#please grant me the ability to be at peace with my body
mostremote · 2 months
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
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Sophia Loren (Marriage Italian Style, Houseboat)—Major Italian star, first actress to win an Oscar for a performance not in English (for Two Women (1960)) and later when Roberto Benigni won an Oscar in 1999 he jumped over the chairs towards the stage going "Sophia Sophia!!" because he was running towards Sophia Loren and said he cared more about her than the Oscar, that's the effect she had on people. She was big in the 60s already even though she gained a lot more notoriety after that. And I mean. Can we take a moment and just.
Mbissine Thérèse Diop (Black Girl)—She’s a Senegalese actress known for starring in Black Girl, one of the first African films to receive international attention/acclaim. So much of the movie relies on her ability to convey her character’s sense of isolation/loneliness, she’s so amazing, I really wish she had acted more. However, she just recently appeared in the film Cuties!
This is round 5 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Sophia Loren:
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She has maxed out all her stats: beauty, elegance, sensuality, she's got it all. her mesmerizing eyes, her sensual mouth, her sharp face shape, her everything is so striking and unlike any other beauty in films. she was also voted the world most beautiful woman when she was freaking 65
im submitting her in honor of my dad bc she was the first celebrity crush of his he ever admitted to me and my sister :) and he was right. shes so pretty
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OSCAR WINNER. Worked with some of the hottest leading men in Hollywood but remained faithful to her husband whom she had a loving marriage with till he died (even though Cary Grant almost tempted her once, it's complicated)
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One of the most well-known sex symbols of the Golden Age of Hollywood, and unlike some unfortunate others, she seems to have been pretty well at peace with occupying that status. She made assertiveness and a tempestuous temper seem glamorous, and although she's famous for side-eying Jayne Manisfield's cleavage, honestly? She's one to talk.
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Absolutely, drop-dead sexy, also a hard working, extraordinarily talented actress who didn't shy away from the less glamorous roles to gift us some gritty, memorable performances
Submitting this on behalf of my dad, who knows nothing of tumblr or this blog, but I remember being a kid watching Houseboat while my mom thirsted after Cary Grant, dad thirsted after Sophia Loren, and I was excited that they lived on a boat. Anyway, she's extremely beautiful and was an international star, doing a ton of movies in Italy before being recognized in the US.
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Very smart and beautiful, the characters that she played (I mean those in the movies that I put in the previous question) are as strong and determined as her which I think adds to her hotness.
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Global superstar and my late grandfather's long time movie star crush and for a man as quiet as he was, and as hopelessly devoted to his wife as he was, the fact that I know that means she was EXCEPTIONAL.
Big in the chest, snatched in the waist, pretty in the face 😳
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Sexy, beautiful, deep. A real star.
Her performance in "Man of La Mancha" is just so very captivating. Dubbed as "the Italian Marilyn Monroe", she looks beautiful in any movie and at any age.
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Forget the exotic sexpot of her Hollywood films and go back to her Italian career: sparking with Marcello Mastroianni as the woman who drives him mad and outwits all his fumbling attempts at macho posturing in their early films, and showing a tender side in their 1970s films. Sophia isn’t self-conscious about who she is or her beautiful body: she enjoys being herself and she wants us all to enjoy ourselves too.
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She starred in films as a sexually emancipated persona and was one of the best known sex symbols of the time. She is a great cook and her filmography is immense.
On the misattributed quote that Sophia owed everything to spaghetti: 'Did you actually say the quote frequently attributed to you, "Everything you see I owe to spaghetti"?' "Non è vero! It's not true! It's such a silly thing. I owe it to spaghetti, no, no. Completely made up."
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Mbissine Thérèse Diop:
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elysiumnotes · 4 months
My 9-1-1 s8 Disaster Ideas/Wishlist
So I am going to spend the hiatus for 911 moving onto some of my brushed to the wayside hyperfixations now that the season’s over. Honestly after almost 15 years in fandom, I do not want to wade into the water of angsty ship wars and have already filtered out my tags and blocked certain blogs to ensure my peace.
However, I still will be thinking about my gay little wee woo show and I wanted to post my ideas, wishes, speculations, and predictions. Not necessarily in that order…..
Anyways! First things first, for this little post I wanted to speculate about what s8’s big disaster is going to be and my idea on how it could be done. (ABC if you’re lurking, please feel free to take the idea. You too, Tim. I give this idea away for free) What I think the s8 disaster is:
Now hear me out….as a Canadian, I have no clue if Tornadoes are common or even occur in places like LA. But with a dramatic ass show like 911 that has dealt with titanic-like cruise ship disaster, tsunami, earthquake, mudslides, wildfires, etc. it’s not out of the realm of possibility for them to completely the elemental set.
But moving onto how they would work it in…
I propose that it is used in the season premiere. (stick with me and imagine) LA is on Tornado watch and is hunkering down but the 118 get called to an emergency like they always do. (since it seems like their sector seems to be the entirety of LA, but I digress)
Unfortunately Captain Gerard is still the temp Captain while Bobby is out fighting the decision with the Chief. Obviously the crew does not gel with his leadership style which affects their ability to complete this rescue that’s in the path of the tornado.
Now this is where I get a little insane….Please stick with me on this….
This will be an Eddie centric 2 part premiere as he’s still reeling from Chris’s decision to go to Texas for the summer. (I refuse to have him leave completely) He’s kinda going stir crazy in an empty house now that his son’s not there. Instead of Buck being the normally reckless one, Eddie dives into the rescue against Gerard’s orders as the wind picks up. The tornado gets too close and the winds too strong that they can’t go after him safely and that cause the structure he’s in to collapse on him and knock him out.
Here’s the crazy part…
As he’s knocked out, we go into Eddie’s dreamscape consciousness that is just pretty much a 911 version retelling of the Wizard of Oz….
(I promise this will be a compelling arc)
…..which we will eventually learn is the movie he ended up watching the night before as had been having some cases of Insomnia now that Chris was gone.
Now you’re thinking, Elysium, that absolutely bonkers and how would they ever pull it off? Truthfully I don’t know how they would write but I can give the bare bones of what I imagine for it.
Eddie wakes up in weird not-version of LA after the Tornado passes to find a firetruck crushing the ‘Wicked Witch of the West’ Gerard.
He’ll take the Saint Christopher medal from the body (why? I don’t know… it’s his weird dream sequence about coming to terms with his grief)
No memories/vague recollection of what he’s doing. All he knows is that he has to get back home to his soul. His family.
Eventually he is found by ‘Glinda the Good Witch’ Evan ‘’Buck’ Buckley, who gives him a goal to work towards and solid advice to find the great wizard (Bobby) who should be able to grant his wish.
Obviously he will be joined by Hen & Chim as companions, each searching for their own thing. (not to be one-to-one with the Tin Man & Lion, but Hen’s thing would be about courage to fight the councilwoman and get Mara back. Chim looking for the heart could be maybe thinking about having more kids once Mara is back with Henren. You stuff like like that, idk)
Dealing with the Witch Gerard and the flying monkeys (which would be all the obstacles that the 118 face, grief about Shannon, unresolved catholic guilt, his parents taking his kid, etc)
Finally Eddie will make it to the Wizard (Bobby), the man he conflated and put on pedestal because the Good Witch Buck, who sees Bobby as his his father figure (which is a good thing don’t get me wrong), also did. Only to realize Bobby is also just a man like him, his true foil (narratively this would be made clear to the audience using flashbacks) who like him, only became grand because his pushed himself to work for it even through his grief and bad moments.
What Eddie realizes is that he was looking for his way back home to his perfect life and family, to a Chris who won’t currently be there. And that destroying himself to wait for him to come back won’t fix the issue. Glinda will also help him with this.
He realizes that the way to make amends is to do like Bobby and put the effort into that change. He going to make his home a comfortable space for Chris again, so when he does come back, he knows that things will be different. He’ll take time for himself to properly grieve Shannon (and get more therapy, god!) and take the space to delve into some self-discovery whole were at it.
Then he’ll wake up from being knocked out by his team, not including Gerard, once the Tornado is gone. Maybe they go back to the station after a checkup at the hospital and Bobby comes back saying he’s reinstated and Gerard is gone. (I’m not really planning for this stuff)
Now, I’m obviously missing some characters in this dream sequence but I don’t know where they would fit. And I’m avoiding some big sexuality and romantic notions in regards to Eddie.
Trust that I know and I want it too, but I also want to avoid the ship wars this summer. So I’ll leave it vague, even though to me the idea of Eddie being Dorothy is very explicit in what arc I want for him.
Let me know what you would cast the other 911 character as in this version of Oz. Also thank you for indulging my crazy idea. I’ll be back with more.
Also #RaviMainS8!
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kenyizsuartblog · 10 months
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Doc Ock Sketches #4 - Face Patterns
Solar Demigod Doc Ock gallery
Granted, there were many many aspects of his life Otto Octavius could no longer claim to be normal in the slightest. But having light signal patterns connected to his mental state was just absurd.
But there is no helping it. He had accidentally merged with his cursed fusion reaction and now he had a constant glow just under his skin in certain parts of his body. Normally that light can only be seen in deep darkness. But experiencing just a bit of stronger emotion will absolutely make his cheeks or eyes flash up in an unmistakable pattern. Peter of course quickly started calling the phenomenon "The Solar DoCode" and Otto so far was unable to make him drop that ridiculous name.
Conventional wisdom says to make peace with he was given by Nature... or in this case, Crazy Magic from Another World. But God, or Sol, or whoever help him, Otto is not happy with his lot.
Welp, not for International Men's Day, unfortunately, but better late than never! I still want to add more character design sheets to the series, including the hopefully final versions of his actuators and their name, as well as his fully body pattern based on whether he is focused or raging, and based on the level of charge he has built up. And of course maybe make his magic a bit more concrete. I'm very happy to have stumbled upon this universal symbol of squares layered on top of each other, but I do want to pour my ideas about his abilities into tangible form (instead of the vague bull- Marvel often pulls these days in their movies).
Hopefully after the Diablo fancomic I will be able to do so! Either way, please enjoy this next sketchdump of Solar Demigod Doc Ock! Been a damn long while, but I honestly love this AU so much. I hope you guys do too! ^^ If you ever want to use this design in your work, just let me know and give me credit!
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casteliacityramen · 11 months
I am a member of the Order of Arceus. Of my own volition, I shall duly carry the responsibilities of a guardian of His Majesty's creation.
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I will guide existence towards enlightenment. I shall seek to prevent sudden tragedies and shepherd existence towards a better tomorrow.
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I swear to place myself in danger for the sake of others--but I shall not interfere with history as it is being made, nor shall I disrupt the natural order.
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I will deny positions of political power and relinquish any recognition for my actions. History shall be influenced by my covert actions, not by my overt interference.
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I will not partake in actions that will bring harm to the order. I will not become a subordinate of mythical or divine beings, other than His Highest. None of the lesser gods shall know of our work.
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I am one of many. I am one of few. I shall go, as His Majesty wills it. This oath, I swear.
Welcome to the Order!
(Your new body and you)
- Scribe J.
If you've ever seen a miracle happen on this planet, you have us to thank for it. Ships lost at sea finding their way back to port, natural disasters with no casualties, pack territory disputes that end in peace, etc.
We're this world's guardian angels, and if you haven't been welcomed into holding such an honorable title, let me be the first in doing so.
You're probably wondering what's different about this new body of yours (other than markings, of course).
Your body has received the blessing of Arceus.
Transformation and camouflage:
Latios and Latias typically have various ways of hiding themselves, but what we have is completely different.
Instead of bending light like you used to be able to, we have the ability to transform between living beings of our choosing. Our bodies will also take the physical attributes of our target transformation. This helps us blend in with creation and understand their physical quirks or mannerisms.
Keep in mind, this also includes biological functions and anatomy, such as nervous systems, skeletal structure, DNA, etc. It might get a little weird, at times.
Regardless of which form you take, you will still be able to perform any psychic-type functions, such as telekinesis or telepathy. However, make sure that your current form is capable of such if you decide to make yourself known. Coming up with cover stories and identities will get easier as time goes on, I promise.
If you desperately need to hide, though, you'll find that your standard light refraction works just as it did as before.
Health, Regeneration, and Lifespan:
Arceus's blessing also grants us a supernatural way of healing ourselves. If you find yourself wounded, hurt, or sick (yes you can still get sick!), your body can find itself capable of getting back to 100% after a full night's rest. Keep in mind, this has actually worked against some of us, as anything potentially harmful that has invaded your body can stay there after a case of your rapid regeneration.
Combat is ill advised. While we have all of these abilities, your offensive capability is still about what you had before you became a member of the order. Yes, comparatively, Lati are strong, but we are not invincible.
Keep in mind: while we are capable of doing much, we are still capable of getting sick, growing tired, and even dying. While we don't physically age, we are still mortal. It's easy to push yourself past the line, so make sure to take care of your body.
You cannot get pregnant, nor get anyone pregnant (certain circumstances withholding. You'll have to ask the Big Man Upstairs His Majesty for his blessing under the condition that your offspring becomes a member of the Order.
You are still the assigned sex you were given at birth, but you are more than welcome to request a change. Again, this will need to be sent up the chain.
Please don't get too weird with transformations. We have a strict vetting process, but that doesn't mean that we haven't had our fair share of experimenters try something they shouldn't. Keep it clean.
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starwarsgirlie · 1 year
We Belong To Death
Hi friends! Here's the first chapter of my Viktor X Reader fic!
Chapter 2 Here ----->
The reader has female anatomy and goes by she/her pronouns. Further chapters will contain NSFW content! 
PLEASE comment what you think or what you'd like to see! I love collaborating!
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters besides Persephone. I used the League of Legends lore for a large portion of this chapter's plot!
Trigger Warnings: death, war, violence, sexual themes, murder.
Chapter 1 - The Underworld
The years of the Rune War were filled with blood, loss, and pain. Runterra was where one would find blood more often than water and magic more often than blood. The arcane has always been a force that still needed to be understood. Beauty and destruction impossible to contain. A beautiful hell.
In this world of blood and magic, our story begins with a husband and wife, Mihira and Kilam. Fleeing their war-torn home, they came to a mountain known to grant those in need magical gifts at a price. Desperate in Runterra hell, Kilam helped his pregnant wife up the hill. Upon reaching the stars, everything became silent. Mihira and Kilam hung to each other in confusion. "My love, what are we to do to ask for this gift?" Mihira whispered. Looking down at his wife, Kilam shook his head in confusion before seeing her usual green eyes change to the iciest glowing blue. Kilam was thrown back with force while Mihira was lifted into the air, engulfed in the arcane. As soon as she rose she was laid down again by the power, unconscious.
Soon after this event, the two fled to Demacia, still not knowing the gift they received. Demacia, at the time, was a haven from the magical war around them. It was here where Mihira gave birth to twin girls, Kayle and Morgana. Upon giving birth, Mihira immediately felt a calling to fight in the battle and refused ever to touch her girls again. It was clear to Kilam that this was the price paid for their gift from the arcane, which was still unknown to both.
Kilam continued to try to help Mihira return to who she was. After falling pregnant with their third child, Kilam thought this would bring her back, but he was wrong. She continued to fight, and for fear of his children's safety, he fled the moment y/n was born. 
Keeping his three girls safe for the next ten years, he saw them grow. Kayle became greatly intrigued by justice and law, while Morgana became more interested in people's ability to lie and manipulate others. And then there was his youngest, y/n, or as he called you, Persephone. Your mother gave you the nickname as she laughed over how many she had killed while pregnant. You were her child of death. Despite the darkness of the name, your father always told you that just as there is beauty in life, there is beauty in death. A living thing is not living unless it experiences death. Death gives our life meaning. 
For years, they lived in peace. Mihira had not found them, and Kilam began to enjoy the life he was living until Kayle and Morgana's tenth Birthday. On that day, he got each of his girls a necklace. Kayle's was a golden sun, and Morgana's was a silver moon. Upon opening their gifts, Kayle poked at Morgana like she always did, "He got you the moon because you're dependent on me to shine." This affected Morgana greatly, making her angry and begin to scream at Kayle, "I HATE YOU! YOURE HATEFUL! BEING SISTERS WITH YOU IS A WORSE HELL THAN WITH MOTHER!" As she continued sobbing and screaming, purple smoke-like energy rose from her body and reached for Kayle. In defense, Kayle exuded the same smoke, but it was white, and so a struggle between the smoke began. Being only eight years old and unable to handle this traumatic event, you began sobbing while your dad screamed for his daughters to stop. It all became too much, and all you could do was scream. As you screamed, a wave of red smoke washed out from you, pushing Kayle and Morgana to the floor. In the stillness of the next moment, you looked around you and noticed all the plants and flowers were dead. Your father stood silently, gathering you together and putting you to bed, knowing he didn't know what to do. It was then that he realized the gift that was given to him and Mihira on that mountain.
A few weeks after the incident and after the war ended, it became clear that his children possessed the power of the arcane. In a world where magic is hated, feared, and forbidden, he knew the only thing he could do was teach you to keep it hidden. He read and searched for someone to help him until he found a Yordle named Heimerdinger. The wise Yordle understood the magic the three girls possessed but also encouraged the girls to hide it. Heimerdinger concluded that each sister drew her power from a source. Kayles was the arrogance and righteousness of those around her, and Morganas was the pain and suffering. Heimerdinger rarely got frightened of something he was researching, but that changed with you. The stealing of a living being's life force enhanced your magic. This explained the death of the flowers in the house when you were upset—despite this fear, months passed relatively peacefully... until the arrival of Mihira.
With the distraction of the war being over, she was now possessed by the will to train her daughters and raise them as soldiers of wrath and fury as she had. After all, her becoming the bloodthirsty soldier was the price she paid for the magic you and your sisters got to have. She burned down the city, looking for you and your sisters, killing anyone in her path. Only with the help of a mysterious mage was she captured and taken to the depths of Stilwater Prison. However, everyone now knew who you three were and your powers. "We live in a time where your gifts are feared; you cannot stay here any longer," your father said through tears. And before you knew it, you and your sisters were sent to different parts of Runterra and told never to speak of your past. Heimerdinger was the one to take you to Piltover. It was there where he gave you to the older woman, Granny Ray. "My girl, you are of a small age, but you must be brave; this woman here will love and look after you, so fear not. I, unfortunately, cannot stay as I would draw too much attention, so for the next ten years of your life, you are to live with Granny Ray in Zaun." "My girl, I will come get you on your 18th Birthday and take you to Piltover, where you can study whatever you want to make a life for yourself." "When can I see my father again?" you sobbed. "My sweetest child, it is best not to think of that at this time; he has much work he needs to do and told me to tell you how much you are loved." "One final thing, my sweet girl, you must change y/n. It is too well known, so what would you like to be called from now on?" "M-my dad called me Persephone." "AH! The story of the girl in the underworld, how fitting; from now on, Granny Ray and I will refer to you as Persephone, ah, or even Percy for short!"
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steveezekiel · 2 months
Matthew 24:30 (NKJV)
* Eternity of Bliss with God in the heavenly planet is meant for everyone, but those who refused to avail themselves of the salvation made available through Christ Jesus would not be allowed there.
- God has made provision for the redemption of mankind through Jesus Christ His Son. Thus, God would not be happy with those who take for granted His offer of salvation through Jesus Christ.
- God loves you and He does not want you to perish:
* Take a step of salvation today.
- What is Salvation? It is being reconciled with God. There was a separation between Man and God, when Adam committed Sin, when he and his wife, Eve, ate the fruit God instructed them not to eat (Genesis 2:15-17).
- When they ate the fruit, they discovered their nakedness. They lost the life in them, they were dead spiritually, they could not relate with God anymore.
- They were alienated from God. Since then, whoever was born of a woman, was a sinner: "BEHOLD, I WAS BROUGHT FORTH IN INIQUITY, AND IN SIN MY MOTHER CONCEIVED ME" (Psalm 51:5 NKJV).
- Every human was born in Sin, with the nature, or ability, to commit Sin. A human would not be taught to Sin before he or she knows how to Sin. Humans, mankind in general, had a rebellious nature.
- For humans to be able to relate with God, a Saviour is required or needed. Jesus came mainly for that Purpose—to reconcile mankind with God (2 Corinthians 5:18,19).
- While we are yet sinners, Christ Jesus died for the ungodly, the whole mankind: "BUT GOD DEMONSTRATES HIS OWN LOVE TOWARDS US, IN THAT WHILE WE WERE STILL SINNERS, CHRIST DIED FOR US" (Romans 5:8 NKJV).
* The main thing that is expected of every person is to agree and accept this fact and truth, that Christ Jesus died for your Sin. When the acknowledgement is done and you confess it with your mouth, you become a saved soul or person (Romans 10:9,20).
- However, those who refused to believe and accept this truth are already condemned. Not because of their Sins, but because they refused to believe and accept the offer of salvation God made available through the death of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ:
- Salvation or being born-again is simply what has just been explained above. Thus, If you are yet to be born-again, or saved, take a step now, tomorrow might be too late:
* You will not fail in Jesus' name.
- If you are having ailment in your body, I declare you healed now in Jesus' name.
- Every hold of sicknesses is completely broken in your life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
* Take notice of this:
IF you are yet to take the step of salvation, that is, yet to be born-again, do it now, tomorrow might be too late (2 Corinthians 6:1,2; Hebrews 3:7,8,15).
a. Acknowledge that you are a sinner and confess your Sins (1 John 1:9); And ask Jesus Christ to come into your life (Revelation 3:20).
b. Confess that you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that you confess it with your mouth, Thus, you accept Him As your Lord and Saviour (Romans 10:9,10).
c. Ask that He will write your name in the Book of Life (Philippians 4:3; Revelation 3:8).
- If you took the steps As highlighted above, It means you are saved—born-again. Join a Word based church in your area and Town or city, and be part of whatever they are doing there. Peace!
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sakuramidnight15 · 11 months
-RSA OC Information-
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Character Bio
Name: Lucia Primrose
(Japanese: ルシア・プリムローズ)
Romaji: Rushia Purimurōzu
Quote: "My apologies but, please refrain from asking too much from me.."
V/A: Suzuko Mimori (Japanese)
Gender: Female
Age: 19-Physical (???-Actually)
Birthday: December 23
Star Sign: Capricorn
Eye Color: Lavender Blush (Her Normal Eye Color)
Bell White (Glows when using her Willow Magic)
Hair Color: Cloud Periwinkle
Height: 175 cm
Race: Forest Whisperling
Species: Harmonium Type
Homeland: Land of Wisteriana (Living in the Blooming Grove)
Family: Unnamed Two Mothers
Unnamed Uncle
Unnamed Grandmother
Unnamed Family In-laws
School Status and Fun Facts
Dorm: Fableheart (@jasdiary)
School Year: Third
Class: 3-A (Same Class with Venomia and Aine)
Student no. 10
Occupation: Student
Floral Gardener at the Waterlily Shrine
Club: N/A
Best Subject: Potions, Botanical Lessons, and Ancient Spells
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous (Mostly her right)
Favorite Color: Purple, Light Sky Blue, and White
Favorite Food: Fresh Various Berries (Mostly), Sour Plum Juice, Honey-based Desserts, Tropical-based Food (Mostly), Spicy Gumbo, Fried Steak, Cream-filled Donuts, Various Desserts (with less frostings), Various Tea flavours, Mushrooms-based Food (Mostly),
Least Favorite Food: Rotten Berries (Mostly), Burnt Food, Food with Molds (Mostly), Lime Tea, Steamed Fish, Too much frostings on desserts (Mostly), Mushed Rice, Fried Veggies,
Likes: Peace and Quiet (Mostly), Spending time with her loved ones (Mostly), Gardening (Mostly), Studying Enchanted or Carnivorous Plants (Mostly), Midnight Strolls (Mostly), Brushing her own hair (Mostly), Flower-themed Activities, Practicing her casting wishes (Whenever if that's possible with a price), Visiting abandoned ruins, Afternoon tea talks, Astrology,
Dislikes: Wealthy People (Mostly), Nobles with snobbish personalities (Mostly, annoys her), People disturbing her time (Mostly, annoys her), Too much brightness (Mostly), Too many wishes to take (Mostly, exhausts her), Anything that endangers mother nature, Her patience being tested, Graphic Topics and Scenes,
Hobbies: Gardening, Practicing her wish granting, Flower-themed Activities, Midnight Strolls (likely at the gardens or flowerbeds), Making Floral Jewelry by hand, Brushing her hair, Visiting Abandoned Ruins, Reading ancient language, Seeing falling stars, Astrology,
Talents: Willow Abilities, Wish Granting (With a cost), Forest Spirit Bonding Skills, Floral Enchantment, Healing Abilities, Thorn Manipulation, Castor Spells, Spirit Communication, ???,
Nicknames: Lulu or Lia (From her family and friends)
Lucia-senpai or Primrose-senpai (From the freshmen students)
Lua (From Shirrira)
Luci (From Nocturne)
Liua (From Othenio)
Other Nicknames:
The Floral Gardener of the Temple
Appearance and Personality
Appearance: Lucia has a petite yet average female body, let alone that she focuses on her daily nutrients within her schedule which was the cause of her body's physical changes. She has cloud periwinkle colored fluffly hair which only the two sides of her hair are longer to reach to the ground while on her behind which is cut to her neckline. She has lavender blush colored eyes which they can turn into bell white whenever she uses her willow abilities, just like her fellow forest whisperling companions. Lucia is morefully a composed young women, but she tends to keep her mouth quiet often than speaking.
Personality: Born within the third part of the Land of Wisteriana, known as the Blooming Grove. Lucia grew up within the states within various chapels and temples created by the blooming blossoms, her family including herself as well would often visit the temple to continue the following traditions from their main country itself, though no feelings were added from anyone in this country Lucia was offered to be the gardener's for the temple right after her practices for her abilities had been caught by the mage who worked for the temple herself. It wasn't before long when she agreed to join in after a recent issue she had that has an involvement with wish-granting by the flower bed around midnight o'clock. 
As time passed on, she continued her practices hoping to develop some improvements within her abilities as she continued her training sessions right after every single effort she took. Lucia continued her daily schedule till the current timeline. 
The Lucia in the current timeline is now a composed yet silent young lady, who seems to value her time slowly but doesn't waste most of her free time on anything that catches her interest, especially whenever she sees something that does not impress her current mood. Mostly she stays in a poker face-like expression, which doesn't last long whenever she does her training sessions rather privately away from a crowd full of people. She tends to be silent often but can reply if that’s necessary.
She rarely talks towards anyone, including her own dorm mates, except for those who belong within the rift dimension. She’s often seen with some of the crestria demi-gods, the angels within the rift, or even Westyn’s group who were scouted within RSA, including her fellow forest whisperling buddies such as Shirrira and her cousins and the other races which allow her to talk comfortably without hesitation. Despite herself also being scouted like the rest of them, Lucia then decided to keep herself in a low profile for now. Though she can be social if you can try to talk with her if the timing is correct, she may interact if that’s a possible chance.
She’s very patient with anyone who tries to speak to her aside from her fellow rift citizens or the people who try to communicate with her, let alone that she doesn't sound meek or let alone timid as well, Lucia is very mature for her age, especially when she’s good with her formalities with others with status or not. Aside from that, she often gives advice and opinions whenever a question arises that perks her mind, sometimes she’s closed off or open-minded but she picks what she wants to do with it. Though she can rather create light entertainment for others to light up the mood a bit.
Be mindful whenever you speak, because Lucia has a strong yet sharp sense of hearing for words, especially related or not related to topics at all. She's selective about topics being picked on, let alone is rather sensitive or disturbed by hearing something that isn't much for her, more fully she can be judgemental and awfully cold with the person she dislikes, criticizing rather with negativity which she's only stating facts and doesn't care od what the other person thinks of her replies afterward. She doesn't see much effort in anyone who tries to sugarcoat her words regardless.
Composed as a lady at all times, let with abilities that needed to be practiced as well. This forest whispering has her way through her granting abilities, but please don't ask much from her or she'll take a breath.
-The name 'Lucia' means light and is the feminine form of Lucius and of Italian origin meaning. While her surname 'Primrose' is habitational name from the lands of Primrose (Fife). The placename is probably of Celtic origin, containing Pictish or Gaelic ros 'wooded promontory'
-She's based on Farrah Goodfairy, from the Ever After High Franchise and Series.
-Is born from two mothers, so she doesn't have a father figure. But her uncle is considered as one.
-Entered the temple as a royal gardener, which she became well respected and admired by the visitors within her homeland.
-She's often seen with her race companions the most aside from the other rift races. Shirrira alongside with her two cousins, Nocturne and Othenio are one of the examples.
-She seems on the neutral terms with her dorm and her dorm mates. Despite being on a silent terms with them. Though she is trying to communicate with them though she needs to take her time to work it out.
-She has a pet white flying squirrel, named Pi.
-Lucia seems to be on natural terms with the other races of the rift, mostly with the humanity within the rift as well.
-Practices her wishing abilities, hoping to improve a bit to get her magic to go better.
-Is a normal fan of astrology.
-Is normally a tea person, however she doesn't have a favourite flavour since she tried all of the tea flavours back in her days.
-Prefers to get her peace and quiet.
-Seems to know how to make floral themed jewelry by hand with the basic materials.
-Her Curse: (Due to her wishing abilities, she can only grant one person three wishes but only once in a day. Once midnight hits, the spells and the wish itself will be reverse back to normal which it affects her mentality due to her past, she's recovers her sanity by laying on the flowerbeds around at night but that's a slight minimum. However the three wishes cannot be granted by the same person ever permanently after.)
-According to her info, she seems to be closed off by many people as a child ever since they had seen her magic such as wish granting which is conflicted to her greatly. One night near midnight, a high-class noble had planned a kidnapping on Lucia for her magic for wishes but was caught by one of the temple's sevants servants during the progress of the crime. Petrified of the incident, Lucia loses much of her mental health which cost her to be hospitalized for one whole week.
-Her huge dislikes for nobility and wealth status was from the incident she went through as a child.
-Despite her gaining a curse (even if she's from the rift, which some race abilities are the curses itself), she never grants a person's selfish wishes. Which her curse may not work on them at all.
-Based on her personality, Lucia is very silent due to her not being very communicative with others. But whenever she speaks, she sounds composed and polite towards anyone she speaks to normally. Which is why I chose Suzuko Mimori to be her voice actor.
-Struggles to recover her sanity, but with her curse intact. It was not easy.
-Seems to explore ruins with Venomia at daily chances.
-Is often seen with Harper and Westyn on her daily basis.
Next one-
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eydi-andrius · 10 months
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author's note: Thanks for reading! You're probably one of those who loves the angst and sad endings. ME TOO!
I hope you like this one! 💙
divider by: @cafekitsune
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The waves were peaceful today. The soft breeze and crisp smell of salt in the air is amazing and relaxing.
The sun that was usually harsh and unforgiving were tamed by the clouds, adorning the blue sky.
Such a majestic view. You know Nanami will love it here.
“How about it, my darling? It's beautiful isn't it?” Clasping the pendant filled with some of Nanami’s ashes, you looked at the sea and imagined him walking and running around in happiness.
Everywhere you look at this place, the waves, the soft glow of the sun and the smell of the beach……. All of it reminds you of Nanami.
He never made it back.
That night he promised to follow you after a week or so, but it didn't happen. Instead, it was Yuji you saw in front of your parent's door that day. He was holding a white envelope filled with Nanami’s will.
You don't even need to hear what he has to say. His youthful face adorned with scar, right ear covered in bandage and eyes red from tears, you just know what happened.
You broke down in front of him. Your wailing scared your parents and they rushed to wherever you were. Yuji, who obviously tried his best not to cry on the way to where you were to deliver the news, broke down in tears too, he used his left arm to cover his face.
There was no body recovered. Yuji told you how he died. You’re not even sure if the ashes given to you had a body on it or it was all just the things that remained after he died. They also gave you his blunt sword, which looks more worn than when you last saw it. Holding his weapon made you cry but not in tears of losing him this time. But from knowing that he fought hard that day and up until his last breath he protected those kids to the best of his ability, even if his power is not on par with Gojo. You are proud of him. He died for those kids’ future, that's so much like your Nanami, your darling.
“Hey? Do you like this one?” Yuji’s voice echoed throughout the empty villa and you looked back at him with a smile.
“This is perfect.”
It turns out, anything written on a sorcerer's will, will be granted by the association. They will provide all of it as a thank you for their services until death.
At the moment you and your legally adopted son, Yuji, are looking for a house near the beach. This was all just temporary, until Yuji turned the legal age and can live on his own, that will be the time that you will move to Malaysia, on a beach house, you and Nanami have been eyeing once, and was mentioned on the passing.
Yuji’s adoption as well were handled by them. You’re not sure what strings they pulled for you to legally adopt Yuji, but they did it. It was also written on his will, not for you, but for Nanami or so they said. He wished to adopt Yuji and take care of him. You were told you can deny that wish, being a single mother is tough, but you accepted it with all your heart. Because Nanami wrote the conversation you had with him on that one movie night. It was a conversation you had together.
“Yeah. He will love it here.” Yuji smiled back at you as he stood beside and leaned against a pillar, his hands inside the pocket of his hoodie. After a brief look around at the scenic view, his eyes landed on your frame.
“How are you?” With a tilt of his head, he asked.
“Better than nothing.” You replied, short and curt.
“Hmmmm” Yuji nodded in agreement and a comfortable silence fell.
You breathed the fresh salty air and the smile you have is not even reaching your eyes. Everyday you miss him. Everyday is a struggle to wake up knowing that you will never see him again. Everyday you are afraid that one day you will forget how he looks, how his voice sounds, how his presence makes you feel safe and loved. Everyday you are thinking if it was even worth it to live without him by your side.
However, you know Nanami will want you to move forward. To live the life you dreamed of together, even if you have to walk the beach alone. With only your footprints on the sand following your path forward.
You touched the pendant again and prayed. You missed his warmth.
“It’s only a matter of time, my darling. I can't wait to see you again. But for now, be with me, and let's live the life we dreamed off together.”
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chuckabeth · 9 months
I don’t know why I’ve suddenly been imbued with the audacity of actually writing a real tumblr post instead of just reglobbing but um
On behalf of myself and all immunocompromised people
I didn’t used to exempt myself from seasonal vaccines. I don’t even want to, I don’t even like it. But my body’s defenses and reactions are so frail and inflamed that if I take the shot, I will get sick. Really sick. Probably weeks of real pain and illness and slow recovery overreacting to the vaccine, and it will cost me my grades, my social life, my mental health, and that’s when a billion different logistical and health hurdles are already threatening my tenuous hold on those things as it is. I have to work so hard, and make decisions so, so carefully just to maximize the possibility that I’ll hopefully! Hopefully. Be well. Or at least well enough.
I have misunderstood and untreatable autoimmune disease(s) that have (in all likelihood) damaged my organs and decreased my ability to digest food and absorb vitamins on my own. I’m already in so much pain and fatigue every day that I (thank the Lord that I have this resource) use a wheelchair to help me get around without making myself sicker just from the strain of doing the regular stuff.
I have had COVID at least once. Thankfully I had taken the vaccine that time. But the vaccine reaction was almost as bad as the real thing. BUT if you’re healthy, (or at least healthier than me) THIS WILL NOT BE TRUE FOR YOU. You can afford a couple days of feeling a little under the whether. Right? I feel under the weather or worse literally every day of my friggin life, and often I just get on with things.
So…. Do it for me? So I don’t get long COVID? Or just like, the flu? Or other things that are popping up! Wear a mask and stay home if you can when you’re sick, thoughI know the latter is very difficult to get away with for so many. I just ask because these things could actually damage me in ways they might not damage you. And if you don’t do it for me, do it for the people that could just be straight up killed by a respiratory illness. That stuff spreads so easily, and they are likely locked up in their houses just as painfully as you were in lockdown trying to stay alive. Yet, like you, they have lives and hopes and dreams and are worthy of human decency and care and respect. But believe me, we don’t often feel enough of it, let alone from our doctors. All too often not even from our own families.
Or, you know, like, do it for yourself and other able bodied people who could suddenly find yourselves in our position through this Long COVID stuff. I know!! I know it feels like naw that would never happen to you. Is this stuff even for real? But trust me trust me, it can, it will. A lot of us sickies were like you once. And a lot of us still don’t have answers for what “went wrong.” And realizing that none of us are all that different, that we’re al in this together actually! Is one of the first biggest steps to compassionate and real, noticeable change. Caring enough about others and their needs enough to be mindful about simple stuff.
And hey, MAYBE just on your own, none of it will be enough. But at least you can look back and comfort yourself saying you tried. You didn’t take our lives for granted.
LOL anyway I’m just so nervous about school this winter please help me get my bachelor’s in as much peace as possible
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rentenesen · 10 months
Woven - Chapter 3
Gale x Astarion BG3 fanfiction
Summary: A/U, modern day, exploring a world where fae exist (non-dnd). Gale, once a very special child with the ability to see fae, is now a regular almost middle aged man, working as a professor. After letting a strange pale man into his house, thinking he might be there to deliver a message from Mystra, Gale quickly realizes he made a mistake.
Word Count: 1.1k The early chapters of the fic are PG but will have more adult themes later on.
Astarion pressed the knife deeper into Gale's skin, not enough to draw blood but close.
"What kind of creature are you" His voice was menacing and deep, reverberating in Gale's ears, breath hot against his cheek.
"I'm a simple mortal, I swear" Gale gasped, "Please, put the knife down and we can talk about this. I don't want to have to hurt you."
"I don't think so." Astarion let out a gruff chuckle studying his face, trying to make something out "I'm not as foolish as you seem to think, darling. Those eye of yours can see straight through my disguise and you're going to tell me why."
Gale could feel his magik start to burn low in his belly, coursing through his body with every pound of his heart. This was the first time in a while he had felt it so alive and available. He could expel the man with ease, but would he have enough energy left to fight afterwards? If only he has taken more care to ensure the thing in his chest had remained fed.
A more peaceful approach would be safer for them both Gale decided. Astarion was already inside of his house, who knew what connections he had, there was no sense in pissing him off further.
"I have a patron," Gale breathed deep to keep his voice calm, "She grants me my abilities in exchange for my service to her" It was mostly true. Gale had always carried a strange connection to the world of the fae but Mystra had compounded and grown his gifts to remarkable heights.
Astarion seemed to settle a little, his grip loosening on Gale ever so slightly. "And who might this patron be"
"You can address her as Mystra" fae's names were a sacred thing, not shared easily as power over a name meant power over oneself.
Astarion pulled back to look into Gale's eyes, seeming to believe him enough to not gut him right in that moment. He let up the pressure he had been holding against Gale's body to keep him pinned, stepping back.
"My apologies, I am not on the best terms with certain… people and you caught me off guard outside earlier."
"I caught you off guard?" Gale scoffed, his whole body was vibrating and hot from the threat, "you're the one I found casing my house, waiting to knife me" He wasn't used to this much adrenaline and he tried to calm himself with little avail.
"I was not 'waiting to knife you', like I said, I was not expecting someone like you to be here. I was simply looking for a place to rest and one cannot be too careful when they have enemies" Astarion sheathed his blade and held up his hands in a show of peace.
Gale eyed him suspiciously, enemies huh? It seemed this Astarion must have pissed someone off pretty good to be so jumpy around strangers, "And who exactly are you running from"
"Now, now" he chided "there is plenty of time to discuss our pasts. Besides, it seems that is no concern of yours, if you are indeed mortal as you claim. Not wise to get caught up in the squabbles of fae folk."
Astarion turned and stepped further into Gale's house, looking around curiously, wandering back towards the entry of kitchen.
"Uh, excuse me" Gale huffed and followed him down the hall, disgruntled and not sure exactly what to say. He should not have let the man in his house, it seemed it would not be an easy task to remove him now that he was freely invited. "What exactly are you doing here? I thought maybe you were here to pass me a message from Mystra but it's clear those are not your intentions. I think it would be best if you took your leave as soon as possible."
Astarion sat himself down at Gale's dining bench, "I thought you said you wanted to chat" he gestured for Gale to sit down across from him, his easy smile returned as if they were old friends catching up.
Gale reluctantly sat down, trying to think up ways to expel this man with no argument, "And what exactly do you want to chat about."
"Mystra.. I've heard that name. She's known for being particular about who she takes under her wing, yes?"
Gale could feel his body tense as Astarion spoke of his mistress.
"So you must be something special then" his voice was smooth as honey, looking up at Gale through his pale eyelashes. He leaned in closer, so soft compared to the man who had not moments ago, threatened his life. "We could be useful to each other, you and I"
Surely no good could come from this. A wolf sat across the table from him, offering him a deal, and he would be a fool to even hear him out. And yet… there was something about Astarion that compelled him. He looked at Gale expectantly, waiting for a response, the soft light of the kitchen catching on his sharp features, making him seem almost smaller somehow. He was not sure if it was the pity he felt for the clearly hungry and lost creature or if his own loneliness was deluding him into thinking it might not be so bad to indulge the man just a little longer.
No matter what the driving force was Gale was none the less intrigued, "What are you suggesting?"
"It's not everyday you have a fae offering you a favour." Astarion smirked "I need a place to stay, at least for a little while and… I'm sure I could find some way to repay you…"
Gale felt a blush creep up his neck at the suggestion, was he attracted to this man? He was certainly good looking and it had been a while since someone so beautiful had taken keen interest in Gale, even if that interest was clearly to get something out of him. Perhaps it was just the excitement of the evening that had his blood pumping, but he was certainly embarrassed at how his mind was wondering. He swallowed hard, hoping Astarion would not pick up on it.
"Ah well. I'm not sure this is a good idea," Gale could feel sweat forming on his hands, he started to feel lightheaded.
"Are you feeling alright"
"Huh? Yes I'm. I'm fine, I think I'm just a bit overwhelmed" Gale's breaths were pulling is faster, he tried to slow them but a dizzy darkness started to spread through the corners of his mind.
"Gale?" he could hear the man calling for him as if underwater. He tried to respond but his whole body was heavy, as if he filled with sand, slowly sifting and pull him down deeper into the darkness.
The last thing Gale felt was a cold pressure on the side of his face. It was comforting, gentle and he imagined he was years younger, still full of promise, falling asleep on the forest floor. Back when he felt so loved and safe, when he was wanted his cheek resting in the palm of Mystra's hand.
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smol-stardust · 2 years
You Can't What?
Continuing with the SKK Fallen Guardian Angel au because I'm on a brainrot. Plz excuse spelling/grammar errors
In which Chuuya learns he's stuck with Dazai for longer than expected due to, uh... reasons
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Staring at the sight in front of him, Chuuya let out a string of curses. If it wasn’t bad enough that shitty Dazai was constantly bothering him, this just ruined everything. How did I even end up here? Chuuya ponders. Not that it matters, because either way, he’ll be hauling Dazai’s blood-soaked body out of the alleyway. The problem with angels, Chuuya decided, is they’re too conspicuous and weigh too much. As much as he wanted to leave the disaster of a suicidal angel in the sombre alleyway, Chuuya had an ominous epiphany that if he did, someone would get him later.
Chuuya’s next observation was that wings are a stupid waste of space. What’s the point if he walks everywhere? I doubt angels have wings to block people, namely myself, from going places and mock them. Chuuya continued cursing as he maneuvered Dazai’s body around, tempted to slice off his wings and call it a day.
“You could at least be gentle chibi,” Dazai groaned as Chuuya manhandled him. “This is no way to treat such a beautiful angel.”
“Shut up you shitty idiot. You’re the one that got shot and mangled by that ability user!” Chuuya retorted. 
“Just doing my job,” Dazai winked, not that it mattered, he was slung half over Chuuya's shoulders. (If Chuuya saw it, he probably would have commented how it looked like Dazai was having a seizure)
“I can protect myself, shitty angel,” Chuuya hissed.
“Aww man,” Dazai whined. “No prize of consolation or thanks? Here I was hoping I’d die…”
“WAIT A SECOND!!” Chuuya screeched, dropping Dazai’s body at his sudden revelation.
"Owie." Dazai rubbed his head in annoyance. "Please treat me like a princess. I'm delicate you know!"
“YOU FUCKING DIED!” Chuuya yelled, pointing a finger accusingly at his supposed guardian angel. “YOU HAD NO PULSE, I WAS FINALLY GOING TO BE FREE OF YOU!!”
“Ah, yes” Dazai nodded thoughtfully with a hand under his chin (In the finger checkmark pose… idk what it’s called) “I did mention I can’t die right?”
Chuuya stared at him, gaping. His brain stalled out for a few minutes before he snapped back to reality. 
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN’T DIE?!?” Chuuya bellowed.
“I’m not wanted up there. God kinda doesn't like me or something, can't imagine why,” Dazai hummed nonchalantly. “Aaannnd, they don’t want me down there either. Somthing about me disturbing them.” He grinned and held out a peace sign. 
“What the hell are you?” Chuuya groaned. Great, and here I thought I was free of this waste of space. 
“Mmm, it’s not like I enjoy spending time with you either chibi,” Dazai huffed, opting to ignore the question. “But, we’re stuck together, and that’s how it's going to be.”
“On the bright side, I get to hang out and annoy you more now!” 
“Piss of…”
Chuuya sighed as Dazai walked alongside him down the streets of Yokohama, waving his hands animatedly as he rambled on. Fallen angels sure are more trouble than they’re worth, Chuuya thought bitterly. I can’t believe I’m going to have to deal with this freeloading idiot even longer. Chuuya rubbed his temple at the thought. This is going to be a long night… WAIT! NO, HE’S STUCK WITH ME FOR ETERNITY! 
“AUGHHHH! I’m gonna strangle you!” Chuuya growled.
“Aww, cute.” Dazai cooed. “Granting my wish for me.”
“I'm doing this for myself!”
“I look forward to it, but might be difficult considering y’know, neither side wants me!” Dazai laughed cheerily.
"Nope, you're too fun to rile up."
"...I hate you."
"Aww, I'm glad it's mutual."
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Dear Allah
This Ramadan, I want to reconnect with you, I want to reconcile with you, I want to break my bad habits and never feel the need to go back to them. I want to find peace in you, I want to worship you to the best of my ability.
Dear Allah
Please, help me. Help me worship you. Save me from the evil of my own self. Grant me all the strength, health, wisdom, knowledge and understanding to serve you righteously. Grant me amnesty.
Dear Allah
A part of me seems dead, please revive it. Redeem me and restore my Imaan. I need divine restoration. Let me not be put to shame. Let me figure this out and live in peace. Take away this shame of being In my own body, help me love myself like never before. Grant me all the happiness that my heart desires. Save me from the evil of my own self. I am not a laughing stock, let me not be mocked. Grant me a good life. Ease my affairs and let my goals align with your plans.
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ruinakete · 7 months
♡ (if you're still taking them!)
WHAT WOULD OUR MUSES' CHILD BE LIKE?・accepting! ( cw for canon character / muse death or murder )
"oh? him? no, he isn't from the village. at least, not what I've been told. neither is he human, by his horns, but oh he's just a darling young man! criminally handsome, i say! when we met, he kissed the back of my hand and offered to walk me home. uh, though, he did mention it was because I looked too incompetent to guide myself... oh, don't worry, he isn't rude all the time. in fact, I'd say he's most peaceful when tending to the pegasi we have. I've only seen him smile around animals actually... he even offers to take up the guardpost nearby to ensure their safety." ━━━ VILLAGE STABLE MAID, about ???
CLASS: Fell Child
VERSION: specializes in LANCES, emphasizing MAGIC growth and high SPEED, granting him, too, better physical stats than most of his alternate siblings; the ability to transform and utilize BREATH weapons is easy to unlock, too
the last son of Lord Sombron, Zephia's biological offspring though mothered, too, by her partner, Caeda. many confuse him for a dashing knight; a role he happily takes to heart, as it blankets the weight of being a Fell Child and the burden he carries. though charming, his sharp tongue and sly wit tend to lessen the volume of his sociability; unfortunate, since he is a loving friend once a bond is recognized by him and another. this flaw comes with a cost, as he turns to others to bear the weight of his problems on behalf of being unable to carry the expectation of his bloodline alone. it is the easiest to find him in the stables of a nearby village, brushing the wings of a pegasus or curling against it as it lays to rest. usually, that is where his mothers would find him, asleep in the stall of a pleased pegasus.
as a child of Sombron, his strongest genes would be those of his biological father's. bone-white hair that is kept straight, reaching his mid-back, though he curls the frayed ends every morning as part of his beauty routine. of a lighter tone than Zephia, he matches her in eye color, however, only one of his irises bears the right tint. his left iris is blue with an opposing pink highlight, while his right iris is only blue. ever since he was a young kid, he liked to joke that his bare blue eye was his lucky sight, as it was the same color as Caeda's eyes. to Zephia's strangely happy realization, her son was also born with crescent horns, though his are smaller and a life-changing event of grief snapped both of his horns at the tips.
apparel is a factor of appearance he used both of his mothers as inspiration. as though he were a pegasus knight, the placement of his armor and low-cut skirt are worn similarly to Caeda's own attire. buckles and bands accessorize his thighs, over the bare skin until it reaches his knee and lower leg, which are clothed with padded socks. though, instead of boots, he sticks to low heels, with twin golden charms hung over his ankles. the cuts of his sleeves and the flowy fabric borrowed come from the image of Zephia. he would wear a cropped top if it wasn't exposing such a vulnerable body part.
the virtue of an angel atop a pegasus mirrors that of his image, because of the color scheme and the modesty in which he holds himself. beautifully charming, he is not above using his appearance to get his way. whether it be getting into the stables at night or coaxing a human into trusting him, deception has become a second skin to the light in which he appears to be.
if one was to be poetic, then he is the wolf beneath sheepskin; the monster in a knight's armor. there is no doubt that he has the ability to be better than what his mother has made him, but the question is whether or not he chooses to. as a child, he was a curious little thing, babbling questions as Caeda fed him in her lap or laying his head on the page of Zephia's tome as she read. such curiosity has led him to expect a lot from the world, for it to please and amuse him for as long as he lives.
there is one thing that limits his inherited hunger for power; the memory of Caeda. as he grew from infant to toddler, from kid to pre-teen, she stayed at his side, teaching him the delicate strings of life and the differences between right and wrong. if hurting others was wrong, then the urges he felt were wrong, too. and he kept to that lesson, biting back his instincts and forming them into harmless, blunt words. if he could not be nice, then he should not speak. but, if Zephia said to, the world would not be nice to him all the time. so, when should he appease the hunger in his chest? at every offense of the world, or only to those who asked for it?
his mothers were opposites and, first, he bent to the gentle voice of Caeda's parenting. he idolized her for her courage and strength, her ability to love and be loved. she, in a way, was everything he hoped to be. but centuries bled into centuries and the strict fist of Zephia's parenting would take effect easily in the confusion of his morals. he would take his kindness and wield it until it grew jagged and benefited him in the long run. mother was right, always, and he owed all he was to her for continuing to have faith in him despite his constant failure to understand.
now, as a young adult, his charm and tongue have sharpened naturally; everywhere he walks is a curiosity he commits to memory. to have lost someone has made him appreciate the little things in life, often comparing them to his mothers' taste. he treats everyone he meets as a potential pawn, as a default, useful only in what they can give him. this does not mean they will earn his immediate annoyance; a good person helps others recognize themselves, even if done with a heartless hand. for his heart is shrouded, far beyond encasing in light. only near those he bonded with will ever understand the constant solemn manner in which he condemns himself to.
even before he was born, Zephia and Caeda were at odds with one another. though they would care for each other, well into the Mage Dragon's pregnancy, there was a gap between external and internal love. to Zephia, she was at the top of the hierarchy within the household, but to Caeda, there was no ranking. and, as such, an animosity was unfurled with the birth of their son. when Zephia would handle him, Caeda had reason to worry, as her murmurs of the Fell Church and the burden of heritage began to grow a paranoia within his mind.
the wedge became known, fully, when their son was a kid, hardly in his teenage years. it was obvious that, beneath Caeda's gentle hand, he would never grasp a mastery over recognizing and controlling the hunger blossoming in his chest; only a dragon could teach a dragon how to bear his teeth. and Zephia wished to do just that, promising to deal a heavy hand against their son to show him the dangers of not controlling the weapon he could be.
as noble as her motherly heart, Caeda, dearest Caeda, rose to stop her lover's teaching. and that, in the common area of their home, was where Zephia's patience thinned and Caeda's life was torn from her body. when Mage Dragon left to find her kin, Fell Dragon found the limp body of his mother; his idol. the sorrow was immediate, mixing horribly with the confusion of losing another. this grief would only be recognized a century later, as a teenager, when their son helped a village girl mourn the death of her mother. but then, as a child, clutching onto the stained fabric of his mother's dress, he had only the time to hear Caeda's raspy final wish before an aching pain struck his heart. the day he transformed for the first time was the day he lost both his mother and home forever.
and, without his only familial support, he had to brave Zephia's obligation alone. he kept Caeda in memory for centuries, adopting many of her mannerisms into his speech and always carrying a handful of her ashes in the steel of his necklace, forged in secret by the blacksmith whom he owed. but, in his mother's words, Caeda had to die. it was inevitable. best it be at the hands of her wife and not another, right? right? because there could be no other reason for Zephia to strike her down that he could think of.
they loved each other. they loved him. he loved them. but where had it gone wrong?
??? about CAEDA, present:
"... i missed her." instinctively, his hand rises to touch the necklace resting against his collarbone, as if to protect the ashes trapped within its steel. "my mother was the strongest person i knew. she... it's been years but, i can never give her my proper thanks for all she's done. watering the flowers near her burial is the least i can do."
??? about ZEPHIA, present:
"she is my mother, just as i am her son. by blood and oath." the words flow evenly, as though this is rehearsed. "i owe her my life, for birthing me and every year afterward. she and... she and my second mother were teaching me the importance of my choice and staying at her side is mine."
ZEPHIA about ???, present:
"my sweet boy," next comes a delighted hum, as though she holds the utmost pride in him, "he has grown well over the years. already he has nearly mastered his draconic form. even after... hmph. i simply hope to pull him from his late-night visits to the stables of the village down the mountain path. he sleeps there as though it is his den."
ZEPHIA about CAEDA, present:
"it was my mistake to fall in love with her." a long pause; her gaze falters and her hands tremble against each other. when she speaks again, it is quieter, as biting as it is regretful, "we are better off without her. she was not suited for the life of a fell child's parent... time would have killed her even if i had not."
CAEDA about ???, past:
"he may be a fell child but i will never let him feel as if that is all he can ever amount to—all he will ever be." she holds a single hand close to her heart. "as long as i draw breath, i will never let him think otherwise."
CAEDA about ZEPHIA, past:
"there is love in her heart, i know it." a warm smile, despite circumstances. despite the efforts she must go to in order to protect her child from grief. "it need only be drawn out."
CAEDA to ???, before death:
"when it's... when it's hard to be a good person, just remember that i l—love you."
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ladylimerence · 11 months
When I read about World War II, I often think of the innocent more than the war itself. How much they didn’t know, how much they didn’t have to see. How much they trample on a good life.
We cannot define true horror. In all the wars over time, what has really been accomplished? In the book 1984, they say:
“War is peace”
“Freedom is slavery”
“Ignorance is strength”
And these quotes have been really sitting with me since I’ve read them. You know, when you read something and it completely twists your perspective and perception at the same time? Yeah, like that.
I woke up this morning, again, thank you. Thank you to the invisible force of life. This body loves me and I love it, but I can love it more, I know what kind of love I am capable of, and apart of my “sadness” is expecting someone else to give me that love. Selfish? I don’t know because we are made for love, whether it be war or peace. It is extreme.
Today the sun shines and the wind gently moves the leaves and it sounds like rain if you didn’t know. I am grateful to be living, thriving, learning, experiencing. I want to embrace my capacity to the fullest.
Yesterday I was able to realize that my mental exhaustion was projecting into my body language and not become angry or anxious with anyone. Is this regulation? Maybe so. It felt good to admit and act accordingly instead of acting out for attention. There was a lot of thought that ran through my entire body this weekend.
I think a lot about the impulsive nature of humans. Where do we draw the line? Is it between bad decisions and the desire to experience something? Or is it our desire to talk and connect with humans? I fear nothing of the sort. If there is anything that I am fearful of it would be suffering, but not being alone. I once was afraid of being alone but I know that I am never alone, especially when I am in my thoughts, this is where I like to be the most and I usually feel my best when I am alone. Constantly surrounded by something so routine and concrete I don’t mind inviting my spontaneous nature into the picture.
Please, take a good look at the things in front of you and the people in your life that make it worth celebrating and communicating with. Out of all things that are similar in life, humans are granted the ability to speak, have a voice. I encourage you today to use it for love and companionship.
We have no time or space for hate, but we have infinite room for love.
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the-hem · 1 month
"The Route." Introduction to the Brihad Jabala Upanishad, "the Exploration of the Mysteries of the Copious Desire for Harmony and Rhythm."
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The date of composition and the author of this text are unknown. It is likely a late medieval, post-12th century era Upanishad and it is neither part of the 17th century compilation of 50 important Hindu Upanishads published by Mughal era Dara Shikoh, nor part of the 18th-century anthology of 52 popular Upanishads in North India published by Colebrooke, nor is it found in the Bibliotheca Indica anthology of popular Upanishads in South India by Narayana.
It is numbered 85 of 108.
Om ! O Devas, may we hear with our ears what is auspicious; May we see with our eyes what is auspicious, O ye worthy of worship !
May we enjoy the term of life allotted by the Devas, Praising them with our body and limbs steady !
May the glorious Indra bless us !
May the all-knowing Sun bless us ! May Garuda, the thunderbolt for evil, bless us !
May Brihaspati grant us well-being !
Om ! Let there be Peace in me ! Let there be Peace in my environment ! Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !
1 First Brahmana:  Busunda “the pistol” approached Kalagni Rudra (the fire and death like Rudra) and asked him, “Please tell me about the greatness of Vibhoothi (Sacred ash - Vibhoothi is generally prepared by burning cow dung at auspicious times.
The Vibhoothi of Pazhani temple is prepared by burning cactus plants). Kalagni Rudra replied, “What is there to tell?”.
Then Busunda asked, “Please tell me the importance of wearing Vibhoothi “holy ashes” and Rudraksha’. Kalagni Rudra replied, “This has already been related along with phala sruthi (resultant effect) by sage Paippalada “given over to sense pleasures.”. There is nothing more to be told more than what he has said”.
Then Busunda asked, “Tell me about the route to salvation as told in the great Jabala (Brihat Jabala)”. Kalagni Rudra agreed and started teaching.
The route to salvation never leads to the Shining Abode with cloud streets or golden harps playing all day long. Salvation is the discovery of a way to a law abiding life that does not agitate the mind, the neighborhood, or the world. Election years such as the one we are in, are not examples of ways mankind attains to his salvation.
A large number of people for example, think immigration and the economy are our problems while triple digit temperatures persist, and a Third World War we started overseas by allowing the Mormons to run amok are the main issues.
There are billions of persons living below the poverty level and they shall never know a single comfort in their lives. These things should agitate us but instead we debate nothing of importance at all.
Above, there is a mention of what is called Vibhuti, holy ashes. These are streaked across the forehead in the shape of three lines.
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These represent the ways the mind has burnt up the ability to regret the past, the be anxious in the present and worry about the future. In order to function properly in the world and know the will of God such as it is, the mind must abandon unproductive ways of spending its time. All that is done in the body must be done at the level of the BMI without the presence of the PFT.
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The faculties and equipments are more than capable of performing as God intended just fine on their own so long as the mind and intellect are not concocting so much. Once the Brahman creates a mind, it will try to reabsorb its experiences. This is how one establishes what is called the Atman, the soul, the bearer of one's experience. The Atman, the discriminator, that which discerns the pecularities of nature is the key.
So the means to salvation and the balance of rhythm, harmony and salvation in our lives is to know what fuels our passions and what is not worthy of our time and attention.
The text above refers to a famous sage named Pippalada; salvation includes happiness and sense pleasures in moderation. If we are conducting ourselves in a way that makes these difficult, if not impossible then something is out of tune.
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