#playchoices open heart
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choiceofthereader ¡ 2 years ago
Food for the Soul
pairing: Bryce Lahela x GN!Reader word count: 2.7k warnings: none, nothing but fluff ao3 link summary: In which Bryce tries his very best to make you a cake.
There are times where you like to believe you're a somewhat patient person. A strong person, even, if you're feeling particularly modest. You've endured countless situations—countless patients—that have grated at the very cells of your nerves. Have driven you to the brink and back, have made the bitter and acrid taste of anger familiar, and yet, somehow, you have always pulled through. You're just resilient like that.
So this... this should be no different.
The plastic chair you're sitting in is too big, too damned slippery, and with each move you make it feels like you're right on the edge of falling and landing on your ass. No matter how much you try, no matter how much you wriggle and squirm, you can't get comfortable. It only adds to the irritation that's been clogging your veins like viscous motor oil. It's not that you're mad, per se.
You're just... tired.
The exhaustion you feel is all-consuming, like a parasite that's nestled and burrowed its way in your brain. It lingers in your heavy limbs, in your leaden tongue that has you slurring with every word you speak. With every shuddery breath, with every burdensome blink, you feel as if you are one step closer to escaping into the arms of Hypnos.
But he must have other plans for you because a ragged sigh soon escapes you, and you take that moment to focus outward, to focus on the hundreds of people milling about around you. Blips of different conversations are sparking in your ears and dancing in your skull, but the words are muddled, too jumbled by the static that resonates in your head. You're not sure what time it is, probably late in the afternoon if the darkening of the sky is anything to go by, but what you do know is that you are ready to leave.
Like, yesterday.
Today was meant to be a restful one, a rare day off for you to lounge around lazily at Bryce's apartment and do not a damned thing.
It is your birthday, after all.
You're not ashamed to admit that your mind had wandered while you were at work. Would you two go out to dinner? Have another late-night rendezvous at a go-kart track, or perhaps a quiet night in? Maybe even something a bit more salacious, something that would have the night ending with a pleasurable sigh leaving your lips and your name on his. But instead of all those potential wonderful things, you've been... here. At the mall.
At least you're not alone.
Keiki is sitting across from you, watching as you pick forlornly at the pizza you had bought earlier. The grease clings to your fingertips like the hunger that's sticking to your ribs, but you can't find it within yourself to eat. Eating would involve moving, moving would involve expending energy, and you must conserve that energy lest your eyes fall shut.
A low murmur of your name has you looking up, and what you see has a fond smile tugging at your lips.
Keiki's eyes are crinkled as she looks over you, lower lip caught between her teeth. Her arms are crossed like they always are, but this time, you can see the tips of her fingers digging into her biceps. There's a rigidness to her posture, one that's so unlike her, and it doesn't take a diagnostician to deduce what's wrong with her.
She's worried.
Regardless of how she likes to play it off with quick quips or compliments that somehow always border the line of mocking, you've grown close to Keiki.
It's all for everyone to see if they just know where to look. The competitive game nights that end in laughter, the late-night astrology talks, even moments where she shares small tidbits of her home life. Her walls are always up, protected by the barbed wires composed of her scathing wit and sarcasm. But there are times, like now, where you'll find a door with your name on it, unlocked just for you at that particular moment.
One day, you hope she'll give you a key.
Not wanting her to fret anymore than she already has, you smile.
"I'm alright." You placate, pushing the plate of pizza away. "Just a bit tired."
It's an understatement to say the least, but it's not one you're willing to admit aloud. Your night shift had started out relatively normal, the lull in patients a welcome reprieve, but come afternoon, you couldn't tell if the blurring of your eyes was from sheer exhaustion or tears of frustration. Probably both, but she doesn't need to know that.
Keiki only narrows her eyes. You can tell she doesn't believe you, and you can't really find it within yourself to blame her. What she sees in front of her is the epitome of exhaustion: droopy eyes, a slouched posture, a barely concealed yawn escaping from the recesses of your mouth. She stares at you for what you know is only a few moments, but she somehow manages to make it feel like hours under her piercing gaze.
With a quick bob of her head, the plastic chair scrubs against the floor as she stands up. "Come on, we're going home."
That perks you up a bit.
"Wai—what?" Perhaps not the most eloquent stringing of words you've put together, but when you're practically running on fumes, who can really blame you?
"Home," she enunciates. "You know, that place where you and Bryce like to act like you haven't seen each other in years, but in reality, it's only been like"—she checks her watch—"two minutes at the most?" She shakes her head, looking at you in mock pity as she tries to fight off what you know is a shit-eating grin. "Like lovesick teenagers. I'll never understand it."
You ignore her statement, trying even harder to ignore the heat you feel across your cheeks. You guys aren't that bad. Sure, maybe there was that one time where Bryce serenaded you with the cheesiest love song your ears had ever heard, and it probably doesn't help that you sang along, but does that really count as being 'lovesick teenagers'?
The answer that conjures in your mind doesn't fall in your favor.
"Anways!" you say quickly, averting your gaze, but you don't miss how Keiki preens at your embarrassment. "What about the surprise you guys are planning?"
Keiki snorts. "We're not 'planning' anything." Bending down, she picks up the white bags by her side. "I told you, I wanted to show you the new game store." She even shakes the bags for emphasis.
"Oh, really?" you ask, grinning as you look down at your watch. "We stayed in that store for over an hour! You wouldn't even let me leave!" Her insistence of just one more game, please! left you in the store for hours, and you'd be happy if you never saw another board game for the rest of your life.
She pouts. "I just wanted to spend time with you on your birthday," she counters, her voice barely above a whisper.
Oh, she's good.
The downcast look, the averting of her eyes, the low pitch of her crestfallen tone. She paints the perfect picture of innocence, and you're not ashamed to admit she does it well.
"You're so full of shit!" you accuse, but your voice is soft, fond, the hint of a smile creeping at the edges of your lips.
She only grins, giving a casual shrug at the unveiling of her ploy. "Look, even if we were planning anything, which we're not"—she winks—"it's not going to matter if you can't keep your eyes open long enough to enjoy it."
Keiki makes a fine point. You've trudged throughout the mall for what has felt like an eternity, and as much as you like spending time with Keiki, you also like being in the loving arms of your bed. With that thought in mind, you stand up from your chair and stretch. The cracking and popping of your joints feel therapeutic, remedial, and you welcome the slight boost of energy that it gives you. Pushing in your chair, you grab the paper-thin plate that contains your pizza and start walking towards the exit.
"Are you... are you taking that pizza with you?" she asks, frowning. "It's kind of been sitting there for a while."
You feel your cheeks heat. "Hey, I paid like... 4 bucks for this. I'm not letting it go to waste." As if you could on your salary.
Keiki only raises a hand in a placating gesture. "Not judging, just... curious."
Even though you don't particularly believe that, you make no comment, instead just focusing on putting one foot in the front of the other. It's not long before you feel Keiki nudging you with her elbow, and you frown at the slight grimace that mars her face.
"We weren't that obvious, right?"
She startles at the loud snort that escapes you, huffing in offense when a grin forms on your lips. You don't think they could've made it any more obvious.
. . .
When you had arrived earlier at Bryce's apartment, dead set on keeling over in his bed, you were immediately bombarded with pleas to just leave.
Go out and enjoy your birthday. Do you really wanna spend the entire day cooped up here?
The answer to his question was a loud and resounding Yes!, but you couldn't help but notice just how wrong his smile was. It was an easy, carefree thing, but... stilted, strained. There was an edge to his smile, something akin to panic in those brown eyes. It also didn't help that he was slowly inching you closer and closer to the door. Keiki was tugging incessantly at your hand, claiming there was a new store in the mall that was selling a new board game she wanted to try.
Much to their relief but much to your chagrin, you relented.
. . .
The memory makes your steps lighter, the haze around your head just a bit clearer. To love and be loved is a wonderful thing, and there's not a day that goes by where you're not grateful for them being in your life. You pinch your fingers together until there's barely any space left between them. "Just a bit."
She flushes.
You're quick to reassure her, waving away her worries like lingering smoke in the air, "Oh, don't be embarrassed. I'm sure whatever you guys have planned, it'll be great."
After all, what could go wrong in the span of a few hours?
. . .
The first thing you notice is that it most assuredly is not great.
"Keiki, I said at least not for ano—babe!"
Bryce is standing stock-still in the center of the living room, the very image of a Greek god. But while you may believe that Bryce has an Adonis level of attractiveness, you're pretty sure it's not the cause of why your eyes are beginning to well with tears. The apartment looks foggy, smokey, and you fan the air in front of you as you step closer to him.
That's when you see it.
An alarming amount of balloons in a myriad of colors are pinned to the ceiling, the curtains, all with the Rod of Asclepius printed on them. A banner hangs pitifully on the wall behind the sofa with big, chunky letters screaming HAPPY BIRTHDAY at you, and you notice that your name is written at the bottom in loopy cursive. You're pretty sure that it's Bryce's handwriting, but that's not the worst part.
There's flour. Everywhere. Especially on Bryce. His clothes are saturated with flour, the black apron he wears even more so. When you squint, you make out small specks littered throughout his hair, clinging to his eyelashes like fallen snow. Before you can even sputter out a befuddled What the hell?, Bryce sidles up to you, nearly losing his balance on the wooden floor. He's wringing his hands, a rare nervous energy radiating off of him in waves.
"Babe!" Bryce bellows, cringing at the crack in his voice. He's smiling at you, but it's a shell of his usual megawatt grin, and the chuckle he lets out is strained, like he had to physically drag it out of himself. He lets his gaze drift towards his sister. "Keiki," he says pointedly, to which she only shrugs. There's tension between them, so thick it almost seems palpable, their gazes never wavering.
Until Keiki sighs loudly, rolling her eyes.
"What was I supposed to do?" She tosses her bags on the couch. "Hold them hostage?"
She only smirks at Bryce's sputtering and while you normally find their bickering amusing, you know from experience that if you don't put a stop to it now, it will only continue well into the night.
"Bryce?" you ask, tone light. "What... what happened here?"
"Well..." he trails off, averting his gaze. "Lets just go to the kitchen."
You all walk towards the kitchen, noticing that the closer you get, the pungent smell of smoke intensifies. And the kitchen... well, it's a mess.
There are pots and pans strewn throughout the kitchen, each one dirtier than the last. There's flour on the countertops, batter on the shelves, what you hope is frosting on the floor.
And then you see it.
On the stove top, resting on a glass plate that you know has never seen the light of day, is a cake. The first thing you notice is that it's lopsided, burnt edges peaking out from beneath what you know is your favorite frosting. It's hideous, but there's something oddly charming about it. Is this what it means to 'make something with love'?
"Look," Bryce starts, running a hand through his hair. It causes the flour in his hair to streak, and you don't miss how Keiki tries to stifle a giggle. "I know it's not the best, but—"
You don't let him finish, instead rushing to throw yourself at him, your apology low and murmured at the oomph he lets out. You two nearly collapse on the floor as you wind your arms around him. Squeezing tight, you bury your face into his neck, and beneath everything that you smell—beneath the burnt cake, the expensive shampoo he splurges on, you smell home.
You feel at home.
It's the same feeling when you wake up next to him, his face bathed in the early morning light, when your lips meet in a slow dance that only you two know the steps to, when his words are the only thing keeping you afloat as the foundation around you crumbles. You love this man and you wonder if he knows, if he feels the same way you do.
"I knew I did a good job," he beams, his hands a warm weight as they settle on your waist, thumb brushing a small sliver of exposed skin.
"They haven't even tasted it," Keiki mutters.
Bryce sighs loudly, "Why are you still here?"
Untangling yourself from him, you rummage around in the drawers until you find a fork. You tear off a sizeable chunk, popping it in your mouth.
You try to keep a straight face.
It's... it's terrible.
The cake is dry, the frosting gritty, and the overwhelming taste of burnt cake settles heavily on your tongue. You try to school your face into one of neutrality, but if Bryce's wince is anything to go by, you don't think you're doing a very good job.
"Look, I know it's terrible," Bryce whines, a crestfallen look on his face. "I just... wanted to do something special for you. I wanted your birthday to be perfect." His frown upticks into a small smile and he winks, "Like you."
You ignore Keiki's gagging in the background, instead focusing on the heat in your cheeks.
There's a comforting warmth in your heart, and you can't help but to think just how far you've truly fallen for this man, of how far you've come with each other. Even though those 3 words haven't been spoken yet, you've come to realize that with every loving touch, in every heady kiss and whispered affection, Bryce shows his love through his actions.
You take a look around the apartment, at the birthday decorations, at the multiple attempts of cake making. It's perfect, and truthfully? You wouldn't have it any other way.
Keiki steps forward. "So... should we just go buy a cake?"
Bryce doesn't even say a word as he walks to the fridge and opens it, pulling out a single layer cake.
He gives a cheeky grin. "Next year will be better, I promise."
You smile, giddy at the idea.
You can't wait.
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garashir ¡ 1 year ago
playing open heart after watching house md is so funny to me because dr ramsey just tore mc a new one for annie going into anaphylactic shock because of the treatment but like…that’s step one of any dr. house case is to almost kill the patient to rule out the initial treatment theory…chill dude she’ll be fine
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Day 5: After Hours: Romance & Personal
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Day 5 - April 5 - After Hours: Romance & Personal Life
What did Tobias do when he was off the clock? Did he have friends he hung out with regularly? See his family? Did he date? Hobbies? This category is broad - use your imagination! 😏
Remember - you can send in old or new fics, headcanons, artwork, edits, moodboards, etc.
Also... you can tag us in a post any day of the week (even if the designated day has passed). It will be reblogged here on the designated day unless it has already passed. Then we will post right away. 😊
Template added for Day 5
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choicesmcappreciationweek ¡ 3 months ago
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Hello and be welcome to the Choices MC Appreciation Week of 2025! Years ago, user beaumontbash created this wonderful event where we had the opportunity to gush and show off about the wonderful and rich MCs in the fandom, and I have decided to bring back this awesome tradition!
Before I give you the prompts, here's some ground rules and things to have in mind during the event:
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• You aren't obligated to post for every day! You can post any day you feel like
•The MC doesn't have to be yours
• OCs are welcome and encouraged!
•This event is MC-OC centric, and while a mention of LIs and other characters is welcome, please focus on the MCs
• Everything is welcome! From a screenshot of your MC and some fun facts, to meta and art and fanfiction!
• Posting about your friend/mutual's MCs is counted as an entry and highly encouraged!!!
• Be kind and respectful to one another. MC/OC and user bashing is extrictly prohibited
• Remember to have fun and don't be afraid to check the tag #choicesmcaw25 to see more OCs and MCs!
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And now, onto the prompts...
Day One: Straight A+ Students
From The Elementalists, to Ride or Die, Roommates with Benefits, High School Story... Any MC who's a student, show them some love on this day!
Day Two: Terrific Heroes
From the It Lives Anthology, Terror Fest, Wake the Dead, Haunting of Braidwood Manor... Any MC who is involved in everything horror, today's your chance to show some love!
Day Three: Iconic Celebrities
From Platinum, Red Carpet Diaries, Hollywood U... Show some love to that MC that made it big!
Day Four: Awesome Adventurers
From Hero, to Endless Summer, to Blades of Light and Shadow, this is the day to show some love to those brave MCs!
Day Five: Nosy Detectives
From Veil of Secrets, Murder at Homecoming to Crimes of Passion, let us show some love to those MCs who always dig deeper
Day Six: Historic People
From Desire and Decorum to The Royal Masquerade to A Courtesan of Rome, today we show some love to those MCs who made history in the Choicesverse
Day Seven: LGBT+ and Proud
From All of Us, to Bachelorette Party, to Foreign Affairs... Any MC who is part of the community and didn't make an appearance on the other prompts, today's the day to show them off!
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The event will be done on February, from the 3rd to the 9th! So start piling your MCs, dust off those WIPs and get ready!
noe aka @rosesnink
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jerzwriter ¡ 1 month ago
Strictly Professional (or not...)
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It's Tobias's first day in his new position at Edenbrook Hospital, and Casey lays some ground rules about how they need to interact together. Let's see how long it lasts.
Book: Open Heart (Book 3 Timeline) Pairing: Tobias Carrick x Casey MacTavish (F!MC) Rating: Teen Words: 813 Summary: See Above
A/N: The incredible artwork is a commission by @/artbyainna on Instagram. I wanted to do an Open Heart "cover", but let's be honest, they wouldn't be able to keep their hands off each other long enough to pose!
Participating in @choicesjanuary2025 - Prompt: New Job
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Casey turned the corner, dusting invisible lint off the front of her lab coat as she tried to act nonchalant, even as the sheepish grin on her lips made it clear: this wasn't any other day.
"Good morning, Casey," Bryce smirked, falling into step beside her. "Look at you all dressed up! No wrinkled scrubs today."
"Seriously, Bryce?" She asked, doing her best to feign annoyance. "It's not like I don't wear this outfit all the time."
"Sure," Jackie chimed in. "You wore it intern year, when you were trying to land Dr. Ramsey."
"JACKIE!" Casey hissed as Bryce doubled over laughing.
"Don't worry, Case," Bryce grinned. "Not only did you land him, but you went one further and landed his hotter frenemy. Total legend. They'll be telling your story in these halls for generations to come."
"Thanks, Bryce," she muttered, her cheeks turning red.
"Anytime," he said with a small salute paired with his signature mega-watt grin.
"Actually, I'm here early to talk to Tobias before shift. I know people are aware we're dating, we've told HR and everything... but I want to make sure we're on the same page. We have to be professional at work. No longing stares, no PDA..."
"No, sneaking off to the on-call room for an afternoon delight," Bryce snuck in as Jackie talked about miracles no longer happening in modern times.
"I'm serious," Casey insisted, unaware that Tobias was approaching from the other end of the hall.
Bryce folded his arms and glanced at Jackie, clearly amused. "What do you say? Thirty minutes?"
"Please! Fifteen, tops," Jackie countered.
"Twenty bucks?"
"You're on!" Jackie said, clearing her throat as Tobias joined them.
Casey turned toward him, a blush already settling on her cheeks. She had to admit that seeing him in the halls of her hospital dressed in an Edenbrook lab coat was even more pleasant than she had imagined, but she stayed strong.
"Good Morning, Bryce, Jackie," Tobias nodded before turning to Casey, disarming her when his sparkling blue eyes fixed on hers. He had a way of looking at her that made her feel like she was the only person in the world. It was effortless, and she was sure he didn't even know he was doing it. But he hadn't even spoken to her yet, and she already forgot her name.
"Casey," he grinned, reminding her as she tried to rebound.
"Oh, hey, Tobias... uh, Dr. Carrick," she stammered.
"You OK there, kid?" her boyfriend chuckled.
"Yes. I'm perfectly fine," she replied confidently. "I'm just happy to see you here!"
"I'm happy to be here. It's going to be great working together."
"It is," she agreed. "Edenbrook's lucky to have you. Besides, it will be nice seeing you around the halls."
"That's what I'm looking forward to the most," he winked.
"Oh, this is going to implode faster than expected," Jackie whispered as Casey cleared her throat.
"Yes, well, hon... uh, Tobias. I wanted to remind you, we need some ground rules. We have to remain professional. No longing stares, no improper comments, you know... nothing... inappropriate."
Tobias tilted his head, the hint of a smirk curling his lips. "Casey, I’ve been a doctor for over a decade. I think I can handle professionalism."
"Good," she said firmly, but the glint in his eyes made her uneasy.
"Of course," he added, his gaze dropping briefly to her figure-skimming emerald pencil skirt and form-fitting sweater. "If you wanted me to behave, you might’ve reconsidered your outfit today."
"Here we go!" Bryce whispered as Jackie stifled a laugh.
"This old thing?" Casey deflected. "I've had this forever."
Jackie was quick to jump in. "Yeah, since intern year, when you were trying to—"
Bryce slapped a hand over Jackie’s mouth before she could finish, earning a chuckle from Tobias.
"Relax, baby," Tobias said smoothly, his voice low enough for only Casey to hear. "I promise I’ll be on my best behavior. Mostly."
"Good," Casey said. "I'm glad we're on the same page!"
As she turned to leave, Tobias called after her with a casual smile. "Babe, can I get a quick hug before you go?"
"Sure," she said, then turned to embrace him viscerally.
Tobias couldn't help but chuckle, his arms encircling her and his hands landing a little lower than they probably should have.
"Except us," Bryce called out, raising his hand like a child in school. "And a twenty bucks richer, Jackie. You guys couldn't even make it to fifteen minutes!"
Casey glared at her friends, then Tobias, insufferably proud, chimed in. "Face it, babe," he said, still holding her in his arms. "We can do our best, but in the end... I'm irresistible..."
"Tobias!" she protested.
"Let me finish!" he laughed. "And so are you!"
"Edenbrook is about to get a lot of free entertainment, isn't it," Casey laughed.
"You better believe it!"
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @openheartfanart
Tagging others separately.
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liaromancewriter ¡ 3 months ago
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Trimming The Christmas Tree
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine)
A/N: Submission for @choicesholidays and @choicesdecember2024 prompt "Decorations"
Cassie joined Ethan in hanging the last two ornaments. She wanted some part of trimming the tree this year, even if it was something small. He took the star topper from her hand and stretched his arm to place it at the top of the tree. She stepped back to admire Ethan’s work and nodded in appreciation. “Gold star, babe.”
I just received this fan art and couldn't wait to share it. Thanks to ArtbyAinna (IG) for bringing this scene from my fic, Christmas Tree Traditions, to life.
Tag list below the cut
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @jerzwriter @justyourusualash
@lady-calypso @kyra75 @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect
@queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @snoopdogcone @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanart
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @youlookappropriate
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choicesficwriterscreations ¡ 3 months ago
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Celebrate YOUR Top 5 Creations of 2024
It's that time of year again where CFWC give you a chance to highlight your most popular fanworks -- Fanfics, Edits and Fanart -- on Tumblr (by notes) and the ones near and dear to your heart even if they didn't get the love they deserved, aka...
Tumblr Top 5
Creator Top 5
How to Participate
Tumblr Top 5:
Go to JetBlackCode Note Counter, enter your blog name and run the scan to identify the top 5 original posts by Notes in 2024. If the top post is not a fanfic, edit or fanart, find the next one that is.
Create a post with a list of links to your Top 5 most popular fanfics, edits and/or fanart this year. Please mention the Choices book/series associated with the creation.
Creator Top 5:
Select your favorite top 5 creations from this year, the ones you're most proud of and the ones you want to show extra love. They could also be your most popular, but don't have to be. Want to highlight a series? Go for it. YOU decide!
Create a post with a list of links to your Creator Top 5 in 2024. Please mention the Choices book/series associated with the creation.
Then What?
Tag @choicesficwriterscreations on the posts and use the tag #cfwc top 5 2024
We will reblog your Tumblr Top 5 and your Creator Top 5 posts within 48 hours, and add them to an event masterlist.
Tumblr tags can be wonky, so if you don't see the reblog, send an ask to this blog with the links to your posts or DM @liaromancewriter.
The event runs from December 1 - 31, 2024. The event masterlist will be posted shortly after.
Signal boosts are appreciated!
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jamespotterthefirst ¡ 8 days ago
Call it What You Want (Ethan x f!MC)
Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey and MC (Lilac Allende)
Word Count: 2.2K
Rating/Warning: T/ Some Language
Summary: After their kiss, they both agree to take a break enjoying the city of Miami. Set after the events of 1.10.
Note: Two things about me: I will always write about Miami and I am manifesting Reputation (TV)
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A faint pink glow seeped through the drawn curtains that morning, indicating it was right before sunrise. Lilac rolled over on the mattress, groaning. Her head felt like lead as she struggled to find comfort on the fluffy hotel pillow. Her stiff muscles protested as she moved, a side effect of a long and restless night. She had lost track of the time when the rolling waves outside had finally lulled her to sleep. It couldn’t have been more than three hours ago.
Now, she lay awake in the rosy-hued and desolate hotel room. Try as she might, she couldn’t stop her gaze from wandering to the closed door. Every nerve in her body was too aware of the fact that just on the other side, Ethan lay on the living room’s couch, most likely awake too. 
Was he replaying their kiss from the previous night like she had been doing all night? Did his thoughts stray to the way their bodies fit so perfectly or to how their hearts shared the same frenetic beat? 
With a resigned sigh, Lilac decided to start her day. There was no use lying in that cold bed, thinking of the sting of Ethan’s rejection. Temples pulsing, she hastily got dressed and quietly padded to the common area. The couch where he had slept was empty, his blanket already neatly folded. Something akin to relief flooded her at the prospect of avoiding him altogether. 
The universe, however, had other plans. A few steps further and Lilac saw his tall frame by the kitchen counter. He was in the middle of pouring himself a cup of coffee when he froze, sensing her.
He turned to face her and their eyes met, paralyzing them both.
The silence stretched for so long that Lilac thought he would opt for not speaking to her. 
“Morning,” he said at last. 
His tone was imperceptible, but Lilac could see the remnants of tension in his expression. The bags under his eyes told her he didn’t sleep well either.
“Morning,” she replied, careful to keep her voice neutral. 
There was more loaded silence, neither of them sure how to be around each other. A strange instinct in her gut screamed at her to say something… or run away— either option would be preferable to this awful limbo they were stuck in. At long last, Ethan set his cup down and cleared his throat.
“Our flight isn’t until tomorrow morning. I was thinking of heading downstairs and attending a few seminars.”
Lilac paused, unsure how to reply. The professional thing to do was letting him go his own way. Hell, she would probably benefit from burying herself in work. But the thought of sitting in long presentations or wandering the show floor made her muscles heavy with dread. There was something stubborn and unresolved between them and she knew she would know no peace until she addressed it head on.
“Actually,” she said before she lost her resolve. “I was thinking of taking a break from the conference…”
Ethan said nothing, waiting for her to continue. Lilac, meanwhile, gestured toward the floor-to-ceiling window framing the stunning Miami skyline. As the sun rose, it cast the sky into a mosaic of orange, pink, and blue. In the silence, they could hear the faint sounds of the city slowly coming to life to greet the day.
“I’ve never been to Miami before and today’s weather is supposed to be nice. Enjoying the city sounds a lot more enticing than being indoors all day.”
Ethan nodded once but said nothing more.
Swallowing, Lilac mustered the last dregs of her bravery. “Want to come with?”
He paused at that.
“Do you think that’s a good idea given…”
More of that unbearable silence ensued after he trailed off.
“Given what happened last night?” she finished for him. 
Ethan’s face flushed with color and she would have found it adorable in any other situation. He remained stoic and silent nonetheless. 
Lilac sighed. “Look, you don’t have to join me if you don’t want to,” she began. “But if we’re going to forget what happened last night, avoiding each other is not going to help.”
“Forget?” he asked quietly. 
Their eyes met. His gaze pinned her in place, something intense swirling in their depths. Lilac looked away, unable to handle it.
“Move past it,” she amended. Then she rushed through—“We will still have to see each other everyday and for that to work, we need to learn how to be around one another again.”
Ethan nodded, considering her words.
“A reset,” he said.
Lilac shrugged. “If you want to call it that. I see it more as a break.”
He seemed on the verge of being convinced.
“When was the last time you took one of those?” 
“I admit it’s been a while.”
“Then let’s change that.”
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They strolled the streets of the city, admiring the vibrant colors of Miami. Everywhere Lilac looked, the air bloomed with color— the iconic art deco buildings they passed, the array of fruits in vendor stalls at the outdoor market, the vibrant art murals of Wynwood Walls. The city came alive in blooms of pinks, yellows, and blue. The bustling streets moved to the sounds of traffic, mixed with the rhythmic music drifting from the outdoor cafes they passed— salsa, merengue, bachata. It was all too familiar to Lilac yet new at the same time. 
Ethan walked beside her, in complete silence at first. The vibrant promise that the city painted for them, however, eventually melted the tension between them. 
“We have to go to Racoon Island,” Lilac said hours into their tour. 
“Come on! It’s an island full of racoons,” she insisted, turning her phone's screen for him to see the pictures.
“I gathered that,” Ethan said, unimpressed. “That is precisely why I want to stay as far away from it as possible.”
“You’re no fun,” she said with mock disappointment. In reality, Lilac didn’t care what they did next. She was just so relieved their dynamic felt almost back to normal. 
They walked for a few more minutes before neither of them could resist the enticing smell of Cuban coffee wafting from the cafes all around. Soon, they found themselves seated in the outdoor patio of CafĂŠ del Sol, a lively place facing the oceanfront. As they waited for their server, Ethan looked out at the waves, a pensive expression on his face.
“Where did you go?” Lilac asked quietly.
Ethan glanced at her, offering her a soft smile.
“Just... thinking. It’s been a while since I took time to do something like this. I’ve forgotten what it feels like to just... be.”
Lilac nodded, feeling a sense of connection that was almost painful. Their daily lives demanded so much from them that it was easy to completely lose all sense of self in the job. She too had forgotten what it was like to just enjoy the present moment without constant movement. 
“It’s nice,” she agreed. “Just living in the moment.” 
Ethan mulled over her words carefully. She could practically see the gears of his mind working. Almost as if by instinct, she knew he was thinking about last night and the road that had led to their kiss— living in the moment, forgetting about rules or duty.
“I’m enjoying it,” he finally allowed. “But things are still complicated. You and I—”
There it was. 
“Please,” she said in an almost whisper. “I understand we need to be careful. And there’s a lot we need to figure out. But maybe … we don’t have to have all the answers yet.” She sighed. “Maybe just for today, we can just… exist.”
For the first time since last night, Ethan visibly relaxed. “I can do that.”
A woman in her mid-50s approached them with a warm smile. She had short, dark hair, a patterned apron tied neatly around her waist, and eyes that crinkled at the corners with the warmth of hospitality.
“Good morning,” she greeted in accented English, holding a small notepad in one hand. “What can I get for you two today? Café con leche, perhaps? Best in town.”
Lilac smiled politely. “Buenos días,” she replied, switching seamlessly into Spanish. “Sí, un café con leche suena perfecto. ¿Y también un cortadito para él?”
The woman’s eyes brightened immediately, a wide smile spreading across her face. “¡Ah! ¡Hablas español!” she exclaimed, clearly delighted. Her words flowed faster now, full of warmth and energy. “Qué bien, mi niña. Entonces, dos cafés, uno con leche y un cortadito para el caballero. ¿Algo más?”
Realizing just how hungry she was, Lilac ordered more food than the two could finish—tostones, ropa vieja, empanadas, croquetas, maduros. 
Ethan leaned back in his chair, watching the interaction with amusement.  When the woman left to put their order in, he said, “I didn’t know your Spanish was that good.”
Lilac gave him a teasing glance. “Really? I’ve helped patients in Spanish right in front of you.”
He tilted his head, his eyes narrowing slightly, as if searching his memory. “Yes, but… this is different,” he said, his voice softening. “You look happy. Relaxed. You look good.”
Lilac paused, the compliment catching her off guard. The weight of the last few days seemed to momentarily lift as she felt the warmth in his gaze. Despite her plea to just enjoy the moment, her foolish heart could not be dissuaded. Not when Ethan had a tendency to see her—truly see her.
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An hour later, Ethan sat back in his chair, watching as Lilac playfully mocked his Spanish for the third time since their food arrived. He allowed himself a smile, the teasing, light banter a welcome change from the tension that had hovered between them. She was right, of course. Her Spanish was flawless, flowing effortlessly as she ordered from the café earlier, while his was more… functional. He could get by in medical settings, communicate well enough, but nowhere near her level of ease.
“I swear, it doesn’t get easier than café con leche,” Lilac teased, shaking her head, but there was nothing but warmth in her voice.
He chuckled. “You make it look easy, Rookie.”
Her laughter filled the space between them, and for a moment, it felt like everything had settled back to normal. They were just two colleagues, sharing a meal, enjoying a break from the usual demands of their field. But as he watched her smile and the way her green eyes sparkled when she was at ease, the weight of everything that had happened between them pressed down on his chest.
Last night. 
God, last night.
He had wanted her for longer than Ethan was willing to admit even to himself. Somewhere along the line, the beautiful, intelligent, and intriguing Lilac Allende had woven herself into the fabric of his every thought. To this day, Ethan still couldn’t pinpoint the moment everything changed. For so long, he had kept himself in check, keeping his distance, hiding behind his professionalism. And yet, all those efforts crumbled the moment they kissed. 
They finished their meal, the laughter and teasing slowly giving way to a comfortable silence. 
Eventually, they wandered toward the beach, too full and drowsy from their meal to make much conversation. Ethan found he enjoyed the easy silence as they walked barefoot down the soft sand, shoes in hand. The peace of the moment served as a balm, soothing the restless thoughts that had been gnawing at him all night. 
“Thanks for convincing me to go out,” Ethan finally said, breaking the silence. “We needed this… the break. Just… being.”
Lilac smiled, recognizing her words from earlier. “Yeah. I think we both did.”
For a while longer, they walked side by side, neither in a rush to leave the moment behind. But eventually, the weight of their restless night and the early morning flight that awaited them began to settle in. They turned back toward the hotel, the reality of their return looming closer with each step.
When they reached their hotel room door, Ethan paused. His hand hovered over the handle, his body still, as if frozen in place. He didn’t know why he stopped—he just knew that something inside him wasn’t ready to cross that threshold yet.
Lilac glanced at him, her brow furrowing slightly. “What’s wrong?”
He didn’t answer right away.
Ethan knew, the second they stepped through that door, this brief, blissful reprieve would be over. Their lives—complicated, professional, and full of boundaries—would unpause, and they’d go back to pretending nothing had happened between them.
Lilac seemed to understand, even without him saying it. 
“It’ll be okay,” she said so quietly that Ethan thought he had imagined the words. “It has to be.”
But as Ethan stood there, watching her green eyes read his face, the realization hit him hard. It was foolish to think they needed a reset, a way to move past that kiss, to put it behind them. No matter how many boundaries and defenses he put up, there was no going back to the way they had been. At least, not for Ethan. 
Stealing a day for themselves only strengthened the roots of Ethan’s admiration for her. Watching her today, seeing her so at ease, hearing her laugh, seeing her face lit up by the sun—it had only made him want her more.
More than he ever should.
And he knew that no matter how much they tried to pretend, no matter how hard he tried to pull away, he was far too gone now.
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Note: I don't know what that was! I'm just getting myself back in the habit of writing. Thank you for joining me on this ride!
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storyofmychoices ¡ 3 months ago
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Sleighing the Ugly Sweater Game This Season! 🦖🦄
I came across some adorable 3D ugly sweaters and felt these two were so perfect for Bryce and Olivia! Like how freaking cute are they!!! Baby Malia is probably in a little penguin onesie! They are the best most precious and I love them forever and ever!!! ❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚
This amazingly perfect and precious art is by the most wonderful @sazanes!
[Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley Masterlist] 
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rainesenator ¡ 8 months ago
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how ethanmc singlehandedly increase edenbrook admission rates tbh
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cariantha ¡ 2 months ago
Sweet December
Book: Open Heart, Book 2 (post-attack) Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks) Rating: General Category: Fluff, Christmas Word count: 1K Summary: Ethan eavesdrops on a conversation between Sawyer and her best friend. A/N: This fic was inspired by this Instagram reel and a little “Caption This” fun with a friend. It was meant to be an angsty fic, but then I listened to Sweet December by Brett Eldridge and Kelly Clarkson and changed directions. Merry Christmas!🎄
Events/Prompts: Participating in Winter Holidays 2024 hosted by @choicesholidays | Cuddling by the fireplace
With plans to spend their day off together, Ethan insisted that Sawyer come to his after her late-night shift at the hospital. The apartment was dark except for the glow of his bedside lamps, drawing attention away from the living room and the surprise he had set up for his girl. 
The tactic worked. An exhausted Sawyer entered the quiet apartment well after midnight and headed straight for the bedroom like a moth to the flame. After a quick kiss and a much-needed shower, she draped herself over Ethan’s body like a blanket and passed out within minutes. 
It was mid-morning when Sawyer padded into the kitchen, still a little groggy, with her phone pressed to her ear. Finding no evidence of Ethan's morning coffee, she assumed he was still at the gym, which was his usual weekend routine. 
“That sounds like so much fun. I’ve always wanted to visit New York during Christmas time…” Sawyer told the person on the other end of the line. “Maybe next year.”
When she put the phone on speaker so she could start the coffee, her best friend’s voice filled the room. 
“What about you? Are you going home to Arizona for Christmas?” Christian asked. 
“No. I love my family and know they are concerned, but they have been so overbearing that I’ve started dodging their calls,” she confessed. 
“I know,” Sawyer grimaced guiltily, “and I know they mean well, but I just need time to process things on my own. I can’t take any more time off, anyway. I just got back to work and need to catch up on my clinic hours. Besides, I’m looking forward to experiencing a Christmas like in the movies. You know, someplace cold enough that it snows, and you can cozy up by the fire and drink hot chocolate."
“Will you spend Christmas with Ethan, then?”   
From the living room, Ethan watched as Sawyer shrugged her shoulders. He’d been listening to their conversation while he lounged in front of the fireplace, waiting for her to turn around and notice him. 
"I don't want to assume, but I hope so," Sawyer answered softly, then sighed deeply. "God, Christian, I know it sounds so corny, but when I start feeling all upside down, he turns me right around."
Ethan continued to watch and listen as she tinkered with the coffee machine. 
"We’re both working on Christmas, but a wintery night cuddling by the fire like we had at Dagger Mountain would be amazing. As for anything else, I think Ethan’s more the ‘spirit of Christmas’ type than the ‘holiday spirit’ type. Last year, when I came over to help with Naveen's case, I brought him one of those potted tabletop trees from the hospital gift shop because he didn't have a tree or a wreath or anything. It made me sad for him."  
Ethan raised his brows in surprise, then looked to the corner of the room where, the night before, he set a five-foot balsam fir into a tree stand. Boxes of ornaments and garland that the doorman helped carry into the apartment sat on the floor nearby.  
Christian chuckled. “You sound like Cindy Lou Who talking about the Grinch. Girl, he's been a bachelor for a long time. Guys don't care about that shit. Sam wouldn't bother either if it weren't for the boys."
"Yeah, I guess you’re right." 
A loud pop from the living room made Sawyer jump. She quickly spun around to find Ethan reclined in front of the fireplace. Christian’s voice faded into the background as Sawyer's senses awakened with the warmth of the roaring fire. The smell of fresh pine needles. The twinkling of white lights in the corner. The soft crooning of Bing Crosby’s “Silver Bells.” The taste of creamy chocolate and peppermint from the cup that Ethan walked over and offered her. 
“Sawyer? Hellooo… did I lose you?” 
Reaching for her phone, she apologized to her friend. “Sorry about that, um, Ethan just surprised me… Can I call you back later?” 
“Of course! I should go anyway. I think Sam and the boys are ready to leave for the ice rink.”
“Have fun and send me pics. Love you.”
“Love you, too, babe.”
Sawyer ended the call and set her phone aside. “Hi,” she greeted, standing on her tiptoes. 
“Morning,” Ethan answered, bending down to meet her halfway for a tender kiss. 
Gesturing to the living room, “What’s all this?”
“Since you're not going home for Christmas, I thought we could celebrate together. Here.” 
“Yeah, really,” he confirmed with a peck to her lips.
“I’d love that...” she blushed with embarrassment, “as you probably heard.” She wrapped her arms around his waist and looked at the glowing tree. “You bought a real tree?”
“Given your family’s Christmas tree business, I knew anything else would be considered sacrilege.”
She smiled up at him. “You remembered that?” 
“When it comes to you, I remember everything.”
Pressing herself tighter against him, Sawyer rested her cheek on his chest. “It’s so cozy in here. And look! It’s snowing outside.” Sawyer moved to sit on the sofa, tugging the sleeve of Ethan’s robe to get him to follow. “Come cuddle with me.”
Ethan sat, draping an arm over her shoulder, tucking her into his side. But just as they got comfortable, Ethan moved to stand up. 
“Where are you going?”
“I forgot,” he started, “I bought one of those big fluffy blankets you said I needed for cuddling on the couch. It’s in the hall closet.”
Sawyer smiled so big. “You are so sweet sometimes.”
“Sweet?! Uh-oh, my reputation for being a Grinch is in jeopardy.”
Reminded again that he heard every word of her conversation, she scowled at him. “Hasn’t anyone ever told you it’s rude to eavesdrop? You could have cleared your throat or something.”
Ethan winked, letting her know there was nothing to worry about. “Let me grab the blanket.”
“No,” she demanded, catching his hand before he walked away. Lying back, she pulled him down and on top of her. “A blanket’s good, but you’re even better.”
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @peonierose  @potionsprefect @trappedinfanfiction 
@jerzwriter @queencarb @coffeeheartaddict2 @quixoticdreamer16 @jamespotterthefirst 
@liaromancewriter @tveitertotwrites @tessa-liam @youlookappropriate @kyra75
@socalwriterbee @txemrn @midnightmelodiz @snoopdogcone
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veatomis ¡ 8 months ago
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made a tiny character sheet for my open heart mc <3
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garashir ¡ 1 year ago
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who could have forseen this
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choicescommunityevents ¡ 7 months ago
Choices Book Bingo Event
Hi everyone! It's @peonyblossom here with a super fun fall event, Choices Book Bingo (fall edition) :D
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Check off a box by completing a Choices book that fits the prompt (current releases can count, as long as you're caught up on the book by the time the event ends, even if the book hasn't finished releasing)
Any book is fair game, but each book can only be used once
The event will run from September 1 - November 30
You can share bingo boards as you check off boxes, or you can wait until you have bingo to do so
I will reblog any bingo boards shared, but if it becomes too much I will switch to only reblogging boards with bingos
Tag @choicescommunityevents and/or @peonyblossom to submit
You can also use #ChoicesBookBingoFall24
If you have questions about any of the prompts, feel free to comment on this post or send an ask to @peonyblossom
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gutsfics ¡ 9 months ago
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also like not to mention that its CLEARLY ai
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jerzwriter ¡ 2 months ago
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Ethan and Kaycee have been through quite a bit together, and even if they're still a secret, they're very much together. But when Ethan realizes they missed a big dating milestone, he goes all out to fix that.
Book: Open Heart (Late Book 2 Timeline) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Kaycee MacClennan (F!MC) Rating: Teen Words: 2,230
A/N: Thank you to @peonierose for this ask about my pairing first dates. I never realized I never wrote an official first date for Ethan x Kaycee! Participating in @choicesjanuary2025 - Prompt: First Date. I didn't have a lot of time to proof - so I hope it's not too bad! lol :)
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Ethan Ramsey didn’t get nervous. At least, that’s what he kept telling himself as he adjusted his tie for the tenth time. A pained look crossed his face as he checked his reflection in the mirror a final time. It still wasn’t right. “It’s a tie, Ramsey!” He cursed. “It’s not like you haven’t done this a thousand times before!”  But as he hastily tossed the offending object onto his bed, he settled on a more casual approach.
There was no reason to be nervous. Sure, he was going on a date – an important date – but it was just Kaycee. That’s when he stopped in his tracks. Of course that’s why... it was Kaycee.
This wouldn’t be a typical first date. There would be no getting to know each other, no auditioning for the coveted role of significant other. With more than a year’s worth of history under their belts, that was already taken care of. They had danced around their feelings as if they were avoiding a pathogen. They clung to their denial even as the longing consumed them. Then they came close... so close... only to backtrack again.
Through it all, Kaycee remained his constant, even when he hadn’t earned her loyalty. She comforted him after losing a dear friend and helped him save another. She had awoken parts of him he had buried long ago despite his best attempts to keep them underground. She saw him – the real him – and she loved him as he was. To reward her for her devotion, he ran off to the Amazon, enduring a brutal WHO mission to escape the inevitable. That’s how much she terrified him.
Or so he thought. While he hadn’t led the easiest life, he soon learned that he hadn’t known what true terror was. The night he held Kaycee’s gaunt frame in his arms and watched the light dim in her eyes, that’s when he knew. Unsure if she’d live to see the morning, he promised if she made it through, the time for running would be over. He’d face his fears and do everything in his power to let her know just how cherished she was... and he had.
For months now, they were finally together, albeit secretly. That was her wish, “Let’s keep this quiet until my residency is over, OK?” she insisted. It wasn’t his preference; it wasn’t even hers, but he understood why.
Last week, when Ethan realized their relationship was missing a crucial milestone – an official first date – he knew he had to remedy that, and no ordinary date would do. Now that the night was here, Ethan was determined to give Kaycee the kind of night she deserved. And that’s why he was so nervous... it had to be magic. She deserved nothing less.  
Over at Kaycee’s apartment, she was a bundle of nerves herself. Sienna and Jackie had turned her tiny bedroom into a makeshift glam squad headquarters. Which was just as well; her hands were far too shaky to deal with makeup today.
“Stop fidgeting,” Sienna gently scolded, curling the last strand of Kaycee’s hair. “You’re going to ruin your makeup, and I’ll have to start all over again.”
“I still don’t get why you’re so worked up over this,” Jackie chimed in. “It’s Ethan. He helped save your life. You already know he loves you, and he’s provided you with mind-blowing orgasms. This improvised rom-com night is just to have something to tell your future rugrats – who I will refuse to watch – for the record.”
Kaycee shot her a look through the mirror. “Thanks, Jackie. Your romantic advice is greatly appreciated.”
Jackie smirked. “Hey, anytime.”
Sienna stepped back to admire her work. “Ta-Da! What do you think?”
Kaycee looked at her reflection. Her soft golden curls perfectly framed her face, her makeup was subtle but striking, and her midnight-blue dress hugged her curves in all the right places. “I think… I might be able to pull this off.”
“Pull it off?” Sienna laughed. “Looking like this, you may get a proposal!”
Kaycee laughed off that notion. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, now, Si!”
Just then, the doorbell rang. “Oh, crap! Is that him already?”
Jackie looked at her incredulously. “Kaycee... what’s the problem? You’re ready!”
“Jackie!” Sienna scolded. “Don’t make Kaycee more nervous than she already is! Go and tell Ethan she’ll be right out.”
With a roll of her eyes, Jackie headed to the front door, opening it with a smirk as she took Ethan in from head to toe. “Eh, I guess you clean up pretty well,” she acknowledged, kicking the door open. “Come sit in the living room, Prince Charming. Cinderella is just adjusting her glass slippers; she’ll be out in a minute.”
Ethan sat on the weathered couch, looking every bit the composed physician he was, even though he felt more like the nervous schoolboy he was decades ago. But when Kaycee stepped into the room, everything changed.
“Kaycee,” he gasped, his breath catching as he stood to greet her. “You look... you look...”
“She looks hot as fuck,” Jackie jumped in.
“Honestly, that works,” Ethan chuckled. “You’re stunning, Kaycee.”  
Kaycee blushed, tilting her head to the side. “You don’t look so bad yourself, Dr. Ramsey.”
“All right! All right!” Jackie scolded. “Please go on your date before you end up in her room and I need to put the white noise machine on to get any studying done.”
“She has a point,” Kaycee laughed, taking Ethan’s arm the second it was offered.
He escorted her to his car, a luxury sedan that was beginning to feel like her second home. Once they were seated inside, Kaycee turned to him with a teasing smile. “You realize taking me out like this comes with the risk of being spotted, right?”
He met her gaze with the confident look that often left her weak in the knees. “So, then we’re spotted,” he said, bringing her hand to his lips for a gentle kiss.
“Ethan,” Kaycee rebuffed, though her smile was sincere. “I told you. Only our closest friends can know about us until I finish my residency.”
“I’m well aware,” he grinned, leaning closer. “Don’t you trust me?”
“Yes…,” she sighed, rolling her eyes playfully. “Begrudgingly, but yes, I do.”
“Then just sit back and relax. Leave the night to me.”
The Boston cityscape whizzed by as Kaycee glanced out the window. “So, where are you taking me?” she asked.
“What fun would it be if I told you,” Ethan smiled as they pulled up to a heliport.
“A helicopter ride?” Kaycee said, her eyes wide. “What if I’m terrified of helicopters?”  
“Well, you’re not. You mentioned wanting to take a helicopter tour of Boston on the second day of your residency.”
Kaycee’s face glowed as she turned to him. “And you remembered that?”
Ethan’s face softened as he looked into her eyes. “When it came to you, Rookie, I paid attention. Right from the start.”
She leaned in to kiss him as they headed to the waiting chopper, her heart racing from the adrenaline and a tiny bit of fear.
“Are you nervous?” he asked.
“Me? Pfft!” She said with bravado. “I jumped out of a plane, you know?”
Now it was Ethan who was wide-eyed, “You what?”
She couldn’t help but giggle at his reaction. “I’ll tell you about it later,” she said, placing on her safety belt. “Come on! I can’t wait to get up there.”
As they ascended into the sky, the city they both loved unfolded beneath them, a tapestry of glistening lights shimmering in the night. It was even more beautiful than she imagined it would be. “Wow,” she whispered, her nose all but pressed against the glass. “This is… incredible! I can’t believe you thought of this!”
Ethan was delighted, and while Kaycee was captivated by the view, he only had eyes for her. Wrapping his arm around her, he whispered in her ear. “Only the best for you.”
The pilot pointed out the city’s iconic landmarks as they circled the night, and Kaycee couldn’t help but tease Ethan when Edenbrook Hospital was pointed out.
“So,” she said, elbowing him in the ribs. “Are we going to land on Edenbrook’s roof?”
“Sure,” he laughed. “That’s a great plan to keep our relationship under wraps.” He leaned in and kissed her, his heart more full than he ever imagined it could be. “Just sit back and enjoy the view. I want you to remember this.”
She quickly reassured him. “It would be pretty hard for me to forget.”
A short time later, Ethan was behind the wheel of his car again when Kaycee began thanking him for such a lovely night.
“Wait. Do you think the night’s over?” He asked with a furrowed brow. “What kind of man would I be if I didn’t take you out to eat?”
“You would be a man who clearly doesn’t know that my love language is food!” Causing Ethan to laugh. But Kaycee wasn’t done. “All right, the helicopter was a great way to have a ‘secret’ date. But we can’t exactly march into one of Boston’s finest restaurants dressed like this without being outed.”
“MacCLennan,” he groaned. “Please. Trust me.”
He parked his car and opened Kaycee’s door, walking to a marina nearby.
“What is that?” she asked as Ethan pointed to a massive yacht anchored just yards away, its sleek bow glistening under the moonlit sky.
“It’s a boat,” he deadpanned.
“Thank you, Captain Obvious. I know it’s a boat, but I thought you were going to feed me?”
“Oh, I am,” he insisted. “I’ve seen you hangry, and honestly, if that happens, I can’t guarantee you a second date.”
Kaycee’s playful punch landed on his arm a bit harder than anticipated, and he let out a little scream. “OUCH!” he yelled.
“You know, I think you’re on to something with that hangry thing, Ramsey,” she winked. “So I hope this ship has some snacks?”
“Snacks?”  He asked. “Do you really think I’m going to offer you snacks on our first date? I can do better than that,” he grinned as he escorted her onto the yacht.
A tuxedoed man greeted them upon entering. “Good evening, Dr. Ramsey, Dr. MacClennan.”
“Wait, is this a restaurant?” Kaycee asked.
“Not exactly,” Ethan smirked as they walked into a stunning room surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows. A candlelit table was in the center, and Ethan pulled out Casey’s chair as the boat began to sail with the Boston skyline twinkling behind them. “Since we aren’t ready to go public yet, I thought privacy was of the utmost importance, and this is as private as it gets.”  
“Wait,” she said, a little crinkle above her nose. “You...”
“Rented the yacht, hired a chef and a wait staff for the ultimate private dining. Yes,” he said with a satisfied grin. “That’s exactly what I did.”
Casey’s mouth hung open, her hand over her chest. “Ethan!” She gushed, “This is... unbelievable! You know that you were going to get lucky at the end of our date no matter what, right? You didn’t have to go to these extremes.”
“Well, If I had known that, I could have saved a pretty penny,” he laughed, taking her hand across the table. “Kaycee, we had quite an... eventful... start to our relationship, and we still have challenges... like having to conceal our feelings for a bit longer. And you’ve handled everything with such grace. You deserve this. I wanted our first “official” date to be an extra special night. I hope I delivered.”
“Ethan Ramsey,” she beamed, squeezing his hand. “You have more than delivered!”
The waiter served all of Kaycee’s favorite dishes: lobster bisque, shrimp scampi, then homemade pasta and braciole.
“Wait!” she said when that last item was served. “This looks awfully familiar!”
“That’s because it’s your mother’s,” Ethan advised. “I knew no one would make it as good as she does, so she made a batch, and I had it flown in from Philly.”
 “Flown in from Philly?” she yelled. “Ethan! Isn’t that a little... over the top? I appreciate it, but...”
He held a forkful of the dish up to her mouth. “Do you want to continue complaining, or would you prefer to eat?”
“Eat!” She said, groaning with delight as she took a bite. “Definitely eat.”
When the final course arrived—a box of pizza from her favorite Boston spot, Pizzaria Regina —Kaycee burst out laughing. “Ethan! Are you kidding? I can’t possibly eat another bite!”
“Good,” he said, leaning closer. “Because we have the yacht for the night. It has a bedroom, you know, and I have some ideas for how we can work off dinner. But I know you... you’ll want a snack after.”  
She laughed, nudging him playfully. “What about dessert?”
He smirked. “That is dessert. Though there are cannolis and cupcakes, too.”
“Cannolis and cupcakes?” She gasped. “I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.”
“You might want to wait for the bedroom course to make that declaration,” he teased with an affectionate grin.
Kaycee leaned in and kissed him. “You’re something else, Dr. Ramsey. I’m so lucky you’re mine.”
“And you’re perfect, Dr. MacClennan. So you deserve a perfect ‘first date.’ Did I deliver?”
“I think so,” she winked. “But let’s get to that bedroom course. It’s the only way I can say for sure.”
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