#please someone give this man a good forge
notmacario · 9 months
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Quick Dammon sketch ♡
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Is Jiaoqiu a Self-Annihilator?: an analysis into the Self-Annihilator condition (with Acheron and Jiaoqiu as case studies)
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Soooouuuu pink fox man huh so pretty right? Sure nothing sad going on in the background..... *sobs*
This be the kind of brainrot you get as a Acheron main and Jiaoqiu haver 😮‍💨 :,)
Ok ok, enough fooling around let's get to business *rolls sleeves*. I'm gonna be using S-A for short to refer to Self-Annihilators through all this cause it's a mouthful to write.
TRIGGER WARNING: this post tackles depression and speaks of the nihilistic feelings it brings. It's not too major but if talking about stuff like this can be triggering, please advance with caution.🙏
What does it mean to be a Self-Annihilator? And the similarities between Acheron and Jiaoqiu's stories
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Tldr: basically to have severe depression but much worse! :D (yaaaaay! :D)
From the ever so gracious Data Bank, S-A are described as people who have unintentionally but ireversibile stepped into the shadow of IX
To better understand these flowery words by giving Acheron as an example:
When it comes to Acheron, she stepped into THEIR shadow when it all lost meaning to her. She fought against the kami with other blades only for everyone to die. She managed to finally slay the kami but at what price? Why could that sword only be forged from this situation? Why did all have to be swallowed by naught for this blade to be made? What was the point of all this fighting and struggle if it all ultimately ended this way? If the ending never existed? If they all walked into IX shadow a long time ago?
Two worlds how pointlessly fought against one another, only for the ending to be even more pointless.
Because of all this trauma, like all soldiers coming back from a pointless war that had to witness all their fellow soldiers die, Acheron developed severe depression aka unintentionally stepped into IX shadow.
Depression isn't something you actively choose or agree with, it (annoyingly) chooses you and clings to you all the time and whispers in your year even when you don't agree with it anymore or actively try to fight against it.
You develop it from trauma (also H2O is water) and even when you are out of the environment that traumatized you, even when life is going great for you, when you have a limitless future ahead of you, it still exists and clouds ur judgement about those said things. It is something that you are stuck with. It's illogical nihilism and is sadly very hard to shake off...
But you CAN do it. Acheron and the other Self-Annihilators are proof.
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There are two types of S-A: the ones who give up and succumb to it and the ones who fight back. Much like in real life (sadly)
Acheron is someone with severe depression who, despite it being uncureable, chose to show defiance against the predicament it brings by fighting back against it and actively trying to prove it wrong. Wrong not to herself, cause she knows THEIR wrong, but to prove THEM wrong to THEMSELVES.
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How does this all connect to Jiaoqiu's story?: A Moment Among the Stars and Character Story Analysis
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Both Acheron and Jiaoqiu have trauma from war, war that asks them "what was the point of everything you've done in the end?"
For Acheron:
What was the point of fighting if the ending was predetermined?( "Even if the ending is predetermined, that's fine. There are countless things that humans cannot change. But before the end, there are many things that humans can do while on their journey.")
For Jiaoqiu?
"While the Alchemy Commission is a good place to be, it is ultimately not compatible with my wish to practice medicine for the masses. The one place that requires a healer the most is undeniably the battlefield where the Yaoqing's forces are."(-Character story I)
And mah man was NOT ready for what the battlefield will ask of him and his master knew this but sadly also knew he couldn't stop the ambitious youth so he let him go. ("The elder looked as though he wanted to talk the youth out of his decision, but he ultimately decided against it.")
"A healer's purpose is to mend wounds and save lives. You pull the dying from death grip....only to see them march back into it. Saving one person is child's play. Saving the world is as hard as reaching the heavens. Do I press forward, or run away?"
Faces with this, Jiaoqiu can't help but be consumed by nihility. Question what's the point? My purpose as a healer is to save them from death grip but despite me doing that they will have to go charging back into it again and again until I can no longer save them. Doesn't that make my actions are, ultimately, pointless? I save them from death, give them hope and then they have to go back out there again and have it ripped away by an arrow. The hope of victory, of living to see it, of making it, I give it to them by saving them from death and then they have to die anyway but live through the pain of the hope I gave then being ripped away from them along with their lives.
So why save them? Give them hope? If they are gonna ultimately die? Why just not let them die at this point? And if I do that? Then what's my purpose? My purpose is to be a healer and save them from death no matter how many times but I just CAN'T bring myself to do it anymore faced with the pointlessness of it...
( -Jiaoqiu.... probably.....for legal and anti-missinfo-spreading reasons he, in fact, did not say all that)
Saving one is easy, but saving them all from death grip? Not so. Faced with the weight of that? Does he keep going or run away? Should he keep going through the pain of the pointlessness of it all or run away from it(like a coward, because it's too much)?
"You can't help but ask yourself... How does a healer heal himself?
Faces with all this nihility, he is at loss as just HOW to heal himself, the healer, amidst all this. Jiaoqiu's at an impasse, not knowing what to do, emotions conflict with each other.
"They answer with victory- Every life saved makes for the salvation of all."
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"They" probably refers to all the soldiers, the ones that got healed and made it, the ones who didn't and the ones on the bed getting bandaged up.
Which is interesting. Interesting because despite them giving this answer, he still hasn't returned to the battlefield.
"Those I saved only ended up as another dead soul when they dived head-in back into the battlefield. I prefer to no longer engage in such futile efforts." ( -Jiaoqiu Character Story IV)
That despite being given the answer, the scars and terrors of the past will not make it easy to accept it or march forward with it. And that's ok. That is human and ok.
We don't actually know when he was given this answer, if it was after he started working on Feixiao or not. (something to further note on)
"Now you must make another choice... Will the result of this treatment be "life" or "death"? Are you ready to face the end... Jiaoqiu?"
Here he is probably talking about Feixiao. The choice he made to return, in a way, back to the battlefield, the place that traumatized him so much he accidentally walked into IX shadow. Only this time, it's for one person only.
Will he be able to heal her or will she die? And is he ready to face the conclusion of the case that is Feixiao, whatever that conclusion and the answer it gives might be?
The physical changes that come with being a Self-Annihilator and the suspicious desing choices in Jiaoqiu
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WOOOOOOO welcome to section two of this analysis that is gonna be so much more easy for me
Now, let's have a refresher of physical and other changes that come with being a S-A:
-skin turn into something like rotten wood, full of holes and scars
-endocrine system disrupted
-becoming unable to distinguish between pleasure and pain and turning numb to everything
-loss of memories
-loss of senses
-corporeal body, mental cognition, and personal memories will gradually fade away
(Ik what makes me violently rage? WHY ISN'T HAIR TURNING WHITE IN HERE!?!?!?!)
Now based on all of that and using Acheron as comparison (while being mindful that her Emnator powers might make some parts of her S-A different) let's look at Jiaoqiu and take some notes:
-both her and Jiaoqiu have two white hair streaks that are in the same place just mirrored.
-in Jiaoqiu's lightcone description he asks himself "How many springs has it been?" suggesting that he MIGHT have memory problems like Acheron.
-in his character story IV Jiaoqiu says the spicy food boarders on pain and Owlbert commented that the pain might make him feel alive so maybe dulled senses as well (?)
-both of them have their hair turning white. While Acheron's Emnator powers make her able to hide it (refer to one of her idle's when she lets her guard down and her hair starts turning white) Jiaoqiu's hair is a light pink but not THAT light and you can see how the white hair fades into his normal not yet discolored hair. This change in hair is not recorded in the Data Bank oddly enough so we don't know how much time this takes to fully happen. 🤷😮‍💨
-lack of taste. Both Acheron and him can't taste the flavor of any food that isn't heavily spicy or strong in flavor. Acheron directly tells us that through the peach and her favorite drink being Wake the Heck Up. Jiaoqiu's like for spicy foods can easily be brushed as him just being a spice fanatic until you read his character story.
In the first one he eats lotus petals and comments "Sweet and refreshing, it delights the plate" showing a liking to them. But in IV he comments "Ugh, too bland" when eating them again. Even his master comments, "I remember you preferred bland food before joining the army." to which he responds "People... tend to change.".
The change comes from his III story, after Lan hit the battlefield with THEIR arrow, killing both enemies and soldiers. A moment that traumatized him so much that after it all died down, he felt cold from the inside and put EVERY spice he had into his cauldron and only then was he able to feel the taste
"When his already numbed sense of taste finally picked up on the spice, a jolt of current ran through him. He felt alive for the first time! It was a sensation that bordered on pain."
And all of these similarities, ARE FUCKIN SUSPICIOUS!😁😁
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Tldr: I'm going insane (the end)
I hope Hoyo's headquarters burn down actually cause I'm tired of getting brainrots from these characters!!!😭
Hoyo literally allergic to leaving pink foxes alone (and melanin- HOW SAID THAT!?🫢)
Anyway who wants to join hands and pray in a circle for Jiaoqiu S-A confirmation cause at this point you don't make Acheron and this mf after and add all that to him with it being completely coincidence ESPECIALLY THE HAIR AND SPICY FOOD HOYO YOU BETTER CONFORM THIS OR ISTFG OSNDODBDODDBODDN
I'm so normal!!! 😁
Anywaaaayyy if you read this far thank you soooo *mwah* muuuuuch🙏 hearts and repost are very much appreciated as it keeps me posting here :,D If you liked this I have some other stuff posted that might pick ur interest. Ik I'm not the best at putting it all together in a neat way but I'm trying my best, I usually keep all this in my head 😅
May the sunlight brush your cheeks, flowers tickle ur skin and butterflies kiss ur nose! :)
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estapa-edwards · 6 months
i miss you, im sorry -- J.HUGHES
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paring: jack hughes x fem! reader
word count: 2.15k
requested? yes - could you do this prompt for “I never thought I could miss someone this much” for a guy of your choosing? :)
warnings: use of y/n.
Y/N had always been close friends with Luke Hughes. Their bond was unbreakable, forged through years of shared experiences, secrets, and laughter. When Luke invited Y/N to spend a summer at his family's lake house, she eagerly accepted.
As Y/N stepped out of Luke's car, she was immediately captivated by the serene beauty of the place. The air was filled with the scent of fresh pine and the sound of water gently lapping against the shore.
"Welcome to my favorite place in the world," Luke said with a smile, grabbing Y/N's bags from the trunk.
Y/N couldn't help but smile back, feeling grateful for the opportunity to spend time with her best friend and his family in such a picturesque setting. She was about to meet Luke's parents, Ellen and Jim Hughes, and she wanted to make a good impression. Luke had assured her that his parents were friendly and welcoming, but Y/N couldn't help but feel a little anxious.
Just then, the sound of footsteps approached, and the kitchen door swung open. In walked Ellen Hughes, a graceful woman with kind eyes and a warm smile. Following closely behind her was Jim Hughes, a tall man with a friendly demeanor and a strong resemblance to Luke.
"Good morning, Y/N," Ellen greeted, her voice cheerful and welcoming. "It's so nice to finally meet you. Luke has told us so much about you."
"Good morning, Mrs. Hughes, Mr. Hughes," Y/N replied, standing up to shake their hands. "It's a pleasure to meet you both. Thank you for having me."
"Please, call us Ellen and Jim," Ellen said, her smile widening. "We're thrilled to have you here with us."
Jim nodded in agreement, extending a hand to Y/N. "It's great to meet the young woman who's been such a good friend to our Luke." Y/N felt herself relaxing, reassured by their warm welcome. They all sat down at the table, and Ellen began serving breakfast.
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The sun was high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the lake as Y/N decided to take a leisurely walk along the shoreline. Dressed in a comfortable pair of shorts and a tank top, she slipped on her sandals and stepped out of the cabin, breathing in the fresh, pine-scented air.
Meanwhile, Jack had decided to spend the afternoon fishing on the opposite side of the lake. He packed his fishing gear, grabbed a hat to shield his eyes from the sun, and headed out towards his favorite fishing spot.
As Y/N strolled along the lakeside path, enjoying the peaceful surroundings and the gentle rustling of the leaves, she was lost in her thoughts. She didn't notice the figure approaching from the other direction until it was almost too late.
Jack, engrossed in untangling his fishing line, also failed to see where he was going. The next moment, they collided, both letting out a surprised gasp as they stumbled back.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Y/N exclaimed, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
"No, it's my fault. I should have been paying more attention," Jack replied, looking up and meeting Y/N's eyes. Their gazes locked, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still.
Y/N felt her heart skip a beat, captivated by Jack's warm, brown eyes and his disarming smile. She found herself smiling back, her initial embarrassment giving way to a sense of curiosity and excitement. I'm Jack," he introduced himself, extending a hand towards her.
"I'm Y/N," she replied, shaking his hand and feeling a tingling sensation run up her arm.
"Yeah, Luke's friend, right?" Jack said, his eyes lighting up with recognition.
"Yes, that's right," Y/N confirmed, her smile widening.
"I've heard a lot about you," Jack added, his tone warm and inviting.
Y/N's heart skipped a beat, and she felt a rush of excitement. "Really? That's nice to hear," she replied, her cheeks flushing slightly. 
As the summer went on, Y/N and Jack found themselves drawn to each other more and more. 
One evening, Y/N, Jack, Luke, and Quinn decided to have a movie night at the lake house. They gathered in the cozy living room, blankets and pillows strewn about, popcorn bowls at the ready, and the soft glow of the TV illuminating the room. The atmosphere was relaxed and comfortable, filled with anticipation for a fun and enjoyable evening together.
"I think we should watch a classic like 'The Godfather' or 'Casablanca'," Luke suggested, walking over to the couch. "You can't beat the classics!"
Quinn, on the other hand, had a different idea. "How about  'Superbad' or 'Step Brothers'? We could all use a good laugh," he argued, trying to sway the group with his comedic choices.
Y/N, wanting to watch something more romantic and light-hearted, chimed in, "I was thinking more along the lines of 'The Notebook' or 'Pride and Prejudice'. Something romantic and uplifting would be nice."
Jack, wanting to watch an action-packed thriller, added his own suggestion to the mix. "What about like 'Inception' or 'The Dark Knight'? 
As the debate continued, the room grew tense and the voices louder. Each person passionately defended their movie choice, and it became clear that a compromise would not be easily reached.
"Why does it always have to be your choice, Luke?" Quinn argued, rolling his eyes. "Not everyone wants to watch a black and white movie from the 1940s!"
"Well, not everyone wants to watch some mindless comedy that's only good for cheap laughs," Luke retorted, his frustration evident.
Y/N tried to mediate, suggesting a compromise. "How about we take turns picking the movie? That way, everyone gets a chance to watch something they like."
Jack, however, was not satisfied with the suggestion. "That's not fair," he protested
"Jack, it is fair," Y/N responded, her voice firm and assertive. "But since I'm the guest, I choose the movie."
With a mischievous glint in her eye, Y/N grinned and announced her decision, "We're watching 'Dirty Dancing'!"
She laughed at the collective groan of disappointment that echoed through the room
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As the opening credits of "Dirty Dancing" rolled on the screen, filling the room with the iconic music that everyone knew and loved, the tension from the earlier argument began to fade away. The group settled in, each finding a comfortable spot on the couch with blankets and pillows, ready to enjoy the movie.
As the movie progressed, Jack found himself increasingly drawn to Y/N. The familiar storyline and romantic dance scenes seemed to create a perfect backdrop for a blossoming connection. Subtly, he began to inch closer to her, shifting his position on the couch to close the distance between them.
At first, Y/N didn't think much of it, attributing Jack's movement to the shifting dynamics of the group as they got more comfortable. However, as she felt his arm brush against hers and noticed him subtly closing the gap between them, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement.
Y/N's hand rested in her lap, and she could feel Jack's fingers slightly grazing it as he moved closer. The gentle touch sent a thrill through her, and she became increasingly aware of his presence beside her. The warmth of his body, the subtle scent of his cologne, and the tantalizing sensation of his fingers brushing against her hand were all intoxicating.  
A few nights later, Y/N and Jack decided to go out for a night at a local bar near the lake house. The atmosphere was lively, with the sounds of laughter, music, and clinking glasses filling the air. The dim lighting and rustic décor created a cozy and inviting ambiance, making it the perfect spot for a relaxed evening out.
As the evening progressed, Y/N and Jack found themselves enjoying each other's company, laughing and chatting over drinks. The connection between them was undeniable, and the chemistry was palpable.
However, as the night wore on, a group of guys at the bar began to take notice of Y/N. One of them, a tall and confident-looking man, approached Y/N with a smug grin on his face.
"Hey there, beautiful," he said, leaning in a little too close for comfort. "How about a drink?"
Y/N, feeling uncomfortable but trying to remain polite, declined his offer. "No, thank you. I'm here with someone."
Ignoring her response, the man continued to press, his persistence becoming increasingly annoying. "Come on, don't be like that. You don't want to spend the night with this guy, do you?" he said, nodding towards Jack with a dismissive smirk.
Jack, who had been watching the exchange with growing irritation, felt his patience wearing thin. He didn't appreciate the man's disrespectful attitude towards Y/N, and he wasn't about to let it slide.
Stepping in between Y/N and the persistent suitor, Jack glared at the man, his voice dripping with warning. "She said she's not interested. Back off." The man, clearly not used to being challenged, scoffed at Jack. "Who do you think you are?" he retorted, puffing out his chest in a display of bravado.
Without another word, the situation escalated quickly. Jack, fueled by a mix of protective instinct and annoyance, threw a punch, and a brief scuffle ensued. The bar's security quickly intervened, breaking up the altercation and escorting the instigator and his friends out of the bar.
Breathing heavily, Jack turned to Y/N, his eyes filled with a mix of adrenaline and concern. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice tinged with regret for letting things get out of hand. I'm okay," she reassured him, placing a comforting hand on his arm. 
Upon arriving back at the lake house, Y/N led Jack to the bathroom to clean up the small cuts and bruises on his face from the fight. The dim light in the bathroom cast a soft glow, illuminating the concern in Y/N's eyes as she gently examined Jack's face.
"Let's get you cleaned up," Y/N said softly, her voice filled with care and tenderness.
Jack nodded, sitting on the edge of the bathtub as Y/N wet a washcloth with warm water and began to gently dab at the cuts and abrasions on his face. Her touch was gentle and soothing, and Jack found himself relaxing under her tender care.
Y/N's hands were gentle and careful as she cleaned the small cuts, her fingers tracing the contours of his face with a delicate touch. The intimacy of the moment was palpable, and the closeness between them was undeniable.
Jack watched Y/N as she focused on cleaning his wounds, her expression one of genuine concern and care. He was touched by her kindness and the tenderness of her touch, and he couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence and the comfort she provided.
As Y/N finished cleaning up the last of the cuts, she looked up at Jack, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of concern and affection. "There, all done," she said softly, her voice filled with warmth and reassurance. 
 "Thank you," Jack responded, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over him.
Seizing the moment, Jack leaned in closer to Y/N, his eyes searching hers for a sign of acceptance. The atmosphere in the bathroom was charged with tension and unspoken feelings, the intimacy of the moment palpable.
Y/N's heart raced as she felt Jack's closeness, her breath catching in her throat as she anticipated his next move. The connection between them was undeniable, and the magnetic pull was too strong to resist.
Closing the distance between them, Jack pressed his lips gently against Y/N's, their kiss tender and full of emotion. Time seemed to stand still as they shared a moment of intimacy and connection, the world around them fading away as they lost themselves in each other. 
"Y/N, we are ready to board the plane," a voice called out, pulling Y/N out of her daydream.
She blinked, her thoughts still lingering on the summer she had spent with Jack at the lake house. The memories were vivid and bittersweet, a reminder of the deep connection they had shared and the love that had blossomed between them. "Y/N, we are ready to board the plane," a voice called out, pulling Y/N out of her daydream.
Y/N settled into her airplane seat, staring out of the window as the world below became smaller and smaller. The memories of the summer with Jack continued to flood her mind, and a deep sense of longing and nostalgia washed over her.
"I never knew I could miss somebody this much," Y/N thought to herself, her heart aching with the realization.  She went to put her phone on airplane mode, when she saw a text from jack. “I miss you.”
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i might do a part two!!
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soap-ify · 7 months
AIM AT MY HEART | eros!john 'soap' mactavish x f!reader.
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synopsis — while everyone celebrated love, you met a god. [3.5k words]
tw / cw — mdni 18+, lonely!reader, reader is bit of a loser actually, typical misogyny and objectification of women during that time (just briefly mentioned), spoiler alert soap is eros and is bit of a freak, little breast play, reader is said to be a virgin, cunnilingus, p in v. — please let me know if i missed any tags!
notes — after some research and finding like few different names for love festivals in ancient greece, i decided to stick with calling it the festival of love. this isn't going to be historically accurate or anything, just a silly idea i came up with for valentines. unedited.
It looked like the rain was your date for this festival, the cold droplets gently kissing your skin just the way a lover would.
Every street was simply bustling with people today, all trapped in their own little bubbles forged by them. Married couples and young people in love alike. Now was the perfect time to say that love was in the air. It didn’t disgust you by any means, no. You love love — you wonder if it’s just as dreamy as it sounds. To have someone to call yours, to be touched and to be heard. A feeling that your heart pleaded for, ready to pathetically beg for it even. You don’t see much of it on the streets though, so you wonder if it’s naught but a myth.
Loneliness can mess up with anyone. You were still unwed, always met with the disappointed stares of your mother and the unnerving promises of your father stating that he’d find a groom for you. Probably some old man.
So no, you weren’t disgusted by all the couples roaming around in this festival of love. Just envious, sad — even if some of the love they displayed might just be for the show. On top of that, no one was aware of the incoming rain. Though most were now sheltered somewhere or protected by clothed umbrellas, though meant for the rich. So here you were, strolling in these soaked streets uncovered. Hey, at least the rain was willing to give you some company.
Some people looked at you with a pitiful gaze through the distance. Most men walking in groups whistled at you, staring at you with the most vile eyes. Carnivores. All you could do was just sheepishly stare ahead, doing your best to not look down at the ground while walking and looking like some kicked-out puppy. Even though you definitely did feel like one right now. Fresh food for the predators in the open.
Love. Such a familiarly foreign request. What must you do to get it, pray to the gods? Would Aphrodite listen, or Eros? Why hadn’t they blessed you yet? Taking a turn into the alley, you made the mistake of getting distracted by some plants nearby, instantly bumping into someone. “Oh, sorry, I-” Warm hands steadied your almost falling body, interrupting your apologies. You looked up to see blue eyes staring at you, the scrutiny of the stare making you feel as if he was opening you up like a book and reading everything within.
“Dinnae apologise, hen.” He let you go with a soft chuckle, an understanding smile lacing his lips. The slight amusement in his rough voice was enough to make your heart squeeze unintentionally, your throat going dry as you stared at him with wide eyes.
“Okay.” You dumbly replied and walked past him, not giving any of you a chance to make the conversation progress. How impolite. After all, what were you supposed to say to him? That you’re lonely as fuck and that his voice made you feel all funny inside? You mustn’t lust over a stranger. Probably married.
But oh, those blue eyes were now ingrained in your brain. He had looked at you as if he knew you, as if he knew of each of your flaws.
You missed the way he kept looking at your back while you walked away.
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Sleep came to you a bit too easily. It was quite the odd occurrence, considering that you’d always be tossing and turning while staring at the ceiling creepily for a good half hour until you’d fall asleep.
A warm hug to your pillow and you were knocked out within seconds, drowning into slumber.
Darkness. That’s all you could see, that’s all what was within reach. You didn’t know if you were dreaming or not. What you did know was that you felt as if you were floating, higher and higher. Wait, were you dead?
You were just about to reach out to the blankness surrounding you when you felt strong arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you in. When you opened your eyes again, you found yourself in your… bedroom? Bedroom for sure, just more dreamy. As if it wasn’t you who lived here. As if it were the room of the gods. The air seemed lighter, the colours more bright.
You tried to struggle against the strong grip on your waist, your back pressed against something strong. “Quit struggling, hen.” The growl behind you caught you off guard, causing you to go still. That voice. That voice. You remember it all too well, the guy you bumped into in the street earlier.
Once his grip on you loosened, you quickly turned around and faced him, finding him looking at you triumphantly, his body adorned in nothing but a white shawl that covered only one shoulder and his waist. His body was sculpted beautifully, muscles made to be caressed delicately. Perfection, that’s what he was. You caught a small glimpse of the wings on his back — mighty and fluffy. You nervously cowered, mind too overwhelmed to comprehend what was going on here. You were being touched by a stranger. Only tales by some women had warned you about the perverse nature of most men. It terrified you.
Your eyes darted over to the loose blindfold lowered down to his neck, and the set of bow and arrows laid down on your nightstand.
You didn’t know why you were so afraid to look into his eyes. It was as if looking into the eyes of god and being forced to acknowledge all your sins. Was he a god? Or an angel? He reeked of purity, of utter diviness that you couldn’t even dream to look at. Though here you were, being looked at by someone that just seemed so seraphic. It almost made you feel guilty.
“Who are you?” You blurted out, unable to hide the way your hands were trembling. You were forced to look up when you felt something cold gliding against your jaw, soon realising that it was one of his arrows, mapping out your face. Just the way an artist would with his muse.
He was silent for a while, simply observing you. Or maybe just thinking of what to answer you with. What should he tell you? “Ye can call me Johnny.” He finally settled on a name after some contemplation that thankfully went unnoticed by you.
“Johnny…” You tested his name carefully, your hands carefully reaching out to grasp onto his arms, not even realising that you were somehow sitting on your bed now. ”What are you, Johnny?”
“A god.”
And there it was again, that victorious grin. He was proud of the reaction he was getting out of you, the utter confusion and bewilderment etched on your face was nothing short of adorable to him. Poor, poor human.
“Ye looked lonely tonight.” He continued, leaning in closer, his presence seeming even bigger and more imposing than before. “Ye seemed sad. Like a wee lost chick. Made me feel somethin’, ye ken. Sadness f’ye, maybe?” He chuckled and shook his head, gently undoing the blindfold on him. His hands were soft yet rugged, holding yours with great care, gently tying the white silk around your wrists. Not too tightly, just firmly enough.
“Oh…” You weren’t sure why you weren’t struggling against the bindings. Maybe it was due to the fact that your brain had slowly comprehended who he really was. Arrows, playful, love. Eros. You didn’t know what to do, and you definitely didn’t know why you liked it. Gods above, you must be going insane. Wait, he’s a god too. Can he hear your thoughts?
“Yes I can.” He interrupted the raging storm of thoughts in your head with amused nonchalance. You could feel embarrassed heat creeping up on your cheeks, daring you to humiliate yourself further.
“Why is a bonnie lass like ye unwed?” The god cooed, his free hand still holding the arrow and gently tracing your jaw, moving down to the front of your neck, and downward to the neckline of your dress. He didn’t dare to stop there, moving the sharp point of the arrow towards your left breast, grazing against the soft fabric of your clothes. Shove it in, make me find love.
“U-Um…” Your words were caught in your throat, fingernails unknowingly digging hardly into his muscular arms. “I don’t know.” Despite how doltish that answer may have made you look, it was the truth. You didn’t know why you were some lonely maiden staring at the night sky every night, dreaming about the undying devotion you couldn’t reach for.
Johnny didn’t respond to that, satisfied enough to just stare at you. You soon realised that you didn’t feel creeped out by his gaze, you yearned for it. Attention for a god. Even if he viewed you as a lamb of some sorts, temporary affection was making you feel alive.
“I’m not gonna sacrifice ye or anythin’, hen.” He read your mind again, and he was enjoying it way too much. It made you feel a bit frustrated, a bit too desperate.
“Why am I unwed?” You shooted his question back at him, daring to meet his eyes. “My mother hates me and my father, he… Just why can’t I be one of the blessed?” You unintentionally hissed, met with nothing but a mirthful grin plastered on his lips. Would it be a sin to think of a god as some bastard?
“Ain’tcha clever for shootin’ my question right back at me?” He sounded almost proud at you, slowly putting the arrow down and easing you down to lay on your bed properly, putting your tied wrists above your head. You were being so easy for him too, despite the irritation adorning your face. Your body had been starved for this, for some touch.
You didn’t make any effort to stop him as his fingers skillfully undid your garments and teasingly began sliding them off, revealing more and more of you until you were all naked in front of him. A meal for the god. You weren’t worried about being touched like this, especially when you were still not taken. The cool air hitting your skin made your shiver, your legs rubbing against one another.
“I have never been… used before.” You didn’t know how to word it. Well, he probably knew anyway. That’s what was expected from a modest woman. Being innocent and a virgin until she was on her marital bed with her groom.
“Stop thinkin’ so much, hen.” He silenced you by pressing a chaste kiss on your neck, your lips letting out an involuntary whine. Heaven touched you from his lips, and you felt love for the first time.
“Poor ye, so desperate for affection.” You felt his stubble tickle your cheek as he whispered into your ear, the sensation making your body jerk slightly, your wrists lightly tugging against the silk binding. You felt so sensitive, being aware of everything going on while simultaneously being confused by this foreign feeling building up inside you.
“Don’t tease me…” You whimpered almost pathetically, wishing that your hands were free so you could run your fingers through his untamed patch of hair, or just caressed the slightly shaved sides of his head. “It’s not funny.”
“If ye say so.” He snickered, pressing kisses on your cheeks and the side of your neck, making you whine a bit at the ticklish feeling, blood rushing to your face as you squirmed under him. His large hands slowly begin to caress your torso up and down, fingers rubbing against the softness of your softness before sliding up to cup and size your breasts up, thumbs carefully touching your hardened up nipples.
Despite the way he clearly enjoyed teasing you, he handled you with an equal amount of gentleness. It was so considerate, something you hadn’t heard from the tales some of the women would tell you about men.
“How does it feel?” He asked you, his gaze almost warm.
“Good…” You replied weakly, unable to find your voice amidst all the emotions you were feeling. You leaned into his touch, eyes lazily half open, trying to admire his face properly. It felt like a crime to look at such beauty.
He leaned down and started pressing soft kisses along the valley of your breasts, feeling the rise and fall of your chest with every breath you took. Why must he kiss your body as if he was worshiping you? As if you were the god, not him.
His lips traveled down to your naval before finally reaching to between your thighs, his hands moving down to gently part your legs open, feeling them tremble slightly once his eyes settled upon your sweet cunt, already glistening with arousal. "Can I?" He asked, earning a shy nod from you.
“M’happy my arrows never hit ye before.” He mumbled before pressing a soft kiss against your puffy folds, hearing the way your breath hitched. “Happy that nae one got to touch a bonnie thing like ye yet. All saved for a god, eh?” He sneered, his fingers gently parting your folds so he could properly look at your clit, pressing a kiss right on it.
The sudden sensation made you let out a soft moan, fingers trying to reach for the silk binding on your wrists. Sensitive. Sensitive yet so good. “Johnny…”
His breath alone continued to fan your cunt for a few seconds, his blue eyes looked up at you from in between your thighs before he dived in, his tongue licking a fat stripe. Your hips bucked at that, seeking more of this friction as he hummed at your taste, his tongue making contact with your clit and pressing against it, feeling the soft pulse underneath.
He had to stop himself from biting you, that’d scare you away. Maybe some other day. For now, his hands gripped your plush thighs firmly and kept them apart, feasting onto your cunt hungrily, drool sliding down his chin as he sucked and licked on your twitching clit, feeling it get swollen and all achy with need. You just tasted so good, better than all the things many worshippers would leave at the temple. He wondered if you’d be willing to be his forever, to let him taste you everyday.
It all felt so good and overwhelming, you could feel your eyes tearing up. He went on and on until you felt your orgasm crashing into you suddenly, a bit prolonged as he kept his mouth latched onto your cunt, feeling your hips buck needily, shaky mewls leaving your lips while he eagerly lapped up your release.
You collapsed back breathless, almost in daze, every inch of your skin tingling with the pleasure coursing within you. Your glossy eyes looked over at Johnny who had just finished lapping your cunt up, now proceeding to nip and suckle onto the plush of your thighs, making you writhe. “Next time, m’gonna make ye squirt all over my fingers.”
Next time? Fingers?
Hope bloomed in your otherwise desperate heart as you nodded hazily, soft pants leaving your lips after your orgasm subsided. You felt him climbing on top of you, the soft rustling of clothes making your fingers twitch, your eyes looking over at him through the semi blurry vision. The white piece of cloth he had been wearing slipped off him, falling down to reveal the entirety of him. Big, powerful. He was indeed a god, sculpted better than the statues. You didn’t want to imagine what he could do with all his strength.
Your eyes fell onto his left pec, and you couldn’t help but feel your heart twinge oddly. If you were to stab him with his own arrow, would he love you?
You did your best to not look in between his legs, somehow clinging to the thinning string of modesty.
“Ye’re makin’ me feel unattractive.” That cheeky pout on his lips made you huff softly, your face feeling too warm. Just when you were about to protest, he leaned down to press his lips against yours, silencing you with a kiss.
You felt as if you had sinned, while stepping close to Heaven at the same time.
You let him guide you, his lips parting against yours while you obediently followed him, finding yourself drowning into this kiss. He might as well swallow you whole now, you’d be happy.
One hand reached up to swiftly undo the silk cloth around your wrists, freeing you. You were quick to wrap your arms around his neck, clinging onto him for your dear life, feeling him trying not to chuckle against your lips.
“Look at ye, being so eager. S’cute.” He whispered once he broke the kiss, pressing down into you, making you feel his cock rubbing against your thighs. It felt big, ridiculously enough. You trembled anxiously, finally daring to look down, letting out a soft whimper when your eyes settled onto his cock. You both tried to grind against it and squirm away, your brain melted into nothing but a puddle.
Love — it was threatening to flow out of your chest. Pure, blissful. Your legs lazily hooked themselves around his moving hips, trying to pull him down for another kiss. He was quick to comply, feeling you moan needily into his mouth while he grabbed the base of his girthy cock, lining it perfectly in between your legs. “Fuck… Lemme just-” He knew he had to be extra gentle, he was huge. He carefully eased the the tip of his cock into your cunt, watching you pull away from the kisd and whimper, your warm walls greeding clenching around him, trying to suck him in.
“S’too much!” You whined and bit down onto his shoulder, not caring how hard you might be biting. Your fingernails dug into the firm muscle of his back.
“Ssh, ye can take it.” He hissed under his breath, pulling his face back so he could look down at you properly, one hand gripping the side of your hip while his other reached down to gently fondle your clit in between his fingers. The sudden jolt of pain and pleasure merging together made your eyes roll back, feeling him settle deep within your cunt, some of his cock still not fully in. He wouldn’t dare to anyways, he would never wish to hurt his precious human.
“Such a bonnie lass… Look at how I fit inside ye.” You just looked so perfect underneath him, as if you were made for him, to be filled by him and kissed by him. “Squeezin’ me so tightly, s’too big f’ye, eh?” You shook your head at that, as if you weren’t the one who was moaning about him being too big earlier.
He slowly begin thrusting into you, his heavy cock dragging against the sweet spongy spot inside you, stimulating it. You bit onto your bottom lip, muffled mewls leaving you while his fingers continued to steadily rub your swollen clit, not losing their rhythm. Not even a single halt — the continuous motions caused pressure to build up within you, your legs tightening around his hips.
He eyes moved down to where your body connected with his, aweing at the way his cock was stretching you nice and wide, making him twitch inside you. Fuck. He couldn’t have a mortal holding such an effect over him, but he was far too gone to even think about that anymore.
“Johnny-! Joh-” Your words drowned into your moans once you felt your orgasm hit you even harder than before, your body convulsing underneath him as you clenched hard around him, causing him to grunt. A pretty white ring formed on his base as he continued to thrust into you, The squelching sounds filling the room were obscene, and served nothing but to arouse him more. His grip on your hips tightened just slightly as he felt his own impending orgasm.
“Gonna fill ye up.” He gritted his teeth.
With one final thrust, he released his hot cum inside you, his thrusts not stopping, fully intending to make his cum stay inside you and not drip out. Your fingernails accidentally scratched onto his back at the sensation of being filled up, feeling all warm.
Your legs and arms loosened around him, feeling yourself slump into the soft mattress, all pliable and fuzzy. You panted softly, feeling all sweaty as you stared at him. His hands were quick to craddle your face, pressing a kiss on your temple.
“I might as well just keep ye now for myself, hen.”
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You woke up with a jolt, sitting upright on your bed, your breathing laboured. Your inner thighs felt sticky, and your eyes drifted over to your nightstand, catching an arrow alongside a rose laying there.
Would it be possible to be impregnated by a god?
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aerynwrites · 10 months
I would love to see some love language HCs for Dammon and Gale (could be fluff or smut... or both!)
omg YES! I love this so much!! NSFW HC’s are beneath the cut!
Okay, so I definitely feel that Gale is a mix of words of affirmation and physical touch.
I just picture him always wanting to be touching you in some way. Holding you hand, settling a hand on your low back, etc…
also kisses.
I’m sorry but like this man would DEFINITELY be sneaking some kisses. Not even sneaking really lol.
he’d come up behind you when you’re doing something and press a kiss to your shoulder or neck. Or he’d walk by and press a quick kiss to your lips or cheek. And then obviously regular kisses. He just loves to kiss you tbh.
Now - words of affirmation….
As we all know his entire past was basically striving to please Mystra (that bitch).
so like…I definieitly think he loves to hear words of affirmation but especially from you because they are genuine.
Take that convo you have for example about him becoming a god. He’s genuinely so surprised to hear you want him, and not some god he could be. But as SOON as you tell him that he just gets all soft and says he loves you back and just AH!
Yes. He loves to hear that you love him for him and not his magic or his renown as a wizard or the power he has. He just relishes in it genuinely appreciates it as think.
Acts of service. Acts of service. Acts. Of. Service.
Did I say acts fo service? Lmao
No but really - it just screams Dammon to me.
Look at everything he did for Karlach in the game! A stranger!! He literally fixed her heart and gave her more time.
Just imagine what he would do for someone he loves.
He would absolutely shower you with labors (literally) of his love.
You need a new weapon or an upgrade? Done.
But outside of his forge I see him doing just little things for you.
Making the bed for you both or since he’s up early anyways making breakfast for the both of you.
He just always does anything he can to ease your burdens in any way.
now as for receiving…I think he’s a quality time guy with a tiny sprinkle of physical touch!
he loves just being in your presence and i can just see him secretly loving when you come to his forge just to sit with him and watch him work.
You don’t even have to talk about anything really. You could just come out there to sit and read while he works and he loves it. But he also loves telling you about his work and showing you what he’s passionate about.
And I can just see him loving going out on little dates with you. You taking him to a tavern with a bard he’s mentioned liking before or even just walking with him through the city!
this man just loves showing you his love with his services and spending time with you tbh.
Here we go you horndogs (i say this lovingly)
so obviously his love languages carry over into the bedroom *winky face*
His hands are all. Over. You.
he’s grabbing your thighs as he thrusts into you, burying his face into the crook of yoru neck, lips never leaving your skin.
He wants to feel all of you at all times. Especially if it’s like a softer moment.
His hands cradle your cheeks, card through your hair, he’d even pepper your face with kisses all while pressing himself as close as possible to you.
He just wants to be as close to you as possible showing his love to you in ways other than his eloquent words.
Now, when it comes to words of affirmation…ohhhhh boy.
this man loves to be praised 😳
if you tell him how good he feels or how well he fits inside you or anything of the life he will completely lose it.
And if you call him a good boy at any point? Yeah…instant finish tbh lol.
But yeah - I think (as I’ve seen discussed) possibly him having sex with…not a goddess lol - is not as familiar experience so for him to hear you praising him or telling him you like what he’s doing would just spur him on.
Once again, things translate lol.
I see Dammon as a very giving lover in the bedroom, whether that be more vanilla or even more out there (we know that book he has in his room i mean come on.)
he’d absolutely love to go down on you. He’d probably do it every single time if you don’t stop him, and he doesn’t expect it in return (although he’ll never complain obviously).
He also always makes sure you finish. Always. There’s no room for argument.
He’ll go so far as to hold himself off until he’s sure you’ve come because he’s not about to leave his partner unsatisfied.
I could also see him being like super sweet if you mention wanting to try new things - like he would jump a the opportunity to show you new things but be so sweet and gentle thought he whole thing.
and of course - quaility time-
He’s a stickler for aftercare.
This really ties in his acts of service and quality time bc he always cleans you up and gets you a glass of water and pulls the covers close before pulling you into his arms.
I genuinely think these aftercare moments are some of his favorite moments with you because after showing each other love in a really intimate way you just get to be close to one another.
He loves just a having you close and loves pillow talk if I’m being honest. It just kind of shows him that you’re both really comfortable with one another to be this vulnerable.
God I love these two. Definitely wanna write more Dammon!!🥺
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aanoia · 1 year
James Potter x reader
Summary; James won't give up until he gets a yes
Warnings; James is lowkey and pushover and I'm pretty sure asking someone to go out over and over again is harassment so that too
Words; idk man
Pt. 2
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“No.” I said sternly, returning to my book.
“Come on, Y/n, please. One date, then you can be done with me forever.” James pleaded, an easy smirk resting on his face.
“James, I’d rather be done with you right now.” I persisted.
“But you can’t. So, a date?”
“You know this is harassment right?”
“I am very aware. Does tomorrow sound good?”
I scoffed and shook my head, “No.”
He smiled proudly and began walking away, “Tomorrow it is. Meet me in the common rooms at 10, baby.”
I rolled my eyes as Remus laughed quietly beside me as he listened to the interaction.
“Are you gonna go?” He asked quietly.
“Nope.” I sighed and went back to reading.
“I don’t believe you, like at all.” Sirius deadpanned as he sat on the couch in the common room, his fingers gently threading through Remus’s hair who had his head on his lap as he quietly read his book.
“I’m serious, Sirius.” James said, waiting patiently for his date.
“No, I’m Sirius, James.” The boy responded.
James rolled his eyes as the clock rang out, signaling the new hour. It was officially ten. James stood up excitedly, knowing Y/n was always perfectly on time, never early and never late, with the exception of class where she seemed to get there before the dismissal bell even rang. He waited patiently, however the girl never came.
“Oh, Prongs, I knew you were lying.” Sirius said.
“No, she’s coming. She must just be late.”
“She’s never late.”
James ignored him and continued watching the stairs from the Girl’ dormitory. Thirty minutes passed before James sat down with a sigh.
“I’m sorry, James. She probably forg-” Peter paused as he looked up, expecting to see a sulking James, instead, the boy had a smirk on his face, already planning the next way he was going to ask the girl out. It was going to be big this time.
Y/n sat quietly in the Great Hall, working on a potions essay as her friends laughed around her. The mail owls swooped in but Y/n ignored them, not expecting anything. She jumped slightly in surprise when a piece of folded up parchment was dropped in front of her.
“I thought you weren’t expecting anything, Y/n.” Her friend said and Y/n cautiously held the paper in her hands.
“I wasn’t.” She told them and gently opened the paper.
‘Look up.’ It wrote and she furrowed her brows before doing as told. The moment she looked, flower petals of all kinds dropped around her like an endless rain. A small gasp left her lips as she felt her clothes change and she looked down to see herself in a beautiful white, flowy dress. Petals began sewing themselves into the dress, creating pink and red flowers. Her hair had been taken out of its usual ponytail and had been let down and slightly curled as the raining petals weaved themselves into a flower crown around her head. Loud music began playing as students burst into the Great Hall with instruments, causing her to jump slightly. She looked down the table as she heard the Marauders hollering at her with large smiles on their faces.
James stood on the table in a slightly tattered tux, probably from his dad. He held a large sign in his hands. Once Y/n saw what was written she stood up angrily and walked to the end of the table, the petals following her as her dress swished violently behind her.
“Y/n!” James said excitedly and jumped off the table. She didn’t say anything, instead she roughly grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the Great Hall. She led him outside, where the sun was setting.
“What is wrong with you?” Y/n questioned, raising her voice slightly as anger flowed through her veins. “I’ve said no a million times! Why can’t you just take no for an answer and leave me alone! I am so sick and tired of this, James!”
James smiled softly at her. It was different from his usual smirk, this was sweet and adoring.
“You’re beautiful.” He whispered and the girl was slightly taken aback, having never received that compliment from anyone other than her parents and close friends. Never from a boy. “And I will always, always ask you out. Until you say yes, I always will.”
Y/n let an angry sigh from her nose, “I’ll never say yes.” She told him.
“I don’t believe in never.” James said.
“I don’t believe in always.” Y/n countered.
“Well, opposites attract.”
“Never.” She raised her brows.
“Always.” He finished, smirking
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magicalbats · 4 months
Fantasies Play Out
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Rating: R-18+
Word Count: 18.921
Warnings: aphrodisiacs, pining & yearning, pathetic soggy men. femdom, overstimulation, handjobs, PIV, cowgirl position, dacryphilia, rimming, anal fingering, prostate massage, edging & orgasm denial
A/N: Alright, here's my longest comm yet. I'm so, so happy the commissioner gave me permission to post this because I simply MUST continue to spread my femdom agenda, and what better candidate exists for tribute than Kaveh? lol This was written using one of the lovely @tearsofcalamity's OC's, her name is Jeanne and she's ... quite the woman, haha. If you're anything like me you shouldn't have any problem at all self inserting with the text left as is so ... please enjoy! ❤️
Peering sullenly into his open wallet, Kaveh breathes out a single lamentable sigh over how much lighter it now was. Practically empty by all accounts, and what little mora he did have left would go very quickly. This he knew a little too well. 
He was struggling. No ifs, ands or buts about that. Between trying to stay caught up on the rent and his considerable debt payments (which hardly even put a dent in the total sum he owed to the renowned Lord Sangemah Bay) as well as the quite necessary bottles of wine he purchased for himself at the taverns and the shops, it was all going to be gone again in frustratingly quick order. And he’d only just returned from his most recent job out in the arid desert too. What a shame. 
It couldn’t be helped though. He’d needed these components for Mehrak and there wasn’t any getting around the costly price tag that came with them when one was working with a piece of complicated machinery as old and mysterious as his little helper was. He couldn’t exactly begrudge her for that. Mehrak may have been a costly sinkhole, an extra expense he hadn’t needed, but she was also an exceptionally good assistant. And, well. Perhaps she also helped chase away some of the isolated loneliness he’d felt closing in around him since he’d lost everything he’d worked so hard for, but there was no sense in dwelling unnecessarily on that. 
Mournfully clasping the purse shut and tucking it away into the safety of his pocket, Kaveh says to the ironworks shopkeep, “Thank you, Rahid. I appreciate you always keeping these bits and baubles on hand for me.” 
Because of course Mehrak needed parts of a very specific dimension that weren’t found anywhere else in modern Sumeru so they needed to be custom made. A costly sinkhole indeed. 
Sitting behind the counter, the elderly man sends him what can only be a sympathetic look from under the bushy, dusted gray droop of his eyebrows. He was happy to make the petite screws and nuts, and odd shaped bolts Kaveh needed since it kept food on his family table but evidently he wasn’t without his scruples. He’d certainly been around long enough to recognize when someone was limping steadily towards his last leg, yet he could only discount his wares so much without giving them away for free.
His sympathy just makes the blond’s stomach flip in on itself though, and he quickly busies himself with gathering up the handful of metal pieces laid out between them on the counter of the small shop. Pity was the very last thing he needed right now. 
“You should take it easy, old friend. You’ve been working an awful lot lately.” Rahid says in his usual low rumble, his voice permanently raspy after a lifetime spent working the forges, breathing in all the hot steam and iron smoke of his craft. 
“Ah, thank you but I’m afraid I don’t have any time for that at the moment. Someone is always in need of an architect, aren’t they? Busy, busy, busy.” Kaveh tries for nonchalant, tries to laugh it off like it’s no big deal as he slips Mehrak’s new screws into his other pocket where they wouldn’t stab him the next time he reaches for his wallet, but Rahid hardly seems convinced. 
In fact, the way he stares at him over the counter would seem to suggest that he could smell bullshit from a mile away, and he wasn’t impressed with Kaveh’s attempt at deflection. 
His deliberately casual laughter quickly morphs into nervous chuckling. “Hey, now. What’s with that look, huh?” 
Rahid narrows his eyes as if he wanted to give Kaveh a right and proper tongue lashing but says instead, “Well, as true as that may be - and I don’t doubt that it is given the quality of your work - you should still make some time for yourself. Take it from an old coot like me. You’re still young and capable. Don’t get so focused on your livelihood that you forget to live a little. You’ll regret it when you get to be my age. Surely there are some girls around the city who have caught your eye that you’d like to get to know?” 
Well, there was one, but she wasn’t from the city, or even Sumeru for that matter. 
She also wasn’t what Kaveh would call a girl either. 
Thoughts drifting idly to Jeanne only to inevitably take up camp there, Kaveh decides that she’s all woman and what a woman she was. 
Fontainian by birth and blood, she was an enforcement officer of the Maison Gardiennage who came to Sumeru on business with some amount of regularity. What that entailed was more often than not tracking down scoundrels that thought escaping to the opposite shore of the vast sea would save them from her wrath, or mora hungry merchants with a penchant for trouble and a bit too much free time on their hands. 
They’d happened to run into each other during one such incident involving a Fontaine trader who was underreporting his earnings to avoid paying all the taxes he owed. Having been in the wrong place at the right time, Kaveh, young and just as naive as he was now, had very nearly gotten duped out of a month's worth of pay by the shady businessman. But then Jeanne suddenly appeared like the hero in a storybook to interrupt the transaction before it was too late, saving him from what, in retrospect, had clearly been a scam. She’d made quick work of the lout and the two of them had become fast friends after that. Even now it struck Kaveh as being curiously fateful, that initial encounter. Like he was some hapless damsel in distress and Jeanne the noble chevalier of justice. 
But that was about where the fanciful tale ended. Years later they were still just friends despite Kaveh’s occasionally wistful thoughts to the contrary of someday being more and it’s not as if anyone could really fault him for that. 
Jeanne wasn't only pretty, she was downright stunning. And not in spite of the bisecting scars that ran across her face but because of them. He’d never seen someone quite so beautiful or captivating, and he more than anyone else had an eye for that sort of thing. There were very few in this world who understood the concept of aesthetic objectivity quite like he did, especially when others were much too focused on their own predefined subjective tastes to look past that. In many ways, Jeanne was the kind of woman he could see himself wanting to spend the rest of his life with. 
Unfortunately for him, she was unflappable and largely oblivious to the puppy faced looks of wanting he’d sometimes catch himself leveling at her, especially when they were drinking together. She always seemed to think it was just the wine talking, influencing his behavior and making him more needy (and whiny) than he normally was. Of course she wasn’t exactly wrong about that, but it was beside the point. While Kaveh undoubtedly appreciated her willingness to humor him in her own curious way during such moments, it didn’t exactly do much to soothe the yearning in his heart. More than anything he wanted Jeanne to take him seriously, but it looked like that was never going to happen. 
He's so caught up in these spiraling thoughts that he doesn’t even realize he’s letting out another groaning, long suffering sigh until Rahid chuckles a knowing sound in return. 
“That bad, eh?” 
Kaveh snaps his attention up, surprised at his own slip. “What? No. Nothing’s bad. Everything’s great, in fact.” 
The aging ironworker pins him with a critical, wisened look that seems to speak volumes. Clearly there would be no fooling a man nearly triple his age who’s been around long enough to have already seen and done it all, but that doesn’t exactly make Kaveh feel any better about being so damn transparent. 
“I’m afraid there’s no hiding it, boy. You can lie to yourself if you like but there’ll be no pulling one over on this old dog. I’ve heard that kind of sigh before. You’ve got a little sweetheart, don’t you?” 
“Don’t be ridiculous.” He huffs, fluster quickly creeping up on him like a potent, thrumming buzz. “She’s not little. Th — I mean. I mean she wouldn’t be, if there was someone like that. But there’s not. I don’t have the time–“
“Alright, alright,” Rahid mercifully cuts off his floundering with a wave of his wrinkled hand. “I get it. There isn’t a girl you’re soft for.” 
“A woman.” Kaveh can’t help but correct him even when he knows he’s only digging his own grave deeper still. 
“Yes, of course. But if there was … what would be stopping you from courting the young lady? Surely you don’t lack for confidence? A handsome and successful architect such as yourself should have no problem getting anyone at all you set your sights on.” 
The blond hesitates, opening his mouth and then closing it again in favor of chewing on his bottom lip instead. He was tempted, oh, he was very tempted to lay it all bare. It’s not like he had anyone else to confide in about this sort of thing without running the risk of being laughed right out of the room. Or worse, stared at in contemptible silence and wordless judgment by the likes of that blasted Al-Haitham. He’d sooner take all his secrets to the afterlife before ever trying to have a discussion like this with the scribe. 
But Rahid was an old friend whom Kaveh has known for many years now and a decidedly trustworthy individual. He’d never sold him faulty parts or tried to price gouge him, hadn’t even asked what he needed these peculiar components for like many others might have. If there was anyone who could be trusted with this information it was probably him. 
Cautiously, Kaveh sends him a slow look of consideration. “Hypothetically speaking?” 
The old man nods in agreement. “Aye. Hypothetically.” 
“Well … if there were someone — and do keep in mind that this is purely speculative conjecture — if there were someone like that and they genuinely didn’t seem to realize I wanted to pursue them, what else could I possibly do to get my feelings across? Especially if they don’t even live here and I only get to see them on occasion …” 
Rahid lifts his brows in surprise. “She’s not from Sumeru?” 
“Hmm. Well, I can see how that might cause you some trouble then. Trying to make a long distance relationship work is always hard. But, tell me boy, have you actually told her what you’ve just told me?” 
“I — I have, just … not in quite so many words, I guess.” Feeling his cheeks grow hot at the unbidden memory of grumbling out a half baked attempt to flirt with her the last time Jeanne had been in town, Kaveh drops his gaze and anxiously shifts from one foot to the other. It hadn’t worked, of course. He’d been so drunk and vibrating with liquid courage that he couldn’t even remember what exactly he’d said to her. All he knew with any certainty was that she’d softly tutted at him that he’d had enough for one night before wandering off to fetch him a glass of water. The lingering embarrassment was almost enough to make him feel faint. 
But at Rahid’s pressing sound of encouragement, Kaveh jumps at the chance and recounts the whole sorry tale to him in an impulsive rush that comes pouring from his mouth, unable to stop it even if he’d wanted to. He tells the old man everything; how they met, how simultaneously wonderful and imposing Jeanne could be at the same time and yet how oblivious she still seemed regarding his feelings. He even lamented, ad nauseum, how she never lost her composure while they were drinking long into the night together and how he couldn’t figure out how to crack her shell because of it. 
Eyes brightening at that last bit, Rahid abruptly leans forward against the rickety counter as if in great interest. “That right there sounds like your chance, boy. If she won’t hear you out sober, then you should do it when her guard is down. Everyone is more open to suggestions when they’ve got alcohol in them.” 
“But that’s the problem. No matter how much she drinks, she never lets her guard down. I don’t exactly consider myself a lightweight but she’s got the tolerance of a bear!”
“I see.” Murmuring thoughtfully, Rahid leans back to cross his arms in consideration. It’s clear he’s pondering over something with all the appropriate weight and gravitas the situation calls for. But he reaches his conclusion surprisingly quickly — much more quickly than Kaveh could ever make up his mind — and he stands with a soft scrape of his stool against the shop's floorboards. “Give me a moment. I think I may have something that could help you.” 
Blinking owlishly, Kaveh tracks his steps over to a stout cabinet pushed up against the side wall where he slides open one of the drawers with a dull jostle. 
“What do you mean? Don’t tell me you’ve got some hundred year old snake wine waiting on standby for just such an occasion or something?” 
“Ehh, not quite. But this should do just as well, if not better. Here we are.” Pulling out something that remains unseen in his blocky fist, Rahid closes the drawer back up and returns to the counter. Kaveh isn’t quite sure what to expect, but the petite glass vial he holds out to him is somehow the very last thing he could have guessed. There’s a faintly pinkish liquid inside that sloshes against the interior at the slightest shift and, squinting, Kaveh leans closer to get a better look. 
“What is that, some sort of alchemical potion?” 
“You’re not wrong, but you’re not exactly right either. Just take it. Trust me. You’ll be grateful you did the next time this young lady is in Sumeru. A few drops of this in her drink will have her, uh, loosening up quite a bit and you’ll have your chance to talk to her as much as you want.”
Kaveh shoots him a plainly horrified glance. “Are you telling me to drug her? She’ll kill me, Rahid, have you lost your mind?” 
“Archons above, this isn’t going to incapacitate her or nothing like that. Relax. My wife and I use this stuff to get in the mood with one another in our old age, that’s all. It just helps us with the warm up, if you get what I’m saying.” 
The blond offers a soft sound of enlightenment as if he understood perfectly now but, given the way Rahid critically eyes him, it’s clear the older man isn’t entirely convinced he does. 
For better or worse Kaveh is much too preoccupied with staring at the small vial in rapt fascination to notice though, and his hands idly clench into greedy fists where they’re braced against the counter. Regardless of his understanding or not, there was no denying the wisdom in Rahid’s suggestion. If Jeanne wouldn’t allow herself to drop her walls naturally then giving her a little nudge in the right direction was just the logical next step, wasn’t it? He was always much more loose lipped with a few drinks in him so if he could coax her into being the same … 
This really might be the thing that would finally tip the scales in his favor where the Fontanian woman was concerned. 
“How … how much would you want for that?” He finally brings himself to ask. 
“Nothing, old friend.”  The soft note of sympathy in his voice is clear as day, and it brings Kaveh’s attention up with a snap. Ignoring his hurried protests, Rahid reaches across the counter and bullies the glass bottle into his fumbling hands, adamantly refusing to take ‘no’ for an answer. “Like I said, just take it. You need it more than I do, don’t you boy? My wife and I can get by without. Besides, it sounds like your situation is much more dire anyway. Just promise me you’ll take a break from working so much and put it to good use, eh?” 
Gently cradling the vial in his palms like it was some sort of precious, highly fragile artifact, Kaveh gropes for something to say. He couldn’t very well let it slip that he didn’t have much choice and reveal just how far from grace he’d fallen in the process, not without permanently staining his reputation as a capable and respected graduate of the Akademiya. 
But the greater meaning behind this gesture is not lost on him. Not by a long shot, and he finally settles on, “Thank you, Rahid. A thousand times, thank you. I hope you know how much I appreciate this.” 
Dismissing him with a brief wave of his hand, the old man quickly turns away, giving him his back. “Not another word about it, Kaveh. Now get out of here. Before I change my mind.” Then, like an afterthought, he adds, “I’ll make sure to have more of those components on hand for the next time you need them. Take care of yourself out there.” 
The little bell over the door chimes a merry sound as he steps out into the street and the humidity dense, year-long heat of Sumeru. The city is a constant buzz of noise and bustling activity, myriad smells from nearby cafes and vendors, but Kaveh hardly notices any of it while he makes his way down the road. His attention is all for the petite vial in his hand, so slight yet monumentally heavy against his palm. 
It was strange to think that something this small and seemingly benign could potentially be the answer to at least one of the many problems in his life. But as they say, matters of the heart are some of the most significant and challenging one can face, and he was inclined to agree. 
Financial problems could be parsed and sorted out in due time. Hell, even his living arrangements seemed stable enough for him not to have to worry about it too much at the current moment. Al-Haitham, for all of his bad attitude and unreasonable nature, seemed perfectly content with the way things were, even if Kaveh did sometimes suspect he’d only reached out a hand to lorde it over his head. Did that really mean it was okay for him to be expending this sort of energy on the issue of Jeanne rather than any of his other troubles though? 
“Well,” He murmurs softly under his breath, consideringly turning the bottle this way and that to watch how the rosy liquid inside reflects in the sunlight. “There’s no telling when I’ll even get to see her again so I think this should be fine. At least I’m prepared now.” 
Which was more than could be said before that exchange with Rahid. He’d have to remember to thank him properly for it later when he was back on his feet again, especially if the mysterious concoction ended up working a veritable miracle. Hopefully that wouldn’t be too far out in the future.  
Moreover though, the implication of what he was holding in his hand was a bit too tempting for him to think any better of it or reconsider his ready acceptance of this gift. Rahid had only said it would loosen her up but what exactly did that entail? He’d never seen her lose her composure before so Kaveh had no idea what that might look like. Would a truly inebriated Jeanne be clingy and soft with him? Prone to whining, the way he sometimes was? Or perhaps she would allow herself to laugh more openly, more freely without her self imposed walls there holding her back. 
The thought alone makes him huff a quiet laugh as he makes the turn into the packed market square, intending to cut through to get home a little quicker. “Yeah right, maybe when shroomboars sprout wings and fly. That would be awfully cute though …” 
And if her lips were loosened enough to coax a long anticipated yet never realized confession out of her? All the better then. She may not have taken him or any of his prior attempts at flirting seriously but surely she wouldn’t discredit her own actions once everything was said and done, right? 
Feeling oddly optimistic about the situation, Kaveh lifts his head to pay attention to where he’s going only to damn near drop the bottle in surprise when his eyes immediately alight upon a tall figure. The height as much as the manner of dress makes her stand out in the crowd, a feathered cap and a heavy coat worn over the shoulders that are at complete odds with the common attire. The burgundy red hair is what truly strikes a familiar note of wanting in his heart though, and he comes to an abrupt, lurching halt to stare at her in disbelief. 
She hasn’t noticed him just yet, only halfway through the motion of turning away from the owner of the shawarma stall she’d stopped at, but it didn’t really matter. He still recognized her on such an intrinsic, bone deep level that a shock of static electricity promptly surges through his entire body to set him abuzz from head to toe. Mouth going drier than the desert plains, he openly gapes at her like a beached fish. 
She notices him standing there another heartbeat later and, blinking at him in her closest approximation of startlement, Jeanne moves to face him. “Oh, what a coincidence. I was just on my way to pay you a visit. How have you been?” 
Kaveh fumbles desperately for something intelligent to say, coming up decidedly empty handed. It was like just the sight of her had short circuited his brain so beyond repair that no amount of trying to kick start it back into gear was working. There was simply no way, no way she’d just so happened to appear before him like this though. Was someone playing a cruel joke on him? Or had he finally cracked under the building pressure piling up around him and he was now hallucinating the singular object of his desires? 
But the longer he goes without responding the more her usually stoic expression pinches in vague concern, and he finally has to force himself to clear his throat with a rough cough so he can speak. “I - I’m fine. Good. Better than ever, in fact. What about you? I wasn’t … I didn’t expect to run into you like this.” 
Her suspicions evidently alleviated, Jeanne allows her expression to fall back to her usual neutral mask again. “I'm well. I thought about sending you a letter of correspondence prior to my arrival but I figured a surprise would do just as well. It’s not often I get the chance to drop in unexpectedly like this, after all. And for the better, it seems. Were you just on your way home?” 
“Oh, yes, I was just …” Kaveh trails off when a cold note of terror races down his spine. She didn’t yet know he’d lost everything. All of his furniture, his house, his beautifully maintained garden on the veranda that now belonged to someone else who’d no doubt swooped in like a vulture to buy up the gorgeous property he’d had no choice but to sell. He didn’t have a home to go back to unless you counted Al-Haitham’s largely minimal space and there wasn’t a god strong enough in this world or any other that could make him take her there. Even if she had sent him a letter there was a very real chance he never would have gotten it. 
“Kaveh?” Jeanne’s voice breaks through the muddled mess in his head as abruptly as if she’d sucker punched him, and he snaps out of it with a jolt. “Are you quite alright? You look a little pale to me.” 
“I’m fine!” He insists, a bit more loudly than he’d intended, only to grimace when she narrows her eyes again with renewed suspicion. “Sorry, sorry. I promise I’m fine, honest.” He quickly tries again, much more softly this time. “I just got back from a job out near Aaru Village, that’s all. I guess I’m still feeling a bit fatigued but it shouldn’t be anything a glass or two of wine won’t fix, haha… Come on. What do you say? For old times’ sake?”  
At his nervous attempt at laughter, Jeanne breathes out a quiet sigh and shakes her head. “Wine isn’t the solution to all of life’s problems, Kaveh. Haven’t I told you that before?” 
“Well, you’re not wrong of course, but in this case it most certainly is. You’ll see. Why don’t we just go down to Lambad’s for a drink? You’ve already got a snack to go with it.” 
Kaveh gestures towards the single serving of shawarma clasped in her hand and, as if she’d forgotten she was even holding it, Jeanne contemplatively glances down at the shishkabob skewer. Taking his chance while she’s not looking, he covertly slides the little vial into his pocket and safely out of sight before she can notice it. He hadn’t quite gotten so far as figuring out how he was going to slip a few drops of the mysterious substance into whatever she was drinking but thankfully she wouldn’t have reason to question him about it just yet. That solved at least one of the many problems her sudden appearance had presented. 
Now he only needed to stall her long enough to decide what he was going to tell her regarding his living situation. One issue at a time here. 
“I suppose I could do with a drink.” She says, bringing her attention back up just as he’s withdrawing his now empty hand from his pocket. “But you need to hydrate yourself before anything else if you’re feeling unwell after your travels. Promise me you’ll make sure to drink some water when we get there?” 
“Deal.” He gratefully blurts even as his heart gives a dully subdued flutter inside his chest. Jeanne, feared enforcer of Fontaine and scourge of all wrongdoers, worried about him? Kaveh would’ve been tempted to giggle over it like a schoolgirl had he not been so weak in the knees with relief. As long as he could keep her distracted enough that she didn’t start asking any prying questions, there was a very real chance he could still salvage this. 
Nodding once to indicate that the decision has been made, Jeanne leans down as if to grab the stately, heavy looking luggage at her feet. But even in his frazzled state Kaveh is still quick to jump into action and he lunges forward, snatching it up off the ground before she can. He falters though at the weight, a small grunt leaving him when he encounters more resistance than he’d anticipated. He quickly recovers though and bounces upright again with a victorious grin aimed at her even as his arm threatens to buckle under the weight of his new burden.  
Not looking particularly amused, she levels him with a frown. “You needn’t concern yourself with that, Kaveh. I’m perfectly capable of carrying my own suitcase, seeing as I’ve been doing just that up until now.” 
“I know that but please, I insist. Isn’t this what they call chivalry back in Fontaine? I’m just making sure you feel at home, that’s all.”
She tries to fight it but a brief, rueful smile still manages to grace her mouth. It’s as beautiful as it is fleeting, and Kaveh has to work very hard to keep his free hand from coming up to touch at the spot over his chest where his heartbeat is pounding out a staccato rhythm. He really did have it bad. Not that that comes as a surprise when he’d already known full well but there was something reassuring in having such a tangible confirmation that his feelings for her haven’t changed or lessened one bit since the last time they’d met for a meal and drinks. 
It fills him with a fresh surge of hope for the prospects of this unexpected chance encounter as they start to make their way down the road together. Still, though, he can’t shake the feeling that something seemed a bit unusual about her demeanor this time. Far be it that he was complaining but Jeanne wasn’t typically in the habit of being so laid back or relaxed, and that makes him shoot her a curious look. Her posture was as proud as ever yet seemingly less severe in the set of her shoulders and the sure sway of her hips. Most anyone else probably wouldn’t have caught on that anything at all was different but he certainly had. 
“You must have only just gotten here if you haven’t even dropped off your luggage yet. Talk about good timing. And forgive me for being blunt but you seem to be in a good mood today. What kind of job are you here for this time?” 
Another small smile pulls at her mouth, but this time it doesn’t immediately disappear. “There is no job. I’m on vacation. Lucky me, right?” 
Kaveh’s lips slowly part. She’d been given holiday from her obligations within the Gardiennage and she’d decided to spend that time in Sumeru? With him? He almost doesn’t believe his own ears even as he blurts, “Oh, that’s wonderful! You’re always working so hard, you’ve certainly earned yourself a break by now. But … you could have gone anywhere, right? Why here?” 
Jeanne sends him a lingering glance that he can’t decipher quickly enough before she turns her attention forward again with a quiet sniff. “Why not? I like it in Sumeru, and it’s not a very long trip. I’m familiar enough with the roads and the people that it just seemed like the logical conclusion.” 
“Ah, right. The old stomping grounds, eh?” He laughs, trying to cover up the distant note of disappointment that creeps in. Of course she wouldn’t choose to come here for him, specifically. He was just one of probably many faces that made up the familiar tapestry of the foreign city in her mind. His wishful thinking was going to get him in trouble some day. 
The physical manifestation of that was a heavy burden in his pocket that he couldn’t ignore when each step seemed to emphasize the weight of the vial resting against his thigh. Perhaps accepting Rahid’s offer had been a mistake after all. If there was nothing there in the first place then no amount of loosening up was going to improve his situation with her, would it? 
And that was to say nothing of the fact that he still had no idea what to tell her about his descent into poverty. 
Lambad’s Tavern isn’t particularly busy in the middle of the day but it’s not quite empty either, so Kaveh makes a point of picking out a secluded booth seat in the far back corner. He’d cited wanting to be away from the oud player and the crowd naturally drawn in by live music when she’d given him an odd look, but in reality he’d needed the relative privacy to get his head on straight. 
Over an hour later and he still hasn’t quite accomplished that, nor has he made a single decision on how to proceed from here. Not whether to tell her the truth or come up with a convenient excuse as to why he couldn’t invite her back to his place for a nightcap as he customarily did. Not whether to slip her some of the pink concoction when she wasn’t looking or toss it in the trash at his earliest opportunity to be rid of the evidence. Kaveh wasn’t normally this hesitant or irresolute but the situation was so littered with proverbial land mines that he feared making the wrong move a little too much to make any move at all. 
And Jeanne, in all the splendor and glow of the relaxed mood brought about by her holiday away from the court of Fontaine, was not making it any easier on him. 
“I did miss having your company, you know. Since I’m not on the clock this time I say we try to make the most of it while we can. I think we should go sightseeing together, actually.” She says, perfectly casual about it while she picks up her stout goblet from the table and takes a sip. He can’t help watching from the corner of his eye how the elegant line of her throat daintily bobs with the swallow but he quickly averts his gaze before she can notice. 
There was very little he wouldn’t give to press his mouth to that pale strip of flesh and nuzzle into her pulse. He felt like he was going mad. Jeanne de la Roche herself wanted to spend that much time with him? Willingly? It almost seemed too good to be true. 
“It occurred to me that I haven’t ventured out from the capital city or the port towns very much,” Jeanne goes on, idly swirling the glass in her hand now. “But Sumeru is a rather large country, isn’t it? I should think I’d like to see more of it.” 
Eager to busy himself with something so he can hide his jittery nerves, Kaveh leans forward to take up the decanter from the table and refills his own cup. He knew he was drinking a little too fast for a situation as precarious as this one but it couldn’t be helped. It would’ve seemed far more strange if he’d hardly touched his wine at all after pleading with her to come here. 
“Why, of course we can.” He tells her as amicably as he can manage. “I already have a few places in mind that I’d love to show you. I’m probably not the best candidate to play tour guide but … if you think you’re up for it, I can probably move some stuff around in my schedule.” 
Never mind the fact he didn’t yet have another job lined up after only just completing the last. His financial troubles had forced him to be a little more cautious about where and how he spent his time. Long gone were the days where he could leisurely mingle at the parties and grand openings hosted by wealthy businessmen or dignitaries who were keen on networking with him lest he run the risk of his secret getting out. Reputation was, unfortunately, a key factor in such stuffy social circles and he’d largely distanced himself from that particular crowd under the guise of being too busy to humor them. It was a vicious cycle and he could feel the pressure steadily closing in around him even now. 
But Jeanne didn’t need to know that. She’d probably understand it, given her own experiences dealing with courtiers and unreasonable noblemen who were accustomed to things being done a certain way, but he didn’t want to unload all of his woes on her. Not yet. 
Or preferably ever, if he was lucky enough to get out of it entirely. 
And she seems pleased enough with his willingness to accommodate her that he’s certain he’s made the right choice. Her smile is private and brief when she flashes it at him, but the teal of her eyes takes on a stunning warmth that very nearly makes his heart give out on the spot.
“Excellent. Of course I won’t take up all of your time though. I know just how busy you usually are but I must admit I’m looking forward to it. Are you certain a day or two of exploring Sumeru’s countryside together won’t hurt your productivity too much?” 
“Certainly not.” He swallows hard. “I’m looking forward to having a break of my own. All the better if it’s with you.” 
Offering up a brief sound of agreement, Jeanne thoughtfully glances down into her cup with that same secretive smile still in place. It strikes him as oddly curious, like there was more at play behind her good mood than just the vacation or the drink, but as always she doesn’t allow him enough time to parse what it might mean. 
Unfolding her legs where they’d been neatly crossed one over the other, she sets her goblet back down on the table and rises to her feet. “Then it’s settled. Excuse me for just a moment. I’m afraid I need to visit the powder room.” 
“Please, take your time.” He murmurs, attentively watching as she steps out from the booth before disappearing further into the tavern. Kaveh feels vaguely like a clingy puppy at the vague sense of loss that comes with watching her go but he quickly snaps himself out of it. 
This was his chance, wasn’t it? 
Surreptitiously, he glances at the glass she’s left behind. It would be all too easy to slip a few drops into her drink and no one would be none the wiser when their table was sequestered in the far back corner, away from where any prying eyes would be able to see it. Except he still hadn’t quite made up his mind yet. Was this a step too far? Would he be breaking some unspoken trust between them if he went through with this? 
The clock was ticking. He’d have to make his decision fast. 
“Dammit,” Cursing under his breath, Kaveh fumbles to get his hand inside his pocket. The glass vial feels warm from his own body heat as he wraps his long fingers around its slight circumference but he hardly even notices it in his flustered state. If he really went through with this … if he actually slipped her something without her knowledge … 
Oh, Jeanne was going to string him up like a solstice turkey if she ever found out. 
“I can’t do it.” He murmurs, hating the sinking feeling of defeat that makes his stomach feel like a solid lead weight yet he knew this was a line he just couldn’t bring himself to cross. No matter how badly he wanted to see her punch drunk and giggly (if such a Jeanne even existed) there was simply no way he’d ever be able to reconcile it with his conscience. In truth, he felt something like a slimy creep for even considering it in the first place. 
So he sits there for the next odd minutes, just sullenly regarding the little vial in his hand until she comes back and slides into the booth next to him again. His slumped shoulders must catch her attention, because she leans close to him to inspect what it is he’s looking at. 
“And what is this? Some sort of alchemical potion?” 
That manages to make him smile. “Hah. I said the same thing, you know. A friend gave this to me. He said a few drops in your drink would increase the efficacy and make it more potent.” 
Or something like that. Kaveh had been drinking a shade too fast since they got here to properly remember what exactly Rahid had told him. Not that that had been much to begin with, in retrospect. 
“Hmm. Interesting.” 
He’s not sure why he does it. Perhaps it’s the wine making his head feel fuzzy and muddled, or perhaps it’s nothing more than a last ditch effort on his part to win her over, but he holds it out to her in offering. “Wanna give it a try? I’m not sure how much effect it’ll actually have on you but …” 
She noises a brief sound of consideration, making up her mind surprisingly quick, and giving an elegant shrug. “I don’t see why not. I can’t even remember the last time I felt truly drunk.” 
“I’ve noticed that.” Numbly passing it over to her, Kaveh watches in disbelief as she uncorks the petite stopper and lifts it up to her nose for a sniff. He can hardly believe the situation would turn out this way after all the indecisive grief he’d endured leading up to this moment. 
Not only had he saved himself from dealing with the long lasting guilt of doing something so nefarious behind her back but she was also willing to drink it on her own accord? It truly seemed too good to be true. 
But, to his continued surprise, she does indeed reach out to position the vial over her waiting cup. A deliberate turn of her wrist sends a few pink droplets falling into the wine, dying it a faintly rust color in the center where it slowly starts to bleed out towards the edges. Jeanne appears to hesitate though, and at first he assumes she’s rethinking this decision – which he couldn’t exactly fault her for if that were the case. But then she tips the glass bottle again, spilling another healthy dose into her goblet, and his brows take a very expeditious trip up to his hairline.
“Uh, don’t you think that might be too much?”
“We’ll find out, won't we?” She shoots back, and he doesn’t realize she’s teasing him rather than issuing a challenge until she sends him a confidential smile. “It’s just as you said, Kaveh. There’s no way to know how much effect this will even have on me so I don’t see what harm it could do. You’ll have to forgive me though if I start acting like a fool. Can I trust you to watch over me if that happens?”
Kaveh starts to open his mouth, wanting to reassure her that everything is fine, of course he would, and to not give it another thought. But before he can even get a single word out she abruptly leans forward to snatch up her glass. In one smooth motion she brings it up to her mouth, tips it bottoms up, and drains what must be a good half of its contents all at once. 
Eyes widening to the approximate size of dinner plates, the blond lurches forward to grab at her elbow. “Woah, woah, hey! Slow down, there’s no rush is there? Don’t — you can’t drink it that fast!” 
She lowers the goblet enough to say, “And why not?” before decisively lifting it again. 
“Because -“ He fumbles for something to say, anything other than the humiliating truth, even as he grips her tight in an attempt to stay her hand. It’s no use though. She’s much too strong, stronger than him by a very noticeable margin, and there’s nothing he can do to stop her from taking another healthy swig. 
Such a realization probably would have hurt another man’s ego, left him feeling emasculated and lesser than. But Kaveh, on the contrary and much to his growing horror, only feels a dizzying rush of sharp edged excitement swell in his gut when her bicep powerfully flexes under his fingers. It’s like she doesn’t even notice he’s holding onto her at all and it is with a great deal of buzzing trepidation that he realizes just how easily she could have overpowered and pinned him down. It wouldn’t have even been much of an accomplishment. Despite the biological advances he naturally possessed as a man, he never could have gone toe to toe with her and hoped to come out on top. 
He quickly yanks his hands away as if she’d scalded him, his breath coming out in a quick rush now. His cheeks feel like they’re positively blazing while he watches in dismay as she finishes off the rest of the wine before reaching for the decanter. This wasn’t so strange for her, in truth. Jeanne seemed to enjoy dropping some of the stuffy aristocratic manners she’d been raised on when she was with him and she could hold her alcohol perfectly well under normal circumstances. But he had no idea what effect that strange liquid was going to have on her, especially not when she’d consumed so much of it all at once. 
And that was to say absolutely nothing of the unmistakable tendrils of arousal curling hot in his lower belly now. 
Practically shaking, Kaveh self consciously huddles into the corner of the booth and tries to get his bearings straight again. He’d known Jeanne was physically fit and strong, of course. It was a big part of the attraction, after all. But he hadn’t fully comprehended the actual differences in their strength, not like this. He’d never had it quite so poignantly displayed right in front of his very eyes before. 
And something told him he’d just made a grievous mistake when he decided to open up Pandora’s Box with that mysterious concoction. 
Thirty minutes later and Kaveh knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that he has indeed made a monumental mistake. 
Jeanne, to her credit, doesn’t appear to be drunk or even particularly tipsy for that matter — not the way he and many others get, at any rate. She was still a steady, unflappable presence sitting next to him in the booth, neither faltering in an intoxicated daze nor slurring her speech like most did when they were inebriated. By all accounts she seemed to be almost entirely sober. 
Except the way she looks over at him is so hungry and pointed that he feels vaguely like a cornered prey animal staring down a half starved beast. The change had come on gradually at first and then more quickly when whatever he’d slipped her really started to kick in. Now she looked like she was seconds away from pouncing on him right then and there, and he wasn’t so sure he would have had the strength of will to tell her no. 
If this was Rahid’s idea of ‘warming up’ with his wife Kaveh was going to have to have another long talk with him. 
In the here and now, he fumbles for something to say. Anything at all to diffuse the situation and give him a chance to figure out how to fix this newest screw up in his long list of a track record. It seemed that no matter what he did, he really just kept digging his grave deeper and deeper. 
“Are you alright, Jeanne? Y - you look thirsty. Why don’t I grab you some water?” 
He quickly stands, but Jeanne is just as quick to grab his wrist and tug him back down. Her fingers are reminiscent of iron manacles, and he rather helplessly collapses into the seat again. Surreptitiously glancing into her darkened expression, he decides that this would have been a rather terrifying experience had he not been so embarrassingly aroused by it. There was clearly something very wrong with him. 
“No water.” She murmurs, her voice noticeably huskier than usual. If he didn’t know any better he’d think it was the sultry, intimate tone she would use with a lover in their most private of moments, and that doesn’t do much to help him fight down the erection trying to spring up in his pants. He needed to think fast. 
“Alright. Can I … can I get you something else, then? Maybe something to eat? That might — it might absorb some of the … wine in your system.” 
Jeanne gives her head a slow shake, burgundy forelocks swaying gently with the motion. “No. I’m not hungry for food, but thank you.” 
Unsure what else to do, Kaveh lets out a threadbare little laugh. “Ah, I - I see. Then are you in the mood for something else? I can get you whatever you want. On me, of course.” 
It’s not like he had the extra money for that but it doesn’t really seem to matter. She only drops her gaze as if in thought, deeply considering something that only she was privy to in that moment. 
Those cool, sea-green eyes snap back up almost immediately though. 
With a single minded decisiveness that makes his heart lodge itself in his throat again, she nudges closer to him in the booth. Stammering, he quickly brings his open hands up to indicate surrender but she just reaches right past them to grab his chin without so much as pausing. Completely ignoring the surprised squawk he lets out, Jeanne rather demandingly angles his face up at her as she leans in, pressing her body right up against his side until he's practically pinned back into the seat. 
She looks like she’s about to devour him whole, her entire frame practically vibrating with the urge to act on whatever is going through her head, but she manages to stop at the last possible moment. Visibly holding herself in check she takes a deep, faltering breath and lets it out on a slow exhale, trying to regain her composure.  
“I’m not sure what's happening but … I think we need to leave.”
“A - are you alright?” 
“I don’t know. I just suddenly feel so damn hot.” She slowly shakes her head, clearly unable to make any sense of it. It is with a great deal of effort that she forces her fingers to unlatch from his chin and she stiffly returns to her side of the booth, panting softly under her breath. 
Kaveh can’t help the worried guilt that rushes over him as he takes in her new demeanor, the hunched set of her shoulders and the fine sheen of sweat starting to form across her face. If he didn’t know any better he’d think she was suddenly coming down with a cold. This was not at all what he’d expected to happen based on Rahid’s vague description but, well. She had consumed more than just a few drops worth. He just hoped it wasn’t making her sick. 
“It’s okay, Jeanne. Let me pay the tab and then we’ll get out of here,” He tells her, consolingly reaching over to place his hand across her back. “Your place is closer than mine so lets - -”
“No. I’ll pay.”
“But I already said it was my treat - -”
In lieu of a proper response, she merely reaches up lightning quick to snag his wrist and Kaveh can’t quite help the startled yelp he lets out in response. Unperturbed by his reaction, she stands up in a rush and half drags him after her. Another blinding, white hot surge shoots through his body at the demanding way she steers him out of the booth, stopping just long enough to snag her luggage up off the ground before making a beeline up to the front counter. He’s helpless to do anything but follow along right in tow when she’s got an ironclad hold on him like this, and Lambad sends them an odd look from behind the long bar at their approach. 
“Leaving so soon? It’s not even been two hours yet.”
“O - oh, you know,” Kaveh nervously laughs, scrambling for an excuse that wouldn’t sound as incriminating as the current scene looked, but Jeanne is quick to cut across him. 
“We might come back tomorrow. I’m not feeling very well, unfortunately.” That much is clear in the way she shivers just ever so slightly as she sets her suitcase back down so she can dig into her pocket. The fact she refused to let him go, as if she was worried about him making a break for it, is not lost on him but there wasn’t much he could do about it at this point. 
A handful of mora is slapped down on the counter with enough force to make Kaveh wince and then she’s physically dragging him towards the exit. By the time they make it outside and step into the dense heat, Jeanne is full on panting like she couldn’t quite catch her breath, and the two of them stumble to a halt just on the edge of the road. Realizing she was hardly in any condition to navigate the city streets on her own, the blond cautiously steps closer to put his uncaptured hand on her shoulder, hoping to steady her a little bit. 
“Here, let me lead the way. Do you feel like you’re going to be sick? Maybe I should take you to a hospital …”
“No. That's not necessary.” She groans very softly, keeping her head hung forward so that her hair keeps her face mostly hidden from him. “Just want to go home. I think – I think I need to lie down for a while.” 
He was decidedly in agreement with that, so he gently coaxes her into motion until she at last gives in and shuffles after him on heavy feet. Luckily the house she rented year-round for her stays in Sumeru while on business was conveniently closer to the tavern than his old home would have been, so that saved him from having to break that particular news to her just yet. It was one of the very few breaks he seemed to be getting today. 
More importantly though he isn’t quite sure what to do with her in this state. She’d said she didn’t need a hospital but was she sure about that? Did she have the presence of mind to make those kinds of calls right now? In many ways this was the exact opposite of what he’d been hoping for. Instead of a clingy, affectionate Jeanne he’d gotten one who looked like she was either going to collapse or start retching everywhere. For all he was aware, she might even end up doing both and he had no clue how to handle any of it. 
But for once the gods seemed to be on his side because they eventually make it to her single sized home without incident and only a few curious stares from people wondering what was going on with the Fontainian woman. There was no telling what kind of rumors about them might be circulating around the city come morning but that was the least of his concerns. With her help, he manages to get the door unlocked and the two of them stumble inside. 
Immediately dropping her luggage, Jeanne moves to lean heavily against the wall while he gets the door closed. Even with her hair hanging forward he can still make out the furious flush that stains her cheeks and he cautiously approaches her, idly noting that when she was slumped like this they were at almost perfect eye level with one another. 
“Are you positive you don’t want me to fetch a doctor for you, Jeanne? I’m worried about you.” 
“Don’t be,” She insists, lifting a sluggish hand to vaguely wave off his concern. “I’ll be fine. I must have just drank too fast. I wasn’t expecting that brew to hit me so hard.” 
Deciding that was a major understatement, Kaveh reaches up to tug her coat off her shoulders. That probably wasn’t helping her current condition much, and it strikes him as oddly domestic. Like he was a housewife welcoming her hardworking husband home from a long day. 
His belly painfully clenches at the thought and, struggling to fight down the erection that tries to spring to life in his pants, he tosses her jacket on the nearby coat rack and then stiffly takes her by the shoulders. “Come on. Let’s get you to bed before you collapse on me.”
Much to his relief, she complies without a fuss and pushes off from the wall. Leaning into him for support, Jeanne allows Kaveh to guide her further into the house and down the hall. He’d only seen her bedroom once or twice before in passing, when he’d helped her with her luggage on previous trips, but this time there’s enough static tension hanging in the air that he can’t quite stamp down the mounting excitement in his lower body. It’s a shameful thing to realize his self control was this bad but he makes a valiant effort to keep it at bay while he gets her directed over to the waiting bed. 
“Here we are. Once you’re settled in I’ll go get you some water to drink.”
She doesn’t immediately sink onto the waiting mattress though. Even at his encouraging nudge, she just stands there breathing heavily, and he anxiously bends his head close to try and get a better look at her. 
“What’s wrong? Do you feel like you’re going to be sick?” 
“Then why don’t you - -“ 
It happens much too fast for him to comprehend any of it. 
One moment he’s standing on his feet, helping Jeanne support her weight, and the next she’s flipped him forward to hit the bed, sprawled out on his back. Kaveh barely has enough time to draw a sharp gasp as he bounces once before she’s on top of him, pinning him down against the sheets. Staring up at her, he’s so surprised in the aftermath of that sudden rush that he doesn’t even have the wherewithal to do anything else but gape at her. 
What in the seven hells was happening now? 
He gives a slight jolt. “O - oh. Yes – yes, Jeanne?” 
“I’m going to kiss you.” She announces with so little fanfare that he very nearly does a double take. 
“W - wha —“
“Kaveh,” She cuts across him, the strict command in her tone making the blond obediently snap his mouth shut. Apparently satisfied with that, she goes on. “I’ve thought about doing this for a while now. Quite a while, in fact. I’m not sure what was in that vial but I want you far too much right now to deny it any longer. I won’t force myself on you though, so speak up if you don’t want it. This is your chance to reject my advances. If you don’t take it I’m going to kiss you.” 
His eyes grow so impossibly wide it looks like they just might fall right out of his head and go rolling off across the floor, and with it comes a sudden realization. What Rahid had said about that pink concoction. He’d never come right out with it but he also hadn’t stated that it would make her drunk either. That had been his own jump to conclusions on the matter. What he’d told Kaveh was that it would warm her up and that he used it with his wife in their old age. He’d said it would give him plenty of time to prove to Jeanne that he was serious about wanting to pursue her. It wasn’t an elixir for drunkards, it was an intimacy potion! 
Kaveh’s brain stumbles over that thought, hardly even daring to believe it, but the proof was looming over him with a hungry, voracious look of wanting darkening her face. That explained everything. Why she was so short of breath and her skin flushed with perspiration. He’d thought she was feeling ill after ingesting all that wine on top of the mystery fluid but clearly that was not the case. She was so worked up because she was indescribably aroused. 
And he was the sole focus of all her attention? 
The poor architect very nearly faints dead away on the spot. 
Desperately groping for some semblance of a hold on his composure though, he starts to open his mouth. He’d wanted to tell her he would rather talk this out instead of making any rash decisions when she was so obviously under the influence and her judgment was clouded, but his silence must have stretched on for much too long at that point. Because Jeanne abruptly swoops in and he just manages to suck in a surprised gasp before her lips crash into his. He violently jerks as if she’d electrocuted him but, in truth, she doesn’t even seem to notice it. She’s much too busy trying to devour him, claiming his mouth and dominating the kiss before he even has a chance to try and take the upper hand for himself. Like her role of total power and control in their dynamic was already a foregone conclusion. 
Hell, maybe it was. 
In a truly dizzying rush, white hot static surges through his system with all the subtlety of a powerful explosive going off and Kaveh instantly gives over to the intense, bone rattling yearning he harbors for her. Tipping his head, he hungrily kisses her back, softly groaning into her mouth. His lips tremble under the demanding push and pull of hers even as he instinctively brings his arms up to wrap them around her shoulders, clinging to her while his long fingers dig into the soft fabric of her blouse. Noising a brief sound of approval, rewarding him for his eager response, she gives his bottom lip a taunting bite before lowering herself to languorously stretch out on top of him.
There really isn’t much difference in their builds, he suddenly realizes with her body pressed up tight against his like that. They were almost the same height and her shoulders not much wider despite the obvious strength residing in them. In truth, they probably would’ve been just about evenly matched if only Kaveh had taken Al-Haitham’s advice and he’d spent a bit more time exercising his muscles instead of hunching over his drawing table late into the night on various projects. Not that it really mattered now, at this crucial juncture. It was clear he’d be no match for her in his current state even if he’d wanted to fight and wrestle with her for dominance. 
He doesn’t, though. He really, really doesn’t want to pretend to be something or someone he’s not, especially when Jeanne herself never made any qualms about who she was either. This was in many ways exactly what he’d been dreaming of. To have her on top of him, pinning him down and taking whatever she wanted from him, so he happily surrenders, all but melting against her and letting her set the pace however she saw fit. 
And she doesn’t hesitate to do so, either by virtue of her proud, natural inclination for being in control or perhaps it was just in response to his submissive body language. Where once they’d barely touched each other beyond an occasional friendly brush of their hands, Jeanne now shamelessly presses herself flush against him like her claim on the blond man was already a bygone matter of fact. It was as if every single one of his shameful fantasies was coming to life in real time and he almost chokes on the boiling rush of emotion that swells in his chest. 
A pathetically small whimper escapes him and in response the hand that had come up to possessively wrap around his throat relaxes before falling away altogether, sliding up to cup his cheek instead. Her fingers are feminine and dainty yet rough with worn callouses. The grip she usually used for holding her sword is especially powerful, and it has him shuddering against her as blunt nails dig in just enough for him to feel the pinprick, drawing another muffled gasp out of him. But she quickly releases his face in favor of reaching further back to sink her fingers into his hair. Closing her fist at the back of his head, Jeanne gives it an experimental yet no less insistent tug that has his lips warbling open with an accompanying mewl. 
To his groaning surprise, she doesn’t hesitate to take this chance and she plunges her tongue into Kaveh’s mouth to suggestively caress over his in a long, wet swipe and savor the taste of him on her palette. The buzzing daze that encompasses him only grows stronger still and he feels downright delirious even as he dips his head back against the sheets to better accept her conquest of him. 
She's quick to pull away though, leaving him sprawled out and panting underneath her. Issuing a faint groan of disappointment at the loss, he cracks his eyes open to peer up into her face. 
He’s only slightly surprised to find Jeanne’s breath is coming even quicker than before, her cheeks flushed hot in what he now recognized as eager excitement, but somehow she still didn’t look half as worked up as he felt. It probably would have made him laugh, if only he’d had the extra oxygen to do so. Even when that blasted potion was wreaking havoc on her self control she still managed to keep some hold on her composure. It was in many ways astounding. 
“You … you didn’t have to stop.” 
A quietly strained laugh rises in her throat, soft and husky, to accompany the slow lift at the corner of her mouth. 
“Oh, is that so? What an unexpected surprise this is turning out to be.” She murmurs, uncharacteristically doting in the way she speaks to him now. Looking confident and svelte in her eager glow, she pushes up to get a better look at him. “I must admit, there was a very real part of me that hoped things would turn out this way eventually. I didn’t want to approach you with unwarranted expectations though. We’ve already danced around each other for far too long for me to start making assumptions now, wouldn’t you agree? But I suppose I had nothing to be worried about this entire time. You’re a good boy, aren’t you Kaveh?” 
His throat cinches shut, making him cough around the startled sound that materializes from his mouth unbidden. She doesn’t seem to pay it much mind though, shifting her weight more to the side so she can glance down the length of his body with a pointed look. Obediently, and not knowing what else to do, Kaveh hesitantly tears his eyes from her face and follows suit. 
The straining tent in the front of his pants comes as more of a shock to him than it does her. She’d probably felt it as soon as she’d flattened herself to the front of him but that doesn’t stop Kaveh from sucking in a sharp, deeply embarrassed gasp. His cheeks feel like they’re on fire as he shyly draws his knees together in an attempt to conceal his arousal from her but it’s no use. He’s much too hard, and the tent remains. The sharp sting of humiliation almost brings tears to his eyes, and he whimpers softly in his distress. Not only was this unbelievably shameful but he also feared the possibility that she might dismiss him from her presence because of it. This wasn’t exactly the kind of overly enthusiastic reaction most women would want out of their potential partners, was it? 
But Jeanne, evidently, is not most women. She practically purrs, in fact, when she brings her hand down to gently trace the center line of his chest, down over his nervously flexing stomach and even further than that to finally reach the jutted bulge between his legs. Possessively, she curls her fingers around it and palms him with a subdued, taunting squeeze. He almost sobs right then and there, whining softly at the first glorious touch of her hand on him. 
He’d been anticipating this for so long, dreaming and fantasizing about what this exact moment might look like, and he was ashamed to realize how dangerously close he already was to busting in his pants. This was the effect Jeanne had on him. This is what she turned him into. 
“My, you’re certainly excited aren’t you? And to think, I hesitated so much for fear that you might not reciprocate my interest …”
“P - please,” 
“Hush, Kaveh. Now that I’ve finally got you in my bed I won’t be letting you go anytime soon. You’re going to be good and do exactly as I say, aren’t you?” 
He quickly nods, swallowing so hard it almost makes him gag. “Yes. Yes, ma’am. I will. Anything.” 
Jeanne draws a slow, carefully controlled breath in response even as a distant shudder of anticipation wracks through her. “Ooh, look at you. Already so eager to please me. Is it possible you’ve also thought about this before?”
At his needy little whimper she offers another soft, velvety laugh that rushes straight to his cock, making it twitch in her hold. He’s so hard it almost hurts but he can’t quite bring himself to complain about that right now. Not when she was holding him like that and he could still taste the glorious flavor of her mouth on his tongue. So out of his mind with sharp tinged arousal, all he can do is offer up a faltering moan to accompany the dazed nod of his head. 
“I see. Then we are both fools, aren’t we? But are you certain you want to do this, Kaveh? I’m not the type of passive woman who will just indulge you long enough to get you off. If I’m to have you then I’ll have all of you.”  
He quietly seethes at the suggestion of what she was saying. It made it sound like he was some kind of honorable maiden about to be bedded by a chivalrous knight of the court, and the way his cock jumps in her hand makes it quite clear just how much he liked that idea. It was unlike anything he’d ever experienced and yet so deeply attractive that he wasn’t so sure he would’ve been able to reject anything at all she asked of him from here on out. She could have told him to go jump off the highest point of the Akademiya’s tallest spire and he wouldn’t have given it another thought. 
“I … gods, I think I’d be mad if you didn’t at this point. Please, Jeanne. I’m yours, however you want me.” 
Humming a brief sound of approval, she gives his straining erection one last, lingering squeeze before dragging her hand up to fiddle with the brooch that holds his mantle in place over his shoulders. While she works on that, she leans close again and brushes a teasing, featherlight kiss over his lips. Struggling to keep his breath evened out, Kaveh needily kisses her back but no amount of desperation on his part manages to prepare him for when she abruptly sits upright and throws one leg over his middle without any further buildup to that pivotal moment. 
Settling on top of him, she shoots him a sly little smile even as she reaches down to take his slack wrists in her hands. Folding them up above his head, she pins them down to the bed with her weight before hunching close again so she can claim his mouth the way he’d been hoping she would. Jeanne’s hunger is obvious in the way she kisses him as if she were trying to consume his very life force, and in the way she not so subtly grinds her pelvis against him. Even through the many layers of clothes still separating them he can feel the intense heat radiating out from between her legs, and he issues a soft whine when his balls draw up in warning. 
This wasn’t good. If he shot off in his pants before she even properly touched him skin to skin, he was never going to forgive himself. She may not have been very put off by his other shortcomings but he had a feeling this was one she wouldn’t be quite as willing to overlook. 
So with a great deal of effort he tears his mouth from hers, sucking in a ragged breath. “Nghn, J - Jeanne … I might - -“
She unexpectedly shoves her face into the line of his neck, nipping at his pulse, and he physically shakes straight down to his toes. This was exactly what he’d thought about doing to her back at the tavern and the irony of that isn’t lost on him. Having the roles reversed so completely, being on the receiving end of such amorous attention … 
“Ooh, I think — I might need a moment, please.” 
“Aww, what’s the matter, Kaveh? Do you already feel like you’re going to cum for me?” She purrs against his skin, laughing softly when he trembles so violently in response the bed distantly rattles. “Don’t worry. I know exactly how to get you ready for another round if I need to, so there’s nothing to fret about. You’re in good hands, I promise.” 
“W - what does that mean?” He squeaks, unable to keep the nervous trepidation out of his voice. 
Ignoring the question, Jeanne sits up on his stomach and lifts her hands to make quick work of her red tie, her finely made courtiers jacket and then her blouse which she practically rips off in her rush to get undressed. Kaveh, feeling unexpectedly scandalized by the unprecedented strips of creamy flesh being revealed to him, almost brings his hands up to shyly cover his face. He can’t quite rip his eyes away though and he outright stares at the full cups of her satiny brassiere in something not unlike disbelief. He’d never been so blessed with a more tantalizing, beautiful sight in all his life. 
“Now it’s your turn.” She murmurs, hungrily licking her lips as she sets her sights on the sash at the front of his waist. Giving it a good tug is all it takes to have it loosened and then she’s flipping the bottom of his flouncy shirt out of the way so she can get at his pants. 
Kaveh starts to protest, wanting to ask her to at least slow down, but a quick look at Jeanne’s expression makes him think better of it. She was going to chew him up and spit him out one way or another, there probably wasn’t any point in stalling the inevitable. 
Clenching his hands into tight fists, he simply watches as she gets his slacks unfastened and then roughly yanks them down. A soft whimper rises in his throat but she pays it little mind, much too focused on getting them yanked off right along with his shoes. She doesn’t hesitate to come back for his underwear and his cock is soon springing up to arc through the air with a rigid bounce, making him hiss at the sensation as much as at being suddenly exposed. Feeling rather self conscious of his sudden nudity, he snaps his attention up to fretfully gauge her reaction. 
The pleased smile that slowly pulls at her mouth catches him off guard, and he nervously fidgets under the watchful spotlight of her attention. 
“Well, Kaveh, I must say you’ve got a rather pretty cock, don’t you? I expected as much given how lovely you are in the face, but …” 
Eagerly, Jeanne reaches out to wrap her fingers around him and he jolts at the abrupt contact, teeth clenching in an attempt to stave off his impending release. She hadn’t seemed worried about it but he really had no idea what she’d meant by knowing how to get him ready for another round. He wasn’t so sure he wanted to find out. 
“Mm, and you’re sensitive too. How delightful. I wonder what would happen if I just …” 
With a tauntingly slow motion of her hand, she tugs up on his cock and drags her hand from about mid shaft up to the head. Kaveh gives a full bodied, lurching jerk in response, letting out a gutted moan when her fist makes the foreskin bunch over his tender glans. He clenches his toes so hard it actually hurts, desperately trying to will his orgasm away, but if she felt any sympathy for him she certainly doesn’t show it. She simply pulls her fist down, retracing the path she’d already taken once, and he outright chokes when it draws the skin back from the glans entirely with a sticky wet click. 
“Oh my,” She breathes out, sounding a little surprised and a lot excited. “That’s quite a lot of precum, isn’t it? You must have really wanted this bad.” 
“I - I’m sorry,” He whimpers, his flat stomach dramatically flexing under the tension. “I can’t — I don’t think I can hold it …” 
“Is that so? And if I tell you I’ll give you a reward?” He shoots her a harried look of confusion and Jeanne smiles rather magnanimously in return. “If you can avoid cumming for the next five minutes, I’ll treat you to something really nice. How does that sound, hm?”
Archons above, she was trying to kill him! 
At his helplessly weak nod, she offers a quiet sound of approval and an encouraging squeeze to his shaft. His hips fruitlessly buck under the sensation but he quickly stills them again when she starts to drag her hand back up at a painfully sedate pace, caressing him in torturous slow motion. Full on wheezing, Kaveh screws his eyes shut and forces himself to stay still even when his muscles start to vibrate with the intense urge to give in. To follow after her grip and thrust into her fingers, to let loose and spasm for all he was worth. Even putting aside the reward she’d mentioned, he just didn’t want to disappoint her. 
So he simply lies there and takes it while she jerks him off at such a staggered, halting pace he really feels like he just might go mad. It was hard just to breathe around it let alone think, and as a result the only thing he can do is focus his cotton stuffed head on not cumming. He repeats it again and again, like a lifesaving mantra, but he’s so close that it feels like a lost cause. His balls are heavy and they ache fiercely where they’re drawn up tight against his scrotum, so close to shooting off but forced to hold back. This was hell. Glorious, mind numbing hell and it existed squarely within the confines of this bed. 
“Such a good boy you are,” She coos another moment later, making him heave and desperately arch up off the bed at the inviting sound of her voice. His narrow, shaking hips are the only part of him that stays rooted to the mattress while the rest of him desperately twists with back bending need, grunting at the effort of trying to stave off his release. “You’re doing so well for me. I can tell how close you are. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just let go and - -“ 
Cutting her off with a strangled, partially horrified moan, Kaveh can’t stop himself from thrusting up into her grip any longer and he does so with such force it makes something in his lower spine pop. That’s all it takes, just that one hurried rush of movement, and his cock pitifully erupts in a sudden stream of milky white discharge. He cums with a hardly dignified sound, gutted and elated in equal measure. Spurt after spurt, it just keeps coming to paint her knuckles white and stain the bottom of his loose fitted shirt, until finally it runs dry with one last aching twitch that leaves him desperately wheezing. 
“Oh, god!” Bonelessly, Kaveh collapses back into the bed, feeling dizzy and overwhelmed. It takes him a prolonged moment to get his bearings straight, or at least enough to comprehend that he was still alive and Jeanne was very much not a figment of his imagination, and he slowly lifts his head to glance down at her. 
Smiling slyly, she rather daintily releases his cock and holds her hand up to show off the incriminating evidence coating her hand. “I’m afraid you only lasted about two minutes and thirty seconds but …” 
“Please, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!” He says in a rush, but she continues on as if he hadn’t even spoken. 
“I’ll admit that was still longer than I thought you’d manage to pull off. With the way you were acting, I’d half expected you to lose it in under a minute.”
Practically withering in shame, Kaveh shyly draws his knees together but Jeanne is quick to palm his legs apart again. A soft whimper escapes him at the sticky smear she leaves along his thigh, like a reminder of his failure. This was not quite how he’d envisioned this unfolding. 
“Don’t fret, now. I told you I’d take care of you, didn’t I? Besides,”
Peeking up at the pointed tone in her voice, the blond warily follows her line of sight down to his groin and a soft mewl escapes him at the sight of his cock, still half hard and stirring with interest. He’d cum so hard he almost felt numb from the waist down now but there was no getting around what he was looking at. It wasn’t going to take much to have him at full strength again. That much was obvious. 
“I can go again,” He quickly stammers before she can jump into action and take care of it for him. “I’m sure I’ll last longer this time too. But you should — you should really let me take care of you first. I promise I’m good with my mouth.”
“I’m sure you are.” She agrees, smiling at him like she knew he was stalling for time and she thought it was cute. “But I don’t think that will be necessary. You’re going to take care of me another way, Kaveh.” 
Pulling back from him completely, Jeanne takes a moment to withdraw a handkerchief from the pocket of her trousers with her unsoiled hand and she uses it to wipe the cum off the other. Carelessly tossing it aside, she then sets her hands to work on her pants and he tenderly winces when his spent cock bobs with growing excitement at the implication of what was to come. She genuinely was trying to kill him, he decides. And she was doing a spectacular job of it so far. 
“Be a good boy and take off the rest of your clothes for me, hm?” 
It takes everything Kaveh has not to outright sob as he obediently sits up and starts tugging off his shirt. Soon the both of them are completely naked, save the sleek black bra Jeanne leaves on for the time being, and he self consciously brings his arms up to wrap them around his chest when she returns to him on the bed. He feels more than a little foolish for it, like some awkward maiden that wasn’t used to being seen in such a vulnerable state — and, really, that actually wasn’t far from the truth — but she doesn’t seem to be half as disappointed by that as he may have once feared she would be. 
If anything, Jeanne actually looks quite pleased with the blond in her bed, and she reaches out to gently take his shoulders once she’s kneeling next to him. “Lay down?” 
He complies, eager pinpricks erupting along his skin where her hands touch him. Of course he’d known he was pathetically, regrettably weak for her long before this, but looking up at her now he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that she really was the one for him. Who else could even compare? No one was as strong as Jeanne, nor as pretty. No other woman came from a background of aristocratic opulence while behaving like she did. She was — everything, wasn’t she? 
“Good. Now, be good for me and let me have my fun, okay?” 
Swallowing his nerves down, Kaveh offers a single nod and Jeanne coos at him very softly in response, assuring him that he was making the right choice for once in his life. Bracing her hands against his narrow chest, she confidently throws her leg over his middle again but this time she keeps her pelvis angled up rather than immediately settling on top of him. He feels downright hysterical when she reaches for his cock and possessively wraps her fingers around it. Despite the fact he was still recovering from his first orgasm, it immediately flexes in her hold to stand at attention. Obedient and loyal, just like his heart was, apparently. 
He seethes softly under his breath at the ache in his overwrought loins but doesn’t try to fight it as she angles him towards her cunt and the glorious thatch of red hair there, a shade darker than that on her head. A vague sense of panic does make his chest expand with a sharp gasp though, and he fumbles his hands down to grab hold of her hips. So soft and womanly under his fingers, yet indescribably powerful when they flex with the motion of lowering herself onto him. 
Truthfully Kaveh hadn’t thought it was possible to get any more worked up then he already was, yet the first silky soft brush of her wet lips against his glans has him feeling dangerously close to passing out. Contrary to his earlier statement, he was not going to last any longer than he had the first time. 
“W - wait —“ 
“Are you nervous, Kaveh?” She laughs, the sound so inviting and teasing it very nearly has him going cross eyed with the intense surge of fresh arousal that sparks in him. “Don’t overthink it. Just lie back, relax and let me have my fun, hm? You want to please me, don’t you?” 
“Ahh … y - yes, ma’am. I do.” 
Breathing out a clipped, anticipatory sigh, Jeanne sedately drags him back and forth through the wet folds and creases of her cunt, ensuring that he was nice and sticky too. Not that he thought he needed it when she already felt like she was soaked so penetration was sure to be a nonissue, but it certainly felt good. Heavenly, actually. 
Fingers sinking into the soft give of her hips, he silently pleads with any god willing to listen for his stamina not to give out at the worst possible time. 
Another anticipatory moment later, she finally angles him back towards her entrance and starts to sink the rest of the way down. The blinding rush of heat that all at once envelops him damn near sends him careening over the edge right then and there, but he valiantly holds it back with a sobbing little hiss. Clutches at her like his life depended on it, and it very well might, while Jeanne gradually takes him deeper and deeper into her body one inch at a time. Just as he’d suspected, she was already perfectly lubricated and he gives a powerless curse under his breath, stealing a harried glance between them to watch her swallow him down to the base. Her thick curls are a poignant contrast to his coarser, ashen brown ones, but they look right at home mingling together like that. 
“Bless the seven - -!”
“Mmnn, you feel so good, Kaveh. You’re just where I want you to be.” Giving a taunting wriggle of her hips to make him sensitively wince, Jeanne reaches for one of his hands. Slides it around to the front of her abdomen and presses down on a certain spot along her lower stomach. “Right there. Can you feel it? That’s how deep you are.” 
The wordless noise he lets out is rife with distress, and he sucks in a horribly frazzled breath in an attempt to steady his nerves a little bit. She just laughs though, another soft, liltingly husky sound that makes him want to cry out. 
And he does, mewling a huffy noise into the statically charged air when she leans forward to square her balance in the center, on her toes and with her hands palming his chest. She starts to move then, keeping her motions short and experimental at first while she gets a better feel for him and how he hits her most pleasure inducing spots. It doesn’t take long for her to pick up the pace though and she begins to bounce in earnest, taking him in long, drawn out plunges now. 
Flicking her long braid over her shoulder mid bounce, Jeanne pins him with a salacious grin. “Yeah, right there. You’ve got it. Ahhn, you’re such a good boy for me. You’d better not, nghn, bust as quickly as the first time. Not before I get mine.” 
“J - Jeanne —“ 
He sounds incredibly whiny even to his own ears but he can’t help it. Not when he could feel his cock throbbing inside her, still tender from getting hard again much too soon after already cumming once, and she didn’t seem to care. She was clearly much more concerned with her own pleasure now, enthusiastically chasing that gratification on top of him, but that just seems to ratchet his own excitement up even further. The more she took from him the more he wanted to give, the higher his arousal seemed to climb. 
It is with no shortage of horror that Kaveh realizes he’s going to cum again, not because she was riding him so expertly, but because she was using him for her own pleasure and that was getting him off more than anything. Even in all his fantasies and wistful daydreams, he’d never imagined that having her treat his cock like her own personal toy would turn him on quite this much. 
“Oh! Shit! I - if you don’t slow down, Jeanne, I’m - -“ 
Her hips start to come down faster, harder in response, and the sharp slap of skin meeting skin rises louder in the air. He practically chokes on it, squirming underneath her as every muscle in his body rapidly tenses up in preparation to blow another load and simultaneously to try and stave it off. It wasn’t just overwhelming, it was downright mind numbing, and he pathetically whimpers even as his eyes start to roll back in his head. 
Too much. It was too much. 
“Please — please —“ He’s babbling, his mouth running on autopilot now, but still she doesn’t seem to care. 
His cock was hers to use however she saw fit and it was clear she wanted it thrusting deep into her guts right now. It feels like every ounce of blood in his body rushes down to his groin all at once, making it swell to uncomfortable proportions as his balls tightly draw up again. He tries to hold back, really, but it’s all too much for him to bear. The wet warmth of her body gripping him like a vice, the breathy sounds that slip from her mouth and the all encompassing smell of her cloying on the back of his tongue. He was powerless before it. 
And he cums again, just like that. His strangled, frantic moan is high pitched and bordering on frantic as he shoots off inside her but even then she just keeps going. Even when his cock finishes spraying her inner sleeve with white, creamy clumps, she just keeps riding him. The only response he gets that indicates she’s even aware of it happening is a low, huffy groan in the back of her throat but it doesn’t so much as make her pause. 
His hands practically cramp up from how hard he’s clutching at her, roughly sucking in a series of wet, faltering breaths. His body can’t take it when every conceivable inch of him was painfully throbbing in protest at the continuous stimulation. The sensation is sharp and stabbing, and he finally throws his head back against the sheets to helplessly wail up at the ceiling. 
“Oh, Kaveh,” She finally murmurs another moment later. “Are you crying?”
His eyes snap open so suddenly it takes them a heartbeat or two to catch up and make any sense of the visual input. Just in time to watch Jeanne lean over him, getting close to his face and alternating her previous bouncing motion to a slower, more savory grind that makes him wince in his oversensitized state. She doesn’t seem to pay it any mind though, her teal eyes taking in his face with obvious delight. 
“You poor thing,” Breathing out softly, she slides one hand up from his chest, over his neck and higher still to cup his cheek. “You really are tender, aren’t you? I wasn’t expecting to make you cry until at least the third round.” 
Kaveh’s taxed heart nearly gives out right then and there. “T - third round? You … you can’t be serious - -“
“I’m very serious, I’m afraid. I’m not sure what else you expected when you gave me an aphrodisiac though. Don’t tell me you’ve bitten off more than you can chew?” 
“Aph - wait, you knew?” 
“Well, I didn’t at the time but I’ve certainly figured it out by now. In all honesty, I picked up very early on that you were acting rather strange today but I hadn’t expected you to go to such lengths just to get me into bed. All you’d had to do was ask, you know.” 
He just gapes up at her, big, wet glistening tears beading along his lash line to make them clump together. What she was saying wasn’t just inconceivable, it didn’t make any sense! If she’d suspected something amiss, if she’d had any doubts about his intentions then …
His eyes suddenly go big and round. “You — that’s what you meant earlier … about unwarranted expectations?”
She smiles at him, a vaguely mischievous, sly little smile, and exhales a savory sigh. “Yeah, but I’d say that’s a moot point now, wouldn’t you agree? I’ve already made you cry so …” Closing the distance, Jeanne’s tongue flicks out to lap up a salty tear from his cheek and he startles like she’d shocked him. That only makes her laugh though, and she pulls back to sit upright again so she can reach behind her to unclasp the hooks on her bra. “Let’s continue, shall we? I’ve got something special in mind for that overly eager cock of yours.” 
Satiny cups fall away, revealing her bare breasts to him at long last, and Kaveh sucks in such a harsh, flustered gasp it almost sounds like he’s choking. Pleased with his reaction, she tosses the garment aside and then much to his slack jawed surprise, she moves to dismount from him. His spent cock slips free humiliatingly fast and wetly flops down to rest across his lower belly, completely soft now. 
Self consciously, Kaveh reaches down to gingerly cover himself from her scrutiny but she merely turns to climb down off the bed as if it were none of her concern. Maybe it wasn’t, and he practically withers at the thought. 
“Get on your hands and knees for me.” She says, not bothering to look back at him while she tugs open a drawer on the nightstand. 
“Please, Jeanne, I don’t think I can handle another round so soon.” He groans, even as he slowly pushes himself up to sit. It wasn’t just his cock that felt sore and achy, his entire body hurt at this point. “If you just give me, I don’t know, an hour, I’m sure we’ll have much better results.” 
“You really expect me to wait that long?” 
“W - well, no, but - -“
“Hands and knees, Kaveh. Now.” 
Whimpering softly, he does as he’s been told and turns over to assume the position. He wasn’t sure what, exactly, she had in store for him but there were certainly a few sinking suspicions running through his mind, and he wasn’t sure if he was prepared for any of them. Mentally or physically, it seemed he really had bitten off more than he could conceivably chew. 
She soon returns to him, evidently having found what she was looking for and crawling up onto the bed to kneel just behind him. He can’t quite bring himself to look back at her, a little too embarrassed by everything that has already happened here today as much as the unseemly pose he was currently in to face her head on. He was also more than a bit nervous too, and he decidedly did not want her to see that reflecting back at her in his expression. Sure, Kaveh may have been fruitlessly grasping at straws here, but he was dead set on preserving whatever minuscule amount of his pride he still had left. 
Which was decidedly not much at all. 
“Relax for me. I’m not going to hurt you.” 
“I know that …” 
But did he really, though? He trusted her, yes, but there was a very real part of him that didn’t know what to expect in the coming moments and that made him understandably a bit jittery. 
That fact is very poignantly highlighted when she touches him, placing her hand along his lower back, and he jolts so hard he nearly comes right up off the bed. Chuckling softly at the reaction, Jeanne rubs comforting, coaxing circles into his skin as if she were encouraging an overly skittish pup to settle down. 
“So jumpy. Have I actually done anything to make you this nervous yet?” 
He grumbles a low, noncommittal sound, not entirely sure he trusted himself to speak when he was as naked as the day he was born and spread out on her bed on full display. His reticence quickly proves to be a moot point though, because when she drags her hand down to the cleft where his ass starts, he outright yelps in surprise. 
“Wait - -“ 
“Unfortunately I don’t have the time or the patience for that right now. You said you were going to be a good boy for me, didn’t you?” 
“ I — I did, but …” 
“Then do as I say and relax. I promise you aren’t going to hate this half as much as you think you will.” 
Groaning softly, Kaveh hangs his head in a clear sign of defeat and Jeanne takes that chance to readjust her position behind him, settling directly between his knees now. Both of her hands come up to cup his cheeks, giving them each a savory, appreciative squeeze, and he mewls very quietly when she spreads them apart. His face positively blazes with the knowledge that she was looking at his most private areas uninterrupted and he restlessly fidgets as a result. 
He feels her lean close then and he braces himself — for what, he isn’t sure, but it’s certainly not the wet swipe of her tongue across the tight pucker of his asshole. The sensation is unmistakable and jarring, and he instinctively tries to shy away from it with a frazzled yelp. 
“Jeanne!” He shrills, further embarrassing himself with the high pitch of his voice. 
“Goodness, you really are like an innocent virgin, aren’t you?” 
He doesn’t exactly have a comeback for that, not when he was certainly acting like one, so he just settles on a vague sound of disagreement. 
Chuckling, she leans into him again and, now that he actually knows what’s coming, he clenches his teeth to stay any of the humiliating sounds that rise in his chest at the next swipe of her tongue. It’s a bit less shocking this time but no less confusing when he can’t make any sense of why she would be doing this. Surely she wasn’t … she didn’t plan to - -
“Don’t tense up so much,” She murmurs against him, warm breath fanning over his skin and tickling the sticky wrinkle of his hole. He feels a slight twitch in his groin in response to the featherlight sensation but it’s not near enough to have him springing back up to full attention again. 
So he simply takes it with as much grace as he possibly can, passively letting her lap at him without protest until he can eventually feel the tight rim start to puff up under her ministrations. The muscle was slackening and giving way, allowing her more freedom to poke and prod at the center to tease the suggestion of penetration. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that or any of this, but he doesn’t protest even when she seals her mouth around him and gently starts to suckle. Now he felt overwhelmed in a completely different way than before, and he wheezes quietly under his breath. This was unfamiliar territory for him, completely uncharted, but it is his implicit trust in Jeanne that keeps him from bolting like a frightened rabbit. 
And just like the easily frightened hare, he all but quails when she finally pulls back some moments later to fiddle with something behind him. He didn’t want to look, couldn’t bring himself to look, but he quickly figures out what she’s up to when her fingers come up to touch him and they’re unnaturally sticky with grease, genuine surprise making his heart stutter a beat. 
Dear god, she was really going to do this! 
“Ah, J - Jeanne, are you sure that’s - -“ 
She carefully pushes, dipping one digit just inside the tight ring of muscle without stopping long enough to hear him out, and he instantly blurts out a wordless sound of startled shock. Unable to stop himself anymore, he snaps his head around to peer over his shoulder at her but she just offers up a vaguely conspiratorial smile. 
“You’re tensing up again.” 
“Well, can you really blame me!” 
“No, not really. But trust me, you’ll find you’re much more keen here in just a moment.” 
He doesn’t believe that. He doesn’t believe that at all, not when his hole was weakly pulsing around the intrusion in a way that made him feel panicky and trapped, and that was to say absolutely nothing of the sharply felt pangs of embarrassment he could feel creeping up his neck. 
But then she pushes in a little deeper, slipping in down to the second joint, and his entire body seizes in response, igniting a red hot, tingling sensation low in his gut. His mouth drops open in surprise but nothing comes out, his chest rapidly contracting with the quick gasps he pulls in. It still didn’t exactly feel good, or at least he’s pretty sure it doesn’t, but he felt … something from it. Something that takes his breath away and threatens to suffocate him. He’d never been penetrated like this before but to have Jeanne doing it, carefully fingering his body open, it occurred to him much too late that she was probably right. He probably was going to like this if she was the one doing it. 
“Oh, oh, oh,” He wheezes, fighting the instinctive urge to pull away when she just keeps going, dipping her finger further in until he feels the obvious press of her knuckle flush against his hole. Swaying unsteadily on his hands and knees, he frantically gropes for his frazzled thoughts for something to say. “That’s — hold on, please, just … take it slow, okay?” 
“Didn’t I already tell you I don’t have time for that, Kaveh? You’re going to take what I give you however I see fit to give it. Do you understand?” 
Not waiting for him to respond (as if he even could respond to that), Jeanne angles her finger down and gently massages along his inner wall. The sensation is strange and he still can’t quite decide if it was pleasurable or not, so he just squirms in place while she feels along his guts. At least it didn’t hurt. That seems to be his one and only consolation in this confusing situation he’s gotten himself in, and for that he was thankful. 
“Ah,” She suddenly blurts. “Found it.” 
He almost finds himself asking what it is she’s found in his ass of all places but he doesn’t quite make it any farther than opening his mouth. She abruptly angles that insidious digit downward, digging into his interior wall, and a shock of static electricity immediately shoots through his entire system with enough force to damn near bowl him right over. He comes very close to full on wailing in response even as his hips subconsciously buck under the pressure and his cock gives a distant, muted twitch. 
Icy fear promptly races down his spine. No. No, it couldn’t be — 
She repeats the motion, massaging down into that unimaginably sensitive bundle of nerves with a forceful curl of her finger, and his knees almost give out in response. He understood now what it was she wanted but he was helpless to stop it at this point, outright sobbing while she expertly turned his own body against him. No matter how much he tries to fight it or will it away, his cock was slowly coming back to life with each twist of her hand even when it hurt to do so. He was still much too sore after two consecutive orgasms but even through the discomfort he still gradually starts to harden again. 
Left with no other choice, Kaveh finally allows his upper body to sink down onto the bed where he folds his arms and buries his face in their protective cradle. He’d never be able to look Jeanne in the face after this. It had already started off bad enough when he’d shot his load in under four minutes but it had only continued to get worse from there, and now she was fingering his asshole to coax yet another erection out of him. 
Somehow it doesn’t even come as a surprise when the tears start up again. 
“There you go. Just look at you.” She murmurs approvingly some odd minutes later when his cock has finally finished filling out and it was now a heavy, hanging weight between his legs. “If I didn’t know any better, I wouldn’t even think you’ve gone one round yet.” 
“Nnghnoogh, please, Jeanne. This is hardly, aghhn, the time for jokes.” 
“You’re right. Well, let’s get you fitted then.”
Kaveh blinks through the tears, wondering what she was talking about now, but he doesn’t get the chance to ask. She starts to slowly pull her finger out without any further warning and he whines at the resulting drag against his guts when the muscle tries to cling to her on the way out. It’s like she doesn’t even notice though, or perhaps she doesn’t care, and she slips free with a tiny little slurp from his clenching entrance. Physically cringing at the sound, he shoves his face further into the comfort of his arms and tries very hard not to sob. 
He can hear her fiddling with something behind him but he’s a little too far gone to wonder about what the next trial might be. He’d find out sooner or later anyway, and in this case it turns out to be quite soon. 
Carefully, her hands slip something over his rigid cock and draws it up to the base. It feels vaguely like leather, and that thought is quickly solidified in his mind when she tightens it until the material cinches around him in a tight squeeze that is resoundingly uncomfortable on his already nerve sensitive skin. Sucking in a sharp breath, Kaveh shoves himself up on his elbows so he can peer down at himself. Sure enough, the black thong secured around his scrotum is obvious and speaks for itself. The message was clear. If he couldn’t control himself enough to hold back his orgasms until she was satisfied then she’d help him out. Give him a nudge in the right direction. 
He absolutely hated how familiar that sentiment sounded. 
“You can’t — you can’t do that, Jeanne! It’s too tight and … that’s not fair, is it? I could have used my mouth.” 
“Ooh, are you whining, Kaveh? Such a sad little thing you are. Unfortunately it’s not your mouth I want right now though.” Rising up, she leans over him so she can press herself flush along his back. Her hand comes around to curl under his chin and manually turn his face up at her, and he offers her a tiny little sniffle to go with the puppy eyed face he makes. “What I want is that pretty cock you’ve got between your legs and you’re going to give it to me, aren’t you? Hm?” 
“Nnghn … yes, ma’am.” 
“Good. Now switch me spots.” 
She peels away from him so she can move up a little higher on the bed while he gingerly gets himself situated on his knees. Even just a brief glance down at the state of his poor cock, swollen and darkened by the tight band cutting off the circulation to keep him hard and ready, is enough to make him feel light headed with overwhelm. He’d wanted this though, had practically begged any god willing to listen for even just one real chance with Jeanne, and he knew better than to fight it. He’d dug this hole for himself so, with an accompanying sniffly, he compliantly moves to position himself between the bend of her knees when she gets settled on her back. And looking down at her spread out like that, he dully realizes that he’s never been happier in all his life. 
It wasn’t just that she was pushing his body right to its limits while simultaneously keeping the important bits of him grounded in reality, although that was certainly gratifying in its own right too. It also wasn’t a simple matter of fulfilling and acting on his long held attraction for her, making his fantasies a reality. Rather, there was something about this power dynamic between them that just made him feel whole and complete, like he’d been born just to play this role for her. He’d experienced felt anything quite like it before, and it is with an immense amount of nervous anticipation that he lines himself up with her entrance. 
“I’m going to do it.” He announces, thinking it was for her benefit, but she immediately shoots that idea down when she tsk’s very softly in response. 
“What did I tell you about relaxing, Kaveh? Don’t worry. I’m confident you’re going to do an excellent job.” 
As if to prove that, she reaches between them and wraps her fingers around his straining length, giving it a tight squeeze. He shudders, feeling every little thing in high definition when the nerves were so sensitized and swollen with excess blood. It’s hard just to breathe through it but she helps him with this as well by gently guiding him back into place and encouraging him with a slow tug. 
Clutching her soft thighs in a death grip, Kaveh follows the suggestion with his hips and pushes forward, spearing into hot creases and folds in torturous slow motion. He can’t quite bring his body to move any faster than that and he lets out a frazzled, high pitched keening sound when he starts to sink inside her body again. It felt even more intense than it did the first time, and he surely had the black thong cinched tight around his scrotum to thank for that. Almost like having a transcendental experience, it makes his soul feel like it’s flickering out at the edges.  
He keeps going though, a little too far gone within the heightened daze of his arousal to think of anything else other than burying himself as deep into Jeanne as he could reasonably go, and he doesn’t stop until his pelvis is flush with hers. Letting out a wounded, faltering grunt, he sways unsteadily over top of her. Tries to ground himself to no avail. He wasn’t going to come out of this on the other side the same person he’d once been. Of that he’d never been more certain.  
“Kaveh,” She says his name so soft, so dotingly, as her hands come up to cup his face and angle it down at her. “You’re crying again, my love. Do you really like being inside me that much?” 
Numbly nodding his head even while the tears continue to streak hot tracks down his cheeks, the blond fumbles for something to say before finally settling on, “I do. Of course I do, but … I want to make you feel good too.” 
A slow smile curls Jeanne’s mouth, more sly and knowing than it is sweet, but like a loyal dog Kaveh is just happy to get whatever he can. He doesn’t mind the way she looks at him like a hungry, powerful predator sizing up its prey and he doesn’t mind the way she reaches down to possessively grope at his chest either. Despite him being almost totally flat and lacking in much to grab, that doesn’t stop her from pinching at his poor little breast until he hisses, half in discomfort and half in pleasure. This, too, he was happy to be on the receiving end of. 
“You are making me feel good, you silly thing. But I’d feel even better if you started moving already. I’m not much for cock warming, you know.” 
He blushes straight up to his ears, stammering out a quick apology. Unconcerned, Jeanne slides her hand further down and then back to reach for his tight ass, giving it an appreciative jostle. 
“Quickly, now. If you don’t act soon I’ll have to fuck you instead and show you how it’s done. Considering the way you reacted just from having my finger inside you I don’t think you’re quite ready for that yet, are you?” 
“N - no, ma’am. I’m not.” 
“Didn’t think so. Then get moving.”
Crossposted: here
55 notes · View notes
braidlottie · 7 months
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pairing: professor!matthews x transmasc!student!reader
summary: after your english professor catches you plagiarizing on your latest essay, she gives you a punishment you'll never forget.
tags: smut, nsfw, 18+ (minors dni), BIG age gap (reader is 19, lottie is 40), professor matthews and reader secretly dating!!! this is not just a random hookup lmao, spanking, teasing, dirty talk, handjob/blowjob, professor matthews being mean :((
word count: 1k
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"any more questions?" your professor turned around to the class after wiping the board. she got no reply, shrugging and putting her glasses on her head, holding her hair back. "okay! have a good one, everyone!" she excused everyone, watching them put on their backpacks and walk out.
this being your last class today, you were so happy to get home and relax. you can do your homework tomorrow. "hang on, honey. can i talk to you really quick?" professor matthews touched your shoulder, pushing you back down into your seat. "uhh- of course. is everything okay?"
she shut the door, and drew the curtains on the windows. she sucked in a hard breath, sitting back down in her chair. she gestured a "come here" with her fingers, slipping her glasses back on. she pulled out another chair from behind the desk, and you walked over to her. and as you sat down, you saw multiple paragraphs highlighted red. "does this look familiar to you?"
you began to read the hook of the essay, your stomach dropping when you realized it was yours. you turned to your instructor with wide eyes, the feeling finally settling in that you were caught.
"wait! it's not what it looks like." you tried to save yourself, but there was no hope. "it's exactly what it looks like, sweetheart." her hands were crossed, giving you a serious but sympathetic look. "would you like to tell me why you would copy an article and think that you would get away with it? and don't lie to me."
you had never seen this side of lottie before. she was always so kind to you and seeing her so hostile and you being the cause of it, was a little intimidating.
"i-i couldn't think of anything to write, so- i don't know, i just copied that last minute and turned it in." you answered with a pitiful look, and she hummed. "i see. so what you're saying is, i gave you a whole week to write a two page essay and you forged it?" you nodded shamefully.
“such a naughty boy.”
something about that made your cock twitch.
"please don't tell anyone, can you just pass me like you always do?" you were pleading, knowing that plagiarism this serious could get you kicked out of school. "if anything, i should tell someone! i should drop you from this class right now."
regretful tears of shame began to well in your eyes, lottie noticing and sighing. "'m really sorry, lottie. just- don't drop me, please."
she tsks, standing up and holding your chin up. "fine, i won’t say a word to anyone. but i’m not letting you get off scot-free.”
she pulled you up by your shirt, one of her hand on your ass cheek and the other on your belt buckle. she slowly held up your shirt, marveling at your chest. you couldn't believe how fast she loosened your belt with one hand, the buckle jingling as you whined when you realized how embarrassing your boxers were.
"spider-man? really? god, you just get cuter and cuter, don't you?" she shook her head. "i want you to bend over, so i can spank that little ass. you deserve it for being such a bad boy." she forces you over her desk, pulling down your boxers teasingly slow. "lottie.. please..." you looked back at her, squirming when her nails scratched your ass. "you don't have to do this."
"oh, but i do." she smacked your right cheek, getting a loud groan out of you. "and you better stay quiet." lottie noticed how your groans got whinier and desperate after each spank. "i think you actually like this, hmm? you like it when your professor spanks you for being so naughty?" her voice got deeper, her rhythm not skipping a beat. you whined, shaking your head against the wood.
"then, what's this?" her hand swipes up your thigh, collecting the slick dripping into your boxers that you had no knowledge of. "i bet you're hard right now, hmm?" you couldn't even answer, groaning into the desk. she turned you around, your tdick rising from the surprising gust of wind. "aww, look at that," she lifted you up by your thighs, sitting you on the desk. she lifted up the hood, finding your throbbing, pink head. "fuck." you squirmed in her hold.
"ah, ah, don't curse. bad boy." your dick was held in-between her fingers, stroking you up and down. “fu-ahh!” you felt her hand slap over your mouth.
“am i going to have to gag you? be. quiet.”
now that you think about it, you were kind of glad you plagiarized.
you were trying to say something, but your mouth was still covered by lottie. “what was that, sweetie?”
“i want your mouth. please.”
“you want my mouth? where, sweetheart?”
you hated when she made you describe everything so literally, especially during sex.
“c’mon, tell me, baby.”
“you already know.”
“but i want you to tell me.” her hands squeezed around your waist.
“mm- i want your mouth on my cock, please.” lottie grinned at your shyness, soaking up all the adorableness from your embarrassment. “good boy. since you asked so nicely…”
she crouched down, tongue swirling about on your twitching cock, your cunt clenching onto nothing so needily. “lottie…”
“you know that’s not my name here, sweet boy.” she watched your face scrunch up in desperation. “professor… ‘m gonna cum,” you choked out, your thighs trembling from the wet, warm feeling of lottie’s lips sucking you.
“oh, i bet you are. cumming in your professors mouth on her desk? such a dirty little boy.”
you whimpered, so close to the edge.
then all of it just- stopped.
“nononono, please, please, lottie-” you shook your head, crying from the denial. “you didn’t think i was really going to let you cum, right?”
a tear flung from your eye and lottie scoffed, brushing it away with her thumb. “you’re still on punishment, darling.”
she pulled your shirt down and helped you off the desk, pulling your boxers and pants back up. “you better go home, and write that essay, the right way, and have it on my desk as soon as class starts monday. and you better not touch yourself. understand me?”
“yes, what?” she zipped up your pants, kissing your neck.
“yes, professor.”
“there’s my good boy. now run along.” she spanked your stinging bottom once more to send you on your way, watching your legs wobble as you scrambled out of the room.
taglist: @t4tnat @jaywritessometimes @girltwinklater @kessellluvr @lotties-ashwagandha @shipmanisms
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ailendolin · 5 days
Live Reaction to TRoP 2x06
I have a feeling there will be no Elrond in this episode and my inner Durin is already crying over it
but my boy Arondir is here so that is good
probably not for the orcs, though
yep, told you so. Don't mess with Arondir. The way he sheathed his sword at the end? Absolute badass
oh that's Eregion on the map. Let's see if Arondir will make it there since no one else ever seems to manage to
I don't suppose that's a good sign there's a (admittedly cute) mouse in the forge
oh Celebrimbor is deteriorating so quickly. I just want to give him a hug and yeet Annatar off that tower
is this the episode where he will throw the hammer at Annatar? Ngl I am looking forward to that
the gentle music when Annatar is pretending to be understanding is making me so emotional because Calebrimbor needs comfort so badly and Annatar knows exactly what chords to play to make him think he is getting it
oh Valar, he is so tired. Someone get him out of there and please let him rest. Fuck, this episode is going to break my heart, isn't it?
I am LOVING the elves in uniform! Look at them! The way the colours blend together on their armour is so pretty
Malendol my beloved! Please join Camnir, Vorohil and Rían in my little collection of favourite minor characters who we will probably never see again (or, Valar forbid, see getting killed off)
omg he is so pretty and his voice! Aaaaah!
(this has nothing to with the episode but I am already seeing myself shipping him with Camnir for no other reason than that I love them both. This is not good. I need to stop getting attached to one-off characters)
Mirdania, I'm sorry, but you are grating on my nerves a little here
I'm loving the foreboding music when Annatar takes her hand
did you see the banners in the background? I want one of them and am once again asking Amazon: where the merch?
ah it's time for the Adar & Galadriel dinner scene. I didn't watch the clip that was released but I know people were screaming about it so this is going to be interesting
lol I see Adar is pulling no punches here and calling Galadriel out on her obsession with Sauron immediately. Good for him. Elrond would like you
Sauron promised her an army? Gal, love, he wanted to make you his queen
"Children." Nooooo what? Adar only ever wanted to be a dad. I'm crying
but oh this is so clever of him when he says Sauron's lies which must be extinguished becuase one thing I've loved about the show's portrayal of Sauron in season 1 is that he didn't lie to Galadriel. She was the one who constantly put words in his mouth
yes let the exes unionise!
oh he's got the stabby crown!
"The fate of that city now rests on your ability to put aside your pride." Yep, Eregion is doomed
Elendil! Everyone's adopted dad's not having a good time right now
clever, Pharazon. But Elendil will never renounce Miriel
YES, I told you he wouldn't! Fuck you, Pharazon, that man loves his queen and will never serve you
Lol. "Snoring? Who's snoring?" Tom, I love you, but you are not good at giving pep talks
Poppy and Merimac :)
omg that's a long time to decide on a name. What were his parents thinking?
I repeat: Poppy and Merimac :) That kiss was so sweet
and look, Tom, Poppy is great at pep talks. That's how you do it
okay we're going staff finding. Is it ridiculous that for a moment I thought he might get his staff from the Stoor tree?
omg you're not throwing the Gandalf quote in there without warning, are you? My poor heart can't take all these emotions. It's such a beautiful quote and I guess this is one more argument in favour of the "The Stranger is Gandalf" theory?
Khazad-Dûm my beloved
look at all that gold. I'm getting Erebor flashbacks (flashforwards?) here, and not in a good way
Annatar, get the fuck away from Durin, I swear. Where the hell is Elrond? He would feed you to the Balrog in a heartbeat
"More precious?" Do not use that fucking word
oh, the answer is no? That's a surprise. I bet there's a catch
noooo, not the fucking Balrog in the flames. He's going to wake him up, I know it. Just look at his smug, little face
ah, there's the catch. Poor Durin
"No, you belong to it." Truer words have never been spoken
I see Durin is faring as well as Elrond when it comes to convincing loved ones that the rings are dangerous. They are truly besties even in that
oh no, he's crying. My heart. He's stuck in such an awful situation and I am so glad he and Disa are uniting over it instead of letting it drive them apart as well
those trumpets sound gorgeous
ah, Earien is beginning to learn that actions have consequences. Good. Her relationship to her father is so complicated. It feels as if they're always talking at each other, not to each other. And yet you can see how much they love each other in every painful interactions
Forehead touch! This is not a drill!
YES DISA! Show them! Oh I love her so much. Her secret weapon is bats! I wrote my PhD about bats and they have a very special place in my heart so go, Disa, I am rooting for you and your bats!
"I love you." The moment we were all Durin
of course MIriel is going to face judgement in Elendil's place. Those two love each other so much without ever saying those words and I'm so here for it
she is cradling his face. I can't
and have I mentioned how fucking brave she is? Imagine facing that sea monster and not even being able to see it coming?
damn but this is shot absolutely beautifully
please let her gain a new pet sea monster that is going to swallow Pharazon and Kemen for breakfast
fuck yes, "Hail Tar-Miriel, Queen of the Sea!"
i love the cracking reality effect of the Palantir
so Adar knows Elrond has Nenya now. That's going to have consequences, isn't it? Will he try to capture Elrond to get the ring so he can defeat Sauron?
okay, Adar came prepared. Good for him. Bad for Celebrimbor and Eregion
Glûg my beloved! I have missed you! Please don't get yourself killed in the siege
oh that call to war is epic
Malendol! Aaaaaah another glimpse of him! I am so smitten it's ridiculous
aaaaand the Siege of Eregion is on
aw no, don't destroy your sketches, Celebrimbor
omg Annatar is such a little shit. "How fares your progress?" That smile, I can't
ooooh fuck, Celebrimbor fighting back? Physically? YES!
oh no, it's a vision. This is so fucking cruel. Look how relieved he is that his people are well. This is also a reminder to us viewers how much life will be lost in the coming episodes. That this was a place of happiness, once
fuck, there's the hammer
and mithril ore? Are you kidding me?
the oath. And the thing is, he is right. It will be all about the rings
and there's that word again. Precious. It is haunting the narrative and I love that it is being used for all the rings because they are all, one way or another, a product of Sauron's mind
"Best Feanor himself." Celebrimbor, why don't you use that hammer and smack Sauron back to Mordor? Please?
and the illusion stops. The fact that Celebrimbor doesn't even know what time of day it is ... my heart hurts
also the fact that the last peaceful moment of Eregion we saw was a lie? That the last moment it gleamed in sunlight was nothing but a cruel trick?
*insert gif of Theoden* So it begins
the end credit music is making me sad. Who gave Bear McCreary the right?
seriously though, Charlie E deserves all the awards. His Celebrimbor is so heart-breakingly kind and so heart-breakingly flawed at the same time and I just want to wrap him up in a blanket and hug him
two more episodes. Valar give us strength for what is to come
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emo-subvision-boy · 26 days
Stockholm Syndrome
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Summary: You discover your surroundings and things start to get heated pretty fast.
Rating: Explicit, 18+
Pairing(s): Tobias Forge/you, Tobias Forge/female reader, Tobias Forge/reader
Word Count: 1,539
Warnings: Kidnapping, bondage, oral sex, dark Tobias, dom/sub, and half consensual
Part Two: The Seduction
His voice! It sounded…familiar? You blinked rapidly, eyes trying to adapt to the low light in the room as you squeezed them together in an attempt to confirm your suspicion. You saw someone, nothing more than a silhouette of a man, sitting not too far from you on what appeared to be a couch.
“You can try all you want, my little kitten. You won‘t get away. You‘re mine now!“ He stood up and took a few deliberate steps towards you. The way he slowly put one foot in front of the other made you feel like a prey and he was the predator. You knew whatever this man was going to do you had no way of escaping.
All your attention was on him as you followed his slender body, closing the distance between you two. Your heartbeat increased with every step and he came to a halt right in front of you. Timidly, you looked up at him, his eyes already fixated on you as he gazed down. His right hand reached out, index finger holding your chin. In the darkness, you could still not make out his facial features. You pulled away from his touch.
“Tsk, tsk.“ He tutted, reaching for your face again to study it more closely while tilting his head. “What pretty eyes you have.“ His fingers gently grazed your skin, from your chin to your cheek, and finally, coming to rest on your bottom lip. “And those lips. I bet they can bring me great pleasure.“
You stared at him with bewildered eyes. “P-please, don‘t…” you whisper. He chuckled again.
“Oh no, you will, kitten! You‘ll make me really happy, and if you do a good job, I might give you a reward, yes?“ The strange, yet familiar man leaned in and the light reflected on his face, making you realize who it was. It made sense. His voice and overall posture was all too familiar. You swallowed and bit your lip. This man, your kidnapper, was Tobias Forge.
“Mhm, what is that?“ He questioned. “What is that glint in your eyes, hm? Did you like that? Did that just send a spark to your core?“ A beat passed. “Does it excite you, kitten? Do you want to please me? Or do you want me to please you?“
When you didn‘t answer, he sighed, and let go of your face. “If you want me to give you that then you gotta earn it.“ He stood rigid, opening up his pants. Your eyes widened in shock.
“Oh, don’t look at me like you never sucked a dick before! Come on,” he beckoned. “Open up. Let me feel those pretty lips around me.“ With his jeans open, he pulled out his already hard cock, giving it a few lazy strokes.
Your eyes fell to his abdomen, gazing at his thick cock, standing up proudly, as he took one more step forward - his hard member now right in front of your face.
“Say ‘ah.’” He demanded softly. You refused with a scowl on your face.
“Oh, kitten, don‘t be like that. I‘d hate to ruin your pretty face and shove my dick down your throat.” His finger lifted your chin up again as he smirked at you. “But don‘t think I wouldn‘t do it. I always get what I want and right now I want you to suck my cock…as if your life depended on it!“
You knew it was wrong on so many levels, but something deep down inside of you was enjoying this, and you felt your pussy clench on nothing. You pressed your legs together in a pathetic attempt to gain some sort of friction. Tobias' eyes never left your face, but he noticed your squirming body under him. “Apparently I’m not the only impatient one.“ He grinned, lazily rubbing his rock hard cock. “Enough of this.“ He gripped your hair tightly, holding your head in place. You gasped and he took the moment your lips parted to swiftly push his cock between your mouth with a loud groan. His head fell back and he bit his lip as your lips closed around him. “Fuck, yes! I knew you would feel good, but this good?” His eyes scanned yours and there was a dangerous glint behind his orbs. “Suck,” He ordered, “or do I have to make you?“ He asked with a forceful thrust into your throat, almost making you gag.
Your eyes widened with a mixture of fear and arousal clouding your senses, and you started to bob your head back and forth on him. Tobias rewarded you with soft gasps and groans as you gave your best attempts to keep your lips connected around his pulsing dick. You paid special attention to the underside of him with your tongue pressed up and the little moans escaping his lips sent shivers down your spine. A wave of pleasure coursed through your own hot, aching core.
“Sathanas, yes, you take me so well, this is even better than I imagined!” Tobias breathed out heavily as he took a fistful of your hair into his hands. You dared to take him deeper, and even though he was not the biggest you had ever seen, he was decently big. It took you a moment to prepare yourself and relax your jaw.
“Nuh, uh, uh, keep going, kitten. Please your new Master, will you?“ He chimed in. With that, you took all of him, shoving his cock down your throat with a loud moan. Tears formed in your eyes and you began choking on him but the heavy breathing and loud growl of the man in front of you was enough to keep you going. Your head bobbed back and forth on him and you felt him getting closer to the edge. “Sluta inte!!“ Judging by his panting, moaning, and the way his fingers dug into your scalp, you knew he was close to spilling his seed down your throat. A cheeky grin overtook your face and you abruptly pulled back, waiting for his reaction as you stared at him through your teary eyes.
When your lips released him, his head immediately snapped down at you. “What do you think-“ Before he could finish his sentence, you pressed a soft kiss to the head of his throbbing cock. You stared up at him, eyes holding intense contact as you slowly and eagerly licked his slit. You pressed soft kisses along his shaft, and licked him up and down teasingly, shutting him up successfully. You felt him get irritated after a while. “For fuck sake, woman! Stop teasing and wrap your pretty, soft lips back around me.”
You looked at him and decided to finally give him what he wanted. You opened your mouth, taking him back in, and working up and down on him relentlessly. It didn‘t take long for Tobias to start panting again, his groans and growls getting noisier, and the closer he got to his release, the louder his moans became.
“Fan i helvete jävla…“ He growled between gritted teeth. You felt his cock on your tongue twitch and his hips started to thrust forward into your mouth. Your still tied hands tried to grip something to hold yourself in place as he started to fuck your face in near orgasmic bliss.
His hands gripped your hair as he thrusted into you, hissing and groaning, pace quickening, and all you could do was slack your jaw as much as possible and just take him. “Ahh! And now…“ He breathed heavily between the words. “Swallow. Swallow all of me.” With a few more thrusts he spilled his cum down your throat. His hips stilled and he watched you as he pulled his softening cock out of your mouth. You looked up at him, swallowing everything he had given you.
His deep eye contact almost made you whimper as he brushed a bit of overflown cum from the corner of your mouth. “All of me.“ He challenged, holding out his finger for you. You took his finger into your mouth, sucking on it, slowly and seductively, until you released it with a pop, all while staring at him through your lashes with your tear-stained eyes.
His expression shifted to one of genuine affection and you swore you could feel another clench, but this time, it was not from your cunt, but from your heart.
“You did very well, kitten. Not many have managed to surpass my expectations, but you and your devilishly sweet, little mouth…” Tobias shook his head, smiling, “I have never felt such sweet and tempting lips.“ He sighed. “Just think about everything I will do to you and with you.” He chuckled lowly, stroking his long, slender fingers through your hair. “Makes me go hard again. But do not worry, I will grant you a break since you‘ve been so obedient.“
To be continued…
Written by: Eva
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noonaishere · 11 months
Music of the Heart [Jeong Yunho] - Masterlist
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By: noonaishere (main blog: symphonyofmars)
Fic type: social media au / traditional
Pairing: Yunho x fem!reader
Genre: music industry setting, musician/producer, enemies to lovers, mutual pining, running from the past
Warnings: overbearing parents, verbal abuse, sexual harassment
Status: Currently updating
Updates: Thursdays and Fridays at 12pm EST
Synchronously posted with Online/Offline (any asterisked (*) chapters means they’re shared between both fics)
[intro post explaining y/n and t/n]
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T/n has always loved music, though her experience of it wasn’t always the greatest. Forced by her parents to learn the violin - almost purely to climb the socio-economic ladder - she’s since forged her own path. She auditions at Wonderland Entertainment and becomes one of their studio musicians, but how will she deal with seeing her ex-best friend who also happens to be contracted under the company?
Also, how does t/n’s existence connect to y/n, someone she’s never met?
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🎵 main cast
🎵 Prologue | a long time ago… in a town far, far away…
🎵 one | “local celebrity”
🎵 two | mahler
🎵 three | emperor nero
🎵 four | come meet the kids
🎵 five | duck and cover
🎵 six | his feefees were a little hurt
🎵 seven | homework
🎵 eight | give her my number
🎵 nine | canard et couverture parte deux
🎵 ten | a date?
🎵 eleven | the fight scene at the end of the count of monte cristo
🎵 twelve | we never talk
🎵 thirteen | youtube recommendations
🎵 fourteen | calendar man
🎵 fifteen | a ✨godsend✨
🎵 sixteen | no ducking nor covering
🎵 seventeen | he’s got pipes
🎵 eighteen | thinking about hats
🎵 nineteen | it is still apples
🎵 twenty | i know exactly who you are
🎵 twenty-one | busking
🎵 twenty-two | he got an audition or something
🎵 twenty-three | best friend
🎵 twenty-four | garage band
🎵 twenty-five | it’ll be worth it
🎵 twenty-six | more like “drone strike parenting”
🎵 twenty-seven | interrogation
🎵 twenty-eight | it’s over
🎵 twenty-nine | more like constipated
🎵 thirty | maybe
🎵 thirty-one | JUPiTER
🎵 thirty-two | no horses in space
🎵 thirty-three | Crom3r
🎵 thirty-four | punk rock
🎵 thirty-five | what a feeling
🎵 thirty-six | do we need a hot air balloon?
🎵 thirty-seven | gotta let the fans know
🎵 thirty-eight | i’ll bring the wine
🎵 thirty-nine | girl’s night
🎵 forty | that’s a no on the hot air balloon
🎵 forty-one | new kids
🎵 forty-two | splash fight
🎵 forty-three | a recluse and a traitor
🎵 forty-four | merch drop
🎵 forty-five | lol i’m screencapping
🎵 forty-six | do you know how to do cubes?
🎵 forty-seven | surprise modu girip baksu
🎵 forty-eight | sometimes the kickball inspires music
🎵 forty-nine | but what can you do
🎵 fifty | no need for sunglasses
🎵 fifty-one | need for sunglasses
🎵 fifty-two | D-Day
🎵 fifty-three | best friends forever
🎵 fifty-four | mission update
🎵 fifty-five | miss me?
🎵 fifty-six | that was really weird and I hated it
🎵 fifty-seven | good point
🎵 fifty-eight | the great outdoors
🎵 fifty-nine | please don’t use memes of yourself
🎵 sixty | ballad mashup with choi jongho!
🎵 sixty-one | scandal??
🎵 sixty-two | two giants
🎵 sixty-three | you really *are* a capitalist
🎵 sixty-four | benevolence and beef
🎵 sixty-five | lyrical content
🎵 sixty-six | principles
🎵 sixty-seven | well?
🎵 sixty-eight | can’t sleep
🎵 sixty-nine | what’d you say?
🎵 seventy | looking for an Ans:wer
🎵 seventy-one | whirlwind
🎵 seventy-two | she’s a me
🎵 seventy-three | solving problems
🎵 seventy-four | the great (less confined) indoors
🎵 seventy-five | pedagogy
🎵 seventy-six | going for a walk
🎵 seventy-seven* | WHAT?
🎵 seventy-eight | misc
🎵 seventy-nine | where the hell are you
🎵 eighty | chauffeur
🎵 eighty-one | public breakup
🎵 eighty-two | somewhere nice
🎵 eighty-three | the start of an apology
🎵 eighty-four | meeting ONiiX
🎵 eighty-five | sting operation
🎵 eighty-six | hack behavior
🎵 eighty-seven |
🎵 eighty-eight |
🎵 eighty-nine |
🎵 ninety |
🎵 ninety-one |
🎵 ninety-two |
🎵 ninety-three |
🎵 ninety-four |
🎵 ninety-five |
🎵 ninety-six |
🎵 ninety-seven* |
🎵 ninety-eight* |
🎵 ninety-nine* |
🎵 ninety-nine* |
🎵 ninety-nine* |
🎵 one hundred* |
🎵 one hundred and one* |
🎵 one hundred and two |
🎵 one hundred and three |
🎵 one hundred and four |
🎵 one hundred and five |
🎵 one hundred and six |
🎵 one hundred and seven |
🎵 one hundred and eight |
🎵 one hundred and nine |
🎵 one hundred and ten |
🎵 one hundred and eleven* |
🎵 one hundred and twelve* |
🎵 one hundred and thirteen |
🎵 one hundred and fourteen* |
🎵 one hundred and fifteen* |
🎵 one hundred and sixteen |
🎵 one hundred and seventeen* |
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
Epilogue 3
Epilogue 4
Epilogue 5
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Send an ask or leave a comment if you want to be added to the tag list! 🎵
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blondedmuse · 2 years
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finnick odair x reader
synopsis. ꩜ a clandestine meeting between you and finnick at a capitol party.
author's note. ∿ i missed writing for my fav so here’s this. wrote this while listening to taylor LOL
word count. ⨾ 775
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You stood still as the world spun around you, your ears numbed by the sound of your proclaimed lover’s voice. You put on your best show as you conversed with another couple of capitol citizens talking about nothing, pretending it meant everything. Colors blurred as your smile widened, nodding your head at the same person you’d been talking to—staring at—for the past twenty minutes.
There was nothing that fueled your resent more than the capitol, even more so, capitol parties. The extravagance was sickening and the people were even worse. You were filled with dread as you interacted with the lively yet lifeless and far too wealthy citizens that lived in the center of the nation; it made them believe they were the center of the universe. They talked so much yet they were saying absolutely nothing at all, and it never failed to impress you.
However, the impressiveness wore off within the hour and now here you were, like routine, listening to forged sweet nothing.
“I’m going to get another drink,” you mumbled to the man whose name you’d forgotten, the man who was supposed to be your lover, the man you couldn’t care less about. It was almost perfect how you could play the role of a perfect couple and it was almost perfect how the public couldn’t help but be in absolute awe of you two. Almost.
Nothing is ever perfect.
You took your time trying not to trip, sauntering over to the table filled with drinks and you took your pick. They all had different colors, each with a different effects. You didn’t care for what each one did, you just needed something to stomach the rest of the night. They were disgustingly intoxicating and at the same time not enough, keeping you coming back for another as if you were still sober.
You picked up a champagne glass filled with a red liquid, taking a sip. It went down smoothly, leaving the taste of cherries in your mouth as you swallowed.
“Oh honey, don’t drink that,” said a well-acquainted voice from behind you.
“Then what should I drink instead?” You asked.
“I don’t think you should be drinking anything at all,” Finnick, no longer just a voice, took the glass from your hand and set it back on the table. You’d been waiting to lay your eyes on him all night with the hope he was here—that hope no longer unfulfilled.
“How sober are you?” There it was, that ever so charming, toothy grin you couldn’t help but ignore as he asked you a question.
“I don’t know,” you replied honestly. “Does it matter?”
“To me, yes.”
“Well I can’t say no to you.”
He furrowed his brows. “You’re not making sense, honey.”
“Neither do the drinks,” You slurred, picking up your glass once more and taking another sip.
He hated to see you this way knowing it was so unlike yourself. He loved to see you have a good time, but not like this. He loved to see you happy. He loved you—but he was here with someone else.
“Don’t do this,” he muttered, his expression softening. “You’ll make a mess of yourself.”
“I don’t care. But I’d rather make a mess of you instead,” You laughed.
“Alright, that’s enough,” He took the drink from your hand as he did before, ushering you inside with his hand on your lower back while making sure the two of you weren’t seen together.
“Can I kiss you now?” You questioned, blissfully unaware of his nervous demeanor. However, you weren’t unaware for much longer when he didn’t give you an answer.
“Can I kiss you, please?”
Sober or not you needed the feeling of his lips on yours, the reminder that all of this was only temporary. The reminder that he was the one who truly loved you.
He ran his thumb over your bottom lip, his expression ambiguous with a gleam in his eyes.
“We’re not meant to be here—I’m not meant to be here,” He sighed.
“Hm?” You hummed, confused at his statement.
“I should be with you.”
Your mouth turned upward into a pleased but wicked grin, as if you could read his mind.
“Well you are now. I’m sure your ‘lover’ wouldn’t mind a moment alone?“
“She’s not my lover.” He smiled and with his mouth on yours, you were reminded that your love was real, that he was real. The fear of Snow no longer lingered in your mind nor the daunt of his power. It meant nothing when you had everything—Finnick was everything.
“Fidelity was never my thing anyway,” He laughed, kissing you again.
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halloweenbitch2764 · 2 years
HI :)
An you please write a Bo Sinclair x reader where the reader is a really jealous and protective person ?
I feel like Bo's reaction would be hilarious!
Thank you for reading my ask,
-PhantomCat 💜
Thanks for the ask hon! I can definitely give you that request.
Bo with Jealous Reader
With how few and far between people could be, you didn't have to be protective or jealous often
In ways that made you being jealous and protective MUCH more noticeable when it did happen
Bo had a hunch you might be jealous from the way you acted when the last group had came
So of course he needed to test that theory
It didn't take long for another group to come by (surprisingly)
You and him were in the gas station/mechanic shop while he fixed a car he had been working on for a while
You liked just being around him so you didn't mind hanging out while he worked
Besides he always played pretty good music
At least when the station worked
Suddenly a car pulls into the station, next to a gas pump
There's three people in the car, two girls and a guy
It's clear the one girl and guy were a couple
He opened the door for her and helped her out and they held hands from there
The third girl was dressed rather...skimpy
It made sense given that it was summer
You had on a tank top and shorts since the AC in the station never really worked right
They walked into the station and the man approached you
"Hey my car started making a weird rattling noise and this was the closest town. Do y'all by chance have someone who can help me?"
You smiled and nodded
You'd eased into the role of helping lure the people in
It's not like you really did any of the dirty work
Bo had heard the chime of the bell above the door and walked over, wiping his hands off with a rag
You noticed immediately
The third girl "accidentally" pulled her top down further and stood in a way that accentuated her curves
Your blood immediately started to boil
You didn't know but Bo could feel your attitude change immediately
He nearly caught himself smirking as he started talking to the man about his car while the mans girlfriend stood beside him
"Can I help you with anything?" You asked the girl through gritted teeth
She smirked
"Yeah can you hook me up with him?" She pointed at Bo
Your fists clenched and unclenched behind the counter
"Actually that's my boyfriend, thank you very much."
She didn't seem deterred
"He's smokin hot, honey. How'd you manage to snag him?"
She seemed almost disgusted
You knew you couldn't pummel her as much as you wanted to.
"Well it'll be a while til your car is fixed. Want to come with me to the museum and I'll tell you friends to come after?"
She let her eyes sweep over Bo before reluctantly agreeing
You walked over to Bo and the couple, informing them where you two would be going, and they nodded
Bo's lips twitched into a smirk for a second
You looked bloodthirsty
It was rare to see you THAT upset
You took the girl to the museum, forcing some small talk (which you made sure stayed away from talking about Bo)
Once you entered you let her start looking around before heading off to Vincent's basement
You silently opened and closed the door behind you before heading down the stairs
Vincent was sculpting his newest creation
"Hey Vinny can you do me a huge favor?"
He cocked his head to the side a bit to signal he was listening and to continue
"There's a bitch upstairs I need you to kill. I don't want her in the museum so make sure you kill her in the slowest and most painful way you can. Okay?"
He raised his eyebrow behind his mask but nodded, not questioning you
You thanked him before heading back up
Vincent had rarely seen you that angry before and was just glad he wasn't on the receiving end
The girl, who you learned was named Liz, was still looking around
"Hey I forgot something at the station. Feel free to keep looking, I'll be back soon."
She nodded and you headed back to the garage
Nobody was there and you figured Bo had done his usual routine of telling them he forgot a fanbelt at the house
After a while Bo came back, letting you know they had been taken care of
He thought the jealousy was simultaneously hot as fuck and hilarious
He met you halfway and planted a kiss on you which you returned
"You know you're extremely hot when you get so jealous, you know it?"
He squeezed your ass and kissed your neck playfully when you laughed
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The Imposters
(Part 1)
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We can confirm definitively that Misako-san has indeed given birth before. And we can also confirm that, indeed, the person whom we met was her daughter. Kana-chan had AB blood, while Misako-san has AB.
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Please, now that we know she was my daughter, is there anything else you can confirm about us?
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Misako-san...I'm very sorry...but you need to see this. It's...well...
*Harumi hands her the photo from Hiroshima*
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...Ko...Kotetsu....Kana....a-and....that's....I recognize that face.
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It's...It's me! But then, why do I look like this...?
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...Okay, I see why you were all confused now. That girl is a dead ringer for Kana! But...how?!
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Remember when I said I'd affected four currently living people? Well, that much was true.
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Buuut, the total number was actually five.
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What...What did you do?!
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Well, to put my plan in motion, I had to...recruit some actors.
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Their real names are Eimi Misako and Eimi Kana, and we also found the remains of an adult man in a public park. They're a solid match for Eimi Kotetsu, the last member of this family.
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They went missing about 8-10 months ago, which matches up with the time frame the real Ise Kana has been out of the country.
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Shirogane had been planning the long con for this one. She hit the area they were living with her algae, and completely manufactured new identities for them.
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And for extra credibility, she tied those fake memories with ones she made up for me and Tenmei.
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You'd be amazed how much shit is available about celebrities when you go searching! I had everything I needed to create a perfect facsimile of Ise Kana! One so good that nobody on the island even realized!
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But I needed someone who had a decent resemblance to her, since I'm not a plastic surgeon. Turns out I got pretty lucky and found someone who was nearly identical.
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But of course, her backstory needed a little spicing up here and there.
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Seiyuus like Ise Kana are basically idols. There's no way someone like her would've been living in poverty or had any reason to go to that stupid island.
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Which has to mean Shirogane was in on all that too, right?!
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But...But Kana and I took a DNA test! It proved we're half-siblings!
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I don't mean to scare you, but if she didn't just fake all those tests on the island...then she may have copied your family's DNA and fed into her bone marrow. It would've made her a chimera, but good enough to fool us enough not to look too much deeper.
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And guess what? Now that I had time to sit down and check, the only copies of your DNA I could find were in her blood. Everything else matches Misako-san's DNA, and I'm willing to bet any DNA I can pull out of Kotetsu-san's bones will be the other half.
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But...But why? Why do all this?! How could I have...u-unless...
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What the hell else did you do to them?!
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Well, in addition to some new memories for her parents and some new identities for our actresses, I had to give Chiaki-chan a little...nudge. A mild adjustment, one that nobody would've noticed.
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All she really needed was some...motivation, I suppose you could call it?
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It's so easy to love and hate your parents at the same time, isn't it?
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And suddenly, boom! She has a beloved long-lost sister she can bond with! Someone with her own tragic past, someone who needs to rescued and who she can forge a lifelong bond with...only to be cut down in her prime!
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Storm was a perfect patsy, wasn't he? You were all so fixated on him, you never thought too hard about the inconsistencies in all this until you had to.
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hlficlibrary · 1 month
Hey! Could you please recommend docs that are highly smut but if interesting plots? Thanks!
Hi, anon! You're very welcome! I'm just going to go with three fics that have both some kind of plot and multiple smut scenes. If you want something more specific, just let me know!
Saving Symphony Hall by @helloamhere
“I think I have an idea,” Louis said. Slowly, and reluctantly, but with a growing sense of the inevitable. “God damnit, I think I have a really good idea.”
“Oh christ, that's the problem-solving face,” Babs said. “Last time we saw that face, he sold a company.”
“Wait, what?” Zayn asked.
“Right place, right time,” Louis said. “Also, fuck my life,”
“What?” Zayn repeated. Niall patted his hand.
“I usually just roll with whatever Louis is about to do,” he said. “It’s better for us all.”
“That’s the attitude,” said Louis, “I’ll tell you tomorrow. Tonight, I need to do some research. Zayn, give me your number. I’m gonna save our symphony.”
Old Photographs & Times I'll Remember by @jaerie
Carefully he set that negative down and lifted the paper to see there was another beneath. This one again was a young man, this time posed against an antique car. He lifted a few more negatives out one by one, each a portrait of the same man with various backdrops. The man in a meadow, in an office, leaning against a doorframe — even one in his underwear grinning at the camera. On the edge of each negative printed in slanted, handwritten characters were the initials and date. H.S. 1924.
He quickly but carefully packed them back into the box and buzzed with excitement. He couldn’t wait to develop them to see exactly what had been captured in the images. It was a find that felt like a puzzle to piece together.
H.S. was likely the man in the photographs as well as the owner of the suitcase. Who was he? Why had his suitcase found its way into Niall’s attic? Was he still alive and well somewhere in the world?
A camera, a suitcase, and a relationship forged through time.
I Walk the Line by Awriterwrites / @a-writerwrites
Professor Louis Tomlinson is the leading researcher in his field. Harry Styles is Louis’ recently hired grad assistant. Sparks fly between them but something doesn’t add up when it comes to Harry, and Louis is determined to find out what.
What happens when everything Louis thought he knew comes crashing down around him? Is he doomed to repeat his past mistakes? Or will he learn to follow his heart and find a way to forge his own path, alongside someone he’s not sure he can trust, but who might just be the best thing to ever happen to him.
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welcometoteyvat · 8 months
fake ga-ming voicelines (prerelease, some more delusional, some less. please give more hcs about him)
edit: apparently voiceline leaks just dropped so PLEASE no spoilers <3 if these are wrong that's too bad they're canon in my heart!!!
About Yun Jin: Besides being a great opera performer, Sir Yun's taste in tea is impeccable! Although she keeps asking me to join her at Heyu Tea House... their tea just doesn't have the same flavor as the tieguanyin from Xinyue Kiosk. Speaking of her, one of our clients has just developed a new strain—I promised to bring some for her when I come back to Liyue Harbor!
About Xiao: You mean Senior Xiao! Hehe, so you know him too! Next time, can you bring him along with you to one of my performances in the harbor? I've been trying to get him to come for a long time, but he always refuses... oh, good idea! Next time I'll hold it at Wangshu Inn, just for him!
About Xiangling: That girl always by Guoba's side, right? Man Chai seems to like her a lot, especially the cornbread buns she makes! To be honest, some of the things she cooks are a little too spicy for me, but otherwise she’s an excellent chef with unmistakable talent. No wonder her companion is a minor deity… wait, what? A major deity?
About Keqing: Thanks to her invitation and sponsorship, our Mighty Mythical Beast performances have been getting more and more attention in the harbor! She's very straightforward and speaks her mind about everything, and always has novel ideas! Although we haven’t talked much, I really admire her mindset and determination. It’s not easy to forge your own path forward, especially for someone of her standing.
About Chongyun: I've run into him once or twice on the road to Liyue Harbor. He didn’t seem to like talking that much when we met, but I’ve heard he’s actually quite outgoing! He wields a greatsword too—maybe he can train with me as the suanni’s tail? Of course, I wouldn’t force him to do anything he doesn’t want; I'm sure he's already busy! It would just be nice to have a wushou partner for once.
About Xinyan: I managed to catch one of Xinyan's performances when I had some free time after work. There weren’t many people in the audience, but her music was so energetic it completely made up for the quieter atmosphere. Originally, I was thinking about asking her to join our lion dance troupe as a drummer, but I’m glad to hear she's made a name for herself since then! I should properly introduce myself sometime!
About Zhongli: He once asked me whether I've heard about the legend of the solitary suanni after one of Iron Tongue Tian's stories. When I said yes, he launched into a really detailed discussion of Chenyu Vale's local belief system, and even told me some stories I haven't heard about a carp adeptus. It's amazing that he has so much knowledge on all sorts of folklore, as a funeral consultant no less!
About Xianyun: ... Who? im sorry i was going to put something about the adepti here but gave up trying to think of something and now it's just a joke line. suggestions welcome tho 🫶
About Yelan: Ah, that lady—sometimes I see her lingering around Yanshang Teahouse. They place regular orders of tea leaves from Yilong Wharf. She's very polite and even petted Man Chai once or twice, although I feel like there's more to her than meets the eye... well, business is business, and they've never caused any trouble for Sword and Strongbox, so whatever she does isn't much of a concern to me.
very long notes:
generally i feel like what's mentioned in chara voicelines tend to have a lot less substance than the actual relationship, so in my head some of them are closer w gaming than i wrote.
always welcoming suggestions!!!!! PLEASE share the brainrot with me i'm dying here OTL please please.
i'd like to write an "about xingqiu" but i bully my richboy son and he's already had like 12 other people comment on him in canon it's fine if ga-ming doesn't know him
everything's just for fun etc etc. don't take it too seriously
watch all of these be completely wrong!!!
similarly if any of these end up being right, i will SCREAM
the only ones i really really want to happen are with yun jin and xiao if they don't have voicelines i'll die
senior xiao comes from my headcanon (copium) that they'll keep the mentor disciple relationship (?) from that one concept art if you know you know. it also comes from this absolutely delicious fic
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