#tedoire au
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evil-swan-witch · 5 months ago
Do you like the second generation of harry potter and/or the cursed child?
Do you like scorbus and other less important ships?
Do like reading cool AUs?
If you answered yes to one or all of these questions you should totally read my fanfic!
its on ao3 and its called Never Speak Ill of the Dead! username is 1CantGoBackImHAUNT3D
its a second gen (kinda) superpower au and im really proud of it. there are 10 chapters so far but its kinda just starting so itll be pretty long. i also have plans for a sequel that might even be better than the first one! please read it!
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tedwardremus · 10 months ago
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Teddy Lupin and Victoire Weasley Instagram AU
More HP Instagrams
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cursedwithwords · 1 year ago
Your fic has me curious, but do you ship tedoire too, or are you strictly a jeddy truther?
It's kinda hard not to like tedoire tbh. For me at least. I like the vibes, so I like the ship. They aren't together in TBOTS because I wanted to explore a piece of Teddy’s character that I haven't seen utilized before; and because I prefer writing jeddy. The jeddy dynamic is easier for me to write somehow.
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merlinsbudgiesmugglers · 1 year ago
WIP Tag Game
Thank you @artemisia-black @starlingflight and @abihastastybeans for the tags!
List the titles of your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends!
I don't have 5 WIP fics,
To Love What He Saw: My morally grey Andromeda fic (which I promise is Tedromeda endgame even if it doesn't look like it right now!)
Historical/Fantasy Arranged-Marriage Tedromeda AU: Set in a world of made up countries but there's no magic because that's just a WHOLE other layer to add in to it.
The Misfortune of Knowing: My Tedoire fic! I swear this isn't abandoned, it's just resting for awhile while I figure out if I'm happy with Teddy's characterisation.
For To Love What He Saw I am super excited to write many things that would completely give away the plot. But I think I'm most excited for Ted and Andromeda to finally get together. This slow burn is killing me!
For the Historical/Fantasy Arranged-Marriage AU I cannot wait to write Ted and Andromeda's first big fight.
For The Misfortune of Knowing I think I'm most excited about Teddy and Vic working through their issues and becoming friends again.
I don't know who hasn't already been tagged, so this is an open tag for you all (plus some pressure for @celestemagnoliathewriter when she's back on tumblr 😉)
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matrixaffiliate · 4 years ago
Chapter Update! FFN and AO3
This chapter is going to be fun my friends! We're meeting the families today! Next week's chapter is going to go up probably Tuesday, October 13th. Then we'll go back to Saturday updates. Have an amazing day! See you next week =)
Chapter 14
Victoire was unconsciously wringing her hands as she sat in Ted's car that Friday and he drove them to his flat.
"Vicky," Ted moved a hand from the steering wheel to her hands, gripping them in his gentle but firm grip that he always used when she was rubbing her skin raw. "What's wrong?"
Vic stilled her hands, turning one of them over to hold Ted's hand.
You are brave. Her mum's words echoed quietly in her mind. She took a deep breath and ripped off the metaphorical bandage.
"I, er, I was thinking, maybe, maybe we should meet each other's families." She spoke quickly trying to keep her voice from trembling.
Ted squeezed her hand, interlacing their fingers. "I would like nothing better than to get to know your family and to bring you home to mine."
Vic looked over at him to see him smiling. She really liked seeing him smile.
"Of course, would tonight be too soon?" He smirked at her and she knew he was teasing.
But even though she knew he was teasing, Vic suddenly wanted to get it done and over with. She wanted to take the fear out of it, to stop worrying over it.
"Let's do it."
Ted blinked as he chanced a glance back over at her.
"Really? Because we could. It's my parents' turn tonight to host the monthly dinner the Marauders hold; it would be my parents and my aunts and uncles; you'd meet the whole lot of Dad's side."
Vic swallowed. What he was describing was mildly terrifying if she was honest. But it also gave her an opportunity to meet nearly everyone in his family at once. It would be like ripping off the bandage in one go, instead of bit by bit, and that was just the slightest bit appealing.
Vic squared her shoulders and nodded.
"Yes, let's go introduce me to your family."
Ted glanced back at her again, and then drove past the turn he would have taken to get to his flat.
"Alright, let's go show my family that I'm not blowing smoke about how amazing you are."
Vic squeezed his hand and hoped she had made the right call. Maybe this is what her mum meant when she called her brave. Vic personally would have called this insane, but maybe her mum had the meanings of the words confused.
Ted seemed to be just a bit nervous as well, at least Vic assumed the way he'd gone quiet meant he was nervous. He kept his fingers intertwined with hers though, and that seemed to help reassure both of them. It certainly reassured her.
After twenty minutes or so, Ted pulled into the driveway of a beautiful old home.
"Last chance to back out," Ted pulled his hand from hers and put the car in park.
Vic bit her lip. Heaven knew how much a part of her wanted to turn back, but she was realizing that she did, in fact, love Ted, and she wanted to show him. She wanted him to have some substantial evidence of it when she finally mustered up the courage to say it out loud to him. So she took a deep breath and nodded.
"Let's go in, I want to meet your family."
Ted leant over and kissed her slowly, reassuringly.
"I love you." He whispered against her.
Vic smiled at him. She was going to say it back, not right now, but soon, she was going to tell him how she was head over heels for him too.
Ted held her hand firmly in his as he pushed open the door to his parents' home.
"Mum? Dad?" He called out as he led her into the small entryway.
"Teddy?" A woman an inch or so taller than Vic came around the corner with bubblegum pink hair and she nearly knocked over a hall lamp when her eyes landed on Vic, but a man with brown hair and a soft smile reached out and caught it just before it hit the floor.
"Hi Mum," Teddy pulled Vic closer to him. "Surprise."
Vic gave Ted's parents a nervous smile while his mum looked shocked and his dad had an amused twinkle in his eye.
It was Ted's dad who broke the silence.
"Teddy, the family is here you know?"
Ted nodded. "I warned her, she said she was brave enough to face them all at once."
Ted's mum seemed to get over her shock and moved to the door, her hand outstretched.
"It's so nice to meet you, Victoire, I'm Dora."
"She's Nymphadora if you want to tease her," Ted smirked as Vic shook his mum's hand.
"You may be taller than me but I can still smack you upside the head Edward Remus Lupin." Dora's hair seemed to almost glow with more intense color as she glared at her son.
"And I'm Remus," Ted's dad smoothly stepped between his son and wife to shake Vic's hand. "I have to say Victoire, I'm impressed with your willingness to meet all of us at once."
Vic gave a nervous laugh as she answered. "Ted talks about how wonderful all of you are. I didn't see the point of spreading it out if I could meet all of you at the same time."
"Why won't our nephew come in and say hello?" A man with black hair graying at the temples and rectangle framed glasses stuck his head around the corner. Vic could have sworn it was Uncle Harry for the brief glance she caught of him.
"Ted's on his way, James," Remus stepped in front of Vic and she didn't miss the mischief in his eyes. "Gives us a moment."
Vic couldn't see James' reaction but Ted grinned down at her and winked.
"I'm afraid we're surrounded by a bunch of boys who think they have a flair for the dramatic." Dora smiled at her. "But if you're ready, why don't we go say hello to our little family?"
"Yeah, I think I'm ready," Vic smiled as Ted moved to drape his arm across her shoulders.
Remus winked at her and led the four of them from the entryway to the sitting room where the Marauders were gathered.
"We have a guest with us tonight," Remus announced blandly, still standing in front of Vic.
"We all know Teddy," a man spoke up.
"Oh, yes, I suppose you're right, we all know Teddy. I won't worry about introductions then." Vic blinked up at Ted, who winked at her as he worked to keep his laughter in check. Then Remus moved so that she was in full view of the room and its occupants.
"I told you I saw someone with them!" James looked triumphantly at a woman with long auburn hair sitting next to him. She rolled her eyes at him but smiled. Vic stared at the resemblance Uncle Harry had to his dad. It was strangely comforting to see James and Lily there. They weren't Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny, but simply knowing who they were, that they weren't complete strangers like everyone else in the room, made her feel a bit less like she was the main act for the evening.
"I knew you were more like me," a man with black hair and the face of a model spoke up. The woman sitting on his lap had long blonde curls and she laughed at his comment, turning to give Vic a bright smile.
"Oh, for heaven's sake," a woman with short-cropped brown hair stood and moved to where Vic was standing with Ted.
"I'm Teddy's Aunt Bridget," she took Vic's hand. "My Marauder is Pete over there." She gestured to a portly balding man who smiled and lifted his glass to her. "Those two," she pointed to the man with the blonde in his lap, "are Sirius and Marlene. And the one who swore he saw you at the door is James and that's Lily."
Vic smiled and held up her hand in what she realized at the last moment was probably a rather pathetic wave. This was far more intimidating than she'd originally expected.
Ted, however, was already moving right along.
"Everyone, this is my girlfriend, Victoire. She felt brave enough to meet you all at once."
"Then she'll fit right in," Bridget put a hand on Vic's shoulder and gave her a warm smile.
Remus caught Vic's eye and winked at her. "Dora and I are rather happy to meet her as well. So why don't we move to the dining room and we can show her where Ted picks up all his annoying habits while we eat."
Ted's mum shook her head but laughed as she led everyone to the dining room, "Stop teasing her, Remus."
Vic spent the evening learning that Dora's assessment of their family was spot on. But what Vic also started to see was that the flair for the dramatic these men all seemed to have had a very specific purpose; it made their wives pay attention to them. And she realized that she was no different really than these ladies at the table with her. Every time Ted acted the way his dad or uncles were, she became his bated breath audience. Making her guess his name, never letting her pay for meals, all his teasing, it kept her eyes on him and her smile on her face. She suspected that if she watched Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny the next time, she saw them, she'd see the same thing.
It was in the midst of that realization that another epiphany came. No one had pulled her or Ted away from each other. No one seemed to hate her for what she put Ted through. No one was trying to scrutinize her. On the contrary, they seemed to like her, a lot. And they seemed to think of her as a permanent fixture as they described what to expect for birthday celebrations and Christmas.
Vic turned to Ted as he laughed at his dad's story, and she smiled at him. He had been using that dramatic flair from the moment she met him. He'd claimed her heart with a silly comment about an antique time stamp machine. And Vic finally felt like she knew what Ted meant when he said that it wouldn't matter what anyone said, he'd stay with her. She understood why Harry's comment about a possible end to their relationship had bothered him so much. When Vic had been with Sean, she constantly felt like she needed to defend him or his decisions, and more specifically her staying with him. But what she felt with Ted was different. She didn't feel the need to explain away his actions. She didn't really care what other people thought of Ted, because she knew who he was. He was the man she wanted to be with, regardless of what others might have thought about the start of their relationship or about either of them individually. She wanted to be with Ted, because she loved him.
Ted seemed to notice her eyes on him and turned toward her, his smile bright but his amber eyes questioning. Vic didn't respond to the unspoken question; she simply rested her head against his shoulder. She certainly wasn't going to say those three words to him for the first time in front of his family, even if she might be dying with the effort to keep it inside.
It wasn't much later that Ted suggested they head out and leave his crazy family to gossip about them for the rest of the night. There were a few indignant protests that the two of them certainly didn't need to leave in order for the group to gossip about them, but after a round of hugs and goodbyes, the two youngest members of the family that night moved to Ted's car.
"Well," Ted chuckled as he buckled his seatbelt, "You survived meeting all of them."
Vic laughed, "They're wonderful, Ted, I can see why you love them all so much."
"What would you like to do now, love?" Ted asked as he pulled out of his parents' drive.
Vic summoned her courage to ask if he wanted to keep pulling off the metaphorical bandage.
"Do you want to round out the evening and meet my family?"
Ted turned to look at her for a moment before remembering to watch the road.
"Er, I, yeah, are, are you sure you're alright with that?"
Vic felt the nervous pit in her stomach start to creep back up, but she pushed it down. She loved Ted, and nothing her family did was going to change that.
"If, if you're alright with it, I'd like to take you home to my family tonight." Vic managed a shy smile.
Ted came to a stop sign and leant over capturing her lips in a slow kiss.
"Is your dad going to threaten to chop me into bits?" Ted smirked as he pulled away and began navigating back to Vic's home.
"No," she laughed, "he usually lets the scars from his motorcycle accident be his intimidation." Vic slipped out her phone and let her mum know they were on their way.
Ted laughed, "I'll keep that in mind and try to look suitably intimidated."
"You're ridiculous," Vic grinned as Ted worked his magic on her.
"No, I'm in love with you." Ted grabbed her hand and moved it to kiss her knuckles.
Vic smiled, the anticipation of saying it back was starting to make her giddy. She had originally intended to wait a bit longer to say it, but as Ted drove them to her home, she realized that she wasn't going to be able to wait all that long. So rather than risk blurting it out in front of her whole family, Vic decided to be a bit more flexible with her assumed timeframe.
"Ted," she grabbed his hand as it went to undo his seatbelt in front of her home.
Ted stopped and looked up at her, his eyes holding that same questioning look they'd had at his parents' home.
Vic hadn't realized how nervous she'd be. It felt so natural to think about saying she loved him for the first time, but doing it was a completely different beast. A nervous chuckle escaped her lips and she tried to breathe a bit deeper.
"Ted, I love you." The words seemed breathless and Vic kicked herself as she went to say it again, intending to say it with more substance behind it.
But she didn't get the chance as Ted's hands pulled her face to his and kissed her passionately. Vic couldn't stop the smile that claimed her lips, making kissing Ted just a bit difficult, but he didn't seem to mind as he moved to kiss her jawline and behind her ear and along her neck.
"I love you," Vic laughed, feeling the elation that saying those words out loud gave her.
Ted finally pulled back and looked at her, his warm eyes filled with a kind of awe.
"I love you too," he laughed as his hand caressed her cheek. "I love you so much."
Vic moved to kiss him this time, still smiling like the Cheshire Cat, causing them to knock teeth more than anything.
"There is absolutely no way I'll be able to pretend to be intimidated by your dad, now." Ted laughed as he ran his tongue over his teeth.
"That's alright," Vic's smile was so wide her face was starting to hurt. "But we should probably go in. It's getting late."
"Why don't we," Ted kissed her once more before undoing his seatbelt.
Vic pushed open the front door and called out as she let Ted into the entryway.
"Mum, Dad, we're here."
"The lover boy has entered the building," Louis taunted from the den and Vic rolled her eyes before casting an apologetic look at Ted. To her surprise, he was trying very hard not to laugh.
"It's not a bad line, Vic," he defended as he regained his composure.
Vic smiled and led him into the den where her family was gathered.
"Mum, Dad, Dom, Louis, this is my boyfriend, Ted Lupin. Ted, this is Fleur, Bill, Dominique, and Louis."
Ted moved from her side and shook everyone's hands.
"It's wonderful to finally meet all of you," Ted commented as he sat down with Vic. "Now what did you all plan to interrogate me on first?"
Dom laughed, "At least he isn't under any illusions."
Vic rolled her eyes and went to grab her purse when she realized she'd left it in Ted's car.
"Can I borrow your keys? I left my purse in your car."
"I can grab it for you, love," Ted moved to stand.
"I'll run, don't worry, I won't leave you alone with my family for more than a few seconds."
Ted smirked, "Actually, that might be just enough time to get them started on some embarrassing story that you'd try and head off." He handed her his keys. "Or I can go grab it, of course."
Vic laughed and took the keys. "You'd learn all those stories eventually anyway."
Ted held onto her hand for just a moment longer before letting it slide from his as she sprinted for his car. She probably didn't have to run, but there were some stories she'd rather wait for a while longer for them to crop up if she could manage it.
She unlocked the car and snagged her purse, but in her haste, she didn't realize that the strap had caught and wedged between the dash and the corner of the glove box compartment.
"Oh, come on!" Vic gave the strap an upward tug but it wouldn't budge. Rather than risking breaking her purse, she quickly slid the key into the lock and unlocked the glove box, opening it to release her purse.
She stopped short when the compartment fell open.
A small burgundy ring box sat on top of a few other assorted papers and items.
Vic was frozen for a moment before she quickly shut the glove box and locked it again.
Slowly she picked up her now free purse and locked the car. She couldn't take her eyes off of the glove box as the door shut. Her emotions were a storm of excitement and nervousness and overwhelmed, and the knowledge that she needed to stop freaking out because Ted could absolutely not know that she had seen that box. Assuming that it was what she thought it was. But what else could he possibly have that would need to be in a ring box locked in the glove box of his car?
Vic bit her lip and smiled so wide that the reflection she saw in the car window made her wonder if she might crack her face. If the box was what she hoped it was, she already knew her answer.
Then she skipped back into her childhood home and to the man she was madly in love with.
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startanewdream · 2 years ago
Hey, happy 2023! It’s been a while that I do t come here.. but I’m always rereading Eyes Glistening!
I love so much that serie! So could I ask for some Mia and Harry moment 🥺
Happy 2023, Ana! ✨ Here's one of those moments where Harry is the nicest older brother!
The living room of the Potter house is a mess; Harry manages to cross it without spilling anyone's drink, which he considers a miracle, and he lets out a relieved breath when he reaches the quietness of the kitchen, though he isn’t the only one there.
“This is the last time I’m suggesting throwing the back-to-Hogwarts party at home,” he says dramatically, filling a glass of water for himself.
It’s only when he turns back that he realises that Mia didn’t react to his comment; she is still standing by the window, a frown on her forehead, hazel eyes far away.
She blinks. “What?”
“Party was too much for you?” He asks, trying to understand. Now he considers it, Harry doesn’t remember seeing her joining her nephews and nieces at the party.
“I’m just not in the mood.”
Harry shifts his weight from one foot to another; it’s rare that Mia gets subdued – unlike him, her teenage moods are more constant. “Can I get you something?”
“Alcohol?” She asks, almost smirking now.
He rolls his eyes. “You are sixteen. No, I was thinking of offering you Teddy’s solution to everything: chocolate.”
Usually, the mention of Teddy is also enough to distract Mia, but this time, she just crosses her arms and turns away from the window. “If I ask you something, would you answer it truthfully?”
“When hasn’t I ever—”
“Were you ever jealous of Ron and Hermione?”
Harry blinks. “Sorry?”
“When they got together – did you ever consider that it would change everything in your relationship?”
“Ah—” The sound of Ron’s laugh can be heard in the other room. “It didn’t change much.”
She puffs. “Forget it.”
“I just mean—by the time Ron and Hermione became a couple, it was after the war and—”
“Then you were with Ginny and other things mattered more,” she finished for him. “Ok, ok, I get it, you were never bothered—”
“I didn’t say this. I got—not jealous exactly, but worried, yeah. There was this moment in our Sixth Year when they almost got together—”
“That Lavender situation?”
“You know about it?”
“There are no secrets in our family, Harry—we can discuss Cho if you—”
“Er—no, I’d rather not. What I mean is back then I worried that I would be left out or that if their relationship didn’t last, we wouldn’t be friends anymore. Turns out I didn’t have to worry about anything, so you may not—what are you worrying about?”
The answer comes in the shape of two figures landing in the backyard; they are distant, but the shades of blue and silver in their hair make them very recognizable. “Oh,” mumbles Harry.
“Oh,” agrees Mia. “It’s not that I am surprised, it’s just—”
“It’s been always the three of you,” Harry says, nodding.
“They aren’t even together yet and they are already doing couple stuff.”
“It’s just like different hobbies. You and Vic enjoy Quidditch; Teddy gets a bit sick after two minutes in the air. Friends don’t do everything together—you are already in different years.”
“It never seemed to matter, until…” She gestures outside. “It did.”
“Hum.” A thought crosses his mind. “Are you jealous? Of them together.”
“Oh, no, no.” Mia looks alarmed. “Merlin, no. I know there was this family bet going around, but whoever bet on me and Teddy—” She shivers. “He’s like a sibling. Not that I need two older brothers, mind you—”
“No, I knew it would be Teddy and Vic, it just always seemed so far in time.” She sighs. “I’m happy for them, I—”
The rest of her sentence is cut when the backdoor opens, and there comes Teddy, his hair painted in an electric blue. “Wotcher,” he says happily. “Just getting some water for Vic—what are you two doing?”
“Just bad-mouthing you,” answers Mia calmly.
Teddy nods. “Oh, just the usual then. When you’re done brooding, come join us for a flight.”
“I’m not brooding.”
“Crossing your arms. Talking alone with Harry. Being mean to me. You are brooding, Potter.”
“Watch it, Lupin.”
Teddy winks at Harry as if to say, “see what I have to deal with?”
“We are waiting for you—Vic told me about your new move, I’ve got to see it.”
“You are going to faint.”
“Probably. What is it with you and moves that defy gravity?”
“It’s called flying, defying gravity is its whole purpose.”
Teddy laughs. He opens the fridge to grab two bottles of soda, all the while holding a glass of water in the other hand.
Mia shakes her head. “Oh, let me, you are going to drop everything on your way out.”
“Probably,” he agrees shamelessly, walking out of the door that Mia holds for him.
“Some things never change,” she mumbles; then she glances at Harry. “I will be back inside in a few—I don’t wanna be a third-wheel.”
“If they called you, they want your company.”
“I know, but…” She sighs. “I will be with Vic all year at Hogwarts, whereas Teddy… well, let’s give them a chance of finally realising they like each other. I bet they’d start going out in September, so at least I get some money out of it.”
“Ah.” Harry smiles. “My bet was on December, let’s hope they stay oblivious a little longer.”
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nicksreggies · 4 years ago
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Teddy Lupin/Victoire Weasley, Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks, Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood Characters: All the Weasleys, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Oliver Wood (mentioned) - Character, Fleur Delacour (mentioned), Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Snape (mentioned), Tonks, Teddy Lupin, Victoire Weasley, Dominique Weasley, Louis Weasley, molly weasley-wood, lucy weasley-wood, Roxanne Weasley, Fred Weasley II, James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter, Lily Luna Potter, Scorpius Malfoy, rose-granger weasley, Hugo Weasley, perciver AGAIN, sorry not sorry i just love them a lot, Cross-Posted on Wattpad - Character Additional Tags: Time Travel, Crying, ron and hermione are in denial, the next gen meets their teen parents, and dead relatives Summary:
the next gen kids travel in time, meeting their family as of the OoTP.
disclaimer: jk rowling does not deserve to own any of these characters. like at all. so they're mine now :)
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women-inthe-sequel · 5 years ago
Hues (Teddy/Victoire)
This started as an answer to a request from @magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world and turned into this! Here is Teddy’s point of view from the color soulmate world of Saturated. 
Thank you to V for your patience. I hope you like it! Thank you to @orderofthepygmypuff for the beta and multiple rereads. This fic is better because of you.
ao3 & ffn
Teddy wishes seeing color was a little more common so Victoire could understand how it works. It’s strange to have something that he can’t share with her. Two years of Hogwarts were bad enough. He doesn’t want to wait a lifetime to share this.
Sometimes, though, he swears that Victoire notices when his eyes shift shades. Her gaze lingers for a beat. Short enough that he can’t be sure, but long enough to make him wonder.
“What?” Victoire echoes.
“You’re staring.” Teddy flicks her knee and makes a face. “What is it?”
“I’m not staring.” Victoire looks down and nudges him absently with her foot. “But if I was, it would be because of that spot on your face.”
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wotters-nextgen · 5 years ago
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Instagram next generation: Victoire and Teddy
(this is my first edit! I had so much fun making it, but obviously i’m not a pro and i’m not very original, but i hope you like it!)
James And Fred | Rose and Albus | Dominique and Roxanne | Molly and Lucy | Lily and Hugo | Louis
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Dumb Ways to Meet Teddy Lupin by sunshine_locks
Narrated by: down-in-flames (@downn-in-flames)
Advisories: Derogatory Language, Hate Speech
Summary: Victoire Weasley knew many ways, unfortunately.
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wottersandco · 8 years ago
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a look into their phones>> Teddy Lupin
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tedwardremus · 9 months ago
Ship ask game:
Both for Tedoire and Hannah/Neville
what kind of dates do you think [pairing] would go on?
favorite AU ideas for [pairing]?
And bonus question:
Do you think that Alice & Frank had moments in which they remember each other while staying at St. Mungo’s? Even if it’s just a glimmer of light in their eyes, or a small quirk or their lips.
Dates - I like to think Vic plans typical romantic dates and Teddy always makes a fool of himself. They go ice skating at Christmas and Ted falls down multiple times. They go rowing in a lake and Ted capsizes the boat. They make pottery at a sip and art event and he breaks everyone's bowls they just made.
Ted takes everything in stride and he may be a bit bruised, but he is not embarrassed. Vic is highly entertained and is busy trying to plan the next date where Teddy can trip and fall down during.
AU - Well now that I've finished Werewolf Registration Act of 1947 my next Tedoire fic will be Teddy's Very Inconvenient Time Loop.
For a muggle AU I think it would be fun to have Teddy be a wildlife photographer and Vic works for an NGO and they meet while abroad but oops his assignment has ended and when he ever see her again?
Dates - They go to botanical gardens and hikes in the country. Hannah has a scrapbook of flower pressings from their dates.
But they are very busy - Hannah running the most famous and busiest pub in wizarding Britain and Neville a Hogwarts tecaher which seems to be a 24 hr gig. So their dates night are usually a glass of wine in a corner booth of the pub, catching each other up on their busy day and spliting a piece of bread and butter pudding.
AU - In a no voldemort AU Hannah and Harry grow up in Godric's Hollow and Neville is Harry's childhood bff because their parents are friends and schedule playdates for them so all three grow up together.
When they are 15/16 Harry wants to throw himself off a cliff becuase he can't stand the combined will they wont they tension of ron/hermione and neville/hannah so he starts hanging out with Ginny so he can have some piece of mind back.
or wait is this a hinny story?
Frank and Alice
I think Alice had more sense of her mind than Frank. Perhaps Alice would look over and feel that the person in the bed next to her was someone important, like the visitor that gives her sweets, and maybe she shows her affection by patting his head or giving him her pumpkin juice from her food tray.
Frank is unaware of these gestures.
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adenei · 4 years ago
QuickLinks to Works
Well, hello there! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve updated my pinned post, so here we go. I’ve recently been on a bit of a hiatus with writing, but am slowly starting to create content again. Inspiration comes and goes, and I think I just burned myself out after a year and a half of consistent writing. Thank you to my followers who continue to like, reblog and send me comments both here and on AO3! Your support truly means the world to me. I’ve updated the links below and added some of my most popular stories from AO3 if you’re looking for something new to read. My ask box is still closed for right now, but that hopefully won’t be permanent.
Please keep in mind the list of works below, while extensive, does not cover *all* of my works on AO3, so if you like anything here, please peruse the rest of my AO3 page for more works.
Thank you again for reading and I hope you have the best day!
Original Works Collection (Multichapter)
Be My Queen (Romione) 
Never Really Over (Romione)
Fraternizing with the Enemy (Romione)
Just Friends (Romione)
All You Knead is Love (Jily)
Shag, Marry, Kill (Romione)
Letters to Myself (Romione)
Never Really Over (Romione)
Ron x Hermione (Romione) co-written with accio-broom
Rom-Com Inspired Collection
How to Win a Witch in 10 Days (Jily) How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
The Arrangement (Romione) The Proposal
Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Bride (Romione) 27 Dresses
The Missing Muggleborn (Romione) Tangled
Fake it ‘til You Make It (Hinny/Romione) She’s the Man
Hogwarts School Musical (Romione) High School Musical
Prefect Mediation (Romione)
Rewrite the Stars and Heart Shaped Wreckage (Romione)
The Study Session Realization (Romione)
Untitled (Romione)
Perfect Strangers (Romione coffee-shop AU)
Fireworks (Jily)
One Memorable Evening (Jily)
It’s a Start (Jily)
Fashionably Late (Jily)
Endings and Beginnings (Hinny)
Hogwarts...A Cover Up? (Romione)
Inspired by the Eras (Taylor’s Version) (Romione & Tedoire)
Drabble Collection
Domestic Bliss Drabbles
Post War Drabbles
DH Drabbles
HBP Drabbles
GOF/OOTP Drabbles
PS/COS/POA Drabbles
Hinny Prompts
Tedoire Drabbles
HP Friendship fics
January Word Challenge
31 Words for 31 Days (Jilytober)
Romione Ficlet Fest Submissions
Inspired by the Eras (Taylor Swift/Cruel Summer Fic Fest 2023) 
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merlinsbudgiesmugglers · 1 year ago
for the ask game: 👑 & 💘
Thanks for the ask @starlingflight!!!
👑Do you like writing short fics or long fics? I do tend to go for short fics, but I currently have three longfics on the go. Two which I'm trying to finish before I start posting (a morally grey Andromeda AU and a fantasy/royalty arranged marriage AU - also Tedromeda, of course) and my Tedoire fic that's probably going to take a decade to finish because I mostly write that when the vibes are right haha.
💘Is it easier to write angst or fluff? Fluff, definitely all the fluff
I do write angst on occasion, but It's always followed by fluff.
I'm just such a sucker for a fluffy fic that makes me squeal at the sweetness (looking at your Drastoria)
Fanfic Writer Ask Game
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matrixaffiliate · 5 years ago
Chapter Update! FFN and AO3
Next chapter goes up on August 15th! =)
Chapter 3
"I swear, Lupin, you work more now that you have this job than you did when we were taking a full semester and you were working two jobs." Kalil sat down at the kitchen table where Ted had laid out his old school notes to try and come up with a clearer direction forward for what he had spent the last week coming to think of as his company.
"It is not that bad, Ghanem," Ted laughed. "I've got a good chance here to build this into the launching pad of my career. But I've got to get Vic up to speed too, so I'm also teaching her business classes after work."
Kalil sat down at the table, "Now when you first said your coworker's name was Vic, I thought their name was Victor. But you keep referring to them in the feminine connotation."
Ted laughed, "Vic is short for the French name Victoire."
"And, she needs some personal tutoring after work because…" Kalil smirked at him.
Ted shook his head, "It's not like that, mate."
"Really? Because you haven't been this willing to work outside of your shift in the three years that we've been friends."
Ted looked back at one of his books. "Yeah, well she has a boyfriend."
"Wait, she's taken?"
"Yep." Ted huffed.
"She says she's taken or you know she's taken?"
Ted looked up to glare at his friend, "My second interaction with her was walking in on her snogging the bloke, so yes, she's taken."
Kalil raised his eyebrows. "And you're not happy about this."
Ted sighed. "Sorry, she's pretty amazing and it's just frustrating to meet a girl that I could see myself with, and for her to be in a relationship."
"Well, if she's taken, she's taken, mate," Kalil put a hand on his shoulder. "Maybe you should protect yourself a bit here, back off on the time you spend with her, like only being with her during office hours."
Ted nodded, "Yeah, I'll think about it."
Kalil moved his hand away and shook his head as he walked back down the hall to his room.
"Don't be that guy Ted." He called out.
Teddy didn't respond. He needed to get this business figured out and then he needed to head out to get some shopping done before he went to his parents' place. They'd been excited to have him over on a Saturday. Ted hadn't had a free Saturday evening in years.
And honestly, he had already realized he was that guy. Ted was flirting and looking for every stolen moment he could get with a girl that wasn't available. If he were in Sean's position, he'd probably want to pummel him.
But Sean wasn't treating Vic like he really cared. Vic had disclosed that Sean canceled a day trip to the White Cliffs for the chance to compete in a pub quiz league. He was so certain he and his mates would win that he decided it was worth canceling the trip, and he was vague with her when it came to rescheduling it.
Ted wanted to pummel the idiot.
That was obviously not an option, and so Ted settled for teaching her business after work a couple of nights a week as they ate dinner and goofing around during the workday. Ted lived for those stolen moments; those moments where he felt like it was them, no unnecessary significant others involved.
Maybe he'd get her to teach him to speak French. He took a few classes in before uni, maybe he could get her to spend a little longer with him in the evenings teaching him something after he taught her business.
A part of Teddy wanted to cuff himself upside the head, but the more time he spent with Vic, the easier it was to ignore that part of him. He had set some physical boundaries for himself, and that made Ted feel like he wasn't really crossing any lines. He was making friends with Vic, taking an interest in her life outside of work, and spending time with her. That's what friends did. He was her friend. That was it.
And if he took advantage of those moments to feel closer to her than he should, well, that was for him and no one else to know about.
"So, you're liking working with Ron?" His dad asked as he handed Ted a drink and set the pitcher down on the table in their back garden.
"I don't work much with Ron. Between me and his niece, we run this operation on our own." Ted sat back in his chair and sighed contentedly. He liked having evenings off. He'd forgotten what it was like to be able to decompress before half eleven, let alone have a Saturday to himself.
"It's just the two of you?" His mum set some cheese and crackers down on the table.
"Unless we need the big boss, yeah," Ted nodded.
"Which niece of his are you working with?" His dad pulled the cheese tray a bit closer to him.
Ted smiled, "Victoire, his oldest niece. She's Bill and Fleur's daughter if that helps you place her."
His mum laughed. "I know Bill, she must be a firecracker. He fancied himself a rebel, pierced his ear and grew his hair out long; he even bought a motorcycle. Made his mum furious as I understand it."
"How did you know Bill?" Ted tried to not look too interested.
"He and I went to A-levels together," his mum swatted a fly away and nearly upturned the cheese tray but just missed it. "It was happenstance that Harry and Ron and Ginny ended up in school together as well."
"To be fair, it was also happenstance that you and I met." His dad took her hand and kissed it.
Ted sighed. It felt like he would never get to the point his parents were at.
"Everything alright, son?" His dad turned to look at him.
"Yeah," Ted forced a smile, "It's just been a long week getting everything settled at work. And I really think Ron has a second company brewing with this, so I'm trying to get things rolling to show him that this could stand on its own feet. It doesn't need Bread & Butter to hold it up."
"Ron didn't build Bread & Butter in a day, Teddy darling. Make sure to pace yourself." His mum's timer went off and she went to retrieve dinner.
Ted stayed quiet. He knew his mum was right, Ron had built his franchise up over the course of nearly fifteen years. But this didn't need the same kind of organic growth that a bakery chain needed. This was selling kitchen equipment, kitchen equipment branded with the name of a successful franchise across the UK. It just needed the push that Ted was willing to give it.
Plus, he got more time with Vic when he pushed this forward, so it was a win in more than one way.
"Do I get you next Saturday too?" His mum asked as she set dinner on the table.
Ted laughed, "No, I promised Harry I'd take the kids for ice cream to say thank you for getting me in touch with Ron."
"Give them a hug for me. I know they're James' and Lily's grandkids, but I think we all claim them as our own."
"Mum, I'm six years older than Jamie."
"It doesn't change that your dad and I are old enough to be their grandparents."
"I am, but you, my love, are most certainly not." His dad chuckled. "But I've always liked how much those three look up to you, Teddy."
Ted shrugged, he rather liked it too if he was honest.
"This was a low blow, Weasley," Ted shook his head as he ate his Chinese takeaway the following Friday.
"You left me with no choice. If I hadn't ordered beforehand then you would have paid for it again. I already owe you for five dinners."
"You hide your devious side behind that pretty face, you even knew my order."
Vic kicked him under the table, "Don't announce my secrets!"
Ted laughed, "So tell me, have you ordered the next five dinners as well?"
Vic grinned, "I'll let you sit in anticipation."
"So torturous," Ted grinned back at her and had to put a great deal of self-control into not reaching out to take her hand or run his foot along her calf.
"What are you doing with your weekend?" Vic asked as she pulled a dumpling from the box with her chopsticks.
Ted smirked, "Wondering what my plans are Weasley?"
"I'll tell you mine," Vic shrugged.
"Let me guess, you're going to go home and spend the weekend wishing you didn't live with your parents?" Ted teased.
"No, I'm going to figure out what your last name is." She smirked at him.
Ted tutted, "That would be a shame, my wolf looks rather nice on your desk. I've come to enjoy seeing him there."
Vic laughed and kicked his foot under the card table. "I am going to figure it out this weekend. Come Monday, I'll know more about you than you could imagine me learning in two days."
Ted raised his eyebrows at her. "I think you're bluffing."
Vic shrugged, "Good, that will make it that much better when you walk in on Monday and I call you by your full name."
"Oh, you think you'll find my middle name too huh? Yours isn't even listed on the company roster."
"Did you go looking for it?" Vic laughed.
"Of course, I did, I had to exploit every advantage available to me." Ted shrugged as Vic laughed.
"You're ridiculous you know." Vic's smile was soft again, it was that smile that made Ted's stomach flutter.
"One of my many faults."
Vic tucked a lock of hair behind her ear before letting out a long breath and tossed her takeaway container in the bin.
"We should get started," she pulled her notepad in front of her.
"Right," Ted moved to his desk for his notebook and the notes he'd prepared yesterday after work before rejoining Vic at the card table.
"Did everything from Wednesday make sense?"
But another voice responded.
Ted turned to the open door where Sean stood.
"Sean," Vic's voice conveyed her surprise. "You said you had plans tonight."
"They fell through," he leant against the doorframe. "I decided I'd rescue you from working late."
"Oh, er," she looked at Ted with wide eyes and Ted forced a smile for her.
"Go on, your Casanova awaits."
Vic bit her lip and looked torn for a moment longer before nodding. "We can do this on Monday, right?"
"Sure, whenever," Ted put his notebook away in his backpack.
"Alright, I'll, I'll see you Monday."
Ted didn't dare look up as Vic walked out. He didn't want to see Sean kiss her.
"Teddy!" Lily ran into his arms.
"Hey, sweetheart," Ted hugged her. "I swear you're taller every time I see you."
"Grandad says that's what happens when you feed kids. Mum and Dad left for their show already, but come on! I want you to meet my cousin! She's so cool!" Lily pulled him down the corridor.
Ted laughed and kicked off his shoes, expecting to see another twelve-year-old girl as Lily pulled him to the back garden.
He nearly tripped over himself when he crossed the threshold.
"What are you doing here?" They said in unison.
"Really? You already know her? I wanted to introduce you two." Lily pouted.
"I work with Vic, Lils." Ted squeezed Lily's shoulders.
"You do?" Al frowned, "But Vic works for Uncle Ron."
Ted chuckled, "And so do I."
Vic was blushing and Ted wondered why his showing up had this effect on her. She didn't blush when he walked into work.
"Ted!" Jamie grinned as he walked out to the back garden. "Dad said you weren't going to be here till five."
Ted grinned and pulled Jamie into a hug. "I thought I'd come a bit earlier to catch up, but I see you lot already have someone around."
"Oh, yeah, Vic this is Ted, he's Mum and Dad's godson." Jamie introduced them.
"They work together, Jamie," Lily rolled her eyes. "And if they hadn't, I would have already introduced them."
Jamie's brow creased for a moment. "Oh, right you both work for Uncle Ron, I remember Dad saying he set you up with the job."
Ted nodded, "Yep. So, I guess everyone knows everyone now."
"Right," Vic stood up, "I should probably let you four go to dinner."
"Can Vicky come?" Lily took hold of Teddy's hand and he tried to keep himself from looking down at her big brown eyes.
He failed, and then he caved.
"If you're free, Vic, you're welcome to join us."
"I don't want to impose," she bit her lip but Lily went straight to her side.
"You wouldn't be imposing, Vicky! Please come! We haven't seen you much at all since you got that boyfriend last year."
Ted rubbed the back of his neck and looked down at his socks as Vic spoke.
"Alright, I can come for a little bit."
Ted looked up to see Vic smiling at him, that shy soft smile that made his stomach clench.
"Great," he smiled back at her, and suddenly the awkward way they'd left things the night before seemed to fade away.
"Grab your things, you lot," Ted turned to the Potter kids, "I'm thinking some fish and chips are in order tonight."
"Aye, aye captain!" Al saluted and the three of them went for their things.
"So…" Ted followed Vic as she went back inside the house.
"Hi," Vic moved to the front door and put her shoes back on. Ted followed suit.
"I guess maybe I should have told you my plans for the weekend, huh?" He chuckled.
"Well, this might have been less awkward that way." Vic bit her lip. "I really can just bow out if you want time with them."
Ted felt his whole body react in panic at that suggestion.
"No! I mean if this is weird for you then I get if you want to leave, but I mean, we're friends, right?"
Vic's face took on a relieved cast and she smiled again. "Yeah, yeah, we're friends."
"Alright, well, friends can grab dinner together, right?"
Vic grinned, "Definitely."
Ted took a deep breath and went to say more when the Potter kids came sliding into the front entry.
"Let's go beat the dinner rush," Jamie opened the door and ushered everyone outside.
"Jamie, you're sixteen, will you stop acting like you're the adult here. That's Ted and Vic's job." Lily rolled her eyes.
Jamie shot her a glare and Ted intervened in what was a pretty regular fight he'd seen between the two of them.
"It's normal for Jamie to care enough about you to want to help guide you Lils, and it's fine to not want him to as well, right Jamie?"
Jamie rolled his eyes, "Right."
"Is Vic riding shotgun?" Al asked. "Dad and Mum say that when there's another adult, the front seat always goes to them."
Ted unlocked his car and looked over at Vic. "That's completely up to Vic."
She bit her lip and looked down at her shoes for a moment before looking back up at him. "Sure, sure I'll sit up front."
"There you go, Al, your parents' are always right." Ted grinned, and let their little group think it was in response to Al's eye roll.
But in reality, he couldn't have stopped smiling if his life depended on it, because Vic was sitting shotgun in his car.
"So, Vic," Ted asked as he pulled out of the Potter's drive. "What brought you to my godparents' home tonight?"
Vic immediately blushed. But before Ted could ask further, Al answered.
"She said she had a question about Dad's family."
Ted felt his eyebrows shoot up. The Marauders were Harry's family, and that included him.
"Really?" Ted smirked at Vic, who turned to look out her window. "I could have answered any questions you might have had."
Vic shrugged. "I didn't have your number."
"What did you want to know?" Lily asked.
"Wait," Jamie leant forward. "I thought you wanted to know my thoughts on your rough draft of your book you sent me. That's what Mum told me when she mentioned you'd be coming over."
"Right, so it was that too, and, er…"
Vic's face was bright red now and Ted found it adorable. He also felt a bit guilty, so he gave her a way out.
"Pull out your phone, I'll tell you my number." Ted smiled over at her.
She mouthed thank you and pulled out her phone. Ted rattled off his phone number and then got Al and Jamie talking about the latest Zelda game for the rest of the car ride to the restaurant.
"I can buy my own dinner," Vic protested when they were waiting their turn to order.
Ted rolled his eyes at her, "I'm sure you can, but if Harry finds out you bought your own dinner, he'll have my head, and then he'll send the rest of our family after me, so just do me the favor and let me pay for everyone."
Vic glared at him, so Ted played dirty.
"I gave you my phone number." He ignored the way Jamie eyed him.
Vic huffed and then nodded, "Fine, you can buy my dinner."
Jamie looked back and forth between the two of them. "It's not a date, Vic. Your boyfriend can't be upset about this."
Vic turned bright red and Ted sighed. Leave it to these three to find ways to unintentionally make Vic feel called out.
"I'm sure her boyfriend is a reasonable bloke, Jamie," Ted tried to redirect the conversation with the lie. "Now, why don't you lot find us all a table?"
"Won't you need help with the food?" Al asked.
"I've got Vic to help," Ted glanced at her and she smiled at him. "You three find us a good spot."
Jamie ushered his siblings further into the restaurant and Ted leant back against the wall while they waited for their order to be ready.
"Sorry," he looked over at Vic as she leant against the wall next to him. "They can be a bit much sometimes."
"They're my family too, Ted." She smiled at him. "I'm just embarrassed. I didn't expect to see you tonight."
"Is it a bad thing to see me tonight?"
"No, I just won't be able to complete my master plan now." She bumped his shoulder.
"You had a master plan? And I wasn't included? I'm offended!" Ted bumped her shoulder back and smiled as their easiness finally returned.
"I couldn't include you! You wouldn't share the information!"
Then it clicked and Ted laughed.
"You were going to use your cousins to figure out my full name, weren't you?"
"I thought I could sweet-talk it out of Lily. She always talks about how much she likes you and I thought I could just show up and get her talking about you and then casually ask what your full name was." Vic chuckled, as her blush deepened.
Ted felt like his chest was trying to take flight.
"I have to give you full marks for creativity."
"Yeah but it won't work now," Vic bit her lip. "If I ask anything about you after tonight, she's going to think I fancy you."
Ted swallowed hard, "Well, don't lose hope yet."
Vic looked over at him, "You've had a change of heart?"
"If you send me a text, I can come up with some clues so you can guess my full name." He kept his eyes focused on the kid behind the counter calling orders.
"Alright," Vic's voice was quiet. "I'll text you after we get my cousins home."
Ted smiled.
Then the kid behind the counter called his order number.
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seriouslysam8 · 3 years ago
I’ve seen a lot of super fun conversations on your tumblr, from creating babies, to debating penis sizes, to confessing honest opinions about ships. Lots of other fun and controversial topics as well. Can I ask which ones have made you smile and laugh the most? And have had the most fun with your readers talking about?
-Red Solo Cup
I loved creating Baby Girl Potter with you guys. It brought back a lot of fun memories of writing Brontide actually. I used to get so many reviews or PMs asking me to add things to Brontide. The one that sticks out most is someone asked for a nap date with Tedoire and I made it happen. I was so freaking proud that I figured out a way to make that happen for that reviewer. So writing Baby Girl Potter was amazingly fun and I’m sorry I can’t fit her into the universe.
While Baby Girl Potter will not be canon in the series, I may have thrown in a little reference to my Baby Girl Potter lovers in chapter 20 of Legerdemain. I wrote the reference, I smiled and thought you guys would love the shoutout, and then smiled like a fool forever.
So my favorite interactions are always where I hear your thoughts and ideas. Bonus points if I can incorporate them into the series. I know I’ve been slacking on my prompts but the holidays, am I right?
I’ve had some reviews and I believe asks on my OOTP missing moments to write some HBP missing moments. Let me tell you, @breaniebree came out with a list of moments she wanted to see. Literal just one sentence bullet points and said do it. So, I have two chapters done of a summer before HBP missing moments story that is totally borderline AU but I love it and I’m excited to share with all of you. So don’t be afraid to add to Brie’s long list of demands and I will try to make it work.
Other than creating Baby Girl Potter, I also really enjoyed all of you freaking out about Harry in Moribund. I legit gave you nothing but a title and saw you all theorizing. It entertained me greatly. I hope you’re equal parts terrified yet excited for the story because let me tell you, I am equal parts excited and terrified of your guy’s reactions.
Honestly, I love interacting with all of you and I love our discussions and moments together. It means the world to me that you like this little series so much and you want to actually talk to me.
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