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Stole this for this fandom bc some pEOPLE need to hear this today.
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cringelordofchaos · 7 months
"there's not much to say about Sunny's personality, as he is a silent protagonist-" how about no ?? We literally get to be inside that guy's head. We literally get to be him
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phantom--brainz · 2 days
Will never stop talking about Ellis' character and how people view him as childish and stupid. He is so intelligent, and we see that in some of his dialogue and ideas, but it gets brushed over by the playful aspects of his character and the dumb hillbilly stereotype.
"Aw, smol baby! So stupid and helpless!" Wrong! Do you remember that truck he made? With his own hands? To tear through zombies? Do you remember that he came up with the plan in Dead Center that got them out alive? Have you heard some of his ideas and dialogue? He's actually really smart and creative, and he's also kinda batshit at times. He is not a helpless, dumb toddler!!! Please for the love of God!!!!!
Honestly, I could make rants of the same sort of topic abt so many other characters, both in l4d2 and otherwise, because their multifaceted personalities are SO overlooked. The l4d2 characters are so well made, but people only focus on one aspect of them. Like Nick being mean, Coach liking food, idek abt Rochelle because I never see anyone talk abt her!! RAAAHAGGGG
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daftpatience · 7 months
one thing I have learned about being poor is that you cannot for a moment stop thinking about it
#theres no peace#every little thing reminds me we are poor#seeing friends having electricity wifi heat food gas. it all costs money. and bills and fees and charges happen all the damn time#im constantly worried that i am measing up somehow or im not keeping track of my finances properly#the person handling our disability assistance application keeps coming back with question after question about my job#and i have so much doubt and fear that ive made some mistake in my answers that will disqualify us from support#and theres this sick backwards stupid thing where applying for and being on disability support is discouraging me from trying to make money#because the more i make the less likely we'll get support but i need to make money to live#its just fucked. and once we're on support i have to make monthly reports of my income so ill feel like im explaining myself all the fuckin#time#cus the system isnt built in a way that makes sense for self employed ppl who have business expenses to account for#sorry for the ranting i cant sleep#truly truly i think poverty is making me a worse persin#more anxious more resentful more jealous more miserable more spiteful#i have so little and there is so little i can do to help it#i want things in a more desparate and even childish way than i used to eant things#spend a lot more time fantasizing about magically having expendable income#not to mention the constant exponential guilt that comes from asking for help or recieving help. its guilt i need to unlearn but i feel it
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serenedash · 10 months
Shout out to Remus kingdom hearts for being kh's first Italian character
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parsabad · 1 year
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Sheykh abdolsamad natanzi Tomb/ Isfahan
Photography: Seyed mohammad ahmadi
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thoughtfulchaos773 · 2 months
At first, I thought Sydney was standing there quietly as Carmy got louder, but she's arguing back—she looks like she's making points as she counts on her hand. Carmy is so spoiled even when they're going back and forth; he gets even more impatient when she takes her attention away from him and someone interrupts.
Also, I don't know whether to laugh or shake my head that Tina and Marcus are going about their work.
Richie looks at them again. They're embarrassed, and it's funny how Syd bows while Carmy is like 😐.
Lastly- they cut to a scene where Carmy is eating gum and clearly agitated.
I bet Sydney and everyone else wishes he'd just smoke a cigarette already.
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ari-just-ari · 3 months
For all the memes of Light and L monologing in heir heads and over thinking their every interaction I have seen NONE OF YOU suggest they get some anxiety relief typa help
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tossball-stick · 7 days
i need to know at what point did bill and javier stop running together. we see them running away with each other instead of sticking around with dutch snd micah to kill arthur and john. when do they split up? what was the breakup like. my boys....
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thebestbooksaround · 4 months
911bts posting a set picture from Buck's loft and tagging it "don't forget they just hang out here. Doesn't mean they are filming here"
The 911 fandom: BUCK'S LOFT IS BURNING DOWN!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🧯🚒👩‍🚒🧨💣💥
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markcavendish · 4 months
None of you can comprehend how much I love violet bridgerton
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bettertwin1 · 1 year
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Before thsi i said the funniest thing ever and i was dying, tjis just sent me to heaven
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pierrotdameron · 2 months
Le Comte de Monte Cristo : ce maquilleur a transformé Pierre Niney
Le maquilleur qui transforme les visages des acteurs de Game of Thrones, World War Z et, plus récemment, Le Comte de Monte-Cristo, c'est lui, Pierre-Olivier Persin. On s'est incrusté dans son atelier avec Pierre Niney afin de percer les secrets du meilleur au monde dans son domaine.
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theropoda · 2 months
the name of a who's lila and morrowind crossover would be Who's Nerevar?. Btw.
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dodgeryy · 5 months
"Did you drink enough water?"
To you thsts like 2 or 3 cups maybe.
Too a person with POTs if that Thang isn't constantly on me with electrolyte tablets and liquid IV in tow? The answer is no. The answer is always no somehow. I could always be more hydrated.
Today we broke 200bpm on that heart rate 🥰
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gaytheropods · 4 months
Just please make sure you vote okay. Don't let people's opinions on who you should vote for paralyze you into not voting at all. Voting for anyone is better than voting for no one.
Also FYI if you're participating in elections and you're not sure who to vote for other offices you are 100% allowed to just skip all the other things on the ballot aside from the ones you know shit about.
Like it's better to do research beforehand but even just voting for one thing is better than voting for nothing!!
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