#hp marauders hc
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Potter!Reader x Remus
Summary: after weeks of having a painful crush on your brothers best friend, you make a plan to seduce him.
Warnings: smutty and slutty
Word count: 6k
You groaned into your pillow, wiping the sweat from your forehead into the cotton fabric. This was the second time this week you'd woken up sweating from a dream about Remus Lupin, and it troubled you deeply that the scenarios you imagined would never happen. For one, your brother would instantly shut you down if you even suggested going out with any boy, let alone his best mate. The more unfortunate part was that you were almost certain Remus saw you as nothing more than James' little sister, a title you were tired of carrying. You huffed again as you rose to start getting ready. How much longer could this crush go on? It had started on the train in September. You remember thinking to yourself that Remus had become quite good looking over the summer and left it at that. But soon, he started to catch your eyes in the hallways, then in the common room, until finally he had managed his way into your head. You were constantly thinking about him. Thinking about the glimpses of his chest you'd caught one time when his shirt was unbuttoned, thinking about the way his adam's apple moved in his throat, thinking about his hands...
You shook your head and stepped into the shower. If only you could know what he felt like, then maybe this incessant urge to be with him would go away. You felt the water fall down your back as you washed yourself up. You were a pretty girl, you knew this. If you were someone else, had a different last name, maybe you'd have a chance. Although, you'd never really tried before. You kept these thoughts to yourself, having nobody to talk to them about. Normally you would tell James everything, and he would usually play parent when it came to your school girl crushes. But you couldn't exactly go up to James and say, "Hey, do you think you could set me up with Remus? Y'know, your best mate? I really want to see what he looks like with his clothes off." No, you couldn't do that. But perhaps you wouldn't have to...
You stepped out of the shower feeling confident in your plan. You had spent all this time pining in silence over Remus, it was time for action. While you got ready, you made subtle changes. You hiked your skirt up just a little and slipped into the button down that was just a touch too small. When you did your makeup, you were sure to make your lips look extra lush and rosy. You put on your favorite perfume, the one you saved for special occasions. This seemed as good a day as any.
"There she is," James smiled and stood as you came down the stairs to the common room.
"Good morning, Jamie," you chimed, "were you waiting on me?" James laughed as he grabbed his bag off the floor, the two of you heading through to the portrait hole.
"I'm always waiting for you," James nudged you with his shoulder. "You look nice today." You raised your brow at him, his statement more of a question as if to ask "Is there a reason you're making an effort?"
"Thanks," was all you replied as you made your way to breakfast.
PHASE 1: Hook
When you got there, the other marauders were already sat down. Sirius was talking animatedly with Peter as Remus sat quietly reviewing notes.
"We've finally arrived," James said to no one in particular, taking a seat and immediately filling his plate. Remus look up from his book and mumbled something before delving back into his work. You sat next to James and made a bowl of porridge, listening to Sirius boast about the Quidditch match tomorrow.
"Ravenclaw is going to destroy Slytherin," he bellowed, thumping his fist on the table. "And then I am going to destroy a bottle of Firewhiskey in their common room." He smirked, earning and high five from James.
"That's the spirit, Pads," James cheered, taking a drink from his cup. You rolled your eyes and stirred your oats.
"I don't know how the two of you haven't died from overconsumption yet," you quipped, spooning sugar into your bowl.
"Genuinely," Remus added, looking up from his book, "you two are menaces." You hummed in agreement, bringing the spoon to your mouth to lick the extra sugar off. You caught Remus watching from your peripherals and made a show of it, bringing your glossed lips together at the tip of the spoon. When you glanced up thoughtfully through your lashes, he was still watching. It made you chuckle as his eyes quickly averted back to his book. Baited.
"Are you coming tomorrow, Y/N?" Peter asked, shoving toast into his mouth. You swallowed your porridge and swore that Remus' ears seemed to shift at the question.
"Y/N never comes to quidditch parties," James pouted, turning to look at you. You rolled your eyes.
"Correction, I never come to your quidditch parties," you teased, poking a finger into his shoulder. "I'll probably go tomorrow to see Pandora. If Ravenclaw wins," you reminded them. Sirius grumbled something but you couldn't tell what he was saying through his mouthful of sausage. James' face lit up with excitement.
"Ooh! Sibling bonding time," he gushed cheesily, squeezing your cheeks. Oh, for fucks sake. Could he stop? You were doing everything in your power not to be seen as his bloody little sister and he was ruining all your efforts.
"Okay, that's enough. I'm going to class," you grumbled, trying to hide your annoyance in front of Remus. The boys chuckled as you gathered your things and got up from your seat. If James was going to be a tosser, you'd have to up your game.
"Oops," you said innocently as you dropped your book on the ground, loud enough to make a clatter. You bent over to pick it up, praying that James was currently not watching.
"Merlin, Y/N. Pull your bloody skirt down," James scolded, making a foul face. You rolled your eyes at him again and stuck your tongue out as you continued to exit the hall. Well, if Remus hadn't been looking before, he surely was now.
PHASE 2: Line
You were more than excited for the Quidditch game, especially after spending yesterday evening stuck in the dungeons fixing your laughing potion. You were also excited because you had another chance to see Remus. You had only seen him briefly yesterday, and he was always buried in his work. Hopefully you'd be able to gain his attention today at the game.
With this intention, you slipped on a white babydoll top and watched yourself in the mirror as you buttoned it up. You looked good. You left the top button purposely unlatched, knowing it could catch someone’s attention. After slipping on your favorite pair of jeans, you felt confident- sexy, even. Just the idea of Remus thinking you were sexy made you bite your lip.
You didn't wait for your roommates to finish getting ready. You did a last check of your things, grabbed your coat, and started down to the common room. As per usual, the marauders were sitting around the couches, talking loudly and taking up space. This time, Remus was clearly in on whatever bet was being placed over the quidditch game. His crooked smile made you curse under your breath and fix your hair. You decided to play it safe and sit by Marlene in an attempt to hide your fluster.
“Hi Marls,” you chimed, plopping down next to her.
“Princess Potter! You look absolutely dashing today,” she gloated, giving you a quick hug into her shoulder. You blushed from her compliment and peered upwards from the hug. Remus was smiling at something Peter had said, but was looking at you. You sent him a small wave from under Marlene’s arm to which he nodded up in response before turning his attention back to the boys. Why was that so hot?
Within twenty minutes, the group of Gryffindors was ready to leave, so the lot of you began the journey down to the pitch. It was nice out today, one of those afternoons where the sun seemed to warm the grounds and the breeze. This meant that the entire school would be at the game. You weren’t usually a fan of crowded spaces, but you silently thanked the gods for putting you behind Remus as you filed into the stands. It was so packed, you could smell the cologne lingering off his clothes as you sat down on the bench. You bit your lip, trying to hide your smile of satisfaction. It felt like the universe was helping your scheme.
“Y/N!” James called over the crowd, leaning forward to see you. You raised your brows and leaned forward to see him, giving him a forced smile.
“Yes, brother dearest?” You called back in a sickly sweet voice. At least now you had an excuse to lean over Remus, who was currently leaning back as far as he could to get out of the way. Perfect position to climb onto his lap, your brain thought intrusively.
“Your boyfriend’s up on the pitch,” he wiggled his eyebrows teasingly, pointing to Theodore Pompous, a 7th year Ravenclaw. You leaned over Remus and Peter to smack your brother.
“Bugger off,” you grumbled. “I admit to having a crush one time in third year, and you still haven’t shut up about it!” You felt your cheeks blush as James and Sirius continued to tease you in the most immature manner. All you could do was roll your eyes and take it, those prats.
“Still have a crush on that posh boy?” Remus leaned in with a teasing smile. You internally groaned at him for joining in on the joke, but you wouldn’t pass up the chance to tease him back.
“Why, are you jealous?” You challenged with a devious head tilt. Remus scoffed and trained his eyes back on Theodore.
“Nah,” Remus replied coolly. “Besides, James would never let you go out with that git.”
“Oh, yea?” You asked, leaning in slightly. “And who would my brother let me go out with?” He turned to face you, his eyes meeting your provocative stare. His eyes flashed with something before Marlene tugged on your arm.
“Can you tell the boys to scoot down? Lily just got here.”
You stifled the urge to roll your eyes as you and Remus called out for the boys to move further down the bench. There wasn’t much room to spare, and you ended up wedged between Marlene and Remus. You were painfully aware of his leg against your own, though Marlene's thigh didn't seem to cross your mind. Remus leaned away from you, his hand behind Peter on the bench to support his weight. It was only a minute of this compromising position before they announced the start of the game. Then, everyone leapt to their feet, eager to watch.
It was a riveting match, and Slytherin almost took the win. Luckily, Theodore managed to catch the snitch at the perfect score ratio, ending the game and sealing the win for Ravenclaw. As the excitement and cheers began to die down, everyone started slowly filing out of the stands. You shuffled behind Marlene, the noise of chatter and brushing of shoulders making you feel slightly overwhelmed. The party was going to be packed tonight. You were almost to the stairs when your foot got caught on a raised step, tripping you into the walkway. You gasped as your heart lurched forward. You prepared for impact against the steps, but it never came. Suddenly, you felt that Remus’ hands had wrapped around your waist. Your cheeks flushed red as you twisted around to face him, his right hand still lingering on your body.
“Thanks,” you muttered sheepishly, your body still shaken from the almost fall. He hesitated for a moment with his hand on you, and was about to say something before James appeared next to him. Remus dropped his hand and shoved it in his pocket. You turned back around and kept following Marlene, carefully watching where you stepped.
“Y/N, fix your shirt!” James called from behind. You clenched your jaw as you kept trudging on, shuffling along with the rest of the Gryffindors. Marlene fell beside you and scoffed.
“He is such a prat about you,” Marlene complained, throwing a dirty look back at James.
“Tell me about it. I almost eat shit and all he cares about is my shirt buttons,” you grumbled, begrudgingly buttoning your top. Marlene cackled and threw her arm around you.
“Please tell me you’re coming to the party tonight,” Marlene pleaded, shaking you slightly.
“Oh, I’m coming to the party tonight,” you grinned delightfully, nudging her in response. “And James is going to freak out when he sees what I’m wearing.”
PHASE 3: and Sinker
"Okay, actually what the fuck are you wearing, Y/N. This is my last straw," James warned, pushing himself up from the arm chair. His outburst made the other three boys heads snap up. You couldn't help but smirk as you felt Remus’ eyes on your body.
"What? This is what people wear at Ravenclaw parties these days," you shrugged, waving past them towards the exit. "Not that you lot would know. You don't get invited." Sirius barked out a laugh, while James sputtered in disbelief behind you.
"She's right!" Mary called from the stairs, bouncing into the common room with the rest of the Gryffindor girls, all looking flawless. You couldn't blame James for his reaction- If anything, you should be thanking him. He's doing a great job of getting everyone to stare.
"While I respect your opinion James, I think I look great. And I can wear whatever the hell I want," you snapped, spinning around to face him with a stubborn glare. The girls cheered, shouting some excited "Hell yeahs!" as James gave up with a resigned eye roll. He knew better than to cross you on something you wanted, and you clearly wanted something. He just didn't need to know exactly what it was. The girls followed you excitedly as you started out the portrait hole. This was going to be a fun night.
As predicted, the Ravenclaw common room was packed. By the time you arrived, the moonlight was already pouring through the glass ceiling dome, casting everything in a dreamy glow. It wasn't hard for Pandora to spot you, pulling you onto the dance floor with an airy giggle. The music was pulsing through your veins as you finished your first drink, then your second. Pandora pulled you into her body, the two of you laughing as you swayed and twirled. For a moment, your eyes focused on the group of Gryffindors hanging out in the lounge area, laughing at something Sirius had said. Remus sat back in a chair, his casual demeanor seeming out of place in a room like this.
Your swaying slowed as you trained your eyes on him sitting nonchalantly. He was watching you, his jaw tightening as his eyes dropped to where Pandoras hands rested on your hips. It was too bad that Pandora twirled you around and you lost your train of thought.
"Panda, let's go smoke. I'm getting dizzy," you called over the music, Pandora nodding in response. The two of you resigned to a quiet corner, where you pulled out a tin of cigarettes and lit one with a flick of your wand. You inhaled deeply, enjoying the relief of cool air away from the crowd. You leaned your back up against the wall as Pandora took the fag from your hands.
“Lingering eyes are on you,” Pandora sang, her spacey eyes falling behind you as she took a drag. You turned your head to see where she was looking and was met with Remus' stare.
“Perfect. Those are just the eyes I want lingering,” you replied, bringing your drink to your lips as you watched him. You half expected him to look away, but his eyes were burning through you. You watched as he scanned up your body, his eyes meeting yours before he downed the rest of his drink. He then quickly averted to James who was trying to get Remus' attention.
"I need another drink,” you mumbled as you pushed yourself off the wall, Pandora's giggles echoing behind you. You crossed the room over to where the drinks were. You couldn’t tell if the room was charmed to be slightly purple or if it was the night sky above you. Either way, the ambiance certainly added to your intoxication as you neared the edge of the room. You almost didn’t realize someone slipping up behind you.
"Are you teasing me, Y/N?" Remus asked, cornering you by the drinks table as you spun around. He moved quickly, and you peered behind him to check for any lingering marauders.
"I'm always teasing you idiots," you sassed, turning to grab a bottle off the table. Remus seemed to step even closer to you. If one of the boys saw you like this, they'd certainly take notice. He was being bold. Luckily, you were hidden by an abnormally large globe and the mist that seemed to float about the room.
"I see you everyday," Remus challenged, huffing out a laugh, "and I've never noticed you looking at me with those eyes, Y/N." You hummed as you filled two shot glasses.
“What eyes?” You asked innocently, looking up at him through your lashes as you held out a shot for him. He scoffed out another laugh and took the shot from you.
“Cheers, love,” he winked, clanking his glass with yours before downing the shot. You followed suit, happy to consume some liquid courage. He leaned in closer to you and lowered his voice, “You know, you should really be careful wearing something like that.”
“Why’s that?” You swallowed, the burn from the shot making your cheeks hot.
“You might catch someone’s attention who you don’t want,” Remus said darkly, making you bite your lip. You’d never seen him like this before.
“And what if I catch the attention of someone I do want?” You asked coyly, looking up at him again through a tantalizing gaze. Remus scoffed again for the third time, as if he couldn’t believe your audacity.
“And who is it that you want, Y/N? Hmm?” He asked, more of a challenge. At this point, you were certain that he wanted you. That, or you were about to be in serious trouble. Either way, the risk seemed worth the reward.
Something broke in Remus as he stepped forward again, impossibly closer as his hands met your hips.
"You mean to tell me you wore this dress, just to get my attention?" He laughed, his voice low and teasing. You bit your lip and blushed, trying to hide your blatant satisfaction. Remus was smarter than he looked.
"Mmhm," you nodded, your poorly hidden smile spreading to his face.
"Fuck, Y/N," he broke and turned to scan the room, his hands still grasping your hips. You stared up at him, watching his jaw tense as he tried to locate the marauders. His hands were burning through your dress as you stood completely still. You felt relieved when he muttered, "Follow Me," and ushered you towards the exit. You weren't sure where your brother was, but you trusted Remus to get you into the hallway. Once you had exited the doors, he wasted no time as he pressed you into the wall, the force causing you to gasp. He held you in place as he pressed his forehead into yours.
"Can I kiss you?" he whispered and you almost scoffed. You tugged him by the collar and collided his mouth with yours, groaning when he deepened the kiss immediately. His hands were greedy, grabbing at your body as he pushed himself against you. This was even better than your dreams. All sense left your body as he continued kissing down your neck. He pressed his knee roughly in between your legs. A moan left you lips as he bit down, nipping and sucking at your skin.
"Fuck, Remus," you panted, your hips rolling up towards his body. He grunted and pushed you back against the wall. Who knew Remus Lupin would be so intense?
"Can I take you back?" he breathed heavily, as if he was barely holding onto his control.
"Do you even have to ask?" you teased, his body flush against your own. He huffed out a laugh as he kissed your neck again.
"You know I have to ask, Y/N," Remus muttered darkly, as though the act of asking in itself was a violation. And maybe it was, but you couldn't care less about the line he was crossing.
"Does this answer your question?" You whispered, pulling his hand down to touch you. He cursed under his breath as he felt you, his hand seeming to move on its own as he ran his fingers up your soaking panties. It took him a minute to regain focus.
"Okay, let's go," he commanded, guiding you down the hallway with haste. You giggled as he held your waist, moving you quickly towards the Gryffindor tower. You couldn't believe this was actually happening. It surprised and satisfied you that your plan had worked, that you'd managed to tip Remus over so far that he was bringing you back to his dorm.
"You're moving so fast," you fussed as he dragged you up the stairs. His legs were significantly longer than yours.
"M' sorry," he muttered, his eyes focused ahead. "I don't want to waste any time." His urgency was contagious, and you felt yourself pick up the pace. He released you as you stepped through the portrait hole, his grip loosening with surprising restraint. He was careful, and as much as it didn't concern you in the moment, you were glad at least one of you was being responsible. There weren't many people in the common room, everyone either asleep or at the party. Remus' hand found your back once again as he silently steered you towards the boys dorms. You went up the staircase until you reached their door, looking back at Remus for permission before opening it. The windows let in slivers of moonlight and a cooling breeze. Remus shut the door behind you and turned you around. Somehow his faced seemed more real as he stood there, his eyes searching your face.
"Remus," you breathed, feeling the weight of his gaze. He huffed out a breath through his nose, stepping close to you.
"Just tell me Y/N," he said, his hands finding your neck, "Just tell me if you want me to stop."
"I want you," you whined, standing on your tip toes and pulling him down by the neck. He gratefully returned the motion, groaning as his mouth found yours. Remus was everything you'd expected and more. He knew what he was doing, and his blatant want for you made your legs buckle under his touch. He walked you backwards, lifting you by the thighs and lowering you carefully onto his bed. His hand smoothed its way over your leg, pushing up the hem of your dress. His thumb swiped against your front, causing your back to lift slightly under his touch. He hummed into your mouth as he ground his hips down into yours. You could feel him through his pants, and you groaned at his size. Fucking hell. You ran your finger nails down the back of his shirt. Remus pulled his wand out of his pocket and closed his curtains, sitting up on his knees and unbuttoning his shirt. You watched, mesmerized by the show in front of you. The scars that ran down his chest, lower to his abdomen, and lower...
"My eyes are up here, darling," Remus teased, smirking down at you as he tugged off his shirt. You swallowed, looking up at his eyes which were no less intimidating than his body. He scoffed out a laugh as he climbed over you, running his fingertips down your body.
"If your intention was to get my attention all night, you did a good job," he breathed, pressing his finger into your clit. "Such a good job."
He stifled your moan with his mouth, his kiss wet and needy. His fingers moved carefully over your panties, provoking a response from your body that you'd never experienced before. You were trying your best to keep up with his kiss, but the overwhelming sensation of Remus had you melting into the bed.
"Oh, fuck," you moaned, throwing your head back into the pillow as his fingers moved underneath the fabric. He hummed as he began to kiss roughly down your neck. His fingers swiped over your slickness, teasing your entrance. You grasped onto him tighter, your nails digging into his shoulder as he plunged a finger inside you. He pushed himself up to watch you as he pumped another finger into you, you hips moving rhythmically with his hands. By this point, you looked a complete mess with your dress bunched around your middle and your mouth in a permanent gasp. You groaned as you felt yourself beginning to pulse on the brink of an orgasm.
"Fuck, Y/N. Are you going to cum?" Remus mocked you, he fingers stealdiy curly up inside of you.
"Y-yea. M' gonna cum," You whimpered, screwing your eyes shut. Remus muttered a curse under his breath before ducking his head and finding his way in between your thighs. Without warning, he buried himself in you, lapping at your clit while pinning you down by the waist. You grasped at his hair, attempting to pull him off of you but it was no use. He was humming into you as you moved in circle around his face, teetering on the verge of your orgasm. He let out a particularly throaty grunt that sent you over the edge. You let out a muffled cry as you spilled your juices onto his tongue repeatedly. He finished you up, humming as he began to kiss up your body until he hovered over you again. You pulled him down into a rough kiss, your hips snapping up to feel his hard on. "You're so perfect, Y/N," Remus praised, pulling your dress down over your bum. Your tits were now fully exposed, Remus' hands and eyes exploring over your body like he was trying to memorize you. "So perfect... I want you so badly..." He groaned, kissing over you chest and rubbing your tit in his hand. You groaned with pleasure.
"Then have me." You didn't hesitate to pull off the rest of your clothes, helping Remus unbutton his pants and pull them over his ankles. He did the same with his boxers, his length springing free. You bit your lip at the sight, a little nervous for how big he was. This didn't deter you though as you sat on your knees and leaned forward, beckoning him to use you.
"You're so fucking-” Remus let out a groan as he pushed himself inside your mouth, grabbing the back of your head with his hand. You wet his shaft with your tongue, moaning as he began to move down your throat. "So fucking good." His praises made you clamp your knees together, groaning again as you took him as far as you could handle. He gripped your hair roughly and throat fucked you for a few seconds before pulling you off, as if he couldn't control himself. "Turn around."
You did as you were told and spun around onto you hands. He pushed you chest down into the bed lined himself up with your entrance. You tried to sit back onto him, but his other hand held your hips firmly in place.
"Please, Remus," you choked out, your face buried into the mattress. He groaned as he pushed into you slowly, stretching you out with every inch he pressed inside of you.
"Oh, fuck," Remus breathed, moving slowly to let you adjust to his size. This consideration didn't last long before he was pounding you into his mattress, calling you filthy names and tugging on your hair. All the restraint he seemed to have went out the window as he fucked you mercilessly from behind.
"R-Remus. Fuck- me-" you cried, whimpering with every thrust. His hand gripped your hip with a squeeze as he leaned over your body.
"You're taking me so well," He breathed, running his hand under you body. He snaked his hand over your tit and pulled you up against him, making you gasp with pleasure from the new angle. "You're doing so good, angel."
He had you melting from his touch as your body gave out underneath his hands. He bit your neck gently, sucking and kissing on the sweet spot he had found earlier. You groaned as your head lulled back on his shoulder. This was not what you were expecting. You had no complaints though as he reached down between your legs and started pressing on your clit, pushing himself deep inside of you.
“R-Remus,” you warned, struggling to hold yourself up. You could feel a knot forming in your stomach for the second time as his thick cock moved inside of you, putting more pressure on your nerves.
“Just like that, Y/N,” he murmured, his strong hands holding you in place. “Just let go, sweetheart.”
You didn’t have to be told twice as you let yourself release around him, guttural sounds coming out of your mouth. You had no time to feel embarrassed over your moans as he pushed you back on the bed and started fucking you senseless.
“So good, fuck me,” Remus mutter incoherently as he rammed himself inside of you, grabbing at your hips. You looked back at him to watch, and were not disappointed at the sight. When his eyes locked onto yours, he broke. He snapped his hips haphazardly as he released himself inside of you. You moaned again at the feeling of Remus Lupin filling you up with his cum. He thrust into you one last time before falling over you, moving your hair to one side to kiss your neck.
“So fucking good, Y/N,” he praised again, cleaning the both of you up with an impressive flick of his wand. You hummed and turned yourself around in a fucked out daze. He watched you pout as you pulled weakly on his neck. He chuckled under his breath and came down to kiss you. The two of you stayed like that for a while, lazily kissing as his hands rubbed gently down your body, a stark contrast from his rough actions just moments ago.
“I should probably go,” you frowned as he came up for air. He mirrored your response and sighed.
“You’re probably right,” he said, pushing himself off of you. “Here, let me grab you a shirt.” He pulled on his own pants before you heard him shuffle to his trunk. Just as you were about to move to get up, you heard someone bounding up the stairs.
“Shit,” you whispered, frozen in place. You saw Remus’ hands toss a shirt through the curtain before retreating, and you gratefully put it on. Luckily, your dress was still under you. You heard Remus kick your shoes under his bed.
“Moony? Why’d you leave so early?” You heard Sirius ask with a slight slur, stumbling into the room.
“Started boking,” Remus replied casually. “I feel like shit, I’m just gonna go to bed.” Sirius hummed and fell on his bed. You heard him kick off his shoes and manuveur himself under the sheets.
“You and me both, Moons,” Sirius groaned, seemingly too drunk to care about any lie Remus was spewing. Remus moved towards his bed.
“Alright, well. G’night,” Remus murmured, climbing into bed quickly.
“G’night,” Sirius muttered, rummaging through something. You looked to Remus with concern, who only put his finger to his lips as he came to lay down next to you. His haphazard smile seemed to relax you a bit as he pulled you into your chest, humming with content.
“Just go to sleep, love,” he whispered quietly and kissed your head. “I’ll get you back safe and sound.” Perhaps it was against your better judgement, but you seemed to trust Remus wholly to take care of you. That and your body was completely exhausted from him. You murmured a goodnight as you buried yourself into his neck, falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. At some point, you heard your brother come in with Peter. Remus momentarily tensed causing you to shift. His grasp tightened on you before he heard Sirius grumble something along the lines of “sick” to James and the room fell silent again.
The second time you stirred, you felt Remus pulling away from you. You mumbled lightly, confused as to why he was getting out of bed. He turned to shush you quietly before stepping out. You heard him shuffle across the room.
“James,” he whispered, “James, wake up.” You sat up quietly in his bed. What the fuck was he doing?
“Mm,” James groaned, turning in his bed. “Moony?”
“Yea it’s me,” Remus said quickly. “Can I borrow your cloak? I think a Slytherin charmed my drink last night and I need to go on a quick mission.” You rolled your eyes at this. Remus was smart, and his lies would perfectly convince James. He would never turn down a prank.
“Oh, shit,” James said, slightly more awake. “Do you want me to come?”
“No,” Remus answered quickly. “Uh, no. I’ll be super quick. I just can’t sleep until I know I got back at them.” This seemed to appease James as you heard him fall back into bed.
“Sure, Moony,” James yawned. “It’s in my trunk.” You heard Remus shuffle through his trunk before coming back around to the other side of your bed. You heard him slip on some shoes before holding the curtain open, once again holding his finger to his lips. You rolled your eyes at this and quietly stepped out of the bed, thankfully blocked by the rest of the room. Remus threw the cloak over the both of you and guiding you to the door, trying to be as quiet as possible. Both of you felt relief as you stepped into the stairway, making your way down to the common room. Nobody was here at this hour. Remus threw the cloak off of you.
“I’m sorry about that,” he said, spinning you around to face him. “I should’ve been more careful.” You shook your head.
“It’s fine, I didn’t mind using you as my pillow for a bit,” you chuckled lightly. “Besides, I could’ve used a bit more caution myself.” You blushed shyly at him. You hadn’t been the most discreet throughout the whole ordeal. Remus laughed at this and ran his thumbs across your hips, causing you to shiver. You wore only his oversized shirt and your panties.
“Nah,” Remus said with his lopsided grin. “I think I quite like your obvious pining for me.” You slapped his chest lightly as he chuckled. “I’ll just have to work extra hard to keep you to myself.” He leaned in to kiss you, and you felt your heart leap. So much for getting over your crush.
“Hmm, I’ll guess I’ll have to keep trying to get you attention then,” you whispered, pulling back from his lips. He hummed and kissed you again, as if he couldn’t get enough.
“Go get some sleep, love. I’m sure you need it,” he teased, flashing another grin at you. You rolled your eyes at him but couldn’t keep your smile down.
“Goodnight, Remus.” You started towards the girls dormitories.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
Remus found himself staying in the common room with James’ cloak, not wanting to return too early. He tried to convince himself this was a bad idea, but he couldn’t justify it. There really wasn’t anything that could stop him from fucking you again. His mind flashed with images of your perfect eyes looking back at him as he rammed himself inside of your perfect pussy. His head fell back onto the couch with a thud. He was a goner.
#potter!reader has my heart#this took way too long#potter!reader#Remus x potter!reader#remus smut#remus lupin x y/n#remus lupin x you#remus lupin smut#remus lupin hc#remus lupin blurb#remus lupin fic#marauder headcanons#hp headcanon#hp marauders hc#hp marauders#Sirius black#james potter#remus x reader#remus x you#remus x y/n#remus lupin x reader#hp smut
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I’m fucking crying 😂
Kittywater date night. Making a collage about the Drak Lord.

#kittywater#hp marauders#hp headcanon#james potter#fred weasley headcanons#hp marauders hc#fred weasley oneshot#harry potter#marauders headcanon#fred weasley x reader
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love that hc where james doesn’t really like being called “jamie” but goes absolute stupid when regulus calls him that. i mean, in general, he’s all so grumpy and frustrated that no one bothers to just add a fucking s to “james”, but whenever reg says it so casually like “thank you for the tea, jamie” or “no, i’m not busy, jamie” or “that’s alright, jamie” his mind just goes lalala i’m so in love hihi
#harry potter#marauders#jegulus#hp marauders#james x regulus#james loves regulus#james potter#regulus black#starchaser#sunseeker#jegulus ao3#jegulus au#jegulus hc#wolfstar#fic rec#dead gay wizards#fuck jkr#remus lupin#sirius black#moony wormtail padfoot and prongs#crimson rivers#only the brave#all the young dudes#atyd#art heist baby#regulus and sirius#jegulus supremacy
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Regulus being very, very, very drunk part 1: James: Regulus, you forgot your hoodie. Regulus, very drunk, smiling: Oh, thank you Jamie. *Kisses his cheek* Everyone else in the room: Sirius: What the fu- Regulus, gasping: It smells like you!! It's your hoodie right- James, knowing everyone is staring: Er-yeah, you-um you took it. Regulus, beaming: Well, I'm gonna keep it forever. Bye!! James: Reg, wait- Regulus, shouting: No!! I'm gonna take it!! You can't stop me- James: *Sighs, knowing their friends know now* James, kissing Regulus on the lips: You're adorable, love. *Regulus, giggling and kissing back*
#hp marauders#marauders#dead gay wizards from the 70s#marauders era#jegulus#slytherin skittles#regulus black#james potter#trans regulus#wolfstar#sirius black#marauders girls#jegulus hc#starchaser#james loves regulus
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I love Regulus with the whole “I know I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know it was I who discovered your secret” thing. Like yes, I too couldn’t bear the thought of not getting credit for doing iconic shit even after my death.
#regulus black#r.a.b#regulus arcturus black#marauders era#marauders#hp marauders#harry potter#jegulus#regulus black headcanons#hp text post#marauders hc#marauders headcanon#the marauders
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i just know sirius was SUFFERING being an eldest child in a friend group with only children
#i hc peter to have siblings (usually) but let's ignore that for a sec#mwpp#moony wormtail padfoot and prongs#sirius black#moth's own#dead gay wizards from the 70s#the marauders#marauders era#the marauders era#hp marauders#marauders
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You best believe when i say that regulus black is the clingiest most needy bitch on the planet
He’s like a fussy little cat, like the type that swats you in the face when you look away from it
He’s walking up to James at all hours of the day and just snuggling in like in the morning he’ll literally just lift James’ arm back up and put it back on himself when James has to go
He gets sad whenever James has to go to work and James is having to stroke his hair and promise cuddle time later to appease him and this is after like an hour of him sniffling to try and get James to give him “just one more hug”
#it’s the cat animagus in him#he can’t help it#jegulus#regulus black#james potter#dead gay wizards#marauders fandom#marauders#hp marauders#marauders era#marauders headcanon#harry potter marauders#marauder era#regulus black x james potter#james potter x regulus black#james x regulus#regulus x james#starchaser#sunseeker#regulus black headcanons#regulus headcanon#regulus hc#regulus arcturus black#james fleamont potter
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James: you alright Moony?
Remus: yeah, fine
Remus: …ok, maybe not fine fine
James: anything i can help with?
Remus: no.. yes, I mean… not, ugh
Remus: can you do the thing?
Remus: please?
James *hugs Remus*
Remus *stiffens then melts into James’ arms*
James: I’ve got you Rem
Remus: thanks Jamie
#James gives the best hugs#If Remus cries a little bit that’s his business#Remus is bad at feelings#remus is tired#james and remus#remus and james#moonchaser#remus x james#james x remus#remus lupin#remus j lupin#remus john lupin#james potter#james f potter#james fleamont potter#remus lupin hc#remus lupin headcanon#james potter headcanon#james potter hc#hp marauders#mauraders#marauders#marauders era#the marauders era#marauders headcanon
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rosekiller as girl dads
#rosekiller#barty x evan#evan x barty#barty crouch jr x evan rosier#evan rosier x barty crouch jr#barty crouch junior#barty crouch jr#barty crouch x evan rosier#evan rosier#marauders fandom#marauders#dead gay wizards#marauders era#dead gay wizards from the 70s#gay dead wizards#the marauders#harry potter marauders#the marauders era#marauder era#hp marauders#mwpp era#mwpp#marauders hc#marauders headcanon#marauders harry potter#the marauders fandom#the marauders headcanon
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In Sickness & Health | R.L.

summary: you and remus after a full moon <3
pairing: remus lupin x fem!reader
includes: fluff, comfort, normal post full moon things
a/n: i’m in love with him :(
“Hey, Moony,” you murmured, settling onto the edge of his hospital wing bed. Your fingers gently threaded through his hair, careful not to press against any fresh bruises or reopen wounds. His hair was soft despite the sweat from the full moon’s toll. “How was tonight? Sirius told me it was… bad.”
“It wasn’t too bad,” Remus replied, though his voice was strained, and the attempt at nonchalance didn’t quite mask the pain lacing his words. He shifted, trying to find a more comfortable position on the stiff white sheets, but winced as he moved. “Jus’ got a little out of hand, that’s all.”
You frowned, your gaze lingering on the fresh scar just above his eyebrow. Without thinking, you brushed a few strands of hair away and pressed a soft kiss to the corner of the wound. His skin was warm beneath your lips, radiating both the fever of healing and the exhaustion of survival. “I’m sorry,” you whispered.
“It’s not your fault, dovey,” he murmured back, eyes still closed, breathing shallow.
“But it is,” you sighed, your voice cracking under the weight of guilt. Your fingers found his hand, lacing through his as your thumb sought out the steady beat of his pulse—a quiet reassurance that he was still here. Still breathing. “I shouldn’t have gone with Lily and Dorcas earlier. I should’ve been there when—”
“Stop,” Remus cut in gently, squeezing your hand to pull you out of the spiral. His amber eyes opened, hazy but sincere, locking onto yours. “You know it’s not your fault. These things… they happen. I’ve been dealing with this my whole life, yeah? Tonight was just a rough night, nothing you could’ve prevented.”
But you couldn’t shake the ache in your chest. Couldn’t stop the image of him curled on the hospital bed, covered in fresh scars that would never fully fade. You bit your bottom lip, emotions swirling, and brought his hand to your lips, pressing a tender kiss against his knuckles. “I’m still sorry.”
He chuckled, though it came out more like a breathy exhale. “I’ll get Madam Pomfrey to kick you out if you don’t stop with all this guilt,” he teased, squeezing your hand again. His eyes softened. “Besides… you’ll be here to help me afterwards, yeah?”
“Of course, Rem,” you nodded, voice thick with emotion.
He smiled—small, tired, but genuine—and tilted his head just enough to look at you properly. His gaze narrowed playfully until you finally cracked a smile, the tension in your shoulders easing just a little. Heat bloomed across your cheeks, the weight of worry momentarily lifted by his warmth. Remus shifted again, letting out a slow sigh as he tried to settle his battered body. You reached up to run your fingers through his tousled hair once more, the rhythmic motion calming both of you.
“Think you’ll be able to attend classes by Monday?” you asked softly. “We’ve got those tests in Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts.”
He hummed thoughtfully, leaning into your touch like a cat basking in the sun. “We’ll see… Might just have to fake my way through them. Not like Flitwick hasn’t seen me half-asleep in class before.”
You glanced at the old clock hanging above Madam Pomfrey’s office door and sighed. “You should rest,” you murmured, though the last thing you wanted was to leave him.
“Dovey,” he mumbled, voice low, “you need to get to bed, too.”
You nodded reluctantly, pressing a lingering kiss to his forehead. His skin was warm, his pulse steady beneath your fingertips. “Do you want me to bring anything tomorrow? A change of clothes, books… chocolate?”
“Just yourself,” he grinned, eyes fluttering shut. “The boys already made grand plans to raid my side of the dorm for me.”
“Figures.” You rolled your eyes but smiled. Squeezing his hand one last time, you whispered, “Goodnight, Rem.”
“Night, love.”
As you slipped out of the hospital wing, the cool corridors of Hogwarts seemed colder than usual, the stone walls echoing with your thoughts. You kept replaying the night in your head—the ache in his voice, the scars on his skin—and you hoped, with everything in you, that he wasn’t downplaying the pain.
Remus spent most of the weekend recovering, pushing through the stiffness and soreness until, by Sunday afternoon, he managed to hobble out of bed with his cane, taking slow, measured steps. You stayed by his side every moment you could, abandoning weekend plans with the girls without a second thought. James and Sirius, of course, had already tried to rope him into plotting pranks, but Remus waved them off with a lazy grin. Next time, he promised. For now, he just wanted quiet.
The two of you ended up by the Black Lake, settling beneath the sprawling branches of a tree that overlooked the shimmering water. The late afternoon sun dipped toward the horizon, casting streaks of gold and pink across the sky. Remus lay back with his head in your lap, eyes closed, his breathing even as you idly ran your fingers through his hair.
“Did your dad make this?” you asked softly, tracing the intricate carvings on his wooden cane. The designs were delicate, swirling patterns framing his initials at the top—R.J.L.—surrounded by tiny etched stars.
“Yeah,” Remus nodded, opening his eyes halfway. “He started working on it after… after he realized how much I was struggling to walk after full moons. Didn’t say much—just handed it to me one morning.”
Your fingertips brushed over the stars, heart tugging at the thought of the quiet, steadfast love behind each carved detail. “It’s beautiful,” you murmured. “And it suits you.”
He chuckled, the sound vibrating softly against your leg. “I’ll owl him that. He’ll be pleased someone appreciates his handiwork.”
The two of you fell into a comfortable silence, broken only by the gentle lapping of the lake and the distant calls of students on the castle grounds. Remus turned his head slightly, letting the fading sunlight warm his face. For a moment, you saw beyond the scars and fatigue—to the boy who loved books, who smiled despite the weight he carried, who found peace in the little things.
“Help me up?” he asked after a while.
“Of course.” You shifted, careful as you helped him sit up. His muscles tensed under your hands, but he didn’t complain. Steadying him, you passed him his cane. He gripped it firmly, testing his balance.
“Thanks, dovey,” he murmured, his gaze catching yours. There was gratitude in his eyes—deep, unspoken, and profound.
You smiled, falling into step beside him as you wandered back toward the castle, the horizon painted with the colors of the setting sun. Whatever challenges lay ahead—tests, pranks, full moons—you’d face them together. Always.
The following week passed in a blur of classes, missed notes, and whispered conversations between you and Remus when Madam Pomfrey wasn’t hovering over him. By Tuesday morning, he was finally released from the hospital wing—still sore, still leaning on his cane, but stubbornly insistent on returning to classes despite your protests.
“Professor McGonagall’s going to have my head if I miss another Transfiguration lecture,” he grumbled as you walked beside him, his pace slow but determined. “Besides, I’ve already got Sirius taking notes for me. Not that I can read half of his scribbles.”
You snorted. “You’d have better luck asking a Hippogriff to write in cursive.”
Remus chuckled, the sound warming your chest. Even with dark circles still under his eyes and his movements careful, it was good to see him returning to his usual self—sarcastic comments, fond exasperation at his friends, and all.
By Wednesday afternoon, he was exhausted. You could see it in the way he slumped against the library table, one hand lazily turning the pages of Advanced Defensive Spells, the other propping up his head.
“Rem,” you whispered, nudging his leg under the table. “You’re not going to absorb any of that if you’re half-asleep.”
“M’fine,” he mumbled, though his eyelids drooped.
“You’re reading the index,” you pointed out.
He blinked down at the book. “…Shit.”
Smiling fondly, you reached over and closed it for him. “Come on. Fresh air might wake you up.”
Reluctantly, he let you tug him away from the library and out toward the Black Lake. The March wind was crisp, biting at your cheeks, but the sky was clear—a perfect gradient of pale blue bleeding into amber as the sun started its slow descent. You walked in comfortable silence, his arm occasionally brushing against yours.
“Here,” you said, guiding him to a familiar spot near the small cliff overlooking the water—the same place you’d been the weekend before. The grass was still damp, but neither of you cared. Remus sat with a quiet sigh, stretching out his legs as you settled beside him.
“I don’t deserve you, you know,” he murmured after a long pause, voice soft and a little too serious.
You turned your head toward him. “Where’s that coming from?”
He shrugged, gaze fixed on the shimmering surface of the lake. “I know how hard this is for you. Worrying. Waiting around for me to pull myself back together after every full moon. Most people wouldn’t bother.”
“Well, I’m not most people,” you replied, nudging his shoulder. “And you don’t get to decide what I can handle.”
His lips quirked into a half-smile. “Stubborn.”
“Pot, meet kettle,” you shot back, and he laughed—really laughed—head tilting back, eyes crinkling. It was a sound you wished you could bottle up and keep forever.
Falling into a companionable quiet again, you watched as the sun dipped lower, casting golden ripples across the lake. Seagulls cried overhead, distant and fleeting.
“You know,” you started, tracing random patterns in the grass, “I don’t stay because I have to. I stay because I want to, Remus. You… you matter to me. Scars and all.”
He went still beside you, the weight of your words settling between you like a warm blanket. Slowly, cautiously, his hand found yours in the grass. Fingers entwined, familiar and safe.
“I’m lucky to have you,” he said, voice barely above a whisper.
“And don’t you forget it,” you teased, though your cheeks burned.
The sky bled into a soft lavender as the first stars began to peek through. Remus leaned against you, his head resting on your shoulder. “This… this helps,” he murmured. “Being with you. Makes it easier to breathe.”
You smiled, resting your head against his. “Good. Because I’m not going anywhere.”
The wind picked up, sending ripples across the lake and rustling the trees behind you, but neither of you moved. For now, the world could wait.
Here, in this quiet pocket of Hogwarts grounds, with his hand in yours and the stars beginning to glow above, everything felt… right.
And you’d hold onto that feeling—for him, for you, for as long as it took.
©lqveharrington - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other media platforms
#august’s works 🫧#remus lupin#remus lupin x reader#remus lupin x self insert#remus lupin x y/n#remus lupin x you#remus x you#remus x reader#remus x y/n#remus lupin angst#remus lupin oneshot#remus lupin imagine#remus lupin drabble#remus lupin hc#remus lupin fic#remus lupin headcanon#remus lupin fanfiction#remus loves chocolate#remus lupin uses a cane#remus lupin hurt/comfort#remus lupin fluff#remus lupin comfort#remus lupin blurb#remus lupin needs a hug#marauders x reader#the marauders#harry potter x reader#hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry#hp fandom#hp fanfic
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Bestfriend!Remus with no boundaries
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
“Where’s Y/N?” Remus asked as he entered the dorm, setting his bag down by the door. James and Sirius exchanged an entertained glance.
“How should we know, Moony?” Sirius replied, going back to his book. James chuckled as he polished his broom.
“Hmm,” Remus hummed inquisitively, “she told me she was gonna meet me here after class.” Sirius put his book down in his lap,
“Maybe she finally found some other guy.” James choked on a laugh and dropped his polish. Remus rolled his eyes at Sirius’ smirk, opening the window to smoke.
“Oh, shut up you prat. She’s probably just running late,” Remus said with a cigarette between his lips. As if on cue, you barged through the door, huffing as you dropped your bag next to Remus’.
“Ugh, sorry Rem. Those Slytherin bitches hexed me on my way up here,” you hissed, stomping over to Remus and taking the cigarette out from his mouth. He laughed lazily at you as you angrily puffed in smoke, eyeing you up and down.
“Well, you look fine. Did they hurt you at all?” Remus asked, rubbing his hands along your hips and inspecting every inch of your body for injuries. You huffed out a laugh.
“Nah, I gave them what they deserved,” you smirked, “here.” You placed the cigarette back between his lips, his hands still lingering on your waist as he smoked. The two of you passed the cigarette back and forth like this, Remus eventually pulling you into his lap on his bed to show you his new muggle book while the two of you shared a fag.
“This chapter has been my favorite,” he said, pointing to the pages, his other hand holding you firm against his leg. You hummed as you smoked, your breasts near his face as you leaned in to read the chapter title. He squeezed your thigh and looked up at you with parted lips. You placed the cigarette back in his mouth before giving him a hug into your chest.
“You’re such a nerd,” you laughed, ruffling his hair. Sirius made a gagging noise from across the room.
“You guys are disgusting. Just shag already!” Sirius said with a displeased look on his face. You threw Remus’ pillow at his head.
“Sirius, shut the fuck up. You know we’re just friends,” you rolled your eyes, standing up off of Remus’ lap, “but if you want to kiss me…” you puckered your lips at him before cracking up.
“Hey, I’ll take you up on that offer,” James said with a cheeky smile. You chuckled with a light blush, you always thought James was cute. Remus stood up behind you and pulled you back into his lap.
“Yeah, that’s not going to happen,” Remus laughed as you feigned a pout towards James who returned a laugh.
“As if I’d want Moony’s sloppy seconds,” Sirius grumbled, but you could’ve sworn you saw a blush on his face.
“Hey, watch your mouth, Padfoot,” Remus clicked his tongue at Sirius, earning another grumble from the boy.
“I’m offended Siri. Who do you think I am?” You scoffed, placing a hand over your heart.
“Oh, just Remus’ best friend,” Sirius snarked, grumbling as he returned to his book. James laughed again and went over to his bunk.
“It’s okay, Pads. I’m your best friend,” James aid, falling forward onto his bed with a loud thump. You and Remus’ started cracking up as Sirius struggled under James’ weight. You turned your attention back to Remus.
“You wanna come get dinner with me?” You asked Remus, twirling his hair between your fingers. He met your eyes with a smile.
“I’d love nothing more.”
#remus lupin x you#remus fluff#remus lupin hc#remus lupin x y/n#remus x you#remus x reader#remus lupin x reader#remus lupin#remus x y/n#hp headcanon#hp marauders hc#hp marauders#marauders headcanon#marauders era#the marauders#mallowsweetmiri
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people who think rjl would have really good grades have never been chronically ill and had to miss school consistently because of it. I'm sure he was smart! I'm sure he did really well on tests! but there has never been a character I'm more sure struggled to achieve the academic success that he was capable of.
#hp marauders#marauders#remus lupin#remus john lupin#rjl#moony#disabled remus lupin#remus lupin hc#remus lupin headcanon#rj lupin#marauders era#dead gay wizards from the 70s#dead gay wizards#wolfstar#snupin#moonchaser#moonkiller#moonwater#moonrose#moonflower
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really love the idea of regulus being oh so mean and cold and detached in his human form but a cutie patootie in his animagus form (little kitty). like he just curls on james’ lap and purrs and meows and licks his cheeks and bites him gently and nudges him with his rosy little nose and
#harry potter#marauders#jegulus#james x regulus#starchaser#sunseeker#jegulus au#jegulus hc#fuck jkr#dead gay wizards#fic rec#hp marauders#remus x sirius#wolfstar#sirius black#remus lupin#only the brave#crimson rivers#atyd#all the young dudes#wolfstar hc#marauders au#james potter#james loves regulus#regulus black#sirius and regulus#sirius loves remus#moony x padfoot#moony wormtail padfoot and prongs#the cadence of part time poets
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Evan and Barty while fucking: Evan: That's it Barty- Barty, grinning: Did you know Barty: That the dopamine released in us is the same when we have an orgasm to when we solve a math problem? Evan, pausing: Evan: B, What the fuck-
#barty is so smart#like he passed with 12 O's#why do we hc him as dumb?#im changing this shit#smart barty crouch jr#SMART BARTY CROUCH JR#hp marauders#marauders#dead gay wizards from the 70s#marauders era#slytherin skittles#rosekiller#rosestarkiller#evan rosier#barty crouch jr#the slytherin skittles#barty crouch junior#bartylus#if slytherins were just cute children and not crazy killers#jegulus#rosier twins#evan x barty
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james potter | my good luck charm
pairings: james potter x fem!reader
warnings: none! just fluff <3
summary: in which bf james noticed your absence at his quidditch match.
James entered the Gryffindor common room, still wearing his Quidditch uniform, his hair a bit messy from the match. His eyes immediately landed on Y/N, hunched over a massive stack of papers, her quill moving furiously across the parchment.
Grinning, he snuck up behind her and placed his hands on the back of her chair, leaning down to press a soft kiss to her neck. "Missed you at the match today," he whispered, his voice low and teasing.
Y/N barely looked up, absorbed in her work, a not-so-subtle flush filling her cheeks. "Had to study. Someone's got to do it around here."
James kissed her cheek, then the other, before murmuring in her ear, "Well, I needed my good luck charm, but I guess I’ll have to make do." He nipped at her ear before speaking into the top of her head with another kiss, "I played better knowing you'd be here waiting for me."
Y/N finally set her quill down, unable to hide the smile on her face. "You’re ridiculous," she said, but the warmth in her voice gave her away.
James chuckled, wrapping her in his arms gently. "Only for you."
requests open ❤︎
#james potter#james potter fluff#james potter hc#james potter headcanon#james potter x reader#james fleamont potter#hp marauders#marauders era#marauders#marauders headcanon#marauders hc#james potter x you#james potter x y/n#james potter imagine#marauders blurb#james potter blurb
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Okay but Evan with selective mutism, is this a thing people hc? Like as a kid he'd go everywhere with Pandora, who learned how to tell what he wanted to say from the look in his eyes. It got easier as they got older but for years she was the only one who could understand the intricacies of the tiny movements of his face until one day she found some scrawny loud ass boy having a one-sided conversation with Evan and left them to it.
#rosekiller#rosier twins#selective mutism#evan rosier#pandora rosier#barty crouch jr#barty crouch jr x evan rosier#evan rosier hc#rosier twins hc#rosekiller hc#marauders#marauders era#hp marauders#dead gay wizards from the 70s
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