#philosophy of sex
dovemitri · 4 months
Something that’s always baffled me is so many antis being into really violent or dark media and that’s totally fine for some reason, but as soon as anything is suggestive or sexual it’s evil.
Sex isn’t special. It doesn’t have some special power to corrupt people more than violence. If watching horror movies or playing violent games isn’t going to make me into a murderer, then making or consuming sexual content isn’t going to make me a predator either.
Putting sex on this pedestal as something sacred or special is a big problem. It’s just another activity a human can do like eating or sleeping. The sooner people can just be normal about sex, the sooner all this Puritanism will stop I think. Easier said than done tho…
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wilcze-kudly · 4 months
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more abominations
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stormofdefiance · 3 months
Dkdkdkdks this is not a serious analysis in any way at all but the podcast I’m listening to has started going through Plato’s dialogues & in one of them (The Symposium) an excruciatingly handsome young man, Alcibiades, tries desperately to seduce Socrates with his good looks in the hopes of gleaning more wisdom from him. In it Socrates does get into bed with him, but all that goes down is Socrates ‘not moving at all’ and rambling endlessly on about philosophy. Idk I’m just pishing myself, this is just so incredibly Ratio/Aventurine core dndndndxndn
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elegantwoes · 1 year
It’s funny how Criston’s line about how every woman should be treated like the mother is used as an example of how he’s a misogynist who has a Madonna/Whore complex when the topic of the conversation between him and Aemond is the red light district and sex workers. Criston includes them in his label of respectable women. How on earth can he believe in the Madonna/Whore dichotomy when he says treat prostitutes like the mother? If anything he obliterates the dichotomy. This line of Criston is arguably one of the most progressive thing any HOTD character said. Heck even ASOIAF too. The only other character who shows any care towards sex workers is Brienne of Tarth. To be the only one that can be compared to Brienne in this situation is impressive as fuck. And I will not stop reminding this fandom of that.
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variousqueerthings · 10 months
me, pointing to a character who wears tight and/or revealing clothing and swaggers around seductively: aroace
me, pointing to a character that has sex regularly: aroace
me, pointing to a character whose whole arc is centred on finding romantic love: aroace
me, pointing to a character that other characters, creators, and fandom find incredibly attractive: aroace
me, pointing to a character whose famous trait is sex appeal: aroace
me, pointing to characters who have ambiguous tension that people get annoyed isn't codified to be romantic: aroace qpp
me, pointing to narratives that try to explore the complexities and difficulties of navigating attraction and consent from a queer theoretical perspective: have you considered... some aroace
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yourheartinyourmouth · 5 months
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Tit for Tat
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philosophybits · 10 months
When an individual (or a group of individuals) is kept in a situation of inferiority, the fact is that he is inferior... Yes, women on the whole are today inferior to men; that is, their situation affords them fewer possibilities. The question is: should that state of affairs continue?
Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex
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starrfleshh · 8 months
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Simone de Beauvoir and Sartre's grave.
I left a kiss, a ticket and a heart.
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philosophybitmaps · 8 months
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mumms-the-word · 6 months
The Twenty-First Night
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A bit of 1001 Nights-inspired poetry that I wish was in The Art of the Night to make it more than just a spicy yoga manual or a spellbook. This is part of the longer scene I wrote, but I wanted to share it separately too, because I've been inspired by other BG3 poets. I'm not really a poet, but I did my best <3
That night, the king met his beloved once more in their chambers.
"Dearest one," said he,  "Gold I have given thee,  and jewels from my store;  chains for thy neck  and bands for thy wrists;  and still, thine eyes shine more brilliantly  than any treasure in my kingdom. 
"What gem in all the realms  can be more precious than thy gaze?  What more can I give to you,  my beloved, so that you may know  the ardent depths of my heart?  What more, when thine eyes alone  make all riches seem as dull iron?"
"Tender-hearted king," said the queen,  "I need neither gold nor gems;  my love is not so cheaply bought  nor so willingly sold.  And yet, already thou possess  that which I long for most.  Thy steady gaze, my love,  and thy faithful hand are all I ask.
"Come, take my hand,  and look beyond this simple visage. I will bare my soul to thee, this night,  and gaze boldly at thine. For more than bone and blood are we, but spirits merely housed in flesh.’"
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severin-photocopy · 20 days
meeting situationship in the near future. pray for my soul.
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eccentricphilosoph · 3 months
No. Unicorn hunting, especially just saying it in a FB group like this, is not ok.
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First, you don’t say you’re looking for a partner in a FB group unrelated to dating, especially when it’s your first post. This is pathetic and creepy and obviously unhealthy.
It’s not inherently wrong to have a triad, but the problems do end up often falling on the third party almost every time while the existing couple maintains their relationship and dignity. It’s so wrong. If things don’t work out with just one of the people, the third party will take the fall and be left alone. There’s a reason it’s called “unicorn hunting”. It’s not positive to look for someone to be with you and your partner like that in this manner. Ntm, it’s almost ALWAYS someone looking for women, which I find sexist. It’s also so rare not only for sex, but even MORE rare for a relationship. Unicorn hunting carries an assumption that this person will like both of you enough to be in a deep relationship with you both and carries the connotation that the person will be somewhat like a pet or child who will give you both love. It’s a lot to expect from any normal human being, even someone who is polyamorous and bisexual at the same time.
The ONLY time that happened with me was by accident to be with a couple when I was at a convention and met a couple, who weren’t even unicorn hunters, where I just so happened to end up liking both of them, BUT I didn’t date them because they were very co-dependent despite being polyamorous.
It’s not a good look to go making statements like this and actively hunt. Never do this. Never set out hoping any and every girl, even poly ones, (or person, if you’re not the couple above) that you like will be more than likely willing to do this with you and your partner.
In my experience, anyone who is unicorn hunting actively is selfish and unstable as a couple and I’ve been told to be wary of them by others too.
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effemimaniac · 2 months
i see i see :0 i get that about dancing because i get into fistfights when i really need to be outside my head… it’s crazy how just getting your body moving like that can carve away so much rot! dancing and fighting are tbh even better than sex for it because during sex there’s too much time to think imo
do you like, start real fights with random people, or consensually spar with friends? also personally I think I would choose (good) sex but I have no desire for that at a certain threshold of feeling bad otherwise it just feels strange
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novelconcepts · 1 year
Natalie’s perspective from the very beginning being “play like a fucking team and win.” Natalie, who becomes their hunter, who becomes their queen. Natalie, who gets the job not because she wants it, but because she can do it so well. Natalie, whose perspective—play like a fucking team—is the reason they survive. Because the moments these kids are the strongest ARE the moments where they operate as one. When they ALL decide to consume Jackie. When they ALL decide to pull cards. When they work as an efficient team to break down the door of a burning cabin, each of them thinking fast enough to grab what they’ll need to keep going in the aftermath, all of them understanding that fundamental philosophy. Play like a fucking team. That’s how you survive.
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mossflower · 3 months
terfery is evil and they’re vitrolic bigots who don’t believe in bodily autonomy. but their perception of gender - that it doesn’t exist - is an interesting one!! i don’t really agree with it but it’s interesting. like i’m afab and i’ve never once felt like a woman. ‘woman’ to me is a box that gets ticked on paperwork because i have tits and a vagina. but then they turn around and act like sex is a fact as immutable as gravity which is just patently false. my tits and vagina are not as immutable as gravity!!
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