Thinking I'm not afraid of you now.
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logan-fields-official · 17 days ago
Hey I have a request if you mind!
Reader x sbg character and reader is like crazy strong and is the same height as Ben but isn't a softie at all but more aggressive and always seems to find themselves in a fight.
Thank you for your time!
Hi! I don't mind at all!
SBG Main Six x tall Aggressive reader
Word count:3000
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She’s really weary of you. Though she’s weary of everyone. Ashlyn is small compared to you. Really small as she’s like 4’11 maybe 5’0 if she’s lucky. Ashlyn 100% has some strength, but it’s all for the most part in her legs so your stronger then her.
First Meeting:
Ashlyn and you first met on the first day of school. Not to long after she almost died to a shoe. She probably spotted you as your kind of hard to miss.
She would avoid you as she does everyone else. Though you end up in her history class next to her. You both first starting talking when you had noticed she was just wearing earbuds. You probably assumed she was listening to something and asked her what it was.
Ashlyn then ignored you as she does most people. Though Ashlyn did observe you a bit and noticed that you seemed quite bitchy and actually witnessed you fighting someone. So she figured you were like that with everyone.
Phantom dimension:
This was when Ashlyn realized that you weren’t really a bitch. You were just a big grump. Once you had warmed up to the group though you were pretty chill.
Ashlyn first realized this when you started getting protective of the group. She didn’t confirm her suspicions until one night she ended up twisting her ankle and you immediately went to her side to pick her up.
That’s also when she realized just how strong you were. Ashlyn wouldn’t focus to much on it, but she would keep that in mind for later. She would use it to the groups advantage.
Someone Makes Fun of /Catcalls Her:
You and Ashlyn most likely just stay inside so no one can mess with you or anything. Though one day while at school some random dudes were talking and who were checking out and cat calling girls.
Ashlyn and you were were walking by and then the dudes immediately started talking. They were saying things like ‘damn isn’t that the flexible chick? I met her flexibility comes in handy.’
Ashlyn just huffed and like most people ignored them, but you immediately snapped around and started yelling at the dudes. They were flabbergasted that someone was yelling at them. They just snorted and acted like it wasn’t a big deal.
You kept on trying to get them to get them to apologize and when they refused to you fucking SOCKED the shit out of the guy. This started a big fight. After said fight Ashlyn was nice enough to help patch you up.
He’s really curious and slightly weary about you. He just isn’t sure if you should be around his cousin because of his past issues and your history of always getting fights. Which Aiden learns about really quick. Your Taller then Aiden as he stands at 5’4.
First Meeting:
First time you met Aiden was at a store. Aiden was being his usual big back self and was buying snacks. He wanted one of the snacks on the top shelf, but before he could even attempt to climb the shelves to get it, you had reached up and grabbed it for him.
You immediately peeked Aidens curiosity and chattiness cause it’s well Aiden. He’s a very chatty person. Aiden immediately started talking to you and was very excited.
The next day Aiden was at school chatting with Ben when out of the corner of his eye he saw you. You were arguing with some dude and it looked like it was gonna get hella violent. This made Aiden hesitate about befriending you cause well his cousin had anger issues and didn’t need to be around stuff like that.
Phantom Dimension:
By the time y’all where in the phantom dimension Aiden got to know you a lot better and you were actually pretty caring once people got to know you.
This mainly showed when every time Aiden tried to do something stupid you’d either try to stop him or if your to late you help Ben patch him up and scold him.
Aiden knows how strong you are it’s obvious and he fucking loves it. All the time he’s asking you to carry him on your shoulders or lift him up so he can get something he shouldn’t.
Someone Makes Fun of/Catcalls Him:
Aidens the kind of person to honestly not care if someone makes fun of him, he has no shame in the things he does. You and Aiden had planned to hang out at the park one day. Though when you got to the park you say some girl talking to Aiden and she did not seem happy.
You were not about to let people talk crap about Aiden so you walked up to them and told the lady to back off. The girl of course was very snobby and just starts yelling at both of you for literally no reason Karen. That’s when the Karen made the worse mistake of her life, she smacked Aiden for no reason.
You just snapped and of course without using excessive force tackled the girl to the ground and just had her pinned. Police were called and that girl got in huge trouble.
At first he doesn’t like you like at all. I mean Ben has history with getting into some nasty fights and he regretted it and hasn’t been a fight until Barron. He didn’t want to get into that habit again. Your not taller then Ben, but you are slightly stronger.
First Meeting:
Ben was just walking in the hallway with Aiden and the rest of the group. When they heard laughing from the corner of the hall. There you and the rest of Barron’s group were. That’s when Ben and the others noticed the man on the group, all bruised. You also had some bruises.
That made Ben think you were just a bully… and we all know how Ben feels about bullies. Ben just avoided you after that. He also didn’t let anyone else go near you. One day you and Ben got paired up for a project.
After a moment of awkward silence you attempted to make small talk with Ben to which he obviously didn’t respond you then said ‘oh not much of a talker? That’s fine I like filling in silence.’ After a while of you talking Ben started to realize that your not as mean as you acted.
Phantom Dimension:
You and Ben are like the perfect duo in the phantom dimension. He’s practically your personal medic. He always ends up having to bandage you up or take care of you. At first you refused his help claiming that you’ve been hurt before and that it isn’t a big deal.
One day while in the phantom dimension you and Ben were both paired up in the phantom dimension. You being the careless person you are ended up a bloody cut up mess by the end of the mission. This lead to Ben taking care of you.
After a while of Ben watching over you he noticed that you were practically asleep since you really had nothing better to do. Ben being the sweetheart he is offered you his shoulder. To which you refused claiming you weren’t tired. That didn’t last long as a couple minutes later you had slumped against Ben fast asleep on his shoulder.
Someone Makes Fun of/Catcalls Him:
Whenever Ben gets bullied he seems like the kind of person to just put his earbuds in and ignore said person. This is exactly what he was planning on doing.
Let’s gets some background information. Ben was just chilling out in the hallways enjoying the peace and quiet and since Ben is known as a gentle giant sometimes dumb people try to bully him.
That’s exactly what happened. Some dumb group of kids decided to try and bully Ben while you were with him. Ben being himself just put his headphones in and ignored them. The kids didn’t like that and ended up snatching Bens earbuds out.
Before Ben could do anything you being the aggressive person you are ended up smacking the dude making him fall to the floor and grabbed Bens earbud back.
Fucking terrified of you. Logan deals with bullies all the time and well not only do you hang out with Barron, but you just seem and give off nasty bully vibes. Your a bit taller then him and way stronger. I mean a LOT stronger. Logan 100% has some strength, but you could fucking rag doll him.
First Meeting:
You were apart of Barron’s group that’s how y’all met through Barron. You unlike the rest of the group was actually quite nice, to certain people (the group). Though you had this tough aggressive personality you didn’t like bullying people, well except the bullies.
Logan was one of the victims. Barron and his group one day had Logan shoved against a wall and were gonna beat him up. You had enough, you placed a hand on Barron’s shoulder. Barron turned around, but before he could speak you ended up punching him right in the jaw.
Logan was shocked and instead of being as scared of you as he originally was he started to warm up to you. You brought him to the nurse and patched him up. Logan was still confused as to why you were doing this, but he still let you.
Phantom Dimension:
Yes Logan’s everyone’s look out, but he’s mainly yours. He thought Aiden did risky shit in the phantom dimension, but your worse. You full on don’t give to shit if you don’t have a weapon or how close the phantom is, you would quickly put yourself in danger to help the group.
One time while the group was running away from some phantoms, you had heard a noise to your right. There was a phantom and it had jumped out at Logan and he wouldn’t have had time to pull his gun.
You with no hesitation lunged forward and push Logan out of the way. This causes the phantom to miss Logan, but instead tackle you straight to the ground it’s claws going through your stomach. Thankfully yall were right outside the gate and Logan drags you in after shooting the phantom.
This ends in Logan helping Ben patch you up and him doing stuff for you because he feels so guilty for not reacting quick enough causing you to protect him.
Someone Makes Fun of/Catcalls Him:
Ha! This person should be praying for mercy. The moment someone even looks at Logan wrong you have a massive issue with them and as much as Logan appreciates you sticking up for and caring about him he doesn’t like you getting to fights at all.
One day while you and Logan were hanging out at the library, some random dude decided that he had a issue with you and Logan because y���all seemed to close to him. Though that might have been because you were holding Logan up by the waist so he could get a book he wanted.
The male marched right up to you and Logan after you sat him down and immediately started yelling at you two. He was going on about how that’s not something to do in public or how guys shouldn’t be doing stuff like that. You were quick to argue back.
Since Logan didn’t want you to get into a fight he tried to calm you down and leave. This did work and you were about to leave when the dude muttered ‘Fag*ot’ this made you with no hesitation turned around and KNOCK THE FUCK out of the male. He immediately hit the ground hard with a bloody nose. Logan dragged you out with him.
Taylor’s the kind of person to think that there’s always some good in people no matter how they look or come off as. That means that Taylor was more then willing to give you a chance even if you come off as mean. Your taller then her by about 4 inches and a LOT stronger.
First Meeting:
Taylor and you ended up meeting in school during history. It was the same as normal you got put into their group and let y’all talk for a bit.
You didn’t really talk, but Taylor was quick to fill in the silence. This led to you and Taylor developing some type of love-hate relationship.
The first fight Taylor saw you in she saw the whole thing. The dude walked up to you then just punched you. Of course you immediately retaliated and started beating the shit out of the kid.
After said fight Taylor ended up dragging you to the nurse and patched up any injuries you had.
Phantom Dimension:
This is one of the few times you get along really well with Taylor’s twin Tyler. Every time you or Tyler go on a mission you or Tyler stay back and keep an eye on Taylor.
This leads to you and Taylor spending a lot of time together. You usually end up hurt because you try to protect Taylor and the others. Taylor doesn’t like this and feels guilty, but loves the fact that you care about her and the group.
Taylor and you whenever you can end up taking naps, though you tend to stay up and keep watch while Taylor sleeps.
Someone Makes Fun of Her:
Taylor had force you into a some spa day with her. That’s how you both ended up in some spa room. Taylor was giggling and just being the sweetheart she is chatting with people and helping people when needed.
With you just being a big old grump. You were complaining about how girly it was and all that. Taylor just laughed and said that you just have fragile masculinity. You huff and rolled your eyes. You honestly didn’t really have an issue with this you just wanted to be difficult. That all changes though when some dude starts flirting with Taylor.
Taylor being the sweetheart she is kindly turns the dude down, but he doesn’t listen. This pisses you off and before you and Taylor left you promised Tyler you’d protect her. That’s how you ended up just SOCKING the SHIT out of the dude and dragged Taylor with you to go somewhere else.
Tyler in the beginning 100% HATED you. He despised you, he didn’t want to be around you, he didn’t want you around his sister, he didn’t want you in his or Taylor’s classes. Your barely taller then him as he’s 5’10-5’11. Your stronger then him not by some crazy amount, but your still stronger than him.
First Meeting:
You and Tyler never physically talked until history class. Though Tyler has seen you around the school hanging out with people like Barron a lot. This just lead Tyler to think of you as a massive bitch.
Honestly you and Tyler had probably gotten into a physical fight with each other before. You had just barely won and you both had bruises, cuts, and blood.
It didn’t get much better in history especially when you both were paired up in the same group. When y’all get sent to the phantom dimension together you were really helpful.
Tyler first started to warm up to you when he noticed that you were being nice to Taylor, but not overly nice like you had a crush on her. Then slowly yet surely you and Tyler started to develop a friendship.
Phantom Dimension:
Oh the groups HATES you and Tyler both going on missions or trying to do stuff together. You two bicker back and forth a LOT. It’s annoying and honestly pisses the group off so they leave y’all for the most part separated.
Though one time you and Tyler both had gotten lost from the group. Tyler was flipping out and blaming it on you just because he was panicking and angry since he couldn’t keep an eye on Taylor.
Thanks to Tyler’s separation anxiety he was panicking a lot. This lead to you awkwardly trying to calm him down and comfort him. In the end you had managed to calm Tyler down. You both found some cave area to rest for a bit, though you both feel asleep.
The others of course were looking around for you and Tyler like crazy especially Taylor. After a while the group managed to find you both, but what they weren’t expecting was to see you and Tyler both fast asleep laying against each other.
After you and Tyler both wake up instead at being at your throat Tyler is strangely nice to which you also start to be nice to him.
Someone Makes Fun of Him:
I honestly don’t feel like anyone makes fun of Tyler because we’ll it’s Tyler. He’d have no problem putting someone in their place or knocking the shit out of them. That’s just how Tyler is, a massive hot head.
Though one day one person was stupid enough to come and try to mess with Tyler while you, him, and Taylor were all hanging out. They were saying all kinds of stupid shit about him and Taylor. Sometimes even you get commented on.
You and Tyler just looked at each other for a moment before you both start yelling and insulting the bully back. Even insult he said you and Tyler retaliated back with one a lot more hurtful.
Originally you both were just gonna insult the kid, but then he said something about Tyler’s family and Tyler immediately started throwing hands. You started laughing and cheering Tyler on until one of the dudes friends decided he was gonna join the fight and try to help him beat up Tyler.
You with no hesitation also joined the fight which lead to you and Tyler beating the shit out of two kids. Until Taylor managed to pull you both off.
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logan-fields-official · 29 days ago
Hiiiii! I love the way you write and I saw your bingo so I wanted to ask you would you do a pânic attack headcanon with the Sbg gang?
Hi! I’m so glad you like the way I write! I’m warning everyone who reads this right now. Yeah I have had panic attacks before, but I haven’t had any in a long time so I’m sorry if this doesn’t match up very well with what a panic attack is like! Also there's a chance I'm gonna be writing a lot more for a while. I got suspended from school. So yeah!
Warnings: panic attack, mentions of deaths/injuries
SBG Main Six x Reader who has a panic attack.
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This probably happened not to long into first going to the phantom dimension. So let's say you knew Ashlyn before hand and you were her only friend until the others showed up. Let's say that yall had just made it to the boys rooms not to long ago. You were freaking out cause like wtf why wouldn't you be there's literally demonic creatures after y’all.
You left the main room to head into the living room. You sat down on the couch away and out of sight. Trying to calm down. Ashlyn happened to notice your absence after Ben bandaged her up and she went looking for you.
Ashlyn notices you out of the corner of her eye and makes her way over to you. Ashlyn is a very observant person so she's quick to notice the signs of a panic attack, shallow breathing, trembling, etc. She's immediately went right up to you to make sure your alright. Though she stays a small distance away cause one she's not a touchy person and two a lot of people don't like to be touched when they have a panic attack.
Ashyln would probably have a basic idea on what to do as well idk she just gives me them vibes. She would speak to you in a soft tone trying to ground you. She would also try to distract you by saying things like "hey look at me. Breathe with me okay?" Or she'd do the 3 3 3 trick. For those that don't know the 333 trick is a thing for panic attacks it means 3 things you see, 3 things you hear, 3 things you feel.
Now as we know Ashlyn can be quite blunt. So she won't sugarcoat your guy's situation or how bad and weird it is. Though she can and will figure out a way to word it that reassures without sugarcoating it. Now after your panic attack Ashlyn would check in on you every now and then and make sure your alright.
This happened during Aiden's death. Not only did you freak out in the phantom dimension, but you also freaked out in the real dimension. You immediately jerked up and quickly make your way to Aiden. Who was shaking, as you tried to wake him up.
Of course as we remember Aiden had managed to pull through it and claimed to be okay. He looked around for a moment before his eyes focused on you. You looked like you were panicking BAD. And Aiden as he's most likely had panic attacks before was quick to recognize the signs of a panic attack.
Aiden would be quick to comfort you and would actually be really good at calming someone down as he dealt with a lot of emotional struggles in his life. He'll speak to you softly saying like like "breath, in through your nose, put through your mouth." Or he honestly probably knows some tricks like the 333 method or the 555 method.
Aiden as we know doesn't really seem to understand personal space all that well, but he remembers how when he has a panic attack he doesn't like being touched so he doesn't touch you. He would just try to help calm you down verbally. Unless you cling onto him, then he'll just place a comforting hand on your back or hold your hand.
Aiden is a very good distraction during well anything really. If you end up wanting a distraction or something to listen to don't worry he can yap forever. And he won't leave out a single detail. He'll tell you anything interesting he saw, crazy stupid stuff he's done, things he still wants to try. If you want silence he'll just sit there with you probably end up breaking the silence a lot while you cling onto him.
This happened while everyone was in the graveyard. You had wondered off to get away from all the noise for a little while. Which ended up being a bad idea as you just ended up overthinking. This ended up making you have a panic attack, but not to fear Ben found you with your head on your knees. Now when Ben first approached you I feel like he probably scared you because of how quiet he is.
Ben was quick to take action when he realized you were having a panic attack. If anything or anyone comes over that you didn't want near you or to see you like this. He'd either have them move or lead you to a more quiet spot.
As we know Ben for the most part doesn't talk outloud so this will be one of the few times you hear his voice. He'd stay very quiet the whole time he talks practically whispering. Ben would honestly look up some breathing exercise video and do the breathing exercise with you.
Ben if your okay with it will give you a hug and like many other people have said Ben gives the best hugs. There always so warm and not to tight. After you calm down Ben would give you a moment to collect your thoughts and if you want to talk to him, he'll listen.
This happened when Logan got hurt by the phantom in the bus. You were there with you Logan. You had managed to just barely move out of the way of the phantom, but that just made the phantom hit Logan instead as he was was next to you. After which the others killed the phantom. You and the others stared at Logan while he asked how bad it was. You were panicking cause your head wouldn't shut up about how it was your fault that you shouldn't have moved so that Logan wouldn't have gotten hurt. How it was on you, all your fault. This just caused you to panic BADLY. After a moment Logan would be able to tell you were showing signs of a panic attack.
At first Logans shock and honesty kind of panicked. He was also confused why were you having a panic attack. Not like that matters at that exact moment. He'd freeze for moment thinking about what to do, but his concern and the fact that Logan knows how to help people through panic attacks as he's had PLENTY.
Logan would hesitantly ask if your okay, being careful not to overwhelm you, but make sure you know he's there and that he isn't going anywhere. Logan wouldn't know exactly what to say in that moment, but he would eventually get out a soft, shy, hesitant "I'm here... your not alone in this..."
Since Logan has delt with panic attacks and anxiety, so he'd be aware of physical touch can be during a panic attack. If you allow him to he'll awkwardly hold your hand or rub your back. Logan 100% knows all the methods like the 33 3 method, the 555 method etc. You can count on him to rambling all about his interests if It will help calm you down.
Logan would feel guilty for not being able to stop your panic attack right away, but reminds himself that sometimes it just takes awhile to calm down. Logan after would use it as a learning moment to remember what helped you, what didn't help you, and what he could do better.
This happened one day while you were spending the day at the Hernandez's house. You were alone in Taylor's room by yourself and you were overthinking just panicking about the phantom dimension. Then you started panicking about a lot of things which triggered a panic attack. Taylor had happened walk in not to long later to you having a panic attack on her bed.
Taylor was quick to go check on you. If your fine with physical contact she'll hold hold both of your hands rubbing them gently with her palms. Taylor as we know is very sweet so she's quick to reassure you that everything's okay, she won't leave you, that your safe. Her voice is soft and warm.
Taylor would notice your breathing was off and make you do breathing exercises with her to try and help calm you down. Taylor would try to calm you down by distracting you with things you love or by just rambling about random things.
Taylor is a whole different person though if it was someone who sent you into a panic attack and is not against telling the person off. After your panic attack Taylor would stay near if you want her to. She'd tell you to rest and come cuddle with you if thats what you want
This happened at the hospital after Tyler woke up. You had been muttering to yourself pacing slightly in the waiting room. Yapping to yourself something about how you should have tried harder, how you should have known he was gonna fall, how you should have been there not Tyler. All this panicking triggered a panic attack to the point you didn't even realize Tyler there with the others.
Tyler's first reaction would be blunt and aggressive, which isn't ideal. He's a protective person he just doesn't really know how exactly to handle strong emotions, especially other people's strong emotions. He'd probably try to snap you out of it real quick by shaking you and saying "what the fuck is happening?! Snap out of it dumbass!" He doesn't mean anything by it he's panicking. Tyler would end up frustrated not at you, but with how he thought that was a good idea. Tyler if you allow him to get closer to you he'd either help you sit down or he'll guide you somewhere quieter
Tyler isn't a very comforting person so he's very awkward when he tries to comfort you. He wants to help you he really does he just doesn't want to look like a mess. Though Tyler isn't a very touchy person if it will help you calm down he'll do something small like pull you into his side, a hand on your shoulder, or if you'd prefer you can wear his jacket.
Tyler doesn't often show his emotions openly or really at all unless it's anger. Though if your ever about to have a panic attack or if you get badly anxious again he'll do small things for you to calm you down. He might even throw in a quick "stop overthinking, your fine."
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logan-fields-official · 1 month ago
hii!!! I seen your trope bingo post and I think the trope 'shut tf up" kiss one would be a perfect trope for tyler, he seems like the type of person to do that like when readers talking to much/panicked/mad that sorta thing lol 😭
Have a good day/night :3
Hi! You saw correctly! Doing this one first since it’ll be quicker then the other.
Tyler Hernandez X Reader
Shut tf up kiss
Okay the first time this happened was probably in the bus not to long before you and others were gonna go back to the phantom dimension.
You were sitting next to Tyler and just yapping his ears off. Going on about how it’s not safe in the phantom dimension and why did this happen to y’all of all people. Before you also start rambling about all the missing work you have.
Tyler honestly looked like he was about to tell you to shut the fuck up, but he decided to be a bit nice and instead ended up leaning in and kissing you. No hesitation just a quick smooch and an annoyed ‘dumbass shut the fuck up.’
This left you flustered and speechless looking at Tyler in complete shock as he usually isn’t the most affectionate person. Tyler would lean back wrap his arm around you and say ‘I’m serious stop worrying. We’ll all get through this together.’
Talking to much:
This happened while you were at the Hernandez's house. You and Tyler were in his room with you sitting on his bed while he sat at his desk. Tyler was kust trying to study, but you wanted attention.
So what's a better way then to just yap his ear off? That's how you ended up walking up to Tyler plopping on his lap like you wanted to cuddle. Tyler though a little flustered let you stay there as you weren't causing any issues yet. That's when you started talking. Just talking about random things.
Tyler grumbled softly suddenly not able to focus on his work. He tried nicely telling you to be quiet, but you were in your own little world just talking about anything that came to mind.
It annoyed Tyler a lot. So he did that first thing that came to mind and asked if you understood one of the problems he was working on. You took your head off if his shoulder, but the moment you went to turn your head, he grabbed your chin and ended up kissing you before shoving your head back down and saying something like 'look I love you, but seriously shut up I'm trying to study.'
This happened while you all were in the graveyard. Aiden probably did some dumb shit and you were scolding the shit out of him. Aiden was just giving you his usual smile.
This just mad you mad he did something stupid and hurt himself now you were there bandaging him because Ben was busy. Aiden was just yapping over your scolding.
You just sigh and clamp a hand over his mouth so he would shut up. Tyler (because Taylor made him) went to go calm you down. He just walked up to you gave you a quick kiss and told you to calm down.
You just pause letting go of Aiden and watch Tyler as he walked away acting like nothing happened. Though if you looked close enough you could see a light blush coloring his cheeks.
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logan-fields-official · 1 month ago
Hey guys request closed for now until I get these three requests out!
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logan-fields-official · 1 month ago
Hi everyone! Because I want to write more, but also play a game with y’all I made a trope bingo! You can pick anything on the bingo card for any of my fandoms! Just be specific if you want multiple people and for certain things like jealousy, angst, distracting affection if you want it to be the reader or the character(s)!
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logan-fields-official · 1 month ago
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Yes I know it’s not Christmas anymore, but this has been on my mind for a while now.
Word count: 2,463
Warning: possibly out of character?
This probably happened in Aidens house cause I don’t believe Ashlyn would even hang up mistletoes at her house. Aiden probably thought it would be fun to put them up. Ashlyn seems like the type to know about the tradition but never physically participate in it so she forgot about it.
At first Ashlyn was confused as to why Aiden started Ooooing at her. Ashlyn raised a brow and glanced at Aiden, confused until Aiden pointed up. Ashlyn saw the mistletoe and shrugged. “So what it’s just a mistletoe?” And that response made the others giggle/snicker as they shove you under the mistletoe with Ashlyn.
This causes you to squeak out and glance at Ashlyn awkwardly and slightly red faced. This just made Ashlyn more confused until Taylor reminded her of the tradition. Kissing whoever you get stuck until the mistletoe with.
This girl is panicking so bad, but all you see is some blank ass stare and maybe a hint of red on her face.
Now your probably taller then Ashlyn so if y’all do actually decide to kiss if you start it you just tilt her head up, but if she starts it she probably yanks you down with enough force to hurt.
Of course she’ll be sorry, but she wouldn’t apologize right away as after the kiss she’s to flustered to even look at you. The kiss is 100% on her mind for the next week.
Not Dating:
She’s panicking and her normal get your hands off of me self. Honestly she’s probably jolted back when you moved even the slightly hint towards her. She’s bright red the whole time.
This just causes the others to laugh so bad. To which Ashlyn just sends them a glare. If you do manage to get close enough to kiss her, she’s probably really stiff.
Now when you did lean in to kiss her, she chickened out last second and snapped her head to the side causing you to kiss her on the cheek. She was flabbergasted and ended up shoving you back.
Because of that kiss though later on in the day she did manage to confess to you.
Again This probably happened in Aidens house. His family seems like the type to decorate and I mean DECORATE. I’m talking lots of Christmas lights, they probably have some inflatable Santa, multiple Christmas trees, and of course the most important detail mistletoes.
This time though instead of the group noticing the mistletoe first Aiden does. You'd just so happen to walk under one of the many mistletoes in his house. Aiden would just give him signature smile and walk over to you with a hint of a blush on his face. He'd talk to you for a minute then look up and be like 'oh? Would you look at that, we're under a mistletoe. You know what that means
That had caught the others attention and Taylor had glaced up and started giggling when she noticed the mistletoe. Aiden would then state with mock innocents that you two now have to kiss in some form of way because of the mistletoe.
This boy is practically jumping with joy and of course just so happened to have an energy spike at that moment with him twitching and fidgeting a bit. And he grabbed your hand to mess with it asking if you were up for it.
Now you either to embarrassed to kiss him in front of the others or you went through with it and kissed Aiden. Aiden of course didn't give two shits that the others were there he just wanted an excuse to kiss you.
If you do end up kissing its probably a very sweet kiss. He'd pull you closer and either lean down, look up, or just tilt his head to the side and with no hesitation give you a kiss. He has no shame
If your to embarrassed to kiss him in front of the others he might pout a bit, but he wouldn't force you. Though the moment the others aren't looking/aren't around he'd managed a quick peck on the lips.
Not Dating:
100% is blushing a lot more. I mean like blushing in that one episode when Ashlyn grabs his hand. Though I believe for Aiden whenever he's embarrassed his face doesn't turn that red, but his ears do. And he's fucking panicking internally so bad.
He'd make sure your okay with him kissing you before he does anything. If you agree he is fucking overwhelmed with excitement and joy. He'll carefully pull you closer maybe hesitate a second before kissing you to give you time to back out. The kiss was short and sweet.
He's blushing so bad whenever you guys pull back, but you can tell he enjoyed it from the huge dazed smile. That would 100% give him the confidence to confess.
Surprise! Aidens house cause I can’t think of anything else. He was probably trying to avoid all of the mistletoes as he helped put them up so he knew where they all were.
Aiden noticed that Ben was avoiding all of the mistletoes and he knew about his fat crush on you. So Aiden being Aiden came up with a plan.
You, Ben, and Lily were all just chilling in the living room just cuddled up under some blankets watching a movie. That’s when Aiden decided to put his plan into motion. He grabbed a mistletoe and held it over you and Ben.
When Ben noticed Aiden and the mistletoe in his hand he flushed bright red and tensed up. You noticed him tense up and glance around to find out what’s wrong. That’s when you see Aiden and your face also flushes red.
Aiden just smirks and claims that you and Ben have to kiss now. This just causes Ben to turn an even deeper shade of red as he glances away awkwardly.
If you two do share a kiss it’s quick very quick just a soft peck as he’s very nervous in front of the others and well he heard Lily just being a kid and ew-ing at you and him.
If you or him end up backing out, Aiden would be disappointed and continue trying to get you two to kiss. In the end Aiden, while you and Ben were distracted talking to each other ended up pushing both your heads together. It didn’t go as planned and y’all were just in pain.
Not Dating:
Really and I mean really nervous. He’d probably try to cover your eyes before you see Aiden, but he was already to late. He still covers your face though.
Aiden just laughs like a maniac the whole time and teases Ben. Lily was confused and asked what was happening. When Aiden told her she squealed and honestly probably unintentionally exposed him. Just some child whisper or ‘you can kiss them now like your in a fairytale isn’t that what you wanted?”
This makes Ben flush an even deeper shade of red and with some encouragement not only from Aiden and Lily, but also the way your face is red. With his hand still covering your eyes he leans in and gives you a quick peck.
Okay let’s try a new place? Let’s try Logan’s house. You had came over around Christmas so they were decorating and you decided to help. Logan’s grandparents adore you. They are so happy Logan has some good friends(or more).
In fact since his grandparents could tell Logan had a crush on you and they liked you. They set Logan up. It wasn’t Logan’s idea for you to come over it was theirs. That’s how you ended up in the Fields house.
Logan’s grandparents knew exactly what they were doing when they had Logan hold you up so you could put the mistletoe in it’s place. The moment Logan sat you down they immediately spoke up about how you were both under the mistletoe.
Still panicking so fucking bad. There is no way this boy has kissed you yet. So this would end up being y’all’s first kiss and his actual first kiss. He immediately stiffened and looked at his grandparents like a deer in headlights.
Once he’s calmed down enough to speak he’d act like a kid immediately saying ‘GRANDMA?!?’ Like what she said was the most embarrassing thing in the whole world. His grandparents would just laugh at him and honestly you did to.
He would not be the one to kiss you. In fact he’d probably just start rambling about why that’s the worse idea he’s ever heard and that you probably don’t want him to. Of course you shut him up by snagging ahold of his sweater and pressing your lips against his.
He squeaked and immediately froze. His brain quite literally shut down. His face was bright red and he felt like he was gonna pass out. Of course after a moment he melted into the kiss. Then he remembered his grandparents were there squeaked again and backed away from you covering his face.
Not Dating:
Bright red. That’s all you can say. And I’m talking the whole nine yards (that’s a saying right?) his whole face is bright red, his ears are bright red, and his neck is red. He is blushing like no tomorrow and he looks like he’s about to pass out.
He’d honestly try to walk away, but his grandparents just kept on teasing him. He had his head down and eventually agreed after you did. He’d try so so so hard to follow through and kiss you, but he was hit FULL FORCE with some  top-tier embarrassment.
He actually almost passed out his anxiety was through the roof. And he ended up resting his head on your shoulder. You laughed and told him it was alright and help him sit down. Of course you did manage to sneak a little kiss on the cheek, which just made it worse. He could couldn’t talk or look at you for the next couple hours.
Let’s make this at the Hernandez’s house. Taylor 100% invited you over to hang out. It was her idea, she honestly doing it to also make Tyler have no choice, but to be nice to you.
They had the normal amount of decorations for Christmas including mistletoes. Taylor seems to be one of the most confident people in the group. So she honestly probably planned this.
You were both just chilling in her room. She was just yapping and honestly you were to. At some point though you quieted down and just listen yo Taylor talk. Until she held something above your head… a mistletoe.
She was really giggly while doing this. She knew exactly what she was doing. She wanted to kiss you and she was going to kiss you. She just gave you an excited smile while her face was slightly red.
If you do end up kissing Taylor you might wanna hope Tyler doesn’t walk in. Or else you’ll have to deal with overprotective brother. It would be a really sweet kiss. You could feel her smiling and trying not to giggle.
Tyler would see the both of you later with Taylor giggling with a red face. He raised a brow at the two of you, but surprisingly he wouldn’t question the two of you. You and Taylor just ended up cuddling the rest of the day.
Not Dating:
She’s still giggly, but she’s really giggly now. She’s blushing and it’s really noticeable. She’d swing the mistletoe slightly and ask if you wanna kiss.
If you agree she is overjoyed. And doesn’t hesitate to lean in and give you a kiss. She’s very happy and has a huge smile on her face.
If you say no it’s because Tyler just had to walk in at that moment. When Taylor noticed Tyler she practically LAUNCHED the mistletoe across the room her face turning bright red. Tyler just ended up giving you the whole you better not break her heart or I’ll break your neck talk.
Again at the Hernandez house. Taylor invited you over for dinner because one you and her are friends and two she knows even if Tyler won’t admit it that he has a fat crush on you. Oh and yes Taylor didn’t tell Tyler that she invited you over.
When Tyler saw you in his house he froze just for a minute. Before immediately going back to his grumpy self. Taylor honestly was the one to get you two under the mistletoe. She called both you and Taylor into the living room and the moment you both step into the living room she points up.
There right above yours and Tyler’s head is a mistletoe. Tyler immediately flushed red, but tries to hide it by just grumbling and calling the mistletoe tradition stupid.
He’s fake cocky and tough when he’s literally panicking on the inside. He’s grumble thinking you helped Taylor plan this and say something like ‘if you wanted a kiss you could have just asked.’
Yet when it comes to actually kissing you he’s surprisingly flushed and hesitant. Like he doesn’t want you to hate the kiss. He does manage to kiss you though and honestly he’s a lot more red then what he was. Don’t tease him about it though or your getting a pillow to your face.
Taylor was so happy when you and Tyler kissed as if she didn’t know that you two were dating. Tyler and you 100% end up kissing more throughout that day as Taylor kept on randomly holding mistletoes above yours and Tyler’s head.
Not Dating:
Panicking big time panicking. He’d seen Taylor a small glare for doing this to you two. He’d glance at you awkwardly and then try to act calm and collected asking if you wanted to kiss him.
If you say yes not only would Tyler seem to get more awkward, but Taylor would immediately squeal in delight and honestly that probably got their moms attention. Who ended up walking in and as soon as she walked in she paused.
There you and Tyler were sharing a small kiss, after you two pulled away Tyler was grumbling his face noticeably more red. His mom might speak up with something like ‘awh my sons all grown up’ which just causes Tyler to get even more flustered looking away to hide his blush.
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logan-fields-official · 1 month ago
OKAY HI EVERYONE!!! Anyways I joined this community it’s for new/young writers and it’s by one of my favorite writers!
Here’s link https://www.tumblr.com/communities/the-young-dreamers
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logan-fields-official · 1 month ago
I would like a Ashlyn Banner x Fem reader fic where prom is right around the corner and everyone is making their prom proposals, Fem reader who has had a crush on Ashlyn for years wanted to ask her but has already accepted the fact that probably Ashlyn likes Aiden, and Aiden likes her back. So as a best friend does she steps aside and helps Aiden with his prom proposal for Ashlyn and the rest of the gang with theirs (aside from Ashlyn since she told them she isn’t going). Meanwhile Ashlyn is at home trying to think of a way to ask fem reader to prom, eventually Ashlyns parents caught wind of this and decided to help her out. Aiden asked Ashlyn out a few days later and she rejected, and later on asked fem reader to go to prom with her (you know the rest☺️🫶) (the dance and stuff)
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Ashlyn Banner x Female reader
Just a quick story because my work is up through the roof right now😭😭😭
It was around the end of the school year and prom season had arrived. The halls of school was filled with excitement and anticipation. Flyers were plastered all over classrooms, and couples whispered promises to each other as they locked in their date plans. Amongst the crazy crowd of students, you watched as Aiden gathered his courage to ask Ashlyn to prom. Somehow, it felt like a familiar script you had read/ watched too many times but never got the leading role in. Throughout the time you’ve spent with the group, your crush on Ashlyn had quietly bloomed, like the delicate petals of a flower, yet you had managed to convinced yourself it was a lost cause. Aiden and Ashlyn seemed like the perfect match to you — he was loud and energetic, with an infectious smile. Ashlyn was quiet and actually thought things through. So they seemed perfect like they’d balance each other out. The two of them together would be that of a teenage dreams, and you resigned yourself to the role of the best friend: the supportive pillar, the constant in the background. As the days carried on, you found yourself helping Aiden brainstorm ideas for his prom proposal to Ashlyn, while stealing glances at the girl you adored from afar. With her ginger hair in braids, freckles dusting her cheeks, and her slate green eyes, she only deepened your infatuation. However, Ashlyn had made it clear to everyone in the group — including you — that she didn’t plan on going to prom. It stung a bit, but you promised yourself to be happy for others and help them find their joy, no matter how much it hurt. While you joined the group in planning proposals for their dates, your heart sank with each enthusiastic conversation about dresses and decorations, an underlying hope that somehow, Ashlyn might change her mind. Meanwhile on a quiet evening at home, Ashlyn found herself at a crossroads. She thought about her best friend and the moments they shared. Though she wore a cold exterior, she felt something stir within her, a sudden longing to ask you to prom. It was a secret she hadn’t dared to voice, fear keeping her silent. However, when her parents caught onto her internal struggle, they offered their support, helping her come up with ideas to help her confess her feelings. With their encouragement, Ashlyn prepared to take a leap that would surprise even her. Just days before the big night, Aiden nervously approached Ashlyn, encouraged by the hope that you had gave him. He asked her to be his date, his heart pounding in his chest, but Ashlyn's rejection hung in the air, surprising both of them. And amidst the crazy emotions that followed, she realized where her heart truly lay. Later that evening, right as the sun dipped below the horizon, she found herself outside your house, the soon-to-be stars shimmering above. With a racing heart and butterflies in her stomach, Ashlyn knocked on your door. For once, she was gonna acknowledge her feelings for you. When you opened the door, in a cozy sweater that somehow made you all the more enchanting to her. The world faded as she stepped over her own fears and boldly asked you to prom, the connection you shared pulsing under both of your skins. In that moment, it felt as if you both stood on the edge of something beautiful, ready to step into the magic of the night together.
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logan-fields-official · 2 months ago
Hiii, can i ask a anonymos request for the sbg characters? (Separeted)?
Of course you can!!! I didn’t even realize I turned it off😭😭😭
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logan-fields-official · 2 months ago
Hey so y’all know I didn’t realize I turned off anonymous questions, so thank you to the person that told me!
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logan-fields-official · 2 months ago
hey so I was wondering if you could do SBG (separate) x reader where readers in color guard? Im in guard and would love to have a sbg x reader with that in It <3
JAVIEEJ HIII!!! I love this request!! Personally I never did color guard, but I do see a lot of color guard action because I’m in band!! I play flute!!! Mad respect for being able to toss those flags in the air and not hit yourself in the face!!
SBG Main Six x Color Guard Reader
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ASHLYN: Doesn’t really care that you do color guard. The muscles you get from color guard are 100% appreciated though. Like I’m not joking she may not seem like it, but every time you wear something that hugs your arms she’s looking.
Anyways! She’d probably try to go to some of your games then regret it big time when it gets noisy, but she’ll go to your practice since those are usually a bit quieter? If you begged her enough you’d probably be able to convince her to at least try one color guard trick or ever a whole color guard warm up with you once and she’s actually pretty good at it.
She’d probably help you make sure your outfit looks good and maybe help pick out an accessory or two to go with your outfit. She’d also be able to help you make some of your movements blend together better and she’ll give you input on your performances.
AIDEN: This boy thinks it pretty cool that your in color guard and would 100% comment on your muscles anytime he gets the slightest glimpse of them. And if you pay attention to your clothes in the phantom dimension they may or may not be a bit tighter on your arms then they should be.
He’d probably beg you to teach him something and he’d actually enjoy tossing the flag up. Though the first like 15 times he tried the flag toss he either dropped it or nailed himself on the head with it.
He can and will show up to all your games and will poke fun at you if he thinks your makeup or outfit is stupid. He’ll also poke fun at you if you make the tiniest mistakes as if he could even do it.
He’ll help you do your makeup and actually really likes helping you do your makeup especially if it’s like goofy or stupid makeup.
BEN: He wouldn’t think to much of it, but he still thinks it’s pretty neat and has respect for you being coordinated enough to be able to do things like throw a flag and catch it.
You’ve managed to get him to attempt a couple of color guard tricks with you and have videos of him trying them. He’ll try to go to your games and some of your practices to support you.
He’ll help you do your hair and make sure it will for the most part stay in place for your performance.
LOGAN: He thinks it’s pretty cool that you do color guard, but finds it pretty embarrassing that since you do color guard you have some muscles and can quite literally rag doll him whenever you please.
He’s attempted a flag throw one time and 100% hit himself with the flag, you couldn’t stop laughing, but you did help him up and make sure he was okay. He ended up with a bump on his head and a massive headache.
He’ll go to your practice and thinks it so cool whenever you do some crazy trick. Though he’s also the first one by your side if you mess up to make sure your okay.
He’s good with fashion so he’ll give you some tips on things he thinks go good with your outfits.
TAYLOR: Absolutely loves the fact that you do color guard. She also 100% appreciates the muscles it gives you and always comes to you for help with lifting things.
She’ll attempt all of your color guard tricks at least once and is actually pretty good with them. It did take her a bit to actually be able to do some of them, but she was so happy whenever she did one of the tricks right.
She’ll go to your games and practices whenever she can and helps you do your hair and makeup all the time before one of them. She’ll also carry some stuff for you like water and some extra hair ties, plus makeup.
TYLER: Doesn’t really care that your in color guard. He’ll be a bit cocky and claims that he could do most of the tricks you do easily.
Until you actually got him to attempt some and he realized that it was actually a lot harder then he thought it was. That earned you some big time respect from him.
He’ll go to some of your games and practices as long as he’s free. He 100% makes fun of you if mess up, but is also the first one checking on you if you end up hurting yourself.
He’d help you make sure your look nice before you leave and will not hesitate to tell you if you look bad or goofy, but he feels bad when you get mad at him. He’ll apologize by getting you your favorite drink or with food.
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logan-fields-official · 2 months ago
Anyways, I wanted to ask how the sbg crew would react to reader style is 2000s that includes low rise jeans, styling thongs,piercings, etc? In which, they always think she’s a bitch for her style but is the most sweetest person ever? Please and thank you if you have the time!!
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GUESS WHOS BACK! BACK AGAIN! Random appears 2 days before Christmas! ANYWAYS SORRY I HAVENT BEEN POSTING LATELY I HAVENT HAD MUCH MOTIVATION PLUS HAVING TO MAKE PEOPLE STUFF FOR CHRISTMAS!!! Anyways I’m probably gonna just slowly update this post so if all of the main six aren’t on here it’s because I haven’t gotten to them yet.
SBG Main Six x 2000s style reader
Ashlyn: Ashlyn doesn’t really care about your style or you in general before she gets to know you and all that savanna stuff, but sometimes finds it kind of weird when you appear around school wearing some graphic t-shirt, belts, and hoop earrings.
Now from the way you dress, act, and the people she sees talking to and around you, she thinks your a total bitch. So when you were put into her group for the Savanna field trip she was pissed. Not only did she have to deal with people Aiden, but she has deal with you to.
But after spending the day with you throughout the field trip she figure out that you might not be a rude person like she thought you would be. Though she’s still skeptical of you.
That completely changes though when you end up shoving her and Taylor ahead of you and putting yourself between them and the phantom. That was when she figured out that you were 100% a lot nicer then she thought.
To say she was surprised was an understatement. I mean how could someone as nice as you hang out with those jackasses? That was the moment Ashlyn had seemed to open up a hint more to you.
Aiden: Aiden was 100% intrigued by your outfit choice and honestly would probably judge you a bit. He would just watch you walk around school oddly confident and talking with some of the hugest dicks at school like there the nicest people.
Now being the blunt and doesn't think anything through boy he is, he just randomly walked up to you one day and goes "Hi im Aiden, I've seen you around school a couple of times and was wondering if you were as much as a bitch as you look." You just stand there awkwardly very confused.
Then after a moment you tell Aiden that you personally don't think of yourself as a bitch and you don't know where he heard that from as no one at the school usually calls you a bitch. He'll just answer with something like "oh I just assumed because the people you hang out with are dicks."
After that I feel like he would try to hang out with you and try to take up as much of your free time as possible. He does that so you don't hang around all those mean kids. Introduces you to thr group and though they were a bit skeptical of you they eventually warm up.
Ben: Can't really judge your style as he's seen usually in just a grey shirt and jeans. Ben would be quite wary of you because of your bitchy vibe. He'd probably try to avoid you to the best of his ability.
Until one day you guys get paired up for some work project, which is house you ended up at his Aidens house and it just so happened to be a day Lily was gonna be there. Ben kept a close eye on you as he didn't want you around his little sister.
Though at some point throughout the project while Ben's in the bathroom Lily happened to want to play a game with Ben and this mystery person he brought in. Of course you said yes, but while you were playing Ben had walked in he was a little nervous and ready to kick your ass because of Lily's little screams.
But he's just meant with you and Lily playing a game together and that Lily's not screaming, but squealing. That moment just changed Ben's whole perspective on you. Ben was actually a lot nicer and wrote stuffed down in his notebook to communicate with you more.
Logan: This boy would not judge you at least to your face. He’ll probably think your styles a bit weird sometimes especially when you style your thongs.
Of course he’ll be hella nervous about talking to you or anything like that because well he sees you around all these big bullies, including Barron.
That all changed though when one day Barron was being the bully he is and had Logan pinned against a locker, punching and hitting him. Logan was just face down trying not to cry cause damn the punch fucking hurt.
Now Logan didn’t expect anyone to stand up for him, until you did. You had marched right up to Barron shoving him off of Logan and asking Barron is he was out of his fucking mind. Logan was just standing there watching you and Barron argue.
You at some point ended up just punching Barron and dragged Logan away with you. After you dragged Logan away from Barron, you lead him into some empty classroom. You then preceded to patch him up and make sure he was okay and that was when Logan realized that just maybe you were a kindhearted person.
Taylor: Taylor as we know is a huge sweetheart. So Taylor would probably not judge you at all. Correction She wouldn’t judge you at all. She would though you seem like a mean person believe that you just look mean and are actually a nice person.
Though she would question how nice you actually are because of you being around people like Barron. She would be nice to you though anytime you talk to her.
This all changed when Taylor was walking around the park one day to see you playing with some of the younger kids pushing them on the swing and everything.
Tyler: Tyler being the usual ass he is will 100% judge your looks all the time. He might not say it directly to you unless you start shit with him, but he 100% thinks you look goofy.
Believes your the biggest asshole ever because of the whole thing with Barron and his goons. He won’t talk to you and no matter how sweetly you try to talk to him or act around him it won’t change his opinion. He still thinks your a dick.
He started to think differently when some bitch tried to start shit with Taylor and before Tyler or Taylor could say shit you immediately jumped in and started cursing the hoe out. Tyler was shocked like what the fuck? He thought you were a bitch, but maybe you aren’t?
You had managed to befriend Taylor and Tyler didn’t quite like that, but he had some respect for you because of you helping his sister. Though his respect for you only grew more when you ended up coming over to their house and being an absolute sweetheart to their mom.
HOLY YAP! I never realized how much I could talk. YAY I FINISHED IT!!!
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logan-fields-official · 3 months ago
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logan-fields-official · 3 months ago
Hello 👋,
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Aziz, and I’m reaching out with a heartfelt plea to help my family find safety and reunite with our mother. 😞
The ongoing war in Gaza has torn my family apart. My mother and newborn sister are stranded in Egypt, while I, along with the rest of my sex family members, am trapped in the midst of the genocide in Gaza. We have not only been separated but have also lost our home and are enduring unimaginable hardships. 💔
Your support can make a difference. Whether by reading our story, donating, or sharing our campaign with others, you can help us reunite, find safety, and start anew. 🙏🕊
Thank you, from the depths of my heart, for your kindness, compassion, and solidarity during this difficult time. ❤🍉
https://gofund.me/58268669 🔗
oh you poor thing. Shared so those who want to help can.
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logan-fields-official · 3 months ago
A sbg x gn reader who is like emu otori from wonderlandxshowtime and she is the captain of the dance team + and has the fighting technique of mizuki just search up "mizuki wrestler" on tiktok.
SBG x Reader
Don’t know what I’m gonna name this yet and will probably come back to add more.
The dance studio was filled with an energetic feel as Y/N, the captain of the dance team, led their group through their rehearsals. To say Y/N was an enthusiastic person was an understatement. It was like they had sun in their pocket. their cheerful and energetic demeanor often lighting up the dance teams spirits though it also sometimes drains them out. “Okay, everyone! Let’s take it from the top! I want to see those jazz hands sparkle!” Y/N exclaimed, clapping their hands together, earning a few giggles from the team. Logan, with his anxious demeanor, adjusted his glasses nervously, wincing slightly. “Uh, Y/N, maybe you shouldn’t not do the jazz hands this time? I think it’s a bit odd of a time for that.” he suggested, tugging at the hem of his sweater, his voice barely above a whisper. Y/N gasps dramatically and snaps their head towards Logan “Nonsense, Logan! Jazz hands make everything better. Right, Aiden?” Y/N stated, turning to Aiden. Aiden grinned and glanced up at Y/N nodding his head. “Oh absolutely! There’s nothing good jazz hand can’t fix. Besides, Logan, if they somehow screw up jazz hands then it’s just some more entertainment for us.” he chuckled, ignoring Logan's nervous side-eye. Ashlyn, sitting on the edge of the half wall, rolled her eyes though a slight smirk found it’s way onto her usual cold expression. “Yeah, yeah, as long as you don’t make me join in, I’ll stay” she said, and Tyler, leaning against the wall next to Ashlyn spoke up with an amused expression. “Don’t worry, Logan. Y/N’s probably just gonna end up adding something crazy if they gets rid of the jazz hands they’re just full of wild ideas, it’s mostly harmless.” Once practice was done, Y/N suggested an ice cream run. “I’m in the mood for something sweet, YALL wanna come get ice cream with me?” Y/N questioned, eyes sparkling with excitement. A cheer of enthusiastic agreement erupted, except from Ben, who sat quietly at the mini fringe, scribbling in his journal to stay detached from the dance team’s chaos. Y/N glanced at Ben and eagerly spoke up “Ben! You should join us! It’ll be fun I promise” Y/N claimed, their cheerful tone coaxing a slight smile from him as he nodded slightly. As the group was leaving the studio, laughter filled the air, but their playful evening took a sudden turn. Just as they had reached the parking lot, an argument broke out nearby. A couple of men were arguing loudly, and before the group could decide if they want to ignore it or intervene, it escalated. One of the men who appeared quite anger reached for something at his waistband, and all of a sudden Y/N’s instinct kicked in. “Guys back up!” Y/N shouted. Leaping forward ready to protect the group, their Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training kicking in, Y/N quickly moved to intervene, placing themselves between the escalating fight and their friends. “Hey! What the fuck are you doing! Do you wanna go to jail?” they shouted, heart racing but their voice steady. Logan looked on in worry, clutching Ashlyn's arm, while Ashlyn’s usual cold demeanor fell away, revealing a hint of concern. Tyler’s usual harsh mood melted into protectiveness as he quickly made his way over to grab Y/N. “What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to get yourself killed!” he scolded, while Ashlyn caught up, not far behind also ready to help if need be. Watching in shock and amusement, Aiden stared intensely, while Ben stopped scribbling in his journal, ready to help dissipate the nervous energy radiating from him. The group was tense, but Y/N remained determined, channeling their training. 'Its okay guys, I know how to handle this,' they claimed, confidence filling their tone. A delicate dance between bravery and rashness, Y/N stood firm, ready to protect their friends at all costs.
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logan-fields-official · 3 months ago
Can I request an sbg x fem reader one-shot who has the powers of winter from aespa's new Supernova mv in the phantom world, but the drawback is that she gets sick and vomits blood + she has lucky girl syndrome (which means she's lucky asf)
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One shots are like hcs right? I’m sorry I’m a bit slow. Also I’m feeling a lot better so I will open my request back up after I finish the other two I have.
Let’s just say that your powers were discovered in the phantom dimension during a near death/stressful situation. Ashlyn honestly would be to focus on the phantom to notice that your literally floating! Until she reaches back for what should be your arm, but instead grabs your ankle.
She’d pause for a moment then hesitantly take her eyes off the phantom to you who’s most likely freaking out because your like 5 feet off the ground, like hello gravity aren’t you suppose to be doing something? Tries not to freak out as well and actually manages to do a pretty decent job.
You all manage to get back to the base and unfortunately you still haven’t found a way back to the ground. Let’s say it took the group about ten minutes to make it back to the base and that’s when the drawbacks kick in. She quite literally freaked out and I mean freaked out when you suddenly dropped to the ground and flip around to puke up some blood. She would bring you to Ben and have him look after you as he is the more medical one of the group. Though she does check on you as often as she can.
Ashlyn’s quite observant so she’d probably notice your luckiness quite quickly. She would be quite hesitant to use it as an advantage for the group until on a mission a phantom went for her and you, but with you being a lucky girl end up managing to save both of your asses.
She’d still not want to use it to the groups advantage until stuff like this happens multiple times. Though she’ll only do it with your permission.
This probably just randomly happened one night in the phantom dimension. Aiden probably hid somewhere and scared the fuck of out of you. You ended up screaming and jumping back, but oh.. your feet didn’t land back on the ground after they left it. He’d probably wouldn’t notice at first because of him laughing his ass off, but when you sound like your panicking still he’ll look up and just pause and look at you like this ‘😃’ .
He’s confused as fuck but also thinks it’s cool as fuck that you literally denied gravity. After you continue freaking out for a bit he finally snaps out of it and helps pull you down to the ground.
Only for you to collapse into his arms and a moment later snap your head to the side to throw up some blood. Though yes he ended up jolting back and holding you more away and to the side of him cause ew. He is concerned like really concerned. He'd quickly bring you to ben and stay by your side the whole time.
Okay let's be for real here, Aiden isn't like dumb, but he also isn't smart. Speaking of which there's a huge chance he didn't notice your luckiest until someone in the group points it out and he'd say something like 'oooooh... she is pretty lucky isn't she?'
He'd end up paying more attention and notice that his tricks end up going a lot better when you do them with him. Then he begs you all the time to do crazy shit with him.
When Ben first sees you randomly start floating in the air looking confused as fuck he ends up freaking out so bad that could rival Logan. He'd help you get back to the ground or catch you if you fall cause well it's Ben and he's kinda 6'0 and strong.
Got even more concerned when you suddenly coughed up some blood. He ends up bringing you somewhere safe and turns around for he swears a second, but turns around to you throwing up a lot of blood. Poor thing Almost died on the spot. Yall ended up going to some hospital and stealing some blood bags of your blood type cause like who's gonna stop you?
Is very against you using your powers really at all because of the consequences for using them to long. Though if you end up agreeing despite his warning he'll go with you or at least be close enough to keep an eye on you especially when Aiden drags you along to do stupid shit.
Now Ben with his quiet personality is more of an observer so I feel like he'd notice your luck girl syndrome pretty quickly as he started to notice all of Aidens crazy tricks don't end as bad as they should when your around.
He'd probably always be dragging you away from Aidens reckless ideas that he tries to get you involved in like carrying him while floating and floating as high as you can or even knowing Aiden fish for phantoms.
Okay we’re gonna say this happened when the group was getting the car. You had noticed the phantom before it grab Ashlyn and managed to shove her out of the way getting taken by the phantom instead. Logan almost had a heart attack when he saw you being dragged by a phantom on a roof.
Poor thing was even more hesitant to shoot the phantom. He was trying to choose when you suddenly manage to get out of Logan’s view just enough for him to shoot the phantom. Though when he checked if you were okay he saw you fall over the edge of the roof. He thought you were gonna hit the ground but instead you end up.. floating in the air?
When you and the others all make it back safe and sound.. for the most part. Your being rushed over to the medical supplies because of you puking up blood. You thought Logan was freaking out before he’s really freaking out now. He’ll stay by your side the whole time and help you with every little thing you ask him to or he thinks he needs to.
Logan would be completely against you using your powers for a long while. Though he’ll eventually warm up to you using them when you have more control over them, but he’ll still worry a bunch.
As for you being oddly lucky, Logan always noticed that you were quite lucky, but he never thought much about it. Until he noticed that literally everything went better with you around.
Honestly starting freaking out a lot more than you when you just randomly start floating out of thin air. Your just there trying to figure how the fuck your floating and trying to get down to the ground while she’s there literally panicking trying to get you down. You end up using them for to long and fall. She does catch you, but you both go down because of that.
You’d both stare at each other for a second while she makes sure your okay then y’all would both just start laughing. Until you end up snapping your head to the side and spitting up blood. Now she’s all concerned again and immediately trying to comfort you.
While your still trying to figure out your powers I feel like Taylor would stay close to you in case you hurt yourself or use them for to long, but after you end up getting better control of them she’ll leave to yourself. Though she’ll still check on you and make sure your okay.
Okay Taylor’s not dumb for sure, but she’s kind of an airhead sometimes. So I feel like she wouldn’t notice that your oddly lucky as she wouldn’t even really pay attention to it.
Taylor probably ends up finding out because someone mentions it and then she really starts to think about and she’ll be like “Y/N is really lucky..”
Tyler would be one of the first people to notice you just floating around one night in the phantom dimension and give you that exact look he gave Aiden. Though he’s just confused and shocked as fuck, also a bit concerned cause what if you fall and hurt yourself?
He’d grumble about you somehow always getting yourself into stupid shit, but does help you get to solid ground. He actually relieved that your back on the ground though.
Tyler gets really worried the moment you start to spit up blood though and is immediately helping you out. He’ll probably immediately bring you over to the medical supplies and have the others get Ben while he waits there with you. He refuses to leave your side for more then a minute after that.
As for your strange amount of luck he’s either the first person to notice or the second. He’d see it as a type of advantage for the group and probably tries to have at least you and Taylor paired up a lot so things at least go fine for her.
Now Tyler 100% has to stop your dumbass respectfully from doing stupid shit with Aiden or at least stop Aiden from dragging you into stupid shit.
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logan-fields-official · 3 months ago
Wanted to let yall know I'm sick right now and probably won't write, but if I find the time or energy I'll write!
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