#pero tovar headcanon
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So Kerri as usual ❤️❤️💜💜💚💚
As someone that's very appreciative of weed, I was wondering what it'd be like to get stoned with the Pedro boys?
Getting Stoned With Them:
Javier: Uhhhhhh, do you remember who he works for? That’s NOT going to happen. He’ll get shitfaced drunk with you, but he doesn’t even need to be around you when you do it. They drug test him at the fucking DRUG ENFORCEMENT AGENCY after all.
Ezra: Getting high with Ezra is an experience. He mellows out and there is an even slower drawl to his voice. Talking about the meaning of life and how small you are in the grand scheme of the universe. Bits bars are consumed with uncharacteristic enthusiasm and Kevva, he starts talking about the foods he’s craving. Things he hasn’t eaten since he was a boy, rich and decadent. After he’s philosophical for a bit, he moves on to being handsy. Despite, or maybe because he is normally encased in a sealed suit, he wants to touch, to feel you. High sex with Ezra is out of this world, pun intended. He will pleasure you for hours, or maybe minutes but it seems like hours.
Mando: No. The only way you are getting high with this tin can man is if he accidentally eats or inhales something laced. Mando is not in the habit of taking things that will make him lose control of his faculties. However, if he accidentally gets high???? This man is like a human teddy bear, uncharacteristically cuddly and talkative. Lord this man runs his mouth when he’s high. Mostly cute shit, but he can also get a little dark with some of his stories. Wants to plant his Beskar covered head right in your lap or curl around you while he does.
Frankie: Relaxed and giggly. This is probably the most relaxed you’ve ever seen this man, even when he’s sleeping. Everything is funny and he’s laughed more than he has in months. The anxiety, the depression, the fucking weight on his shoulders feels lesser and he can just be free. There is some nasty ass Taco Bell in your future for sure and he MIGHT have eaten all the kids fruit snacks. Maybe. Possibly.
Tovar: More sarcastic if that’s possible. More talkative and those barbs are on point. HANDSY. Lord his hands are all over you. He doesn’t know what he wants to do more, eat or fuck. Maybe he will just eat you. 😏 Or maybe he will gorge himself on food then spend the rest of the night fucking you. Gets the best nights sleep of his life.
Agent Whiskey: Not going to happen. NEVER. And to be honest, if he knows you smoke weed, he’s out. He has too much baggage with drugs and as a result, has no tolerance for any kind of drug use. Even the wacky weed.
Max Phillips: Sorry sug, vamps can’t get high. HOWEVER...he can taste it in your blood. So you smoke up baby, Max will order you whatever munchies you want. Especially if he can taste you afterwards.
Marcus Pike: Another one that won’t do it. He’s a Fed, baby. However, he won’t judge you for partaking. He knows that there’s bullshit bureaucratic reasons why they haven’t just federally legalized weed. It’s not like he never tried in when he was younger. This man will go and get you the food you are craving and just smile and laugh at you while you are stoned. Talking to you because it’s just so cute how you are when you are relaxed.
Dave: Nope. Not because he disapproves of weed, but he doesn’t like to be out of it. He didn’t even like when he was having surgery and had to be put under sedation. This man is the definition of ‘I need to be in control at all times’ and weed will just cloud his instincts. He will however sit with you. But he does not inhale.
Oberyn: ANGRY. Like yeah. He was fine for a bit, then someone mentioned a Lannister. Then it was fucking game on. This man will rant about those fucking golden lions and how they killed his sister and her babies. He’s not physically violent, but passionate, hatred seething from his pores. He needs to stick to wine to be honest. Leave the weed alone. Although, if someone hadn’t mentioned Tywin, you were definitely gonna fuck, so hate them for that.
Max Lord: Honestly, it’s a fucking miracle to watch this showboating, pretentious man let loose. Not be putting on a show or trying to protect an image of who he wants to be. His natural accent is more noticeable and he starts rambling on about what he wants to do and WHY he wants to do it. Soaks up affection like a sea sponge and becomes a needy little ball of love. Will cry.
Marcus Moreno: Wants to stock the kitchen will all kinds of his favorite goodies and just mellow the fuck out. Missy is out of the house, he’s not on Heroics call and he can just fucking get stoned and relax with you. He used to do this with his late wife and after her death he stopped. Will end up draped across your body snoring after a few amazing hours of just talking about nothing or giggling over past missions. It’s what he needed and to be honest, he’s looking forward to it happening again.
Zach Wellison: If ever someone would need to get stoned it’s this man. That chip on his shoulder is gone, he’s not acting like you are doing him a favor by feeding him. He actually opens up a little faster. Deep shit too. What’s going on in his head and how he ended up on the streets. Also an affectionate little ball of cuteness. He’s giggled more between hits than he probably has in years. You learn about the man he is beyond his misfortune and it’s great to see.
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#javier peña headcanon#ezra prospect headcanon#the mandalorian headcanon#frankie morales headcanons#pero tovar headcanon#agent whiskey headcanon#max phillips headcanon#Marcus Pike headcanon#Dave York headcanon
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Pedro Pascal Character Headcannons — Cuddles Pt. 2
you can find part one here.
Oberyn Martell:
Oberyn’s a lazy sleeper, but he likes to make sure he’s close to you. Most nights — if not all — he’ll let you chose the position, meaning it sometimes varies night to night. Usually at least one arm is around your body, whether it’s around your waste or holding your thigh, his hands will always find you. He likes the way you seek out his arms in the night, sometimes not even realising you’re doing it. The way your hand laces with his, and you’re pulling his arm up and over yourself. Usually you’ll wake up in a completely different position that you fell asleep in, and most times Oberyn will have moved himself much closer to you.
Pero Tovar:
Tovar almost always sleeps on his back, he struggles to get to sleep any other way. He also can’t not have you cuddled up to him, any time you try and wriggle out of his hold he’ll whine something and pull you closer. Both arms stay tight around you, fully engulfing you as his hands splay across your back. He’s a little insecure that you might up and leave him at any moment, so he takes the advantage of the night to hold you as close to him as he can. It’s like he’s trying to merge your bodies the way he bear hugs you. He doesn’t care if you’re facing him, spooning, or completely on top, he just has to be hugging you.
Agent Whiskey:
It took Jack a while to admit it, but he adores being the little spoon. He’s always so protective over you during the days, especially given his line of work, so when it comes to sleeping, he loves just being held by you. He feels so safe with your arms around him, head tucked over his shoulder as you press kisses to his temple. His larger hands find yours, lacing his fingers with yours and smiling at the way you absentmindedly fiddle with his. He’ll make sure he’s pressed back against you completely, sighing when he feels you draping a leg over his waist. Some nights he’ll turn around in his sleep, getting even closer if that was possible.
Ezra hates how he has to be so on guard during the night. When he first arrived on the planet he barely slept, he would try and guard as much as possible. But now you’ve convinced him to actually get some sleep, you’ve got enough reinforcement on your ship. He keeps his gun on the floor beside the bed, force of habit you could say. But when it comes to cuddles, he’s more than happy to let you curl up on top of him, you aren’t exactly heavy. He lets his fingers run through your hair as a way of calming him down, knowing it’ll also send you straight to sleep. He likes to be sitting up a little, just in case.
Max Phillips:
Max’s is possessive, despite nobody being around it’s like he’s trying to make sure nobody can get to you. He keeps a hand on your thigh at all times, on the leg that’s bent and draped over his legs. He’ll pull your leg higher if he can, just so he can get his hand higher on your thigh. Considering max doesn’t actually sleep, he’s more than happy to spend the 10 or so hours just watching you. He likes the way you curl up at his side, making sure your head’s comfortable on his chest as a hand lays flat beside your head. Sometimes he’ll slip a hand beneath your head, letting you rest on it just because he knows how much you love it.
Javi Gutierrez:
Javi has a habit of fidgeting. You will most likely not wake up in the position you fell asleep in, and half the time the duvet’s been yanked over to his side. He doesn’t intend on doing in, and sometimes he feels quite bad the way he’s left you with almost no cover and very little room. If he hasn’t starfished and almost knocked you off the bed, he’s taken you with him. If he rolls over, he’ll drag you with him. When he moves an arm, it stays around you.
#pedro pascal fluff#pedro x reader#pedro pascal#pedrohub#oberyn martell#prince oberyn#oberyn x reader#oberyn x you#pero tovar#the great wall#agent whiskey#jack daniels#ezra prospect#max phillips#max philips x reader#javi gutierrez#the unbearable weight of massive talent#bloodsucking bastards#kingsman#golden circle#headcanon
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Specific sex stuff that our Pascal blorbos are into
Previous: Pascal characters fave sex positions
Frankie - He wants to put a baby in you. So badly he's shaking. Just let him.
Joel - He will fuck you on an animal rug in front of a fireplace. He loves seeing the flames reflected on your naked skin, with fur underneath you. It awakens something feral in him.
Javi P - stockings. Rub him off with nylon-covered feet, and he will do absolutely anything and everything for/to you.
Pero - loves to put it in your ass.
Marcus P - wants to watch. Just you, or you with someone else. Will go crazy from seeing you pleasured, while he himself has to wait.
Dieter - craves urethral sounding. You don't only own his cock, he needs you to rule it and stick stuff into it.
Ezra - roleplay, especially you being a cute little fox or kitty with an ass plug tail.
Dave - dick cage during the day. Knowing the key is on a chain around your neck gets him hard, which is a problem. (This is why he kills people.)
Oberyn - he needs to eat off of you. Will serve himself, and eat, an entire meal on your body. Drizzling sweet sauces between your thighs, and licking it all up, is his favourite.
#frankie morales#joel miller#javier peña#pero tovar#dave york#marcus pike#dieter bravo#ezra#oberyn martell#my fic#headcanons#idk what this is
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You know who I'm going to ask about!
I need BtBW Pero headcanons! How about on the subject of movies... you can pick any, but um, may I suggest the Lord of the Rings 💚
Oh modern not modern Pero. My very favorite grumpy menace. Okay! Let's talk movie headcanons!
He loves horror movies. Thinks they're hysterical. Loves pointing out how blood doesn't really spurt like that, or how easy that blow would have been to evade
He does get a big wigged by the supernatural horror movies, but, well, can you blame him?
Alien movies are out of the question. The first time you tried watching one he nearly put a knife through the TV. There was a lot of shouting
Medical shows bore him
Sitcoms usually just confuse him. A lot of the jokes he doesn't get
But you hit absolute gold when you sit him down for an LotR marathon
"Why?" He'd grumbled even as he settled on the couch
"It's tradition," you said, shoving popcorn at him to appease him for the time being
He starts out mocking the first movie, questioning people's choices (and also what the hell are hobbits?!)
But by the time the Fellowship is climbing Caradhras he is hooked
He does not cry when Boromir dies. But he gets very quiet
He admits that Aragorn reminds him a little of William, if William had had the chance to be a good man. Charismatic, pulling people in. "Is how he survived me," he admits in your ear. "Why I did not kill him."
He doesn't even mock the Battle of Helm's Deep (at least not this first time)
He's fascinated by the Ring, and you have to pause the movie at least twice to expand on things for him
He does scoff at the idea of real goodness, as in Frodo and Sam, but he also breathes out in relief when they get rescued
Still argues that he does not believe in good men
The ending leaves him bittersweet and trying to cover it with grumping
Tries to brush off how emotional the movies got him
But he does let you ramble about the movies and some fun facts for a good hour while you're both getting ready for bed
You're both finally settling down to sleep when...
"So dark haired men wielding weapons has always done it for you, hm?"
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Idk If You're Into A/B/O Dynamics But What Do You Think Pedro's Characters Are? To Me They All Feel Like Betas
oooh, i am! i'm really into the monsterfucking/omegaverse stuff, but i'm sort of picky about it lol i'm not always a huge fan of the gender roles or stereotypes, but sometimes the horny just takes over lol
however, i don't think they're all betas, personally. i think there's a range tbh and if you don't mind, i'll talk about my personal headcanons?
ppcu x omegaverse headcanons:
the alphas - now, i may have put some of pedro's more ""masculine"" characters in this list, but i also see a lot of them as like, parental. they're the protectors and caretakers.
Dave York Pero Tovar Joel Miller Clint Frankie Morales Jack Daniels General Acacius Max Phillips Marcus Moreno Veracruz Din Djarin Tim Rockford Silva
the betas - i see these as like, more fluid. they can sort of go into either camp imo. i have my own headcanons for omegaverse dynamics so things are little more malleable in my head.
Ezra Oberyn Martell Marcus Pike Javier Peña Harry Castillo Reed Richards Lucien de Leon Shane Morrissey
the omegas - this isn't because i see these characters as ""weaker"" or any bullshit like that, it's honestly just vibes lol and they seem like they'd thrive under praise and being taken care of, imo
Javi Gutierrez Dieter Bravo Maxwell Lord Santos Nico
obv i'm not the leader or rule maker here lol i'd love to talk more about this tbh and hear other perspectives!
EDIT: here's a fun post if you're interested in more of this topic! A/B/O for Dummies
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I'm in a major headcanon mood, & this just popped up. I love every word 😆 my homie & i were just arguing about crocs lol.... she's finally given in & come to the dark side
Headcanon List
Pedro boys and if they’d wear Crocs.
(A/N: this is a silly thing I wrote for @juletheghoul. It’s not serious. Just me having some fun and what I think about each boy. Side note: I personally wear Crocs (they’re Mandalorian themed). Please enjoy this nonsense!)
Din Djarin: Crocs don’t exist in the SW universe but let’s say he got access to a pair, Din would love them. They’d be his around the ship shoe. Would never wear them outside because they’d hinder his ability to fight if he needed to.
Frankie Morales: Francisco Morales absolutely has a pair of house Crocs that on occasion he has worn in public. He thinks they’re comfortable. He side eyed them at first but then he tried on a pair and he 👀👀👀, brought them home. He let his kids pick out charms. He doesn’t mind that you make fun of him, he loves his shoes, and absolutely got the kids their own pairs.
Marcus Pike: Zero doubt Marcus Pike owns a pair of Crocs and if he has to run a quick errand he will absolutely wear them. This man will put them in sport mode every time he leaves the house. His don’t have any charms on them, they’re just a standard pair of black Crocs.
Javier Peña: This man likes to get laid, he’s not wearing Crocs. Wouldn’t fathom buying a pair.
Maxwell Lord: He wouldn’t own Crocs, he has to keep up appearances and look fancy when he’s out and about. Wouldn’t even have house Crocs. He does have slippers he wears at home though.
Joel Miller: No. Never. Even before the world went to shit he wouldn’t be caught dead in a pair of Crocs and after? Not feasible for the world they live in. No Crocs for Joel.
Oberyn Martell: There are no Crocs in GOT but let’s go modern au and they do exist. Oberyn lives in a life of luxury, and Crocs just don’t fit his aesthetic. Has tried them on, though. He wasn’t into them.
Dave York: No. Absolutely not. Scoffs at the thought of even getting a pair. Doesn’t get the hype.
Javi Gutierrez: Absolutely. Has some that he only wears around his house (they’re burgundy) with a Paddington bear charm on them. He thinks they’re super comfortable. If he could wear them all of the time without getting looks he absolutely would.
Pero Tovar: Crocs don’t exist during his time but if we move him to the future, I absolutely think he’d own a pair. He’s a practical man. They’re comfortable and quick to put on.
Dieter Bravo: It’s canon this man wears Crocs and he fucking loves them. Is always wearing them when he’s not shooting. Is a weirdo and wears them in sport mode.
Ezra: If Ezra had access to Crocs he would own a few pairs. Especially after losing his arm, they’re easy to wear and insanely comfortable. Wears them around the house and out in public. Absolutely loves his Crocs.
Max Phillips: Bought Crocs as a joke, kept them cause they’re comfortable. Let’s say you’re in a FWB situation with Max and you call him late one night for a quickie, that dude is rolling up in sweats, a t-shirt, and his Crocs and if you say anything about the shoes he lets you know they come off quick and next thing you know you’re naked on the couch and you’ve forgotten what he showed up wearing.
Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels: No Crocs for him. Has never looked at the things twice. Tequila showed up wearing some once and Jack had just looked at him funny. Prefers his boots.
Marcus Moreno: Look at that DILF. This man absolutely has Crocs. He wears them around the house, he wears them to the grocery store, if he has the day off the only shoes he’s wearing are his trusty Crocs. Missy is absolutely embarrassed but she also decorated them in cute charms and Marcus proudly wears them.
Pedro across the Street (Calls): This man is trying to fuck his neighbor’s wives he would never wear Crocs. That’s his appeal to the lonely housewives—he’s hot and has a big dick, Crocs would ruin his image.
Thank you for reading! If you’d like to be tagged in my fics, please fill out the form in my bio, on my masterlist, or just let me know!
#crocs are cool#they have their time and place#this is perfect for every character#made me smile#double reblogging#pedro pascal#din djarin#Javier peña#Frankie morales#dieter bravo#Marcus pike#oberyn martell#maxwell lord#max phillips#joel miller#Dave york#javi gutierrez#pero tovar#ezra prospect#marcus moreno#jack daniels#jack whiskey daniels#pedro across the street#headcanon list#pedro character headcanons#fanfic rec#fanfic blog#reblogging is love
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Clear the Inbox-tober 2024
Because there's nothing sexier than an empty inbox.
(Anything marked with an asterisk * should be considered 18+ only due to adult themes, such as sexual situations, etc.)
All titles can also be found on the character’s individual lists.
October 1: Sharing is Caring (Benny Magalon) *
October 2: The Coolness of the Shade (Oberyn Martell) *
October 3: Fall From Grace (John Price) *
October 4: The Enemy of My Enemy (Yautja/Predator) *
October 5: 🥰 FINALLY (Frankie Morales) *
October 6: Kind of a Sh*thead (Rhett Abbott)
October 7: Fairy Godmother, Part II (Santiago Garcia)
October 8: Of Every Kinnë Tre (Pero Tovar) *
October 9: With Teeth (Benny Magalon) *
October 10: Firewatch (Alex Keller)
October 11: Opportunities (Frankie Morales)
October 12: More Dating Headcanons (Ray Merrimen) *
October 13: Lieutenant Steal-Your-Girl, Part II (Bob Floyd) *
October 14: Once Bitten, Twice Shy (Richard Muñoz)
October 15: First Time for Everything (Bob Floyd) *
#tropes and tales#kinktober2024#clear the inbox 2024#benny magalon#oberyn martell#john price#yautja#predator franchise#frankie morales#rhett abbott#santiago garcia#alex keller#ray merrimen#bob floyd#richard muñoz
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Pedro boys relationship matrix
I don't remember how exactly this idea came to me, but this turned out to be a very fun matrix! Thank you those who contributed their knowledge to this idea! Commentary below the cut.
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Single AF
Javier Peña, Din Djarin, Pero Tovar, Young!Joel Miller
The first three are single AF because of their jobs. Javier is a workaholic in a dangerous job, Din's ship fits one person and one Grogu, and Pero isn't in a position to take a wife as a travelling mercenary.
Young!Joel gets a special shoutout. He doesn't have time to date because he's working hard raising his only child as a single dad on top of running his contracting business, and that's hot AF 🫠
Dieter Bravo, Oberyn Martell, Frankie Morales, Javi Gutierrez
There was a bit of debate around as to whether Frankie is married or not. As @imaswellkid points out, he calls his partner his "lady", not wife or missus, and he doesn't wear a wedding ring. To me, he's in a committed relationship, but not married.
It's Complicated
Silva, Joel Miller, Tim Rockford, Ezra
So this category is half canon and half conjecture. I haven't seen Strange Way of Life yet, but I think we can all agree his relationship with Jake is complicated. As is Joel's with Tess.
I headcanon that Tim's in an on-off relationship because he comes off as a workaholic (the takeaway in the precinct is a clue) who can't commit, while Ezra is so hard to pin down that it would inevitably be complicated with him.
Marcus Pike, Max Lord, Marcus Moreno, Jack Daniels
Thank you @elvenmother for pointing out that Marcus Pike and Max Lord are divorced and that Marcus Moreno is widowed. I will forever mourn my beloved cowboy Jack's wife and unborn child 😭
Dave York
I cannot believe Dave is the only married Pedro boy out of the bunch. This man looks damn fine with a wedding ring on. Hopefully we get more married Pedro boys in this year's upcoming projects!
#pedro pascal#pedro pascal characters#pedro pascal cinematic universe#narcos#javier#pena#the mandalorian#din djarin#tlou#the last of us#joel miller#triple frontier#frankie morales#game of thrones#oberyn martell#equalizer 2#dave york#kingsman golden circle#jack daniels#agent whiskey
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Getting Acquainted

The Outcast - Part 2: Getting Acquainted
Summary: When the man wakes you get to know each other. After all, it's going to be a long winter.
Pairing: Pero Tovar x F!Reader
Rating: 18+ (to be safe)
Word Count: 3,600(ish)
Warnings: Fowl language, pov changes, brief mention of horse breeding, mention of prostitution, a bit of sexism
Author’s Note: Headcanoning that this fic takes place in Finland or Norway, somewhere high up in Europe anyway.
Warmth. It was a foreign sensation after days of riding through a snowstorm in the bitter cold. I must be dead, Pero concluded.
He could not remember finding shelter before he fell unconscious, and even if he had, it would have not been this cozy.
But if he were dead, would he be as sore as he was? his logical mind asked. His cheeks were painfully dry, his lips stung where they were split, and his muscles ached from all the time he'd consistently spent in saddle. To add to that, his bladder was uncomfortably full, he was cotton mouth thirsty, and very hungry. His stomach had rumbled as soon as he'd been aware he still had the ability to think.
If he was not dead, was it a dream? Was he still out there, on his steed's back or laying in the snow unconscious? If it wasn't a figment of his imagination how could the body he felt tucked against his side be explained?
He opened his eyes slowly, blinking to adjust his sight to the dim light of the space he was in, clearly someplace inside a building. A cottage?
It was night dark, and a fire was burning low in the fireplace a few feet from his spot on the floor.
He was lying on his back with fur blankets both over and underneath him, but completely bare otherwise. Strange.
Stranger still was the fact that an unfamiliar woman was lying in between the furs alongside him, radiating body heat. You were pretty sure, but not his usual type for a whore. He racked his brain, trying to remember how you'd ended up together on the floor of this strange cottage, but came up with nothing.
Maybe he had been too drunk to remember?
Maybe it was his hellish ride through the snowstorm that had been the dream?
His stomach growled loudly again and you whined softly at it, a quiet complaint over being woken up from a restful sleep.
Pero knew that it had been far too long when that stirred up something in him. So we mustn't have fucked after all, he mused. That did not clear up much for him.
You stretched out habitually beside him and met his eyes with your bleary ones, yours comically broadening when you registered that he was staring back at you. "You're awake!"
You sat up immediately, and to his disappointment he realized you were mostly dressed, and dressed in men's clothes at that. You were up on your feet the next moment.
"I'm sorry," you said, looking flustered. "I was trying to help you warm up. You were still shivering, even with the fire going at full strength."
Ah. So the cuddling had been innocent. Pero was mildly disappointed. He would’ve been more so if he'd actually forgotten having sex with you.
"Your husband approved of you laying alongside another naked man?" he asked. If he had, he was a better man than he.
You snorted like he'd said something ridiculous. Not very lady like, but then nothing of your demeanor was. "No husband, no beau, no father - just little ol' me," you replied before giving him a stern warning look rivaling one of a viking warrior. Pero had never met one in person, but he imagined them this way, and Vikings were known for having women fighters amongst them.
"That does not mean I would be easy to be taken advantage of," you added in warning.
Pero sat up, letting the furs collect at his waist. "I would not dare. I have only ever taken willing women." Men who did otherwise were not really men, as far as he was concerned.
You relaxed your shoulders, having seen the honestly on his face, the disdain he had at the mere idea of it. "What is your name?"
"Tovar," he answered. "Pero." Giving you his first name had seemed like the proper thing to do in the situation. "Yours?"
You gave him your name and he nodded. It was a solid name. He thought it fit you.
"You're really alone here?" he inquired, unable to hide his confusion over it. It was a rare thing, to stumble upon a pretty woman who lived the life of an outcast.
"For over a decade, yes," you confirmed. "Unless my horses and goats count. My sister and her husband and children visit in the spring, summer, and autumn to bring supplies, to take others, but otherwise yes, I am alone."
"Yet you do not seem insane," he noted.
You barked out a laugh. "Some are better built for seclusion than others."
"And you are one of those people?" His eyebrows furrowed. "You do not have a father?"
If you had, surely he'd have not allowed you to live alone at your age.
You rolled your eyes and your expression made it clear he'd offended you. "Some women refuse to be ruled by men, Pero. My father tried to set me up with a merchant. I ran for the mountains. Galloped. And I never looked back. Only my sister and her husband understood. They managed to marry for love."
"How did I end up here?" he quizzed, deciding it best not to question how you had survived alone this long in the wilderness he'd just ridden through. You simply must know the area better than him.
"I was out hunting this morning and found you lying in the snow," you explained. "Rather, I saw your stallion out in the field. He was standing over you, like he was guarding you. Without him, you wouldn't be alive."
Pero felt a wave of gratefulness towards the beast, hearing that. He was old for a warhorse, but smarter than any horse had a right to be, and Pero had to admit he secretly was quite fond of him. After William had retired, he'd been his only steady companion left.
"I had my horse drag you back here," you continued. "Took your clothes off so they could dry. Warmed you up. And that was that."
"Thank you," he said appreciatively. "It could not have been easy to bring me here. To allow me into your home."
You shrugged. "Better than the guilt from leaving you to die."
He knew the feeling too well. It was something to be avoided. He was grateful you'd thought so too.
His stomach roared again and you chuckled. "More talk later. Let's get some food in you. And get some fresh clothes on you. I think my sister's husband left a pair or two here the last they visited. Let me check."
You rushed off to the one closed off room in the cottage to fetch them, leaving Pero alone only briefly.
For someone who didn't have guests often, you were quite accommodating, he mused.
After dressing in your brother-in-law's old tunic and trousers then stepping outside to relieve himself, Pero joined you at your dining table to eat and drink.
He gulped almost two full mugs of water before he scarfed down the stew you'd made with deer meat and vegetables you'd stored away from your garden three months prior.
The way he was shoving his spoon into his mouth made you rush to eat yours as well until you reminded yourself mentally that there was no need to race. His speed was understandable, he had gone without food for days - yours meanwhile was just a hazard to your health. You were already prone to choking to begin with.
"Good?" you prompted, smiling slightly at him. "You may have more if you wish."
"I do wish," he said as he finished the bowl and offered it back to you. You indulged him, standing and refilling it with what was left in the pot on the stove.
He dove back in as soon as you placed the bowl in front of him again and you watched in amusement. He was a noisy eater. Messy too. Liquid from the stew dribbled down his chin and dripped off onto his fresh shirt.
When the bowl was completely empty again, licked clean even, he pushed it away from him towards the middle of your table. He wiped his dirty mouth over his right sleeve and heaved a breath. He hadn't taken much time to properly do so while he was inhaling his meal.
"I apologize for the mess," he said, almost sounding like he meant it.
"No need," you told him, clearing the table of all the dirty dishes on it. "I'll take it as a compliment."
"That was the best venison stew I've had in ages," he stated, "And that is not just because I was starving. What is your secret?"
You glanced back at him and curled your lips upward. "Special herbs. A family secret I must not tell."
He nodded. "Of course." He wisely did not press. His mother must have had secret recipes too.
You slipped the dirty dishes into a basin of water and soap and began washing them. You were standing at an angle so you could still see him as he leaned back in his chair, content now that his belly was full.
"How did you end up on my mountain, Pero?" you inquired curiously.
He sighed. "You have heard of mercenaries, no?"
"I have."
"I am one of them," he continued. "I battle and kill for a fee. My job is not much different from a soldier, or a knight, except mine is without any glamour and some would say, without honor. That is the reasoning several men in the nearby town gave me when they tried to murder me for doing my job. They took what I'd done recently personally."
"You killed someone they knew," you deduced, trying to hide the wariness that stirred in you. Logic argued that what he did to survive day to day did not make him a threat to you. You'd known enough decent men who'd been forced to kill for coin or otherwise to know better than to judge him solely on it.
If Pero could tell his story had made you nervous, he didn't show it. "I did," he said in a matter-of-fact manner. "And even though it was on a battlefield they saw the need for revenge. I tried to fight them off, managed to wound a couple of them, but I was simply too outnumbered. I fled town as soon as I could, not caring at that particular time where I was going. With the storm and the deep snow I lost them fairly quickly, but also lost my way in the process. I had no idea where I was and the snow was coming down so fast my mount's tracks were covered within minutes. Besides, I didn't want to risk back tracking in case my pursuers were still tailing me."
You nodded. That explained his bruises. One of the men had kicked him in the abdomen.
"I was out there for at least two entire days," Pero continued, scrubbing his face as he did so. "I thought my luck had finally run out."
"Guess you still had a sliver left," you inputted.
A corner of his mouth twitched. "So I did. Thanks to you."
"No need to thank me again," you told him. "All I ask of you is that you do your part while you are here."
"I do not plan to stay in your hair long enough to be able to contribute much," he declared. "So long as the weather is fair, I will leave at dawn."
"Unfortunately, that is not an option," you informed him. "The pass you likely came through is too dangerous to traverse now. All the snow that fell would've blocked it off, even if no avalanches occurred. And there are no other ways off the mountain that are viable for a person or a horse."
He gaped at you. “Are you telling me I am stuck here until spring?"
You couldn't help but feel a tinge of hurt over him being so dismayed by it. There was no logic behind it. You were strangers to each other, and he could be married for all you knew. You'd want to leave too if you had someone waiting for you.
"I am afraid so," you answered him. "Or at least until the snow melts enough. Whichever comes first."
He groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. "And I once thought my life could not get worst." His eyes shot up to you for a moment. "No offense."
"None taken," you said automatically. "I do not find it ideal to winter with a stranger either."
"But you're going to offer for me to stay with you anyway," Pero guessed.
"It is that or freeze out there," you stated with certainty. "And all that I ask of you in return is for you to assist me with the chores. Surely you can do that."
"I can," he agreed with a sigh, resignation written on his face. "Anything left to do tonight?"
"The horses and goats need to be fed one more time before bed," you replied, putting the bowls and spoons out to dry on the countertop after you’d thoroughly washed them. "We will do it together."
You offered him his dried coat and shrugged yours on.
"Where's my swords?" Pero asked as he stood, as if it had just occurred to him. You highly doubted it had. Mercenaries were known for loving their weapons.
"Safe," you answered, "And there is no need for you to know where while you are under my roof."
He seemed to want to argue with you, but by his expression had thought better of it. Good. The last thing you needed was him lugging his swords, weapons of war, around your farm.
"Follow me."
He did as ordered, trailing you outside. It was still freezing cold, but the dark sky was clear, except for the crescent moon and the thousands of stars that accompanied her.
You took a brief moment to gaze up at them then trudged through the snow to the two horse pastures to the left of your barn. One was obviously empty - the one that had contained Pero’s horse.
Your heart thudded in your chest. Had he jumped the fence to escape?
You then counted the horse shaped shadows in the second pasture and realized there was one too many.
"Great, just great!" you spat out, charging for the gate, stomping through the snow.
"What's wrong?" Pero inquired, confused, as he tagged along.
"Your stallion got in with my mares," you shouted back at him in frustration. "Why do you men insist on keeping your mounts intact? Geldings grow taller and are much better behaved."
"Geldings are not as muscular," he told you, "And he's well behaved as is. Just needs the right rider."
"No matter how well behaved he is," you started as you unchained and opened the gate, "He is still a stallion. A horse whose brain stops functioning as soon as a mare so much as lifts her tail."
Pero choked out a laugh and you frowned at him. "This is not funny. I cannot afford to have another mouth to feed. Worst, I cannot afford to lose a mare at the start of winter next year if the birth goes wrong. And winter is not a good time for a foal to be raised."
"Surely your mares are out of heat," he said, "We're well past their season."
"My older mare, Meadow, sometimes stays in heat through early winter," you informed him as you reached the huddled group of horses. "It's rare, but it happens. In fact, that's how my younger mare Clover came to be."
You found the stallion by the shape of his body and weaved your fingers through the base of his elegantly long mane, twisting a handful into your firm grip, and guided him away from your mares. It took a couple gentle tugs of encouragement, but he listened, high stepping through the deep snow alongside you.
"He will stay in the barn when the mares are out and vice versa," you decided as you passed Pero with him at your side.
"Aye," he mumbled with a grunt, following you both at a safe distance from his horse's back hooves until you had the stallion secured in a tie stall within your small, but charming barn. There was another tie stall for a second horse next to it and two small pens inside for the goats as well.
You showed Pero where you kept your hay stored and had him carry an armful to his horse. As the stallion munched away you took some time to admire him in the light of a lamp you'd lit in the barn.
You sighed heavily. "He is pretty, at least." It was hard for you to stay mad at any beautiful animal for long. Especially considering it wasn't their fault their instincts did not always conform with what humans wanted them to do.
"He comes from fine stock," Pero informed you as he stood by your side. "If he bred your mare and it survives, you could get a fair price for it."
You blew air out loudly through your nose. "That's something at least."
You reached out and patted the horse's neck before warming your bare hands on his meaty shoulder. "What's his name anyway?"
"He does not have one," Pero told you. "I do not name my mounts."
"Of course not," you huffed.
"You disapprove," he concluded from your reaction.
"Any good animal should have a name," you declared firmly. "Especially this one. Must I remind you, you'd be dead if not for him?"
"What do you suggest, then?" he asked, amused. His smile joined with his scar made him devilishly handsome.
You studied the horse as you mulled over possible names for him. "What about Thor? He's a Norse god, a mighty and loyal warrior, so I've been told. A god of thunder. And a stallion as thick legged and hoofed as he certainly makes thunderous sounds when he runs, does he not?"
"He does indeed," Pero confirmed, tipping his head at you. "Thor it is."
The soft smile that snuck onto his face seemed to suggest he approved.
You led him behind the barn after and had him help you herd the goats into it. The two males went into one pen and the females who were likely all pregnant (it was still too early to tell) went into another.
"You are not bad at herding goats," you observed as Pero waved the last stray female into the doe pen.
"My parents raised sheep," he explained as he shut the gate behind her. "Goats are not that different. Just a little more stubborn and much more mischievous."
"And where was their farm?" you quizzed.
"Far away from here," he replied. "By the ocean where it does not snow. At least, not in my experience."
"You are a long way from home," you noted. You did not know maps well, but you knew that a place with no snow would be many countries south of yours.
"I have been for a long time," he told you. "Over two decades. Being a mercenary requires travel if you want to make a decent living. I've had no reason to return. My only family died before I left."
"How?" you couldn't help but ask. You felt guilty immediately after.
"Disease," he stated with no emotion in his voice, in the way that a man does when they close themselves off from feeling that kind of pain. "My parents, my brother, and my sister. I was the sole survivor. The only one it did not keep down."
You shook your head in dismay. "I'm so sorry, Pero. I shouldn't have pressed."
"It's alright," he murmured, "It was a long time ago."
"Time does not heal wounds," you said, quoting your mother, "It only fades memories we wish to keep."
"True enough." Pero cleared his throat. "So, what else would you like me to do?"
You accepted his avoidance of continuing on the topic and tilted your head towards where you'd gotten Thor's hay earlier. "Feed the goats and my mares outside. I'll make sure their troughs are filled with water."
He nodded and headed for the storage area and you watched him go.
In some ways your first interaction with Pero had gone better than you'd expected, and in some ways they'd gone worst.
You'd been lucky, really. He was very much what you'd expect from a hardened soldier, or in his case, mercenary. Emotions hidden, walls up. But he was far more honest than you'd thought he would have been with you, especially during your first night together.
He was unsurprisingly a bit of a slob, but he used polite words like a well raised son would.
He looked like a brute, but he did not have the demeanor of one.
He was...interesting, you decided. You couldn't help the desire that struck aflame in you. You wanted to know more about him, and a part of you even wanted him.
Foolish. That's what your lust for him was. A man like him who had wandered the continent most of his life for work would never settle down with you, a woman in men's clothes, and you had no wishes to be his for one night, or for even one season.
You could be friends, but no more. When spring came, he'd leave, and you would continue your life on the mountain as you had before him.
That was the only way it could go, as far as you were concerned.
You had no idea how difficult that reasoning would be to keep up as the months passed.
Tagged: @harriedandharassed
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Each of these boys is written so perfectly! Din "treats your first time with the reverence he treats everything"...I just melted. I loved this!
Little thoughts on how these men would feel about taking your virginity.
Smut below the cut. MDNI
Din treats your first time with the reverence he treats everything. After making sure the room was pitch black he removed his armour before feeling his way over your body to remove your clothes. The feel of your bare skin under his palms made him shiver with anticipation. It wasn't his first time but it was his first time without his armour on. It left him as bare and vulnerable as you. Knowing how difficult it was for him, the level of trust you showed him makes his heart ache.
Max Lord
Max wiped his palms on his expensive suit. They'd been sweating since you perched on his desk with your skirt hitched up high and asked him to mentor you in more than just business. Taking his now dry hand you ran it up your thighs and it wasn't long before his fingers were wet again. Convinced that you'd regret it, he wouldn't penetrate you. He did let you ride the large bulge in his tailored trousers until his ringer fingers dug into your ass and your fingers tangled in his hair as your moans tumbled into each other's mouths.
Jack Daniels
Jack wants to make sure you are completely ready for him. Ever the gentleman, he offers you a ride…on his face. Between his plush lips, his neat moustache and that strong nose, you're spoilt for choice where to drag your clit across as you hold his head in place. Jack added his tongue to the mix and you were ready for him in no time. The act itself was done on a fur rug by a roaring fire. In missionary, so he could watch the flames dance in your eyes as he fanned the flames of your desire.
Frankie Morales
Frankie still can't believe that you want to give him your virginity. Even with you sat on his lap, legs spread either side of him as the sun dips low in the yard. Even when you move your panties to the side to take him in your warm embrace. He's happy to let you take what you want. With every roll of your hips he's content to let you give him your virginity rather than take it from you.
Javier Peña
Javier tries to ignore how your confession makes his cock swell. The thought of being the first man inside you, the first to share that pleasure with you, it has his face heating with shame when his hips chase his fist later that night. When he's sure it, he, is what you want, he tries to tidy his room up and make it nice for you. When he lays you down on his bed later that night it's on new sheets covering a new mattress. Candlelight dances on his brows knitted in concentration. He thinks about all the things he's learned about women over the years. All the things he's done with them. Mostly, he thinks about how none of it mattered like it does with you. He'll be your first and you'll be his last.
Dave York
Dave couldn't give a fuck if you were a virgin or not. Not in that dress. The one that is begging to be shoved up around your hips. He knows you'll be wet for him so he doesn't bother with much more than kissing you, deep and bruising. Much like how he plans to give you his cock.
Joel Miller
Joel was a practical man. The first thing you discussed about sex was protection. Even though you were on the pill, you both agreed that you'd use condoms as well. Joel loved his daughter but he wasn't ready for another kid. Once the formalities were out of the way, Joel left the ball in your court. It was completely up to you how far you went and when. One night, he found you waiting up for him on the couch wearing only one of his old shirts. It was the sexiest thing Joel had ever seen, you in his shirt. As soon as gave him the nod, the shirt was stripped away. Joel got so carried away in his excitement that you had to be the practical one and remind him about the condom. He made sure to make you come, twice, before filling it.
Pero Tovar
Pero is nervous about being your first. So nervous that he parts with some of his hard won coin to pay a woman of the night to show him how to make it perfect for you. He watched with rapt attention as she worked her fingers against something at the apex of her flower. The way her body quivered and she cried out had him running home to you. That was nothing compared to how you quivered and screamed. When he sunk into you, he'd never felt anyone so wet around him. The next day he made sure to swing by the brothel with an extra coin and your thanks.
#headcanons accepted#OMG yes#pedro pascal character fanfiction#max lord#din djarin#joel miller#dave york#javier peña#frankie morales#pero tovar#jack whiskey daniels#virginity headcanons#my boys#i loved this#fanfic rec#fanfic blog#reblogging is love
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Babes. With Halloween 147 days away I gotta know all the Pedro characters you hc as monsters. Like Din = demon, Ezra = werewolf, etc (lol idk how to word it)
Excuse me.. have you been looking in my google docs??
Okay - so I've actually given this a lot of thought, shockingly. I've come up with a list of what I think the boys would be for a story / series that might or might not ever actually see the light of day lol.
Here goes- hope you enjoy!
Jack Daniels; This man is a centaur. Cowboy through and through and nothing makes more sense to me than him being half man, half horse. Do with this information what you like. 👀
Din Djarin; For Din I have two headcanons—first one is Demon!Din, the lovable, sexy one that eats pussy like a champ and is a feminist lol. In the second one I don't think he'd be a monster per say, I think he'd be a droid, or some really advanced AI. He'd be intelligent, but surprisingly human underneath all that beskar.
Marcus Moreno; Homeboy is already super, so it makes sense to me that he'd be like a Magneto / Professor X hybrid. Intuitive, crazy smart, and very handy to have around.
Pero Tovar; I don't actually think he'd be a monster either, more like a time traveler who is perpetually lost. Never in his own time, never knows what's going on but point him towards somewhere he can have a stiff drink, a fight, and a woman or five and he's right at home.
Javier Pena; Javi would be a Nahual, the Mesoamerican version of a shapeshifter, also known as an animal protector and guardian spirit. I'm not sure which animal he'd change into-I'll leave it open to interpretation.
Francisco Morales; Werewolf. Hands down. Literally nothing else to add to this-he'd be normal and cool most of the time, and then disappear for the three days of the full moon.
Max Phillips; This one's a given, he's a vampire and it makes sense for him. No notes- they got it in one.
Marcus Pike; This is where we get a bit sad, I think Marcus would be a ghost. A lonely spirit, wandering the earth in search of a true love.
Ezra; He's a little different, he gives me 'Old God' vibes. A pagan harvest God or deity, someone you leave offerings to in order to have a bountiful harvest, or good health, fertility.
Dave York; This man is a crossroads Demon. He's cold, and distant, and is always ready to offer you a deal you can't possibly afford.
Oberyn Martell; This is obvious to me too, Oberyn is an Incubus. The breeding kink is so strong it's basically his personality. He's only here to have a good time, and fuck his way through humanity (consensually, of course), leaving as many babies as he can in his wake.
Max lord; Another obvious one for me, he's a genie. Make your wishes, and he'll grant them, so long as there's something in it for him at the end of the day.
Would love to hear your thoughts, and thots on this! 💜
#pedro pascal#max lord#Dave york#ezra prospect#oberon martell#francisco morales#marcus pike#max phillips#javier peña#jack daniels#din djarin#marcus moreno#julesanswers
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Another day another Pero Tovar headcanon, and I just feel like he'd love you getting possessive and needy of him? Like it makes him feel so wanted.
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Dieter just made me laugh. The man has a drug for every kind of situation lol
Do you have any headcanons for how the Pedro boys would reassure a reader's homesickness/make her feel better?
Helping With Homesickness:
Javier: There isn’t a whole hell of a lot he can do. You are in a completely different country and long distance rates are killer (It’s the 80′s - you paid per minute) However, he does make a few phone calls and arranges to have some of your favorite snack foods sent, stuff you can’t get in Colombia, shipped to the Embassy so he can bring it home one day for you to open and squeal over.
Ezra: Where is home? There isn’t much of a root system when you are a floater on the Fringe. He will listen to you. It’s honestly when he is most quiet you have ever really heard him be, beyond when he is softly snoring in your ear. He asks a few questions, only meant to draw out your memories and make you give that soft little smile you have when you are remembering the wonderful things about home. Others to prompt a funny story to make you laugh. With his arm curled around you, he makes you promise that you will show him this wonderful place one day.
Mando: Mando sighs quietly, pauldrons shifting slightly as he turns slightly to the nav computer and starts calculating the best hyperspace route to get you to your home planet. He has a bounty and it’s going to make him run behind on his self-imposed schedule, but he is going to make time for this. It’s important to you. He won’t be able to spare more than one day on your world, but it will be better than nothing. He doesn’t even tell you until you drop out of hyperspace and start to enter the atmosphere.
Frankie: He feels horrible. He knows that the Army drags you away from home and it’s because you love him. He encourages your family to come and visit whenever they want. And when he’s deployed, he wants you to go home to stay. It’s better to go spend time with your family than to stay in whatever Army town he’s stationed in and just wait for him to come home. Or God forbid, a knock on the door.
Tovar: Life’s tough, deal with it. This man doesn’t have a lot of soft words for times when you are missing family or home. It’s a foreign concept for him since he has been without both for so long. However, he won’t make fun of you and he will threaten anyone who does. And in typical Tovar fashion, his way of showing affection or helping you feel better is to give you a larger portion of the dinner and he takes your watch during the night. Gruffly telling you he doesn’t want to listen to you cry while you stand guard, but he really wants you to get some good sleep tonight.
Agent Whiskey: Lets you pour your heart out and shares his own missing home story. He’s isn’t a place really, it’s more a person, but he understand the sentiment. He’s willing to listen anytime that you are feeling blue and it often includes trips to that wonderful little ice cream stand down the road. They make boozy ice cream with Statesman, don’tcha know?
Max Phillips: You can’t go home. Not now that you’ve become a vampire. Sorry. It’s too dangerous. Plus do you really want to watch your family and everyone you know grow old and die while you stay young and immortal? However, he will bring you a special snack. The person from your hometown that you couldn’t stand. A little revenge feeding always makes him feel better.
Marcus Pike: Buys plane tickets. He’s going to arrange for a long weekend for you to spend time with your family or in your hometown. He wants to experience it through your eyes and you want to go home to visit. It’s a perfect weekend. Although he definitely didn’t anticipate having to sleep on a couch in your parent’s living room rather than in a bed with you. Maybe next time he’ll book a hotel.
Oberyn: Why would you ever miss that stinking, shit pile of a city? You are in Dorne, surrounded by lovers that adore you and the warm sun and sand of his home country. Frolicking in the Water Gardens and doing exactly what you want. If you have a relative that you want with you, let him know, he will send for them.
Dave York: Your home is with him? The beautiful home that you share and the town that you live in now is home. He understands, abstractly, but he also is different from you. He moved a lot when he was in the Marines and still travels all over the world now. His home is you, wherever you are. He asks what he can to do help you, not trusting that he will do the right thing, but he trusts you to be honest with him and tell you what you need.
Max Lord: Max doesn’t really notice. He however does hum in all the right spaces when you are talking and nods as his thoughts are a million miles away. He wraps his arms around you and promises you that when Black Gold is the success he knows it will be, he will take you on a vacation that will make you forget all about being sad or missing home.
Marcus Moreno: Marcus tries to do what he can to help you. He listens to you and pours you a glass of wine and draws you a bath so you can relax. Promising that he will order dinner and afterwards, you can lay in bed and call home to talk to whoever you want to for the rest of the night.
Zach: Zach tries to relate but he’s just drifted for so long that he doesn’t. He’s not apathetic to it, however. Zach is kind of an acts of service kind of man. He tries to make you feel better by doing for you. He pampers you, cooks for you and he puts on music and just tries to make it a positive, upbeat house. Making you smile.
Javi G: Smiles sadly and nods. He knows the feeling. He misses Mallorca, he misses the family he could have had. He asks you what exactly you miss most about home and tries to find a smiliar something around you to treat you to. Only works though if it’s a thing, rather than people.
Dieter: Offers you drugs. You can get high together and reminisce about your home to him while you are both just mellow. Remember, there are drugs.
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#javier peña headcanon#ezra prospect headcanon#the mandalorian headcanon#frankie morales headcanons#pero tovar headcanon#max phillips headcanon#agent whiskey headcanons#Marcus Pike headcanon#oberyn martell headcanon#Dave York headcanon#Marcus Moreno headcanon#max lord headcanon#zach wellison headcanon#javi gutierrez headcanon#dieter bravo headcanon#javier peña#ezra prospect#the mandalorian#pero tovar#frankie morales#agent whiskey#max phillips#marcus pike#oberyn martell#dave york#marcus moreno#max lord#pedro pascal#zach wellison#javi gutierrez
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hi guys!! i have a few different projects that i’m writing that i’m be finishing + posting soon eeee 🥳 but i wanted to try some fun headcanons in the meantime 😋 send me a number from either of the lists below (be sure to specify which list!) and a pedro character and i’ll write you a blurb! don’t be shy to send multiple numbers and/or characters 🫶 i’ll be answering asks all weekend! :)
🌸springtime asks
💤sleepytime asks
i write for the following characters (listed in no particular order): marcus pike, din djarin, joel miller, frankie morales, agent whiskey (jack daniels), ezra (prospect), marcus moreno, pero tovar, maxwell lord, max phillips, javi g, javier peña, oberyn martell, nico (house comes with a bird), dave york 💗
#send me asks#pedro pascal characters#joel miller#din djarin#ezra prospect#agent whiskey#frankie morales#marcus pike#marcus moreno#maxwell lord#pero tovar#dave york#max phillips#javi gutierrez#javier peña#oberyn martell#nico (house comes with a bird)
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Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog!
My ask box and messages are open! I only ask that you please follow this one rule when sending me requests, messages or asks.
Please be respectful and considerate when asking things. Disrespect and hatred towards me, my faith or what I write will not be tolerated. I will delete those asks and messages if I have to. I have spoken.
What fandoms I write and do headcanons for (UNDER CONSTRUCTION):
Pedro Pascal Characters
Joel Miller (The Last of Us)
Jack Daniels “Agent Whiskey” (Kingsman the Golden Circle)
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Frankie “Catfish” Morales (Triple Frontier)
Ezra (Prospect)
Javier Peña (Narcos)
Javier Gutierrez (The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent)
Pero Tovar (The Great Wall)
The Chosen (TV series)
All Characters
Any and all telenovela (teleseries for you Chileans out there here on Tumblr 🥰🇨🇱) characters. I will ask that you specify which one you need me to write from and what character. I also ask that you give me context if need be.
Avatar the Last Airbender (All Character)
Raylan Givens (Justified)
Please feel free to ask for any other ones you can think of! If I know them, I’ll decide whether I write for them or not. If I don’t know them, I’ll need the show name, character name, and context.
What I will and will not write on this blog
Age gap (with CONSENTING ADULTS 18+.)
Friendship/platonic relationship
X Female Reader (if character in the ask is male, if character in the ask is female)
X Male Reader (if character in the ask is male, if character in the ask is female)
Multiple Partners/Threesomes, etc.
Explicit smut (I’m just not comfortable posting it. I hope you understand. I’m just trying to keep this blog clean in that aspect. 😂 there has to be a limit somewhere.)
Religious slander of any kind. (As my profile states, I am an evangelical Christian. I WILL NOT write anything that is an insult on my faith. Period.)
Any romantic relationship of any kind with a minor and someone who is over 18.
All hard topics like violence and mental health situations, and other things like any use of alcohol or substances will receive a trigger warning and an MDNI (minors do not interact) tag. If you’re not comfortable with any of the content I post, feel free to scroll past it. I won’t be offended if you do. Everyone has the choice to read what they like. I won’t judge you for it if you decide not to read.
All requests/asks/messages that contain anything within my no write list will be ignored. And of course please feel free to ask me any kinds of personal questions you like, except my location! I’ll try to answer to the best of my ability and I’ll check my ask box and messages regularly. Please forgive me if I don’t see yours, I’ll try to stay on top of it as much as I can. 🥰
Ah, and requests can be sent in Spanish or English. I am fluent in both.
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pedro boys as high school teachers (modern au)
boys included: javi p, pero, jack, frankie, din, javi g, dieter, oberyn, marcus p, marcus m
word count: 1161
summary: there are just my thoughts on what high school subjects some of the pedro boys would teach, modern au
a/n: decided to reread the agm universe by @forever-rogue & it gave me an idea so here we are. i’m sorry if the formatting is jank, i’ve been posting from mobile for like two months now. also i know the ms. frizzle gif isn’t quite relevant enough but you can fight me
javier peña — javi is peak history teacher material. his students are juniors & seniors because he doesn’t have the patience for lower class bullshit. his philosophy is that students take his class seriously or not at all. took up coaching girls basketball one year because the last coach quit on short notice & admin begged him to take the spot; the year he coached was the first time in 30 years that their team went to state. became best friends with pero through their respective subjects & will have drinks together on weekends. doesn’t give grades that end with nines & will bump them up a point (69 to 70, 89 to 90, etc.) to not be a dick.
pero — geography. scares students stiff but does have a soft spot for those who put effort into his class. offers bonus points on tests for those who go to the local ren fair, and students are surprised to see their teacher wearing full garb & fighting in duels. his classroom is across from javi p’s & they watch each other’s classes when needed. they have the same lunch & conference, so when there’s nothing to do they like to talk shit about anything and everything. they gossip like old women & playfully bicker like old men. pero is often called “the gordon ramsay of teachers” & framed a photoshopped picture of their faces on the other’s body sent to him by a student.
jack daniels — football coach & ffa. he has and will continue to drive things to work that aren’t regular vehicles (tractors, horses, golf carts, even a donkey once). freshmen are surprised to see that he actually does own a highway legal means of transportation. all the ffa animals are kept in a separate barn on his ranch not even three miles from the school & will let students ride in the bed of his truck or on his trailer on the way there & back for class (parents do sign permission slips for it). lets students control the aux cord on these trips as long as it doesn’t have curse words, but the way to his heart is if someone plays reba. hosts the yearly chili cookoff to support the ffa, and it’s always a hit. he buys a stetson for each class that the students sign at the end of the school year & hangs them all up around the ffa barn.
frankie morales — softball coach that also teaches algebra 1 & 2. he has such a math brain & is super lenient when it comes to the students that have a harder time grasping the subject. very passionate about coaching & does not tolerate any bullying within the team, on the field or off it. wants to set a coaching standard for when his daughter starts playing; he wants her to know how a coach should treat their team early on. she comes to after school practices & all the girls love her to bits. frankie lets her in the dugout during games to motivate them. offers snacks for kids who come to tutorials because he knows they are hungry by the end of the day no matter when they had lunch, and that full bellies equal full attention.
din djarin — chemistry & physics. is very intimidating until it’s a couple months into the year & his students are finally comfortable asking him personal questions. they accidentally see a picture of him and his son on his computer’s desktop one day & just like that, he’s no longer piss-your-pants intimidating. he can be stern when he needs to be, but overall would rather not. he makes these two difficult subjects much easier to learn & will have so many cool lab demonstrations (some are mythbusters level) that occasionally border on dangerous. gets along with coworkers by not getting involved in drama & doing his job, doesn't have time for the bs.
javier gutierrez — this man definitely has a flair for the dramatic & would be an amazing theater director, albeit a bit dreamy. would recruit the art teacher from across the hall that he knew had acting experience to help in one production & suddenly, they’re co-directors. students favored him highly whether they took theater or not; something about him just oozed kindness & compassion, and the kids trusted him. insists the students either call him mr. g or javi, he feels that the standard honorifics are too stifling. him & dieter will buy their students fast food after days spent making set pieces & rehearsals in the auditorium. the queer kids feel hella safe with him & actually have a kinda-joke ship going with him and dieter that neither men are upset over.
dieter bravo — art teacher turned surprise theater co-director. always shows up looking like a hot mess because that’s just who he is. very lax and chill with students but will be the first to call out bullshit if it walks thru his door. drinks several coffees a day & despite the vast number of almost-pajamas he wears, some doubt whether he even sleeps at all. is the one who reigns in his counterpart when things go awry. recruits his best students to help make set pieces for theater & bribes them with free food bc he knows the way to win kids over. plays it off when students talk about the (b)romance between him & javi g but is actually pretty flattered.
oberyn martell — this is the english teacher that the lgbt+ kids flock to immediately. between him & javi g, they have an even split of the school’s queer kids idolizing them. also coaches the cross country team where usually two (or more) of his daughters participate yearly. is able to separate coaching from his fatherly duties so he doesn’t turn into a coachzilla (he’s heard about the dads who go batshit when coaching their kids in sports & loathes them). will team w javi on assignments with historical emphasis (mostly essays and book reports) & will allow students to write one essay that covers both assignments to keep from overworking the kids. is considered a jack of all trades when it comes to different subjects, and is highly recommended when another subject has a sub & cannot teach the lesson properly.
marcus pike — is the most patient & not-confrontational teacher ever. he’s the one that doesn’t get angry, he just gets disappointed & that’s actually much worse. started the school’s photography club as a volunteer & was eventually able to get the funding to make it a class, so they hired him to teach it. his students find out he plays bass in a cover band & they flip their shit abt wanting to see him perform. during the nature photography lessons, he brings his dog to work to be the model. jack gets wind of it & encourages him to use the ffa animals too, and uses the student-taken photos on the school website.
marcus moreno — not a teacher but is head of the pta. he chaperones field trips & school dances, and fights the school board to get better resources for the whole district. (i just love him okay?)
#javier gutierrez#javier peña#pero tovar#oberyn martell#jack daniels#frankie morales#marcus pike#marcus moreno#dieter bravo#din djarin#modern au#pedro pascal character imagine#pedro pascal character headcanons#javier peña headcanon#javier gutierrez headcanon#oberyn martell headcanon#marcus pike headcanon#frankie morales headcanon#pero tovar headcanon
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