#platonic affection
my-lonely-thoughts · 6 months
Kisses can be platonic!!!!!! Cuddles and handholding can be platonic!!!! Physical affection isn't inherently romantic!!!!! You get to decide what is/isn't romantic for you!!!!! And as always, consent is key!!!!!!!
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irequirealobotomy · 6 months
Allos are such cowards
I will hug my friends. I will kiss my friends. I will carry my friends around. I will buy my friends expensive stuff. I will sleep in my friend’s bed with them. I will sit on my friend’s laps. And yes. All of this is platonic.
You say this means I’m in (romantic) love with my friends.
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aloneinthedark-eagle · 7 months
True love ♥️♥️🦜
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repair-bear · 10 months
Just so y'all know I am a hugger. A platonic lover. An affectionate beast. If you give me the opportunity and consent you will be hugged. There is no situation where I will ever not want a hug. Platonic physical contact my beloved.
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angelwiththeblue-box · 8 months
yeah yeah canonically they all got seperate rooms at the gold gardens but to me they pushed two beds together and all slept in a huddle
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loafofryebread · 8 months
it's actually so incredibly homophobic of the universe that my love language is physical touch and half of my friends live oceans and countries and expensive plane trips away where I can't give them cuddles.
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ossyisreallygay · 2 months
imo showing platonic affection as u would romantic affection (kissing, cuddling, etc) is really important for bonding friendships tbh
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melodramaticwolf-art · 2 months
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Here's my piece for the wonderful lyric comic that was done a bit ago!
I was so ecstatic to be a part of this, and was absolutely loving every second of it. I made so many friends and had a lot of fun times while we did our parts. I'm still so thankful and incredibly happy to get to talk to them from time to time still!
A bit on the picture: My role was to draw a photograph that could have been feasibly taken by someone else. Whether it be past or future adventures! I based my Polaroid on a happy moment between the two after their turmoil, because I love drawing fluff and comfort. There's some bits I'm unhappy with but primarily, it looks great! I love how it came out. I am a big advocator for platonic cuddling and affection, so I made sure my piece had that presented.
Do not tag as ship.
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breannasfluff · 9 months
Mistletoe Kisses
“Mistletoe! Kiss!”
Wind’s shout had the two avians in the hall away freezing, looking up. A bundle of mistletoe has been hung in the hallway and Wind is pressed to the upper railing, watching for victims. 
Sky laughs and leans down, pressing a kiss to the top of Four’s head. The bee-eater giggles and ducks under Sky’s feathers, before popping up and tackling the Frigatebird from behind. 
They continue, leaving Wind to his prank. 
“Mistletoe! Kiss!”
Warriors flips off the tropicbird, but Twilight slings an arm around his shoulder and plants a loud smack on his cheek. 
“It’s in the rules!” Then he bolts because the captain’s threat call doesn’t sound like a joke. 
“Mistletoe! Kiss!”
Hyrule and Wild walk arm and arm and pause as they look up. The magpie slips his arm free and grabs Hyrule’s hand. With an exaggerated bow, he flares his wings and presses a kiss to the back of the traveler’s hand. 
“Your Highness? Shall we continue?”
Hyrule sticks his nose in the air and swaggers down the hall in…an attempt at nobleness, maybe. “Come, squire, my bath awaits.”
“Squire? Hey, what gives! I should at least be a court jester!”
“I’ll pay you not to sing.”
“Mistletoe! Oh…it’s just you, Time.” Wind’s feathers droop as no one else follows him down the hall. 
The kite smiles. “If you came down here I’d have someone to walk with.”
Wind hops the railing, spreading his wings to soften the landing. Legend would have a fit, but he’s not here. 
Time ruffles his hair and then pulls him into a hug, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Come on, little gremlin.”
He hoists the sailor over his shoulder and is rewarded with screeching and flapping feathers. 
Undettered, he continues down the hall. 
“Someone put up mistletoe.” Ravio looks up at the bundle of greens, suspended from an empty upper hallway. 
Legend would put good rupees on it being one of Chain, or Ravio has a ghost and hasn’t told him yet. 
“Do you want…” Ravio trails off as he turns back to find Legend much closer. 
The bowerbird reaches out and entwines their fingers on both hands, pulling him close. 
“I want you to kiss me.”
The bowerbird trills sweetly back. “I can do that.”
On AO3 here
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catsinplatoniclove · 9 months
fucking love cuddling. 10/10 activity. being in their arms feels like safety and comfort
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green-enby · 2 months
Happy International Friendship Day! I wrote a "poem" a while back about a long-distance friendship and falling in love platonically as an aroace; this feels like a good time to share it.
Here I sit on the swings in this garden
Thinking of you, our week spent together
Some flowers falls violently, one hits my back
I think to myself 'What season is this?
Perhaps it is autumn', but we're in full summer.
It must be because I associate you
With the fond memory of when it hit me
Again with such violence, that one realization
One I'd never tell you, lest it hurts you, too
Let's just see each other in a year or two.
Then I'll let you know, if you're close enough
That I'll be there for you, no matter how far
But really I don't need you to feel the same
It's more than enough that you told me you'll stay
I do not need you to change yourself
Because I love you as you are, my friend
So I did not dare ask to hold your hand
Didn't demand a longer embrace
Didn't feel hurt when we parted ways
'Cause now I am sure that I'll meet you again.
Platonic love, what a funny thing it is
The saying "just friends", they've got no idea!
They think we've it easy, no chances of heartbreak
Cold-hearted as robots, unmovable as mountains
I too was floored when instead I experienced
The highs and the lows of this love rollercoaster
The worries, the tears, that feeling of dread
'I'd rather be a robot or mountain', I'd said.
But then I saw you once more
In our scorching summer heat
Your eyes always closed
The illusion of distance
We sat and talked easy,
That dread all but gone
And now that you are, too
I feel no remorse:
It really was worth
All the beats it cost
My green and purple heart.
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mysticaryll · 2 months
being able to be affectionate with your friends and it not being weird is amazing. YES to hugs that go on longer than a few seconds, staying there for a bit is AMAZING. YES to cuddling with your friends at sleepovers and such. YES to constantly reminding them how much you love them. Actions don't have to be inherently romantic, platonic affection can be the same action, without the romance. i love being 'weirdly' affectionate with my friends!!
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You know WHAT?!
*Rotates your mind cow*
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wootzel-dragon · 6 months
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Have a bunch of sketches of my dragon character Anicol, and one bonus Tolla. I'm still trying to get both of their designs down, and playing with the idea of making this setting's dragons feathered to avoid drawing patagial wings so much that I go nuts.
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lavend3r-stardust · 5 days
She has no idea how much she brightens my day and warms my heart i just love her so much i wanna keep her forever <33
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Me and my friend- in the ultimate show of platonic love may I add- have little shrines in our rooms for the other. My one for him has rocks and jewels and a watercolour painting and his for me has tiny seashells and a teddy with moth wings. When he is kind to me, I leave him "sacrifices" (cool rocks and sweets) and vice versa.
This is the new friendship bracelet. Make your friends a shrine
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