#please excuse my potential rambling
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oh-my-gosh-its-j0sh · 2 years ago
I know I might be late to the party, but I wanted to add something in really quick. I’ve only seen gameplay videos and play-throughs on YouTube, but how I see this game, it’s like a huge emotional metaphor. I know that some, if not most of it, involves Mario and Luigi interacting with their younger selves. Partners in Time is kind of screwy with me in a way, though I’ve never played it. It gives me mixed feelings, though it has a personal value that I’ll never quite comprehend.
If I had the chance to interact with my younger self, I’d cry, give him a hug, and say “I’m sorry that other people your age were mean to you.” I was bullied severely in school, often seen as someone who never “fit in.” I was seen as “different” because I’m autistic, and for years, people thought of me as having behavioral problems or anger issues. In reality, I was just misunderstood.
I’ve just finished my first year of college and though the bullying has long subsided, it still hurts to look back sometimes. Something in me still wants closure for the treatment I’ve received, and as a Psychology major, I hope to better one’s understanding. I hope to provide a sense of comfort for autistic people, and I help myself become the person I’ve always wanted.
Seeing my long-time comfort characters interact with themselves as children — especially in such a healthy way — it’s strange to me, but beautiful at the same time. This positive self-outlook is something I wish I could have but takes time to achieve. Super Mario has been a special interest of mine for years, and seeing the brothers in these scenarios, it’s a bit of an eye-opener. I know that we can’t alter history or times that have already happened, but we can change the way we see ourselves. I believe this game is a wonderful way to start.
(I appreciate you bringing this up. It feels good to write down my thoughts and get them off my chest. Please note that I’m not trying to come off as any type of rude in my message, and I apologize if it does. I don’t really post anything too personal on social media, either. I just thought it’d be nice to contribute a little.)
[I’m a huge fan of your Mario analyses, too, by the way. Love the way you write and make up ideas. I hope to add some of my own whenever the time times!]
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felassan · 3 months ago
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amirdrassil: "datamined veilguard character descriptions google doc is now complete. i've even organised all the characters into their respective factions and added a clickable table of contents!! yippee!!! [link]" [source]
Please note that this work and document resource was put together by amirdrassil on Twitter! they kindly gave me permission to cross-post it here. 🙏
DA:TV spoilers and long post under cut.
VEILGUARD DATAMINED CHARACTER DESCRIPTIONS These are all taken directly from the game files; wherever a character had interesting additional information such as accent, age range, or appearance, I’ve also included it.
UPDATE (19/11/24): Added Teia, Viago, Anaris, Aelia, Hezenkoss and Rana.  (Thank you to @/ZILVYR on Twitter for finding these ones!) I did my best to look through the files as thoroughly as I could, but if you find any more I missed, feel free to DM me on Twitter (@amirdrassil) and I’ll add them with thanks. :-)
I’m adding a disclaimer here, because I’ve seen a lot of people treat these datamined descriptions as absolute canon. Many of them are remnants of scrapped or altered storylines, meaning that they no longer align with the finalised story that the game presents.  Please take everything you read here with a grain of salt, and where the game’s content itself directly contradicts the datamining, the former should always take precedent over the latter. At least as far as “canon” goes! And of course, it goes without saying, but please don’t use any of this datamining as an excuse to be mean to anyone; please understand that game development is a lot of hard work, and storylines are scrapped all the time as writers get new ideas or are faced with inevitable roadblocks from the game system side of things! No matter what, Veilguard was made with love. Anyways, feel free to use any of this as fuel for fanfiction, fanart, headcanons, or just healthy discussions about what the game might’ve been.  Thank you very much, sorry for rambling and please enjoy!! :-)
SOLAS AGERANGE: 40 CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Solas, from the previous game. (Some characters also have a TTS voice assigned to them, and Solas’s is “PeterSad22k_HQ”, which makes me laugh/cry, as no other major character so far has had their TTS voice specified as being the “sad” variant.) ELGAR’NAN AGERANGE: 99 ACCENT: British Isles; an ancient contemporary of Solas. CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Ancient elven god-king. Blighted. GHILN’NAIN AGERANGE: 35 ACCENT: British Isles; an ancient contemporary of Solas CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Ghilan'nain is our sinister Mad Scientist god. Analytical and curious, she uses magic to mutate people into powerful but disturbing forms. She often lists things in a clipped fashion, cataloguing as she sees. She's obsessed with experimenting on all kinds of living beings, viewing everyone (except her fellow god, Elgar'nan) as potential "stock". She's pitiless about her work—Ghilan'nain will happily slice open a hundred people for parts—but is not purposefully sadistic. It's nothing personal. She can be angered, however, by people interfering in her plans. When she is, rage runs cold. Some backstory: Ghilan'nain is an ancient, now corrupted, elven god. She rose to power thousands of years ago by creating living wonders, and had the distinction of being the only mortal elf uplifted into the pantheon. She embraced the corrupting power of a force called the blight in order to improve her magic, and has been unalterably twisted by it over the centuries. BETRAYAL OF FELASSAN CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A powerful undead born from Solas's regrets and betrayals (in this case, Solas's murder of his friend Felassan by stabbing him in the back).
FALL OF THE PROTECTOR CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A powerful undead born from Solas's regrets and betrayals (in this case, the death of Mythal). SLAUGHTER OF THE PILLARS CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A powerful undead born from Solas's regrets and betrayals (in this case, the murder of the Titans). SPIRIT OF PROFIT CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A Spirit of Profit who has set up shop in the Crossroads. They are friendly, but very single-minded and tend to speak in one or two word sentences, mostly about profits. SPEECHPATTERN: Simple, clear expressions of intent. This merchant is a spirit with a singular mind (i just thought this one was neat!) GENERAL FELASSAN AGERANGE: 40 CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: The second in command of a resistance army. You've an elf who's fought against the tyranny of your gods, cruel despots who've enslaved your people. You're practical, level-headed, and have good sense for what other people are feeling, which makes you well-suited for your role. Your leader is an elf called Solas, a powerful mage who isn't quite the people person you are. You respect him, and are there to help him with whatever he needs - especially when he needs guidance about being the face of a resistance. THE CARETAKER SPEECHPATTERN: Simple, mysterious, with a sense of vast wisdom and power ARCHETYPE: Angel / otherworldly helper who gives the player what they truly need, not necessarily what they think they want. CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A mysterious masked and cloaked spirit. They are patient, otherworldly, and helpful... in their own way. The Caretaker is the guardian of the Lighthouse, a magical shelter. Unknown to the player, the Caretaker is what remains of a truly ancient dragon, who long ago took on the form of this spirit. Underlying their patient and otherworldly nature is a sense of strength. The Caretaker was summoned centuries ago by ancient elves, the original builders of this place. Now it has new inhabitants: the player and their friends. You're guiding them through the mysteries of the Lighthouse, but do not give any straight answers. It's important to you they bridge the gap themselves. NOTE: The Caretaker is referred to as they/them because they're a supernatural entity (as opposed to the more normal human non-binary characters in the game.) We'd like a feminine voice to differentiate them from some of the other spooky/mysterious spirits in the game who sound masculine (e.g. Vorgoth.)
SPIRIT OF CHAOS CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A spirit of chaos and freedom, unleashed by Solas to break through a labyrinth to his ally Mythal. SPIRIT OF NEED CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A spirit heavily implied to be the Caretaker in another era, speaking with Solas about the attempt to rescue Mythal. Speaking with the spirit, Solas makes it clear that he will sacrifice anything to save Mythal. ANARIS AGERANGE: 35 (no other info except what’s in cyrian’s description) XENON THE ANTIQUARIAN CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A nobleman who made a deal for immortality which did not include eternal youth, Xenon is the master of the Black Emporium, a shop selling curiosities from his personal collection of magical items.
THE INQUISITOR AGERANGE: 30 APPEARANCE: Inquisition uniform under a long cloak with hood. ARCHETYPE: Relatable leader and mentor CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: The Inquisitor, the protagonist from DA:I. Confident, knowing, they are still the head of a powerful organization, but now act in a mentor role. They would bring too much attention if they get personally involved, so they are looking for the right people to act for them. CHARTER AGERANGE: 30 CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A returning character from DA:I, Charter serves as Rook's link to/mouthpiece of the Inquisitor and what's left of the Inquisition. VARRIC CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Varric! DORIAN CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: It’s Dorian! MORRIGAN AGERANGE: 40 SPEECHPATTERN: Morrigan-y. CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Returning character from previous games. ISABELA AGERANGE: 50 APPEARANCE: Well-aged but perfectly maintained warrior gear for close and brutal fighting. Two possible appearances, depending on how the player resolves her past: 1. Dark black dyed hair 2. Red hair with streaks of grey CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Isabela from Dragon Age II
HARDING AGERANGE: 29 ARCHETYPE: Girl-next-door CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Scout Lace Harding, from Inquisition. It's been almost a decade and Harding's a little older and wiser, but she still thinks of herself as the simple country girl from Ferelden. Harding is cheerful and friendly, and always tries to be positive. She is kind, warm and compassionate, quick to laugh and slow to anger. EMMRICH AGERANGE: 50 CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Follower - will have an audition script. MANFRED CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: An undead skeleton that serves as Emmrich's faithful assistant and companion. Manfred is curious, loyal, innocent, and wants to be helpful. He doesn't speak at first, only replying in hisses that express his mood. Over the course of the game, however, as he learns more, Manfred eventually surprises everyone by speaking in short, one or two word sentences. ASSAN (listed as “GRIFFON”) CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Davrin's griffon. A VO character so he can squawk and screech during banter and ambients. LUCANIS AGERANGE: 36 ACCENT: Hint of Italian, but not as strong as Zevran's. (He is from a coastal city in Antiva, which had an influx of Tevinter refugees from Seheron after the Qunari invaded 100 years or so ago. That’€™s why he looks and sounds different from Zevran and Josephine.) APPEARANCE: Lean, sinewy, handsome, but haunted Antivan human man. Mid thirties. CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Once the heir to the First Talon and the Antivan Crows' best mage killer, Lucanis now bears scars both physically and mentally from his time as a brainwashed executioner for an evil mage cult. No longer the pragmatic assassin always in control, he wrestles with becoming what he’s spent his life hunting: a demon-possessed abomination. He longs to return to his former glory, but the monster inside him demands blood and vengeance. With his future hanging in the balance, Lucanis must decide whether to give into the demon or control it.
DAVRIN (he doesnt have anything aaaaa) BELLARA (she doesnt have anything either aaaaaaaaaa) NEVE AGERANGE: 30 CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A mage who knows the streets of Minrathous, Neve helps investigate crime in Tevinter's capital. Hired by Varric to assist in the fight against Solas, Neve brings her unique blend of time and ice magic, along with her investigative skills, to the team. Neve is clever and driven, with a dry-but-playful sense of humour. She can be cynical about the world - especially Minrathous - but she believes in doing the right thing herself and has a strong sense of duty. TAASH CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Taash is a Qunari agent with a specialization in infiltration -- a thief, basically. She can scale buildings, pick locks, and take out enemies with quick and brutal efficiency. She is also blunt and laconic -- more likely to answer with a single word than give you a big long monologue. She's not grumpy as much as badass deadpan -- she doesn't trust people in general, and she doesn't like thinking or talking about her feelings, but she believes in what she does. (Taash correctly has the “NonBinary” gender tag, but unfortunately the CharacterDescription field misgenders them. However, it also seems there are some things here and there that changed in early development, like the Qunari agent thing.)
TEIA AGERANGE: 28 ACCENT: Italian/Spanish SPEECHPATTERN: Warm APPEARANCE: Elven female, mid to late twenties CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Passionate, showy, hot-blooded, flirtatious, and arrogantly confident. Teia believes she's a celebrity athlete who will die gloriously before she gets old and live forever in song. She has no guilt about being an assassin, and thinks anyone who judges her for it just doesn't understand how things work in Antiva, or indeed anywhere in the world where powerful men play games. Abandoned as a child, she has a soft spot for the downtrodden. VIAGO AGERANGE: 32 ACCENT: Italian/Spanish SPEECHPATTERN: Formal, hint of snobbiness APPEARANCE: Human male, early thirties RACE: Human (Brazilian) CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Calm, ambitious, and ruthless, Viago is the bastard son of the late King of Antiva. As a high-ranking member of the Crows, Viago has just as much influence as the Monarchy, but he still resents the fact that he is not a legitimate heir and feels his birthright was stolen from him. Beneath his cool exterior is a lot of anger and frustration. He will not be satisfied until he sits upon a throne. ILLARIO AGERANGE: 35 SPEECHPATTERN: Charming but with a hint of smarminess. ACCENT: Italian APPEARANCE: Ativan pretty boy CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Antivan pretty boy. Mid 30's. Illario is a power hungry assassin who cares only for himself. On the surface, he is a fun-loving, upperclass Antivan with a weakness for wine, duels, and gambling. But beneath that shallow facade is a calculating, ambitious man with grand plans for the Crows.
SPITE SPEECHPATTERN: Taunting, sing-songy, creepy CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: The demon trapped inside Lucanis's head. Spite was once a Spirit of Passion drawn to Lucanis's will to live, but years of torture and a desire for revenge has twisted him into a Demon of Obsession. CATERINA AGERANGE: 80 ACCENT: Italian/Spanish APPEARANCE: Older Korean-Spanish or Korean-Italian woman (from the same region as Lucanis). Can easily play the part of both sweet grandmother and mafia boss. CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: The Godmother of the Antivan Crows. Sassy, ruthless older woman of power, who will do anything for the success and protection of her family/house. ZARA AGERANGE: 35 APPEARANCE: Beautiful human mage. Mid 30’s. SPEECHPATTERN: Soft and teasing with a Tevinter accent. Upperclass, so formal, but not cold. More of a sensual snob than an ice queen. CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A vain, hedonistic Tevinter Magister, who uses the blood of her slaves to stay young and beautiful. She is Lucanis's nemesis and is the one responsible for forcing a demon inside his head. CALIVAN AGERANGE: 55 SPEECHPATTERN: Formal, snide CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Calivan is the prison warden in charge of the Ossuary. He is as cruel as he is curious and likes to experiment on his inmates with blood magic. GOVERNOR IVENCI AGERANGE: 45 SPEECHPATTERN: Formal, curt, demanding APPEARANCE: A Trevisan government official. They don't go around armed, because they secretly know they don't have anything to fear from the occupation. ARCHETYPE: Money-respecting Official demanding the heroes stop disrupting the status quo. CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Governor Rayan Ivenci is a non-binary human, about 45, Trevisan with a Caucasian appearance. They used to be a mercenary and still have the skills, but have softened somewhat as they aged. They have been a government official for a decade, and have grown sick of being a toothless figurehead. The Crows are the true authority in Antiva, relegating officials like Ivenci to almost symbolic bookkeepers. Ivenci thinks the Crows are spoiled mascots, and Treviso should be ruled by serious figures who don't waste time on petty rivalries and theatrics. Ivenci allowed the occupation and has made steady profit from it, selling out Treviso with the intent that the Crows would be killed fighting the Antaam, expecting that and when Antiva eventually ousted the Antaam, Ivenci would solidify power before Crow houses in other cities could re-establish here. Under Ivenci, Treviso would be the thin edge of the wedge that ended the Crows power. But the Butcher didn't rampage, and didn't kill all the Crows. This has left Ivenci pretending to help fight the occupation, while also chastising the Crows for stirring up trouble. Once the Butcher is dead, Ivenci casts aside any pretense and simply takes power.
FLETCHER AGERANGE: 30 SPEECHPATTERN: Measured, serious. ARCHETYPE: Connected merchant guild leader ACCENT: Antivan APPEARANCE: Fletcher is a tradesperson and a skilled combatant with a bow. They are always dressed for travel. They aren't flashy, preferring to appear as their own guard instead of a merchant hawking wares.  CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Fletcher is a human Crow with merchant ties. Skilled in bows and ranged support, they are kitted for travel and protecting people and goods on the move. They are non-binary, tall with a thin build that codes slightly feminine. Ethnicity can be anything.
HEIR AGERANGE: 40 SPEECHPATTERN: Calm, measured. Almost dispassionate. ACCENT: Orlesian APPEARANCE: She is pale with short dark hair and an Orlesian accent. Dressed in good light armor befitting someone who trains others in small-weapon combat and takes the occasional hit. She was the assassin trainer in Inquisition, but it's been many years and doesn't need to match the appearance except in a general sense. CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Heir is a Dalish elf who acts as a trainer and mentor for young Crows. JACOBUS AGERANGE: 15 ACCENT: Antivan SPEECHPATTERN: Sullen teen with an axe to grind APPEARANCE: Young, skilled, lithely muscled. Jacobus is well trained in double-daggers, but has the typical lack of discipline of an undirected teen. CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Jacobus is a young male Crow who is in danger of losing himself to vengeance. He should be as young as we can make him. If he can't be a child, he should be no older than 15. His family were killed by the Antaam, and the hate is still fresh. Skilled in daggers, he is lithe and quick, but sullen in his mannerisms. He doesn't smile yet. Ethnicity can be anything. ARCHETYPE: Youthful spite for the world NOA DE ACUTIS AGERANGE: 55 ACCENT: Antivan SPEECHPATTERN: Formal with strangers, warmer with her brother. APPEARANCE: Older veteran Crow female duelist CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Noa is an older female in her late 50s. She has been a Crow for all of her life, and remains capable and fit. Her build has the old-woman wireyness of a duelist's body that was fit her whole life. She is slow to smile, and is the more serious of the de Acutis siblings. Ethnicity can be anything, but needs to match her brother Neri encountered in the Crow plots. ARCHETYPE: Older sister, skilled assassin
NERI DE ACUTIS AGERANGE: 55 ACCENT: Antivan SPEECHPATTERN: Thoughtful, homespun APPEARANCE: Classic swordsman assassin, with an old-fashioned flare. He doesn't look dated, he looks distinguished. A godfather displaying modern tradition. CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Neri is an older male in his late 50s. He has been a Crow for all of his life, and remains capable and fit. His build has the old-man-strength of a swordsman's body that was muscular his whole life, but has now lost some of the mass as he transitioned to a mentor or godfather role. He has a hard face, but is quick to a melancholy smile. Ethnicity can be anything, but needs to match his sister encountered in a later plot. ARCHETYPE: Stern but loving godfather FLEDGLING DARTONIA AGERANGE: 17 SPEECHPATTERN: Tentative due to inexperience. More confident after seeing Rook in action. CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A young person in training to become an assassin. Nervous because of inexperience, but capable and willing.  Farming background. Hunted for food. Now living in the city because the lands were lost to occupation. Dartonia and Temitri are encountered in the Crow sanctum, the Diamond casino. They chat casually with each other about how their training is going, and the things they've heard about. They are young recruits to the Crows, still getting used to their training and the strict but caring manner of their trainer, Heir. They respect and have a little fear of the veteran Crows like Viago and Lucanis.  Especially Lucanis, who is a figure of some renown.
FLEDGLING TIMETRI AGERANGE: 17 SPEECHPATTERN: Over-disciplined to compensate for inexperience. They relax after seeing Rook in action. CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A young person in training to become an assassin. Overcompensating for inexperience, but capable and willing. Traveled with a military family. Used to discipline, but has crafting hobbies like making various kinds of dolls. TREVISO GONDOLIER AGERANGE: 50 CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A blue collar gondolier pilot who runs errands in the canals of Treviso. Used to slipping past patrols for stealthy deliveries, before and during the occupation. Fit from daily work, you are no soldier or assassin, but you help in your way. ARCHETYPE: Workaday everyman who helps the assassins get from place to place. QAMEKMASTER CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: The Antaam Qamekmaster is a fanatic who normally is in charge of brewing the horrible mind-stealing poison, qamek. Like all Antaam, he is large, muscular, and has a soldier's mentality. However, now he is giving in to the corruption of the gods. He thinks this makes him better than the regular Antaam, and he's been locked up by the Butcher because of it. When Rook finds them, they willingly succumb to the corruption entirely, and become a monstrous creature called a Reaver. Once transformed he is a massive, fleshy juggernaut consumed by fervor and rage. Most of his dialogue is combat as the transformed Reaver. CHANCE CANDIDE AGERANGE: 25 SPEECHPATTERN: Confident, with a flare for the dramatic. CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Standard Crow garb on a young man. Chance is a stylish, dramatic Orlesian who joined the Crows to be their emmisary among the courts of Orlais. (French accent.) He has since joined the effort in Treviso, and is fighting the Antaam occupation alongside his fellow Crows. He has chosen to rally people in the underbelly of town, which is a bit of a contrast from his previous position, but that's what he likes. He's the bright spot in a dark time for many people. ARCHETYPE: Gentleman assassin
MARKET MASTER AGERANGE: 45 SPEECHPATTERN: Friendly but businesslike APPEARANCE: Market master in expensive clothes. CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: The all-business master of the market in Treviso. She's frustrated by the occupation, but uninterested in discussions about who should be in charge. She's only interested in getting whoever is at the head out of the city's business. Her name is Master Sidestreet Alidare. Sidestreet is a nickname representing her low origins and her ability to do deals on the side.
CYRIAN AGERANGE: 30 CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Bellara's brother. Zealously dedicated to the rebirth of the elves. Half-possessed by Anaris, an ancient elven would-be god who lives inside a magical mask. STRIFE AGERANGE: 50 CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: One of the Dalish faction agents. Strife is a keen-eyed hunter who grew up in the elven city slums, but was taken in by the forest-dwelling Dalish elves and taught to be an expert woodsman. He's rugged, tough, adventurous, and doesn't suffer fools. He feels some disconnect between his city-upbringing and his current role as a hunter - somtimes Strife worries he's an imposter, not truly growing up with his people, but he's tried to take their teachings to heart. Strife is loyal to those who earn his friendship, and fiercely protective of his clan. IRELIN AGERANGE: 25 CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A Dalish elf who grew up in the woods, Irelin has learned the ancient and incredibly rare art of shapeshifting. She uses this ability to move secretly in the forest, scouting for her people. Practical and no-nonsense when it comes to defending her clan and her friends, she has a healthy distrust of outsiders, especially the humans who've persecuted and exploited her people for so long. Irelin takes a secret joy in the thrill and power of shapeshifting, however. She loves exploring as the different animals of the forest, and knows some of their paths better than anyone.
ANTOINE AGERANGE: 25 ACCENT: French (Orlesian) CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Antoine is a cheerful and enthusiastic member of the Grey Wardens. He's quick-witted and willing to run with a crazy plan. Compassionate and kind, he'll put his life on the line to protect others. (filename tag is “agent_improviser”) EVKA AGERANGE: 30 CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Evka is a devoted member of the Grey Wardens. She's a good-natured pragmatist who's calm under pressure and not easily fazed by the monsters of Thedas. Despite her professional attitude, she isn't above some mild sarcasm or gallows humour. (filename tag is “agent_tracker”) WARDEN GRETA AGERANGE: 30 CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A Grey Warden lookout. Greta is friendly, personable, and loves being a Grey Warden. She is generally positive (though has a low moment following the fall of the Warden base Weisshaupt). Greta provides information to Rook and always welcomes a chat. If Rook is a Grey Warden, Greta has met them before--they both became Wardens around the same time. Greta doesn't know Rook well--it's more like running into an old school mate--but she likes them. WARDEN RHODRI AGERANGE: 30 CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A Grey Warden lookout. Rhodri is determined and brave. He worries about other people, but tries to show confidence so others are not afraid. He prefers simple solutions to complex plans.
HOLDEN AGERANGE: 35 CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: The father of Mila, the little girl in Weisshaupt mission. MILA AGERANGE: 9 CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A plucky little girl Rook meets during the siege of Weisshaupt. JAYNIE AGERANGE: 40 CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A Grey Warden lookout. Jaynie is organized and observant. She's someone who likes to have a plan. She is a loyal friend and has a dry sense of humour. Jaynie believes you should always try your best. FLYNN AGERANGE: 30 CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Flynn is the local physician in Lavendel. They recently went through the Warden Joining ritual which gives them Warden abilities (though they will remain a doctor). Flynn is smart and compassionate. A pacifist who is somewhat soft-spoken and has a self-deprecating sense of humour. (there’s other minor wardens with names and short personality descriptions; if you’d like any of them just let me know. to the nobody that is reading this. i have a headache rn. but i will persevere.)
TARQUIN AGERANGE: 39 CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Tarquin is a burned-out templar who had the idealism beat out of him years ago. He now fights with the Shadow Dragons, offering a more cynical, realistic view that often contrasts with the idealistic and impulsive Viper. Tarquin is a trans man. SPEECHPATTERN: Gruff, deadpan. (filename tag is “agent_cop”) THE VIPER AGERANGE: 30 (filename tag is “agent_vigilante”) MAKAL DAMAS AGERANGE: 45 ACCENT: British/Tevinter-Appropriate CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: The secret head of a criminal organization. Calm, businesslike, and shrewd. He may run a crime network, but he has a sense of loyalty and a code. That said, he'll be violent and ruthless when needed. ELEK TAVOR AGERANGE: 30 ACCENT: British/Tevinter-Appropriate CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Charming and friendly con artist. Friends with Neve despite being on opposite sides of the law. CAT CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A cat. HALOS AGERANGE: 50 CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A blunt-but-kind merchant. Knows he sells the best food in the city. Neve is his most regular customer and therefore his favourite.
LORELEI AGERANGE: 40 SPEECHPATTERN: Fereldan, from Denerim, so she should have an accent that matches our Fereldan accents. CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Lorelei is an elf who runs the pawn shop that conceals the Shadow Dragons' hideout. Lorelei was originally from Ferelden, captured and sold to Tevinter slavers. She has since been freed thanks to the Shadow Dragons, and continues to work for them. MAEVARIS TILANI AGERANGE: 50 CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Maevaris Tilani is a powerful, notorious Tevinter magister who was one of the founders of the Shadow Dragons. Respected by some, and hated by others, Maevaris will not rest until she achieves her dream of changing Tevinter for the better. Maevaris is a trans woman and her first appearance was in the comic book, Dragon Age: Those Who Speak. AELIA AGERANGE: 30 ACCENT: British or Tevinter-appropriate CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A devoted member of the Venatori who believes Minrathous must return to its former glory. Neve foiled her plans in the past. Cold, determined, passionate. RANA SAVAS AGERANGE: 30 ACCENT: British/Tevinter-appropriate CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A determined and idealistic templar. By-the-books, she believes in following the law and that rules are the best. Doesn't give up or compromise her ideals despite the corrupt system she finds herself in.
DRAGON KING AGERANGE: 45 SPEECHPATTERN: Blunt, arrogant. A brutal warlord or crime boss. Also speaks lines in the Qunari language. APPEARANCE: Big Qunari (ox-man) with enormous shoulders and battle scars. Old enough to be a military commander, but not so old that anyone would think of him as weak. Big, brutal, mean. CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: The Qunari in charge of the Antaam in this area. Used to be a military officer, but when the Antaam went rogue, he became something like a warlord of cult leader. A powerful warrior with a booming voice. He should sound like the paragon of big dangerous evil masculinity, and he makes his warriors go through painful rituals to prove their devotion. He's strong, blunt, and devoid of mercy or empathy. Will likely kill anyone he doesn't see as useful or entertaining to him. Basically, a bad guy doing his evil bad guy best. SHATHANN AGERANGE: 50 CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Qunari woman in her 50s. Former Qunari government worker who fled with Taash when Taash was revealed as a fire-breather. CUTTER AGERANGE: 24 APPEARANCE: A Qunari, but only about as tall as a human -- short by Qunari standards. Dresses as a mercenary, fashionable because he's full of himself. CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Cutter is Qunari, but he grew up in Rivain and acts human (ie, he does not follow the Qun or even know much about it). He's a junior member of the Lords of Fortune, the same mercenary band Taash is in. He's young, cocky, and jealous of how strong and competent Taash is. He wants the respect Taash has earned, and when he doesn't get it, he betrays Taash and sells them out to the Dragon King. Generally speaking, he should act with the kind of smug, entitled confidence of someone who doesn't have much real-life experience -- bluster with jealous insecurity underneath.
KARASH AGERANGE: 50 SPEECHPATTERN: A little stilted and formal, because he grew up speaking another language. CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A middle-aged Qunari man who was a civilian navigator and weather expert assigned to work on a military vessel. After seeing the military commit war crimes, he deserted, and now lives alone on a beach, doing odd jobs and keeping to himself. He is polite but withdrawn, a little cautious around strangers. Taash (and Taash's mother, Shathann) bring him food from time to time, and he is much more comfortable around Taash, talking to her more like an old uncle. (Again, incorrect pronouns used for Taash here in the character notes.)
MYRNA AGERANGE: 25 CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Myrna is a necromancer from Nevarra. Utterly precise diction, calm demeanor. Crisp, polite, and intimidatingly competent. Myrna often speaks in declaratives, and absently drops archaic or obscure words at least once a conversation. She's not unfriendly, however, and firmly on the side of those doing good. Myrna is part of the Mourn Watch, an elite group of necromancers who run Nevarra's sacred repository of the dead: the Grand Necropolis. They also protect people from occult dangers, a duty she takes seriously. VORGOTH CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Vorgoth is deep-voiced, solemn, and imposing. They're a member of the Mourn Watch, an elite group of necromancers from the kingdom of Nevarra. But what Vorgoth is exactly—their species, age, gender, whether or not they're alive—is a mystery, shrouded and masked in a cloak. Vorgoth clearly has supernatural powers, however. Even their voice has an otherworldly echo. Vorgoth doesn't speak much, and only in short sentences. As one of the Mourn Watch, they help guard Nevarra's sacred burial complex, the Grand Necropolis. Like all Watchers, Vorgoth is also sworn to stop occult threats to this world, and takes this duty seriously. NOTE: Vorgoth is masculine in appearance (tall, broad) and voice, but their pronouns are "they/them". Vorgoth does not use they/them because they are non-binary (as opposed to our more typical non-binary characters); they use them because they're a total unknown (and may be a pluralistic entity; in the rare instance Vorgoth refers to themselves, they use "we" not "I".) HEZENKOSS AGERANGE: 50 CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Arrogant, supremely confident, and spiteful, Johanna Hezenkoss is a "mad-genius" necromancer supervillain with grand plans to conquer the kingdom of Nevarra. Hezenkoss is all feverish energy and big, sudden gestures. She is constantly fueled by an overwhelming ambition and rage. Hezenkoss is probably as intelligent as she boasts, incredibly powerful, and filled with a seething resentment that people try to keep stopping her from ruling everything. Foremost among these people is Emmrich Volkarin, her former friend and fellow necromancer. Johanna and Emmrich have known each other for decades-they used to work on magical research together in the Mourn Watch, an elite order of Necromancers. They had a falling out when a power-hungry Johanna started practicing forbidden necromancy and was kicked out of the Watchers for it. Ever since then, Johanna and Emmrich have clashed as he's tried to stop her villanous schemes. In this game, Hezenkoss has crafted her most diabolical plan yet: a 10-story tall bone golem that can drain peoples' souls and crush anything in its path. She'll stop at nothing to complete it so she can take over Nevarra's capital city. Emmrich and his new friend Rook, frustratingly, stand in her way.
LICH LORD CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: This is lich: an ancient, undead mage. Her speech is formal, authoratative, and occasionally sharp when she has little patience for the living. Speaks in shorter sentences, as she's so old she's fallen out of the habit of vocalizing too much. While impossingly sinister-looking, she's not evil. She just has a viewpoint that thinks in centuries instead of years. KEEPSAKE CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A spirit that guards the Grand Necropolis, an enormous underground complex full of the sacred dead-and undead. There's a lot of possessed skeletons wandering around down there.  Keepsake manifests as a glowing, floating, see-through skeleton in a shroud. Keepsake has worked with the necromancers who take care of the Necropolis for ages, and knows a lot about what's going on down there. Sometimes mocking or sardonic, with a dryly morbid sense of humor, it's still dedicated to helping people. Keepsake always appears with its companion spirit, Curio, who's the more positive and upbeat of the pair. CURIO CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A spirit that guards the Grand Necropolis, an enormous underground complex full of the sacred dead-and undead. There's a lot of possessed skeletons wandering around down there.  Curio manifests as a glowing, floating, see-through skeleton in a shroud.  Curio has worked with the necromancers who take care of the Necropolis for ages, and knows a lot about what's going on down there. Its chatty and friendly, often deeply curious. A strange, whimsical being, intrigued by the mortals who wander through. Curio always appears with its companion spirit, Keepsake, who's the more sardonic and cynical of the pair.
SEALED SPIRIT CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A prideful, ancient demon that's been sealed away for centuries.  You're malevolently curious about what makes these foolish mayfly mortals tick. As part of your imprisonment, you've been splintered into multiple bodies with the same mind. You use them to goad the player, hoping they'll try to defeat you, because you think you can manipulate them into freeing you from your prison. If they do, you have a surprise for them: once freed, you can possess an undead dragon, wrecking untold devastation on the land that thought it could chain you.
STALGARD AGERANGE: 40 CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Stalgard is a dwarf from Kal-Sharok, a mysterious dwarven city that has very little contact with the outside world. Stalgard is stoic and steadfast and serious, with a strong sense of honor. DURRA CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: Durra is a dwarf from Kal-Sharok and Stalgard's sister. She is one of Kal-Sharok's historians, known as "Stewards of Memories." Much like her brother, Durra has a strong sense of honor, but is a lot less serious. STONE ORACLE CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: The Oracle is a mysterious entity. known to the Kal-Sharok dwarves. They revere her as a spiritual figure. She is connected to the Titans and makes herself known through a strange rock statue. The Oracle was originally Shaper Valta (first seen in DAI's 'The Descent' DLC). After Valta connected with the Titan in the Wellspring, she became the Oracle and made herself known to the Kal-Sharok dwarves. All Oracle lines should have audio processing on them.
THE SCHOLAR CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A self-important, uptight scholar. He is trying to prove himself to the academy and will go to any means to do so--including murder if that's what must be done. THE EXECUTOR APPEARANCE: Human-appearing CHARACTERDESCRIPTION: A masked and hooded figure that speaks like someone unfamiliar with language in general. Stilted, awkward, but with a low menace. SPEECHPATTERN: Stilted. Is trying to form words from thoughts that are far more complex than a regular person's.
again please note that this work and document resource was put together by amirdrassil on Twitter! they kindly gave me permission to cross-post it here. 🙏
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arminsumi · 1 year ago
we've had ex geto... but what about ex gojo?
↳ GOJO さとる + fem!reader
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Note : ooo... ex gojo 🤤 hope u likey
Warnings : 🔞 minors do not read/interact : contains smut/explicit content, kinda toxic themes, some angst, baby trapping, pregnancy, dirty talk, unprotected sex + creampies, possessiveness
Playme : streets
🍒 More from Jay : Gojo works / Gojo fave works / JJK works / oct. reqs open
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Ex!Gojo makes the break up everyone's business. And of course it's you breaking up with his obnoxious, overdramatic ass. Multiple times, too. You two have broken up so many times in fact that your friends just don't take it seriously anymore when you announce "We're breaking up". That just means "We're getting back together in two weeks (lol)."
Ex!Gojo pulls the "I can't find anyone like you" and the "Aw, don't be like that, baby" cards on you.
Ex!Gojo claims to be your favorite ex. Yeah you hate him... buuut he's still your favorite... right? Right? He'll nag you to admit it. It makes his heart flutter and ego swell bigger than his head.
Ex!Gojo is a menace, always deterring your potential new lovers and declining dates on your behalf. He gives you a stupid excuse with that cheeky smirk, "What? It's not like they could love you better than me, anyways. I'm the best. Don't waste your time. Just come back to me, yeah? You know my arms are still open to you."
Ex!Gojo doesn't act like an ex at all. He still kisses you. Still hugs you. Invites you for every party. Visits your apartment at 2 AM when he's drunk and rambles to you about all the crazy things he always rambled about at 2 AM. And you don't treat him like an ex because... his kisses put you in a trance. Then you realize oh, we're broken up, what the hell.
Ex!Gojo clings to your body and holds it with the same possessiveness that he always used to. He places his big hand on your hip and grips it tight, especially at parties. "Stay close to me."
Ex!Gojo taunts you during those late-night hatefucks, "You missed this fat cock fucking up your guts, huh? I know you did. Don't you fucking lie to me." while he's balls deep in you, skin slapping loudly against yours in the backseat of his car. He just kindly offered you a drive home, and then one thing led to another and you ended up on his lap having his big hands moving your hips up and down. "That's it, admit how much you missed me 'n bounce on this cock, baby. Admit it."
Ex!Gojo fucks you harder when he's your ex, making sure you're super full and stuffed with his cock. He loves molding your tiny hole to accommodate his shape, hitting your sweet spots with mean pounding thrusts until you scream those three little words for him. "I miss you!" he smiles when he hears this, presses his forehead to yours and coos while cumming inside, "Missed you too, baby. Missed this pussy. You know it's m-mine forever, don't you? No one can fuck you better than I can..." and it's true, no one knows the map of your sweet spots and erogenous zones better than he does. He's masterful at pleasuring you.
Ex!Gojo cums inside you more than he did while you two were dating. Who knows why. Seems like his animalistic, primal brain kicked in and he thought well if I put a baby in you... you'll have a piece of me forever. You'll have to come back to me. And his seed is potent. You bet you're getting pregnant. He has the wolfiest smile when you bitterly show him the pregnancy test. "Ooh, baby I'm so proud of that little pussy for getting pregnant. Let's have a celebratory fuck."
Ex!Gojo knows that no matter where you go, he'll always find you. His high school sweetheart. His five year girlfriend. The mother of his child. The only woman that's ever had such a strong hold on him. The only one he's ever been weakened by.
Ex!Gojo cries sometimes after creaming up inside your pussy, "Please come back... I miss you so bad..." and starts sobbing like a puppy into the crook of your neck when you run your fingers through his snowy hair.
Ex!Gojo feels his broken heart get pieced back together when you finally return to him. And just like that, he slots half his soul into yours. "Baby... you're the best thing this world ever gave me. Just let me marry you, please..."
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© arminsumi
Do not plagiarize / repost / translate / copy layouts / etc.
Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
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krysmcscience · 5 months ago
Don't mind me, just slacking on a big Billford comic by making other far more ridiculous Billford comics and also some AU art (please excuse my slapdash human!Bill thank you please, also before anyone asks the art style is messy and all over the place because idgaf LOL)
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This started out as an excuse to design a Bill Cipher-inspired "wedding" dress, but then spiraled wildly out of control. Various rambles and a bunch more human!Bill arts under the cut, including another silly little comic at the end! (Feel free to skip the rambles, I won't be offended. I know I'm bad at shutting up. XD)
I may or may not write some comedy stuff for this AU, which I'm calling 'For Better Or Worse (But Mostly Worse)'. While Ford DOES remember getting sloshed enough for one thing to lead to making out with another after karaoke, neither he nor Bill remember this wedding, At All. The Love God did nothing to dissuade them from going hog wild on their marriage spending, either, so it got...uh. Exorbitantly Expensive. As in, the grand total could probably buy the entire fucking MOON sort of expensive. (It's fine, don't worry, Bill's good enough at crime to be able to afford it.) Also, because the logic of this AU is mostly dictated by Rule of Funny, the Love God's powers are close to unlimited when it comes to matters of romance, but ONLY when it comes to matters of romance. (Like weddings!)
Want an empty human vessel to smash the soul of a triangle into for date nights or when it's convenient, or perhaps even when it's NOT convenient? Easy peasy! Want the marriage to be recognized in every corner of the multiverse from now until the end of time, thus making any potential future divorce nigh-on impossible? Can do! Want to buy an entire beach for the ceremony and honeymoon and in general, and totally not at all because it would be Super Hilarious to prevent any specific movies from being made on that very same beach in the future? Fine, whatever, it's not his finances he's ruining!
Does the Love God also provide special rings that just so happen to turn incorporeal as long as the "happy couple" doesn't remember that they barged into his dreams to bully him into presiding over their marriage? ...No comment!
He spends the next thirty years trying and failing to get in touch with either of them for payment. This is why you should always demand half the money up front, my guy!
Also it's absolutely a traditional Jewish wedding, because I like the idea of Bill demanding all the keepsakes from the marriage that he paid for, and being completely confused when one of the things he's handed is a fancy container full of broken glass. He gets it later, but in the moment, he thinks the Love God is just fucking with him some more.
Ramble over! Here's the full dress that caused the comic to happen, along with what Ford wound up wearing at the wedding (and begrudgingly agreeing to put on again later for Reasons), aaaaand also a close-up of Bill's ring:
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I may have forgotten to draw Bill's hair floofier when drawing the back of the dress, lmao
Since double ring ceremonies have been leaking over into Jewish wedding customs for a while now, Ford also has a ring, but his is the much more traditional plain gold band. There's definitely a message engraved on the inside - embarrassing, cringe, or incriminating somehow - but I haven't decided what it is yet, so use your imagination for now. XD Bill, on the other hand, saw the phrase 'traditional plain gold band' and said "No Thank You" before proceeding to embellish his ring to his liking. And because he's a secret sap who adores Ford's extra fingers, the triangle points add up to twelve, as do the engraved stars. Yes, they're stars, not dots, I just got lazy. There's also six lashes on the eye gem, and probably an eye engraving on the inside with another six lashes. (Bill's got it BAD, okay? We all know this.)
Here are the initial scribbles of Bill's custom vessel in more casual attire, please ignore the wonky anatomy and the fact that I flat out refuse to ever draw him with a proper top hat:
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He does actually need a cane in this vessel; since Bill tends to possess men and especially Ford more often than not, he's used to having a higher center of gravity when in a human body, so his ability to balance is pretty garbage. (He may or may not topple over with concerning regularity.) As for his empty eye socket, his bangs don't do much to hide it since he's so high-energy (dude is constantly on the move), and he also refuses to wear a patch over it, because 1.) why bother, and 2.) it's more fun to freak people out.
To better align with Ford's attraction towards the strange, the vessel was designed with super minor shapeshifting ability - Bill can look like a perfectly normal human, but he can also make the teeth and fingers sharper whenever he likes (which is mostly just when he's angry or being more of a menace than usual), as well as slit down the pupils or outright ditch the irises altogether. He can also have whatever he wants in the downstairs department, just because I'm an indecisive bitch on that front, lmao. Maybe he can have boobs if he wants them, too, but I ain't drawin' tits on no triangle, nuh-uh, no sir. His powers are otherwise limited down to what humans can do, because for some reason, the Love God doesn't trust Bill to not snap into Immediate Apocalypse Mode if he's given a physical form that's actually all his and no one else's.
Due to the body being all his and no one else's, it's also not really a standard possession so much as it is just...Bill being temporarily human. He's a lot more aware of and in tune with his human body's senses than he ever was with his "puppets", which makes things like pain a lot more intense. (He is mostly fine with this, because he's a fukken masochist.)
A bit more fashion stuff, including beach and party attire~
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The beach outfit was mostly me trying and failing to nail down his body shape, which is still not bottom-heavy enough. I then decided to slap a bikini on it, before making it supremely unsexy with a pair of fugly shorts, because Bill's fashion choices are not allowed to be conventionally attractive. Meanwhile, the party outfit was mostly me looking at the casual attire I designed, asking 'how would Bill make this Worse', and then drawing the result. The mismatched thigh-highs are killing me inside! :D
No, his vessel can't actually summon fire, I just drew it for funzies before I decided on said vessel's limitations. Yes, the gold brick tattoos are absolutely a reference to the fic 'Knowing Me, Knowing You' - I simply could not resist.
I also HAD to draw Bill in one of his canonical(?) shirts, just made tank-top'd:
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He is absolutely about to over-correct and fall backwards after this. USE YOUR CANE, GOOFBALL!!! (I meant to draw Bill closer to this degree of bottom-heavy in the other images, but. Alas. I am bad at anatomy, LOL)
And, last but not least before More Comic Time, I attempted to draw him closer to Gravity Falls style:
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Jury's out on whether or not I succeeded, but - hey. I tried. Now have some Handyman Bill AU, but with my goofy human design, instead:
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Hey, it's a 'mystery snack', and the guy wanted A BITE to eat - the joke was right there, guys!!! (Based on this post, because it just screamed BILL CIPHER to me.)
whoops i forgor bills ring and cracks ahaha too late now
#fanart#gravity falls#billford#bill cipher#stanford pines#stanley pines#the love god#human bill cipher#human bill design#fashion design#comics#poor stan gets to find out his twin boinked a triangle when the love god shows up at the mystery shack demanding payment LMAO#cue internal panic for stan as dipper and mabel lose their collective shit over the fact that they now have a surprise new grunkle bill#the love god helps himself get paid by teaching the kids how to trap bill in his human vessel for the foreseeable future#bill is bewildered and pissed but also very much 'holy shit i have a FAMILY again??? neat but terrifying??????? what the F*CK do i do now'#he then proceeds to attempt to lovebomb his new family into being okay with the impending apocalypse#all while the three of them attempt to lovebomb HIM into giving up his plans for said impending apocalypse#then two days later ford shows up and is just like. what the ACTUAL F*CK IS HAPPENING???#cue stan immediately screaming 'I HAD TO PRETEND TO BE THAT THING'S HUSBAND FOR TWO DAYS STRAIGHT SO F*CK YOU AND YOUR BAD TASTE FOR THAT!'#stan spends those two days straight dropping very sour hints that he's being punished for someone else's terrible mistakes#bill finds this absolutely hilarious and thus plays along - but not without dropping his own hints that ford is the FAR superior twin#dipper and mabel have ZERO idea of what is actually going on because the love god did NOTHING to clarify the situation#dipper is convinced that stan and bill are speaking in some kind of bizarre code that only adults can understand#mabel is convinced that the code is flirting - which means stan and bill are going to live happily ever after and have tons of kids + pets#NEITHER of them are prepared for ford showing up. not that they were in canon. but still. now it's even MORE crazy#'what do you mean we get TWO NEW GRUNKLES???' 'two grunkles in two days - gotta be some kinda record'#ford then has to decide if he wants to remain justifiably furious at bill or join the other pines in lovebombing him into submission#he then gets to learn that lovebombing bill works surprisingly well because that triangle is just The Biggest Attention Wh*re#the entire AU would just be ridiculous antics with a splash of billford#these tags are an abomination lmao
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dgaftilwedie · 21 days ago
in the darkness, it's just us (namgyu x reader)
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the poll that i did was basically unanimous so i guess im posting my fics on here too!! here's my most recent namgyu fic... my baby... my magnum opus... this fic is already up on my ao3 (@kittieglitter if you feel inclined to follow it)!! also im posting this on mobile so please excuse the potential formatting issues 😭
contains: 18+ content (minors dni, duh doy), afab reader but no pronouns are used so interpret this however you wanna!!! lots of biting, getting freaky deaky during lights out, domgyu 🤤🤤, semi-public sex, a lot of dirty talk, and namgyu being kind of a sweetheart :3
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Namgyu's nails were digging into your waist, his other hand clamped around your mouth to keep you quiet. His face was buried in the crook of your neck and his mouth was working wonders up it. Purple splotches were scattered on your neck as his teeth gnawed on the skin. Your pants were at your ankles and your face was pressed up against the corner of the wall, the coolness conflicting with the heat on your face.
“Taking me so good, fuckin’ whore,” he mumbled, pressing a kiss to another fresh hickey. His cock was buried deep inside of you. He fucked into you hard; he was trying to make you break, let everyone know what was going on.
The chaos behind you was hard to ignore. The lights flickered on and off, and it was impossible the block out the screaming and shouting of everyone else. If it wasn't for the fact that Namgyu was armed, you'd be terrified someone was going to attack you. Instead, you were eating up his attention. The way he whimpered into your ear, the way his lips were glued to your neck, the way his dick was hitting your spot so fucking perfectly… Your legs were shaking. All your noises were muffled by Namgyu's hand, which was slowly slipping down your face and towards your neck. He peeled his lips off of your skin for just a moment, replacing them with his hand.
“Gonna keep being a good slut for me, yeah?” His hand ran down your neck, over your collar bones, and then dipped down, making its way up your shirt. It rested on the other side of your waist, nails finding the softest spots to dent your flesh. You bit your lip and nodded, letting the tiniest whimper escape your mouth. Namgyu chuckled before sinking his teeth back into your neck and continuing to paint the surface with blue and purple marks.
“So fucking wet, holy shit…” He let out a soft groan, blowing cool air onto your neck. “You like it when I’m mean, don’t you?”
You tried to mumble out a response, but it came out as a moan. A loud one. You could hear Namgyu let out a laugh as you slapped a hand over your lips. Unfortunately, you did like when he was mean. You got off on the way he spoke to you. His cock abused your insides like you were nothing but a sex toy to him, but the way he spoke to you was what ruined you. His words sent shocks of sweet, hot electricity coursing through your body. This wasn’t the first time his douchebaggery got you pinned to a wall with his dick inside of you, and you were certainly hoping it wouldn’t be the last.
Before the games, Namgyu would take you to the club he worked for. He’d watch you mingle with guests and proudly eye-fuck you the whole time. You’d eventually make your way back to him and he’d crack jokes about the people you were talking to. He’d drag you to a private room, gossiping with you about the people he’d met or worked with. In a drunken ramble, you admitted to him that it turned you on to think about him talking about you the way he talked about other people. You could see it in the way his eyes had lit up; it was like a switch had flipped in his brain. Every time you hooked up after that, he’d flood your ears with the nastiest things he could think of only to tease you for the fact that you were dripping fucking wet.
“Come on, slut. Use your words. Tell me you’re my cock-drunk little whore and I’ll let you cum.” Namgyu hummed into your ear, his voice a little more than a whisper and his hands squeezing your waist tight. He laughed at the squeak you let out as he dug his nails even deeper into your flesh. You used all the strength you had left to take your hand off of your mouth, planting it into the wall for some stability. Your other hand was gripping onto one of Namgyu’s arms.The lights behind you were still flickering, and you could still hear the screams, but in your head, you and Namgyu were in your own little world. You felt Namgyu’s hand slip down your waist, fingers resting on your clit. It took everything in you to not scream as his fingers drew slow, deliberate circles on the swollen bud.
“Fuck, Nam-” You started, only to cut yourself off with an exasperated groan. Your head dropped backwards, resting on Namgyu’s shoulder. “Yours… I’m all yours…” You mumbled, words slurring together from the pleasure.
“Words, slut. Tell me how good I feel in your cunt.”
You were pretty sure half of Namgyu’s degrading comments were just to help him get off. You didn’t care, though. Feeding his ego was one of your favorite things to do. You were his favorite things to do. It was a nice little exchange the two of you had.
“Feels like I was made to take you,” you stuttered through shaky breaths. You were getting close, and so was he. Namgyu’s thrusts became more sporadic.
“Had to break you in before someone else did,” he groaned, head buried in the crook of your neck.
“Such a slut for you, fuck,” you whispered, practically panting. “Nothin’ but a whore for you cock.”
“Fuck, that’s it.” There was a faint lilt to Namgyu’s voice as his fingers sped up their movements. His other hand left your waist and pinned you closer to the wall, his thrusts become rougher and more irregular. “Can I?”
His voice was faint, a quiet request. You nodded almost violently. Namgyu let out a small chuckle as he felt your walls tighten around him. All of a sudden, you were thrown into the midst of one of the strongest orgasms you’d had in your life. You buried your face into your elbow to stifle the pathetic moans escaping your lips. Your legs shook as waves of burning pleasure coursed through your body. If someone hadn’t realized what was happening between the two of you sooner, they definitely would’ve realized now.
Namgyu’s orgasm followed in suit - you could tell by the way his teeth clamped down on your neck again. A soft whimper left his lips as he buried his cock as deep inside of you as it would go. He was whispering something into your skin but you couldn’t tell what he was saying. His breaths were uneven as he pulled out, hands pressing against the wall to hold himself up. You could feel his cum leaking down your legs as you tried to catch your breath.
“Gonna get you cleaned up when this shit show’s over…” Namgyu hummed, leaning into your body and pressing a surprisingly gentle kiss to your cheek. “Always so fuckin’ good for me.”
You let out a soft, tired chuckle, resting your forehead against the wall. “My bed tonight?”
Namgyu nodded against the back of your head. “Your bed.”
As the chaos continued behind to two of you, you quickly wiped off Namgyu's cum with some rando's pillow case, chucking into beneath the bunkbeds. You’d run to the bathroom a little later. Namgyu would insist on coming just to make sure you didn’t get hurt. The two of you made yourselves semi-presentable, aside from the panting and the disheveled hair and red faces. You rested back against the wall and slid down it, eyes falling shut. Namgyu plopped himself down next to you and threw his arm over your shoulder, pulling you in close to him. A comfortable silence settled between the both of you.
“Was that too much?” Namgyu asked softly, breaking the silence with an uncharacteristic tenderness. You shook your head “no”.
“Good.” He pressed his lips to your forehead and rubbed his thumb over your shoulder, letting you rest as the chaos finally came to an end with a loud gunshot.
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dumbkiri · 1 year ago
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕎𝕚𝕗𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝔾𝕠𝕛𝕠 𝕊𝕒𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕦 『4』
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜰᴏᴜʀ, ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏɴᴇ: ɪɴ ʜᴇʀ ᴇʏᴇꜱ
When she first received Nami's Miracle, [Name] was learning how to use her blessed energy. Then she was assigned a particular job that could have ended her life. Sometimes people hate the answer, no.
Again this is part one of this very long chapter. Part two will be uploaded shortly. Let me know if you want to be a part of a tag-list!!
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“She’s going on a mission by herself?”
Shoko turned around in her seat and watched a very out of character Satoru talk to their teacher, Masamichi. He wasn’t one for caring for others and [Name] was no exception.
They all trusted in her technique to exorcize curses and believed she could do anything with it. Her power level was just as strong as Gojo Satoru’s. 
“Your caring side is showing, Satoru,” Suguru teased and the white haired male turned around with his finger pointing at Suguru accusingly. 
“You were the first one to speak about her solo mission! I was only speaking up for yourself since you won’t do it. Anyways,” Satoru turned his attention back to Masamichi, “this mission is too tough on a first year like her, don’t you think? I can handle it within a minute.”
“Here he goes again with his ego,” Shoko snickered and tossed the lollipop in her mouth around with a cheeky smile on her round face. 
Knock knock 
“Excuse me.” [Name]’s gentle voice was heard on the other side, ���It’s [L.Name] [Name], I’m here for my mission.” 
Satoru disappeared instantly from Masamichi’s view and reappeared at his desk acting laidback. His long legs were crossed on top of his desk and his hands were in his pockets, his chair leaning back with his weight. 
“Talk about desperation,” Suguru teased. 
“And he said it was unfair to choose a favorite first year student.” Shoko added more flames to the fire. 
“Would you two shut it?” Satoru harshly whispered then the door slid open with [Name] walking in all her cute glory. She was as tall as Utahime, but was nothing like her fierce nature. [Name] was calm and sweet just like her blessed energy. 
“Welcome, [Name], I want you to know that your mission comes straight from the higher ups and they requested for you specifically.” 
“The higher ups? You mean like The Elders?” 
The three second year students could tell she was very confused by the whole thing. They said nothing though because they wanted to hear the specifics of the mission. It was an odd request for a first year like her to be requested by the council of old men. 
Masamichi nodded his head and explained some more, “They have concerns of cursed wombs being born. As such, people with cursed energy or any type of cursed technique cannot fight them else they’ll be born and become a special grade.”
“Oh,” [Name] said with a tilted head and blank face, “you said wombs?” She went back to her normal expression of confusion and began to ramble on in fear, “Please don’t tell me there is more than one. If there is more than one, why is this a solo mission? I’m only a first year and sure, my blessed technique is one of a kind, but I just received Nami’s Miracle. And now I’m really not sure this mission is suited for me. I’m not invincible and I can seriously face some fatal injuries, you do know that right? The Elders know that I can-”
She stopped herself from speaking any more because now it all made sense. She could die on this mission. The Elders surely know this and it scared her. The words of Naobito Zen’in ringing in her ears. 
“Many are afraid of a little girl like you using such an unknown energy that they cannot comprehend. But if you accept the proposal I gave you, you don’t have to be afraid of death.”
[Name] took a deep breath in and reassured herself that she could handle this. She is the potential vessel of a goddess. If the human side of herself could not handle these demons then she is not worthy of Nami’s power. “I apologize for my rambling. I may have gotten ahead of myself and I show no disrespect to the higher ups. Is there anything else I should know?”
The second years were observant to the quick flip of the switch she had. Their teacher spoke up with the clearing of his throat. Masamichi knew [Name] was a hard-working student, but her freedom was far from her reach. 
“When you finish this mission, you are going to become a special grade sorcerer. The higher ups will also grant your clan immunity from prosecution.”
“Immunity from prosecution?” [Name] questioned nonchalantly. She had to keep this front up because The Elders were really pissing her off with this mission, with their ideologies, with their insensitive thinking. They already got rid of her family and the only reason she was still alive was because she inherited the amazing blessed technique. 
“There’s nothing left in my clan besides me. Immunity means nothing to me. In the end, they’ll still have control over me. All they ever care about is me, me, me. How do they get rid of me? How can they control more of me?”
She bowed her head and apologized to the tall man, “Again, I’m rambling. I shall be going now. This mission is very important for a first year like me. I won’t disappoint the others.” [Name] swiftly turned around and began her journey to her death. No, she couldn’t think like that. This could be her new beginning in Jujustu. She could prove to every doubter that she was strong and that she will remain. 
“Hey, pretty girl.” 
[Name] stopped at the door and in surprise looked over her shoulder to see her upperclassman, Geto, give her a kind smile. He was definitely not calling her a pretty girl. 
“Don’t die on us or Satoru would be very sad.”
Geto snickered along with Shoko, not bothering to hide the fact that they love teasing him. Then Satoru stood up from his seat and declared very loudly, “I don’t care if she dies! Don’t say stupid-” Satoru closed his mouth upon hearing what he said and panicked a bit. 
He looked at [Name] and could decipher that sad smile she gave him easily. Her words crushed his very soul as she shrugged, appearing not bothered by his insensitive words. “You’re not the only one, Gojo-senpai. It’s why this mission is assigned to me, duh!” She stuck her tongue out playfully before walking away with a hum. 
Satoru’s shoulders slumped in defeat and he sat back in his chair with a pout. He covered his head with his arms and grumbled underneath his breath. Geto leaned over and asked, “What was that?”
“Right,” Masamichi interrupted, he didn’t want to hear his boastful student complaining, “onto your mission. Mei Mei and Utahime haven’t returned from their mission yet. It’s been two days and you three are being sent there to help them.” 
“They need help, but my small, little earth-worm doesn’t?” Satoru picked his head up and followed Geto and Shoko to their mission. 
“Before I forget,” Masamichi fixed the papers on the podium into a neat stack, “[Name]’s location shouldn’t be far from where Mei Mei and Utahime are. She may be on the verge of becoming a special grade sorcerer, but she still is a first year. Show her that she doesn’t have to bear the loss of her clan alone.” 
Satoru’s eyes widened, he sometimes thought about his clan being killed off. Although to him it seemed a blur with memories converging in on themselves. He wasn’t worried about his safety because he had the limitless and the six eyes. Satoru was basically untouchable. 
[Name], on the other hand, was bound to the Elders for a reason he didn’t know why. She never talked about her family or how she got this new blessed energy. Everything was very vague when it came to her. She was sweet and sometimes she spoke out of line, but she was obedient and apologized. 
“You can count on us!” Satoru exclaimed and began running off to the designation of his first mission.
[Name] opened up the car door and stepped out of the black vehicle with nerves wracking her body. Just ten minutes away, it was all sunny and the birds were singing. Here where she stood was dark and gloomy. The dark clouds loomed over her surroundings and there was a harsh breeze that came in once in a while. She really didn’t like the atmosphere of this place. 
“Miss [L.Name], I will put the veil down now. It’s best if you go in there.” 
[Name] turned around and saw a man giving her a cold stare. She never worked with this assistant before. “What was your name again, sir?” 
“It is Aoimine Senji, miss.” He said without skipping a beat. 
“Remind me of what my mission is Aoimine,” [Name] walked over to the edge of the cliff, her eyes casting down at the pool of water below her. She had an inkling of where the cursed wombs were at and how to get them out without any trouble. 
“You are to get rid of the two cursed wombs at the bottom of this lake before they become a special grade curse. There are other curses around here, so I suggest you proceed with caution.” Aoimine directed and began chanting for the veil to come down. 
[Name] watched the man disappear behind the black veil and she took a deep breath in. “Nami, please watch over me. I have a feeling they plan to kill me here and pass it off as a failed mission.” 
The two bells attached to her waist chimed in response and [Name] jumped off the cliff with her arms in the air. Before the bottom of her soles touched the surface of the water, a lily pad appeared. With each step, a luscious green lilypad grew as her pathway to the center of the murky lake. 
She kneeled down on the lily pads, the cold water soaking her clothes and shoes. She closed her eyes and began searching for the cursed wombs under the water. There was a familiar energy lurking underwater and [Name] captured its location. 
Quickly, the small-like fetus was lifted above the surface with a lily pad. It popped up and [Name] touched it then bubbled it. She stared at it with awe as the bells on her hip chimed with the same reaction she had. The energy with the cursed womb wasn’t cursed energy. Well it had a small amount of it, but she couldn’t believe it. 
“It has blessed energy,” [Name] whispered as she looked down at the bells and took them off her belt. She put the golden bells next to the bubble and they rang erratically with excitement. “Nami, this is…your actual child? That doesn’t make sense though. I was told you hated Sukuna…that you were a maiden tortured by him.”
“Gimme…back my…sibling…” 
[Name] used her teleportation to dodge the massive swing of a beast. She hid herself among the trees as she examined the curse from far away. The bubble was safely in her arms and she had to think of a safe place for it to be in. Her dorm was a no-go, Nanami would kill her if he found a cursed womb in her closet. 
Haibara! He wouldn’t mind as long as she explains it to him. He’d be understanding. [Name] closed her eyes and pictured Haibara’s secret floorboard entrance where they stash all kinds of snacks and drinks away from their party pooper, Nanami. 
“I’ll come back for you,” She promised the fetus and the bubble popped in her hands. Her eyes opened up with a fiery passion to end this battle as quickly as possible. This was going to be her first fight with a special grade. This was going to be the moment to declare herself as Nami’s Vessel. 
The curse was standing at a stance of 7 feet. It had four arms and a single horn protruding from its forehead. “Eat my..sibling..need to…kill it,” It growled again and [Name] appeared from the tree line with her eyes right on the special grade curse. 
“Blessed Technique: Fallen Petals,” [Name] casted out an air attack and petals of roses began falling from the sky. The quiet and smaller curses that lingered in the darkness of the forest cried out as the petals touched them. It burned their skin and the pain was excruciating. 
Fallen Petals will keep them away from her as she fights head on with the special grade. 
[Name] tossed her bells in the air and casted out another attack, “Blessed Technique: Venus’ Melody.” The bells chimed once and loud, the note echoing in the forest and sending large ripples in the lake. Then a blessed weapon dropped in her hands, the bells tied around the hilt of the golden sword. 
“Nami, this being before me, is also your child. Yet you continue to reject it unlike the other one because it pours out an extreme amount of cursed energy out. You had twins with Sukuna, didn’t you?” [Name] dodged the angry child of the Cursed King and sliced its arm off. 
It cried out in pain and shouted at her, “Why me! I didn’t…ask to…be!” 
[Name] was astounded by the speech, this special grade was strong. It understands language and could formulate a sentence. It had to end here. She needed to kill it here and now before it grows more in power.
Suddenly, [Name] was kicked into the sky. The twin’s shin connected with her abdomen with a huge amount of cursed energy. Her stomach felt like it was on fire and her grip on Venus’ Melody was almost lost. She coughed out a heap of blood and sucked in a deep breath, healing her internal wounds within an instant. 
When she reached the peak of the ascent, she wiped her mouth and glared at the twin. Venus’ Melody vibrated in her hands and [Name] was out of the air, teleporting right behind the curse. She cut off another arm and jumped back dodging the strong legs of the monster. 
“This twin has no blessed energy, if it did…as time went on the blessed energy would have devoured the cursed energy. It could completely wipe out the evil,” [Name] watched as the special grade looked at her with interest. 
“You are sister. You are my sister.” It smiled at her as it pointed between the two of them with a childlike excitement. “Little sister, where did you take big brother? I can be…I can be nicer if I eat big brother.” 
[Name] furrowed her eyebrows and lowered her fighting stance. She had to be on guard even if this cursed being was not. She didn’t know what to say to it. Technically, maybe? She was it’s little sister because her mom was Nami’s reincarnation, but- 
“You’re hurting my head with this,” [Name] mumbled in confusion and shook her head. “Big brother will be safe with me. You’re too far gone to be saved. Nami- No wait, our mother cannot…she…” 
I cannot save him as he is.
Nami’s gentle voice echoed in [Name]’s head with clarification. Even still, [Name] couldn’t say that to this creature. Nami instructed to end it and kill the cursed womb. She felt Venus’ Melody changing shape in her hand and she looked down to see that the sword in her hand had turned into a dagger. 
“Do you know what a hug feels like, Haru?” [Name] asked, his name flowing out of her mouth with ease. Haru and Haku, the twins born of Sukuna and Nami’s relationship. Both were sealed away from Sukuna so they could die in peace and not in anger. Nami sealed them away because she knew one day she would save them. 
But Haru was far from saving, the cursed energy overtaking his body. [Name] approached her supposed sibling and said, “A hug is something family members do to show their affection for one another. It reminds one another that ‘I am here for you and that I’ll never leave you’. Do you want to know how it feels?”
She was now standing face to face with the cursed being and Haru nodded his head saying, “A hug from little sister, please.” 
His arms opened up and she jumped into them with her arms going under. She flipped the tip of the blade and felt him holding her tightly. “Sorry for cutting your arms off, Haru,” She apologized and the cursed being laughed, her body shaking with his. 
“Haru forgives little sister for being mean.” 
[Name] scoffed with a small smile on her face and she dug the blessed weapon into his back. “Blessed Technique: Holy Presence.” 
She closed her eyes from the blinding light that grew in Haru’s soul. Her knees crashed into the floor and she felt the dagger in her hand break into a million pieces. 
In order to save my son.
Nami whispered and [Name] opened her eyes to see a magnificent sight. She watched with tears in her eyes seeing Haru’s small body run around her in circles. His boyish laugh was filled with joy and a woman that looked exactly like her mother joined his side. 
[Name] understood now. Nami got rid of a piece of her soul to save Haru which in turn destroyed the technique; Venus’ Melody. She didn’t want to lose Haru because he was a curse. Nami wanted her little boy back to join her in peace and happiness. 
[Name] looked around and scurried to her feet. She ran over to a small seedling of a bush and dug it out. It was still growing, but it fit in the palm of her hand. “Nami, his soul can be transferred here,” [Name] ran back to the spirits and Nami looked down at her with wide eyes. 
“It’s a mock orange shrub and really the only thing I can find is a seedling. Haru, do you want to-”
[Name]’s question was silently answered by the little boy jumping up in excitement. His arms were thrown into the air and he started shouting. She couldn’t hear him in the spirit world, but Nami told her what he said. 
“She’s the best sister ever!” is what he just yelled right now.
[Name] smiled and shrugged her shoulders, “I wouldn’t know, but I promise I’ll watch over Haku as well. I can transfer his soul once I’m at the garden.”
No, Haku can become your guardian when it's time. You have many trials to face, little one. But you won’t be alone. 
[Name] tilted her head and whispered, “Yeah, I know that now. I have older brothers watching over me.” A smile made its way to her face and she hugged the woman and child yelling out, “Group hug!” 
She felt Haru’s arms around her waist and Nami’s arms around her shoulders. 
I’ll be waiting for your return to the garden, little ones. 
[Name] felt their presence leave with Nami disappearing and Haru’s soul resting in the seedling. She clenched the seed in her hand and teleported to the top of the cliff. The veil began falling and she saw the car parked where it was left. 
“Aoimine, the mission is finished,” She opened the back seat door and peeked inside. He wasn’t in the driver’s seat. She straightened out her back and turned around, her eyes looking down at the weapon in a man’s hands. 
SQUELCH![Name] took a deep breath in as she felt a blade dig into her side. 
She cried out when the knife stabbed her again in the same spot. 
“Damn it was easier said than done. Their theory was right, you can only sense danger from someone who has cursed energy. Too bad for you, my killer instincts aren't from that.” The unknown man  chuckled with a sinister smirk. He let her body fall onto the tar street and she cried out some more. 
“I’m going to be paid a lot for your assassination, girly,” He laughed in mockery as he kicked her to the side. “That assistant of yours was really weak too. He made sure the veil was still up saying something along the lines of you doing an important job.” 
The man crouched down and his green eyes stared into her soul, “Did you do it? Get rid of the special grade and the cursed womb?” 
[Name] blinked her tears away and scooted away from him the best she could. Her silence bothered the man and he jabbed his thumb into her wound eliciting a painful scream for her. His grip was tight around her abdomen as he dug deeper in, wiggling his thumb around. 
“I asked you a question, now answer it.”
He demanded cruelly and [Name] screamed and cried some more. Her hand clenched tightly onto the seedling. All that was on her mind was that she needed to bring Haru back home. “Yes!” She cried out and left her body at the mercy of his hands, “I got rid of the cursed womb and special grade! Please, stop this!” 
The man laughed and straddled her waist, flipping her onto her stomach. He was so heavy and her blessed technique to heal her body wasn’t working. He grabbed her by the hair and slammed her face down into the street. Her nose had crunched under the force of it. 
“You must be wondering why your wound isn’t healing.” The man breathed heavily as he brought her hands to her back and tied them with rope.  “It’s most likely because your blessed technique is focusing on the poison coursing through your body. I heard that your healing technique can only work on one injury first.”
[Name] blinked her tears away, the salty tears mixing with her fresh blood. This wasn’t how her mission was supposed to end. She saved her brothers, she lost two techniques, despite that she completed her mission. 
“Hmm what’s this in your hand?” 
Her eyes shot open in alarm and she wriggled under the weight of the man. He opened her hand easily and picked the seedling up examining it closely. 
“It’s just a stupid seed.” 
She glared at him from the side and his eyes drifted down to her. His confused face morphing into a conniving expression. “Oh, this thing must be important to you. Eh, don’t care!” He laughed and tossed it to the side, the seedling rolling to a stop by the cliff’s edge. 
“Alright, my girl, I’m almost done with you. Just have to ensure the kill now.”
She felt his blade dig into her back and her head shot up with a scream of utter pain. His cruel laugh was mixing with her yells of fear. He had stabbed her in the back five times and in total of seven; his lucky number. 
Her blood had splattered on his face and he smeared it with his sleeve. [Name] laid silent after the third stab, her blood flowing from the exits of her wounds. Her body was completely still and the man picked her head up by her hair. 
He examined her face and taunted her to see if she would awake, “I’m going to crush that seed of yours, girl. Wake up and it’ll be fine.” [Name] didn’t open her eyes or flinch. The man hummed with dissatisfaction and pinched her broken nose. He received no reaction again and he dropped her face back into the puddle. 
“Sir, we have to go now. Naoya Zen’in is requesting proof of her death.” 
The man lifted himself off of [Name]’s body and he wiped his knife off with a hum, “She’s very beautiful. A shame she needed to be killed all because she rejected a man-child.” 
“Sir, you can’t-”
The assassin rolled his shoulders and began exerting out cursed energy, “It’s time to go, Aoimine. You should also change out of your bloodied clothes.” The two disappeared in the evening light with Aoimine’s shadow technique. 
The sunset’s light had settled on [Name]’s bloodied body. After a few minutes of waiting, her eyes opened up weakly. 
“Haru…” She whispered and with much trouble lifted her hand out towards the seed. Sleep was calling her name gently and she had no more energy in her wounded body. Her hand fell down and her eyes closed with a tear escaping from disappointing Nami. Her body felt cold and empty, she was nothing without her new family. 
Nami. Haru and Haku. Nanami and Haibara. Suguru and Shoko.
Electrifying blue eyes and white hair flashed in her head. His laughter and grin clenched her heart in sadness. She wasn’t going to see him again. 
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startrekfangirl2233-writes · 6 months ago
Look! Up in the Sky!
Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia x Reader
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Description: It's hard, making a name for yourself as an investigative journalist in a city as big as Metropolis. It seems like everyone and everything is against you, just because you weren't born and raised in Metropolis. But you're determined to make it. When a run-of-the-mill article turns into a hostage situation with armed criminals, you're not sure you'll be making it out of this situation alive. Can a run-in with Metropolis' own Superman light the flames of your passion once more? Or are you destined to pack up and go back home?
Disclaimers: DC canon-typical violence. Armed gunmen. Some language.
Warnings: Like most of my fics, this fic features a Female!Reader
Word Count: 3313
Author Note: Hiya lovelies! I've been thinking about this fic for a long time. I started writing it sometime early this year and never actually got very far. Several rewrites later and here we are!
First and foremost, I want to dedicate this story to the beautiful @sarahsmi13s, since it is her birthday! Vinny! Happiest of birthdays to you! I hope the upcoming year is bright and filled with as much joy as you've brought to me!
Second, I feel like I am permanently obligated to thank @horseshoegirl for being the Comma Queen she is and making sure my ramblings are well-written and actually make sense. This fic wouldn't be possible without you, Lucky!
This is going to be a multi-part story. Please let me know if you'd like to be tagged!
AO3: Cross-posted here!
Wattpad: Cross-posted here!
My Masterlist
Series Masterlist | Next Part
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"I'm sorry, he what?!"
The mumbling on the other end of the phone makes you even angrier and more frustrated than ever. The frustration isn't new to you, not at all. It's part and parcel of being one of The Daily Planet's investigative journalists. The other thing the Planet appreciates in its journalists is people who have a nose for stories. You think you have one. Which is why everything is telling you that Peabody is prevaricating because he's trying to hide something.
"I understand your position, Mr. Peabody, but your contact is my biggest informant. If we don't have his testimonial, we'll never be able to publish this article on LexCorp."
There's more irate, increasingly loud yelling spilling down the speaker, but you could care less. You've been working on this article for months, carefully building layer upon layer of evidence, crafting the perfect hard-hitting expose. You're not taking his bullshit at face value anymore. Your mind is whirling as you lean back in your chair. Peabody is still spilling excuses into your ear, not that you care. Maybe you’re a little rough and brusque with Peabody as you hang up, but something about this situation is pinging in your head.
Your office is a bright space, all white walls, glass panes and metallic accents. From up on the 68th floor, Metropolis looks like a heaving anthill. Across the cityscape, another skyscraper glints tauntingly at you. You know Luthor is wrapped up in this. Okay, sure, corporate espionage isn’t exactly his deal, but who else could it be? You’ve carefully counted out every other potential culprit. Only Luthor is left.  Turning around, there’s an unholy rage in your countenance as you glare down at the twisted mess taking over your walls. There are newspaper clippings, articles, string and scribbled notes all over the walls. Just looking at it is sometimes enough to give you a headache. But you desperately need to get to the bottom of this situation. There must be a reason why all roads seemingly lead to Lex Luthor’s shining obelisk to his ego. You wouldn't be surprised if Peabody is clamming up because someone is blackmailing him.
Before you can further dig into the LexCorp situation, a whistle rings out through the air. You're the newest investigative journalist at the Daily Planet. It means you have the smallest office with half-broken heating and air conditioning, which nobody else wanted. It’s also the office furthest away from the bullpen.
The editor-in-chief of the Planet, a gruff, peppery older man named Perry White, only calls all of you together if there is something big brewing in Metropolis. You have to shove your way to the front of the circle loosely gathered around Perry. You're short, so you couldn’t see over the crowd if you tried.
“Alright, alright, settle down you lot.”
Perry's voice is gruff, carrying the tones of a person who grew up in Metropolis or one of its boroughs. Of course, most of the office hails from Metropolis. Sometimes you think your upbringing in the cornfields of Iowa has something to do with your distance from the other journalists on staff. After all, despite living in Metropolis for the past five years, your voice still holds the slightest twang. You can dress like a Metropolis professional, walk like one, and talk like one, but everyone makes it abundantly obvious you will never be a citizen of Metropolis.
The hazing is par for the course. You’ve seen more than your fair share in the three months since you started at The Daily Planet. The source of your struggles is, you’re sure, one person. She’s standing at the other end of the circle of reporters waiting with baited breath as Perry doles out assignments.
Natasha Trace.
She gets all of the best assignments from Perry, just because she’s his niece or something like that. The vindictive smirk she gives you as she accepts the latest city hall press conference is proof. Your own assignment is a little more dangerous, 300 words on the newest homeless shelter opening in Southside. According to the mayor, Southside isn’t dangerous anymore, but you don’t believe him. Perry quotes the same thing every chance he can get, especially because he sends reporters out to Southside pretty often. It’s all part of the Planet’s “For the People” reporting strategy. Every day, you hear people talking about another mugging or shooting or what have you. So you’re under no assumptions that Perry and Natasha are giving you an assignment they want you to succeed in.
You're cursing them more and more the next day when you're kneeling with a puddle of spilled tomato soup seeping into your sensible dark trousers. It was just your luck that masked gunmen waltzed into the shelter in the middle of your interview, wasn’t it?
 It was also just your luck that one of them had sent a spray of bullets into the air the moment hands went up. Cue some well-deserved screaming and a near-stampede for the doors, and you’d been pushed to the floor. So now you’re crouching in spilled soup with your hands up, trying and failing to moderate your breathing.
What the hell does a soup kitchen in Southside have for a gang of armed robbers, anyway? It’s not like it has much money. After all, this is only one of a string of new food shelters opening up in Metropolis. They’ve all been funded by the government, and they’re all supposed to be as clean as can be. Supposed to be, anyway. Obviously something isn’t right in the state of Denmark.
What’s just as interesting is the sight of the photographer you’ve been sent to the shelter with. Mickey Garcia is one of the Planet’s best. He’s got an eye for taking those photographs nobody else can. You’re not sure why Perry sent him with you. Usually he’s buddy-buddy with Natasha. He’s probably wishing he were with Natasha at City Hall right now. You know you are. But he doesn’t look scared or worried. He’s just kneeling in the soup next to you, hands up with his head cocked to the side and eyes staring into the distance.
It’s almost like he expects the police to come roaring up. Just as the lead invader turns his head, there’s a rush of wind and you see an imperceptible smirk on his face before he disappears between one blink and the next. You can smell ozone in the air, bitingly sharp, but it seems like nobody else notices but you.
Who the hell is Mickey Garcia? You almost wish you were hiding behind one of the tables. Because then you can pull out your notebook and start writing. Instead, it seems like all you have is your eyes and ears. How did he disappear so quickly? Metahumans aren’t exactly new in the world (or well, at least in the country). You remember reading about metahuman related events across the country. After all, everyone knows about Gotham City’s Bat. But recently there have been more and more reports. A meta-human in red-and-gold streaking through Central City. Villains with the power to freeze anything in its tracks and heroes with the power of the seven seas and beyond. And of course, everyone has seen the fluttering blue cape of Metropolis’ own metahuman.
So where does that leave you? Wishing for Superman, as you’ve heard him called, to save you? You’re not even sure he’ll show at all. There have to be a million other things happening in Metropolis more important.
You’re not on the floor long when a hand grabs you by your hair and yanks you up.
“What do we have here?” A greasy voice growls the words into your ear as cold metal presses into your temple. “A little reporter eagerly waiting for a scoop?”
You shudder, your skin crawling at the hunger in this man’s voice as he traces his index finger up and down your throat. Your press badge thwaps against your chest with every movement.
“P-please.” You’re trembling in earnest, teeth chattering. “These people are innocent, th-they have no money. They’re here to get some food. The only money the shelter has is for food.”
His cackle chills you to the bone. “Oh, you’re so naive, you sweet little thing.”
“We’re not here for the shelter’s money. We’re here for the city’s money.” He grins, blowing his foul-smelling breath in your face. “And if the city doesn’t cough up the goods, we’ll just take you in exchange.”
“And what if he comes to save us?”
You’re not sure who asks, but it sparks a rising tide of questions. People are shouting the questions out, and the men grow angrier and angrier. From your new vantage point with a barrel pressed to your temple you can see how uneasy they actually are. Their fingers tighten around the weaponry, paling at the joints as they grip at the metal. The more people ask, bolstered by the sounds of the sirens outside and the crackle of voices through bullhorns, the angrier your captor gets.
“All of you, shut up!” It's a roar of sound which leaves your ears ringing. The gun hurts as it presses into your throat. It’s hard to breathe, to swallow, to think. Something tells you you're not getting out of this stand-off alive. Your pulse is thudding in your ears and your chest aches. You hear the tell-tale click and your eyes are screwed closed.
Please. Please. Please. I promise I'll be better. I promise I'll be a better daughter, a better employee.
You're not sure who you're praying to, but you’re praying nonetheless.
There's so much I haven’t done yet.
It shouldn’t be so sad, thinking about how pathetic your life is - how empty it is. You're braced to hear the sound of a gunshot, braced to feel pain and then feel nothing ever again. You can feel the silk of your blouse, the expensive one you never wear, sticking to your back as you heave in thready, unsteady breaths.
It's almost anticlimactic, the way it happens. You smell the same sharp ozone scent you did earlier and the hand wrapped around your throat, the gun pressed to the hinge of your jaw disappears. You keep your eyes screwed shut, trying to ignore the yells of pain and cut-off curses as people get beaten up. You keep expecting to feel the acute pain of a bullet lancing through you, burning through your skin. But you feel nothing. You hear nothing, and obviously all you can see is the underside of your own eyelids.
“Miss, you can open your eyes now. It's all going to be okay.” 
You know what this voice is saying as you stand stiff-backed in the center of the room. Your muscles are locked in place and your hands are curled into fists at your side. You're not sure you could move if you tried to.
The hands that hold yours are warm, warmer than they have any right to be. But they feel good, and you can feel yourself relaxing into the touch. When your eyes open, you're not sure what you expected to see. But what you get is Metropolis's own Superman. He is smiling at you, pearly teeth on display, big brown eyes gentle as he talks you out of your panic. You're enraptured by how his dark hair curls just so over his forehead and how his jaw is so well-defined it could cut diamond.
More than anything, you wish you were still holding your notebook and pen or a dictaphone or anything. If there was anyone you want to interview here and now, it's him. But something is bothering you about him. He looks oddly familiar, something in the turn of his cheek and the fall of his hair.
Your statement to MCPD takes the longest. Long after all the other hostages have headed home or been shuttled to other shelters in the city, you stand, ignoring the way tomato soup is crusting on your clothes and how your fingers ache. Maybe your statement wouldn’t have taken quite so long if you weren’t trying to interview your interviewer back. In any case, by the time your throat is dry and aching, it’s late, approaching midnight and the only person left other than police personnel is Superman.
“A-are you okay, Miss?” 
You blink at his words, because he sounds oddly bashful, and that is a look you never expected to see on a superhero’s face.
“I’m fine.” You grin, the motion only halfway genuine. “I'm just about to head out. I'm sure a superhero like you has better things to do, other people to save and whatnot.”
“U-um, no actually.” He tips his head to the side, using his hand to fix his already immaculate hair.
“Do you always wait around at crime scenes to walk a gal home?”
“W-would it be alright if I walked you home?”
Your questions collide in midair against each other. You huff out an exhausted laugh, but he just blushes a little, golden cheeks flushing as his eyes twinkle at you.
“N-no. I don’t make a habit of waiting at crime scenes to walk girls home. Guess that's something only for you.”
Now it's your turn to battle hot cheeks. You can't even fan your face off because you don't have a thing to fan yourself with. Flapping your hands makes you feel stupid. So instead, you let Superman lead you out of the shelter and onto Metropolis’ streets. The city is alive with the sound of cars and ambulances. Someone has a radio on their window playing music. It feels like you're in an entirely different place.
“So, what about that walk home?”
He smells good. For the first time you notice how good he smells, this Superman, now that your nose isn't clogged with the smells of spilled tomato soup and sandwiches. You want to spend time with him. You want to forget what is waiting for you in the morning, how angry Perry is going to be when you didn't get a scoop on the shelter or any pictures that you know of. Maybe if you spin the Superman angle to this? It doesn't feel right, exploiting this man when he's so clearly doing it to help people. You also don't want to stop talking to him yet.
Honestly you wish you'd clarified, because when he said walk, you thought he was actually going to walk with you. Instead he sweeps you up in his arms and shoots up into the sky. You scream the whole way, hands scrabbling for purchase against his suit, finally settling for an arm around his shoulder. You're shaken and shivering when he finally stops moving.
“Shit, sorry.” 
You grumble into his broad chest at the cheeky apology. 
“Just thought you'd want to see the city how I see it.”
When you finally screw up the courage to take a look, your lips part in a gasp. The entirety of Metropolis is laid out in front of you. Lit in gold from all of the lights, you're grinning from ear-to-ear as you peer out over the city.
“It's gorgeous!” There's a pleased smirk on his face. “I can't believe you get to see the city like this!”
“Yeah,” He grins, something soft. “I didn't fall in love with the city until the first time I saw this view.”
“I can see why,” You gasp, witnessing how soft your colossal city looks in the moonlight, how it seems like a world filled with such promise.
“Let's get you home.” There's a blush on his cheeks as he swoops you down, following your murmured instructions like he knows every inch of the city.
You feel a little bit like a princess when he sets you lightly down on the doorstep. He's still floating in the air, the navy blue suit he's wearing clinging to every muscle. Now more than ever something feels familiar about him. He stays outside your door watching with the same smirk on his face, his head cocked to the side like he's waiting to hear your deadbolt slide home.
You're a little giddy when he flies away, and you curl into your bed like you're in a dream. You sleep well, for the most part, not half as traumatized as you expected to be after being held hostage at gunpoint. At least, until you jolt up in bed, your hair a mess around you and growl, “Garcia!” 
He'd disappeared when the police came to the shelter with their bullhorns and their posturing. You'd smelled the same sharp ozone-tinged scent in the air when he'd disappeared and when Superman shot into the room. But there is more too. The shape of his face, the way he smiled, the almost compulsive way he pushed his hair off his face. He acts just like Garcia does, too.
What is the likelihood your first encounter with Metropolis' own Superman would give you insight into his alter-ego? After all, nobody would suspect that quiet, bespectacled, sweet Mickey Garcia, a photographer for the Daily Planet, is Superman. Nobody, it's obvious, but you. Forget your conspiracy board on LexCorp and their shady dealings. Right now, an exclusive interview with Superman seems like just the ticket to rocket you into fame.
But you can’t let on that you know. You spend the day typing up a lackluster article on the shelter opening, your eyes peering over your computer every time you hear footsteps coming your way. The people walking past you never stop by, not even to chat. You're practically sprinting for the door when you see Garcia, chunky headphones around his neck.
“Hey, Garcia!” 
He turns and looks oddly surprised to see you. 
“You got a sec?”
“Y-yeah, of course.” 
His stutter is adorable. You have to remind yourself he is Superman. 
“I wanted to take a look at the pictures you shot yesterday. Obviously the opening wasn't what we expected, but it should be an interesting public interest piece anyway.”
When he's sitting in the chair next to yours, fingers flying over your keyboard as he shows you all of the photos he took as well as a few of the aftermath, you're questioning your gut instinct even more. How is it possible he got pictures of the police helping people, interviewing you, if he was Superman? 
It's nice, working with someone who smiles at you instead of spitting insults out behind your back.
“This looks great.”
There's a smile on your face as you look at the finished article. 
“Yeah, not bad for an article about a shelter opening turned into a hostage situation, right?”
You turn, and rest your arm on his forearm. You let your reporting instinct take the driver’s seat. When he's relaxed, maybe you'll get some answers out of him.
“I completely forgot to ask! How are you holding up after yesterday? You know what Perry always says, ‘We're a family here at the Planet!’. I was terrified when those gunmen burst in.”
You prattle on and on, seeing his face change, almost fall, when you mention Superman. 
“You know, he's awfully handsome, Superman is. He took me home, made sure I was alright.”
You grin, wickedly, though you know for sure nobody here in Metropolis knows you well enough to tell.
“And then he blushed.”
All of your suspicions are proved true when Mikey Garcia blushes the same way Superman did.
“You know something? Superman blushed just like that when he was showing me Metropolis how he sees it.”
There's panic in his eyes now. You're just fast enough to block him at the door, arm flung out to stop him from walking past you.
“So…. How long have you been Superman, Mickey Garcia?”
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@sarahsmi13s @desert-fern @horseshoegirl @teacupsandtopgun
@roosterforme @cherrycola27 @kmc1989 @chaoticassidy
@shanimallina87 @a-reader-and-a-writer @dakotakazansky @seitmai
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the-letterbox-archives · 1 month ago
۶ 25 rings apart community notes ৎ
hello all! this is letters, and i wanted to put forth a potential idea for you! excuse me for breaking every canon for this but i had to ask
"I actually have some community notes to share today! If you want me to talk about one of your announcements, please feel free to mail it to my house! It’s the third one on the street, with the yellow door. Hopefully the week after, I’ll be able to read a few out for you guys! Totally anonymous, if you want them to be!"
25 Rings Apart, Broadcast 1: Introducing
as saturn puts it, there is a community notes system in their survivor's colony where people can send in little notes to saturn, and they'll read them on the show. for this show, the question i wanted to ask was if people would be interested in sending in "community notes" (via my askbox or direct messages) for saturn to read? they would either be anonymous, or attributed to a character in the show. i'm not sure how many would be used, but i think it's a neat idea!
as it stands, you can ask just about anything, from questions about saturn, rp as a citizen of the town, jokes, questions, anything! can't guarantee everything will make the cut, but i will keep a record of everything submitted!
also, if you do submit, make a clear note of it to haha, i may not notice if otherwise ;-; (maybe just say in there that it's a question for 25 rings or say it's a community note)
if you'd like to submit, head to the archives help section (also dubbed my inbox), leave a comment, or dm me direct!
. ݁₊ ⊹ consulting the taglist ⊹ ₊.
@an-indecisive-nerd, @autism-purgatory, @cherrychiplip, @arality, @corinneglass,
@drchenquill, @gioiaalbanoart, @glassfrogforest, @hetaeraofhephestus, @honeybewrites,
@illarian-rambling, @inseasofgreen, @introchasingstars, @justsomeunmemorablewords, @kind-lion, 
@leahnardo-da-veggie, @loverboyxbutch, @melpomene-grey,  @millipede333, @moltenwrites, 
@mysticstarlightduck, @noxxytocin, @oliolioxenfreewrites, @ominous-faechild, @paeliae-occasionally, 
@pheonix358, @pluppsauthor, @rumeysawrites, @ri-toast167, @storyteller-kara, 
@tc-doherty, @thecomfywriter, @thecrazyalchemist, @the-golden-comet, @thelovelymachinery,
@thesaddersalad, @theink-stainedfolk, @verdant-mainframe, @world-of-iridensia, @wyked-ao3
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logan-fields-official · 3 months ago
I see your work an I love it... It's a whole sbg group x reader if you don't mind at all!
Reader that is really good at tennis and actually hits the tennis ball so hard it goes through trees using their pent up anger into tennis ALOT
That's all thank you for your time! If not your style you don't have to do it!
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The sun was high in the sky as Y/N gathered the group for a spontaneous tennis match. They had been cooped up indoors for far too long, and the heaviness of a bad mood loomed over them like a thunderstorm. With an infectious smile, Y/N looked around at their friends, attempting to lighten the mood again. “Come on, you guys! Just one match, please? I promise it'll be fun,” “Fun? You mean, like, sweaty and tiring?” Logan muttered, peering over his glasses with a not so enthusiastic expression. He tugged at the sleeves of his light cardigan, a nervous habit he couldn’t quite shake. “I’d fall flat on my face and embarrass myself.” “C’mon, Logan! If you can handle high fashion, you can handle tennis!” Aiden chimed in, his lively attitude being a bit much also faintly contagious as he tossed his racket up just to catch it and strike a dramatic pose. “Besides if you do mess up, I’ll make sure to distract everyone with my amazing skills!” He flicked his racket playfully and Logan’s timid expression gave away into a nervous chuckle. 'Hey, it’s just a game,' Ashlyn said, her voice cool yet encouraging as She tucked a few stray ginger hair that fell out of her braids behind her ear. Ben and her sat down on the courtside bench. “Me and Ben can be the referees, but you guys better keep it entertaining.” The corners of her lips twitched up ever so slightly, suggesting that she secretly looked forward to the watching the game. Tyler grabbed his racket, rolling his eyes but smirking glances towards Y/N 'You're not going to let your bad mood ruin our day on the court, are you? Or do you just want want an excuse to beat us with a tennis ball?' His sarcasm dripped thickly, but there was an hidden playfulness in how he interacted with the group. Y/N chuckled and replied “Okay enough chatter, let’s start the game! Y’all serve first!” Y/N shouted, assembling the group as they moved onto the court. They served first, and with surprising energy, Y/N slammed the tennis ball with all their might. The ball flew through the air, with great force, and before anyone could react, it barreled past the end of the court and disappeared into the trees with a satisfying *CRACK* as it broke through a branch. Logan jolted as it went passed him and squeaked, snapping his head towards where the ball went. “Did you just... break the sound barrier?!” Logan questioned looking thoroughly shocked and confused. “What if we don’t find it? What if-” “Relax, Logan. It’s just a tennis ball,” Taylor softly interrupted before Logan could go on a whole ramble. “Let’s just grab another tennis ball and keep playing!” “Plus we can always try to get it later,” Ashlyn chimed in, glancing towards the trees, raising an eyebrow before looking back at Logan. “Unless you’re too scared of the wildlife?” She bluntly questioned. “I'm not scared!” Logan quickly spoke up “I just want to avoid potential… ‘wildlife encounters’” he retorted as he fiddled with his glasses, his cheeks tinting red. As laughter came from the group, Y/N grabbed another tennis ball and initiated another serve, lighter this time, so everyone can join in on the fun. They all played, cheering for one another and letting the tension from earlier fade away.
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itsgirlcraft · 2 months ago
Heyoooo back at it again with my old "dragon!Sabre saves knight!Rainbow from Princess Nightmare" au
Sooo this is from 1/31/2021, apparently. I'll put the first bit from the og fic idea down, bc the second half is just rambling about Sabre's backstory and I wanna talk abt Nightmare tbh.
@woahrarepairsagemare potential sagemare fic incoming? And also @its-indigos you n your man ((Genesis)) wanna join the fic? :)
The eldest princess of the Yellow Kingdom was said to live within a hidden castle in the Nightmare Mountains' forest, supposedly performing dark spells and horrifying experiments on not only herself but the people of the Kingdom of Yellow. They will fear the name Nightmare Stevens. And. They. Will. BOW.
Princess Night used to be sane. Some say she was infected with a strange ailment known simply as "The Darkness," which caused her to go mad with power. Others say she was locked away in that void-like ruin of a castle, but why? Was "The Darkness" worse than we thought? Did she get locked away for her safety? Or for ours? Did she do something so horrible I dare not utter another word, that she deserved to be locked up? Or was she never sane in the first place. Perhaps her heart was always dark.
The Kingdoms may never know why, only that Night was no longer an innocent girl who had to be protected. She was scarred. Broken. A force of nature which no man could stand up to. Something that no one will be able Magic and against unless they wished to be dead. Some thought she was a lost cause. Others wanted her dead.
"After all, we all have a dark side, I simply chose to show mine to this useless excuse of a world." The Nightmare whispered as she breathed life into her first Dark Creation. "You shall be known as Dark Steve, and together we shall rule all the Kingdoms," Nightmare cackled as her Corruption Magic gave Dark startling deep blood red eyes against glassy white, hungry. "You shall be my general, and you will command The Soldiers of Darkness as the second-in-command of the Night Terror Army!" the insanity of the isolated princess causing her yellow eyes to finally crack, the light searing her eyes, leaving the once-loved Yellow princess as a mere reflection of her former self. Twisted and broken, she kidnapped a young knight said to have been a Color Kingdoms' Creation destined to end "The Darkness's" reign of chaos with finally stopping Nightmare and her plans for complete and utter rule of the Color Kingdoms, and later the entire MC Realm.
But the Rainbow Knight was far too young to be fighting such a dangerous enemy. He lacked control and understanding of the powerful and dangerous abilities a member of the Color Kingdoms could have, and being a collective Creation between all Colors, he held far more potential than he could imagine. But with great power comes much, much, MUCH longer training sessions, and Rainbow was getting nowhere.
Meanwhile, Nightmare could already destroy chunks of land with her new Darkness fireballs the size of the average Yellow apartment, big enough to house up to 8 people. Not only had the dark princess improved her new Red Kingdom skills quickly, but she could already run from the far end of the Nightmare Mountain range to the other end where the Night Terror Castle stood within 5 minutes! Dark was greatly pleased with the progress his young creator had made on her original abilities, her Yellow-Born powers. The Rainbow Knight and the Nightmare Princess may be similar in mental age, but there was no likeness of one in the other. Neither were aware of each other's saddeningly young age, until the kidnapping came.
Ngl, it feels kinda cringe n edgy, but I think I like it that way. It's a good starting point for a revamp. Sooo obviously reworking Night's dialogue and the narrative around her would be good, but I think it could be REALLY good with some Sagemare.
This og version feels kinda mehhh at best in terms of how alive the characters feel, they're one-dimensional at best. I kinda wanna mess around with including Sage as the knight or dragon, but ehh it might work out easier if I just keep Sage separate from that dynamic.
So one key thing here, is that the Steve Realm is both RQ and TSS at the same time, it's very vague. And if I'm including technically SSO for Sagemare, I might as well add in the rest, yknow? I mean that I wanna add dragon!Genesis and dragon!Indigo, too. Because I've got those mcrp designs and like. Why not.
I could get a real bingo with all these series 💀 like Sabre starts off in Assassin's Creed, then we've got RQ/TSS as the MC Realm, then add in SSO and SL for flavor. AND the dimension/kingdom that Sabre comes from feels like a knockoff Cozen kingdom, so we've got AR too.
I feel like drawing some callbacks to AR would do a lot of good in fleshing out all of this, especially the og part after this lil analysis. The Guardian of the Spirit World is the one to send Sabre on his way, but it seems kinda out of place, tho if I wrote it more as a multi-chapter, the pacing would probably fix itself. Maybe mixing some AR in with that would make this 2nd part a little less awkward.
I also think the vagueness doesn't really work well here, especially with the color kingdoms. Exploring how Rainbow/Nightmare's dynamic effects the kingdoms would definitely fix some of the awkwardness as well, and including other dragons besides Sabre.
And here's the second half:
The strange dark gray/green dragon which came to save the Rainbow Knight was not the strongest or the most powerful dragon. In fact, he was not always a dragon. He is a...peculiar case, random curses and hybrid origins and assassin friends litter his past, like one insane plot twist after another. E.S. thought he was human, back in the so-called "True Reality" Realm which he called home. After he and his father were chased by men claiming to simply be guards wanting to collect tax, the young boy's parents were both killed.
Some time after being taken in by assassins, he learned that the men who killed his parents were, in fact, not guards at all. You see, E.S. lived in a world where magic and inhuman beings were real, but were all in the MC Realm or taken away/killed. "True Reality" was called such thanks to mass anti-magic propaganda that said those who were hybrids, cursed, magic etc. were simply monsters or did not exist, and that the MC Realm did not exist. The ones who killed E.S.'s parents were supporters of such, and were like magic police that tried to censor and remove anyone against them and/or were magic.
E.S.'s mother had a family curse, while his father was a hybrid trying to live a normal life. But both caught up to E.S. when his hybrid side began to show and the curse had finally appeared physically. E.S.'s curse caused his eyes to change constantly, cycling through almost human eyes, to animals like cats, snakes, etc., demonic/bloody eyes which could get particularly scary, and code-like patterns which sometimes made him "glitch" with a spike of pain throughout his body.
E.S. discovered this on his 16th birthday, to his horror. Almost a month later, E.S. found white wings growing on his back. Later the feathers continued appearing along his torso, shoulders, neck, and upper arms. That was when he realized his parents were far more interesting than they wanted him to think. They tried so hard to let him live a normal life without their own past ruining it. E.S. began wearing a reddish-brownish dark gray bandanna around his eyes, and his adoptive father made him a special little hoodie which would make an illusion that would hide E.S.'s feathers as a chicken suit.
E.S. continued to wear both as his journey as an assassin continued. That is, until he got a job to kill a particularly nasty man who was deeply obsessed with finding a way to enter the MC Realm. The man had done so many horrid things to other people and their loved ones while exploring the magic of the MC Realm. E.S. got many jobs from different people asking to kill the obsessive man. He was the first target that saw through the magic hoodie and magic bandanna, and the man seemed to recognize E.S. rather than be fearful. He violently took down E.S., plucking out a few feathers as E.S.'s scream of pain was muffled.
Ripping off his bandanna, the crazed man ignored E.S.'s struggles and collected some blood from his crying eyes, murmuring "you are the one, yes yes yes you must be the chosen, I am sorry my winged child but you must fulfill the prophecy, the boy with rainbows for eyes needs your help, you are the only one who can save us from the dark beasts now, the terror queen must die to the dragon within the child of a cursed and the winged one, you must rescue hope from the nightmare my boy."
'How can this thin old man keep me pinned to the ground?!' E.S. was sure there was no way that the man was somehow stronger than him, he is a hybrid after all. Soon something happened while the man was mixing strange things with the blood and feathers. A portal. And not just any portal. The only one to the MC Realm.
"You truly are the chosen one!" the man wheezed, as a strange concoction finished brewing. E.S. could not move, what was this man planning to do to him? Was the job really all a hoax?? How, how was the man keeping E.S. down without touching him?! Why did the portal just appear?!? E.S. barely managed to grab his bandanna before the man slouched over to him, holding the strange bottle. The liquid seemed to shine in the dim light, like a green fire against metallic scales.
"You must take this, my boy. You may be a hybrid, but. You. Will. NOT SURVIVE. Unless you take on the identity of the dragon within you," the man began pouring the liquid on E.S.'s wings as he spoke. It burned. It burned through his veins as some was forced down his throat. His vision went blurry, barely catching a glimpse of his wings. He had no feathers. There was a green shine on them now. The man wheezed in joy as he dragged the panicking young man towards the glittering glitched purple portal.
For a moment, there was kindness in his voice. "I am sorry for all I have done," the man spoke with a softness E.S. had never heard, "I have grown too old to return to the broken MC Realm, please, help them. The Color Kingdoms used to be my home, but now I cannot reunite with my family until the Darkness Age is over. You should be able to get help with returning home once you end the Darkness, mention that The Guardian brought you." And with that, he pushed an oversized iron sword into E.S.'s hands, which were growing sharp black claws. E.S. looked up at the older man, tears in his eyes. "Save them. I wish we had more time but we don't," the man whispered with a sad smile before pushing the rapidly transforming boy through the portal, still clutching the sword.
And thus, E.S. became the dragon sent to save the Colors from the Darkness. He took on the name Sabre, his middle name, as his dragon form. The oversized sword fit perfectly in his new clawed hands, now a glittering purple and blue, almost like a galaxy. The previously empty socket in the handle had what looked to be a star, having fallen long ago. E.S. went on to find the Rainbow Knight, knowing that the two of them were the only ones who could save the Kingdoms. With some help from each Color, of course. He could not do it alone, even if he were the so-called "saviour." The once-human dragon must rescue the young knight from the Nightmare princess, or else all will be lost.
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misomiho · 2 years ago
now playing..
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
☆Part 1, Part 2
Genre and TW: Sfw, Angst with comfort. Mentions of blood and body parts.
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x Fem!Medic!Reader
A/N: Satoru is an asshole, please bear with him :D
✩Synopsis: After Gojo Satoru found out about your cursed technique and your connections with the higher ups, he'd sworn you were his nemesis, will reconciliation happen or will your relationship go back to square one?
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Having immense capabilities and strength comes with great responsibility and discipline upon oneself, even if you were deemed strongest, those below you still deserves respect but for someone, those were rules that he thinks could potentially hinder him from his true power.
Apparently it is the inevitable that you somehow will still lack respect for others, you choose who to get along with and sneer at people you don't get along with even if their ranks were heavens above you.
A cocky grin, if Satoru Gojo were to be described as per characteristics: its cocky, if Satoru Gojo were to be a form of the lips: it's grin, if someone were to ask who Satoru Gojo is it's: an asshole with a cocky grin, even if that doesn't make any sense perhaps those who were asked that question could somehow not escape the young man's signature emotion plastered on his face all the time.
"Huh?! another reverse curse technique user?" a loud voice boomed over jujutsu high early in the morning where the cliche sing song of birds were discontinued, luckily there wasn't many students at such school because peculiar students seem to only enter it's grounds with one goal in mind: to become a respectable sorcerer.
"Calm down Satoru, it isn't the end of the world that someone else has the same ability as Shoko.." a disappointed sigh escaped Suguru knowing the fact that his prideful ego is through the roof sometimes.
"It is tho Suguru! those nasty brats stealing Shoko's techniques..I wil- ouch!" unbeknownst to him, the slap in the back of his head was from an irritated brunette watching the scene unfold infront of her.
"Why are you so childish? that first year is my assistant and what were you supposed to do..huh?!" a slap and a menacing glare was enough to silence the white haired boy, who knew the calm healer of jujutsu high was this scary.
"S-suguru..help me" Satoru pleaded, sparkling stars popped out of nowhere while glistening can be heard, much to his dismay Suguru was already backing away while forming an 'X' with his hands to simply imply he's not helping.
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"Tch.. getting beat up by a healer was probably the dumbest thing a human could hear.." his blue eyes travelled upwards to look at the swelling on his head while one arm kept rubbing the stinging sensation of a slap at the back of his neck.
"I already knew it was bad to tell you about that information, I'm probably gonna see you next time scaring off the juniors in their building" Suguru shook his head, his hands busy too with weights of ice pack for his friend.
"I'd probably do something more than that"
"This is why no one takes you seriously"
Satoru groaned at the continuous scolding and reminders of his friend from the fact that he is indeed disrespectful towards anyone.
"Why are you saying that as if you don't do the same?"
"You're literally much worse..!"
"Yet you're still doing the same..?!"
Fortunately for them, this school was thrice bigger than normal schools in Japan where students counts as low as 20, no one can hear them bickering except for the gust of winds and rattling of trees.
"Excuse me..?" a voice abruptly made them stop their rambling, you were standing there dumbfounded as to why two grown men are arguing to each other, you have medical supplies heavy on your hands and you want to go pass them when they are completely blocking the way.
"Oh sorry.." both teenagers said in unison while each taking a step back to let the poor girl make her way towards her destination.
"Wait.. aren't you the first year assistant that Shoko was talking about?" you heard the 'man' called out to you while mentioning your mentor's name, you assumed that these two were the other second years that Shoko was talking about.
You smiled a bit to be more approachable since these two are practically your seniors, "Yes I am, I heard about the two of you from Ms. Ieri herself"
A snort came out of someone from behind the 'bangs' guy. What's up with you and the nicknames anyways. You began your silly little construction of names for the other guy too in which you came up with 'snort' guy. Yeah that fits.
"I can't believe Shoko is getting called 'Ms.'"
the snort guy stuttered out in which you even found more confusing because your mentor was fine with everything you call her.
Because of the unbearable weight from your items, you gently dropped them on the ground as to persist yourself to have a small chat with your new acquaintances.
"I don't see anything wrong with calling my mentor 'Ms.'"
"M-mentor..?!" the white haired guy snorted even more which is you guessed quite humourous of yourself because he was slapping his knees as if he were an npc character from a game.
"Sorry.. don't mind this guy, he's a little bit of an asshole which is why your mentor taught him a lesson" the bangs guy smiled innocently while pointing his fingers at the visible swelling on top of Satoru's head. At least this one's more sensible.
"God this girl is funny, anyways who is she again?"
"You're really not paying any attention huh? she's Shoko's assistant"
"Statement withdrawn"
You just stood there blinking your eyes rapidly as to why this guy is glaring at you with his mouth formed into a pout, should you leave? your presence might be uncomfortable for him assuming from the way he responded to the other guy.
"Sorry again, this guy is just insecure because he couldn't harness reverse cursed technique as easily as you"
"Don't speak over me Suguru..!" this snort guy crossed his arms and continued to stare daggers at you, if those were literal daggers, your body would've been mutilated.
"Oh it's okay, I couldn't handle my technique properly because it works differently from Ms. Ieri so the principal just made me her assistant temporarily" you darted your eyes down to your materials, tons of medical equipments to use.
The black haired guy understood right away and offered to shake your hand for an official introduction, "I'm Suguru, Geto Suguru and this guy.." he glanced behind him to signal that Satoru should introduce himself too.
Much to your dismay, your offered hand to him was left hanging in the air. The man just walked past you even making sure your shoulder bump which was what upset you more.
You made sure to put a mental note about asking Shoko what this lily guy's name is, even if he's angry at you especially that you did nothing wrong, you're still curious about him.
Suguru sighed and made an apologetic smile towards you, "That guy is Gojo Satoru, that's just how he is when he's meeting people, I'm sure he'll warm up to you in the next few days"
"Gojo Satoru..? I've heard that name many times and I'm sure yours too, you guys are grade 1 sorcerers whose often tasked to high ranking missions" you held up your fingers at your chin to ponder more about when you heard their names before.
"I was actually surprised you didn't recognize us" Suguru tilted his head a bit and chuckled.
"Oh sorry.. I'm always isolated at the basement for my lessons from Ms. Ieri, I don't go to missions since it's dangerous but the higher ups always shows up for evaluation"
You immediately slapped a hand to your mouth when words were spilling out like water out of you, mentally cursing yourself out for telling that much information.
Suguru glanced at you with narrowed eyes.
Isolated..? why are higher ups even involved and what evaluation?
"Don't worry, I won't tell other people even Shoko"
There were numerous questions waiting to be answered in Suguru's mind yet he forced himself shut and kept himself relax to not scare you off, what you just said is valuable information and questioning you more may stir up more problems. He doesn't want to be involved within the higher ups.
Your sigh of relief is enough to confirm Suguru's thoughts, you are someone important to the higher ups.
You extended your gratitude and hurrily grabbed your materials to continue your way towards your mentor, not forgetting to say your name before you parted ways with your new acquaintance.
Suguru just couldn't keep you off his mind, telling Satoru about that information would probably frustrate him even more.
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The corridor's wooden floor creaked even more with Satoru's each step, sunlight peeked through the transparent windows while he adjusts his blue sunglasses.
Focused on the slow moving clouds with an annoyingly blue bright sky lighter than his eyes, he didn't notice you until your body made contact him, he didn't move an inch while the person infront of him stumbled a bit.
You glanced up expecting each of you to apologize in which you went ahead first but a sneer greeted you instead, you sweat dropped but you didn't mind him. Maybe he isn't a morning person despite the radiance illuminating through him.
"Oh it's you.." you mumbled as eyes shined in recognition towards the person infront of you which irked him for some reason.
Suguru probably told her about me, that guy really..
Satoru groaned while you stood there dumbfounded, "Yeah yeah, you probably heard my name from that guy"
No apologies.
This man is the worst.
Somehow universe has it's own way of bounding you to meet the person you least wanted to meet. The next few weeks were starting to get worse and worse.
Shoko somehow convinced you stay with her in their classroom for the next few weeks since first years were being sent for different missions anyways, her lazy nature doesn't want to walk over the first year buildings just to get you.
nor can she convince Satoru to warp there and get you. Obviously.
The room was rather quiet when you got there, Suguru was waving his hands happily while shoko pointed at your seat which is unfortunately next to your nemesis, Satoru. Or his nemesis.
"Why is a first year in our building"
"I'm only here temporarily, don't worry"
"Ohh didn't knew she could talk dirty"
"My words aren't laced with sarcasm, it's the truth"
Your approach was calm and relaxed on the other hand, Satoru is being straight up passive aggressive infront of you face.
He's the worst.
You decided to stay behind while your other three seniors bought their own lunch, you've decided that making your own healthy bento would benefit you more in harnessing your curse technique.
Your eyes narrowed down, you're tired of sickly green leaves.
What would cheesecake taste like?
That damned curse spirit wanted a healthy body-
You clenched your fists, blood seeped out while curse energy of color purple surged through.
"Your curse energy is spilling out"
That voice snap you out of it, a familiar white locks leaned into the doorframe observing your every move, you dart your eyes around the room, to Satoru and to your hands. They're healed.
"If you can't handle things in here, just quit"
He doesn't have the right to say that.
..Truly the worst.
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You hum in thought thinking about your first meeting and all the unpleasant interactions you two both had.
Months have gone by and reconciliation will never be in your vocabulary nor in Satoru's.
It's training day, Shoko ordered you to look after the two teenagers as if you were babysitting in case one of them may get injured. In reality, your mentor just wants her smoke break.
Would they even get injured? considering how strong they are..I mean.
The sunlight wasn't bad today and the soft rustle of trees provided some refreshing wind, you sat by a shed watching Satoru and Suguru train.
"I don't want her reverse cursed technique, just teach me already!"
"it's like swoosh, woosh, swoosh, I kept saying it to you guys yet you aren't listening.."
You slightly caught yourself grinning at the memory earlier when Satoru refused your help and insisted Shoko help him with her technique. It was rather funny.
Out in the middle of the field, ocean eyes watched you from his peripheral vision while you're daydreaming.
What's she laughing about?
How can she sit there and laugh-
"Satoru...you're bleeding" Suguru whispered at his friend
"You're distracted that's why, miss medic please treat Satoru's bleeding..!" Suguru shaped his hand to cup his mouth and called for you in which you responded with a nod.
Seeing that his baffled white haired friend was standing still, staring down at his bleeding hand, he took this opportunity to edge him even more about you.
"Or were you distracted because of her?" Suguru narrowed his eyes and a wicked smile was plastered on his face.
"No way!" he retorted, slowly but surely, a blush crept up upwards spreading all across his cheeks and ears.
"Yes way, medic please hurry, he might die" he fired back.
"I'll force myself to learn reverse cursed technique"
That man really...cannot let go of his prideful ego, you've tried every ways of communication yet ending up again in another heated argument Suguru will stop. Satoru started all of them. Where did all of this even started? you just wished that you weren't ordered by Shoko that day to deliver those materials. That way you would've not met him.
His blabbering was shut off when you grasped his arm gently to observe the profuse bleeding, "Let me see?" your eyes glanced up at him.
When did you even get there?
He shook off your hand like nothing, "I don't need your help"
He walked off to God knows where, you won't be surprised if that stubborn head of his will forcibly learn reverse cursed technique.
Suguru sweat dropped, slowly regretting the awkward situation he made. He tried to comfort you by placing a hand on your shoulder but before he can even place it, you followed Satoru.
"These two...why can't they just make out or something?"
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You weren't a friend of his to call him by his first name nor were you even an acquaintance, you're probably a stranger in his eyes.
He looked back at you with a scowl, "What do you want?"
"Why do you even hate me so much? did I do something wrong? Is it because of my technique-
Because of the continuous bleeding, Satoru can't think straight and blurted out words that his mouth will probably regret, "I hate people who worship the higher ups like they were some kind of God especially a person like you who follows them around like a dog"
Your eyes widen, that isn't true, if anything you hated those higher ups.
So this is what he's getting worked up for? is he jealous of you? but even so, you can't blame him.
You were always nowhere to be found and you were transferred in the middle of the year, that was suspicious enough.
You were untrustworthy in his eyes.
"You don't know what you're talking about"
"I don't know that your connections got you here in this school?"
He's in the moment, saying whatever he can come up with. He wanted to stop yet he can't shut his damn mouth off.
You took a step and grabbed ahold of his collar, it wasn't aggressive but it was enough to hold Satoru's mouth shut, "You..you don't know anything about me nor my past, I didn't want to be in this stupid school in the first place, I didn't want to be a healer nor did I want to be reduced to some kind of robot others can take advantage of..!"
You looked at him, your eyes were starting to sting out of all those pent up anger you've had for years, "I was cursed by a cursed spirit, in exchange for a huge abundance of curse energy used for reverse cursed technique, that damned curse would take chunks of my body like it was nothing, flesh, skin, tooth, fingernails, blood, ears, eyes"
Everything it wanted
"Things will heal like nothing but the pain I've felt for years as if my body is missing something would always hunt me forever"
"I need to always keep myself healthy, that my vision should be clear, that there's no cavity in my mouth, that there's no disease that could potentially displease it, as if I'm being sacrificed to a cannibal"
Silence enveloped the both of you.
Satoru took ahold of your hand and intertwined them with his as if a puzzle were connecting them both.
Satoru never knew any of those, he just heard that the higher ups were protective of you like you were some kind of trophy that needs to be shined every day.
Satoru's pride was overwhelmed with guilt yet words were never spoken. Is he just gonna eat his words just like that?
He took your hand and pushed you towards his embrace, you never said anything but comply.
His actions contradicted the things he has said and done but he knows repenting for it would never be enough.
Satoru just held you in his arms, asking forgiveness for 1 million ways will come later, for now let him feel the pain you've endured for years.
→ Part 2
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grainjew · 1 year ago
On Gallifreyan Vestigial Gender
[this is the revised and expanded version of some rambling i initially did in my cowriter's discord DMs. i tried cite sources where i could, but a lot of this has been marinating in my brain since half-absorbing posts twenty pages deep into peoples' dw tags 3 years ago, and also i spend way too much time on the wiki, so please excuse anything i can't quite source, which is most of it. huge thanks to @oriigami for being my original conversation partner and contributing extremely to the concepts here, and to @bird-of-paradox and @waywren, neither of whom I am being allowed to @, for bothering me into not leaving it as unreadable discord screenshots]
There's this tendency among queer Doctor Who fans to look at Time Lord society, with its alienness and regeneration, and ask, frustrated, "Why do they even have gender?"
I sympathize with this extremely. I've been the one asking this question plenty in the past, and I do think it's a bit silly, and even sillier that the genders are "man" and "woman" and there are apparently two of them. But I also think that the section of canon most insistent about the Gallifreyan gender binary, the 7th Doctor novels from the 90s, also has the potential to be the most interesting about it.
Now, this is not to say that the text of those novels isn't weird about gender in a flawed, written by (as far as I know) cis people in the 90s way. But I think that you can extrapolate and queer what's there in very interesting ways, often because it's so flawed in the first place: Gallifrey, too, is an extremely flawed society. Decadent, degenerate, and rotten to the core, as the show put it.
So, VNAs Gallifrey: living Houses and their female Housekeepers, cultural and literal planet-wide sterility, Loom birth, rigid overcomplicated bureaucracy, the enduring legacy of the pre-Rassilon Pythian regime. The gender binary as presented here goes something like
women: chaos/magic/psychic powers/superstition/the house (scary)/biological childbirth/fertility men: cold rationality/order/science/bureaucracy/loom-birth/sterility
The Pythia and the Lord President. Magic and science. The House and the Web of Time.
Obviously a lot of this is classic gender binary stuff. But let's put the exasperated question of "Why must we do the gender binary like this?" aside for a moment and think about Gallifreyan society instead.
Pythia-ruled and Time Lord-ruled Gallifrey have a lot of the same problems in the end, just wearing different faces: they're both very much totalitarian states that believe themselves to be above everyone else. But while the Time Lords observe and micromanage the Web of Time from their Panopticon, maintaining its integrity to their standards, the Pythians didn't have time travel, so this preoccupation with control manifested--as far as I know; this is the bit in the meta where I admit I haven't actually read Time's Crucible yet--as keeping the entirety of society in one psychic hivemind, leaving nobody any privacy, plus a lot of future-reading and prophecy and whatnot.
The main relics of that societal layout into post-Rassilon Gallifreyan society are the Matrix, which has every single dead Time Lord's brain in it and does their prophecies for them, just couched in a little bit more science than Pythian magic, the Houses, which are alive all around you and in which you're constantly being watched by the Housekeeper through her mirrors, and, of course, the gender binary.
The Pythia was always a woman. Women were the ones with vast psychic powers, with magic; women were the ones in charge. Pythian Gallifrey was a heavily gendered society. This is because Gallifreyans are a kind of bug /shot with the "irrelevant to the point at hand" gun.
And so, when Rassilon rebelled, he was very much playing the part of "opposite gender with opposite worldview." The Pythia had female magic and superstition; he had male science and technology. His most trusted Founders were either all or mostly men, depending on the version of events you prefer. (Personally I have my doubts about the Other.) Rassilon built his new society as a man, among men, in opposition to the matriarchs before him.
Gallifrey, despite the invention (or theft, depending on the story) of regeneration allowing people to trans their gender randomly and sometimes unintentionally, never left the gender binary behind.
The whole point of modern Gallifreyan society is that they're still stuck in that exact same moment Rassilon took over (and the Pythia cursed them to sterility, if thats the version you're going with). You could easily make an argument for this being some cycle of abuse type situation; Rassilon and co overthrew the Pythia and immediately did exactly what she was doing to them to the wider universe. I tend to read it as a regeneration: it's the same society, really. It just died and was reborn, and now it looks and sounds different.
The downside of trying to translate a discord conversation into a proper meta post is that sometimes making a coherent transition between thoughts is impossible. So to introduce the next bit of this post, I'm going to hand you off for a moment to this post about the 8th Doctor's "I'm not sure I've ever even been a man" quote from Interference. As op of that post says, the Doctor is genderqueer even by Gallifreyan standards- he's being questioned in that scene by another Gallifreyan, who doesn't understand his experience of gender.
The EDAs are full of "Eight is nonbinary" quotes, of course. Every queer fan who's ever engaged with them has a collection (and if anyone knows where that one google doc compilation that was going around awhile back went I'd be in your debt, because I'd love to know if my collection is missing any), but almost all those quotes refer to his genderqueerness in human terms, as observed by human companions, or in response to human assumptions. Except that one. Not only is Gallifrey's gender binary alive and well in a society where people can literally change their gender when they die, but the Doctor doesn't fit inside it.
All this to say that being a renegade Time Lord is a nonbinary thing to do. Especially the Doctor, with all sorts of weird Other Timeless nonsense in their biodata. Women stay on Gallifrey (or Karn!) and do magic and watch you. Men stay on Gallifrey and do science and watch other people. Renegades go out and do whatever they please. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
So. Gallifrey has a gender binary. It's vestigial, a remnant of an earlier iteration of society with a much sharper male-female divide, and it doesn't make logical sense for it to exist. So: How does it manifest? And what function does its continued existence serve in the interests of the status quo and ruling class?
Let's take a look at 7th Doctor novel Lungbarrow.
Lungbarrow introduces us to (among many other things) the living Houses of the Time Lord Families, and to the family structures within: the patriarchal figure of the Kithriarch, the always-female Housekeeper, bound in her ritual marriage to the House itself, and hordes of petty squabbling Cousins.
Kithriarch is already an interesting title. It's obviously a gender neutral version of matriarch or patriarch, but the role itself seems to be almost entirely a male sort of thing in opposition to the feminine Housekeeper.
The Housekeeper, meanwhile, seems to be in a direct conceptual and societal line of descent from the Pythian priestesses: she can see anything within her domain, she has a psychic connection to the House, from whom she cannot hide anything, she can command the wooden Drudge servants and other House subsystems, she prioritizes the House above all where the Kithriarch is supposed to prioritize the Family. Women are frightening and powerful psychics. They know everything you want to keep secret, and prioritize the collective.
(There's also something here about how Lungbarrow presents duelling dualities--the Doctor and the Master, the CIA head and the Lord President, the Kithriarch and the Housekeeper, the masculine and the feminine--but I haven't quite tied it into the rest of this yet.) (Although while we're mentioning the Master. He's girlcoded by Gallifreyan standards and the Rani is boycoded by the same. I will not be expanding on this at this time just trust me.)
I think Housekeepers and women who want to be Housekeepers try to keep their self-image as women strong enough that they never regenerate into a male body (whatever a '"male body" means, of course, but I'm not sure Time Lords have gotten that far in their queer theory yet). I also think that there are more female Kithriarchs than male Housekeepers, because Housekeeper is much more heavily ritualized role in keeping with the Pythia's more ritualized general vibe, but I do think female Kithriarchs are still few and far between.
I also think that these are probably the most explicitly gendered occupations on Gallifrey, although of course you'll see some drift. Most women are out there getting the same scientific, military, and bureaucratic positions as men. But there's this lingering specter of gender roles, a Pythia-shaped hole that exists around the concept of womanhood. As my cowriter put it when we were talking about this, an "ideal of womanhood. not ‘ideal’ as in desirable, [but] ‘ideal’ as in the quintessential image of the thing."
This is further amplified by the continued existence of the Pythians in the form of the Sisterhood of Karn, living in their perfectly functional all-women magic society just out of sight. Their presence at the edge of the Gallifreyan consciousness must haunt the Time Lords, as any imperialist power is haunted by its own past and its own ultimate impotence.
Because that's the other thing. Gender roles are, to quote my cowriter again, "stupid and antiquated and historically potent tools of authoritarianism." Of course the Time Lords have them. Have you seen them?
They're tools of control, of conformity, of idealizing the past. Of conservatism. Consider, to once more quote my cowriter, "the weird traditionalist psychosis of having gender roles in a society that can’t bear children."
The ideal woman on Gallifrey is still the Pythia, millenia or even billenia on. And the ideal man is still the Lord President Rassilon.
[thank you for your time! if you liked this please consider checking out my fic Something Old, which is about lungbarrow, the adventuress of henrietta street, and the gallifreyan concept of marriage, and in the writing of which i initially articulated most of the thoughts in this post. i've previously characterized it as a fic that's actually a meta post. and please don't be too mean to me for anything i got wrong in here! i'm just a little guy]
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cloudy-em · 2 years ago
Hey, I got an idea for Carmen, if you're okay with it, of course.
Basically, the reader has an eating disorder (she throws up after almost every meal), and he tries to help her.
of course love!! i myself have struggled with disordered eating
disclaimer: the following post will contain potentially triggering and/or upsetting content. i do not write triggering content to romanticize it; i occasionally write triggering content because i recognize it can serve as a form of comfort for readers and authors. if you think any of this post may cause you discomfort, please feel free to interact with one of my other posts.
warnings: mention of food, detailed talk of disordered eating, talk of feeling ill and vomiting
Being in a new relationship with a famous chef and battling an eating disorder at the same time is certainly not easy. I like Carmen, I really do, and I don't ever want to upset him. I've been avoiding food-related dates with him; usually we walk in the park or get coffee. But he's been begging me to let him make me dinner, and this last time I made up an excuse, the disappointed look on his face absolutely broke my heart.
"So, I'm not free tonight for dinner, but I uh, I can come over tomorrow?" I offer. He lights up, nodding.
"Y-Yeah, okay! I'll make you something nice, yeah?" He asks, but it's not really a question, more of a confirmation. He kisses the top of my head gently, rubbing my shoulder.
I watch as he walks out of my office door, closing it behind him. When I hear the latch, I sigh.
I'm already shaking when I knock on Carmen's apartment door. It swings open, revealing the beaming chef.
"Come in, 'm almost done, 'kay? Make yourself at home," he says sweetly, stepping aside to let me in.
Whatever he's decided to make smells delicious, but I can't appreciate it for long, because my stomach quenches, making the reality of it set in. I'm either not eating and offending Carmen, or I'm throwing up in his bathroom. Neither is a desirable outcome.
He looks beautiful while he cooks, so focused and in his element. He's plating his creation carefully for the both of us, like it's the final touch to his painting. He sets our plates at the table and smiles gently at me, signaling he's ready for me to join him. I'm not ready.
It feels like my whole body is convulsing as I walk over to the table and sit down. He's made a beautiful chicken fettuccine with a light cream sauce and peas. I pick through, trying to make it look like I'm eating, only collecting a few peas and small pieces of pasta on my fork.
"Hey, what's up?" Carmen asks. "Do you not like it?"
"No, it's not that, Carmy! It's good, I promise," I reassure him.
"What is it, hm? You can tell me. Are you vegetarian? Dammit, I knew I should've asked but I assumed-" he begins to ramble and I cut him off.
"I'm scared," I whisper. I can feel the crocodile tears forming, and one falls when he reaches out to rub my hand with his, moving his chair closer to mine.
"What're you scared of, baby?" He asks. I shake my head, but he's looking at me so intently, like he cares so much that I just break, sobbing.
"It's not you or your cooking, Carm! I promise! You're so good and so talented and I'm so proud of you! But I'm so fucking scared, Carmy." He nods and hums, his large palm rubbing soothingly between my shoulder blades. So I continue, "It's just a lot of food, and I can't really explain it, but it- it's just a lot of carbs and I don't want to gain weight and whenever I eat full meals it makes me so, so sick. I can't eat more than a couple of small snacks a day, otherwise I'm vomiting everything in my stomach," I sigh.
"It's okay, baby," he says softly. "We'll work through it, yeah? You never, ever have to eat everything I put in front of you. I want you to feel safe and comfortable with me, 'cause you make me feel safe and comfortable. But you gotta eat something, honey, y'can't starve yourself. Y'gotta eat balanced, too. Here, let's try."
He cuts a very small piece of chicken and puts it on my fork, holding it out for me to eat. I do, and he praises me. "Good job, I'm so proud of you. See? That's protein, it'll keep ya going. You don't even need that much, just a couple more bites, yeah?"
He continues to help me stomach enough food to keep my blood sugar up, praising me for every bite.
"I can't, Carmy, no more please. I'm starting to feel sick," I warn.
"Y'did good, okay? I'm so proud," he kisses my temple gently. "We'll keep working on it together. I'm here for you."
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withered-blossoms · 6 months ago
Obey me scenario...
WARNING: this is a very long ramble so if y'all don't like rambles, skip this uhh post. Also it's quite self-indulgent. Actual ramble under the cut. Also this is not proofread so there may or may not be typos.
Where the MC goes by a different name depending on who they're introducing themself to.
Like for example, the MC obviously has a birth name right? (Like one assigned to them by their parents and is used by family and human classmates). But what if they chose to use a nickname/alternate name to introduce themself to future/current acquaintances?
Like if I were to use myself as an example, let's say that my "actual/parent assigned name" is Blossom. And so my human realm classmates and family call me "Blossom". But for online friends and acquaintances/friends I make in future, I go by "Bloss"? (It could also be because they don't speak my language and usually pronounce it slightly inaccurately which IS NOT their fault but it would make their lives easier to have them refer to me as "Bloss").
And MC gets so used to using their "other/nickname" that when they get kidnap transported into the Devildom and they gotta state their name, by habit their nickname slips out of their mouth? And technically speaking it is indeed a name they go by? Maybe because they feel more comfortable using this nickname instead of their "actual/real name"?
Now we know that Diavolo hates being lied to and has the power to tell lies from truth to back it up, so do you think he'll think the human is lying deliberately? Or would his aura turn more threatening and serious and ask for their real name? I personally feel like I'll piss all of them off if I were to meet them for the first time. Why? Take a look below to see how the convo would've gone:
Diavolo: Welcome to the Devildom. I am Diavolo, the Crown Prince. How should we address you?
MC: Please call me (insert nickname) (absolutely natural but debating whether or not it would count as a valid answer)
Lucifer and Barbatos: ...
Diavolo: ... That is not your real name now is it? It would not do you any good to lie. (Aura probably turns threatening but his customer service smile is still present, most likely assuming that MC has a dishonest purpose for concealing their "real name" aka name given by parents)
MC: Your Highness, with all due respect, that is indeed a name. I have fulfilled your request, and it is indeed one that I go by and have gone by for quite a while now. ("You only asked for a name to refer to me by, you never asked for the one I was given since childhood." Would probably be added in their head. It would not do for them to spit something so...snarky and potentially rude out. They are in unknown territory and an unfamiliar environment after all. Holding their tongue here would be more advantageous)
Now assuming that they accepted, should MC decide to reveal their name.later, would it bring a lot of trouble paperwork-wise? They've been writing this name on all of their assignments, their Devildom ID displays their nickname, and all of the official documents are signed with this alias. Or perhaps when they've grown fond of the sacrificial little lamb, they will allow them to suddenly change their names via a short notice to all academic lecturers? As for their Identification Card and personal documents, the card will be updated/changed (either via magic or by getting a replacement) and the documents will have a note/update stating their real name?
Of course, if the MC is comfortable with only their newfound family (the constituent characters are naturally chosen by you, my dear reader) using their real name, then those with said honour will guard it with their lives. For those that are prone to slipping up, they will perhaps flounder a little and give the excuse of confusing the sheep with someone else (yes Mams my darling I'm looking at you). For Levi I think he'll continue to refer to MC as Henry anyways but then again it depends on your personal HCs.
For those in the cast but are not chosen to be the MC's super close ones, perhaps they'll be a little confused should anyone slip up while they are around. Cue more floundering until perhaps it gets out, but you know the cast's mouths are shut, so tightly they'll put gorilla glue to shame.
So worry not, your real name won't be slipping out to the RAD public. Despite what I mentioned about Mams earlier, you know he will guard your precious name like dragons with treasure. And he'll do admittedly one of the best jobs out of the cast.
Now assuming that they do not accept that reasoning, it could go two (for what I can think of now) ways.
1) MC continues debating.
Given Lucifer's displeasure, he would most likely chide the MC for their rudeness and Barbatos would, with a chilly smile, advise them not to use up all their chances. The brothers on the sidelines may whisper a bit between themselves but will not interfere since it's not like they'll save a random human stranger from their Prince and risk being on the receiving end of the wrath of the Fantastic Trio (if you know where this is from, you know *wink wonk* sorry, couldn't resist using this .... Interesting group name.)
When it gets to a very bad point where MC is perhaps dishing out their reasoning with possibly an annoyed tone by now, they will have to bet or hope. Hope that Diavolo would be magnanimous enough to allow them to use their alias down here and accept their alias as the name they go by since he can confirm the genuine discomfort they have with using their "actual name" and spot nearly no lies in the reasons they offered.
But if Lucifer and Barbatos happen to get a little iffy before their Prince gets mad, MC will have to bet that they would not jeopardise this exchange program by hurting them in any way or exchanging them for another human.
Or for those beyond the fourth wall, get rid of this exchange student they've selected, either out of rage or annoyance or for convenience and success, reset the timeline or make another timeline the sole reality and pick another exchange student. Basically MC will have to bet on their value and importance to the exchange program and bet that Diavolo would care enough about having stains or guilt/reminders on what he had done to the MC (if he were to smite them or wipe them out for the safety of his kingdom cuz he suspects that they have ulterior motives for hiding their name) because most royals don't.
But then again they have magic so should things come down to it they may just erase MC's memories and send them back to the human realm unsuspectingly, choose another human and move on.
Also, who's to say that Diavolo didn't have Barbatos look through the timelines and pick the one which goes most successfully before bringing MC down? (Yes, fanfictions expanding on the aftermath of Lesson 16 have been getting to my head and giving me a lot of ideas and scenarios)
Diavolo is the Crown Prince. Acting ruler of a whole kingdom. There is no way he would be willing to toss an uncertain factor into the equation without knowing the future. If I had the power / someone with the power to look into the future freely without much repercussions (on my kingdom that is and preferably the person but the priority is on the kingdom), I would use those powers to see how my plans go, especially since my citizens and my kingdom, my responsibility and the burden I have to shoulder alone, albeit sparingly.
But ultimately as a ruler, one's responsibilities come before one's emotions. It's the price they have to pay for the immense wealth and safety they were born with. With so many lives resting on his hands, there is no way a ruler as benevolent but also smart, intelligent (terrifyingly so), cunning and manipulative (I mean that as a compliment cuz those are what a ruler should have, to use it for good ofc don't get me wrong) as Diavolo would not take "cheat a little" and look at the answer to the question (like those reference/practice question books that yall's parents buy for you when huge examinations are near. Just me? Aight then—)
Anyways, the route honestly depends on what y'all choose/think/headcanon. I'm just adding a drop into the ocean in hopes that any writers will write a piece on this or perhaps expand on my idea or something. I would do it but I don't trust myself to serve or deliver, not when I know some in the fandom have repeatedly left absolutely no crumbs. (Yes I'm a Gen Z I just don't use slangs often don't @ me—)
2) MC begrudgingly accepts the use of their real name.
That's all for now, may add more/ a Part 2 of inspiration decides to pull a Truck-kun and isekai me somehow.
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9w1ft · 4 months ago
Hey… I like how this page is still chill and calm despite everything happening around. Because it’s so difficult to be a TS fan right now. Like what is happening? Not a single post acknowledging the election, decking herself in red, hanging out with those people :/ it’s getting difficult, because we interpret her clothes, everything she does. Shouldn’t we also interpret what she is showing right now?? I know it’s part of her job. But then couldn’t she have picked a more moderate player someone whose support systems don’t scream maga?? This is a deliberate choice she has made. To fill the pockets of people who are wildly conservative. It’s not even about Kaylor anymore. So many years since that documentary and her so called growth and for her to turn around and do this to her image. I just :/
i don’t think that there is any one correct way to react so please don’t take this as me trying to prescribe a certain way of thinking about it onto everyone, it’s just my way of taking things in. i deeply recognize and respect your sentiments. let me share a bit about where im coming from
i think firstly, i came into this thing in early 2018, during the first trump presidency, and so these big level developments are more like a return to the environment from which i started. i think that it is probably even harder if you’re a gaylor or kaylor that came in to things after 2020. not saying it can’t be hard anyway, it is, but i think this might help give a little background to my mindset
next, i always saw miss americana as a coming out documentary that was pivoted and transformed into an activism-adjacent documentary. at the time a lot of us foresaw what this issues with that would come to be, and i think a lot of us recognized that she was setting herself up for very big image issues unless she took the new direction of the documentary in stride, which some of us assumed would not be something to expect. like, we had hope, but we were able to recognize how nuanced her particular situation was. like i think for a lot of us, the line in anti hero “did you hear my covert narcissism disguised as altruism like some kind of congressman” meant a ton because it showed a level of self awareness about the situation that we all assumed she had but didn’t have many straightforward examples to point to that said as much.
also i think that her unsuccessful attempt to unseat marsha blackburn in 2020 probably sent her spiraling back into the mindset she was in in 2016. that is to say, and im sorry this is an armchair psychologist thing to say but its based on what i observed from miss americana, subsequent interviews, and some of the lyricism of midnights, that taylor might worry deeply that her actions might affect political races negatively, and she might even feel cursed, or afraid of ruining things, by saying something. i don’t want to get into what i or we might think about that from an ethics standpoint because i think it’s an endless conversation but i think its worth pointing out that there is a level of stress that she probably feels that may paralyze her in ways that might not make sense to you or i. once again, im just trying to offer a potential answer as to why, not to make some sort of excuse.
then, past 2020, with the way i see things with kaylor, i believe taylor re-prioritized to focus more on her loved ones than to feedback from her fans. does this explain every move she has made since? not entirely, but i think it is somewhat more understandable —at least to me— than the popular gaylor notion that taylor is single gay and trying to dismantle the system.. or dating some other woman, the potential options of which get floated around do not seem, to me at least, to be people whose circumstances would make it difficult for her to come out or to express her political opinion. the stakes are simply not there for me, so i find these possibilities less likely whereas i find kaylor to offer several more likely scenarios
i’m sorry.. ive rambled on again haven’t i.
as for the way things are going presently, it sure ain’t ideal!! but i’ve decided to believe that the majority of taylor’s decisions up until now were considered and implemented with some level of thought and intention on her part, weighing the benefits and risks to herself and to some extent, the world, but that her thought process and decision making is informed by information and pressures the likes of which you or i simply cannot fully know. i believe that, if i was in her shoes, i would be able to understand how grey a lot of the choices are for her. empirically speaking, a lot of them would still probably not make sense to me but, i believe my ability to understand would deepen.
i think for me what i have decided for myself is that blogging about kaylor here on tumblr is something that is interesting to me and fulfilling in all these weird internet ways, and that so long as i find it worthwhile to my life and so long as i keep meeting and hearing from you or others that tell me they appreciate my.. i guess.. more lighthearted?… approach to it? ill continue. i think its a kind of internet record worth keeping.
also, throughout the years i’ve just reconfirmed again and again for myself that we as fans really do not have an affect on taylor’s or karlie’s actions, especially contemporarily. and i think this has also lifted a little bit of the stress i used to place on myself under the assumption that maybe they might read some of our blogs or our feedback and that maybe i or we had some responsibility to affect them in some way. i just don’t think that’s the case, as they provedly do not listen to the big stuff. and even if they did, i doubt we have the background information needed to provide a truly informed opinion. and oh, i guess, maybe they check in idk idk idk who knows but, i now see this all as an activity in observation chiefly and maybe once in awhile if we are lucky, a comet might pass on by.
ack! i’m rambling again.
i guess one more parting thought related to this in a way is, when i came to tumblr back in 2018, there were a handful of blogs that had a similar setup or demeanor as my blog currently does, and, especially after late 2018, but late 2019 as well, and again in 2020, and i guess again in 2021 😆, i watched as one by one these types of blogs resigned or deactivated. and within this landscape, i recognized there was a need for blogs like these. if they all disappeared… well… it wouldn’t have been good for the ecosystem and the people living it. so as the years went by i continued to build my outlook and blog into what it is presently. hopefully it is useful or provides some space for you or other to unfurrow your brow for a second. rest is also important.
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xxduncandonutxx · 7 months ago
The proshit discourse is so funny to me because, you would think it would be obvious for the disgusting freaks of nature to know that "Hey, drawing problematic ships and such is... well, problematic" but I guess not.
Content warning: mentions of pedophilla, further discussive about proshitting, incest and so on.
Like, Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying YOU CAN'T write problematic or dark stories and subject matters but if you are going to romanticize them or treat them as a cutesy thing then that's when I'll have a problem. You need to handle heavy subject matters respectfully, don't be like Reitanna Seishin who admitted to enjoying same-sex incest and had written a story where a baby was born with a sexual addiction to the point that if the child doesn't do anything it'll have seizures and pass out (yes, that's an actual story that she is writing). I also seen proshitters trying to use so many excuses of why they make that sort of content, one of the comment excuses is "To deal with trauma" or even "My therapist says that I'm allow to draw/create this content because it helps me". Which if that is the case then... why not do it on a private account or away from the public? Because if you are going to draw proshit stuff or write proshit stuff as a way to cope with what happened to you in the past, you should do it in private because by posting it in the public you are feeding predators and abusers (or future abusers) this sort of stuff or even making the child think that this stuff is "okay" and "normal" (just like what happened to me in the past where unfortunately, I met a couple of people and use to listen to a certain YTber [*cough cough* reitanna seishin] and was convince that incest is "fine" as long as it's same sex couples... thank god I never wrote or created art of same sex incest or anything but still, it fucked me up and opened to me being groomed online). I highly suggest reading this comic which expands further on the topic.
Also as for the whole "Oh my therapist suggest me to write and draw this stuff" ....find a new therapist please. Because if that's really the case, that is very concerning if you're therapist is telling you to draw that shit and post it to the public. Because, I never heard of a therapist telling their patients to post cp or proshit content in the public where potential creeps can jack off to it... EDIT 31/07/24: Ummm... I just remember that I "did" made same sex incest art but it wasn't really art, it was a mlp next gen adoptable I made when I was younger... reminder, I was being influenced by certain users on deviantart (unoriginai and i forgot the other person's user) and the fact I was listening to Reitanna's stories about Jin and Gin (i think that's how you spell their names) and her rambling about how it's "fine" to create mlm/wlw incest. I did eventually I did "stop" by stop I mean someone suggested me to NOT call them next gens and call them fusions instead which I did, to this day I never made any fusion adoptables or next gens that were literally sibling x sibling or child x adult instead I just made normal next gen adoptables after I was kicked off of Deviantart and lost contact with my groomer(s) and one of my friends actually coming to me concern and explaining to me that this shit is not okay
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