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jerzwriter · 11 months ago
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Tobias took his friend Casey to see his hometown of Washington, DC, all decked out for the holidays; then, she showed him how her hometown of Philadelphia did it. Now, they make one pitstop on the way back home and decide what city does it best... and wrestle with what they mean to each other.
Book: Open Heart Characters: Tobias Carrick & Casey MacTavish (F!MC) Rating: Teen Words: 2,400 (sorry) A/N: This series is a rewrite of a fic I originally wrote in 2022. But, as I fill in the gaps in my Tobias/Casey headcanon, I needed to make some adjustments - and wanted to make some improvements. I haven't tagged my full list for the other parts, but I'm going to do so here because this is the part that had the most alternation - and will lead us back to the question: "So how did they actually end up together?"
Thank you to anyone who has read this - it really means so much to me! :)
Series Masterlist | Tobias x Casey Masterlist Masterlist
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“Last stop!” Tobias jumped out of his Jaguar, eagerly tossing the keys to the valet. There was no denying he was as excited about the last minute addition to their itinerary as Casey, perhaps even more so.
As she gingerly stepped out the passenger side, her enthusiasm was diminished, and concern was written all over her face. “Are you sure this is a good idea? The traffic was worse than we anticipated, and you have to be at work early tomorrow.”
“No worries,” Tobias chuckled. “I can sleep when I’m dead.”
Unamused, she stood her ground. “Well, I’d like to keep you around for a while, and you need your rest! So we’re not staying too long, all right?”
“Whatever you say, ma’am,” he nodded, and she couldn’t help but crack a smile when he animatedly gestured toward the street that would lead them to their next adventure.
The cold air and aroma of roasted chestnuts mingled with jingling bells and car horns blaring at tourists who blocked intersections made it clear... it was Christmastime in New York City. Casey was mesmerized, stopping at every store window to peruse the holiday displays. She was so enchanted that she didn’t notice the minor miracle that had taken place; Tobias Carrick was... quiet.
While his mouth had stopped moving, his mind was in overdrive. Amid the joyful chaos, he could focus on only one thing: fighting the visceral urge to take Casey’s hand in his, and not out of fear of becoming separated. His internal debate was relentless... would it be so wrong? Friends do hold hands sometimes, especially in crowds like this. It would make sense. Perfect sense. It wasn’t like he was leaning to kiss her. Not that they hadn’t done that recently. They had! Less than a month ago, they declared they’d be friends with kissing benefits. Of course, it hadn’t happened again, and if it did, Casey would have to initiate it, not him; fortunately, his rambling thoughts came to a halt along with the rest of him when he walked directly into a light post.
Casey turned around, startled, but began to laugh once she realized he was OK. “You OK there?”
“Yeah, I’m good,” he recovered. “Just a little... disorientated.”
In desperate need of a distraction and wishing to prevent further injury, Tobias started a conversation to occupy his mind for the rest of their walk.
“So tell me, how did you manage to attend NYU for four years, yet you never saw this tree?”
“Well,” she shrugged. “I had intended to but never made it. Christmastime is also final exam time, and you know me, I had to get straight A’s, so my mind wasn’t fully on the holidays until I finished the last exam... then I was usually on a train home to Philly.”
He shook his head with a chortle. “Didn’t anyone tell you all work and no play is bad for you? Man... you really needed an influence like me in your life  back then, kid.”
“Oh, that’s probably the last thing I needed,” she laughed. “And I managed to have a lot of fun in college. I saw the Bryant Park Tree. Of course the Washington Square Park tree and I were very well acquainted. I just never saw this tree.”
“Well, as much as I am surprised, I’m kind of glad you didn’t... this way, we get to see it for the first time together.”
Casey gave Tobias a side glance; it was now her turn to fight off visceral urges, but she merely gave him a tender smile. “I am, too.”
Then, with the turn of a corner, there it stood, towering above them in all its glory: the world-famous Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree.
“Holy shit!” Tobias exclaimed as Casey gasped in awe. “That thing is huge! It’s twice as big as I thought it would be.”
Casey playfully nudged his side with a giggle. “That’s what she said.”
“Really, Casey?” He mocked. “Really? It’s Christmastime.”
“Well, I’m not going to stop being a smartass just because of that,” she winked. “That wouldn’t be fun at all.”
After a moment, it was Casey who made the final determination.
“Well, I hate to admit it, but that guy was right.  I think this Christmas tree is the winner. It beats Philly, and it definitely beats DC!”  
“I’m so glad you said it,” Tobias chuckled.  “I’m done conceding loss on this trip! I just wish we could see it at night.  Can you imagine how beautiful it must be then?”
“Yeah, I’m sure. But we can’t stay that late today. Maybe we can come see it again next year.”
Next year.  Those words from her lips took his breath away. Mere months ago, they didn’t know if Casey would survive to see this Christmas, much less next. Yet here she was, full of vitality and right at his side... smiling. Next year. She was thinking ahead, and she was including him in her plans. He wasn’t one for Christmas lore; he sure felt like that red-suited, white-bearded old man had dropped a present right into his lap. But as he felt a swell of promise rising inside him, he also felt something else: fear.
He promised he wouldn’t let this happen. Yet here he was... the happily confirmed bachelor was smitten; he couldn’t even deny it anymore. So he made a new promise: to keep his feelings to himself. Casey had made it abundantly clear that she wasn’t ready for any romantic entanglements, and even if she were, he didn’t know if she’d want those entanglements to include him. He had bungled their first chance together badly. He knew how much it had hurt to lose her and didn’t want to face that again. He was lucky to be in her life at all. Friendship was plenty, he convinced himself. Still, as he watched the tree lights flickering on her beaming face, his heart filled with a warmth previously unknown, and he had to wonder... if the time came, would he be able to watch her fall in love with someone else, knowing how much he already loved her so?
“Well, we’ve declared a winner,” Casey said. “We should start heading back to Boston.”
But Tobias had an impish glint in his eyes. “We could.... unless…”
“Unless what?”
“I have always wanted to take a carriage ride through Central Park... and how often will we be in New York. What do you say?”
Casey turned to him, and he could just see the little angel and devil battling over her shoulders. In the end, he was delighted that the devil won.
“You!” she said with a gentle shove. “Leave it to you to find something impossible to say no to!”
“Well,” he smirked, “that is kind of my specialty.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard,” she laughed. “Now, let’s go!”
As much as Casey insisted they make haste, that didn’t prevent her from having a lengthy conversation with Joel, the carriage driver, and she refused to step foot inside until she was satisfied.
“No, Ma’am, I promise you, George here is very well cared for. It’s not like it used to be.  He only rides through a special route in Central Park. It’s perfectly safe.”
Petting George’s beautiful mane, Casey continued her cross-examination. “And what about at the end of the day?” She demanded. “How do you get him back to his stables?”
“In a trailer attached to my truck that I drive very carefully.  Would you like to run my license?”
“Please, don’t give her any ideas! She just might,” Tobias laughed.
“Ma’am,  George, here is family to me. I assure you, he’s the most spoiled horse in the City.  I wouldn’t let anything happen to him.”
“OK,” she nodded. “Then we can take the ride, but can I feed him a carrot first?”  
“You sure can,” the driver smiled.
When she was done, Tobias helped Casey step into the carriage. “You’re incredible,” he smiled. “You know that, right?”
“Really? Incredible in a good way or a bad way?”
Tobias’s eyes crinkled as the driver gave them a blanket to help keep them warm.
“In the very best way.”
“Thank God for this blanket,” Casey said with a shiver. “I didn’t realize how cold it was until we sat down.”
“I did,” Tobias laughed. “In fact, I’m thinking about striking a deal with Joel so we can keep this thing for the walk back to the car.”
While they were seated closely together, Casey eyed the tiny gap between them with caution.
“Well, if you’re that cold, we could huddle together. You know... for warmth.”  
“We could,” he replied nonchalantly. “Anything to stave off frostbite, right?”
“Right,” she smiled, sliding closer to him.
Tobias cautiously lifted his arm and wrapped it around her shoulder, pleading with the universe for the gesture not to upset her, and the universe delivered. Casey nuzzled her head into his shoulder.  He didn’t think this trip could get better, and just like that, it did. 
The clip-clopping of George’s hooves cut through the crisp air, providing the soundtrack as the carriage meandered gentle curves through the park. About halfway through, delicate snowflakes began to fall, and Tobias and Casey agreed this was better than anything they had ever seen on screen. They were approaching the end of the ride when Casey looked up and nervously giggled.
“Yes,” Tobias asked with a raised brow.
She pointed to a small sprig of mistletoe dangling between the red fringe that lined the carriage’s hood; it would have been easy to miss. Biting her lower lip, she turned away. The scene was too perfect, the moment was too ideal, but should she take the chance? Not allowing herself to give it further thought, she turned to Tobias with abandon.
“So... remember that day back in Cambridge? When I asked if we could kiss... you know... with no strings attached... and you said we could be friends with kissing benefits?”
“I do,” he smiled mischievously.
“Well, we are under the mistletoe, and this is such a special day.  Don’t feel obligated... you don’t have to... but if you want, I thought maybe we could.... mmmhhhh.”
Just like last time, she didn’t get to complete her sentence. Tobias’s soft lips were upon hers, his hand gently cupping her cheek as her arms wrapped around his neck. The kiss was sweet, warm, filled with a tenderness that each longed for but was afraid to claim as their own. This time, when the kiss broke, Casey was unwilling to let it end, pulling him back for one more.
When they silently parted, a blushing Casey diverted her eyes, and perhaps because he wasn’t ready to face the moment either, Tobias pulled her close against his chest, placing a loving kiss atop her head. They remained like that for the rest of the ride, each with a million thoughts swirling in their heads, but not a single word could make its way to their lips.
“Well, this is it, kids!” Joel yelled as he hopped off the carriage. “Did you enjoy yourselves?”
“Yes,” Casey said almost too quickly. “It was... it was beautiful!”
Tobias shook Joel’s hand, slipping him a tip, before he and Casey began their trek back to the car. The usual easiness between them was replaced with an awkward silence punctuated by small talk about the frigid temperatures and how they could no longer feel their toes. But each attempt to quell the discomfort faded too quickly, and quiet was upon them again. Finally, Casey grabbed Tobias’s wrist.
“T, wait a second,” she insisted, tugging him to face her.
“Is everything OK?” he asked.
“Yes... It’s more than OK. This weekend was just magical. It was more than anything I could have imagined, and I will always treasure the memories I made with you.”
“I’m going to do the same,” he smiled.
“I just hope,” she nervously chewed at her lip. “I hope I didn’t ruin things.”
“Ruin things?” he asked, with a creased brow. “Casey, you couldn’t ruin things if you tried.”
Looking up from under her lashes, she gave a tantalizing little smirk. “Wanna bet? The kiss on the carriage... I... I just got overwhelmed; everything was so beautiful, it was so romantic, and then the mistletoe was there, and I...I....”
“Casey, Casey...” he said, taking her hands. “It’s all right. Everything’s fine.”  
“It... it is.”
“Sure,” he comforted. “Look, it doesn’t have to mean anything.”
He watched as the relief that just settled on her features turned into something different, something that looked like hurt, and he was quick to recover.
“Let me correct that. Of course, it means something. Everything with you is very special... because it’s with you. That was a beautiful moment, and I’m glad we got to share it together, but it doesn’t have to mean any more than you want it to. I know where you are right now, and I respect that. We can just leave that tender moment alone.”
“You know... I am feeling better every day,” she insisted. “On this trip, for the first time since the attack, I felt like my old self again. In fact, I went two whole days without even thinking about it.”
“I could tell,” he smiled. “And it was beautiful to see.”
“But, I’m still not... I’m just... still not...”
“Casey,” he whispered. “It’s OK. I promise you...it’s OK.”  
“Good,” she smiled. “Thank you.”
“But maybe,” he stalled, already kicking himself for what he was about to say. “Maybe we should hold of on that friends with kissing benefits stuff. You know? I don’t want it to confuse you, and I really don’t want it to hurt what we’ve built between us.”
“Well, I don’t see how they could hurt,” she faltered. “But... but... maybe you’re right, at least for now. But hug... hugs are still allowed, right?”
“Oh, hugs are always allowed,” he grinned, pulling her into one of the tightest ones he could offer.  
“Good,” she sighed with relief. “Because I always need those.”
Then, the two friends stood in the middle of the busy street as the cold wind blew. The sounds that made up the City's symphony- laughter, arguments, honking horns, and sirens blaring in the distance surrounded them. But Casey and Tobias didn’t recall that they were on an island of nearly two million people, for there were only two who mattered, and right now, they were clinging to the moment for as long as time would allow.
“Come on,” Casey smiled, taking his hand. “We need to get you home to Boston.”
“You got it,” he nodded. “But I have a feeling we’ll be back to visit.”
“I think so, too. Oh, and Tobias?”
“I know it’s early, but... Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas, Casey,” he smiled, tenderly bopping her nose. “Merry Christmas.”
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Will tag others in reblog.
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shenseea · 2 years ago
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oh that's not....
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Marguerite's Halloween
Book: Crimes of Passion, Post Book 2 (Spoilers for Chapter 15)
Pairing: M!Trystan x F!Emily Rose
Word Count: 2.3k
Rating: Teen
Author @moominofthevalley
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peonyblossom · 28 days ago
Book 2, Chapter 1 is up! yayyyyy we get quinn's book 2 hair
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itlivesproject · 2 years ago
OMGOMGOMG THIS NEW CHAPTER GUYS HOLY CRAP!!!!! Probably my favorite one from the whole story till this point
The flashbacks, Linc finally opening up, getting a good look on how was Matthias when he was younger, THE NOAH/DEVON SCENE OH MY BELOVED I CRIED (no joke, I actually cried a little)
I!!!!!! LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!!!
Ahhh I’m so glad you enjoyed the flashbacks!! Ngl I was a little nervous people might get bored (though you can always skip) but seeing how much people have been enjoying them is filling my heart to the brim!!! Both the Linc and noah/Devon scenes are so close to my heart, as is the seance, honestly this whole chapter is close to my heart 😂
I’m so glad you’re enjoying this story and love it so much even if it makes you cry ❤️🥹
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heartofarcanum · 2 years ago
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This poor sap. I just feel bad for him in every single version of this story 😅
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potionsprefect · 3 years ago
From Afar
Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x Victoria Clarke
Word Count: 755
Summary: Family is the most important thing
Rating: General Audiences
Category: Fluff
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Victoria stood by the window watching the scene from inside her kitchen, a small smile on her face.
Her whole family was in Boston for the weekend, it was the height of summer and the sun was beginning to set in the distance. The summer months were always her favourite because you could spend more time outside.
Her brother and sister were stood with their respective partners laughing at something. Her niece and nephew were running around the garden with a water pistol, firing them at each other.
But the best view that made Victoria smile the most was by the outdoor furniture. Luke and Lily were with Victoria’s parents, Luke on her Mom’s lap and Lily on her Dad’s. The twins were laughing at something as their grandparents watched them with a smile.
“What are you doing in here?” A voice said from the door. Victoria turned and saw her husband walking over to her.
“Just admiring the scene in front of me.” Victoria smiled.
Ethan wrapped his arms around her from behind. “I’m enjoying it too. Although I prefer actually being there than watching from in here.”
“I know I’ll come and join everyone. It’s just nice watching from afar. Seeing everyone together like this. It’s nice to be around family.”
Ethan pressed a kiss to the side of Victoria’s head. “I agree. Especially that particular scene.” He pointed to where Luke and Lily were with her parents. “They’ve been giggling non stop this afternoon.”
“I love it. They look like they’re having a lovely conversation.” Victoria smiled.
“They were telling them about how they know their times tables.” Ethan chuckled.
“Saves us hearing about it every hour.”
“I don’t hate it. It shows how intelligent they are.” Ethan said.
“I wish they would stay small forever.” Victoria sighed.
“Me too. Maybe we should have another one.” Ethan teased.
“In your dreams Ramsey.”
“It was worth a shot.” Ethan laughed. “Are you coming to join us outside?”
“Yeah.” Victoria smiled as she took Ethan’s hand and allowed him to lead them back to the garden.
Life was perfect at the moment.
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The sparkling blue sea glistened as the family were down by the beach. The two youngest Ramsey members held the hands of their grandparents as they walked towards the water. Their parents watched them from where they were stood on the sand.
“I hope they don’t fall over. The wind is very strong today.” Ethan laughed.
“Lily will immediately start crying if she does. She hates getting her clothes wet. Although Luke will probably just laugh it off. Our children have two completely different personalities.” Victoria replied.
Ethan smiled. “I like that about them.”
They noticed Luke and Lily looked up at their grandparents with big smiles on their faces. It made Victoria’s heart melt.
“I have to get a photo of this.” Victoria got her camera out.
“I made a good decision getting you that camera for Christmas.” Ethan laughed.
Victoria rolled her eyes as she took the picture. “Life is worth capturing.”
“Can’t argue with that.” Ethan replied.
Victoria followed his gaze as he saw his Mom chasing Lily down the beach. “I’m glad she’s in their lives. It was the right thing to do.”
Ethan wrapped an arm around Victoria. “I agree. They’ve been good for her. And Dad has too. It’s nice to see that they have a civil relationship. It reminds me of when I was younger.”
Victoria leaned up to press a kiss to his cheek. “I’m proud of you.”
“Yes really. Look at what we created. Look at how happy they make your parents. And they make us happy. We’re doing a good job with them.” Victoria smiled.
Ethan watched as his parents chased their young children into the shallow waters. “We are.”
“Good. Now no more moping.” Victoria said.
“What gave that away?” Ethan chuckled.
“Let’s just say being married to you has made me aware of certain traits.” Victoria laughed. “Besides, if you were moping, you won’t be able to do this.” Victoria took her shoes off.
“We don’t have a spare towel.”
“And is that really going to stop you?”
Ethan rolled his eyes with a chuckle as he took his shoes off and followed his wife into the water.
His life was great, he had a beautiful wife and two children and his family felt complete for the first time in years.
He hoped it would stay that way forever.
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Short, simple and sweet!
Now get ready for angst lol
Tagging in reblog
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tealbbysims · 3 years ago
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thegayestmc · 5 years ago
QUEEN B is officially written for wlw. I said it.
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brattybookclub · 4 years ago
Can you name the top 5 over rated and top five under rated books in choices?
tbh these feel like it changes for me everyday BUT atm:
- OH: this doesn't need explanation.
- ES: I'm sorry I just don't understand the plot bc of my smol brain.
- TRR/TRH/TRF: I think the fact that this series has so many names indicates it's gone on for far too long.
- TF/TSoph/TJ/TSenior: Loved these books but definitely got dull at a certain point. it wins brownie points for being one of the original books.
- TC&TF: (sorry eric) didn't hold my attention at all. I owe it a replay once we record an episode on it and I'm 100% sure I'll change my opinion once I actually read it.
underrated (mostly standalones TBH)
- MOTY: such an amazing story about motherhood. even as a person who doesn't want kids and doesnt care for stories about motherhood, its such a good portrayal of an MC who is trying their damnedest to make sure their kid is living a good life. also the mental breakdown in later chps about not having money is so sadly relatable.
- Platinum: even tho the plot against Jaylen was so fcking dumb I loved the MC, loved the story, loved the storyline of fake dating raleigh, who to this day remains one of my fave LIs in a Choices book.
- ACOR: I mean, dude. I love ancient Rome. I find Caesar very interesting. Badass MC. The hottest MC I've ever seen. And the weirdest LIs ever. Such a great book that had so much potential for a sequel.
- ROD: I think ROD is actually quite popular in hindsight, but I'll still include it here because I don't think people give enough credit to how amazingly this book portrays what it feels like to be a teenage girl who is given no freedom by her parents and made to reach perfectionist standards. holy shit. spoke to me like no other.
- D&D: I just feel like these period pieces are amazing and PB created a pretty damn good plot and villian. Book 3 is boring bc its literally just wedding planning but I enjoyed my Ernest scenes.
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uhh-the-green-thing · 3 years ago
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jerzwriter · 2 years ago
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I don't care what you say. I love these two.
Choices is filled with a lot of really unhealthy relationships. The "forbidden" trope, the "I want you, but I don't, but I do, but I don't" trope - and they have their place - they can be fun - but this is nice.
It was refreshing to have an LI who was honest about their feelings from the start. It's equally as refreshing to have a couple that is open and honest in their commitment to each other (even if not "public" yet).
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Crazy in Love
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Bryce Lahela x F!MC Rating: Teen Author: @eadanga
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checkurwindow · 4 years ago
MC: This plan will require Bryce’s greatest strength
Bryce: What is it? My hair? My eyes? My brilliance?
Jackie: your obnoxious personality
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lovealexhunt · 4 years ago
Have I really posted 3 fics in 24 hours?! Like where did that come from?
♥ Uma ahi (campfire) || Open Heart || Bryce + Keiki
♥ Team Effort || Mother of the Year || Levi x Laura + Lily (daughter)
♥ Endless || Rules of Engagement || Bartender x MC
and the day before I wrote a measly one:
♥ My Light || Red Carpet Diaries || Thomas x Alex
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heartofarcanum · 3 years ago
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Veronica’s support just really means a lot in these trying times
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