#peregrine took x reader
purplecola · 1 month
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rivendell-poet · 1 month
Hellooo!!! I see yo are open for requests so i thought I'd give it a try, ONLY if you feel like writing it.
I see you write about LOTR (i love you for that!)
So here is a request, could you write a romantic one-shot with Pippin, where he is intrigued by the reader and he's trying he's best to impress her but it always ends up as a disaster? In the end of the day when reader comforts him about his clumsyness, maybe pippin ends up singing a slow song with his beautiful voice (like he sang to Faramir's father in the second movie) and the reader is mesmerized by it.
It's totally okay if you don't feel like writing it, have a WONDERFUL day :) !!!
・༓˚✧❝𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐬 & 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲❞‧͙⁺˚༓˚✧ « one-shot »
Pairing : Pippin X Reader
Wordcount : 1.9k
Gender-neutral reader | TWs : Very mild, non-dangerous injuries/clumsiness
Summary : In which Pippin, completely enamoured by you, decides it's finally time to try and show his love for you. His one problem? Everything seems to be going wrong.
A/N : Thank you so, so much for the request! It's a great storyline and I hope I did it justice. Thanks so much for the request <3
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Pippin hadn’t joined the Fellowship for love, or for renown and glory - he’d joined for Frodo, and to help protect his friend. And it was going to stay that way, until the very end. Although he would be lying if he said that was the only reason he was trying so hard. It wasn’t a big deal, or something incredibly major. He just happened to have… an incredibly large crush on you. A rather reasonable amount of crush and intrigue - in Pippin’s opinion - but not to everyone else.
Merry had been pretty understanding, and then made fun of Pippin tremendously. In fact, he’d been rather annoyed at not seeing it before - anyone who looked at the two of you for more than five minutes could tell that there was something going on between you two. The young hobbit looked at you like you’d created the stars, with a shine in his eyes that tracked your every move and only brightened further when you smiled or looked in his direction. He’d shuffle lightly closer, eagerly listening to every word you said; he was completely enthralled by you.
Eventually, Pippin decided he needed to do something as a romantic gesture for you that wasn’t just pining while admiring your presence. His first idea was when you were in Rivendell together, sitting in one of its many meadows - and he decided to make flower crowns. Looking at the flowers in the field, he decided on a pattern of three daisies and one small, red flower. The daisies had come together quickly, and he reached for the red flower before immediately letting out a hiss of pain.
Looking at it closely, he notices all the little thorns on its stem - some of which were sticking into him. At the outcry of pain you immediately look over, taking his hand. “Are you ok, Pip?”
“Dandy!” Not feeling much pain, he holds up his finger to show you - only then realising some of the thorns are still embedded in it, and there are a few tiny bits of blood. “Oh. Well, it doesn’t really hurt - if that’s what you're concerned about.”
“Still.” Gently, you take his hand and brush the rest of the thorns off - and he winces when you get a few droplets of blood onto your clothes. He apologises as much as he can for them, but you assure him that it’s truly no big deal and you can simply wash them out later; it’s more important he’s not hurt.
Later, as Pippin thinks back to the feeling of your hand on his, he knows he’s blushing slightly. It was the first time the two of you had actually held hands, and of course he had to ruin the intimate moment by having it be while he was injured. He tries not to let that, or the fact his flower crowns were a failure, bother him - and he’s touched when you teasingly ask about his finger the next day. (His plan to clean your robes for you also fails after he finds out some of the Rivendell elves have already done that).
Deciding that what he’s doing isn’t exactly working, he instead decides to outsource his ideas - by going to the library and hoping they have books on that sort of thing. It’s fairly obvious as to where the library is, and to his pleasant surprise he can actually read a lot of the books in there, even if they don’t look as good as the elvish ones. He picks out a small, pocket-sized book on elvish courting before looking around for something more substantial - and perhaps something more detailed, that could properly give him ideas.
To his surprise, tucked away on a high shelf is ‘A young, respectable hobbits guide to courtship - etiquette and ideas’. It’s probably the best book he’ll be able to get, and he immediately goes for it before cursing elves for their ridiculous height. He’s not quite confident enough to ask the elf who's in there with him for help on picking up the book, so instead he decides to simply grab a chair and use it as a stepping stool for him. It works well, and he’s on level with the books so tries to reach out and pull it.
The book is more stuck than he expects, and when Pippin finally tugs it out he pulls more than he should. The momentum continues with him, pushing backwards and tipping him off the chair. There’s a brief moment as he wonders if this is how he’ll die, before he’s even left Rivendell, before his fall is cushioned by something soft and there’s a gasp of pain from behind him.
Immediately, he realises he’s fallen onto someone and scrambles to get off, pushing himself onto the floor before turning around. Next to him, he sees you - sitting there and taking a few deep breaths to get the air back into your lungs. Noticing your eye contact, you smile at him. “You okay?”
“Yes - of course. Are you?” He goes over immediately, trying to assess the damages while offering you a hand up, “I’m so sorry, I really didn’t mean for you to get hurt. I mean, I didn’t exactly mean to fall over at all - not a huge fan of bodily harm - but I especially didn’t mean to go into you. I’d have fallen differently if I knew you were behind me, I think-”
“Pippin.” You interrupt, softly but firmly, “Are you hurt?”
“Oh no.” He gestures to himself, “You truly did save me.”
“Glad to be of service.” You laugh, and he immediately lightens up again. “What were you trying to get?”
Picking up the book, he sees your eyes gaze over it and read the title before looking back to him. He might only be seeing things, but he swears you don’t look quite as happy as you did a second ago. Before he can ask you, you hand the book back to him, brushing the dust off its cover. “So, you’ve got a love waiting in the Shire for you?”
“Well, no. I mean, not exactly. I mean-”
“I’m not going to judge you if you have, Pippin.” You put on a small smile, but it doesn’t reach your eyes. “Good luck with your love, Pip. I’m sure they’re honoured to have you.”
Pippin knows he should say something, reassure you that the only person he has his eyes on - he has his heart set on - is standing right in front of him, but for some reason he freezes. He awkwardly gives a nod, and then stands there and watches you leave while internally berating himself. Not only has he now missed yet another opportunity to confess, he’s now almost confirmed he’s in love with an entirely fake hobbit instead of you. After eating supper, he’s sitting next to Merry and complaining again.
“And now they think I’m in love with some hobbit from the Shire, Merry!”
“I know, Pippin.”
“But I’m not - I’m in love with them.”
“I know, Pippin. It’s very obvious.” Taking a deep breath, Merry turns to face his friend. “Is there anything else you could try, some of their interests perhaps?”
“They play an instrument, they’re very good at it, I heard them-”
“Maybe you could try and play that, see if the elves have spare instruments around. They seem the sort.”
“You, my friend, are incredible.” Getting up, Pippin thinks about running straight to the music room before deciding to try tomorrow, rather than almost at midnight. He can hardly get to sleep, instead thinking back to the songs he’s heard you play and trying to hum them to himself - getting a likeness but never quite getting to your quality. He goes to sleep with your music in his mind, and wakes up thinking about it as well, trying to remember how you had played it.
Following where he normally hears music, he checks with an elf that he can use instruments there and they assure him he can. Sitting inside the room, Pippin can’t help but reflect that it's not half as magic without you - or at least without the music. Practising, Pippin hums the opening lines to your song again before trying to play the instrument, or at least learning what sounds are made and how.
He gets as far as the first two notes when he feels eyes on him, looking up to see you watching. He can feel himself blush in embarrassment, too busy looking away from you to notice the blush on your cheeks. “I was just practising. You sound so beautiful, I wanted to see if I could as well.”
“That was played just by ear? You have musical talent.” Walking over, you sit next to him, guiding his fingers into the position they need to be. “Try like this.”
It takes ten minutes of the two of you sitting together, you showing him the positions and where he needs to go, before Pippin is able to play the first bar. As he finishes you clap, grinning at him while he looks proud of himself. “It’s still not half as good as yours.”
“And I’ve practised much more than double the time you have.” You respond, “Do you want to try again?”
“Actually, I was hoping I could hear your music again.” Pippin can feel the blush coming back, but when he holds it out to you he’s still smiling.
“Hmm, can you play any other instruments?” You look around, “We could play something together.”
“Oh, no. The only musicality I have is singing inside of taverns, nothing suitable for you and Rivendell.”
“Who cares?” You position the instrument, ready to start playing. “This is about us and the music, not the setting. You can sing and I’ll play.”
Taking a deep breath, Pippin nods and tries to think back to all the songs he’s learnt - and any songs that would be fit for you. His mind instinctively goes to what he’s heard Mr. Bilbo sing in Elvish, although he doesn’t fully trust himself not to mess up the words. His mind is almost completely blank, save for one of the hobbits traditional love songs. He looks back to you, waiting for him, takes a deep breath and begins to sing.
You’re immediately entranced, the singing is perfect - filling the room and finding the exact correct pitch, echoing softly and melodiously. You spend so long admiring it you forget to play, suddenly remembering and quickly putting a musical score under his voice. As the song continues, you finally allow yourself to really listen to the music and to realise what the song is about.
Pippin is singing a love confession, directly to you as he’s staring into your eyes. The both of you know exactly when you realise what’s going on, and he almost stops singing in relief when you blush and smile at him. His voice wavers on the next line, but you nod for him to go - staring at each other until he’s finished and waiting for you.
You take a deep breath this time, looking into his eyes before clearly giving an answer. “Yes. I love you too.”
Thanks for reading, and again thank you so, so much for the request! There's really not enough love for Pippin in here, so hopefully I could help. (Requests currently are open, if you're interested).
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ironmandeficiency · 1 year
free food
pairing: pippin / hobbit!reader
word count: 1058
summary: pippin’s idea for free food on valentine's day has far better results than he and merry could have predicted
a/n: this is my february piece for the year of themed creation (@yearofcreation2023), but i lost it before i could actually post it on valentine’s day 🤷🏻‍♀️ but i've clawed my way out of my depressive slumps to post what i'm behind on, so here we are
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there were only so many dates pippin could third wheel on before he lost his mind
merry was courting estella bolger and they were so sickeningly cute together that poor pip felt like he was going to lose second breakfast just watching them
his dear friend was saying something about estella; to be honest, pip zoned out for a hot minute because at this rate, he would know estella better than he knew himself if he listened to everything merry had to say about her
pippin would much rather focus on more important things, like ways to steal more crops from farmer maggot or new drinking medleys 
his wandering mind was brought back to the present conversation with the phrase “free food” (which he was technically somewhat focused on already)
“where is the food and how can i get it for free?!”
“see pip, it’s not that simple-“
“just tell me what i need to do!”
“you need a date!”
oh. well, it could be worse. pippin doesn’t think he knows a single hobbit that would turn down a free meal
with that being said, there was not a doubt in his mind who he would want to accompany him on this free food expedition: you
if he wanted the act to be convincing, you were the most obvious choice. you knew how to act; case in point, when you would smuggle him & merry while they were running from farmer maggot after burgling his crops, or pretend to not notice when pies suddenly vanish from your windowsill only to be offered right back to you moments later by your favorite took
with his mind set on asking you to be his fake date, he prods for more details. let it never be said that peregrine took does anything halfway. “okay, a date. then what?”
was it pippin’s imagination, or did merry look as if he was scheming?
“you’ve got to profess your love to ‘em, make a big spectacle of it! the sappier, the better.”
oh. apparently, it is worse like he originally thought
his cousin merely laughed at the way his face blanched at the idea of waxing poetic about his lifelong crush, skipping away from a bewildered pippin with a smug smile
“oi! merry! where d’ye think you’re-”
“so,” pippin could feel his heart skip a beat when your voice reached his ears. “what’s this i hear about free food?”
well, bollocks. guess it’s time to reveal the potential plan and hope he doesn’t get socked
“well ya see, it’s but a simple plan. we go from tavern to tavern, making a spectacle of ourselves while professing our love for each other. the barkeeps, so moved by our displays of love, cover the bills. free food, you see?”
“will we take turns doing the confessing?”
“of course. ‘tis only fair, after all. we’ve got to share the workload.”
“may i pick the first venue?”
“of course, dearie-” pippin paused, immediately rewinding the conversation and wondering when he asked you to join him.
wait a moment, he didn’t ask you! but you accepted anyway!
you loved to watch pippin’s mind slowly come to the realization that you accepted his unsent invitation. the scrunching of his eyebrows, one hand reaching for his chin while the other perches on his hip
“then it’s set! we’ll meet at mine for afternoon tea then head out. make sure to dress nicely, i won’t accept proclamations of love and adoration from any average hoodlum!” with a rush of bravery you peck his cheek, tossing him a wink over your shoulder as you stroll away
a rhythmic knock sounded on the violet door of your smial precisely five minutes before afternoon tea
“come on in, pip!”
“i’m not pippin, but i shall come in nevertheless.” you recognize merry’s voice on the other side and laugh. leave it to the tooks (by name, blood, or both) to be so forward
merry enters your home and looks rather serious, which is a funny look on the typically carefree brandybuck
“what seems to be troubling you, merry?”
he took a deep breath, hands gravitating behind his back and a look of concern coating his features. “about your date with pippin tonight… please don’t lead him on with fallacies. there’s only so much his heart can take and i fear that if you act too convincing for the sake of the scheme, it would shatter him come tomorrow morn.”
the concern was touching, and it made your heart swell with the knowledge that your dear pippin has such a stalwart friend at his side
but this also leads you to question, not for the first or last time, the blindness of those with took blood
“who says i would spread a single fallacy tonight? my intentions are pure and good, my friend. i plan on speaking my heart and seeing where it leads.” there was no conceivable way that neither cousin knew of your feelings for pippin… was there?
“and anyway, it’s about time i submit myself to the fate of marrying into the took line. they are a rather rowdy bunch, but genuine in all they do.” you flurry around your kitchen, setting out three placemats on your dining table to accommodate for the unexpected guest “i could become a sackville-baggins, but i fear that adopting that name would result in none of you talking to me ever again.”
a loud clattering followed by a wet SPLAT! jolted you both. you turn to find a flabbergasted pippin in your entryway, a smile on his face and eyes wet with unshed tears. there was a mostly-cooked loaf of lemon & poppy seed cake on your floor, the porcelain it was cooked in still mercifully whole. he didn’t even look the slightest bit bothered by the pieces of cake that splattered on his toes
“d’ye mean it? would you truly allow me to make a took out of you?”
carefully stepping around the remnants of the cake, you hold his face in your hands as you reply, “i’ve wanted for nothing more, pip.”
without warning you’re hoisted into the air, pippin loudly whooping and laughing as you’re spun around. his smile is contagious as always, your own laughter joining his
merry’s presence is all but forgotten until his voice breaks through your reverie. “watch out for the-” THU-THUD!! “-cake.”
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princessofgondor · 22 days
the lord of the rings characters + cuddling with them 🩷
Characters Included: Boromir, Faramir, Aragorn, Arwen, Éowyn, Éomer, Legolas, Frodo, Sam, Pippin, Merry
I decided I wanted to try doing some LOTR preferences! This is my first time writing for all of these characters besides Boromir so I’m still getting a handle on them. If anyone has any requests for preference posts they’d like to see, please send them my way and I’ll see what I can do!!
Author has only seen the movies, so please forgive any mistakes/inaccuracies!
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Boromir is definitely pretty touch-starved, and after cuddling with you for the first time he’s very surprised how much he loves it. It becomes a common occurrence for the two of you, something he looks forward to — especially after a long day of training with his soldiers. He loves being the big spoon, and burying his face in your hair or your neck.
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Faramir is a big cuddler for sure. You don’t even need to ask — as soon as you rest your head on his shoulder (when you’re sitting together) or on his chest (when you’re laying down together), he’s got his arms wrapped around you, holding you close. He gives you a lot of forehead kisses when you’re cuddling together.
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Aragorn loves the moments where the two of you can just relax together, especially when things are getting stressful. He’s happy for the two of you to simply lay there in silence, holding each other, but if you need to talk about anything he’s always ready to listen.
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Arwen has an incredibly calming presence, and cuddling with her can improve your mood no matter how bad you were feeling beforehand. She holds you close, whispering comforting words in your ear and pressing gentle kisses to your face and lips every so often.
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Éowyn isn’t used to cuddling, but like Boromir she comes to really enjoy it. You make her feel peaceful and happy in a way that she’s never experienced before, and so she loves to be close to you as often as possible. She has a tendency to play with your hair, and she likes it when you do the same to her.
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At first, Éomer tries to look tough and doesn’t admit how much he likes cuddling with you. But each time, it becomes increasingly obvious how much he loves it. Similar to Éowyn, he likes it when you play with his hair.
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Legolas finds it adorable how much you love to cuddle with him, especially when you get cold. As an Elf he can’t feel the cold, but he can always tell that the temperature is dropping when you cuddle up to him. He’s perfectly happy to stay bundled up with you for as long as you need him there.
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Frodo loves when the two of you cuddle up while reading a book together, though sometimes he gets distracted from the words on the page because he’s looking at you. If this is after the main events of LOTR, I could see your presence/touch being able to help Frodo heal from his traumatic experiences, at least somewhat.
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Sam is incredibly affectionate, so he definitely loves cuddling. He’s a bit shy about it at first, getting a bit embarrassed and not knowing what he should be doing — like where should his arms/hands be? He doesn’t want to upset you or make you uncomfortable — but once he’s used to it, it’s his favourite thing in the world.
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Pippin absolutely loves cuddling with you and he doesn’t care who knows it. Honestly, if he could spend his entire life cuddled up with you and some snacks then he’d be the happiest Hobbit who ever lived. It doesn’t matter where you are, if you’re near each other he’ll want to either have his arms around you or be resting against you.
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I think that like Pippin, Merry loves cuddling, but he’s a little less likely to do it publicly. When it’s just the two of you however he loves nothing more than being close to you. He probably makes little jokes and lightly teases you for being so eager to cuddle with him, but it’s all very light-hearted and you know that he loves it too.
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live-laugh-legolas · 18 days
I really love your headcannons! Thanks for them! what do you think it's like to cuddle with a fellowship and how tactile they are in general, I would be grateful if it was in a romantic way, but if it's not difficult (if possible, then Gandalf should be too)
Cuddling with the fellowship
-He often has his hands on you in some way
-Either in your shoulder, waist, back, or holding your hand
-But he isn’t the biggest cuddler despite being a touchy guy
-I think he worries he won’t be able to get up fast enough to protect you
-However he does sleep best when you are wrapped up in his arms
-He likes to lay his head in your lap
-Or with your head on his chest
-He subconsciously gives little massages while cuddling
-Does the thumb rub thing
-Once he figures out cuddling and physical affection he will always initiate it
-He will always come up and hug you from behind
-He finds comfort in it that he didn’t expect since elves aren’t really physically affectionate
-He likes to be big spoon and will hold your hand while you are wrapped safely in his arms
-He burrows his face into your hair or between your shoulder blades
-Sometimes he so close that he snores because his nose is pressed against your back (listen Ik elves don’t really sleep or whatever but let me have this)
-He will give you top of the head kisses randomly while you lay on his chest
-Just in general he does this; walking past you, you get a head kiss
-Pippin asks for one too; he says he feels left out
-Big time cuddler
-Dwarves are pretty big on physical touch
-Maybe cuddling isn’t necessary seen as platonic to dwarves; but wanting to be close in general can be
-However with a significant other this man is the biggest teddy bear
-He likes to face you when cuddling so he can see your pretty face
-Your very own personal heater/fur blanket
-Side note but maybe this is why Legolas likes him so much. I mean Legolas is kinda cat like and cats gravitate towards the warmest people to lay on
-He gets “grumpy” if you won’t cuddle with him
-Will pout until you give in despite being absolutely covered in dirt and you wanted to shower first
-He’s a little awkward about physical touch at first
-He’s a bit touch starved
-I can’t help but picture him as Arthur from the show Merlin in this scene
-It’s not so much that he doesn’t understand gentle physical touch; he is a gentle man; but he doesn’t experience it much so it’s a little foreign to him
-But once he is comfortable with you he will branch out and try initiating cuddles
-Will copy the way you initiate cuddles or any physical touch
-This man is lovely to cuddle btw
-You always feel very safe with him and he makes for a good pillow
-I headcanon that he has great tits; perfect chest to bury your face in
-He also talks a lot while cuddling; like he is just so happy to be with you that his giddiness comes out in random rambles
-He’s a nuzzler
-He does the little head rub on whatever he is using as a pillow when he first settles down
-Kinda like a dog spinning in circles before laying down
-If you fall asleep cuddled up just know that you will not wake up that way
-Someone is on the floor or you’ve swapped sides of the bed
-It looks like you guys were catapulted into the bed and that’s just how you landed
-Nose kisses
-He loves to have “cuddle talks”
-Telling you about his day while you fiddle with his hair
-He’s a very intimate cuddler; likes to look into your eyes and profess his love as if it’s the first time even though he just did it yesterday too
-Not big on PDA though
-Cuddles are personal and private
-He’s not embarrassed or anything; it just feels like something too intimate for public eyes
-He likes cuddling but in moderation
-I imagine he could get a bit claustrophobic
-Not that he doesn’t enjoy your cuddles; he just gets overwhelmed with smothering ones sometimes
-Doesn’t like being little spoon for this reason (same tho)
-I think one of his favorite positions to cuddle is with one of you sitting with your back against the others chest
-He does not care if he can’t see past you, he’s your backrest and he takes that job very seriously
-The biggest cuddle bug
-He is always touching someone; bumping shoulders, invading personal space, etc
-He finds comfort in being close to others and he’s not afraid to let it be known
-Spontaneous cuddle attacks
-Lots of giggles and nose boops
-If you are in bed he will “Dutch oven” you
-Gross ik
-However when his energy is worn for the day and he has gotten his playful cuddles out of the way he is the perfect teddy bear
-I mean seriously hobbits are the perfect little spoon size
-In those moments he does just enjoy the quiet and listening to your breathing as you fall asleep
-Not big on cuddling
-More of the type to sit/lay where you are touching in some way but not engulfed with each other
-Maybe sitting across from eachother with your legs intertwined
-He does give the best hugs though
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fili-urzudel · 10 months
Hii! Congrats on 50 followers!!! 💜 for the prompts list thing, could you do like. Any of them with Pippin? also the forehead touch prompt is so cute please I can’t 😭
I don't often have ideas for Pippin, so this was a treat to write! Just for everyone to know, I'm not answering requests in order. This just happened to be the quickest one to write. Since I had my pick of prompts, I decided to do one I didn't think would get much attention. I hope you like it!
10. Piggyback Rides
Warnings: Very brief insecurity
Word Count: 0.7k
Burden - Peregrin Took
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Boromir had been your friend ever since he had helped you become a member of the King's—or the Steward's, you supposed—Guard. His perseverance paid off, as you were now one of the most capable guards and most loyal to him. You were honored to be asked to accompany him to the meeting in Rivendell.
That was where you first met the Hobbits. Your first impression was that, well, they were awfully small. You could tell that Boromir shared your concern for their safety. It was difficult to not view them as children, and you wondered how on earth you were going to keep the poor little lads safe when so many things threatened you all. So you resolved to do anything you could to keep them up on their strength and their fighting prowess.
You had an especially soft spot for Peregrin, or Pippin, as he called himself. He was the youngest of the group, and you couldn't help but be especially fond of him and his antics. Gandalf always rolled his eyes when you shot him looks for his poor treatment of the kid, but he always eased up afterward. You supposed that was part of the reason he kept quiet on this particular occasion.
The others, however, did not.
"It's unwise to expend your energy in such a way, mellon nin," Legolas pointed out as you once again readjusted Pippin as he rode on your back.
"Aye, he's right," Gimli agreed. "He's got his own legs, y'know."
"He's tired," you argued. "We've been sword training. Not to mention, his legs are much shorter than ours, you can't expect him to keep up without a little extra help."
"The others seem to be getting on just fine," Aragorn pointed out, but his smile betrayed his thoughts on the matter.
"Well, I'll carry the others as well, if they want," you said stubbornly.
"I'll carry two and you carry two," Boromir said, chuckling but clearly serious.
"That's alright," Frodo interjected.
"I wouldn't be opposed," Merry commented, and Sam bumped him with his elbow. "It's not necessary, though."
You thought it was strange how quiet Pip was on the matter. He was quite the chatterbox, most of the time. Perhaps he was just embarrassed.
"He's fallen asleep," Boromir leaned over to whisper to you, a smile clear in his voice.
"Aw," you cooed, now extra careful to avoid jostling him more than necessary.
"You cannae do that forever, lass," Gimli warned you.
"Ah, but each time I do, I get a little stronger, so perhaps one day I can," you suggested brightly.
"It's a good thing I've practiced for this," you said with glee, teeth chattering as the fellowship traversed the treacherous mountain pass. You and Boromir had stayed true to your word, and Aragorn had joined your little pact. You carried Pippin still, Aragorn carrying Sam and Frodo, one on each arm, and Boromir holding onto Merry.
"You can put me down as soon as you're able," Pippin said suddenly. "You must be getting tired, and I—I can make it on my own."
"Nonsense, little one," you said, the cold making it hard to hold a smile, however much you wanted to. "I could carry you to the ends of the earth under one arm."
"I just don't want to burden you."
You tilted your head down, finding a temporary respite from the wind by setting your forehead against his. "You could never burden me, Pippin.
"I'm just trying to help you do the great things I know you can do." You weren't quite sure what those things were yet, but if there was one thing you learned growing up, it was that a little encouragement never hurt anyone. "But if you want to walk by yourself, I'll set you down as soon as the snow is shallow enough. Unless you have the elven secret to floating atop it?"
Pippin laughed, his wind-bitten cheeks a frosty red. "Not yet, but I'll try to figure it out."
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Lord Of The Rings Preferences: How They Kiss You
(A/N: wahey my LOTR rewatch is finished so here comes the content :P if there's a specific scenario you want or another character you'd like me to add, send it to my ask box and I'll see what I can do!
!!edited to add characters!!)
(Includes Sam, Pippin, Aragorn, Legolas, Boromir and Faramir x Gender neutral reader)
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Oh Sam is shyyyyyyy when it comes to kissing you. He's always so nervous about doing something wrong in the early stages of your relationship, so his kisses are sweet but cautious - you might have to take the lead until he gets more comfortable. Bonus: if you run your fingers through his hair while you kiss him his brain completely shuts out.
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Pippin has absolutely no experience with this sort of thing but more than makes up for it with sheer enthusiasm. One of his favourite ways to tease you is to dot kisses all over your face whenever he gets chance (but if you do the same thing to him he will go bright red). If you even hint at the idea of making out with him he's thrilled but doesn't know what to do with himself, and probably runs to Merry in a panic to ask about it.
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As can be expected, Aragorn is deeply passionate with his affection for you. While not one to initiate it, he isn't opposed to PDA, but he vastly prefers finding a secluded area for just the two of you where he can take his time appreciating you. He tends to get a little more rough or possessive when kissing you after you've been in a dangerous situation or recently reunited (wrists pinned over your head against a tree kind of rough), and this is met with a lot of teasing from the Fellowship if they walk in on it.
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Legolas has less experience than you might think, however he's a very quick learner and quickly eases into the familiarity of your affection. His kisses are slow and soft, and more frequent than you expect - once he's with you he realises how touch starved he is. He's most likely taller than you, and he absolutely loves if you tug him down by his shirt to kiss him. (Pull his hair as well, he will MELT.)
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Boromir is incredibly open about expressing his affection towards you and is absolutely one for grand displays of romance. He's the type to pick you up and spin you before planting a long, sweet kiss on your lips, mostly because he loves how flustered it makes you when he catches you off guard, but also because he loves to show you off as his. He also hugs you from behind a lot and will litter your neck with kisses whenever he gets chance.
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did somebody say HOPELESS ROMANTIC? All of Faramir's actions serve to prove how hopelessly in love with you he is, and kissing you is no different. He gets lost in the feeling of you every single time and treats you so gently, as if you might fade away in front of him. He'll usually cup your cheek as he kisses you, fingertips tracing your jawline, or he'll tuck your hair behind your ear and softly tilt your chin up to look at him before he leans in. This man is basically just the epitome of a romance novel.
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wordbunch · 1 year
SFW Alphabet: Pippin
a/n: whichever big brain anon requested this was absolutely right to do so! he is BABEY and this blog is gradually turning into a Pippin stan account? ALSO I've changed up the template for the alphabet a little bit, so you will see some new categories, yayy <3 i hope you enjoy, please be so kind to reblog and i'm looking forward to any comments <3
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A = AFFECTION (how affectionate are they and how do they show affection?) He is literally if affection was a person and he isn't particularly concerned with the notion of personal space. He will show you affection in any and every way possible – endless hugs, always being physically close, giving you little gifts, and most importantly making you laugh as much as he can on the daily basis.
B = BEST FRIEND (what would they be like as a best friend and how would the friendship start?) Very loyal, and of course chaotic and fun, always with some crazy ideas. There is never a dull moment, he likes to just randomly drop by and go on a little adventure with you. However, sometimes you need to be the person who balances out his craziness and energy, so that you don't end up getting into too much trouble.
C = CUDDLES (do they like to cuddle & how?) He absolutely LOVES to cuddle, and he would never stop if he didn't have to. There is no particular favorite cuddling position – they're all equally valid because he gets to hold and be held by his favorite person in the whole world. Some days he will wrap around you as much as possible, other days he wants to be the little spoon, it constantly varies.
D = DOMESTIC (do they want to settle down; how are they at cooking/cleaning?) Quite frankly, he didn't think about any of that before you – he is fairly young after all – but the second he fell in love with you (and you reciprocated it) he was like THIS is what I want for the rest of time!!! He can be a specifically organized mess, but he is very enthusiastic about helping you and learning how to do things around the house, it's really sweet.
E = ENCHANTED (what was their first opinion/feeling about you when you just met?) He was amazed and sort of fascinated by you. It wasn't love at first sight at all, it was just some kind of instant fascination and he knew he wanted to befriend you and get to know you immediately. Very soon, however, he would start feeling a bit too giddy if he ran into you somewhere, and mention you a bit too often to his friends.
F = FIANCE(E) (how do they feel about commitment; how quickly would they want to get married?) Once he is in love with you, he is all yours, with literally no interest in anyone else. Your relationship is basically best friends in love, so he doesn't feel limited in doing anything fun – you will probably just join in anyway. It would be pretty much the same if you got married, and it means having sleepovers with your best friend every single night! So he's totally on board with that, whenever you're up for it. Maybe really fast, actually. Impulse control who?
G = GENTLE (how gentle are they, physically and emotionally?) He is a BABY. Okay yes, he can be a little shit too, but first and foremost he is a baby. He takes too many things to heart and then overthinks them; and while he can admittedly be a little bit impulsive and rash in some decisions, he would never ever act harshly towards you in any way. He literally showers you with love constantly, it's just who he is.
H = HUGS (do they like hugs, how often, what are they like?) Loves loves loves hugs, and your hugs feel like the safest, warmest place in the world. Loves giving and receiving surprise hugs from behind, quick hugs in passing, long hugs to forget about any problems… Depending on the height difference, he'd be a big fan of giving you a side hug and then walking like that – holding hands is just too basic sometimes.
I = I LOVE YOU (how fast they say the L-word) Really quickly and maybe on accident, because he can talk a lot, and it wouldn't be the first time he spoke without thinking. When his own words reach his brain, his facial expression is absolutely priceless, all wide eyes and blushing cheeks.
J = JEALOUSY (how jealous do they get and how they act then) It's extremely rare that he gets jealous, he trusts you with his life and more. If he sees someone getting a little too friendly with you, his first thought would be something among the lines of 'oh nice, they're making new friends!' but if it goes on a little too long, he will feel a bit insecure rather than jealous, and go sulk in a corner somewhere until you find him; you thought it was worrisome how suddenly you couldn't hear him talking someone's ears of or singing on a table. Just go and find him and remind him that he is your favorite person and you would never ditch him for someone else, and the cheerful mood will return.
K = KISSES (what are their kisses like, where do they like to kiss you/be kissed?) Chaotic and cute and plenty! Like previously established, he is the biggest fan of physical affection, but sometimes he still hesitates a little bit when it comes to kissing you in public. Over time he gets more confident about it, and he will just dot a bunch of kisses all over your face until you're a giggling mess. If you kiss him on the forehead or the top of his head, he will melt into a puddle of love because it makes him feel like you're proud to have him.
L = LOVE LANGUAGE (what is their love language and how they show you love) I think his main two love languages, out of the five, would be physical affection and gift giving; but not any necessarily fancy gifts: more like a pretty flower he saw by the road and thought you would appreciate, or a silly little written poem. I know it's not among the five love languages, but MAKING YOU LAUGH is his absolute favorite thing to do, and you have more inside jokes than you can count.
M = MORNINGS (how are mornings spent with them) He loves to sleep in if he can, but once he's awake, he's awake, even if somehow he woke up at 5 am. You always wake up in a tangled mess of limbs and blankets, and in the mornings is when he is quietest, until you start making breakfast together and wake up half the neighborhood with singing, laughing, doing silly voices or accidentally dropping things.
N = NICKNAMES (do they like to use cute nicknames for you/you for them?) He will use every possible existent nickname, and he is partial to coming up with silly ones, just for you. He will most definitely blush if you give him one, it makes him feel super special.
O = OPEN (when would they start revealing things about themselves; everything at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) He is talkative and trusting, so a lot of things might come out accidentally; and besides, he is quite easy to read anyway. However, when it comes to more emotional matters, or something serious that is bothering him, he might act a little more closed off. All you need to do is remind him once that you'll listen and try to help, no matter what it is, for him to tell you almost everything.
P = PATIENCE (how easily angered are they?) Literally never?? You've never met anyone so chill with the most 'it is what it is' attitude. The only exception is if someone else is in any way rude or threatening to you, then he won't hesitate to give them a piece of his mind.
Q = QUIZZES (how much would they remember about you – every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget most things?) It's very arbitrary, sometimes he will remember something very small and almost insignificant, but forget something more important, or the other way round. He certainly doesn't remember everything, but that's not to say he doesn't try. And it's really okay if he needs you to remind him of something every now and then.
R = REMEMBER (favorite moment in your relationship) The first time when you two spent his birthday together – you actually threw him a surprise party with the biggest homemade cake, a bunch of little presents, and of course, fireworks! There was music and delicious food, and all his friends, and you – it was one of his favorite days of all time, and it spoke volumes on how you felt about him and the things that you'd do.
S = SECURITY (how protective are they; how they'd like to be protected and how they protect you) It's a mixed bag – he is often scared of something happening to you, but also he knows you're perfectly capable of defending yourself and he likes to watch you being all tough and independent. Maybe just for the sake of his confidence, sometimes let him step in and be a little protective, it's cute. If you stand up for him when he is being criticized, he will blush profusely, and give you a shy 'thanks', but he will keep thinking about it for a while.
T = TRY (how much effort do they put into dates, gifts, anniversaries, everyday stuff) He thinks you're too special and too wonderful not to be treated accordingly, and he will try to show you that through a bunch of little things. He loves to surprise you in small ways on at least a weekly basis, but for your birthday or anniversary or something „bigger“ like that, a huge bouquet of flowers is a must (seriously, it's so big that he barely carries it without stumbling), and he will try to make your favorite dessert for you too.
U = UGLY (some bad habits of theirs) Sometimes he unnecessarily doubts himself and even questions whether he is good enough for you, but luckily you can tell when he's overthinking those things almost immediately, and then you reassure him in more ways than one.
V = VACATION (how you spend lazy days and free time) The two of you always get up to something and it’s not that common that you’re just lying around, but in case you are, it’s most likely somewhere outside under the shade of a beautiful tree, catching some sun, talking each other’s ears off and sharing some delicious snacks!!!
W = WISH (something that they really want to do/experience with you?) He wants to do every single thing imaginable with you, because you make everything better and more enjoyable just by being there – the bucket list is endless!
X = XTRA (a random headcanon for them) He is organized but in a chaotic way: while his things might sometimes look like a mess, he always knows where everything is. And he really loves taking baths with obligatory singing.
Y = YUCK (what are some things they dislike generally or in a partner?) People who are mean and/or negative, because he is the exact opposite of those things, always tries to be nice to everyone and look for something positive in every situation.
Z = ZZZ (a sleep habit of theirs) For somebody that small, he takes up an astonishing amount of space in a bed – you have no idea how someone can be so sprawled, yet sleep without a care in the world.
taglist my beloved @starlady66 @queenmeriadoc @entishramblings @founder-of-imladris @silversword7000 @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @averys-placee @valkyriepirate @emmaarenstarr @noldorin-painter @asianbutnotjapanese @adamgetawaydriver @fenharel-enaste @ironmandeficiency @starryeyedrogue @dinofromspac3 @wisheduponastar @lady-of-imladris @frodo-cinnamonroll @unethicallypleistocene @deadlymistletoe @suncran @high-sea-husbands @asianbutnoteastasian @aidansloth @moth-makay
@bubbleyukismile @kitexvi @herstudios
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fun-k-board · 1 year
Lord Of The Rings With a Platonic, Child Reader From Our World
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Characters included : Frodo Baggins, Legolas, Samwise Gamgee, Peregrin ' Pippin ' Took and Meriadoc ' Merry ' Brandybuck
Note(s) : They don't have the time to turn around, so you sort of get roped into joining them, at least until they find a place for you to stay.
Also, in this the reader knows about the Jackson movies but never really paid attention to them, and they haven't read the books.
Frodo Baggins
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Ah, yes, Frodo. Resident ring bearer and anxiety magnet. He was quick to defend you if any suspicion arouse of your random arrival, you're a human and can't even reach his height, the Hobbit that can't reach an elves or humans chest, so, you must be incredibly young. Because of this, Frodo can't help but want to help you, especially on the quest.
He's very sweet and caring with you and makes sure you get enough rest. Frodo can't exactly carry you, so if you get too tired to walk the most he can do is hold your hand and guide you along. Despite that, he helps in other ways.
Like how he's always giving you extra food and maybe even a spare coat or blanket that's laying around, he makes sure you get enough sleep even if it means he gets less. Given he's the most important part of this mission to destroy the ring, he's usually a bit babied and overprotected, not so much that's it's immediately noticeable, but it's there.
So, he understands how annoyed you can get when it happens with you, though he definetly thinks your situations are different considering he's technically an adult and you aren't even close to being one.
Frodo isn't too sure how to help you when it comes to you being afraid, or angry, or even just in a state of depression about your situation. He doesn't exactly realise how strange and overwhelming it must be for you, until or if you begin to start wearing down mentally. His solution is to try and read you stories, no, he didn't exactly bring any books with him, but he has certain books memorised.
It may help, it may not, but the thought is what counts, and he is trying to help you the best he can with the unfortunate situation he's in.
If you ever claim to know him or the fellowships story, maybe Bilbo's, or even accidently letting in on events to follow, he's stunned. At first given the fact you claimed to be from a land nobody, not even Gandalf, has heard of, the strange reactions you had to their foods and way of life, among many, many other things, he became convinced you weren't human. That, or you were from a different time, the future specifically, he'd never fully believe it or bring it up, but it's always a sneaking suspicion you aren't what you claim.
When it comes time to leave you at a safe village, you're clearly unhappy, wanting nothing more than to stay with the Hobbit who helped you through your toughest hours. Yet, he understands you mustn't come with him, it's far too dangerous for you. And so, he leaves, leaving you heartbroken.
When he eventually returns, the ring destroyed, Middle Earth saved, he can't help but feel empty. His time spent with you becomes short lived, a few months at most, before he decides to move on, leaving you alone again, I suppose it makes leaving Middle Earth to return home easier, but all the more bitter.
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Legolas understood how weak humans are compared to his kind, and to see a human child so alone made his heart break. He couldn't help but become your protector, especially when you seemingly had no idea how to function in this world. Sometimes, if you're too tired and the rest of the group isn't, he'll pick you up, it can make you feel a little weak, but he assures you it's just because you're young. He'd treat any other child the same.
I think he may be one of the few to actually understand in part what you mean when you say you aren't 'from here'. He won't clock in immediately, but after seeing just how different you viewed life and just everything in general, how you can't do the most basic of tasks without some help, or how you looked at him with such familiarity, there's just a lot he notices that makes him raise a brow.
If you tell him, Legolas may believe your making it up, you're a kid after all, one that's going through a lot. But, after realising you're dead serious he wracks his brain trying to remember if anybody has ever mentioned something like this happening. He wants to try and help you go home, and plans to bring you home with him so he can find a solution somewhere. And if he can't find one? He wants to help you find peace in your predicament as long as you stay there.
When it comes time to leave you at a safe haven, he is sad to leave you behind, you're a little friend, after all. But, he understands it must be done, and explains to you exactly that, which makes the ending a bit more sweet than bitter.
Eventually, he does return, and meets with you once more, he understands that in a blink of his lifetime you'll be dead, but, that doesn't stop him from being your closest ally during all of this. However, you do need to return to Earth. He finds himself mourning you far sooner than he expected.
Samwise Gamgee
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Sam becomes a literal dad, you're a random human kid in this traumatic journey to destroy one of the most dangerous items in the entirety of middle Earth, and you claim to have no idea where you are. He's giving you extra food, holding your hand and picking you up, if you get too cold or scared in the night he'll try hugging you for a while and telling you stories of misadventures in the Shire. As plain as they may seem compared to a journey to destroy the most dangerous object in the entirety of Middle Earth.
If you're sad, the most he can do is offer comfort in the way of cuddling, or a story, sometimes he even has to ask Gandalf for help because he's just so lost. Anger is something he can deal with a little better, he holds your hand and tells you why you should be angry, but you shouldn't keep it bottled or use it unfairly against others.
I think at first Sam would just believe you come from a strange human place, and that's why your behaviour is so off. That's until he notices some things, when asked about things he'd consider basic knowledge, you are completely blank, sure, maybe you know what an elf is, but after that you sort of just stare at him confused at what he's talking about. You even believed him to be a dwarf at first!
He asks Boromir and Aragorn if they know any human places that you're talking about, neither know, so he's even more perplexed at what on middle earth you're talking about. He begins to believe you're making it up, he's not condescending like most adults, and he pretends that he understands if to give you some peace of mind, but all it does is make you more frustrated and scared. You just want to go home.
Your short time as friends comes to an end, he must leave further on in the journey, and you must stay behind, you both understand, well, he does and you partly do, all you can do is wait for the ring to be destroyed.
Sam returns, and he takes you back to the Shire with him, where he introduces you to everybody, you're almost like a child to him, but then you leave to go back to Earth. He can't stop his heart from breaking, even more so when Frodo leaves.
Meriadoc 'Merry' Brandybuck and Peregrin 'Pippin' Took
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The fact you're incredibly young, found yourself in a traumatic and confusing situation, let's not even mention the fact there's little people with gigantic hariy feet and no shoes, you'll probably try and cope. Whether that's with humor or shutting down, Pippin and Merry are a package deal, no matter if you like them or not, a young and confused presence egnites their curiosity.
Besides, Gandalf specifically told them to not be overbearing and or overwhelm you, so what does Pippin, master of disappointing and angering the grey wizard do? That's right, he becomes overwhelming. And Merry, master of attempting to one up his dear friend, does the exact same.
How they do this depends on your mood, if you're depressed and very shy they'll try cheering you up, asking questions about your home, if that makes it worse? They begin acting even more childish than usual to make you laugh, to the literal pain and torture of Gandalf. But if you're trying to cope with humour, they are more so just tagging along, making jokes that distract you from your pain.
Neither will clock in that you're from an unfamiliar world, sure, you're weird, but so are they. Both assume your strange actions are simply just a result of you being a human, do Boromir or Aragorn act the same? No, but you're a human kid so, that probably factors in somehow.
Both laugh you off if you try to explain the truth, they don't believe you, and reduce it to a good story that they can give to Frodo to write about. You may get angry, sad, or just decide to go with it, neither really notice that you're not lying until someone else points out how dumb that idea is.
When it finally comes time to drop you off, you want to stay with the two, because while they're in part strangers and this is a strange land, they're at least familiar, unlike the place they're basically abandoning you at. Pippin and Merry feel the same, and so sneak you with them.
The situation may become dire, and you probably get incredibly unhealthy and sickly in your time with them, but when it's all over, you feel like you've gained two older brothers. Which will make it so much more painful when you have to say goodbye.
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autistook · 6 months
DAISIES - pt 1
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Merry Brandybuck x fem!hobbit!reader/soft oc
Words: 3.1k
Summary: You have been best friends with Merry (and Pippin) for several years. You see each other on almost a daily basis and have been referred to as the unseperable trio, as you do almost everything together, and have all been there for each other, through thick and thin. Slowly, you start to feel something shift. Something feels different when you look at Merry.
SLOOOOOOOW burning romance, pre - the Fellowship of the Ring.
Possible TW's: panic attack, anxiety, mentions of drowning and death, dead parents
English is not my first language, and this is the first fanfiction I have written since I was 10 years old, so I apologize for any errors or confusion. 😭 Treat me gently, I am sensitive to critisism lol
The sun glistened on the leaves, making the raindrops that fell on them the night before look like diamonds. The grass was damp under your feet, and the slight breeze felt comfortable on your skin. The sounds of the Shire were as usual: lots of Hobbits doing their regular chores, children running around and a few groans here and there, when the sleepiest of all were forced to get up early. Your gaze followed a beautiful bird flying from one tree to another. The bird was a beautiful one, with a bright-red chest and a grey back, the feathers on the wings being different shades of grey and black. It's melodic singing as it sat on the old willow branch, is always a reminder for the Shire folk that spring has arrived. There was a fresh lavender smell in the air, and as you stopped on your feet to enjoy it, you noticed another familiar scent.
Your gaze moved to a pastry shop window, and as you started walking towards it, you could see your best friends enjoying a couple of scones, filled with strawberry jam. Your lips curved into a smile as you opened the wooden door, and the bell above it rang to announce your arrival.
The friendly Hobbit lady behind the dusty, old counter greeted you gleefully. Her hair was grey, curls all the way down to her shoulders, and the smile lines nearing the corners of her eyes revealed just how happy of a personality she must have. But your eyes weren't focused on her, but to the two young Hobbits now noticing your entry. Pippin's green eyes sparkled with joy as he noticed you enter the room. More happy than Pippin to see you, was Merry. You had been best friends with the two for a number of years, and almost every week, the three of you would sit at the bakery, planning some mischevous pranks and talking about any new happenings around the Shire.
"We were wondering where you were!" Pippin exclaimed, mouth full of the delicious scone, and some red jam from it that had decided to settle on his lips. Amused at the sight, you smirked but still decided to not say anything, as usual. It would be funnier to see how long it would take him to notice his messy appearence.
"Sorry, I had other things in mind," you said in serious tone, pulling up a chair and sitting between the two. The round table was full of crumbs and there were two empty plates. You looked at the plates and then at your dearest friends, raising one brow as if to question how on earth they could have this ritual without you.
"We got hungry, I'm sorry!" Merry said, wiping his palms on his cream colored cotton shirt.
"How dare you!" you answered with a playfully offended tone. You turned to look at Pippin for an apology, but the young Hobbit just shrugged his shoulders, and kept munching the last piece of scone in his mouth. You shook your head and chuckled slightly, leaning back on your chair.
"What did you mean when you said you had other things in mind?" asked Merry, curiously, now wiping his mouth with a napkin. You took a deep breath and crossed your arms.
"It's been twenty years," you stated, as if Pippin and Merry were supposed to immediately understand the rest of that sentence. The two locked eyes. Their faces could only be described as curious, but utterly confused.
"Twenty years since what?" Merry inquired. His blue eyes looking straight into yours, his gaze making you feel like he was almost concerned.
"Since my parents died," you sighed. Pippin immediately turned to look at Merry, flustered as the two completely forgot about this tragic event in their best friend's life.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Merry apologized, his tone full of shame. "I completely forgot that was today."
"It's quite alright. You couldn't have known," you said with a faint smile. Your head might have told you to act fine, but the sadness behind your eyes revealed your true feelings: how tragically heartbroken you felt at that moment and how twenty years still wasn't enough of healing.
"But we should've remembered!" Merry cried in guilt. Pippin apologized, mouth full of scone, then finally swallowing the last piece. You reassured both of them that they did not offend you in any way, and that you would be fine.
"Is there anything we can do?" Merry asked, like he was in a rush to cheer you up.
"Yes! We could do something fun!" Pippin said cheerfully, his eyes sparkling with excitement. He slammed his hands on the table, making the empty plates clink against each other. "How about we go for a swim?"
"You know I can't swim, Peregrin!" you cried, arms still crossed, your fingers fidgeting with the soft fabric of the sleeves on your favorite yellow dress.
"Didn't you say you have had practice?" Pippin asked, puzzled.
"It doesn't mean I can."
"Well, we could always just go just hang around the water, you know?" Merry suggested, trying to not make your mood any worse. "We used to do that all the time when we were just little innocent Hobbits." You smiled at him with gratitude. Merry's lips curved upwards and his eyes had a glimmer of pride in them.
"That actually sounds great," you finally responded to him. "When should we go?"
"How about immediately?" said the young Took suddenly, and before either of you could answer, he was already up from his chair, quickly whisking away the empty plates from the table.
"I guess we're going?" you chuckled. You and Merry got up and before you could make a leave, he put his palm on your shoulder. His warm touch gave you a sense of comfort.
"But seriously, are you okay?" he asked, looking at you from under his brows, his eyes full of concern. You nodded and gave him a soft smile.
On your way to the river, the sun was rising higher in the sky, warming your skin. The spring breeze had settled, the lavender scent no longer lingering in the air.
"I can't believe you still can't swim," Pippin said, shaking his head. You groaned in frustration as a response. "You should know at this point!" he teased, skipping ahead of you and Merry. You shook your head. Still fidgeting with the fabric of your dress, Merry took notice of it.
"Can I help your anxiety in any way?" Merry said suddenly.
"How do you know I'm feeling anxious?" you asked, looking at him full of confusion. Merry smiled softly and compassionately.
"You always fidget something with your fingers when you feel anxious," he responded and gestured towards your sleeve, where the tips of your fingers now suddenly had stopped rubbing the dress, like they almost felt shy for being caught. You blinked slowly, moving your eyes to look at your delicate hands.
"I never realized that it was noticeable," you mumbled, slightly embarrassed. You were aware of it, but did not know it was a telltale sign of anxiety for others.
"We've been friends for years," he said, as the three of you kept walking towards the water on a gravel path, Pippin just slightly ahead of the two of you. "Of course I notice things like this."
You smiled at him, impressed by this small detail that he had noticed. Pippin was still slightly ahead of you two, every now and then stopping to gesture for you two to move faster. "That's kind of endearing, actually," you smiled and Merry let out a small snicker, turning his face to the ground.
"You actually have a lot of tells for how you're feeling," he said in a confident and knowing tone. This made you plead for him to tell you what he had noticed. "I'm not going to tell you what they are!" Merry smirked visibly amused. "Where's the fun in that?"
"If I have a tell, I will have you tell me what it is!" you said in a commanding tone, horrified of this revelation.
"I think not!" Merry exclaimed, his tone mischevous. "You just have to wonder about it for the rest of your life!" he laughed, and then in a mocking, high pitched voice, imitating you, he said: "Oh no! How did Meriadoc know I was exceptionally happy today? How did he notice I was nervous? Whatever will I do? How will I ever figure it out?"
"You jerk!" you laughed, elbowing his side gently, making him stumble a little to the left. It made him want to continue teasing you, still mocking you.
"Oh, how will I ever know? Merry is such a master at reading people!" he continued, making you crack up a little. You gave him a gentle push. You then suddenly bumped into Pippin, who was standing there, waiting for you.
"What took you so long?" Pippin asked.
"You were practically running!" Merry responded, still a wide smile on his face from teasing you. He gestured towards you and smirked. "And as I can tell from her expression, her old age has caught up to her, and her body gave up, forcing us both to slow down."
"Excuse me?" you said as your jaw dropped. "I am younger than you, Merry! I will have you know, if someone has any problems with their old age, it's you, Mister Brandybuck! Now, you old prune, what are my tells? Tell me!"
"My dear friend," Merry said, putting his hands on your shoulder. "I absolutely will not tell you."
"What are you two on about?" Pippin asked confused. Merry just chuckled, and gestured you both to follow him to a shallow part of the river, so you could safely sit with them without going too deep. You scrunched your nose at Merry, and walked behind him and Pippin to the water.
You had sat on a large rock, smoothed down by the flowing water, making it sparkle under the rays of sunshine. Every now and then some water ran over the rock, drenching your dress from the parts that were laid on the almost black stone. Twenty minutes had passed, and Merry gestured you to come closer to the slightly deeper water. You shook your head, fidgeting the sleeve of your dress anxiously. The water had finally washed away the jam from Pippin's lips as he kept plunging into the water, diving for what seemed like a forever. Pippin's head ascended from the cool water and he shook his head like a wet dog, trying to dry his curls.
"Come on, it's just waist deep!" Pippin tried to pursuade you. You just shook your head again. Pippin locked his eyes with Merry's. They both nodded in unison, turning to look at you again. "I bet you a small pouch of Southern Star that you don't have the courage."
Your ears perked up at the mention of pipe-weed. It was a delicious offer, but just the thought of going in any deeper made your heart pound faster. Pippin and Merry also knew just how to press your buttons right; they knew how competetive you were. "How much are we talking?" you inquired, your ears doing one small wiggle as your body started to show signs of peaked interest. This made Pippin and Merry chuckle.
"Does it matter? You don't have the guts!" Merry cried with a wide grin on his face. This made your fingers stop fidgeting the dress, and instead your fingertips squeezed the fabric tightly. You stood up, careful not to slip on the wet rock, and tipped your toes in the water, moving them on the surface lightly. You gave a challenging look to both mischevous hobbits, and hopped in the water, ankle deep. You took one deep breath, inhaling the warm air to help calm you down. One step after another, you slowly waded towards Merry and Pippin, who looked rather amused and impressed. The water rose as you waded in deeper and as the cold water touched your hips, you froze still.
It felt like the world stopped for a moment, and the surrounding noises of the river flowing suddenly sounded like an ominous threat coming closer and closer, about to swallow you whole. The bottom of the river was muddy and it felt like you would slowly sink, inch by inch, until you would be under water, unable to escape. The water felt like it tried to push you down, make you stumble and fall. It would laugh at your struggles to try and stay on the surface, making you regret ever taking even one step towards your best friends. How foolish of you to take up on a challenge, knowing the water was your enemy, who would smother you the first chance it got.
Suddenly you felt Merry's hand on your arm, shaking you softly. All you could hear was mumbling. Your ears were ringing and your vision was blurry, as you tried with all of your strength to not collapse from fear of facing the same destiny as your parents. Your feet lifted from the mud as Merry and Pippin lifted you by your armpits and waist to get you off to the dry land immediately, taking notice of your looming anxiety and inability to move even an inch.
What felt like forever, you soon got back to dry land and your hands gripped to the grass like it was the only thing that would keep you from falling into the flowing river. Your vision still blurry, you could distinguish the familiar voices of Merry and Pippin, but not one word was coherent. The grass felt safe and warm, pieces of dirt clinging to your wet palms and feet. You were starting to shake a little, still not able to move.
Soon you felt a warm palm on your cheek, turning your gaze to the direction of it's owner. Merry caught your attention enough to lock your eyes on his. His blue eyes felt comforting as they looked at you with compassion and care. You could see his lips moving, but not one word made sense to you. He gently brushed your cheek with his thumb, looking guilty from pressuring you.
"You're okay," you could finally decipher some of his words. Your brain felt fuzzy, and your lips were quivering with fear and anxiety. "You're safe, just breathe."
You took a deep breath, slow and steady, trying to push away the panic attack that was taking over your body. You followed Merry's guidance as much as you could make sense of it, slowly starting to feel more air in your lungs. The grass started to feel like grass again, instead of an anchor you had to hold on to, unless you wanted to drown. You felt Pippin's palm gently rubbing your back, as Merry was still caressing your cheek, guiding your every breath. You could slowly focus more, but you kept your gaze on his blue eyes, scared that if you turned your face away, the water would somehow jump on you and try to pull you back. It took you several minutes, but finally the two managed to calm you down. Your body still trembling lightly, you took one more deep breath.
"Well that was embarrassing," you jested, trying to lighten the mood immediately. Merry chuckled with relief and shook his head, lowering his hand to your shoulder from your face. Pippin didn't laugh, but instead made his way in front of your face next to Merry.
"Are you okay?" he asked nervously, clearly feeling some guilt for the second time that day. You nodded, looking at him reassuringly. Pippin's lips curled into a small smile. "Good, I thought you might feel embarrassed." You laughed loudly, voice slightly shaky.
They both got up on their feet, clothes drenched and every curl on their head dripping with water. You slowly got up, taking some support from the two hobbits and straightening your back. After a small discussion, you all agreed it was time to go home and calm down a little. Pippin did promise you that he would still give you some pipe-weed as a 'consolation prize.'
You made your way home alone for most of the journey, as Merry headed towards his home in Buckland and Pippin made his way to, in his own words, 'somewhere secret.'
The green round door of Bag End was there waiting for you, immediately providing you comfort at the sight. You entered your home and called your brother by his name. He was not your brother by blood, but being adopted to the same household and growing up together most of your lives made him as much of a brother as someone who was a blood relative would.
"Hello?" you shouted, the hallway echoing, seeming empty. You took just a few steps before Frodo's head popped up from behind a wall. He gave you a soft smile and let you know there was tea at the ready in the kitchen. Frodo had made it for himself, but so much of it was left that he decided to just let it sit there, knowing how much you liked his chamomille tea.
You made your way into the kitchen and poured some still warm tea into a small cup you inherited from your parents. It was decorated with yellow flowers and had been hand painted by your great-grandmother. You stirred it calmly, looking out of the round window, admiring the green grass and the butterflies flying around, enjoying the spring as much as any being would. The small silver spoon your uncle Bilbo had given you as a birthday present (that Lobelia Sackville-Baggins kept trying to steal) was softly moving in circles, creating music-like sounds when it hit the porcelain on the edges. Your dress had mostly dried up on your way home, but it was still slightly moist, making you do a small squirm as the slightly wet fabric of it kept clinging to your thigh.
With the tea in your hand, you started making your way to your room, but something stopped you in your tracks. As you passed a small round mirror, you noticed something behind your ear that was not supposed to be there. A small daisy was decorating your frame on the left side of your face. You touched the soft flower lightly. Merry had put it there while calming you down. A small chuckle escaped your throat. He really knew how to cheer you up, even if it took some time to notice the gesture.
Next chapter
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prettyboypistol · 1 month
Hey do you do multiple hobbits at once? If so, can you do a hobbit cuddle pile on top of human male reader? You're writing is amazing!
Hobbit Cuddle Pile LotRxM!Reader
You really shouldn't have complained that you were cold that night. That's all it took for all four hobbits to snuggle up closer to you and fall right asleep across your outstretched arms. Merry and Pippin on your left, Frodo and Samwise on your right. You got a few teasing remarks from Boromir and Gimli about how you're good with the halflings, but you didn't care. You were warm, surrounded by your boys, and delighted to be able to protect the littlest adventurers of your fellowship.
Especially Frodo- the poor thing. He'd been through so much due to that blasted ring, but then again- so did everyone. With Merry and Pippin being kidnapped, Legolas, Gimli, and Aragorn separated from Frodo and Samwise, everyone was thoroughly stressed out. But this? This was a brief respite from the cruel world. This night was a blissful, calm, and peaceful night.
That is, until Merry started to snore right into your ear. Who who hobbits could make such noise??
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sotwk · 3 months
Open Door for the WIP game please!
[Tag List Game]
About: "Open Door"
Oof! This WIP has been sitting in my drafts forever! It started with a trope challenge, and the prompt was "Locked in a Room Together". Originally, it was supposed to be a Legolas x Reader fic, until I realized that dashing Boromir would be the better option for the scenario. :)
It's a "first meeting/chance meeting" situation, set in Rivendell in the month between the Council of Elrond and the Fellowship's departure. It also includes a supporting appearance by two wascally wabbits Hobbits, and this would mark the very first time I'm writing them into a fic! Here is that snippet:
Your Dunedain friend had also reminded you that Hobbits were very quiet in their movements--when they chose to be. Fortunately, the copious amount of wine both Masters Meriadoc and Peregrin consumed at dinner was taking obvious effect. For all the natural speed and energy they retained, you could hear their echoing laughter and babble preceding them as they scampered through the dimly lit passageways, checking every shadowy corner and peering inside every room with an unlocked door.  As you paused to catch your breath, you bent over to massage your right ankle, which you had come dangerously close to twisting earlier on a broken pavestone. You perched on the base of a nearby marble statue and yanked off the satin slippers that had pinched your toes as you stood for most of the evening. They slowed you down even worse than your formal dress and for a moment you contemplated running barefoot for the rest of the game. With most of Lord Elrond’s visitors turned in for the night, would anyone be around to witness or care about one woman’s impropriety?   After what felt like just a few seconds of rest, you startled at the sound of hissing voices rising from the landing below.  “Keep it down, Pip! You’re wheezing like a firework fuse!” “It’s your troll shuffle that’ll give us away! Lift your fat heels, why don’t you!”
No dashing Captain of the White Tower yet, but hopefully this can also make you smile. :) You can probably tell where it's headed.
Whether or not this silly, fluffy one-shot ever gets completed, I honestly don't know. But you know me--I'll keep trying! Especially since it received the most Asks in this round of the WIP Title Game!
Tagging the others who asked: @softboiledwonderland @scyllas-revenge and Anon friend -- thank you so much! :)
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ben-pincus · 2 years
pippin is a little shit that snores loudly and sleeps with his mouth wide open and goes "honk shoo honk shoo"
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streets-in-paradise · 6 months
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Relationships: (Platonical) Eowyn x (Fem)Gondorian!Reader / Eowyn x Aragorn (crush talking)/ Pippin x (Fem)Gondorian Reader
Warnings: Use of she/her pronoums
Summary: As a prelude to the celebrations on the victory over Saruman, the ladies of Rohan and Gondor participate in a simple encounter that seils their friendship validating each other's feelings in dark and lightfull topics concerning their hearts.
Note: For my dear friend @beautifultypewriter, inspired in her Gondor Girl concept. ( If you happen to like this one, I will keep working on releasing one more going full into the idea I brainstormed to you in dms)
Even after witnessing his demise, the voice of Saruman kept haunting her mind for a while during the trip back to Edoras. Despite being warned about it, she had certainly not behaved properly when facing the evil wizard responsible for the orc attack that caused the death of her brother followed by the kidnap of the hobbits. For once, she was the one doing exactly what Gandalf told her not to do and paid the price.
As a result of her angered search for a confrontation, she made herself another target of the prideful scolding. Saruman shifted guilt with skillful rhetoric, saying it was her who failed Boromir and let him die. The charm of his voice got her heart stricken with guilt. Although he didn’t waste much time on her, his insults were precise. He called her a wild beast that in nothing resembled the grace of a gondorian lady, a standing proof of the inexorable degradation in the lineage of Numenor that the ruling of Aragorn would not fix. In his conclusion, he didn’t forget to mention that Denethor would have rather been freed of a daughter than robbed of his eldest son. 
From all those claims, he presented at least one truth. 
The reminder of her father’s indifference was the last thing she needed at that precise moment. After acquiring a modest glory in the battlefield for the first time in her young life, being forced to think of Denethor was like having the victory being taken away. Her wins were twisted into flaws, making her feel once more relegated to the obscure spot he reserved for her back home. 
Only the sweet voice of Pippin bringing her back from the self absorption as they were riding away from Isengard managed to counteract the perverse effect. Given the rushed nature of their reencounter, he accepted no one else to take him merely because he wanted more time with her. The excited ramblings from her beloved hobbit about the escape from the orcs, his adventures in Fangorn, and his involvement on the attack plan of the Ents were enough to ease her heart.
On his part, Merry didn’t hesitate on reclaiming his share of the honors while hearing the tales from close, but he also understood that his cousin was trying to impress his lady. In return, Gimli told them in a prideful tease about the bewilderment that a certain gondorian shieldmaiden had caused among the Rohirrim through her courageous acts fighting alongside him, Legolas and Aragorn in the front line at Helm’s Deep. His comments made Pippin’s impulse to present himself in an heroic light increase with his admiration of her. 
It was simply lovely and she didn’t doubt in filling him with praise until he became a blushing mess hiding behind her. At the same time, he had accidentally reminded her of how proud Boromir would have been if he could have seen them together again after performing such great actions and that thought casted the sadness away. Time for celebrations was approaching and that brought a different, simpler reminder to her calmer mind. 
Until then, the people of Theoden had only met one side of her. Precisely the one she had forbidden at home, since they knew her as the warrior maiden of the Fellowship initially playing wolf on sheep’s clothing for Wormtongue only to reveal herself moments later. Since that fight the situation allowed her to never get back in disguise. The refined lady of Gondor once seen in Rivendell never stepped Rohan, but she thought it would be fun if she would make a comeback for the party. 
Let no one say ever again that she had no glimpses of the grace legends attributed to her bloodline.  
Presented with all the comforts that Eowyn could share with her, the transformation became an easy and midly fun previous step. It gave them time to have a good long talk together while taking part on a lady-like activity that wouldn't raise any concerns. The niece of Theoden had her own personal interest guiding a sudden want to perform feminity, one her friend knew that she wouldn't comment with anyone else. Revisiting her wardrove in the calm of her bedroom while talking of the latest events she didn't got to witness was a good start for both. For instance, she was a witness watching for her and willing to share details that her relatives didn't bother on comment to her before.
" He died doing what he loved, ... backstabbing his master. " The gondorian joked into her telling of Wormtongue's death. " Your uncle, infinitely kind hearted as he is, was still offering him a second chance. I think that worm realized he had made a strong bet on the wrong horse, but Legolas gave him no span to show the king any regrets. An arrow to his chest, quite ironical way to die considering what he did. "
Eowyn gave her a half smile, unsure of how to feel besides from a deep relief.
" His black heart craved only power, control over me."
The girl knew exactly what she meant. Her meticulous work hidding the most controversial aspects of herself from her father's sight weren't enough to keep her fame completely clean. Rumours had spread subtly, and to many men craving control those have came out as attractive. If the only daugther of the Steward was wild as the forest, every single one of them believed themselves to be the one that could tame her.
" You are free of him." She sweetly concluded, holding her hand and abandoning her sight from the beautifull garments to focus completely on her. " And we can still hate him in secret, if you wish. I have encountered my own amount of despicable noblemen in Gondor, but none of them has yet sold to the dark power hoping to receive me as spoil of war from the looting of his own countrymen. You resisted with courage, one of the kind that many soldiers in the battlefield won't understand. I do, and admire you for it. "
It was the most heartfelt compliment Eowyn had received in a good while and it was hard to explain why a surprising happiness invaded her.
" You, my friend? After obtaining glory for both of us? "
The gondorian was eyeing the blue fabric of a cute dress she was considering to choose.
A reminder of the sea, of her mother.
" Would you believe me if I tell you that your domestic feat remains more impressive to me than all my killings at Helm's Deep?" She suddenly confessed. " Being alone in Minas Tirith with Denethor would be a nightmare on itself. To that add one of my brothers dead and the other one exiled, while also having to flee from the advances of a repulsive man seeking to submit me through resignation. Inviting me everyday to accept him as some inevitable fate, remiding me I'm alone in the world ... I don't think I would have endured it as well as you did, always keeping your royal dignity."
Eowyn had sat on the bed and, dress in hand, her friend followed.
" If you think I'm strong, please look at yourself, because your strenght inspired me that night."
" In some twisted way that escapes all forseen ends, justice was served. " Was her simple reply. " Your brother and my cousin are avenged."
The garment was carefully placed at their side as the guest rushed to hug her.
" Vengeance is not over, because you are going to look gorgeous for your crush and have fun. " She mischievously whispered. " Haven't you think about it? The hatred on Grima's eyes as he was leaving Meduseld was too focused on Aragorn, and now I think I see why ... "
The rohirrim lady looked up in shamefull surprise.
" No, you don't! " She attempted to defend herself in a playfull tone, breaking the contact. " That's not true, and I don't know how it occured to you, but ..."
" But Arwen is leaving with her kind, as far as I know, so I don't see an issue." The gondorian encouraged her. " I got to meet her in Rivendell, and I meet her father ... If I had one as wonderfull as Elrond, I would too seek to follow him. Besides, you are my best friend and Aragorn has become like a brother to me. if a mortal woman shall eventually come to cure his sadness, I would rather her be you. "
Her eyes were shinning with hope, but not only to the kind voice inspiring her yet a third kind of courage to face her growing feelings for the Ranger.
Loneliness fading, like ice slowly melting, to the certainty of knowing she had found a friend. Another presumably lonely young woman, at least in terms of companionship that could be found of other women, who had so quickly shifted such strong affection towards her.
" As my beloved friend that you are, I beg you not to feed my dreams so soon."
" Allow yourself to dream for a while, you deserve it" The foreign girl insisted. " If things don't work as we expected, we will deal with that later ... Together. "
She liked the sound of the last sentence, but kept her objections.
" How? Do you know the cure for a broken heart? "
" Let that brave heart of yours to take the risk, not only by the blade its strenght can be measured. " The gondorian concluded, then kissed her forehead. " If turns out my brother of the sword is not the one, I still have one more blood brother to introduce you to. And if you don't like that one, I'm pretty sure Merry has no hobbit lass waiting for him at the Shire. "
Her positivity and will to comfort her ended up getting a few chuckles out of her. Not exactly because of the jokes, but due to the happyness she found in her insistent support.
" I believe your love for the halflings is starting to put Gandalf's to shame."
The called out lady smiled, clearly on remembrance of her own infatuation.
" One stay in Rivendel and days of travel on our quest was all it took for Peregrin Took to win me over, and he wasn't even trying. " She began to tell. " There are some men of Gondor that think not much different from the says of Saruman about me: a wild beast, only to them I'm a fair one ... And all wildeness is up to be conquered and rulled, owned to make use of. They approach me like a mare in need of taming, thinking they will perform the miracle of my submission. Do you understand now how could I have fallen for one of hobbits that released the forest? "
She could have continued, but no more words were needed to make her understand the core of her reasoning on her feelings.
" Wouldn't you prefer the green one?" Eowyn pointed out, regarding the dress choice. " In homeage to Fangorn, and your love."
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live-laugh-legolas · 21 days
Hi it’s me again 💀 anyway my request—
The fellowship reacting to reader dancing and singing on a table then asking them to join them up there?
So fun! Idk if I need to put a warning but I imagined these being in a pub so alcohol is mentioned (please drink responsibly)
Tabletop Dancing
-He watches with a smile behind his cup of ale
-Kinda like the smile he gives when he sees Merry and Pippin high as hell in Isengard
-He is very amused and loves watching you have fun
-But he was not expecting to be asked to join
-I don’t think he is much of a dancer and although he does sing, he doesn’t necessarily do it in a pub sort of fashion
-He won’t get up on the table with you
-But he will hold your hand and walk around the table with you
-Another reason he won’t get on the tables is because he is too tall
-I’m pretty sure he is canonically 6’6
-His head would bust a hole through the ceiling and scare the living shit out of the people in the room above
-He’s a little shocked at first
-Elves party different from other races; and this seems a bit… uncivilized
-But he is nothing if not open to learning new cultures and traditions
-He finds it very fun to engage in; much to his surprise
-I think movie Legolas may not want to get on the tables; but if we are going by the books then he absolutely will jump up and will walk around on the backs of chairs because he’s a show off
-He does fancy twirls with you
-He possibly accidentally throws you off the table doing this
-Ok; he is fully accepting of this and has no hesitation to join
-Dwarves love a good party, and especially this dwarf
-Even more so if he’s had a bit to drink
-Maybe don’t pull him up on the tables though
-Dwarves may be short, but they are solid and should not jump on tables if you want to have a table afterwards
-He will sing his heart out with you
-He is so loud it drowns you out but that’s alright
-He is clapping and singing along the whole time
-Like Aragorn he also is a bit too tall for table dancing
-However he is not deterred once he’s drunk enough
-He’s definitely a light weight though so it’s doesn’t take long for him to get up there and belting his heart out with you
-He steals the show if we are honest
-He will fall off the table
-Every time
-We know this Hobbit will get up on a table to perform
-He’s not shy to having a good time
-He is happy to be pulled up onto the tables with you to dance
-He definitely kicks a few cups over because he’s a little clumsy
-But no one can even be mad at him because he is so cute
-Seriously that smile is even worse than puppy eyes
-Probably the hardest to convince to join you
-He’s just not one to enjoy being the center of attention
-But he loves watching you having a great time
-He will need to be a few drinks in to join
-He is more worried about you falling off the table
-He will kind of dance around the table but really he’s just there in case you trip
-He will be singing whatever song you were singing the next day
-It is stuck in his head and he’s much more open to singing when not in a crowd
-It all depends on his mood
-He doesn’t want to say no to you and he does enjoy a good table tap dance
-However he also likes just observing the joyful scene
-He will sing duets with you
-He is less involved as Pippin though, and instead favors hyping you up over putting on his own show
-He joins in with cheers to call and response type songs
-You don’t even have to ask
-He’s already up there with you
-Every table is this a stage for this hobbit
-You two are absolute menaces but the life of the party so it evens out
-Full choreography
-You always get a standing ovation
-This is like a weekly thing for you two at least
-You guys have loyal fans
-This old wizard loves a good jig
-At first I was thinking he would never get up on the tables
-But then I realized he absolutely would if he was drunk enough
-Idk why but I have decided he knows how to break dance but will complain about how sore he is the next day
-He will deny ever dancing on the tables or belting out songs
-He’s too old and dignified for that…
I hope this is a good enough response. I realize this isn’t really their reaction to the reader as much as just how they join in lol.
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ar3-y0u-l0st · 26 days
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Requests: Open / Closed
"One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to find them. One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."
Feather & Stone - Feather & Stone II - Feather & Stone III
(*) Will not, under any circumstances, write smut
(**) If you're into them then I won't deprive you ig
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