#platonic severitus
pigidin · 1 year
I've been a big fan of Snape-Harry interactions recently, but there's one thing I can't figure out.
I have a soft spot for their platonic interactions but here lies one problem. As far I know, a term severitus is commonly used (and was basically made) for father-son-like relationships between the two, which also involves mentorship. But I've seen bunch of people using severitus when talking about platonic as well AND referring to platonic interactions as synonym to mentorship. And this kinda left me confused, coz those two terms, well, are kinda different and you simply can't put equal sign between those.
Some even say severitus was made as a name for platonic version of their interactions, but they usually still mean mentorship by saying this. Due to that I genuinely don't understand what I should call their platonic interactions as plenty other fans use names for romantic relationships, but with the emphasis that it's a platonic version of one. Seems partly fair to me, but saying "platonic snarry" can be a bit strange.
Moreover, AO3 eg uses & to differentiate platonic relationships, but referring to it as snarry can be confusing.. so...
I really don't know which one is better as severitus isn't really about friendships (or at least it's not commonly used in senses different than mentor-ish) and snarry in its nature is specifically a thing for non-platonic stuff. Like.. I'd be very grateful if someone brought some light to this, as.. it confuses me a lot.
Much bigger problem tho.. is when talking about queerplatonic kind of relationship. Coz this way it becomes much more obvious, that it lays neither in romantic snarry nor mentor or perhaps sometimes platonic severitus. It's basically neither. Btw, in this situation I don't even know whether to use / or &. Neither fit.
There is practically one single qpr story between them and it's tagged as slash but even tho I agree that it fits much better than gen for instance, it's still not entirely right, as.. well ships usually mean romantic/sexual stuff going on, and qpr defies those on its nature.
I actually ship Snape and Harry exclusively in qpr, but calling it snarry seems off a bit. So yeah. I know that people were suggesting using ~ for qprs, but it's not a very common move. So.. any thoughts on that?
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momo-t-daye · 6 months
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Part One
Co-(god)parenting a teenager with your (maybe?) ex can be quite the adventure
(O.W.L.s might be easier if you'd had the examiners as tutors since you were old enough to talk, Sirius)
So, for the mirror pattern, I'd been goofing around with attempting marbling with India ink and water, I made an awful mess but I had fun and the swirly pattern looks interesting
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nightingale2004 · 4 months
Severus Snape as a celebrity singer AU headcanon
Severus got his first guitar from his father, who won it and gave it to Severus (the only nice thing Tobias ever gave his own son)
After he got the guitar, he taught himself how to play it and started performing in the privacy of his own room, then he slowly started playing in the streets and then soon on the stage of bars under the stage name "Severus Prince"
He started earning money as an underground singer, but then CEO Tom Riddle and a few of his colleagues discovered Severus and made him famous in a snap and even helped him with money for school per Severus's request (if the singer thing didn't work out)
Severus's music has a similar vibe to Lana del Ray, Melanie Martinez, NF, Linkin Park, Breaking Benjamin, Bastille, and Billie Eilish
His genres of music would be rock, metal, punk, classical, no doubt some techno, and of course goth
His first year working for Tom Riddle, he was with a band, calling it "The Half-blood Prince." After Severus's high school years, they disbanded
Severus was facing a very toxic environment working for Tom, and he wasn't singing songs that fit Severus. He was even facing depression and self-harm, but he would write in his own little songbook to let it out
Eventually, he left the Riddle company and worked with Dumbledore in his company, where he had more freedom to sing what he wanted instead of what Riddle made him do.
He and Lily were friends but quickly grew apart as they grew up
Lily is one of the managers working for Dumbledore along with her new husband James Potter, who was a former member of a once popular band called "The Marauders" , now he is also a manager to his best friend, former band mate and current big time celebrity Sirius Black
Severus, during his time with Dumbledore and his company, he went on a down low recovery to help himself from what he experienced in his past and from Riddle company
As he recovered, he started singing songs and releasing a bunch of albums that were relatable to a lot of people. (Lost loves, trauma, depression, mental health, abuse, betrayal, fake friends, toxic relationships, etc. He even wrote a song about his mother)
Severus, despite his music, doesn't like the constant attention and still keeps to himself.
He has a rivalry with famous actor and singer, Sirius Black
Severus is known as a very mysterious celebrity. He tends not to give much about his past or what he went through but his fans and haters have their theories
He secretly donates his money to the children of Spinners' end so that they could have a better life and education than he ever had
He eventually reconnects with Lily, and they get somewhat close, but there's still a wall there
Severus was once engaged to Mulciber before he quiet, but weeks after their engagement, Mulciber died due to overdose
Severus is said to have the voice of a siren
He also gives off an Eric Draven vibe
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hp-fanfic-archive · 5 days
Always by randomausfulloffluff Pairing: Gen, Severitus Rating: G Word Count: 1k AU where Severus Snape has adopted Harry Potter. After defeating Voldemort at Hogwarts, Severus heals Harry and there are enough cuddles to satisfy every Severitus-loving heart.
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severitus-big-bang · 10 months
Rules and FAQ
(last updated 04/Feb/2024: Added icebreaker questions, updated Round 3 end date. Please confer most recent questions segment for participant questions.)
Pitching has ended! Claiming will happen:
Round 1: Feb 3rd, 11:59 UTC – Feb 4th, 11:59 UTC Round 2: Feb 7th, 11:59 UTC – Feb 8th, 11:59 UTC Round 3: Feb 10th, 11:59 UTC – Feb 11th, 11:59 UTC
Please read the following rules and FAQ completely and carefully if you plan to participate in this fest, and then, if you haven't already:
check out the How-to-Claim doc in which the link to the Claiming Form can be found - which will be open once the claming timeframe starts!
Come say hi on our discord server!
Eager to get to know your teammates? Here's a set of icebreaker questions!
Table of contents:
Most important Rules/Infos
Most recently asked questions
What is Severitus?
How does this Big Bang and Reverse Big Bang work in general?
How can I participate?
What types of works am I allowed to create?
I have no way to access to the pitching / claiming form in the given time frame, but I still want to pitch / claim! How do I do that?
Do I have to pitch to claim?
Can I create works based off of already existing fanworks?
When will this happen? Important Dates:
What happens if I can’t make a deadline/have to opt out?
How will the teams be formed?
I would like to be paired with [XYZ, a specific person]. How do I let you know?
I'm not quite comfortable working with others. Can I still participate?
What happens if I don’t get along with my team members?
Why are there mandatory check-ins?
What happens if I miss a mandatory check-in?
This is totally different from what I know from other Big Bangs. Why?
What is pinch-hitting?
How do I post my work?
I have never posted a work to AO3 - how do I do it?
I do not want to open an AO3 account / do not want the contents of this fest to be associated with my AO3 account. Is there still a way for me to participate?
Can I post my work to other sites besides AO3?
Can I add my work to other fests or collections?
I really want to participate, but I don't have any ideas currently! Is there a prompt list?
I have a question that is not on this list! How and where can I find you?
Most important Rules/Infos
This is a Severitus-centred fest. As such, we will only allow works that feature Severus Snape and Harry Potter in any platonic/non-romantic/non-sexual setting. No Snarry works will be allowed. 
Most important dates: Pitching starts: Jan 1st 2024 Pitching closes: Jan 28th Claiming opens: Feb 3rd Works due: May 17th Posting begins: June 1st 
If you can’t make the deadline, please reach out to the mods as early as possible so we can make arrangements and give you an extension. 
Pitching and claiming will be hosted via google forms. The links to those will be posted accordingly. There will be mandatory check-ins once you have claimed. Please stay in contact with the mods (see FAQ). Fics must NOT be Snarry. Ages to participate: 13+, creation of works rated M or E: 18+ 
Minimum requirements for your works: 
Fic: 2500 words
Poetry: 500 words OR 6 poems
Traditional or digital art: 600x600 px (scans in reasonable quality), and a basic description for accessibility
Spoken audio work: 15 minutes, and a written summary (transcript nice-to-have; podficcers may be allowed to pod an excerpt of their template if the final product is at least 15 minutes long)
Original music: 3 minutes, and a basic description (for instance lyrics, chords, sheet music) for accessibility
Song parody: 2 songs, (link to) reference work, and new lyrics
Playlist: 7 elements
Moodboard: 7 elements
Original dance: 3 minutes, and a basic description for accessibility
Fanbinding: one complete typeset: check out this post for details
Other forms: please contact the mod(s)
There are no maximums.
We do NOT accept AI generated content. 
The works must be original to the fest and created by you. They can be part of an existing universe, but must be understandable as stand-alone. 
Posting Please post your works to the AO3 collection and add the mod account (Severitus_Big_Bang_Mods) as co-creator. We will not change your work in any form, we just want to make sure it is appropriately tagged and rated and we can change the publication-date according to the posting-schedule. After reveals, we will delete the mod account from your works.
We want this to be a respectful and safe space. So the following general (fandom) rules apply:
Be respectful, no bullying, no harassment, …
No character or ship shaming/bashing, SALS - ship and let ship
Works created in this event must NOT feature characters under 18 in sexually explicit scenarios
Like most other fandoms, Harry Potter as a canon/fanon/fandom grapples with various issues, including but not limited to transphobia/transmisia, racism and other forms of discrimination. When creating fanworks, it can be helpful to keep various resources in mind, as well as doing additional research. Writing with Color’s Stereotypes & Tropes Navigation is one way to begin examining racism in fanworks creation - please especially refer to the colour stereotype post in regards to the term "Black / Dark Magic" which is deeply rooted in racism. Magical Trans is a community for transgender individuals in the Harry Potter fandom. If you have resources you’ve found helpful and would like to share, please let us know. (We trust this caution isn’t necessary, but if you don’t agree with the linked resources, please do not contact them with negative comments.) (Thank you to @bluedreaming for drawing our attention to this issue, and for allowing us to use their stipulations.)
Most Recent Questions:
Can I invite fellow creators? (Yes!)
Are side ships allowed? (Yes, all apart from Snarry are!)
Detail questions about pitching
You can find the answers HERE: https://severitus-big-bang.tumblr.com/post/738225193133244416/answering-some-more-questions-about-the
I have a question that is not on this list! How and where can I find you?
Discord: in the Severitus Big Bang Discord server or in the Big Bang channel of the Potions&Snitches Server
Tumblr @severitus-big-bang
AO3: Severitus Big Bang 2024 AO3 collection  
Your Mods:
Serena: she/her, @serenaew (discord, tumblr, AO3)
Trueliarose: she/her, @trueliarose (discord, tumblr, AO3)
Eso; any/they/them; esotericsevitus (discord), @esotericsnape (tumblr), esoteric_creature (ao3)
Binte: she/her, @bintemuhammad (discord, tumblr, AO3)
You can find the rest of the FAQ under the cut. 
What is Severitus?
For the sake of this fest, Severitus is every form of fanwork where Severus Snape and Harry Potter have a non-sexual / non-romanticrelationship. 
Severus’ and Harry’s gender don’t have to be male. We welcome any female/non-binary/trans or other queer characters, and characters of any race, and of any other identity, in our works.
Please note that it is our foremost goal to create a chill fest and good experience for everybody participating. That means we need to create a safe space for Severitus shippers and as such, we cannot allow any works that even wander the line to being read as sexual or romantic in the sense of “Snarry”. 
Severitus includes the following:
Snape as Harry’s father/father figure (biological, adopted, stepfather, uncle, godparent)
Snape being Harry’s mentor (Professor, Master in apprenticeship setting, friendly neighbour, you name it)
Severus and Harry being siblings
Severus and Harry being platonic friends
Reverse Severitus: Harry being Severus’ parent/uncle, mentor…
For more information you can also look through our prompt ideas which you can find on our tumblr.
How does this Big Bang and Reverse Big Bang work in general?
The Severitus Big Bang is a fanworks fest centred around Severitus and Reverse Severitus works. 
Creators pitch their ideas of any form to other creators to work on them together and create two or more intertwined fanworks of different kinds/media. 
The spirit of this fest is to connect creators and encourage each other's creativity to collaborate and celebrate Severitus together. If you don’t feel comfortable collaborating with others, it is technically possible to sign up as a “solo team” and create multiple projects for the same idea on your own; however we hope (and we give our best) to create a safe atmosphere without pressure or negativity for our teams to flourish. 
Creators can sign up (pitch, claim, or both) to create works, which, ideally, should be ready by the submission date. (See: [What happens if I have to opt out]). After submission, we plan to reveal the works in a staggered reveal (ideally, we will get new Severitus content every day in June).  All the works will be part of the Severitus Big Bang 2024 AO3 collection. 
For more information please read the following FAQs.
How can I participate?
This bang is more formalised than just posting within the given time frame.
To participate, creators should sign up and can either pitch, claim, or both to create works. 
You are allowed to pitch and/or claim as many works as you feel you can manage in the creation time span.
1. Pitching Pitching means you offer up an idea of yours for other creators to claim later on so that you can create fanworks in collaboration. This is the perfect opportunity to get ideas/prompts that have been on your mind for a long time, but you didn’t have enough time or creativity to work on, out there so that others can share in your joy. 
Please note that a pitch is more than just a one-line prompt; the requirements will be finalised and posted closer to Jan 1st. 
If you ask yourself why all the effort: it is the mods' attempt to formalise the process of presenting your idea for collaborating with other creators so that you needn't know your collaborators' identities to have a high likelihood to create something you both / all like. The process consists of a Google Form. 
All is explained in a great more detail here.
2. Claiming Later on, creators can claim any of the given pitches that request collaborators. 
There will be three rounds of claiming. To ensure that we have the best possible overlap with our creators' needs and wishes, we (the mod team) will work out the best fitting teams, and as many matches as possible, after each round of the claiming period. After matching, any open or partly-open pitches will be opened for claiming again. We hope that all pitches will be claimed after the third round; the unclaimed ones will be open for pinch hitting and will receive at least a little something from the mods. 
For more details about Ho-To-Claim, please refer to this document.
You will then be notified about your claim and how to proceed. 
You then have a period to create. Let your creativity strike, discuss your ideas and works with your co-creator(s) and simply do what you do best. Ideally you have your work ready by the submission date. (See: [Important Dates]) After submission, we plan to reveal the works in a staggered reveal (ideally we will get new Severitus content in June).
What types of works am I allowed to create?
You can create any type of fanwork associated with the pitch you claimed. 
Here is a list of possible types of media:
Written works such as fanfiction, poetry
Traditional or digital art, crafts
Comics, manga
Spoken audio work such as podfic, podcast, audio play
Music (both original music and song parodies)
Original dance
For further inspiration and clarification especially for the term "art" please refer to this extensive list: https://unconventionalfanworkex.dreamwidth.org/14316.html. 
If you are unsure if the work you want to create will fit the parameters of this fest, please feel free to contact a mod; in these cases, we also advise you to check in with your fellow team member(s)
I have no way to access to the pitching / claiming form in the given time frame, but I still want to pitch / claim! How do I do that?
If you know you won’t be able to pitch / claim during the according period, please contact us and we will send you the pitching or claiming form in advance so you can participate.
For reasons of fairness, please let us know when you will need the form by so that we can pre-release the forms to all participants at the same time.
Pitching or claiming early will not influence your likelihood of being paired with your first choice(s).
Do I have to pitch to claim?
No. You can pitch and not claim or claim and not pitch or do both, it is up to you. However, we hope to receive a lot of pitches and claims to make this fest work, so it is super, duper awesome if you can do both.
Can I create works based off of already existing fanworks?
For your own pre-existing universes, yes, as long as the Big Bang work(s) are newly published and understandable as stand-alone! If at all possible, we would like to ask for your pitch to stay anonymous until claiming ends. 
You can use an already existing fanwork as your pitch if you have permission to create secondary/derivative fanworks by the original author/creator. Please note that we (the mods) can not grant you this permission and can also not monitor if every pitch meets this stipulation. 
If you as a creator want to give permission for others to use your works as such, maybe add a fanworks permission statement / transformative works policy to your profile. You can find a statement builder here or check the mods' profiles for inspiration.
When will this happen? Important Dates:
Pitching starts: Jan 1st 2024
Pitching closes: Jan 28th 
Claiming opens: Feb 3rd (Round 1)
Claiming closes: Feb 17th (Round 3), or earlier if all pitches are claimed to the max
Icebreakers (Check-in 1): Feb 18th
Check-in 2: Mar 3rd
Check-in 3: Mar 31st
Check-in 4: April 28th 
Works due: May 17th
Posting begins: June 1st
What happens if I can’t make a deadline/have to opt out?
Of course, we hope that every one of you will be able to make the submission date, but as we all know: Real life happens. 
If you realise you won’t be able to make the deadline, please contact us early so we know and can plan accordingly. It is completely okay if you have to ask for an extension or drop your claim. We want this to be as accessible and chill as we can make it. 
Just please inform us because we (the mods) have to plan the posting schedule.
How will the teams be formed?
You can either sign up as a pre-formed team with your fandom BFFs (with or without the option of pitching for more team members/claiming as team for a pitch), or the mods will assign you your team member(s) based on who responds to your pitch/which pitches you claim. 
We encourage you to be open to other creators and share the spirit of this fest.
I would like to be paired with [XYZ, a specific person]. How do I let you know?
If you want to be paired with XYZ, the best way to make sure is to sign up (pitch or claim) as a preformed team with yourself and them.
If you pitch your work on your own, we cannot say in advance who you will be paired with until the claims come in at the beginning of February and we can not guarantee that we will assign XYZ as your (only) claimer, because we will have to take all the claims into account.
We will also not reveal the pitchers and claimers to each other until the teams have been decided, and will not reveal the final teams until publication of their works. (So only the teammates themselves know who works together with them until the reveals.)
I'm not quite comfortable working with others. Can I still participate?
If you don’t feel comfortable collaborating with others, it is technically possible to sign up as a “solo team” and create multiple projects for the same idea on your own; however we hope (and we give our best) to create a safe atmosphere without pressure or negativity for our teams to flourish.
What happens if I don’t get along with my team members?
In your claiming form we ask you to give us your Do Not Wants. We try to match the team members to the best of our ability, taking those Do Not Wants into account, and hope that you will get along fine. 
If, despite all this, you notice that you can under no circumstances continue to work together with your teammate(s), please contact the mods. We do not want to force you to work together with someone you can absolutely not stand and we will then find a solution if this might happen.
However, we want to encourage you to be open-minded and give others the benefit of the doubt. We hope to create a fun experience for everybody.
Why are there mandatory check-ins?
We plan to do four mandatory check-ins with you (our participants) to ensure that everything is alright and you are still participating in this fest.
This has several reasons, foremost to make planning for us easier and to ensure that we can help out if that is needed. 
Please note that we don’t want you to feel pressured or patronised. It is completely okay if you just answer “I’m still here.” and tick the box in the relevant google form for those mandatory check-ins. You don’t need to report your work progress to the mods; however, we do recommend using these dates to check in and report to your team (yes, we know, some of us are procrastinators). 
We hope to simply offer guidance and act as a reminder, as life can get busy sometimes.
What happens if I miss a mandatory check-in?
You will have one week to respond to each mandatory check-in. If you missed it, the mod team will reach out to you. Just shoot us a quick response and you are fine. 
If one more week passes without response, we will have to assume that you dropped out. 
If you already know in advance that those just happen to be the two weeks where you are away without internet access, that's fine. Just let us and your collaborator(s) know in advance and we'll mark you as checked in.
This is totally different from what I know from other Big Bangs. Why?
Things evolve and for this, Serena wanted to make the concept of Big Bang more versatile and therefore adjusted it to what she (we!) thought would fit this fest best. 
The goal was to allow as many different types of media as possible, as well as allow the claiming of as many different works/ideas as one wants. Therefore we allow any type or art, artists can claim artists and so on. 
For this fest, the working together and connecting aspect is the focus (and we are of course rewarded with tons of wonderful works). We like to think that connection spikes creativity and helps us to create our own fandom safe space in which we can thrive. 
We also want to make this as chill as possible to take away pressure - which is why we set the minimum word count for fics as low as 2,500 words.
What is pinch-hitting?
Pinch-hitters are people who volunteer to take on an extra pitch later on if somebody has to opt out and drop their claim.
Can I claim after the deadline if I finish with my first project earlier and want to take on a second pitch?
If there are projects looking for pinch-hitters, yes, absolutely. Please feel free to contact a mod if you finish early and want to take on a second pitch.
How do I post my work?
Please add your works to the Severitus Big Bang 2024 AO3 collection (spelled Severitus_Big_Bang_2024) and add the mod account (Severitus_Big_Bang_Mods) as co-creator. 
We will approve your work for the collection and use the mod account to change the publication date accordingly to our posting schedule. 
Please note that you have to actually post the work to the collection, keeping it as a draft does not suffice. It will not be visible to the general public until one of the mods reveals this work, so don’t fear to do something wrong, and don't hesitate to make changes even after posting to the collection.
I have never posted a work to AO3 - How do I do it?
AO3 has a tutorial on how to post a work, see below. If you have further questions or need further help feel free to contact the mod team.
Posting images: AO3 does not host images, you can only embed them using a link. You have to host them on another site. Here's the how-to: https://archiveofourown.org/faq/posting-and-editing?language_id=en#embedimage  
Posting audio: AO3 does not host audio, but you can embed them in a stream or a download variant. For a list of audio hosting end embed options, check out GodOfLaundryBaskets' Breakdown of Podfic Hosting Options: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27240112
I do not want to open an AO3 account / do not want the contents of this fest to be associated with my AO3 account. Is there still a way for me to participate?
We want to give everybody a chance to participate, so please contact us if you won’t be able to post on AO3.
We can post your work from the official Mod Account and then link to the site you posted it to, as well as create an external bookmark for it. 
Please note that even if we post it in your stead (posting it from the mod account) the work will be uploaded on AO3.
Can I post my work to other sites besides AO3?
Yes, you can (and are encouraged to) cross-post whatever you want to whichever site you like. We just ask you to wait with crossposting until after your reveals in the official Severitus Bang AO3 collection!
Can I add my work to other fests or collections?
Yes, you can. After reveals, you are free to do with your work as you please, for example add the works to any collection you like.
Additionally, while waiting for reveals, you are allowed to co-submit to fests and events that have no unrevealed period (e.g. @hp-flowers, free submissions phase of HP Poetry, @voiceteam, May ficlet challenge, many bingos, etc.). Please note that your work will not be accessible in those collections until after reveals.
I really want to participate, but I don't have any ideas currently! Is there a prompt list?
There is not the usual prompt list, but we have made this list of typical Severitus themes/prompts and starting points. We hope this helps to start off your creativity.
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flumet · 1 year
Just a Nightmare
Read it on AO3
Severus Snape & Harry Potter
Raiting: Gen
Harry wakes Severus up after having a nightmare. Severus, tired and groggy, just wants to get back to sleep, but Harry seems more shaken by his nightmare than he initially thought. Severus sacrifices his sleep to reassure Harry that he won't ever leave. Sometimes, all it takes are some cuddles to chase away the nightmares.
Tags: Severitus, Severus Snape Acting as Harry Potter's Parental Figure, Snape is NOT Harry's biological father, Child!Harry, Nightmares, Platonic Cuddling, Mild emotional hurt/comfort, Parenting, One Shot
Words: 1318
Chapters: 1/1
This is part of a one-shot series, but can be read as a stand alone!
(Posted this a while ago but forgot to post a reminder here!)
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kkangkkangie · 2 years
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Our favorite Slytherin Duo—Harrison Potter & Celaena Phantomhive (ft. exhausted Severitus)
Platonic lovers—literally. Celaena would burn the world for Harry & Harry would make sure that she knows she’s worth living
He’s almost always there for some of the stupid shit she pulls including but not limited to, practicing incendio on flying arrows for accuracy, trying to levitate herself to bring a cat down from a tree which ends with her face-planting, magically making it rain whenever he and Draco try to have a moment, etc.
Snape wonders who’s the bad influence between the two—sassy Harry or chaotic Celaena—anyways he’s set two tracking spells on the two (i.e. they’re leash kids now)
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What's the 70s TWD fan fiction y'all are talking about? I'm still kind of new to your blog and I feel like I missed like 3 chapters lol
(I love being annoying as you can see)
-anti snily anon
I’m glad you asked😌
So idk if you’ve seen the show The Walking Dead, but it’s an apocalypse show about zombies and the shows motto is “fight the dead, fear the living”
If you haven’t, it’s on Netflix! 10/10 I highly recommend. Daryl is my favorite character 🤩
So I was approached with the idea of a severitus AU but in twd format, and I already had an idea for a twd AU so I was more than happy to take the offer
So basically it’s going to be a non magic AU (because imagine having magic in a zombie apocalypse…too easy) and Lily and James are gonna be alive for a short while but ofc something is going to happen and Snape will have to take charge of the group, keep everyone alive, and raise the baby of his best friend and enemy.
They’re gonna have human obstacles as well (I’m wriggling the DEs in there as a rival survival group and ofc Sirius is gonna be a problem)
There’s also Snucius later on down the line but I might keep it platonic 👀
I. Can’t. Wait
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waitingondaisies · 1 year
Thanks for the tag @yes-i-am-happyaspie​!
Wip Ask Game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. okay so I don’t have a wip folder as such, but here’s everything that I’ve got sitting around off the top of my head:
how like home chapter 41
worth living for chapter 12 
phoenixes are pests sequel
be your protector sequel (and a third related fic too lol)
severitus platonic soulmate au
irondad fic where tony bails peter out of jail
atla fic where the gaang takes zuko prisoner for realsies 
and i think that’s everything! probably. not everything on this list is what i’d consider a Full Wip in that some of them may never come to actual fruition, but I have something down on a page for all of them! so that’s neat!
tagging: @reachingforaspark @ctrsara and anyone else that wants to do this because i just brainfarted on literally anyone else’s tumblrs whoops
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Meet the author I guess?
Thanks to @severusobserver for tagging me, I'm not going to continue the thread, because frankly these things confuse me and I usually forget what everyone has said, but it was cool to see some stuff you're into, so here's a window into my brain too:
Three ships:
Severella/ Crowprince
This is Severus x my oc Petronella Blishwick. Of course it has to be my top one, because I love her. I generally don't like other people's snapexocs and often find the ofc's to be a bit... lame (sorry no hate just my personal taste). Petra is a self proclaimed weirdo, a bit grumpy like Snape himself, loves her punk and metal music, has elemental powers that sometimes get out of hand, and is neurodivergent. Their relationship is so full of trust and understanding of each other's quirks. It's the relationship I wish I could have irl basically. Head over to @princeandcrow for more.
Snupin/ Wolfprince
I love love love this ship. If it weren't for the above they would be my otp. I have three (I think) published fics for my boys now, with a couple more I'm working on. It's enemies to lovers, it's unrequited pining, it's angst and fear of rejection, it's opposites attract finding they actually have a lot in common, and so much more. And I cannot deny that the smut is 🥵😈💀🖤
Snack/ Starprince
I have not fully got into this yet, partly because I just don't have space if that makes sense? I feel like it's a more extreme version of Snupin in a way. The angst is heightened, the enemies to lovers, hate sex, potential for hurt etc. But in so many ways Severus and Sirius are like a mirror or two sides of the same coin. They were both abused, they both take their issues out on others, they even have similar looks (sometimes in fanart it's guessing game of is this snape or sirius?!) I have read a few fics which I loved and have two of my own in the works, but I don't know when they'll come to fruition.
First Ship:
Severitus. Not technically a ship I guess, but I'm following your lead with the platonic ships. This was what got me into fanfics. I don't know if it was what the author intended, but I think Snape and Harry have such father/son vibes in canon. Snape's like a very traditional strict parent in a lot of ways (not saying it's good or healthy but?). I like reading angsty Severitus where Snape is very prickly, but when it comes to writing I always end up making him kinda soft.
Last song:
Lost Myself by Longpigs, because I used it in the fic I just published! It also resonates with me a lot and my feelings towards relationships. But generally at the moment it's Slipknot and Tool on repeat. Particularly Disasterpieces which literally saved my mental health from a difficult situation recently.
Last Movie:
Suicide Squad with my daughter. She simps over the Joker, but hates Snape. Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️. I love Harley Quinn and Katana though. Can't remember the last film I watched for myself, but I got 5 Centimetres Per Second for my bday, so hopefully watch that soon.
Currently Reading:
Working my way through the back catalogue of snupin on Ao3. Part way through a history book about the lost library of Matthias Corvinus (still). Top of my pile to read next is Colourless Tsukuru Tazaki by Haruki Murakami.
Currently Watching:
About half way through Midnight Mass and loving it big time. Only problem is I'm usually so tired at the end of the evening, or if not trying to write, and I need to be awake and focused because it's so good. Totally simping on the Sheriff.
Currently Drinking:
Just finished my morning coffee. Lots of herbal tea because it is very cold. Opened a bottle of Voignier last night which is 😋
Currently Craving:
Time alone. If I could just pause the rest of the world for a few weeks/months and spend all day every day writing, that'd be grand. Oh, did you mean food? I love food but as I pretty much always have to cook for myself it gets tiring and is such a chore. Maybe a meal out. Without any other people. But also actual sex with a real life person. Too much information? 😅
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yumnasfunblog · 2 years
Ok but there's really something sweet about the trope of 'really awful person' platonically falls in love with someone and becomes a better person for it and the two of them become found family.
Boss Baby and Severitus are two examples.
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nightingale2004 · 6 months
Severus and Regulus platonic relationship headcanons
Severus obviously didn't like Regulus at first sight because he was Sirius's little brother, so he kept his distance until Regulus got curious about him
Severus tried to scare him off with threats and such, but it never worked on Regulus, for he recognized what he was doing and just followed him everywhere since him and Sirius were getting distant.
Severus was very confused at why the young Black was following him around and bothering him and just thought it was Sirius's doing of some sort.
After Severus first tutored the young Black, he became less and less "unbearable" to Severus, and they started hanging out casually.
Sirius obviously got jealous of his brothers relationship with "snivellus" and hated how they were close, and Regulus had this look on him every time he was with Severus which was similar to when they were kids.
Sirius tried to wreck the friendship between his little brother and Severus, but Regulus always stood up to Sirius, and if things got too intense, Severus would intervene to stop the two brothers from taking it too far.
Regulus would write to Severus all the time over break
Regulus even invites Severus over to his home (Walburga did not like it, but Orion surpsingly approved since Regulus and Narcissa speak highly of Severus)
Severus shares his original spells and potion creation with Regulus, and he even introduced Reggie to some muggle things.
Severus and Regulus did kiss once due to a truth or dare game in house Slytherin (It was awkward for the both of them), and after that, they decided to remain friends
Severus would go to Regulus's quidditch games, which started when the young Black begged severus to come watch him play, after countless days of begging, he caved but he said he's going to "support his house," but he loved watching Regulus play and congratulates and cheers him on (in the inside) every game
Severus and Reggie became close like brothers over the years, and they love each other like brother.
Severus became the brother Reg needed, and Reg became the brother Severus wanted
Severus stuck by Reg through the death eaters.
When Severus found out what Regulus was going to do. He immediately tried to stop it and managed to save his life (I'm in denial)
Severus and Regulus watched over each other and Severus helped Regulus fake his own death until it was time to make his reveal
However, if he was too late, severus would be heartbroken but would avenge his fallen brother.
Severus updates Regulus on everything that happens at hogwarts and at both death eater and Phoenix order meetings.
Helps the black brothers reunite and gets them to miraculously talk
All for today. Enjoy
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hp-fanfic-archive · 13 days
when they would take the light by Buckets_Of_Stars Pairing: Gen, Severitus Rating: T Word Count: 2k Harry wasn't expecting to have a panic attack from DADA class. He also wasn't expecting to be shown the effect of the Killing Curse up close and personal, not when his own mother's green-tinged scream still rings in his ears every single night. In a burst of panic, The-Boy-Who-Lived runs to the only place - the only person - he feels safe with. His adopted father, his Da, Severus Snape. Who is also the only person he's not allowed to love, not if he wants to keep them both safe in the prologue of this inevitable Second Wizarding War.
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ggadtomarry · 2 years
Welcome to my Severitus hot take.
Severus, after a while, as matters of fact had to force himself to actively dislike Harry. Because if he didn't show to hate him, it would have been almost too easy to like him.
And then, what about his spy work? What about his irreplaceable role? What about his atonement?
He lies continuosly, it's his job. It's his life. What about another lie?
He will protect the boy. A small thing like his dislike (or lack of) isn't important.
(forever team Severus against his will grow attached to Harry and decided he would copy with it in the extremely unlike scenario he survives)
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moonlightdancer26 · 3 years
In my headcanon right now, Snape is in love with Lupin, views Lily as a friend the same way Lupin views James, cares for Harry as a son/student/mentee, and possibly views Dumbledore as a parent/mentor figure, albeit a very flawed one.
I’m a sucker for Snupin, Platonic Snily (tho I still love romantic Snily), Severitus, and Dumbledore being caring to Severus.
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mellarkandart · 3 years
I’ve read a ton of Irondad fics in recent months but I always wonder if there’s like some really essential ones (like I feel like The Third Option is a big one that took me awhile to stumble across and I adore it) that I might have missed so if anyone ever feels like sharing some recommendations with me I’m game! And if anyone is looking for some themselves, feel free to check out my bookmarks on AO3, I’m pretty bad about actually remembering to bookmark stuff but I think I usually do so with my absolute favorites and it’s mostly Irondad because I rarely used that feature at all when I was reading solely Severitus, but there’s some good Severitus ones in there too I think.
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