#personally I think Molly would try and teach Ginny but Ginny would hate it
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#harry potter#bill weasley#charlie weasley#percy weasley#fred weasley#george weasley#fred and george#ron weasley#ginny weasley#weasley siblings#personally I think Molly would try and teach Ginny but Ginny would hate it#I think Percy could learn bc his siblings would play outside and he would learn with Molly#molly weasley#knitting
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A Complete Analysis of Harry Potter
Like a lot of kids, we probably grew up on Harry potter. We were obsessed and rightly so. The universe created in the world of Harry Potter was, and is, a hugely successful one because of the fact it gave kids a world where magic exists! It seemed to be a great world to live in and it made even better with the fact that it included elements of empowerment, Whether it be showing girls can be just as successful if not more in various pursuits(Hermione), or the fact that even if you have a history of bad events, you can have a good heart(Hagrid), Harry Potter teaches us a lot.
JKR has written a mind-blowing plot in a world of magic, wizards, witches, wands, potions, friendship, love. Our inner-five-year olds--and actually most of our young adult selves too--jumps around excitedly at the beautifully penned words that creates an exit out of this world and into one where magic does exist.
As you get older, though, you begin to think of Harry Potter in a more critical fashion. The thought of “oh my god, it’s magic” no longer completely overrides my mind, but more of “but what are the laws regarding this? Can people just do this whenever they want? Are there no ethics?”
No matter how much we’re going to expose the flaws and plot holes in HP now, we’ll always love the books--we grew up on them! But some things just niggle you as you get older, and that’s what we’re going to be focusing on in this post.
Something I adore about the HP books is that everyone, including the “good guys”, has flaws. Harry has a “save the world alone, do first, think later” complex, a driving force that makes him go save Sirius, Ron is very, very insecure to a point where he ditches Harry twice, probably when Harry needed him the most, Hermione is a judgemental, narrow-minded nag (her thoughts on Luna, divination, Trelawney, basically anything that doesn’t fit her black and white world), Molly Weasley is misogynistic and blatantly favourites her children—probably being one of the main factors behind Ron’s insecurities, Arthur is condescending towards Muggles and makes several comments you cringe at while reading the books as a young adult/adult, Sirius, Snape, and Lupin still haven’t let go of their childhood grudges and hatred, etc etc etc.
These flaws are what make these characters so three-dimensional, so layered, so human. But the problem was, most of these flaws are never intentionally acknowledged. And honestly, that could have been such a good character arc, because the main characters are mostly students. No student is the same through their teenage years—they change, they evolve, they get over their flaws, they try to better themselves. I would have loved to see Ron becoming his own person, Hermione opening her mind up a little, etc.
Neville is not one of my favourites, but I love his growth and development, from someone who was scared of his potions professor to a man who faced down Lord Voldemort. Ginny Weasley could have had character development, from the trauma she went through in second year, but that was never written in. She went through this terrifying ordeal when she was only twelve years old, and jump to a year or two later and she’s absolutely fine, with no transition from her trauma whatsoever.
Some of JKR’s characters are brilliantly written and fleshed out, but some of her others lack the structure and complexity that usually comes with being vital to the plot—Ginny Weasley for one. Her internalised misogyny also plays a huge part in the way her female characters are written. We see this again in the case of how she wrote the character of Ginny.
Ginny Weasley is not a favourite of ours (if you don’t know that by now). She feels a lot like a convenient male daydream—when she waits for Harry to notice her by dating other guys, gets annoyed by Hermione “not knowing quidditch”, etc etc—and fits the “not like other girls” archetype too much, almost like she was made for it (hint hint). She’s portrayed to be strong-willed, spunky, and independent, and I love the idea, but I really don’t see it. To me, she’s a very shallow character, the least fleshed out one.
Just like James Potter wasn’t necessarily redeemed just because JKR said he was, and Ginny isn’t interesting just because JKR writes that she is.
Hermione also fits the archetype, but she’s JKR’s self-insert, so we really can’t say much about that.
To make things worse, Ginny and Hermione are pitted against each other in a very subtle way. Ginny is the sporty, pretty, flirty girl who’s never single from book 4. Hermione is the not-conventionally-attractive, nerdy girl who’s had a few dates here and there but never a relationship. They’re very different characters (the only thing they have in common is the archetype) but they’re against each other in the defence of Harry.
Another place where JKR’s misogyny shows up is the way other girls are written. Lavender Brown is shown as vapid and immature, just because she likes clothes and boys and didn’t know how to handle her first relationship. Cho Chang is perceived as shallow because she’s emotional. Pansy Parkinson is seen to be throwing herself at Draco Malfoy. The Weasleys hated Fleur because she was beautiful and sexy and French, and that was ever really resolved in the end (Molly accepted her, but we never got Ginny’s and Hermione’s opinions again). You see where we’re getting at? The typical “girly girls” are portrayed as insipid, shallow, emotional, and boring, while girls like Hermione and Ginny are seen to be fun and multilayered.
The problems with Harry Potter don’t just stop with non-fleshed out characters. There are plot devices that go unacknowledged, issues like blood purity—which is the basis of Voldemort’s tyranny—are never really resolved, huge Chekhov’s guns that aren’t fired.
A common misconception, which if cleared up could probably expose a load of problems in wizarding society by itself, is that the wizarding world is racist. It’s not racist. Muggles and Muggleborns are not a different race, they’re a different class, at least according to pureblood wizards. Mudblood is a classist insult (a direct reference to nobility blueblood and aristocracy).
Another factor that wasn’t talked about but made the HP world so complex and realistic is the inherent classism in every single pureblooded wizard, including the Weasleys.
The “Light” wizards all operate on the notion “at least I don’t kill or torture Muggles”. The Weasleys refuse to talk about Molly’s squib cousin who’s an accountant, the Longbottoms were so desperate for Neville to not be a squib they nearly killed him trying to force magic out of him, Ron makes fun of Filch for being a squib, thinks house-elves are beneath him, and confounds his driving instructor in his mid-thirties, the ministry workers kept obliviating that muggle at the quidditch World Cup, etc.
This could have been a metaphor for how small prejudices and microaggressions (kind of the wizarding equivalent of white privilege) enable discrimination and murder, if JKR had actually acknowledged it.
The parallel to Nazi Germany is very twisted and definitely shouldn’t be taken too far, but the Nazi ideology grew on the basis of everyday antisemitism, “that’s not that bad” little things. Voldemort’s circle and army grew because the wizard superiority complex festered and blew up in some people, egged on by a deeply classist society.
Ultimately, Harry Potter has very, very shoddy worldbuilding, the kind of worldbuilding that’s obsessed with answering the “what” of the wizarding world, rather than the “how” or the “why”, which is strange, considering that fantasy or dystopian-era novels’ driving plots and conflicts are usually answering the questions the worldbuilding raises--The Hunger Games and The Shadowhunter Chronicles are two of the best examples of brilliantly written YA fantasy and dystopian novels.
In HP, however, the main plot just avoids the questions the worldbuilding brings up like the bubonic plague.
Voldemort’s agenda is built on prejudice towards Muggles and Muggleborns, but the plot just validates the negative perception of them—at the end of the day, being a wizard is what’s special. The Statute of Secrecy is the foundation of the main concept—blood supremacists believe wizards shouldn’t be hidden away—but only vague, barely-there answers are given to why it exists (a Chekhov’s gun that was never fired).
There are love potions that function like date rape drugs (even Harry was given one by a girl who wanted him to ask her out), potions that force people to tell the truth, potions that literally let you disguise yourself as another person, but the ethics are never talked about, and the laws are so lax that three twelve-year-olds broke them and were never caught.
But at the same time, the worldbuilding is so authentic, because it transforms the wizarding world into straight-up fridge horror. The everyday horrors are just accepted and rolled with. A corrupt government, constant obliviation of Muggles, slavery that isn’t even talked about. These things aren’t obvious to us as readers, or to the wizards as characters, because they match up to the real world, which is filled with things that are horrifying if you dig deeper. The multiple, normalised forms of abuse, police brutality, the violence in prisons that nothing is done about, the glaringly obvious cultural problems we have with consent, etc.
The abusive authoritative figures in HP, like Rufus Scrimgeour, Cornelius Fudge, Dumbledore, Umbridge, etc, are so authentic because real-life politicians and people in high places of power behave that way, and their abuse is excused.
The wizarding world is just like the real world. Corrupt, prejudiced, messed up, but if you’re privileged, or at least have certain privileges, you’re probably not going to notice. The ultimate problem is that the plot doesn’t acknowledge a lot of fridge horror things are messed up either, which is why it miserably fails.
#harry potter#shoddy worldbuilding#flaws#plotholes#ron weasley#hermione granger#draco malfoy#jk rowling#tom riddle#lord voldemort#dumbledore#rufus scrimgeour#cornelius fudge#dolores umbridge#ginny weasley#molly weasley#arthur weasley#pansy parkinson#fleur delacour#luna lovegood#lavendar brown#cho chang#hagrid#sirius black#severus snape#james potter#remus lupin#amortentia#veritaserum#polyjuice potion
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Weasley Family relationships: George and Perce
George Weasley doesn't understand his twin's adoration with Perfect Percy.
He doesn't like Percy. Percy is boring.
Fred tells him that Percy was funny and read them books but George doesn't remember anything.
He thinks Fred made it up to put Percy in a better light.
George does remember Percy calling Fred Freddie. So George calls him Freddie too.
George just doesn't have a good relationship with Percy. He just doesn't.
Percy tries though. He tries with sweets and toys and books and a lot of things. But if you bribe someone to like you with food and things is the relationship even real?
George observes. He observes Percy because Percy is interesting. He knows all of Percy's moods at this point.
He observes Percy because Percy is unexpected. Percy can change moods in minutes.
It's easier to go unnoticed when you're the quieter twin.
People forget that besides pranks George can have other interests.
He was painting Mum when Percy entered his room. The whole family had gone out and Percy and him were home alone.
"That's beautiful George. How long have you painting it?"
"About an hour."
"She really looks like Mum."
And he knows that Percy is genuine when he says that because he knows that Percy actually examines work before complimenting it.
That was the first time George accepted that Percy is his brother.
"You should sell your work."
George is shocked. He just didn't realise that he could get money for his work.
"Yes. You can sell your work to people in the village and they can pay Muggle money which we can convert into galleons!"
Percy even started writing in his book about the plan and doing calculations.
George didn't even know what to say. If it were Bill or Charlie they would have said 'great job' and asked him to make portraits of them but Percy just went to business.
George wishes that Percy had been in Slytherin so he could have the courage to do so too.
And he does make money. Percy is a good salesmen. They manage to sell 18 of his paintings and make money.
George wants Percy to keep half but Percy refuses.
"They're your paintings. You put in the time and effort. You keep the money and keep it for yourself."
When Percy tells him to keep it for yourself he knows what Percy implies. Be selfish. Don't let the family take it.
That's the problem with the Weasley family isn't it? We give too much and receive nothing in return. Not freedom, not hope just love which gets us nowhere.
George can't forget Percy's words. He can't stop thinking about them. He's torn up about giving Mum the money or keeping it for himself.
He decides the latter option. He feels guilty but he knows it's the right option.
He doesn't even tell Fred.
Noone knows about the paintings besides Percy and he knows Percy is discrete.
George doesn't talk to Percy much after that but he does think that the pranks they play on Percy is too much sometimes.
(But Fred's the leader and George follows even though Fred is confused half the time.)
When Percy leaves, George isn't shocked. He saw it coming a mile away.
The way they treat him and the accusation that he's a spy, it seems to pile up on a person until they can't take ot anymore and leave.
George does miss Percy even if they weren't the best of brothers.
And with the war, Percy in the Ministry, Percy's at more risk than all of them. George understands this but he's not Percy's parents and Percy's old enough to comprehend right from wrong.
(George doesn't realise that even his older brother needs guidance at time)
George thinks that Mum is the worst at times always wailing about Percy but it's Fred whose the worst at hiding his emotions.
George can't tell whether Fred misses or hates Percy. His mood keeps changing rapidly but George was suprised when Fred threw food at Percy.
He didn't want to follow but they are 'twins' so he did it and to his horror so did Ginny which made it a 100 times worse.
George wouldn't blame Percy if he never came back.
He did.
He came back to fight and Fred was the first one to hug hin back.
He left Fred in Percy's capable hands and followed Charlie.
Percy would keep Fred safe. He always has.
Well turns out George is wrong.
It's Percy. Percy can never do anything right in his stupid pathetic life.
He punches Percy in the face. Percy deserves it.
He killed Fred.
And his family members can try to reassure him and convince him all he want but he and Percy both know that Percy did indeed kill Fred.
He doesn't like that Percy's staying with them. But Mum lost one son she can't lose another so George keeps his mouth shut.
He doesn't eat for the first few days. He can't.
His twin is dead.
For the firs time in his life, Geirge wants the word twin back.
It's difficult for everyone. He knows that but they don't get it.
Fred was always there. Like always and without him George feels like a shadow.
They all try to get him to eat. They make his favorite dishes.
(Sadly, they're all Fred's favourite dishes and George has to choke back a sob everytime)
He doesn't talk to Percy much. He expected Percy to come and get him to eat but Percy doesn't.
Instead he slids paint supplies under the door.
It's so random and spontaneous George wants to laugh.
Percy wants him to paint?
George does paint. He paints Fred because he has to. He paints Fred to keep his memory alive.
He paints Fred because he has to remind himself he is not Fred.
He looks like Fred but he isn't. He isn't. He isn't.
(George doesn't understand why it's so difficult to accept that.)
It's a long time before George realises It's because his whole life he has always been second.
It's always "FredandGeorge" or the twins. It's never been only George.
He doesn't know who he is.
Percy does. Percy knows he's not Fred.
So when it's Percy's turn to get him food. He lets him in.
"You let me in?!"
"Ya, Perce"
After that Percy's quiet. When George turns around he sees Percy staring at Fred's portrait.
"It's marvelous. Really great portrait of him!"
"Really? How do you know its Fred and not me?"
"Well if you see Fre..Fred has more freckles on the right side of his face as compared to yours and your eyebrows are a bit thicker and ....."
Percy gets everything right. George has never felt closer to his brother than right now.
He talks to Percy everyday a bit more. It helps. It helps George to figure out who he is.
Percy even arranges Fred's funeral.
A week before the funeral a question occurs in his head.
"Is he still a twin if his twin is dead?"
He asks his family. They say yes without thinking. They say yes to make him feel better. Ginny and Mum just give him a hug instead of answering.
He doesn't want their comfort. He just wants an explanation why yes.
So he asks Percy the one person who actually would answer him the why.
"Percy am I still a twin if my twin is dead?"
Percy thinks. He doesn't say yes immediately.
George knows it's a stupid question but he asks it anyway because he needs it to be answered.
"Yes you are because being a twin doesn't end when your twin is dead. You were born on the same day. That's what makes you twins. Not death. You were born together. You are both identical. Your twin's death doesn't change your status."
George needed to hear it.
Percy was the only one who understood how George is George. So he asks Percy to give the eulogy and Percy accepts.
When it's time, Percy delivers the best speech and George hangs on every last word and when Percy does the memories in the sky thing,
George forgives Percy.
That's when, after hearing the regret and sorrow in Percy's voice does George forgive him because Percy didn't kill Fred. The war did.
After the funeral he makes more of an effort and so does Percy.
Percy helps him reopen Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. The grand reopening is a success and attracts a lot of customers.
George talks to Percy everyday. It feels good to catch up with his older brother and renew their relationship.
Percy asks him to teach him to paint and that's how Percy becomes amazing at painting landscapes while George paints portraits.
That's also how they start painting classes on weekends and teach children their art.
Percy reconciles him with Angie. Everytime he has a fight with Angie, he comes to Percy who makes him straight and he apologises to Angie immediately.
(Of course sometimes it's the other way round and Angie has to apologise, that's when he spends the night with Percy.)
He asks Percy to be his best man. He was going to ask Lee but he wants his favourite brother there besides him.
Percy gives a great speech. Someone should give him a goddamn award.
When George meets Audrey, he knows Percy loves her because he never brings girls home unless he's sure and Audrey's likeable.
He's Percy's best man at his wedding and wasn't that a night to remember!
When the second of May comes around, he and Percy sit besides Fred's gravestone early in the morning before their family come around.
For a while George can feel Fred's presence and Percy makes a joke on Middle Kids club which makes George laugh cause it's true.
When he meets Molly the second and Lil Lucy Goosy, he just stares at them.
They're twins.
George doesn't know whether to laigh or cry because they're twins and they're alive, both of them together and it pains George so much..
But Percy looks so anxious at his response and nervous and scared of being a father that George just laughs because they're alive together and that's what matters.
"They're wonderful Percy. They're just so beautiful."
"Congratulations you are officialy their godfather."
George and Percy love each other very much and would give their life for one another.
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Day 6 - Down at The Lake
Synopsis: You’re staying at the burrow over Christmas break and Ginny decided to take you ice skating
Pairing: Ginny Weasley x fem!reader
Words: 2k+
A/N- Haven’t written for Ginny before but this was suggested to me so I combined it with an idea i already had.
As rigorous shaking drags you kicking and screaming from your dreams, you open your eyes to see a freckled face staring back mere inches from your face. Ginger hair circling you, you push her back abruptly. When you agreed to come home with her for Christmas, this was definitely not what you were picturing. A little personal space would be nice. "Merlin's beard, Ginny!" You exclaim, dropping your hand from her chest. "are you trying to give a girl a heart attack?"
"Get up!" There's a certain degree of her eagerness behind her words as she stands upright. The room was shrouded in dim light, casting the youngest Weasley in a warm mid-morning glow. It was way too early for her to be so perky.
"What time is it?" You mumble into the pillow, rubbing your eye with the palm of your hand. Judging by the lighting, it was still pretty early.
"Like six," Six A.M? What could possibly justify waking you up at six am during the holidays. Why was she even up so early normally you're the one trying to get her out of bed. "So get up."
"No, it's too early," Rolling onto your side, you nuzzle against the pillow and close your eyes. To your surprise, you feel a weight slam ontop of you. Was she for real?
"I won't leave you alone," Her voice is but a whisper in your ear sending a chill down your spine.
"Fine," Shoving her off, you hear her fall off the bed. An amused smile as you turn the other way. "Just give me a minute." Snuggling into the duvet, you shuffle about trying to get comfortable again but then she pulls, pulls, pulls until you're basically fighting over a duvet.
"Stop being lazy," Releasing the covers, they zoom off you as the other girl stumbles backwards. You can't help but chuckle a little as you sit up, slapping both cheeks gently to try and wake yourself up. Jumping to her feet, Ginny displays a triumphant grin. "Mum is making breakfast," she announces before turning sharply and heading for the door. "Don't go back to sleep."
You did debate just going back to sleep but you decided it wasn't worth facing the wrath of Ginny Weasley. So you force yourself out of bed and get ready for the day. Descend the long staircase of the burrow as quietly as physically possible, you join Ginny who sat at the dinning table telling Mrs Weasley all about some quidditch game. The air smells like sizzling bacon and dewy morning air. Mr. Weasley is present too, reading a paper.
"Took you long enough," Ginny announces when she notices you.
"It's way too early,"
"Good morning," Mr. Weasley states a little too brightly for this early in the morning.
"Breakfast will be done in a jiffy, would you like a cup of tea, dear?" Molly offers, you nod a little as you take a seat opposite Ginny. Watching as Molly grabs the metal kettle and pours the hot water into a cup. "Ginny, go get your brothers up."
"Why do I have to do it?" She groans loudly. Molly hands you the cup that has little pictures of dragons around the rim before shooting the ginger girl a look. You guessed the mug belonged to her brother Charlie. "Fine."
Pushing out the chair with a brash screech, Ginny charges up the stairs. The sound of her yelling her brother's names echo off the walls before she reappears again. You take a sip of your tea, burning your tongue in the process and quickly putting it back down.
"Since when were you here?" The youngest weasley son trudges over, taking up the seat next to you. He gives an almighty yawn before slumping down against the table.
"I invited her so shut up."
"It was just a question, shesh"
"I arrived yesterday," You explain politely, offering him a tiny smile to which he just shrugs. As plates are placed on the table, the rest of the family starts appearing one by one; each taking up a spot around the table. You hate to admit it because it wasn't like they were intentionally making you feel that way but it feels a little weird being sat among so many family members. You feel like an outcast, invading their breakfast.
"So what are everyone's plans today?" Mr Weasley questions and the boys all talk over each other so eager to tell their story.
"I'm going down to the lake," Ginny announces plainly, drawing the attention to her.
"The lake? Why?" Ron wonders
"Fancy a skate do you?" George inquires with a bit of a giggle.
"Skate?" Were you missing something here?
"In December the lake freezes over so you can ice skate on it,"
"Oh..." That was unexpected. You didn't have a clue how to ice skate nor did you bring any skates? This seemed like a very bad idea. "I don't know how to skate,"
"You'll be fine," Ginny asserts. "I'll teach you."
After being dragged through the frosty woods for what felt like forever, you arrive at a tremendous lake that was covered in shades of icy white and blue. You swallow hard, a pit beginning to form in your stomach as you watch ginny attach these wooden skates to her shoes.
"Don't look so scared, it's just ice," Her hand slaps against your back. "No shame in falling over."
"Are you sure this is safe?" Peering down at the edge of the ice, it's almost like you can picture the disaster waiting to happen.
"Don't be such a baby," Harmless teasing but enough for you to commit to attaching the skates to your own shows. With a deep breath to calm your nerves, you take a leap of faith and step very cautiously onto the ice with one foot. When you were assured it wasn't about to break, you bring the other foot over. Perhaps this would be fun after all. However, you still had no clue how to skate and frankly were too scared to move. Ginny on the other hand looked like she'd been doing this for years. Gliding across the ice in a way that looked both clumsy and graceful. Noticing you, she urges you over but you just shake your head rapidly. "Can't teach you if you won't even move," Making her way over to you, she takes you gloved hands in hers. The most gentle of smiles as she pulls you along just a little, helping you steady yourself. "Just put one foot in front of the other and glide."
"Easier said than done," The bit grew deeper as you shuffled along as best you could, following the other girl's lead.
"Just have a little faith in me," She gently squeezes your hand. "I won't let anything bad happen to you," Still easier said than done but you nod. "Watch my feet." Dropping your hands, Ginny propels forward starting with her right foot then her left in a steady rhythm before circling back. "See easy. You try,"
"I'm not sure about this," Almost falling on the first step, you hold your arms out wide for balance before pushing forward on your right leg followed perhaps a little too quickly with left but still, you move forward across the ice.
"You got it, just keep doing that and take longer strides so you really slide." You try to follow her advice and it's all fun and games until you slip and fall smack against the ice.
"Are you okay?" The girl rushes over to you, reaching down to help you up. Nothing was really hurt except your pride and bottom for that matter. "Steady?"
"Yeah. I'm okay."
"Good," Her grin brightens as she takes one of your hands and pulls you along behind her. "Do you regret giving it a chance?"
"No it's fun,"
"Are you lying to me?" Ginny glancing back at you briefly. You were genuinely enjoying being out here; playing on the ice. Just the two of you. But it was also rather hard and every moment felt like you were gonna fall.
"I would never,"
"Liar," she chuckles. "Do you wanna race?"
"You'll obviously win," Wouldn't be much a race considering how much better she is.
"I'll go easy on you," You end up agreeing but only because she flashed her best puppy dog eyes. Lining up beside you, Ginny flashes a wicked grin. "Ready?"
You nod.
"Three... two... one... go,"
There was no point in trying because Ginny's idea of going easy on you was speeding off ahead. So you leisurely stroll a little faster than you previously had until you hear it and panic sets in.
You come to an abrupt stop but the sound of crackling just triples and you suddenly plunge into the lake water's icy embrace. Struggling to the surface you call out her name but it's hard to stay afloat when your skin burns from the cold. Perching on the edge of the ice, it just crumbles away creating an even bigger hole. Every time you fall back under, you wonder if you'll be able to keep returning to the surface. Taking a deep breath each time as you yell out. You can make out Ginny's appearance behind the water's surface "Wait here," Where did she think you could go? Moments later that felt like hours, The ginger haired girl returns with a tree branch, "Grab on," she yells out as she lays down on the ice. "Push up with your elbows, okay? Ginny pulls with all her might yanks on the wood until you're finally on solid ground; the cold air setting in quickly. You spit out some water and your body begins to shake. Her voice drowned out but the heaving of your chest and the rest was a blur.
The next morning you wake up feeling rough to say the least. You swim in the icy water has definitely left you with some kind of cold or flu. Your head feels fuzzy, your eyes tired and there was a low but ever present burning in your throat. The sound of distant voices hit's your ears and it takes a minute to realise you're in the burrow.
"Good morning, sleepyhead. How you feeling?" Ginny enters the room with a blanket tucked under her arm and a bright smile on her lips.
"Shitty," Sinking further under the covers, you chase the warmth and comfort that they provide.
"Mum says you should stay in bed so I brought you an extra blanket in case you're cold."
"Thanks," Unfolding the blanket, she tosses it over the bed before taking a seat on the edge. Slapping her hand against your forehead; she immediately draws away.
"ew you're hot and sweaty," She wipes her hand on the blanket
"I don't feel it," You murmur softly and then nothing. Ginny just stares down at her hands as she fiddles with her fingers. "Something wrong?"
"I'm just sorry,"
"What for?" Your brows furrow in confusion.
"For you almost drowning,"
"That's not your fault," Well, not entirely. She was the one to encourage you to get on the ice but you don't blame her for the ice breaking.
"I should have warned you about the ice, it can be kinda thin in place."
"It's not a big deal, I only almost died," You tease, raising your shoulders in a playful shrug. .
"I don't know what I would have done if you died," Her voice is uncharacteristically quiet so you're not entirely sure, you're supposed to hear her.
"Well I'm not dead so you have nothing to worry about,"
"Do you want some soup?"
"soup?" That was abrupt.
"Mum made soup."
"Feels a little early for soup,"
"Never too early." She emphasises vividly before softening. "I really am sorry about what happened,"
Reaching up, you grab her arm and pull her towards you; wrapping her up in your arms as she giggles against your neck. "Stop apologising you dumbass, I'm fine."
"Get off me- you're all sweaty." Both palms against you she pushed back and you really don't have the strength to fight her. "I'm gonna get you some soup you need to eat."
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they were roommates- part eight

a weasley twins x fem!reader fic
summary: she had nowhere to go, fleeing home to pursue something along the lines of freedom, so being welcomed into the entrepreneurial twins life was a whole world of new experiences waiting to happen.
an: hi, first off i want to say ty for 1k followers i am GOBSMACKED. secondly, this was supposed to be the final part to this series :( but honestly I felt like i didn’t want to carry on this part when i had much more intended for another part, so there will be a part 9 to this series and that WILL be the final part. thank you everyone for being amazing, as always <333
words: 9,336
Visions of the cove came back to Fred as he slept, flashes of gentle waters turning into threatening waves. He tossed his body around for most of the night, struggling to understand what the missing piece was in his half-drunken slumber.
Then the screams had sounded within his nightmare, the sight of the beloved girl sinking into the sand as he found himself bound up on the private beach, unable to reach out and save her. All he could do was shout out for her until his throat ran dry.
“Y/n…” He mumbled as he woke, fearing that the unruly dream had become reality when he looked over to her side of the bed. Empty.
Maybe she was in the kitchen, or maybe she had slept in her room. There were a number of explanations for why she wasn’t beside him that very second, but the man couldn’t help but fear for the worst when he saw the untouched pillow.
“George!” He shouted, the noise echoing throughout the loft. His brother emerged from the hallway as he raced down the stairs with panic.
“What is it- hey! What’s wrong?” “Where’s y/n?” He asked shakily.
“Haven’t seen her, I thought she was sleeping with you?” “She’s not here,” Fred began to pace the living room, worrying about her absence above anything else.
“Then check downstairs she’s probably getting dressed.” As much as George knew he should be concerned about it all, he hated to jump to conclusions- especially when they hadn’t explored every possible reason for her being gone.
The twins wasted no time rushing down to the shop, the alley outside still quiet in the early morning. Fred pushed her door open, staring down at the room before him with a silent cry. George was close behind, quick to catch the other man’s body before it hit the ground.
“Hey - come on, she might have just popped out.” He tried to reason, but even his heart told him differently.
“I can tell, okay… it feels like that night all over again.” “It won’t be, I promise you Freddie- what the hell is that noise?” George’s attention was taken by a faint shout sounding out in the alley, one that they could only hear by the girl’s bedroom window. Fred didn’t seem bothered, presuming that his brother was just trying to distract him from the harsh reality that y/n was gone.
“D-Do you think it was those guys?” He asked from the doorway, his back propped against the wall.
“It sounds like someone’s out there…” George ignored.
“Georgie! I asked you someth-” “Shhh- It sounds like… no... “ “What? I can’t hear anything” “Come on.” The man moved away quickly, leaving Freddie to scramble to his feet alone and chase him through the shop.
“What the hell are you doing, we need to find y/n!” He hissed out, following as George burst out of the front door, the small jingle behind them seeming like an understatement. He followed the noise through the alley like a dog, forgetting that he was only in pyjamas. “You don’t even have shoes on!” The other man tried to tell him, but there was no use.
But the closer they got, the louder the shouts became, and even Fred couldn’t deny it any longer. It was desperate, but subdued, like whoever was crying for help had been doing so for hours now. It was a painful sound when they reached where the person was, both men stopping at the entrance of the particular street to take in the strange sight before them.
“Neville?” Both twins asked, quaintly reminiscent of the way they had spoken his name in unison back when they all went to Hogwarts together. This time, however, was slightly different. This time Neville Longbottom was tied up and gagged, left with bruises all over his face.
“Oh god, what the hell happened to you?” Fred rushed forwards, pulling the strip of fabric from his mouth and untying his hands as he told them.
“She’s gone,” Neville cried, tears streaming down his face. “I’m so sorry, I tried to stop him, but h-he had a knife, and he knew where Hannah was. I couldn’t warn y/n in time, he’d already taken her by then.”
“Taken! Taken where?” The man urged, pulling his friend to his feet once the restraints were gone.
“I don’t know- he knocked me out once he had her.”
“Well what did he look like- did he mention anyone else? Was it those guys who broke in here?” Fred couldn’t stop asking him questions, constantly thinking up something else that he might need to know about the missing girl’s assailant.
“Hey, give him some space freddie.” George held his brother’s shoulder, seeing how scarily focused his eyes had become. “Why don’t we get Nev back to the inn, then we can all decide what to do.” The man nodded silently, standing aside to let his twin take Neville’s arm and help limp him through the alley and towards the leaky cauldron.
He was too beaten up to help, but they could get the other’s, they needed others. Whoever had taken y/n meant business, so Fred knew that in order to get her back alive, he would need as many people on his side.
“I’ll catch up with you guys!” He called, taking a different route through the streets and ending up back at the loft. He grabbed some clothes and a jacket and made haste to the floo line, taking a single clarifying breath before he announced where he wanted to go.
“The burrow!”
Molly Weasley was nursing a hangover in her kitchen, enjoying the peaceful morning and the sun which beamed onto her skin through an open window. Arthur was in his armchair, skimming over the business section of that day’s prophet and cursing the way that Ginny stomped around in her room above him, making him restart the paragraph numerous times.
The girl in question sloped down to her mother, a scowl on her face when she saw a list of chores written on the chalkboard. Ones that she was no doubt expected to do, regardless of the fact that she would be leaving that afternoon.
“Drink this Ginny darling, you’ll feel much better.” Molly held out a beaker to her daughter, filled with some strange blue liquid. It looked like a hangover cure and certainly smelt like one too, but when Ginny tasted the drink, it was hard to hide her disgust. So she held her breath and chugged it down fast, hoping the other two glasses that sat on the counter weren’t also for her.
“See to it that Harry and Ron take them too will you, they’re still asleep I presume?” Molly questioned.
“Nope, both headed out for a fly early this morning, probably stopped by the lake to watch the sunrise, like the pair of pansies they are.” She scoffed, biting back the urge to hurl at the blue liquid’s aftertaste.
“Well then they’ll be fine without these!”
“If I had to suffer through it then so should they.” Ginny argued, seeing a small wince on her mother's face when she slightly raised her voice. “Sorry, I’ll make sure they take it, okay?”
The older woman nodded, mumbling something about laundry before heading off to the garden. Ginny was about to make some coffee, the one thing she praised Hermione for teaching her about, when there was a flash from the family’s floo line, followed by a concoction of panicked shouts.
“What - what is it?” She asked, careering into the hallway to see Fred steaming through the house in search of familiar faces.
“Ginny!” He looked relieved to see her, something that was out of the ordinary for the man. “Where is everyone?” His eyes were wild, scanning around her like he was expecting a ghost to jump him.
“Dad’s in the living room, mum’s outside- hey what’s going on?” She followed him as he went in search of his parent’s, Arthur looked up from his paper when his son walked in.
“Hello Fred my boy, how come you’re here?” The man checked his watch with a frown, only noticing Freddie now that he had shown himself. Arthur had perfected the art of blocking out loud noises in his own home, given the amount of children he had, it was something he had no choice over.
“I need everyone at the leaky cauldron … now!” He announced, pacing about to try and find the rest.
“Tell us what’s going on.” Ginny grabbed his shoulders, pushing him onto the nearby sofa with a grunt. The girl always was stronger than she looked.
“It’s y/n, she’s been taken.” “She’s been WHAT!” Molly screeched, having only heard the end of their exchange as she came back into the burrow with a pile of clean clothes in hand. They fell to the floor in shock.
“Mum! You and dad go to the leaky, Fred will explain more-” Ginny started, seeing that no one in the room was in a right state of mind. “-I’ll go get the boys from the lake.” The two parents nodded, gathering their jackets and heading to the floo.
“I need to get Bill, will he be at work already?” Fred asked his sister.
“He should just be getting in now.” She told him, not wasting a single second before grabbing her broom to fetch Ron and Harry from their lake. “Now GO!”
Fred jumped into action, apparating back to diagon alley and weaving through the hoards of people walking into their bank to start their day. He managed to get into the first open lift, looking very out of place amongst the group of serious businessmen.
“Bill!” He didn’t dare knock on the door to his brother’s office, instead opted that forcing his way inside would express the severity a bit better instead. The man inside jumped at the intrusion, knocking the cup of coffee all over his desk in momentary shock.
“What the hell Fred, what are you doing here?” He frowned, mopping up the mess with silent curses.
“We need to go now, y/n’s been taken… Neville tried to stop it but the guys had a knife.” It took no more than that to get Bill to his feet, following his younger brother silently as he explained more on their way back down to the alley.
“Does anyone know where she could be?” He asked.
“Not for certain, but I have some ideas.” Fred huffed, out of breath from all the running he had done that morning. Still, he kept a fast pace to make it to the leaky before anything worse happened.
The inn was quiet, barely anyone around at that hour of the morning. Everyone was gathered inside, gathering as much information as they could from Hannah and Neville as they waited for Fred to return with his older brother.
“Are we all here?” George asked, letting everyone take a seat before speaking directly to the small ground of their friends and family. “Good. Now Neville was the only one to see the guy who took y/n, he was tall, hooded and held a knife up to his throat.”
Neville sat in Hannah’s arms, obviously still shaken up from being left out in the cold all night. His wife nodded along to George’s words with empty eyes, trying to rack her brain for anyone who took a strange liking to the girl when she still worked for them. Then again, that was the majority of men who came in, it would take months to whittle it down.
“Once he had y/n, the man knocked him out- so that’s all we know. Whoever he was he didn’t want anyone else knowing about it till morning, that’s why he tied Neville up.” Everyone was silent, unsure if they knew anything at all that could help. Still, they wanted to be there to do something to save the girl.
“Has y/n said anything recently that would suggest she was being followed, or did you notice her acting strange?” Arthur spoke up, all of his children shaking their heads.
Fred felt the most useless out of them all. If y/n had known anything, or noticed something was off, she would have told him right? Or was he overestimating how much the girl trusted him, after all, he hadn’t been there to stop those guys from breaking in.
“I don’t think this was a random attack, he knew what he was doing.” Neville’s voice was quiet, even amongst the shared silence.
“How do you mean?” George asked, leaning against the bar in desperate defeat, wracking his brain for where she could be.
“Whoever he was, he knew where to find her- who she was.” “So he was looking for her?” Fred spun round, his neck clicking in the process, even his body hadn’t woken up yet.
“I think he only took me because I saw him outside the shop, and knew I would be suspicious of it.”
The group nodded in agreement. This couldn’t be the same men from the break-in, they were locked up now under Kingsley’s demand. This was a targeted kidnapping, someone had sent this man after y/n. But, who would want her back that badly?
“Her parents.” Fred said, a murmur of understanding waving over the others as it clicked in their minds. “It has to be them, who else would go to such lengths.” “But how do we find them?” Ginny asked. “I mean, no one knows where they live right?”
Everyone shook their heads, murmuring ideas on how they could track her family home down, that was where she had to be.
“Actually,” Hannah stood up, making sure Neville was stable enough before letting go of him. “I might have some old paperwork in my office, I can’t remember for sure if there’s anything on it- but it’s worth a look right?” George nodded, giving Fred a sympathetic look as it was obvious he was struggling to come to terms with the situation. He had just gotten his life back, he was happy, they were happy and they were finally together. And now there was a chance she could be gone for good. It was a lot to deal with.
“Thanks Han,” He mumbled, when the lady passed him, stopping to squeeze his shoulder in meek support.
“Right, can you guys go find Hermione?” George asked Ginny and Ron. “See if she can find any records about the girl, or her parents.” The duo stood quickly, sending a patronas to the girl in question to get her up to speeds before they arrived.
But before they even had a chance to reach the door a flash of blue light fluttered in through the open window, freezing everyone in their steps. The little dove flew over to Fred, who eyes it curiously, no one seemed to recognise it. That was until it started screaming out it’s message in a disturbingly recognisable voice.
“Fred I’m sorry, I tried to fight him-” The voice lowered, as if someone was nearby her. “Come to crag hall,” She was out of breath and shaky as she spoke, all the while the dove floated through the air calmly. “Please be quick, they’re going to- no… no!” She screamed out, the message cut off just as she pleaded with whoever was in the room with her.
There was a tense silence throughout those inside the inn once her voice stopped, no one wanting to speak in case they missed something. But the dove disappeared into thin air, and she was gone again.
“They’ll have taken her wand.” Bill said, mostly to himself, trying to piece together what they knew in an attempt to help.
“Crag hall.” Fred whispered. “She said go to Crag hall… w-where is that?” He searched the room, praying that someone would recognise the name.
“It’s far.” Molly said, all eyes on her. “About three hours from london.”
“But we can apparate, yes?” George pushed her, suddenly more optimistic now that they had a chance to get her.
“Not all together of course, that would be dangerous.” She explained.
“Then we’ll go in pairs, signal back for the next group to come when we know it’s safe to do so.” George announced.
“I’ll go first, scout for any wards.” Fred told his brother, seeing the look of hesitation that George pushed away, knowing there was no convincing him otherwise.
“I’m coming with you.” Ginny said.
“No, it’s too dangerous. You stay back with Bill.”
“She’s my best friend. I'm not arguing about this.” The girl, unfortunately, was just as determined and stubborn as the rest of them.
“Fine, but you stay close- and you listen to what I tell you okay? We don’t know these people, they could be armed.” He took a deep breath, trying to fight away the feeling of impending doom that came along with all the uncertainty.
“Right. Bill, you’ll come with me, then Harry and Ron- mum, dad you’ll be the last okay?” The parents nodded and Molly silently thanked her son for letting her make sure they all got there okay before heading in herself.
Suddenly the inn’s door burst open and a very smartly dressed Hermione stumbled into the group, catching her breath with a small wheeze.
“I’m coming too.” She told them, holding her hand up when Ron tried to protest it. “Ginny?”
“Best friend card and all, you can’t stop her.” She told her brother and he shook his head in defeat, knowing the girl’s were both fiery enough to handle themselves if need be.
“You can come with me and Bill, the second group.” The girl nodded, stripping off her stiff suit jacket and transfiguring her pencil skirt into a pair of jeans. “If anything goes wrong with the trip- if any of you get hurt at all, then you hide.” Fred told them all, taking all the confidence he had within him and spewing it into the small speech. “It would be too risky to try and get back alone, so just stay hidden and we can get you when it’s over.” Everyone nodded, hoping that they wouldn’t need to utilise the advice given.
Fred stood, holding Ginny’s hand and looked over the room.
“Let us know as soon as you see anything,” George told them. The pair nodded in unison, ignoring Molly’s worried gaze as she watched them disapparate from the room with a loud crack.
Ginny felt like someone was crushing her lungs when they landed amongst the wall of trees just outside the grounds of Crag hall. The girl had tried to cough out, reaching around desperately for her brother who was struggling to find his feet.
The sheer distance they had travelled was dangerous, especially when it was two of them, but Fred knew as he held a hand over his sister’s mouth that the pain would eventually subside.
“Shhh, Gin.” The girl writhed beneath him as he watched the clearing ahead, where the house stood surrounded by walled gardens. “I’m sorry.” He whispered, not daring to draw any attention to themselves, just in case there were guards patrolling. “It’ll pass… I promise.”
Once she could breath without hacking her throat away, Ginny surveyed the sight before them, trying to plan out how they could approach unnoticed.
“Do you think there will be wards set up?” She asked her brother who crouched beside her, always watching behind them in case someone wanted to sneak up.
“Hard to tell. Chances are they presumed no one knew about this place, so they didn’t bother.” “But the patronus-” “Exactly, with any luck we can try and get through before they’re set up.” He explained.
There was a group of three men stationed at the front gates to the property, unknowing of the Weasleys’ presence.
“No one’s patrolling this side, send a message to George- tell him that it’s clear now- but to watch out for anymore guards.” “What about that lot?” “We have to take them ourselves.” He looked down, seeing a look of apprehension on the girl’s face. It had been a very long time since he had seen her intimidated.
“Hey, if we don’t do it then it’s risking the others- we got lucky.” Ginny nodded along, knowing that they had no other choice but to take them out, and quietly too.
The man took her hand, running a little further along the tree line before heading to the closest side of the walled garden. He boosted the girl up over it, watching carefully as she balanced herself and crouched low above it.
“I’ll take them from up here, catch them off guard- you get them from behind.” She told the man, before sneaking along the high wall.
Fred propelled himself into the neatly arranged flowerbed, suppressing his groan when he landed on his back, hoping that no one had heard the thud his body had made. There wasn’t enough time to think it through though, when there was a surprised shout and the sound of hexes flying through the air.
The noises silenced quickly as the man raced through the shrubbery towards the front gates, but the flashes of coloured light still appeared above the bushes that blocked his view of the fight.
Ginny, however, was someone Fred didn’t need to worry about. She had petrified one of the guards upon sight, before cutting the other two’s shouts with a silencing charm. That had given her an upper hand as she jumped down from the wall to avoid a hex being thrown her way.
Despite using her head, these men were twice her size, and wanted to use that against her. One of them lunged forward, trying to seize her as the other dodged around him with his wand outstretched.
But because of the guard tackling Ginny, it meant he couldn’t risk casting anything towards them in case he hit the wrong one. But it kept them busy long enough for Fred to stun the man from behind, before ripping the other off his little sister with a suppressed growl.
Once he had been stunned and tied up, along with the other two, Ginny sent her patronus to the others, warning them of other possible guards. The two kept to the edges of the walled garden, with the hopes that they could sneak up on the hall without causing anymore commotion.
The building was tall, with a very open courtyard preceding it.
“Through there,” Fred whispered, pointing to the nearest door on the left side of the house. “We should avoid being out in the open.” He told her.
Y/n watched out of her bedroom window, wandless and alone, in a room that felt like it had belonged to a ghost. She felt like a ghost, just waiting for the worst to happen. The night had gone by with her knocked out, only to be woken up by her mother’s serpent-like eyes watching over her.
Little words were exchanged, knowing that whatever she said would only hurt her case even more. So the girl opted for silence whenever someone would sit in, only to watch her mope around by the window like a forgotten lover.
Fred. He was all she could think about. She wondered whether he knew the truth, if Neville was okay, if he had been able to tell them what happened. One of her parent’s henchmen had come in while she was casting her patronus, cutting it off when he wrenched the wand from her hands. All the girl could hope was that it actually made it to them.
One of the head maids came into the room, her eyes sunken like she had aged several years in the space of a few months.
“Madam has requested you in the ballroom.” The woman hung a long black dress bag, sealed up, on the back of her door. She stayed firmly in her spot, all the while watching the floor, as if she couldn’t bring herself to look at the poor girl.
“What is it?” The girl rasped out, her throat raw from all the sobbing she had already done. Now it felt like she couldn’t cry again, regardless of what happened.
“Madam would like you to change into this, I must assist.”
The girl frowned, not one for confrontation, especially not with someone who so obviously didn’t deserve it. But it was frustrating how little the maid was telling her. So instead of lashing out, y/n walked over to the bag and pulled on its zipper.
Her breath held in her throat, lodged. Before her was a long, white dress. Hung lifeless before her. Something inside her felt like this was a joke, but then she remembered where she was and her heart crumbled.
“I-I don’t understand?” She turned to the woman beside her, her hands clutching shakily against the silk fabric that draped like curtains.
“This is all I can say mistress.” “Please.” She begged. “Help me… please don’t let this happen.” The girl turned hysterical, her knees failing as she crashed to the floor with a wail of desperation.
It shouldn’t be like this. It should be later, it should be when she wants it, with who she wants it with.
With Fred.
The group followed Fred and Ginny’s warnings, watching out for extra guards and taking them down as quietly as they could. One by one they joined each other inside the grounds, in a secluded spot away from the windows.
Fred was adamant to get inside but Ginny had stopped him, reminding the man that what they were walking into was unknown. For all they knew y/n’s parents could have a whole army waiting for them.
“What are you and your wand gonna do against a whole house of people eh?” She had hissed to him, which finally hit home that he couldn’t just rush in and save the girl that easily.
So they waited, and snuck in together, keeping Mr and Mrs Weasley in the rear to watch out for anyone who could follow them.
“I don’t like this.” George had whispered, catching up with his brother at the front of the group. “It’s too quiet.” Admittedly they were walking through what looked to be an old service entrance, the dust and cobwebs indicating that no one had used it in a good few years. But still, houses like these echoed, and yet there wasn’t a single sound coming from anywhere else above them.
The girl begged and begged, but she couldn’t escape her fate. The maid had tried to coax her into the wedding dress kindly, warning her that if she didn’t do as her parents said then there would be consequences.
In the end, one of the men who had been keeping watch outside her bedroom ended up coming inside. He had heard the desperate commotion and told the girl to keep quiet. When she, yet again, refused to change the man had stunned her.
When she came to the room was spinning like a carousel, the lights of the chandelier blurring into one on the ceiling. That was when the girl realised she was no longer in the moderate safety of her bedroom anymore.
The silk burnt her skin. It shouldn’t have, but it did and it flared across every inch of her body like a raging forest fire. She tried to move, but someone had her tied again, bound at the wrists and ankles. What a sight she must have been, curled up in a wedding dress and left on the floor of her family’s ballroom.
Her murmurs of confusion alerted two other men in the room, dressed the same as the one who had knocked her out and the one who had taken her from diagon alley.
“Come come sweetie, why don’t we get you on your feet.” His voice sickened her from across the room, he looked at her with a smug sense of pride. It was like he was a hunter and she was his prize catch of the day all dressed in white.
“Where’s Neville?” Her voice was still scratchy, it sounded pathetic against the deep acoustics of the room.
“The quivering mess of a man?” The beast holding her spat, his teeth bared at her cheeks. “I’d barely call him a man-” Another one of them scoffed.
“Now now, we’re graced enough to see a beautiful ceremony today boys, let’s be respectful.” The kidnapper smiled, demanding the attention of everyone who dared speak against him.
“I don’t understand,” She tried to force herself away from the two men’s grip, but they held tight, keeping her as still as they could.
“Well… that’s not for me to explain pretty lady.” He laughed, pacing up and down the room.
“Who will?” The double doors opened behind them, making everyone turn to see. Y/n stumbled slightly, her feet still bound together.
“Let her go, I will not have my daughter married off in shackles.” His voice boomed, louder than anyone else's as he commanded the henchmen to free her. Still they held onto her, making sure she would not run off.
“Father- please!” The girl begged, dropping to her knees, “You can’t do this to me!” “This marriage is happening young lady, whether you’re happy about it or not.” The shrill tone was easy to guess, without her even coming into sight for another few seconds.
“Mother, I’m begging- just let me go… I-I won’t bother either of you ever again!”
“Stand up.” She commanded, her presence daunting even to those watching over her like a prisoner. “You should have considered that before you ran off and tarnished our family name… it is too late for you to redeem yourself- this is our only option.” The woman explained curtly, before taking her place at the side of the girl’s father.
“Besides-” The kidnapper neared her as she wriggled beneath the two men’s arms, lifting her back to her feet. “I’ve heard your groom-to-be is quite the catch.” He winked.
Harry and Ron took down two more guards while George and Fred tried to find their way through the complex labyrinth which was Crag hall, stunning any staff who got in their way.
“Try through there?” George suggested, but it took them to yet another dead end.
“We’re never gonna find her like this, and who knows how the others are getting on.” Fred complained, not wasting a single second before retracing their steps and trying a different direction.
Bill and Hermione came careering round a corner, the older man just managing to get out of the way of a stray hex when the girl pulled him into an empty room.
“What are you doing here?” He asked the two men, but George was already running after whoever had attacked them.
“It’s a dead end, half of this place is empty- George was right, something’s wrong.” Fred huffed, out of breath from bursting through multiple locked doors.
“Maybe they’re all in one place.” Hermione offered up, which was the first good idea anyone had suggested all day. “You know, if they need y/n for something- then everyone would be with her.”
The two men nodded, hearing George’s whistle which signalled that it was clear to come out. He knelt beside the stunned guard, trying to find anything on him that could help. A set of keys jingled against his belt.
“These might work for the rooms upstairs?” He suggested to the small group.
“Bill you go with him, I think me and Fred need to try something different.” Hermione stated, sending the other men off with a quick nod.
“Here,” She handed Fred the unconscious man’s wand. “Don’t want him coming round too quickly and hexing our heads off.” “Not really, if we can help it that is.” He shoved it inside his coat pocket, unbothered by whether it snapped in the process of another fight. “So what’s the plan?” The man asked.
Hermione watched the halls tentatively as she led him back to the first floor.
“If you needed somewhere to hide your daughter, then it wouldn’t be in sight, right?” The girl asked, as if it was a common situation to find yourself in.
“Well… no, so you think there’s a secret room?”
“I’m sure of it.”
The two of them stood under the doorway to the library and Fred wanted to groan, knowing that whenever a plan was involved Hermione would want to do her research before rushing into things.
The girl’s sobs were like a moaning ghost, echoing over the large ballroom which held only a small group of people. The man before her was older, she could tell, but that was about all she knew about him. His face was unrecognisable to the friends her parents would have over for big parties, which meant all of this was just a business deal for them.
A knife was placed against her back, the point slicing through the silk dress whenever she tried to move. So she didn’t dare. Her parents had silenced her, bored of hearing the begs for them to let her go.
“It is obvious that none of this needs to be dragged out.” Her father stated, smiling politely at the smartly dressed man who stood before her. “So we won’t dawdle.”
“Of course sir.”
Behind the charm, y/n screamed at the top of her lungs, hoping that the sheer volume of it could break through and alert someone. Not that anyone would come, they were out in the middle of nowhere with a household of people fulfilling her twisted parents’ wishes.
“Mr Nott-” Who the hell was this man? “Do you take my daughter, Miss y/l/n to be your lawful wedded wife?”
“I do.” He smirked, obviously quite pleased to have bagged himself a young, unwilling, bride. The girl was sobbing, her eyes blurred as her father turned to her.
“Do you Miss y/l/n, take this man to be your lawful wedded husband?”
She choked on her words, shaking her head as best she could with the grief running through her body. Whoever was holding the knife behind her stepped closer, sliding the blade slowly across her exposed back, just to remind her of what would happen if she disobeyed.
“You will agree.” Her mother’s voice sounded out, as she lifted her wand to remove the silencing charm with a deep breath. The girl nodded, racking her brain for any way that she could escape this hell.
Her throat untightened, the noise reaching them all as she sighed out in sudden relief. But it was short lived. Here laid her future, presented in the form of this cruel man who wanted a woman to listen to his every need and keep quiet. Never had she missed diagon alley more than in that moment, she begged to be back in the loft with the twins, in Fred’s arms, watching George guzzle down glass after glass of wine until he passed out. That was the life she chose. Not this.
Maybe the knife’s fate was sweeter than this. A sharp, short price to pay for running away. One that would be better than a lifetime of regret. The silver metal was cold against her skin, a constant reminder.
As Mr Nott’s eyes fixated on her, like he had just won her at a fair, the girl decided what was to be. The blade could finish this pain, once and for all.
“I will never marry this man.” The girl spat out, a sudden rush of happiness in herself that she had managed to finally speak out against her parents wishes. The confidence glowed all over her in that moment, the shine on her cheeks as she smiled in the confused face of her, no longer, husband to be.
There was a loud crash from the double doors.
“We don’t have time to read over these books Hermione, y/n could be in danger!” Fred reminded her, watching the girl scan over the surrounding shelves.
“I’m not reading Freddie, I’m looking for a way in.” “Huh?”
“All these books, there was something strange about them.” She explained, not stopping to look at the man who stood behind her.
“I thought I noticed something when we first checked in here, but we left too quickly for me to figure it out.”
“What? Hermione what’s in here?”
“These books, every single one of them are their most recent additions. In fact, they’re all brand new, not a single one looks as though it’s been picked up.”
“So, people don’t read books- you do know that isn’t a crime right?” Fred scoffed, but the girl just ignored him.
“Why would anyone fill up a library with new books?” “Because it’s a new library?”
“An old house like this has rooms that date back centuries, none of them look renovated, yet this one has obviously been done up on purpose.”
“Why in here then?” “Because in here, they are hiding something.” “Like a secret room!” “And you’ve got it, finally.”
Hermione found a crank between two of the bookcases, hidden by a large armchair.
“Here help me out.” Between them they managed to use the crank to push the bookshelves away, two double doors hidden perfectly behind it.
“Find anythin- woah!” Ginny said from the library’s doorway, having spotted them on her way past.
“Get the others, quick!” Fred ordered, sending the redheaded girl into a frenzy through the rest of the house.
He reached out for the handles, grunting when they didn’t budge under his weight.
“It’s been locked from the inside.” He huffed.
“Step back, let me try.” The girl beside him offered.
When the rest of the group arrived, both of them were throwing hexes at the unmoving doors. Both exhausted by the amount of shouting and fighting they’d already been through.
“I think we all need to do it, it shifted a little when I started helping.” Fred explained, stepping aside to let his brothers get a better stance. They all held their wands up high, pointed towards the locks.
With one almighty scene of hexes, the two doors flew off their hinges with a deafening crash. The clouds of smoke kept them in the dark for a few seconds, until Fred couldn’t hold himself back much longer and burst through it to get a better look at what was hidden inside.
“Freddie!” The girl screamed. She was on her knees, the white dress pooled around her as she hit the ground. Above her a man was holding her back, doing all he could to stop her from getting away to the safety of Fred.
The man was someone the twins knew, someone that the whole group was unfortunately familiar with. Someone whom Freddie wished he had killed during the war, when he had that chance.
Although Theodore Nott wrestled with her, he still managed to keep a smug look about him when he saw the Weasley’s and their friends stood amongst the ballroom’s debris.
“Let her go!” Fred boomed, ignoring the threatening stances he was faced with.
“I’m afraid there’s already been arrangements made, Weasley, seems you’ll have to find yourself another silly girlfriend.” He scoffed, yanking the whimpering girl to her feet.
Y/n thrashed with more furiosity than anyone had seen her possess in their time knowing her, spitting harsh words to the man holding her captive. Fred was joined by the rest of his group, who fought the other guards viciously, as well as the girl’s parents who weren’t ones to take the sidelines in any fight.
“I’d be more careful if I were you.” Theo hissed in her ear, low enough that no one could hear over the commotion. He held her there for a moment, so she could watch the guards hurl themselves upon Harry and Ginny. She screamed out for them to stop, but it was useless.
The twins made a run for her, everyone else too busy fighting to get the chance, but Theo was quicker. He whipped out his wand before they even had a chance to react, tossing two sharp hexes their way and knocking them to the ground.
Fred tried to get up but it was useless, only his head could move ever so slightly. He turned to her, seeing the fear on her face at the sight of his nearly lifeless body. The sound of her screams were the worst he’d heard, worse than the night of the break-in. Because she wasn’t bothered about her life this time. Now she was screaming out for Freddie, begging him to be okay.
His face moved, his eyes flickered at the last glimpse of her and the girl gasped with relief. There was a small smile on her face, before it was dragged away from the man. A last glimmer of hope, he saw it as, she was his last hope at happiness.
When the twins came around they were relieved to see that the guards, along with y/n’s parents, were knocked out and tied up against the far wall.
“Where is she!” Ginny was yelling at them, uncaring of the fact that they were just slipping back into consciousness. Molly was trying to stop her, but it was a futile attempt.
“Theo has her.” George groaned, getting to his feet with the help of Bill and Arthur. Hermione held out a hand for Fred, seeing the way his eyes glassed over at the thought of her.
“She has to be here somewhere.” He whispered, mostly to himself, but the girl beside him heard it still.
“Why do you say that?” She asked.
“If they were going to apparate, they would have done it the second we got here.” He explained, barely waiting a second before heading out of the ballroom in the direction that Nott took the girl away.
“You think he needs her here?” “I think the wards that have been set up are keeping her here, if Nott thinks her parents are still alive then he won’t know that they’ve been broken, right?” “Very clever.” She commended him. “But I think there could be something-” “I know. I saw the dress, I’m not that oblivious- but still, he needs her here to have her parent’s blessing if they’re to marry. He hasn’t got that, so he’ll be hiding.”
The man was pacing the halls quicker than he’d walked in his entire life, scanning each room as he passed it in case they were inside.
“Hermione!” Ron called from back down the hallway.
“What?” She barked, noticing how Fred didn’t even stop his search.
“We need to obliviate them, could buy us some time.” “Then do it!” “You’re the best at it, come on.” Ron raced back into the ballroom, hearing his fiance groan behind him.
“Hey, Fred?” “I’ll be fine, just go!” He called back, leaving her little choice as she went to obliviate the minds of their captives.
The girl had sat in silence ever since Mr Nott had thrown her into one of the guest bedroom’s, keeping his wand pointed at the door. He didn’t want to lock it. He found great joy in telling y/n how he would hex the first person to come through it, laughing over the thought of their lifeless face.
It was blatant to see how the man played around with lives like they were his toys. But all she could think about was how Freddie was laying on the ballroom floor, his eyes full of helpless tears as she was dragged away.
As much as she wanted him to be okay, she begged that he wouldn’t be the one to open that door and face whatever jinx her captor was going to throw.
“Why?” Her voice was dull, void of any hope or joy.
“Speak up, you’re mumbling.” He spat, barely glancing her way as she lay crumpled against the far side of the room, as far from him as she could get within those four walls.
“Why!” Now she was just angry.
She wanted to see her parents suffer, she wanted to see those awful creeps in pain… but most of all she wanted to see Mr Nott writhing in a pool of his own blood. Fred deserved to see that, she deserved to do it.
“Why what?” The man chuckled, amused by the way she scowled at the back of his head.
“Why bother fighting this hard? What have they promised you?”
“A pretty bride of course.” He laughed, his wand outstretched at the sound of some nearby noise down the hallway. His tone was gut wrenching, making the girl want to vomit on his newly polished dress shoes.
“Cut the shit.” She spat, her bones weak from the hours of being tied up and left to starve.
“Your mummy and daddy never told me they had a feisty one,” He turned, losing interest in the door, and approached her. She had nowhere to go, the balcony door was locked and all the furniture was too heavy to try and break the glass.
“Stop it…” She whispered, sick of fighting him off every few minutes, but his hands still reached up to her face. The man grabbed her jaw, rendering her gaze stuck on his.
“You’ve been promised to me… and that’s all I wanted- now be good and do what I say.” He laughed at the way she gulped beneath his harsh grip, digging deeper with each passing second. The pain was a happy sight to the sick man.
“All you want is to own me.” She almost laughed at this small revelation, a weak and airy one at that.
“Now she’s got it.” Theodore hissed, his hand unmoving from her now marked skin.
There was another noise, reminding the man that he was being followed. So he stood again, leaving her slumped in slight relief to watch the door as the footsteps grew slowly closer. They were hesitant, yet heavy. It was him, it had to be.
“Have you ever been in love?” The girl asked, desperately trying to distract him once again. It could buy some time for Freddie, if Mr Nott wasn’t waiting to throw his hex immediately.
The man’s back stiffened a little.
“Hasn’t everyone been in love once, little girl.” He chuckled, dismissing her question.
“But you haven’t?” She pushed.
There was no answer, he just remained with his wand pointed at the door. Except it shook slightly as he reminisced, unbeknownst to the girl.
“Was she pretty?” Y/n knew she was pushing her luck, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
“She... “ He breathed heavily, most likely contemplating why he was even entertaining her curiosity. “Well, it’s me- of course she had to be pretty. I would never settle for less.” His arrogance returned from the sidelines with one deep breath.
“What happened?” “It’s none of your business, now keep quiet.” He could hear whoever was in the hallway getting closer, and the girl’s voice was becoming more and more off putting.
“Mr Nott-” It was the first time she had addressed him all day. “I’m sorry for however you fell out of love, I can’t imagine it was pleasant in the slightest.” He made no reaction, so she kept going.
“Then again, I haven’t been in love before… not before Freddie.” She could see the way his chest heaved more than before as his eyes bored into the wooden doorframe. “So, I wouldn’t know what it is like to lose that love… but I suppose that is a threat as of today.”
Theodore tried to block her out, really he tried, knowing that any second that door before him would fly open and one of the Weasley clan would charge inside to claim his bride as their own.
But all he could think about was her. The one woman he had truly loved, after years of damning the feeling to death, was no longer his to be with. As his hand shook furiously before him, flashes of her perfect smile and devious ways washed through his mind.
She was married to another, by arrangement, his own offer cast aside when the whole ordeal became a business plan. Her father had never seen him suitable from the start, yet he had kept up the naive hope that the woman would see him as perfect enough to disobey her father’s requests.
He wasn’t, however, suitable for anyone it seemed.
“Who was she Mr Nott?” “Shut up!” The man snapped, still unable to concentrate as he had been doing so.
“It will help to talk,” “I do not need to talk to you bitch, now be quiet.”
The footsteps were gone. Or maybe he couldn’t hear them over the sound of his thudding heart. But it panicked him, made him scramble over to the girl in white who cowered at his advance.
He picked her up from the floor and whispered a spell on the french doors behind them, hearing the locks open. The girl whimpered once again in his arms, shivering as the wind rushed inside the room behind them, the threat of the balcony nearing.
“Please,” Y/n whispered, maybe to him, maybe to herself. But it made the man holding her jump slightly, looking down to see her staring at the door with hopeful intent.
For a split second she held such a look of determination that he was reminded of another, suddenly seeing the girl as someone he had loved in the past. It enthralled him how, even faced against a doomed future, she held onto the idea that Fred would save her. He knew the bastard Weasley would do all he could, too. Theodore knew she was loved, something he had never been.
“Pansy…” Mr Nott said airily, watching the girl and recognising her.
“Pansy... Zabini.”
The door flew open, shocking them both. Fred was exhausted, his face pale and his body hunched over in pain as he all but fell into the room. There was no time for the girl’s captor to react when he heard the words expelliarmus fall from her lover’s lips.
Nott’s wand flew across the room, despite his attempts to catch it back.
“That was a very bad idea Weasley.” He laughed, remembering why he deserved this. Why he deserved the girl as his own, she was his to show off. To remind everyone that Theodore Nott wasn’t a lovesick fool for anyone.
The man produced a blade, bigger than the one previously pressed into the girl’s back. Now it prodded her side, making her torso tense up once again, yet her eyes softened at the sight of Freddie. Even if he did look like hell.
“Don’t hurt her, you bastard!” Fred spat, holding his hands in the air to show he meant no harm. Anything to protect her, he told himself, as long as nothing happens to y/n.
“Wand down.” Theo spat, chuckling at how easily he’d gained control of the situation.
“Fine, just let her go.”
“No can do, she’s been promised- my prize.” He cooed, feeling the way the girl beside him gulped when he got closer.
All the while, as the Slytherin bragged about his bride to be, Freddie’s eyes remained on the girl. They begged him to save her, to help her, to take her far away and stay with her forever. But she didn’t say a word, just watched him.
“The thing is, Weasley, that your little play thing here- she is just like all the other girls out there… so very disposable.” The knife in Nott’s hands ran up her body, grazing the dress with a light scratching sound. It grated in her mind as she held her breath.
“Please Theo, don’t.” Freddie begged, watching how the blade rested upon her neck. Every shaky breath she took knocked it about, her eyes widening every time.
“All this time she’s been crying and begging and whimpering, don’t you start too.” He sneered, holding the girl’s left arm tighter. “Weak little thing, don’t you agree?”
Fred tried to shake his head, the words not coming out even as he tried.
“Shame. I think she’s purely useless- worthless little y/n?” Theo turned to the girl, her scornful gaze somewhat a shock to him. Still, it gave him a chuckle. “Even her parents didn’t care about her… I see why.”
“Mr Nott?” She asked, her voice like an angel’s to Freddie.
“Yes darling.” Theodore teased, turning back to the redhead with a smug look.
Only to face the girl with shameful horror when she whispered “legilimens”.
He had no chance to fight it, no way to block her from seeing it all. The endless days spent with Pansy at Hogwarts, so in love with one another that it disgusted their friends to no end. She saw how they fought through the war together, side by side, only to be ushered away by their parents when it was clear they were to lose. The girl watched over his memories of the trials, his pleads of being under the imperius curse, his testimony to Pansy’s innocence. Only for the girl to announce her engagement to Blaise Zabini once they were pardoned and allowed to live freely. The girl felt the way his heart broke, over and over, time again. She could feel how little he valued himself, she could see the mask he wore.
“You bitch!”
The knife plunged deep into her side, a ricochet of shouts from Freddie as she stumbled away from Theodore. He ripped it out, the gash in the dress draping open to show off the bloody slit that was now in her skin.
It was a blur, as Fred grabbed his wand and advanced towards the man who held a look of regret over his face. But it wasn’t enough to save him.
He slumped onto the balcony railing, his eyes trained on her as she found her footing against the french doors. They were welling up now, covered in hazed tears. With all the pent up adrenaline left inside her she lunged for the man, grabbing his collar and holding his upper body over the edge, threatening to let him fall onto the cobblestones below.
“You remember. I know it all.” She whispered. “Find someone who loves you.” It was a stern plea. Y/n knew that without it, Theodore Nott would only descend into madness.
Fred came to her side when she fell, matching the way the stunned man’s body fell against the railings. The girl’s eyes closed every few seconds, her head misting over as the twin tried desperately to keep her awake.
“Please… y/n…. Wake up…. I need you awake…. I need you.” He begged, fading into nothing as she fell slowly forward into his arms.
Her lips parted as she tried to speak, slowly, but with her last drags of determination.
“Theodore? If you try this again…. With me… or anyone else…” Her breath got heavy as she struggled to push away the pain much longer, the searing sting piercing her side as if she’d been struck a second time. “Then… I’ll push you over.”
With that final warning her eyes closed for good and her body collapsed lifelessly against Fred who couldn’t bring himself to utter a single word as he scrambled around the room for his wand. It took another look at Theo, frozen in his fear to realise what the girl had seen inside his head must have meant something to her. Or else he would have been in a pool of his own blood, on the courtyard below.
“Y/n…” He finally managed. “I’m sorry, this is going to hurt.” Freddie closed his eyes, holding onto her for dear life and ignored the way he wanted to crumble into a string of sobs just at the sight of her. Then they disappeared, leaving Theodore to be found on the balcony…. Alone.
#fred weasley#fred#Fred and George#george and fred weasley#fred smut#fred weasley fanfiction#fred weasley smut#fred weasly x reader#Fred and Goerge Weasley#george weasley#george weasley smut#george fluff#george wealsey x reader#george weasley x y/n#Hermione Granger#hermione#the weasleys#The Weasley Family#the weasly twins#the weasley twins#The Wealseys#Ron Weasley#bill weasley#Ginny#ginny weasley#HP#hp fanfic#hp imagine#hp smut#harry potter fanfiction
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Timing ( Draco x Reader
Summary: Draco ends up marrying Astoria in a arranged marriage, making you give up on love. He thinks he’ll never see you again... Until he learns you’re a professor at Hogwarts.
Rain hit the window as you stared off at the setting sun. Today was quite frankly the hardest of your fucking life. Months of arguing, screaming and crying just to be met with more sadness. Draco had to marry Astoria, there was no way around it. You all stalled it for as long as you possibly could. But it didn't work. Astoria honestly felt terrible about this whole thing. You all went to the same school together, she knew Draco loved you. She knew he wanted to marry you. He wouldn't even look at Astoria during the rehearsal, much less today. The worst part about all of this was you had to find out from a newspaper. Molly saw it and she froze. She knew the letters from Draco just went dead, you didn't know why and the next thing you knew this was happening. You sat in Ginny's room, looking out the window with this numb expression. A knock sounded off at the door and Harry walked in. "Hey..." He said softly. You didn't respond, fiddling with a silver locket Draco gave you in your fourth year. "How are you feeling?" Harry asked. You rested your head on the edge of the wall next to the window. "I'm fine." You said, voice low because your throat hurt from the crying. "Aside from the pain, the anguish, the fact that I have been trying to figure out what I've done wrong to make him stop talking to me just to find out this, the fact that I spent four years planning my life with him, the fact that that should be me, the fact that I can't stop hurting and the fact that it feels like I'm suffocating, I feel fine." You said, yanking off the locket and throwing it across the room. You ran your fingers through your hair.
This went on for MONTHS. No one dared to tell you that your feelings were invalid or tell you that this was overreacting. Because it wasn't. You sacrificed so much, giving and giving, again and again. The Weasleys' watched you tear yourself apart. You slowly went back to your normal self, becoming a professor at Hogwarts and teaching Astronomy. But you nearly snapped again when you found out Astoria was pregnant. You taught, watching new students fill your seats every year. You loved your kids like they were your own. You never minded speaking with them in class on personal matters. They always loved hearing about your life. "Miss Y/n, I have a question?" a student asked. "Yes Dalia?" you asked. "For a report I have to say each faculty member's Patronus. What's yours?" She asked. You stopped writing and turned around with a pained smile that was hard to miss. "I'm afraid I'm unable to produce a Patronus." You admitted. "O-oh. S-sorry!' She apologized. "It's quite alright dear." you said before turning back to your work.
Then it finally happened. Eleven years had passed and you knew exactly what had to happen. You walked down the platform, getting ready to ride in a cart with faculty members when you saw those silver eyes. You almost called Mcgonagall then and there telling her "Can't teach anymore. Sorry." He looked at you, a very sad expression on his face as his son ran onto the train. Luckily Snape noticed this and tapped your shoulder, breaking the stare and making you get on the train. It was so funny to you. Growing up you were so afraid of Snape, terrified of that stone cold glare. Now you worked with him and actually came to see him as a friend. Pain the ass at times, but a friend to you indeed. You sat in a empty cart. "E-excuse me." A voice said. You looked up and saw silver eyes, making you nearly jump out of your skin. "All of the other carts are full... Can I sit in here?" The boy asked. You nodded and he seemed fixated on you while you read. "Can I ask you something?" he asked. "Yes?" You asked. "Are you Y/n L/n?" He asked. ".... Yes I am." You said. "You know my father then." the boy nodded. Oh don't tell me-- "I'm Scorpius Malfoy." He introduced. Oh God. Oh GOD. "Yes... I know who your parents are." You nodded. "Dad is always mentioning how much fun you two had in school together." Scorpius said making you grip your book tightly. "Yes, your father and I were good friends Scorpius." You admitted. You reached into your pocket, gripping a pager. It was a new thing amongst the teachers. Two clicks for help. One for possible assistance needed. You clicked it once. "You're in a lot of yearbook photos too with him." Scorpius added. You gripped the device "Is it true you two dated?" Scorpius asked, you clicking the button twice. "I-I" you halted. "U-uhm--" Finally the door slid open, Snape seeing you on the verge of screaming. He sighed and sat down. "Thank you." You whispered. "Do not call me again." He spat out.
Scorpius wouldn't stop with these questions in the year though. He'd stay behind in class and ask you until he HAD to leave. You didn't hate the boy, no. You actually adored him. Scorpius had a bright mind, always curious and bright eyed, almost reminding you of yourself. Maybe that's why you answered his questions. Maybe that's why you allowed him to sit in your room during lunch and talk to you. "Is it true your best friend was a seeker in his first year?" Scorpius asked. How much did Draco tell this kid? "Yep. Damn good one too." You chuckled. Scorpius ate a bag of chips and you finally had a question for the curious boy. "Scorpius. Why have you never mentioned your mother?" You asked. Scorpius rose a brow. "You didn't hear? Dad divorced a few years ago, mum left." Scorpius said. You nearly knocked over your ink vial and your jaw almost dropped. "They're divorced!?" You asked. "Yeah. Like... Four years ago. Made sense, neither of them seemed remotely interested in each other. Honestly I don't know how I even exist as their kid." Scorpius admitted. The next few classes that day were hard to get through. Draco was of course on your mind, of fucking course. "Miss Y/n? I asked a question?" a student said "Hmm? Yes?" You cleared your throat. "Where is the Orion's belt again?" They asked.
You absolutely dreaded the week even more as time passed. But by far the worst day was when Scorpius got into a fight and you of course were the teacher that had to sit down and talk to his father. Snape watched you go from professional to a professional wreck in two minutes. "Pull yourself together woman. You act like this is your first time interacting with another human." Severus snapped. "I haven't seen Draco in almost twelve years Severus, I am losing my mind here!" You groaned. "He's here." Severus noticed through the window. "What!? No no no I'm not prepared--" "If you can deal with those god forsaken son's of Fred and George you can deal with this." He snapped before leaving. You were so not prepared for any of this-- oh God the door is opening.
There he was, blonde hair still in that silver tint, those eyes looking at you wide. "Y/n--" "Please sit." You motioned to the chair in front of your desk. He nodded, sitting down and you sat, tapping your finger on your desk. "SOooo" Christ woman, could you be any more awkward!? "Scorpius got into a fight Tuesday, its been resolved, nice to have you here, grab a stale doughnut on the way out." you said quickly. "Uhm... Y/n, we have to talk about why he did it, which I'm not quite clear on. Actually I'm not even sure what happened, Scorpius is usually so kind." Draco said. God damn it. You ran a hand over your face and sighed. "Scorpius punched another kid in Slytherin. Apparently the other student insulted Rose and he just sucker punched him." You explained. "Ah. See that sounds more like him." Draco nodded. "I vouched for him. This won't appear on a record for school." You assured. "Why was I called here?" Draco asked. "Honestly? I have no clue, the situation worked itself out." you shrugged. Draco was looking at you and you gulped. "How have you been?" Draco asked. You opened your mouth but your pager went off three times. Another fight. "Oh no." you sighed, getting up and cracking your knuckles. Draco rose a brow as you left. A few minutes later three students were dragged in... Including Scorpius. "Dad!?" Scorpius asked. "What the hell did you do now!?" Draco asked. "Same reasoning as before. Honestly it's Henry Goyle, I can't say I'm surprised." You groaned. "I'm so sorry Miss Y/n!" Rose said. "Wait, why were you brought in?" You asked. "I punched Goyle, not Scorpius." She said making your eyes go wide. "I'm here because I kind of... Encouraged it?" Scorpius admitted. "Christ." Draco sighed. "I didn't know you were here!" Scorpius said. "That is not making your case any better Scorpius!" Draco said. "Goyle, go to Mcgonagall, Rose I'll contact your parents, Scorpius. SIT." You finally said. The kids all scurried and Scorpius sat next to Draco. "What in the hell happened this time kid?" You asked. Draco rose a brow. "Well Goyle insulted Rose again. I wanted to punch him but all I saw was Rose scream 'that's it' and then she punched him." Scorpius said. You blinked a few times. "And you encouraged her?" You asked. "I mean... I say it was justified." Draco muttered. "You would know. He got that from you." You muttered making Scorpius smirk. But then he saw his dad do something very rare. He genuinely smiled. You felt your cheeks heat up. Scorpius was dismissed, again leaving you and Draco alone. "You can go if you want, the meeting is over." You breathed, smacking your head on your desk. "Y/n..." Draco said. Why did he have to say your name? Why? "Hmm?" you asked. "You do realize I'm going to work here next fall right?" He asked. Your eyes widened. "What?" You asked. "I'm a healer. I'm working with Pomfrey." Draco said. "Sooooooo. What I'm hearing is: You're now going to be dealing with Harry's son!" You said. Draco laughed. God you missed that. He got up, a small ping of disappointment arriving. "Hopefully no more visits will be required. But I definitely think we should catch up sometime." Draco said. You chuckled. "My next break isn't until the school year ends." You sighed. "Then we will see each other at the start." Draco said. You watched him leave and you let out a long sigh. "God damn it!" you groaned.
Sure enough, that next school year, Draco was on the train in a cart with you. Just you. You were pretending to read but you couldn't focus. Not with Draco being there. Looking at you. "Scorpius said something interesting to me a few months ago, mind answering this?" Draco asked. "Hmm?" You asked. "He told me you couldn't produce a Patronus." Draco said. ".... That's true I lost the ability to do that after..." You cleared your throat and looked at your book when it registered with Draco what you were getting at. "So... You never married?" Draco asked. You cleared your throat, tempted to page for Snape. "I didn't." You said. "Any reason as to why?" Draco asked. "Because I gave up on it." You snapped. Draco blinked a few times as you sank back into your seat and lifted up your book.
You for the most part were able to avoid Draco. At least then you wouldn't have to answer his questions. Well that planned backfired after you got injured from a wonderful little prank went wrong, leading to you having a burn on your arm. You came in and Draco rose a brow, noticing you holding your arm. "What happened here?" He asked before seeing the burn. It was bad. Like bad bad. "I am going to kill Goyle for having a son." You groaned. Draco grabbed bandages and then an ointment. "Alright, don't scream." he said. "Wow, did we suddenly go back into a broom closet in our fourth year?" You asked making Draco nearly drop the bottle and blush crimson. "glad to see that still works." you thought to yourself. Draco shook it off and he stuck out his arm. "Hold on." he said. "why?" You asked. "You'll need something to hold onto, we're out of stress balls." Draco said. You gripped his arm... Was he always this muscular-- "OW MOTHER--" You gripped his arm and winced. "You've got three more drops of this." Draco warned. "Distract me! Please, for the love of god." You whined. "Uhhhh-- Astoria and I divorced." Draco said as the next drop was poured. You gripped his arm again. "S-Scorpius told me-- Fuck that burns!" you groaned. "She left me for Blaise, weirdly enough." Draco said. He poured the next drop. "Not a smart woman-- OW-- What the hell is this stuff!?" You asked. "ointment, makes the wound heal faster." Draco said, disregarding the comment on Astoria. "Last one." Draco said. "Just do it dude." You whined. "I have to add something else to this one, it will hurt worse." He warned, turning around to grab something. "I thought the purpose of a medic was to take away pain not add to it!" You groaned. He turned back around, again, extending his arm. You gripped it. "any particular reason you brought up your divorce?" You asked. "Didn't know if you knew." he answered, looking at your burn mark for something. "Why should I know if you're divorced or not?" You asked. "I don't know Y/n, why do I know that you gave up on love?" Draco asked you. "... Touche." You said. He dropped the last bit and you gripped his arm, panting as you did. "Christ- Tell me that's over!" you winced. "It is. But you're going to have to stay here a couple of days. You cannot use your arm. I need you hear because what ever burned you is reacting to something and I need to make sure it doesn't get worse." Draco said to you. "Sure you're not doing this to be near me?" You asked jokingly. He chuckled. "That may be one of the many factors." He admitted making your face burn up.
Well it wasn't as fun as that made it sound. Something in that little prank went wrong and it caused you to wake up with the wound infecting. "Draco- Ow ow ow!" You whined. You were now sweating from the pain. "Y/n focus on me! Okay? This is going to hurt." He warned. "Just shut up and do something because it HURTS!" You groaned. He used something on it making you grip his arm. You panted, sweat dripping off of you as he cleaned the wound and wrapped it. "Are you okay?" He asked. You closed your eyes, smacking your head on your pillow and sighing. "If I kill Goyle will you help me?" You asked. He chuckled, sitting next to your bed in a chair. "I'll bring the shovel." He nodded making you grin.
You finally fell asleep, Draco looking at your wound but mostly him watching you. You were in his life again. Thank. God. When Astoria left him a part of Draco wanted to go out and find you himself. Then he messaged the Weasleys', asking FINALLY "Is she okay!? Someone tell me she's okay and well" Harry was the one that told him everything. You not seeing anything, you giving up, the damage that was caused by him leaving and you having to fix it, the crisis you went through when Astoria was pregnant, seeing him last year. Draco didn't want your efforts to be in vain. So he didn't say anything. But God damn it was so hard when you were around.
You had a slow recovery, most days involved Draco seeing you read. Your students were always walking in, asking about you. You always told them not to worry and that everything would be normal soon. You were so gentle with them. But by far his favorite thing to see was you interact with Scorpius. You clearly were close, you cracking jokes with the boy. He would smile and laugh, talking with you. Draco hated his marriage to Astoria. But Scorpius was the one good thing that came from it and he wouldn't trade him for the world. Scorpius was noticing strange moments between you and Draco, seeing his father legitimately smile on a regular basis. You were also smiling now, the burning hatred for the world seeming to fade. You seemed happier and everyone was beginning to notice. But you were very happy when you could FINALLY teach again. Your students were excited but Draco would have to come to you and check your wounds, giving you medications for it.
You looked up and smiled seeing him walk in. "That time again?" You asked. "Yep. Are you sure we should do this in front of students though? You tend to swear." Draco asked. "Like that's stopped her before!" A student said making you roll your eyes. "I don't--" "The fairy incident." Another student said. "....Touche you little shit." You said making the class laugh. Draco shook his head with a smile and unwrapped your arm. You kept teaching though even as he was poking around the wound. "Can anyone tell me where the sagittarius constellation is?" You asked before feeling Draco apply the ointment. "It's--" "Give me just one moment Gavin-- OW!" You breathed. "Focus on your students it's almost over." Draco told you. "Answer now-- Mother f--" you gripped Draco's hand earning a few students to watch. His hand was calloused but still soft... "it's... It's RA 19h 0m 0s | Dec -25° 0′ 0″.. ma'am..." The boy answered noticing you and Draco. "Th-thank you! Why don't we add a fun little challenge of NOT MAKING ME CONTEMPLATE MURDER!?" you said gripping his hand again. Draco was almost having a hard time focusing with you holding his hand... It was so much smaller than his, it was honestly cute. Scorpius smirked to himself. "Hey, dad distract her with something before she actually chokes you." Scorpius said earning looks from other people. "Did you just call him DAD!?" someone asked. "He's Draco Malfoy dipshit, yes he called his father dad." Another student said. "Y/n you're beginning to cut off circulation." Draco said trying to ignore the students. "So wait, Draco is Scorpius' dad, is Y/n his wife or something--" "NO!" both of you said in unison earning the class to watch you two. "Really? You seem close, especially in the old year books." A student said. "Why were you looking at yearbooks?" Another student asked. "School project. Y/n and Mister Malfoy are in it and they seem really close." A student said. "My dad said they used to date." Rose said making you shoot daggers at the girl. "Wait you two used to date!?" Someone else asked. Draco gave you a "Should we tell them?" Look. "Yes! We did, but that was a long time ago!" You said as Draco finally finished, allowing you to breathe. "I swear to God this doesn't get any easier!" You groaned. "You nearly breaking my hand doesn't help either." Draco teased and you shook your head. You sighed. "So.... Mister Malfoy is your ex... Who's divorced... And single?" A student asked, suggesting you do something. "Don't you even go there kid!" You snapped earning a look from Draco. "It was a long time ago, we're just friends." Draco said calmly. "Are you sure about that?" Scorpius asked making Draco frown. "Yes. I'm sure." Draco said. Still Scorpius continued. "With how much you talk about her, are you sure that's the case?" Scorpius asked earning the whole class's attention. You facepalmed and groaned. "I do not--" "After my parent teacher conference you wouldn't stop asking about her-- you wrote to the Weasleys dad-- you don't like the Weasleys!" Scorpius said earning you to look at him. "Scorpius. Stop." Draco demanded. "I'm not just going to stop okay! Mom's gone! She left, she made it clear! An opportunity is at your damn door-- TAKE IT!" Scorpius said making Draco let out a long sigh. "I am going to kill my son." Draco sighed. "It is not that easy." You said to him. "Both of you are single and near each other, how is this not easy--" "Because the damage has been done Scorpius." You said earning looks from everyone. You sighed. "Class dismissed." You sighed, this exhausted look on your face. "We have--" "CLASS. DISMISSED." you snapped. Your students left, leaving you alone with Draco.
"Your work is done why are you still here?" You asked. "I'm sorry I never told you." Draco said. You shook your head. "about what Draco?" You asked, this pained expression that honest to God broke this man's heart as you looked at him. "About Astoria... Father wanted me to cease contact with you after Astoria’s father agreed to the marriage." He explained. "I don't need to hear this Draco." You said, gripping the pager. "I should've told you, smoke signaled, God-- something." Draco said. "Just stop! Okay!" You begged. "Draco what happened, happened. The damage is done, I'm okay now-- Stop bringing this up!" You begged. "Y/n... I didn't want to leave you--" "Please." You whimpered. He saw those eyes, those painfully broken eyes. You were emotionally exhausted. "I'm sorry... I'll leave you be." He apologized. He walked to the door. "If I could change everything, I would." He said before leaving. You were left in an empty classroom, throwing everything off your desk and burying your face in your hands. Damn it. Damn it damn it damn it.
You ended up asking Mcgonagall for the week off, practically begging her. Considering you didn't even leave the school for holidays she allowed it. Draco was frustrated, Fred ending up being the substitute teacher. The students were concerned about all of this. You never took off. Ever. So why now? A week passed and you finally returned, a depressed state being clear. Everyone felt really sad looking at you. You looked so exhausted, you wouldn't even look in the same direction as the Medical wing. Scorpius felt guilty, knowing exactly what the cause of this was. You seemed to loathe having Draco in your classroom, making any talk of your love life off limits. Today was different though. Draco resorted to giving you a pain medication after a while so you wouldn't have to use the ointment. He walked in with a glass of water and a glass of the medication. "I have a question... It's personal." A student said. "Love life is off limits Claire." You said. "It's not about that, it's about a club you were in?" She asked. "Hmm?" You asked, drinking the disgusting medication. "Were you in chorus?" She asked. You nearly coughed it up and Draco was having a hard time not smiling. "Y-Yes I was." You muttered. "So you can sing?!" Another student asked. "Yes." Draco nodded. Everyone was giggling at this. "Were you in it Mister Draco?" A student asked. "Well--" "He wasn't." You coughed. "Ah. So he can't sing?" Scorpius asked. Draco gave him a "Really?" look. "No I never said that. I said he wasn't in chorus." You said before drinking the glass of water. "He plays piano though." You coughed out earning a smile from him. "And guitar." You added making him freeze. "Oh God. Oh God no." Draco winced. "If I could be anywhere" you hummed making him facepalm. "Make it stop." He groaned. "OH MY GOD YOU WROTE THAT SONG!?" Scorpius asked. Draco smacked his head onto your board and groaned against the wall. "I've been wondering why Rose hums that damn song! She said Fred taught it to her!" Scorpius said earning a snort from you. "I am going to kill Fred!" Draco groaned. "ROSE! SING IT WITH ME!" You shouted. "NO!"
"IF I HAD A PLANE, THEN WHERE WOULD I FLY TO!?" Rose said standing up and making the class erupt into laughter. "IF I HAD TO USE MY BRAIN FOR SOMETHING ELSE, TELL ME WHAT WOULD I DO?" You sang, wheezing through the lyrics as Draco was repeatedly smacking his head on the wall. "AND IF I HAD A STRANGE CONVERSATION WITH A LADY IN A WAITING ROOM ABOUT LEAVING ALL THIS DOOM AND GLOOM!" Scorpius screamed making his father practically die inside. The class was watching this disaster in front of them, laughing the entire time as you sang the lyrics off key. Draco watched you with a smile as you laughed. "Serenade us won't you?" You teased. He let out a long sigh, walking towards the door. "If I could be anywhere, I'd be there with you." He sang making you laugh and the class practically scream.
"TAKE MY CHANCES, FAKE MY GLANCES, WAKE THOSE ANSWERS ANYWHERE BUT" All of you sang laughing the entire time. You all were laughing so hard you couldn't finish the damn song and Draco shook his head. "I cannot believe you still remember that song." He said. "Fred sings it in the shop HORRIBLY all the time when you're brought up. He calls you guitar boy." You snorted making Draco shake his head. "who was the song for?" A student asked. Both of you froze and you coughed. "Off limits!" You coughed out, providing the students with a obvious answer in the response. "I wonder if we can introduce it to the chorus teacher--" "NO!" Draco said. "PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO IT!" you laughed. "Alright you-- I have plenty of embarrassing stories on you!" Draco said. "Psh. These kids already know my life story." You said, highfiving a kid. "Oh? So they know about the hair dye incident?" Draco asked. Your face dropped and he laughed. "Knew it." He said. "What's the hair dye incident!?" Scorpius asked. "I was quite the meddlesome child growing up. I would occasionally prank people and I decided to prank Y/n one day." Draco said. "Oh God no." You groaned. "So I swapped out her shampoo with hair dye. She had blue hair for a week." Draco said. "that doesn't sound so bad." A student said. "It gets worse." You whined. "she decided to get revenge and for a week and a half my hair was green." Draco said. "Well, we got crafty with each other and it seemed like with each new week one of us had a new hair color... And then I switched shampoos." Draco said. You groaned. "I accidentally dyed Snape's hair neon red." You said making the class nearly piss themselves. "it wasn't that bad." Draco said. "Not that bad-- Draco he looked like a raggedy Ann doll for two weeks!" You said making the class die of laughter. "Did you two get into trouble a lot?" Scorpius asked. "Welllllllll" you said. "Not exactly." Draco said. "Not for pranking necessarily." You coughed. "Oh my God." Rose snorted, catching your drift. "Wha-- OHHHHHH." Scorpius gasped making both of you glare at him. "...You two have been caught shagging!?" A kid asked making you nearly scream and Draco choke on air. "HAVE A NICE DAY GUYS!" you said dismissing the class. You laughed and shook your head. "I cannot believe you still remember that song." Draco said. You chuckled. "You wrote it for me... Was it good? Meh. Not bad for a fourth year. But of course I remember it." You said finally. Draco smiled. "Our conversation... Last time... I'm sorry if I hurt you." He said. You sighed and looked up. "...It still hurts Draco. To hear about this. But I can't change the past." You said softly. "I can't ignore it either, your son is in my class." You shrugged. Draco swallowed and walked back to your desk, picking up the glasses. ".... I miss you." Draco said softly making you halt. "Draco..." You swallowed hard and turned back to him. He was closer, this exhausted look resting on his face. "Draco I...." You let out a long shaking breath. "When you weren't here I almost went insane... I didn't realize how much I missed you until you were gone-- Y/n I don't want to leave you, not again." He said. Your next set of students started shuffling in and you cut your attention away.
You never addressed that conversation, afraid that you'd say the wrong thing. Your burn on your arm was thankfully nearly healed. Draco walked in. "Today's the day." He said. "Last sip of this disgusting shit! Wooh!" You said making the students laugh. "And the last time I'll have to change the bandages." He chuckled. You downed the last glass and coughed. "God that is horrible, it's like doing shots at Fleur's wedding all over again." You coughed making Draco snort. "ooohhh Miss Y/n, you drank?" A student teased. "I deal with your asses all day, yes I drink." You said making the class laugh. "I drink to forget--" "But I always remember." You and Draco said, making each other laugh. Scorpius sighed. He just wanted to see his two favorite people happy. This was the last week of school, something had to be done. Draco switched the bandages and you turned back to the chalk board once he was finished, writing something down. Panic set in watching his dad leave and Scorpius stood up making a noise as his chair scooted back. You turned around. "....Scorpius if you start quoting 'The Dead poets society' I'm leaving..." you said. "Dad loves you." Scorpius said making you nearly drop the chalk and Draco frowned. "Scorpius what in God's name are you doing!?" Draco asked. "I can't take it anymore! You haven't stopped talking about each other, I know you love her so would ONE OF YOU JUST SAY SOMETHING!?" Scorpius said. You swallowed hard and looked at Draco. "You're not correcting him?" You asked. "He's not lying." Draco answered making the entire class hold their breath. "I can't do this." You breathed. "Y/n I've already told you my opinions." He said. "Your emotions are running high, you've got to be delusional--" "Y/n." "or something because I can't just pretend like almost thirteen years haven't passed and--" "Y/n." Draco said, walking forward. "I can't keep waiting on you to answer Draco! I can't keep waiting for you to just show up and make things better because you can't!" You said as Draco stood in front of you. "Do you really think this will work, after all of these years, that we can make this work, that we can help each other heal and that I'll just cry in your arms and let you love me!?" You asked. "You don't have to cry." Draco said, holding your cheek. "Oh yes I do." You whimpered before Draco finally kissed you making everyone lose their shit. "FINALLY!" Scorpius breathed, sitting back down. He pulled away, looking in your eyes, brushing away the tears. "I'm not going anywhere Y/n." He whispered, looking in your eyes. You sniffed a couple of times and Draco did something you never thought would happen. He pulled out a ring. "OH. MY. GOD." Rose gasped. "Draco--" "Y/n, will you do the honor--" "Have you actually lost your mind?" "of being my wife--" "You've finally lost it haven't you!?" "because you're already my soulmate?" He asked. You let out shaking breaths. "Did you just walk around with that thing in your pocket!?" You asked. "I brought it with me when I found out I was going to be working with you." He said making a few students coo. You let out a long breath. "You're insane." You breathed. "If I remember correctly, you said you liked crazy." Draco reminded. You cracked a smile through the tears and you nodded. "Yes you fumbling idiot!" You said. "YES! HOLY SHIT THIS TOOK WAY TOO LONG!" Scorpius said making you laugh as you hugged Draco.
You two got married that summer, Scorpius being happy and taking FULL credit for being the reason you two were now together. Molly was SOBBING the entire time at the wedding, watching you two finally be together after all of these years. Even Snape had a hard time hiding a smile as you were with Draco. You two ended up having another child, Artemis Wisteria Malfoy. Scorpius adored his little sister too, loving you as his mother. You were so much happier in the class room, smiling every day. You finally answered the burning question of that the hell your Patronus was, proving even further that you were happier.
Draco leaned against a doorway watching you read to Scorpius and Artemis, a beautiful smile on your face as you did. You laughed at one of the lines in the book, making Scorpius and Artemis laugh in the process. You finally noticed Draco and smiled, him sitting next to you as he picked up your hand and kissed it, watching you laugh and smile. This was love. This was pure incandescent love and he wouldn't trade this for anything.
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Written In The Stars CVII (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: I’m not entirely pleased with this book, I could’ve added more stuff but it was already too big so I’ll just write 'em as hidden moments. The last two chapters are still a MASTERPIECE, i can’t wait for y’all to read them -Danny
Words: 3,467
Series’ Masterlist
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Listen to ‘Six Feet Apart’ -by Alec Benjamin
Chapter Five: Out of the Routine.
"You think he'll be all right?"
"Harry did nothing wrong– conjure a Patronus in the condition he was... that's impressive!"
"You can make one, can't you? What form does it take?"
"A dog of course," Sirius smiled. "A shaggy, fluffy lad..."
"Mine's an eagle– Matt could conjure a phoenix, but I guess you knew that..."
"So, Sirius..." Mel hopped on the table. "How was my mum when she was younger?"
"I was a loving, rational witch," The woman replied. "Next question–"
"You were loving all right," Sirius raised a brow. "But that wasn't it. I distinctly remember one afternoon when I said you were nowhere near as skilled as James to play quidditch... When you finally made it into the team –as a beater, mind you– you threw a bludger right at my face."
"It proved my point," The woman said. "However, I'm trying to teach this one better manners than the ones I had–"
"Doesn't seem to be working," Sirius teased.
"What I really wanna know..." Mel continued, interrupting their playful banter. "Who was the real heartbreaker of the group? Was it you, Sirius?"
"Me?" Sirius snorted. "I had a few dates but I didn't break hearts. People considered me too childish."
"They were right about that," Emily said. "I used to think James was the heartbreaker..."
"James was harmless! He spent years chasing Lily like a puppy– But of course, you wouldn't have noticed–"
"Remus was quite the catch too," She gave him a pointed look.
"Ah, yes– Remus," Sirius stammered. "Remus... you know what? I reckon we held him back from getting a few lovely girls back in the day."
"How come?"
"He would always think that girls were after us– You know, James and I– but I believe most of them were after him and Matt!"
"Can't blame them," Emily smiled.
"Ruddy was the heartbreaker, to be honest..."
"What?" Mel laughed. "My dad? The same bloke that spent years chasing my mother just like James with Lily?"
"He was in love with your mother, but the bastard was clever!" Emily scolded Sirius and he apologized distractedly. "He knew how to flirt his way out of detention!"
"Flirt his way out?" Mel couldn't believe it.
"Those eyes..." The woman sighed. "One look and a dashing smile and you were a goner! I was so glad when I discovered you didn't have 'em! Hard to say no when he was looking at you in a certain way..."
"She may not have his eyes, but she certainly got the look," Sirius smirked. "I could tell you exactly when I've seen her do it–"
"Padfoot, you're playing with fire," Emily warned him. "Teach that girl how to trick others and soon enough she'll have a group of fools under her command!"
"Is that so bad? Ouch!" Mel joked, earning a slap on her arm. "All right– I promise I won't use any tricks with you... What about school, though? You know some kids are bullies, this might come in handy."
"Sounds good to me! Here's what you do..." The man stood in front of her.
For the next hour, Sirius practised with her until Emily gave up and sat as well, sharing a few tricks of her own. By the time they walked out of the kitchen to do their chores, Mel was well versed in the tricks of the Marauders.
She promised that she wouldn't do any of those things for the fun of it, and never to a friend. Desperate times required desperate measures, that was all. She was aware of how she'd rambled for years about hating lies, but she also needed to convince everyone that her crush had vanished. There was no other choice.

Harry announced, looking much livelier than before, that all charges had been taken and he was going back to Hogwarts for another year.
"I knew it! You always get away with stuff!" Ron exclaimed.
"They were bound to clear you. There was no case against you, none at all..." Hermione smiled, but she was a bit pale still.
"Everyone seems quite relieved, though, considering they all knew I'd get off," Harry joked as Emily stood behind him, running a hand through his hair with pride.
"You've got your sense of humour back, then?" Mel asked. "Good, you were starting to get annoying..."
Harry gave her a look divided between amusement and doubt, he didn't know if she was joking. She wasn't planning on clearing things out either.
"He got off, he got off, he got off —!"
"That's enough, settle down!" Mr Weasley told his kids, waving a hand as if that could quiet them. "Listen, Sirius, Lucius Malfoy was at the Ministry —"
"He got off, he got off, he got off —"
"Be quiet, you three! Yes, we saw him talking to Fudge on level nine, then they went up to Fudge's office together. Dumbledore ought to know."
"Absolutely– We'll tell him, don't worry."
"Well, I'd better get going, there's a vomiting toilet in Bethnal Green waiting for me. Molly, I'll be late, I'm covering for Tonks, but Kingsley might be dropping in for dinner —"
"He got off, he got off, he got off —"
"That's enough — Fred — George — Ginny!" said Mrs Weasley. "Harry dear, come and sit down, have some lunch, you hardly ate breakfast..."
" 'Course, once Dumbledore turned up on your side, there was no way they were going to convict you," said Ron, sitting down in front of Harry and putting a bunch of food on his plate.
"Yeah, he swung it for me," said Harry.
Mel leaned against the cabinets, examining him carefully. For some reason, Harry acting all giddy and happy only made her feel sadder. She wanted to look like that too, she wanted to pretend nothing was wrong and she was sure that if she were to try and sit next to him, Harry would let her. Still, part of her was hurting, Harry'd walked away because he'd gotten scared about the lifeline and true to his nature he'd tried to protect her.
The idea made her blood boil. Who was he to decide? It was her life! Not only that, but his stupid plan hadn't worked at all, now she could feel even more stuff than the previous year. To hell with pretending they were still friends. She moved away from the cabinet to leave the kitchen when Harry hissed, touching his scar.
"What's up?" said Hermione.
"Scar– But it's nothing... It happens all the time now..." The boy caught her staring and she froze.
"Well," Mel replied crudely. "You should learn to control it– Don't want that happening during class..."
"Mel! Don't be so unfeeling–"
"She's right," Harry agreed, giving her a hard look. "I don't want to give any more ideas to the Daily Prophet."

Sirius was acting like a child and it was driving her crazy. It was half selfishness and half worry. She wanted nothing more but to make Sirius realize he wasn't going to be alone nor unhappy. He had Emily, and Mel was pretty sure that they were on the verge of something.
Without Sirius, she was forced to spend more time with Ron, Harry and Hermione, because if she were to spent time with Ginny she would only think about Harry and their time together.
The twins were excellent distractions, but Fred was always trying to flirt and though it was a joke and wasn't making her uncomfortable, she was starting to like it. That worried her. She didn't want to ruin their friendship.
"You belong at Hogwarts and Sirius knows it. Personally, I think he's being selfish," She heard Hermione say one afternoon while they were cleaning more rubbish.
"That's a bit harsh, Hermione, you wouldn't want to be stuck inside this house without company," Ron explained.
"He'll have company!" said Hermione. "It's headquarters to the Order of the Phoenix, isn't it? Emily is here almost all the time! He just got his hopes up that Harry would be coming to live here with him."
"I don't think that's true– He wouldn't give me a straight answer when I asked him if I could."
"He just didn't want to get his own hopes up even more– And he probably felt a bit guilty himself, because I think a part of him was really hoping you'd be expelled. Then you'd both be outcasts together."
"Come off it!" said the boys.
"Suit yourselves. But I sometimes think Ron's mum's right, and Sirius gets confused about whether you're you or your father, Harry."
"So you think he's touched in the head?"
"No, I just think he's been very lonely for a long time," Hermione shrugged.
"I have to agree," Mel was dying to talk about her suspicions with someone apart from her uncle. "I think that's about to change, though..."
"What d'you mean?"
"I'm saying," She looked around. "My mother and Sirius are spending a lot of time together..."
They looked at her silently until Hermione asked, "Wait, you don't think..?"
"I do."
"And you're okay with it?"
"Mum's been alone for years, it's time. Even better if it's Sirius."
"Dunno," Ron said awkwardly. "Bit weird to think of Sirius and Em together, don't you think? Them being friends for so long... I mean, Sirius was friends with your dad, wouldn't that make things weird?"
"Why?" Mel frowned.
"It'd be like betraying him, wouldn't it?"
"My dad's dead, Ron," She replied bluntly. "Don't you think he would've liked to see my mother with someone that would treat her well? Someone he knew?"
"Maybe..." He shrugged. "I just don't see Sirius as a dad–"
"Whatever," She thought it had been stupid to think they would support her idea.
Harry opened his mouth to say something, but Mrs Weasley interrupted.
"Still not finished?"
"I thought you might be here to tell us to have a break!" said Ron "D'you know how much mold we've got rid of since we arrived here?"
"You were so keen to help the Order, you can do your bit by making headquarters fit to live in."
"I feel like a house-elf..."
"Well, now that you understand what dreadful lives they lead, perhaps you'll be a bit more active in S.P.E.W.! You know, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to show people exactly how horrible it is to clean all the time — we could do a sponsored scrub of Gryffindor common room, all proceeds to S.P.E.W., it would raise awareness as well as funds —"
"I'll sponsor you to shut up about spew," Ron muttered, Hermione didn't hear it.

"Have you guys gotten your letters?" Mel entered the boys' room. "You won't believe who's got her Prefect–"
The twins apparated, causing her to scream.
"You twats!"
"Sorry, Lady! We were just wondering who assigned the Slinkhard book," said Fred.
"Because it means Dumbledore's found a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher," said George.
"And about time too."
"What d'you mean?" Harry asked.
"Well, we overheard Mum and Dad talking on the Extendable Ears a few weeks back, and from what they were saying, Dumbledore was having real trouble finding anyone to do the job this year."
"Not surprising, is it, when you look at what's happened to the last four?"
"One sacked, one dead, one's memory removed, and one locked in a trunk for nine months," Harry counted with his fingers. "Yeah, I see what you mean."
"The dead one and the idiot without memory had it coming," Mel mentioned, sitting down on Harry's bed.
"What's up with you, Ron? What's the matter?" Fred approached the boy and read over his shoulder, his eyes widening. "Prefect?"
"Prefect?!" George got closer and snatched the letter from Ron's hand, the badge falling from it. "No way..."
"There's been a mistake– No one in their right mind would make Ron a prefect... We thought you were a cert!"
"We thought Dumbledore was bound to pick you two!" said George, pointing at Mel and Harry.
"Funny you mention it..." Mel said, but they didn't let her finish.
"Winning the Triwizard and everything!" Fred continued.
"I suppose all the mad stuff must've counted against him," said George.
"Yeah... Yeah, you've caused too much trouble, mate. Well, at least one of you's got their priorities right, though I must say, Mel, I'm a tad disappointed about you being a Prefect."
"How d'you know I'm one?"
"C'mon! There's no way you're not! Private lessons and all..." Fred walked over to Harry and glared at Ron and Mel. "Prefect... ickle Ronnie and Lady Dumbledore..."
"Oh, Mum's going to be revolting," George rolled his eyes.
Ron, who still had not said a word, took the badge, stared at it for a moment, and then held it out to Harry as though asking mutely for confirmation that it was genuine. Harry took it. A large P was superimposed on the Gryffindor lion. He had seen a badge just like this on Percy's chest on his very first day at Hogwarts.
The door banged open. Hermione came tearing into the room, her cheeks flushed and her hair flying. There was an envelope in her hand.
"Did you — did you get — ?" She spotted the badge in Harry's hand and let out a shriek. "I knew it!" she said excitedly, brandishing her letter. "Me too, Harry, me too!"
The twins turned to look at Mel with matching shocked expressions.
"No," Harry quickly dropped the badge on Ron's hand. "It's Ron, not me."
"It — what?"
"Ron's prefect, not me."
"Ron?" Hermione blinked. "But... are you sure? I mean —"
"How come you're not a prefect?" George asked Mel. "Hermione's clever– but you–"
"I've caused as much trouble as Harry," She shrugged. "And I would've told you so if you hadn't interrupted me! And yes, 'Mione, that badge belongs to Ron."
"It's my name on the letter," Ron straighten his posture as if daring her to speak.
"I... I... well... wow! Well done, Ron! That's really —"
"Unexpected?" said George.
"No! No, it's not... Ron's done loads of... he's really..."
"He's clever, brave, and has done nothing to prove he doesn't deserve that badge as much as Harry," Mel replied. Ron blushed furiously.
Mrs Weasley walked into the room holding some folded robes.
"Ginny said the booklists had come at last... If you give them to me, Emily and I will take them over to Diagon Alley this afternoon and get your books while you're packing. Ron, I'll have to get you more pyjamas, these are at least six inches too short, I can't believe how fast you're growing... what colour would you like?"
"Get him red and gold to match his badge," said George in disgust.
"Match his what?"
"His badge," Fred grimaced. "His lovely shiny new prefect's badge."
Mrs Weasley rose her face in slow understanding.
"His... but... Ron, you're not..?"
Ron held up his badge timidly.
"I don't believe it! I don't believe it! Oh, Ron, how wonderful! A prefect! That's everyone in the family!"
"What are Fred and I, next-door neighbours?" said George, huffing when his mother pushed him out of the way. Mel patted his shoulder, holding back her laughter.
"Wait until your father hears! Ron, I'm so proud of you, what wonderful news, you could end up Head Boy just like Bill and Percy, it's the first step! Oh, what a thing to happen in the middle of all this worry, I'm just thrilled, oh Ronnie —"
Mel laughed, incapable to hold any longer. Both twins were beyond displeased. What surprised her the most, was that she found herself pleased about not being a prefect.
"Mum... don't... Mum, get a grip..." Ron groaned as his mother continued to kiss all over his face.
"Well, what will it be? We gave Percy an owl, but you've already got one, of course."
"W-what do you mean?"
"You've got to have a reward for this! How about a nice new set of dress robes?"
"We've already bought him some," Fred lamented.
"Or a new cauldron, Charlie's old one's rusting through, or a new rat, you always liked Scabbers —"
"Mum... can I have a new broom?" When he saw her mother's look of uncertainty, he added, "Not a really good one! Just — just a new one for a change..."
Mrs Weasley smiled lovingly.
"Of course you can... Well, I'd better go get Emily if we've got a broom to buy too. I'll see you all later... Little Ronnie, a prefect! And don't forget to pack your trunks... A prefect... Oh, I'm all of a dither!"
"You don't mind if we don't kiss you, do you, Ron?" said Fred as soon as their mother left.
"We could curtsy if you like," said George.
"Oh, shut up," said Ron.
"Or what? Going to put us in detention?" Fred smirked.
"I'd love to see him try," sniggered George.
"He could if you don't watch out!" said Hermione.
Mel laughed along with the twins. She heard Ron mumble 'Drop it, Hermione' and she took pity on her poor friend.
"Enough you two!" She hit Fred's arm lightly. "Ron didn't ask to be made a prefect."
"We're going to have to watch our step, George," said Fred, pretending to be fearful, "with these two on our case..."
"Yeah, it looks like our law-breaking days are finally over," said George with a dramatic sigh.
The twins Disapparated after that.
"Those two!" said Hermione furiously, staring up at the ceiling, through which they could now hear Fred and George roaring with laughter in the room upstairs. "Don't pay any attention to them, Ron, they're only jealous!"
"I don't think they are," said Ron doubtfully, also looking up at the ceiling. "They've always said only prats become prefects... Still," he added on a happier note, "they've never had new brooms! I wish I could go with Mum and choose... She'll never be able to afford a Nimbus, but there's the new Cleansweep out, that'd be great... Yeah, I think I'll go and tell her I like the Cleansweep, just so she knows..."
Mel watched him rush out of the room.
"Harry?" said Hermione.
"Well done!" His voice sounded too happy to be genuine. "Brilliant. Prefect. Great."
"Thanks... Erm — Harry — could I borrow Hedwig so I can tell Mum and Dad? They'll be really pleased — I mean, prefect is something they can understand —"
"Yeah, no problem," He had his back to them, still talking with too much joy. "Take her!"
Mel waited until Hermione left with Hedwig, she waited until their friend closed the door... Harry straighten up from packing his trunk and sat heavily on the edge of his bed. He hadn't noticed she was still there and quickly covered his face with both hands as he grimaced.
She didn't know what to do, if this had happened a year back she would've held his hand and they would've found a way to cheer up. She wasn't upset about not being a prefect because her priorities had changed a bit since she was a kid, but seeing the disappointment in his eyes... They weren't friends, but she was decent enough to not walk away.
"I suppose you feel hurt."
Harry gave a start revealing his teary eyes to her, Mel continued calmly.
"If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine," She made her way to Ron's bed and sat down. "But I get it, my twelve-year-old self is rolling on her grave."
"I... I don't..." Harry stammered, then fixed his eyes on the corner of the wardrobe.
He stayed quiet for a few seconds before a bitter, sarcastic laugh came out. He shook his head slowly and cleaned his nose with the back of his hand.
"You're right– Ron didn't ask for this... I shouldn't..."
Mel wasn't going to pressure him. If he was going to talk great, if not, she'd done enough. The sound of footsteps brought them back and Harry composed himself at the speed of light. He stood up and fixed a casual grin on his face at the exact moment Ron burst into the room.
"Just caught her! She says she'll get the Cleansweep if she can."
"Cool... Listen — Ron — well done, mate."
Ron's face changed drastically.
"I never thought it would be me! I thought it would be you!"
"Nah, I've caused too much trouble," Harry admitted. "Mel's right, we're too far gone."
"I have to pack my stuff..." Mel stood up, patting Harry's shoulder but retreating her hand as if he were burning to the touch.
She didn't know what she could've said. That he wasn't completely alone, perhaps. That they could still find a common ground and talk, hopefully soon.

Next Chapter —>
@dee123ksha @vampiregirl1797 @siriuslysirius1107 @stardusthigh @mikariell95 @vernon-dursley @thesuitelifeofafangirl @tomshollandz @kylosleftbuttcheek @reverse-hxlland @bloodorangemoonlight @omiwashere @t-rexs-world
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Chapter Update! FFN and AO3
I hope you have a fabulous week because you're a wonderful person! Our next update will be on Friday, October 2nd!
Chapter 12
"Have you been reading my detailed comments?" Ted asked as his thumb drew patterns on the back of Vic's hand. He'd read straight through her novel two weeks ago, then went back and had been spending the last week adding comments to her document.
Vic rolled her eyes as they walked up the drive to the Potter's home and tried to calm the nervous feeling that was trying to overpower her. Nervous because knowing she and Ted had been invited as a couple seemed to put a feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach.
"Ted, you're leaving comments on every paragraph. How do you expect me to read that many comments? It's a hundred-thousand-word document! Especially with starting my new editing job on Monday?"
"You're an author, doesn't that mean you love to read every critique of the work you create?" He teased.
Vic shoved his shoulder with hers but smiled.
"You're ridiculous, you know?"
"Yes, but you're the one holding my hand, so where does that leave you?"
"Nervous about being here tonight as your girlfriend rather than only their niece," she admitted quietly.
"Hey," Ted stopped them and pulled her into him, "Harry and Ginny love you and there is no way they aren't happy for us, so please try to trust that they aren't out to get you."
Vic nodded but she couldn't shake the feeling that everyone was out to make Ted see what a bad choice he made in giving her a chance.
Ted rapped his knuckles against the old door and they were both swept into a warm hug once Ginny opened.
"Vicky! Teddy! Come in, come in!"
"Thanks, Ginny," Ted grinned as he kicked off his shoes. "You should know that Mum and Dad are going to be supremely jealous when I tell them I brought Vic here before I brought her home to meet them."
Ginny shook her head at his teasing. "Teddy, dear, Victoire is my niece. I knew her for two decades before you did."
"But you also knew me for the same time before Vic knew me, so I'd say it cancels that out." Ted grinned.
Ginny looked heavenward and laughed. "Why do the Marauders have to leave their mark on every male in this family?" She turned to Vic. "Would you believe that even my sweet Al was trying to be a smart mouth the other day?"
Vic laughed, feeling the nervous pit in her stomach start to ease just a bit.
"Al? Really?"
"Al's better at it than the rest of us." Ted walked with them into the kitchen. "He's more like my dad, and Dad always manages to get the best of the other three brothers."
"Heaven help me, then," Ginny chuckled.
"Why ask for heaven's help when I'm right here?" Harry winked at her as she moved to help him with dinner.
"You're a legacy of the problem, love." Ginny leant over and kissed his cheek.
"Ginny is bemoaning the way the Marauders are rubbing off on Al." Teddy sat down at the table and pulled Vic down with him.
"Bemoaning?" Ginny's eyebrows shot up and she turned to glare at Ted.
Vic covered her smile with her hand.
"I'm a simple man, Ginny," Ted grinned, "I use simple words."
Harry turned and Vic could see he was putting a great deal of effort into not laughing.
"You're in an odd humor today, Ted."
Ted shrugged, "I'm happy."
Then he grinned over at Vic and squeezed her thigh. Vic felt the shy smile break across her face and knew there was no way she could stop it.
"Hands above the table!" Jamie shouted behind them, causing Vic to almost fall off her chair.
Vic turned to glare at her cousin feeling her face heat up, unconsciously directing some of her anxiety into the anger that bubbled at his surprising her.
"Are you going to make a habit of tormenting us every chance you get?" She shot at him. Why couldn't Jamie just leave her alone?
"Whoa," Jamie held up his hands, "I'm just playing Vicky, you know it's all in good fun."
Vic huffed, "You've never done this to me before."
"Yeah, well, Sean was a bit of a prick."
Vic felt like Jamie had just kicked her in the chest. She knew she and Sean hadn't been right for each other, but she hadn't thought he was an awful person.
"James!" Ginny gave her son a pointed stare.
"What?" Jamie defended as he pulled a soda can out of the fridge. "We all knew he was; it just took Vicky a while to see it. But she saw the light in the end and now she's with Ted and we can all breathe easy again."
Vic dropped her eyes down and realized she was wringing her hands. Did everyone feel that she had been dating a prick? Was the whole family talking about her poor choices behind her back, not saying anything because they all believed she wouldn't listen to reason? If everyone knew Sean was awful, why had no one made a point of showing her?
"Why don't you see if Al or Lily needs anything, Jamie?" Harry stepped between his eldest son and his wife, who was staring at the teen with menacing eyes.
Jamie glanced between his mum and Vic and then looked at his dad. "Yeah, good idea."
"Are you going to talk to him?" Ginny turned her dangerous glare to Harry.
"I'll talk him through it, love," Harry soothed, giving her a quick kiss. Ginny pursed her lips before seeming to decide to let it lie for now.
"I'm sorry," Vic kept her focus down at the table. "I shouldn't have goaded him."
"You're fine, Vic," Ted moved his arm to wrap it around her shoulders. "We're all a bit difficult when we're teenagers."
Vic bit her lip and leant into him, trying to take as much comfort as she possibly could in the warmth of his embrace.
"Are you excited about your new job?" Ginny asked in an attempt to change the subject.
Vic smiled, "I am, but I'm a little nervous too. I didn't really think that I'd get this one when you sent it to me. Most people I know write for a long time before they become assistant editors."
"But you have been writing dear," Ginny handed Harry the oven mitts and he pulled out the shepherd's pie that Grandma Molly made him teach her how to make. "You were the sole creator of Ron's initial website for his new company, all that text was put there by you. You handled the blog, you handled the page information, that site was all you."
"Plus your book," Ted added. "That's a lot of writing experience."
Vic started to object again but Ginny held up her hand.
"You'll do just fine, dear. I've known Emmeline for almost as long as I've known Harry, she wouldn't have hired you if she didn't think you were right for the job."
Vic nodded, but she still felt nervous. Why did it feel like everything made her nervous these days? Harry moved the large pie to the table and Vic tried to use it as a way to change the subject. She was done having the conversation revolve around her questionable life choices
"This is one of my favorite meals." She gestured to the shepherd's pie.
Ted hummed his agreement. "Aunt Lily's shepherd's pie is pretty amazing."
"I thought it was Uncle Harry's recipe?" Vic turned to him, grateful that Ted pushed the conversation away from the topics that made her stomach clench.
"Who do you think taught me how to make it?" Harry chuckled.
"I guess I forget sometimes that you and my aunts have families outside of us." Vic felt a bit sheepish. "I'm sure Aunt Hermione and the rest of them have recipes that are their parents' too, huh?"
Ginny laughed loud and Harry smiled at Vic's confused face. "Have you ever noticed that your Aunt Hermione doesn't tend to cook much? Yes, her parents have recipes they've passed down, but they've passed them down to Ron. Hermione hates cooking."
Vic chuckled and was grateful when Ginny suggested she and Ted collect her cousins for dinner. And thankfully the Potter brood managed to keep the conversation spinning well enough that Vic was able to just sit back and enjoy. But her initial feeling of dread seemed well justified when Uncle Harry asked her to help him with getting the pudding out later that evening.
"Vicky," Harry handed her a stack of plates, "How are things?"
"Fine," Vic took the plates and set them out on the table, trying for all the world to look unconcerned as she pointedly ignored the clenching feeling in her stomach and the way her heart beat harder in her chest.
"Vic, we love you, you know that, right?"
She nodded, still refusing to look her uncle in the eye.
"Then what's going on? You've been really reserved and jumpy tonight."
Vic bit her lip and tried for boldness, but when she met Uncle Harry's gaze, she realized how foolish an idea that had been. She was not strong enough to shrug this off while looking him in the eye.
"Are you unhappy with Teddy?" Harry pressed.
"No!" Vic felt the air rush out of her.
"Well, then what's going on?"
Vic bit her lip before falling into one of the chairs and wrapping her arms around her waist.
"You know what happened before we got together. Aren't you worried about Ted being with me?"
Harry stared at her blankly. "I'm sorry, that one completely missed me."
"Harry, I was encouraging Ted's flirting while I was dating and engaged to Sean. Wouldn't you be worried if Jamie started dating someone you knew wasn't faithful to their previous relationship?" Vic didn't dare look up at her uncle. She almost expected him to go talk to Ted then and now and convince him to wash his hands of her.
"What does Teddy say about what you're getting at here?" Harry came to sit across from her.
Vic shook her head. "He keeps telling me that I'm crazy."
"Then I'm going to side with Teddy."
Vic squeezed her arms tighter around herself. "You mean how everyone sided with me while I was in a relationship that I shouldn't have been in?"
Harry sighed. "Vicky, we love you, and if you had decided you did love Sean, then we would have done what we could to support you in that relationship."
"Even though everyone thought he was a prick? Even though it would have been bad for me to stay with him?" Vic finally looked up at Harry.
"Vicky, one of the things that come with being an adult is that the grown-ups that raised you have to back off and let you make your own decisions, and let you deal with whatever those consequences happen to be. We all still want to help you, and we may make suggestions along the way, but we can't dictate your lives. How else will you learn other than having to make your decisions and live with the consequences of them?"
"So, even if being with me is bad for Ted, you'll not try to stop him?"
Harry chuckled, "I've not seen Ted happier than I see him now with you, but yes, even if he was unhappy, I wouldn't try to sabotage your relationship with him. If he came to me for help, I would definitely try to help him find happiness, but I would never tell him to break off a relationship. Those sorts of decisions are personal ones, and they have to come from the individual."
Vic took a deep breath and forced herself to ask one last question. "What about the rest of your family, would they do the same thing?"
"Who do you think taught me that when a kid becomes an adult the grown-ups have to let them learn from their own choices?"
"So, no one is going to try and talk Ted out of being with me?"
"No, Vicky, I think the only person you need to be concerned about in that area is yourself."
Vic blinked, "What?"
"If you can't believe that you're worthy of being loved, then sooner or later, you'll be the one to walk away."
Vic sat in stunned silence as her uncle's words washed over her, but before she could respond, Lily came bounding in asking if it was time for dessert yet.
Uncle Harry's comment felt an awful lot like the list that her mum had written several months ago. She really wished that everyone would stop trying to vaguely point her in the right direction and just tell her what she needed to do. But Harry's comment about loving herself made her feel suddenly exposed in the worst way. She wanted to put on a sweatshirt and curl under a blanket. Why did the concept of loving herself make her want to find a rock to hide under? Vic realized it was probably close to the same reason that her mum's list made her want to tear the page out of her notebook and burn it.
"You ok?" Ted pulled her into him as they walked from the Potter's to his car. "You've been pretty quiet tonight."
Vic rested her head against his shoulder and sighed, "I'm starting to realize that I might have farther to go than I think I want to."
"You missed me," Ted leant back against his car and pulled her close to his chest. Vic let her arms snake around his neck and tried to enjoy the feeling of being wrapped up in Ted's embrace.
"My mum, and Uncle Harry, both seem to think that I've got some personal growth I could be doing, and I'm feeling like what they're suggesting is more than I might be able to handle."
"How can I help?" Ted dropped his face and nuzzled her cheek with his nose.
"I don't even know where to start, Ted, let alone how you could help."
Ted pulled his chin down her cheek, his five o'clock shadow pulling a giggle out of her.
"Well, maybe we sit down together, look at where you are, and see if between the two of us we can find a way forward, along with how I can help."
Vic bit her lip and pulled back to look at him. "This is scary."
"My mum says that most things that are worthwhile are scary." Ted soothed as he rubbed his hands up and down her back. "But you don't have to do it alone. Scary things aren't so bad when we do them with other people."
"Are you some self-exploratory expert then?"
Ted laughed and brought his lips to hers. Vic pulled closer, pressing up on her toes to deepen the kiss.
"There's the real Vic, I knew she couldn't have gone far." Ted murmured against her.
"What does that even mean?" She chuckled.
"You go get things, Vic. I'm not a self-help expert, but I know that you go get what you want, and that's the only thing you really need." Then he nipped at her ear. "And I'm never going to turn down excuses to spend more time with you."
He kissed down her neck and Vic hummed as her fingers moved through his turquoise hair.
"We should probably stop snogging out here," she sighed as he slowly moved his lips closer to hers. "I'm waiting for Jamie to come out and yell at us to stop."
Ted smirked as he pulled back, "You're probably right, but this is why I have a flat of my own."
"Why don't we take advantage of that before you take me home?" Vic finally started to feel more herself as Ted's appreciative hum vibrated in his chest against hers.
"See every now and again you have these amazing ideas and I end up wondering how I ever managed to make it this far without you."
"You're ridiculous," she pressed forward again, running her tongue against his lips.
"And you're kissing me," Ted murmured, pulling her flush against him and moving a hand to her hair.
"Will you two get a room!?" Jamie yelled from his bedroom window, looking down at the two of them in the front-drive.
"We were just on our way out, Jamie," Ted called back up to him as he reached behind him to open the car door.
When she finally made it home, Victoire opened up the notebook that had her mum's notes in it and read them again.
You and your desires are important.
You are a good person.
You are brave.
You must decide your life's story.
A few lines underneath them she added Uncle Harry's advice.
If you can't believe that you're worthy of being loved, then sooner or later, you'll be the one to walk away.
She didn't feel any closer to finding herself, but seeing it all laid out in front of her, she realized that Uncle Harry's words had given her a bit of direction. Maybe if she could just believe these things, then maybe it would help her see the way forward. And knowing that Ted was going to try and help her made her feel a little less like she was floundering.
Vic was pulled from her internal struggle by the chime of her text message notification.
Ted: Have you read my comments yet?
She laughed and pulled her laptop to her.
Vic: I was just about to start.
Ted's typing bubble made her giddy.
Ted: Good. I think you're going to like what I've put so far.
Vic typed in her password and waited for her computer to log in.
Vic: I'm sure that I'll wonder if we're reading the same document.
She bit her lip and smiled. Teasing Ted was almost as much fun as kissing him.
Ted: Stop that. Go read my comments and you'll see this story of yours is going to be big.
Vic rolled her eyes and opened her browser.
Vic: You have to say that, you're my boyfriend.
Ted's response was almost instant.
Ted: No, I have to say it because it's true. Now stop texting me and start reading. ;)
Vic opened the document and sighed. She hadn't read through her story in almost a year now. It felt like going back to an old childhood favorite food and it made her nervous. She'd liked some pretty awful things when she was a kid, some good things too, but a lot of things that now she found repugnant. Was she about to find out that she had spent three years on something that she now hated? Vic tried to breathe through the anxiety and took a deep breath.
"Let's get this over with." And she started reading.
#Endeavor#tedoire#tedoire fancfiction#tedoire au#tedoire muggle au#teddy x vic#ted x vic#teddy x victoire#teddy lupin x victoire weasley#teddy lupin#victoire weasley#next generation#next gen fanfic#next gen au#next generation muggle au#fluff#romance#coworkers romance#harry potter fanfiction
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ummm so i did a thing and wrote some hp next gen hc’s fuck you j.k the order they’re written is the age order (idk if there is a canonical age order for all the weasley cousins but this is my take anyway) under the cut because this is long
Teddy Remus Lupin.
soft boy who can and will make friends with absolutely everyone
his family use he/him pronouns out of habit but he’s open to any pronouns
has 5 parents in his mind, remus, tonks, andromeda, harry, and ginny
calls ginny and harry, mum and dad, and lives with them for a while after he graduates hogwarts
making head boy is one of his proudest moments and he never saw it coming because he’s a bit of a troublemaker
but his troublemaking is usually limited to sneaking out of bed to get food from the kitchen, and changing into teachers to scare students
is one of those people that is genuinely liked by everyone, teachers and students
even filch can’t bring himself to yell at that cheerful smile
doesn’t play quidditch, but watches because so many of his family members play
but watching also makes him nervous because he’s scared someone will get hurt
his feelings for victoire kind of come out of nowhere the year after he graduates hogwarts and she’s no longer there teasing him
they don’t get together until victoire is of age though because although he’ll never admit it, bill scares the hell out of him
wants to be a healer after hogwarts
Victoire Weasley.
the sorting hat almost put her in slytherin
considered going to beauxbatons, but didn’t want to move away
hates the dumb blonde trope and works her ass off to get at least an E in all her subjects
despite hating being mistaken for just a pretty face, she does have an impeccable fashion sense, and her makeup is always on point
wishes she and her sister were closer, and it takes until they’re in their seventh and fifth years respectively to realise how similar they are
lives to intimidate people
and loves seeing the looks on boys faces when they realise how smart she is
and she really is scary smart
has this witty, banter going with teddy but is in denial about what it means until she’s in her sixth year and realises oh crap she’s in love with him
has a ridiculously complicated coffee order, which teddy knows off by heart
incidentally the first time he orders for her, getting it perfect, of course, is also the moment she realises she’s in love with him
is the eldest official weasley/potter child and finds it s t r e s s f u l
thinks her siblings/cousins are crazy
ends up teaming up with James and Molly to keep them all in line
James Sirius Potter.
joins the gryffindor team in his second year, plays chaser, and is good enough to give both his mother and his grandfather a run for their money
shameless flirt and acts so much like his two name-sakes that it sometimes makes mcgonagall catch her breath when he winks brazenly at her in the middle of transfiguration
becomes the first half of a brother duo to play for the english national team
feels a lot of pressure to keep up good grades, keep the gryffindor team winning (especially after he’s made captain in his sixth year), look after all his siblings and cousins, and maintain the happy-go-lucky attitude that he’s come to be known for
is diagnosed with anxiety during his seventh year
harry cries when james tells him how dark he’d been feeling
lily researches plants that are proven to lift spirits and brings them to him until he feels like smiling again
has his father’s crazy hair (though his are auburn curls) and his grandfather’s hazel eyes
unlike his brother he likes hearing how much he looks like his family
Dominique Weasley.
feels like the night to victoire’s day
takes her coffee black
likes to wear ripped jeans and old band shirts
dyes her hair
would never admit it but lily luna is her favourite cousin
gets a tattoo of a snake down her spine when she’s fifteen and her parents hit the roof and ground her for the entire summer
she expected her dad at least to be cool about it
likes boys and girls, but thinks most of them are idiots
has the best eyeliner game in the school
is fiercely protective of her little brother
never even considered going to beauxbatons
even though they annoy her most of the time she could never be away from her family that long
also loves to intimidate people
wishes her sister wasn’t so perfect all the time because she thinks it puts more pressure on her to be better
Molly Weasley II.
is dyslexic but it took everyone a long time to realise it
thought for a long time that she was just too dumb to get above an acceptable in any of her classes
rose eventually works it out, and it gets better after that
or at least her teachers are a bit more considerate
is a whiz at classes where she doesn’t have to write a lot of essays
loves care of magical creatures and helps Hagrid teach Grawp English
her uncle charlie is her favourite uncle and considers running away to live with him in her fourth year
has a very strained relationship with her father because he tends to be very impatient with her and used to say she wasn’t trying hard enough in school
really good at sewing and cooking (much like her namesake) and can usually be found in the kitchen of the weasley house experimenting on a new recipe
gives the best presents
is the best at wrangling the weasley/potter brood
is that person who remembers every single birthday, anniversary, favourite colour, pet’s names and so on
shameless romantic
Rose Granger-Weasley.
everyone is surprised af when she gets sorted into gryffindor, including rose, but she grows to love the crazy, loud house
is in love with scorpius for about 3 months in third year but gets over it pretty quickly when she sees the way scorpius looks at her cousin
so she just settles back and waits for them to figure it out
pretends like she hates quidditch but has a secret love for it that only her dad knows about
and she of course supports the chudley cannons
is one of those annoying ‘gets perfect marks without studying’ type of people
likes to rock the space buns look with her cousin roxanne
thinks she might be ace/aro but really isn’t sure
her mum is her hero
goes through a rebellious phase in the summer between her fifth and sixth years, and lives with her aunt ginny and uncle harry for a few weeks
is the first person to realise her cousin molly is dyslexic
Scorpius Malfoy.
is the first malfoy in history to not be in slytherin
thinks albus potter in glasses is the hottest thing
thought his father would hate him for being sorted into ravenclaw
he doesn’t
thought his father would hate him for being gay
he doesn’t
his father tells him once that raising him is the best thing he’s ever done and it’s one of the most important things anyone has ever said to him
professional piner
is in love with al since almost the first time he ever saw him
plays chaser in his 4th and 5th years but is really glad when they find a replacement for him
he prefers watching his boyfriend play
loves his mother
kinda hates his grandparents and hates himself for that
when he’s in The Zone™ good luck getting his attention
has a tendency to hyperfixate
hates parties but goes because al and rose like them
has a touch of social anxiety
Albus Severus Potter.
tries out for the slytherin team in his first year, but isn’t selected
is called in to play for the grand final against gryffindor that year when the other seeker is injured, they lose but it’s still one of the best moments of his life and makes him the second youngest person to play for a hogwarts team after his father
goes on to play on the english national team with his brother
is best friends with rose and scorpius
is constantly being told by teachers how much the three of them remind them of his father, uncle ron, and aunt hermione
likes boys
knows he likes boys pretty much from birth (his parents are also unsurprised when he tells them)
doesn’t work out that he’s in love with scorpius until they’re in their fifth year, and it still takes them most of the year to get their shit together
needs glasses but hates wearing them, so he usually wears contacts
is always down for a nap
Louis Weasley.
came the closest to studying abroad, but just before he was set to start he had a minor panic attack and realised he couldn’t do it
he was worried for a long time that his mum was secretly disappointed that he went to hogwarts just like his siblings, but she told him she could never be disappointed in him
he knew from a young age that he had been born into the wrong body but wasn’t able to tell his family until he was around 10,
he didn’t want to go to hogwarts with no one knowing who he really was
his parents didn’t pretend like they had always known, but they accepted him nonetheless
always harboured a hero-worship-lowkey-crush on teddy which eventually developed into a mutual friendship, despite the almost 10 year age gap
plays seeker on the hufflepuff team only because they desperately need a seeker and lucy begs him
loves his older sisters but wishes they weren’t so protective
sometimes wishes he was closer to fred, lucy, and roxanne who are all in his year and are very close but then remembers that they’re all crazy and if he hung with them more he’d probably be in detention every week
loves muggle studies and wants to work with muggles after hogwarts
collects muggle coins
Roxanne Weasley.
practically invented the space buns look
holographic aesthetic
friends with everyone
is friendly with absolutely everyone but also plays beater so people are very ???
likes being a twin and usually gets pulled into fred and lucy’s crazy schemes
has the highest detention record of any head girl ever, but most of those are fred and lucy’s fault
the one detention that actually is her fault is when she throws her beaters bat at her brother because he let slip who she had a crush on in the middle of commentating a quidditch match
it worked out pretty well in the end because the girl found her after the quidditch match to ask her out
one third of the unholy trinity (lucy came up with the name)
she’s the third who tries to keep them out of trouble
has the chillest nature and can’t stand to see any of her family hurt
wishes uncle percy wasn’t so hard on molly
is one soft lesbian
physically incapable of holding a grudge
Fred Weasley II.
doesn’t play quidditch but takes after his godfather and commentates
likes to try and throw his sister off her game when she’s playing quidditch
second third of the unholy trinity
honestly does not know how he gets in so much trouble all the time
seriously wonders if he was born without impulse control
like it’s not his fault that he’s curious about absolutely everything and has the patience of an excited puppy
is really good at charms
always knows the most obscure spells
has no idea what he wants to do after he leaves school but isn’t worried about that
Lucy Weasley.
plays chaser
troublemaker ™
last third of the unholy trinity (the name was her idea)
her and lily are either the best of friends or the worst of enemies (there is no inbetween)
god help you when they’re at each other's throat because their arguments could wipe out city blocks
you can imagine how much worse they are when they’re teaming up
thinks she maybe wants to be an auror after leaving school
her dad hates the idea
which of course makes her want to do it even more
loves mystery novels and can always guess the ending by about halfway
thinks her uncle harry is the coolest
invites herself along on lorcan’s world travels after he finishes hogwarts
loves to smack him over the back of the head when he gets too obnoxious
but secretly loves it when he starts ranting about the topics he’s studying
Lorcan Scamander.
smart boy
thinks his mum is kinda nuts but loves her anyway
thinks his brother is kinda nuts but loves him anyway
doesn’t know how he got basically adopted into the weasley/potter family but can’t bring himself to be mad about it
loves arithmancy and nerding out with hermione about it
wants to do too many things after he leaves hogwarts
ends up taking some time off to travel for a bit and learn more about the different wizarding cultures
lucy surprises everyone and invites herself along as a break after she finishes her auror training
no one can work out if they hate each other or are secretly dating
lysander can’t work out if he hates her or wants to kiss her
Lysander Scamander.
eptimosises the dumb blonde stereotype
too pretty for his own good
gets shoved into keeper position on the hufflepuff team because no one else can/wants to play, and is The Worst
gets distracted by cool clouds and pretty butterflies during quidditch games
finds that he actually really likes quidditch because it turns out he loves flying
he still sucks at keeping of course
but at least he’s having fun now
thinks his mum is a genius
knows that hugo is the one for him as soon as they start dating
favourite thing is the way hugo’s ears go red when he’s flustered
thinks ron is hilarious
Lily Luna Potter.
smol, smol, smol child
is five feet of pure rage, sass, and protectiveness
will fuck up anyone who messes with her family
parents started her in quidditch to help vent her frustrations but quickly grows to love the game, or at least being able to hit the fuck out bludgers
plant nerd
starts a herbology club with her uncle neville (who she refuses to call professor longbottom no matter how many times he reminds her)
she is one smol lesbian
hates it when james is going through his anxiety because for the first time kicking someone’s ass won’t fix it
less than zero impulse control
she finds an old photograph of her mum rocking an undercut and immediately goes for the electric razor
the end result is horrible, and she ends up calling victoire and dominique to fix it for her
did i mention she’s super smol?
thinks that her dad doesn’t understand her very much but cries a little when uncle neville let’s slip that he’s been borrowing herbology books to learn more about her favourite subject
works with troubled teens after she leaves hogwarts
works out at age eight that is she arranges her cousins a certain way in family photos they can spell out bad words with the letters on their sweaters
her parents don’t know if they should be angry or impressed.
Hugo Granger-Weasley
is the quieter kind of smart compared to his sister, who is always correcting people
surprises the fuck out of people when he’s put in ravenclaw and gets near perfect grades at hogwarts
studies a lot
is the only person who can beat his dad at chess
has a bad habit of falling asleep while reading
is jealous of how good all his cousins are at quidditch, and thinks for a long time that his dad is disappointed because he’s too scared of heights to play
is a self-confessed morosexual and is shamelessly in love with lysander scamander
almost gets stuck on the hogwarts express one time because he was too busy reading to realise they’d arrived
always has ink stains on his hands
usually gets said ink in lysander’s hair when they kiss
has a thing for lysander’s blonde curls
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order of the phoenix book moments
“listening to the news! again?” “well, it changes every day, you see”
vernon: we’re not stupid harry: WeLL tHaT’s nEwS tO mE
“did he say you look like a pig that’s been taught to walk on its hind legs? ’cause that’s not cheek, dud, that’s true.”
“not this brave at night, are you?” “this is night, diddykins. that’s what we call it when it goes all dark like this.”
“what d’you mean, i’m not brave when i’m in bed? what am i supposed to be frightened of, pillows or something?”
“fought ’em off, did you, son? gave ’em the old one-two?” “you can’t give a dementor the old one-two”
tonks sending the dursleys a letter telling them they’d been short listed for the (non-existent) all-england best kept suburban lawn competition to keep them out the house so they could rescue harry
“snape’s on our side now” “doesn’t stop him being a git”
“dumbledore says he doesn’t care what they do as long as they don’t take him off the chocolate frog cards”
“kreacher lives to serve the noble house of black—” “and it’s getting blacker every day, it’s filthy”
arthur and kingsley’s fake chat at the ministry
“if you can get away before seven, molly’s making meatballs.”
‘a powerful emotion had risen in harry’s chest at the sight of dumbledore, a fortified, hopeful feeling rather like that which phoenix song gave him.’
“you got our message that the time and place of the hearing had been changed?” “i must have missed it, however, due to a lucky mistake i arrived at the ministry three hours early”
“a prefect! that’s everyone in the family!” “what are fred and i, next-door neighbours?”
harry’s personal growth moment where he realises he is happy for ron being made prefect and beating him at something for the first time, and that harry isn’t any better than him
luna: you’re harry potter harry: i know i am
neville saying “i’m nobody” and ginny being like “no you’re not” ugh we stan this friendship
the quibbler’s article on whether sirius is a notorious mass murderer or innocent singing sensation
“i, unlike you, have been made a prefect, which means that i, unlike you, have the power to hand out punishments.” “yeah, but you, unlike me, are a git, so get out and leave us alone.”
‘luna did not seem perturbed by ron’s rudeness; on the contrary, she simply watched him for a while as though he were a mildly interesting television programme.’
“i told her to keep her big fat mouth shut about you, actually. and it would be quite nice if you stopped jumping down our throats, harry, because in case you haven’t noticed, ron and i are on your side.”
“i dreamed i was playing quidditch the other night, what do you reckon that means?” “probably that you’re going to be eaten by a giant marshmallow or something”
“have a biscuit, potter.”
hermione knitting hats for the house-elves
“they didn’t look anything like hats to me, more like woolly bladders.” hermione did not speak to him all morning.
harry and ron meeting each other in the hallway, both trying to hide something but failing, harry being excited that ron wants to join the quidditch team, and ron noticing harry’s injury and being horrified we love this friendship
“ron had been honest with him, so he told ron the truth”
harry’s excellent attempt at writing a letter to sirius without obscurely revealing anything in case it got intercepted
“if you want to ‘sever ties’ with me, i swear i won’t get violent.”
“yeah, quirrell was a great teacher, there was just that minor drawback of him having lord voldemort sticking out of the back of his head.”
“i was just wondering, professor, whether you received my note telling you of the date and time of your inspec—” “obviously i received it, or i would have asked you what you are doing in my classroom” minerva strikes again
luna: the ministry’s got an army of heliopaths neville: an army of what luna: great flaming creatures that gallop across the ground burning everyth— hermione: they don’t exist, neville luna: oh yes they do
harry pretending to be ill so he could skip history of magic and find someone to help hedwig
“i can’t see any boils” “no, well, you wouldn’t, they’re not in a place we generally display to the public.” “but they make sitting on a broom a right pain in the—”
“the DA’s good, only let’s make it stand for dumbledore’s army, because that’s the ministry’s worst fear, isn’t it?”
hermione making the fake galleons and everyone being like what because it’s NEWT level magic
‘even fred had said that ron might yet make him and george proud, and that they were seriously considering admitting he was related to them, something they assured him they had been trying to deny for four years.’
“hey, potty, i heard warrington’s sworn to knock you off your broom on saturday” “warrington’s aim’s so pathetic i’d be more worried if he was aiming for the person next to me” god i love harry in this book
luna’s lion hat: “i wanted to have it chewing up a serpent to represent slytherin, you know, but there wasn’t time.”
dobby decorating the room of requirement with baubles of harry’s face saying ‘have a very harry christmas’
“ron, you are the most insensitive wart i have ever had the misfortune to meet.” it’s not true but it’s funny lmao
harry: next minute she’s crying all over me and i didn’t know what to do ron: don’t blame you, mate
‘that’s what they should teach us here, how girls’ brains work… it’d be more useful than divination, anyway…’
“i didn’t want anyone to talk to me” “well, that was a bit stupid of you, seeing as you don’t know anyone but me who’s been possessed by you-know-who, and i can tell you how it feels.” “i forgot” “lucky you”
sirius singing ‘god rest ye, merry hippogriffs’
arthur using stitches on his snake bites and molly exploding “it sounds as though you’ve been trying to sew your skin back together… WHAT DO YOU MEAN, THAT’S THE GENERAL IDEA?”
harry trying to distract the others when he realises neville’s parents are in the same ward that they are in, so neville can leave unnoticed
harry being oblivious to the fact cho wants to go to hogsmeade with him for valentine’s day
“if we can’t trust dumbledore, we can’t trust anyone.”
harry being oblivious (the sequel) and telling cho he was meeting hermione after their date, bless my son he’s trying his best
“why does she always want to drag up a subject that makes her act like a human hosepipe?”
‘hermione was sitting at a table with the unlikeliest pair of drinking mates he could ever have imagined: luna lovegood and none other than rita skeeter, one of hermione’s least favourite people in the world.’
“cho? a girl?” “it’s none of your business if harry’s been with a hundred girls” this is my favourite version of hermione
“it might have been a good idea to mention how ugly you think i am, too,” hermione added as an afterthought. “but i don’t think you’re ugly”
“she’s been breaking into your broom shed in the garden since the age of six and taking each of your brooms out in turn when you weren’t looking”
“if zacharias smith beats us i might have to kill myself.” “kill him, more like”
“hermione, you’re good on feelings and stuff, but you just don’t understand about quidditch.” “maybe not, but at least my happiness doesn’t depend on ron’s goalkeeping ability.”
‘out of respect for his feelings, harry waited a while before going up to the dormitory himself, so that ron could pretend to be asleep if he wanted to.’
dumbledore choosing firenze to teach divination knowing full well umbridge hated half-breeds
kingsley, dumbledore and mcgonagall’s genius way of saving the situation in dumbledore’s office after the DA meetings had been uncovered
“well, usually when a person shakes their head, they mean ‘no’. so unless miss edgecombe is using a form of sign-language as yet unknown to humans—”
“i have absolutely no intention of being sent to azkaban. i could break out, of course—but what a waste of time, and frankly, i can think of a whole host of things i would rather be doing.”
all the teachers pretending they couldn’t get rid of the fireworks to make umbridge run around the entire school to do so
“i could have got rid of the sparklers myself, of course, but i wasn’t sure whether or not i had the authority.”
“give five signs that identify the werewolf. one: he’s sitting in my chair. two: he’s wearing my clothes. three: his name’s remus lupin.”
“the thing about growing up with fred and george, is that you sort of start thinking anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve.”
“you’d need more than a good sense of fun to liaise with my uncle, good sense of when to duck, more like.”
“are you quite sure you wouldn’t like a cough drop, dolores?”
“he has achieved high marks in all defence against the dark arts tests set by a competent teacher.”
“this boy has as much chance of becoming an auror as dumbledore has of ever returning to this school.” “a very good chance, then”
“she hated him!” “nah, she didn’t”
“your father was the best friend i ever had and he was a good person. a lot of people are idiots at the age of fifteen. he grew out of it.”
“give her hell from us, peeves.”
the catchphrase “one more lesson like that and i might just do a weasley” being a trend
harry witnessed professor mcgonagall walking right past peeves, who was determinedly loosening a crystal chandelier, and could have sworn he heard her tell the poltergeist out of the corner of her mouth, “it unscrews the other way.”
the fifth and seventh years starting a black-market trade selling ‘brain stimulants’ for the exams
“i don’t care if my tea-leaves spell die, ron die—i’m just chucking them in the bin where they belong.”
‘even through his anger and impatience, harry recognised hermione’s offer to accompany him into umbridge’s office as a sign of solidarity and loyalty.’
ginny’s notorious bat bogey hex
“we were all in the DA together, it was all supposed to be about fighting you-know-who, wasn’t it? and this is the first chance we’ve had to do something real—or was that all just a game or something?”
“you do care, you care so much you feel as though you will bleed to death with the pain of it.”
“by all means continue destroying my possessions, i daresay i have too many.”
“in the end, it mattered not that you could not close your mind. it was your heart that saved you.”
‘sirius seemed a million miles away already; even now a part of harry still believed that if he had only pulled back that veil, he would have found sirius looking back at him, greeting him, perhaps, with his laugh like a bark…’
flitwick leaving a patch of the swamp as a monument to fred and george, and because it was “a really good bit of magic”
“you’re dead, potter.” “funny, you’d think i’d have stopped walking around…”
mgonagall arriving back at hogwarts just as snape tries to take points from gryffindor like ‘no bitch, they can have 500 points instead for fighting death eaters’
‘professor mcgonagall was clearly heard to express a regret that she could not run cheering after umbridge herself, because peeves had borrowed her walking stick.’
“i expect what you’re not aware of would fill several books, dursley”
“are you threatening me, sir?” “yes, i am,” said mad-eye, who seemed rather pleased that uncle vernon had grasped this fact so quickly.
“do i look like the kind of man who can be intimidated?” “yes, i’d have to say you do” moody just ended this book with three straight burns
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What You Love
Summary: As Harry already knows, a tremendous amount can happen in seventeen years. But the seventeen years after the war bring him something he once never thought possible: contentment. (Inspired by “Daylight”--Taylor Swift)
Read below or on Ao3
“I want to be defined by the things that I love. Not the things I hate, not the things I’m afraid of, not the things that haunt me in the middle of the night...I just think you are what you love.”
Harry’s hand hovers over the pastries in the breakroom. He shouldn’t...but then, it is Clara’s birthday--
He snatches up a pumpkin pasty, repulsed the utter banality of his own thoughts.
Ron pops in beside Harry, scooping up a muffin without hesitation.
“Lucky thing we’re on desk duty this week.”
“Is it?”
Harry still fights with himself other whether or not he’s simply become another Ministry shill. Too complacent and far too forgiving.
“Hermione’s starting tomorrow,” Ron says, grinning. “Remember?”
And with Hermione joining them for lunch every day, things don’t feel as out of place as they did before.
The Monument to the Fallen at the Battle of Hogwarts is up within six months of the war ending.
Harry’s fight to memorialize the Order of the Phoenix is trickier, and in many ways more painful. The old guard is hesitant to legitimize the organization--and even more hesitant to admit their past mistakes.
But Harry--who still averts his eyes in certain halls of the Ministry, who does anything to avoid being the last to leave for the evening--refuses to relent.
He almost smiles when he first sees the incredulous looks of the crowds as they notice Sirius’s warm, lively grin.
Harry collects the letters he finds in Grimmauld Place--under beds, in dresser drawers, even under mattresses--in a box up in his attic. Every so often, he’s tempted to read them: after all, what does it matter to Sirius now?
But each time he opens the box and procures a faded letter off the top, his desire to read the words wanes.
That they exist at all is the main thing. That Harry or anyone else might someday decide to sit on the attic floor and pore through each and every line justifies their existence.
He won’t today. But someday, perhaps.
Ginny flies in a dramatic loop on her broomstick, playing to the crowd as the Harpies conclude another shut-out.
She could play for England, if she had a mind to.
“I know that,” she tells Harry. “But international play is a nightmare.”
In any case, she’s a star right where she is. In the sanctuary of the Harpies stadium, Harry has more than once been summarily ignored while Ginny is shouted down for her autograph.
“Besides,” Ginny says with a coy smile. “It wouldn’t be quite fair for me to run off and become more famous than you, would it?”
Harry still can’t quite believe Dudley said yes to the invitation. Tea or lunch is one thing...an entire wedding--wizarding style-- is quite another.
But it’s now well into the second hour of the reception, and he’s still here, making passable conversation with Oliver.
“Alright?” Harry asks, joining their table.
Dudley nods, but Oliver leans forward in his seat, looking manic.
“He suggested swimming for conditioning,” he says, as if he’s just handed Harry vital trade secrets. “No one’s doing that! I’m telling Reynolds on Monday...”
Harry shoots Dudley a knowing grin, and Dudley ducks his head with a laugh.
“--we’re here with Harry Potter, who has brought along a very special guest to the program. Harry, would you please introduce us to this lovely fellow who is currently eating his own fist?”
“Thanks, Lee. I have James Sirius Potter with me today, making his airwaves debut.”
“I was talking to James before the show...he was just babbling away.”
“Well, he gets very excited sometimes.”
“Is that the best part of being a dad?”
“No, the best part is he’s got this tiny little nose, and you can just...boop it whenever you want.”
“You heard it here first!”
Percy tosses the agenda on Harry’s desk. “They’ve put it on after all.”
Harry scans the list in disbelief. The proposed legislation to officially close the Ministry’s Werewolf Registry and reopen its services under the umbrella of St. Mungo’s would be heard by the Wizengamot a week from Tuesday.
“But how--? We’ve been trying for months to get it in front of them....”
Percy smiles, rolling his shoulders back. “Well, I’ve been putting in words with some of the more established members...I don’t know if that helped at all…”
Harry laughs, shaking his head.
“We both know it did.”
“He has the prettiest eyes,” Mrs. Weasley coos over Al, bouncing him on her knee as he gazes up at her intently. “Arthur, just look at his eyes! Aren’t they stunning?”
Ever the doting grandfather, Mr. Weasley drops down beside his wife, eagerly agreeing that he’s “glorious,” before reaching out a finger for Al to grasp in his fist.
“They’re just like his daddy’s,” Mrs. Weasley says, smiling at Harry. She’s not the first to mention how much Al looks like him.
It makes Harry all the more grateful that Al won’t ever need to wish for love or family.
“Can you help me, Harry?” Teddy doesn’t normally bring Andromeda’s schoolwork over to Harry’s, but today he’s already kneeling at the coffee table, quill and parchment in hand.
“Well, I can try,” Harry says, sitting down beside him. “But if it’s division again…”
“No, none of that!” Teddy says with a grimace. “I’m learning about persuasive essays now, and Gran says if I write a very good one, we might be able to get a cat!”
“A cat? Well, that’s serious business, isn’t it? We’ll have to go about it carefully…”
And with Harry’s help, Teddy wins his new cat.
“Skeeter will be poking her head in where it doesn’t belong once I’m gone,” Elphias Doge says, pressing a bundle of letters at Ginny, his wizened face beaming. “And what do I care what anyone says, really? Only I detest the woman, and if you got the story out first...oh, the look on her face!”
The ink on some of the letters has almost faded, but the most important piece remains. The valedictions: effusive, undeniably romantic...with “Albus” signing his name to all of them.
“It’ll be out before she’s decided which stone to turn over first,” Harry promises.
“Daddy!” Alice Dursley pulls on Dudley’s hand as the Potters gather at the door. “The present!”
“Yes, right! Before you go…” Dudley hastens back through the house, emerging with a carefully wrapped package.
“Alice helped me with everything…” Dudley presses it into Harry’s hands. “Even the paper--”
“--and the bow!”
“And the bow.” Dudley smiles in the face of Harry’s bemusement. “For Lily’s birthday next week. I’ve meant to get the dates straight for years...but I’ve got this calendar on my phone now, and...well, anyway. I’ll remember now.”
Lily hugs her teddy from “Duh-dee” the whole way home.
“D’you suppose they might only let me on the team because they feel sorry for me?” Teddy asks as he and Harry settle on the grass.
“Of course not.” Harry shades his eyes from the sun before looking off into the distance. Ginny is still trying to teach Albus how to mount his training broom…
“What about because you’re my godfather?”
Harry claps Teddy on the shoulder. “Listen: if you make it, it’ll be you’ve got a great arm and a sharp eye.”
“You really think so?”
“I really do.”
Teddy beams at Harry before lying back on the grass.
“Oh, she’s beautiful--hi, Harry!”
Despite Parvati and Hermione’s smiles, Harry feels as if he’s intruded. He’s used to finding Hermione poring over something or other when he enters her office: she even spends her lunch hour wrestling through her Beedle translations.
“Padma’s baby came Saturday!” Hermione explains.
“I have pictures!”
Harry hasn’t considered before that Hermione’s move from Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures might have been motivated by something other than her career progression.
Now that he thinks of it, he understands why Hermione’s joined half of the DA in Magical Law Enforcement.
They make the work more worthwhile.
“No! No kids behind the bar,” Hannah good-naturedly prods James out from behind the counter at the Leaky Cauldron.
“Even me?” James says, fixing Hannah with a doe-eyed stare.
“ Especially you,” Harry quips, patting the stool next to him as Hannah fixes James a consolation soft drink. “Sorry about that, Hannah…”
“Oh, I don’t mind!” Hannah pauses to tie back her hair with a colorful ribbon. “Only if the wrong person comes in and I’ve got an eight year old with his paws on the firewhisky…”
“What’s firewhisky taste like?” James asks.
“You’d hate it,” Hannah and Harry both say.
“--so that’s where we put all our files for uhm...anything that needs filing.” Harry taps the filing cabinet next to his desk, looking into his nieces' rapt faces. Molly and Lucy are with Percy for the day, and “Uncle Harry’s work” is a key portion of their tour.
Harry privately thinks nothing could be duller for two little girls than exploring different people’s desks.
“Does it ever get full?” Molly asks.
“So you get a new one?” Lucy’s eyes are wide as she scans the wall, perhaps picturing mountains of cabinets.
“Sometimes. Mostly we just toss things.”
“He’s going to do it!” Fleur grips Harry’s shoulder from her seat behind him as the crowd roars and Viktor closes in on the Snitch. “He has to, after all this time, he--YES!”
Harry hugs her first as their box cheers the Bulgarian victory. Fleur apologizes for the tears she’s burst into, but Harry’s own eyes are stinging.
Viktor throws his arms around both of them upon landing in the VIP box, tears still running down his cheeks.
“He would be so proud,” Fleur says, calling Cedric to mind so powerfully that they might have been children fighting dragons again.
“And this one doesn’t like parties because she’s shy…” Lily sets her stuffed rabbit in front of Luna. Harry’s warned Luna about Lily’s “tea parties”--how they involve more profiling of stuffed animals than tea.
“Well, some people are like that, aren’t they?” Luna says agreeably.
“Yes,” Lily agrees. “And this one--she’s so funny, but she doesn’t eat anything green.”
“Not even green sweets?”
“No!” Lily says conspiratorially, whereupon Luna puts on a shocked expression.
“But how does she get her vitamins?”
“Uhm...carrots and the sun, I think!”
“Oh, well, that’s alright, then,” Luna says before smiling at Harry.
#harry potter#LOTS of characters in this one so impossible to tag them all#my fic#lover fic collection
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Christmas Encounters - Charlie Weasley x Hufflepuff!MC
Ship: Charlie Weasley x Hufflepuff!MC
Summary: Y/N is best friends with our favourite twins, Fred and George Weasley. Thanks to them, that year’s Christmas becomes the best of her life.
Requested: Yes - “Hey love. May I request a charlie Weasley x hufflepuff reader who aspires to be a magizoologist. (She’s out of hogwarts.) The reader is friends with George and Fred and they decide to take her with them for Christmas to the burrow. She meets charlie and immediately hit it off. Just some fluff please.... sorry if this made no sense. Thanks love” - @fantastictapple
Warnings: Nooooone
A/N: Surprise surprise! Christmas is getting closer at last :) A little present from me, and more coming (hopefully) soon!
“She's sleeping right now, right?” “The only weird people who would stay up until three in the morning and sneak into someone's house in the middle of the night are you and me, Fred”. “It’s about time we take her to the Burrow, George. The fact that we’re doing it like this instead of asking is a mere detail”. “I must agree with you on that”. “What the…?” Y/N whispered slightly, her voice hoarse after waking up from a deep sleep. “Y/N, you're up!” the twins exclaimed, a wide smile on their faces. Light suddenly invaded the room, and Y/N squinted. “What are you two doing here? What time is it?” “Half past three”. She groaned, pulling the covers over her head, only to find two pairs of hands holding them back. “What do you want?” “We've come to take you to the Burrow!” was Fred’s reply. Another groan. “At half past three in the morning?” “Of course!” they exclaimed in unison. “You, our favourite Hufflepuff, graduated from Hogwarts this summer and for a reason or another you were always busy. It’s about time we celebrate” George chimed in. “What better way to do it than to take you to our house to meet our family!” Fred finished. “I mean, Harry's been to our house more than you have, and we've only known him for, what, three years?” Reluctantly, Y/N sat up in her bed. “Fine, but next time warn me if you want to take me to your house. You know I hate getting up before half past seven”. The trio laughed warmly, then the twins left the room, giving Y/N the time to change and prepare some things to bring along.
“Wait, how are we getting to your house? You didn't take the car… right?” “Of course not! After Ron's incident we couldn't risk it!” Fred assured her. “You're Apparating us, obviously!”
As Fred and George had pointed out, Y/N had rarely been to the Burrow. For a reason or another, she'd almost always been too busy to visit those she considered her very best friends. So yes, probably the best choice was to literally force her out of her house to theirs, for the twins. “That was fantastic! I can't wait to learn this” Fred let out a breathy laugh, then moved to the door, opening it slowly, avoiding all noise. The twins brought their friend to the guest room, letting her set her things down before sitting next to her on the bed, one on each side of her. “For once, the Weasley family is reunited for Christmas”. “There's all of us, from Bill to Ginny”, George added, his voice hushed. “That's great! I finally get to meet these older brothers you’ve talked so often about”. “Oh, you'll love Charlie” George smiled, “He's a Dragonologist, but in general, he adores creatures, just like you”. “Yeah, you'll certainly click. Maybe you'll make Charlie think about something different from dragons for once”. “Fred!” Y/N punched his shoulder, “Just because we both like creatures, that doesn't mean we'll get married tomorrow!” “We'll see” the twins replied in unison, suggestive smirks on their faces. Y/N just rolled her eyes.
Y/N woke up to a pounding noise. It wasn’t to her door, but, she believed, to the next room, where she knew the twins slept. “Fred! George! Will you get up already? It’s almost ten o’ clock!” Y/N smiled. It was little Ron’s voice. The youngest Weasley male was fourteen years old, and she had always had a soft spot for him. He had a knack for getting in trouble, but was caring and brave, with just a touch of pain in the back. “Fred! George!” This time Ginny chimed in too. Y/N had missed her - it had been a long time since she’d last seen her. At last the pounding and shouting stopped, and the door to the twins’ room opened; Y/N couldn’t resist peeking, her door slightly ajar. “Have you no manners?” George was standing in the doorway, his hands on his hips, “We have a guest!” “Why are you speaking in High English?” Ron raised an eyebrow. “Because thou dost not understand the meaning of politeness!” Fred added, in the same stance as his brother. “And who would this guest be?” Ginny asked, her gaze flickering to Y/N door for a second. “Well, give her time to get ready, at least, will you?” Y/N snickered quietly, then disappeared into her room, changing from her soft pyjamas. Staying at the Burrow was going to be a real adventure, this was for certain.
“George said we have a guest, mom” Ginny stated while bringing her fork to her lips. “A guest?” “Fred, George, you really should stop bringing people home without warning. I’m sure you woke them in the middle of the night to bring them here” Bill looked at the twins accusingly, but they didn’t blink. “You’re one to talk! You did have your good deal of mischief back in Hogwarts!” Fred mirrored his brother’s expression, adding a smirk. “Fred, George, you speak so highly of politeness but whenever I come here I always have to introduce myself” Y/N spoke up, appearing in the dining room. “Y/N, dear, it’s you! Please sit, I’ll fetch another plate of breakfast for you” Molly immediately exclaimed, urging her into a seat next to one of the older Weasleys, one of the two she didn’t know yet. “For the sake of our beloved politeness...” Fred started. “...We bestow on you…” “Y/N L/N, excellent Hogwarts alumna and aspirant Magizoologist!” they chorused, earning some giggles from their brothers. “This High English is sickening me” Ron replied, stuffing his mouth with an egg. “Bill, Charlie, please introduce yourselves. You’re the only ones she doesn’t know yet” George beckoned them. “Bill Weasley” the older sibling held out his hand for Y/N to shake, offering a smile. “He’s the Curse-Breaker” Ron spat out, his mouth still half full. “Ron! Will you stop being such a… pig?” Ginny looked at him with a disgusted expression, but Y/N just laughed. “Charlie Weasley” the second-oldest reached for her hand next, smiling warmly. “The Dragonologist”. Charlie nodded, his smile unwavering. The twins whistled, making Y/N roll her eyes. “They’ve been trying to set us up since I met them”. “I know”. “So, Y/N” Arthur Weasley spoke up for the first time that morning - he’d been too worked up on reading his newspaper - “Your mother is Muggle-Born, right?” The girl nodded while bringing a piece of toast to her mouth. “May you please ask her what is the exact function of a plug?” Y/N nodded again, a giggle on her lips, echoed by everyone else’s.
It was past ten p.m., and most of the Weasley family had gone to bed - except Fred and George, who were probably working on some elaborate prank device, and Charlie, who sat on the couch, closing his eyes briefly. Only when they fluttered open a few minutes later, he noticed Y/N was also awake, reading next to him. If she had noticed him, she had given no sign of it. “Hi”, he smiled slightly as she turned towards him. “Hi”. “So... you’re an aspirant Magizoologist?” “I’ve always loved creatures, there is nothing that would suit me better, I believe. I can’t see myself working in some airless office, or in a classroom full of screeching kids”. Charlie laughed lightly. “When I was in Hogwarts, I used to skip some of my classes to go to Care of Magical Creatures. Kettleburn let me stay. One day he even let me teach some second-years when I was in my fifth; I arrived to the edge of the forest after a long run from History of Magic, and as soon as he saw me he motioned for me to come closer, and told me: ‘Mister Weasley, I would like a short break. Please, tell these kids something about Murtlaps’”. Y/N put down her book as she laughed heartily. “But my passion has always been dragons. My friends thought I was obsessed, and Fred and George joked that I would marry a dragon some day”. “Those two really are something” Y/N shook her head, “I met them in my fourth year, and I had a lot of fun with them, they immediately became my very best friends”. “And they’re trying really hard to set us up” Charlie smiled lopsidedly. “Personally, I wouldn’t really be opposed to that” Y/N muttered under her breath, her gaze moving to the coffee table in front of her, hoping he didn’t hear. “I don’t think I would either” Charlie stated, making her eyes shoot up to his. She was holding her breath. Charlie had something about him, something that attracted her, and it seemed like it was the same for him. “I remember seeing you often, running around the corridors of Hogwarts Castle, from one class to the next; I also remember seeing you sneak into the Forbidden Forest once, when I was sneaking in too”. Y/N looked at him, a puzzled expression adorning her features. “I was in seventh year then, you in fourth. I saw you with Fred and George often - I kept an eye on them when I could - and I asked them about you one day. They told me about your passion for creatures and the adventures you were getting up to, I’ve wanted to meet you since then. But… N.E.W.T.s, and the studies to become a Dragonologist, and classes being impossible, and Kettleburn seeking me out to help him find a Chimaera… again…” He tentatively took her hand, hoping for the best. “I’ve looked up to you since second year”. His eyes met hers, and she smiled. “I was among those kids you taught when Kettleburn asked you to talk about Murtlaps. I wondered how a student could know so many things about creatures, and that’s when my resolve became so strong. I knew I wanted to be a Magizoologist, I wanted to be like you”. She was taken by surprise when she felt Charlie’s lips against her own, and his arm around her waist, but she wasn’t complaining at all. She leaned into his touch, her hands on his chest as they parted. They stayed silent for a few moments, until they heard a cry of “Yes!” coming from a corner of the room. “Ugh, you always ruin everything, you twats!” Y/N scoffed, moving closer to Charlie as he laughed into her hair. “Merry Christmas!”
#hogwarts mystery#charlie weasley#charlie weasley x reader#charlie weasley x mc#charlie x mc#the burrow#fred weasley#george weasley#bill weasley#ron weasley#ginny weasley#christmas#hphm#hphm mc#harry potter
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My siblings and I accidentally write a Ron/Victor Krum 4th year fix it fic in the group chat
Isabel: guyS
Rewatching goblet of fire
And I have to say
How amazing would it have if
It was a LOT less gendered
And also
If Ron and Krum had got together instead of Krum and Hermione
Thomas: Oh yeah there's so much Gender
Isabel Ron already basically has a crush on Krum
Would have been great
Thomas: idk, he's more jealous of him in my opinion
Isabel: Nah
He has the action figure
He says he's an artist
It's definitely there
Thomas: Tru
Clare: I mean on a superficial level I liked the Hermione/Krum part because it made me relate that a girl who is usually uninterested in 'feminine' things might still have some anxieties and take some interest now and again, and 'this super hot guy will like You, the Nerd' is standard wish fulfilment, but honestly I could take it or leave it. A grumpy feminist could equally well read it as 'EVEN smort girls like Hermione want to be feminine REALLY uwu'
And that would be a boring analysis but the whole feminine versus not argument is boring and not what we're here for
The Krum drama kicks off the Romione subplot and honestly I hate Romione as a ship, to me it feels forced from beginning to end
But Ron/Krum would tie in really nicely to the whole character arc for Ron that JKR started in the first book and then forgot about where he evolves into an amazing intelligent badass without noticing it
Picture: He is dooting along, vaguely bummed because he's nothing special compared to his older bros, then in book four he realises wait he DOES stand out from others because he's gay/bi/whatever but he's not sure he WANTS that because standing out for being a minority is a fucking hassle but by the seventh book he is war hero, chess master and gay icon and vaguely confused about it
Hell, you could even have Hermione go to the ball with Krum, get her girly character development in and have Ron freak out and both of them /assume/ it's about her when it's not
It would just
Be better Thomas: Queer theory saves the day once again
Clare: :D
Thomas: I love this
Isabel: Honestly decades later I am still just so salty about Ron's lack of development, hell, anti development. I just want everything for him
Clare: Like, not to make it automatically angsty just because it's gay but Ron being Not Straight ties in so well with his typical theme of qualities that he think make him less than Textbook Perfect actually being his great strengths (I read a great analysis that Ron actually achieves all his brothers' goals without trying or noticing)
Ron just utterly stalls as a character in the books
And Harry is a shitty friend to him by the end
She kind of pulled it back with his deathly hallows arc but it was bungled and could have come across as just bashing him
Isabel: HE IS. Ron is so taken for granted.
Clare: God, Ron is SO much less of a dick if his yelling at Hermione in book four is coming out of Sudden Repressed Realisation, not just 'woman I like is doing something I don't like'
Isabel: I watched film 4 last night and just everyone??? Is so horrible to each other??? All the time??? I swear in the books it's so much better handled
Other reasons why bi/gay Ron headcanon is important: - most masculine of the trio/ has a million big brothers so dealing with toxic masculinity/ bucking queer stereotypes in there too - an extra 'fuck you' to the whole pure blood thing which I reckon is really homophobic as it means your bloodline won't get continued or some shit - Krum coaching Ron on Keeping in bad English. Tell me it's not cute. - Ron's a linguist (he learnt parselmouth on like 2 listens)!! Tell me he wouldn't learn Bulgarian?! - just, chaotic bilingual Quidditch talk, all the time, forever?!
Clare: UM your pidgin Quiddich is now my new fave headcanon forever????? You're SO RIGHT Ron is smart, he's just not academic. He would DEFINITELY pick up a language fast if he was using it to talk to his boyfriend/about quiddich
Clare: Plus all the stuff you said about toxic masculinity and purebloodism.
Isabel: #giveRonaBoyfriend2k18
Also not around for the lowkey weirdness of Ron and Harry dating CANONICALLY IDENTICAL AND BORING non white girls to the Yule Ball
I know that you can overdo all this stuff but seriously the fuck
Clare: It is a bit odd and icky
Isabel: Ok so this is what happens
Krum asks Hermione to the Yule Ball and it's like she gets her cute moment with him
But then instead of spending the whole evening being a whiny bish Ron shows un-JKR-characterisation-characteristic maturity and puts a brave face on it and talks to them both
He's upset but doesn't full on ruin their evenings
And then Hermione after the ball, (gradually realising with slight horror that she and Krum actually have literally nothing in common) kind of keeps... asking... Ron to hang out with them
And at first Ron's like lol no way am I third wheeling
But then the temptation to hang out with his literal idol becomes too strong
And he and Krum start hanging out independently of Hermione
(who's probably in the lib helping Harry study for the second task at this point anyway)
The weather is still too cold for Quidditch
Ron thinks
But somehow Ron ends up playing anyway
Clare: Hoooooly fuck this is perfect
(except he actually is because it's like -10 and snowing what the fuck Krum) Ron putting his big boy panties on and dealing during the ball, leading to him actually having an in with Krum via Hermione
I love the dynamic of Hermione just...awkwardly asking her friends to hang with them...just to break the silence...
And then them all actually having a nice evening
Clare: I mean the point of Krum with her was to get that 'YASSSS I'm dating a hot guy!' moment WHILE ALSO showing how easily it fizzles, so nothing needs to change there
Hermione could even do her 'ugh, quiddich and BOYS' routine
Isabel: Awkward because of course it is awkward what is a teenage party without angst but also, fun
yeah exactly! the slow dawning that fuuuuck, I've just brought another stupid quidditch boi into my life oh god why
Clare: Ron still knows more about the history of the game and all the technical terms than Harry so has more to talk to Krum about
Isabel: And then you know Ron and Krum stumble back into the castle with Ron wearing Krum's hat à la Chad and Ryan, and Skeeter doesn't bat an eyelid because it doesn't fit her trashy narrative
Clare: RIGHT I've got to sleep I'm getting a cold but I love this
Isabel: ok go sleep
we almost certainly get the insanely awkward 'think you're in luurve Ron' or 'lol if you love Krum so much you should date him not Hermione'! moment from either Fred or George or maybe Ginny
And there's just a kind of... missing step moment
Clare: I think all of them would do that
I mean they're pretty mean to Ron anyway, especially about love
Isabel: Exactly they're all horrible but MAYBE this would teach them!!
Clare: Exactly! It would rip the rug out from under them and they'd be like wait shit
Isabel: We are actually mean to Ron... a lot
Clare: Especially because in this timeline Ron still gets the hassle from his sibs but unlike in the main timeline where he is just butt monkey forever he has the trump card that he's got a boyfriend who's a world famous quiddich player
Like, if you're Fred, George, Ginny or even Molly you can't really come back from that reveal. Ron wins.
Isabel: Krum actually being a laser focussed guy who gives people he cares about 300% of his attention
And middle child syndrome attention starved Ron just soaks it up like a blooming Icelandic kid under a sunlamp
Ron win evertiem
Clare: Yeahhhhhh. Being a prodigy who's trained from such a young age he's got to nail that work life balance and it's like 90% work 10% life but that life is INTENSE, he's seen too many people lose their relationships because they won't switch off their metaphorical phones during dates, he gets one (1) month a year and about three (3) important people and when it is Person Time it is PERSON TIME
Right bed for eal I'm dying
Clare: Bebs I wish you could write it
The raw chemistry my goodness
I ship it now
Is there going to be 'you are treating me like an idol not a real person please stop' angst at any point?
Clare: Also Krum is like 'I knew I could trust you because you are bffs with Harry Potter and you treat him like he's totally normal you must be so mature and cool he is so so lucky to have a friend like you
Or well, Krum insecurity that people only like him because of his celeb status anyway
Which is probably why he went for Hermione in the first place because she didn't give a shit
'... I love you.'
'Bro I wouldn't care if you were the worst player in the world as long as we both are fans of the sport together.'
Isabel: BRUH
Also can I just ask...?
What happens in the second task??!!?
It's already messed up enough under that lake, love triangles all over the place
This would just be the final straw that resulted in everyone just shrugging and teaming up
Clare: Holy shit
Krum just doots along, takes Ron and goes
Harry's like...wait what...OK...um I guess Hermione and Ron are equally important to me so I'll just take her kk
Isabel: Krum and Ron appearing on the surface of the lake like 'fuck'
The most dramatic declaration of intent ever
Turning yourself into a shark and rescuing them from the bottom of a lake
Clare: Everybody in the stands is SHOOK
Dumbledore like dang I did not predict this
With their hair soaking wet they are both at maximum hot
Isabel: Rita Skeeter's quill combusts
Clare: Krum doesn't point her out as a beetle in Hermione’s hair he's too busy with Ron
Isabel: Yeah she's like where is my gossip at??? Nothing is happening over in Hermione's hair
But yeah I feel like Dumbledore would be like, oh darn, looks like I'm gonna have to show queer solidarity with Ronald Weasely or something
Clare: Would Krum charm Molly straight away though? He's very surly and shy and, in the books, not very handsome. Wouldn't Molly start out yikes who is this quiddich yob my son has taken up with?
Ginny on the other hand. Comes out as bi a couple of years later, tells Ron she only started to realise thanks to his example, apologises for being a dick about his love life
Isabel: Yeah I guess actually
I think Molly can get fierce
Clare: She's probably got a bit of pure blood/homophobic anxiety that she cloaks as objections about THIS PARTICULAR boy
Isabel: Either she loves you and adopts you right away or she is like /pulling shotgun down from the shelf/
She's like
Blaming herself, oh I should have paid more attention and NOW look what's happened
Poor Ronald, always neglected
And Ron's like... mum... this is great
I am happy
Is not problem
I mean he's probably enjoying having the attention of a quiddich super star and I bet he'd even enjoy the celebrity status of The Boyfriend a bit (best friends get sidelined but romantic partners are news) but he's not doing it FOR attention
Isabel: Yeah, and I think the suggestion that he is would just make him so mad
First confused and then mad
Oh the ANGST
Clare: Especially since that's Krums biggest anxiety
Isabel: Mr Weasely would be chill. I feel like in this whole equation he is the chillest
Clare: What would Percy say? Would social climbing or doing the done thing win out?
Also the attention thing is a way for parents to make their child's relationship all about them. Oh you want me to LOVE you more! No mum I'm growing away from you this is normal
I think Ron would get jealous around Bill and Charlie because they'd swing in all oh our brother is rebellious and has a cool boyfriend? Well we are cool rebels also welcome to the family Victor
Isabel: Yeah... I think Percy is probably pretending to be chill with it and being a bit smarmy to Krum then says something awkward and homophobic and it's worse than if he'd just said it straight up
Clare: I think a lot of Liberal but still pure blood families would take the line of, 'it's fine that you're gay...because you're the sixth son so your blood line isn't in danger and making a socially advantageous match is probably more important for you anyway! And Ron is like Y I K E S
Isabel: Yeah exactly, well I suppose you have enough sons Molly amirite
What do we think about the Krum family?
Are they just happy that their son is forming human relationships
Clare: Hmm. How do they feel about celebrity? Do they think Ron is Not Good Enough or are they actually quite a normal family and are glad Krum has an ordinary guy to keep him grounded?
Isabel: I kind of don't want Ron to have to deal with random Bulgarian disapproval
I think maybe a quite normal family who had a kid who was a genius and has been at boarding school/ travelling for years and years
Maybe Krum already came out to them so that drama is in the past
Clare: Yeah and when he brings Ron home for dinner they're just delighted that Krum is home at all and that he's happy
Yeah maybe he did
He's probably had a lot of time to introspect because of his image and maybe he's an only child?
Isabel: And Ron speaks accented but ok Bulgarian by this point and they're like !!!
Clare: I think one aspect of the large family thing that WOULD affect Ron is its just that much harder to have a private word with your parents so confiding about yourself, especially when you're not 100% sure, just isn't part of the family culture
And there's no time for introspection when you're jockeying for position with six siblings
So Krum is out to his parents while Ron isn't even out to himself
Plus Krums just that bit older
Isabel: No, when you ask for a word it's all 'yes Ron' a bit exasperated
Clare: Krum’s family are just delighted that Ron speaks Bulgarian and is a normal guy who likes their son for himself
Isabel: Maybe they have some kind of cool engineery job and Ron goes out the back and is like well my dad likes cars I will try and help
Uses his mathsy chessy knowledge
Clare: Re. Homophobia I think it is important that it's not all YOU'RE GOING TO HELL like the Muggle brand but instead is very focused on producing pure blood children. Also with the smallness of the pure blood community I bet there's a lot of, not official arranged marriage, but kind of assumed marriage, like in Pride and Prejudice or what may have happened with Prince William and Kate, like, there's three girls your age who your family's on speaking terms with who aren't your first cousins and it'll massively throw off everybody's plans if you don't marry one of them
Yes Ron helping with engineering
Isabel: Headcanon of the Krums as magical engineers with a side passion for quidditch
Clare: I bet he picks up arithmancy that way. Can't learn it in the classroom, can learn it in the garage. And he comes home from the holiday able to actually help his dad with the car and thenceforth Mr Weasley is on board
Isabel: Yeah exactly... they're a bit 'sigh ok this means you're not gonna marry bertha from the bakery but hell at least it's not a veela'
Clare: Also wizarding society is inherently conservative, they haven't even updated their writing system, so anybody doing anything different is looked askance at unless they can play themselves as a genius eccentric like Dumbledore
Isabel: So yeah then Ron turns out to be WHOLESOME af and Krum’s family are like... ok fine. this is fine. In fact yay!
Ok I have to go do some work but this has been almost as good as having the fic itself
Clare: Maybe I'll put a summary on my tumblr and see if anybody wants to adopt it
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Hey, how'd things be if harry was the dada teacher at hogwarts? How'd the kids feel and intereact, what would change, would his kids be closer to him? Thanks! >-
Ted: I’m not sureif Ted would enjoy it. Harry’s a source of guidance for Ted and they have agood relationship, but it might be a bit much. It may be hard for Ted toseparate their father-son relationship and a professional teacher-studentrelationship. He loves Harry, obviously, but it may be a bit awkward and kindaoverkill. It would alter their dynamic a bit, and not for the better
Victoire:Victoire’s favourite uncle is Harry and he was the one who taught her to drive,so they’re already pretty close. I don’t think their relationship would change,which is a good thing, as they have a really positive relationship as it is.They get on and love each other and that wouldn’t go anywhere. Victoire wouldhave the same ability in DADA no matter her teacher; she’s good, but it’s nother special subject so she doesn’t have that special spark to make her go theextra mile. She prefers Charms and History of Magic. But she’d like that Harrywas there
Dominique: Shewouldn’t even notice lol. Imo she attends Beaxubatons but I’ll answer this asif she attended Hogwarts. She’d turn up to lessons and probably wouldn’t evennotice that Mr Potter is her uncle. She’s above it all, but not in a snotty way– it’s more like she has her priorities and “trivial” things like that don’tfaze her. After all, Dominique’s used to a lot of Wotter drama and mayhem fromher cousins, so she’s learned to ignore it. She has her “family mode”, whereHarry is her uncle and really nice, and her “school mode”, where you’re politeto teachers and keep your head down and study in lessons
Louis: Louiswould be so happy, but he is with everything. He loves Harry a lot, and thatwould make his lessons enjoyable because one of his “friends” is teaching him.I don’t think Louis would understand it when other cousins react differently,because to him it’s one of the greatest/coolest things that could happen. Louisdoesn’t really get suffocated by people; he could spend every single day withhis entire extended family and still have nice things to say about them all
James: Jameswould like it at first, because it reflects on him (my dad’s cool and thereforeso am I), but it might upset the balance. James listens in listens and trieshard, but he also deliberately acts like he doesn’t care and is a bit cheeky toteachers. So it would turn the casual James/Harry banter into rudeness fromJames’s side and a genuine getting annoyed from Harry’s side. It would tarnishtheir relationship a bit
Albus: I think Alwould hate it and feel so uncomfortable. Al’s rubbish at DADA and the worst dayof his life is when he finds out he needs a DADA NEWT to become a Healer, sohaving his dad there would make it worse. He’d feel guilty for not liking itlike his dad does, and I think it may even awaken some hidden Weasley rebelliousstreak in him which leads him to start skipping classes
Lily: Lily wouldlove it. She and her father are close, but their relationship has the rightamount of guidance/parental responsibility. Harry’s her mentor. Their schoolrelationship would be similar – Harry would gently correct her if she’s wrong;she’d try a little harder to volunteer answers in class; she’d feel a bit morecomfortable asking questions about material they haven’t covered yet. Her gradewould largely stay the same, but it would improve ever so slightly because ofthe connection she has with Harry. It’s the same with Potions – I think Lilyfirst started to like it because she respected her professor, and then shegenuinely became good at it
Rose: I’m notsure about Rose. She’s not so caught up in the history of her family, soHarry’s just another uncle. She’s more present with her own generation and herstory focuses a lot on her millions of friends, not her ancestors (although shedoes love Mr Weasley a lot). She’s not as defined by her parents. Rose wouldtreat Harry like any other teacher, I think, but she’d be a bit lighter andcasual. If one of her parents were in school, that would suffocate Rose, butHarry’s cool enough to treat her as her own person and not judge her or run offwith tales to Ron and Hermione
Hugo: Hugo wouldlove it just as much as Lily. Hugo respects authority and particularlygenuinely good teachers, so he’d be proud that his uncle is his DADA professor.Hugo would try harder in order to impress Harry – he doesn’t need to, but hewould. He’d put extra effort into his homework to make Harry proud of him. Heand Lily would have their own lil fan club lol
Molly: Mollywould get a lot of help from Harry. She’d rush in exactly on time, covered inmud from back-to-back Quidditch practices, and race off as soon as the bellrings to cram in some homework before her Head Girl duties. Harry would workovertime to try to fix things with her and her scheduling to give her some timeoff. He’d become a teacher who helps out of class time, too. He’d never go easyon her and quit giving her work, but he’d fix things with other members ofstaff (e.g. ask the Ravenclaws to move their practice from Monday to Wednesdayor suggest that X homework club that Molly helps out at is held a mere 10minutes earlier). Molly would return the favour by looking out for him andasking the more troublesome Wotters to settle down, or by showing him thequickest ways through the castle (Hogwarts had to change a little after the warblew up half the school)
Lucy: At first,Lucy would be uncomfortable and painfully shy, because she’s the youngestWotter who everyone underestimates and she wouldn’t want one of her unclesdoing the same. However, Harry would bring out the side of her that’s waiting tobe shown, and would encourage her a lot more than she expects. DADA lessonswould be a kind of comfortable, happy place where she can be herself and bringher own uniqueness to whatever they learn. Harry doesn’t make Lucy feel ashamedfor being inquisitive and creative and less brash than her cousins, and that’ssomething that Lucy really appreciates
Fred: I reckonFred would like it. It doesn’t make much difference to him, so he’s not thatbothered, and largely finds it a positive experience because Harry’s a veryeffective teacher. However, if Harry ever told Fred off for messing around ornot putting effort in, I think Fred would start to dislike it a bit (but that’snatural). There’d be a tense moment when they fall out but it’d be a teachablemoment for them both, so ultimately either way Fred would like it lol
Roxanne: Roxannewould mess around even more and deliberately try to upset the lesson. Jamesdoes it to get a reaction which is why it turns sour, but Roxanne’s doing itout of love for her uncle (“It’s a compliment,” she says) so it’s a bit morelight-hearted and easier to ignore/deal with. She’d get bored after a while butshe’d always save the best pranks for DADA lessons
Lorcan: Honestly,Lorcan wouldn’t change at all, but there would definitely be an increase in thenumber of disruptions as Lorcan asks way too personal questions about hishottest aunt, the one and only Ginny. He comes in at the start of every lessonand asks how ‘Gin’ is doing, and things escalate from there. Other than that,he’s the same
Lysander: Harry’sa genuinely good teacher, and I think Lysander would appreciate that. He’d bewary at first, in case Harry only got there because of his name, but once hefinds out that the lessons are helpful he’d love them. I think he’d get superexcited and nerdy and do way too much homework because he’s so enthusiastic andhappy about the way he’s being taught
Scorpius: He’d bea bit wary at first, in case the old Potter/Malfoy rivalry still lasted, butwhen he sees that it doesn’t exist across generations he’d relax. I don’t thinkScorpius would have a real opinion on Harry’s actual teaching, though – eventhough Scorpius is good at DADA and ultimately becomes an Auror, he doesn’tcare enough about the subject to get involved in the intricacies of histeacher. Harry’s good, so that’s enough for Scorpius. He’d ask for some Auroradvice, though, and find the stories of Harry’s Auror missions cool
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ULTIMATE HARRY POTTER TAG -Favorite Book? My favorite has always been The Prisoner of Azkaban because I loved Lupin and Sirius. -Least Favorite Book? Probably Chamber of Secrets because I've watched the movie so much and knew how everything happened. -Favorite Movie? Definitely The Deathly Hallows part two. -Least Favorite Movie? Either Chamber of Secrets, because I've watched it so much, or Deathly Hallows part one. I can't stand it when Ron gets sooo jealous! -Favorite Quote? “We've all got light and dark inside us. What matter is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are”-Sirius Black -Favorite Weasley? Fred and George all the way! So adorable and hilarious. I really truly relate to them because I have a twin myself and it would devastating if she died. -Favorite Female Character? Probably Luna because she always stays true to herself and is actually quite smart. -Favorite Villain Obviously Umbridge because it's truly fansaitating how an author can make a reader hate someone so much. -Favorite Male Character? I have so many!! My top three are Hagrid, (it's so cute how he loves every creature small and large, deadly and kind. He always thinks of the best in people.) Neville, (it's devastating what happened to his parents but he's a hard worker in becoming better at spells and magic. He's also so adorable with his little toad and his chubby cheeks!) and of course Sirius (how could you not love Sirius? He's witty, a troublemaker, but also super helpful and kind to Harry. I love how he takes Harry under his wing and becomes a father figure but also treats Harry as his best friend, so lovely!) -Favorite Professor? Either Lupin or Snape. I love Lupin because he really teaches his students loads, especially Harry, and is so kind-hearted and brilliant. Snape is awful to Harry but his backstory is so sad and I feel bad for him. But I really think in the last few books Snape begins to like Harry and help him, even if he didn't show it personally to him. -Would you rather A) Wash Snape’s hair or B) spend a day listening to Lockhart rant about himself? Obviously wash Snape’s hair because maybe it won't be so greasy anymore. -Would you rather duel A) an elated Bellatrix or B) an angry Molly? Molly is so scary when she gets mad plus maybe I could avenge Sirius, Neville’s parents, and Dobby. -Would you rather travel to Hogwarts via A) Hogwarts Express or B) Flying Car? Hogwart Express all the way! I want Chocolate Frogs and hear Hagrid say “First Years this way!” -Would you rather A) Kiss Voldemort or B) give Umbridge a bubble bath? Kiss Voldemort I don't want to see that toad in her pink tiled bathroom and her kitten bath towels. -Would you rather A) ride a hippogriff or B) ride a Firebolt? This one’s hard because I really want to try Quidditch to see if I would be good at it but if I get to ride on Hagrid’s hippogriff in his Magical Creatures class I would total pick that one. -Is there a character you feel differently about in the movies? Probably Hagrid in the book he sometimes is portrayed as dumb with the way he talks, which is super hard to understand but when he speaks in the movie it's a unique quaintly of his, and when he has all his different creatures Harry and the others judge him for it. While in the movie he's much more smart, cute, and helpful. -Is there a movie you preferred to the book? No I love the films and the books but I love the books better than all the films. You get to understand and learn about the characters more and I personally don't like when the films leave out major parts from the book. -Richard Harris or Michael Gambon as Dumbledore? I personally liked Michael Gambon because the first two movies weren't my favorite movies anyways. -Your top thing (person or event) that wasn't in the movie that you wanted there the most? I really wanted the scene of Dumbledore’s funeral and when Hagrid carries his body and his half brother is there. Also I wanted to see the merpeople and the centaurs paying a visit to his funeral. I don't know for me it would show the viewers how significant Dumbledore was and how he touched so many people, especially Harry and his friends because they cry in this scene. -If you could remake any of the Harry Potter movies which would it be? Half Blood Prince I would add more scenes from the book. -Which house was your first gut feeling you'd be a part of? Gryffindor because I've always felt really close to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I felt like I could be the fourth one in their group. Harry who could've been a Slytherin, Hermione who could've been a Ravenclaw, Ron who was a true Gryffindor, and me you could've been in Hufflepuff. -Which house were you actually sorted into on Pottermore? I've taken the quiz twice and the first time I got Hufflepuff and the second time I got Gryffindor. -Which class would be your favorite? Magical Creatures with Hagrid or Defense Against the Dark Arts with Lupin. -Which spell do you think would be the most useful to learn? Probably I shield spell so that if anyone attacked me I could do that or Accio because than I could literally find anything if I lost it. -Which character do you think you'd instantly become friends with? Either Ginny because we both love sports and in the book she seems really nice or Fred and George because we both of the same sense of humor. -If you could own one of the three Hallows, which would it be? The invisibility cloak, duhhh -Is there any aspect of the books that you'd like to change? I'd have Harry name is child Albus Severus Sirius Potter because Sirius had a huge impact on his life and helped him lots, his death was also very hard for Harry to deal with. -Favorite Marauder? My favorite is Padfoot because I feel like we got to know him the most in the series and I would love to turn into a doggie. -If you could bring one of characters back to life, which would it be? I really didn't like to see any of the characters die but probably Fred because I can't imagine living without my twin. Also their Joke Shop was a group effort and I feel like George would give up on it or not be as enthusiastic about it. -Hallows or Horcruxes? I feel like it would be kinda fun to make my Horcruxes and pick objects, I wouldn't want to be immortal though.
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So lately I’ve been toying with @kikaiz ’s reverse trio au (based in Danny Phantom) and it sort of led me down the path of this concept in the Harry Potter world, specifically with the golden trio, to create what I called the flipped trio au.
Basically what I’ve done is take each character from the golden trio’s archetype and gave it to one of the other two, keeping their personality traits that are there because of their nature over the environment in which they were raised. In this, Harry would take on Ron’s position in the golden trio as the “comic relief” type character, Ron would assume Hermione’s “smart friend” character, and Hermione would take on the “chosen one” character previously connected to Harry. Basically what follows is a ton of various ideas that arise based on this concept.
Harry would definitely end up more like his father than he is in canon: confident in his abilities (bordering quite heavily on arrogance), prone to mischief, and always making jokes
His parents aren’t dead is this au so he would be actually been raised by people who love and respect him
Still very similar to the character we know today but WAY more laid back and relaxed because his life hasn’t been nearly as stressful as it was in canon
I wanted to also attach to him the poverty aspect connected to the Weasley’s but it doesn’t make sense to me (James is from an already wealthy family, Harry is an only child, more than one working parent, and even if James and Lily were as grossly underpaid as Arthur was I still don’t think they’d ever truly be poor)
He and his family (specifically James) would 100% be labeled as blood traitors though. Not only did James marry a muggle-born but it’s pretty obvious which side they’d fall on in this sort of race war
I think Harry might actually have a slightly better (maybe?) relationship with Draco in this? I’m really not sure how that dynamic would change with Hermione at the helm of the trio
Not only would he still be playing quidditch but I think he’d be even better at it since he would’ve been playing for much longer
Might have actually been a bit better with girls after some coaching from James (and then Lily telling him to disregard it all in favor of her advice which lets face it would be much better)
Still manages to be hella clueless which I really think rounds him out nicely as a mini James
Not not only does he looks just like his dad but he acts like him too (definitely less douchey though) which weirds people out to a whole new level
Ron is no longer the youngest boy of a family of purebloods, but instead the only magical child of a family of muggles
This probably would help a bit with his feelings of being overshadowed by his brothers
However! He still thinks they would have been better suited to the wizarding world and is considerably anxious about proving that fear right
This is what leads us to Ron being the smart friend He doesn’t want to be as lackluster as a wizard as he thinks he is as a muggle so he spends way more time actually studying and actively trying to do well because his grades are one of the few things he can control
Still quite lazy in other respects, and I don’t think he’d every reach Hermione levels of being extremely focused in school because he doesn’t have that same innate drive as she does
Just as cool under pressure as he has been shown to be, but not because he’s grown up around and is extremely familiar/comfortable with magic but because 1) he’s got a huge family and is used to the pressure and 2) he’s the type of person who makes themselves comfortable or at least can adapt to new and unfamiliar situations and 3) if he can be deposited in a world previously unknown to him and not freak out (too badly) he has a pretty good handle on most things
His family would be financially stable similar to Hermione’s family and because Arthur wouldn’t be working for the Ministry and thus couldn’t be grossly underpaid by them
Doesn’t mean that Molly stops knitting her sweaters because they’re awesome
Still hates spiders
Grows up an orphan with terrible foster/adopted parents (we know nothing about her family) who treat her similarly to the Dursley’s and Harry throughout the series
The only difference would be she would get out of the situation much more quickly than Harry did
I don’t care what anyone says, Lily and James Potter are not letting their son’s best friend go back to an abusive home especially since James’ parents took in Sirius to shield him from a similarly toxic environment
This could go one of two ways: either Hermione becomes an honorary Potter similarly to how Sirius did as a teenager, or it could open the door to Sirius taking Hermione in himself. Both ideas have merit to them in my opinion
Without trying to sound overly complimentary of Hermione I honestly think she’s the best suited of the three to be the chosen one
She’s got really strong morals still and is able to use her position as the “chosen one” to push for what she wants more forcefully (“I defeated Voldemort as a baby! Join SPEW!”)
Hermione would also still be the one to call Harry and Ron out on their bull and keep them in line, so to speak
Lily and James never die, which would set off a whole chain of events within their personal lives that I’m trying to keep as close to canon as I can
Peter would still end up on Voldemort’s side (can’t change canon too much) but he’d end up in Askaban and he would be the Prisoner of Askaban from the books who escapes I’m not 100% sure how it would play out but let’s ignore canon and go with it okay shhhh
Remus ends up teaching DADA like normal, but he’d be a better adjusted human
Snape would still out him as a werewolf to the entire wizarding world and I think he’d still end up going into hiding
Snape would also pretty openly hate Harry since Lily is still alive. Instead of him having Lily’s eyes being what protects Harry from Snape it would be a constant reminder that James and Lily got together and had the cute ass kid that is Harry
Harry would definitely mention it to one of his parents and it would culminate in Lily having some GODDAMN AGENCY in this “love triangle” and she could finally put to rest all of the Snily shippers the idea that it was ever a love triangle or that she was a prize to be won. She chose James and if Snape has an issue with that he can take it up with her fist (and he ends up getting punched because I made this au up and I need to see that)
That’s one of the many reasons he’s salty enough to out Remus
Besides maybe taking Hermione in as a surrogate daughter I really don’t think Sirius would work
The man is an eligible bachelor right up until the day he dies (unfortunately under similar circumstances)
Harry and Hermione still spend a lot of time at the Weasley’s house. That’s where Harry meets Ginny and they do their thing
I also like the idea of the Weasley’s sort of ushering in an era wherein muggles who know about magic (and squibs of course) are able to take an active part in the wizarding world. For example, Fred and George could still pretty easily found Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes — it doesn’t take magical ability to do potions and once they have a couple of wizards working for them they can collaborate to make charms and the like. Ron retiring from the Aurors to join at least George (unsure as to whether or not Fred should die) to help out makes a lot of sense in this. I don’t think it takes magical ability to ride a broomstick and play quidditch (lmk if I’m wrong) so for all we know Ginny could become the first muggle quidditch player. You hopefully get my point with this one
This is hella long but feel free to add your own ideas about this on this post or tagged under #flipped trio au
Don’t think too hard about canon and it’s a pretty interesting idea in my opinion
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