#peter thump
inposterumcumgaudio · 8 months
penelope snug!
So officially, it seems Penelope Snug is supervisor of motilene infrastructure while Jim Watt is in charge of motilene acquisition. However, we have communications between Jim and the boys in the Barrow Holm hatch, who would seem to fall under Penelope's purview if that were true. (See my theory about early motilene distribution and why Barrow Holm has motilene at all). Jubilator operation and maintenance also seems to be run out of the Motilene Control HQ, even though you would think that would fall more under the Doctors' oversight since Jubilators were invented to relieve them of corpse collection duties. Very tangled system of duties and obligations.
Penelope also maintains an office in the Parade District Document Control, oddly enough. Perhaps this means her position is higher than implied, that she oversees broader civil engineering and not just motilene.
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In her office, she has three bowler hats.
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Imagine! A lady in a council worker's uniform topped off with a bowler hat. That's a look! I eagerly await the fanart concepts.
I think this is one of those things that evolved and got muddy over time, that Penelope might have been meant to be in charge of one thing and kept getting subbed in to others. Penelope also makes me think a lot of BioShock 2's "Big Kate" O'Malley, who is also a supervisor of civic works in Rapture and the first person you find an audio diary from in that game. Parallels are often drawn between We Happy Few and BioShock but I would almost think Penelope could have been an homage.
A thing I think is interesting in comparing the two though is that Rapture did not set out with a specific intent of gender equality but ended up with it by selectively choosing the best people in every field regardless of it. In Wellington Wells, however, that women are able to achieve such high positions in the town is due to its inability to choose from only men. The town suffers shortages in nearly every way, but this also presents opportunity for those who would otherwise be overlooked.
Her correspondence with Verloc shows that the two of them are on a first name basis (Anton, though, not Tony). He even invites her and her husband Richard (whose name he knows and remembers) to dinner, which tells us he can cook. I rather would have liked to think that anyway, since cooking is just chemistry in another room, but he wouldn't be inviting people over if he couldn't.
Funnily enough, the one note we have from Penelope to Victoria lacks both a greeting and a signature, but Penelope does know specifically that Prudence Holmes is on holiday. So it means either Penelope and Victoria are so friendly as to dispense with formalities in their coorespondance... or Penelope considers this to be an interdepartmental memo... to a subordinate. Which, if she's in charge of document control as well might make sense.
The government hierarchy tree in How to be Happy is actually more of an inbred circle so make what you want of that.
Lastly, Penelope's note to Thomas Horner gives us a bit of nuance as to how she runs her crew.
So Thomas is running Jubilator Jousting tournaments on the off hours, which is a misuse of city property that perhaps Penelope was overlooking (and participating in) because it's good for morale. There's a lot of other morale initiatives happening in the Motilene Control HQ so this would seemingly fall under her interests and as long as it's not hurting anyone or getting out and making her look bad...
The problem occurs when Peter Thump loses during the Grand Derby and won't settle his unpaid debts. And this is interesting because in this scene, you're supposed to sympathize with Peter, right? He's being chased by a maniac in a Jubilator, of course he's in the right. But with the knowledge that he's ratted Thomas out not because he owes him money, but because he's not being allowed to bet further until he pays up... It's such a small side story, but it's very indicative of my larger point I'm always trying to make here, that what you're told is never exactly as one side presents it.
Anyway, so Peter rats Thomas out to Penelope and now that there's notes about it, it has become a problem. So Penelope does the only face-saving thing to be done, which is promote Peter to shut him up and tell Thomas to quit with the tournaments.
So Peter has not only fucked Thomas out the money he already owed, but also out of further profits from the tournaments, and presumably a pay raise that would have come along with his missed promotion.
He is a rotten swot, honestly.
And this puts Penelope in an unfortunate situation too because she knows what the actual haps is probably, but this is the bind they are in now. Whether she wants to side with Thomas on this or not, her hands are tied. And what's funny too is, Peter is lying about not being involved with the jousting at all - it's "Other people's money, I mean. I never bet myself." - so Thomas can only lie about being completely innocent of hosting the tournaments in the first place. To which Penelope replies that "If you persist in proclaiming your innocence, then I suppose I don't owe you 10 quid for the Grand Derby, do I?"
Thomas also lets us in on a bit of the discussion had about this:
"Come on! Let's have a "conversation." I'm sorry, no, a constructive, let's have a "constructive conversation." Has my work been "slipping"? Oh no? It's just that I've "failed to improve as much as we would have hoped"? Who the hell is "we" anyways? Have you got an invisible friend, or are you now the Queen of the bloody Pipes?"
Penelope is at home placing wagers on the destruction of her work equipment along with her crewman, but is also fluent in euphemistic (if a bit anachronistically modern) corporate-speak.
I do think the record-keeping is the thing here. If not for Wellington Wells' dependence on written notes, Penelope might have gotten away with firing Peter or transferring him to another department due to "poor culture fit".
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zacshian · 1 month
Barty plays the piano really well. But he insists on playing it badly. He lives to hammer the strings, not to be musical.
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entomolog-t · 8 months
GtWAC Day 1:
Reblog your go to comfort fic
If you have not read The Stranding (and by extension, The Rescue) by the darling @belethlegwen you are deeply missing out! The sheer amount of content is truly a blessing, and considering its still being updated?? ASDFJHSLK
Belle is an incredible story teller, and this shines through in her writing so well I feel like I'm getting flashbanged by talent.
You know that typical writing advice about not introducing too many characters, especially early on as it divides the reader's attention?? BELLE STOMPS ON THAT.
I genuinely can't get over how much I am in love with her characters. I must admit- I am the typical reader with one too many bonks to the head that can't seem to focus on/ remember/ care about more than 3-5 characters- that is not the case here.
Every character she introduces has my interest piqued- each one feeling alive and at home in their setting. And its not just likeable in the sense of "oh I'd be friends with them" (and she absolutely has many characters I'd love to be friends with)- its these raw and real characterizations that make you like them as a character.
They have their own mystery to them too- even if its not direct. Her characters make you wonder more about their past and why they act the way they do. They can be frustrating, immature, stubborn, even cruel- but they feel so deeply real.
Both written works from Sizeable Ship Wrecks are among my favorite things I've read- both inside and outside of the G/t sphere to the point I feel as though I could shamelessly recommend this to someone outside of the G/t community and be confident they would enjoy it.
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ellecdc · 5 months
First off
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You survived your exams 🫡
2ndly, this is my official request for the 'potter!reader x Barty where she steals Jamies clothes' idea we were discussing ✌️
(I highlighted it in the Barty doc incase you forgot)
first of all; thank you, thank you! *bows dramatically*
secondly; here's a celebratory Barty fic
Barty Crouch Jr x Potter!reader and James is not pleased
There were a few things in life that being James Potter’s twin sister made particularly difficult.
One such thing was your ability to have friends (or, in your case, a boyfriend) not pre-approved by him.
You heard a horrified squawking sound as you made the last step down the stairs into the Gryffindor common room and looked up to see James staring at you with wide eyes while Sirius smirked, Remus rolled his eyes, and Peter groaned dramatically. 
“Where do you think you’re going!?” James demanded as he all but stepped over Peter to make his way over to you.
“Prongs, please, this is the fourth time you abandoned this chess game.” Peter whined as Sirius snickered.
“Leave the poor girl alone, James. You’re not her mother.” Remus chided, causing you to raise your eyebrows at your brother as if saying “yeah!”
“Where are you going?” James amended with an eye roll of his own.
“Slytherin.” You answered simply, crossing your arms over your chest as you challenged your brother head on.
“And what are you wearing?” He continued displeasing; plucking at the long-sleeved t-shirt you currently adorned between his two fingers as if it was something particularly disgusting he’d found on the side of the road. 
You scoffed derisively as you swatted his hands away. “What? Are joggers and a long sleeved shirt not modest enough, James?”
He narrowed his eyes at you as he petulantly swatted you back for having swatted him. “These are boys' clothes, Y/N; you’re wearing a boy’s clothes. Oh my Godric; you’re sleeping with him, aren’t you!” He accused theatrically. 
He spun on the spot to face his friends and dragged you beside him roughly by the arm as he pointed at you. “She’s wearing his clothes! Junior is defiling my sister.”
And though that wasn’t technically untrue, it wasn’t the fucking point, or any of his business.
“James!” You shouted over his panicked trade, ignoring Peter’s protests at him being “far too invested in his own sister’s sexual habits.”
“James Fleamont Potter!” You bellowed, grabbing your brother by a fistful of his hair and pulling his face towards you. “This is your shirt. I took it from your trunk.” 
James froze in his place; hunched over like a ventriloquist dummy that you were controlling by means of his hair as he took a second look at your outfit. 
A brief look of embarrassment flashed across his features as his eyes flit back up to yours.
“Huh.” He chuckled awkwardly. “Funny that.”
You sneered at him and shoved him away from you. “As lovely as this was, Jamie, I’ll be leaving.”
“Wait! No!” James started, reaching for you before he was being physically redirected back towards the couch by Remus.
“Come on, James; leave your sister alone, yeah?” He said jovially as he thumped James on the back twice. 
“Go on, Princess, while he’s distracted. And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Sirius called, shooting you a salacious wink.
You barked a laugh and shook your head. “That doesn’t leave much off limits, Black.”
James squawked again as Sirius laughed boisterously and you left the Gryffindor common room behind you. 
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Blessedly, the noise level (and general vibe) in the Slytherin common room was far more relaxed as you stepped through the door.
 Barty whipped his head towards the sound sporting a very severe expression on his face until his eyes landed on you, causing his expression to turn into a beaming smile as he flipped the chess board he’d been in the middle of playing with Evan over; telling his friend to “get fucking lost, my girl is here.” 
You chuckled at Evan’s petulant grumblings as Barty swept you up off your feet into a bear hug and breathed you in. 
“What took you so long, angelcakes?” He said through a sigh as he placed you back onto your feet, though kept your face secure within his hands as he smiled down at you.
“I had to fight off my brother on my way.” 
Barty rolled his eyes dramatically and lowered his voice. “If you need me to kill him, just say the word, Princess; he’ll never bother you again.”
You chuckled and teasingly smacked his arm. “Brothers are meant to be a bother; that’s what they’re put on this earth for.”
Regulus offered you a ‘hear, hear’ as Barty escorted you towards his dorm room. 
You were no sooner curled up against Barty on his bed when he was pulling you away from him and scrutinising your form.
“What are you wearing?” He asked bemusedly.
You groaned dramatically and threw yourself back onto the bed. “What is it with everyone and their obsession with my outfit!?”
“It’s not the outfit, it’s the shirt.” Barty explained, sitting up to get a better look at you.
“It’s just a shirt - not even a very nice one at that.” You muttered, looking down at the random shirt you’d pilfered from your brother’s trunk; why were boys clothes so much more comfortable!?
“How dare you!” Barty bristled in offence. “I spent a lot of my father’s dirty money on that shirt!”
You looked at your boyfriend with furrowed brows. “Barty, this isn’t your shirt?”
“I know - I bought it for Reg for his birthday last year.”
This was Regulus’ shirt?
“Barty…” You started slowly, realisation dawning on you as you met your boyfriends bemused eyes. “I stole this shirt from Jamie’s room.”
Barty’s brows furrowed further as he looked back down at your James’ Regulus’ shirt. “Why…why would Potter have Reg’s shirt?”
You let the silence sit for a few moments before each of you were scrambling from Barty’s bed and racing to the common room.
“Are you sleeping with my brother!?” You shouted at the same time Barty screeched, “you’re fucking a Potter too!?”
Regulus had looked up from his book though staunchly refused to look at you; and whilst his face remained impassive, a furious blush overtook his face.
“I’M TELLING SIRIUS!” You shouted as you turned and bolted towards the door; Regulus hot on your heels shouting “don’t you fucking dare!”, and Barty cackling madly as he followed the two of you up to Gryffindor tower.
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fangswbenefits · 1 year
Sharing is Caring (II)
Summary: Things get complicated, but you find yourself sharing a bed with Miguel… once again. Too bad someone else is in the room.
Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x spider-woman!reader
18+. Sharing one bed. Semi-public. Blue balls. Sexual tension. Mutual masturbation. Creampie. Implied cockwarming.
* ˚ ✦ Part 1. (you don’t have to read it to enjoy this one, though)
You were fucked.
Extremely fucked.
Not only had the anomaly managed to slip through your fingers, effectively disabling the trackers scattered around, but you were also fucked, because now you were left to deal with the aftermath of a very intimate encounter with Miguel.
It was nearly five in the morning and the night was nowhere near being done. Fortunately, it had stopped raining, which helped with visibility and grip, and having Lyla assist you as in replacing the faulty sensors was also very much welcome.
“Sensor 24 up and running,” the AI’s sing-song voice announced, as the device bleeped green.
You leapt over the railing, shooting a string of web to the side of the hotel, so you could swing through the window.
As you landed with a clumsy thump, you noticed Miguel had already gotten back from his reconnaissance check.
He looked positively… pissed off.
“Lyla, call her,” her grumbled, checking his watch.
“Already did,” she announced, appearing by his shoulder. “Want me to run a diagnostics of the perimeter once again?”
“Do it in five minute intervals,” he said flatly. “The anomaly must be nearby.”
You removed your mask and considered sitting on the bed, but were soon reminded that not even thirty minutes ago, you were getting fucked by Miguel.
A shudder ran through your body.
“You okay?” he asked, his narrowed eyes on you.
You shrugged. “Sure.”
The problem with having impromptu sex was that now you were left to deal with the soreness between your legs, and the frustration of an orgasm that never came to be.
Did Miguel feel the same way?
Your eyes roamed his body, and you find yourself glaring at his-
“Hey! I need you to focus,” Miguel said with a snap of his fingers. “There’s still a chance we deal with it tonight.”
You were about to snap back when a loud distorted buzz filled the room, swirls of flashing lights nearly blinding you, as the inter-dimensional portal expanded quickly in pulsating waves.
Through came Jessica Drew, followed closely by Peter B. Parker.
“What are you doing here?” Miguel growled, pointing at Peter.
“What?” he asked, eyes widening in confusion.
Miguel wasn’t known to be a very patient man, and you reckoned his patience was now hanging by a thread. “I called for Jess. Not you.”
Jess let out an exasperated sigh. “Easy, Miguel. We were both on the same mission.”
He straightened up, but crossed his arms. “Right.”
“Care to explain why I had to leave to be here?” she went on, resting on hand on her swollen belly. “How did you lose track of the anomaly?”
He exchanged a brief look with you. “The sensors didn’t alert us in time.”
That was true.
“Weren’t you supposed to be monitoring, regardless?”
“We dozed off,” you chimed in. “Momentarily! Just for a while.”
Not really true…
Jess glanced at you, suspicion written all over face.
“Sleeping on the job,” she then chuckled, eyeing Miguel deviously. “Didn’t think you’d ever do that, Miguel.”
He narrowed his eyes menacingly. “We weren’t sleeping. We were just resting our eyes for a moment.”
A blatant lie.
“What’s that on your neck?” Peter suddenly asked with a worried look on his face.
You let out a nervous laugh, rubbing the tender hickey spot. “Bug bite.”
“Allergic reaction,” Miguel blurted out at the same time.
You shot him a murderous look.
Jessica arched an eyebrow. “Which one is it?”
“An allergic reaction to a bug bite,” Miguel said with a shrug, growing visibly annoyed.
A wave of relief washed over you momentarily. That seemed plausible enough.
“Oh, really?” she asked with a knowing smile. “What bug? A spid-”
But Miguel was already cutting her off. “We don’t have time for this!”
Peter walked to you, craning your neck to the side. “You should have it checked. It looks serious.”
Ah, Peter… ever the innocent.
“Jess, you stay with us,” Miguel says, dragging Peter away from you at once. “We need an extra pair of eyes.”
She frowned. “No. Peter stays. I need to get some sleep,” she said, patting her belly.
“No!” Miguel growled.
“Actually, I was thinking of heading back home,” Peter drawled out, rubbing the back of his head. “Mayday should be waking up soon.”
“And I’m pregnant,” Jess shot, holding her chin high.
Peter swallowed and fell silent. The deal was sealed.
“Lyla, any updates?”
The hologram popped up instantly. “No, boss.”
Jess glanced over at you one last time, before stepping into the portal once again. “You should really have that checked. Whatever bug did that seems… vicious,” she then slipped into the vortex, which vanished behind her.
You momentarily froze in place, feeling the dread of realisation hit you like a ton of bricks.
She knew.
“I’ll be right back,” Peter drawled out with a yawn and a stretch, disappearing into the bathroom.
The moment you heard rhe door click shut, you turned to Miguel.
“An allergic reaction to a bug bite?” you hissed.
He scowled deeply. “Because simply saying bug bite sounded ridiculous.”
“She didn’t believe it, regardless.”
Miguel was suddenly towering over you, his face twisted in annoyance. “Then why does it matter?”
“Because… you gave me a visible hickey!”
It was a silly thing to get upset about. There were worse things in life than having Miguel O’Hara marking you as a result of built up sexual tension.
But you didn’t want to give in.
“Got carried away,” he whispered. “I’m sorry.”
He cleared his throat. “But I have a problem.”
You looked up at him. “What problem?”
“Well…” he said, glancing at the bathroom door.
You clicked your tongue. “Then what?”
His placed both hands on his hips and glanced down.
Your eyes followed suit.
“What? Why are you… what?” you stuttered in disbelief at the sight of the outline of his hardened cock.
“Biology, remember?” he said through gritted teeth. “It’s not going away.”
You somehow managed to tear your eyes from the impressive bulge. “Go jerk off, then!”
He had you walk back until you hit the wall behind. “It won’t go away.”
Had you just given Miguel blue balls?
“How’s that my problem?” you huffed, staring intensely into his crimson eyes.
“This is all your fault.”
“Oh, really? I thought we were blaming Biology.”
Before Miguel could retort, the sudden squeak of a door being swung open, had you slipped past him.
Peter emerged, eyeing you both. “Oh, I see what this is.”
Miguel had to move strategically in order to hide his raging boner from him. “What do you mean?”
“I know what’s up with you two,” Peter said, with a playful grin. “All the whispering and whatnot.”
Were you two that transparent?
Miguel had pursed his lips.
Peter paced closer to you, eyeing you with a knowing smile. “You’re deciding on Jessica’s birthday present, right?”
You blinked a few times and heard Miguel exhale nearby.
“Right? I knew it!” he threw his arms in the air as if he’d just won the lottery.
In truth, you were simply baffled at how innocent Peter could be. The immediate weight that was lifted off your shoulders was enough to draw a laugh from you.
“Of course, Peter,” Miguel said, voice dripping with his trademark sarcasm. “We went on this mission, so we could go through birthday checklists.”
A layer of pride settled on Peter’s face. “Ah! You’re growing soft, Miguel.”
You winced at his poor choice of words.
“But fear not!” he said as if he was about to fight off the anomaly himself. “We’ll take turns watching. You two can get some rest and properly plan it out,” he then pinched his thumb and index finger together and dragged them across his lips. “Your secret is safe with me.”
Miguel didn’t budge at first, but you were all too grateful to stop this insane conversation altogether.
“Thanks, Peter.”
“Of course,” he smiled widely, pacing to the open hotel window, leaping into the the sky night.
You shot Miguel one last look before slipping inside into the comfort of the bedsheets, welcoming the softness.
But you were sorely mistaken if you thought Miguel wouldn’t have followed you.
Your heart skipped a beat. Or two.
You had turned to face the wall, hoping he’d take the hint, and leave you be.
But once you felt his erection pressing into your ass, you knew you were a goner.
There was something extremely empowering about having a man like Miguel be so needy and desperate.
He scooted closer until his breath fanned your ear. “Can you just…”
You scoffed, pride swelling inside you. “Go ask Biology to jerk you off.”
“You keep blaming it, so…”
Silence fell between you two.
His hand then came to grip your hip. “It’s you.”
“I didn’t catch that,” you said, feeling his thumb rubbing gently, as he pushed the top half of your suit increasingly higher.
He rolled his hips into you, letting out a shaky moan in your ear that had your skin raise with goosebumps.
You flipped onto your other side to fully face him, and Miguel immediately took your lips with his, kissing you hungrily.
His hand dragged the fabric all the way up until he managed to expose one breast, breaking the kiss only to move down to suck on your hardened nipple.
The thought that he might be too much vaguely crossed your mind. For the second time that night you were meeting a side of Miguel that you had never seen before.
A side you much preferred.
Your fingers dragged through his hair, silently praising him.
In no time, you watched his digital suit disintegrate, giving you full access to the beautifully sculped body underneath.
He gripped your wrist and lowered it until your fingers grazed his cock. Knowing fully well what he craved, you wrapped them around it, earning an immediate jerk of his hips.
“Miguel…” you moaned, letting him freely fuck your hand, spilling more and more precum.
He released your nipple and had his forehead resting on your shoulder, his hand on top of your, making sure you squeezed tighter and tighter.
It didn’t take long for your hand to be soaked with precum, making it easier for him to slide up and down.
You squeezed involuntarily and a gush of wetness spilled into your underwear, your body yearning for him to fill you up with his cock.
He moved his hips deliciously, and you focused on taking in the wet sounds that filled the room as well as his breathless grunts.
But such bliss was short-lived as you heard Peter bolting into the room with a swish of his web.
Miguel immediately stilled, letting go of your hand.
You didn’t let go of his cock, instead peeking over his shoulder only to find Peter rolling out a sleeping bag on the floor.
He then turned to face you, and your head immediately slumped against the pillow, eyes on Miguel’s.
“Are you okay?”
Peter’s voice was but a whisper. “Your heart rate is accelerated.”
Ah… spider senses.
“Yeah… I’m just a bit tense… it’s fine,” you muttered, feeling Miguel’s cock twitch in your hand. “Go get some rest. I’ll take over.”
“Oh! Thank you,” he beamed. “Mayday has been giving us terrible nights, and I could use a few minutes.”
You watched as he fluffed out his pillow before settling down on his back with a yawn.
Miguel’s breathing has steadied momentarily and you eventually let go of him.
But he quickly got a hold of your wrist.
The implication of that action wasn’t exactly subtle and you widened your eyes.
“No,” you mouthed right away.
His crimson eyes had darkened and you spotted his fangs from behind his lips.
You shook your head vehemently.
This was a bad idea.
But as soon as Peter’s snores tore through the room, you felt your heart clench.
“Peter is right there… he will hear it!”
He pressed an urgent kiss to your forehead. “We’ll be quiet. I’ll help you be quiet,” he promised, pressing his cock further into your already soaked crotch.
Your eyes fluttered shut, and just as you were about to let out a low whimper, you felt his hand cover your mouth, effectively reigning it in.
The other travelled down painfully slowly, palm grazing your exposed breast briefly, before resting just above the waistline of your suit.
“You have to be quiet,” he warned in a barely audible tone.
You nodded and he lifted his hand from your lips.
“We shouldn’t…” you muttered under your breath.
But your words were not matching your actions, as you dragged your hand covered in precum across his hard chest, taking your time to gently rub his nipple with your thumb.
You thought Miguel had stopped breathing altogether, but soon realised he was merely attempting to hold back a moan.
His fingers quickly slipped past the the waistline, finding your clit and drawing small circles. You had to bite your lip hard to suppress a whimper, rolling your hips into him.
You found his cock again, gripping it desperately and giving him a few pumps that matched the tempo of his strokes.
The thrill of indulging in such experience even when someome else was in the room, and with the increased chances of being caught, merely added to the pleasure you were already feeling.
“You’re doing good,” Miguel praised you through a shaky breath. “So good…”
Impatience took over and you wiggled out of your bottom half of the suit, allowing you to grant him betterr acces, as hou parted your legs.
He immediately seized it and slipped one finger inside.
You had to clasp your hand over your mouth to keep from groaning, eyes fluttering shut.
His breath was on your ear again. “Can you take one more?”
You nodded, not trusting your voice. A second finger immediately joined the first one, slinding inside effortlessly.
Feeling that you had managed to keep yourself under control, you dropped the hand covering your lips to grip his cock.
“And another one?”
You shook your head, fearing that would be too much. He pressed a kiss to your neck with a sigh, as he fucked your hand in a slow rhythm.
The knots of pleasure in your lower abdomen let you know that you were headed towards the precipice. You kept on riding his fingers relentlessly, your mind suddenly hazy from the feeling of being so full of him already.
“I’m close…” he mouthed, his breath shaky and cock twitching.
He had bared his fangs, and you thought you’d combust on the spot, realising he was truly overwhelmed with pleasure.
Finding your voice again, you whispered sensually, “Where do you want to cum?”
His eyed widened, pupils fully blown.
Your hips faltered briefly, grazing your clit across the palm of his hand. “Inside?”
He pressed his eyes shut and dug his fangs into his lower lip. “I won’t last.”
“I know,” you moaned, dragging thumb across his tip, feeling more droplets of warm precum coating your skin.
Peter suddenly let out a loud snore that made you jolt.
“Are you close?” Miguel asked.
“I’ll be with you inside me.”
You shifted on the mattress, and he removed his fingers from you at once, a wet sound filling the room.
Your body shuddered from the loss, but you soon felt his tip proding your entrance.
Before you could take another breath, he jerked his hips and slipped past your fold effortlessly.
His hand was on your mouth again, and this time you could taste yourself, as he struggled to keep your moans at a minimum.
It was also evident the sudden position was taking a toll on him. His steady pace was faltering with each passing second.
You soon entered the familiar point of no return, feeling an intense wave of pleasure tear from within you, blinding your vision with each pulse and contraction. It took all of your not to moan out loud even against his hand, the few shreds of sanity having a hold on you.
Miguel joined you, clearly not able to withstand the rhythmic squeezes around his cock as you reached your high.
Your caught a glimpse oh him biting the back of his other hand hard. He would for sure draw blood with his fangs, but you couldn’t even stay properly focused.
He bottomed out as deep as he could, spurts of cum coating your squeezing walls.
The two of you were struggling to breathe, shallow pants surrounding you.
“Oh my god! Butterfly!”
You jerked away from Miguel in distress but with him still buried deep inside you, catching a glimpse of Peter sitting on the floor, breathing rapidly.
“Go back to sleep. It was just a dream,” you said with a smile.
Miguel pulled you into an embrace. “You did good.”
“Me? Not Biology?”
He scowled deeply.
“You can slide out now…” you whispered with a yawn.
Miguel didn’t move. “I want to stay a little longer likes this.”
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mqonlighting · 6 months
hear me out: civilian deadpool au except he just keeps getting arrested for the STRANGEST THINGS (illegal ownership of a chicken? someone just dumped an egg on his street? it hatches when he’s trying to cook it for breakfast? he RAISED IT?) and matt murdock is his exhausted lawyer who has to keep telling him to shut up in the interrogation room.
does he ever actually go to jail? no, maybe probation, maybe a fine. but arrested? half sure every cop in the city is just sick of hearing about his life. every juror thinks he’s just morbidly unlucky and a tiny bit moronic.
and he is.
detective: (sigh) so you have a chicken?
wade: oh, yeah, yolko ono! she’s my pride and joy, i had a mug and a mousepad printed- *pulling out wallet pictures*
matt: wade. no.
wade: i could bring her over if you want-
matt: WADE.
one time matt has to spring wade for grand theft auto of the nice old lady he lives next doors to. the automobile he supposedly stole? a select elevated motorized wheelchair.
wade: she LENT me the chair.
detective: and how’d she do that?
wade: i broke into her backyard because i heard a thump and i thought she fell over.
matt: jesus—
wade: so she didn’t fall over. apparently it was a twig that fell on an ice chest. but she was there, and she was yelling ‘jazzy! jazzy!’ and i was wondering why she was telling me to grab her jazzy, but i wasn’t about to turn down a free jazzy. so i walk over to it, i turn it on, i hop on, i say thank you to the kind old lady, and i wheel it out of there.
matt: goddamn it, wade—
detective: you stole a permobil.
wade: pardon?
detective: the wheelchair was a permobil.
wade: she said it was a jazzy!
detective: …
detective: jazzy is her HUSBAND.
wade: …
detective: …
matt: i give up.
and the nail in everyone’s coffin? when the precinct brings in wade’s fucking kidnap victim.
peter: kidnap? me?
detective: were you or were you not kidnapped by wade wilson and driven to the middle of nowhere?
peter: listen, man, farthest wade ever drove me was to a gamestop in manhattan from queens. i don’t drive. and then i ask if we can hit a seven eleven, since i really wanted a bag of chips. but then i fall asleep in the passenger seat on the way there. and when i wake up, i’m home - he didn’t buy me the bag of chips, though.
detective: … and when state troopers spotted his car in philadelphia? with someone passed out inside?
peter: we were in philly? and he didn’t wake me up?
detective: do you seriously mean to tell me you were completely passed out for a two hour and ten minute drive?
peter: i’m a college student with rent due in a month and a new paper due every time i breathe. and wade is an idiot who doesn’t know left from right, boots up waze, says his goodbyes to the universe, and starts driving. i think there’s your case.
detective: …
detective: damn it.
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theemporium · 1 year
Just a thought but Sirius or someone having a thing for you for ages and at some point you finally get together but Remus James and Peter just don’t believe it because you’re so opposite and Sirius just trying to convince them but they don’t believe him until they walk into you kissing or something. Love your work btw <3
kinda changed it to sirius being with someone they never expected but i hope you enjoy it! and thank you!!🖤
“Pads is dating her?!”
Remus and James stood in front of Peter, lips parted in shock at the rumour that just left their friend’s lips. They had been in the common room, respective textbooks sprawled around them when Peter came rushing in, eyes wide and cheeks flushed at what he had just seen.
At first, they thought their friend was taking the piss and waited for Sirius to jump out from the shadows with a grin on his face, claiming it was all a prank. But no Sirius had appeared and Peter kept talking and—fuck, they just couldn’t quite believe it.
In all honesty, it was shocking enough that Sirius had settled down with one person, let alone that he was dating you of all people. 
You stood for everything they assumed their friend hated, purely because you would’ve been Walburgha Black’s number one choice to marry her eldest son off with. 
You were raised with the pureblood etiquette, speaking prim and proper and not even allowing yourself to use slang as you spoke. You were a Slytherin, and proud to be so. You were crazy smart and you were the image of pureblood royalty, though the cold shoulder you usually gave people and the snarky attitude didn’t exactly make it easy for even those with a pureblood complex to approach you. 
Even if for some bizarre reason their friend had fallen for you, the fact that you liked him back was shocking enough to keep both boys seated on the couch as Peter retold the story for the thirteenth time. 
“I’m calling bullshit,” James said with a shake of his head. “This must be some elaborate prank he’s pulled off.”
“And what? Got her involved?” Remus asked. 
“Maybe it’s someone with a polyjuice potion,” Peter supplied. 
“Or maybe Pads is actually dating her,” Remus said before his nose scrunched up. “Yeah no, he’s definitely up to something.” 
It took less than five seconds to work out where Sirius was with the help of the map that was quickly shoved in their pocket as all three boys began rushing towards the courtyard, so sure that whatever Peter had seen had to be false. 
Because there was no fucking way that Sirius Black was—
All three boys quickly drew to a stop when they noticed you both. You were sitting on a picnic blanket, leaning back on your hands as you nodded along to something. Sirius, however, had his head propped on your lap, talking away as his hands moved animatedly to the point they could have sworn they saw your lips twitch into a smile. 
“Holy shit,” James gaped at the sight. 
“It could still be a prank,” Remus said, though he didn’t know how much he really believed that himself. 
And just when they thought they couldn’t be shocked any further, you leaned down to press your lips against the wizard, his hand coming to grip the back of your neck as he deepened the kiss. 
“Moony, are you seeing this?” 
“I’m seeing this, Prongs.” 
“Right, great because I think I’m gonna faint.” 
What they couldn’t see was the way Sirius’s lips twisted into a grin as he continued to kiss you, his fingers expertly pulling the clip out of your hair until it cascaded around you both. 
“Your friends are still staring,” you informed him, the words whispered against his lips as you began to pull back but he was quick to chase you. 
“Let them stare all they want, love,” he murmured as his thumb lightly brushed over your thumping pulse. “I bet they are fucking confused.” 
“Such crass language,” you hummed. 
Sirius smirked. “Gonna punish me, love?” 
You shook your head in amusement, pulling back fully despite the way Sirius playfully pouted in response. “You wouldn’t be able to handle my punishments, Black.” 
His eyes gleamed at the challenge. “Is that so?” 
“You are all bark and no bite,” you informed him and the boy was quick to scramble up, his hands darting to your sides as he crawled over your squirming body. 
“I can show you just how hard I bite, love, you just gotta ask.”
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sweetimpurity · 5 months
I Think I'll Keep You 3
Notes: Thank you for your patience and your kindness! I've been finishing school and I'm graduating next week so I'm BUSY! But I love you guys and I hope you enjoy! I recommend rereading the last section of Chapter 2
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 next chapter>>
w.c. 8k. rated p for plot
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Miguel storms back to his dorm, across campus, clutching his jacket around his bare torso. Feeling like an absolute idiot for losing his cool. Losing control. What is it about you that makes him act this way?
It’s like you’re trying to knock down the walls he’s built around himself all his life. Running to his building as rain starts to sprinkle, he makes it to the lobby, rushing around, pacing in the elevator getting up to his floor, his mind on total lockdown. As the doors open, he steps out, eyes widening, heart thumping, instantly seeing Peter and a few other teammates down the hall walking his way. Before another thought crosses his mind and before they can spot him, he steps back into the elevator as the doors are closing, slamming on the buttons for the lobby. His heart beating out of his chest. 
It’s starting to pour by the time he gets back downstairs, racing out before anyone he knows will see him. He’s sure they’ll get a bloody nose if anyone tries talking to him now. He keeps his head down, pushing through the doors outside and walking in the freezing rain, running at a certain point, crossing the courtyard and running to the other side of campus towards the athletic building. His Nikes splash in shallow puddles along the uneven parking lot, his dark eyes squinting as rain pelts down from above. His long legs bring him closer to the doors, closer to sanctuary, out of the freezing rain. Soaking his jacket, his hair, dripping down the bridge of his nose, fluttering in his eyelashes. 
He pushes through the doors, sighing audibly in a mixture of relief and annoyance and realizing how fast he was running. He pushes through the next set of doors, walking down the dark hallways of the building. Sneakers squeaking softly on the linoleum as he reaches the team's locker room door. Rain drips down from the curls that flopped onto his forehead and down the nape of his neck. Droplets glistening off his cheeks and his nose as he flicks on one of the locker room lights. He has no idea why he came here. Maybe it’s just the only place no one else is. 
He runs a hand through his hair, slicking it back from the cold rain, a few stray hairs springing out around his face. His mind flashes with images of you. Your smile, the pink tint of your lips, the peachy soft roundness of your cheek. His breath is heavy and his cheeks flushed from the cold. He gets to his locker, figuring maybe he should just… just do anything… 27… his fingers slip over the lock as rain drips from his curls… he could run around the field until he passes out…15… the color of your eyes… he could work on those drills he just gave the team the other day…10… the joint of your hip… the team does have a big game coming up this weekend… the lock won’t unlock… 27… the crook of your neck… he could go back to his dorm and work on that grant proposal he’s been needing to start…15…he could go to the lab and keep working on his thesis project… your gasping whispers of his name… 10… he could go to you right this second and tell you he’s sorry… 27… maybe that would make things better…15… the sound of your whimpers… the pitch of your moans… he could kick a ball around until it fucking pops… holding you close as you come down… 10!!... kissing you as you’re trembling… Why won’t the lock unlock? “Fucking unlock!!” He bellows and tugs on the lock in anger. His anger is blinding, numbing, controlling… his fist slams into the front of his locker. The bang of impact ringing throughout the empty locker room.
Instant pain shoots up his arm but he doesn’t care. He hits the locker again… and then again… and a few more times until the pain is too much to bear. Bang. Bang. BANG! Until his knuckles are worn raw. Punching, beating, denting the big “C” painted on the front of his locker. Captain. Leader. But he feels like a fucking loser. Punch, punch, PUNCH! Until he can’t anymore. “Ah… fuck!” He grunts and clutches his hand. Knuckles busted and fingers tingling hot and numb. “Fuck fuck ah… ngh…” He winces and groans in pain. “Shit…” He sighs and slumps his shoulder against the lockers. His hand throbbing and searing, clutching his hand to his chest in pain. His head rests against his locker, and he can feel the dents from the punches against his arm. Squeezing his eyes shut in pain and trying to stop the tears. Clutching his right hand and beating himself up in his head for being such a baby… for freaking out… for having feelings like this. Even when he’s alone, he won’t let himself cry over this. 
“Ah…” He winces, looking down at his hand, trying to move his fingers but the instant swelling makes it practically impossible. Hissing softly at the pressure and pain between his knuckles. 
Maybe this was necessary. Maybe this was the only way he’d slow the fuck down for one second to get his head on straight. He’s standing there and going over the events of tonight in his head. All that shit with Dana… then seeing you, kissing you, touching you… leaving because he couldn’t bear to listen to what you were saying. It was too much. It was too real. And the kind of conversation he actively tries to avoid. He can hardly remember what you said, it all feels like a blur right now. He can’t even remember what he said right now either. Probably some douchey stuff. “Ow, fuck…” He sighs and winces, holding his hand close to his chest. 
He sits in silence only when he catches his breath enough to suppress the sounds of pure agonizing pain. He feels embarrassed. He thinks you probably hate him now too. You must. How could you not after the shitty things he said. Sighing, he sits down on the bench in the middle of the locker room. His hair still dripping down the back of his neck uncomfortably. 
What the fuck is wrong with me?
He thinks to himself. Watching the purple bloom over his fingers and feeling the searing hot pain. 
Why did I just do that? Freak out. Is it because he knew what you were about to say? That you… you might be in love with him? After all the needy nights, the sneaky meetups and the lazy mornings, why is he so afraid? He can’t help but think of one specific morning... a week before you'd left… after a long night entangled in the sheets.
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“You’re so warm…” You had said. Wrapped in his arms after sleeping beside him all night long. Naked and soft in his thick arms. His chest pressed against your back, his head resting in the crook of your neck. He smiled softly to himself, wrapping his arms a little tighter around you. He wanted you to feel warm. He wanted to be the one to warm you. 
“You’re so soft…” He hummed into your neck. Nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. You smiled, feeling so wanted, so safe and secure. No one had ever made you feel this way. And Miguel just kept doing it. When you were in his bed, he was always holding you. Always touching you. The sex was usually rough and desperate, and that was good… that was… incredible. But there was something about seeing him like this. Soft and quiet with all his attention on you. You were just dreaming of the day that these hookups would turn into something more. Trying to be patient but feeling like it would happen very soon.
“That tickles…” You whispered, squirming in his grasp as his breath and his lips tickled your neck. “Shhh…” He shushed you ever so softly, encasing you tighter in his arms and grazing his lips all around your neck and your shoulder. Knowing it’s tickling you, that it’s making you squirm. “Hah…” A soft puff of tense air left your lips at the feeling, unable to resist the urge to squirm and escape his tantilizing torture. “So sensitive…” He whispered, his hand coming up to softly grasp your throat, his lips moving up the side of your cheek before going back into the dip of your neck, biting down softly. You’d never experienced something so intimate, so romantic. You just closed your eyes, accepting everything he’s giving as you usually do. Except right now it feels like he’s giving it just to you. It’s for only you to have. His arm that’s under you wrapped around, his fingers teasingly tracing down your hip. 
“Hey, don’t start anything. We both have class soon…” You said with a smile and he nipped at your shoulder. “Mm.” He grumbled defiantly into your neck, breathing in your scent, your shampoo mixed with the sweet smell of your skin. When was he not trying to start something? To fill you up and keep you in his bed all day after having you all night. “You’re not making me late to class again…”  You said softly, still smiling as warmth spread over your cheeks. He smiled as you brought that up again. You just couldn’t seem to let that go. “It was one time…” He hummed playfully. “One too many…” You said with a sort of mischievous smile. “One too many…” He echoed your words in a breathy laugh, scoffing at your teasing. His voice is deep with sleep, fingers brushing down your chest, against your soft plush tummy and to your side, his fingertips pressing pleasantly to the little love-handles at your back, up to your shoulder blades and down your arm, his fingers encasing the back of your hand, so gentle, so soft. You’re still crushing on him hard except this time around he’s fucking you like he owns you and holding you like he made you. He sighed against your neck. 
“You know what’s better than being late?... Staying in bed…” He said all smugly. “You know what’s actually better than being late?... Being on time…” You retorted back and he laughed softly. He can play this game. “You know what’s better than being on time?...... Staying in bed.” He repeated and it made you laugh. “You already said that one!” You pouted, feeling the vibrations of his laughter against your back. “You know what’s better than staying in bed?... Going to class…” You said quick and giggled. It didn’t really mean anything anymore but it was fun and you wanted to win this back and forth. “No way, that’s undeniably incorrect.” He smiled, leaning up on his elbow to look more at your face as you were laughing. You looked so cute. He just couldn’t resist. “You know what’s better than going to class?” He asked and you turned back a bit to look in his eyes. “What.” You brow raised knowing he was about to say something stupid. He really wanted you to stay in bed. He smirked. “Sex with me…” It made you roll your eyes when he said it. You should have known. He smiled and moved to climb more on top of you, looking down right into your eyes. The blush that washed over your cheeks and the way you tried to look so unimpressed. “You know what’s better than sex with me?” He whispered. Was there such a thing? “Sex with you.” 
You looked up into his eyes. The tension got thicker the longer he just looked at you. Your eyes rolled again, trying not to break out into a big smile. He said it so easily. Before you could even form another thought his lips were on yours. His hand coming to your cheek, fingers soft upon your face. He kept it quick, knowing you actually didn’t want to be late for class. He was only teasing. But he kissed you again… and then again. Soft pecks. That kiss he kept doing. Like his lips couldn’t stop coming back for more. Your eyes fluttered open when you realized he’s not stopping. “Mm!” You hummed, pressing softly against his shoulder and he finally relented, pecking your cheek before getting off of you. Chuckling and laying beside you on his stomach, hooking his arm under the cold side of his pillow. 
Your phone buzzed on his bedside table. Catching both of your attention. You picked it up, opening it for the first time this morning. He watched over your shoulder as you unlocked the phone and went to your messages. He tried not to look too much. He did glance at the screen a few times. A certain tension building inside him. Wondering who could be texting you. He wanted to ask, or just outright look at who was texting you but he didn’t want to seem like he cared. His dark eyes flicked to the side of your face, the wisps of hair around your ear and your hairline fanning to your cheek, the slight blush from sleep and his flustering touch. The thought of anyone else seeing you like this, being with you like this…. It made him want to kill any guy who so much as looked your way. Or texted you first thing in the morning…
“My mom is just… driving me crazy…” You sighed and he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. “Your mom?” He managed to say, physically feeling himself relax finding it was just your mother texting you. The knot in his chest unraveling. He remembered you talking about some plans to go home for the weekend. A family reunion type of thing. 
“Yeah she’s… I love her but she gets sort of… crazy when it comes to plans…” You said and sent one last text before setting your phone back on the bedside table. “Well she just probably wants to see you…” He said and it brought a smile to your face. “Yeah… I just feel bad when she tries to take care of everything...” You said softly. Thinking of your mom, the kind of brave and determined woman she’s always been. “I told her, I don’t need anything fancy, I just need to see her and dad and my siblings and that’s it. And we have all the time in the world once I’m there. I mean… until it’s time to come back to school obviously…”
“Yeah…” He said softly, but it sounded like his mind was somewhere else. 
You have a large family. Lots of siblings. And Miguel doesn’t have that. He has one brother of course but he doesn’t even speak to his parents unless he needs to. It was interesting for him to hear about the conversation with your mom and your relationship with her. How you always spoke of your family with such love and tenderness. He’s never experienced anything like that in his life. 
“You have such a…big family.” He said softly. You couldn’t really tell with what tone he was saying it. Whether it was simply an observation, a judgment, or some sort of longing. “I do…” You sighed with a smile. You are the oldest of six which Miguel was flabbergasted to learn. “It’s not something I expected, but once you told me, it made sense.” He stated. And you couldn’t help but be curious as to why he thought that. You turned over on your side to face him more, his eyes meeting yours and the look on his face was a little surprised like you caught him off guard turning around like that. Making a direct connection with him. “Made sense, how?” You asked with a smile, curious about how he sees you. His face felt hot. The way it got hot a lot when you looked at him like that. Like his body knew something his brain didn’t. So he tried to explain while he feels like the wind is being knocked out of him. “Well… you… are very…” He starts and you’re expecting him to say what a lot of people say. That you’re dependable, you’re mature, you’re independent, helpful, capable. Because that’s how everybody has always seen you. Like anytime anyone looks at you, they’re trying to get you to help them in some way. “…patient.” He said. And you’ve never heard that one before. You smiled softly at him and he felt relieved. “Five siblings, I mean you’ve got to be patient, right?” He said and smiled, trying to make it all just a light joke, looking around a bit and away from the way you’re gazing in his eyes. But what he said was pretty profound. Tells you he’d thought about you and the kind of person you are. He’d thought about more than just sex with you. You looked in his eyes, a smile dancing on your lips. It distracted him a bit. 
“How does that make you feel?” You suddenly asked him. “What.” He asked, not knowing really how to answer a question like that. “How does my patience make you feel?” You reiterated slowly, looking right in his eyes like you’re staring right into his mind. He thought, getting distracted by that look on your face. The look that for some reason let him know whatever answer he gave you would never be the wrong one. 
“It…makes me…feel….”
“Fuck.” He sighs, the memory dissolving in his mind as he shoves it away. How could he be so stupid? Why did he say that kind of stuff to you? It’s like he doesn’t even remember that being him. Like he’s looking at someone else’s memory with you. He becomes someone else when he’s with you. But you looked so happy and he remembers how warm and soft you were. Holding his swollen, mangled hand, he winces at the pain still throbbing. It’s not getting any better, it’s only getting worse. 
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It’s radio silence for the next few days. Midterms come and over the week you’re finishing up exams and tutoring students to do well. More students than ever are taking advantage of the tutoring program that you basically resurrected from the dead. So that’s a good feeling at least. You’ve been spending basically all your time in the library, both doing your own work and meeting with any students that need help. And just hanging out with a few tutoring friends. There are some new tutors that just joined the club a few weeks ago and it’s made this whole thing much more fun, hanging out with people that are like minded in that way. Wanting to help other people. 
You haven't heard from Miguel. You don’t know what became of him on Sunday night. And he didn’t reach out or anything on Monday to talk. Discuss what happened. Will you ever talk to him again? Or do you have to pretend none of this ever happened and he never existed in the first place. Your Sunday night heartbreak turns into Monday numb and Tuesday rage. Now it’s Thursday and you’ve thought of all the things you’d say to him if he showed his face again. But deep down you know it’s only the kind of thing you’d never be able to say. Like scripting the perfect comebacks in the shower and kicking yourself for not thinking to say it in the moment. 
It’s hard not talking to him. Not seeing him basically everyday. Because before this past weekend you were seeing him every second you both had to spare. You’re mad at him but you miss waking up in his arms. You miss the late night texts, him wanting you, coming to you and making you feel things you’ve never felt before. Maybe you’re delusional. Was that all this was? Sex and pillowtalk? After what he said Sunday night it seems that way and he made you feel bad for ever thinking otherwise. You’re not stupid, you know that friends with benefits exist and fuckbuddies are such a common thing. And you didn’t even need to be his friend if he really didn’t want you to be! There was never even a need for some conversation about labels because to you it just seemed so obvious! No one could fake that desperation and need. That wanting passion you both shared. The things he said as you gave him everything. Your body, your thoughts, your heart. His whispers of wanting you and how good you make him feel. 
Of course he felt good. He was fucking you raw almost every night and you let him because you’d fallen in love with him. But were you even friends to begin with? Did he see you as anything more than a body to do whatever he wanted with? You thought he wanted you. You were his. He told you that. 
This week has been hell but you push forward. Trying not to isolate yourself and staying in touch with some tutoring friends. Unfortunately, Miguel is so popular that you always find yourself running into his friends too. But you’re realizing more and more that no one knows about you. It’s like Miguel didn’t want anyone to know he was with you. Not even his closest friends. 
You’re sitting in the library for a tutoring session. Last minute cramming before the last exams later that day. Typing on your laptop, a student at your side and helping him on a calculus study guide. Elbow leaning on the table, watching him work, checking what he’s doing as he’s doing it. “Simplify it first, then use the formula…” You say softly and he does as you say, erasing some and correcting himself. “And then just the same on the next one?” He asks and you nod. Patient. That word is in your mind. Remembering when he said it. You were a little too patient with Miguel. 
Miguel’s watching all of this happen. Standing behind the library door, hidden mostly and only peering in through the window in the door. He finally caught up to you after days of trying to get to you. He tried multiple times to catch you in the library this week but he always missed you. Every night he debated texting you but ultimately decided he wanted you to text him first. Mostly because he had no idea what to say. He just wanted you back. For things to go back to the way they were. He’s pissed himself off. In his mind it’s like he’s convinced himself you don’t want to talk to him. 
The library is mostly empty except for you and your tutee. He wants to get you alone right now but doubts he can. Especially when you’re in the middle of doing something. But what you’re doing can’t be as important as what he needs to say to you. As important as him. His hand is aching badly as it has all week since Sunday night. Hidden in his pocket. He hasn’t done anything about it. He’s been taking ibuprofen but it’s not doing much.
If he has to wait hours to talk to you, then so be it. He won’t let this go on any longer. You’re going to talk to him whether you have anything to say or not. Somehow he’s managed to turn his desperation into anger. He leans against the wall outside the library door. Staring at the pattern on the floor. Fidgeting with the seam inside his jacket pocket. Sighing deeply, he feels uneasy thinking about what he’s going to say to you. What you might say to him. He’s got to act tough so he doesn’t lose control of the conversation. If he does he’s sure he’ll lose you. Because he knows deep down that he’s the asshole here. It’s his fault. And he’s scared to beg you for another chance. 
These feelings are foreign to him. Never before has he acted this way over someone and he doesn’t know why. Is there something wrong with me? He thinks. That always seems to be his first thought. A while goes by and his mind swirls with thoughts of you.
He’s lost in thought and only glances up as he hears the doors at the end of the hall swinging closed. Someone must have walked by him. He pushes off the wall, instantly going to the window in the library door and seeing you’re finally alone. His heart thumps in his chest. Clenching his swollen bruised hand in his pocket. He sighs and forces himself to walk inside. 
He gets halfway to you before you suddenly look up. Stopping him in his tracks. And it’s like he suddenly feels like he’s doing something wrong. Eyes locked and breath caught in both your chests. 
It’s been four fucking days. Not a call, not a text. Nothing. And now he’s here. You look away first. Back down to your laptop to continue typing. And he continues walking, stopping at the edge of the table across from you. 
It’s silent. Not a word dared spoken until…
“I need to talk to you.” The tall man finally speaks, towering over the table. Silence follows as you think about how to go about this. You thought about this moment all week. All the different scenarios and possibilities. You imagined melting into his arms as you’ve done a million times by now. But thinking back to all those moments it’s like none of that ever mattered because it didn’t matter to him. How can you trust him again when he treated you like he wanted you and then told you, you were never supposed to happen. After he finally spoke, it lit a fire inside you. “I’m busy right now.” You say softly, keeping your eyes locked on your laptop screen. While this time away from him has been hell and you’ve been heartbroken over this, he’s also been a total dick. You don’t want to let him get away with it. You don’t know how you’re going to do that but you try not to bend completely to his will. Your attention is directed back to your keyboard, typing away and ignoring him. All those comebacks are stuck in your throat. Miguel frowns, watching you. 
He’s been trying all week to find you. To talk to you. Trying to find sneaky ways so that he doesn't have to beg for your attention. And now seeing you ignore him. He wants your attention and he’s gonna get it. 
After a few beats of heavy silence, he walks around the table. You don’t look up, not even sparing him a glance. Glaring at your laptop screen and seeing his movement in your peripherals. He silently walks to the seat right next to you. Pulling it out and slipping down into it to sit beside you. His hands shoved back into his pockets as he sits like he intends to stay. 
“Y/n… hey...” He says gently, trying to get your attention. Turning in his chair slightly to face you more, his knee pressing softly into the side of your thigh. He can see your anger, he can feel it too. “I’m not talking to you.” You say without looking at him. “Well I’m talking to you…” He says so softly, one could mistake the tone for sweet nothings. You sigh, closing your laptop with a click, you grab your bag. Ready to just leave and brush him off if he’s not going to take the hint to leave you alone. “No…no.” He says softly and reaches across you, taking your bag, lifting it over and onto his side. So you can’t get to it. 
An annoyed huff escapes your lips, crossing your arms and staring straight ahead to avoid him. You’re not good at confrontation. Never had to do something like this before. 
His hand comes up to brush your hair back behind your ear. The backs of his fingers brushed across your cheek. And you brush his hand away when he does it. Is he really trying that right now?
“Stop it.” You sigh, pushing his hand away absentmindedly so he opts for resting his arm on the back of your chair. “Come on… let’s talk about this.” He says and you’re starting to fume inside. Now he wants to talk? After you begged him not to leave, begged him to talk to you Sunday night? You look over at him angrily and he keeps his arm around the back of your chair. His broad shoulders give him an advantage. “What do you want?” You glare at him and he sighs. He knew you might be angry but he’s never seen you look at him that way. “Why did you even come here? Just to make things worse?” You frown and keep your arms crossed, closed off from him. “I came here to speak with you.” He says calmly, trying to maintain the control he’s been losing all week. “Well you’re not doing much speaking.” You sigh. A beat of silence follows. 
“I want you to come over… tonight…” He says in that soft tone again. In his mind the both of you just need some time and things can go back to normal. “We can cool off and then you can come over and we can just move on from this.” He says and leans back a bit as if that’s that. Everything’s fixed? 
“What are you talking about?” You look at him like he’s from another planet. “Can’t we just move on from this?” He asks, patience running even thinner. “This has gone on long enough… I’m tired of it… come over…” He says again and he doesn’t even realize how disappointing this all is to you. 
You sigh softly. Feeling let down. He couldn’t even apologize. Couldn’t fix the problem he created. He didn’t come here to explain, or apologize, or to check up on you. The words just start to flow now. 
“So you just came here to get your dick wet, is that it?” You say and stare him dead in the eyes. But his expression changes, brow raises in a certain surprise. He wasn't expecting you to say something like that. 
“No… I… I wanted to…” He starts but it’s like he can’t find the words. “I just wanted to see you.” He says feeling like he’s teetering on a very dangerous line right now. And silence follows. 
Why must he be so confusing? It’s like he’s making it your fault that he has no idea what he wants or how he feels. This week started with you feeling so small and insignificant. You told yourself that he’d never talk to you again after the things he said. That he really regretted being with you. That you were never supposed to happen. Just like he said. But now he’s back and he doesn’t even apologize? He just wants to act like none of it ever happened? Like he didn’t break your heart? 
“Why did you ask me to tutor you? That day?” You suddenly ask as it’s something you’ve been wondering and these are the things he’s not good at talking about. He knows all of this started with him acting like a greedy douchebag but he didn’t expect to feel this way towards you. He doesn’t want to tell you the real reason he invited you to his dorm a month ago. The real reason being he wanted a quick easy fuck with someone who seemed eager and innocent. He feels like a fucking jerk. “I don’t know…” He sighs and shakes his head, looking down at the table then back up at you. All your words just seem to come spilling out now.
“Well you knew that I liked you...” You state as if it should be obvious. “What do you mean?” He asks and your brow furrows. Is he serious? “You… you knew that I liked you. When you asked me to tutor you? A month ago??” You ask hopefully, trying to confirm what you hoped to be true. You had thought he knew you had feelings for him all this time. You even hoped those feelings were returned. “N-no I… I mean I assumed maybe you might have. I didn’t really think about it too much” He says a bit nervous about where this is going. His cool control slipping. But everyone likes him so it just makes sense that you would like him too. That’s why you didn’t refuse him. And it’s all getting twisted up in his head. “Didn’t think about it? Like… it wasn’t important to you whether I liked you or not?” 
And the silence falls over the both of you right then. “Well then what is this? What have we been doing?” You frown at him, waving your hands in the air a bit because you just can’t understand how you got to this point and he just keeps acting so oblivious. And he’s losing control. 
“No. Wait. I didn’t say it right. I-” 
“Why did you start doing all this then? If you didn’t even like me in the first place?” 
His eyes go wide, not having an answer that wouldn’t make you feel even worse. “I don’t know…” He says again. He doesn’t seem to know a goddamn thing. “Was it just to string me along?! Is this all just a joke to you?! Are you trying to make fun of me or something?” You press for answers, feeling more heartbroken the longer he doesn’t give you a real answer. “No! It’s not! I am not trying to make fun of you!” He exclaims, shaking his head. This isn’t going how he wanted. This is spinning out of his control and he’s on the verge of all this collapsing. If this happened with anyone else he’d just forget it ever happened in the first place. But he couldn’t forget you if he tried. He doesn’t understand that feeling. 
“You’ve just admitted you didn’t even like me when you first started this… and after a month of me giving you nothing but sex, you still just ‘don’t know’?” 
“No, that’s not what I mean.” 
“That’s exactly what you just said! And apparently I was never even supposed to happen in the first place.” You throw his own words back at him and he scoffs before scrambling to explain himself in a way that won’t make you hate him even more. 
“I freaked out… I don’t know why I freaked out. Can’t you just forget it? What I said was stupid I don’t even know what I was thinking…” He insists. “Seems like you were thinking a lot actually. That this was your plan all along. You don’t want a relationship, you just want a fucktoy…” You scoff and stand up from your seat, to which he immediately stands up too. His earlier confidence is crumbling. 
“Come on, I was… drunk!” He scrambles to justify his outburst Sunday night. 
“You said you weren’t drunk or were you lying about that too?” You move past him to grab your backpack from where he put it trying to keep it from you. 
“Can you just come over? Let’s forget about this, this is a waste of time.” He begs and follows you around as you’re collecting your things off the table and shoving them into your backpack. 
“I don’t think it’s a waste of time…” You say softly and shove your computer inside. “Yeah, well I do… you have wasted my time!” He raises his voice, trying to get a rise out of you but when he sees your disapproving expression he knows that wasn’t the right move. With one last zip, you’re starting to leave the empty library. And he follows frantically.  
“W-Wait! Just wait… w-what do you want me to do? You want me to block Dana’s number? I’ll do it!” He’s speaking fast and frantic, reaching for your hand and holding it to stop you from leaving him.
“I don’t want you to block Dana’s number… I don’t care.” You sigh, completely over all of this. It’s too confusing. He’s a mess you’re not sure you want to be a part of. 
“I’ll block her right now… you can watch me do it!
“Oh my god… enough…” 
“I’ll cut her off… I don’t even want to see her anyway, I hate her…and we didn’t fuck on Sunday if that’s what you think!”
“Dana is not the problem”
“Dana must be the problem.”
“I’m telling you, she’s not!” You yell at him. And he finally shuts up, watching you wide eyed as you keep scolding him.
“Do you even hear yourself? D’you ever think that the problem might just be you? Are you incapable of just apologizing or do you genuinely not believe this is all your fault??! All of your problems just have to be other people’s problems right?!” And he flinches as you yell. 
He’s stunned by your words and the volume with which you just scolded him. He knows he deserves it but he just can’t stop himself from arguing. He doesn’t want you to hate him even though he deserves it. 
“Well I’m not perfect, okay? I can’t be…I can’t be perfect.” He pleads softly, holding onto your hand like a lifeline. A silent plea for you to not let go of him now.
“I’m not asking you to be perfect!” 
His eyes stay wide. Staring at you like you’ve just told him a deep dark secret. 
“I’m asking you to stop being a selfish asshole!!” 
Your voice doesn’t echo in this place padded with old books and hardwood. It's sturdy and final. And finally it seems like you’re getting through to him. Maybe he’s understanding.
“Don’t tell me you don’t feel the same. Do not tell me I was making it all up in my head. I’m not the one misreading things. You are.” You say. Your voice is softer now. Fragile as you can see he’s thinking about all that you just said.
Tell her you’re sorry, Miguel. He thinks to himself. He knows everything you’ve said is what he needs to hear. He knows he hurt you. What he said was not okay. And now he’s made you upset and angry too. 
“You’re right I… about everything…” He mumbles. Sighing and looking down. His fingers slipping away from your hand. Letting it go. Letting you go. 
“I… I’m sorry.” He finally says. And you let his apology sit. Allowing yourself time to decide if you’ll accept. If he deserves it. The silence is deafening. 
“I-I just…” He sighs deeply. At a loss for words. He just feels so stupid. Rubbing his forehead down to his cheek frustrated. Sighing ashamedly as he tries to think of what to say that could fix this. “You asked me… to tell you what I’m feeling and I-I don’t know…” He says softly. And you stare at him wide eyed as he admits this.
“What is that?” Your voice snaps him out of his thoughts for a moment. Looking back up at you confused. “Your hand.” You say, your eyes locked on his busted hand as he rubs his face. He pulls it behind his back. He doesn’t deserve your sympathy. “It’s nothing I-” He painfully clenches his hand behind his back. The guilt is overwhelming. Please don’t feel bad for me. He thinks to himself. You’ve been far too patient with him. 
“Show me.” You demand softly, looking in his eyes. And you’re serious. He sighs softly and brings his hand out, holding it out sheepishly to show you. The hand that’s held you, the hand that’s touched you… it’s cut up and bruised. 
“What happened?” You ask sternly with a hardened expression when you finally see the cuts in his knuckles and the bruises. His hand is mangled, swollen, purple and clearly would cause anyone lots of pain. “Don’t lie to me.” You sternly say. And he doesn’t dare lie to you again. “I just… punched my locker.” He looks down ashamed. It’s the first time you’ve ever seen him like this. Broken and defeated. It’s not a good feeling, you don’t like seeing him like this. “When did this happen?” You ask firmly and he answers in a sigh. “Sunday.” Shoving his hand back in his pocket. It makes sense that he would have thrown a fit after he stormed out Sunday night. He must have been going about his week with his hand like that and not doing anything about it. “Did you go to the hospital?” He shakes his head at your question. Averting your gaze. “It’s gonna get worse if you don’t.” You insist and he just nods. For fear of his voice breaking if he found any words.
“I’m sorry Y/n… I’ll just go…” He says softly and steps back, and once again it’s like everything inside him is telling him to leave. You stand there. Not wanting to stop him this time. Watching him as he goes. 
“You should go to the hospital.” You say soft and serious as he walks past you. Staying still and not attempting to stop him from leaving. You’ve made your point. And he didn’t win. But neither of you won tonight. He nods softly and keeps his head down, walking past you to leave the library. And he’s going to try his hardest not to bother you again. You’re so kind, so patient, so real. And he fucked up the one good thing he had going on. The one thing that made him feel good. Instead of belittling you, he should have acknowledged that he has some messy feelings of his own. 
So he leaves. And you’re left standing in the library. You stood up for yourself. You told him off. But why do you feel so empty? Maybe it was seeing him so broken. When it comes to things that are good for him, he seems to forget himself. 
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He leaves the library silently. Walking down the dim hallways of the building and then outside. It’s raining again. It’s been raining pretty much all week. Pulling his hood up, he walks down the front steps of the academic building. Walking through the rain and not even bothering to run this time. Letting the rain pelt his sweatshirt, soak right through to his skin. He feels so stupid. He feels confused. And he feels sorry. But you deserve better than him. 
Getting back to his residence building, he gets in the elevator. Staring at the floor and leaning his head against the wall as it travels up to his floor. He scoffs when the conversation replays in his head. His own words echoing and hearing himself act like such a dick. He didn’t know what other way to approach you other than to try and make things go back to normal. He wants things the way they were.
But he’s realizing the way things were is not fair to you. It’s not like all month the two of you just happened to cross paths. It’s not like you were sleeping with each other because there was no one else. It’s because neither of you can stay away from the other. It’s this messy obsession fueled with fire. He could touch you blind and know the pulse at your throat, the tips of your fingers, the plush of your stomach. He’d know the whispers of your voice, the fan of your breath over his cheek, the taste of your tongue. So then why is he so afraid? If he’s memorized every shimmering stretch mark, every inch of your skin, the sound of your voice, then why does he keep pushing you away? 
He wants you to be his… but he wants to be yours just as much. 
Miguel sighs as the elevator finally dings and the door opens. He keeps his head down, walking down the hall to his door. Unlocking it and walking inside. His hand hurts like hell. The cuts are just starting to heal but his fingers are still busted and swollen. It’s hard for him to open and close his hand all the way. 
His phone rings, vibrating in his pocket as he peels off his wet hoodie and kicks his shoes off. Pulling it out from his pocket, he sees who’s calling. He didn’t expect it to be you. And it’s not. It’s his Father. 
His heart sinks further, letting it ring, staring at the caller ID. This is the last thing he needs right now. Sitting on the edge of his bed, holding his vibrating phone in the palm of his hand, his eyes start to sting. Hot tears welling up and brimming in his eyes. When the ringing finally stops he drops his phone on the bed and drops his face into his hand. A shaky sigh trembling in his chest, swollen, hurting fingers clenching painfully on his lap. His arms wrap around himself, leaning over and down into his bed. He’s so tired. And he’s alone again just like always. He doesn’t feel bad for himself, he feels bad about himself. What is it about him that drives everyone away? You just answered that question for him tonight. It’s just him. 
“It… makes me… feel… steady? Like… like there’s nothing to worry about. Or like… y’know…” He sighed, flipping over to lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling as you looked over at him across the pillows. The words felt trapped in his chest but they flowed like a river from his lips. “Like things feel slow...in a good way.”
He remembers saying that. He remembers meaning every word. Right now he feels anything but steady. He's collapsed.
His tears dry after a while and he keeps trying to just fall asleep and forget all of this. Even for just a few hours. But he can’t seem to just fall asleep. His head hurts and all he wants is to rest for once after this shitty week. But his running mind won’t let him. 
His eyes crack open to check the time, his alarm clock blaring red in the darkness of his room. 2:17am. “Ugh…” He sighs, letting his head fall back onto the covers. He’s been sitting like this for hours now. 
Knock knock knock. 
He hears the knock on the door, flinching and sitting up slightly on his elbows. Watching the door and wondering if he’s hearing things. But there it is again. Three soft knocks. 
“Miguel?” Your soft voice sounds from the other side of the door and he sits up completely. Eyes wide and heart thumping. This is his last chance. He can’t mess it up this time. He immediately gets up and turns on his desk light, running a hand through his hair and going to the door, unlocking the bolt and opening it. He doesn’t care if it seems desperate, he is desperate.��
He looks smaller somehow. Or maybe you just feel bigger in some way. He’s staring at you as he stands in the opening of his door. And his immediate instinct is to try whatever he can to make things better. 
“Y/n… I’m sorry… I shouldn’t hav-”
“Put your shoes on.” You shush him softly. You didn’t come here for an apology.
“What?” He steps forward, not understanding your request. It’s 2am and you’re both half asleep anyway.
“Put your shoes on please.” You say again. “And a hoodie or something, it’s cold outside.” 
His brow furrows in confusion but he’s not going to argue with you right now. You’re here and talking to him so that’s what matters. Using his one good hand, he pulls his sneakers on at the door, grabbing his hoodie off the back of his desk chair. “Where are we going?” He asks and passes through his door to you. He’d go anywhere if it meant he could be with you right now. A soft hopeful expression on his face. “We’re going to the hospital.” 
To be continued…
images from pinterest
Taglist: @miguels-cock-piercings @queerponcho @club-danger-zone @bossva @softcrayon
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@jessies-unrelagated-thoughts @mauvecherie-writes @haveclayeveryday @kimivixen
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@rinnako @ohara-whore @migueloharasbbm @razertail18 @laysmt
@tojiragdoll @maiyart @wazawazooo @mun-2996 @marshhbs
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You’re Drunk, And He’s In Love
--genre + trope: FLUFF, sfw.
--pairing: frat!tasm!peter parker x college!gn!reader
--word count: 0.9k
--warnings: mentions of alcohol, consumption of alcohol, reader throws up (womp womp), the smallest angst ever (still wondering if angst is even in this...), FLUFF, peter loves reader so much!!!
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A loud thump shocks Peter out of his relaxed state, the sound coming from downstairs. Knowing that no one is home, he makes his way out of his room. Ascending the stairs, he’s silent, waiting to see if he can hear the noise again. Hearing nothing, he twists the lock and pulls the fraternity’s front door open. 
A quick glance outside proves that there is nothing, but then he looks down. There you are, lying across the doorstep, a drunken smile written all across your face. Looking up through your eyelashes your eyes light up at the sight of your boyfriend, “Hi, Petey!”
He squats down to grasp under your arms. Pulling you up, he wonders where all this sudden dead weight came from. Once you’re standing (more like leaning), he finally greets you, “Hey, bug. What are you doing here?”
“I was at this party over there,” you point behind you, “and then…I realized that I’d be having way more fun with you, so…I walked over, and now I’m here!”
Throughout your rambling he closed the door behind you, starting to make his way up the stairs with you by his side. Following your last sentence, he stops dead in his tracks, “Wait, how far did you walk?”
“Uhh, I-I’m not sure…but, I made it,” your memory is spotty. If you were sober, you could’ve heard how Peter’s question was more serious than you realized. Oblivious, it passes over your head.  
He decides to let it go, choosing to focus on your current state, “C’mon let’s go to bed, bug.” Wobbly nodding your head, you follow Peter’s lead up the stairs and to his room. 
Falling back onto the familiar sheets of his bed, you mentally declare that this is heaven on earth. You bask in the feeling, even in your hazy state, you know for a fact that you want to stay here forever if you could. Your bliss is interrupted by a very cold cloth on your face. Apparently, your confusion is quite apparent in your features, as a breathy chuckle escapes Peter’s lips. 
“If I didn’t do this you would be so pissed at me in the morning. You don’t need to be angry and have a hangover,” Peter is quickly pleading his case as you open your eyes to see him bunch up a, now dirty, makeup wipe in his hands. Tossing it in the trash, he stands and makes his way to his dresser, rummaging through an extensive collection of shirts. When he finally finds one, he tosses it on the bed next to you, walking back to you shortly after to stand between your legs that have been hanging off the bed. 
He extends his hands towards you, even going so far as to wiggle his fingers, hoping that his actions will convince you to sit up, “Do you want to stay in your clothes, or do you want to actually get comfortable?”
You groan as you lift your arms up to grab his hands. As soon as you make contact with his touch, he wastes no time in pulling you up to meet his chest. Still holding your hands, he kneels down to start undoing your shoes. Now that you’re sitting up, the spins hit you, and they hit you hard. 
Peter has been looking down, working at your shoes when he feels a hand slap down on his shoulder. He looks up immediately, his face plagued with concern, “You alright, baby?” Your other hand rises to hold your mouth as you shake your head, and that is all Peter needs to rush you to his bathroom. 
The sight is far from pretty, but Peter doesn’t care. He’s holding your hair up with one hand as his other is making slow circles on your back, letting you spill tonight's contents into the toilet bowl. 
You haven’t been there for a long time. The feeling of nausea passes after a good five minutes. Originally Peter was just going to get you changed and bring you to bed, but now he knows that you need a hot shower to wash off the feeling of being sick from your mind and your body. 
He reaches over to flush the toilet before carefully lowering the toilet seat cover and pulling you off your knees to sit on the ceramic, brushing the tears that escaped your eyes off your warm cheeks, “Let’s get you in the shower, my love.”
Everything Peter does, he does it with care. Especially when it came to you. 
While in the shower with you, he knows that in the morning you’ll be extremely apologetic and embarrassed. But what he also knows is that he’d do that one hundred times again just to know that you’re safe. He can’t imagine what it would’ve been like if you hadn’t come to him tonight. It honestly scares the shit out of him at the thought of you being this vulnerable at a party, alone. 
He knows that you can handle yourself, there’s no doubt about it. He can see you brushing off your feelings just for the sake of not ruining the party. 
He almost prides himself in the thought of you feeling this comfortable around him, because there isn’t a thing he wouldn’t do for you. So when you wake up and ask him to grab an Advil for your killer headache, he’ll do it in a heartbeat. 
--author's note: honestly, i love a good drunk!reader or drunk!peter fic. there's nothing like caring for someone despite their drunkenness. i keep writing everyone to be slightly sassy...LMAO. WHOOPSIE!!! thank you for liking, commenting, and reblogging!!! my asks/inbox is opennnn, so send in requests if you feel like it babes. ok, bye ily<33
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I don't know you anymore (maybe I never really did)
let me wrap my teeth around the world - series masterlist here
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pairing: poly marauders x reader (gender neutral)
length: 1.7k
genre: fluff, angst (happy ending to come)
warnings: slytherin reader, some serious emotional dodging and avoidance but you know me it all ends up ok, peter is your bestie and that's just the way it is sorry, no happy ending YET but I promise it's coming this is not a tragedy
a/n: happy ending next week I love y'all too much to leave you with heartache
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"Sorry, love," Remus begins to bend down, hand reaching to pick up the book you'd dropped when the two of you collided in the library, but you quickly shoot your own hand out to snatch it up first. "What are you doing here this late?"
"Getting a book," you say plainly. Remus's brows furrow slightly, his eyes drifting over your figure as if to somehow see why you're acting so strangely.
"Alright, dove. We're all planning on studying pretty late tonight - you're welcome to join us. We can always sneak you back down to the dungeons whenever you're ready to call it a night." Remus is quiet when he talks, that soothing, soft air he has about him making your shoulders drop as you lean against the bookshelf next to you.
"As if I can't sneak myself around the castle without your help," you bite back playfully. A smile twitches across Remus's lips as he thinks, just for a moment, that you're back, that you'll follow him up to his common room and spend the night laying on a couch with him, your legs slung over James's lap while you throw wads of paper at Sirius's head. His heart thumps a little painfully when he realizes that he can't remember the last time you've done that with them - he can't remember the last time you've hung out with them at all. 
It's as if you remember that fact at the same time he does, as the faint smile slips off your face and you straighten. "I can't tonight," you say kindly. "But thank you." Remus blinks as you begin to move past him, your polite voice ringing through his head. Like we're strangers, he thinks weakly. Except you're not even that nice to strangers.
Remus is busy slouching against the nearest bookshelf and wondering what they possibly could have done to make you avoid them so desperately but so kindly when he hears you let out another sigh from where you've walked past him.
"Wow," Sirius drawls as Remus turns to see him and James standing in front of you and you pointedly looking past them, like you're a trapped animal searching for the nearest escape route. "I'd almost forgotten you go here still." Your gaze snaps to Sirius and you narrow your eyes at him.
"It's good to see you," James interjects, seeing the two of you size each other up and eager to avoid a showdown between you and Sirius. "How have you been, love?"
"You see me in class almost every day," you snipe back at Sirius before turning to James. "I've been busy, and I still am now so - if you'll excuse me." With that, you slip between the two of them, exiting the library swiftly. Remus sighs and Sirius scowls at the now empty doorway, James opting to look down at the floor, staring dejectedly like a kicked puppy. No doubt you're holing up down in the Slytherin dorms all night now - as far away as you can get from them. Sirius smoothes a hand over James's unruly curls as Remus squeezes his shoulder comfortingly.
"We'll figure this out," he says gently, and as Sirius looks at him, he begs himself to believe it.
"You lost, Pete?" You don't look up from your book as Peter plants himself in the seat opposite you, frowning at you.
"Like we've never had breakfast together before," he huffs back, and you can't stop the smile that flits across your lips at the confidence that he's so clearly been nurturing. You close your book with a thump and place your chin in your hand, staring at him and waiting for him to continue. "Half the time, you're at the Gryffindor table. It can't be so different for me to come over here."
"Hm, maybe it's not," you shrug, picking your book back up to toss it across the table at him. "Read the back of that. You can borrow it when I'm done - I think you'll like it." Peter picks it up tentatively and gets about halfway through the synopsis before he's dropping it back on the table and crossing his arms.
"You're making them miserable," he says bluntly. You pout in a mocking sort of manner, but Peter's frown tells you that he doesn't believe you're as heartless as you typically let on.
"I thought you just came here to have breakfast with me," you switch tactics. 
"Tell me what's going on with you," he pushes. You straighten up in your seat.
"Why don't you just ask them?"
"I have - they don't know. Every time they try to talk to you about it, you find some reason to run away."
"Would you like to see that first hand?" 
"You can't run away from me. I'll cry," Peter insists. You sniff indignantly, mostly because you know he's right. The two of you stare at each other for a long time, and it's to your surprise that he doesn't waver. Your heart does something strange in your chest when you realize that his determination may be because this is more serious than you'd thought - you're hurting them more than you thought.
"They need to get over me, Pete," you say quietly.
"Why?" He presses.
"Because if they don't then this gets messy. None of us want that," you insist. Peter softens a bit, looking sympathetic.
"It's already messy." The bite has left Peter's voice as he reaches to pat your arm across the table. You look at his hand pointedly and he's reminded swiftly that anyone else who reached out to console you like that would get a smack from you. He smiles as he thinks of the kindness that lives in you that you seem to be blind to.
"I'll talk to them," you sigh, leaning forward to let your head thump down onto the table. Peter pats the top of your head gently and, for that, he does get a smack.
"James," your voice makes him stumble to a stop, whipping around to look at you so fast that you nearly run into him, sidestepping him at the last minute as he looks at you, bewildered.
"Are you talking to me?" He asks, confusion and surprise making his voice thick. Something painful twinges in your chest at his shock. Of course I am, you want to say. Who else would I ever want to talk to?
"Yes," is all you end up saying. James shifts on his feet and looks at you a little wearily.
"Are you ok?" He asks and a breath leaves your lungs quickly. 
"I'd like to talk to you… if you have a moment?" James looks at you strangely, but he just nods and leads you out of the hall to the quiet courtyard. There's no, of course I have time for you, pretty thing. I always have time for you. It's just James, stiff and silent and hurting… because of you.
"Peter says I'm making you all miserable," you say bluntly, regret immediately seeping into you at the way James flinches, sitting on the bench in front of you slowly. You stay standing in front of him, looking down at the way he runs a hand through his curls.
"It's just," he begins, looking around as if to find the answer somewhere, or maybe just to find some way of getting away from you. "If we knew what we'd done to upset you then maybe we could make it better. You're just freezing us out, lovely, and that means we can't fix… whatever it is that's happened."
"It's not…" Now it's your turn to look around vaguely, wishing you could get out from under his sharp gaze. "It's not anything you've done. It's just - it's the way things go sometimes. It's ok, James, you just have to move on." But James's face hardens at that, a sternness you're not used to overtaking his features as he stands so that he can look you eye to eye. You have to tilt your head back to look up at him.
"That's what you want us to do? Just… move on? Forget about you? Pretend we were never friends?" The sombre tone in his voice doesn't suit him, and neither does the timid hurt in yours.
"Are we friends, James? Is that what we all are?" James blinks at that, taking a step back and sitting back down onto the bench rather abruptly. When he looks up at you this time, there's something akin to remorse swimming in his eyes.
"Is that what it is, lo-" the pet name dies on his tongue as he presses his lips together firmly. "I'm sorry. I thought - we all thought that you felt the same way about us that we do about you. We thought… we thought we were all more than friends with you and that you… I'm sorry. We never dreamt of making you uncomfortable." You scoff at his words, shaking your head fondly and toeing at the dirt by his feet with your shoe.
"Uncomfortable?" You say disbelievingly. "Please - you three are the biggest gentlemen I've ever met. I don't think you could make me uncomfortable if you tried." James's shoulders sag in relief, but the look he gives you is still that of a lost, confused puppy. You look past him to see a group of students hurrying to their next class and open your mouth to remind James that the two of you also are officially late, but he speaks before you can.
"Then what is it? Please, just… what did we do?"
"It's like I said, James… it's just a bad idea. It's wrong and I can't do this. I… we have to get to class."
But James doesn't go to class that day. He sits on that bench, staring at the place you'd been standing in, until Remus and Sirius find him that evening. And as the two of them tug him up and inside, all he can think of is how they really have lost you.
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younswnn · 1 month
[Loud thumping noises]
Natasha, running towards y/n : Detka are you okay? What happened?
Y/n, innocently : I pushed Peter’s shirt down the stairs.
Natasha, confused : Why was it so loud?
Y/n :
Natasha : ?
Y/n : . . . Peter’s wearing it.
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moonstruckme · 14 days
Hey Mae!! Congrats on 7k!! I couldn’t possibly think of anyone more deserving than you<3
Can I request a little apple pie with tasm!Peter and the prompt dark lipstick smeared on a cheek?
Congratulations again and I also hope you had a wonderful birthday yesterday!!
Thank you angel <3
tasm!Peter Parker x fem!reader ♡ 350 words
You hear a whistle on the wind. It’s faint, almost impossible to pick out over the constant thrum and chatter the city, but you have practice. You turn down the next empty alley you find. 
There’s the soft thump of something hitting the ground soon after. 
“Hi Peter,” you say, turning around with a smile. 
Your boyfriend’s in his suit. He lets his head loll to the side as he walks towards you, some mix of exasperation and fondness. “Why are you walking home down dark alleys?” 
“Because I knew you’d come talk to me.” 
“Wha—” Peter lifts up his hands, helpless. “Are you always just walking down alleys on the off chance I’ll come talk to you?” 
“No,” you laugh, stepping toward him so you can put your hands on his shoulders. The material of his suit is slippery under your fingers. “Peter, I knew you were there. You’re not as subtle as you think.” 
“Really?” He sounds a bit disappointed. “Stealth is sort of part of the thing…” 
“You’re very stealthy. I’m just more wily than most of the supervillains you fight.” 
“I don’t generally fight supervillains.” 
“Don’t you?” 
“No.” He brings his arms around your waist, and tingles dance up your spine as his hand flattens over your lower back. You sense his smile underneath the mask. “Definitely not tonight. Tonight I fight creeps who come after my girl on her way home.”
You raise your eyebrows. “Were you planning on someone coming after me?” 
“No.” He laughs. You feel the puff of hair on your face as he drops his forehead to yours. “No. I just wanted to make sure no one did.” 
“Awe.” You tilt your head up, smearing a kiss over his cheek. “My hero.” 
Peter squeezes your waist. “Did you just get lipstick on my mask?” he asks you.
“Yup.” You grin. “It looks great.” 
“You’re really not doing a lot for my street cred tonight, sweetheart.” 
“Oh, I think you’ll be alright.” You press your lips to the same spot again, darkening the mark. “This way all your supervillains know you’re taken.”
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Mad Season 4
Warnings: non/dubcon, social anxiety, chronic illness, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker
Summary: a class project gets messy. (short!reader)
Note: happy weekend.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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Thursdays are your least favourite. You have two classes and a large chunk of nothing followed by a late lab. In the time in-between, you don’t bother making the venture back to your dorm, instead opting for the library after a quick stop at the cafe. After sitting around and trying to focus on the dense texts, you’re almost too exhausted for your lab. 
Still, you get through it without a complete disaster and another dose of homework to add to your pile. As you follow the tide of students down the halls, spread out in pairs, trios, and larger groups, you yawn. You peek out the windows in dread. It’s already dark. With the autumn well in-effect, the nights aren’t only earlier, but blacker. 
You’re the last out, hanging back as you’re too nervous to get caught underfoot. You come down the front steps of the century-old building as your classmates disperse in fading ripples of chatter. As they fade into the evening, you’re left alone. 
You keep your hand around your phone, tucked just inside your jacket pocket, and head down the path. There’s a shortcut behind the English hall but you only take that in the daytime. So, you’re left with the long-winding route. 
As you pass by one of those poles with the siren at the top and a button labeled, press for assistance, you’re reminded of those cautionary talks during orientation. Try not to walk alone after dark, it’s always best to practice the buddy system. Well, your only buddy isn’t answering your texts. Besides, it’s not Peter’s responsibility and he has a morning lab. 
Your soles scuff and echo, sending a child up your spine that has nothing to do with the temperature. It’s almost as if there’s another set of steps. You slow and peer over your shoulder. It’s only your shadow limned by the lamp post that lights the benches and hedges that trim the walkway. 
You turn back and gurgle around a yipe. You stagger away from the figure as they catch you by your upper arm. You pull out your phone and flick on the flashlight, shining it in your accoster’s face. 
“Please--” you begin as the man lets you go and shies away, shielding himself with his hand. His fingers gleam in the glow and the leather glove cut above his knuckles darkens his palm. “Huh?” 
Bucky taps the frame of your phone and you lower it. You gape at him in shock, casting the light at the pavement instead. He blinks as he clears his vision. 
“Great to see your reflexes are on point,” he rubs his eyes.  
“What---” you look around as you bounce on your toes. 
“Stalking around a college isn’t exactly my idea of a good night either,” he says as your question hangs unfinished. “On a call. Details are confidential.” 
“Uh, oh? Around here?” You peer around, heart thumping against your ribs as your throat tightens. 
“Ha, I know, right? I should ask you why you’re out so late. Wandering around in the dark?” 
You blanch and rest your hand on your messenger bag, itching to take out your puffer as the pressure builds in your chest. 
“I... just walking home, sir. I swear--” 
“Relax,” his eyes catch the movement of your hand. “You’re no villain, I know. I only meant...” he pauses and glances around deliberately, “not very safe to be out.” 
You gulp and pull up the flap of your bag. You cough and bury your hand into the small pocket sewn into the lining. You take out your puffer and bring it to your mouth. You suck in the air as his posture softens. 
“Hey, woah, I’m not tryna scare ya. You okay?” He asks. 
You nod and swallow, lowering the inhaler. “Sorry, I... I’m tired and the air is cold,” you explain. “I’m just going back to my dorm. My lab was late.” 
“Right,” he accepts easily. “Why don’t you let me walk you?” 
“I... I’m alright. What about... whoever you’re looking for?” 
“Am I looking for someone?” He challenges. “Just a walk through, doll.” 
“Oh, erm, but uh, I don’t wanna... distract you,” you clutch your puffer so tight you accidentally push down the canister. “Oh, uh, sorry.” 
“Not distracting me. I wouldn’t be very good at my job if I let a young lady walk home alone in the dark, would I?” 
“Maybe, but... you don’t have to,” you squeak. 
He takes a breath and lets it out slow. He clicks his tongue, “you don’t like me.” 
“N-no,” you sputter. “No, it’s not, erm, sorry. Sorry.” 
“Don’t listen to the kid, he’s full of it,” he says. 
“Peter? He didn’t--” 
“Sweetheart, I’m kidding with ya,” he pats your arm, “really, I’m just looking out for you. Young girl like you, so quiet. Sweet. I saw the way that guy almost walked right through ya. And what did you do? You apologised to him. That ain’t right. Not how you treat a lady where I’m from.” 
You fidget and peek around. You can’t see much more than shadows beyond the wooden slats of benches and barren bushes. “But... I was in his way.” 
“Now, doll, how could you be in anyone’s way? Hope it’s not Pete putting that in your head,” he intones. 
“Peter? No, he’s nice. He’s a good friend. He’s... he helps me,” you say. 
“Oh, I’m sure he does,” Bucky says, “point me in the right direction, doll? You stay out here any longer and you’re gonna chatter your teeth out of your head.” 
You hesitate before you get what he means. You don’t think he’s going to let you go alone and you really just want to go home. It is really cold out. You point behind him, “just down there and around.” 
“Right,” he turns and waves you along with him. You fall into step, too afraid to protest any further. You do feel a bit better not being alone. “Strange, you don’t strike me as Peter’s type.” 
“What? His type? Oh no, we’re friends,” you chirp. 
He hums. “Sure, just like all the others he brings to the Tower.” 
You frown and put your chin down, hiding your confusion, “others?” 
“Sure, bubbly ones. They talk a lot. Not like you though.” 
“Oh... well, we’re just doing a project,” you shrug. 
“I’m sure. Just a project,” he says. “Sorry, I misunderstood.” 
The air grows even more frigid as you walk on in silence. As you think of his implication, you feel your throat locking up again. You take another puff and cough. You turn and he follows you around the bend. 
“He isn’t worth your time anyway,” his deep timbre rolls through the tension. “I mean, if he was, he’d be the one walking you home right now, wouldn’t he?” 
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americanwh0rerstory · 18 days
Party at the x mansion [peter maximoff]
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SUMMARY: whilst the other x-men were on a mission, some of the students at the school had some other ideas…
drunk!peter x f!reader.
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CONTENT WARNING: alcohol, brief mentions of vomiting (not detailed), suggestive ending with discussions of sex
A/N: If you want a part 2 it would contain the nsfw scene. i need opinions on this
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flashing lights bombarded his senses, the thumping bass of the party music blending with the faint sounds of puking invading his eardrums. he stumbled down the stairs with wavy vision and made his way back into the main party area after taking a quick detour to sort his looks out. after all, Y/N was here. the one girl who could break the speedster’s usual attitude. for the first time he couldn’t use his mutation to get around the party quickly, the alcohol clouded his vision so he’d most likely run into a wall.
with a red solo cup clutched in one hand, he poured himself another cup of WooWoo from the nearly empty pitcher. his hand trembled and his vision unfocused with how drunk he currently was. looking out into the sea of people, he couldn’t spot Y/N anywhere but the alcohol finally gave him the confidence to make the first move to - hopefully - going out with her. he didn’t wanna be like the stereotypical party jerk who only wanted women for sex, no, he wanted to shower her with affection, and love; the proper princess treatment.
eventually he spotted her on the other side of the party, drinking whatever her choice of poison was with a grin on her face. despite what seemed to be right he took the risk and dashed over to her, leaving a blur of silver hair behind him.
“hey, Y/N” he said with a lopsided grin, a faint blush already painting his cheeks with a rosy hue. his mind was racing faster than any speed he could run, trying to get over the fact he was talking to the only person to have ever made him fully short circuit.
“wanna go somewhere after this? i’ll run you to anywhere you like babygirl” he slurs slightly. he tried his hardest to seem composed but it was obvious by the way he was bouncing on his heels and fidgeting with his hands that he was nervous, a trait you had never seen in the speedster
the pet name also took you by surprise, but you dismissed it as a drunken mishap or one of his platonic affectionate terms that he’d use on anyone he could. you also didn’t know where to go. at this time everywhere would be shut, and he was in no condition to go on a date in a high end restaurant. even sober you couldn’t take him there, the klepto would end up stealing a fork thinking it was real silverware.
“the only place you need to go is to bed. you gotta sleep this off peter, maybe we can do something when you’re sober” you say politely and softly, politely turning him down but agreeing to go out another time. however judging by the pout that fell onto his lips, he wasn’t liking that answer.
“bed? i don’t wanna go to bed, not unless you’re with me” a sly grin crept onto his face as he said the last part of his sentence, but you knew peter well enough to know he wouldn’t try to take advantage of you. he’d never even dream of it. so you agreed to go back to his form
he put a hand behind your head and wrapped the other around your waist. “just a warning: whiplaaaash” he murmured into your ear before speeding you back to his room.
once you was in there, he gave you a quick and affectionate kiss on the cheek before grabbing a box of twinkies and offering you one, or maybe 10 with the amount of twinkies he had in his room.
a movie marathon, twinkies, cuddles, and marching pyjamas is how the night ended. it was serene despite peter’s inability to keep still. his knee was constantly bouncing, or he’d randomly zip over to an arcade machine just to move around a little. either way it was a nice evening. once he finally settled down, he lay with his head between your boobs just burying his face in between them whilst you cuddled him.
“mhhhhm” he mumbled from in between your chest. “this would be great post-sex, and during, and pre-sex” he slurs drunkenly, lifting his head slightly to look up at you through half-lidded eyes
a smirk came over his lips, lighting his whole face up with an expression that couldn’t be described as anything less than dirty.
“wanna test that theory out?”
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A/N: oh my god i spent like a week on this. lost motivation so often. pls PLS tell me if this is good or not, cause i’m hating it
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parkerpeter24 · 1 year
please I beg can you write a Peter Parker x reader one shot where the reader gets injured and when Peter visits her in the hospital her heart rate monitor keeps going crazy and he kind of teases her about it and she’s embarrassed but overall it’s fluffy 🙏🙏 maybe some angst because he’s worried and protective when she gets hurt but then it’s fluffy!! the heart rate monitor could expose her crush or just show the effect he has on her if they’re in an established relationship but that’s up to you <3333
omg i love this idea so much 😭
pairing ➳ peter parker x reader
requests are open (but no guarantee of writing-)
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the last thing you remembered was the bus hurling towards you. but peter had saved you.
you saw flashes of his costume before you fell unconscious.
to say your friendship with peter was new would be denying the fact that you just started talking to him four months back when you two got paired for a class project. the two of you had mainly bonded over the fact that he was spider-man, obviously after you’d caught him changing into his suit in the music room.
you teased him to no avail over what would have happened if someone like flash walked in on him instead of you.
it was another boring day in queens– just like the one before– or so you thought.
after school, you decided to grab a sandwich from delmar’s. you had become a fan of their subs since peter introduced you to the deli and mr delmar. you took your sandwich and were exiting the shop when you felt the ground shake beneath your legs.
as the glass door slid out of your way, you made an exit, only to notice the commotion and all the noise. your eyes widened as you watched peter– or spider-man– holding a microphone as he spoke to a guy in a big metallic suit that looked like a rhino.
your heart skipped five beats at once as peter swung towards the guy. mr delmar was the one who shook your shoulders, snapping you out of your daze. it was as if you were frozen on the spot. you looked at the man and then back at peter before you were pulled away by mr delmar who ran away from the centre of the event grabbing your arm.
your eyes were focused behind, head turned in the direction of your friend, fighting the gigantic metallic thing. where did the guy even get this?!
when the guy in the big rhino suit stomped, everything from the ground to the buildings around you shook. the police cars were thrown around as peter urged for every citizen to evacuate the area.
the moment his mask eyes met yours, they widened, a sudden panic evident on his face even with the mask on. he swung over to you, his wide eyes meeting yours up close, “what are you doing here?!” he asked, both hands on your shoulders just like mr delmar had done to snap you out of it.
he was quick to pull you into an alleyway, away from the eyes of the rhino guy.
“i-i was getting a sandwich.” you answered, suddenly realising said sandwich wasn’t in your possession anymore, “i lost it…”
“you can’t be- don’t worry about the sandwich, get out of here!” he said, waving his hands around anxiously.
“peter, i’m worried-”
“don’t be. i got it.” he assured. you frowned, clearly not convinced by that.
“but, pete…”
“just go. as soon as this is over, we’ll get a sandwich.” he promised. at least this time you had the adrenaline to blame for making your heart skip a beat.
the two of you then had to part as he escorted you out of the alley, sending you off to the direction opposite to the rhino. you ran as fast as your legs would let you but the bust that rhino threw your way was faster.
and the last thing you heard was peter yelling your name.
your heart was still in your throat when you opened your eyes. you winced at the bright lights. who needed this amount of lights during the daytime. a sound of steady beeps filled your ears as the thumping in your ears subsided.
trying to move was a mistake as you felt the dull pain in the back of your skull. then you noticed it. a hand wrapped around yours, which was resting on the hospital bed.
“hey, hey, you’re okay.” peter’s soft voice fell in your ears as your eyesight slowly adjusted to the lights on the off-white ceilings, “you’re fine.”
“what… what happened?” you asked as your head turned slightly. peter saw your struggle and helped adjust the bed so you could see him better.
“do you remember the fight? with the rhino?” peter’s voice was hesitant.
“yeah… i do.” you said, eyebrows furrowed as he continued.
“y-you were hurt but… spider-man saved you.” he gave you a look of assurance but you could tell he was worried, “you hit your head and the doctors said- they said you might not remember a few things and i thought…”
“i’d forget you?” you finished the sentence he left off and peter nodded hesitantly. your frown deepened, “how could i?”
you wanted to say more but all you could do was squeeze his hand. peter smiled at you and your heart fluttered.
“you okay?” the brunette asked, looking at your heart rate monitor which sped up by a fraction, “it’s normal to be anxious after what happened today, but you’ll be okay.” his voice was worried and you couldn’t help the warm feeling that spread throughout your chest.
did you just get caught by peter. you’d never really acknowledged the heart but peter was quick to read the monitor again as he placed a hand on your shoulder, “y/n, you alright?”
“yes, peter.” you said quickly, “the accident and that big rhino guy, so you know?” you laughed awkwardly, “my head hurts.”
your attempt to change the topic of the conversation became successful as peter nodded, “oh yeah... you were out for a few hours because they put you on painkillers.” he gave you a pursed smile, “might have to stay here a few days.”
“oh?” you asked.
“your parents said they’d bring some necessary stuff so, they must be on their way back now.” peter explained. it took you a few moments to take it all in but then you nodded.
“are you okay though?”
“me? oh, i’m alright.” a soft squeeze to your hand made you realise that peter and you had been holding hands since the moment you opened your eyes and you cussed at yourself for letting your heart speed up at the thought.
peter’s eyes flickered to the heart rate monitor again, “what is it?”
“you’re holding my hand.” you pointed out, feeling your face heat up.
“yeah, but what- oh.” he realised what you were implying and his own cheeks turned a shade of pink, “oh?” not even a second later a smug look overtook peter’s features, “did i do that?”
“i-i don’t know what you’re talking about.” you failed miserably to hide what you’d been trying to all along when the heart rate monitor kept picking up your increased heartbeat, “can we turn this thing off?”
“quite frankly i’m enjoying it.” peter chuckled and you rolled your eyes.
“this is not fair to me!” you tried to sound offended however the smile on your face gave it away.
you two ended up sharing a laugh but as soon as it died down, peter spoke, “you know i think, if i was attached to that ‘thing’, i would have the same reaction.”
“you would?” you raised your eyebrows. it was your turn to give peter a smug look.
peter’s hand made its way over to where it had previously been, holding yours, “maybe after you’re discharged, we can go out, say… get a sandwich?”
you gave him a smile, “it’s a date.”
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fangswbenefits · 1 year
𓂅 𓄹 Summary: Miguel asked you to keep a secret, so naturally everyone is about to find out.
𓂅 𓄹 Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x spider-woman!reader
No warnings! Just a humorous drunk!reader drabble :)
“How much did she have to drink?”
“Maybe three beers?”
“Oh, she’s out of it.”
“How so?”
“She’s been tellin’ everyone she has a boyfriend.”
Jessica Drew’s eyebrows shot up. “Who?”
Hobie merely shrugged.
You threw them a death glare before trying to negotiate with Peter Parker for another bottle, but all to no avail.
“Please! Give me another one,” you whined, sitting down with a thump on the chair oposite to his. “I’m not drunk!”
“How many fingers am I holding up, then?”
You shove his hand away. “Seven… don’t be silly!”
He banged his hand on the table. “See? You have zero tolerance.”
“You have seven fingers on that hand, Jerry!”
“Who’s Jerry?”
You gasped loudly at the sight of Gwen sitting to your right. “When did you get here?”
“What? I was here the whole time.”
Peter cleared his throat. “Gwen, take a good look at her,” he mustered a serious voice. “You don’t want this to happen when you grow up.”
You leant back in your seat with a sigh of frustration. “I want Miguel.”
“Miguel… O’Hara?”
“Gwen, she’s drunk,” you heard Peter whispering.
“Hey! What did we miss?”
Miles and Pavitr nade their way through the busy crowd of fellow spiders, each holding a glass of apple juice.
“Took you some time!” Peter beamed with a wife smile, scooting to the side so they could join the group at the table. “Nice job, kids. The mission was a success.”
“Miguel seemed unimpressed,” Miles grumbled into the heel of his hand.
Peter hid a bottle away before you could snatch it from him, earning a grunt. “I’m sure he’s delighted!”
“Yeah? That’s his delighted face? Looked like someone had just threatened to break canon.”
Pavitr patted his back. “That’s just his regular face, Miles.”
“But he’s really hot…” you said dreamily with an ear-to-ear smile, leaning into Hobie’s shoulder.
Multiple pairs of eyes blinked at you.
Pavitr spoke first. “Miguel?”
Both Miles and Gwen were looking at you like you’d grown a third arm.
“Maybe we should get him here?” You heard Jess saying from behind you. “And you,” her hands gripped both your shoulders to straighten you up in your seat. “You need to sober up.”
You stuck out your tongue as the other spider-woman brought her travel watch to eye-level.
“Lyla, I’m guessing Miguel doesn’t want to come, but—”
The AI cut Jess off with a cheeky smile. “He’s on his way, actually.”
“Miguel is coming?” Peter beamed, unable to contain his excitement.
“Great!” You clapped your hands a couple of times, eager to see him.
Hobie took a sip of his drink. “Bet he’s gonna ruin the vibe.”
Miles nodded right away.
You were about to protest when a chorus of greetings from diverse spiders echoed throughout the bar.
“Evening, boss.”
“Miguel! Great to see you here tonight.”
“Howdy, boss.”
He was here and once he came into your field of vision — albeit slightly blurred — you felt your heart flutter.
“Look who decided to come out of his cave,” Jess said, her lips quirking up into a smile.
“Miguel!” Peter punched his bicep playfully.
You were waving your hands enthusiastically at him. “Hiiiiii!”
But Miguel wasn’t amused.
His eyes roamed across the table.
“Who brought the beer?”
Everyone immediately pointed at Peter — you included — who was already smiling sheepishly while raising both hands in defense.
“Miguel, we’re just celebrating a successful mission and—”
“Peter, how many times must I tell you not to bring that stuff here?”
“She only had a couple of beers,” Peter replied. “It’s not that strong. I don’t thin—”
“That’s your problem! You never think,” he replied, jabbing a finger at bim.
You giggled. Miguel looked extra hot when he was pissed off. Poor Peter, though.
“Up you go,” Hobie said, hoisting you from your seat, trying his best to keep your balance. “Mind your feet.”
“Wait where are we going?”
“You need to get some fresh air,” he said, helping your arm around his neck for support. “Mr. Grumpy here is about to ruin the mood, I reckon.”
You didn’t want to leave, but figured Hobie was right. He was always right.
“Where are you going?” You heard a voice call out once you’d turned your back.
You twirled on your feet nearly tripping and knocking Hobie down in the process.
“Wait… why are there two of you?” You hiccuped.
Both Miguels arched an eyebrow simultaneously. Impeccable synchronisation. “Two of… what?”
You reached out with your hand to touch one of them but it met with nothing but air.
“We were goin’ out for some air.”
You shook your head and the two spider-man 2099 had finally merged into one.
You fluttered your eyelashes dramatically at him. “The just one last beer… pleeeeease…”
“I really can’t do that.”
“But you can do me!” you blurted out with a wink.
Miguel pursed his lips.
Chaos immediately erupted from the bar table, causing some of the spiders nearby to shift their attention to the commotion.
“Language! There’s kids here!” Peter said, trying to cover Gwen’s ears.
“We are not kids!”
Jessica clicked her tongue. “No more drinks for you, young lady.”
“—you are still kids at heart!” Peter was now dealing three very grumpy young spiders.
Hobie, however, saluted you with a proud smile on his face. “You just left Miguel O’Hara speechless. Respect.”
You giggled at Miguel who was definitely not amused. At all.
Before your brain could process what was happening, your body was being hauled from the ground and tossed over someone’s shoulder.
“Time to go home.”
“PUT ME DOWN!” you protested, balling your fists and smashing them against a very hardened surface. “MY BOYFRIEND IS GOING TO DEAL WITH YOU!”
You felt your stomach lurch violently from the motion and decided to tap your webshooters in an attention to free yourself.
The result was…
“HEY! Get-get this off me!”
“I’m sorry, Pavitr!”
Your blob of web had landed on his face, sending the young spider into a frenzy as both Miles and Gwen hurried to aid him.
“Who’s the bloke, hm?” Hobie asked with a grin.
“It’s classified!”
The spider-punk scoffed. “Is that code word for ‘capitalist knobhead’?”
“Funny, ‘cause when I first met Miguel he—” Gwen started.
But was promptly cut off. “Lyla, deactive her webshooters before someone loses an eye.”
“On it, boss!”
You growled in annoyance as an orange beam hit your wrists, rendering the devices uselss. It didn’t take long before you were being dragged out of the bar, multiple spiders glaring you and whispering to each other.
“We can take her home,” Jessica offered, patting the top of your head endearingly. “It’s close by.”
“No, I’ll do it.”
Hobie seemed visibly amused. “Maybe we should wait for her boyfriend to get here.”
The big man carrying you halted his steps.
You blinked a few times as you saw the pavement start to tilt and go into a swirl. “I’m going to fall!”
A strong arm came to wrap around your waist, keeping your firmly in place.
That was close.
“Yeah she’s been sayin’ her boyfriend’s gonna be here,” Hobie shrugged.
“She’s had too much to drink,” Peter said dismissively.
“And he is!” you snapped. “See, he’s very strong, Jerry.”
“He’s the strongest spider-man,” you smiled, pride evident in your voice. “Very handsome…”
The spiders in front of you exhanged confused looks and as the motion resumed, your insides flipped momentarily.
“He’s really big, too…”
Jess spoke this time. “Big? As in… tall?”
You nodded. “Right! But also… his dic—”
“Bloody hell…”
“Woah!” Jess gasped.
Miles, Pavitr, and Gwen, on the other hand, were having the time of their lives.
“Miguel’s face!” Gwen chuckled as Miles leaned on her shoulder fighting back the tears.
Oh. Right.
Miguel was the one carrying you…
Peter was absolutely scandalised, urging them back inside. “Let’s finish our apple juice,” Peter called, ruffling Pavitr’s hair. “I have these amazing photos of Mayday to show!”
None of the budged, though, enjoying the show.
“Real shame your boyfriend isn’t here to witness this,” Hobie said.
You grinned. “But he is! Right here!” you accentuated each word with a pat between Miguel’s shoulderblades.
“Ah, knew she was talking gibberish,” Hobie clicked his tongue.
Jess came to take a look at Miguel’s face. “I… don’t think she is.”
“Well! What a fun night,” Peter said in his usual cheerful voice.
“Wait… WHAT?!” Gwen and Pavitr half-yelled in unison.
Miguel let out growl. “Go back inside. We’ll talk about the next mission tomorrow.”
He turned to face them, which had you clamp one hand on your mouth from the turbulence.
All three of them rushed back inside with Peter following closely behind.
“No wonder you showed up for once,” Jess said adjusting her glasses.
“Please… don’t start,” Miguel sighed. “Especially you.”
Hobie adjusted a couple of pins on his vest. “Chill, bro.”
“Say bye-bye,” Miguel said, tapping the back of your thighs.
You waved your hand clumsily at them. “Byeeee!”
Both of them returned the gesture, chuckling.
In no time, you felt yourself being hurled into the night sky across the tall buildings that covered the landscape of Nueva York.
The cool air and silence allowed the realisation to suddenly dawn on you as Miguel carried you effortlessly with each swing of his web, red glow flashing around you.
“They all know, don’t they…” you mumbled into his embrace when he made a quick stop at a rooftop.
“Sorry, Miguel…” you hiccuped.
He pressed a soft kiss to your temple. “It was only a matter of time, I suppose.”
You curled up against him, cheek resting on his shoulder as he heaved a deep sigh and ran one hand along your back in a loving caress.
He had wanted it to be a secret mostly because he feared others might see it as a liability. After all, as long as he put up a front that he had nothing to lose, then it would be a great asset to have in this line of work.
Or so he thought.
Feeling the pounding headache brewing inside your head, you merely groaned into the crook of his neck.
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