#bilbo baggins x reader
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lsd-astronaut · 2 days ago
First of all just wanted to say your writing is great and take your time with all your requests no rush! ❤️ I was wondering if you’d write some headcanons about the hobbit boys and bilbo with a hobbit plus sized/chubby reader? I’d image that body type is a lot more accepted for hobbits since they eat so much and honestly it might even be the beauty standard lol. I just think it’s sweet to imagine that my favorite hobbit boys would probably love me just as I am
After watching the movies for the first time yesterday, I can finally feel like an imposter no longer, and your request is well-received along with your fair praise, my lady lord liege. I absolutely adore writing about the hobbits and I shall have much fun with this.
The hobbits with a plus sized Hobbit!Reader (Headcanons)
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He is not considered quite attractive at all to the usual hobbit; his skin too pale, and his body a bit too thin for the beauty standards you can find in the Shire. For this reason, he never really expected to meet someone he could call his in exchange for being called theirs, and was quite content to being a bachelor for life.
That all changed when he met you. At first glance, he thought you to be very attractive. But, surely you would be busy fending off other people's advances. To his surprise, he constantly sees you on your own, in public scenes. Finally, on his birthday party, he decides to approach you and strike a conversation.
A few weeks later, and you find yourself spending most of your time with this curious hobbit. You are aware the tiniest bit that you two must look weird together, but Frodo's personality shines through and you wouldn't change him for anything. You tell him as much the moment he dares to officially ask you out.
Dating him goes pretty smoothly, but sometimes there are tiny rocks that get in your way. Whether the insecurities stem from you or him, it is a fact that they are there.
Frodo feels like you should be with anyone else, and you feel like Frodo should be with someone more knowledgeable than you. This initial obstacle gets swiftly solved after a much-needed conversation where both of you lie yourselves open to the other. Needless to say, you come out from it much more connected than before.
Frodo is not a very good cook; Bilbo was the one who mainly did the kitchen duty, and he did try to teach his favourite nephew, but Frodo was a free spirit and preferred to spend his days reading a book. Still, he tries to cook for you with the help of Sam, who is a surprisingly stern teacher in gastronomical matters.
Before the Quest, he loved lying his head down on your thighs, as their softness was bliss for him. Afterwards, the comfort is still there but you are aware of the sheer need that underlies Frodo's actions. Your softness feels like an anchor to something he thought he had lost by the Ring's hand.
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The most conveniently attractive of the four hobbits, yet he is very shy and also of a lower class, so he does not have many suitors. He has accepted this fact as well as he could but his eyes still strayed to you whenever he saw you in The Green Dragon while he was hanging out with Frodo, Merry, and Pippin.
Once you start dating, you are the most adorable and famous couple in that part of the Shire.
You help him a lot to get out of his shell, and he really appreciates the effort you make, even if he sometimes think he is not worthy of it. Thoughts like that are not allowed in your household and so you make him leave that notion aside.
The lovesick glances do not stop throughout the relationship, no matter how much time passes. Sam loves you as much (or more) as he did the first time he saw you.
One of his love languages is physical touch but every time he does touch you, he will get so flustered and his face so red that you start wondering if maybe you should call a healer.
Cooks all your favourite foods for you because "someone as pretty as you should be healthy and eating enough."
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Fuck, does this guy (hobbit) adore you.
Although he may seem a bit shallow, only caring about the external appearance, your personality was the biggest reason why he chose to get close to you and ultimately stay. However, your appearance did have an effect of him, let's be honest.
After returning to the Shire, he had lost a lot of his fat, and was pure muscle, which made him a bit conscious of lying down with you, thinking he was too uncomfortable for you to cuddle him.
Further from the truth, you cuddle him even more, and are the big spoon whenever he needs it, which is now more than before the Quest. He not so secretly loves it when you cuddle like this because he just feels like he is enveloped by pure love.
Should he hear even a peep of any insecurity that may plague you, he will make sure that you hear him talk wonders about you to other hobbits and big folk that he meets. You comfort him, and he does his due duty like a decent partner.
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Again, a rather skinny hobbit for the Shire beauty canon. He doesn't really care about it to be honest, he is just so happy to spend time with you.
Does not leave your side if he can help it. Constantly wants to show you off and will talk everyone's ear off if you don't stop him (preferably with a kiss).
Teases you a LOT by poking your tummy whenever he gets bored and you're sitting side by side.
Whenever you're cuddling, he will position himself on top of you and put his hands under your shirt, and just bask in your warmth, as he makes cookies like a very content cat. If you play with his hair in that position, he will start snoring in minutes.
After the Quest, he was even skinnier, which made you focus on your newfound goal: make sure your partner regained his lost weight. He adores your cooking, so he is really excited about it.
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Your designated cook no matter what you say. He doesn't "trust these dwarves to make anything that would befit a hobbit." He does a fairly good job with what supplies he has during the journey to Erebor. It's not as good as what he would make at home in Bag End, but you assure him that the gesture just makes it taste wonderful.
If anyone is mean to you because of your appearance, which gets more frequent as you get further from the Shire, he will be on them like a hellhound. No one speaks about you in that manner, and if he ever did that, he would beat himself.
Whenever he is not complaining during the Journey, he will be listing in his head possible meals he thinks you would like. Ends up imagining your smile at his work, and Thorin is just wondering if Gandalf didn't make a mistake by choosing this hobbit as a burglar; why, he only whines, and blushes at nothing!
At what point am I just repeating myself five times? Anyways, I hope you like this! It took me sooo long so I'm sorry for that💕
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celeste-clearwater-06 · 1 year ago
okay, there's a trend that came and went on tiktok a while ago of people reading their lists of modern day things they think characters would have loved if it were in their time. i will never EVER get tired of watching them and those vids heavily inspired this post 😭 (ALSO FIRST WRITING SINCE IVE BEEN BACK LETS GOOOO)
so without further ado...
rip thorin's company, you would have loved... (pt. 1)
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r.i.p. thorin, you would have loved lord huron
rick grimes from the walking dead
wet brushes
google maps
making a secret thirst trap account on tiktok
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r.i.p. bilbo, you would have loved trader joes
ring doorbells
facebook neighborhood watch
swiffer wet jet
keeping up with the kardashians
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r.i.p. gandalf you would have loved life360
caines chicken
st. louis city museum
child harnesses
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r.i.p. fìli, you would have loved Instagram reels
sad older sibling tiktoks
0.5x pictures
hello kitty/sanrio girls
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r.i.p. kìli you would have loved mewing
native hair wash
snapchat streaks
photodumping on instagram
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r.i.p. dwalin you would have loved planet fitness
to catch a predator with jim hansen
the will smith slap drama
dude wipes
teenage mutant ninja turtles
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r.i.p.balin you would have loved ibuprofen
low quality inspirational quotes on facebook
air fryers
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r.i.p. bofur you would have loved impractical jokers
the superbowl
cringey minion memes
andy bernard from the office
snoop dog
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r.i.p. ori you would have loved minecraft
selling stuff on etsy
aesthetic pinterest boards
the perks of being a wallflower
spotify premium
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r.i.p. dori you would have loved five minute crafts
the pioneer woman cookbook
(i forgot there's a 10 image limit😞)
lemme know if you guys want a part 2 !! it feels great getting to write whatever i want again!! love you guys so much!! also please send me requests cause i need to get these creative juices back into the flow of things 😭🙏 thank you! 🩷💘💞🌷🌸🌺
tag list : @kumqu4t @tolkien-fantasy @blueberryrock @to-be-frank-i-dont-care @luna-xial @legolaslovely @fizzyxcustard @pistachiozombie @imaginexhobbit @beenovel
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shiinata-library · 5 months ago
Imagine: First kiss with them
Thorin, Fíli, Kíli, Bilbo's first kiss with you
[ 📚 Main Imagines Masterlist 📚 ]
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Thorin often thought about kissing you. A lot, in fact. Alright, too many times. Maybe because you’re often very close to him. Physically. Maybe because he likes how you are with him. Or maybe because he is in love with you. But he is a dwarf, a dwarf prince actually, so he shouldn’t do it on an impulse, without courting you first. It wouldn’t be proper, right? Yet, it would be easier, if you wouldn’t be so attractive. It’s your fault! Why do you smile like that every time you look at him ?
Everytime you’re alone with Thorin, in the evening next to the fire or in the morning when everyone packs their things while you’re already done (it’s fast when you have nothing), you wonder how you could be more than friend with him. Do dwarves have any rules about dating? One evening, you ask for advice from Fíli and Kíli. Worst decision ever. As soon as you see their smiles, you regret asking them. Between their “why?”, “which?”, or “tell us everything!”, you will never have your answer, and you don’t dare ask anyone else. Maybe Balin could help you, but he already has a lot to do. 
When things start to be serious with Goblin-town, orcs and Eagles, you decide to focus on the quest, trying to survive. Thorin notices something has changed when he talks to you, as if an invisible wall has been built. You’re not distant, but he doesn’t catch your eyes as often as usual, or you go to sleep as soon as you eat, no longer spending time chatting together. Things like this made his days better during this long, dangerous quest.
“Are you alright?” he has the courage to ask you a night as he closes the front door of Beorn’s house while you’re sitting on a bench. “Yes, I just need a little fresh air. It’s so peaceful here, so I try to enjoy it the most I can,” you say, barely looking at him as he sits next to you. “Dwarves can be loud outside, but it’s worse inside, right?” he says in his usual serious tone. “Yeah, wait! I didn’t mean…” you hurry to say, looking suddenly at him as you raise your both hands in panic. Despite his serious tone, his eyes are smiling like his nephew used to after a joke. Once you chuckle, Thorin gets back to his usual behaviour with you. Then, you both talk like you used to when you can’t fall asleep some night during the journey, before the goblins, orcs and eagles, before even Rivendell. A long time ago…
It’s quiet and dark as you open your eyes slowly, feeling a weird sensation of falling. Thorin is just above you, his face close enough for you to smell the pipe-weed and leather. You slowly blink. His tempting lips just a few centimetres from yours. It could only be a dream, right? 
Someone will tell you later that you fell asleep on Thorin’s shoulder and he carried you to your makeshift bed. He was about to put you in your bed when you opened your eyes. Thorin’s hands are still holding you, one on your back and the other on your hip. But you don’t know that. So you do as you used to in your dreams : with your hand on his cheek, you move your lips forward to kiss him, as slowly as a half-awake person could.
Thorin didn’t see it coming. Not at all. His hands drop you suddenly and you fall on your bed, forced to wake up now. The surprise quiets you as you understand it wasn’t a dream. What could you say? What could you do? Raising your head doesn’t help since you can’t read his eyes with the darkness of the room. Yet, his eyes don’t leave you, and he hasn’t left either.
“I-I’m sorry!” you eventually stammer. Oh it’s hard to speak! “I thought… I thought I was dreaming.” Remaining at the same place, Thorin clears his throat. “Of kissing me?” he says in the deepest voice you ever heard. “Well, hm, yes… But I’m sorry. I don’t know anything about Dwarves' customs about dating stuff. Please just forget it.” You stare at him, waiting nervously for his answers. He doesn’t move, but he eventually asks, “Was it better than your dreams?”
You don’t know how much time passed before you speak again, but it seems Thorin wasn’t joking, so you quietly answer him, “It was so much better…” The silence resumes again, yet you eventually notice his hand in your hair. Since when does he stroke your hair? It’s dark, but you see him smiling. Genuinely smiling. “I don’t know about Men’s culture either. Can I kiss you now?” he asks, hesitating. “Only if you want to…” you reply, hoping you have chosen the good words. 
“Mahal, if you know what I want to…” he sighs before leaning a little to feel your lips again. As he could have barely tasted them before, he takes his time now to devour them. ‘His time’ until Dwalin bursts in, telling Thorin about the latest mistake his nephews had just made.
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Who knew that escaping a goblins’ horde would be scarier than facing them? As soon as they got out of Gobelins’ town, Kíli was free but it missed something. Or someone. You. He looked for you but didn’t see you anywhere. Only you and Bibo were missing. His brother and the others tried to reassure him but it was no use since they didn’t find you. 
When you finally join them, totally breathless, Bilbo is finishing his speech. Kíli runs to you and hugs you as soon as he joins you. “I thought I’d lost you…” he sighs. “You won't get rid of me that easily,” you laugh. You always wanted to say that. In other circumstances, Kíli might have laughed, but not now. When he pulls back just enough to see you, you notice how scared he was. There's something different about his eyes. His hands on your arms tense but you stay quiet. The only thing you’re focused on is his lips approaching you slowly…
Too slowly! You both jump when Thorin is yelling for everyone to run away. Then, everything happens fast. Orcs, Bolg, wargs, eagles!
Are The Carrock safe? You really hope so because you’re so tired that you remain sitting on the ground, trying to tell your heart to calm down. Then, Thorin wakes up and hugs Bilbo under the eyes of everyone. You look at Erebor from where you are, enjoying the calm of the morning sunrise.
When you’re feeling better, you stand up, tapping your clothes to remove dust and twigs trapped inside. Erk you never have been so dirty! As you remove the last leaves in your hair, you’re thinking about joining the company until you hear someone approaching you. 
“Amrâlimê?” Kíli says, just in front of you, close enough to see the fatigue on his face despite his bright smile. First, you think you've heard wrong. Obviously. He continues to walk toward you, then he hugs you as if it was the last you see each other. You close your arms around him. “I’m glad you’re alive,” he murmurs, his head still hidden in your neck. The warmth of his breath makes you shiver, but his smell comforts you. When he moves back a little, you notice how his hair is messy. You smile as you remove some leaves from it. Kíli looks at you as if you were the most beautiful thing he has ever seen despite the layer of dust still covering your face. But you don’t see it. You stop when he puts his forehead on yours. “As I said, you won't get rid of me that easily,” you say, this time making him laugh. “I hope so, Amrâlimê,” he murmurs as he moves back just enough to see your eyes. You try to say his Khuzdul word, and his smile confirms he understands you. 
Then, the very next moment, his both hands slide over your cheeks to guide your face towards his. He waits a short time before kissing you, a long, tender kiss. “I’m so glad you’re alive,” he says before kissing you again. “I’m glad too,” you say before pulling him to a new deeper kiss, not noticing everyone is already leaving without you.
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Fíli and Kíli never left your side during the quest. They were always with you, protecting you or teasing you. From the Shire to… Rivendell.  
In Rivendell, you feel safe enough to explore outside or inside alone. Everything is unbelievable. There is so much to see that it's a pleasure to explore both day and night. After some days here, you usually take a short walk after dinner, then you sit at a table in Elrond’s library. Not that you don't like the company, but it’s nice to spend a quiet evening reading an interesting book with the light of a candle.
“So you like books…” you hear as Fíli sits down on the chair next to you. After blocking the page you were reading, you turn back to him. With your finger over your mouth, you shush him, pointing at the elves reading at other tables. Thanks to a quill and a bottle of ink already on the table, you write on a piece of paper, “Once I finish this book, I'll join you outside.” After showing him the paper, he takes the quill and writes back, “I wait here”. 
You frown first, but knowing he's one of the dwarves who can behave, you resume your lecture. Well, he usually behaves, but tonight, you don’t know why, he had decided otherwise. While you try to read the book, he does everything to distract you : making a hat with the paper, tickling you with the quill, blowing on your ear, … You resist until he touches your hair, making braiding a lock of your hair.
You’re sure everyone can hear your heart beating loudly. Wait, where’s everyone? Are they all left? Are you alone in this library with Fíli braiding your hair? When did it get so hot here? 
As you still don’t pay attention to him, Fíli leans toward you. You know he is smirking. You know he is enjoying it. “What can I do to make you stop reading?” he whispers in a chuckling tone. Teasing you is one of his favourite things during the journey. Especially when you’re alone. But here, now, you don’t know how to react. It’s not teasing, for you it’s flirting. And he never flirted like that.
You pretend you’re reading the book but all your senses are on Fíli. So, when he suddenly kisses your cheek, your body reacts alone, turning your head toward him. In no time, his lips are on yours. Even though you’re surprised at first, you’re totally melting then. The book falls off your hand and you feel Fíli laughing. Yet, since you grab his jacket and kiss him back, he deepens the kiss, leaving both of you breathless when he pulls back. “If I'd known…” he starts before you kiss him again, not letting him speak with his teasing tone.
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Danger was everywhere during your journey, but when you arrived at Beorn’s, you could finally relax. It has been a long time since you felt safe, so you truly enjoy it. 
An evening after dinner with everyone, you’re both sitting outside on the grass, in the allowed area that Beorn told you. Thanks to the usual sounds of the night, it’s quiet and relaxing. Bilbo had joined you with tea and Beorn’s cakes, and now you’re chatting. For once, you look at the sky without worrying of the weather…
“It couldn’t be better,” you say while a light breeze blows on your hair as you drink tea. “I don’t remember the last time we were in a safe place. Safe with tea and cake! And that diner! Perfect! What more could we ask? Wine maybe.” Bilbo laughs with you. You both talk until it’s totally dark except the light coming from the house’s windows. Bilbo and you are used to chatting in the evenings. Just with him or with some other dwarves. Silence eventually takes over when you run out of things to talk about. It’s a peaceful landscape on the horizon if you don’t think of the orcs in the east or the spiders in the west.
Lost in your mind, you grab another piece of Beorn’s cake. With all the honey on it, you can't help but lick your fingers. A sound coming from Bilbo makes you turn towards him instinctively. He stares at you, while you –not elegantly– struggle to chew the large piece of cake in your mouth. Trying to understand him, you analyse him, your eyes remaining maybe too long on his lips, but anyway! Why is he staring at you? Did you eat the last cakes? Oh, he wouldn't be happy… He breathes silently before asking you, “Can I kiss you?”.
He almost looks as surprised as you by his own courage. “Wh-what?” you could only say with your mouth full of cake. After swallowing everything quickly and with difficulty, you resume, “Kiss? Who? Me? Now? But I’m eating.” Bilbo is not moving a bit, waiting for your answer. Does he even breathe? Do you breathe? Then, he tries a smile, “Is that a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’?”
With your sleeves, you hurry to wipe your mouth, then you reply to him, “Yes! Absolutely yes!”. In no time, he slides his hands on your cheeks to pull you to his lips. He starts with a shy kiss. Progressively, Bilbo deepens it, making you fall backwards on the grass. He follows you, staying above, not stopping the kiss for a moment. 
While a hand keeps him from falling on you, his other grips your waist firmly. You didn’t know he could be so eager to kiss you. Maybe you should stop him… “Beorn’s cake tastes better on your tongue,” he pants just before resuming the kiss. Alright, who would stop him, right? Forgetting everything except him, you slide your arms around his head and continue to taste his delicious lips, until you hear something far away. An orc’s cry. An orc dying. Then, nothing, not even a night animal. You both stopped when you heard it. “We should go inside,” you whisper. “Yes, indeed…” Bilbo says, looking where the cry was coming from. “I’m sure we can make some tea,” you try as you put everything Bilbo brought on a plate. He stands up, takes the plate, and kisses you quickly. “You’re right. Let’s go inside,” he says, walking to the house with a cute, cocky smile.
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kaminokatie · 9 months ago
so i watched the hobbit for the first time yesterday and my god does that thorin have me in a chokehold. i so desperately want to write a fic about him, but would anybody be interested? i’d make a whole account dedicated to lotr/hobbit fics if it did well!
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jo-gakky · 2 months ago
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Bilbo comfort doodle because im going into a depressive episode. I apologize if i start to become less active and communicative on all platforms for a bit.
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welikeimagines-andfandoms · 10 months ago
LOTR and Hobbit NSFW Headcanons part 3
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- Is more about love making then he is fucking
- but if you’re on top he turns into a panting and moaning mess
- Loves to worship your body
- Wants you to take charge and take care of him
- Praise this man and he will moan and keen like nothing else
- Kneeling before you
- He’s such a good boy!
- Just wants to be good and please his partner
- Hates pain play. Do not do it
- Isn’t opposed to his partner being a bit rough with him but no slapping or choking
- Compliments is his foreplay
- “You did so well at training, sweet boy. I want to reward you for being so strong and brave.”
- Kissing your calves while in missionary
- He doesn’t have to thank you but he likes to
- Missionary and cowgirl are his favourite
- Doesn’t really like doggy
- Unless he’s getting pegged/fucked
- “You’re taking me so well, Faramir.”
- If he’s with a male partner he likes receiving in doggy and having their hands run up and down his spine
- Bending over him to whisper praise in his ear while he gets fucked
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- Like with most hobbits, Bilbo loves eating pussy
- Has a thing for eating out his partner under their dress
- Pulls down the top so your tits are out and then he crawls under the fabric of your dress/skirt
- Loves to eat out his partner in his garden
- Laying on the soft grass while Bilbo goes to town on you under your dress
- Wants his hair pulled so badly that he will grab your hand to put in his hair
- Time with the dwarves didn’t change his softness too much but a little bit of dwarf comes out when you ride him
- He has no time for your “I’m too heavy” nonsense! Get on top now!
- Is honestly pretty lighthearted in the bedroom
- There’s never really an awkward moment he can’t laugh off and bring you back into the mood
- Wants to constantly reassure you how good you’re doing and how good you make him feel
- “You did nothing wrong my love. Doing so well for me.”
- Sweet quiet moans with lots of gasps
- Can be a bit of a perv but in a wholesome way
- Always stares when you bend over and tries to look up your skirt when you reach for things
- Isn’t opposites to penetrative sex but it’s certainly not his favourite
- Likes when his lover plays with him sweetly by the fire
- Wants to take care of his partner and be taken care of in return
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- Dominant 100%
- When she says ‘sit’ on her face she means ‘SIT’ not hover and apologise
- Will grab your hips so you’re probably sitting
- Seeing you all sweaty turns her on
- Post training sexy time
- Sex in the training room when no one’s there
- “You have to be quiet if you want me to taste you. Can’t have someone walking in on us, sweetheart.”
- Likes to feel strong and somewhat masculine in the bedroom so will give you soft nicknames
- How she is in the bedroom depends on her mood
- Rough and dominant after training or battle
- But sweet and soft on those lazy rainy days together where you can take your time with each other
- Likes the thrill of sneaky sex, seeing where she can do it and get away with it
- Stables, training grounds, kitchen, hallways
- She can get so focused on your pleasure she forgets about her own
- Tries to put on a front and act like she doesn’t but she becomes so soft when you make her cum
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- Body worship!
- Will take his time with his partner, worshipping and kissing every inch of them
- Doesn’t mean to overstimulate his partner but they just sound so pretty when they cum over and over again
- Fucking from behind against his desk
- Is down for most of what his partner is down for
- If you’re into dominant play stuff he’s more of a soft dom
- Is the dom who will say “I’m not mad, I’m disappointed”
- Not against a bit of oral cockwarming while he works
- “Good girl/boy. Such a sweet little thing for me.”
- Loves to praise you and focuses all his energy on your pleasure alone
- Will never stop telling you how well you’re doing or how wonderful you sound and feel
- “You take me so well, my darling.”
- Sex is a whole event for him, from foreplay to aftercare
- Honestly sort of hates quickies
- Eye contact is his favourite
- “Look at me, my love. I want to watch as you come undone for me.”
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- Get ready to be thrown around!
- Will hold you down hard to stop you squirming
- Craves making her partner cum so much that she’s almost mean
- Rough in the bedroom but could gently make out with her partner for hours
- Soft and sweet touches with foreplay but rough with sex
- Is the softest, sweetest and most gentle person with aftercare
- Hard eye contact while she’s going down on you
- Likes to watch your reactions
- Playing with you while she watches your face intently
- Your sweet sounds make her smile
- Cheeky and likes to tease you in public
- Wants to grab at any part of you that she can
- Not really a boobs or butt woman, just loves your whole body
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letaliabane · 4 months ago
The Aftermath (CARE FOR SERIES)
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Pair: Thorin Oakenshield x Healer!Reader (a pretty short human one too lol) A/N: The fight for Erebor is finally over! The war has been won! However as the mountain and the town of Dale begin to thrive once more, our couple are more apart than ever before, and Thorin is keen for answers. Will they allow themselves the joy of not only peace, but love? Genre: Bouts of angst, but also lots and lots of fluff that we’ve ALL been waiting for (including me), and some good ol’ smut! Warning: brief mentions of abuse/torture, smut (not heavy smut but still a warning just in case) animal death (one hunting scene nothing too details or gorey but just in case) PREVIOUS (The Light Within)
Six months had passed since what was now called the Battle of the Five Armies, inked into the fresh pages of books, told by spokespeople in Dale and within the halls of Erebor. As the dwarves began to return to their mountain and build anew, celebrations began, the ale flowed and rich foods ladled over rows and rows of tables with joyful music ringing through the grand halls of the mountain.
And yet all the while, Thorin, the King to the throne of Erebor, dressed in the finest of furs and sat with food barely touched, could not find it in his heart to celebrate. Not when the woman he longed for was no longer by his side.
The days that followed the end of the war were a blur of pain. He vaguely remembered Kili calling your name from afar. 
It was only after he had substantially recovered that he was informed by his youngest nephew of what had occurred between Y/N and the dwarf who had guarded his door. He did not resist dealing the appropriate punishment to them. 
With Oin being firm in stressing his need for rest and proper recovery, Thorin had sent members of the company, either alone or in pairs, to look in search of her, to bring her back to him. All returning with no such luck. 
And though the duties of being King rested heavily on his shoulders more than ever before, his thoughts often still drifted to her. Her wonderful laugh that had his heart soaring, her glowing smile that had long ago captured his heart, her kindness, her bravery. Her stubbornness matched his own. How all he wished was to up and leave to find her, and somehow encourage her to return to his side—
He turned towards Balin who sat on his right, his face drawn in concern.
'Are you all right laddie? You've barely eaten anything tonight and been quiet.'
'Have a lot on my mind is all Balin. Nothing to worry about,' Thorin said with a forced smile, taking a long sip from his ale.
'You'd think with the war over you wouldn't have too much on your mind.' Dwalin piped up from next to his brother, stabbing into the meat on his plate. 
'Unlike you Dwalin I have a kingdom to take care of. My mind will never settle.' Balin quickly spoke up. 'Be that as it may, you should take the time to celebrate your victories my King. After all you have fought for you deserve this more than anyone else.' 
Seeing Dwalin had turned to other conversation, Thorin muttered quietly, 'I cannot celebrate when I have not undone all my wrongdoings... I cannot celebrate with who I truly wish for most.' 
Balin halts mid-mouthful, quickly putting down his cutlery. 'Thorin we have looked high and low for that lass and sent the best trackers after her. If she wished to be found we would have found her by now.' 
The King slammed his fist down onto the table angrily. 'It's not good enough!' 
There was a dreadfully long pause between them, thankfully no attention drawn away from the merriment as the crowd continued to drink, laugh and dance. 
He sighed heavily, turning back to his advisor. 'I'm sorry Balin, I did not mean that.'
'It's quite all right laddie. All I wish to say is that maybe we let her have her peace. It's the very least she deserves.' 
Without another word, Balin turned back to his plate, continuing to eat quietly. Thorin sighs heavily, nails digging into the wood of the table. His thoughts wandered once more to Y/N, and then it struck him. 
He shot to his feet, shocking those around him as he left the table without a word, ignoring those who called out after him as he left the Great Hall. 
Making his way to where the ravens roosted, he knew there was one person whom he could summon for assistance.
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Gandalf trudged through the grand marble halls of Erebor, led by Dwalin and Kili through the mountain city. He had received an urgent letter by raven requesting his presence with the King
'Do you have any clue of why I was summoned?' The wizard addressed Kili who shook his head. 'No Gandalf! It was a surprise to see you at the gate! I'm guessing that it's business to only do with Uncle.'
'Which is what I'm afraid of ...' He grumbled quietly to himself.
After moving through multiple winding corridors and staircases, he was led into a small but lavish study. The walls were lined with bookcases filled with books, an oak carved table and matching chairs fitted with red velvet cushions sat in the middle of the room while a roaring fireplace warmed the room.
Just as the elderly wizard made himself comfortable at the table, the large doors opened revealing King Thorin.
'Gandalf, I apologise if I've kept you waiting,' The King called out, shutting the doors behind him before entering the room.
'Not at all Thorin! Or should I say your Majesty?' Gandalf jested to which Thorin chuckled.
'That is not needed here between us Gandalf,' he said as he sat himself down at the other end of the table, 'I know my request for your visit was sudden, and I'm aware that I've already asked plenty from you during our travels. But I needed to attend to a matter of urgency that I believed required your expert hand.'
'Oh? And what might that be?'
Thorin sighed. 'I need your assistance in finding Y/N.'
Gandalf's eyebrows raise ever so slightly. 'Oh? Is that so?'
'Don't play coy with me Gandalf. I've been told that you were seen taking her away from Erebor while I was injured. I've been searching and searching, and I haven't found her. All I want ... All I want is to see her again.'
Gandalf took a moment to take in Thorin's appearance. Though he carried himself with confidence, he could see the pain in the King's eyes, the longing. Dark shadows creased beneath his eyes, jaw tight and locked.
'You must understand something Thorin. Y/N has survived through what one could only describe as the depths of hell, and very lucky to have returned. There isn't a day that goes by that she fights to keep the peace she has built for herself. A peace that she lost long ago, and I'm not talking about a place to call home,' Gandalf places his fingertips to his temple. 'But here, and when she feels endangered, she will linger no longer than she needs to.'
At his words, Thorin couldn't help but think back to their journey together. The way she flinched at loud noises, when her grip would tighten on her sword when overwhelmed, how at peace she was in silence when they all had sat upon the boat to Lake Town. His eyes flickered back to Gandalf as he continued.
'If she wishes to remain alone, I ask not only as your friend but also as her Guardian, that you leave her be.'
Immediately the King felt anger swell within him, the impending roar to command his authority. But as the thought of Y/N swept over his mind, the anger dulled, instead understanding overwhelmed him.
For so long he had only wished for peace away from the kingdoms, away from responsibility. He knew what that longing was like. It was the feeling he felt when he saw her among the company. Her gentle yet fierce nature, a beacon of hope so bright within the darkness that seeped into all of their lives. If anything it would kill him to take that feeling away from her.
Thorin stood to his feet and found himself in front of Gandalf, kneeling (as best he could with his newfound injuries) before him. 'As King, I swear to you.'
The old wizard chuckled, resting his hand on Thorin's shoulder with a firm squeeze, 'Come now my friend, there is no need for all this. We must make our move swiftly and without further hesitation.'
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The sun shone down through the thick forests to the West of Erebor, the rustling of leaves moving in the wind, the echo of a stream rolling over rocks nearby, the singing of birds and deers grazing across the hills of rolling green.
All the while, Y/N made sure each step she took was as quiet as possible, avoiding any fallen logs or sticks before hunching down.
The stag she had been tracking for quite some time had come to a halt, grazing at the tall grass.
Pushing the single braided parting behind her ear, she quietly grabbed an arrow from the sheath that hung from her shoulder and pulled it taut in the bow that had hung at her side. And with careful, even perfect precision, as the stag raised its head, she let the arrow fly and hit the stag which immediately fell, twitching before going still.
With a sigh of relief and a smile of victory, she rushed over, first making sure that the animal was no longer suffering before pulling the arrow free from its side. Wrapping the animal up carefully, she shrugged it over the back of her horse, Shadow, a black stallion that she had tied to a tree not too far away. Making sure the animal was secure, Y/N took Shadow by the reigns and led him back onto the forest path.
Soon she found herself in familiar sights, turning off onto a small path leading to a small stone cottage by the lakeside surrounded by blooming white daisies. A vegetable patch had been put together at the front, the first signs of growing carrots peaking from beneath the earth, bright strawberries and raspberries sprouting from bushes to Y/N's delight, growing plentifully in the new season.
This was her new home.
She pulled her horse into the small stable which she had recently finished constructing. After removing the saddle and gear she gave Shadow a quick brush down.
'Thank you girlie, you did well today,' She whispered, giving it one last pat before filling up the horse's bucket with some of the freshly picked carrots from earlier that day. She couldn't help but smile as the horse's head disappeared into the bucket immediately, devouring its treat.
With a huff, she picked up the stag and began to carry it to the front of the cottage, only coming to a quick halt at the sight of the door standing ajar. She most definitely locked it before leaving on her hunt.
Immediately she dropped the stag to the ground, pulling her sword from her hip before pushing forward, kicking the door open. With a quick scan of the room, she found nothing amiss, nothing moved - nothing astray.
'My girl put that away!'
She couldn't help the scream that left her, turning to find Gandalf sitting in the armchair by the fireplace which had only moments ago been empty.
'Gandalf! How many times have I told you to inform me of your arrival! You always have some way of frightening me,' She screeched, angrily putting her sword back in its sheath.
'And where is the fun in that Y/N?' The elder chuckled as she brought the stag into the house, placing it in a corner of the room where she butchered her hunt.
Y/N rolled her eyes, unable to help chuckling, moving towards the kitchens putting a kettle on the stove. 'What brings you here Gandalf? Your letters made me think I wouldn't see you for a while!'
She heard him sigh heavily, hearing the creak of the chair as he stood to his feet, 'Well I've travelled quite the ways to see you. From Erebor.'
'Oh?' Y/N said, keeping her back to the wizard, hiding her shock. 'Royal business I'm assuming.'
'Yes, actually having to do with you my dear.'
'With me? What do you mean ��–'
The crash of pots broke the heavy silence that followed, having slipped from Y/N's hand. She had turned back to face the wizard, only to see the one dwarf she had hoped not to see again standing behind him. Dressed in his old travelling clothes, familiar from their journey shared together, his hair down and rippling over his shoulders.
Y/N huffed. 'Gandalf ––'
'My dear ––'
'You promised!' She gasped, stepping back into the counter, gripping and digger her nails into it. 'You promised me you would never let him know.'
'I know,' Gandalf said as he stepped up to her, pulling her hands away from the counter into his own, feeling them shake within his hold. 'And I'm sorry. But you know as well as I that you will regret letting him go if you don't at least give him a chance.'
Before the fear over took her he gently placed kiss to her forehead, whispering, 'Be brave, little one, and use the second chance you were blessed with.'
Y/N looked up at Gandalf as he gave her one last smile before leaving her side. After grabbing his staff and hat, he gave Thorin a nod before closing the cottage door behind him.
The silence that ensued was deafening, almost choking the air within the cottage. Y/N's eyes looked everywhere but at Thorin, trying to calm herself.
But Thorin's gaze had never moved from her. It had been so long since he had seen her. The way the sun fell through the window behind her made her shine like a star, and he couldn't help but be mesmerised by her beauty.
'A lovely home you've built Y/N, and all by yourself?'
She glanced towards him, nodding silently, muttering to himself, 'Beautiful.'
As he looked around the room, Y/N took the chance to take him in. She noticed the healed scarring on his face from the war, as well as the cane that he kept at his side putting his weight against it. It seemed he carried more than mere scars from the battle against Azog.
With a sigh, she turned to him, 'Thorin ––'
'If I may speak,' He cut across her quickly. Only when she nodded he moved slowly to her side. 'I understand you ran from Erebor after an incident occurred during my injury.'
'Thorin ––'
'Please Y/N.'
She squeezed her eyes shut, falling silent once more.
'I know why you left. You sought out the one person you knew who would bring you safety and that was yourself. The person you've had to rely on for so many years. I wasn't present in that moment to contend with your fears ... I wish to be someone you could confine in and trust.'
He reached carefully towards her, and when she didn't flinch, he gently caressed her hand. Staring down at this, unable to resist Y/N intertwined their hands together. When she looked up she found Thorin staring past her eyes, his other hand now running across the braid that hid behind her ear still held together by a very familiar bead. His branded bead.
'You still wear it ...'
She smiled. 'Why wouldn't I? Just because I left doesn't mean my heart changed.'
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The next few hours flew by. Thorin had helped Y/N skin and prep the stag which she made into a rich stew filled with vegetables from her garden and along with freshly toasted golden bread pulled from the oven. They barely spoke throughout but worked with few words exchanged.
It was after the meal had been devoured, the red wine that Thorin had brought along in his pack was poured and they sat warming by the fireplace that Y/N spoke.
'I know Gandalf already told you most of the story, about my family and all that. I was captured by the orcs and kept under their watch. They enjoyed having a human prisoner for entertainment in their encampment,' She muttered as she fiddled with the dents in her cup. 'But when the fear faded the numbness seeped in and then the anger followed. All I could think about was my family, each of them struck down and for what? Bloodlust? Such a waste ...' 
She lost herself in the flames that climbed across the logs within the fireplace, tears brimming in her eyes. Thorin sighed heavily before placing his hand gently upon hers. Y/N gasped softly at his touch, pulling herself from her thoughts. She squeezed his hand firmly in return. 
'Their faces were ingrained in my mind every day through every lashing, every beating, and every shaming. It fuelled me to do more … to observe, listen and eventually scrape my way to make an escape.'
As silence ensued, Thorin took her in carefully. Her eyes became glazed, lost in the depths of her mind, her memories a prison of pain and destruction. He knew that spiral all too well.
'I lost my younger brother Frerin during the great war against the orcs and Azog. Happened to be the last of the battles that occurred,' He uttered.
Y/N's head shot up in shock. He smiled sadly.
'He had rushed Azog alongside my father. In the tussle, he and his men got separated and pushed back into the woods that circled Moria. It was days later that I found him by the edge of Mirrormere Lake,' His expression became grim, grip tightening around her hand briefly, 'He was face down, eyes gouged, choked on his own blood. I'll never forget the way the blood soaked the earth and stained the waters, the stench of death was .... inescapable. With the weight of my father and brother's death, I was forced to pick up the pieces of my family and people when all I wanted was to kill. To lose myself to darkness and never turn back.'
Thorin's gaze flickered towards the flames within the fireplace. 'I built a wall of stone around my heart because I found that with love comes the greatest price of all. One day we'll lose it, no matter how hard we try we will lose it in some way. That all changed ...'
Y/N's head tilted with curiosity, 'What changed?'
Thorin turned back to her, gulping heavily. 'You came along.'
Y/N couldn't help the gasp that left her lips. He abandoned his cup on the side table to turn his body towards hers, still grasping her hand in his own tightly. 'I know that this scares you Amrâlimê, and to be truthful, I also am frightful. But I just want you to know that not a day goes by where I don't love you and never will stop.'
His words went straight to the pit of her stomach, heat spreading throughout her body like the bowels of a cauldron. Thorin's hand remained in hers, but there was an urgency in the way his fingers tightened around her. Though his eyes have a certain gentleness, there is also something else. A simmering hunger filled with a deep intensity, and before she could say another word, she pushed her lips to his.
Thorin growled against her mouth like a hungry animal satiated yet tempted for more, returning the kiss fiercely and pulling Y/N in close by her hips. Without hesitation, she sat in his lap wrapping her arms around his neck, running her fingertips through his hair.
Clothes are hurriedly stripped away, and when Thorin tosses her tunic aside, he notices the scars that littered Y/N's body, some areas of skin puckered red from the wounds that still healed.
When she noticed his gaze hovering around her body, she couldn't help bringing her arms up to cover herself but he stopped her, grabbing her wrists.
'No don't. You’re a sight to behold, you are ... ethereal,' He muttered, bringing her to stand between his legs, pressing a kiss to her sternum, hands running gently down her back and hips, coming up to caress her breasts. A stuttered gasp left Y/N, head falling back as he pressed kisses upon her breasts, the feeling of his rough hands sending sparks across her body. 
'Oh Thorin,' She breathed, tugging him to his feet before kissing him firmly. His kisses changed, heated, firm and responding with equal fervor. His hands moved below his thighs, lifting her with quick ease before laying her down on the furs before the fireplace.
However, she was quick to roll him onto his back, unable to stop the laugh that escaped her at the brief shock on his face. Thorin was quick to rise and capture her lips once more, smiling against them.
Y/N reached down gripping his cock before sinking down onto him slowly. Both of them gasped against each other's mouths at the sensation, Thorin wrapping his arms around to bring you close, chest to chest, nothing more left between them.
They move together in the throes of passion, hips slapping against one another, sweaty, warm skin, his hands squeezing her hips. She allowed herself to fall against him, forehead pressed to his shoulder as she shuddered in pleasure.
Through the haze, Thorin raised his hips, fucking her deeper, her moans louder before he silenced her with a firm kiss. It's almost too soon that he finds himself strung tight, close to the edge.
She arches against him, chasing the rising tide within her. 'Don’t stop,' she pants, her voice a shaky breathless plea.
Y/N leant forward, hands pressed to his chest, nails digging into his skin as she swiveled her hips harder, Thorin grabbing a handful of your ass. She cries out, eyes rolling back as she collapses against him shakily. He follows quickly behind, burying his cock deep inside her.
In that moment the world faded away, and it was just the two of them. The sounds of heavy breathing and the hiss of fire upon wood filled the air. The broad daylight pouring through the windows had dimmed with the setting of the sun, leaving the room with a peach glow.
Thorin ran his hand through her hair, pushing it away from her face. He kissed her cheek, then down her neck, to her shoulder. She trembled against him, her hands wrapped around his shoulders.
Lifting her face, she met Thorin's gaze to find him already watching her, pressing his forehead against hers.
'Amrâlimê, my dearest, my fierce heart,' He said between kisses which he placed along her face, lifting her chin gently to kiss Y/N's lips gently. 'Mine'
Y/N smiled against the corner of his lips, pressing another firm kiss to his lips. 'Yours.'
​FINAL CHAPTER (At Last) CARE FOR TAG LIST:  @alyhull , @bellastellaluna​ , @sdavid09​ , @aidanturnersass​ , @letsbeinspiredby​ , @hiddenmangaka​ , @female-hux​ , @elia-the-bibliophile​ , @fangirlbitch02​ @nickangel13​ @thatteluguchick​
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wordbunch · 2 years ago
how you pamper them when they're stressed/overworked
a/n: requested by the sweet @almost-gabrielle, i hope you enjoy it, and everyone else too - it's going to be GIGANTIC! 😍 be nice, cause I included some characters I haven't written much before (exciting!!!) and if you reblog with a comment or a nice tag... i'll love you forever! 💖 that means a lot, and i'm very grateful for all of it 🥰
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ARAGORN: he actually feels like that quite often, but he’s incredibly good at hiding it. Luckily, you’re an expert in reading him like an open book, but oftentimes you need to literally physically drag him away from whatever he is doing (and he might complain as you do so). Aragorn just enjoys sometimes being quiet with you, and it’s usually what he needs when his mind is racing, or his body is overexerted. Or both. You can just lie down together and run your fingers slowly through his hair, and that will help him forget his worries at least for a little while. Secretly he is an absolute sucker for sweet, romantic confessions of love and affection, and he will melt if you whisper sweet nothings in his ear.
LEGOLAS: something has to be extremely serious for him to feel that way, because his limits are very high; but in those moments he just wants to get away from everything as soon as possible and run to you, because with you the rest of the world just fades away. He enjoys an outing in nature, far away from real life, especially if the two of you find a nice lake or river to go for a swim in, and eventually act like a couple of children splashing and chasing each other. If that doesn’t help, he likes to sit in front of you and let you braid his hair as he talks about whatever is on his mind, and it also helps him physically relax to have you sitting behind and so close to him.
BOROMIR: this man will most likely push himself to his absolute limits, because he shoulders too much responsibility and feels pressured constantly to be on top of things. However, it’s easy to notice when he becomes a bit more irritable at one point, and then you know it’s time to talk him into taking at least a little break. That can be a slippery slope, because once he gets you alone for 5 minutes, it can very easily turn into 15 hours, and he would never finish anything. But on some days it’s just necessary - you sweet talk him into a cuddle session, during which he accidentally falls asleep with his head over your heart, or you make some tea with love as the special ingredient – and tell him that! He’s going to melt and finally, gratefully accept that his partner wants to look after him.
FARAMIR: much like his brother, he will probably suffer in silence, but you can’t miss his tired sighs every now and then, and the way he shuts his eyes and rubs his temples. If you hug him from behind, he will melt into your touch and lean onto you so much that you will almost topple over, but that will also make him admit to himself that he really needs a break. Run him a nice, hot bath complete with fragrant ingredients, and candles lit around it,  and he will be forever grateful. If you don’t join immediately, he will very sweetly ask you to come with him because 'oh the bath is so big and so lonely' without one more person in it. 
ÉOMER: this hardworking man is actually quite in touch with how he feels, both physically and emotionally, and he knows when things are becoming too much and he needs to step away for his own good. It is not unusual for him to go search for you and suggest that the two of you do something away from everyday life. Many times he doesn’t even suggest anything, he just follows behind you whatever you’re doing - taking a walk and admiring some trees in bloom? He’s right there holding your hand. Sitting on a balcony and reading? He will lay his head on your lap and ask you to read to him. And he is content just being present with you.
SAM: he gets both overworked and stressed quite often, poor thing. Make him something to eat and bring it outside while he’s working in the garden, and just have a spontaneous mini-picnic in the backyard. Although he’s very hardworking and persistent, over time he’s learned to accept your help and pampering, and he really really enjoys it too. If he is under mental stress, maybe you’ll need to push him a little bit to tell you what is on his mind, but once he does, he will gladly listen to your advice or any help you can give him. 
FRODO: baby boy is in his head a lot and oftentimes he will accidentally create things to worry about, and he will just zone out. if he has a faraway look in his eyes, while doing nothing in particular, you can accurately guess what is up. He likes to feel useful, and he will gratefully accept if you ask him to help you with whatever you’re doing - it gives him an excuse to be kind and helpful, but also spend time with his favorite person. Especially if you’re organizing/re-organizing something, he will enjoy doing it with you, or cooking - he might not be the best at it, but he delights in giving you a hand, and he likes to learn and improve new skills anyway. 
MERRY: he is actually much more of an overthinker than he seems to be on the outside, so stress sometimes just generates outta nowhere! Also he isn’t the biggest fan of physical labor out there, but he is a little bit of a show-off when it comes to you, and he will go above and beyond when helping you with something or doing something for you, until he can barely stand. Afterwards he will take pride in the fact that you had to force him to stop whatever he was doing, but he was simply being so very nice to his favorite person! Something he loves to do to unwind in those moments is just come up with random stories with you, the two of you taking turns making up characters and events. He is a little bit of a baby and he will just take your hand wordlessly and put it in his hair, because it feels nice when you run your fingers through it.
PIPPIN: he will either be stressing over very small, irrelevant things, or something absolutely terrible, no in-between. If it’s something small, he has no problem rambling about it to you, and that usually helps him sort things out; but if it’s something serious, he will grow quiet. The best thing you can do for him in those moments is distract him with a silly idea like “let’s go for a walk and find as many kinds of blue flowers as we can” or just straight up make him laugh - it’s the best medicine. He wouldn’t ask you directly to do it, but he’d love it if you could just hold him or cuddle him for a bit (he’s the little spoon of course).
BILBO: oh he will get worked up over a whole bunch of random things; and when he is working on something, he goes all in (and then has a random episode of doing absolutely nothing), so you need to be the one who grounds him in reality sometimes. Just don’t startle him when approaching him quietly. He is very responsive to your touch and he will just lean into you as soon as you’re near, almost forgetting about everything else. He adores it when you hold his face in your hands and he will look at you as if hypnotized while you comfortingly reassure him that everything will be alright and that he doesn’t have to do anything alone as long as you’re around.
FÍLI: he is very big on “strong protective independent dwarf” and sometimes he doesn’t fully allow himself to rest properly, or to process some things that are bothering him on the inside. However, at one point it will all have to culminate, and then his first instinct is to shut himself off. A guaranteed way to get through to him is to kiss him senselessly wherever you can reach and it makes him subconsciously relax almost immediately. He will kiss you back passionately which helps him eliminate some of the tension he’s feeling. Additionally, he will never ever say no to receiving a nice little massage from you. 
KÍLI: oh he is quite proud of himself if he ends up overworking himself for you, as if it gives him bonus partner points. You will gently scold him for pushing himself too far, and then he will pout, but you know he still doesn’t regret it. Then he himself will drag you away for a cuddle session - he chose that as his reward for being the very best partner in all of Middle-earth - but you don’t have to exclusively cuddle. He finds it very relaxing if you sing something quietly to him and he will look up at you with shining eyes.
✨ taglist my beloved ✨ @lotrnonsense​​​​​​ @starlady66​​​​​​ @queenmeriadoc​​ @entishramblings ​​​​​​ @thesolarangel ​​​​​​ @silversword7000 @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @averys-place
@valkyriepirate @emmaarenstarr @noldorinpainter @asianbutnotjapanese @adamgetawaydriver @fenharel-enaste @ironmandeficiency      @starryeyedrogue @dinofromspac3  @wisheduponastar @lady-of-imladris @frodo-cinnamonroll @unethicallypleistocene @deadlymistletoe @suncran @high-sea-husbands @asianbutnoteastasian @aidansloth @sweetpea-thoughts
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scribes-of-valar · 5 months ago
unexpected loyalties
Bilbo Baggins x fem!dwarf!reader (no beard)
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a/n: based off the movie, not the books, just to clear that up if there is any book inconsistencies. First time writing for this fandom, and posting on this blog, let me know if I got anything wildly incorrect
Summary: Neither of you ever expected to like each other, let alone anything more. But you find yourself drawn to one another, despite the boundaries between you.
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Another knock, he wasn’t sure he could handle many more visitors. Four dwarves were enough for him to want to run out of his home screaming. He tightened the ties of his robe, took a deep breath, and quietly prepared himself to turn down whoever waited outside his door. 
Yet, when it swung open his chest deflated and he found himself completely underwhelmed. He should be thankful that his doorstep was empty and that there were no more unwelcome guests to turn away. But he found himself incredibly confused. “Hm,” he pokes his head out slightly, looking around for stragglers. “Hello?” He calls out hesitantly. 
He jumps back as a woman leaps out of his rose bushes. “Oh!” You smile widely at him, shoving your hand out for a strong handshake. “Sorry about that, I thought I had the wrong hobbit.”
He gives your hand a brief shake, never one to forgo his manners. “I believe you do. In fact, you all do.”
Your face screws up in distaste and you look so forlorn he almost feels bad. Almost. “You are Mr. Bobbins aren’t you?”
He shakes his head with a scoff, “I am most certainly not. My name is Bilbo Baggins-”
You interrupt him with a relieved laugh. “Oh, apologies, then you are the hobbit I’m looking for. I’m afraid my cousin’s handwriting is nearly impossible to read. So the meeting is here, then?” You look at him expectantly, eyes wide and eager. 
Bilbo has to suppress the urge to stomp his foot and slam the door. He’s too old to be behaving like a child, but bebother and confusticate these dwarves he can take no more visitors! “There is no meeting here!” He snaps, nearly shouting in your face. 
Your brows furrow and you shake your head stubbornly. “They cannot have canceled it.” You seemed nearly as stubborn as him. You plant your feet, crossing your arms and glaring at him. “I would have been informed.”
Bilbo opens his mouth to inform you that no, nothing has been canceled because nothing has been scheduled. At least nothing he has been informed of. He knows this is all that blasted wizard’s fault. If only he’d stuck to his fireworks and simply left Bilbo alone, he would be having the peaceful evening he’d wished for. 
You narrow your eyes suspiciously, peering over his shoulder as something that sounds very old and sentimental breaks behind him. “Sorry about that!” A voice calls from his kitchen. Bilbo clenches his eyes shut, sucking in a sharp breath, and leans so you can’t see further into his home. 
“I do believe that was Balin’s voice,” you tell him, your voice low with an unspoken threat. “Mr. Bobbins-”
“Mr. Baggins,” you correct, “are my kin in there?” 
He shrugs, playing dumb and giving you a confused look. “And who,” he draws slowly, “would your kin be?”
You let out a heavy sigh. He doesn’t have any time to stop you as you nudge him to the side and shove your way into his home. “Thank you for the hospitality,” you mutter sarcastically. Your face lights up as you catch sight of an unruly blonde head of hair. “Fili! Kili!”
They call your name in return, rushing over to greet you. “Any trouble on the journey?” Kili asks as he takes your sword from you. He absentmindedly tosses it towards Bilbo who has to rush to catch it before it breaks something. 
“None at all, you know I’m a lot better at subtlety than the two of you are,” you tease. 
Bilbo’s eyes narrow as he takes you and the other dwarves in. You said your cousin sent you a letter. There was no possible way you could be their cousin. You didn’t look like any dwarf he had ever seen. Not that he had seen many, of course. There wasn’t enough gold or adventure in Hobbiton to bring many through. 
But he had heard the stories of dwarven women. How they were a dying breed, far more men than there were women. He also knew that it was incredibly hard to tell a wife apart from her husband, mainly because of the great big beards. 
You were taller than the others, far less hair, and simply not what he thinks when he pictures a dwarvish woman. “I see you met our host,” Fili nods towards Bilbo whose arms are now absolutely overloaded with the ridiculous amount of weapons you carry. Fili is clearly suppressing a slight smirk as he looks upon Bilbo. It’s hard not to feel a little offended. 
You turn back to Bilbo and frown, “Not a very welcoming host, these hobbits, are they?” Kili shakes his head, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and dragging you back towards the kitchen. 
Bilbo huffs and tosses the weapons to the floor with a put-off look. There’s loud cheering coming from the kitchen as the others greet you. He takes in a deep breath and sets his shoulders. Enough is enough. Clearly, there has been some mix-up. Whatever bearded reunion is taking place in his dining room is not meant for him. He’s just going to walk over to you all and inform you to take your business elsewhere. 
Bilbo only manages one step forward before a knock echoes through the front hall. It seems deafening, an ominous warning. He knows that if he goes to answer the door there will be no going back. These dwarves will be here to stay. He’s tempted to just ignore it, to usher you all out and slam the fence closed behind you. 
But then there’s a second knock, a third. He cannot simply ignore it, it’s too rude. Despite knowing better, he goes and answers the door. He’s nearly knocked over by a pile of stacked dwarves. He jumps back in shock, glaring down at them all. 
“That would be the rest of them,” you muse, appearing out of nowhere behind him. You grin at his affronted face, “Got any extra chairs?”
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The Hobbit is certainly interesting. You struggle to find a kind word for him. He’s not exactly happy to have you all in his home. And you can’t entirely blame him, you and your kin aren’t the best guests. But Gandalf had told you all he was perfectly fine hosting the company in his hobbit hole. 
Though, you have a growing suspicion he wasn’t telling the whole truth if the wicked looks Bilbo is shooting him is anything to go by.  “Need a hand?” You ask, hovering in the entry of his pantry. 
He lets out a low sigh, just barely glancing over his shoulder at you. He stands amidst the wreckage of his once-great food stores. The rest of it is being bickered over in his dining room. If what Gandalf has told you is true and he is going to be your thief, then it shouldn’t matter. 
You’ve done him a sort of favor, clearing out his stores before the journey. No one wants to come back home to rot and mold having crept over all their food. But again, you’re starting to doubt the wizard’s words. He’s known for his tricks, but you didn’t think he would do something as sly as this. 
“I’m perfectly fine, thank you.” His voice is snippy, but he’s trying his best to be polite. You barely hold back a laugh at how hard he’s keeping up the pretense of being gracious. 
“Don’t be stubborn,” you insist, moving past him and grabbing a broom. “I don’t mind. Durin knows we aren’t a clean people.” He gives you an odd look as you start to sweep the mess up. He stays firmly planted in his spot, gaze tracking you. You try not to grow uncomfortable at his intense stare but it is hard. 
“You are a dwarf, then?”
Your face screws up in irritation and you shoot him a severe look. He lets out a slight whimper, whirling around and pretending to be fascinated by his shelves. “Yes,” you grit out, “I am. Despite the oddities in my appearance, I am a dwarf.”
He whips back towards you, face drawn tight in confusion. “Oddities?” He demands.
“Look at me,” you gesture to yourself, feeling a tight ball wind itself up in your throat. “No beard, too tall, I might as well just be a short human. I’m practically repulsive.”
His jaw drops and he stares at you for a long while. You can feel the judgment, and can practically hear his thoughts as he wonders at how ugly you are. Bilbo’s mouth opens and shuts multiple times before he lands on a squeaky, “Repulsive. That’s ridi-”
“There you are!” Gandalf’s head dips into the pantry and he gives you both an impatient smile. “We are waiting for you, Master Baggins,” he says your name and you nod. You throw the broom back in place and shove past them both, swallowing down tears. 
They watch you go with varying degrees of shock. “My word, what did you say to her?”
Bilbo snaps his jaw shut and shakes his head, “I might have brought up how peculiar it is that she doesn’t have a beard.”
Gandalf nods sagely, as though this is something he has experience with. “Sensitive topic for young dwarvish women.”
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“Shouldn’t we wait for him?” You hiss to Kili as you all leave the tavern. You’d written Master Baggins a note, promising to wait for him in the Green Dragon Inn. If he didn’t make it by 11 AM, you would all leave. But Thorin was demanding your leave early, it didn’t seem fair to not give Bilbo a chance. 
Fili glances towards Thorin, making sure he’s not listening to the three of you. “Best not to argue with him. He’s been upset since the meeting in the north.”
You sigh, mounting your horse and falling into line with them. “I don’t blame him. They claim to be brothers, yet won’t come to our aid.”
“Watch, once we reclaim our home, they’ll all be demanding payment from the stores of Erebor.” You cannot help but agree with Kili. You are a greedy people, there’s no denying it. The lust for gold, at times, can rival that of a dragon’s. But you were loyal, to a fault. How could they abandon you all so readily?
You look towards Thorin and feel yourself deflate. He has been different since the stirrings of the journey were brewing. More prone to anger, and quicker to draw his blade. Something dark awakes within him when he thinks of Erebor. Reclaiming your home will benefit you all, but you cannot help but fear the dragon that lurks beneath its bones. 
Not the actual dragon, yes that’s terrifying, but the curse that lays over that gold could spell all your doom. You’d watched as it happened to one king, you don’t want to see another fall to the sickness. 
You’re about to ride up to Thorin when you hear a voice shouting wildly behind you all. “Wait! Wait!” You glance over your shoulder, a grin slowly spreading across your lips. Bilbo chases after the company, waving his contract in the air. 
Thorin frowns, bringing you all to a halt. Bilbo slides to a stop beside Balin. “I signed it,” he pants out, holding the contract out. The older dwarf frowns suspiciously, taking it from him and examining it through his lens. 
After a moment he nods at Thorin, “He signed it,” he reaffirms. Thorin glances towards Bilbo and you can’t tell if he’s going to honor his word or not. 
After a tense pause, Thorin finally nods, “Give him a pony.” Bilbo shakes his head and waves him off. 
“No, that won’t be necessary,” he insists. “I’m perfectly fine walking. You know I almost made the trek to-” Kili and Fili lean down and grab him by the jacket, hoisting him atop a pony. 
They both sport sore frowns as you ride up beside them. “I do believe I’m owed something, gentlemen.” You hold your palms out expectantly, Bilbo gives you an odd look as they both slam their gold into your hands. 
“What’s that?” He wonders as they ride off. 
You smile down at him, “You’ve just made me a rich woman, Master Baggins. They had a bet, about whether or not you would show.”
His brows raise and he narrows his eyes at you. “You thought I would come?”
You laugh, “Obviously.” You chuckle a little and toss him one of the pouches, “Here. It’s only fitting you should have some.” You nudge the side of your mare, urging her forward. Bilbo watches as you ride off, face furrowed in confusion as he rolls the gold around in his palm. 
He doesn’t know why you believing in him means so much, but it does. 
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“Something caught your eye?” Bilbo startles from his thoughts and turns towards Balin. The old dwarf smiles slightly, glancing over Bilbo’s shoulder towards you. Bilbo flusters, stuttering slightly on his words as he shakes his head. 
“No,” Balin raises a brow and Bilbo shakes his head harder, scoffing. “No, not at all. I was only lost in thought.” Unwittingly, Bilbo’s gaze drifts back towards you. You’ve stripped off the heavy leathers of the day and are leaning over the fire, stirring some stew. 
The light of the fire casts you in a sort of glow. You could be mistaken for an elf by someone passing by. You tuck a braid behind your ear, standing up and glancing around camp. When your gaze drifts past him, he’s quick to turn back around. 
Balin is staring expectantly at him, giving him a cheeky smile. Bilbo’s quick to change the subject, not wanting to fan the flames of Balin’s assumption. “Are there other dwarf women,” he points vaguely towards you, “like her, I mean?”
Balin shakes his head, puffing on his pipe. “No, no one quite like her. She’s a fierce fighter and an even fiercer friend. She’s been working hard to campaign for this journey.”
“No,” Bilbo glances back towards you, ensuring you’re not listening. You’ve walked off, looking towards the ponies with a confused expression. “I mean, physically,” he rubs over his chin, miming where a beard is meant to be.
Balin huffs out a laugh. “No, it’s quite rare for any of us to be without beards. I don’t recommend bringing it up to her, it’s quite a sore subject. We think there might be some human blood, maybe even an elf somewhere down her line. It’s the only explanation for it.” He shakes his head with a sad smile, “A shame, truly.”
Bilbo continues to find himself more and more confused by his company. The way they speak of you, you’d think you were a troll, not a woman. “A shame? She’s,” he hesitates on the word, worrying it might be inappropriate. “She’s quite pretty,” he lands on.
Balin shrugs like there’s nothing to be done about it. “By any standard other than a dwarf’s. You have to understand, laddie, she’s a dwarf, despite appearances. No beard, too tall, she’s not pretty, as you said, to her people.”
Bilbo thinks it’s a horrible shame that you’re going to go through your whole life believing yourself to be some hideous creature. In truth, you’re one of the most beautiful women he’s ever met. He finds himself distracted every time your eyes meet his. 
“Bilbo,” you pop up behind him, scaring him as you seem to be doing. You smile slightly and nod towards the edge of camp. “Come with me?” Bilbo’s eyes widen as he follows after you. For a horrible moment, he thinks you’ve heard his and Balin’s conversation. 
You lead Bilbo into an outcrop of trees, there’s a little bit of firelight shining through ahead. His suspicions shift and he wonders if something else hasn’t gone wrong. Kili and Fili both stand by an overturned tree, peering over it and staring at something. Bilbo can’t see what it is from where he stands. 
You stop beside them both, turning towards him and giving him an apologetic smile. “We need your help-”
“We were meant to be watching the ponies,” Kili interrupts. 
“We’ve encountered a slight problem,” Fili motions toward the tree and Bilbo comes up to join them. “We had sixteen,” Bilbo looks to the pen where the ponies were being held and frowns.
“Now there’s fourteen,” you sigh, rubbing a hand over your face and glaring at Kili and Fili. 
“Oh no,” Bilbo frets. He counts the ponies again, just to ensure that you all didn’t make a mistake. “Should we not tell Thorin?”
Your face blanches and you share a panicked look with the brothers. “No,” Fili quickly butts in. “No reason to worry him. You are, after all, our burglar. We thought you might be able to help us.”
“We think we know where they went,” you tell him. Bilbo glances between the three of you and not for the first time he wonders how he got himself mixed up with this adventure. 
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Trolls, trolls you could handle. Being tied up and thrown in a sack, nearly roasted alive and eaten. All of that was palatable. However, being hosted by elves was not. You sit at Elrond’s table and glare down at the vegetables before you. 
Elves, you almost scoff as one of them dances by you with a flute. They think they’re so much better than dwarves, so much more sophisticated. You wouldn’t be surprised if they were born with that haughty look on their face. 
It’s difficult to have an appetite when you have a rabbit’s dinner in front of you. It’s even harder when you’ve got Elrond’s men glaring holes into the back of your head. None of them trust you. And not because they expect you’re going to rob them. They simply don’t trust your table manners. 
A bread roll thunks against your cheek and you grimace. You pick it up, tossing it back at Dwalin and laughing as it knocks his salad into his lap. Well, they might have good reason to doubt your table manners.
You sigh, bored of your meal and tired of all the noise. You stand from the table, slipping away from the others. Thorin catches your eye as you leave, giving you a brief nod farewell. You head down the stairs, toward the pond you saw earlier. Perhaps, while everyone else is eating and arguing with each other, you can cleanse yourself. 
It’s been a long while on the road. Scrubbing yourself with rainwater hasn’t exactly done a wonderful job of keeping you clean. You’re used to always being on the move, but you’ve been able to settle down nicely enough in the mountains. It feels a little odd to be adventuring once more. 
You can practically smell the elves' magic permeating the air around you. It’s light, it feels like a weight being removed from your shoulders. It tastes like something sweet dancing along your tongue.
As much as you despise Thranduil and his kingdom for abandoning your people, a part of you has to admit that Elrond held no part of that. They did not offer you aid or a place to rest, but he had no reason to. It’s wrong to hold your bitterness against him. 
And it does not make a good king to so stubbornly reject Elrond’s help. You worry for Thorin, worry for his sanity when it comes to returning to Erebor. He’s so like his grandfather, it wouldn’t be so difficult for him to succumb to the same sickness Thror had. 
You drag your fingers lightly over the marble of the elves' home. It’s impressive, the way the forest manages to grow through their walls. Their architecture is something to be admired, even if it is not as grand as Erebor once was. 
You stumble upon the pond and strip out of your clothes. You dive into the pristine waters and are surprised when you feel no chill on your skin. The water is warm and it eases your aching bones. The stress melts away from your tightened muscles. If you weren’t so skeptical, you’d think the water held a magic of its own. Then again, Elrond’s Last Homely House is renowned for the healing capabilities it provides, perhaps it does.
You swim for a while, stretching your limbs and floating along the surface of the water. The sky darkens above you and the stars appear.
The view on the road is always gorgeous and usually left unblanketed by clouds. But this is absolutely breathtaking. You feel as though you could reach up and steal a star for yourself. 
You pull yourself onto the shore of the pond and find that your clothes have been taken. A white, gossamer gown hangs on the branch of a tree, and your brows furrow. “Elves,” you hiss with disdain. You wonder which one of the flighty things had left this while you’d been swimming. You’re sure whoever it was got quite the show. You pull the gown on and ponder going back to the others. 
You can hear their laughter from here. You know they’ve probably found food that you can actually stomach but you can’t bring yourself to leave the peaceful serenity of the water just yet. 
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Bilbo does not want to admit that he was looking for you. He simply dismisses the idea as wanting to explore more of Elrond’s home. After all, he’s never gone further than the shire. He’d had the desire to, once, when he was a child. He’d all but abandoned that for the comfort of home. 
He can see why he had once wanted to see the elves so badly. The entire place is filled to the brim with magic and people older than the oak trees surrounding the Shire. He seems to be the only one recognizing how truly wonderful this place is. He knows the others all want to leave. He can see how restless they are the longer they stay. 
He wonders if you feel the same way. He cannot tell, he finds it harder to read you than he does the others. He doesn’t know if it’s because he’s afraid of thinking of you for too long or if you are simply an enigma to him. 
He ascends the stairs, gazing out at the forest and smiling as the breeze brushes against him. Something catches his eye by the glittering waters of the pond and he frowns. He peers further over the railing and spots what must be another elf. They’re surrounded by starlight, basking in the glow of the night. Their beauty is nearly breathtaking. 
Imagine his surprise when they turn and it’s you. His eyes widen infinitesimally and he backs away from the rail before you can see him. Why does he keep mistaking you for an elf? 
Bilbo finds himself moving before he really thinks about what he’s doing. Your back is to him as you drape yourself along one of the rocks near the shore. Your toes dip slightly into the water and he can just barely hear you humming to yourself. 
He’s caught completely off guard by the sight of your hair. Damp and curling, it lay along your back without any braids. It’s the first time he’s seen any of the dwarves without a braid in their hair. He doesn’t have a vast amount of knowledge of your culture, but he feels as though it’s taboo to have your hair unbound like this. 
He clears his throat awkwardly and you shoot up in surprise. Your hand drifts to your hip where he’s sure there’s usually a dagger. Tonight, though, you are wholly unarmed. The thought doesn’t seem to bring you much comfort as you narrow your eyes at him. 
“Bilbo,” you call out, slightly breathless. “You scared me.”
He gives a strained smile and laughs, taking a hesitant step towards you. You sit up straighter and beckon him closer. He obliges embarrassingly fast, taking a seat beside you at the edge of the pond. He doesn’t even mind as moisture and mud stain his pants. 
“What are you doing?” You ask, voice light and tired. 
“I was going for a walk,” and wondering where you had gone, he thinks to himself. But that is not something he is ready to admit to you, yet. You’re still practically strangers. 
“It’s beautiful here, isn’t it?” 
He nods and the question that’s been lingering in his mind slips out. “How do you know Thorin?” You give him a confused look and he quickly adds, “You’re the only woman in the company, I’m only curious.”
“Oh,” you smile slightly and look towards the water. “I believe he’s my distant uncle, possibly a few times removed.” He frowns and you laugh, “The family tree grows a tad confusing. We’d gone through a long list of kings named Durin and the familial relations got hard to keep track of. It’s possible we might not share blood at all. But the dragon had left me orphaned and I was raised alongside Fili and Kili, blood or no, we’re family.”
There’s a faint smile on your face as you speak of the others and it makes a small one form for him. “I’m sorry,” he whispers, “losing your family, it must have been incredibly hard.”
You shake your head, shrugging his apology off. “No need, I was too young to truly remember them. Besides,” you gesture towards the balcony above and you both listen as the others laugh, “I’ve got more than enough now.”  
It’s admirable, how loyal you all are to each other. Bilbo’s almost envious of your bond with the others. It’s clear each of you would die for your king, for your home. It’s a dedication and purpose he has never had. 
“Do you miss the shire?” You ask, curious and not accusing as Thorin often is. “I imagine life on the road is nothing compared to the comforts of home.”
“Yes,” he answers so quickly it makes you both laugh. Your face lights up when you smile and you smile so little. But when you do, it makes his breath catch. He grows even happier when he’s the reason for it. 
“I do miss home. But,” he leans in and you follow, smirking like you’re sharing a secret. “I must admit, adventuring is not as bad as I once thought.”
“Ah,” you lean back, “we’re poisoning you Master Burglar. Soon you’re not going to want to go back.” Well, Bilbo would not go so far as to say that, but you do have a point. The recklessness of the dwarves has seemed to be influencing him, just a tad. 
“Well,” he hums and shakes his head slightly. He catches the teasing smile on your lips and doesn’t bother correcting you. “Maybe,” you look a little surprised that he played along and it only makes him more amused. 
His eyes drift towards your hair before looking back at you. You give him a self-conscious smile, idly running a hand over the strands. “I took them out to bathe, I didn’t have the energy to rebraid.”
He speaks before he can even think. Perhaps it is the joy of being alone with you that loosens his tongue so foolishly. “I could braid it for you.”
Your eyes widen with shock and you ever-so-slightly flinch back from him. “Do you,” you clear your throat, practically gaping at him. He doesn’t know what about what he just said is so appalling to you but he wishes he’d just never spoken at all. “Do you mean that?”
“Well,” he mutters lowly, “I suppose. Yes,” it sounds more like a question than anything. He can’t help but wonder what he just offered in your culture. 
You blink rapidly, pushing your shoulders back and straightening. “Alright,” you whisper and there’s a giddy grin on your lips that he can’t help but be suspicious of. “I’d love it if you would.”
He gets to his feet, moving to stand behind you and idly running his hand through the damp strands of your hair. He doesn’t do many, just enough to keep your hair out of your eyes as you’re on the road. But you seem to get more and more restless with each one he adds. 
Finally, when he’s done, he takes a step back and gives you a strained smile. “There you are.”
You get to your feet, running your hand over the braids. “Oh,” your eyes widen as you feel them. “You put quite a few.”
He glances away from you and looks to the tree beside him like might hold the answers to this bizarre encounter. “Was I not meant to?”
You shake your head rapidly and wave him off. “Oh, no, this is wonderful.” You wince and give him a strained smile, “I mean, it’s good. Thank you,” before he can question you on your odd behavior you run off. He watches with a furrowed brow as you rush up the stairs to the dwarves' quarters. 
He’s absolutely bewildered as he makes his way up a moment later. He can’t imagine what he could have done to offend you simply by offering to braid your hair. When he makes it to the quarters, he’s not greeted with the rowdy laughter and loud conversation he was expecting. 
Instead, the majority of the dwarves are huddled around the fire, whispering lowly amongst themselves. When he walks in each of them turns towards him so quickly he nearly runs back out of the room. He can’t imagine what he could have done to have warranted such odd reactions from both you and the company. 
“Er,” he skirts around them, or attempts to at least, “good night.”
“Bilbo,” he clenches his eyes shut, sighing as Thorin calls his name. Whatever he had done, any attempts at escaping the consequences are thrown out the window. He turns towards Thorin who's standing in the corner, away from the others. He waves him forward. 
Bilbo feels very much like a child about to be scolded as the others watch him move towards Thorin. Thorin glances towards the others and lets out a heavy sigh. He walks outside and Bilbo follows him down the stairs and back to the path he was on before. 
“I doubt you know what you’ve done,” Thorin grumbles bitterly. He looks to Bilbo who only shakes his head. “Braids mean a great deal to us, I don’t imagine they hold much meaning for hobbits.”
“No, they don’t.” Bilbo glances back towards the balcony, and he sees you standing there. The moonlight still shines down upon you and he still can’t fathom that you would ever believe yourself to be anything but beautiful. 
“She is young, but she’s not a fool. I’m sure she knows that you didn’t mean anything by giving her courting braids,” Thorin emphasizes the words with a severe look. Bilbo curses his foolishness under his breath. He can’t believe he’s done something so stupid. “Did you?” Thorin asks. 
Bilbo shakes his head quickly, “No, of course not. I didn’t-”
“Know,” Thorin finishes for him. “I know. Could you?”
Bilbo looks up at him with a confused scrunch to his face. “Could I… what?” he asks hesitantly. 
“Could you ever care for her like that?” Bilbo goes to answer but Thorin interrupts him before he can. “She’ll never have any luck with her own people, not with the way she looks. If anyone did marry her, it would only be so they could be closer to the king and I don’t want that for her. I’m not asking you to marry her Master burglar, I’m only asking if you’d ever consider it.”
Thorin leaves Bilbo standing right back at the pond. He goes back to join the others and when Bilbo turns to watch him go, you wave at him from the balcony. He considers what Thorin said, and considers how he feels every time you two get a chance to be alone. 
He entertains the idea for a moment, but it's foolish. Even if he was truly in love with you, you were two completely different people. You were used to the road, always looking for a new adventure. Bilbo knew he would only ever have one great adventure in his life. His heart would always call him back to the Shire, back to home. 
He smiles and waves back at you. He watches you go back inside and he stays by the pond, thinking of what it could be like. 
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The last time you see Bilbo is at Thorin’s funeral. You’re consumed by your grief and can’t spare him any attention. Three men to be mourned. The last of your true family is dead while another sits the throne that Thorin had earned. 
You can’t help but weep over their bodies, can’t help but leave the room so you won’t have to look at them any longer. You run from the procession, and that’s when you see him. Slipping away from everything like a proper thief. 
“Bilbo?” You call out, your voice is watery and thick. He lingers by the entrance of the mountain. His shoulders jump to his ears as he tenses at the sound of your voice. He turns back to you, offering you a weak smile. “Leaving?” You question, a weak tease lying somewhere in your tone. 
He nods, “I thought it would be better like this.”
“You didn’t think we’d want to say goodbye?” Bofur’s voice echoes behind you. You turn to find the others all standing there, watching as Bilbo tries to leave. You must not have been the only one unable to stomach seeing another wearing the crown. 
Dain had fought for you all, he’d come to your aid when you needed him most. He’d earned the title of king. But that didn’t make it an easier pill to swallow. 
Bilbo laughs sadly when he sees the rest of the company. You’re sure he thought it would be less painful to simply leave you all. But you needed some sort of closure with him. Even though you’d always known that nothing could ever truly happen between the two of you, you still weren’t ready to let go. 
“If any of you are ever passing Bag End,” he pauses, swallowing thickly, “tea is at four. There’s plenty of it.” His gaze drifts towards you and you can’t bring yourself to meet his eye, “You are always welcome.”
You only know he’s gone when you hear his footsteps retreating. Pain and heartache make a coward out of you. You don’t chase him or call out to him as you should. You watch him leave and you let him go. 
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One Year Later
The clock chimes just half past four and a knock rings out through Bag End. Bilbo frowns, head lifting from the map he’s working on. He pauses and his home remains silent. He shakes his head, dismissing it as a hopeful illusion. Just as he places the quill back on the parchment another rapid set of knocks ring out. 
This time it’s persistent. It grates on him as his door rattles from the force. Bilbo huffs, “A moment, please!” He snaps, glaring at whoever lurks behind his door. Another impatient knock and he wonders if it would be wrong to get Sting out of the chest by the door. 
He stomps towards the door, grabs the knob, and throws it open, “What-”
He cuts himself off, eyes widening and face going slack with shock as you smile at him. You’re here. You’re here and standing before him and he almost wonders if he’s dreaming of you again. 
“Master Bobbins?” You tease, a watery laugh leaving your parted lips. 
“What-” he stutters and stumbles over his words, not even sure what to say. He’s barely processed the fact that you’re even here. 
You shrug, “I’m sorry I’m so late. I was hoping to get here at four but Bofur had some problems on the road,” you cut yourself off and give him a breathless laugh. “I was hoping you wouldn’t mind if I stayed a while.”
Bilbo can only smile, something thick and choking hanging at the back of his throat. He feels his chest tighten and he shakes his head. “Please,” he breathes out, “stay.”
You grin at him, tears brimming at the corners of your eyes as you take a step inside. “You planted the tree,” you point out, looking toward the sapling growing by his home. 
“It reminds me of,” he trails off. It reminds him of everything. Thorin, the adventure, all the friends he’d left behind. You. You nod, not needing words to understand him. “What are you doing here?” He asks, not yet having processed what you’d said.
“I thought it was time for a different adventure,” you tell him, your hand grazing against his as you smile at him. You walk into his home and Bilbo closes the door behind you, already thinking of a million ways your adventure could begin. 
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end. — I do not own the characters or the book/movie The Hobbit, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © scribes-of-valar 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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Click and Drag: The Hobbit Edition: Halloween
Warning: ⚠️Flashing Images⚠️
Please use a browser that isn't Google Chrome otherwise the GIFs will be stuck on the first image.
How to Play: Click and Drag the image if playing on a laptop or screenshot if playing on a phone.
A/N: Images are not mine. Credit to the artist. I had this sitting in my draft since last year because I forgot to post it.
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Who did you get? Like, reblog and comment down below.
©@a-contemplation-upon-flowers🌻2022. Please do not repost, copy or steal my content on any platform.
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ironmandeficiency · 2 years ago
the hobbit + hozier songs
characters included: kíli, bilbo, dwalin, thorin, nori, bofur, ori, fíli, dori, tauriel
word count: 1166
a/n: the amazing and precious @wordbunch inspired me to write these bc of her lotr/th characters as taylor swift songs posts & i couldn't be more excited to finally post this labor of love!! thank you bestie for listening to me scream abt this for nearly two months lol
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kíli: foreigner’s god
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he loves outside of his race and this fact causes undue scorn to be thrown at his feet. it’s unheard of for almost any dwarf, let alone one from the line of durin, to do such a thing. this does not deter him - it empowers him; if his heart could go against the traditions forged into his bones, molten in his hot blood, how could it not be true? the strength of his love is what helps him ignore the doubts shouted by the prejudice plaguing those who know nothing of his heart. that, and the sound of your laughter at his antics, the soft smiles only given to him when he’s being a little too charming… he could go on.
bilbo: like real people do
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as much flack as bilbo gets from the company for not being conventionally tough, he’s not weak by any means. he’s familiar with the pain of loss, and how the ways one tries to rise above the grief that follows aren’t always savory. he knows there’s a respect to be found in the absence of prying questions, choosing simply to coexist in the feelings and allow answers to come in their own sweet time. he’ll put some tea on to cook and scrounge up some leftovers from the previous meal, sitting beside you and letting the comfort flow naturally, his soft lips soothing the most tender aches.
dwalin: work song
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just looking at him, you wouldn’t think dwalin a sap. but with his insanely strong sense of loyalty and stalwart dedication, he can’t be anything but. he’s faced down innumerable evils in his time, braved the fiercest of storms that many of his comrades didn’t; none of them even come close to keeping him from you. your arms welcome him home without question after each fight he braves, and your letters tucked into secret compartments in his armor keep him warm between embraces. he’ll read them by the fire every night when he’s away, every gentle word carrying his mind away from thoughts of the day’s turmoil.
thorin: sedated
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this sweet, sad man doesn’t think he deserves good things in life. this, unfortunately, includes having someone love him despite his flaws and past mistakes. he couldn’t resist admitting his feelings for you and was ridiculously shocked that you reciprocated & allowed him to love you. on nights when he feels his failures deeper, he’ll try to convince you that he doesn’t deserve you. vitriol will escape from worried lips and terrified heart, piercing you in the way only a lover knows how. a soft kiss, gentle words, and a few strokes through his hair will soothe these wounds from him for a time and allow him some of the peace he’s fought to find, but doesn’t always believe is earned.
nori: it will come back
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it was decades since the last time nori thought of love, even longer since he believed himself worthy of it. meeting you only solidified his disbelief; how could someone look at him and see someone that deserved such a pure thing, after everything he’s done in his life? he’s stolen, lied, cheated, and killed to survive (and sometimes not for mere survival). his attempts to spurn you away from him only increased your determination to break through the fortress he built around himself. he could only be strong against your advances for so long before he crumbled, reluctantly accepting the love and peace and safety you offered so freely.
bofur: nobody
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bofur’s done a lot in his time. he was born in the blue mountains, a colony that never seemed to find the prosperity needed to do more than simply survive. he is a brother, uncle, cousin, friend, toymaker, miner, member of the great company that reclaimed erebor. but through all his adventures and hardships, he never lost his playful streak. he wants to have fun with who he loves, wants a little bit of mischief to make his laugh louder and brighter. bofur is a fun-loving soul who, despite his wandering past, will always choose you over anywhere that you’re not.
ori: francesca
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ori’s life has never been a peaceful one. being raised by dori and being followed by the whispers of his late amad’s reputation (not to mention nori’s) without a mountain to call home, it weighed on his shoulders. even his craft, the pride of every dwarrow worth their beard, happened to be one seen as miniscule in importance compared to smithing. every moment spent with his one, doing anything or nothing at all, eases the burden he carries and makes every moment of strife worth it just to be with the soul made to mirror his.
fíli: i, carrion (icarian)
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your love for him seems almost too good to be true, the remnants of stories told in dusty tomes written by those with far more eloquence than he can claim to possess. that being said, he is definitely not one to look a gift boar in the mouth. he relishes in each tender moment, every second spent in your presence that carries him far beyond the constraints life has placed upon him. but he recognizes that life isn’t always so simple, retreating into your arms and wishing that everything around you both just disappears. there’s always reality, waiting patiently outside of your chambers for one faulty misstep to throw you both askew. that’s why he dedicates himself to showing you that if life does what it does best and deals harsh blows, he will be there for you through it all.
dori: shrike
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dori never had time for love; he had two brothers to protect, one more wily than the other was young. his focus was on getting his brothers through the days, putting food on their plates and the semi-frequently used stash of bail money well-stocked. he allowed his feelings for his one to fall to the wayside in the name of preservation. he ignored their call for decades and braved out the pain that came with such a silence. he begged for his one’s forgiveness every time they called for him. but once the mountain was reclaimed and his brothers safe, he yearned for what he could have had. he would approach his one with much regret and sorrow for the time lost, but a pure hope that they could find forgiveness in their heart for him.
tauriel: unknown/nth
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to earn her love is a feat unlike that which the world has known for a long time. being seen as worth all these mortal struggles and painful toils in the eyes of an elf, let alone one as fierce as tauriel, is quite the achievement to anyone outside looking in. to the red-haired warrior in question, though, giving her love to you has the same unthinking ease as breathing; it’s beyond instinct to do and just as necessary to her survival. you’re worth every century spent alone, every moment after knowing you spent away from you.
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The Lord of the Rings/Hobbit Masterlist
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One Shots
Give Me A Reason - Thorin Oakenshield x Reader
Silver Trinket - Thorin Oakenshield x Reader
You Don’t Live Here - Thorin Oakenshield x Reader
Evil Does Not Sleep - Legolas x Reader
Imagines + Mini Fic 
Imagine trying to keep your feelings for Legolas at a distance
Imagine being oblivious to Legolas confessing his feelings
Imagine a stroll in the forest with Legolas before Aragorn’s coronation
Imagine Legolas discovering unsettling news after the Battle of Helms Deep
Imagine falling into Legolas in Rivendell
Imagine running into a panicked Bilbo at the morning markets
Imagine Thorin explaining why he doesn’t want you to be the burglar
Imagine deciding to take Bilbo back home after Thorin’s outburst
Imagine snapping at Thorin after he accuses Bilbo of desertion
Imagine Thorin apologising for his behaviour
Imagine Bard looking for you after the destruction of Laketown
Imagine you and Bard getting caught after causing trouble in Laketown
Imagine your surprise when you see Thranduil arrive before the battle
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(Return to the Easy Navigate Masterlist)
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moonlit-rose-garden · 3 months ago
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See You Again...
Bilbo Baggins x Elf Reader
Word count: 2,824
This is a long one! I feel like it's cute, but I don't think I did Bilbo's character justice. I feel like he's out of character in this, but it has been so incredibly long since I've seen the movies. Still, I hope you enjoy!~
Bilbo Baggins looked on in awe at the sprawling landscape that lay before him. Rivendell. Finally, knowing his party was safe, Bilbo relaxed. Even even though many of the dwarves radiated anger.
As the company descended the long stairway, Bilbo tuned out the noise of the dwarves and focused only on the beautiful nature and elvish architecture. Soon, they came to a stop on a circular platform that was connected to stairs. An elvin man with long, dark hair walked gracefully down the stairs and greeted Gandalf.
As they spoke, Bilbo's attention was once again snatched away by the beauty that surrounded him. It was strange to him how foreign and new this place was, yet he felt right at home.
Suddenly, loud horns sounded, startling the hobbit. Soon, the horns were followed by many armored elves on horseback coming the same way the company did. Bilbo's party quickly surrounded him in a protective circle as the Elvin cavalry circled them. The soldiers parted, allowing a horse carrying an elven man with long black hair and a stern face to come forward. Elrond.
His stern expression softened as he welcomed the tired party of travelers, offering food and bed. From there, the day passed quickly, and before Bilbo knew it, the moon was high above him, giving everything a soft glow. Feeling restless, Bilbo got out of the large bed and began to wander. He quickly found his way outside and decided to find a garden.
It had been so long since he had gotten to relax in a garden, feeling safe and at peace. "Now, where could it be..." he mumbled to himself and continued to wonder till he found what he had been searching for. He stood staring into the garden, for there sat delicately on a stone bench was the most beautiful thing Bilbo had ever seen. An elven woman with long (h-c) hair and (s-c) skin sat staring up into the sky.
"Ehem, excuse me?" He cautiously called out. The woman looked down at him, a small smile forming on her lips. "Hello." She greets. Bilbo walks to her and gestures to the stone bench she sat on. "Um, May I sit?" The elf nods, and Bilbo sits. After a short silence, Bilbo looked up at the elf, who was back to looking at the stars. "I uh I'm Bilbo. What is your name, miss?"
"My name is (y-n). It's been many years since I've seen a hobbit." The elf, (y-n), said gazing down at Bilbo. "This is the first I've seen an elf... I've encountered many new things since I left the shire.“ "And why do you stray from home?" Bilbo thought of what made him leave his cozy home in bagend. "A quest, to reclaim lost homeland.." (y-n) looked at Bilbo in surprise, then smiled. "You are in the company of Thorin Oakenshield? A noble quest indeed. Perfect for a noble hobbit such as yourself."
Bilbo's face felt hot as he stared at the elf. "M-me? Noble?" (Y-n) put a hand on his shoulder. "Indeed. I can tell you're destined for greatness. And how could someone so handsome not be noble?" Bilbo was left sputtering, trying to form words but failing. (Y-n) removed her hand and gestured around her,
"So why do you, noble hobbit, come to my garden at such a late hour?" Bilbo regained his composure and quickly answered. "Oh, um, I felt restless. Couldn't sleep... Your garden?" "Well, Elrond's garden, but I am the head gardener." She smiled at Bilbo. "And, to be honest, I am here for the same reasons. I am far too restless for sleep. But when this happens, I come to this bench, and I count the stars."
Bilbo stares at the dark blue and black sky, watching the stars glitter and sparkle. (Y-n) interrupted, "Lean on me, I will tell you about the stars and their stories." Bilbo glanced at (y-n), who was gazing softly at the hobbit. Gingerly, he leaned on her side, and she wrapped an arm around him. Bilbo felt the safest he had since leaving home. The hobbit listened intently to the elf, who would point to a star and tell him everything about it. Soon, Bilbo found himself drifting off to sleep to the sound of (Y-n)'s voice and the sight of the stars.
Sunlight filtered through a window, hitting the sleeping form of a hobbit. Bilbo groaned and sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He looked around the room, confused as to how he had gotten there. Maybe he doesn't remember walking back? Or... an image of (y-n) holding him and bringing him back to his room flooded his mind. He could feel his face heat up immensely. He was sure the blush was visible, too.
Bilbo ran his hands over his face, glancing around the room. His eyes fell on a folded piece of parchment where a simple flower lay on top. Bilbo picked them up, looking at the flower first, realizing it was from a plant that grew next to that stone bench. A smile formed on his face as he tucked the stem of the flower behind his ear. With an added free hand, he unfolded the parchment, in fancy handwriting was written:
Dearest Bilbo, I hope I did not bore you to sleep last night. I took you back to your room, I hope you don't mind. Come to the garden after breakfast, let us walk together.
Just then, Gandalf entered Bilbo's room. "Bilbo, I've come to fetch you for breakfast.." He trailed off when he saw the small flower poking out from Bilbo's curly hair. Gandalf clears his throat and takes a puff from his pipe. "Come along, Mr. Baggins. The company will not wait long for you." He turns, leaving the room as Bilbo races after him.
At breakfast, all the dwarves chatted loudly. Bilbo slowly ate, his mind buzzing with excitement. He thought of last night, how (y-n) had wrapped an arm around him, making him feel so safe. This made a smile appear on his face. One that, no matter how he tried, he couldn't suppress.
Gandalf raised an eyebrow at Bilbo's behavior. But before he could say anything, Bilbo stood from his now empty plate and excused himself from the table.
Bilbo tried to remember the way to the garden but kept getting lost. Instead, he sat on the front steps of the elven castle, sad he couldn't see the elf again. "There you are, dear Bilbo... I thought you were lost!" A sweet voice spoke from behind him. Bilbo whipped his head around and was met with the elf he was longing to see, (y-n).
"I was... I couldn't find my way back to the garden.." Bilbo said, looking away."I apologize.." (y-n) laughed as she gazed at the hobbit. "Worry not, Dearest. I will lead you there." She took ahold of his hand and began a short, peaceful walk together.
Soon, they approached the charming garden. Bilbo hopped up onto the bench as (y-n) leaned down to a bush of flowers. The same flowers, Bilbo realized, that she had left for him. He watched as the elf's nimble fingers twisted and braided the flowers into a small flower crown. She moved to kneel in front of Bilbo, still taller than him, and placed the crown atop his curly hair.
Bilbo felt his cheeks grow warm at the way (y-n) gazed at him with such warmth in her eyes. "A crown fit for a king, I'd say!" Bilbo smiles at her. "Quite!" Y-n laughed and clapped her hands together. "But every king needs..." Bilbo trailed off as he quickly picked and twisted flowers together, creating a flower tiara of sorts.
He looked back up at (y-n). "Every king needs a queen." Bilbo says as he gently sets the flower tiara on Y-n's head. "Dear Bilbo, you have a heart of gold." She placed a hand on Bilbo's cheek. "I am grateful to have met you, and I know our friendship will be nothing short of wonderful."
Bilbo and (Y-n) took a short walk before deciding that it was time for Bilbo to go back to his party.
(Y-n) leaned down to Bilbo's height and clasped her hands around his. "If you cannot sleep, come find me, my dear." Bilbo nodded, looking up at the elf. "Of course. Farwell, y-n."
That night, as the moon slowly began to rise, Bilbo was wandering around. Once again, lost. Deciding to rest, he sat on the ground near one of the many streams in Rivendell. Bilbo stared into the water, fixing his hair when suddenly a smiling face appeared in the reflection of the stream. "Lost again, dear Bilbo?"
Bilbo let out a stared yell and fell backward. "Oh, i-it's you, (y-n)!" The Hobbit sighed, gazing up at the elf that was bent over and staring down at him, an amused look on her face. Behind a hand, (y-n) stifled a laugh.
"I do apologize, my friend. I hadn't meant to startle you!" Bilbo stood slowly and let out an embarrassed laugh. "Uh no, no, I'm quite alright... and yes, I am lost once again." (Y-n) smiled. "It can not be helped. You have only been here two days after all. Follow me, dear."
The two started the short trek to their usual spot, stopping just a few feet short of it. "Dear Bilbo, how would you to sit somewhere else for tonight? Just further down this path is a tree that is in full bloom." The elf looked down at Bilbo."There is no bench. We'd have to sit on the ground... as long as it didn't bother you?" She felt oddly nervous asking him.
Bilbo looked up at her and smiled. "I'd love to!" A small excited smile graced (Y-n)'s face. To Bilbo, it was one of the prettiest smiles he'd ever seen.
Soon, they arrived at the large gorgeous tree, full of beautiful flowers, all of which seemed to be in full bloom. The base of the trunk was surrounded by different plants and flowers, save for an empty spot in the front. Just large enough for two people.
"This is beautiful..." Bilbo said, gazing at the scene. "I am terribly glad you agree, Bilbo." (Y-n) said as she took her spot on the ground, the Hobbit doing the same. "I have long wished to have someone to share the spot with. Perhaps that someone can be you for as long as you are in Imladris?"
Bilbo's face felt warm. He nodded and glanced at the elf beside him. The Moon added a soft glow to her every feature. Bilbo quickly cleared his throat and gained (Y-n)'s attention. "U-uhm T-this would be a great place for a picnic! Don't you agree?"
"Why, yes. Yes, it would be!" She smiled warmly down at Bilbo. "I hadn't ever thought about that before! I am lucky to have you, dear Bilbo." He shyly smiled his cheeks, feeling hot.
"So, uh, what do you do here? In this spot, I mean..." Bilbo asked. "Oh, I enjoy practicing music here." The Hobbit looked at (y-n). "What instrument?" "Any." She said, gazing at the flowers above them. Bilbo turned to face her fully. "Any? You mean, you can play any instrument?" (Y-n) gave him a tired yet amused look. "Dear Bilbo, I am incredibly old... why wouldn't I?"
"Yes, that does make sense." Bilbo says, shifting to lean back on the tree. They settled into a pleasant silence. Time sped by, and soon, it was once again time for them to part.
This time, y-n walked Bilbo to his room. "Good night, Dearest Bilbo. I will be terribly busy tomorrow, but I will find you when I get the chance." Bilbo nodded as he opened his door. "Good night, miss (y-n). I look forward to seeing you again..." He gave a shy smile before slipping into his room. However, just before closing the door, he poked his head out.
"You don't look old, you know. Not that there's anything wrong with that... I-I just mean" Bilbo took a deep breath."You're beautiful..." (Y-n)'s face felt hot as she looked at him, surprised. Slowly, that same small yet excited smile that Bilbo thought was so lovely appeared.
The elf leaned down and placed a quick soft kiss on Bilbo's head, enjoying the feeling of his soft curly hair on her cheeks. Pulling away, she gazed at him warmly. "Good night, dear." And then she walked away with warm cheeks and a smile. Leaving behind a stuttering hobbit.
The next few days sped by, and nearly every night, Bilbo bet with (Y-n). They grew closer, telling each other everything. (Y-n) even gifted him an old book and later a pipe. The hobbit felt as though this was true bliss...
Soon, it was the eve of the dwarves departure. This means Bilbo would have to leave as well. In the days he spent here, he had come to love this place... He came to love her. Since the night she kissed his head, Bilbo couldn't rid himself of the thought of the elf. He even began to dream of her.
The moon was bright, and it seemed to reflect off of everything, giving the world a shimmering effect. Bilbo stared out the window, gathering the courage to say goodbye. Soon, he left and took the same route as the first day he found the garden and sat on the same bench where he met (Y-n).
Bilbo stared at his hands that sat in his lap clenched nervously together. Soon, a light shadow covered him, and he quickly looked up. “I thought I might find you here, my dear.“ (Y-n) said gently. The hobbit stood and gestured to the bench. “p-please, sit!“ He stumbled over his words. (Y-n) laughed at his behavior and took a seat. Bilbo copied.
“...You have something to tell me.“ (Y-n) whispered, not looking at Bilbo. He looked at her then at the grass. “I do.“ a sad sigh leaves his lips. “I leave with the dwarves tomorrow at dawn.“ Bilbo looks at (Y-n) who was fully turned away from him. “I know, my dearest Bilbo.“
(Y-n) brought her long sleeves to her face, then turned to Bilbo and grabbed his hands gently. “My friend, I'm honored to have gotten to meet you and to become close. I only hope you will somehow visit this old elf once or twice. You have been wonderful company and I am sad to see you go...“ She smiles widely. “Please be safe, my dear Bilbo.“ Bilbo stares wordlessly, shocked by the sudden speech.
(Y-n) quickly stands and turns away from him. “I.. I apologize... I must go.. I will bid you farewell in the morning.“ Bilbo shoots up, stumbles slightly, and grabs at (Y-n). “wait! Please!“ He sputters. Bilbo gently grabs her hand and tugs (y-n) towards him, making her face him. He scrambles up the bench to stand a bit closer to her height, still only reaching her chest
(Y-n)'s usually peaceful happy face was contorted in sorrow. This made Bilbo's chest ache. “Please, tell me what's going on.“ Tear that had been threatening to fall finally slid down her cheek.
She slouched slightly, covering her face in her hands. “Oh, my brave and noble hobbit! I wish you needn't go! I wish you need not leave me.“ (Y-n) confessed. Bilbo gently took her hands into his, pulling them away from her face.
“I wish I could stay. I've grown very fond of this place.“ He said, looking around at the glowing garden surrounding them. “I've grown very fond of you. I wish I could stay here...with you.“ He looks into (Y-n)'s eyes. “But I want to help the dwarves. I- I can't leave them with no home.“
“Never in my endless life have I ever before felt the way I feel about you, Bilbo.“ (Y-n) confessed. “You are a good hobbit.“ Bilbo smiled at her. “But, after, I'll come back. I'll come back to you, and stay with you.“ (Y-n) stared at him with wide eyes. “If you'll have me, that is...“ He added with a sheepish look.
(Y-n) leaned her forehead onto Bilbo's. His hands shakily lifted and gently held her face. “Do you know what you are saying to me, Bilbo?“ She whispered, eyes closed. She wished to hear him say it. “Y-yes... I love you, (Y-n).“ She gave him a big happy smile that Bilbo thought was beautiful. “I love you, too, my brave Bilbo Baggins!“
The hobbit, overcome with joy, closed the gap between them. (Y-n) wrapped her arms around him, smiling into the kiss. She only pulled away to pepper Bilbo's face in small kisses before planting her lips back on his.
“I'll see you again, my love.“ She whispered. Bilbo smiled and held on to (Y-n).
“I'll see you again...“ He replied earnestly.
Like what you see and want to show some support with more than a comment? Buy me a coffee!
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l7nns31deb109 · 19 days ago
I am soo happy to have found someone who’s still writting for The Hobbit/LOTR!
Would you be willing to write a bilbo x fem human reader imagine? Where Bilbo is trying to court her and eventually wants to kiss her but- you know- height differences lol!
Thank you:))
Thank you for this ask!!! I hope you like this!! First time writing for him so lmk what you think!
•before he officially starts courting you, whenever he’s around you he tries to play it cool by having a chill exterior but he has the biggest crush on you and is awful at hiding it
•would NEVER admit it- but the height difference intimidated him at first
•”you um, you look quite nice today. Not that you don’t everyday but um you uh- have you done something with your hair?”
•^rambles a lot
•after he gets over the initial nervousness, he’s quite the charmer
•makes cheeky comments 24/7 but never oversteps
•likes to hold your hand, despite it being a bit hard lol
•^when he can’t do that tho, he’ll grab ahold of your waist, either by just resting a hand on it or putting his arm around it
•very stubborn about the height difference
•if you ask him if he’d like you to lean down he’ll cross his arms and go “no, actually I don’t. My neck bends just fine dear”
•^eventually gets over this
•very traditional courting, I’d imagine hobbit and human courting rituals are similar but nonetheless he tries to do research on how your culture practices courting
•^cooks for you
•^gives you a fresh bouquet every week
•such a gentleman, so much so that when you’ve been courting for a few months and he wants to kiss you, he doesn’t know how to bring it up
•^doesn’t want to come off rude or brash
•asks you how you’d feel about it
•^”darling? I have a question..”
•you discuss it and the two of you decide that whenever it happens, it happens
•eventually that moment comes, Bilbo invites you over for dinner
•^this wasn’t unusual for you two, he loved cooking, and he loved you. More so tho, he loved cooking for you
•after you both eat and stuff he takes the plates and other dishes to the kitchen and tells you to wait
•You smile and shake your head, of course not listening to him you go to the kitchen
•”my dear I promise I won’t take long. This is a vintage east farthing plate, I don’t want it to stain”
•instead of going back you smile, and go over to him. You stand next to him and grin down at him.
•”Bilbo?” “Yes dear?” He’d respond, not quite paying attention. You’d smile and get on your knees. This made you eye level with him.
•^hed quirk a brow at this but continue to wash the dishes. He’d smiled and look over to you, “what’re you doing?”. “Kiss me”
•he’d laugh a bit and lean in, you’d kiss and he’d pull away and tell you how much he loves you
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lsd-astronaut · 14 days ago
Hi!! Would you be willing to write some cute headcanons for what it would be like to date the hobbits? The main four (Frodo, Sam, Pippin, Merry) and also Bilbo if you’d like! Preferably a fellow hobbit reader, I wanna live in the Shire so bad haha. Can’t wait to see what you come up with! 😊💛
Hello! Thank you so much for your request, you're a sweetheart 💕I relate SO much to your wanting to live in the Shire, I feel like that could solve 99% of my problems. How lucky that we're getting that Tales of the Shire game in July of this year, eh? Anyways, I hope you enjoy, but keep in mind that this is my first time writing anything for LoTR so I apologize if it's not good.✨
Dating the hobbits (x Fem!Hobbit!Reader)
✦ Frodo
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Book dates! He is a certified bookworm and would love to either read to you or do some parallel play where both of you are reading different things in the same room, and there aren't even words exchanged except maybe he is lying on your lap or viceversa, and it's super cozy. If you're not much of a reader but show enough interest, he would still try to recommend you something he thinks you'd like.
Following this line of thought, I believe he can read you so well! He is very perceptive of your moods, and is always two steps forward. However, he won't say anything, and just hand you the thing you need and just smile sweetly as you stand there like "...how" Those blue eyes can bore into your soul.
Can I also say tea parties? I feel like he would love tea (what happens when you have Bilbo as an uncle), and every time he knows you're coming over, he will literally plead for Bilbo to let him use his best tea set, and who is Bilbo to be in the way of young love?
He would also invite you every time he goes to the Green Dragon, and is delighted that you get along with Sam, Merry, and Pippin so well. Frodo just loves the people he considers his family and his heart has space for one more.
✦ Sam
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Yeah, this hobbit cannot believe how lucky he is when he asked you out and you immediately said yes. He still cannot believe it as the years pass. It's a feeling he thinks will never go away, which is a good thing because it makes your relationship something that will never lose its shine.
Honestly, I didn't see him as a poet guy, but I'm warming myself to that idea. However, I feel like he wouldn't be writing long sonnets about your beauty, but instead little poems of a few verses, comparing you with a flower of your garden. You can tell when he's writing one of these because he will blush red like a tomato, but you've decided not to tell him for his poor heart's sake. Besides, you love his face when he sees you reading and reacting to one of his poems!
His go-to gift in anniversaries or special days, or sometimes when he feels like it, is bouquets of flowers he picks from his garden. Merry and Pippin tease him for being so down bad for you that he's willing to do that (honestly, you're the only person, not even Mister Frodo gets the privilege), but he chooses to ignore them. He also loves to cook for you on these days and loves to see your face as you try his food.
His family is constantly asking him to bring you over and his poor nerves can only handle so many questions about you two, but he is secretly glad they love you almost as much as he does.
✦ Merry
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Certified little shit #1 whom I love very much.
He knows he's pretty and he's not humble at all (secondary effect of rich kid syndrome) but when he started dating you, he was like "wait, I think I actually want to be better for them."
Dates would either consist of full on philosophical conversations fueled by so much pipeweed that would give the two of you the biggest munchies known to man hobbit, or drinking contests in the Green Dragon topped by dancing on top of a table in true hobbit fashion.
Now, on a more serious note, he is SO good at remembering every single little detail about you. You are pretty sure he has a little notebook where he keeps everything you tell him, but alas you haven't seen it, and his lips are sealed. He also keeps strict schedules for dates on more important days, and gets a bit nervous when something happens outside of what he's planned for, but a kiss will surely steer him back on track sooner than you can say 'shire'.
Adores how well Pippin took to you (see what I did there lmao) and is happy to see you both get along even if it sometimes comes back to bite him in the ass when you two team up to either tease or prank him.
✦ Pippin
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Certified little shit #2 whom I love very much.
Once again, he knows he's cute and yet he, like Sam, still can't believe you choose to stay with him, but Yavanna forbid if he won't make use of this opportunity he has been given.
He makes so much effort in the relationship. He has to be the best boyfriend ever, and will break his back to make sure you're happy. This would lead to a conversation about your expectations in the relationship and how Pippin does not have to prove his worth constantly. You are not going to get mad at him if he makes a mistake, and he appreciates that.
Sweetheart that loves to talk about you to whoever is present and willing to listen. Frodo, Merry, and Sam still try to listen to him, but if Pippin is drinking, he will just go on and on, and they will probably just tune him out after a bit.
He asks Merry for advice when planning dates for you, and Merry is more than glad to exercise his role of older cousin. The success of said plans between these two is better left to your imagination.
Bonus: Bilbo
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He is an indoors hobbit so dates are mainly spent in Bag End with you reading and him writing (parallel play well done is so relaxing and I will die on this hill), or both of you drinking hot cocoa in front of the fireplace as he tells you some stories from his little adventure to the other side of the world.
Dating him would be so entertaining in the sense that you'll always receive visits from so many different relatives. The first time, Bilbo was very apologetic but after seeing you dispatch Lobelia swiftly and politely, he found his heart beating very fast and knows you don't need his protection as much as he wants to keep you safe.
For me, no one died in the Battle of Five Armies, so he would invite you to his yearly trips to Erebor. The dwarves do come by Bag End every once in a while, but he likes to go to the Mountain to see Thorin and Fíli, who can't really go anywhere because of their duties as King and Prince Under the Mountain.
When Frodo's parents die, Bilbo is conflicted between adopting him or not. He doesn't want to impose a whole ass child on you so he sits you down and hears what you have to say about this entire thing. Feels very relieved when you tell him you see no problem in adopting the little hobbit.
Very happy with his family, both hobbits and dwarves.
My first request done! I have no idea why it took so long, I had so much fun writing for this, even though I know these are very general daring headcanons, but you can only get better by writing. Anyways, I hope you like it, and that I did them justice!
Please, like and reblog!
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LOTR/ The Hobbit Preference: How You Meet (4/4)
(1) (2) (3)
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Meludir and you met when you visited Erebor with your friend Bilbo. King Thranduil was visiting at the same time and you came across Meludir when he was wondering around the forest near Thorins kingdom. You had a lot of fun teasing him on your first meeting.
“What are you doing?” Meludir heard a worried voice call behind him.
His eyes went big as he saw you running towards him, anxiety present on your face.
“That is a sacred tree and you pick its fruit!” You falsely scold him.
He can’t help but mutter out a pathetic apology as you take the fruit from his hands. Once your eyes meet he sees a cheeky smile on your face as you bite into the apple.
“You’re so cute when you’re nervous.” You smile up at him, tracing his jaw with your finger tip before running into the woods before him.
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Thorin and you met the evening of the meeting at Bag End. He didn’t expect another person to be joining his company, let alone a human, but he didn’t protest your joining once he laid eyes on you.
Hearing a knock come from the door, everyone turned in curiosity.
“Now who?” Bilbo called out, annoyed at more unwelcome guests.
“Y/n.” Gandalfs face lit up as you came into view of the round door frame.
“Gentlemen, this is my good friend y/n. She will be the protector of our burglar.” Gandalf proudly announces.
You smile at the announcement and wave to everyone.
Thorin’s face was stuck in a look of wonder as he stared at the warrior woman before him. Her confident stance, kind smile and strong blade on her hip left him in wonder.
“Y/n, this is the leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield.” Gandalfs introduction pulling Thorin out of his trance.
“It’s nice to meet you.” You extend a hand.
“Nice to meet you.” Thorin quietly replied, slowly taking your hand and eyes never leaving yours.
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Bilbo met you one afternoon that Gandalf came through town. It was a Spring festival in The Shire and your friend Gandalf had invited you to join him.
“Gandalf! Enjoying the festivities?” Bilbo asked his wizard friend.
“Very much so, Mr Baggins.” Gandalf laughed jovially.
“Gandalf! They have those lemon cakes here I love!”
Bilbo heard a voice cry as he saw you run towards himself and the wizard. Spotting you, Gandalfs smile grew.
“I’m so glad, my dear. Bilbo this is my friend, y/n. Y/n, this is Bilbo Baggins.” Your wizard friend introduced.
Bilbo looked at you in awe, thinking you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
“H-hello.” He introduced, a pink blush coming to his sweet cheeks, causing you to giggle.
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