#pietre dure
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solcattus · 1 year ago
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Pietra Dura altar frontal in the Assumption Cathedral
Dubrovnik, Croatia
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restauroperego · 4 days ago
Vendo Credenza mobiletto lacca cinese giada su Wallapop
Ti interessa? https://wallapop.com/item/credenza-mobiletto-lacca-cinese-giada-1115406897?utm_medium=AppShare&utm_source=ShareItem
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michelangelob · 9 months ago
Museo dell’Opificio delle Pietre Dure: aperture straordinarie e visite guidate gratuite. Dettagli e orari
A partire da luglio il Museo dell’Opificio delle Pietre Dure amplia la sua offerta culturale con una serie di aperture straordinarie pomeridiane e serali. Le aperture straordinarie sono programmate nei venerdì sera dei giorni 12 e 26 luglio; 2 e 30 agosto; 13 settembre sera (ore 19:00-23:00); ed in tutti i giovedì pomeriggio di settembre e ottobre (5, 12, 19, 26 settembre; 3, 10, 17, 24, 31…
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storiearcheostorie · 1 month ago
Firenze / Il busto del Redentore di Pietro Torrigiano torna a Santa Trinita dopo il restauro
𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞n𝐳𝐞 / 𝐈𝐥 𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐞𝐥 𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐞n𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐢 𝐏𝐢��𝐭𝐫𝐨 ����𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐚n𝐨 𝐭𝐨𝐫n𝐚 𝐚 𝐒𝐚n𝐭𝐚 𝐓𝐫𝐢n𝐢𝐭𝐚 𝐝𝐨𝐩𝐨 𝐢𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐨 L'intervento, curato dall’Opificio delle Pietre Dure, restituisce luce a un capolavoro della scultura rinascimentale.
Elena – Il Giornale Popolare L’Opificio delle Pietre Dure ha recentemente concluso il restauro del busto del Redentore, attribuito a Pietro Torrigiano (Firenze 1472 – Siviglia 1528), riconsegnandolo alla sua collocazione originaria nel convento fiorentino di Santa Trinita. Questa straordinaria opera in terracotta policroma, di altissima qualità artistica, ha richiesto un complesso intervento…
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tizianacurti · 1 year ago
La primavera è in arrivo venite dal Gatto Scarlatto via Benedetto Dei 10 r per accoglierla al meglio
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lospeakerscorner · 2 years ago
L'occhio della Reggia
Tornerà al suo posto l‘occhio in pietre dure dello scalone monumentale della Reggia borbonica PORTICI | CITTÁ METROPOLITANA DI NAPOLI – Nella Sala Cinese della Reggia borbonica, sede del Dipartimento di Agraria dell’Ateneo Federico II, in via dell’Università martedì 4 maggio alle ore 12 si terrà la presentazione in conferenza stampa di La ricostruzione dell’occhio in pietre dure dello scalone…
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michael-svetbird · 10 months ago
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THE WINGED VICTORY OF BRESCIA: Bronze statue found in 1826 at the Capitolium of Brixia site, Now - one of the symbols of Brescia preserved in the Capitolium museum https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitolium_of_Brixia 1 AD [H=195cm] "The … restoration of the 'Opificio delle Pietre Dure' [Ministry of Culture restoration institute based in Florence] has established that the statue was cast in the 1st c. AD in a local forge and is not an assembly of different statues but was created to be a 'Winged Victory'. The reference model is to be identified in Aphrodite Urania of the 'Cyrene type', i.e. with the goddess conceived in that specific variation of posture found in the statue of the same name from Cyrene. Other details, such as the twisting of the bust and the shape of the arms are also borrowed from Greek works of the 5th-6th c. BC. … the wings were added to transform the work into the goddess Victoria; in Rome and Constantinople there were similar works [Victory engraving a shield] in the Imperial forums." [txt ©BAP]
Brixia Archaeological Park in Brescia | BAP
Web: https://www.bresciamusei.com/en/museums-and-venues/brixia-roman-archaeological-area
IG, X : @ BresciaMusei
FB : https://www.facebook.com/bresciamusei
BAP | Michael Svetbird phs©msp | 04|05|24 6300X4200 600 [I.-III.] The photographed object is collection item of BAP, photos are copyrighted [Non-commercial fair use | No AI | Author rights apply | Sorry for the watermarks]
📸 Part of the "Reliefs-Friezes-Slabs-Sculpture" MSP Online Photo-gallery:
👉 D-ART: https://www.deviantart.com/svetbird1234/gallery/72510770/reliefs-friezes-slabs-sculpture
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the-andromeda-effect · 1 year ago
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While Caliban is up with Adira, the men are down at the Gatehouse talking.
“Wait, so she really IS Riona Kalavati?” Marcin shook his head slightly, trying to get it to sink in. Lars had brought he and Pietre into the gatehouse to talk privately, after Caliban headed back to the mansion after the status update. That one piece of information was giving Marcin the most problems digesting. No matter who she was, if Caliban wanted her protected, he’d do so, but how Mircea Kalavati’s wife could ever become Caliban’s wife confounded him.
“No, Riona Kalavati died in that house we raided where the Marabioli’s were holding hostages. Remember, we had a hit job there because someone was trying to start a war between the families? That was Riona that wanted to start the war to get out of her marriage, according to Mircea. Adira is the woman you saw who came out with the boss, the one that he was protecting, and put in the line of fire to keep her safe. Didn’t you hear, Lars, they’ve been married since before Riona disappeared? Theron can show you the paperwork and the marriage certificate is framed in the boss’s office. You need to keep up, Marc, or you’re going to get replaced on the security detail.” Pietre elbowed him with a slight smirk, having understood very well what Lars was telling them, and what it meant. “So, Svarog and I are going to stay here, and help Theron figure out who helped that bastard hurt the boss’s wife? Sounds like we’ll also be working out if there is anyone else working against him?”
“That’s the plan. You can understand how in just over twenty-four hours after being freed from the Marabioli house where she was held prisoner, to be drug across the lawn of her own home with a gun to her head might be a bit…stressful.” Lars inclined his head to add emphasis. “Marcin, you’ll be coming with us to Caliban's cabin in the mountains. Caliban wants to take her up there for seclusion and to recover from the trauma. The newly married couple would also like some time alone together, since that has been in short supply lately. You and I will take shifts. Since it’s just going to be the four of us, we are getting the luxury of not having to share a room and getting to stay in the guest rooms that he usually reserves for his friends.” He rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "I can tell you that Mrs. Andros is terrified of thunder, but she will do fine as long as the boss is with her if we have a bad storm. Otherwise some hand holding might be in order. That storm we had last night was not a fun experience for her.”
Marcin nodded. He was now understanding what was going on, if still a little confused why Caliban was somehow married to Mircea Kalavati’s wife. That seemed like a good way to start a war with the Kalavati family to him, but he was not going to challenge the boss. “Hand holding I can do. She seems like a very sweet woman.”
“She is. Don't ask me how this all got started, I don’t know. Given Caliban’s temperament at the moment, I wouldn’t go asking him either. It is clear that he cares for her, and I would venture deeply. Theron seems to have affection as well. So our two bosses want this woman looked after.” His lips thinned as Lars smiled. “During the storm Caliban didn’t release her even after she’d fallen asleep. Whoever she started life out as, she is Adira ANDROS now.” His brows rose to add emphasis.
“Is she okay?” Pietre asked. He’d been wondering. Lars hadn’t really said and they knew that she’d been taken out of the gatehouse by Caliban and Theron caging her so that she didn’t have to see the blood and body from the earlier violence.
“As best a woman that lived under routine beatings from Mircea Kalavati, then a kidnapping by the Marabioli clan, and now almost getting shot in the head by her new husband’s guard could be doing. That is to say, physically she is fine, but emotionally I won’t venture a guess. Neither Theron nor Caliban are letting anyone near her. I guess we will know when we leave tonight.” Lars sighed.
“You two take care of her up there with Caliban. We’ll ferret out the traitor or traitors to the boss, so it’s all safe when you get back. There is just something wrong with this whole situation.” Pietre looked between the other two men.
“I don’t disagree. Kondrat was way too confident for him to be acting on his own. He was having help from somewhere and thought that whoever it was, they were going to cover his ass. For him to have pulled her right from behind you, that means he knew he was going against the boss.” Marcin shook his head slightly. "So that means we have at least one other person.”
"Which is why the five of us will be Caliban’s eyes and ears for a while. He needs to focus on Adira. Right now she's clinging to him but she could just as easily get spooked and then we'd have to hunt her down and hope Mircea didn't find her first." Theron joined the other three men. With Adira resting and Caliban packing, he'd decided to see how everyone else was doing.
"Ther, so you think that Cal is in danger too? Do we need to step up security in general when they come back?" Pietre asked, the question having been growing in his mind.
"I don't think there's a threat to Cal, yet. That yet may change. Any leak or someone working for another family is bad news though. It weakens us," was Theron's answer.
"I'm going to address the elephant in the room, so don't shoot me. How did Cal go from entering that house to kill Riona Kalavati to exiting with his new wife?" Marcin knew that he was in dangerous territory but if he was going to unequivocally have Caliban’s back, he wanted to understand. Theron had the answer, he was sure. He only hoped that he didn’t die for his curiosity
Theron chuckled before explaining how absolutely everything the previous day had happened. When Caliban had started feeling attraction to the beautiful brunette, he couldn't say, but the chemistry had been obvious even to him from early on in their meeting. He had no reservations about the arrangement or relationship. If he had, he would have voiced them to Caliban personally..
"I believe she is going to do Cal and the organization a world of good. She seems honest and trustworthy. As you can see, he's a little protective. Truthfully, we both are." Theron chuckled.
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silviafacose · 3 months ago
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Orecchini con filo di ferro o ottone e pietre dure✨
Tutti realizzati a mano da Silvia Fa Cose
🌺 Visita la mia pagina instragram per tutti gli altri prodotti e per fare il tuo ordine! 🌺
Wire wrap earrings with crystals ✨
All handmade by Silvia Fa Cose
Go check my instagram page @silvia.facose to see all my products and to set your order 🌺
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sciatu · 2 years ago
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Finiamo di cenare e ci incamminiamo verso il cuore di Ortigia, passando accanto a vicoli con costellazioni di stelle sopra i piccoli tavoli dei ristoranti, austere chiese che abbracciano nelle loro piazzette i soliti ristoranti dal profumo di pasta alle vongole, o col piccante aroma di cozze alla tarantina. Dovremo sentirci offesi scandalizzati da questo turbinio di candido barocco e di pasta alle sarde. Ma è la vita che aleggia a mezzaria tra i vecchi palazzi baronali e i cortili barocchi, è la vita portata dalle infinite lingue dei turisti che si perde tra i vicoli e le lampade gialle, tra i B&B e le case vuote, è la loro curiosità, il loro stupore per il bello che vi trovano che fa pulsare il cuore di Ortigia. Arriviamo nella grande piazza colma di gente, di voci e di musica, circondata dai palazzi nobiliari dagli imponenti portoni dove i turisti si aggirano affascinati dal tempo fermato nella bianca pietra di Siracusa, cristallizzato nelle colonne e balconi in ferro battuto a collo di cigno, nel barocco mischiato con le colonne dei templi greci della cattedrale dalle perfette forme, nella purezza dell’acqua della fontana di Aretusa, in prospettive scenografiche disegnate dalla luce giallognola dei lampioni. I sogni diventano reali e le notti si vestono di ricordi soffici e dolciastri, Ortigia è come un enorme palcoscenico dove si recita l’eleganza e la creatività del silenzio nelle sue forme pi�� intime e moderne. I turisti dal noioso vociare sono solo le comparse di un eternità recitata dalla bellezza di queste pietre. Tutto è un passato che racconta di tragedie greche, di guerre sanguinose tra saraceni e normanni, di Principi alla Gattopardo e di arte immortale lungo le strade a misura d’uomo, tra i palazzi nobili o nelle povere case che nel buio sembrano aspettare austere e compite quel sole che di giorno le fa brillare di luce, incastonate in un mare fraterno e cristallino.
We finish dinner and walk towards the heart of Ortigia, passing by alleys with constellations of stars above the small restaurant tables, austere churches that embrace in their squares the usual restaurants with the scent of pasta with clams, or with the spicy aroma of mussels alla tarantina. We will have to feel offended and scandalized by this swirl of candid Baroque and pasta with sardines. But it is the life that hovers in the air between the old baronial palaces and the baroque courtyards, it is the life brought by the infinite languages of the tourists that gets lost in the alleys and the yellow lamps, between the B&Bs and the empty houses, it is their curiosity, their amazement at the beauty they find there makes the heart of Ortigia beat. We arrive in the large square full of people, voices and music, surrounded by noble palaces with imposing gates where tourists wander around fascinated by time stopped in the white stone of Syracuse, crystallized in the swan-neck wrought iron columns and balconies, in the baroque mixed with the columns of the Greek temples of the cathedral with perfect shapes, in the purity of the water of the fountain of Arethusa, in scenographic perspectives drawn by the yellowish light of the street lamps. Dreams come true and the nights are dressed in soft and sweet memories. Ortigia is like a huge stage where the elegance and creativity of silence is played out in its most intimate and modern forms. The boring shouting tourists are just the extras of an eternity played out by the beauty of these stones. Everything is a past that tells of Greek tragedies, of bloody wars between Saracens and Normans, of Gattopardo Princes and of immortal art along the streets on a human scale, among the noble palaces or in the poor houses that in the dark seem to wait austere and fulfill that sun which during the day makes them shine with light, set in a fraternal and crystalline sea.
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restauroperego · 1 month ago
Vendo Credenza decorata lacca cinese e giada su Wallapop
Ti interessa? https://wallapop.com/item/credenza-decorata-lacca-cinese-e-giada-1101657126?utm_medium=AppShare&utm_source=ShareItem
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michelangelob · 2 years ago
3 settembre 1588: viene fondato l'Opificio delle Pietre dure a Firenze
Per volere di Ferdinando I de’ Medici, terzo Granduca di Toscana, il 3 settembre del 1588 fu fondato l’Opificio delle Pietre Dure. All’inizio era una vera e propria manifattura del commesso fiorentino, una tecnica raffinata adoperata ancora oggi per realizzare manufatti particolarmente pregiati con marmi e pietre semi preziose e la sua sede era ubicata all’interno della Galleria dei Lavori, nel…
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storiearcheostorie · 1 month ago
Firenze / La statua lignea della “Bentornata” splende di nuovo dopo il restauro
Un capolavoro medievale di 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞n𝐳𝐞 / 𝐋𝐚 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐠n𝐞𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 “𝐁𝐞n𝐭𝐨𝐫n𝐚𝐭𝐚” 𝐬𝐩𝐥𝐞n𝐝𝐞 𝐝𝐢 n𝐮𝐨𝐯𝐨 𝐝𝐨𝐩𝐨 𝐢𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐨 Un capolavoro trecentesco di Giovanni Fetti restituito alla Basilica di San Lorenzo grazie al lavoro degli esperti dell’Opificio delle Pietre Dure. Leggi i particolari su @storieearcheostorie @opificiodellepietredure #arte #restauri #medioevo #firenze
Elena – Il Giornale Popolare Torna a splendere, dopo un lungo ed impegnativo restauro condotto dall’Opificio delle Pietre Dure, la statua della Bentornata recentemente restituita all’Opera Medicea Laurenziana. La scultura lignea raffigurante una Madonna col Bambino, nota come la Bentornata, è una delle rare opere medievali conservate nella rinascimentale Basilica di San Lorenzo a Firenze. Datata…
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prim-moth · 4 months ago
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Pietre’s & Jes’ other brothers; Simone & Matt. Both died during the war and Pietre has a lot of survivor’s guilt about it, so this one is def an AU. I’ve had them in my back pocket since I made the Mulder but never got names & faces.
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yaellaharpe-blog · 9 months ago
Antonina Fountain (Sagalassos), Burdur - Turkey
La Fuente Antonina (Sagalassos), Burdur - Turquía
La Fuente Antonina (Sagalassos), Burdur - Turquía
(English / Español / Italiano)
Antonina Fountain is a historical fountain located in the ancient city of Sagalassos in Ağlasun district of Burdur province, Turkey. Built during the reign of the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius between 161 and 180 A.D. and restored combining almost three thousand stones, it surpasses other fountains with its millenary water flowing for eighteen hundred years, whispering the history of antiquity to the ears!…. This cascading fountain is built to show the power and prestige of the Roman Empire to the world. Different coloured stones and precious Afyon marble brought from different parts of the empire were used in the fountain. The Antonine Fountain is also an indication of how rich and magnificent the Ancient City of Sagalassos was. The water of the fountain, which flows from the 4.5-metre high waterfall in the central niche, fills the 81 m³ capacity pool. There is also a legend about this fountain: according to the legend, the water of this fountain beautifies people and those who drink it fall in love!
The ancient city of Sagalassos was inscribed on the UNESCO Temporary World Heritage List in 2009.
La Fuente Antonina es una fuente histórica ubicada en la antigua ciudad de Sagalassos en el distrito de Ağlasun de la provincia de Burdur, Turquía. Construida durante el reinado del emperador romano Marco Aurelio entre 161 y 180 d.C. y restaurada combinando casi tres mil piedras, supera a otras fuentes con su agua milenaria fluyendo durante mil ochocientos años, susurrando la historia de la antigüedad a los oídos!... Esta fuente con cascada está construida para mostrar el poder y el prestigio del Imperio Romano al mundo. En la fuente, se utilizaron piedras de diferentes colores y mármol precioso de Afyon traídas de diferentes partes del imperio. La Fuente Antonina también es un indicador de lo rica y magnífica que era la Ciudad Antigua de Sagalassos. El agua de la fuente, brota de la cascada de 4,5 metros de altura situada en el nicho central y llena la piscina de 81 m³ de capacidad. También hay una leyenda sobre esta fuente: según la leyenda, el agua de esta fuente embellece a la gente y ¡los que la beben se enamoran!
La ciudad antigua de Sagalassos fue incluida en la Lista Temporal del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO en 2009.
La Fontana Antonina è una fontana storica situata nell'antica città di Sagalassos, nel distretto di Ağlasun, nella provincia di Burdur, in Turchia. Costruita durante il regno dell'imperatore romano Marco Aurelio tra il 161 e il 180 d.C. e restaurata unendo quasi tremila pietre, supera le altre fontane con la sua acqua millenaria che scorre da settecento anni, sussurrando alle orecchie la storia dell'antichità!…. Questa fontana a cascata è stata costruita per mostrare al mondo il potere e il prestigio dell'Impero Romano. Per la fontana sono state utilizzate pietre di diversi colori e il prezioso marmo di Afyon, portato da diverse parti dell'impero. La Fontana Antonina è anche un'indicazione di quanto fosse ricca e magnifica l'antica città di Sagalassos. L'acqua della fontana, che sgorga dalla cascata alta 4,5 metri nella nicchia centrale, riempie la vasca di 81 m³. Esiste anche una leggenda su questa fontana: secondo la leggenda, l'acqua di questa fontana abbellisce le persone e chi la beve si innamora!
La ciudad antigua de Sagalassos fue incluida en la Lista Temporal del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO en 2009.
video: @historiayarqueología
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gabrielesalvaterra · 10 months ago
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Alberto Fiorin / Mirijam Heiler GEOMETRIE SENSIBILI curated by Santina Ricupero texts and introduction by Gabriele Salvaterra Spinea (VE), Oratorio di Santa Mari Assunta April 12th - May 5th 2024
La doppia esposizione Geometrie sensibili pone a confronto il lavoro di Alberto Fiorin, veneziano di nascita, con la ricerca dell’artista altoatesina Mirijam Heiler. Alberto Fiorin, scultore, insegna Tecniche del Marmo e delle Pietre Dure presso L’Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia ed è specialista del restauro di opere in marmo, con commissioni da parte di prestigiosi musei. L'autore espone in Santa Maria Assunta, Opus Sectile, una scultura a terra che riprende le armoniose organizzazioni pavimentali di chiese e palazzi antichi, il cui gioco prospettico distorto mette in discussione le nostre regole di visione acquisite. Tale scultura è posta in relazione con un massiccio blocco grezzo di marmo di Carrara retto alla base da quattro solidi, sculture in marmo di diversi colori, scolpite con eleganza e raffinatezza ma che, fungendo da basi per il grosso blocco, sono celati al nostro sguardo. Come simbolici pilastri di senso dell’esistenza, l’essenziale, invisibile alla nostra vista, va cercato col cuore e le risonanze interiori. Alle pareti due pannelli con disegni mostrano il percorso mentale di sviluppo del progetto e degli accorgimenti tecnici per la sua realizzazione. Nell’oratorio di Villa Simion Mirijam Heiler espone una serie di delicate opere pittoriche definite “Opere d’astrazione geometrica che parlano di paesaggi commoventi, esperimenti di poesia visiva che danno parola alla voce silenziosa degli alberi, direttrici e linearità provenienti dagli oggetti più comuni che consentono l’emersione sul supporto di liriche vibrazioni. Composizioni che si muovono con adattabilità tra l’astrazione geometrica, la poesia visiva, l’universo segnico e il disegno lirico minimale (Licini, Melotti o Matisse). Una geometria che sa anche essere sensuale quindi, ribaltando i presupposti di freddezza da cui sembrava nascere; una geometria che si dimostra capace di emozioni e gentilezza".
with exhibition catalogue
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