222 posts
Amateur artist. Expect fanart (mainly doodles), and talking about writing and fandoms. I write gen hurt/comfort on AO3 under TheLupineScribe. Not doing paid commissions atm, but feel free to drop doodle requests in my ask box. (Current fandoms include MacGyver, Psych, Nightwing, SG1, Star Wars, White Collar, ATLA, LOTR, etc)
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lupinescribbler · 2 days ago
First Impressions - MacGyver (2016) | S02E12 Mac + Jack
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lupinescribbler · 2 days ago
Good news: I finally managed to turn autocorrect back on so it marks misspelled words.
Bad news: Was looking through my recent writing...
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finished a chapter of my story but rereading it made me realized I switched from past into present tense for half of it? And I apparently turned autocorrect off at some point and thus misspelled a bunch of stuff without noticing???
Me: Ah, I finally feel creatively inspired :) I'm gonna write my next masterpiece.
My writing: He has was realy great
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lupinescribbler · 2 days ago
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Characters from a novel I’m writing :)))
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lupinescribbler · 4 days ago
The people have spoken, back to writing I go
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lupinescribbler · 6 days ago
So when I said I’d post this thing later, I didn’t plan to go on a who-knows-how-many-hours stippling binge. But here we are😂
I’m pretty happy with how it turned out! Pen does not have the same nuance as pencil when it comes to shading, but I think I worked around it decently!
Gonna go catch 2 hours of sleep now😅 thankfully I’m not actually teaching tomorrow today—wouldn’t have dared do this if I had been!
Edit: thank you so much everyone for the encouragement! 💖💖💖
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lupinescribbler · 7 days ago
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lupinescribbler · 8 days ago
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The delusional belief that drawing will allow me to pass any exam 😩
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lupinescribbler · 8 days ago
Saw some stuff about how to make cute paperclip rings and — since he lives in my head rent free — I couldn’t help but imagine Mac making them for everyone. I've been writing too much angst and just needed some silly fluff, alright? Sue me.
Riley starts it after she just sees one on the coffee table or something and starts wearing it (and then a few days later Mac resizes it to fit her finger perfectly). She likes silver jewelry and also likes not having to worry about them getting damaged on missions, because Mac’ll just make her another.
Bozer of course has to have one after Mac ‘gave’ Riley one, because otherwise it’s just totally unfair (Mac rolls his eye and reminds Bozer that he should just pull out the box of the ones that Mac had given him throughout their childhood)
I feel like Mac would be too much of a coward (not judging, I would be too) to give Matty one in person to thank her for bringing back the paperclip bowl, so he just leaves it on the table in the war room when they all leave for a mission. He figures she’d just be amused by it, but instead she actually starts to wear it??? (She does it initially to watch his wide-eyed reaction, then it becomes absentminded habit)
Jack starts by annoyingly leaning over and giving suggestions while Mac makes one during a stakeout ("You should make one with a wolf face!" "you should just make it slightly bigger..."). Now that everyone else has one, he's feeling left out, but absolutely refuses to ask for one so he just keeps dropping bigger and bigger hints until he finally finds a pile of ten different ones on his nightstand in the morning (all in designs he'd told Mac to make). Mac mainly did it just for the excuse to break into Jack's place and mess around with his stuff. Jack starts wearing all ten of them at once.
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lupinescribbler · 8 days ago
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Quick hug, just because.
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lupinescribbler · 8 days ago
"You don't lock your door anymore."
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lupinescribbler · 9 days ago
3. Apparently the essay wasn’t even due last night lol
4. Another new Reichenbach chap :))))
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My writer's conundrum...
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lupinescribbler · 10 days ago
I can sleep through anything, once slept through a fire alarm and another time slept through someone throwing up on me.
Anyone else I can think of has already been tagged lol sorry
it's so weird to me that everyone on this website is a human person outside of their weird internet niche so rb this with a random bit of your lore
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lupinescribbler · 10 days ago
I made the wrong decision. The essay is due tonight.
New Reichenbach chap :)))
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My writer's conundrum...
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lupinescribbler · 10 days ago
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ignore my brain rot. Awesome art!!
apparently, I do fanart now?
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lupinescribbler · 11 days ago
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My writer's conundrum...
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lupinescribbler · 11 days ago
Ahhhhh! Oh my god!!! Thank you this is so cool!!!! :DDD the A as the SAK is brilliant!!! I am so honored!!! My brain had to like, fully reboot
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Made a fake book cover for the incredible story Reichenbach by @lupinescribbler. It's been occupying like 75% of my brain space since I've read it- It's definitely worth checking out if you haven't already; I can't recommend it enough!
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lupinescribbler · 12 days ago
First time posting a long excerpt from one of my fics, but I've been in writing block hell and finally wrote something I was slightly proud of so eh screw it lol
From chap 3 of "Flight Risk" (Macgyver fanfic)
CW for mentions of death/dead bodies and gun violence
An hour later Jack had reached the last place Murdoc’s car had been seen, so he pulled over to the side of the road until he could hear from Riley. It was a small, fringe, road, asphalt cracked and greyed, and few cars passing by.
Jack leaned back against the side of his car, the gun tucked into the back of his waistband pressing against the small of his back.
It was hot and dry today. Mac hated the heat, always sweating like hell, looking miserable, and futzing with the air conditioning in the car. Jack usually cracked a few jokes at his expense. Right now it didn’t feel too funny.
It was about half an hour more before Riley finally called him. In that time Jack just stood with his back against the car. The scenery of the desert had burned into his eyes, and his clothes clung uncomfortably to his body with sweat.
“The local authorities found a body out in the desert. Male.” Riley opened with that before even a greeting, quick and flat as if she just wanted to get the news out before it burned a hole through her mouth. “Gunshot wound to the head, partly mummified and no ID so they haven’t conclusively identified it yet.”
All the restless, uneasy, thoughts in Jack’s head faded, blurring into a incessant ringing.
When Jack didn’t respond, Riley kept speaking, voice gaining a strained, reassuring tone. “Murdoc had two people with him. It might have been the other guy. He’s shot his hired help before, right?”
Jack finally spoke. “Did you pinpoint Murdoc’s location?”
“Jack…” Hesitant, scared. Normally Jack would have cared about that, but the ringing was drowning out everything else.
Jack was silent. He waited. A trickle of sweat dripped down his neck to his collarbone. His gaze didn’t shift from the horizon.
“Yes.” Riley gave up, finally. “Will you wait for the TAC team?”
Jack didn’t answer that either. Riley knew the answer already.
The silence stretched. Riley caved first and gave him the location.
Jack hung up, stepped around his car, slid into his seat, and started driving again. He turned off his phone when it wouldn’t stop buzzing.
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