#pink writes
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A doll wanders into a hostile wasteland.
Not hostile because of enemies, or allegiance, or claims of ownership – indeed, all those who might have the power to make such claims stay far, far away. There is no honor to be claimed there; it is no place for esteemed deeds.
No, the hostility is from the landscape itself. Jagged cliffs, barbed protrusions, treacherous footing – all seeming to be placed with purpose, to be designed. As if the place itself is a message.
In fact, this hazardous terrain is a message – just one part of a system of messages. As one proceeds deeper, the danger increases. Sheer walls, minefields, thickets of razor-sharp wire (made of metal; no living thing takes root here).
The doll does not heed the warnings of the land, or the danger to its body, though it is nearly killed. It is cut, snagged, maimed, as it proceeds towards a particular location. Towards the center.
After a long, slow, brutal journey, it finally arrives.
Its steps have slowed, parts of it dragging through the barren earth behind it. It staggers and limps to the precipice. There below it, in a vast chasm, lie piled high unmoving dolls of every shape and size. Discarded and shunned – in this time, as they were in their own.
The doll has reached the end of its journey. It leans forward and lets gravity carry it down.
The place lies undisturbed, and uninhabited.
#pink writes#dolls#empty spaces#microfiction#i had the thought of a doll graveyard being no place of honor#and was inspired
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Flowers can bloom any season, day or night.
Edit: Finally posted it on Ao3
Summary: Miles defeats Sirius in Belrose mansion, but hears Laura screaming upstairs. What will he do?
Characters: Miles Moore (OC), Laura Belrose, Saphira Belrose, Sigmund Connal, Sirius (Paul Clark)
Miles's pokemon are all pink colored, so the pokemon he has are already pink or the shinies are pink.
His mons nicknames for this section: Siren (Primarina), Blossom (Lilligant), Flowercrown (Comfey), King (Pyroar), Prince (Lopunny), Mouse (Alolan-Raichu)
Not beta read.
Wordcount: 2821
“Energy Ball!”
Chandelure’s purple flames shone brightly as it fired a ball of energy at Miles’s Primarina.
“Siren!” Miles shouted out in worry, but his Primarina took the hit and shook off the damage. His shiny pink hue was dirtied by the damage he received, but he still stood strong “Pri!”
Miles sighed in relief before commending one final attack “Hyper Voice! Let’s finish this!” Siren let out a deafening sound of waves, his ability turning it into water type.
The attack knocked out the Chandelure in one go, taking out the Meteor Admin’s last Pokemon.
“Blasted…” Sirius muttered under his breath before returning his pokemon “So you still have fight in you.”
Siren stood next to Miles as he glared down at Sirius, however both of their eyes widened when they heard a scream from upstairs. Everyone in the room turned to look at the hallway that led upstairs “Laura?!” Miles shouted, but he got no reply.
“Oh?” Sirius said “After an ocean of ill-tidings, fortune smiles on me after all.” He turned to look at Miles again with a smug smile “It sounds like someone upstairs has been hurt.”
Miles continued to look at the hallway with a nervous and worried expression, Sirius continued "So, will you rush upstairs to help her, and let me do as I please?” a small pause before he continued “Or will you abandon your friend to keep me fast in place.”
A choice, a painfully difficult choice. Miles looked down at the floor.
Something bad happened to Laura and the twins are left defenseless, but he can’t possibly leave Charlotte and Shelly alone. Even if Sirius and the orderlies have been defeated, those two kids would easily be overpowered by three adults.
He clenched his fist, his eyes closed shut, Siren frowning as he held his trainer’s hand. He couldn’t save them all, someone had to be there to help him-
Miles' eyes opened and he looked up, Saphira had appeared.
Suddenly his thoughts got back in order and his body moved, he ran towards the staircase “Siren, stay here and help Saphira if needed!” “Pri!” Siren got into position, He probably should have given Saphira some kind of warning, but he didn’t have the time.
When he reached the top he saw Laura paralyzed on the floor. “Laura!” His voice was filled with worry, he kneeled down and grabbed her gently, he sent out his Comfey “Com?”
“Flowercrown, help her!” The pokemon nodded and started to use Floral Healing. “M-Miles, he attacked me before I could do anything… The twins… Q-quickly.” Laura muttered, still in pain. Miles nodded and gently put her down before running to the end of the hall.
“Stop!” He shouted. There Sigmund was, his Electivire next to him, ready to enter the last room. He frowned “You… I had hoped they would’ve been able to stall you longer. I almost had them.”
Miles glared at him “Step aside from there, Sigmund. You’re not welcome here.” Sigmund raised an eyebrow “And what authority do you think you have over me?” he asked, his voice calm and cold.
Miles kept his composure as best as possible “You broke into this house and attacked one of the residents living here. You have no authority here.” Sigmund crossed his arms “I have authority over the children you kidnapped and took here.” Miles huffed “You have no proof of them being here.”
Sigmund stepped closer “Charlotte her sisters live here, you’re here. I believe it’s very likely that the children you took are here.”
"Likely, which means you don’t know for sure.” Miles argued back.
Sigmund stared Miles directly in his eyes without saying another word. Miles doesn’t realize he’s holding his breath.
“...” Sigmund stayed quiet, he then turned to the door to open it up. “Stop!” Yelled Miles, he reached for his pokeballs “Or I’ll use force.” He didn’t want to. He doesn’t like using force, he doesn’t like violence.
…But these kids had to be protected from Sigmund. The doctor stopped for a second before opening the door, he made eye contact with the twins. Both of their eyes widened.
Miles grabbed his Lilligant’s pokeball and sent her out, the pokemon remembered the doctor from their previous encounter and got into battle position. “Last chance.” he threatened “I’ve defeated you before, I’ll do it again.” Sigmund turned back to look at him, he stared for a moment before smiling and turning back fully to Miles. Miles' confidence dropped as Sigmund approached. “If I recall you faced the orderlies downstairs, and I believe I heard Sirius’s voice not soon after as well.” Miles took one step back as Sigmund took one step forwards. “It’s true that you have defeated me before, but I believe your pokemon are in no condition to fight me.” His gaze lingered towards the end of the hall.
“I knew I couldn’t defeat Laura so I made sure she would be unable to battle me, my team is healthy.” Miles backed up against the wall “So tell me, Miles. How are you able to defeat me in your current state?” He’s right. Although none of Miles’s pokemon fainted against Sirius, King, Mouse and Prince were still very injured. Siren is downstairs, Comfey was treating Laura. Blossom was the only one who did not have to go out to fight before and was at full strength, but she couldn’t possibly take Sigmund’s team up alone.
He couldn’t protect these kids.
…How could he protect his own siblings if he can’t even do that?
Miles looked down defeated, Sigmund huffed “As I thought.” he turned back towards the room “You can’t face me, now if you’ll-” “H-he won’t have to face you alone.” Both of the men turned towards the other end of the hall and saw Laura approaching. Flower Crown held onto her, keeping her steady as it still used Flower Healing, next to Laura was her own Lilligant.
Sigmund let out an annoyed sigh and Miles looked worried “Laura, are you alright?”
Laura smiled at Miles “Y-yeah… I’ll be fine.” her movements were a little slow but she stood next to Sigmund. “I’ll ask you again doctor, please leave my house.”
Miles had regained his confidence, even if his pokemon were weakened he knew Laura would easily be able to back him up. Sigmund looked at the pink-haired duo before taking a step back from the room. “...I can tell when a battle has been lost.” he sounded bitter. He started to walk past them, his Electivire following him “...Lizzy… Lizzy what do I do…?”
Miles and Laura looked at each other with some confusion.
“Is everyone okay?” Anna walked out of the room, followed by her brother “Anna, I told you to stay hidden until we knew they were gone!”
Sigmund stopped in his tracks as the twins walked out of the room “Electivire, 150 volts on Noel and Anna.”
The twins looked in horror as the Electrivire approached them quickly and shot an electric shock their way. “No!” Miles jumped in front of them and got hit with it, he fell forwards onto the floor.
“Miles!” Laura exclaimed, her eyes widened in fear. Miles’s Comfey and Lilligant tried to rush to help their trainer. “Grab him.” The Electrivire grabbed Miles by his ponytail and dragged him away. Blossom and Flowercrown growled “L-let him go!” Laura demanded, her Lilligant rushed forward as well, Sigmund looked at them and spoke up “Don’t try anything now, you don’t want to accidentally hurt your friend in the process do you?” The Electrive held up the unconscious trainer in front of it.
Everyone froze, Miles’s pokemon were growling still but they didn’t want to risk their training getting caught in the crossfire. Sigmund stared at Miles “You’re not who I wantedLizzy what do I do with him… You’re right… You’re right.” Sigmund looked back at the three trainers in front of him “I know I can’t take you children back with me right now, but I’ll take this one with us so that next time there will be one less obstacle in the way.”
“Hey you can’t take him!” Anna shouted, Noel just stood next silently to her and held her hand to comfort her.
Sigmund turned around and started to walk away to the nearest window to escape out of.
Downstairs, Sirius’s transceiver went off.
“You… Captured Miles? Very well, it’s better than leaving empty handed.”
Siren let out a panicked cry, Saphira looked confused “Miles?” Sirius glared at her “That’s my cue to leave, I’ll look forward to NOT seeing you again.”
With that Sirius and the orderlies retreated, Saphira waited for them to be gone “Sigmund…” No, not now. She had to check on her siblings “Charlotte, Laura?! "Where are you?!”
Charlotte called out to her “Saphira! We’re in the kitchen, is the coast clear?” Saphira wanted to run over to the kitchen before she heard Laura call out “Saphira!” She turned around and saw Laura tumbling off the hallway, the twins and Miles’s pokemon behind her. She limped over to her sister.
Siren rushed over to his teammates who explained what happened to him. The three pokemon slumped down sadly, unsure what to do.
“Saphira…” Saphira grabbed her younger sister “What happened to you?” She asked, “T-The doctor didn’t even try to fight… He just straight up attacked me, but that’s not- Miles he-” Laura started to tear up, Saphira gently grabbed her face and wiped the tears away. “They took Miles, I know.”
Saphira hugged her younger sister as she started to silently cry. Charlotte and Shelly ran out of the kitchen, Charlotte upon seeing her sister cry walked over and put a hand on Laura’s back in a comforting manner.
“T-The doctor he attempted to shock the- The twins, but Miles jumped in front of them and then he- I-I was supposed to protect the twins, but because I couldn’t Miles- Miles he-”
Saphira held Laura close “It’s okay… It’s okay… I’ll get him back.”
The two pulled away from each other, Laura wiped away her own tears this time “I-I’ll come along.” She said, Charlotte put her hand on Laura’s shoulder “Me too, Miles saved me once so I think it’s time to return the favor.”
“No, you two are staying back. Laura got hurt already and I’m not letting you get hurt as well Charlotte.” Charlotte crossed her arms and huffed “Ugh, fine. Kick their asses for me.”
Saphira smiled at her “Of course, first I have to figure out where they went.”
“They might not be too far from here.” Laura said “A little while ago a group of similarly dressed men began constructing all that machinery in Tanzan Mountain.” She explained, her older sister nodded, “Good, then I’ll go there, rip their faces off, take back Miles and tear their base down.” Saphira started to walk towards the door “Stay here everyone.” Laura and the kids stayed put, but Miles’s pokemon followed her immediately.
Laura frowned, she wished she could go to help Miles. The conversation she had with him before he left to Spinel Town played in her head again.
“I wish I was more like my sister. When she was 18 she acted much more like an adult than I do now.” Laura said as she poured Miles some tea before he left. “Really? I think you act quite mature for your age.” He said with a comforting smile “Thanks for the tea!” Laura smiled back “You’re welcome!” She poured her own tea before continuing “...Thank you saying that, by the way… I try my hardest. I just feel like I should be more mature than I am right now.”
Miles let out a soft laugh “Laura turned 18 only recently. You may technically be an adult, but you’re still a teenager.” Laura looked at him, appreciation written all over her face. As they drank their tea Laura remembered the first time they met in Obsidia park “Miles,I believe when we first met you mentioned that you are the guardians of your own siblings. May I ask you about them?” Miles looked surprised for a second before nodding “Sure, go ahead.”
“...How involved are you in their lives?” she asked, “With my two youngest siblings I’m very close. One is a toddler and the other… Well he doesn’t have any friends so I’m the only one he’s got. I was hoping moving somewhere else would help him make some more friends. Then there’s… Rose.” Miles smiled sadly as he looked at his tea
Laura leaned closer, curious after the sudden shift in tone “Are you two… Not close?” Miles sighed “We used to be close, but… Well she’s a teenager and I guess they always are looking to be independent but recently she’s been pushing me away a lot.” His sad smile turned into a frown. “At first I thought I was just being overprotective and gave her some more space until one day she yelled that I shouldn’t have to be the one to look after her, that it’s not fair to me or her or our two brothers.” Miles continued “Our parents were all messes, different moms and dads, some of them are alive but can’t or won’t take care of us… So I chose too be the parent in my sibling their lives..”
Laura looked at him before looking down at the reflection in her drink “I see…” She took another sip from her tea. “I think I understand how your sister feels.”
Miles looked at her “Yeah?” Laura nodded “Saphira has always looked out for us in the orphanage, but it was at the extent of her own well being. Sure she wasn’t allowed to take us with her, but she’s made multiple attempts. I want to look after her the same way she has looked after Charlotte and I…” She clutched her cup a bit tighter. “Everytime I ask if she needs help or wants to talk about anything that bothers her she tells me not to worry about her and to just let her take care of me.”
Laura let out a defeated sigh “Even though I’m an adult now she still tries to act like my mother. I don’t want her to be my mother, I want her to be my sister.” tears welled up in her eyes “I try my best… I do the cooking, cleaning, groceries so she doesn’t have to, but… I just wish I could be there for her.”
Miles stared at her silently before extending his hand to her “Hey, Laura.” She looked down at his hand and then at him. She put her hand in his, he put his other hand over hers and held it tightly
“Laura, you being here with her right now is already helping her so much. The fact that one of her sisters is now safe and with her again must have already lifted so much worry and stress from her shoulders.”
Laura slowly smiled again “Thank you, Miles.”
“...” Laura’s frown turned into a determined look “Saphira, wait! I’m coming with you!” Her older sister was halfway through the door but stopped and turned around. “I already told you, no. You were hurt once, I’m not gonna let it happen again.” Laura ran up to her “And I’m telling you that this is what I want!”
Saphira frowned “Laura please.” Laura still looked determined “Miles is the first friend I made since leaving the orphanage. Although I haven’t known him for long, he means a lot to me and I want to help him!”
Saphira put her hand on her younger sister’s shoulder “Look, I get that. He’s your friend and he saved Charlotte, so I want to help him out, but I don’t want to see you hurt anymore.” Laura put her own hadn over her sister’s “I don’t want to see you hurt either.”
Saphira sighed “You don’t have to worry about me.” Laura removed her sister’s hand “Yet I do. Saphira, I’m an adult now. I can make my own decisions, and I’m choosing to come help you out and save my friend.” Saphira looked her sister in the eyes, the determination she hadn't seen from her sister before, yet the loving and caring nature of Laura was written all over her little sister’s face. Saphira smiled as she felt a sense of pride.
“Very well.” The older sister said “But if things get too dangerous you’re leaving, got it?” Laura smiled at her “Deal!” Laura turned to her younger sister and the other kids “We’ll be back soon!”
As they closed the door behind them Miles’s Comfey wrapped itself around Laura’s neck and his Lilligant grabbed her hand, Siren stood next to Saphira. She giggled “Alright you three, we’re gonna save Miles!”
Saphira grabbed her other hand and they went off to save Miles.
#pink writes#pokemon reborn#miles moore#laura belrose#saphira belrose#fanfiction#cw violence#electrocution
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The Fire Escape
Characters: Marc Spector and Jake Lockley
Word Count: 680
Tagging: @goodoldfashionedengineer
Notes: I don't remember posting this and I can't find it, so here. This is part of a separate bodies au
──────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Smoke rises to join the setting sun; the heat clung to the air. The streets were quiet. That was normal for the city of Northbury. The orange light cast strange shadows on the fire escape, along with the two men that sat there.
Jake’s back was against the wall, as it had been for the past while. He was content with sitting alone and listening to the streets with nothing but a cigarette, but Marc had a different idea. Marc had joined his brother outside around thirty minutes ago, neither dared to speak first. Moments where they’d sit with each other were rare. They had sat there and watched as the sky darkened. Both were happy with the silence, even if it felt like it was strangling them.
“Marc… I want to go home,” Jake’s voice was soft and slow, almost as if he was scared of what would come out.
Marc was surprised by the sudden decision to talk, although it quickly turned into worry. He turned to face his brother, who still stared ahead, and spoke. “What?” His question was followed by a thick silence that felt everlasting.
“I want to go home. I miss being in the city,” Jake’s focus on the skyline never shifted. His cigarette continued to burn, but it never made it back to his mouth. The warm breeze of the evening pressed against the two men as they sat there. That same silence stood behind them, neither sure how to respond.
Marc took a deep breath, “You’re in a city. What’s wrong with this one? I thought you were happy here; what changed?” He turned towards Jake with concern. “This place is nicer than New York.” An uncomfortable shift from the other told Marc he had said something wrong. The silence that followed made that even more apparent. “Jake, please–��� He was cut off.
“I don’t like being here,” Jake’s tone was filled with a cold anger, perhaps even a form of annoyance, “It’s calm. I hate it. I miss being in the mess of my apartment. I miss seeing the fights on the news. Everything is wrong and I’m sick of being here.” Marc’s eyes kept on Jake.
Silence held between them. A silence that made Marc uncomfortable. He moved over a bit, in an attempt to give Jake more space. Jake never talked much. He enjoyed watching and learning, but, right now, that felt horrible.
“Why didn’t you tell any of us?” Marc sounded like a frightened child when he spoke. It left a bad taste in his mouth. The idea of being scared felt so far away, yet it was like a rope tied around his throat.
Jake moved his cigarette to the other hand; Marc’s eyes followed. “You’re happy down here, Marc. It’s the happiest you have been in a while,” he paused to take a drag, “I’m not leaving you guys for something as stupid as being homesick.”
The smoke curled through the unfriendly silence. Jake’s words hung in the air, nobody sure what to say. The streets below tried to fill in for them. Dogs barking, car honking, music from an open window, but not the brothers. A minute turned to three, then to five, ten, fifteen.
The sky’s colors were replaced with an inky black, city lights reflecting back. The stars stayed hidden here. Marc always missed that the most. Maybe the stars could make this painful silence something easier to bear. It grew into twenty minutes.
Marc gently pressed the pad of his thumb to his nail. “I’m sorry,” his voice was quiet… ashamed. This was something he should have noticed.
"Don't be," Jake mumbled around the cigarette. “You didn't know.”
I should have crossed the ex-marine's mind.
A soft tapping on the window behind them brought boths attention back to the apartment - Steven.
He mouthed to come inside. The food was getting cold.
Marc's the first to leave, an excuse to pull out of this situation. Jake doesn't move.
He sits and watches the city lights.
Maybe he'll go for a drive, he thinks.
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'whats your intention with my daughter '
Sir, I'm trying to take naps with her and feed her pasta
#thoughts#quotes#poetry#literature#relationship quotes#writing#original#words#love#relationship#lit#prose#spilled ink#inspiring quotes#life quotes#quoteoftheday#love quotes#poem#aesthetic#i love you#coquette#pink#pink aesthetic
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Journaling prompts to reinvent yourself ౨ৎ


how do I want the world to see me, and does it match how I see myself?
how do I show up for others, and how do they show up for me?
what about my life feels like love and what doesn't?
where does my time go, and where do I wish it would go?
who do I admire most, and what about them speaks to my soul?
is the way I live aligned with the life I dream of, or a I just coasting?
what qualities in others feel the most magnetic to me? Do I reflect those?
what’s inside my bag, and what does it say about me? (be honest, even the gum wrappers count.)
if I could script my perfect morning, how would it begin?
what passions have I ignored that I would like to reclaim?
what’s one small, powerful shift I could make today to move toward my dream life?
write a tender letter to the future version of yourself. What do you hope they’ve become, and what do you want them to remember about now?
As always, please feel free to share your own prompts and check out my insta for more of me! <3
✩‧₊*:・love ya ・:*₊‧✩
#malusokay#girl blogger#coquette#it girl#pink blog#that girl#aesthetic#dream girl#pink pilates princess#journal prompts#journal#journaling#diary#writing prompt#writing#gaslight gatekeep girlblog#askmalu#girlblogging#this is a girlblog#gaslight gatekeep girlboss#girlblog aesthetic#girlblogger#just a girlblog#girly tumblr#just girly things#law of manifestation#manifesting#feminine energy#loa affirmations#loa tumblr
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#cottagecore#fypシ#gamperisi#photography#pink#aesthetic#room#aestethic#mayonezli#flowers#kesfet#writers on tumblr#nature#pink aesthetic#moon photography#art gallery#cirkinkadininutopyasi#my phoyography#artists on tumblr#cats of tumblr#poets on tumblr#writing#landscape#black and white#dark academia#vintage
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Fanfiction about my ocs Dearil and Chad.
First chapter is Ren and Dearil focused, second chapter will be about the them.
Second chapter is in the works btw, I wanted to post it when I finished both of them but I got burned out.
Chapter 1 was done for a long time, and maybe when people read it it'll motivate me to keep going.
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A clockwork contagion, spread through a bite. It can only infect constructs; traditional beings – plants, animals, fungi – are immune. (It caused quite a stir amongst scientific circles when it was discovered that dolls of all varieties were susceptible, to include Converted dolls with unmodified corpus.)
The clockwork that results comes in a variety of forms, from elegant and delicate to rough-shod handiwork. The presentation in the infecting construct seems to have no bearing on the presentation in the infected construct. All forms function with remarkable efficiency.
Infection begins from the bite, where smallest motes of brass, hardly large enough to maintain four distinct cogteeth, are chipped off into the construct. The tiny gears link together, and begin turning.
Regardless of the type of construct – be it marionette, porcelain, robotic, hydraulic, etc – the gears will establish themselves along existing energy pathways in order to power their rotational motion. As the condition spreads, various apparati and functions will be converted from their existing form into clockwork. (A clockwork construct which becomes infected will become a carrier – it will experience no noticeable effect from the infection, except for the addition of some few small cogwheels which it did not have previously.)
At this stage in the process, the clockwork will usually become noticeable, particularly in wooden and hollow constructs with no moving or mechanical parts of their own. If desired, the spread may be arrested and the condition reversed by holding the affected area perfectly still. A lack of motion or incoming energy will prevent new gears from growing, and eventually cause the existing gears to slow to a stop. Once the clockwork has ceased its motion, the gears may be easily and safely removed, and the converted parts may be replaced, repaired, or re-enchanted as needed.
The final stage of infection occurs when most of the construct has been coverted into clockwork. Core functions, central processors, and soul vessels will remain untouched, but the construct will experience a noticeable slowdown. This slowdown will gradually increase over the course of approximately a week. This is actually the first winding of the clockwork's mainspring – at the end of the winding period, the construct will finally slow to a complete stop, before the mainspring takes over primary locomotion and energy delivery for the now-clockwork construct.
At this point, it is highly advised to implement some method of winding the construct, such as a key or crank. If, after this point is reached, the construct wishes to return to its prior, non-clockwork state, a full Conversion process will be necessary.

Available for a limited time! Wind-up dolls seething in infinite hatred! Watch them stomp their little feet and pout cutely from the helplessness of their pitiful existences!
(pat her little head at your own risk, she may bite)
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the computer blade | source
#i do not know enough about pi clusters to write ids for this post. apologies#talos gifs#stim gifs#stim#tech stim#technology#techcore#computers#raspberry pi#circuit boards#wires#cables#blinking lights#glow#plastic#black#gray#purple#pink#blue#green#cyberpunk#robotcore#robot stim
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Battlewitches who lead a platoon of dolls as infantry.
They're not very wise or skilled, of course. In fact, real witches consider them on the level of a particularly arrogant apprentice, and are usually offended by the implicit comparison.
The battlewitches are certainly full of themselves, and act as temperamental gods to the dolls under their command. Becoming a battlewitch is certainly a fast track to having this kind of control and respect over so many dolls. Normally a witch would have to train and study and learn for years to handle even a quarter this many dolls.
But the army has needs. And if those needs can be met with six weeks of instruction and a mass-produced uniform pointed hat? Then, well,
The dolls are disposable anyway.
this is my Opinion and should not be held as gospel but combat dolls don't seem like they'd be tacticool operators or w/e to me. i think they'd be regular service troops, with colorful uniforms like soldiers before ww1 and probably fighting with similarly collective tactics
it seems so much more dollcoded to me. looking pretty, rigidly following orders, no individual self-preservation is of concern, dolls love to do things like that. the one problem is how would witches keep up with entire companies of dolls under their tenure
#the 'witches' are disposable too#but they keep that part quieter of course#not that these cookie-cutter witchlings are taught anything in boot camp that might be useful for a revolt#pink writes
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love is pretty stupid
#please write ur opinions... is the pink or orange better for this!!#I usually never draw my hero characters anymore but this one took over me for some reason#LOVED drawing bakugo actually . that was my favorite part of making this#was thinking of maybe making this into like a postcard or a print bc I'm gonna start tabling a couple places next spring!!!!#my art#illustration#digital art#photoshop#photoshop art#character art#digital illustration#fanart#bnha#my hero academia#bakudeku#bkdk#bakugou katsuki#izuku midoriya
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'I can't stop thinking about you' - a love language
#thoughts#quotes#poetry#literature#relationship quotes#writing#original#words#love#relationship#lit#prose#spilled ink#inspiring quotes#life quotes#quoteoftheday#love quotes#poem#i love you#coquette#pink#dark academia#To my angel V
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What's the point of a diary if you're not lying in it?
On Anaïs Nin, literary self-mythologizing, and why personal writing should always be slightly dishonest. (from my substack)
If you’re not lying in your diary, you’re just journaling, and journaling is for people who don’t know how to edit.
A diary is not a record of events; it is an act of creation. The best diarists know this instinctively. Anaïs Nin knew it better than anyone. Her diaries were not mere confessions but performances, half-lit mirrors where the truth shimmered, distorted but no less real.

Nin understood that life is not lived in a single register. Her diaries are a study in contradiction—one moment, she is in love; the next, repulsed. She is independent yet wholly consumed by those around her. But contradiction isn’t falsehood; it’s literature. She rewrote and edited her diaries, sculpting herself into the character she wanted to be. And is that really so dishonest?
People love to be outraged by the idea of a diary that is not entirely factual. But fact is not the same as truth. Diaries, at their best, are emotional truths, shaped by mood, by desire, by the need to impose a narrative on the chaos of daily life. Nin was not interested in being objective—she was interested in being immortal. She once wrote, “We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospection.” But why stop at tasting? Why not rewrite, reshape, embellish? If we can curate the lives we present to others, why should we not do the same for the versions of ourselves we leave behind?

Nin herself was a master of this. She edited her diaries before publication, removing, refining, turning herself into a protagonist. She blurred lines, shifted timelines, made herself more alluring. She called it shaping reality. Others call it lying. The truth, of course, is that all personal writing is selective. Even in confession, there is curation.
The danger, of course, is that history will take the performance at face value. That the diary, once private, will harden into biography. But this, too, is a kind of truth. A diary is not a static object. It lives, it breathes, it deceives, but always in service of something larger than the mundane details of existence.
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The clouds had hung heavy during the burial. It had been a small service, she had expected it be.
Something had felt wrong even before the service. Something tight and burning, a lump in her throat.
Hearing her – thier – parents complain about the inconvenience of the funeral, talking with the wrong name in their mouth, it loosened that lump.
Cold anger had replaced it.
Walking up to say her finial goodbyes, she forgot the prepared speech. It was supposed to be something quick, sweet. A proper leave to this all.
Words pour before she can think it through.
"I'm so glad to see you all could make it. For starters, my brother was a sweet kid. He didn't deserve the parents he got –"
She sees a smile cross her mother's face.
"– He deserved more then people who forgot his name. He deserved more then the crappy hand he was dealt."
The smile fades quickly.
"I love you, Simon. And for the sake of clearing this up, I'm going to take the chance to say what you couldn’t."
She takes a breath. Lets reason leave. The fire burns and she can't not.
"To our dear mom and dad, hope you see what pain you've caused. They'll be greeting you with open arms when you die – and I'm not speaking of angels. You want to act like my little brother is nothing but an inconvenience, then wonder why he never told you anything? All you ever taught us was how to lie."
A silence falls, and not the one you'd expect from a funeral.
"If you would just open your fucking eyes, maybe this wouldn't have happened. All Simon ever wanted was you to love him, you know? Maybe if you gave him some attention, he wouldn't be sleeping 6 feet under!"
Her eyes burn. She's in to deep.
"You picked favorites, everyone KNOWS you picked favorites. All you ever did was hurt this kid and now his death is just an 'inconvenience'? Maybe that's why he ran away in the first place! It should be you in the gave not my brother! Maybe then everyone would know some peace!"
Anger falls from the parents. They say something, but she can't hear them over the ringing in her ears.
Your sibling, your parents’ least favorite child, died prematurely. They hardly noticed. They certainly didn’t shed a tear. Now, during the funeral, they forgot your siblings name - again. It’s your turn to ‘say a few words’, so you do.
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— Sylvia Plath, the unbridged journals of Sylvia Plath
#sylvia plath#spilled words#quotes#*#poetic#spilled thoughts#literature#dark academia#personal#love qoute#writers on tumblr#self love#deep thoughts#sad thoughts#light academia#girlblogging#lana del rey#ink#spilled writing#love#aesthetic#pink aesthetic#pinkcore#coquette#gaslight gatekeep girlblog#girlblogger#hell is a teenage girl#lizzy grant aesthetic#lana del ray aka lizzy grant#folkloregurl fics🪩
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Leo's relationship with death
Leo really doesn't like to think about death.
I mean, we all saw how much impact Karai's death had on all of Mad Dogs but Leo was the only one that had to be dragged from her, yelling after her, he really, really didn't want to lose her.
And I think when he lost her it left a deep scar.
I saw posts talking how Leo wants for things to get back to normal and pretend nothing happened, which I completely agree with. I think it's in big part because of his fear of repeating losing a close one.
He REALLY doesn't want to even acknowledge death.
Here Raph seemed to be getting through to Leo-
-but the moment he mentions possibility of his family dying?
Nope, time to deflect, joke and feign ignorance.
Leo's aware that death is a big part of being a responsible hero and that's why he'd rather goof off with his brothers and not train.
Because obviously when you ignore something it just dissapears, right? So if they ignore severity of certain situations and possibility of dying it won't happen, right?
If they don't treat it seriously they'll be fine! Totally!
Then Raph shields Leo from the Krang and sends him away.
And it's as if Karai's death stared right in his eyes.
So Leo picks up the slack of leadership in order to save Raph. He behaves carelessly during this time but can you really blame him, he desperately wants to save his brother, to stop yet another family member from death that he is so scared of.
He still tries to be positive and nonchalant, that "pfff obvioulsy everything will turn out alright!" but at the end of the day, it's not that simple.
Casey's speech had hard time to really hit Leo, he's still avoiding confronting resposibility, literally and metaphorically turning away from it. But the moment Casey says Leo's whole family died?
Now that made an impact.
And every time his family is in terrible danger he looks absolutely terrified and basically every time Leo has to be dragged away to not just return and try to save them again.
And when there's nobody to drag him away?
First thing he does is sacrifice himself. Because I don't think Leo is scared of his own death, or at least he is not as scared of him dying as his family. He'd rather give away his life than live through another grief.
Obviously I'm not sayin that the rest of the fam isn't terrified of close ones dying. But while they seem less aware (Mikey) and/or more ready for the possibility (Raph)...
Leo's wholly aware but he'd rather not be and ignore his fears until he can't anymore.
#rottmnt#rise leo#long post#don't mind me just trying to explore leo's avoidance#analysis#it thinks!#oh btw interesting that both karais sacrifice and raphs both have these pink tinted color palettes#idk if im saying something obvious but ive had this on my mind for so long i had to write it down
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