut again. His breathing evened out, and he was asleep once more.
Kirishima sighed. “It’ll be alright,” he said, rubbing a hand up and down Bakugou’s arm. “The woman that did this to you is in jail now. She can’t do this to anyone else.”
Apparently the woman admitted to the police to kidnapping dozens of people over the last couple years. She was taking the ones that walked by her shop a little too closely and harvesting them. She’d said Bakugou smelled too sweet to pass up, smelled like caramel.
Kirishima was just grateful they’d reached Bakugou in time. He squeezed the blond’s hand, thinking to himself how lucky he truly was.
Sooooo yeah day 1 complete (but posting on day 2 lol I fell asleep while uploading this last night). It could have been better in a lot of ways, and I’m going to edit it before posting to Ao3 (if I can figure that website out one of these days). Hope you liked it! I’ll try to have day 2 actually posted on day 2 haha. And Blackout part 2 will be here soon, I meant to have it up yesterday but something happened to the file againnnnn. Soon, I pinky swear!
Read next day here
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tendoki · 4 years
pulling up with a baby with tendou bc of the quarantine and how the team would react pls 🥺 i feel like coach washijo would be happy and would try to convince yall to let the bby go to shiratorizawa 🤣
anon ive been having the worst day but this request made me lose my shit thank u so much GOOD LORD LMFAOO
I did my best to do this request JUSTICE lol. it turned into general baby havin hcs but I hope you like it regardless!! its rlly long so my bad 🥺
Shiratorizawa reacting to Tendou + his s/o leaving lockdown w a mfin BABY
OK. so he was prob at your apartment when the lockdown was announced
so since all his shit was already there, he had clothes and a toothbrush n it was just generally more convenient for him to stay at your place
he did! he messaged his mom to let her know where hed be, she Didnt Mind lol (we dont know much ab tendous family so?? aah)
now. not saying yall spent all ur time fucking. but u 100% did
and since u ran out of birth control and condoms pretty soon into quarentine......... 👀
both of u sorta just went
both of you were pretty in love anyway, and even if things didnt work out, you guys figured that youd always work together to be the best parents for the kid you could possibly be
which led to were ur at now. a measly week out of quarantine. n ur being rushed to the labour ward.
shiratorizawa closed for the rest of the academic year, which meant that as a 3rd year, you guys and a lot of the team wouldnt see eachother in uniform again
but not to worry!! to make up for the missed celebrations theyve organised a prom and a couple days where 3rd years can come in and give proper goodbyes to everyone, including the coaches!!
everyone on the team showed up, because they wanted to say bye to their senpais 🥺🥺
but. that's like 3 months from ur labour
so when u n tendou pull up to the school, with a 3month old CHILD they r. astounded.
they know its u guys' tho
literally theres not even the possibility for a JOKE that u cheated on tendou because the kid has the same fucking hair.
it's only a little tuft (u know what anime babies look like lol) but that nose n that hair? TENDOU SATORIS GENES CAME THRU
the baby has ur eyes. and compared to the rest of its tiny little face?? they're fucking HUGE
you guys let ushijima hold him (I feel like youd have a son?) and ngl ushi cries.
it's a single tear but tendou will INSIST that waka was SOBBING years afterward
everyone is so attached to the kid sorry
the baby is so attached to semi tho!!! the second semi reaches forward to hold the kid and poke at its fat lil cheeks, hes giggling and blubbering up at his uncle semi 🥺
he offers to help you guys go shopping for more baby stuff 🥺🥺 and when his mom finds out ab the kid (team sleepovers were at reons house n u were ALWAYS invited so she LOVES U sorry I make the rules)
she gives u some of reons old baby clothes!!! n ur LOSING ur mind because WDYM THIS TALL MFER WAS ONCE LIKE A FOOT TALL AND WEARING A BLUE BEAR ONESIE???
she doesnt judge u for being a young mother!! I imagine she was too?? Reon is real respectful n I'll be damned if she isnt just as sweet
the coaches are already on your ass about toddler volleyball. they call up a couple friends and have already organized a group for teaching young Young YOUNG kids how to play despite ur son being. 3 months old.
the whole team is Maybe in love with your son
sorry. it's our son now. shiratorizawa owns ur kid :/
when shirabu is holding your boy. the whole team watches as semi get jealous????? over a kid that's NOT his???
hes petty and tells him that hes holding him wrong (hes not)
washijo is obsessed with ur baby. hes so proud of tendou. insisting that ur son being 'the size of a FAT volleyball' is a great sign for his skills in the court
the whole team. is offering money. they know u 2 are JUST out of highschool and with quarentine, are probably pretty low on cash??
BUT !! I 100% hc that tendou draws!! nd hes been doing a shit load of commissions for like. years LOL
n hes always saved that money!! he only spent it on shounen jump, which dont make too much of a dent in the money pile lol
besides he took emergency comms the second you guys found out ab the pregnancy
if you draw/write/do any work from home that's gets you money, then you do that too!!
he forces u to do less work than him tho because hes WORRIED AB U N THE BABY 🥺
but you guys appreciate the offers from your friends!!! Reon and Ushi's mom both volunteer to baby sit when you guys want a date night, thus ur child creating one hell of a friendship between the ex-captain and his vice's mothers 🥺
I'm not gonna go thru ALL the team members reactions
but they're all really happy!! ofc they scold tendou for not using protection and are MAJORLY GROSSED OUT KNOWING THAT THE TWO OF U HAVE INDEED HAD SEX
even tho the fact that satori is a Horny boy should be universal knowledge by now
the team is there for you guys while the baby grows up!! the second the kid can walk ushi is kneeling down and teaching him to spike
tendou is just as bad and insists that his son is a prodigy and should be a pro volleyball player already
ur son is a mamas boy n it breaks tendous heart ngl
u make up for it by having a daughter a year or two down the line 😳 n shes OBSESSED with her dad it's cute but also BABY ur 4 please stop sleeping in mommy n daddies bed 🥺🥺🥺
also ur sons first words
oh boy
u can tell that the whole fuckin team has been teaching ur son volleyball stuff
u came home n ur son is sat in the living room SURROUNDED by ur (other) boys
ur (main) boy starts blubbing and bouncing at the sight of his mama 🥺 (or dada/other parent if ur an afab trans person!!!)
you tell off the team for tryna get ur baby into vball when hes barely 6months at this point
but before the boys all leave 🥺🥺 ur son grabs his favourite uncle semi and just goes
'sehtah!!!' (setter)
ngl tendou n u r kinda pissed that ur babies first words werent mama or dada. but then u see how happy semi is n u both just 🥺
semi is soft for your son and as the kid grows up hes still attached to him
he cant get away with being a brat though, boys got a whole mfing TEAM of dads/uncles PLUS grampy Washijo are ready to scold this boy
your son (and future daughter) are both SO loved though
theyve always got SOMEONE they know they can depend on
the team loves tendou and they love u, so OFC they ADORE any kids u guys have EVER.
they stay in contact with both of you even if you split up later on, they care enough about you guys that the y/n tendou powercouple is something every new generation of shiratorizawa volleyboys are taught about and introduced to
they're guaranteed a spot!! they dont even have to work for it lmfaooo
mostly because coach threatens to leave the school and work with karasuno if they dont confirm them a place
it's an empty threat but it WORKS
the worldwide lockdown of 2020 is something you and tendou remember fondly forever 🥺
even if it was in bad circumstances the two of you made something so positive
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The reason your favorite character is flawed and how it changed how I saw my life
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Jun 18, 2020
Context: I’m a huge fan of the anime “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure”. (Reading Part 6 pls don’t spoil kthx bai). Don’t worry. You don’t even have to know about anime to get my message. It’s just the example closest to me.
The revelation behind each flaw
Rohan Kishibe is a character that is incredibly talented as a manga artist. He is so obsessed in his craft that he goes to terrifying and ethically questionable extents to get inspiration for his stories. Sometimes a villain, sometimes a hero. His art is everything for him. Well worth risking his or someone else’s life. He is generally a good guy, and wishes good upon the world. He just won’t go out of his way to make it happen. He is also defeated almost immediately after we meet him.
Rohan Kishibe is indeed one of my favorite characters of all times for a multitude of reasons, yet when describing him, he clearly is a flawed character. Yet this is NOT about him. While you read this blog, please think on the coolest fictional character you can think of. Do you have one in mind? Can you answer the following about your favorite character?
Has your favorite character failed?
Has he been hurt badly?
Are some things out of his control?
Do most people in his world generally understand the struggle they go through?
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You’ll see when comparing with friends that we mostly agree on these answers even when thinking on different characters. The interesting truth lies in the common factor behind these answers, and learning a bit from the power of good storytelling.
One of the most precious things that I have gained from playing videogames, watching anime and playing Dungeons & Dragons all my life, is the first-hand knowledge of the power of a good story. Although it is in the HOW you make a good story, where I found this revelation that helped me so much.
What I am trying to say might be simple and even obvious when read, but not truly understood. If you bear with me a bit longer, I will attempt not to say, but to explain. I’ll show you the building blocks of how I learned so you truly understand as I did.
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Dungeon and Dragons’ Character Backgrounds
The first time I made a new character in Dungeons and Dragons (Drow Elf Bard btw) I was blown away when I found out that whereas you get to pick from options that greatly impact your likelihood of winning, you also had to pick background and personality options that held no significant impact on your success.
You could choose to be a triumphant noble, a devote acolyte, a successful guild merchant or even a lying charlatan. Hell, if you wanted to you could even pick an orphan who had lost it all in the edgiest way known to man!
The book was also quite good at giving you specific quirks that brought that character to life. All of this happened because D&D is focused on group storytelling. Everyone wants your character to be interesting so their adventure gets 10x cooler when their complex characters interact with yours in intriguing and unexpected ways.
For example:
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The secret beauty behind flaws
I was just a tad... confused. I had to chose a flaw? Why would I want to do this? All of these options look just like ugly parts of your character’s personality and could easily affect them negatively within the story.
Was this a balancing feature? A rule simply put there to make you less awesome, so no one is too overpowered? I just could NOT wrap my head around it. I couldn’t understand how this could make things fun. They were ruining my character.
It was until I started maturing as an individual and learned more about game design and storytelling that I started to appreciate how genius that was. No one cares for the story of perfect, bland, basic individuals who always succeed and have never made mistakes before. Because that is not real, it doesn’t work for an interesting story if there’s no sadness. If there’s no pain, you can just simply look away.
It was to be expected of the game designers of the best roleplaying game in the world to know that having flaws, failures, challenges, weaknesses, mistakes, all of them are ESSENTIAL for a great story to be told!
Was there a moment in your favorite character’s story where his failures and his pain made you love them on a whole new level? Aren’t those failures what drives your characters to become who they are? Would it be a better story if they had always succeeded?
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So who is this Rohan Kishibe and, as an artist, what is his take on good storytelling?
Rohan’s Philosophy
Not only is Rohan a good example of a flawed character, but he also has a very interesting philosophy. He is a famous and wealthy manga artist. You’ve got to understand that, to Rohan, his craft is EVERYTHING. It is the thing he does best and what defines him.
Let me just show you one quote of his, so you understand his artistic philosophy:
“Reality is the energy that breathes life into a piece of work, and reality itself is entertainment. People often think that manga are drawn from imagination and fantasy, but that’s not actually true! For me, drawing something that i’ve experienced, or something that has moved me, is what makes it interesting!”
His pursuit for inspiration is so great, that he constantly goes to insane lengths to gain inspiration. This unrelenting desire is why he was originally a villain. Yet even when the protagonist defeated him, all Rohan could think of was of how this set of unfortunate and unlucky events was within itself a hell of a REAL story to use as inspiration. He saw value even in his misfortune as long as it was honest, untapped, unadulterated and pure reality.  That’s his trade secret as a famous and successful storyteller.
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Understanding reality, storytelling and our identity
Warning: We’re about to get metaphysical. You might wanna take that bong hit right now. You’ve been warned.
Talking about reality is like opening Pandora’s box. It is such a massively complex topic that before we can even get to the nitty-gritty of it, let’s just agree on the following for the sake of this conversation:
Depending on how skeptic you are, reality could be mostly subjective or arbitrarily objective. So just follow my lead on this one and match your understanding with mine at least while you read this blog.
Fate is merely the belief that there is a predestined way things will happen no matter what. Since its only requirement is also its only consequence, (which is also impossible to prove) then even thinking on fate is pointless or even harmful to an individual as it removes agency from himself and turns him into a bystander in his own life.
Facts are limited to the provable physical world. If you can’t prove it, you don’t KNOW it is real, but you could still believe it to be real.
Our understanding of ourselves, comes partly from how others perceive us and their own subjective view of reality.
As mere humans we don’t completely control reality, but we control how it affects us.
Your own experiences and passions have a gargantuan influence on your interpretation of reality.
Storytelling could be simplified as “the way in which reality is described”.
Changing how you tell a story doesn’t change the facts.
That last one sounds a bit anticlimactic doesn’t it? Specially since we’ve talked so much about storytelling just to find out it can’t change reality. You might even wonder if its uses are only limited to art?
Fret not! This is where it all starts coming together.
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My story
Before you disregard storytelling as just an art form, or an overglorified logbook, let’s think outside of the box and take a few leaps with me. Let me show you when was it that it clicked for me:
“Just when the COVID-19 lockdown was about to begin, I was at one of my lowest. I’ve always been someone very adamant on living life as he sees best. Even when friends or family wouldn’t understand my decision, I would still pursue my own path. I was proud of this and felt it made me immune to what other people thought. Yet, years of failed relationships were starting to make me doubt myself.
After an emotional breakdown at Denny’s after being stood-up (Great story for another day) I started worrying that the problem might be me. I’ve always been open to feedback as long as it makes sense to me in a logical way, but I had built so much thought behind who I was, that I didn’t even consider that maybe, I was more flawed than what I had originally assessed.
Maybe if all these bad things kept happening to me, there was a constant behind it all. Judging by the fact that these happened throughout the span of years and with different people, it was only reasonable to assume I was the only constant. Maybe my relationships, both in love and in friendship, were failing not because of individual and complex reasons, but because I was involved in all of them.
Maybe I just won’t build close friends or a family, but I guess I can still find a way to enjoy life. It’s just a lonely life, a very lonely life, but it’s best to face reality head on. That’s what I have always taught myself, right? It would be foolish not to do so when the answer is an inconvenient one. It’s still reality. Better get used to it I guess.”
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Wow, that went to a very dark place didn’t it? It’s crazy looking at it in retrospective, but while it happened, it really felt like that was just the facts. I sucked at friends and love. That was just the cold hard reality to me. I mused:
“It’s like if I was a D&D character with low charisma doomed to suck at social encounters... “
and then a sudden realization froze me to the core...
Even if by mere accident, I ended up thinking of myself as a D&D character. Remember all that talk about flawed characters? Well, what if I would see myself as a flawed character? We already agreed that the best characters fail, struggle, suffer, cry, rage, and they make mistakes!
It’s like I had opened a whole new dimension that brought new light into who I was. Those weren’t horrible memories of things that broke me down and I wish no one would ever find out anymore. Those were just wild chapters on the bizarre adventure that is my life. These are badges of honor of what my very own story is!
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Storytellers are already influencing your reality
I won’t stand here and tell you that everything bad happens for a good reason. Please be careful not to take the wrong message out of this. That wasn’t what I realized at that moment. I finally was able to see that there were two storytellers that had been affecting me all my life, and I hadn’t really seen their influence before!
Let me unmask these two powerful beings that through their storytelling, had changed my reality.
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Powerful Storyteller #1 - Those close to you
Did you notice how the story that I was listening from my friends and love interests was sounding aggressively negative towards my self-value? I thought I didn’t care but I was indeed interpreting my life through their stories.
Since we already understand that we each have our own interpretation of life, good and wrong, then it’s not that hard for us to understand that we will never fully agree on what’s cool. Some of us love things that most people don’t even understand. So when they talk to you, they are inadvertently telling you a story about how you’re weird, instead of fascinating.
If only you could have friends or people who DID understand you, then maybe the stories about you would be seen in a much more positive light. It’s not your friends fault for not understanding, you were just asking something unreasonable from them.
Get yourself surrounded by those who are weird like you. You’ll notice that for the right crowd, you’re just the coolest person just for being who you are. That feeling is just invigorating in every sense.
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Powerful Storyteller #2 - Yourself
Back in my story, you can see how I took a lot of my own “interpretations” as “facts” or even “reality” when I told myself my own story. You could have just as well told my same story but in a different way with a much more positive light:
“My relationships did fail, but that doesn’t necessarily reflect on my self-worth. I can continuously fail but love the fact that I’m the type of character that is still hopeful and positive even after repeatedly failing and suffering pain each time.”
It’s important you understand what makes you cool as a character. Because it is your job to tell yourself the story of who you are, what you’ve done, and who you will be. You have already been doing so for as long as you can remember, so you don’t even notice it anymore. You are STILL, to this day, re-telling yourself your story and changing how you feel about some parts of it.
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What can we do about it?
So if you already are in charge of such a crucial and delicate task, why don’t you apply what we’ve learned so far? Can’t you see how you as the audience (from your own storytelling) would feel when seeing your main character in emotional pain? Don’t you feel empathy and love towards it because of all it has struggled?
You have the power to choose whether or not you will tell your story as the sad log of things you suck at, or as the crazy adventures of someone who’s just trying to do their best. Someone who is AWESOME because you do understand why he gets so excited when talking about that thing, and why he is so disappointed that that other thing didn’t work out again.
Those dark painful memories are beautiful crystallizations of true art! You already have what Rohan Kishibe is willing to kill to get. You already have an amazing REAL story, you now just have to use your storytelling skills to make yourself some justice, and talk about yourself like the amazing character you are when you tell that story to yourself next time you go to sleep.
At least when it comes to my story, well, the only reason why I would ever even think of writing a blog this long, is because I’ve changed the way I tell my story. I firmly believe that most people will never even have the opportunity to read this, but I have also seen value in these thoughts even if there’s no one besides myself who will listen to my story. If anything, at least I hope my story helps you love your character a bit more, just how I have learned to truly appreciate mine.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening to my story. I would always love to hear yours.
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