#pesci my beloved
kewwie-pie · 2 years
Some trans!fem pesci sketches! With some extra info/headcanon about her <3
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I'm honestly really happy with her current design! I've had this silly little headcanon since 2022 (I think?) But it's been in the back of my mind for much longer considering in au's I've always had a habit of making her female, so of course I'd eventually end up with just straight up making her trans!
headcanons and extra info about pesci:
She was born to her Swedish mother and Italian father in the month of March. Her parents are very accepting of her and fully supported her transitioning.
She prefers She/Her pronouns but she doesn't really mind it when people use they/them.
Pesci gets most of her outfits from prosciutto! Prosciutto had nobody to support him when he was still young and figuring things out, so he sometimes gifts pesci stuff to make her feel better.
He gifted his old makeup and some clothes to her because it was collecting dust in his basement. The fur hat she wears was a gift from him!
Prosci did her makeup once while she was frustrated, and she sobbed right after, undoing all of the old man's hard work. (After wiping away her tears and giving her a peptalk along with his signature forehead touch, he redid her makeup.)
Pesci is a nail-biter. She had been ever since kids started bullying her for her appearance (mainly her weak chin).
Melone had suggested she get acrylics or gel nails
Now she doesn't bite her nails anymore, but only because she feels like it's a waste of money to bite them, and that would probably make her feel worse.
Pesci has two jobs, and her day job consists of helping her parents around their restaurant. The other is her job as a hit woman for la squadra.
Pesci and ghiaccio had met each other in juvie before. However, they didn't recognize each other due to their major change in appearance
Prosciutto used to (and still does) visit the restaurant pesci's parents own, he used to come there every noon for a cup of coffee and a nice hot meal. It's because of this that they met each other and why he'd eventually bail her out of jail when she murdered two men.
Prosciutto's reasons for bailing out pesci were kinda selfish. He was tired of getting accused having no heart and being an overal terrible person so he decided to do a good deed and free the waitress and take her under his wing.
(He totally didn't take her under his wing because he enjoys the ego boost it gives him and so that he can shove his dead sister issues onto her)
Oops this turned into me rambling about prosci
Depending on what mood I'm in, she's either dating Ghiaccio or Melone. Why not both? Because it makes me feel like I'm just inserting pesci into meloghia </3
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soupbabe · 1 year
I gotta scrap some old sketchbooks so may we mourn my fav lil doodles </3 mostly JoJo but there's like 1 oc and 1 homestuck
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berylcups · 4 months
PT 2-How La Squadra react to you calling them their nickname/term of endearment:
CW: mentions of polyamory and queer relationship discrimination
Notes: Here's part 2! This was actually pretty fun! If anyone has similar HCs/reacts they would like please send them in! It was refreshing to do something fluffy-ish rather than just lewd for once! I’m still working on Sorbet and Gelatos personalities so I hope they don’t seem too generic or stereotypical, but theres not much of them to work off of…other than them screaming and dying. Yikes. But I hope you all enjoy! 💜Beryl
Risotto: “Rissi, I’m heading to the grocery store.” You announced turning the knob to his office. “ is there anything special you want for dinner tonig-oh shit” you saw he wasn’t alone. Prosciutto and Pesci were in the room with him talking about some target.
“I’m so sorry- I didn’t know you were busy- I’ll come back later.”
Prosciutto cleared his throat upon hearing that cutesy name and Pesci looked away trying to hide his blush.
“We can touch base on further details later. This should be enough to get started with.” He dismissed them, acting unaffected by the name.
They promptly took their leave, just leaving you and your beloved leader alone.
“I’m so sorry, Risotto. I didn’t know you were busy. I should’ve known bette-“ you stuttered worried you embarrassed him.
“It’s fine.” He cut you off. “It’s just the guys. They know better than to mess with me about the names you call me.” He chuckled. 
“Although for future reference…” he started looking up at you with a serious expression. “This might be a habit you should break. If any of our enemies know we are connected, they might try to harm you and I just couldn’t live with myself knowing I caused your demise.” He said. “I already lost one too many people dear to me.”
You walked over to him by the desk and gave him a huge hug. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise you that.” He hugged back and gave you a soft kiss on the shell of your ear. 
“Good. Because the day you die is the day I die. I love you Angelo/a.” He sighed in relief. 
This big guy has to be stoic 24/7 so in front of others he’s going to keep things professional. As far as he cares in front of the guys you can call him all the names you want but he isn’t going to acknowledge them 😂 call him zaddy and he’ll just continue talking about what mission is next… or if you’re overdoing it he’ll give you a warning “ok, that’s enough.” type of look. 
Of course in private he’ll call you pet names but… he’s not very creative but he’s dramatic so he’ll call you the vita mia, cuore mio, caro/a, and angelo/a. 
Prosciutto: “Prosci I’m back! The mission was a success! It’s all thanks to you that I’m able to work by myself now!” You said happily as you came through the door. 
“Prosci??? Pfft” formaggio snickered. 
A few of the others were snickering or trying to hold back a smile. Prosciutto put an end to this quickly with a deadly glare. 
“Really? That’s wonderful news Y/N. I’m very proud of you.” He said as he guided you to somewhere a little more private.
“Y/N… I love you with all my heart but remember what we agreed upon?” He asked. “We must keep our affections private.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Prosciutto. I must have really embarrassed you.” You said dejectedly looking away from him.
“No. Never.” He said firmly as he gently lifted your face to meet his. He gently bumped his forehead up against yours. 
“You are my beloved partner and I love you no matter what. But in this world we must remain distant in front of others so I can protect you.” He explained gently caressing your face . 
“Also… we have to set a good example for Pesci. He may be a mammoni but he has so much potential and it’s up to us to help him unlock it. Understand?”
“Understand.” You said with a small smile.
“That’s my good angelo/a.” He smiled back and kissed you on the forehead. 
He’s not very affectionate in public but he is chivalrous. He’ll open the door for you, pour your wine, take your jacket, etc… 
In private he’ll call you his favorite pet names with a kiss on the cheek.
He’ll use the classic names like Tesoro, Caro/a, Bambino/a, or calls you his angelo/a. 😇
Sorbet & Gelato:  “Sorby Gelly I’m upset!” You whined.
“Aww what’s wrong lil sundae?” Asked Gelato.
“You know the drill-come sit down and tell us what’s wrong.” Added Sorbet patting Gelatos lap.
You moped over and somehow found your spot in the dog pile of legs and laps on the chair.
“You know Valentines is next month and I saw this cool fancy spa I wanted us to go to-“ you started with putting the magazine page in their faces. “Seeee??? But they are all TwO pEoPlE oNlY!!! This is unfair! They act like the entire world is monogamous and straight! Bullshit!” you complained.
“Oh, that does look nice. I could use a massage, my back has been killing me lately.” Sorbet read through the page.
“Mud baths and facials too? I’m in.” Gelato looked at the pictures.
“But what about the restrictions?” you asked.
“Oh Y/N. Do you have any idea who you’re in a relationship with? We’ll get you that perfect valentine's day, whether they want to serve 3 people or not.” Gelato cooed, patting your head to comfort you.
“Of course they’ll take care of us…if they wanna live that is.” Sorbet added rubbing your back. “Or we could show them our knife collection instead. Their choice.”
“Yay~! I can’t wait! I’ll be sure to add a reminder to my calendar to make a reservation for later.” you said gleefully.
“Anything to keep our little sundae happy~.” they both said in unison and kissed you on both sides of your cheeks.
“...” Illuso gulped trying to hold back the bile rising in his throat. The PDA is just overwhelming!
The other men in the room wanted to throw up from the mushiness. It's gotten worse ever since they added you into their relationship but they know better than to say anything after Illuso made fun of you three and ended up with a knife in his thigh. 
Sorbet and Gelato are the kings of PDA! They are always cuddled up on one another and now you’re included on the love fest. They are gonna sit on your lap, you're gonna sit in their lap, you're gonna sit on one's lap while the other sits on your lap, etc. And they’re generous with the pet names as well!
They both like names that match up with their names, so you get named after frozen treats like Sundae, Granita, Sherbet, Snowcone…along with the typical names like caro/a, tersoro, and amore too. They have a long list of names to call you, so it doesn’t simply end there!
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lemonflavoreddishsoap · 10 months
Hi, may I please for headcanons for la squadra with a gn s/o who often gets mistaken for a prince/ss cause they're fairytale attractive
POV you get kicked out of La Squadra cuz your Disney Prince(ss) ass keeps attracting BIRDS.
La Squadra with an S/O who gets mistaken as a Prince/Princess
He loves whenever people stop and compliment you, or are absolutely dumbfounded from how pretty/handsome you are. He, probably more than anyone, is aware of just how ethereal you are, and he loves to have the whole world acknowledge it.
If a little kid were to toddle over to you two and asks you directly if you're royalty, due to your beauty, he stands to the side with an amused smile as you explain to the kid that unfortunately you are not!
But as the kid walks away, a tad bit dejected at not meeting a real-life prince/princess, he parts from your side to go crouch next to the little one and talk to them. You don't hear it, but he's sharing a "little secret"...you actually are royalty. He chuckles at the sparkle in the kid's eyes, and the two make a pinky promise to not reveal your "secret to the world" before he catches back up with you.
"What was that all about, Formaggio?" "Oh, don't worry about it."
You find yourself getting called a new petname after that event <3
The two of you are BOTH fawned over equally. If you're more on the fem side, the two of you are giving random strangers bisexual awakenings.
And he eats it right up. He's in love with both the attention to himself and the attention to his beloved. Like fuck yes you're also beautiful, it's amazing everyone can see that.
If anyone is to mistake either/both of you as royalty, he'll be perfectly fine with informing them otherwise; more than fine, actually. Why? Well, it's the perfect opportunity to fish for compliments from anyone possible!
"Royalty? Pssh, not at all. You really think so?" "Oh, well I didn't think my face shape was that impressive, y'know..." "MY partner? a prince(ss)? Well yeah, they are quite beautiful, aren't they?"
If you join him in the compliment-fishing he just falls further in love.
The two of you are ALSO the most gorgeous couple around. Compliments towards your individual and combined beauty are constant because godDAMN.
Pesci is the first one to compare the two of you royalty, and at the time Prosciutto just shrugs it off. Not that he doesn't appreciate his teammate's kindness, it's just that with Pesci it's kind of expected. Feel free to thank him, though - honestly it makes your lover smile a bit to see you get along with his mentee.
It's when some old lady stops you two to sincerely gush over how incredible you two look together that you get reactions. First and foremost, a tightening of his hand around yours.
"Very kind of you, miss. I'm so very lucky to give my life to this perfect individual."
While he's clearly happy with interactions like that, it's when you make the comparisons to one another that he really lets his face grow warm.
His heart flutters every time someone is stunned by how attractive you are. He sees himself in their pink cheeks and wide eyes, he knows exactly how they must be feeling. How can someone so beautiful exist?? He sure was still trying to figure that out.
He's just as flustered as you when people call you as pretty as a prince(ss), and he stays quiet, letting you respond to the person. In all honesty, people don't often assume you two are dating at first, but if you bring it up, he is often congratulated for scoring on a lovely fellow/lady. Just think of his smile <333 AUGH
Pesci wants you to be completely aware that he doesn't just love you for your appearance, and he loves everything about you, but...
"...They are right, you're so beautiful!"
He thinks calling you prince/princess is quite fitting, and will definitely ask you if he can start doing so!
He keeps his mouth shut and watches every interaction: how immediately captivated and smitten every person is, what exactly they compliment, and how you react to each glowing word, whether it be with a flushed face and lost composure or if you smirk and take it all easily.
It's not that he's being creepy or possessive (probably), he just respects that the moment is entirely about you. You and your effortless charm. He just wants to take it all in himself.
But when some wide-eyed young lady likens you to a prince/princess he can't help but grin - you see the same look in his eyes as when he's solving something on his laptop. The result of his calculations? Ah, yep, it's true. You are royally gorgeous.
"What a smart girl. I never connected the words myself but...a prince(ss)? I'd be willing to believe so."
The interaction isn't really brought up between you two beyond that day. However, if there's anything you know about Melone, it's that he's hard to read. For all you know, he could be thinking about it every time he looks at you.
His immediate reaction is to wonder out loud how being beautiful automatically connects to royalty. He'll drop it for a second if you ask him too, but when it's just the two of you he'll bring it up again. Really though, can "peasants" not be attractive? What the fuck!?
You have to explain the compliment directed at you to him, but you know what he's like, you pretty much signed up for this. Luckily it doesn't take him long to understand. He agrees, one hundred percent, that you're so incredible that you seem like a fantasy sometimes, so he gives it to you straight how gorgeous you are.
But...it's weird. Something like this usually wouldn't bug him but he can't shake the buzz of feeling bad. He tries not to feel self conscious about his anger, but of all the things to throw a fit over, it happened to be a major compliment to you. He tries to remedy it later that night.
"You are attractive. Most attractive motherfucker in the goddamn world, and hell if that means you're a fucking prince/princess then I guess I have to agree with it. Please never let my temper make you believe I don't love you endlessly."
Good god how you jumble his brain /pos
You plague the abstract thoughts of his mind. Every fuzzy visual in his non-terror dreams feel like optical illusions that lead to your face, and the pulses of colour he sees behind his eyelids seem to always be in the hues that remind him of you. In short, he thinks of you a lot. Maybe more than he should.
So when he watches strangers and even some friends praise your appearance, and the comparisons to fantasy and royalty begin, he chews the back of his lip. You, a prince(ss)...he can practically feel his mind begin to run. Something doesn't feel right. He knows the intention of it, but in his mind you're something stronger than that, you're a king. Queen if you prefer.
You rule over his mind, he thinks. You're the foundation of his hope and comfort, but also his fear. Secure in his arms, half asleep and curling into his embrace, you're driving him insane and you aren't even trying. Your mental grip on his challenges his physical grip as he presses a kiss to your forehead.
"My queen/king, I love you."
...Yes, yes, you are the most beautiful thing in the world.
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bellarosethefangirl · 2 years
La Squadra x Reader Headcanons
Eating Dessert w/ Their S/o
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@shxftxng @danielle-marie
If any of you are interested in my JJBA taglist list feel free to comment or message which parts and I'll add you. If you're interested in other fandoms here's a link to my taglist info.
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Risotto Nero
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He's a sucker for Halloween themed desserts. He'd like cake or cookies.
The reason being he watches what he eats. He'd prefer a slice of cake, cookie or cupcake. One or two doesn't hurt and he doesn't often eat sweets.
Risotto prefers sour or spicy food over sweets.
While taking you out to a bakery he'll order as seen above. He'd prefer to purchase a sweet with skulls or in reds and blacks. Greens, purples, and oranges are acceptable too.
If you order similar sweets he'll secretly find it cute. He's already enjoying the date since you look so excited eating your own order.
Over all he likes the date and will be sure to return for another black and red slice of cake.
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His go to are cupcakes. He likes a lot of frosting and cutesy designs the bakeries come up with.
He also enjoys fruit in his baked goods so he'd order desserts with fruit frequently.
It's most likely Gelato couldn't join you two so he'd make the most of it. Wrapping his arm around you, compliments, and any dessert your heart desires.
He likes the atmosphere of bakeries since he finds it relaxing and he loves spending time with you. It's some quality time he doesn't always get with you.
Sorbet also loves seeing you enjoy your dessert. He might comment about the order if it's cutesy like his order. If not he'll simply compliment you about your smile or eyes.
After you're both done you two will most likely get Gelato his favorite dessert.
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He adores bakery dates so it will be often he takes you to them. More so than Sorbet would
He'd love strawberry shortcakes, cake rolls, or pies but he's fine with any flavors
He is one who would probably order both during the date. One slice of each. He would offer some of his portion to you. He's one to spoil his partner. Probably give you the toppings to his desserts. If you get excited or make a cutesy expression he's a fanboy but he isn't going to show it.
He'd take you to the cutest bakeries or cafes
He'd want to take pictures of you during the date
Will bring a whole pie or cake to go for himself. He'd get Sorbet some cupcakes too.
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This mans taste buds are bitter. He likes his whiskey and black coffee. And occasionally beer or wine.
As far as sweets go he'd prefer macaroons and tiramisu desserts. However they have to be super overpriced or from a really good bakery.
He enjoys taking his beloved on dates. You want to order dessert? He's taking you somewhere nice. Order what pleases you best.
He might make a snarky comment about your order if you're a mafioso. If you sass him back he'd like it but he'll chuckle.
If you're not a mafioso he won't say much unless you happen to wear lipstick. If it gets ruined he'll comment about it and hand you his handkerchief. All while making a note about buying you a better brand.
He'll make light chat but overall he's wanting to hear from you.
Overall it's a good date and he'll let you pick out something you can have later too. Hopefully you don't mind sitting outside for a moment while he smokes
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Pesci loves cheesecake and fudge
He'd like the cutely decorated stuff with sprinkles or bright colors so he's taking you to cafes or candy stores for a dessert together
He'll take you anywhere you like and get you anything your eyes land on if you really like it
He thinks you look adorable as you eat dessert
He'd blush about it and compliment you
He'd order Macaroons or a coffee dessert for his bro before leaving
Overall a sweet date where he says anything that comes to mind. A good conversationalist during a date 10/10
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Of course he'd be an ice cream lover. He's taking you on ice cream dates but if you prefer gelato he's fine with them too
He'd love parfaits or milkshakes with different flavors and toppings
He's the type to randomly take you on these dates since he's a tsundere he'd rather drag you to the shop than admitting its a date
He's going to be blushing the entire time as you're enjoying yourself. You look so good looking.
He'll share the toppings with you and smile when you look so happy about them. Gets his heart racing.
He'll get awkward/angry if you compliment or flirt with him. He secretly likes it don't worry
Hand holding is the easiest way for you to express your love to him
Over all he's a cute date
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Also not a fan of sweets much preferring bitter or savory foods. He does enjoy gelatin. He doesn't have a preference for flavors
He'll take you to places offering both gelatin and other sweets
He would act like it's an honor for him to be taking you out so best to express gratitude
He'll buy the largest gelatin and he's not sharing so better order your own
He might dine and dash bringing you along to his mirror dimension with his stand
Afterwards he's offering to take you to a bar
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He's a chocoholic but he also enjoys oreo desserts
Also stingy with his food so you better order your own but he will allow you to order whatever you please
He orders any chocolate lovers dessert and it's going to be a big order too. He doesn't usually indulge so he's not missing such an opportunity.
Doesn't order any dessert to go for himself but he will allow you to do so for yourself if you like
He's hoping he got brownie points and makes it obvious with his flirting. Please flirt back he'll love it
He'll wrap his arm around you flirting and having a good time. Also a good date to have with how extroverted he is. He's a good time 10/10
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goldengay00 · 1 year
So my town’s library has a old ass game rental section and I saw a Wii game called the Michael Jackson Experience and me being me (gay and adhd-ridden) I thought “haha michael jackson wii game... Illuso would like that.”
Then I got home, and I was bored, so here is this bullshit: La Squadra’s favorite Wii Games and some other random bs because I have a problem. (Might do Bucci gang and Unità Speciale in the future if I feel like it)
Risotto: Guitar Hero: Metallica
I mean.
Come on... What else would it be
In all realness, I think he'd actually like Guitar Hero
Formaggio probably got him to play it and he ended up enjoying it
Completely straight faced while he plays, unblinking and unmoving other than his hands and arms
Doesn't play often
Prosciutto: Wii Chest
He simply refuses to play an actual game
Has better things to do with his life
So confused when Risotto first brought it in randomly
"Ris what the fuck is a wii"
Hasn't truly played a single console game in his damn life and isn't keen on changing that, usually sitting out to just watch on game night
Pesci: Endless Ocean
You'd think it'd be one of the Wii's fishing games, but he can fish all he wants in real life, so he actually finds himself playing this a lot more
Very wholesome
Doesn't play often however, he likes watching others instead– Especially Ghiaccio and Gelato
Formaggio: Rabbids Go Home
Simply found it stupid
Says it's a joke
Isn't sure if it's a joke anymore
Also enjoys Wii Sports Resort, and he's weirdly good at pretty much all of the games
Anywho his Rabbid is horrid looking
Like what the fuck did you do to it
It's not offensive or anything, just...
Illuso: The Michael Jackson Experience
The reason I made this stupid lil thing
Gelato gave it to him as a joke
And he... actually really liked it
It's basically just a Michael Jackson version of Just Dance, so it's not just a him thing, others play with him quite a bit
Absolutely shows off. He slays so hard and has no shame
He probably 100%ed the game within a week
Melone: Trauma Team
I feel like he'd like visual novel games
Combine that with a partially human anatomy centered plot (in this case a hospital) and what's not to like for him
Wasn't big on it at first since he knows the Wii isn't the best console
Pleasantly surprised, however– actually wasn't bad.
This shit probably sent him down a Sega Visual Novel rabbithole– He has a crippling love for the Persona series
Ghiaccio: Kirby's Epic Yarn
Hear me out
He'd rather die than admit it but he actually loves Kirby
The game isn't too hard for him so he's not too stressed while playing it
The artstyle is also just,, so cute. How could he not love this shit
Sometimes he'll let someone else play with him, usually Pesci or Melone
He's broken two wii remotes now because of Formaggio and Wii Sports Resort
(Replaced both of them, though)
Gelato: Rayman Origins
Played the first game as a kid and is a sucker for nostalgia
He can and will fight you if you insult his beloved childhood series
They're like, also the only games he plays unless the others want him to play some party game or something.
Rayman might've been his gay awakening and he isn't sure how to feel about it
He does not care who plays with him if you ask to play this stupid lil game with him he'll literally get so excited
It is very possible Sorbet is jealous of this fictional character
Sorbet: Sam & Max: Season One
Probably liked the comics a lot
He isn't a gamer really. He isn't even really good at the game– but he doesn't give a shit because he likes Sam and Max
He played Babysitting Mama as a joke because Gelato brought it home once
Somehow hates babies even more than he already did because of it (Gelato is not getting kids, fuck that)
Only got more pissed when Melone gold medaled the game with ease
May have been the reason they no longer own Babysitting Mama
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legion1227 · 9 months
72 Shows Watched in 2023: Ranked!
72. Titans (Season 4)- 2/5.
As someone who genuinely enjoyed the first two seasons, the fall-off was immensely disappointing. Season 3 was disappointing, but I'm more infuriated with season 4. I did not like the setup or payoff with Trigon, Brother Blood, and any other antagonists this season, or Superboy's character arc. A disappointing, dull slog the entire way through.
71. The Witcher (Season 3)- 2.5/5
I thought the third season started fine. Henry Cavill as Geralt will always be iconic. The rest of the cast, characters like Yennefer, Ciri, and Jaskier are compelling when onscreen but the others feel unmemorable. Episode 5, which focused on Geralt and Yen in the ballroom, was possibly the best episode of the season. But the last three episodes were forgettable enough to bring down my overall enjoyment. I shudder at how Liam Hemsworth will be next season or just how the next season will be. Period.
70. Bupkis- 2.5/5.
Bupkis is a comedy on Peacock, starring Pete Davidson as himself in a slightly more extreme version of his life. It also stars Edie Falco, notable for playing Carmella in The Sopranos and Jackie in Nurse Jackie, as his mother, and Joe Pesci, of Goodfellas and Home Alone fame, as his grandfather. The star power is grand but the jokes are light. There are some engaging stories told from episode to episode, but as a comedy, it could strive to be better. Reel back on your celebrity guests and write stronger jokes for the second season please, Pete.
69. Bel-Air- (Season 2) 3/5
Also on Peacock, the dramatized version of the classic, beloved sitcom, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. In comparison to season 1, I think it's a bit of a step-down. The actors chosen to portray the iconic characters and add a new spin on them are finely picked and perform solid performances. But the storylines for each character are...eh. Like, Carlton struggles with an addiction to coke for the season and it doesn't feel the most engaging. The character dynamics are enough to elevate it slightly, but it's still just an okay season.
68. Kaleidoscope- 3/5
Kaleidoscope is a Netflix show that spans over 24 years, where a crew of bandits try to steal billions. Part of the appeal of the show is that you can watch the show in any order you want. It's a neat gimmick to tell a linear story, but the story being told could be better. Giancarlo Esposito, known as Gus Fring in Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, does well in a role that separates him from the villainous roles he's taken over the past decade. Every other actor and character could stand to be better. I'd like to see another show try this gimmick again, but...in a more intriguing manner.
67. Secret Invasion- 3/5
Personally, I don't find the show to be as horrendous as others attest, but it is easily the weakest MCU show to grace the small screen. Wondering which character may or may not be human or a Skrull was fun, the fight scenes are okay, and Samuel L Jackson is always a delight as Nick Fury. But the political drama they strived for here is uninspired. And the show downright looks ugly at times in comparison to far prettier shows like WandaVision or Loki. Rest in Peace to Maria Hill and Talos for having to die in such a mid show.
66. Bookie- 3/5
Bookie is an HBO Max original starring stand up comedian Sebastian Maniscalco as a veteran sports bookie trying to live his life and keep track of the various clients he has that make sports bets in Los Angeles. The premise itself holds some promise, and the characters are mostly likable. Its comedy is similar to Maniscalco's stand-up but still feels light on the laughter. Maniscalco and Omar Dorsey's characters carry the show enough to cross a threshold into becoming okay. It reminds me a little of Bupkis, but better.
65. Willow- 3/5
Willow is a continuation of the movie of the same name released back in 1988. The actor who played the titular Willow over 30+ years ago reprised his role once more as a powerful sorcerer who encounters a young group of heroes who embark on a dangerous quest. While the movie reminded me of The Neverending Story with its tone, the show does the same, more or less. The action scenes and cast were perfectly okay, sorta carrying itself on a cheesy, endearing vibe that you either rock with or don't. What's most egregious is how the show was wiped away Disney+ canceled and wiped from their platform, making it impossible to view via legal means.
64. Camp Lazlo- 3/5
Camp Lazlo was a show that used to air on Cartoon Network from 2005 to 2008. I used to watch it as a child then and rewatched it in its entirety for the first time in years. The series follows anthropomorphic spider monkey Lazlo and his bunkmates albino rhino Clam and elephant Raj as they look for fun times at Camp Kidney. It's a goofy, fine TV show that I think kids nowadays would get a kick out of, but there are better shows from that time to indulge in. The characters teeter from being likable to annoying from episode to episode, the character design is fine, and the comedy is lowbrow. It's not offensive in any way, but I'm a little disappointed since I liked this show a lot more as a kid than now. For me, it doesn't hold up too much.
63. The Last Kingdom (Seasons 3-5) 3/5
For 5 seasons, The Last Kingdom followed Uhtred of Bamburgh in the Medieval Age fighting mighty European armies and leading armies himself as a powerful warrior who's grown into his own. The first two seasons, viewed in the tail-end of 2022, were possibly the best seasons. Alexander Dreymon's performance as Uhtred was fine throughout, but not as gripping as I would hope. The same principle applies to every character introduced in the past three seasons after season two. A fine story is told throughout, but the best aspect has to be the action scenes. As disinterest took over towards the final season, I take solace that the movie that followed, Seven Kings Must Die, was really good and a great sendoff to Uhtred.
62. Dave (Season 3)- 3/5
Maybe Dave is the slightly better version of Bupkis than Bookie was. Dave stars David Burd, also known as Lil Dicky, as an extreme version of himself looking to boost his rap career. The latest season was a slight step down from season 2. It's always relied on gross-out humor, but it was too much this season. This season was a huge mixed bag with some good episodes and some that were average. Certain characters could use more fleshing out, like his friends, Elz, or Mike. More of that instead of flexing the cameos like Drake or Rick Ross would bring the show up a bit more. Though, to be fair, Brad Pitt in his episode was pretty entertaining.
61. Ahsoka- 3/5
Former Jedi knight Ahsoka Tano seeks to prevent the return of the Empire as she investigates and traverses the galaxy. I wanted to like this more than I did. I loved Ahsoka in the Clone Wars show and enjoyed Rosario's performance in the handful of episodes she appeared in Mandalorian and Book of Boba Fett. And while Rosario is decent as Ahsoka here, the rest of the cast fails to thrill me. Ahsoka seems like the kind of show that someone would enjoy if you watched the animated show Star Wars: Rebels because it would help make you care more about the characters. Unfortunately, I did not do that so it doesn't help. All I will really remember from this show is the appearances of Hayden Christensen's Anakin Skywalker.
60. Black Mirror (Season 6)- 3/5
The anthology show pushed out 5 episodes this season, and about 3 of them were good. Loch Henry was an uninteresting episode until the final ten minutes, and Mazey Day was the worst episode of the bunch easily. However, the performances and premises of the other three episodes were enough to bring the show as high as it did for me. If you're looking for a random standalone episode that's either entertainingly perplexing, pleasantly thought-provoking, or thrillingly cataclysmic, check out the episodes Joan is Awful, Demon 79, and Beyond the Sea.
59. Doom Patrol (Season 4)- 3/5
Originally a DC Universe Original before becoming an HBO Max original, Doom Patrol was a spinoff of the Titans show about an unlikely group of superheroes with depressing backstories saving the world. This final season really cemented itself that this particular brand of bizarreness, while engaging, was not necessarily for me. The first season was always my favorite, with Alan Tudyk as Mr. Nobody being an excellent foil to the group, but the proceeding seasons never met the same level of love for me as the first. The characters are likable, their arcs are well written, and there's a beautiful sendoff to the cast, but it has a unique sense of weirdness that, while I do admire it, doesn't resonate with me as much as it might for others.
58. AEW All Acess- 3.5/5
The second biggest professional wrestling promotion in America, AEW, showcased a reality show that gave viewers a glimpse into the backstage antics and lives of wrestlers. I'm not big on reality shows, but I love AEW and the wrestlers who work for the company as well. It was an intriguing peak behind the curtain but to an extent for a reality show such as this. Certain elements of drama feel corny as it's somewhat scripted for a "reality" show, there's only so much you can show. And with AEW battling real dramatic bits, like CM Punk fighting people backstage, it feels underwhelming what they show instead. Though, it's understandable they can't show or talk about those instances due to legal issues. Regardless, AEW All Access if a fine product for AEW and reality tv show fans, if there's a correlation.
57. Righteous Gemstones (Season 3)- 3.5/5
The HBO Max show follows the Gemstone family, a bunch of Christian televangelists running their church in the wake of the patriarch Eli's wife's death. The third and latest season is as consistent as the first two seasons. The performances and chemistry of the children, Judy, Kelvin, and Jesse, are a joy to watch. The entire cast is fun with their obscene humor leading to chuckle-inducing jokes. The Gemstones have heart that makes them so endearing.
56. Dexter (Seasons 5-7)
In a long-lasting endeavor to enjoy the original seasons before finally getting around to New Blood, the misadventures of blood-splatter analyst Dexter Morgan bled into 2023. The best seasons, 1-4, were watched in 2022, and this year, 5-7 were enjoyed. The fifth season was a step down from the first four, but the introduction of the character Lumen and Dexter's handling of his grief after losing someone dear to him made for still compelling television. The seventh season was on par with the fifth thanks to a compelling character in Isaak and Maria Laguerta's role. The sixth season is what brings the show down, as the antagonists are underwhelming against the many that came before.
55. Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide 3.5/5
Ned's Declassified was another kid's show I watched growing up that aired three seasons from 2004 to 2007. The show followed middle schooler Ned Bigby and his best friends Moze and Cookie as they tried navigating through middle school, looking to survive. I'm unsure what most kids are like these days, but I'd like to think that this would be something that kids approaching middle school would enjoy. The show became more interesting as seasons went on, the romance aspects were somewhat intriguing, and the wacky supporting characters were mostly likable. The tips and lessons could still apply to kids looking for a guide today. Kids might get a kick out of this today, but should probably stay away from the weird podcast about the show. They really don't need to hear stories about Moze's actor blowing all the other guys on set or whatever.
54. Star Wars: Visions (Season 2)- 3.5/5
The animated anthology series provided a new season with new stories to tell. The animation across the board is gorgeous. Story-wise, the most engaging episodes involve a former Sith and the one where a bunch of people are stuck in a pit they built for the empire. Not every episode is as interesting as those two, but there are neat ideas explored in each episode that one might not see in a star wars show or movie anytime soon.
53. Only Murders In The Building (Seasons 1-2)- 3.5/5
As season three of the acclaimed murder mystery dramedy released this year, I found the time to check out the first two seasons before the year ended. Watching Selena Gomez, Martin Short, and Steve Martin work off one another and try to figure out back to back murders is highly entertaining as their chemistry is off the charts. The special guest stars like Tina Fey or Nathan Lane have helped bring the show as high as it is and it should be commended.
52. Narcos (Seasons 1-2)- 3.5/5
The first two seasons that detail the rise and fall of notorious crime lord Pablo Escobar are as good as they are due in part to the powerful performance by Wagner Moura as the drug kingpin. There were some solid performances throughout the show, but no one gripped me as much as him. (Bit of a spoiler coming here...) When Pablo died at the end of season two, there was little incentive to watch season 3 for me. Others may find this more enjoyable than me, but I recognize that this is a solid, well-made show.
51. Ted Lasso (Seasons 1-3)- 3.5/5
Ted Lasso was a great show for the first two seasons before the quality of season 3 brought it down. Some character arcs with characters like Keely didn't satisfy me. The show's decision to make the episodes an hour long brought the quality down immensely. If season three didn't make such boneheaded choices in its last season, the feel-good comedy would rank higher for me.
50. South Park (Season 26)- 3.5/5
the raunchy, foul-mouthed sitcom still can push out gems, but I miss the old seasons when they were much longer. The latest season pushed out 6 episodes, and while none were bad, if there were at least a few more episodes, the latest season would've been almost great. Two standout episodes for me involve the conspiracy around Japanese toilets, and the episode written by AI like Chat GPT. Nothing as hilarious as previous iconic episodes, but the topics and creativity was sublime still.
49. Disenchantment (Season 5)- 3.5/5
Created by Matt Groening, the same genius mind behind the Simpsons and Futurama, Disenchantment is an animated fantasy series that takes place in a medieval land, following the main characters of Princess Tiabeanie, her elf companion Elfo, and demon buddy Luci. The fifth season was its last, bidding farewell to the zany cast and its colorful multitude of a supporting cast. An underrated show that deserves viewing.
48. Scrubs (Seasons 5-8)- 3.5/5
The classic sitcom about medical students turned doctors peaked with its first 5 seasons. The stories, premises, and character development would not reach the same heights in seasons 6 to 8. Some jokes are funny but don't land as hard for me as they did upon my first viewing as a preteen. Rest in Peace to Sam Lloyd, who played possibly the funniest character on the show and my favorite, Ted. He encapsulated a depressing lawyer swimmingly.
47. Bobobo-bobo-bobo- 3.5/5
Bobobo-bobo-bobo was like a fever dream that I never stopped thinking about as a kid. The bizarre anime about the man Bobobo-bobo-bobo fighting enemies with his nose hairs used to air on Cartoon Network during its Toonami block back in the 2000s. After obtaining a blu-ray disc some time ago, I finally got to watching. It's rapid pace with jokes, insane characters, and wild visual gags wormed it's way into my heart. If I were to let bias get in the way, this would be in my top ten. But not every joke in this comedy lands. I still love this show to pieces tho and wish they'd bring it back.
46. Twisted Metal- 3.5/5
This adaptation of the racing game was the most fun show Peacock produced this year that I watched. The cast is enjoyable with Anthony Mackie and Stephanie Beatriz anchoring the show for its duration, but it's AEW wrestler Samoa Joe as Sweet Tooth, while Will Arnett provides the voice of the same character, that capture a special magic. The action scenes could stand to be more thrilling, but the stories and character interactions help elevate the show to be a blast.
45. Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight (Seasons 2-3)- 3.5/5
This Netflix series about the dragon warrior Po was well-made. Jack Black reprising his role as the titular panda was incredibly welcome as he's the best part of the show. Joining Po are an interesting cast of characters that accompany him on a grand journey. Everything from the action scenes and set pieces to somber character moments were perfectly solid. Another fine show for kids or fans of the Kung Fu Panda series to hold you down while waiting for Kung Fu Panda 4.
44. The Mandalorian (Season 3)- 3.5/5
The latest escapades of Din Djarin and Grogu this season were entertaining, but not as much as previous endeavors in seasons 1 or 2 clearly. The decision to have Din and Grogu separate in the season 2 finale and reunite in another show was a poor choice, robbing this show of a gripping emotional return way too soon. But, the action scenes were still decent, the cameos of the likes of Jack Black and Lizzo were cute and harmless, and Bo Katan's arc helped to make the season at least somewhat compelling.
43. I Am Groot (Season 2)- 3.5/5
Baby Groot is adorable. Five short episodes show baby Groot getting into little shenanigans. My personal favorite involves the one where The Watcher gets stressed watching Groot dick around and get into danger. If you're looking for something really cute and wholesome, I Am Groot would make for a fine 20 minute burst.
42. Whose Line Is It Anyway? (Seasons 8-10)- 3.5/5
It doesn't matter how much time passes or how old improv legends Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles or Wayne Brady get, they have not missed any beats. The CW version of the show is not as good as the original, due to its over reliance on repeated games or unfunny special guests, but the performers themselves are comedic geniuses that I love wholeheartedly. The latest seasons on HBO Max have had them trying different games and breaking from tradition and its for the best. One of my favorite comfort viewings.
41. Wrestlers- 3.5/5
Wrestlers is a documentary that follows former WWE wrestler Al Snow trying to keep his wrestling promotion Ohio Valley Wrestling alive. The series focuses on Al, the various wrestlers and workers that he employ as he books his shows week to week, and outside forces looking to work with OVW. Getting to know the wrestlers behind their over-the-top personal and see the struggles of a wrestling promotion nowhere near as big as WWE or AEW was fascinating.
40. Vikings: Valhalla (Season 2)- 3.5/5
Based in the Viking age, the main characters of Leif Erikson, Freydis and Harald remain the most compelling characters in their show. I wish I could say as much for other aspects. The season was a step-down from season 1, but the emotional story beats and cinematography are decent enough aspects to rate it as high as it is for me.
39. Demon Slayer (Season 3)- 3.5/5
The latest season of the hit anime Demon Slayer was fun, but like many other shows on this list, the season to come beforehand...I simply enjoyed more. Mitsuri was an intriguing Hashira to know, and Villains this season were solid. But the lack of presence of other characters like Inosuke are felt and the emotional beats don't work as well as the previous season. But the season finale was stellar enough to bring the season up quite a bit at least.
38. Insecure (Seasons 4-5)- 3.5/5
Insecure remained consistently good throughout its 5 season run. Issa Rae was a great lead for the show as she and her character were extremely likable. The humorous series had a fine cast, but her friend Kelli had to be my favorite as she was seemingly the funniest of the bunch.
37. Food Wars (Season 5)- 3.5/5
The final season to this over-the-top nontraditional battle Shonen anime was a serviceable sendoff to the endearing cast of zany teens. The cooking show anime aired on Toonami this year and as it wrapped up, I felt sad to see it go as I've enjoyed the wackiness many characters provided. But the last episode was a decent sendoff as well. Though not as good as seasons beforehand, Food Wars fifth season is still a treat.
36. Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Season 2)- 3.5/5
The sophomore season of this animated star wars show was as entertaining as its first. Shoutout to Dee Bradley Baker for voicing five different clones and bringing nuance to each character. A ragtag group of clone troopers on their adventures was exciting at times and the season finale was perhaps the best episode of the batch.
35. Total Drama- 3.5/5
Another show from my childhood thats sometimes a gem and sometimes infuriating. Its first three seasons harbored a good sense of humor and a truly sublime cast of animated characters. It was peak. Unfortunately, the following seasons failed to live up to the standards in character work and pacing, among many other issues. However, the season titled The Ridonculous Race, was great enough to bring the show back up. I haven't seen the latest season yet, but the best seasons of this show are worth checking out.
34. Harley Quinn (Season 4)- 4/5
A great season for the books even if it didn't live up the spectacle of its third season. The animation remains solid and the first half of the show was strong. With Bane still hilarious and Harley and Poison Ivy's respective character arcs that focus on their individuality being as entertaining as they were, there's still a lot to like from this season. Even if it lacks in other departments, like, not enough Clayface.
33. Big Nate (Season 2)- 4/5
Huge bias here, but I used to read the Big Nate Books as a kid and I have a huge soft spot for them which applies to this show. The animation is solid, there's a good sense of humor, and the core cast of kids are incredibly likable. If you're looking for 6th grade kid shenanigans that's bound to.make you chuckle, pleas support the show on Paramount Plus so it gets dozens of seasons.
32. My Hero Academia (Season 6)- 4/5
The latest season of teenage superheroes in training focused on two arcs for 20+ episodes. The first arc saw an all out war between numerous heroes and Villains while the second arc saw our main character, Deku, enter an Era of self-doubt and edginess after the events of the first arc. The second arc would've been better if it had more time dedicated to it, but the turns, twists, action scenes, and revelations of the first arc are enough to elevate this season to greatness.
31. Gen V- 4/5
This spinoff of The Boys was a slightly better series that focused on school kids with superpowers than My Hero. It's still got The Boys charm with its signature violence and gore with characters intriguing enough to keep you hooked. Gen V is a great addition to The Boys universe that warrants attention.
30. Avenue 5 (Season 2)- 4/5
An underrated sitcom following a space captain, his employees and crew, and hundreds of passengers on a space cruise trying to.make their way back home. The cast was stellar, the jokes were hilarious, the premise was engaging, and yet it STILL got canceled and I'll forever be mad about that.
29. Blackish (Seasons 1-3)- 4/5
The family sitcom about the Johnson family has picked up for me lately on my first viewing. The first episode and some to follow in season 1 were a bit rocky as the show was finding its footing. But with Seasons 2 and 3 so far, it's proven to be especially funny with a talented cast and thoughtful messaging.
28. Codename: Kids Next Door (Seasons 1-3)- 4/5
Yet another show from my childhood I've been in the midst of rewatching! The Kids Next Door follows children acting as secret agents that fight against teenagers and adults of all sorts. This classic cartoon would fit so well with an audience today, I'd like to think. With an endearing core cast and a truly fun rogues gallery they face off with in episode to episode, I've started realizing how much influence something like this had on me growing up, I love this show.
27. Six Feet Under (Season 1)- 4/5
One of HBO's classic shows has recently come under my radar for the first time, and while it's a bit slow at times to my liking, it's proving to be a unique watch. It's takes on the passings of every day people coupled with a talented cast and stunning cinematography are leaving me to wonder how this show will fare upon progressing into the next few seasons.
26. Wu Tang: An American Saga (Season 3)
For three seasons, Wu Tang followed the rise of Hip Hops most decorated rap group. It's final season was a superb and contemplative sendoff to some of the greatest MCs to grab a mic. Some episodes and storybits were a bit rushed or dramatized needlessly, but the allegorical episodes were incredibly creative sometimes balances out. An underrated gem of a show, in my opinion.
25. One Piece (Live Action)- 4/5
One of the most faithful adaptations of the source material I've seen and I couldn't be happier. The outrageous characters from the anime and Manga look as wild as they do in live action, the set pieces are mesmerizing, and the performances of the Strawhat crew are special. I'm eagerly awaiting season 2 to see how they adapt what comes next.
24. Archer (Season 14)- 4/5
Despite the addition of a new character to the long running sitcoms final season, they didn't stray focus from its core cast of operatives we've gotten to know and love since 2009. Despite wavering in seasons prior, the writing here was on point, the performances did not miss a beat, and the final season was a wonderful send-off to these ragtag of oddballs.
23. Eric Andre Show (Season 6)- 4/5
Hannibal Burress' lack of presence is felt, but the chaotic nature of the show never left and I love that for it. Whether insane bits on the street or at the studio, Eric Andre has still found ways to psychologically confuse and torture strangers and celebrities alike in a manner that still makes my stomach hurt from laughter and absurdities.
22. My Adventures With Superman- 4/5
This take on the beginnings of Clark Kent's journey as Superman was a fun time. Its animation is pleasing to the eye, Clark and Lois Lane's relationship is incredibly endearing and wholesome at times, and the villains introduced are decent foils to Superman.
21. Futurama (season 11)- 4/5
After being canceled and brought back for the umpteenth time, seeing the Futurama cast return again after about a decade (not including that one Simpsons crossover episode from a few years ago) was so welcome. The show tackled more modern topics like Bitcoin and the COVID pandemic to varying degrees of success. Bringing back the entire original cast and still being able to provide solid entertainment is comforting.
20. Superstore- 4/5
Indulging in the entirety of Superstore, the sitcom about employees working in a giant Walmart-esque retail building, for the first time was intriguing. The first season felt too reminiscent of The Office in characters, but as the seasons progressed it slowly started to morph into its own thing. As characters found their own personalities, the show increasingly became more and more hilarious, even with its final season filmed during peak pandemic lockdown.
19. Loki (Season 2)- 4/5
An improvement upon the first season by a margin. Adding Key Huy Quan and Rafael Casal to the cast this season was an excellent choice. The rest of the cast was equally superb, but it's Tom Hiddleston as Loki completing his transformation from a god of mischief to a selfless god was perfect. The finale to the season was bittersweet but also perhaps the best episode of a Disney MCU show so far.
18. Atlanta (Season 4)- 4/5
Donald Glover's experimental series starring himself, Zazie Beets, Brian Tyree Henry, and LaKeith Stanfield, provided possibly the best season of the show. I feel there could've been an opportunity to bring back people from the previous seasons at some point this season, but the episodes this season were pretty remarkable. The final episode leaves one to wonder about the status of our characters but not in a doom-and-gloom manner which I can rock with.
17. Baki Hanma (Season 2)- 4/5
Not since Jojo's Bizarre Adventure have I seen an action anime so ridiculous thrill me almost entirely from start to end. Baki Hanma is a well-crafted, better-written show than its previous series simply titled 'Baki.' Two arcs focus on a prehistoric caveman thawing out of the ice and the world's greatest fighters try to defeat it. While the second arc has our main character try and combat his ultra-powerful dad in a fight that's been built up for years. Both arcs were over-the-top peak that warrant viewing if you live for that nature.
16. Blindspotting (Season 2)- 4/5
The sequel series to the film of the same name is just as great as the film itself. Jasmine Cephas Jones as Ashley, who initially harbored a small role in the film, is good as the lead for the show. Her various family members and friends either helped her or overwhelmed her in ways that made for intriguing television. Combined with fun usage of cameos from rappers and riveting musical sequences, you have another show that gets canceled way to soon and pisses me OFF.
15. Rick and Morty (Season 7)- 4/5
Upon giving co-creator and creep Justin Roiland the boot, the team behind Rick and Morty managed to deliver a quality season up there with some of their best. The new voices for Rick and Morty that replaced Roiland have nestled nicely into the role, and after delivering one of the greatest episodes in the series in 'Unmortricken' any anxieties about the quality of Rick and Morty have been quelled for the future of the show.
14. Jujitsu Kaisen (Season 2)- 4/5
The first few episodes focused on the backstory of a few crucial characters years ago, and while they were sufficient, the meat of the season lies within the Shibuya Incident. As good and evil fight across the city of Shibuya and the bodies pile sky high, JJK has crafted an unforgettable second season with stakes high and memorable moments galore.
13. One Piece (Wano Arc)- 4/5
As the One Piece anime wraps up its longest story arc to date, looking back it's clear to see that the legendary scenes will pang throughout the echoes of time. Despite shit pacing, as One Piece is known to have, it gave us moments of Luffy attaining the Gear 5 form, his jaw-dropping fight with Kaido, and entertaining fights between the Strawhats and the rest of Kaido's crew. Thank god it's over though, and we can finally prepare for the next island Luffy and the Strawhats head toward.
12. Scott Pilgrim Takes Off- 4/5
I think I like this more than the movie, even though it's been years since I last saw the film. But Scott Pilgrim Takes Off took Scott's friends, Ramona's exes, and plenty of other characters with varying degrees of screen time in the movie, amplified it in the show, and made everyone INCREDIBLY likable. With awesome fight scenes and delightful characters, the show has become a must-see for animation fans.
11. The Bear (Seasons 1-2)- 4/5
Who knew how anxiety-inducing a show about a young chef running a restaurant with a hectic kitchen staff could be. The groundwork laid in season 1 elevated season 2 to excellency. The cast is fascinating, and the episodes that involve characters running around frantically, desperately trying to tie shit together have lead to the best episodes on television this year. If you watch one episode from this show, please watch the episode titled 'Fishes.'
10. Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake- 4/5
The spinoff and continuation from yet another Cartoon Network classic is at least on par with the original Adventure Time. Taking the fictional characters of Fionna and Cake and expounding upon them to make them their own fleshed-out characters is amazing. The blossoming relationship of Gary and Marshall was sweet and Simon's existential crisis was heart-wrenching. Eagerly awaiting it's next season.
9. Orange Is The New Black (Seasons 1-3)- 4/5
As I'm currently on my first viewing of this show, as of this writing, I can see how this show about women in prison put Netflix on the map for their original programming. Our leads slow descent into morally questionable behavior is as compelling as every surrounding story with her fellow inmates. The final minutes of the season three finale were powerful imagery for the inmates. And as the depressing dramedy continues forward, I cannot wait to see how the rest of the show shapes.
8. Succession (Seasons 1-4)- 4/5
After binging all four seasons this year, Succession is the closest show I've seen to poetry in motion. The inner dynamics of these deeply disturbed members of the Roy family as they backstab, connive, and try to destroy one another just to reach a comfortable seat of power made for devastating television. I only wish there was one more season to spend more time with the cast.
7. Dragon Ball Z- 4/5
This is the last show on this list that was something I watched as a kid, I promise. The iconic Shonen action show is my favorite anime of all time, but I tried not to let some of personal bias cloud some of my judgment. It's the grandfather of all action anime for a reason, and what prevents it from being my number one is that I believe some of the following shows are just a liiiiiiittle bit more tightly written.
6. The Last Of Us- 4.5/5
Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey managed to put on performances as stellar as the voice actors in the game, it's wild. I thought the adaptation was amazing, with sublime performances across the board, a decent pace, and an exploration of character depth unseen in the game with characters like Bill and Frank. It might've been a little light on zombies this season which I hope they rectify in the future.
5. Castlevania Nocturne- 4.5/5
As someone who adored the previous Castlevania anime series, this season had some big shoes to fill. For the first season, they knocked it out of the park. The animation is more gorgeous than ever, the new characters introduced in this spinoff are intriguing, and they laid superb groundwork for the following season.
4. It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia (Season 16)- 4.5/5
Clearly, the best season that this gang of scumbags has put out in years. The entire season saw the gang at their dumbest which lead to hilarious setups and instant classics in its legacy. While all 5 characters were at their best this season, I want to highlight Danny Devito in Frank Vs Russia and Glenn Howerton in The Gang Goes Bowling and Dennis Takes a Mental Health Day as some of the best comedic chops they've almost ever had. I died laughing so much this season.
3. Primal (Seasons 1-2)- 4.5/5
The story about a caveman and a dinosaur going on adventures and was surprisingly...peak. The storytelling despite minimal to no words being spoken is immaculate, and when the first words were dropped I almost lost my shit. The first season was great, but the second season helped elevate the entirety of the show. It's cliff hangers are jaw-dropping, the arcs in season 2 were grand in scale, and the Primal Theory was perhaps the best episode of the whole show. I wish I watched this sooner.
2. What We Do In The Shadows (Season 5)- 4.5/5
The only show to make me laugh just as much, possibly just a little bit more, than It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia is the show about Vampires in Staten Island of course. Guillermo's season long arc of vampirism came to a satisfying conclusion and the rest of the cast were on point, especially my personal favorite character: Lazlo. The cast were on point, and the comedic chops were strong, I just hope it's final season is at least as strong as this season was.
Barry (Season 4)- 5/5.
The 4th season of Barry was excellent. Barry the character and Barry the show has been immortalized with the events that transpire over this 8-episode season. The fate of the characters followed over the past few seasons has been befitting and heartbreaking but understandable in some circumstances. The way the show transitioned into something darker over the past two seasons as this hitman who tried to become an actor influenced the people around him and brought them down into the deepest trenches with him. There is no doubt in my mind that Barry was my personal favorite show viewed in 2023. Thank you for reading my list if you did.
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z-paladin · 11 months
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Pesci and Prosciutto my beloveds??♥️♥️
Aight - 2 for one
Pesci gets...
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Gekomon! While they look odd, they are pleasant companions to have with a great talent for music. I can imagine that their own flavor of confidence along with Prosciutto could really help Pesci hold tight to his resolve. And what's a little fishing without the song of some frogs, huh?
Prosciutto gets...
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Bokomon! This thing is a baby and an old man at the same time. He'd play backgammon with Prosci. However, if its a fight they don't think they can win, they can be cowardly. Bokomon is almost the perfect in-between of the brothers
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5,6, 13 and 16 for REASONS
minor spoilers for SBR and Jojolion
5. Wanna give a different answer than the other ask with 5 soooo:
Dr. Ferdinand, Axl RO, D I S C O, Magent Magent, the whole Boomboom family, Dr Ferdinand, AISHO AND YOTSUYU, Dolomite (Dolomite my beloved <3 he can be my roommate, he deserves better than having to eat livestock), the Aphex Brothers because I loved their Weird Sibling Vibes™️. IK they’re both complete assholes, but personally being neurodivergent and being very close with my neurodivergent brother when we were both in school this scene just speaks to me
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6. OK FINE if i have to choose ONE:
Viviano. As an antagonist he's terrifying because like, he's SUPER strong, he can hold his own against stand users even when he's not using Planet Waves. And what makes him REALLY scary is that in his arc he's under Survivor's effect, so he's got ZERO restraint. the only thing he wants to do is kill you, he's fucking brutal, he's impossible to talk down, and he will not quit until he gets knocked out or dies.
13. for drawing probably still lang and mcqueen. for writing i've found i really like Viv. he thinks he's really normal and cool. he punches things because he's scared if he doesn't he might Feel an Emotion. he thinks he's straight. he's fucking the prisoners....
16. *very deep inhale*
maxx/viv/d+g/lang/mcqueen, aisho/yotsuyu, formaggio/pesci, josuyasu, MiuMiu/Miraschon, 11 men/themselves LMAO help
I haven't figured out how I want to pair up (or polycule up lol) my favourite p7 boys but just know that Dr Ferdinand, Mrs Robinson, DISCO, Mike O., Blackmore, Axl RO, and Magent Magent are currently sitting in a Pile of Eligible Bachelors that I need to sort through when I have time.
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lasquadrashusband · 2 years
may we,, get some pesci content,, please? 🥺 he's very underrated poor baby
guess who’s back.
Pesci is in his early 20’s, around 22-24
I feel like he dyes his hair, its originally a light auburn or brown
but i do also like the idea he has green body hair, its just kinda goofy to me
I hc him as a trans male!! He does T-shots and a little ship indulgent; Ghiaccio loves to help him do his shots since he’s afraid of needles
He is chubby,, <33 he does work out a lot too (cough cough lifting fishing gear) so he does have muscle too!! He’s super strong
I think he would really like to doodle too, he’s actually pretty good at it and has a sketch book filled with doodles/drawings of his team members, he gets super flattered that his team members like his drawings, and gives them out if he’s confident enough
Somewhere deep inside me feels like he would listen to rap music, not like Sigil raps, but like those silly rap songs where they just rap about how much they love to rap and dance
He also listens to Rock and a bit of Pop, he is a Britney Spears fan and has been to one of her concerts
He does like to swim a lot, in my backstory for him he really loves swimming and the water in general
He’s also super into sea life and things like that, his favorite sea animals are sea slugs (Totally not based off one of my super good friends/sarc), and has a lot of plushies of them and squid
I hc him and Prosciutto are half brothers, and loves being around him because he’s super happy he has someone to look up to and is finally not an only child like he thought he was all his life
He probably drives super well ngl, he hates driving with Ghiaccio and will force him to sit in the backseat so he can’t yell at anyone out the window and make sure that he follows every rule (apart from the occasional speeding)
I feel like he really loves to watch documentaries with Prosciutto/Risotto, he finds them super interesting but hates to listen to them in the car because he needs to actually watch footage with it to focus
Ngl,, I feel like he can be really sociable, he just needs a few minutes to prepare himself to talk to anyone. He gives himself pep talks before he goes to order food, and plans out his order
He does like to dye his hair different colors, he does it especially during April Fools to see if other members notice (they do sometimes, espically Ghiaccio)
He’s super good at baking and cooking, whenever he makes any type of sweet Formaggio and Melone are always behind him waiting for the cookies/cake to cool down enough before they eat all of it
He really does like to hang out with Ghiaccio (and make o-), he loves hearing him rant and if he hangs out with him for a long time he even starts to pick up slang and mannerisms from him (Much to La Squadra’s horror)
I hc him as mlm/pansexual, he kinda goes between the two sometimes, he’s still kinda figuring out what/who he wants
mwah mwah im gonna write about ghiaccio next probably….i love my little meow meows
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kewwie-pie · 2 years
Here's part 2 of my la squadra redesigns I hope you enjoy 🫡
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soupbabe · 2 years
May I please ask for headcanons for La Squadra reacting to their new team mate's stand that looks like Jigsaw from Saw please?
That Thing (La Squadra + Reader)
The boys discuss the puppet that follows Reader.
I know you said headcanons, but I thought of a concept for a mini fic and couldn't help myself 😅 I tried to get in how everyone (minus Sorbet n Gelato) would react and it's just really silly. Also I've only seen Saw once and that was when I was 8, so I hope I got what you mean. I think you mean that one puppet dude?? I hope so
Every day, everywhere you go, you'd bring that thing with you.
The puppet with cracked paint and eyes more daunting than the ones that belong to your boss. It'd perch itself on your lap most of the time, staring blankly into a void. Your stand stirred up controversy within the team. Bets were made surrounding what exactly your doll was and why it was with you all the time.
"No, listen- it has to be a stand. No way they'd just hang out with a creepy doll like that," Formaggio explained. Illuso, Pesci, and Melone sat with them at a dining room table, eyeing you across the room. "I don't think so..I think I've seen it stare at me even when they're not in the room." Pesci shuttered. Melone laughed, "It could just be long range. That puppet is no different than Babyface." Melone shrugged. "Whatever it is, it's cheap looking," Illuso scoffed, scanning the design of the puppet. "What stand has plastic hair?"
Just then, Ghiaccio walked by and Formaggio called him over. "Hey! Ghiaccio! We need your input for something." The blue haired man only responded with a raised eyebrow. "What do you think Y/n's doll thing is?" "I don't know...it's not my business anyways." Ghiaccio shrugged and went back to the living room beside you, acting as if the doll next to him didn't exist. Melone groaned, "We're going nowhere..." "Why don't you just ask them?" Risotto questioned, Prosciutto looked on behind him. "Because it's weird...who knows they might put a curse on me or something," Formaggio frowned.
"Well, we should do it anyways," Illuso chimed in. "Nose goes!" The brunette called, immediately putting his finger to the tip of his nose. The other men followed, but Pesci was too late. "Oh please don't make me do this," he whined. Prosciutto rolled his eyes, "They're just our teammate and it's just a stupid doll. Nothing bad is going to happen." Prosciutto reassured. With a shaky sigh, Pesci nodded. "Fine..."
"Hey, Y/n..?" You peaked up from your book to be met with a nervous Pesci. "Me and the guys were just wondering...what is that thing on your lap?" You looked down at your beloved stand and tilted your head in thought. You weren't an idiot, you've been hearing their conversation the entire time. And while you hate to do this to Pesci out of everyone, maybe giving them want they want might make them leave you alone once and for all.
"Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to." The puppet spoke, it's deep voice being heard by everyone. Pesci shrieked and went back to his teammates, "IT'S A STAND IT'S A STAND IT'S A STAND-"
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pocketpauling · 4 years
I just wanted to tell you all that in Pitter Patter Pop, La Squadra HQ has 8 Lattes and 1 glass of milk
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r0z0 · 3 years
Their reactions to finding out that they are going to be dads + reaction photos:
Risotto Nero:
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"I was not expecting that, but I'm glad that we can start our family."
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"WOOOOOOOOO!!!!?!!!! WHAT?!?!"
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"I'm going to be A WHAT?!?!?"
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"I thought you were on birth control..."
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Tries to show support and be positive but you can see that he is really confused.
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"I know. I tracked your menstrual cycle and symphtoms of posibble pregnancy. I'm so happy, amore."
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"That's great. Can we name it Beans?"
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lasquadrasfuckhouse · 3 years
I see your la squadra collaring their s/o, and I offer you... getting them a collar of their choosing and using it to tug them down to ur height and wreck them
-✨ anon
!!not safe fw!!
risotto is VERY into it. he likes to get as good as he gives and he'll be absolutely in love with you if you tug him around (occasionally just a bit tight on his throat) and lovingly wreck him
prosciutto will raise his eyebrows. he's interested but he'll sort of challenge you like, you think you can get him in a collar and make him obey? show him that yes you very much can, and he'll be good for you
pesci probably wouldn't be into it. he'd choose a really cute one but it'd mostly be for style. he'd go red if u very gently pulled on it to give him a sweet kiss tho
formaggio REALLY digs it. somehow he's still the one teasing YOU, at least at first, like, you must love doing this to him huh, he can tell how excited u are. it's pretty easy to shut him up with a harsh tug and doing something to get him moaning (or make you moan)
illuso will be taunting you the whole time. you may have him in a collar, but who's really the one in charge here? he's an absolute brat, put him in his place and he'll be pliant for you
melone LOVES it of course, the style the experience the feeling, everything. he loves being dragged around and malleable for you
ghiaccio may generally be more used to doing the tugging, but he finds he likes being on the receiving end too. it's not as hard as u may think to get him submissive, especially if u really come through on the wrecking
sorbet and gelato are SO into it. collars are handy with keeping those two in order and they definitely like being tugged around, just make sure you keep track of them and really put em in their place cause they like to test their dom. wreck them indeed!!! they'll thank u for it
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wait i lied Molly knows literally the main cast of Goodfellas and thats it.
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