#percy weasley imagines
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atypicalamortentia · 1 year ago
Disappear || Percy Weasley
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Synopsis - Ron looses you on your trip to the Weasley house.
Warnings - NSFW.
Notes - Characters are 18+!
Word Count - 1.2k.
[Caffeinate Me]
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Ron was beyond confused, not to mention worried. He ran into the bedroom where Harry and Hermione were sitting, reading their books, before pacing up and down with his hands in his messy ginger hair. “Shit, shit shit.” 
Harry looked at Ron with a puzzled expression. “What’s wrong?” He asked. 
Ron gulped, looking at his two friends with wide eyes. “I’ve lost Y/N.”
“What do you mean you’ve ‘lost Y/N’?” Hermione asked as she narrowed her eyes. 
“Well,” Ron started, stroking the back of his neck with his hands. “She was outside with me, helping me put up the Christmas lights. I came inside to turn them on, you know, to see if they looked decent and when I went back she was gone!” 
“Oh honestly Ronald, you had one job!” Hermione groaned, rolling her eyes. 
“It’s not my fault!” Ron exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air. “I didn’t think she’d give me the slip! So… Neither of you have seen her?” 
Harry and Hermione shook their heads before Harry spoke up, “are you sure she isn’t with Fred and George? She’s quite close to them.” 
Ron’s eyes widened as he nodded. “Good idea! I’ll ask them!”
Ron then bolted out of the room as fast as he could, leaving Harry and Hermione sitting there shaking their heads and laughing. When Ron reached the twins room, he didn’t even bother knocking. He slammed the door open, breathing heavily. Fred and George looked at their brother, confusion lacing their faces. “What is it?” They asked simultaneously. 
“Have you seen Y/N?” Ron asked, but the twins just shook their heads. 
“No. We haven’t. Wasn’t she supposed to be helping you put up the Christmas decorations outside?” Fred asked, looking at George with a grin on his face. 
Ron nodded. “Yeah. But she gave me the slip. I was hoping she’d be with you!” 
“Nope,” George replied. “You must have bored her half to death.” 
“Ha ha very funny,” Ron said as he rolled his eyes. “I’ll ask Percy.” 
“Haven’t seen him leave his room. Doubt he would have seen her,” Fred pointed out. “Have you checked the farm? Maybe she went to see the animals.” 
“She has to be there,” Ron nodded. “She couldn’t have just disappeared.” And with that, he ran off to check the livestock peppered around the outside of the Weasley home. 
Meanwhile you were in Percy’s room. You were hovering above him, hand over his mouth to quieten down the moans and whimpers that were threatening to leave his lips as you rode him. Your hips moved expertly against his, but cautiously, ready to jump off if anybody was to interrupt the two of you. You had been dating Percy in secret for a few months now, and would always disappear to his room when nobody was looking. “‘M gonna cum,” Percy whimpered against your hand, his hips thrusting up to meet yours in a chaotic rhythm. 
“Shh pretty boy,” you whispered quietly and Percy nodded as tears sprung to his eyes. The pleasure you were giving him was too much to handle. His arms flew to your waist, keeping you doing the same movements over and over again as he pulled you flush against his bare chest. The sudden movement caused your hand to fall from his mouth, but Percy was quick to smash his lips against yours, kissing you desperately. You swallowed his moans as he finally came, his hips stuttering as thick ropes of white coated your insides. Your hips slowed down to a halt as your lips glided across his effortlessly. 
“Merlin,” Percy whispered against your lips before pulling away and gazing into your eyes. You shifted your weight and rolled off of him, laying down on your back and breathing deeply as you stared at the ceiling. You found yourself giggling quietly as you heard Ron’s voice carry throughout the house. 
“She’s not there!” Ron cried as he ran through the halls, opening all the doors but Percy’s and peering into the rooms. 
“I should go and relieve your brother from the torture of trying to find me,” you say looking at Percy with a grin. 
He pouted, pulling your body close to his and pressing a tender kiss on your temple. “Do you have to go?” 
“Y/N! Y/N where are you?” Ron’s voice echoed. 
You looked at Percy and nodded. “I’ll be back, you can count on it.” 
“I’ll hold you to that,” he smiled, watching as you stood up from the small bed and dressed yourself. “You’re so beautiful.” 
You blushed at Percy’s words and straightened your hair, looking into the mirror to make sure you looked presentable. When you were satisfied with how you looked, you turned to Percy and grinned, bending down to kiss him on the lips softly. “I’ll see you later handsome,” you whispered against his lips. 
“Not if I see you first,” he replied cheekily as you pulled away from his lips. You rolled your eyes playfully as you turned to leave Percy’s room. You checked both ways down the halls to make sure nobody was there, turning to give Percy one last smile before exiting his room. You quickly made your way to Harry and Hermione, trying to come up with an excuse as to where you had been in your head. When you entered the room, the two friends looked up at you with a smile on their faces. 
“Y/N!” Hermione exclaimed, jumping up from her position and hugging you. “Where have you been?” 
“I went to check on the chickens,” was all you could come up with. Harry raised an eyebrow at you, but didn’t say anything. 
“Y/N? Is that you?” Ron asked, barrelling into the room with a grin on his face. “There you are! Bloody hell, I’ve been looking for you everywhere!”
“She was with the chickens,” Harry said, a smile on his face. Ron looked slightly confused, but thankfully didn’t question you any further. Instead, he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. 
“Fancy helping me with the rest of the decorations?” He grinned. 
You nodded, excited that Christmas was just around the corner. “Of course!” 
You followed Ron out of the room and down the hall, passing Percy on the way who was heading to the bathroom. He eyed you lovingly although his posture was stern. You didn’t know how much longer you’d be able to keep up your secret relationship, especially since you kept disappearing every time you went to the Weasley house to rendezvous with Percy. But for now, you were content. You sighed dreamily as you passed your lover in the hall, his hand skimming yours and quickly intertwining around your fingers before pulling away. A subtle gesture to let you know that he was thinking of you. Ron, who was completely oblivious to what had happened, continued walking to the loft to get more Christmas decorations down. You smiled at Percy before quickly following his younger brother, holding the ladder for him to climb up. When Ron finally re-emerged he was holding a container full of decorations, a wide grin on his face. “Here we are! I hope you’re not going to disappear again, we have a lot more to put up!” 
You chuckled. “I’ll try my hardest not to.”
Ron narrowed his eyes, but quickly found the funny side of your joke, nodding along. “Well if you do, at least tell me where you’re going next time. I was worried!” 
“I will do,” you said, knowing full well you would disappear again and not tell anyone where you were going. It was the norm now, and everyone just had to be okay with that.
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pweaselbee · 8 months ago
percy weasley smells spicy-lemony. the lemony scent is a byproduct of the charm he uses to polish his badge, the spice a cologne in an attempt to overwrite the lemon scent. it doesn’t really cover the lemon scent up, but that’s okay. they complement each other nicely.
percy listens to a lot of old muggle jazz— leftovers from when his father was all he aspired to be in life. his beat up old record player is on a constant rotation of nina simone, billie holiday, and nat king cole, to name some.
percy’s glasses don’t quite fit right— years of resizing as he’s grown has made them always a little big on him, making him look rather like an owl. when he bends his head to scratch down notes or essays, they have a tendency to slide down his nose. occasionally, when he’s particularly lost in concentration, they’ll slip off his nose entirely, falling onto his parchment and smudging the ink.
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justanoasisimagines · 4 months ago
Going to a lights ceremony - Percy Weasley
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Hey lovelies, back with another headcanon! If you want to see any specfic characters for my Christmas posts drop me their name into my askbox! Credit to cafekitsune for the banner and the divider!
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☃️Percy has never gone to anything like it before. They don't have them in the wizarding world. However, Percy would be willing to go to see what it's about.
☃️Percy would face questions about it when he returned home. Arthur finds anything about Muggles curious. He'd want to take Molly next year.
☃️With that being said, Percy does ask you questions while the two of you are out. He wants to know what things are, what the purpose of them are etc.
☃️Percy is inquisitive and willing to try new things. For example, new food, new activities etc.
☃️Percy likes to check in on you during the evening. He wants to make sure you're warm enough, and your not thirsty or hungry.
☃️While walking around, Percy holds your hand the entire time. He doesn't want to lose you in the crowd.
☃️Trying to find a good spot to see the lights being switched on.
☃️Percy enjoying hot chocolate. He can't believe he's gone so long without trying it. He'd have a whipped cream mustache.
☃️Percy buys his family something to try. Perhaps some gingerbread or some Christmas cake. Something he's never seen before.
☃️Percy is in awe of how intricate and light the ceremony can be. The atmosphere, the entertainers, the food and the music. Percy's never seen anything like it before.
☃️Percy would want to show you a Christmas tradition next. He wants you to feel included in his life. He'd also be keen to bring both traditions together and to create traditions together
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ffangirlingsince2001 · 1 year ago
The Great Upheaval of Percy Weasley: Avoidance
Percy Weasley x OC
Description: Percy Weasley has been avoiding her and that will certainly not do.
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Percy had been acting weird, not normal Percy weird, more like nervous schoolboy weird. And while Percy behaving strangely wouldn’t have worried Elle any other year, this year it was getting in her way. He was supposed to be her distraction, instead he was avoiding her. She was sure he couldn’t still be annoyed about her disappearing a few days ago. His kiss was enough to prove that. Yet, since then he hadn’t said a word, and ignored her invitations. She yanked her jumper over her head so hard it ripped. It was all she could do not to scream.
As she changed one black jumper to the next, she glanced out the window at the pouring rain. It was only one more thing to glare about. First Quidditch match of the year and she was going to be working in the rain, without warm lips to come back to.
“Hurry up, I want a good seat,” Dinah called.
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” Elle responded stepping out of the bathroom and grabbing her slicker.
“Wow, that’s some incredible house spirit,” Dinah said, noting her black jumper.
“I’m neutral.”
“Sure, until we win and then you drink like the rest of us.”
“Details, details.”
“Just make sure you take care of our team faster than theirs. I have a bet with Quinn, and I do not have the funds for a loss.” Elle rolled her eyes; this was the same conversation they had before every Quidditch match since Elle had started working for Madam Pomfrey in her fourth year.
“Do you want me to promise and lie, or just stay quiet.” Dinah only smacked her with her umbrella in response. “What’s the bet today?”
“Hufflepuff wins due to Gryffindor losing its seeker to an unforeseen injury.”
“You really have to stop betting on details and stick to just the winner.”
“Harry hasn’t been injured for ages.”
“Have you seen the weather; you could be injured in that storm.”
“It’s not that bad,” Dinah says as they pushed the door open, stepping into the torrent outside. The heavy oak pushed them back as the rain instantly soaked them.
“You were saying?” Elle yelled over the wind.
“Shut up,” Dinah yelled back, ducking her head as they marched towards the Quidditch pitch. They were halfway to the pitch when Elle realized she had left her wand sitting on the windowsill by her bed.
“Fuck, I forgot my wand,” she yelled.
“I forgot my wand,” she yelled again, making a motion with her hand. “I’ll see you after the game.” Dinah waved her away as she continued her trek towards the pitch. Elle turned and ran back towards the castle, the wind pushing against her back all the way. She yanked open the doors and smacked right into the boy who had been avoiding her. His eyes widened and she accidentally glared.
“Move it Weasley, I’m on a deadline.”
“No, you’ll have to wait, I forgot my wand,” she growled pushing past him.
“Accio wand,” he announced, “Now, do you have a moment?” She whipped around. He’d been avoiding her, and now he had time to talk.
“Listen here, Percy Weasley, I don’t know who you think you are but-.” And then he was kissing her, right in the middle of the corridor, as if he didn’t give a damn about who came around the corner. She yanked herself away despite not wanting to.
“I’m sorry, they’ve got me following Potter. I haven’t been able to get away,” he said, catching her wand before handing it to her. She licked her teeth and glanced over her shoulder for anyone who might be watching, and then grabbed him by the tie kissing him again. When she pulled away, they were both grinning.
“Restricted section, after the game?” He kissed her again and she took that as a resounding yes. He pushed open the door for her and they both stepped back into the pouring rain that didn’t seem as cold as it did before.
When they reached the pitch, they waved their goodbyes and she slipped into the locker room, searching for Wood. She passed the girls changing and marched into the boy’s locker room.
“Wood!” she hollered, peaking around corners. She ran into the twins who both grinned but pointed her in the right direction without a suggestive comment from either, it seemed they remembered her threat from the last time they had crossed paths. “Wood.”
“Jesus Elle, you’re not supposed to be in here.”
“Oh shove it, I’m here to warn you.”
“About what?” he asked with a cocky grin and she slugged him in the arm.
“Listen, I know you like to take risks, don’t, not with the way it looks out there today.”
“Don’t argue with me. Just know there are two ways to fix broken bones, easy ways and hard ways, don’t make it the hard way.”
“You really know how write pep talk.”
“Shut up and win.” With that she walked out, noting Harry as she went and praying that Dinah would be winning money her bet today. She walked onto the pitch and winced at the spray of rain before finding Poppy in the medical tent.
“They shouldn’t be playing today,” the nurse fussed, and Elle nodded, glancing up at the sky.
“I couldn’t agree more.” She prepped everything they might need and sat at the edge of the tent, just out of reach of the rain. As she waited for the players to enter the arena she searched for Percy among the crowds. It wasn’t until Hufflepuff stepped out that she found his ginger curls whipping around in the wind, but she didn’t have long to stare before Madam Hooch tossed the quaffle into the air and the game began.
For being the worst weather she had ever seen, the first half of the game was without much injury. It seemed Wood had headed her warning (there was a first for everything). It wasn’t until the end of Katie Bell’s broom was struck with lightning that Elle was forced to make her way onto the field. She quickly put out the fire and checked the chaser over.
“All clear,” she yelled over the wind and then Katie was gone, back into the downpour the moment she was cleared. Elle returned to the tent only to run back out a few moments later as one of the Hufflepuff beaters was struck by lightning and came crashing down.
He wasn’t getting back on his broom anytime soon. She dragged him and his broom through the mud towards the tent and then levitated him onto a stretcher. She poured a thick white mixture into a cup and tipped it against his lips. Even through unconsciousness his nose scrunched at the smell, but she tipped his head back and poured it down his throat anyway. She was checking him over when she heard the gasps from outside.
She rushed into the rain just in time to see Harry hit the ground and Hufflepuff win the game. It seemed Quinn was going to be making her money today.
 She dropped to her knees and checked for a pulse, shocked to find how cold he was. No bones seemed to be broken and he had only suffered from a few minor scrapes and bruises.
“Poppy,” she hollered over the rain, “Bring the stretcher.” She raised the boy onto the stretcher and glanced wearily around at the students watching her. She yanked her attention away from them and back to Harry. “We need to get him warm, but other that he should be fine. Someone stopped him from hitting the ground hard enough for it to cause any damage.” Poppy nodded as she levitated the stretcher towards the castle. Elle rushed back inside and waited for the rest of the teams to wander through for their checks.
No one seemed particularly cheerful as they wandered through her tent. Whether that was the loss or the dementors she couldn’t be sure, but from the gloomy looks on the Hufflepuff team’s faces she guessed the latter. Everyone seemed to be fine but she asked Katie to stop by the Hospital Wing for a quick check up, just to make sure, and then levitated the Hufflepuff boy back to the castle.
Both teams had beat her back, and the Hufflepuffs were waiting patiently for their teammate.
“He should be awake in a few minutes,” she assured them before finding Poppy. The nurse sent her away, assuring her that there was nothing more she could do. She checked just to make sure, but Poppy had no problem swatting her away from patients either. She grinned and turned, doing her best not to sprint out of the Hospital Wing and towards the Restricted Section. However, she was intercepted on her way by a pair of cold hands and warm lips.
“I thought we agreed the Restricted Section?”
“Too far,” he murmured against her lips, locking the door behind him before pushing her against it. “How long will he be in the Hospital Wing?”
“A couple more hours at least.”
“Perfect,” he said before pulling her close again. He was almost as famished as she was as he hoisted her up and set her on a desk. His hands slipped beneath her jumper and she jumped at the cold tips of his fingers. “Are you okay?”
“Your hands are just cold,” she laughed grabbing his hands in hers and blowing softy. She could feel him shiver against her breath. She glanced up to meet his eyes before dropping his hands to cup his face before kissing him again. Warmer hands dropped back to the hem of her jumper before finding her skin once more. This time, instead of jumping away, she leaned in closer, relishing the feeling of his fingers creeping along the dips of her stomach. He peeled off her jumper and goosebumps followed his touch to the band of her bra.
She tilted her head as his lips found her neck and tugged on his curls, still damp from the rain. She was vaguely aware of his fingers tracing the band around to the clasp. He fumbled with it before giving up and simply resting his hand beneath the fabric. His other hand found her thigh, pulling it up against his waist. The denim stretched against the apex of her thighs as he pulled her closer.
“Elle,” he whispered against her skin and she pushed him away only to pull his lips to hers.
“Never again Percy Weasley, you hear me?” she asked against his lips, but he only cocked his hand in confusion. He pulled his hands away, as if he had done something wrong, but she caught him before he could fully retreat. “Never again will you ditch me like that,” she said before kissing him again. She pulled away once more to study his face, “Do you understand me?”
“Crystal clear.”
Excellent,” she laughed, emphasizing her pleasure with a harsh kiss to his jaw. She traced her thumb over the spot where she had kissed him moments before.  “Excellent,” she repeated.
“You’re excellent, and trust me, if I’m stupid enough to disappear again I will cast the curse for you.” She grinned and wrapped her legs around his waist, yanking him closer. Tangling her fingers in his hair, she breathed him in, drowning in the euphoria of warm lips while thunder crashed around them.
taglist: @andromedasstarship @danadeacon
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starssaroundmyscarssblog · 11 months ago
pairing: percy weasley x fem!oc (olympia slughorn)
word count: 1.04k
warnings: none
series masterlist
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percy weasley strived for validation of the academic kind, wanted to set himself apart from his ragtag group composed of five brothers and one sister that was designated to him at birth. he had no choice, each one of his siblings had something about them that set them apart from the rest.
ginny's was obvious since she was the only girl and the youngest, ron was somewhat friendly towards the muggle children who wandered into the fields surrounding the burrow every so often, which put him into his father's good books for learning about the 'fascinating' way that they live. fred and george had each other, like they were two peas unable to be prised out of their pod. charlie was sporty and had offers to go professional with his quidditch playing but turned it down for an even more rugged job handling dragons in eastern europe, bill was devil-may-care and living it large in an entirely different continent and was breaking curses in the last year of you-know-who's power.
everything that he, percy, was not.
where they were cool he was awkward, where they were popular he sunk into the shadows, and where they were doted upon he was given a book and a drink to keep quiet.
merlin, even ron seemed to be more favoured than him, and he was starting his first ever year of hogwarts with twin brothers who took the mickey out of him ( fred and george ), an even older brother who tried do disassociate himself from lower year riff-raff ( percy ), a legacy left behind by brothers who'd graduated to become great things, and no possessions that were originally his own.
the only things he had in his trunk that hadn't been passed down from brother to brother was his collection of homemade knitted jumpers, the pile of corned beef sandwiches he gagged simply at the sight of and the writing set he'd been given on his eleventh birthday by their great aunt tessie.
but, where percy lacked a brain of street smart tips and popular wizard culture, he made up for in ingenuity and drive to over achieve even if he fizzled out before his newt exams in three years time. and yet, percy still wasn't doing anything original or generically 'him' he realised when his prefects badge had landed in his bowl of porridge at the breakfast table one morning - bill had already been a prefect and then gone on to be head boy, charlie had smashed it out the park with his outstanding newt results too.
so he worked day and night, stalked the garden for muggle fireflies he could keep in a jar on his desk to observe for his summer task from the muggle studies teacher, poured himself over text book upon text book, any reading material he could get his hands on to put him in good standing for his owl year starting in september. percy snatched coloured pencils from ginny's desk draw when she was helping ron fling disorientated gnomes over the garden hedge to draw himself up a revision timetable, scheduled to start the first day back after the welcome feast.
he was going to pass his exams with flying colours, attend every single optional class and wrangle help out of his teachers if it was the last thing he did. even getting over himself to ask one of the students in the year above who was taking newt level potions to boost his grade up from an 'e' to a 'o'.
anything to see the look on olympia slughorn's face when the name 'percy weasley' was printed above hers in the top slot when the student rankings in each class was posted anonymously at the end of each month, like they had been since before his parents could remember.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
olympia slughorn was in a deeply committed one sided relationship with percy weasley - she hated him more than anything in the world and she wouldn't trust him as a confidante as far as she could launch him with a beaters bat. it wouldn't be too great of a distance compared to those who were on the slytherin quidditch team could hit, but she still had a good shot and that was enough for her.
he poked his nose into business it didn't belong, tried too hard to cosy up to his teachers by snitching on members of his class if a piece of homework was overdue, and constantly tried to ask her overly complex questions about origins of ingredients for her potions in effort to throw her off. it never worked, though. olympia had prevailed at the top of only one class in her entire four years at hogwarts thus far, and that was potions.
it ran though her blood, it was the one thing the slughorn's had in their legacy apart from her great uncle horace's self titled 'slug club' from his teaching days at hogwarts. he'd retired the year olympia was due to start attending the magical boarding school but still sent her various potion ingredients and recipes to create during the term time.
potions was the only subject she was predicted an 'o' in.
potions was the only thing she wanted to continue doing for the rest of her life.
there was no other option. percy weasley had to learn his place in the pecking order, and olympia knew just the way to ensure it.
she holed herself up in the small library room of the slughorn estate, significantly smaller in size compared to the lestrange manor that was dissed and had fallen into disrepair and the malfoy manor guarded with towering iron gates and white peacocks. there was seven floor to ceiling book cases in the library dedicated to potions, ingredients, poignant moments in wizarding history that advanced the world of potions, magical creatures host to rare ingredients that cost an arm and a leg to purchase.
olympia prized her validation just above thwarting anyone that was standing in her way, deliberate or not. she would snap her vintage muggle 'the beatles' records over the stone gargoyles over the front door of the house if the student rankings were posted and the name 'olympia slughorn' was printed below 'percy weasley'.
next part here
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mssorceressupreme · 1 month ago
Our Deal | F.W
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Pairing: Fred Weasley x hufflepuff!reader (works for any house really, except gryffindor for story purpose)
Summary: stuck in detention with Fred for a prank you never did, grants you the deal of a lifetime. Fred would help you get with your crush, Oliver Wood, and you get him with his, Gabriella Moon, in time for the Yule Ball. Though, as you spend more time teaching each other how to "flirt", complicated feelings start to arise.
Warnings/content: hufflepuff!reader, subtle enemies to lovers, mutual pining, jealous!fred, protective!fred, jealous!reader, mentions of alcohol, parties, quidditch injury, injured!reader, tension, flirting, kissing, teasing, Yule Ball
Wordcount: 6.8k (got carried away and kinda wrote a mini fic 😭🙏🏼)
“This is entirely your fault,” you snapped, bending down to scrub at the sticky residue on the stone floor. “I had nothing to do with that prank.” The potions storage room air reeked with the scent of something foul, probably from whatever concoction had spilled from the shelves earlier today. All thanks to that stupid explosion caused by none other than the twin's prank just outside the room.
You gestured around at the remnants of the prank—green goo still dripping from the shelves, a set of abandoned dungbombs rolling near the base of Snape’s desk. Crossing your arms, you huffed as you glared at Fred, who was leaning against the wall with that insufferable smirk, clearly enjoying your misery.
Fred chuckled, tossing a sponge into the air and catching it lazily. “Yeah, yeah, tell that to Snape. You just happened to be there, hands covered in fluorescent goo, looking guilty as hell, which might I add, doesn't help with your case.”
“I was cleaning up the mess, Fred, not causing it” you gritted out, shoving the bucket closer to him. “Unlike you, who just stood there laughing while George ran for his life.”
Fred grinned, bending down to soak his sponge in water. “Ah, Georgie. Quick on his feet, that one. Maybe you should take notes for next time.”
Lucky for George, he managed to escape Snape's fury, leaving the stupendous detention task of reorganising and cleaning the entire potions storage room to the two of you.
“There won’t be a next time because I don’t do pranks,” you retorted. “Unlike some people.”
Fred gasped, pausing from squeezing the water out of his sponge, “No pranks? No mischief? Merlin, what a dull existence.”
You scowled, but your lips twitched. “Not all of us live for chaos.”
“You sure? Because you seem to enjoy my company a lot for someone who claims to be innocent,” he teased, turning his attention to scrubbing the fluorescent goop from the floor.
“Oh, shush If I weren’t such a good person, I’d leave this room right now and tell Snape about the other pranks you and George are planning.”
Fred turned to face you, holding back a doubtful laugh as he momentarily stopped scrubbing, “You wouldn't dare, Y/L/N.” his tone sprinkled with a hint of mockery.
You rolled your eyes, dipping your sponge back into the murky water. “Unfortunately you're right.”
He raised an eyebrow, amused. “Because you secretly like me?”
“Because I’m not a snitch,” you corrected smugly. ____ An hour later, you were balancing on a stool, reaching for a jar of pickled salamander eyes while Fred stacked vials below. You glanced down at him, waiting for him to pass you more vials for the higher shelves.
A small played on his lips, Fred exhaled softly before handing you another vial, “Alright, since I do feel a tiny bit bad about dragging you into this, I’ll make it up to you.”
You raised your brow suspiciously. “How?”
Fred’s smirk returned. “The Yule Ball's coming up, right? I’ll help you get with whoever you want."
"In return, you promise not to rat me out about, oh, I don’t know, the prank in the Great Hall last week. Or the one from two days ago in McGonagall’s class. Or the—" He continued but you interjected swiftly.
Your eyes widened slightly, finally registering what he just offered. “You’re serious?”
“Dead serious,” he said, placing another vial on one of the lower shelves. “You name the bloke, and I’ll be your personal matchmaking genius.”
"You're kidding." You pressed your lips together, skeptical.
"Am not." He affirmed, "Go on, the look on your face says you have someone in mind Y/N."
A slow grin spread across your face, but you hesitated. "No one in mind." You shrugged.
Fred folded his arms, eyeing you up and down before tilting his head to the side, "I'm sensing...someone....taller than you?" Yeah, no kidding.
Without thinking you retorted, "Yeah obviously he's taller than me." Your hands flew at the speed of light to cover your mouth while turning to face away from Fred.
You hoped to hide your flushness, but you ended up losing your balance on the stool in the process. "Merlin, don't tell me you're quite literally falling for him." Fred quickly held your waist, steadying you before you could meet the ground. You grabbed his shoulder for support before adjusting yourself and returning to your respective task of arranging the vials on the upper shelf. You hadn't planned on telling anyone about your secret crush on Oliver Wood, but here you were, letting these words slip aimlessly out of your mouth.
Fred took your silence as an answer, curiosity lingering in the air.
"Ah, so there is someone on your mind." He pressed, "And who’s the unfortunate sod you fancy?"
You paused, feeling the heat of his gaze from below, "Oliver Wood..." You mumbled all too softly; even the house elves, with their sharp hearing abilities, wouldn't be able to decipher what you said.
Exhaling, you got down from the stool, standing in front of Fred and avoiding eye contact at all costs. He took slow tentative steps toward you, bending down to your level so he could hear, "Come again?" You could feel his breath on your skin.
Your eyes found his, not registering how close he was, "Oliver Wood." Your face tainted a light shade of red.
Fred choked on air, a loud chortle escaped him, "Wood? The Gryffindor Captain, Mr. ‘Quidditch is My One True Love’?"
"Shut up," you mumbled, heat rising to your cheeks. You placed a hand on his chest and shoved him away playfully, "Don't tell anyone! I'll vanish off the face of this earth if you do."
Fred laughed, shaking his head. “Blimey, you’ve got high standards.”
“I barely know him, but he’s just—” You sighed wistfully. “He’s so kind and driven and—”
“Obsessed with Quidditch?” Fred interjected.
“Yes, but in a dedicated way,” you said dreamily.
Fred snorted. "Merlin, alright, fine. I’ll help you. But just know that if I have to listen to you swoon over Wood for the next month, you owe me more than just detention duty."
You beamed. “Deal.”
“Good. Because I might need your help, too.”
You tilted your head, furrowing your brows. “With what?”
Fred leaned forward conspiratorially. “Gabriella Moon.”
"Gabriella? As in, my Gabriella?"
"I didn’t realise you had ownership over her," Fred mused. "But yes, your Hufflepuff friend."
You nodded, grinning. "Oh for sure, I can definitely help with that. Piece of cake."
Gabriella was in your house, a sweet and kind Hufflepuff, and you got along with her well. Setting her up with Fred should be a simple, easy, task.
"Alright, Weasley. You’ve got yourself a deal."
Fred held out his hand, and you shook it—sealing a pact neither of you realised would completely change everything.
"Our deal." He affirmed.
____ The deal meant spending more time together. At first, it was simple things—giving each other tips, practicing flirting, and being seen together enough to spark curiosity.
One evening in the Great Hall, Fred joined you at the Hufflepuff table. Your friends sat with you, but you were so engrossed with Fred, that everyone seemed to disappear into the background, feeling as though it was only the two of you in the hall.
Fred leaned in with a smirk after placing a dinner roll on your plate, which he knew you enjoyed pairing with butter. "Alright, say I’m Oliver—how would you charm me?"
You exhaled dramatically. "Fine." You turned to him, putting on your best smile. "Hey, Oliver, fancy seeing you here. Do you always look this good after practice?"
Fred chortled, nearly choking on his pumpkin juice. "Merlin’s beard, that was atrocious."
You gasped, smacking his arm. "It was not!"
"It was!" Fred wheezed, clutching his chest. "Try again, but maybe without sounding like a lovesick poet."
You scowled but tried again. "Alright, then. How about this—‘I hear you’re the best Keeper Hogwarts has ever had. Think you could keep me?’"
Fred blinked, then groaned throwing his head back. "Oh, that was painful."
You shoved his shoulder, laughing. "I hate you."
"Sure you do," he teased, winking. "Now, do I get a turn?"
"Go on, then," you challenged, crossing your arms.
Fred turned, propped his elbow on the table, and smirked. "Hey, Gabriella," he began, "are you a Snitch? Because you’ve got me chasing after you."
You stared at him, face scrunching up in disgust. It was as though you had just witnessed a crime.
He wiggled his eyebrows before taking a mouthful of peas, chewing as he awaited your response.
You burst out laughing. "Oh, that’s horrible. No wonder you need my help."
Fred's mouth dropped, "Excuse you, that was a good chat up. Thank you very much."
You both laughed, completely unaware of the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs watching the way you two bantered—how Fred’s eyes softened when you laughed, how you bit your lip when he grinned. You weren't super close to Fred, just casual friends, but you had to admit, these few recent days had you seeing him in a different light, he was more carefree around you, cheery, and you felt yourself coming out of your shell, all thanks to him.
You were confident in approaching Oliver now, and all the more excited for it.
"No, no! Merlin, Fred, you're going to scare the girl away if you look at her like that." The next few days were all about perfecting your tactics, anything to impress your targets, of course.
"Like what?" He sat beside you on the couch in the Gryffindor common room. It was a Saturday, and naturally, most students were either at Hogsmeade, outside, or sleeping in, leaving most of the space to the two of you.
"Again! Again..." You waved your hands, ushering him off the couch. "Pretend I'm Gabriella, and I'm sitting on a bench somewhere nice. You've just walked into the place, and you see her."
Fred straightened his shirt, retreating from the couch, before strolling over to you again, a devious smirk painted on his face, his hair slightly tousled and messy. He held his chin up high, and his arms swayed beside his lanky figure as he approached you.
"Y/N? Fancy seeing you here!" He beamed, pretending to act out the scenario.
"Wrong." You corrected, "Not Y/N, Gabriella." You flashed your brows, and he exhaled, walking away to take his place once again.
He strolled to you, once more, "Gabriella! Haven't seen you in a bit! What brings you here?"
You nodded, indicating he was doing a decent job so far, encouraging him to continue.
Fred plopped himself beside you, your knees were touching and he extended an arm around you.
"I"m good! This is my favourite place to unwind actually." You fake-mocked Gabriella, pretending to be her in this situation.
"Well, then I guess you'll be seeing me here more often, darling." Fred leaned in, you could feel his body heat against you, and you blinked before shaking your head.
"Darling? You barely know the girl!" You chuckled, and Fred's eyes glinted with awe as you threw your head back, he had not realised it, but your laughter ignited a warm honey like feeling in his chest.
"Fine, what about love? Baby? Babe?"
"No no, save those for when you're actually with her, but I suppose 'love' is a good place to start."
"Alright, love." He teased, and you playfully smacked him but an idea popped into your head, and immediately, you got into character.
"If you say so, Oliver." You pretended to act as if you would in this scenario with Wood.
Fred, still seated next to you, glanced down from your eyes to your lips.
You leaned in, tilting your head and gazing from his left eye, to his lips, then to his right eye. You smiled sweetly, blinking slowly as you gave Fred your full attention, staring at him with doe-like eyes, "So, Oliver, how was quidditch practice today?"
Fred gulped, eyes blinking rapidly as he coughed, "G-Good."
You smirked, lowering your voice, "I'm sure it would've been better if I was there with you." You bit your lip as you glanced at his lips.
"You should come to the next one." Fred responded softly, smiling as he leaned in, ever so slightly, one arm still wrapped around you, and you were fully within his proximity.
You could feel your breaths against each other; his scent crept its way to your nose, and you scrunched it. He smelt like fresh grass on a hot summer's day and clean laundry in the fresh breeze, something you'd never noticed before.
There was a moment of comfortable silence, but the portrait door clicked open, and some students returned from their trip to Hogsmeade.
"That was, uh, something I'd say if I was with Oliver." You quickly dismissed this, leaning back to a comfortable distance. Fred cleared his throat, and removed his arm, "Yeah, that was good. See, told you I was a good teacher."
You scoffed, "You? Please that one was all me."
"S'pose you are getting pretty good at this, annoyingly so, in fact." He hummed and you mouth dropped slightly,
"Is that a compliment?" You beamed, wiggling a happy dance in your seat.
"Don't get too cocky Y/L/N, I have yet to see you interact with him." Fred laughed, attempting to hide his awe for your little dance.
Days passed, and you found yourself spending an increasing amount of time at the Gryffindor table, supposedly to get closer to Oliver. But somehow, you always ended up next to Fred, bickering, laughing, sharing food.
People noticed—Hermione tried, and failed miserably to hide her excitement for you two, George outright smirked, Ginny started whispering to Harry, smiling at the thought of the two of you, Ron was amused at how Fred could pull someone as gorgeous as you.
Only you and Fred knew about your deal, to them, they saw this as a newfound friendship, alliance, even...romance? Hermione seems to think the latter describes your relationship perfectly.
You brushed it off, for you knew that you were only helping each other, and once the deal was over, you would go back to normal.
The topic of quidditch was no foreign topic at this table, Harry making remarks about how he'll confront Malfoy, Angelina and George talking about the Nimbus 2000, Oliver and Fred discussing a new game plan.
"Hey Y/N, why don't you come watch us at practice today after lunch, it'll be fun." Oliver invited you, and you blinked in surprise.
"I'd love to!" You chimed, "How could I pass on a chance to support the best quidditch team at Hogwarts?"
Oliver beamed, laughing softly at your enthusiasm, "Ooh careful now, don't want Hufflepuff's quidditch team to hear that now do ya?"
"Consider me an ally of both teams." You chuckled, and he grinned, smiling warmly at you.
"Surely you become an honourary Gryffindor for the day?" Oliver raised his brow, before taking a bite of his toast.
"Won't miss me too much when I switch back to Hufflepuff would you?" You teased.
"Then I'll just ask you to join Gryffindor again."
You were about to pour yourself some orange juice, but Oliver moved at the speed of light, "Here, let me." He poured a glass for you, then one for himself. "Fred? Some for you too?"
"Nah mate, I'm pretty full."
Fred silently watched the two of you interact; a part of him was happy and proud, seeing the way you effortlessly interacted with Oliver, but there was this foreign feeling inside him. Like a splinter poking him from the inside, if that were even possible.
His eyes darted from you, to Oliver, then back to you.
Each time you paid attention to Oliver, laughed at his quips, his charm, a small part of Fred wanted that attention from you, again.
He wanted you for himself.
Fred shook his head, dismissing all these thoughts, where were they even coming from? He knew one thing thought, he was being silly thinking about you like this.
However, Gabriella was starting to become a long-forgotten thought.
The only person consuming his mind lately, seemed to be…you.
Fred exhaled, taking a sip of his water, hoping to refresh his mind from whatever nonsense he thought about.
It didn’t matter anyway because after this deal was done, and you were happy with Oliver, that was it. You’d go your separate ways, well, mostly. That was, after all, the whole point of you becoming close with Fred.
"By the way, is it alright if I bring a friend?" You asked Oliver.
"The more the merrier!"
"I'll bring Gabriella." You whispered trying to contain your excitement, nudging Fred who was seated beside you.
He was quickly snapped out of his thoughts, "Oh, yeah, that'll be great."
Later that afternoon, you sat in the stands with Hermione, Gabriella, and Ginny, watching Gryffindor’s practice. Oliver was in his element—focused, determined, calling out plays.
Your eyes were glued to him, who looked impossibly handsome as he soared through the air, his hair ruffled by the wind. He turned, caught your gaze, and waved with that signature kind smile of his.
Your heart stuttered and a faint blush crept on your cheeks, moments like this only pulled you in deeper. Part of the reason you fell for him, was that one day you were lost and he helped you find your way to class. Being younger than him, he felt the duty to lookout for his juniors, he was patient, kind and made you feel right at home when you felt lost. His kindness was just so endearing.
"Go Oli!!" You cheered, and Oliver waved at you again.
"Nicknames already?" Hermione, seated next to you, smiled knowingly and you chuckled as a response.
"Fred looks really determined today, isn't that a good look on him?" You nudged Gabriella, hoping to steer her focus onto Fred.
"Yeah, he does look kinda cute." She agreed, grinning up at him. "Also, thanks for inviting me Y/N, this is really nice." Gabriella turned to you, smiling sweetly. She was a kind soul, much like you, always helping others and making sure everyone felt comfortable. Of course guys would fancy her.
Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted Fred. His red hair caught the sunlight in a way that made it seem almost golden, his strong frame relaxed but still commanding attention as he sat on his broomstick, laughing with George.
There was something about him today—maybe the way his sleeves were rolled up, or the effortless confidence he carried. And for some reason, your found your heartpace steadily increasing as you continued observing him.
No. No, this was about Oliver. You shook the thought away and focused on the Gryffindor Captain instead.
Moments later, Angelina, Oliver, and Katie flew over, beaming. “Oi, you lot! Come play a friendly match with us!” Angelina called, gesturing eagerly.
You hesitated. “Oh, I don’t know... I’m not really—”
“Come on, it’s just for fun,” Oliver encouraged, flying closer. His eyes met yours, playful and inviting. You wanted to impress him. So, against better judgment, you stood and dusted off your robes. The four of you made your way down to the grassy field, and used some spare brooms.
Ginny, Hermione, and Gabriella exchanged amused glances but joined in as well.
You borrowed a broomstick—the nearest one, which happened to be Fred’s. "Can I?" You smirked, turning to Fred who took a quick break, reaching into his bag for his bottle.
"Yeah yeah, if you break it I'll crack your head." Fred teased, before chugging his water. With that, you kicked off the ground, feeling the rush of wind as you soared into the air.
The game was lighthearted, filled with teasing and playful competition. You and Oliver found yourselves in the same airspace often, exchanging witty remarks and laughter.
It felt effortless, easy. Below, Fred stood watching, arms crossed, watching in amusement as you 'bonded' with Oliver. Though you weren't sure if amusement, was the right word to use here, seeing how he kept tapping his foot.
“You’re getting the hang of this!” Oliver grinned, flying beside you.
“I’m just trying to keep up,” you joked, glancing at him.
So caught up in the moment, you didn’t notice the Bludger hurtling toward you until it slammed into your shoulder with brutal force.
Pain exploded through your arm, and your broom wobbled violently beneath you. You gasped as your grip faltered, and before you knew it, you were falling.
The ground rushed toward you, and you thudded harshly on the grassy patch. Ouch.
Oliver flew down hastily, but before he could reach you, Fred was already there, kneeling beside you, face pale.
“Are you daft?” he scolded, voice tight. “Didn’t you see that Bludger?”
You winced, trying to sit up. “It wasn’t that bad—”
“Not that bad? You fell from twenty feet up,” he snapped, his hands hovering over you like he didn’t know where to touch in case he hurt you further. “You’re going to the hospital wing.”
Oliver finally reached you, eyes filled with concern. “You alright?” He looked from you to Fred, who was still kneeling beside you, jaw clenched.
“I’m fine,” you muttered, but Fred wasn’t having it. Before you could protest, he scooped you up effortlessly, ignoring your weak protests.
“You’re being overdramatic,” you huffed, but your heart betrayed you, beating erratically against your ribs as Fred carried you toward the castle.
“I’ll be the judge of that,” he shot back, striding forward without a second glance at Oliver, who remained standing on the pitch, watching with an expression that hinted he had figured something out.
He observed as Fred held you close, furrowing his eyebrows slightly, "Hm." He was so sure that you and Fred were just friends, but the way Fred acted today made Oliver doubtful.
The others stayed back to practice, you assured them that you were fine, and that there was no need to come. ___
Madam Pomfrey fussed over you, muttering about reckless students and dangerous sports as she poured a bitter healing potion down your throat. “You’re lucky it wasn’t a full-speed hit,” she chided, waving her wand to mend the bruising on your shoulder.
Fred stayed beside you the whole time, leaning against the infirmary bed with that signature mischievous glint returning to his eyes. “So, you were trying to impress Wood, huh?” he mused, arching a brow.
“Shut up,” you muttered, cheeks warming.
“Not my fault you nearly died doing it,” he teased, nudging you playfully. “Maybe I should give you some lessons on how to survive Quidditch.”
You rolled your eyes, unable to stop the smile tugging at your lips. “Maybe I should give you lessons on how to stop being so intolerable.”
Fred smirked. “Where’s the fun in that?”
You laughed, the earlier pain fading into the background as the two of you fell into easy conversation.
He stayed with you the rest of the day until you felt better enough to head back to your dorm.
The next day, the Gryffindor vs. Slytherin match had the entire school buzzing with chatter. The game was brutal, with Slytherin coming in close, though Gryffindor still came out victorious.
The moment the Snitch was caught, the stands erupted into cheers, the players celebrating mid-air before descending to the field. You watched Fred among them, his face lit up with triumph. When his eyes met yours, something unspoken passed between you.
And you weren’t so sure anymore if Oliver Wood was the one making your heart race.
You, Hermione and Gabriella made your way down to the team, "You guys smashed it out there." You chimed, clapping for the them.
"Couldn't have done it without your support." Oliver walked over to you, hi-fiving your hand which you extended for him.
"You played amazingly, especially in the second half! Fred—the way you hit the bludger right before it touched the ground, just, wow!" Gabriella beamed, waving her hands around expressively.
"Hey, all in a day's work." Fred expressed, cockily brushing his hands together which earned a giggle from Gabriella.
"You know, you should come to the party tonight, hosted by yours truly." Fred shuffled closer to Gabriella, extended his arms as he gave himself credit for hosting the party.
"More of a team effort actually, he just talks too much." Lee quipped, "But yeah, you guys should come. Gryffindor common room, at 7."
"We'll be there." Gabriella replied for the two of you, twirling her hair as she smiled sweetly at Fred.
You were happy for her truly, especially Fred, who was grinning back at her, engaging in a new conversation about what'll transpire at the party tonight.
You were happy. Yes, you were.
But, does someone who is supposedly happy for their friend, feel a pit in their stomach every time they watch them with their respective crush?
"How do I look?" Gabriella asked, gesturing to her outfit, fitted flared blue jeans and a yellow peplum top, with a yellow bow to accessorise.
"You look stunning, Fred's going to love it!" You chimed, "Oh wait, here-" You helped straightened her bow from the behind, "Perfect."
"Look who's talking, Oliver's going to swoon over you when he sees you in that black dress!" Gabriella stood beside you, looking in the full body mirror, shaking with excitement for the party.
The two of you made your way over to the Gryffindor common room, met with a few ravenclaws and fellow hufflepuffs by the portrait entrance.
It was no surprise that the common room was alive with celebration and merriment. You and Gabriella stepped inside, immediately greeted by George and Lee, who enthusiastically showed you around.
"Welcome welcome! You guys look great!" Lee hyped you two up, always the enhusiast.
Laughter, chatter, and the warmth of victory filled the space. As your eyes scanned the room, they landed on Fred and Oliver by the fireplace, who spotted you and beckoned you both over with bright grins.
After a while of lively conversation in the group, you and Gabriella naturally parted ways—her heading away to the couch with Fred while Oliver guided you to where his friends stood.
You chatted and laughed, but something felt off. Your attention was divided, and no matter how much you tried to focus on Oliver and his friends, your eyes kept finding Fred’s.
Across the room, you noticed his eyes constantly meeting yours, just as much as yours longed to find his.
You were snapped out of your gaze when one of Oliver’s friends playfully nudged you, shoving a drink into your hands. “Come on, have some firewhiskey on me! You’ve got to celebrate properly!”
"Oh wow, where'd you manage to get that?" You asked, curious as to how he managed to sneak in alcohol. Granted, he was older than you so it was fair to assume he was more daring when it came to liquor.
"I have my sources." The guy wiggled his brows, "Come on, drink up Y/N, join us!"
You hesitated. “I’m good, really.”
“Oh, don’t be a buzzkill. Just one!” He pushed again, grinning as if it were a challenge.
“I said I don’t want to.” Your voice was firmer now, but he rolled his eyes.
Oliver sensed your discomfort and interjected swiftly, “Knock it off Felix. She doesn’t have to drink if she doesn’t want to.”
"Alright alright, you're just a wee girl after all innit." Felix chuckled, "More for me then."
Wee girl? Merlin, who does he think he is? You scoffed to yourself, shifting closer to Oliver.
Still, the group laughed it off, and you suddenly felt uncomfortable, wanting to be anywhere but here. You excused yourself quickly, heading upstairs to a quieter gryffindor study room.
The party noise faded, and you sank into one of the couches, taking a deep breath.
A knock came at the door, before it slowly opened.
Truthfully, a wave of relief washed over you when you saw Fred entering, his usual smugness replaced with something softer. “Saw Felix being a git, it's safe to say he won't ever bother you again.”
Fred's implication that he had a word with Felix made you all the more relieved, you exhaled softly, nodding.
You smiled weakly. “Thanks.”
He stood at the doorframe for a second, inspecting your state before slowly walking over. The couch dipped upon the weight of him as he sat beside you.
“You okay?” He nudged you with his body gently.
You nodded, looking forward though you felt his gaze on you. “Yeah. Just needed a minute.”
He listened intently, offering you the silence you much needed after the earlier commotion.
There was a pause before you turned to face him, “How’s it going with Gabriella?”
Fred shrugged. “Good,” he lied, then exhaled. “Alright, fine. She’s nice, but I think I bored her to death. She’s talking to Neville about some plants now.”
You chuckled. “Plants are fascinating.”
“To you, maybe. Not exactly my best topic,” Fred admitted. "Might buy a bouquet or two, but other than that I'm clueless."
"If you do, red roses are the way to go. She loves them, practically every girl does."
"Including you?"
"I adore them. Sounds a bit basic but they're a classic for a reason, they're just so...romantic." Your eyes glistened as you spoke about roses, dreaming of the day someone would buy you flowers.
"Noted, I'll pass a good word to Oliver." Fred chuckled, smiling at the way your eyes lit up, but his smiled disappeared when you frowned, a sigh escaping your lips.
“I think I’m losing it with Oliver. I feel like a total idiot for not drinking in front of him and his friends."
Fred shook his head. “Nah, you’re not an idiot....maybe a little, but not a full blown one." You slapped his arm playfully, but he continued, raising his hands in defence, "If anything, that makes you better than them. You don’t need to do anything to impress him, so what if you don't feel like drinking?”
"I don't think I'll face him again, if his friends hate me, he'll probably grow to dislike me." You groaned, burying your face in your hands.
"Nothing a little flirting can't solve," Fred was optimistic, attempting to cheer you up in this moment of despair, "Next time you see him, get more touchy. When you laugh, place a hand on his arm, lean on him, lean in to him...y'know, the usual."
"Ugh, in front of his friends?" You grumbled.
"All the better, shows you've got game." He continued to give you tips on how to approach Oliver again later, helping you plan your next move.
It was only fair of you to return the favour, leaning in slightly. “Right, so, lean in when you talk to her, like this,” you said, demonstrating the closeness.
Fred swallowed, blinking at you. “Like this?” He mimicked you, your shoulders were touching all the more, your face near his neck, his mouth a few inches away from your forehead.
You nodded, voice softer now. “And maybe say something like… ‘Your eyes are a remarkable shade of hazel, I never noticed how stunning they were until up close now. They sparkle beautifully in the moonlight, yet they manage to shine even brighter when you're caring.’”
It was meant for Gabriella. But as you spoke, something in your chest tightened. You were speaking to Fred. Really speaking to him. His hazel eyes met yours, and he leaned in once more.
His mouth parted slightly, as his eyes darted to your lips then back to your eyes. You found yourself leaning in too, your breathing became heavy.
Your heart felt like it was going to pounce out of your chest with the rate it was beating.
The air between you stilled as you both realised the weight of your words.
Before he could respond, the door creaked open. You and Fred jumped apart just as Oliver and Gabriella entered, looking at you both in confusion.
“There you are, we were wondering where you two had vanished off too.” Gabriella remarked, her eyes darting from Fred to you.
Your heart raced and Fred's face flushed a shade of red. Though completely innocent, if felt as though you were caught doing something you weren't supposed to be doing.
Flustered, you quickly went to Oliver, while Gabriella made her way to Fred.
The rest of the party carried on, fun and lively, but you couldn’t shake the strange feeling that lingered. No matter how much you tried to focus on Oliver, your gaze kept drifting back to Fred.
The anticipation leading up to the Yule Ball had everyone on edge. With the Yule Ball near approaching, the talk of the castle revolved around the ball; students asking each other to the dance, flowers being exchanged, and whispers filling the corridors.
You woke up that morning with only one name in your mind—Fred Weasley. It was irritating, really. You weren’t supposed to be thinking about him. You liked Oliver. You were going with Oliver. And yet, Fred’s stupid, mischievous grin had invaded your thoughts like an unrelenting charm.
At breakfast, you sat with Gabriella at your usual hufflepuff table, chatting about the Yule Ball. She was gushing about how beautiful everything was going to look, the magical snowflakes, the ice sculptures, the romantic lighting. You smiled along, but your mind was elsewhere. Across the hall, Fred was laughing with George, but every so often, you swore you caught him glancing at you.
After your 'Defence Against the Dark Arts' class, you walked out with Harry, Ron, and Hermione when Oliver approached. He was holding a bouquet of red roses, his confident smile making you a blushing mess.
"Y/N," he said warmly, holding out the flowers. "Would you do me the honour of accompanying me to the Yule Ball?"
You paused, then beamed. "Of course, Oliver. I'd love to!" He pulled you in for a warm hug while students around you cheered, and whistled loudly.
You were happy—you really were. This was what you wanted, wasn’t it? But as you took the roses, a strange heaviness settled in your chest.
Later that day, you found yourself with Fred, helping him prepare to ask Gabriella. You were ranting about Oliver, swooning over how charming he was. Fred, though smiling, was already fuming inside. He wanted to be happy for you. He wanted to believe this was all fine. But every word you spoke about Oliver grated on his nerves.
"Do you think Gabriella will like this?" Fred asked, holding up a box of assorted chocolates, changing the topic quickly after countless nods and 'that's great' as a response to you gushing over Oliver.
You turned to him, considering. "Yeah, she will, can't go wrong with chocolate. You got this, Freddie!"
"Right," he said, running a hand through his hair, looking more uncertain than usual. He was prolonging it, he knew it. He didn't want to ask her. He had someone else on his mind now. But what choice did he have? You were already going with Oliver.
When he finally did ask Gabriella in the courtyard, you cheered for him, clapping as she said yes. It was the right outcome—technically, you both won. And yet, watching Fred grin as he hugged Gabriella filled you with an unexpected wave of envy.
The Yule Ball arrived in a flurry of excitement. You walked down the stairs with Oliver, arm in arm, dressed in your most elegant red gown. Across the entrance, you saw Fred with Gabriella. You both gave each other thumbs-up and smiled, though your smile never quite reached your eyes, nor did Fred's.
As you approached the entrance, Oliver and Gabriella walked in first, conversing with each other, leaving you and Fred standing alone for a moment.
Fred shoved his hands into his pockets before breaking the silence, "So…we both got what we wanted."
You exhaled, forcing a smile. "Yeah…we both got with our dates. All too smoothly, I might add."
You both chuckled, but there was an undeniable weight in the air.
"You look nice, cleaned up well for Oliver eh? Lucky bloke." Fred joked, though his voice was laced with subtle serious undertone.
"Hm, you don't look like a grindylow for once, I see you clean up pretty nicely too."
He chuckled softly, removing his hands from his pockets. Neither of you moved, it was as though a silent message of 'please stay here with me' was shared.
You hesitated before extending your hand. "Thank you, Fred. For everything."
He took your hand, shaking it lightly, but neither of you let go. There was a static, a spark, if you would, something both of you didn’t want to ignore. You both looked down at your touching hands, then back to each other.
Oblivious as to what the other party was thinking, the two of you decided to ignore it, let go, and move on, for the better, right?
"So, that's our deal done then?" you said slowly, though regretting it.
Fred swallowed hard, nodding. "Yeah. I'll, uh…see you around school then."
Your heart clenched, but for the sake of the ball, you put on your best grin. "I'll see you around, Fred."
You then turned to Oliver who was a few steps ahead, extending his arm to you. As you walked with him into the ballroom, you turned back one last time.
Fred was still standing there. You waved. He waved back, smiling—but his eyes told you that there was something masked beneath that smile. Gabriella came up to him, and they walked inside together, you turned forward to let them have their moment.
The ball was everything you imagined—beautiful, magical, enchanting. Oliver was the perfect gentleman, twirling you around the dance floor, kissing your hand, your cheek, your forehead, even. He got you punch, held the door open, pulled out your chair, he was the ideal guy, truly ticking off all your boxes.
You smiled at him, but your heart was never quite satisfied, there was a space yet to be filled.
And you hated that you knew why.
Your eyes kept drifting to him. He was dancing with Gabriella, but his mind was far away. Uncomfortable. Lost.
You chuckled to yourself, shaking off this silly feeling, turning your attention back to Oliver, who was explaining about his latest tactics for the upcoming Quidditch match with ravenclaw.
Later that night, Oliver walked you back to your common room. He leaned down, pressing a sweet kiss to the back of your hand. "Goodnight, Y/N."
You lips curled up into a grateful smile, thanking him for the wonderful evening, but as he turned to leave, something inside you snapped.
If something was wrong, you needed to fix it. Merlin, what's the point in waiting? If something didn't feel right, your gut knew that you had to fix it right away. And this, was one of those moments.
You turned on your heel and ran in your red gown. Through the castle, past students, up and down staircases—you had no plan, no direction, just a need to find him.
Until you did.
At the main staircase, you froze. Fred was at the bottom, looking up at you. He was holding a bouquet of red roses.
Your throat tightened, immediately regretting your decision. "For Gabriella?"
Fred shook his head. "No." He stepped forward, "They're for you."
Your paused, holding your breath as he started walking up the stairs, to you.
"Y/N, I—" Fred hesitated, then exhaled sharply. "I don’t want Gabriella. I don't think I ever did, truthfully. I just…I wanted to be with you. And I was too much of a git to see it until it was too late."
Tears burned at your eyes. "Fred—"
"I don't care about the deal. I don't care about anything except you. I don't want to ever lose you Y/N. And if I have to watch you with Oliver one more time, I think I might actually go mental."
He was close now, the roses in one hand, the other reaching for you.
You let out a shaky laugh. "You're such a git, you know that?"
Fred grinned, brushing a strand of hair from your cheek and tucking it behind your ear. "Yeah. But I’m your silly git, if you'll have me."
You didn’t give him a chance to say anything else. You surged forward, crashing your lips to his, your hands gripping his suit. He dropped the flowers, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you flush against him.
It was passionate, desperate, hungry, everything you had ever wanted but had been too blind to admit. The kiss of two people who were starving and desperately in need of each other. Fred savoured every bit of your mouth, as though tomorrow would never come, ending with a sweet peck.
When you finally pulled back, breathless, a grin sprawled across that deviously handsome face of his, his hair messy but Merlin, it was such a look on him. "So, I take it that’s a yes, love?"
You laughed, leaning your forehead against his. "Yes, you fool."
Fred cupped your face, thumb brushing over your cheek once again. "Best deal I’ve ever made."
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teacup-gathering-itself · 1 year ago
Closeted Harry coming out to Ron after his breakup with Ginny and Ron just being like, “cool just don’t date one of my brothers”
Fred and George freezing and looking at Harry with nothing but absolute delight at the potential mischief.
Harry making eye contact with them, immediately understanding their intentions, and winking as he puts a finger to his lips, shushing them.
Ron following Harry’s line of sight and screaming “NO. NO. FUCK NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT.”
Harry and the twins platonically flirting in the most obnoxious ways imaginable.
Harry showing up to breakfast in the Great Hall late with a different twins sweater on, looking debauched. One or even both the twins give him a salacious once over. Ron wants to sink into the floor and die.
Ron eventually gets used to this but absolutely loses it when the rest of his brothers send him their sweaters and flirt with him at the Burrow.
The Weasley boys sending flirty howlers to Harry just to send Ron spiraling.
Ron being so relieved when Harry dates literally anyone who isn’t one of his older brothers.
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totallynot-mollie · 4 months ago
I miss my man 💔💔😔😔😔 (he doesn’t exist and probably wouldn’t even like me if he did)
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winn-wynn · 4 months ago
Percy and Oliver being the only griffyndor boys is super funny because I know they split they’re room directly in half. Like I feel like they respect each other to not touch each others stuff.
But also the idea that there is one (or a few others) griffyndor boy(s) who is forced to see the madness that is Percy “academics is super important” Weasley vs “Oliver quidditch is my life” Wood living together.
I think they would go crazy. They’d beg for a room change everyday
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mastermindmiko · 7 months ago
i’m currently in my bill weasley phase aha
i was wondering if i could have gut wrenching angst and maybe fluff i need something to just cause pain aha
it’s okay if not :)
Hey, I know this is very long overdue but it's finally here! You asked for angst, and angst you shall receive. I hope I did it justice. More (Bill Weasley Fanfiction)
content warnings: none I believe, but lmk, kissing maybe? not edited Pairing: Bill Weasley + fem!reader word count: 9201 (sorta got carried away) Summary: You and Bill were always friends, until there was something more.
a/n: Trying my best to finish all the requests I've got and simply just posting more. Also, I tried this little thing were I did a sort of rhyming (don't want to call it poetry cause that's too big a compliment) to start off the ff, you can sort of see it like a summary maybe too.
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It all starts out the same way, with a girl and a boy that meet when they were small then grow until they’re tall. They grasp each other's hands, holding their stance as their friendship solidifies until there’s a shift, a switch, a fully expected change that takes things from where they were to where they are now. 
There were only ever a few things that I cared about; My family, my friends, my future and my Bill. He never fit into neither the first nor the second categories as it was simply just different with him. Living only a few kilometres away from the Weasleys ensured that I spent most of my time with him, and as we both went to Hogwarts it only made me want to sew him to my side even more. 
“Hey, why do the Weasleys call you Honey?” 
“Ummm, it involves an incident where I ended up being a large tub of honey.” I explain as vaguely as I can, still trying to erase the embarrassing story out of my head. Tonks looks at me weirdly before waving her hand, “I don’t even want to know.”
I spent ten years of my life being Bill’s friend, best friend even, watching as his family got bigger and so did he. He developed his interests and I developed mine when all I thought of him was a friend, and none of that changed until-
“Do you think Bill’s hot?” 
Nymphadora- Tonks asked me one day. I look up from my lunch and ask her, “What?” 
“You know Bill- you’re friend, tall, ginger-” 
“I know who Bill is…” I trail off, and I think of what she just asked, now that we were fifteen (practically adults), everyone started falling for people left and right, while I just focused on Quidditch and OWLs. Bill was doing the same as me, we would study together, practise together, there just wasn’t enough time building a future and also doing normal typical teenager stuff. 
“You gotta admit, he’s gotten mighty fit over the summer.” Tonks said, and I looked at the girl who’s two years younger than me disapprovingly. Despite being in different years and houses, we shared the same lunch period. I scold, “Aren’t you a bit too young to be thinking of things like that?” 
“I just call it like I see it.” She replies, and then eyes me up and down with a grin on her face. I blush and push her shoulder. She laughs and I smile a bit myself. There’s a beat then she asks again, “You didn’t answer my question…do you think that Bill’s hot?” 
I look around trying to recall in my memory the most accurate picture of Bill I could conjure up. He’s definitely gotten taller. I remember how I used to be able to ruffle his hair without having to step on my tiptoes- and his hair’s gotten longer, much to Molly’s disapproval. He’s gotten a bit more tan from spending all that time out in the sun, making his freckles more apparent. 
All that time in the sun playing quidditch also changed his physique a bit. His shoulders are broader, his biceps and thighs thicker. Hands are larger and stronger. I recall the last game of the summer, only a few weeks ago, where every member of the Weasley family was playing, Ginny being the referee as she was still very small. I was the beater, as always. Bill was the chaser, and we were on opposite teams. Halfway through the game, two hours in, we were still playing and Bill decided to throw some water over his head, cooling him off. The water soaking his hair, arms and shirt, making it cling to his body-
“You totally think he is!” Tonks exclaims, and brings me out of my daydream. I feel my face flare up and I stutter as I defend myself, “It’s not that, it’s just yes, he’s fit but he’s my friend, so he’s just that, he’s just fit.” 
Tonks is still giving me that cheeky grin when I decide that that’s enough of that interaction, so I stand up, deciding to just stay in class for the next fifteen minutes till class starts. I say, “Well, I gotta go. Bye Tonks.” 
She shakes her head, and waves while I headout of the Great Hall. I pull out a piece of paper from my bag as I look at my schedule, I turn around to move the other way, when I see Potions scrawled up on the parchment. I shiver as I enter the dungeons and hope that Professor Snape doesn’t mind me waiting till class begins, I could prep the cauldron while I wait. 
I walk through the dark silent hallways, hearing the echoes of each step I take. A large hand encompasses my shoulder, and I turn around quickly lifting my wand from my waist band. I point my wand to the face of my attacker and I meet with the grinning face of Bill Weasley. I relax as Bill takes the wand out of my hand and places it inside my belt loop, a normal occurrence, if it weren’t for the fact that his face is close to mine and I notice just how sharp and angular it is. 
“Tonks told me you were heading to class, what are you doing going to potions this early? Snape barely tolerates Gryffindor’s when he has to.” Bill says, and push his hand off my shoulder, and he chuckles. I say, “Snape actually likes me, and don’t act like that when you're practically his favourite.” 
“It’s only cause I’m the best.” He grin, cockily, and he taps his head, pointing towards his brain. I push his shoulder playfully and reply, “Second best.” 
The Gryffindor common room fills with the sounds of both Muggle and wizard music. The smell of alcohol and sweat from the mixing bodies encases the area. A muggle born brought a machine that flickers light in different hues of different colours, having the lights bounce off the walls, as people dance in the centre of the room, and the chatter fills. 
I’m standing against some wall, holding a cup of butterbeer that was gathered from an illegal trip to Hogsmeade only a few hours ago after the win for the house. I never did drink much alcohol and especially not during Quidditch season. This was the first year I’ve been able to participate in the parties that Gryffindor house threw, and it was exciting, but much more boring than I expected. 
I’m watching the room, looking around, seeing a young Percy trying to make his way up to the boy’s dormitories as swiftly as he could while carrying two books that are twice the size of his head. Some drunk seventh years, push him, unintentionally, Percy glares at them nonetheless. I move towards him, pushing away the couples that might as well just get a room. I fling my arm around Percy’s shoulder, nod my head towards the stairs. I carry one of the books from him and we walk towards the dormitories. 
He rushes up the stairs as fast as he can as soon as he’s out of the sea of bodies. I call out his name, and despite the loud music, he turns to me, guiltily. I say, “We’ve told you a million times that you can’t stay out this loud, especially after curfew, even if it is to study.” 
“I know, I know…you won’t tell Bill?” Percy asks, lips pursed and ashamed. I sigh and give him the other book back and reply, “Not if you don’t do it again.” 
He grins from ear to ear, large glasses slipping off his nose. He laughs, “Thank you, Honey!” He wastes no second before running up the stairs once again, and I can just barely hear the sounds of the footsteps fade away before I walk away. 
I drink the last bit of the butterbeer in my cup. I go to the opposite side of the room, grimacing as people shove me around. I stand by the drinks table and start to look around for the butterbeer bowl, when I notice a mop of red hair, reaching for the firewhiskey. I shake my head and sneak up behind the unsuspecting Weasley. I reach forward and grab a handful of his hair, and pull him back. 
“Ow! Ow! Ow!” Charlie chants, while I pull him by his hair. His hands lift up and try to loosen the grip that my fingers had on his hair. I threaten, “Put the cup down.” 
He frowns but (reluctantly) puts it down. I pull him by his hair once again and push him towards, once again the stairs of the dormitories. The place is quieter there, and I can scold him properly. We reach near the top of the first year boy’s dormitories, and I leave his hair. He rubs his head, and looks at me with a frown.
“What in Merlin’s name did you think you were doing?”  I say, while placing a soft (sort of) slap on the back of his head. He swats my hand away after, and continues to rub his head. He pouts, “Stop ruining my best feature.” 
“No, your best feature is your Quidditch skills, not your stupid hair that needs to be cut.” I scold, and look at him, disappointed. I continue, “What did you think you were during? Trying to drink Firewhiskey of all things!” 
A drunk seventh year passes us and shouts, “Yeah little Weesilie, you should try something lighter for your first time.” 
“Bugger off!” I shout at him, and I turn back to Charlie. I rant, “There’s a reason why people below fifth year aren’t allowed to be at parties and being at parties includes alcohol, so until a few more years, you’re not allowed to have any-” 
“A few more years! I’m fourteen as soon as I hit that big 15 like you and Bill, I’m gonna have some.” Charlie says, and he complains, “All my friends have some, and so do you and Bill, why can’t I? It’s just one year.” 
“A year is a long time, Charlie, and so what if all your friends are doing bad things, doesn’t mean you should to, besides Bill and I don’t even like to drink. Even when you turn 15, you’re not going to be able to drink a lot because you’re a seeker, Charlie!” I reply, and he huffs and folds his arms together. 
“That still doesn’t mean that I won’t try it.” Charlie pouts, and he looks down at the floor. I start to feel a little bad for being too hard on him, so I pull him in for a hug, surprised as to how he’s my height now. I say, “If you want to, you could, but until then, it’s off limits.” 
I smile at him, and ruffle his hair a bit. I pull my hand back then put it back on his hair again, and play with a few locks. His face flushes, and he grins at me when I say, impressed, “You weren’t lying, you definitely have the best hair.” 
“You must be lying because you’ve seen my hair.” Bill interrupts and he walks out of the first year boy’s dorms. Charlie looks at me with a panicked look, and I contemplate if I should tell Bill about what just transpired. I play, “No, I have, Charlie’s hair is just better.” 
Charlie pokes his tongue out at Bill, and I grin, and Bill slaps the back of Charlie’s head. Charlie grimaces and mumbles, “You two really are best friends…” 
“Go on, back to your dorm, now.” I say, and he rushes up the stairs. Bill sits down on the stairs and he pulls me down by his hand. I notice how large his hand is compared to mine. I sit down beside him, on the other side of the steps and he sits opposite to me, backs against the walls of the spiralling staircase. Bill asks, “What was he doing down there?” 
“Got lost, I guess…” I trail off, deciding that Charlie’s learnt his lesson. Bill looks back at the first year dorms, and he explains, “One of Percy’s friends, Oliver, found me and said that he couldn’t find Percy, he was afraid that Percy got trampled or squished by the people at the party-” 
We both laugh, and he continues, “Then a few minutes later, Percy walks in, alright and everything…so, thank you.” 
“Hey, I had nothing to do with it, Percy’s very smart.” I say, keeping Percy’s secret. Bill fiddles with the carpeted floor of the stairs and he replies, “I know you he is, but I also know that you helped, he was out at the library again, just like you helped Charlie.”
I don’t say anything and so, Bill smiles at me, and he says, “You don’t have to take care of them, it’s my responsibility, I can do it myself.” 
“I know you can, but they’re sort of like my little brothers too, so I want to.” I reply, and we sit in the silence for a bit. It was a completely normal moment, Bill and I never felt the need to fill in the silence, but for some reason, he asked, “Does that mean that you think I’m your brother too?” 
The question takes me off guard, and my heart lurches to my throat. My eyes flicker between his, searching for the right answer. Maybe for the first time ever, I find Bill hard to read. I choose to give him the truth, so I think of what that is. I couldn’t classify Bill as a sort of family, but I also don’t know where I would put Bill. I opt for the simple answer , not wanting to think about more. I didn’t even know if there was more. I replied, “No…” 
He shuffles a bit closer and the air is charged between us. I pull my knees together and pull them to my chest, to make way for him to come closer. I brush an annoying lock out of my eyes, not wanting to spend a second not looking at him. He says, abruptly, "You're very handsome…”
He notices what he’s said and he flushes, I let out a small laugh and notice the way his face heats up, and how mine is also red. The contrast between his brownish red freckles and his skin and the way his nose seems to be at a perfect angle, Bill honestly was just so- “You’re pretty too”
He smiles at my comment, and he looks at my eyes, and I wonder what he’s thinking. Why can’t I understand what he’s doing? When have I ever not understood what he’s doing? Ever since Tonks made me realise how drop-dead gorgeous Bill is, I-
“If I’m not your brother, what am I then?” He asks, and he searches my eyes for the answer that I don’t even know myself. He isn’t my friend, it feels wrong to say it, and I don’t know what other thing Bill could be for me, but we’ve been friends for a decade now. I answer, “I don’t know.” 
“I don’t know.” I repeat, and I look down at the floor, not being able to stand his piercing blue eyes trained on me anymore. His hand grazes my cheek, pushing the hair behind my ear, the contact makes me shoot up to look at his eyes. It feels different, so much more different than any other look we’ve shared before. He adds, “I don’t know either…” 
His hand cups my cheek, and it feels so much more, but what even is more between Bill and I? He brushes his thumb over my cheekbones, and he leans in. My legs part slightly, so he can shift closer. I didn’t even realise what I’d done till he was only a few centimetres away from my face. He looks at me, searching, and then down to my lips. 
My breath hitches, and I can see his chest heave. My lips part under his gaze, and he leans closer. Maybe this is what more means for us? I don’t know what could happen after but I know this-I lift my hand up to encase his wrist. His eyes flicker back to mine, and I say, “You’re never going to be the same to me after this.” 
“You haven’t been the same to me in a while.” His last words before he gives me one last look before he kisses me. 
The summer passed by in a blur where it’s nothing but hazy memories of Bill. It’s not a surprise that I spend most of my summer at the Weasleys with my parents working all around the world. The surprise is the way Bill grasps my hand under the table, and the whispers between us are now sweet not taunts and games. 
He would send me cheeky smiles and flirty grins across the room. He would wake me up in the middle of the night and take me from Ginny’s room so we could go watch the stars outside the Burrow, laying on the grass, just like now…
“I can’t believe that we’re about to go back to Hogwarts in two days.” Bill says, as he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me impossibly close to him. Contact has never been unknown between us, but this was entirely new. I run my hands through his long hair, and I sigh, “Yeah, two more years and we’re out of Hogwarts.” 
“Everything will change…” I trail off, scared of what’s to come, when we’re getting real jobs and we’re not sheltered anymore, out to fend for ourselves. Bill looks at me and I can see the stars shine from his eyes, and it’s a mesmerising sight. Bill pecks my lips before saying, “Not us, never us.” 
I smile as he nuzzles his face into my neck, and I wrap my arms around his back. I hope he’s right, I really do hope he is. I don’t know what I could do without Bill. I wonder if his family knows about us, if they feel what’s changed. The only one who does know is poor Percy when he wandered off in the library only to find us snogging in between the bookshelves. 
The other person who knows about us is Charlie but that’s because the boy was smart when it comes to things like these. He noticed the blush on my cheeks first then Bill’s smiles and then one day he dropped his spoon under the table during dinner and he saw our legs intertwined. He didn’t mention it at first until the next day, when he did the same thing on purpose, and he noticed Bill holding my hand. 
He spent the entirety of that week trying to find us doing something. When we were together, he would suddenly burst through the door screaming, ‘AHA!’, and then he’d find us playing cards on the floor. We realised what he was doing early on, but we let him have his fun, until one day, he gave up and burst through the door once again, and said, “Why won’t you guys tell me that you’re dating?” 
I answered first, “Because we aren’t…” 
Bill nodded along, but Charlie looked beyond confused. He questioned us; Do you hold hands? Spend time together? Act all cute and annoying? Kiss each other? Bill replied yes to all of the questions and then Charlie asked us why we weren’t dating already, and I couldn’t help but wonder the same thing as well. 
I run my hands through his hair and I ask, tentatively, “Bill…” 
He hums, and I try to find the courage to ask before it’s all gone and forgotten because I need to know. I try to ask the most dreaded question in the world, in a confident matter like it didn’t matter at all to me what his answer might be, instead I stutter, “I-What are we?” 
He pauses, tenses, a few seconds pass then he lifts his head out of the crook of my neck and he hesitates, “I don’t know.” 
A beat passes, and I press, “I mean, when we go back-to Hogwarts, and some girl asks you out, what will you say?” 
He reaches the hand that was wrapped around my waist and rubs the back of his neck. He replies, “I don’t know.” 
“What if a guy asks me out?” I ask, scanning for answers in his eyes, hoping to elicit a reaction that he would care if he were to share me with someone else, that he’s mine and I am his. He shrugs his shoulders and says, “You’ll just say what you want to say.” 
He puts back his arm around my waist and he puts his face back into the crook of my shoulder. I sigh, unsatisfied with the answer. I place my hands back into his hair and play with the long ginger strands. His breath tickles my neck and he starts planting kisses on my shoulder. He trails them up to my neck and I sigh, contently. He begins to nibble and suckle the skin while I begin to tug on his hair. 
He lowers his hand that’s on my waist, bit by bit till he reaches my butt. He squeezes firmly causing me to gasp and press my hips forward towards him. I feel it, I feel him and Merlin, he’s- His hand trails lower to my thighs and it encourages me to sling my leg around his hip. His mouth moves up to my jaw, and then to my mouth. His tongue slips inside my mouth and he pushes his hips against mine. He groans and I pull away, I ask, “Here?” 
“What if your parents wake up, or someone notices? We can not traumatise someone else like we did with Percy and Charlie-” Bill silences me by pressing his lips against mine and that’s when I feel him start to harden underneath me. I moan as I wrap my legs more firmly around him as I press our hips tightly together. Bill pulls back this time, and he looks over at me, my hair sprawled everywhere and I feel the heat in my face. I press my hands to my cheeks feeling the difference in temperature. I ask, “Is my face red? It feels like it is.” 
Bill smiles and pulls my hands down and kisses me. He replies, “No, it’s perfect.” 
Bill Weasley is my first everything, kiss, first time, first whatever this thing was, and first heartbreak even if we technically didn’t stop. I was alright with it, I was because it felt like he was just as into me as I was into him. Just because we didn’t label the thing that we had doesn’t mean that we have to. It’s Bill, and I trust him. 
It was all going alright, more than alright, it was great, there wasn’t a moment that I didn’t spend with him, and I was so sure that I was falling for him, if I hadn’t already. I was on my way to Ancient Runes when I heard Bill’s voice, I perked up, until I heard another female voice with him. I slow down and I overhear the conversation. 
“Do you?” The female voice asks. 
“No, I uh, I don’t.” Bill
“So, you don’t have a girlfriend?” I can hear the grin in her voice
“Nope, I’m single.” 
I feel my eyes well up and I take a few deep breaths willing them away before deciding that I’m going to be taking a different route, and I end up late to class. The thing that I was worried about happened, and ugh, what am I going to do with myself if he does end up getting a girlfriend and it’s not me? 
I avoided Bill like the plague for a week, the only Weasleys I’m speaking to were Charlie and Percy, but even then it hurt, they looked so much like him. I cried more than I’m proud of, and even when Bill did try to talk to me, I would simply just walk away. 
It’s been exactly a week since I overheard Bill and I’m on my way to ancient runes once more. Someone calls my name, and Edgar Bones walks over to me. I wait for him to catch up and he smiles at me with a boyish grin. Bones asks, “You need a walk to class?” 
“Umm, I’m alright.” I reply, and walk on, but Bones follows. He walks along beside me and says, “Well, I’d like to give you one if you don’t mind.” 
I don’t reply and simply make my way to class, hoping that Bill wouldn’t get the wrong idea seeing me and Bones- wait, why should I care about what Bill thinks? He’s not my boyfriend as he’s made it very clear to some girl. I take Bill out of my mind and walk on. Bones walks beside me, an appropriate distance away. Halfway through the walk he looks towards me and asks, “Would you like me to carry your books?” 
“No, I’m alright.” I reply and adjust my bag over my shoulder and the books that are on my arm. I wonder what he might be doing walking me to class. Over the past six years, we’ve only had a few conversations all involving school or Quidditch. Nonetheless, he reaches over and grabs the books out of my arm, and I mumble a thank you at the kind gesture. 
We reach the door of the class, and I stand there. I look around while noticing Bones shuffling on his feet. I decide to be blunt and ask, “Bones, we’ve talked about four times since we’ve known each other, why are you walking me to class and holding my books?” 
“I-uh, I know this is out of the blue for you, but I-” He cuts himself off and looks around nervously. His gaze falls on something behind me and I look around to see McLaggen giving Bones two thumbs up, I look back at Bones confused and he clears his throat. He asks, “Would you like to go out with me?” 
It’s my turn to look around nervous, and shuffle awkwardly on my feet. I reply, “It’s just that we don’t know each other that well.” 
“I was hoping we’d get to do that over some butterbeer.” He says, and I notice the red tint on his cheeks. The silence is tense. I think it over; Bones is quite fit, and he’s one of the smartest people in Hufflepuff, I’ve heard he’s actually quite kind also. Besides, not like anyone is holding me back anymore. I say, “Sure then.” 
He beams and he raises his hand up in a thumbs up, no doubt to show McLaggen, it’s sort of cute, if you think about it. He plans, “How about tomorrow? I’ll pick you up at eleven and we’ll head over to the three broomsticks?” 
“That sounds good.” I say, and he grins. He hands me my books back then says quickly, “Well, I’ve got class in two minutes, so I have to run. I’ll see you tomorrow!” 
He breaks off into a run, McLaggen following behind him, and I head inside class. I sit in the middle beside the wall where I usually sit, and think about this date. I don’t like Bones, but most people don’t have feelings for the person that they’re going on a first date with. After the date is when the feelings pop up. It’s actually nice to be asked out, and not to be kissed once everyday when no one’s watching. 
I was getting excited about the prospect, thinking about what to wear, how to style my hair, when Bill walks in. He looks at me with a deep frown and heads off to sit beside someone else. I expected him to try to talk to me like he has in all of our classes, but he didn’t. He stares out the window for the entirety of class, which is unlike him, especially during the class that made him realise that he wanted to be a cursebreaker. 
I take a few notes, more than I usually do without noticing just in case Bill needed some after class. He would do the same when I would doze off during class or when I was sick. The bell rings and I put my books in my bag and sling it over my shoulder, holding a few on my arm. I barely walk out of class when someone pulls on my bag, pulling me back as well. I say, “Hey!” 
“Is it true?” Bill asks, just as I register that it’s him and not someone that I don’t know. His cheeks are flushed, but in the way that makes him seem agitated. I look at him confused and I ask, “What?” 
“You’re going out on a date with Bones? Is it true?” He asks, and I find myself pursing my lips and avoiding to answer. He runs a hand through his hair frustrated, and then continues, “Cause maybe, you didn’t know it was a date? Did you know?” 
“Can we not do this here?” I ask, when I see people stopping walking around and looking at me and Bill instead. A few whispers follow, and Bill grabs my hand to lead me somewhere more crowded. We stand in front of a large window with the sunlight beaming through and it’s near a hidden alcove where no one comes often. The hallway is empty and Bill doesn’t say anything before he sighs and asks, “Are you really?” 
“Yes.” I reply, and I can see his shoulders fall. He takes a few steps closer to me and asks me, “Did you know it was a date?” 
“Yes, I did, I’m not an idiot.” I snap, and his shoulders tense over and his frown deepens. His stance becomes defensive and he folds his arms over his chest. He says, “Bones is a dick, he just uses girls for sex, and he’s a big jerk.” 
“No, he’s not-” 
“He’s mean to his family and he treats his friends badly-” 
“No! He doesn’t, Bill.” I shout, “Stop making him try to seem like a jerk just so I won’t go out with him.” 
He bites his lip and looks away. His chest is heaving and his jaw clenches. I take a step back and I whisper, “You don’t have a say on who I go out with, you’re not my boyfriend.” 
Bill eyes me for a moment, and I try to stand my ground. He sighs, before turning around and leaving in a huff. I can hear his angry footsteps even after he’s out of my line of sight. 
The entire time when I’m getting ready to go out on a date, I think of Bill. Bill always said he liked my hair up, so I’m keeping it down. He liked me in red, so I’m wearing blue, anything to keep him out of my head. It’s my first ever date with a guy who might actually want to be my boyfriend instead of Bill who would kiss me and leave. 
I walk downstairs and decide to wait the last few minutes outside the common room while I wait for Bones. I’m just about at the end of the stairs when Charlie rushes over to me. “Hi, Honey!” 
“Oh, Hi Charlie.” I wave to him while he walks over to me. He smiles and he walks over to me, way too slowly. He reaches me and asks, “What are you doing dressed up so nice?” 
“Nothing much, Charlie.” I reply, not wanting to tell the boy that things with Bill and I are what they are. He looks me up and down, and narrows his eyes at me. He asks, “Are you going out on a date?” 
“I uh- yeah.” I say, reluctantly. Charlies purses his lips, thinking. He looks at me, confused. He thinks out loud, “That’s weird, Bill told me that he wasn’t going to Hogsmeade today.” 
“I’m not going with Bill.” I say, and Charlie’s face falls and he’s looking at me with those heartbroken puppy eyes. My heart aches, and I can’t stand it much longer. I rush, “I’ll talk to you later, Charlie.” 
I look up from my watch as I make it to the door of the common room when a small little redhead steps between me and the door. Percy grins up at me, and pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He holds a book out to me and he asks, “Hey, honey! Could you help me with this potions chapter?” 
“Of course, Percy just when I head back, it’s hogsmeade weekend.” I explain and his smile falls. I wonder why I am breaking all of the young Weasley’s hearts today. Percy asks, “Where are you going at Hogsmeade?” 
“I’m not sure you’d know what I’m talking about Percy, you’ve never been there before.” I reply and look back at my watch. 
“I still wanna know.” Percy insists, and I reply, “I’m going to this place called ‘the three broomsticks’ where I’m going to have some drinks and stuff like butterbeer.” 
Percy nods his head, looking intrigued. He strokes his chin like an old man deep in thought. He says, “Tell me more about it.” 
“I would love to, Percy and I will, but I have to get going now.” I say, and he frowns, I ruffle his hair and try to soften the blow, “But how about, when I get back, after lunch maybe, we can go to the library and I’ll tell you all about it and I’ll help you with potions.” 
He nodded and then quickly ran back up the stairs…weird. I finally open the door to the common room and I see Bones standing a few feet away from the door. He waves to people in our year as he greets them. 
I look at my watch and I smile at his punctuality. He grins when he sees me and I offer a polite smile back. I walked over to him and he met me halfway. He tells me that I look pretty and I tell him the same. He loops our arms together and we walk through the castles to where the carriages are being pulled towards Hogsmeade. We talked a little most of the time but a lot at other times. We sat watching the snowfall on the ground from the window. He tells me his favourite season is spring, I tell him mine is autumn. 
He told me how this is his first date and I told him the same. I can tell that he’s itching to ask Bill and I’m dying for him not to. We drink butterbeer and he offers to pay. We talk about our plans and how he wants to be a healer. I tell him that I’m not sure. He said that it’s okay. I smile at him as he tells me that he loves Potions and he does the same when I talk about Arithmancy. 
When we’re in the carriages heading back when there’s about an hour left till lunch, he tells me he’s had a great time and I tell him the same. He pulls his jacket around my shivering arms, and then leans forward to kiss me. I reciprocate and then he tells me that he wants to hold on to the date a little bit more. 
We hop off the carriage and it takes us the better part of an hour to walk back to the castle ourselves. We talk for most of the time, the other half just listening to the sound of our footsteps on the snow. He trips over a branch on the ground and falls face first into the snow. His face leaves an imprint on the snow and I bend over laughing. He throws a snowball at my face, and that’s when the snow fight begins. 
We fall on the ground when he asks if I like Bill, and dreadidly I say yes. He assures me and tells me that he’s still happy to have known me better. We decide that if he’s ever in need of an Arithmancy tutor that he can come to me, and his door is always open when I need help with potions. 
The date ended and it was a good first date even if it didn’t end with a new romantic prospect.  Lunch is almost over, so I grab a few snacks from the Great Hall before heading over to my dorm to change before meeting up with Percy in the library. Charlie stops me as soon as I enter the common room. 
“I need your help!” Charlie exclaims and I get worried very quickly. He drags me by my hand up the staircase to the boy’s dormitories and I hope that the staircases don’t turn into a slide beneath us. He leads me up and up and up the stairs till we reach the fifth year boy’s dorms. Bill’s dorms. On our way there, he asks, “You said Bill doesn’t like alcohol.” 
“He doesn’t.” I reply and Charlie tuts before he opens the door to Bill’s dorm. I smell the alcohol before I see Bill. He’s lying on the floor, with his hand wrapped around a bottle of Firewhiskey. I hear some tiny sobs before walking over to him, falling to my knees in worry. I wave over to Charlie, motioning for him to leave while I take care of Bill. 
Bill beams when he sees me. His hand reaches over to cup my face, and he stutters, “You’re very very pretty, honey.” 
I press a tiny kiss to his forehead to soothe him, and he closes his eyes in momentary bliss and I can see the tears streaks running from under his eyes and over his cheeks. I lean to grasp the bottle of Firewhiskey from his hand, but he tightens his grip over it. He protests, “No!” 
“Come on, Bill. You don’t even like this thing.” I insist and pry the bottle out of his fingers. I put it away on one of his other roommates' nightstands.  Bill frowns, “I know, I know, I just need it today, just today…” 
He lets out a sob, and I push him up so he can sit upright and rub circles on his back. He leans his head on my shoulder and he holds my hand. He sighs softly and I ask, “Why do you need it today, Bill?” 
“Cause you’re o-on a date.” Bill says, and my heart pounds under my chest. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen Bill like this. He rambles, “You went out with someone else, you laughed and you went to the three broomstick, and he kissed you-” 
“Wait, you followed me?” I ask, anger bubbling. Bill notices and he quickly lifts his head from my shoulder and looks at me, eyes wide. I still push a strand of his long hair over his eyes. He grasps my head from his face and he chokes out another sob, “I couldn’t help it, I love you!” 
I gasp, and Bill sobs covering his face with his hands. I look away, feeling my eyes water, why couldn’t he feel those emotions when sober? I blink away the tears and I pull him to my chest, and he wraps his arms around me, hugging me tight that I might fear for my ribs. I pet his head and whisper, “It’s okay, it’s okay.” 
“You can’t like him, I love you!” Bill repeats and I can’t help but start to let a few tears slip. Bill shouldn’t be spilling anymore thoughts when he’s like this, especially if they might not be true. I say, “Let’s get you to bed.” 
“Only if you stay.” Bill says, and I nod my head. I help him up and he falls. He starts tripping over his feet, as I lead him to his bed, the one with the photo of his face on the nightstand beside it. I cover him with a blanket and I move away from him. He grabs a hold of my wrist. I reassure him, “I’m only going to get the trash in, just in case you decide to throw up.” 
He nods, and then lets go of my wrist slowly. I grab the trash bin and a glass of water, and set them both beside him. He grabs me again, and he pulls me on top of him. He smiles when he sees my face. He cups my face and rubs his thumb across my cheekbones. It felt nice, like it wasn’t complicated at all. It felt the same way it did during the summer, and I covered his hand with my own. His smile dropped and he asked, “Why did you have to go away?” 
“What are you talking about, Bill?” 
“You haven’t talked to me in a while.” Bill says, and I clear my throat before correcting him, “A week isn’t a while.” 
“A few minutes not talking to you is agony enough.” Bill says, and I sigh. He looks up at me with those bright blue eyes, and his other hand goes to my back, lifting up a slight part of my shirt before settling down on my warm, bare skin. I answer, “You told a girl that you didn’t have a girlfriend.” 
He frowns and purses his lips, thoughts travelling throw them, slower than they would if he were sober. The pieces joining together before his lips part in astonishment. He asks, “You want to be my girlfriend?” 
It takes me a moment. I didn’t know at first, but the feeling of it, of having him call me his, kissing him whenever I can. I still don’t think that would be enough, I want more, so much more than just that. I reply, “I want to be more than that with you Bill.” 
“I don’t know.” 
“We’re just so proud of Bill for taking this step forward.” Molly gushes about Bill to me. We’re all sitting at the dinner table just a month into the summer before our seventh and final year. The Gred and Forge, Ginny and Ron are on one side of the table. Arthur sits at the head at the table Charlie opposite to him while Molly sits next to Bill who sits next to me. 
None of the kids care about the conversation, just eating little chicken nuggets and some fries with chocolate milkshakes, playing with each other. As Fred and George tell eachother jokes, while Ron munches on his food. Ginny just plays with her hair trying to braid tiny strands of it without looking. 
Charlie is just rolling her eyes at how much Molly is gushing about Bill, while Bill flushes trying to get her to stop, embarrassed. Arthur is making sure that Fred and George don’t set the table on fire, due to previous experiences. Molly says one thing that peaks my interest, “I mean taking an internship that could lead to a job in Egypt, obviously he’ll visit a lot-” 
“What internship?” I cut Molly off asking, tense, and the table went silent. I look at Bill questioningly. Bill swallows his last bit of food before turning to look at me. Molly exclaims, “Oh, I’ve said something wrong, Haven’t I? I’m sorry.” 
“No, it’s alright, Molly.” I reassure her from behind Bill, while he pets his mother’s arm. Bill clears his throat and looks at me explaining, “I didn’t take it, I still have to get accepted.” 
“In Egypt?” I ask, frowning at the far off place, in an entirely different continent. He says softly, “Yeah.” 
“It’s a curse breaking internship, and who knows maybe I’ll be working there around tombs and mummies and-” Bill explains, and I question, “And you’re just going?” 
“If I get accepted-” 
“And you’re gonna leave.” I point out, and he looks around awkwardly as Ginny starts asking Arthur where Bill is going and why he’s leaving. Molly and Aurthur usher everyone out of the dinning area just leaving Bill and I there. We sit in silence, and I don’t know where to even start. Don’t go, stay. How could you leave? I start, “Were you going to tell me about this?” 
“I didn’t want to tell you before I got it, would’ve been a lot of worry for nothing.” Bill says, and I turn around my chair to face him. He does the same. Our knees touching and legs intertwined. I ask, “And if you get it?” 
I wait for his answer as he looks down at the ground and I put my hand out grabbing his hand in mine. I play with his hand with both of mine and I place it on my lap. HE stays silent and I ask, “Would you go?”
“I-I don’t know, probably.” Bill says, and I feel pieces of my heart start to crack off. My hold on his hand tightens and I question, “What about your family? I’m sure Molly needs a helping hand around here. Charlie and Percy need their older brother, Who’s gonna keep Fred and George in line? Ron looks up to you, and Ginny loves you so much-” 
Bill cuts me off with a strong kiss on my lips while his hand encases my face. It’s the first one in a while and I relish in it. When Bill woke up after my date, he couldn’t remember anything but through a heated discussion we decided to take a few steps back. He was just my friend again. I hold his face in between my hands, and I whisper softly, “I need you to stay.” 
Bill places some more kisses onto my face and he hugs me tightly. I pull him closer, and think of how he could go. Go and be so far away. I ask from the crook of his neck, “How long would this internship be?” 
“A year.” 
“That’s not a long time…” I convince myself and him. He grabs my waist tighter and he says, “Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure that I won’t get it.” 
But he did. 
After a year of not seeing Bill, my first year working as the new professor of Arithmancy at Hogwarts, I might as well be jumping off the walls, bursting from excitement just to see him again. We had spent our seventh year in agony waiting to see if he got the internship or not, and when he did, I spent the last of the year, holding onto him until he had to leave. 
He didn’t kiss me once that year, except when we were on the train for the last time, heading back to platform 9 ¾ . We stayed as we were, except I stayed true to my word. I couldn’t see him as simply my friend anymore. Whenever he hugged me I wanted to savour that feeling forever. When he talked I wished I could listen to him talk forever and have those lips on mine. When he held Ginny and played with her hair, braiding it, I couldn’t help but picture a future like this, with him. 
When he came back, flew in through the Floo network from the ministry, I wasted no second in running towards him and wrapping my arms around his neck. The sounds of his siblings cheer loudly and they push me aside to hug their brother, and I chuckle at their love for him.
He flicks Fred and George’s hair telling them to stop getting so tall or they might catch up to him. He tells Ginny that she’s still as beautiful as ever, and for Ron to set up the wizarding chess board for a game later tonight. He asks Percy to get all his books ready so he can tell him an in depth description about all of them, and for Charlie to start stretching so he can beat his ass in quidditch. All the while, he shoots me looks from over their shoulders. 
Molly kisses her son and scolds him for not writing more often, he tells her that there simply wasn’t enough time, and then Molly, ushers everyone out. I stare at Bill and notice how his arms got larger and he became more chiselled (if possible), I point to the most notable difference. I point to his hair that’s currently in a low bun, making him look so very handsome. I ask, “You grew your hair.” 
“Yeah, Mom’s already begged me to cut it twice already.” He chuckles, and I take a few steps forwards towards him. I hug him and put my arms around his neck, and he moves his head to kiss me instead. Kissing me hard, and passionately. It takes me by surprise and I gasp, “Bill, what?” 
I don’t get a chance as his lips are back on mine, kissing me harder. I chuckle at his intent, and he wraps his arms around me. Our chests pressed against each other. I breathe him in deeply, and I realise how much I missed him. Every little thing about him too. I pull away to breathe and Bill chases after my lips. That’s when I realise something’s wrong. He’s kissing me because he needs to, he’s holding onto me. 
“They’ve given me the job full time-” Bill says and I immediately frown. I start, “I-” 
He cuts me off with another powerful kiss and another few seconds of silence where I can hear my heartbeats in my ears due to the lack of oxygen. It felt so blissful despite the ache in my chest because of the lack of air and Bill’s words. Bill starts, “They want me to take the job and move their full time-” 
“But I won’t go, if you ask me to stay.” Bill finishes, and I’m struck by his words. He pecks my lips once more, and I’m left reeling with all this information. I smile, bittersweetly, “You got your dream job…” 
“But it’s so far away.” I say, and he nods his head. He pulls my hands in his and he can already feel where I’m going with this. He rants, “You asked me what we are, and I said I don’t know, I never knew, but now I do.” 
“You can’t turn down your dream-” 
“I know now, I know that I want you, and that I love you, and if you tell me to stay I will. I’ll stay, just tell me to. Tell me that you’ll be mine.” Bill says and he lifts his hands to cup my face, looking at me as if I was the most precious thing in his life, but I’m not. He says, “I never wanted to tell you because I was an idiot, an idiot who was scared that you didn’t want him, an idiot who thought that he would lose you, if he told you he loved you.” 
I counter, “This is your dream, Bill. Your future, what you’ve always wanted-”
“No, you’re my future and I’m sorry that I didn’t know it before, but I do know. Ask me to stay, please.” he begs, and I pull his hands down. I look at him cause this might just be one of the few times that I’m going to see him for a long time. I’ve long had the image of his face pressed into my mind. I need to make sure that it withstands the test of time. I reason, “I-I’m not going to make this decision for you by asking you to stay, you might regret as time goes on-” 
“I can never regret you.” 
“I’m not going to stand in the way of this opportunity for you…you need to make it by yourself. And I’ve always been yours…” I trail off, and press a kiss on his lips. He looks at me dejected and helpless. I say, “Now, let’s go back in, your family’s waiting for you.”
Bill’s heading to the ministry any second now to head to the Floo network so he can go to Egypt. His family is going with him, so they can watch him Floo away, and they asked me to come, but I couldn’t because seeing his face before he goes, I might do something stupid like ask him to stay just for me, or maybe go to Egypt right with him. 
Molly said she’d come and see me after, they all will definitely be in need of a hug, especially Ginny who’s not going to bear being the only one at the Burrow anymore. I prepared a lot of food for everyone to come and get while they all cope with having Bill move away. I’m not sure I’ve copped myself, I don’t think I ever will. 
Knocks echo on my door, and I wave my wand pulling the food out on the table that I’ve arranged mishapely to gather enough chairs for the entire family. I arrange a few more things with the flick of my wand and I realise that I’ve forgotten the cups. I head over to the cupboard, and I flick my wand over to the door, making it fly open. 
“Just let yourself in Molly, I’m just putting down the cups!” I pull out eight cups and I hold them in my arms haphazardly, I make my way to the table and start arranging them. I put down all the cups, until there’s two left- “I’m not Molly.” 
I looked over my shoulder to where Bill was standing, bags at hand. He smiles at me and I smile back. I look at the clock, and I say, “Couldn’t do without a goodbye? But you’ll miss your Floo time, and you have to go where you’re supposed to-” 
“I’m right where I’m supposed to be.” Bill says, and my bittersweet smile drops. I look at him questioningly. He couldn’t possibly mean- He answers my thoughts, “I’m not going.” 
He sets his bags down and I put the last two cups randomly on the table. I fiddle with my fingers anxiously. I say, “I don’t want you to throw away your dream for me.” 
“It’s more like picking one dream over the other.” Bill says, still standing by the door. He continues, “I want to be a cursebreaker, and I still can be here in England, but I can’t have the life I always wanted with you if I’m miles away, and that’s what I want more than anything.” 
It’s the last of the confirmation that I need before heading over to him, rushing into his arms, as he finally holds me, and he whispers that he loves me. He kisses me and I forget to brace myself over how dizzy and giddy he makes me, finally as my own.
a/n: hope you liked it!
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atypicalamortentia · 1 year ago
more percy smut please i love you
Christmas Present || Percy Weasley
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Synopsis - You had no idea what to get your husband Percy for Christmas. You settled on buying lingerie to surprise him and as an early Christmas present, treated him to some fun.
Warnings - NSFW.
Notes - All characters are aged 18+!
Word Count - 2.5k.
{Caffeinate Me}
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Christmas was just around the corner and you still had so many people to buy for: your husband Percy being one of them. Percy Weasley was never really a man of material possessions. As long as his family were around him, that was all that mattered. It was frustrating to you because your love language was giving gifts! How could you show him you loved him if you had no idea what to get him? 
You were currently sitting on the floor in your shared bedroom wrapping up the Christmas presents that you did have when there was a small knock on the opposite side of the door. “Can I come in?” Percy asked, his voice quiet. 
“Of course you can,” you said with a slight giggle in your voice. 
After a few seconds, Percy poked his head around the door and smiled at you. “I didn’t know whether you were wrapping my gift.”
You frowned. “I still haven’t gotten anything for you.” 
“That’s okay,” Percy smiled. “As long as I have you, that’s all that matters.” 
You frowned again. “Percy it’s almost Christmas! I have to get you something.”
“Like I said, as long as you’re here, that’s all that matters,” Percy repeated. He bent down to press a chaste kiss on your lips and with that, he left the room. 
Once you were finished with the wrapping, for now, you grabbed your laptop and mindlessly began scrolling through social media. Your mind was ticking as you thought of gift ideas for Percy: knowing him, he had gotten you an extravagant gift that you had always wanted. He was like that. Then, it hit you. If all he wanted for Christmas was you, then that’s what he was going to get. You opened up your favourite clothing app and searched for the sexiest lingerie you could find, preferably one that was a dark red to match his old house colours from your shared time at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. Just as you were about to give up, thinking none of them would take his fancy, you finally found a perfect lacey number. It was rather revealing but then again, that’s what lingerie was, right? You placed your order and spent a little extra for next day delivery to make sure it arrived in time for Christmas. Giddy with excitement, you could barely contain yourself. Not wanting to accidentally spoil the surprise, you went to bed, but not before saying goodnight to your loving husband. 
When you woke up the next morning, Percy wasn’t by your side. You glanced over at the clock on your bedside table to see that it was just gone nine in the morning. You frowned, but it quickly disappeared when you saw a note sitting on top of his pillow. You sat up and brought the note to your sleep-filled eyes and read it aloud quietly. 
My love, 
I didn’t want to wake you this morning before I left for work since you looked so peaceful. I just wanted you to know how much I love and cherish you. I will for the rest of my life. 
Love, Percy. 
You smiled and clutched the note to your chest. No matter how many times this man surprised you, it always brought tears to your eyes. That was it. You had decided that this man was getting his Christmas present early. You rubbed your eyes and swung your legs over the bed, putting on your fluffy slippers and making your way downstairs to make some breakfast. With a wave of your wand, breakfast was started, all you had to do was wait for it to finish cooking and plate it up. While eating, you decided that you would go out and get the final bits and pieces for Christmas, considering the big day was only a few days away. You washed up your plates and headed back upstairs to get dressed and brush your teeth. 
Town centre was busy. You grabbed the essentials for the rest of your family and called it a day. What you didn’t have, you didn’t have and you weren’t going to stress over it. When you finally arrived home after a chaotic ride home there was a parcel waiting for you on the doorstep: your lingerie. Excitedly, you opened the door and grabbed the parcel before heading inside your small home that you shared with your husband. You plopped down on the sofa, allowing the bags of goodies to fall onto the floor and let out a sigh of relief. Now all you had to do was wrap the remaining gifts and place them under your neatly decorated tree. But, you would do that later. For now, you needed to open your parcel and try it on. You stood up and walked to the kitchen to grab a pair of scissors before walking back into the livingroom and opening the parcel. Your eyes widened the second you unwrapped the item of clothing, smiling like a maniac. “Oh Percy, you’re going to love this,” you whispered to yourself as you admired the lacey set. You sent Percy a text asking him what time he would be home. You weren’t going to do the whole romantic ‘cook a meal for him and then surprise him’ shenanigans you had seen in movies. You certainly weren’t the cook of the family and didn’t feel like having food poisoning for Christmas day. Percy quickly replied saying that he was on his way home, and would be as quick as he could. You panicked slightly, this gave you no time at all to get ready! You grabbed your shopping and waddled up the stairs, throwing the bags on the bed before quickly stripping off to get a shower. You were quick; it was possibly the quickest shower you had ever had and your shaving was down haphazardly. You wouldn’t be surprised if you had missed a few spots on your legs. You dried yourself and your hair before dressing yourself in the lingerie and admiring yourself in the mirror. Percy would be home any minute now. You sat on the bed and waited patiently. 
“I’m home!” You heard Percy call from downstairs. The door shut behind him and you could practically hear him removing his shoes. 
“I’m upstairs!” You called, getting into position on the bed. You heard him mumble something in response before the clambering of his feet came trudging up the stairs. 
“That day was a day from hell,” Percy said as he walked into the room. It took him a second to notice you, but once he did, his eyes widened. His mouth hung open in an ‘o’ shape, running dry and had to force himself to blink. “W-Wow.”
You pulled a sultry look and lifted your leg up into the air seductively. “Do you like?” You asked, running a hand up your smooth, bare legs. Percy just nodded erratically in response. Within a second, the red-haired male was climbing on top of you, lips pressed against yours in a heated kiss. You let out a gasp as his lips met yours, feeling the wetness gathering between your legs. You were getting more and more turned on by the way Percy was kissing you as if it was the last time. He was drinking your moans as if they were water in a desert and his hands trailed the lace of the lingerie. “I take it you do like,” you giggled in between kisses. Percy just nodded again, lips pressing harder against your own. 
“Been a long day,” he groaned in between your lips. “Just want to fill you up and forget all about it.” 
It was your turn to nod now, giving him the go ahead. Percy trailed his hand up to your breasts, squeezing at them through the thin red lace. A soft moan left his lips as he continued to grope at your chest, squeezing the soft flesh between his palms. The cups of the lingerie were so small, that your breasts spilled over the fabric. “Percy,” you whisper softly. Your moans were like music to his ears. 
“Is this my Christmas present?” He asked, a low growl emitting from his throat. All you could do was nod. “I love it.” 
He popped your breasts out of the small cups and kissed down your throat, lips attaching to your nipples almost immediately. You let out a shaky breath as his tongue worked wonders around your perky bud, wanting to moan. Your hands flew to his hair, pushing his face further into your breast. Percy used his teeth to tease your nipple, desperate to hear your voice whimper his name. You couldn’t help it. “Percy,” you moaned, throwing your head back. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he mumbled, turning his attention to the other nipple. His tongue continued to swirl around the pebbled nub, hands trailing their way down to the lace between your legs. “My, you’re so wet already,” he grinned. 
“I wonder why,” you joked, rolling your eyes. Percy let out a little huff of excitement. His hands danced around the fabric covering your pussy and slipped a finger inside. You let an inaudible gasp as he did. You were so wet his finger slid inside of you effortlessly and he immediately began pumping away, squelching sounds filled the room. “Oh God,” you whimpered softly, closing your eyes tightly. Without warning, Percy slipped another finger inside of you. Your hands grasped his shoulders, holding onto him for support. 
“I can’t wait to be inside of you,” Percy mumbled as he pulled away from your nipple. 
You were laying on the bed, legs spreading themselves wider for Percy to hit that spot deeper inside of you. His fingers were moving in and out of you at an alarming rate and you could feel your orgasm quickly approaching. “Gonna cum!” You cried out. You bit your bottom lip, trying your best to keep your moans to a minimum, afraid that the neighbours next door would hear. 
“Cum for me baby,” Percy growled. 
You nodded and within seconds, you were spraying all over his fingers. Your vision spotted white and your legs began to shake. The orgasm was probably the most intense you’ve ever had. Percy chuckled as you came down from your high, pulling away from you and standing up off of the bed to remove his clothes. He was fast, faster than you’ve ever seen him undress and his cock was standing to attention. His thick length was leaking pre-cum and you so badly wanted a taste. You beckoned him closer as you repositioned yourself onto your knees. “Wanna taste you,” you whispered huskily. 
“Are you sure?” He asked, tilting his head to the side. You nodded, ensuring him that that was what you wanted. Percy grabbed his length and gave it a few experimental pumps before you wrapped your lips around him. He gasped in pleasure as you took him all the way into your mouth, with difficulty. Your tongue traced his enlarged head and tasted the saltiness of his pre-cum. You let out a hum of approval. “Feels so good,” he managed to choke out. 
You hummed again, his cock hitting the back of your throat causing you to gag. Percy’s eyes widened as you gagged, and he had to contain himself. He pulled his cock out of your mouth quickly, not wanting to cum just yet. You furrowed your eyebrows but quickly smiled as he pushed you down onto your back. “Someone’s eager,” you grinned. 
“It’s hard not to be when your wife is as beautiful as you are,” Percy whispered into your ear. 
You let out a silent giggle before he kissed you softly, lining his cock up with your hole. In one sharp movement, Percy had pushed himself inside of you, filling you up to the brim. Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes as you adjusted to his length. He stretched you so well that you could happily die in this moment. He was so large and thick. Percy waited for a moment before he began to move, but when he did, his movements were brutal. It was as if he had waited a lifetime to fuck you. “Fuck!” You cried out, hands grasping the sheets below you as your body bounced forward with the intensity of his thrusts. 
“You feel so good baby,” Percy cooed in your ear. “You’re gonna drive me insane.” 
You wanted to reply, you really did, but it was hard. All you could think about was how his cock-head was kissing your cervix and the overwhelming pleasure you were feeling. You were glad he liked his present as much as he seemed to. Percy’s hands grasped your exposed breasts, eyes gazing down at the lingerie you were wearing. This only seemed to spur him on, movements speeding up. His hips were thrusting against yours erratically, chasing the high he so desperately craved. He was close and you knew it, but he was trying so hard not to cum yet. “Percy,” you moaned, head lolling back. 
“Look at me when I fuck you princess,” Percy said sternly, his hands grasping your breasts tighter causing a pained whimper to leave your lips. You nodded and looked at him, eyes meeting him in an intense gaze. “Want me to fill you up? Hmm?” He asked. 
“Yes. Oh God yes, please!” You cried. Percy nodded in response, seemingly happy with your answer. His hips stuttered a bit and you knew he was reaching his climax. “Please. Please cum inside of me,” you begged silently. 
Percy smiled in response, hips thrusting against yours desperately. With a few more thrusts, you felt his cock twitch and his milky seed shoot deep inside of you. You let out a loud moan as your second climax washed over you. Your body went limp and Percy collapsed on top of you. “Was that okay?” He asked, voice hoarse and shaky. 
“Unbelievably okay,” you said while laughing. After a few moments of silence, when all you could hear was both of your laboured breathing, you finally spoke. “Did you like your Christmas present?” 
Percy lifted off of you, rolling onto his back on your king-sized bed and smiled at you. “Like it? I loved it! It’s definitely a present I’ll be getting a lot of use out of.” He winked at you. 
“I’m glad,” you said, cuddling into him. 
“Thank you,” he whispered. 
“For what?”
“For making this a Christmas to remember,” he replied. 
“With you, every Christmas is a Christmas to remember,” you smiled softly. 
Percy pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Come on. Let’s go downstairs and I’ll make us some food.”
You nodded. “Okay.” 
You stood up off the bed, watching intently as Percy dressed himself. He really was such a sight to behold, red hair all messy and sweat glistening from his forehead. You grabbed your dressing gown and wrapped it around yourself before following your husband downstairs. You knew that you would get some more use out of the lingerie later, so there was no point in changing out of it. You were honest with what you said, every Christmas with Percy was a Christmas to remember and you were just glad he liked his present.
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syymplypotter · 2 months ago
၄⋆၃ Ron Weasley as your boyfriend
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Pairings - Ron Weasley x Fem!Reader
a/n - if there are any spelling mistakes feel free to tell me!!
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ꕥ• His love language is words of affirmation. He loves the way you blush and start fidgeting with your fingers when he compliments you.
ꕥ• He taught you how to play chess so he could play with you.
ꕥ• He loves to take you out on walks near the lake. he finds your presence so comforting to him
ꕥ• He introduced you to all his siblings and they all love you, especially ginny as she loves having another girl around.
ꕥ• His mum knitted you and Ron matching sweaters and he loves wearing them out as it shows everyone that you’re his.
ꕥ• He loves when you kiss him and leave lipstick marks on his body.
ꕥ• He knows your interest in dragons so he gets Charlie to teach you more about them and have you meet some.
ꕥ• He loves when you play with his hair, it makes him feel so comfortable.
ꕥ• He makes you tutor him outside of school because he just can’t seem to focus in class.
ꕥ• He has spare clothes just for you in his dorm because you go over there so often.
ꕥ• He loves to bake with you, whether it’s bread or cookies he just loves the smell of freshly baked goods, and he just enjoys doing it with you.
ꕥ• Molly is already planning yous guy’s wedding, she can help it she just loves you so much.
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thank you for reading!!
comments and reblogs are appreciated
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isaacarellanesismyhusband · 8 months ago
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★ fluff | † angst | ‡ sad | !! suggestive
¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡ navigation ¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡
¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡ megalist ¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡
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Isaac Garcia (mlwtwb)
playing with his hair ★
unconsciously smiling whenever she smiles ★
drunk ★
y/n(she/her) finds Isaac drunk on the front porch
(i have more of Isaac on my wattpad but i won't pot them here so u can check them out on there if you want)
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Lee Garcia (mlwtwb)
teacher ★
Lee teaches y/n (she/her) how to skateboard
first kiss ★
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Draco Malfoy (harry potter) +check the other masterlist too
september back to Hogwarts-writing prompts
too late ‡
y/n (she/her) who is in her first year at Hogwarts (11y/o) and likes Draco Malfoy who is in his 4th year (15y/o), but Draco tells her that she's too young. this happes every year until y/n turns 15 and stops trying to be with Draco and moves on but Draco realizes that he likes her but it's too late cause she already moved on.
in the shadows †
y/n (she/her) is Professor Umbridge's niece and had transfered to Hogwarts when her aunt got a job as a teacher there but what no one knew is that Umbridge is abusive towards y/n (she uses the same method she used on Harry Potter in the movie: to write something on a piece of paper and it magically engraves on the back of your hand with cuts) for a while no one noticed and thought that she was just shy but one pearson, Draco Malfoy, a fellow Slytherin, noticed her hand one day in potions class and asked to talk to her privetly in the Slytherin common room and that's when y/n opens up about the abuse and that's when she finds out that Draco had took a notice of her ever since she arrived, but she didn't notice because of her shy and scared demeanor.
in your arms ★
y/n (she/her) is Draco Malfoy 's girlfriend and one night Draco show's up at her house and he ends up spending the night there, with him cuddled up in her arms crying after he told her that he was forced to join the death eaters.
"it was nice knowing you!" †
bully †
y/n (she/her) tries to take her life after Draco bullies her, but little does she know the reason of the bullying is for him to hide his actual feelings for her.
alphabet nsfw headcanons !!
lazy day headcanons ★
first kiss ★
y/n (she/her) having her first kiss with Draco
kisses ★
you don't have to go ★
y/n(she/her) stops Draco in the battle of Hogwarts
one day at a time †★
y/n(she/her) losses her mom in the battle of Hogwarts and Draco is there to help her get through the grief
wildflowers ★
i could stay here forever ★
you and Draco have been sneaking off to the library to study together, but it always ends up with him pulling you close between the dusty bookshelves, stealing kisses and making you giggle as he murmurs sweet nothings in your ear.
you have no idea how much you mean to me ★
Draco loves taking you on secret walks around the Hogwarts grounds after curfew. Under the soft glow of the moon, he wraps his arms around you, his cold demeanor melting away as he admits how much you mean to him.
but you had fun, didn't you ★
it’s winter at Hogwarts, and you’ve convinced Draco to join in a snowball fight.
well, that didn't go as planned ★
during potions class, Draco helps you brew a tricky potion, but it ends in a harmless explosion. Covered in glittering mist, he laughs for the first time in front of everyone, holding your hand under the table and whispering that it was worth it just to see you smile.
shall we? ★
Draco asks y/n(she/her) to the Yule Ball
dating Draco Malfoy headcanons ★
worth it ★
Draco is a prefect and finds you out at night
i can’t believe it ★
you tell Draco that your pregnant and you, bith, break the news to the Malfoys
kissing Draco Malfoy headcanons ★
happy valentine’s day ★
i’m beginning to feel like a rap god… ★
draco with a girlfriend who loves Eminem
see? i told you they’d love you ★
y/n(she/her) a holiday at malfoy manor and Draco's family loves her (especially lucius)
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Harry Potter (harry potter)
september back to Hogwarts-writing prompts
bittersweet goodbye ‡
y/n (she/her) is the only friend Harry Potter had while living with the Dursleys and now they have to say goodbye because Harry is going to Hogwarts.
first snowfall ★
it's the first snow of the year at Hogwarts
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Fred Weasley (harry potter) +check the other masterlist too
september back to Hogwarts-writing prompts
you promised, remember? †
y/n (she/her) finds Fred after the battle of Hogwarts
ridiculously in love ★
together at last ★‡
Yn had died years before Fred was even born, she died during her 7th year. So when Fred first sees her he fell in love.
second chances ★‡
after Fred’s near-death experience in the Battle of Hogwarts, y/n(she/her) struggles with the fear of losing him again
too far ★
Fred has always been the king of pranks, but one day he goes a bit too far, and he Fred spends the rest of the day trying to make it up to you with adorable gestures until you can’t help but forgive him.
the kissing booth ★
a bit down ★
after a tough day, Fred surprises you with your favorite sweets from Honeydukes and a cuddle session
you’re completely mad, you know that? ★
y/n(she/her) loves thunderstorms and the rain and always wants to go dance in the rain with Fred, but Fred is terrified of them
it’s okay to be happy, even after everything | p2 | p3 ★‡
i like you, and it scares the hell out of me | p2 ★
all of Fred's life he's hated Slytherins and has always said he would never befriend one much less date one, but reader appears and he starts falling for her while denying it and is maybe a bit of an a**hole to reader because he just doesn't believe he could ever like you, but realizes that reader isn't horrible and that not all Slytherins are monsters, and once they're together everyone teases him about how he would say he would never date a Slytherin but now reader is basically the love of his life
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Cedric Diggory (harry potter)
september back to Hogwarts-writing prompts
first kiss ★
please wake up †‡
y/n(she/her) finds out Cedric died during the Triwizard tournament
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Sirius Black (harry potter)
finding home | p2 ★‡ (platonic)
y/n(she/her) finds out that Sirius Black is her father but he didn't know that, and her mom found out after he was inprisoned, but then she was killed by Voldemort when y/n was a baby and was placed in an orphanage for wizards and witches. and he found out after the battle of Hogwarts (in which he survived) and came to find you and tell you and take you in...
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Harry Potter boys headcanons (harry potter)
how the hp boys would react when they find out you have a crush on them ★
the hp boys help you calm down †
the hp boys find y/n (she/her) crying/hipper ventilating
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Newt Scamander (fantastic beasts/hpu)
september back to Hogwarts-writing prompts
to me, you’re… everything ★
Newt showing his love to y/n(she/her)
good morning, love ★
waking up with Newt
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Stiles Stilinski (teen wolf)
dance in the living room ★
Stiles starts dancing in the living room with y/n (she/her)
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Tony Stark (mcu)
see? not so scary, right? ★
y/n(she/her) and Tony share their first kiss
too late †‡
Tony confesses his love for y/n(she/her), but it's too late
panic attack ★
Tony finds y/n(she/her) having a panic attack
if only... ★‡
y/n(she/her) gets injured and Tony helps her, and y/n confesses her feelings for him but she's too young
princess treatment ★
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tom!Peter Parker (mcu)
i'll always be here for you ★
y/n(she/her) has a panic attack because she was attacked by a villan, but spider-man saved her and brought her home and after spider man left, peter arrived like 2 minutes later and comforted her
cute ★
Peter tries to ask y/n(she/her) out but he gets all flustered and shy and stumbles in words a lot but she thinks it's cute
i’ve never... kissed anyone before ★
both y/n(she/her) and Peter are really shy and awkward and they have their first kiss
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Percy Jackson (percy jackson and the olympians) +check the other masterlist too
mornin ★
waking up in the morning, Percy is still half-asleep, his arm draped lazily over your waist
forehead kisses ★
Percy has a habit of giving you quick, gentle forehead kisses whenever he passes by you
i’m always going to protect you, no matter what ★
during a quest, Percy instinctively steps in front of you when danger arises, his protective nature shining through
i… i hate thunderstorms ★
y/n(she/her) is afraid of thunderstorms. Percy holds her close, whispering that he’ll keep her safe no matter what
even heroes need someone to stand up for them ★
y/n(she/her) gets protective when another camper tries to pick a fight with Percy, stepping in to defend him, much to his amusement
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Timotheé Chalamet +check the other masterlist too
cut ★
y/n(she/her) and Timothée work on a movie together and they have to film a kiss scene
let them know ★
y/n(she/her) and Timothée's seceret relationship is outed by a paparazzo
under the weather ★
Timmy takes care of y/n(she/her) on her period
sleep well ★
y/n(she/her) takes care of Timmy after a long day
book nook ★
Timothée created a cozy reading nook just for you. Filled with fairy lights, plush cushions, and your favorite books, he surprised you with it one evening, encouraging you to pick a book while he read aloud, making the evening warm and intimate
please… don’t give up on us †‡
Timothée watched as everything he once cherished slowly crumbled around him. He saw the hurt in your eyes and knew he was the cause, but the more he tried to mend the pieces, the more it felt like everything was slipping through his fingers
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Finn Wolfhard
i’m lucky to have you ★
y/n(she/her) is on the chubby side and Finn loves that about her and he wants to touch her and hold her and if at any point she is embarrassed or feels insecure about what she looks like he always reassures her and shows her how much he loves her
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Tom Holland
just… a habit †★
Tom finds out that y/n(she/her) s.h. during a interview
you’re my favorite person, after all ★
you’re sitting in your favorite coffee shop, absorbed in a book, when Tom sneaks up behind you and places a cup of your favorite coffee on the table
lights, camera, love ★
y/n(she/her) and Tom go to a red carpet event together for the first time
i’ve got you ★
Tom taking care of y/n(she/her) whilst she's sick
why so shy? ★
y/n(she/her) gets shy and flustered around Tom, and he absolutely loves it
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Walker Scobell +check the other masterlist too
you’re such a goof ★
y/n(she/her) and Walker share a cute momet in the park
pet names ★
Walker can't stop giving y/n(she/her) different pet names
breathe ★
Walker helps y/n(she/her) through an anxiety/panic attack
oblivious ★
y/n(she/her) has a huge crush on Walker and gives his very obvious hints but he is very oblivious
off-camera ★
y/n(she/her) and Walker have their first kiss (off camera)
i just… i like it ★
y/n(she/her) can't help but play with Walker's hair
i love you, you know that? ★
Walker loves kissing you in between takes
i’m fine ★†‡
y/n(she/her) is crying on the beach at night and Walker, Aryan, Leah, Dior and Charlie find and comfort her
you’re the best hugger i’ve ever met ★
y/n(she/her) finally meets Walker and he is, in fact, the best hugger ever
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pooks · 1 year ago
headcanon that Percy is the "good son/brother" for a reason; he's a menace if he wants to.
the twins, ron and ginny don't believe it until they see it.
bill and charlie has One Fear because they will have to deal with it. bill still have war flashbacks of how many times he needs to track down his little brother cause he's always missing five minutes before curfew
charlie hasn't forgotten the last time he told percy "no" and the little shit took that as a personal challenge and proceed to do whatever he wanted.
molly, surprisingly, doesn't believe it. she takes a look at percy, sees his gentle lil smile and is like "no, percy is a good boy! he's so well-mannered, he can never do anything wrong ever!"
arthur...oh, he knows his boy is a menace. percy is so incredibly clever, he always knows how to get out of trouble, but it doesn't stop him from running havoc. oh hell, he knows his boy can take down the whole ministry if he wanted to.
+arthur is the only one who can stop percy when he's feeling "rebellious". he isn't worried about his other six kids, he has seen worse with things with percy and he knows that percy can give him grey hair before the boy is twenty.
it's always the quiet ones, after all.
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starssaroundmyscarssblog · 11 months ago
𝐋𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐀𝐙𝐄, series masterlist
pairing: percy weasley x fem!oc (olympia slughorn)
summary: in which olympia slughorn hates percy weasley, until one unfortunate group project causes her previous thoughts to be revealed as nothing more than self-trickery
total word count:
warnings: none at this point :)
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i. weasley vs slughorn
ii. gentle ties
iii. money money money
iv. burnout
v. the 'o' team
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mssorceressupreme · 1 month ago
Take Care of You | F.W
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Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
Summary: you wake up realising you’ve stained your boyfriend’s bed with period blood, and you feel terrible. later, while playing a friendly quidditch game, you get deadly cramps again and fred takes care of you for the rest of the day.
Warnings/content: reader gets her period, mentions of blood, pimples (lmao), insecure!reader, period cramps, fluff, fred weasley is THE standard :,), molly and arthur being the sweetest gems
The Burrow was quiet in the early morning, the golden glow of the sun barely peeking through the curtains of Fred's bedroom. The soft rise and fall of his breathing filled the room, his arms wrapped securely around you as you lay nestled against him. His warmth, his scent—fresh, like cinnamon and a hint of something mischievously sweet—made you want to stay here forever.
However, during this particular morning, something felt...off.
You shifted slightly, your brows knitting as you became aware of a slight discomfort in your lower abdomen. Your face scrunched up in confusion, and as you moved your hand to touch your face, you felt a few bumps along your skin—pimples, no doubt. Great. Just what you needed.
Then, you felt it. The damp warmth between your legs. A sinking feeling settled in your stomach. Panic shot through you as you carefully lifted the covers, heart pounding as you caught sight of the undeniable red stain on Fred’s bedsheets.
Oh no.
Your breath hitched, eyes widening in sheer mortification. Not only had you woken up to pimples, but you had gotten your period in your boyfriend’s bed.
Your boyfriend’s bed. Sure, if it was your own bed, you didn't mind, as it would be your problem to deal with. This, however, was an entirely different case. Godric, you wanted to hide, to run away, to retreat into your shell.
The urge to disappear entirely took over as your face burned with embarrassment. What were you supposed to do? Wake him up and tell him you’d basically bled all over his sheets? You felt a lump in your throat and your vision became teary. Especially with pimples all over your face now, what would Fred think? Would he get grossed out, horrified, disgusted?
Maybe if you were really quiet, you could sneak out and fix it before he even noticed—
Time seemed to slip from your hands when all the shifting you did stirred Fred from his sleep. Shit, it was too late to move.
He groaned softly before his arms instinctively tightened around your waist, pulling you back against him with a lazy smile.
“Morning, gorgeous,” he mumbled, voice thick with sleep. He pressed a sleepy kiss to your cheek before pausing, sensing the tension in your body. His brows furrowed, and he blinked, still groggy. “You alright, darling? You seem a little tense.”
You buried your face in your hands, groaning. “Fred, I—” Your voice was small, laced with hesitation. You inhaled deeply before revealing your dilemma, “I got my period.”
Fred blinked, confused for a second, before his lips curled into a small, lopsided smile. “Alright, love, no need to sound so distressed about it.”
You groaned again, this time with frustration. “No, you don’t understand,” you mumbled. “I stained your bed.”
With a deep breath, you lifted up the duvet and hesitantly pointed at the small red patch on the sheets. You felt your heart hammering in your chest as you dared to glance at his face, bracing yourself for—well, you didn’t know what exactly. Disgust? Annoyance? Irritation? But instead, all you found was Fred sitting up, stretching before looking at the stain with mild curiosity, then back at you with a soft chuckle.
“Is that all?” he said, completely unfazed. “Thought you were gonna tell me you’d hexed my eyebrows off in my sleep or something.”
You stared at him, dumbfounded. “Fred, I just bled on your bed,” you repeated, incredulous. “How are you this calm?”
"I just got my period...and I'm breaking out all over my face, I feel like a mess right now, I—" You continued rambling, all your worries spilling out at once.
He rolled his eyes fondly and pulled you into a warm hug, his chin resting on the top of your head. “Shh, shh, shh, it’s okay, love,” he murmured, rubbing soothing circles on your back. “It’s normal, yeah? Not like you did it on purpose.” He pulled back slightly, his hands gently cupping your face. “My poor baby, let me take care of you.”
Your heart melted at his words, but you still couldn’t shake off the embarrassment. “But your sheets—”
“Easily cleaned,” he interrupted, waving a hand like it was nothing. “Mum’s got stain removers, no big deal. What is a big deal, though, is that you’re clearly not feeling great.” His hands dropped to your waist, tugging you close again. “And my girl needs to be taken care of.”
You opened your mouth to protest, but before you could, Fred was already hopping out of bed. “I’ll be right back,” he said, tossing on a shirt. “You go to the bathroom, get cleaned up. I’ll sort everything else out.”
Still in a daze from his reaction, you hesitated before nodding. You slipped into the bathroom, heart still pounding as you peeled off your clothes, carefully cleaning yourself up. A few moments later, there was a soft knock at the door.
“Here, I’ve got some pads for you,” Fred called from the other side.
You cracked open the door, peeking out to see him holding a small stack of pads in his hands, a sheepish yet triumphant grin on his face.
“Ginny might have thrown something at me when I woke her up to ask, but worth it,” he teased, handing them to you.
You laughed, shaking your head. “Thank you, handsome.”
“For a pretty girl like you, anytime.” He kissed your forehead gently before stepping back. “Take all the time you need, I’ll be waiting for you.”
Once you were done, you returned to Fred’s room to find the bed already spotless, the stain completely gone. He grinned when he saw you. “Told you I’d sort it.”
You launched yourself at him, hugging him tightly. “Ugh Fred, you’re too good at this.”
“I know,” he said smugly, earning a light smack on the arm. He chuckled before pressing another soft kiss to your forehead. “Now, let’s get some breakfast in you, yeah?” There was something comforting about his kisses, every time he planted one on you, it felt as though everything was going to be alright.
Downstairs, the Burrow was already lively with chatter. Molly beamed as she hugged you good morning before returning to cooking, and Arthur greeted you warmly.
"Ah come join us, you lovebirds." Arthur teased, Fred's ears turning a light shade of red in response.
"What took you guys so long today? Busy eh?" Ron teased, wiggling his brows before taking a bite of his toast.
"Shove off, what's the point in rushing downstairs? Not like we've got somewhere to be." Fred retorted, a bit more harshly than he had intended.
Ginny shot you two a knowing look, giving you a sympathetic smile, "You won't understand the pressures of being a woman Ron, takes a lot to look this good every day." She joked, though laced with a comforting undertone, indirectly defending you. You tilted your head and smiled warmly at her, a way of showing gratitude.
"Come Y/N dear, you must be starving." Molly placed two eggs on your plate next to your toast, "Percy, pass her the butter will you."
"This looks delicious, thank you Molly!" You beamed, her food was always made with love; a mother's love, and that's what made it extra tasty.
Though you smiled, and occasionally shared quips with the others, only Fred was able to see right through you. He kept sneaking glances, his hand resting on your thigh under the table, stroking it gently.
You turned to give him a reassuring smile, but he still worried for you, wanting to ensure you felt better.
Later that afternoon, you and the Weasleys were playing a toned-down version of Quidditch outside the Burrow.
The sky was clear as day, the air crisp with a cool breeze occasionally blowing your hair, and laughter filled the open field as Ron, Fred, and Ginny zoomed around on their brooms, chucking the Quaffle back and forth.
Meanwhile, you, Percy, and George remained on the ground, running, dodging, and attempting to intercept the ball whenever it came your way.
At first, you kept up, laughing as George nudged you playfully and you pretended to dramatically fall or trip, making him burst into laughter.
"Woah, when did you get so strong?" Sarcasm lingered in your tone.
"Puh-lease, this is like twenty-percent of my strength. You're lucky I'm going on easy on ya." George ruffled your hair messily, it was safe to say the two of you definitely had a sibling-like relationship.
Though as the game went on, you started to slow down. The cramps you’d been trying to ignore all day crept in with full force, sharp and unbearable.
It felt like your insides were twisting, a deep ache radiating through your stomach and back, growing stronger by the minute. You bit your lip, pressing a hand to your abdomen, willing the pain away. But it was no use.
After a few more steps, you stopped completely, crouching down with a sharp inhale.
Fred, who had been mid-air, immediately noticed. He veered off from the game and swooped down toward you, concern flickering across his face. "Love? What's wrong?" he asked, his voice softer now as he handed his broom off to George, who had also stopped running and looked at you with concern.
“You alright, Y/N?” George asked, his usual teasing tone replaced with genuine worry.
You tried to wave them off, not wanting to make a fuss, but Fred wasn’t having it. He crouched beside you, his large hands gently resting on your arms as he searched your face.
"Cramps," you admitted in a whisper, wincing slightly.
Fred was up in an instant. "Alright, that’s it. You're going inside." He stood, helping you up carefully, his arm wrapping around your waist protectively. George gave you an encouraging nod before returning to the game, and as you and Fred walked toward the Burrow, you leaned into him, grateful for his warmth and steady presence.
As soon as you stepped inside, Molly turned from the stove, immediately noticing your pale face and Fred’s worried expression. "What’s wrong, dear?" she asked, wiping her hands on her apron as she approached.
“Cramps,” Fred answered before you could, his voice carrying that soft, caring edge that made your heart ache in the best way.
“Oh, sweetheart," Molly cooed. "You sit down and rest. I’ll whip up some soup and a cramp relief potion right away.”
"Thank you, Molly," you said softly, feeling a rush of gratitude for the warmth and kindness of the Weasley family.
You always secretly hoped you'd marry into the family one day, but you didn't want to admit that aloud, or pressure Fred into such things yet.
Fred led you upstairs to his room, insisting you lay down. "Rest up, yeah? I’ll be back in a bit," he murmured, pressing a kiss to your forehead before slipping out of the room.
A little while later, the door creaked open again, and Fred returned, carrying a small basket filled with chocolates, a heating pad, some of your favourite snacks, and—to your surprise—a teddy bear.
You blinked at it, smiling despite your discomfort. “A teddy?”
Fred set the basket down, and held the bear up, making its little arm wave at you. "To cuddle with."
You giggled, looking at him with awe. “Come here. I’d rather cuddle with you, baby."
He grinned before climbing into bed next to you, immediately wrapping you in his buff arms. His embrace, his scent—everything about him was comforting, you could only melt right into him.
He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead before pulling back slightly to face you. But after a moment, you grew shy, burying your face in his chest.
“Don’t look at me,” you mumbled, insecurity creeping in. “I don’t feel pretty right now.”
Fred’s brows furrowed, and he cupped your cheek, tilting your face back up to him. "Don’t you ever say that," he murmured, his gaze filled with so much love it made your heartache.
"You’re perfect. You’re gorgeous. These little things, flaws you might call them—they don’t matter. If anything, they make you even more beautiful. To me, you always look good, angel."
Tears welled in your eyes at his words, and you let out a shaky breath. “I love you, Freddie.”
His expression softened even more, his thumb brushing against your cheek. “I love you too.”
With that, he pulled you closer, your eyelids feeling heavier by the second, drifting off into a peaceful nap in his arms.
An hour later, Molly walked in, a tray in her hands carrying a bowl of warm soup and a small vial of cramp relief potion. But as soon as she saw the two of you curled up together, fast asleep, a tender smile spread across her face. She stood there for a moment, simply watching, before turning to call Arthur over.
Arthur peeked inside, his eyes crinkling with affection as he took in the sight. “Reminds me of us back in the day,” he murmured with a fond chuckle.
Molly playfully swatted his arm before she placed the tray on the bedside table, snapping a quick photo of you and Fred with a knowing grin. Then, hand in hand, she and Arthur quietly slipped out of the room, leaving you both to your peaceful afternoon nap.
A/N: currently on my period and thought a fluffy fic would be healing rn <3 lowkey feeling a smut one soon? not sure though hehehe (help I'm so indecisive 😭😩)
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