#hp gen fic rec
hp-fanfic-archive · 7 days
Summer Aflame, A Future Hearth (Series) by Otaku6337 Pairing: Gen, Severitus Rating: T Word Count: 8k Harry is sent to live with Snape for most of his summer after Voldemort is resurrected, much to his chagrin. And he has to learn some obscure mental magic too? Except maybe it isn't as awful as he had expected. More than that, he might even find an adult that he can trust and be comfortable with. A father figure, perhaps.
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snail-pot · 2 months
So. I don't know bout you guys, but I get excited when I reach these "bookmark milestones" (ex. I've bookmarked 200 fics, I've bookmarked 300 fics, etc etc). ANYWAY, I was thinking, to celebrate my 400th bookmark, why not make a list of Harry Potter fics I've bookmarked throughout my time on Ao3?
Gen: [AKA General Relationships, Little to No Romance]
"riding up the wrong path" by ashen_key [Lily Luna Potter, Character Study, Oneshot]
When Lily is eighteen, she cuts her hair and joins the army. The British Army. The British Muggle Army. Despite what the gossip papers say, she leaves her wand at home. She's not a complete idiot. – – Oh, right. Maybe take a few steps back.
"The Statute of Secrecy" by Shairanna [Muggle POV, Muggles, Crack Treated Seriously, Oneshot]
They were, of course, just Muggles, and as such had no idea that magic was real, and that wizards and witches lived hidden among them. Or so the witches and wizards thought.
"The Time That Wood Didn't Play" by HPfanatic12 [Oliver Wood, Percy Weasley, Humor, Oneshot]
Due to an injury, Oliver has to stay off the field for a bit and Lee Jordan offers him the opportunity to be the quidditch commentator. Professor McGonagall allows it Only to discover that Wood is much worse than Jordan ever was
"In Which Lucy Despises Sundays" by HPfanatic12 [Lucy Weasley, Percy Weasley, Next Gen, Family Issues]
Lucy didn't like Sundays all that much And it all has to do with how people treat her dad
"Home Alone: The Battle of Hogwarts" by Kosaji [Crossover, Kevin McCallister, Crack Treated Seriously, Multi-chapter, Completed]
Based off this prompt from writing-prompt.tumblr.com: Harry, Hermione, and Ron are killed interrupted early in their search for Horcruxes. Voldemort orders a full invasion of Hogwarts to find the remaining ones. In a panic, Hogwarts is evacuated. One student slept through the evacuation order: 4th year American transfer student Kevin McCallister.
"'Hope' is a Thing With Feathers" by PeachyKeener [Percy Weasley, Weasley Family, Family Issues, No Bashing, Oneshot]
A coward in the eyes of his family he may be but if he had the chance to save even one life he would take it. What Percy Weasley did during the war, in brief moments, and the reconciliation of his family.
"Ron Weasley, Dad of the Gryffindor Tower" by likes_koolaid [Ron Weasley, Gryffindor Boys, Fatherly Advice, Oneshot]
5 times Ron acted like a dad. Aka 5 times the boys in the dorm (minus Ron) didn't have fathers
"Consanguinity" by StygiasCanes [Percy Weasley, Weasley Family, Angst, Content Warning: Sexual Assault, Multi-chapter, Ongoing]
The Second Wizarding War ends, but Percy is nowhere to be found. Six months later, a traumatized Percy is rescued from a Death Eater hideout. How do the Weasleys put their family back together when Percy never had the chance to redeem himself at the final battle, and will they be able to help Percy recover?
"You're Not Supposed to be Here?" by pretty_scary_vampire [Muggle Shenanigans, Crack Treated Seriously]
Muggles can't see Hogwarts in all its glory. Instead, they see smoking, crumbling ruins that they avoid at all costs in fear of being crushed to death. What happens when a young woman decides that she's going to explore Hogwarts? Chaos, an annoyed Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall being ignored, and never ending giggling, that's what.
Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood: [Romance]
"Oliver's Obsession" by orphan_account [Teen]
The Gryffindor Quidditch team is fed up with Oliver constantly pestering them. They decide to do something about it.
"Still think he's the weakest" by Hhhhhheeeeeelloo1 [Not Rated]
Based on that b99 scene where Jake jumps into Terry’s arms when he was holding coffee. You know the one. But with Percy and Oliver.
"Strip poker (and other dangers" by SquaresAreNotCircles [Teen]
“Strip poker?” Oliver offered with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows, just as the compartment door slid open. “Er,” Percy said. Or: Oliver and his best friend are bored, Percy has incredible timing and everybody keeps their clothes on.
"The Hottest Weasley" by orphan_account [Teen]
A notice appears in the Gryffindor common room, asking a very important question: Who Is The Hottest Weasley?
"Preparing" by orphan_account [Teen]
The Gryffindor quidditch team prepare their captain for one of the most important events of his life.
"It's the truth" by SquaresAreNotCircles [Teen]
Fred and George refuse to believe Percy has a girlfriend. Oliver seems to know more. It's all very mysterious, until it isn't.
"good old-fashioned loverboy" by aeoneskova [Teen]
Due to a slight mix-up in calculations, Percy Weasley ends up sharing his dorm with only one other person. Unfortunately, that person just so happens to be the complete opposite of Percy himself. In order to avoid the inevitability of strangling Oliver Wood by seventh year, Percy moves their beds to opposite sides of the dorm. However, over their years at school, circumstances gradually bring them closer together. or; Percy Weasley being irritated for 7 years straight. Ironically, it’s very gay.
"In Which Fred and George Weasley Go Through the 5 Stages of Grief Because their Brother is Dating Their Quidditch Captain" by apollospec [Teen]
"At least he has great abs" by Irisen [Teen]
There's nothing quite like waking up to your mother texting you a picture of your soulmate's abs.
"Burn Across the Sky" by MoonytheMarauder1 (beforethemoon) [Teen]
Suddenly, Oliver stopped speaking. His brown eyes had locked onto something on the other end of the Quidditch Pitch, and a grin overtook his features—completely unlike the serious scowl that had been sitting there before. Wide-eyed with shock, the Gryffindor Quidditch team turned as one to find the source of Oliver's distraction. The only thing that could have caused it, however, was the person walking briskly past the stands, a stack of books in his arms and a worn Gryffindor scarf wrapped snugly around his neck: Percy Weasley. Harry turned around just in time to watch Fred, George, and Ron's jaws drop as one. The three Weasleys glanced from their captain to their brother, then back again. Fred was the first to speak. "You're shitting me," he breathed. o.o.o Or, When Oliver Wood stops talking about Quidditch to stare at Percy Weasley, Ron, Fred, and George know something is up.
"The Exploding Charm" by perilouspursuits [Teen]
It's funny the things that come back to hurt and help you. In the end Percy chooses a side and it doesn't take long for him to know he's chosen right.
Seamus Finnigan/Dean Thomas: [ROMANCE]
"It's Tough to Have a Crush" by obliviateme [Teen]
Dean Thomas has had a crush on Seamus Finnigan since second year. Four years later, Seamus kisses him on the way back from a Hogsmeade trip. A week after that, they still haven't spoken about it. Dean struggles to bring up his feelings, and he's not sure if Seamus will let him down about this.
"The Perfect Vows" by KillianJones32 [Gen]
“You’re okay with writing our own vows right?” Dean had asked him over three months ago. Dean had looked at him with those big brown eyes and wide grin and really how was Seamus supposed to say no? But now the time had actually come to writing those vows and Seamus was struggling, quite a bit actually.
"Painting Seamus" by KillianJones32 [Teen]
Dean is an artist who hasn’t submitted anything for his portfolio in weeks and he ends up doing a painting of his roommate Seamus who he's had a crush on for over a year.
"Breakfast in Company" by Anemone_nemerosa [Teen]
Prompt: I run a bed & breakfast and you showed up for your reservation alone. Do you understand what the purpose of a b&b is? It's a bright and sunny day mid-October when Dean meets the most peculiar person to ever enter his life.
"Doodles" by fandomgalore [Gen]
Dean likes to doodle to keep his hands occupied. Over the years, his doodling subject range narrows down to one.
"(Star)Gazing at You" by Three Guesses (Thr3eGuess3s) [Gen]
It's Christmas and all Seamus wants to do is get Dean alone under the mistletoe, but Hogwarts and it's mysteries may just get in the way of that. (Yes, btw, I am indeed aware that I'm posting a Christmas fic in July don't @ me)
"A Slight Pyromaniac's Guide to Love and Potions Class" by Anonymous [Gen]
Seamus Finnigan is Potions partners with Dean Thomas. They're making Amortentia. What an inconvenient time to be in love with your best friend. // Inspired by a tiktok by @mariuslee! It's where I got the dialogue for the actual Amortentia scene from, and it inspired me to write this whole fic in the first place!
"Write on Me" by orphan_account [Gen]
At the age of 17 everyone gets a tattoo of their soulmates name in their hand writing. Or the one where Dean won't tell Seamus who his soulmate is until Seamus's birthday.
"ní bhíonn toit gan tine" by fallthroughtimelikeme [Explicit]
Dean is staying over in Séamus's house for part of the summer holidays. Stormy nights, cuddling in bed, awkwardness, and sex ensues.
"Lost Bed, Found Love" by NearlyHeadlessNicci [Explicit]
A Prank War amongst the Gryffindor Eighth Year Boys gets slightly out of hand. Dean ends up suffering some undeserved consequences, but does he really suffer?
"Hiding Scrawl, Licking Freckles, and Other Average Wizard Things" by tamerofdarkstars [Gen]
Someone out there is obsessed with his freckles, and damn it, Seamus Finnigan wants to know who. - Uselessly fluffy Soulmate AU where the thoughts of your soulmate inscribe themselves on your skin in an shifting magic tattoo
"The Truth in Black and White" by brokenbottleaurora [Teen]
Seamus and Dean are already best mates- but could they be soulmates? After the first 6th year potions class, the answer is clear. Pure Deamus fluff. Not canon compliant (shifted timeline).
"watch the stars burst into light" by anonymous_koala [Gen]
After Dean's 18th birthday, he's finally able to communicate with his soulmate. Who are they? Will he ever get to meet them? A soulmates can see everything written on the other's skin AU.
Marcus Flint/Oliver Wood: [ROMANCE]
"darling, the mess is half the fun" by slyther_ing [Teen]
In retrospect, the twins probably could've gotten their answer by just asking Oliver whether he and Flint were a thing - but when have they done anything the easy way? (In which the Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch teams attempt to get their captains together, and Marcus' reputation suffers.)
"Your feet above the ground" by Phantomato [Explicit]
And if he’d attended potions, and couldn’t remember anything, and was now groggy and prone in front of multiple professors in the Hogwarts infirmary, that could only mean one thing: potions accident.
"Come a little closer" by MInnie0503 [Teen]
Marcus Flint gets engaged. Oliver Wood starts a fight. They both end up with ten shared detentions and it all goes tits up from there. Or: How many detentions does it take for two boys to admit they like each other?
"The Inked Snitch" by your_token_trophy_wife [Teen]
While Oliver’s quidditch days may be over, his quidditch supply shop is near perfection. Perhaps he’s a little lonely and a tad sheltered too, but Oliver would much rather keep to himself than have his heart broken. That’s not too much to ask for is it? Though when a magical tattoo shop opens up next door, Oliver’s in for a lot of surprises, including bad flirting, third-wheeling and the return of an old rival. Alternatively: A shop!AU where both shopkeepers are hopeless at flirting, great at drawing conclusions and absolutely inept at talking about their feelings.
"Adversary" by RoemaencePartnaerr [Teen]
Oliver was pretty sure he had shaken hands with every other person in the school, yet he still hadn't met his soulmate.
"chalk this one up as a win" by tamerofdarkstars [Teen]
Oliver Wood wakes up in the Hospital Wing a week after his first Quidditch game ever with a head injury and his soulmate's thoughts wound around his left wrist. Frankly, he's more concerned about missing the Quidditch game.
"rolling with the punches" by sadie18 (orphan_account) [Gen]
no matter what- the era, the age, the universe, muggle or wizard- oliver wood was always there - alternatively, marcus has a long dream, he wakes up in a different reality every day, and he just can't get away from oliver wood note: the plot isn't apparent from the very beginning, so stick with it please! it clicks into place
"you're good at quidditch" by ramathorne [Not Rated; FANART]
A 4 page comic interpretation of a scene from chalk this one up as a win. slightly unfinished. still made with love.
"Does it smell like bleach to you?" by Surperb [Teen]
Oliver Wood overhears a private conversation while cleaning the broom shed.
"what my hands were made for" by hexiewrites [Teen]
There had been a small silver Quaffle inked into the skin on Oliver’s right hipbone since before he knew how to walk. His mother had gasped delightedly the day it had appeared, shimmering onto his skin as if by magic.
OTHER FICS: [The ones that don't really fit into a specific category, but I love and appreciate them regardless]
"Ottery St. Catchpole" by Erisah_Mae [Teen]
Tumblr Prompt from accio shitpost: "i wanna see a muggle who goes stealth among wizards purely by having a ridiculous aesthetic" A muggle moves to Ottery St Catchpole a few months after the Battle of Hogwarts, and there's a slight misunderstanding.
"A Touch of Mystery" by Edie_K [Teen]
At their weekly lunch, the Weasley brothers learn some surprising new information and the balance of power shifts. Canon compliant, set two years after DH.
"A Crown of Lilac Fingertips" by wickersnap [Teen, Harry Potter/Ron Weasley]
When they’d shaken hands on the train and Harry had pulled back with a bright, grass green imprint on his hand, he had gasped, excited, and asked Ron what it was. At thirteen years old green becomes lilac, and at fourteen lilac becomes red. At seventeen it's both, and they wouldn't have it any other way.
"The Sign" by Hang_In_There_Baby_Crookshanks [Gen, Justin Finch-Fletchley/Ernie Macmillan]
Justin Finch-Fletchley thinks he has zero chance of being asked out for Valentine's Day. Is he about to be pleasantly surprised? Or will the irritating muggle song that he seems to be the only one able to hear drive him crazy first?
"why not both" by varnes [Mature, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley/Viktor Krum]
“Small baby,” Krum diagnosed, sounding delighted by this. “World too big, yes? Wants back in small, warm place, yes?” Ron realized that he was holding his breath. He glanced over at Hermione, who was looking at Krum like she was definitely, absolutely going to leave Ron for him, and honestly, at this moment, Ron felt that was fair. Ron was going to leave himself for Krum. Ron was going to rob all the banks in the world to get Viktor Krum back his money as long as it meant he’d keep their beautiful, perfect, angelic monster of a screaming baby quiet. “I want to be in a small, warm place,” Hermione muttered, and then squeaked a little realizing she’d said it out loud. Rose giggled. “Shidole,” she whispered, looking pleased and interested, smacking at Krum’s chest. “Rose, don’t call our guests shitholes,” Hermione scolded, and then said, “Viktor, you can stay as long as you like.” - Or: The Ron/Hermione/Krum fic that absolutely nobody was hankering for in the year of our Lord 2020.
"can take the sting (if you heal my bruises)" by oliverwvvd [Teen, Cormac McLaggen/Ron Weasley, Marcus Flint/Oliver Wood]
Prompted by peachpety for Quidditch Fest 2021. I hope this fulfils what you hoped for to some degree! Cormac McLaggen and Oliver Wood hold the record for the two Keepers in the Quidditch league with the most injuries to date respectively. Oliver plays it risky and ends up in the hands of an exasperated Marcus Flint, ex-Montrose Magpies player turned Healer. Cormac, on the other hand, has a persistent crush on Ron that everyone knows about...except for Ron, who is oblivious, right up until the moment that he isn't. [Original prompt/request: Person A plays professional Quidditch and is prone to injury. All the more reason to see the team physician, his secret crush. Person B is the exasperated team physician at his wit's end with the only player for whom he pines. UST OUT THE WAZOO & happy endings, please.]
"Petunia Evans, a Retelling" by HouseElfMagic [Teen]
Petunia remembered magic. Being young and making things happen--strange things, impossible things--and then the pain when that man took it all away, locked it inside her. She doesn't get it back until Lily's started Hogwarts already and by then she's old enough to decide she wants to keep her own magic a secret. She didn't know that this would ultimately lead her on a quest to raise her nephew and defeat an evil megalomaniac calling himself Voldemort. But, well, here she is. She will do whatever it takes to keep her nephew safe. And hey, if she gets a pseudo father, rescues a convict, makes friends, becomes an almost permanent babysitter to two additional children, and writes books along the way, then that's a definite bonus.
"Like a Dream" by orphan_account [Teen, Viktor Krum/Ron Weasley]
Ron's life had been in a routine for so long. He did his job as an Auror even though he didn't love it, he lived alone but decided he was okay with it, and he ignored that his soulmate was a person who felt more like a fantasy than a reality.
"Loopholes" by orphan_account [Gen, Fred Weasley/Lee Jordan]
To prank his well despised DADA professor, Umbridge, after she put up a decree that prohibits boys from being too close to girls, George Weasley ingeniously finds a loophole and eventually gets his twin brother and his best friend to fake date. Which, however, wasn't going to last long in the first place, especially due to Lee's annoying crush on Fred.
"the art of bending rules" by orphan_account [Gen, Fred Weasley/Lee Jordan]
Umbridge thinks the only way to control the rebels at Hogwarts is to put up rules — and more rules, and then a few more rules after that. Unfortunately, what she doesn’t understand is that there is nothing most rebels are better at than bending the rules. It’s an art to perfect, as Fred says.
Happy reading! Don't be afraid to ask for recs and I'll do my best to answer them :))
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broomsticks · 9 months
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Day 25: A fic rated T
@kellychambliss on tumblr | kelly_chambliss on AO3 • 10k, T • Millicent Bulstrode
Millicent Bulstrode is hopeless. And that's not always a bad thing.
Rec: oh this was a tough prompt to rec for. i won’t go into all the fics i considered and all the reasons i decided meh or nah or doesn’t fit because this fic!!! this one was PERFECT. millicent is so earnest and such a precious bean, and the author carries her voice just beautifully through her growing-up years, finding and defining herself through dance lessons and teas with her muggle gran, to entering hogwarts and getting to know a bunch of other delightful misfits. neville! colin! prof sprout! what a wonderfully humanizing fic.
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/632635
p.s. bespoke, postwar millicent gets a suit and also a butch lesbian mentor, is one of my fave fics and this one reads so well as a prequel to that!
@hprecfest | hprecs on dreamwidth | my #hprecfest picks
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ladiesofhpfest · 10 months
The Hogwarts Letter by @midnightstargazer
More Minerva goodness! This time we get to see Minerva delivering a letter to a most unexpected child! Start reading here and then go to Ao3 to read the rest.
The young girl’s surname wasn’t her fault, and Minerva McGonagall was going to have to remind herself of that fact. After what Vernon and Petunia had done to Harry, it was going to be incredibly difficult to deal with a student by the name of Daisy Dursley.
And yet, it wasn’t her fault. As a witch born into a family like theirs, she needed help and support, not judgment. And so, with a clenched jaw and a feeling of apprehension in her heart, Minerva set out herself to deliver Miss Dursley’s Hogwarts letter rather than delegating that task to one of the other teachers.
Much like his parents all those years ago, Dudley Dursley and his wife lived in a boring Muggle neighborhood full of boring, nearly-identical houses. The outside of number five revealed nothing unusual, and the woman who came to the door when Minerva knocked was as mundane as could be. Thin and pale, with freckles and dirty-blonde hair, she wore slacks and a crisp, professional blouse, looking as if she had just come from one of those Muggle office buildings where so many of them pursued their careers.
“Mrs. Dursley?” asked Minerva.
“You must be from Hogwarts,” said the woman. “Please, call me Rebecca.”
Minerva could only stare in shock as the woman stepped aside, beckoning for her to enter.
Continue reading on Ao3
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romaine2424 · 5 months
Rec: Hogwarts Houses Divided (Gen-Teddy Lupin) 197K by @inverarity-the-writer
This is an old fic from 2007, that @inverarity-the-writer, has just recently posted to AO3. It's been backdated to 2007, which I think limited its readership so far. Many HP Gen readers know the author from the Alexandra Quick Series (1.15M) a story about an American OC in the Wizarding World that started in 2007 and updates every 3-4 years. The latest update Part 6 just came a few days ago. The series has a niche but very loyal following. But I want to talk about this Teddy Lupin fic! Summary: The war is over, and all is well, they say, but the wounds remain unhealed. Bitterness divides the Houses of Hogwarts. Can the first children born since the war's end begin a new era, or will the enmities of their parents be their permanent legacy? Comments: This fic has all of the charm of a fic written right after the release of HPDH. Not all of the additional canon info was known but a little was. It's unlike most nextgen fics I've read, it takes place when Teddy Lupin begins Hogwarts. He becomes fast friends with three other characters that are in the same Hogwarts Express Compartment as he is. Dewey Diggory (Cedric's brother born after his death), Kai Chang (Cho Chang's half brother), and my fav, Violet Parkinson (daughter of Pansy and Draco, though they never married and Pansy is still off the rails. FYI She was pregnant during the last Battle.)
All is not well at Hogwarts. Bitterness over the war and which sides the kids' parents were still spills over to the kids. It's ugly and worse than it's ever been. The Headmistress and Staff try to get a handle on it, but Teddy views it as not being fair at all. He's got strong characteristics of both his parents and a heavy influence from his godfather Harry. The plot, which is strong, begins with a mystery of wands being stolen from students. The direction it goes is surprising and the D.A. is reformed. You'll cheer for Teddy and his friends, and your heart will break for a few others. The Marauder's Map makes a strong appearance, and the moments where Harry, the Weasleys, Cho, Pansy and Draco pop-in are terrific.
So, if you're up for some strong nostalgia, and a first year adventure story, this will entertain you from start to finish.
Just a side note: This maybe the first fic I've read where Professor Binns plays an important role.
Hogwarts Houses Divided on AO3
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mundrakan · 7 months
The most important part
A lovely mutual of mine pitched this wonderful idea. A recipe based fic fest. I just had to, even when it's not my usual stuff.
Like the cake recipe inside, it's sweet with just a pinch of bitter.
So here we have:
All four Marauders
lots of love
a sad occasion
some tears and a smile
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thistlecatfics · 9 months
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Inhuman Resources by @saintsenara (4k, G, Umbridge & Evil)
Speaking from the fire in the Gryffindor Common Room, Sirius Black will assure his godson that Dolores Umbridge is definitely not a Death Eater. How does he know? Well, he's seen the paper trail...
This fic is so intensely funny AND deeply disturbing at the same time because we all know bureaucrats like Umbridge, don't we? And yikes her cheerful bigotry feels dangerously close to reality right now. and YET Umbridge's utterly un-self-aware POV is endlessly amusing, and the Death Eater meeting notes!! and here are just a couple of favorite lines:
"As he'd left the meeting room, unfortunately unable to join her for a coffee because he had another meeting for which he was late and so would need to sprint away from her as fast as he possible could."
"I’m not under that impression, my lord. What I’m saying is that she doesn’t seem to have any interest in sadism that's actually useful." 
My other recs for @hprecfest here
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kats-fic-recs · 1 year
Tugging Sleeves
Ron struggles with what to do when he realizes that there can only be terrible reasons for why Harry isn’t responding to his letters. Little does he know that Ron’s distress is just as worrying for his family.
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consistentsquash · 2 years
HP Fic Recs! Snapecase Sunday!
Check out Snapecase! The fest is still going on. Lots of Snape centric fics/art! I didn't get the time to read everything but I got some recs from my reading. Definitely check out the fest for yourself.
5 fav fics with 5 different vibes.
Candles Lit Against the Dark
Pairing - McGonagall/Grubbly Plank.
Length - 11000 words
Vibe - Feel good with a happy ending. BANTER!!!!
Author's summary - It's been a few months since Minerva's retirement, and she'd promised Wil a dinner out. Before she knows it, friends start turning up on her doorstep and then at the pub, not least among them a certain spy who came in from the cold.
Rec - READ THIS! The longest fic of the fest iirc. But also the best! My favorite fic of 2023 so far!! Don't miss this fic! I love literally everything about it. The prose, the really sharp banter, the characterizations, the dynamics of their relationships. A lot of times we get to see the postwar setting when stuff is really raw or when they sort of got over it. This fic has a really low stakes premise of a retirement party but the undercurrents of their history/war is super present. The writing has this really precise balance where it feels light but it is at the same time dealing with tons and tons of complicated PTSD and messy baggage. ALSO SNARRY! Technically background Snarry but not really. It's right in your face. McGonagall's face I mean! :D :D ALSO THE BANTER! Sorry but not sorry! This is an ALL CAPS SCREAMING fic. Some real Seinfeld moments with the sharp banter.
Vibe quote
Wil wasn't a smirker, but it was a near thing. "Not that our dear old Skunk isn't capable of riding a bucking broom into the nearest cloud all on his own, but I did put the wind up his bristles. The therapeutic effects of working with the herd get raised now and then when we're out on the hillside and Severus is in a receptive mood. Harry being one of our lad's personal Boggarts – not that that's ever been a secret – I thought it worth mentioning his recent distress. Divorce and all. Gave my opinion that somebody ought to nudge the lad into beneficial activity."
Rec note - the fic that made me late for work. No regrets.
Pairing - gen, Phineas POV
Length - 2900 words.
Vibe - Angst with a happy ending. GENDER!!!
Author's Summary - Phineas revisits the question of legacy.
Rec - a solid premise of Found Family with a twist like A Christmas Carol. Phineas thinks his legacy is over because Sirius is dead. But he starts to accept legacy isn't about blood and "adopts" Snape. I mean. Sort of. Technically he saves Snape. I mean. It's complicated! Read it read it read it!!!! OMG!!!! It's a beautiful and eerie fic with lots of unforgivable magic which you forgive anyway because the motive is love. Also lots of gender. Definitely be careful with this fic if you have some gender dysphoria. It has a lot of detach/remove and some really clever techniques to kind of abstract the harder stuff so it doesn't feel dysphoric but these things can be YMMV. Phineas POV! He is super hard to sympathize with because he's pretty much into the purity thing. But you can definitely see where he is coming from and why/how he changes. ALSO SNARRY PRESLASH??
Rec note - So this fic has some serious Giger vibes. Giger designed the chestburster Alien in the Alien franchise. A strange combo of gender imagery.
Vibe Quote
And out came bursting a stick-shaped, sour-shaped man, bawling as only a newborn could, naked as something sprung from the mother, with pigment smearing him in afterbirth.
Some Semblance of Family
Pairing - gen, Eileen POV
Length - 2200 words.
Vibe - Angst with Glass Onion vibes!
Author's Summary - Eileen returns to Prince House on familial business.
Rec - Hardcore Snape fam angst. Really brilliant/sharp Eileen characterization. Love the character study. Also really loved the world building in the fic! Shortfic but does a lot with the word count! It's going to break your heart.
Vibe quote
Eileen realised that her great uncle was right, that she was wrong, that she had allowed hope, as usual, to poison her, and with a bitter, eldritch shriek, she began unburdening herself of her own searing disappointment.
The Watched Pot
Genfic with Snape POV.
Length - 2100 words.
Vibe - Angst!
Author's Summary -In the aftermath, Severus has no plan other than a potion.
Rec - I don't want to spoil the fic because the suspense is a big part of this fic. It's a brilliant Snape POV fic with super sharp characterization of Eileen and her relationship with her son. Heartbreaking. But ofc it's Snape. That's his thing!
Vibe Quote
"It's an old wives' tale, you know," Eileen says. "What is?" "That a watched pot never boils. Eventually, with enough time and heat, everything boils."
It was Magic
Pairing - Tobias/Eileen
Length - 1100 words
Author's Summary -Tobias and Eileen's wedding day is the result of a magical connection.
Rec - OMG! This fic! Tobias and Eileen are big little liars!! Lots of intrigue/mystery/complicated motives. But you also feel for them and also feel really scared for their future/Snape's future. Super sharp writing which keeps you guessing nonstop!
Vibe quote
It's a small wedding because neither Tobias nor Eileen have any family, at least, that's what they've told each other.
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ereborne · 5 months
Song of the Day: April 30
"Breakeven" by The Script
#song of the day#cybersecurity videos completed today and we moved on to various types of workplace harassment and bigotry#what fun to complete four years' worth of compulsory office trainings back to back#surely tomorrow I will finish my gen-ed requirements and get to actually learn about finances. surely tomorrow.#anyway I couldn't mute or fastforward today's videos so I gave myself ten minutes to read fic as a special treat after each one finished#and at one point a character in the fic decided to use his heart and not his head and The Script started playing so loudly in my head#and did not leave#anyhow yesterday I said I'd give my two Teen Wolf song-related-fic-recs today and here they are!#fic rec#'with bloody feet across the hallowed ground' by owlpostagain - in which Stiles tells the literal truth! and it's a glorious trick!#absolutely delightful story. ticks over like perfect machinery. hits every emotional beat and then some#and 'The Sound As They Broke It Was Fearsome' by skoosiepants#an interesting setup--Teen Wolf and HP universes sort of merged--the Hale House is infinitely worse than the Shrieking Shack#also good character work but mostly it's the creativity of the merged world and the way it's introduced in the story that catches my mind#very good showing and not telling. what I think of as 'inset exposition' built right into the story#also it's a good song! 'I Guess I'll Forget the Sound I Guess I Guess' by Bodies of Water. some of the most memorable delivery ever#'up til that day I would hear them / and the sound as they broke it was fearsome#that was until your arms opened up wide / and the treasure therein was made mine'
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incalculablepower · 2 years
next generation fic recs? didn't have any interest in reading next gen for the longest time but Ive recently opened up to it
i admit i haven't read it in years (have been meaning to get around to a reread) but i remember really liking the it's tea time series by ellizablue big fan of everything @floreatcastellumposts has done but especially anything to do with hugo. this one, the bow that is stable, is a great little one shot about the next gen. and criminally underrated, there's only one comment? and it's from me? show this one some love. this one's a little different from what i usually read and what people might expect from my recs but i loved 2020, 2021. this got me into drarry last year. FULLY canon compliant and uh... covid-19 pandemic compliant? it's a story about divorce and mid-life crises and the kids play major roles. teddy in particular really tickles me here, he's got this pete davidson kinda energy? it's kind of odd! but i really love it and i think about some of the motifs that run through it very often. overwhelming evidence is some lovely scorbus from @mightbewriting i love this take on lily luna from @hinnyfied
@alohaemora's next gen christmas fic (with gorgeous art from @thecatisdrawing!) is so excellent - each chapter is a mini rom com, and i love the way some of the major events in the character's lives are slowly revealed over the course of the fic.
i'm loving all the pieces fall from @lanaturnergetup with my favourite sad sack (affectionate), albus severus potter.
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hp-fanfic-archive · 19 days
warmth; or the meaning thereof by Anonymous Pairing: Gen, Severitus Rating: T Word Count: 5k Podfic available here Read by: Anonymous Length: 0:33:40 “Is that your… father?” the red-headed boy asks, frowning slightly as the train pulls away from the station. Other parents are waving on the platform, bright smiles and tears on their faces; a red-headed girl with the same pointed nose as the boy in the seat across from them is chasing the train, laughing and crying all at once, until she can’t keep up anymore. In the distance, and only because he cranes to see it, Harry can just make out a still figure in black, billowing robes, his hands tucked into his pockets. “The closest thing I have to it,” Harry says, turning back to the boy. “My foster father. Severus.” “He seems…” The boy pauses, his frown deepening. “Kind of cold.” “There’s more than one way to be warm.” Harry smiles, not expecting this other boy to understand. “There’s more than one way to show care.”
find the full podfic library here
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lunapwrites · 2 years
Rules: Recommend us 3 of YOUR fics: 1 that is “most popular” and 2 that are “hidden gems!” Then tag some folks.
Thank you very much @wanderingbandurria for the tag!! I appreciate you, friend <3
So for my "most popular" fic, I think it's actually for him. which is kind of lovely. I think it probably ticks the most checkboxes for folks in general without being full of things people maybe aren't cool with. And also getting to hear about Remus being an Actual Stupid Teenager is always fun (no offense to any teens out there, this is me @ me, the stories are all at least half based on true stories among my own friends lol.)
Now for the two fics that I think are a bit underrated, I'm going in terms of overall stats vs how much I, personally, enjoy them lol.
First and foremost, there's Where the Wild Thyme Grows. I had such a blast writing this one, and like... if you're down for Witcher vibes (which were accidental, but exist nonetheless) and Chaotic!Neutral Remus, Dad!Sirius, and the most wholesome Harry/Ron friendship you ever did see, all framed within a high fantasy/horror mashup, then please give this a look -- even if just out of sheer curiosity. XD
With the last one... if I go by straight stats, then it's three knocks upon the door. HOWEVER, that one does tend to get recced around the femslash circles which makes me feel all the warm squishy feelings about the best murderwives. So because of that, while it's getting a mention here (because I adore it) it's not the one I'm going to call out and therefore link.
That dubious honor instead goes to Ouroboros. This one is what happens when you take anger and grief and you roll it into a little case study on forgiveness and stuff all of that into a story about Remus and Lyall. It's easily one of the most emotionally devastating pieces I think I've written, so enter with caution and mind the tags. BUT if you're up for some Big Existential Sad with a soft landing then this might scratch the itch.
And if you do happen to read any of them, I'd love to know what you think! Whether that's in comments on AO3 or if you just wanted to reach out here. I'm always happy to hear from people! :)
As for tagging... I am going to tag @inmyownlittlecorner5, @bluesundaycake, and @the-francakes -- though feel free to pass your tag on if you've already done this! <3 And of course anyone else who would like to jump on the train (I would have tagged more but I'm trying to be cognizant of the fact that it's NaNo month and y'all are busy with Too Many Fests and stuff okay. XD)
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broomsticks · 2 years
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@sleepstxtic you lovely beautiful gorgeous amazing human being <3 <3 the person who got me to read drarry! almost ashamed to confess i’d been in the fandom for aaages and never quite saw the appeal of drarry or muggle au until your writing. it’s soft and tender and lyrical and exciting — all the best of rivals-to-lovers — and each of their backstories and characteristics are perfectly adapted to the AU. each and every one of them is a delight to read, you’re a genius, i adore <3
chess au! The Pirc Defence • drarry • 10k, E -- omg the morning-after softness!!
tennis! The Greatest Game • drarry • 45k, E, holy shittttt that final match!
F1 au! Rush (For A Gap That Exists) • drarry • 42k, M. love the ensemble cast -- cedric! susan! penelope! and that ending, what a nailbiter!
the hurt, the feels: Blame Is Shaped Like A Circle • drarry • 7k, T. i love the POV choice in this.
*so* warm and cozy and lovely: Parvati • 600, G. hindu myths and family feels!
THE HISTORICAL WORLDBUILDING! so impressive. founders gen is truly so undercelebrated and i love the characterization takes in this fic. Strangers In A Strange Land • helga/rowena • 8k, T.
the smut! the humor! the idiots! deLIGHTFUL: Quidditch Stars Oliver Wood and Marcus Flint on Coming Out Together: Exclusive Tell-All (Daily Prophet, August 3rd, 2001) • flintwood • 11k, E.
for an explanation of why i just wrote you a whole ~thing~, check out this post & the ‘mutuals march’ tag below!
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ladiesofhpfest · 1 year
Title and author: In Which Lucy Despises Sundays by HPfanatic12
Summary: Lucy didn't like Sundays all that much
And it all has to do with how people treat her dad
Leading lady: Lucy Weasley
What's to love: This is a touching fic exploring Lucy Weasley's love for her father, Percy. It features so many next gen kids, and Teddy being especially kind to Lucy's defense of her father. This is perfect for the theme of week 10, Daughters!
send fic recs if you have one, self-recs and self-promo always welcome!
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ao3-fanfic-rec · 1 year
The Seam Between by copper_dust
Fandom: Harry Potter
July, '95. Harry's worst ever summer. Against a backdrop of Tory suburbia, royal divorce, Britpop, hip hop and war in the former Yugoslavia, Harry is sticking it out through a summer plagued by the twin demons of trauma and puberty. He's going to be okay—just not this year.
Harry Potter, Petunia Evans Dursley, Dudley Dursley, <50k words, Coming of Age, Puberty and Teen Angst, PTSD
Thoughts: For people who want to read Harry Potter fics that explore what Harry got up to in the summer between his Hogwarts years.
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