#planning for automation
joyandella-123 · 8 months
How Automation Affects Your Floor Space
One of the areas often overlooked when planning for automation is the way automation changes the floor space inside a metal fabrication company. It’s not exactly an issue of more space vs. less space, it’s a different way to use the same space. For example, you might have to think in a “cell” fashion rather than in a linear fashion, where next steps succeed each other literally down the line.
Here are some of the areas to consider when planning for automation, and the ways it can potentially change and make use of your space:
Efficient Space Utilization: Automated equipment can have a more compact and efficient design compared to traditional machinery. This can lead to better utilization of space, allowing more operations to be conducted in the same area. For example, automated storage and retrieval systems can utilize vertical space more effectively than manual storage. This three-dimensional thinking is still somewhat new in our business.
Reconfiguration of Layout: Automation may require a reconfiguration of the shop floor layout. Machines might need to be arranged differently to optimize workflow and accommodate automated systems. This might involve centralizing certain operations or creating specific areas for automated processes.
Reduction in Storage Space: Automation can lead to a reduction in the amount of space needed for storage. Automated systems often include just-in-time manufacturing processes, which minimize the need for storing large amounts of inventory on the shop floor.
Increased Safety Zones: Automated machinery might require additional safety measures, such as barriers or designated safety zones, which could take up additional floor space. This is necessary to ensure the safety of workers operating near automated equipment.
Decreased People Zones. Because of the additional cages and safety areas, “people” zones will shrink, and that must be considered when planning traffic through a shop. This is particularly true when considering the lanes for bringing 10 x 5 sheets of steel through the plant.
Room for Expansion: With automation, some processes become more efficient, potentially freeing up space that was previously used for less efficient processes. This space can be repurposed for new machines, expansion of existing operations, or for processes that are still manual.
Integration Space: If automation involves the integration of different machines and systems (such as conveyors linking different production stages), additional space might be needed to accommodate these integrations.
Space for Control and Monitoring: Automated systems often require spaces for control units, computers, and monitoring equipment. This might mean setting aside areas for control rooms or stations.
Potential for Scalability: Automated systems are often more scalable than manual operations. As the business grows, it might be easier to add new automated units or scale existing ones within the same space, rather than having to expand the physical footprint of the shop.
In summary, automation in metal fabricating can lead to more efficient use of space, require reconfiguration of the shop floor, increase safety zones, and potentially change storage and control needs. The overall impact on floor space can vary depending on the specific type of automation implemented and the existing layout and processes of the shop.
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He runs the kitchen in hq, which is about as stressful as you'd expect.
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forgetmenauts · 1 year
In honor of the Full Harvest Moon (awooo!) AND Late Quiet Friday at the Crossroads tomorrow, we have a video going up at midnight Pacific on YouTube for our first Forgetmenauts Friday in a while. Hope you enjoy!
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narcoticwriter · 1 month
Literally what is the point of trying to find another job when it is almost impossible to get a human to talk to you about your potential employment?
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fountainpenguin · 3 months
Every time I hear someone say they think the phantoms are annoying and/or should be in the Nether or End, I crack up because I'm not sure they realize that confining them to the dimensions where you don't have a day/night cycle to warn you of their impending attack and your main defense against them will cause you to immediately explode and die sounds exponentially worse and more hilarious.
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cfcreative · 3 months
I wish we could talk to our pets if only so I could explain to our cat that I am going to be away for 10 days but then I will be back. If he just knew so he didn’t stress out I would be so much less stressed myself.
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hakaiika · 14 days
New Project!
So the other day I was playing a videogame called "Half-Earth Socialism" (Don't worry I'll read the book eventually) and well... I kinda suck at the game. See, I can reduce emissions quickly which is good but people become unhappy (maybe cause there is a state system enforcing central planning). Now I could put time and effort into playing more and honing my abilities... but I'm a nerd so instead I'ma take something that should only take a few hours and extend it to a very long time. Aka, I'm going to make a cybernetic planning system for the game in Google Sheets based on Project Cybersyn, OGAS, and a book I'm reading called "Towards a New Socialism" by Paul Cockshott.
I've planned out how I'm going to make it over the last few days and work begins tomorrow! I hope to share my progress in posts and videos. (I will go much more in-depth in a written form on my substack!)
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hjemne · 5 months
I am being so fucking serious how do you find a job without having experience. Every single job ad I find wants you to have a specialised degree + specific experience and it's making me want to smash something
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inspired-lesson-plans · 2 months
Real teachers know this is the most tedious of pokemon
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pinehutch · 9 months
Epiphany: the impulse to order takeout the night after going grocery shopping isn't because I'm a piece of shit! (It's because I have already made and executed plans about food and forgot to leave room for planning immediate food - and also, now there are more choices, because of the groceries, which makes it harder to choose, which makes me want to go off-book and order A Little Treat.)
1. Realizing this means I now have permission to literally just eat whatever's in the kitchen for dinner - it doesn't have to be a multi-course cooked meal
2. How the fuck did I get to 40 without being screened for adhd
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gynoidluddite · 4 months
I've had luddite in my username for a while but I did actually have to find a new job because of being replaced by automation recently.
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fooltofancy · 5 months
they're looking at killing my job specifically again, so that's fun.
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grim-echoes · 5 months
i'm so serious about my jimmy fandragon collection on flight rising i'm currently making an entire meticulously themed spreadsheet to keep track of what i do and don't have
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planmysocial · 6 months
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