#phone keyboard
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zeherili-ankhein · 7 months ago
GUYS GUYS so I changed my keyboard theme/wallpaper after a VERY long time
And had a few options I want y'all to show, not that I'll use that one, I'm still gonna use the one I like tha most (im sorry im sorry T_T but im just like that)
I just want you all's opinion on which one's the best
So this one was the last one... (Ik ik I loved it a lot too)
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And these are the new options...
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As you can see I love green a lot- 💚😌
Is this post highly immature and unnecessary? Yes... But this is my blog and I can do whatever the fuck I want—
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socksual-innuendos · 1 year ago
You know I'd been on the fence about how HBO had made Tess a momma before the world went to shit but after she's taken over my mind I think it works well as a way to contrast Joel and put her on equal footing to him in regards to "parental pain" in the apocalypse. Tess, unfortunately, is such a small role that nothing deeper gets to be explored with her and her death, while something that happens early and fast, I think sets a good tone for Joel's flaws later on.
I guess long rant with somewhat headcanons/assumptions of what their pre-show life entailed.
I see a lot of people assume that had Tess lived, she'd have gotten maternal, attached to Ellie and that she'd aid Joel in saving her at the end. I don't really understand that. She's the practical one. "The Brains". Joel's whole schtick is that the end of the world made him terribly codependant. We see it when he's hell bent to get to Tommy and we see it when he lies to Ellie, because he'd do anything to keep his cloth daughter close and dear. He's fiercely loyal and protective to a fault, to the point of smothering someone not aware of it.
This is what Tommy/Maria were warning Ellie of. Tess had enough of a head on her shoulders to control and keep it from strangling her. Its not that he's being intentionally malicious, but his fear of losing the thing he's emotionally dependant on will make him do malicious things. I do fully believe he was a raider/not a good person independent of Tess after things went to shit. Whatever you want to call it, "doing what needed to be done" for his brother/their survival, but he was still willing to kill and more for their protection and to provide.
I think for whatever the complexities of their relationship, being Tess' muscle meant he had his Thing to latch onto once Tommy was gone. "I never asked you to feel the same..." perhaps it wasnt so much that he didnt return her feelings so much as she realized what he did return would never be more than him clinging to a life line, stunted emotionally, and unable to keep a balanced relationship that she wanted. She accepted he couldnt meet the expectation, and he became her dog.
All that to say is when we get to the end of the show, and we see that Joel found "who he can save", we are made to feel warmth in that he and this orphaned girl have found family and hope in each other through all the loss....and while it is good, and I like that Joel will do whatever he needs to for his charge, I think its a mighty injustice to the writing and his character to say it wasn't also driven by a flaw of his that can be a sleeping giant of bad traits.....
But then you look outside of just the story were given, and ask "what if it was Tess who survived" or "What if all three made their way west". I dont think this would have ended with the same (mostly) feel good moment if a torn parent finding a way to love like that again.
Tess is the brains. She is the practical one. She is much more aware. Its needed of her to keep contacts and run smuggling rings inside a QZ. Her demons are different than Joel's, and making her a mother in her backstory allows her to be on the same footing as him when making that journey with Ellie.
We see her warm to Ellie much faster than Joel. I don't think this is simply just "maternal instinct" kicking in. It'd be an injustice to boil their friendly interactions down to such. Tess knows when she needs to be a hardass, but she also knows when she wants to let her guard down and be a person. Ellie is cargo, Ellie is precious, Ellie also realizes what her job is and does not seem to want to bolt now that shes outside. And for that, Tess can see her as some teenager being a teenager, and because Tess hasnt entirely walled off her humanity, she jokes and talks with this kid before they make the agreed upon hand off. Its not maternal at this point, it is simply beating the time while doing business.
In this, Tess' demons are different. She does not emotionally wall herself off and then cling to the one person she formed a relationship with. She's much more emotionally aware. She's intelligent. Her dying wish is that Joel does something worth while for once, for the both of them. "We're shitty people"/"We're not good people" seems this sits on her mind.
I think Tess is aware what the end of the world has made of her, and not only does she regret it I believe she also resents how well she slid into this role. She survives, and it is just that. Even if she can smile still, she wants more. We see it with her friendship with Bill and Frank. We see it in the line implying she wanted more with Joel. Instead she realizes the best she can do in this world is a raider and smuggler with a partner who is as close to good enough in this world as she's going to get.
I think if Tess survived instead of Joel the ending would be simple. She takes Ellie west, she gets attached to this witty orphaned girl, becomes protective of her, and feels something more for the first time since the world ended.....
And when they reach the fireflies, she gives Ellie away.
This had gone from a business deal with protected cargo to a shepherd leading his sacrifical lamb (even if Tess never thought this to be literal). I think despite her being sure in her decision, Tess lives the rest of her days hoping to hear news of a cure. Without success this was just another selfish act, an endeavor to make her feel better and redeemed. Hope and good deeds clouding her judgement when she should have listened to her gut screaming to save this child. If there is no cure, not even a direction for obtaining one, then another innocent life was taken by her direct action.
I think worse however is if Tess and Joel both survive to the end. They both bond with Ellie, they see more in each other, flashes of the past are more vibrant now. The feeling is strong, but like that of a phantom limb...
Joel's attachment becomes an issue. I feel like Tess would have anticipated this, but not anticipate that Ellie would have to die for a cure. She certainly would not anticipate that Joel would bite her hand.
HBO canon states she killed her husband when the world ended. Joel could never fill those shoes, but it didnt make the action any easier. In this, Tess' story has come full circle. She kills her partner and cannot do right by the child shes come to love dearly.
Only this time the emptiness and pain feels different. Back when the world ended she didnt know if she would survive. But its decades into the apocalypse, she's become a survivor and quite good at it, but now she's not entirely certain she wants to.
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toroidal-spider · 2 years ago
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I always get a lot of comments about the 2-key pony keyboard. I wanted to explain how I think they could work. I've been told there is an input device called orbiTouch which works on the same principle.
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crowdrinkingcoffee · 19 days ago
tfw you cant stop accidentally changing your keyboard to japanese
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cupids-stimboards · 9 months ago
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day 6: board based off fave aesthetic
event link
🐠 🖥️ 🐠 / 🖥️ 🐠 🖥️ /  🐠 🖥️ 🐠
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funhaussystem · 1 year ago
Got a new phone & when you use dark mode ui (the only good option IMO) the keyboard switches to light mode & won't let you change it unless you switch to light mode ui.
I would love to use gboard but my Samsung A14 won't let you switch away from default for some eldtrich reason.
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sunriseabram · 8 months ago
I love all the twitter aus and eat them for breakfast but I know for a fact Andrew and Neil are dry ass texters like:
Andrew: dorm?
Neil: kev
Andrew: court
Neil: yes
Neil: @ shop
Andrew: ice cream
Neil: k
Neil: ?
Andrew: roof
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gunitnekotiktokarchive · 2 years ago
So this is why typing on Apple sucks so much
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thingsmaygetalittlecrazy · 2 months ago
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My humble offering to the choccy gods 🫴🙏🙌😉
Clora is hyper-focused on school and Seb is hyper-focused on Clora 😌🫶
I saw a photo of a couple like this and all I could think was how SebClora coded it was LOOOL 😆 and honestly this piece may not be my fav thing but I learned so much while I made it and im just glad I didn't scrap it during any of my frustrating moments 🫶💖
I HOPE YOU LIKE IT @choccy-milky 🫶🫶🫶
(Just ignore all the sloppiness and errors I'll do better next time, I didn't even know what clipping layers WERE when I made majority of this 😅)
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i-collect-shiny-stuff · 29 days ago
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Little things I don't know what to do with
1. Phantom: Just because you're my dad doesn't mean you get to tell me what to do!
Nightwing: *just now learning he has a clone son and is nearly hysterical* Actually, it does!
Killer croc: *still holding Phantom by the neck but is now awkward about it* Uh, is this a bad time?
2. Tim goes undercover as Alvin Draper in infiltrate this new and very successful gang thats popped up in Gotham only to start falling for the mysterious leader Danny Nightingale aka a mage going by the name Hex
3. Future 7ft tall Phantom bursts into present day Gotham City like a meteor. Curled into a ball, he desperately tries to keep his unconscious husband safe from the flames and impacts as they are thrown through several buildings before creating a crater in one of the local parks
By some miracle his hubby is safe and Danny passes out once he sees some of the local bats approaching via rooftops
4. Danny flirts with Spoiler by bringing her wierd stuff thats purple. What makes it interesting is that none of this stuff should be purple
5. Danny accidentally ends up in the DC universe via ghost zone portal after he gets injured by one of his parents failed experimental weapons and it destabilizes him. He fights Superman thinking he's possessed and hes actually creaming Superman pretty bad since Clark can't hit what isn't tangible but oh boy, it can hit him.
Anyway the other supers come out to save Superman and began ganging up on Phantom.
Danny, fully convinced they're all possessed, opens a portal and manages to get them all in using Looney Toons Trickery promising to come back and "free the hosts" once he gets a more stable portal. Danny can't go through it since he's so unstable and has to look for some way to fix himself before it becomes a (after)life-threatening issue.
Turns out Ectoplasm is somehow worse for a Kryptonian than Kryptonite and they have no powers what so ever within the Ghost Zone and everything aches.
And they're basically living out every creepypasta/horror movie ever in this creepy hell dimension.
Fun times.
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z0mbgender · 1 year ago
Thinking about the ending for saw x had Amanda and John opening a door and stepping out into the light VS every other movie ending with a door being closed and being left in darkness
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toastedstims · 8 months ago
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A Mother Earth’s Plantasia by Mort Garson stimboard for anon!!
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wishchip106 · 1 month ago
augh i’m okay.i’m okay
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why is Erik such a smiler
he’s so full of joy and whimsy whenever it comes to Charles
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dramatic-dolphin · 2 months ago
Does your computer keyboard have designated diacritic keys, since Hungarian uses so many different diacritics? Or are you stuck using alt codes or swiping up on your phone keyboard to access the proper letters?
yep! a hungarian keyboard looks like this:
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there's a joke like "never ask a hungarian about the ű at the end of their messages" because that key is so so close to the enter key that hungarians everywhere are always accidentally hitting it and typing "search termű" into the search bar and ending their messages with ű. happens to the best of us.
you can tell the altgr codes some of the non-hungarian diacritic characters like ł and đ are marked on the keys too, but why they chose to mark only those is a mystery to me. they don't even have ä, i had to find that one through trial and error whenever i had to type in german because i kept forgetting. (altgr + a i think. fuck if i know the capital version.) like they have it, it's just unmarked for sone reason? anyway.
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foldingfittedsheets · 10 months ago
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