#photoshop class bullshit
fluffydancer618 · 2 years
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They made us make short comics in photoshop class today
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vilnmelling · 5 months
do you have any more richie tidbits :D
Trust me, I have a LOT to say about Richard Lipschitz. As he's my current hyperfixation character, I have made it my mission to find out everything there is to know about him, and of course also to make as many headcanons as possible about him. Now LET'S GO, ALL SORTS OF RICHIE STUFF!
Canon/half canon facts and trivia (AKA things said/done either in NPMD, in track commentaries or in streams)
As he says a couple of times in NPMD, he has overactive sweat glands, meaning he sweats more than the average person, and that he doesn't smell very good.
He also has asthma, as Bury the Bully confirms.
Shapiro asks the nerds if they're sure they didn't see Richie in their AP calculus class, so we can assume Richie's good at math.
Richie's quite skilled with a camera, and he knows how to photoshop (whether or not he's good at it is up for debate *glances at Ruth's playbill headshot*).
His favorite anime is Attack on Titan.
He would absolutely dye his hair blue.
He cosplays, and if he could afford to, he would make ELABORATE cosplays.
Richie's bedroom: his walls are absolutely decked out in anime posters, he has tons and tons of plushes, and he has a glass case of Funko Pops. Then he also has his anime love pillows, of course.
He did some Twitch streaming in 2020.
Once, he tried to organize a Pokemon Go meet-up, but no one showed up.
He's not as brave as he would like to be.
He doesn't seem to be a big fan of parties.
Out of the nerds, he was the one who felt the worst about what they did to Max.
My personal observations and headcanons
Richie's a shorts guy, all year around. He only has one or two pairs of long pants in his closet. It doesn't matter how cold it gets during the winter; he still wears shorts. He would've worn shorts to Homecoming. He'd be one questionable decision away from wearing shorts at his own wedding.
He and Trevor are identical twins, and Trevor is eleven minutes older. Even though Trevor's barely interested in anime and Richie's hardly at all interested in musicals, they watch them together. It's a weekly thing that they sit down in the living room, argue for five minutes about whether to watch an anime or a musical ("We watched Newsies last time." "Bullshit, that was like a month ago, we've watched anime the last two times at least!" "And what pray tell may those animes be, Trevor?"), then settle on one but talk over it the entire time. One of them always gets annoyed at the other for not keeping up with the storyline, but if you think they're gonna stop talking over them, you're wrong.
Daniel's their younger brother by five years. Neither of them know about Daniel's abilities nor about the fact that he's part of a magical fighting ring. (Their uncle, Gary, takes Daniel in secret, and they've told the rest of the family that Gary's taking Daniel to some sports practice. Trevor and Richie have ongoing bets about where Daniel keeps getting loads and loads of money from, and they constantly make deals with him to earn some money for themselves (doing Daniel's chores, watching stupid superhero movies with him, etc..))
His full name is Richard Jonathan _____ Lipschitz. Jonathan as a middle name is a family name for all the men in the Matthews-Goldstein-Lipschitz-McNeil family, and then they all have their own second middle name.
Trevor and Richie's birthday is somewhere in June. Richie was just so fucking clearly born in June.
When they were kids (8-12), they would make shitty movies and movie trailers on iMovie on their iPad. Most often, Richie would film and Trevor would play all the roles. Sometimes they'd involve Daniel and their cousins from their father's side of the family, then they'd force all the adults to watch their movies. Their greatest hit films include 'The Children in the Drawers', 'The Green Plant', 'The Murderer in the Barn' and 'The Boy Who Went to the Bathroom and Disappeared' (definitely not named after the shitty iMovie trailers and movies my sister, cousins and I made when we were kids).
Richie and Ruth met for the first time on a playground the summer before their first year of school. They played together for an hour or two before Ruth had to go home, and parted as typical six-year-old strangers who played pirates on a playground once. When they started school a month and a half later, they ended up in the same class, and they immediately recognized each other, and since then they've been besties. (Ruth met Pete at tap class, and that was how Pete completed the trio).
Based on a whole fuck ton of things in both the proshot and the digital ticket, I have no choice but to think Richie's down bad for Ruth, and that she's equally whipped. Richie's 110% oblivious to how he's feeling. He's not in denial or anything, he just has no idea. I'm talking, "Seeing her smile makes my stomach do cartwheels, but that doesn't mean anything." "That dress she wore once made me speechless, but that's just because she's such a good friend." "Yes, I could imagine myself kissing her, but that doesn't have to mean anything." He gives her an almost Paul-level heart-eyes look, she's fucking constantly looking at him, he fully checks her out in the digital ticket (involving nodding and hand gestures), she giggles at every lame joke he makes like it's the funniest thing she's heard, how angry he is that Pete wouldn't want to be with her, she beelines for him after "arguing" with Steph, he hypes her up when Max compliments her skeleton bit, and they're pretty much incapable of standing more than three millimeters away from each other. I mean, come on.
Analyses are on the way!
I've spent a lot of my time delving into story analysis, and I'm about to make an analysis video focusing mainly on Max and Richie (Richie's death, in particular). The script is done, I just have to film and edit it, but then it'll be up on Youtube!
Another analysis video idea I have is to make a video purely dedicated to breaking down each of the main characters and unearthing their internal conflicts, goals, desires, fears and misbeliefs. I've already got a pretty good idea of Richie's motivations and fears, so I'm quite excited about this one...
And there ya go, a bunch of Richie stuff!
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sourcreammachine · 8 months
a little something fun about the transition from reddit to tumblr
i worldbuild. that’s me hobby. my notes app is all a load of random bullshit. i think of a world idea and then i do notes on it. i think of a fiction idea and i do notes on it. i think of any fun thing and i write nonsense notes on it
on reddit, whenever you shared that shit, it had to be presentable. you needed to be good at worldbuilding AND adept at photoshop. if it looks ugly, gtfo amateur. so i never bothered sharing, i mean, i shared a few things but at my low-medium skill level with graphic design n shit it always took me a lot of effort to do it up, and i never could be bothered to give the amount of effort it took me
so i kept it all to myself and my notes app turned into an unreadable apocrypha that made sense only to me. who gives a shit. nobody’s gonna read it
then spez spezzed everywhere and r/196 became #196. i can share anything i want here! the community is far more personal and personable, and text posts are okay here. it’s not that the bar is lower, but that the bar is more accessible. you don’t need to create a massive .psd every time you want to share some creativity, just share it! and i do, i write stuff for tumbr and put it out there and love doing it, and i’ll fucking do it again
but, my biggest projects, my most proud worlds, were all created when i was closed off, for me only. i’d love to share them to tumbr. but they’re fucking unreadable. even though it’s far more accessible i’d have to edit it into a readable, presentable format and guide people through it better, which it very much was not built to do. it’s like ancient manuscripts. you’d need a rosetta stone. it is not for human consumption. the FSA classes it as toxic waste
so yeah. i have some good shit waiting for you. maybe one day you’ll get to see it when i actually edit it and type it up, but don’t count on anything, because, ykno, severe chronic depressive
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tittyinfinity · 6 months
Last night I had a dream that I was at a job interview. We were in a very small room, about 8x8 feet. The walls were painted a shade of off-white that was nearly yellow – like walls that had been stained by cigarette smoke over time. The only objects in the room were the hiring manager's desk, his laptop, his chair, and my chair.
I was interviewing for a graphic design position. This guy had only seen memes that I've made and wanted "the most bullshit looking program possible."
He asks me a lot of questions, but they seem to be more random as time goes on. How long have I worked in graphic design? Never have, the last classes I took was when I was like 12. How long have I been using photoshop? Since I was 8. How many people did I sleep with in my best friend's attic? 6.
Once he's done asking me questions, he beckons me over to his side of the desk and shows me his laptop screen. "So this is what you'll be doing." He grabs the back of my head with his hand and shoves my face into the screen. An intense video of instructions on how to build the Company Minecraft World is playing. "LEARN IT! LEARN IT! ARE YOU LEARNING IT? LEARN IT!"
then I woke up
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nameforadragon · 8 months
I keep seeing posts being like "omg. The kids don't know how to use computer! They don't know how to use a mouse! They don't know what a command line is! They can't even use a browser. The kids don't know anything about technology if not app on phone:("
And idk dude like. I'm not gonna accuse these people of lying but I am gonna accuse them of being completely biased with absolutely no self reflection at all. You sound like your parents. Like holy shit. First of all, LOTS of us [aged<20] have had computer classes. "Computer lab" was a class all throughout primary school for me, and in grade 8 I had a required course where I learned some Python, had to use Adobe Photoshop, that kind of stuff. I know so many people who go further than that (including myself) and take elective coding classes. Now, it would be incredibly fucking biased of me to conclude that, because almost everyone I know is at the very least functional with a computer and can use a mouse, this means everyone is. Of course not. But thats what these posts do. "I only interact with children who don't know this, therefore no one under 20 knows anything and they're all stupid with their little tik toks" you have a very incomplete sample of kids at this age, and you barely acknowledge it.
Secondly, more on the self reflection bit. This is absolutely a privilege issue. Not a "the kids are so dumbb omggg" issue. Kids don't have computer classes? It's a privilege I was able to get that education. Should we mock people who didn't have music classes growing up and don't know the difference between a rhythm and a beat? If your answer to that is no, then maybe we shouldn't mock kids for not knowing the difference between a search engine and a browser. I know plenty of people bring up the issue to try and get at this, but I cant shake the undertone that all of these posts have in common, which is essentially this air of superiority, like people who grew up with desktop computer access are somehow better than people who didn't, which is just kind of terrible?? Like no joke, I've seen people complaining about uni students who don't really know the ins and outs of programming yet in undergrad and its like,,, did you just not want them to go to school because they didn't know that prior to post secondary? Like, what do you think school is for? Being perfect all the time and telling the teacher that you know everything already? I was under the impression that school was for acquiring knowledge and skills that you previously didnt have.
I also know people who are much older than me, and could have been coding all of their life, but didn't so much as touch a computer until after college, and they learned how to use it, and how to code, and now it's their career! You don't need to learn how computers work when you are five! I grew up scribbling on ms paint and being confused how solitaire worked, and struggling to comprehend minesweeper strategy on a very old version of Windows. I could functionally operate a mouse at the age of one, and that's all privilege. I'm not smarter, or better or more refined or anything, I was literally just born into a family that had desktop computers. And again, to point out the bias, I know way more adults that fit the whole "don't understand it if it's not an app on my phone" than kids.
Finally, a minor nitpick but I feel like it's warranted since the people authouring these posts often present themselves as being more knowledgeable about computers than the average teen? Don't go just saying incorrect bullshit. If you mean PC, say pc. If you mean a desktop computer, or a laptop, say that. Phones are not "fake computers" they just ARE computers. They are computers that have been engineered to be tiny. Their size does not mean they are not computers, it just means they are small. Furthermore, an "app" isn't a "thing u use on a phone." It's literally just the word application shortened. Anytime you use an application that you download on a laptop, or a pc or whatever, you are using an app. Your browser application is an app. I hate to tell you, but it must be said.
Sorry if anything I said in this is straight up wrong, I am not immune to hypocrisy, yadda yadda you know the deal. I also AM NOT an expert on computers, I have (what I, a teenager consider to be) a relatively baseline understanding of computers. And I'm writing this exhausted because I can't sleep. Admittedly on the mobile app, (which explains any typos) but I swear to you that I have a laptop and I use it more than I use my phone most days. I doubt anyone will really see this post but thanks for reading if you got this far I guess. Maybe let's just not fearmonger about "the kids these days" when we should be trying to help kids become functioning adults. I didn't get past my struggles with reading as a kid by being told that I was stupid, or getting mocked. I got past them by finding a book that I loved, and by being encouraged to read by adults who genuinely cared about my education. I really don't see how computers are different, that's all I have to say.
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nickfoo · 11 months
Hey, Fo!
I have a question about drawing, since I am a newbie as a digital artist. Could I know what application you use for your drawings? I started using Gimp because a friend recommended it to me, but it doesn't let me download the drawings and when I capture they lose a lot of quality.
Thank you very much and greetings
I’ll answer this the best I can, as I’m not a professional or on professional skill level so I’m not someone to really take art advice from I don’t think. So take what I say with a grain of salt.
These days, I use procreate on my ipad for almost everything I do. I love procreate, its an extremely slimmed down program, and with my ipad its convenient to use it wherever whenever. If the stars align and I have some extra time and energy before class, whip that bad boy out and see if I can doodle something. It does have it's downsides along with being slimmed down, but overall, I have very little to complain about with procreate. (And that they want to add a real animation function to the program is music to my ears.) However it’s important to note procreate is only available through an ipad or iphone.
I also have clip studio paint, its a powerful program that’s more like photoshop and I need to take the time out someday to learn how to use it properly. Clip studio is compatible on much more software than procreate. The best part of these two programs -if you want to spend the money, as I understand Gimp is free, they are a one time flat payment. No monthly fee bullshit.
I wish you luck on your new digital art journey! These days learning something is much more accessible with the internet at your fingers. Keep at it and I suggest to use all resources available to you. 💛
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boeing747 · 2 years
I hate getting ads for lame ass art classes I don't need your gimmicky bullshit weird ass start up company with some brain dead Instagram influencer artist selling Photoshop brushes to draw stupid Disney portraits I need George bridgeman to come back to life and best me to death with a yardstick
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lonely-night · 2 years
not really in the mood to do the stupid English tutorial bullshit I'll leave that for tomorrow it's an afternoon class anyway
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reapersynth · 2 months
Woooo "autism neglected as a child" squad represent!
For me it was "you're too smart to have anything wrong with you" as if my intelligence was ever in question lmao
AUUUGHH I got that treatment too, and I don't even get where it came from because I very much do NOT consider myself intelligent or exceptional in any way 😭 there were so many times where I was struggling as a kid, especially in school, and I would never get any support or help I needed because I'd just get "you're smarter than this" thrown in my face by my parents. so I just learned to adapt and got through school in survival mode, often by doing the bare minimum to not have to repeat classes and literally photoshopping my report cards and forging signatures lmao
all my bad grades ever got me was punishment so Did What I Needed To Do. and to this day I get the "you never struggled in school" bullshit which makes me SO mad bc I remember literally breaking into tears when I got my report card after trying so hard to bring my grades up on my own. growing up undiagnosed is a fucking traumatic experience and it makes me so mad that there are SO many of us and we all get told the same bullshit 😭
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maryse127 · 7 months
My study programme is very aware that basically nobody goes into academia after graduating so it introduced a "course" to prepare us for life after uni. Basically every year you have to do a certain amount of activities like workshops such as photoshop or digital marketing (communication science major or how to make a resume etc.
This year they introduced something new. A test project where you join an alumnus from our major on 2 or 3 of their workdays and interview them about it to learn more about their function and how it connects to our major to bridge the gap between uni and "the field". So I joined a PhD of our department.
Fast forward to today. I had a meeting with one of my teachers about an assignment I didn't do last year because of Everything and are gonna do in the coming months. She saw me on the days when I joined that PhD because they had meetings togheter. So she asks me if I am still thinking about maybe doing a PhD and then goes oh would you like to join that meeting. We talk about research on [topic] with the department and there is some research master students there as well and the current PhDs give them great advice. You could learn more about what a PhD entails there. I am not sure if it's allowed but I can ask :)
So uhm. Yeah. If the head of the group says yes then I sure got a gift thrown into my lap. If I do end up doing a PhD I probably won't be doing it on that topic. But it is interesting too so if I can sit in on that meeting it's gonna be fun anyway.
Also apparently that teacher wanted to just let me pass with a small different assignment because of my family circumstances and examplary behaviour in class but wasn't allowed to. Which came as a suprise to me cause I mostly remember talking about Not the assignments in class with my group XD
(Okay I also roasted, I mean I gave constructive feedback to, the group whose presentation about Disney was wholly uncritical of the company. And collected screenshots of product placement in FFXV and wrote a reflection on how it affected my view/enjoyment of the game just because I was annoyed at the bullshit examples of product placement in one of the lectures. And I probably did something more that I just don't remember)
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fluffydancer618 · 2 years
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They made us make short comics in photoshop class today pt.2
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princess-kivee · 9 months
I was curious as to how much I've improved over the years, so here's my summaries from 2020-2023, as well as my thoughts on them
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Wow, 2020 was a shit year, but I do like some of the stuff here. Overall tho my art is nowhere near high quality. I'd love to redraw some of this, especially March. Also the characters in February and May I'm actually rebooting, so stay tuned!
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This was...certainly a year. Honestly, it's one I both don't like (Covid bullshit, and me failing a class), but I genuinely like some of the stuff here, and I'm still heavily nostalgic for my first DnD campaign, and really miss it... Overall, it's sort of like the awkward stage where, yes it's way better than before, but it's still not there.
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This is where art school really started to pay off, and when I got my art tablet (Although that was September).. I really enjoy a lot of stuff from here, even if this was when my temper was probably at its worst (as well as spring of 2023.) Overall, it's way better, but still has some awkward bumps, mainly from the anatomy. This was also the last year I used Medibang Paint, as I focused more on Photoshop, then a certain app....
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Wow, I'm still amazed with how much I've improved. Especially from January (which ngl I still love that piece). Spring was also when my temper was at its worst, but I'm getting better. My mental health struggled in the fall semester because of the consequences of those actions, but I think I did good still. This was also when I got Clip Studio Paint and holy shit I'm glad I did. It's really been a great app for what I do, and definitely helped my art. This was also when I got super into NSFW art, but let's not go there. Overall, of these 3 years, this is my peak so far. Of course there's bumbs (anatomy still not quite there, and I got that dreaded Same Face Syndrome). But hopefully this can be an annual thing, where I reshare this with a new art summary.
And holy shit I'm gonna be a senior fall 2024 bring me back to 2021-
Existential dread aside, here's to 2024!
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drakunwaith · 1 year
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So lately I've HATED drawing. It's so unfun and I physically get so bored I start falling asleep everytime I start drawing. Every. Time. Imagine you pick up the pen and look at a blank photoshop, you IMMEDIATLY feel heavy and sleepy. So you think "I must be tired" and you jump into bed. But you're not sleepy at all. Or the least bit actually tired. Just terribly unmotivated. it's so strange and unreal.
That's what I've been facing. And it's put a real dent in my jobs and work. I just hate art.
A solution I found out? Chicken scratch that shit. Turn your brain off and COPY shit. That's right, do bullshit studies. Look at pictures and copy them, don't even think. And do it FAST. The momentum of moving your hand and eyes will excite you. Without spending any energy on method or mindfulness, you won't feel fatigued or mentally exhausted. Yet simultaneously, you build an index of shapes, muscle memory, and proportions. You are absorbing images like how you chicken scratch notes in class.
Of course, starting it is very difficult... but after a while you get into a flow and you feel more confident and interested in art, you feel like you can draw better. That's what studies and warmups are for.
So drawing is exactly like any sport you do! You need to do warmups, or else you'll hurt your poor little brain.
Hopefully doing this will allow me to conquer the fuckery that's been going on with me.
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I dont know if anyone wants to hear about my intern at a highschool but I am going to tell you about it anyway.
So I am studying to become an art teacher and like I am focusing my intern on a first year class right now. Before I start venting about this class I do want to say it is a nice class, they are in general sweet kids but omg last lesson I got way to close to punching a kid.
So the lesson begins and the class in split in two right now, one doing a photoshop assignment and one doing a drawing one. The photoshop group goes to the computer room and like within less then a minute a girl comes back going "I can't find photoshop on the computer and the guys don't want to help me." And the teacher I am interning at was still explaining something to the other group so I go and help her and like after fixing it just ask the guys next to her why they wouldnt help her, dude just goes "I am to sigma to help her." And omg that is where it started for me because no, please no, why do these 14 years old kids have to be talking about the stupid wolf-pack theory that was disproven ages ago. But like I leave this be for now, do ask wether he was a Andrew Tate fan (because lets be honest from who else would they have learned this shit) and sadly yes, luckly not anymore. Did go "you know for what he was/is in prison right?" But like i left it be in this group.
Went back to the drawing group, because I am good in drawing and suck at photoshop, and I am just walking around. Checking if everyone is doing well and suddenly I hear someone say they have the N-word pass. I would like to say this class is 99% white and I am also white, in the group of boys this conversation was being held there was one boy who isnt. And I am annoyingly woke and confrontatiable, so of course for some reason I have to go and mingle with this shit. And like I do stop this convo just going like "You are white, an N-word pass is not a thing and will not make you be able to say it."
So I probably didnt change their minds but at least I ended that conversation with some grace. And then I hear that same group also talk about the god damn SIGMA MALE BULLSHIT! And like I can handle 14 year old boys talk about stupid wolf-pack theory bullshit once a day and like I said I will start a conversation when I feel like needed. So I just ask how these kids even know about the whole sigma male mindset and stuff, ANDREW TATE WHO THE FUCK ELSE! And like I just went "You know the whole alpha male stuff is based on a science expirement that was disproven by multiple other scientist (also I know they are probably called different but not sure) and like that Andrew Tate legit is being questioned for human trafficing."
And then these kids found out that this was the shit that would make me mad. And then other kids of this class where catching on I was getting mad. So this kid that usually is nice to me is just on his phone constantly so I ask if he is not going to use it to look for pictures to use he could give the phone to me. Instead of doing that he puts on De Kabout Dans (a fucking dutch children song and also absolute club classic cause every dutch/belgium person under 30 knows it from their childhood) on and then just puts the phone in his pocket. AND LIKE WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?! I CANT TOUCH THE KID! And like calling their actual teacher just felt like showing them I couldnt handle them.
And like I got him to turn it off but when that was finished some other kid was drawing on her desk. And like I dont care that much, I do it a lot, but the school doesnt allow it so she had to clean it. Asked her to do it, she starts doing it with a piece of paper and just smudges it all over the desk instead. And like their is a sink on the classroom so I just ask her to get a sponge with some water on it and just clean it, of course 'she doesnt know where they are' while I legit pointed at them and she has been in this classroom longer then I have been. So well 'you could clean it for me right' and omg I am so annoyed by these kids because I got her to clean it but only after asking her to do it like 5 times.
So ye my "omg I am going to punch a kid"-stories of my interning at a highschool :)
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Too Old to Handle
Has anybody noticed in today’s Hollywood that there's barely anyone over the age of 50 that has a supporting role, let alone in a leading role? (I said barely, not never)
Where are the old wise people with grey hair and wrinkly faces pointing in some direction, and utters words of advice and makes you bowl of hot soup before you venture out? I miss that.
I don't care to see in every, single movie or TV show, some snot-nosed fourteen-year-old or seventeen-year-old "actor" pretending to lead a resistance on whatever planet; or some twenty-year-olds masquerading as teenagers thinking they know, huh-huh, everything. STOP IT! STOP! IT! If I didn't know better, I might conclude that the entertainment business has a child fetish.
And don't get me started on today's soundtracks. I never would have thought in my lifetime we went from the great Sir John Williams to the pathetic Hanz Zimmer. Let me be clear on this: Zimmer does not compose music. PERIOD! Zimmer is nothing but a glorified DJ that records and combines whale queefs and screaming voices into something that he calls "music". Then the movie producers say, "Wow! What a great soundtrack!" There are some who so "this is music evolving." Uh, no. If anything, it's the devolving of music. Also, nobody wants to hire a big name like Williams anymore—he's too expensive, but his music is quality. (Not forgetting other quality composers e.g. Danny Elfman, Alan Silvestri, and the late James Horner) For Zimmer, he puts together some random percussions and synthesizers, never composing ANY memorable themes.
And what is with all this CGI lighting? I can tell that the actors are in a different place because no amount of careless CGI lighting will ever fool me. Rather it takes me OUT of the movie, having me think "I thinking I could have done better." There is no longer art behind setting up a scene. I can tell. It looks like I'm watching a live-action film set in photoshop. What's shameful is that the producers don't care anymore, which makes sense because 90% of the audience that goes to the movies are usually stoned out of their minds; so they go back and get concessions, they finish and go back and get more concessions, they finish, so they go back and get concessions, they finish and so they go back and get more concessions. Sounds like someone's getting rich at the theater, and it ain't any of us.
If I'm not getting quality from a movie, I don't think tickets should be one flat rate. Not at all. Something from the mind of Steven Spielberg or David Lynch—$20. Something like 2 Fast 2 Furious—$5.
Now, I feel that some of you are pulling away with the last comment. But seriously, there is no real story in the Fast and Furious movies, just a bunch of festering drivers who seem to be constantly constipated, so they race to the nearest toilet. Just look at the title itself. There's going to be a bunch of kids who are going to think that's how one spells "too". Then they're going to think it's okay to drag race down an empty highway at night, and it is NOT! PEOPLE WITH A LIFE SLEEP! I don't need to hear brainless bucketheads burn rubber at all hours of the night. Forget calling the cops, they're too busy finding new things to do with their doughnuts' hole.
And the school teachers can't teach children anything because the parents are like "You should not be correcting my child, let him spell how he wants!" Teachers are not paid enough; they are constantly being treated like shit, and they also are trying to be brave despite the reality that one of the twelve-year-olds students might have brought their uncle's AK-47 to class. Well, what do you expect? No one told him that was WRONG! "No, we don't use words like 'wrong' and 'bad' and 'no'. Those are negative words, and we avoid to them in Patrick's childrearing. We tend to say 'yes' and other positive words." Seriously? I think a lot of teachers would agree with me in saying, "F**k you, Serenity! And you childrearing, bullshit nonsense!"
I don't know why, they always talk about how education is important. You've heard the TV announcer, "Education is the most important thing for a child." Yeah, it is. So why not have the city or school owners—y'know, the wealthy men you rarely see—FIX IT!
Oh, that's right. It won't matter, because their wealthy child goes to a private school with other wealthy halfwits who could do some halfwit damage in life without half trying. But they will NEVER take the blame because money always gets them out of trouble. So why would they financially help people whom they see as inferior because we're poor.
Uuuuuuh, whew. I think I may have shared too much. Whoa! I've been typing away like crazy. Well, hope you liked this. Or maybe not. I don't care. You like it, good. Don't that's okay too. Respond with a rude message—you're getting blocked.
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suckitsurveys · 2 years
If you could combine two songs to make the best song, what two would it be? I don’t know, there are so many options.
On average, how many texts do you send a day? Like, maybe 10-20ish? Maybe more? Idk.
Do/Did you take a foreign language in school? Yes, I took Spanish for 3 years.
Did you have to pick a name from that country? Yes. I was Lupe.
What is your all time favorite album? I can’t decide.
What color is your bedroom? Light blue.
Are your nails painted right now? No, unfortunately. They so bad right now.
Would you ever get lyrics tattooed on yourself? Yeah.
Do you dye your hair? Yup.
What is/are your favorite class/classes in school? I always enjoyed sociology and some sciences.
If you could meet anyone in the world, who would it be and why? I mean. a lot of people?
Do you have any posers on your wall? Posers, eh?
Think back to the first person you loved, where do they go to school? I’d have no way of knowing. 
Where are your favorite jeans from? Torrid.
What are your favorite colors? Purples and blues, mostly.
What does your AIM screen name mean? I haven’t used AIM in FOREVER and I really hate that I cannot remember my screen name.
What do you like to do when you’re bored? This bullshit, watch TV, play games on my phone or computer.
Do you label yourself with a religion? Nope.
Can you photoshop images well? I know the basics of Photoshop, but not much beyond that.
Last word you spoke? I don’t remember.
What never fails to freak you out? Earwigs.
What was the most awkward moment you’ve ever had? Today? Or of all time?...
What is the last thing you laughed about? Something my coworker said.
Can you play any musical instruments? No.
What is your biggest pet peeve? My brother in law existing.
Who is the last person that texted you? Mark.
Do you remember your first cell phone and number? Some sort of Nokia. I still have the same number.
Where did you last drive to? Work.
Have you ever gotten evicted? Nope.
Anything bothering you right now? Ya know, life.
Where did you get the shirt you’re wearing? A local Chicago themed store.
What is your ringtone right now? The 8-bit version of the Horsin Around theme song from BoJack Horseman.
What color are the pants you’re wearing? My jeans are a light denim color with a hint of acid-wash. .
Can you recall the best day of your life? The days my nieces were born.
What is your favorite TV show? BoJack Horseman, 30 Rock, The Office, Parks and Rec, Home Movies, Daria.....
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