#ngl im hyperfixated on him and ghiaccio...
lasquadrashusband · 2 years
may we,, get some pesci content,, please? 🥺 he's very underrated poor baby
guess who’s back.
Pesci is in his early 20’s, around 22-24
I feel like he dyes his hair, its originally a light auburn or brown
but i do also like the idea he has green body hair, its just kinda goofy to me
I hc him as a trans male!! He does T-shots and a little ship indulgent; Ghiaccio loves to help him do his shots since he’s afraid of needles
He is chubby,, <33 he does work out a lot too (cough cough lifting fishing gear) so he does have muscle too!! He’s super strong
I think he would really like to doodle too, he’s actually pretty good at it and has a sketch book filled with doodles/drawings of his team members, he gets super flattered that his team members like his drawings, and gives them out if he’s confident enough
Somewhere deep inside me feels like he would listen to rap music, not like Sigil raps, but like those silly rap songs where they just rap about how much they love to rap and dance
He also listens to Rock and a bit of Pop, he is a Britney Spears fan and has been to one of her concerts
He does like to swim a lot, in my backstory for him he really loves swimming and the water in general
He’s also super into sea life and things like that, his favorite sea animals are sea slugs (Totally not based off one of my super good friends/sarc), and has a lot of plushies of them and squid
I hc him and Prosciutto are half brothers, and loves being around him because he’s super happy he has someone to look up to and is finally not an only child like he thought he was all his life
He probably drives super well ngl, he hates driving with Ghiaccio and will force him to sit in the backseat so he can’t yell at anyone out the window and make sure that he follows every rule (apart from the occasional speeding)
I feel like he really loves to watch documentaries with Prosciutto/Risotto, he finds them super interesting but hates to listen to them in the car because he needs to actually watch footage with it to focus
Ngl,, I feel like he can be really sociable, he just needs a few minutes to prepare himself to talk to anyone. He gives himself pep talks before he goes to order food, and plans out his order
He does like to dye his hair different colors, he does it especially during April Fools to see if other members notice (they do sometimes, espically Ghiaccio)
He’s super good at baking and cooking, whenever he makes any type of sweet Formaggio and Melone are always behind him waiting for the cookies/cake to cool down enough before they eat all of it
He really does like to hang out with Ghiaccio (and make o-), he loves hearing him rant and if he hangs out with him for a long time he even starts to pick up slang and mannerisms from him (Much to La Squadra’s horror)
I hc him as mlm/pansexual, he kinda goes between the two sometimes, he’s still kinda figuring out what/who he wants
mwah mwah im gonna write about ghiaccio next probably….i love my little meow meows
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