#people die. lives end. we wont get to finish everything we started
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birb--birb · 4 months ago
Soooooo I did lich emmrich...for science..
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luvly-writer · 3 months ago
So, this is my hot take on the series:
I think that so far is that yes, Violet and Xaden are endgame (Rebekka confirmed it in an interview); yes, Violet will have a happy ending (also confirmed in an interview); and no, they won’t die (Rebekka said in an interview that without Xaden there is no story).
Now, we know that the third book comes out this month and it for sure WON’T contain their happy ending there due to the fact that it is a 5 book series. My theory is the following: Violet and Xaden are endgame but they will have to endure a lot of drama and stress and problems in between now and their happy ending. I want to compare it to Hunger Games with Peeta and Katniss. In Hunger Games, Katniss and Peeta DONT get a happy ending till like the LAST few chapters of Mockingjay. Why is this? Because their happiness is delayed by the circumstances by which they live in. Because they were in the middle of war and revolution, with survival as a priority in their mind where their trauma is expanding due to the current events, they weren’t happy in their present because they had their own things to deal with. As soon as it was over, they went to district 12, they started their journey to heal, and FINALLY were peacefully together.
How does this apply to Fourth Wing? (REMEMBER SPOILERS AHEAD)
Not only are we at war with the vernin and wyverns, but we are seeing a country divided with an ongoing revolution. Adding to that, Xaden in now vernin. In what world would they have a peaceful and happy life when everything around them is so unsteady? Much like Katniss and Peeta, Xaden and Violet are living in a war and revolution, where their safety and the safety of their loved ones is CONSTANTLY at risk! Therefore, until we ELIMINATE the threats, we WONT get a happy ending. We have to find out why Brennan is so sketchy ( i don’t trust that mf); we have to find out more about Andará and the seventh species of dragon, we have to find out Violet’s place in all of this, we have resolve the problem on how to defeat the vernin, AND we have to solve the POLITICAL aspect of their survival. Will Aretia be independent? How will that leave relationships with Navarre? How do we establish a new system?These are ALL important things that NEED to happen to ensure that we get a happy ending. Therefore, I believe that we WILL get a happy ending (Rebekka is a romance writer ffs, i mean come on. Not only that, she had already cleared up that Xaden is not a Tamlin), but it is not near. Not because Xaden and Violet hate each other, but because the circumstance doesn’t GUARANTEE it. Katniss and Peeta weren’t happy until they were free, and currently, neither Xaden nor Violet are free. It’s that moment where we have to understand that they have shit to do and love is not a priority because people can die.
So yes, they are endgame, but it will take a WHILE because the circumstances and events that are unfolding in their world and the parts they play in them will need their full attention. So the third and fourth book? probably a little of information about the dragons, a lot of political fantasy, and more development on who and WHAT Violet is and what her part is in this world with her powers and Andará, and how she will save Xaden (which is directly tied with what is currently happen around them). Romance as romance readers are used to (which is that romance is the MAIN plot, not just a motivation or a sub plot) will NOT be happening. Romance will probably be seen as it is in MOST fantasy books where it is a subplot or a motivation, not the main event.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk!
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gontagokuhara · 1 year ago
uhhh got any cursed camp facts? (pranks that went wrong, cryptic izuru, nagito dealing with the kids?)
hi anon! you sent me this ask in september 2019. this is me answering now in february 2024. oops! and well, not actually — everything below the cut was written also in 2019. why did i not post it? im actually not sure because when i refound it today it made me giggle. so i’m leaving it untouched as i left it because 1) it still bangs, and 2) it’s all still fun pointy objects lore that i think illustrates how deeply i’ve thought about the silliest aspects of this fic…….and for how long.
so here we go. KRAKEN RELEASED!!!
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YESSSS OMG I LOVE THIS ASK!!!!! theres so many im thinking wont have a place actually in the fic so getting to expand on them is :D
a few months before kaito ends up at camp (~a year before shuuichi shows up at camp) the full year kids are tasked by a weary nagito and hajime to find a group project to work on together so theyll get along and stay out of the counselors hair. someone jokingly suggests making a documentary about life at camp, and the two counselors tell them to do whatever they want, and get them a camera to use.
of course, kokichi decides to ignore the thing about staying out of their hair, and thus ‘nagitoe toemaeda: the curse of camp hopes peak’ is born.
clownery of the highest degree ensues. they harass nagito with the camera, not telling him what it is theyre filming; when izuru happens to stumble in while theyre filming, they spend a whole day getting footage of him that they can later on mess with; it’s a fucking shit show and the finished product is 70 minutes of pure garbage but none of them can think about it too hard or theyll die laughing
the feature runs as a found-footage and interview based horror movie; people descibing the fearsome toemaeda, intercut with creeper shots of nagito just doing camp business, intercut with footage of izuru picking fights with nagito and being ‘killed’, intercut with bad dubbing by kokichi over clips of nagito speaking. even hajime ends up in the film, reading a script from somewhere just out of frame and commenting intermittenly about how dumb this whole thing is
the watching party is a massive success. everyone is rolling from how stupid and hilarious the whole thing is. nagito doesnt leave his office for three days afterwards, traumatized by the yells of “here comes toemaeda!” whenever he shows his face.
kaede first meets izuru when she is twelve, several months into living at camp. she has had no prior knowledge on him because nagito does his very best to keep him away from the campers, but he cant be everywhere at once, and kaede finds him in the kitchen one day while looking for a snack
she doesn’t quite know how to react, so she just goes about her business, thinking maybe he’s somebody’s weird parent, or something. but when nagito shows up out of nowhere, and the situation turns tense, she becomes frightened.
as it turns out.....nagito and izuru aren’t real big fans of each other. an uncomfortable staring contest turns into an argument that turns into an all out fight, and kaede, only knowing nagito as a pseudo-weird-parent-figure who she cares about pretty much more than anybody in the world, starts crying and trying to get izuru away from him
thinking in 12 year old girl terms, she starts throwing things. the first thing to actually hit izuru is a box of saltines. he goes very, very still after he’s hit, and kaede thinks he’s going to hurt her.
he stoops down, picks up the box, and rummages around. pulls out a saltine. eats it, slowly, nagito breathing heavily a few feet away. eats another one. looks between nagito, and kaede, and nagito again, before slowly stealing out of the room, box in hand.
kaede has found a way to placate him. nagito always makes sure to stock up on saltines after that.
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country-corner · 1 year ago
History Repeats the Same Song Just a Different Voice
1950's, 60's and 70's Communists, primarily guided by the old USSR, doing everything they can to drive division within the United States between races (and even within the races), religious groups, women vs men, young vs old, political parties (not just the main 2 parties), working class vs College/University educated, working class vs management, ect, ect, ect...All in an attempt to balkanize the US into different, smaller, less powerful regions, hopefully in constant conflict with the other regions, leaving the Communist countries stronger to take control of or more influence over the world.
1987 TV Mini-Series "Amerika" is aired on CBS. The story line is that it's 10 years after the USSR has bloodlessly taken over the US. It has been balkanized it into 5 smaller regions, not allowing information or travel between the regions without permission from a Central Command and keeping them in conflict with each other. At the end of the Mini-Series, the first region has declares themselves as a new country unto themselves called Heartland. Thus "forever" breaking up the old US.
2016 talk starts hitting the internet big of a "Big Sort" over the election of Pres. Trump (whether or not you think his election was legit or not). With talking points of "We need to get those MEGA bigots separated from sane people.", "The racist Conservatives need to be gathered and confined to camps within their own states and cut off from the real world.", "Us Liberals and Progressives, must separate from the Red States so we can join the real world and let the Red Stated die of starvation in 10 year (sometimes a longer date is give) because they wont have birth control and wont allow abortions." and on and on and on.
2020 all of a sudden the Liberal and Progressive talking heads stop talking about the "Big Sort" (BS), but Conservative and Libertarian talking head start talking about a "National Divorce" (ND) right after the election of Pres. Biden (again whether or not you think his election was legit or not) with talking points of leave your "Commie" home state and move to as Red State". "Leave the Commie State to destroy itself within 10 years (sometimes a longer date is give) by it's own rules and laws". and on, and on with much of the talking points sounding like a right leaning alteration of the left's argument just a few years ago.
I will grant that the terms "Big Sort" and "National Divorce" has been around for a long time, I can remember hearing those terms back in the 60's and 70's. But the main issue of both is to balkanize the US and diminishing any perceived power or influence in the world to next to nothing. The very thing that the Communists was wanting to do back in the mid 20th Century.
But let's take the main point of the Big Sort and National Divorce, if you are from party "X" and live in State controlled by Party "Y", leave there and move to a State controlled by your party.
Leave your 100's or 1000's of acres farm or ranch that was passed down from past generations to you and move to another State with the same political belief. Even though you will most likely will not be able to replace the land you left behind (sold) to run your own farm/ranch again and have to work for someone else.
Leave the company you started and built to move to a more politically correct State despite the fact that their rules and regulations will most likely not allow you to open the same company, that is why you opened it where you did originally.
Leave the job you have had since graduating high school or college to a State with more politically like minded people. Yes, you will most likely have to train for a new job and may not make the same money for 5 or more years, but that's ok, you will be surrounded with people who have the same political beliefs.
So yes, give up and continue to advocate and embrace the BS or ND, and finish the job of the Communists of the mid 20th Century with the balkanization the US. Or fight like your the 3rd monkey on the ramp to Noah's Ark and it's beginning to rain.
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years ago
#nothing to do no gay people on my phone. did read 29 chapters of orv tho
well. here we are..... 1 calendar year later. 551 chapters later... and. tangent: dang did i really pulverize my phone on some conk crete so close to my bday? well. funny little causes for everything isnt it....
for real tho..... for. a story about how stories help you survive.... im here at work were i started it. to get through the day. and. its been a real fucking treat the whole time....
Extremely scattershot and fledgling ending stuff thoughts [spoiles][oh and also. content. warning of. orv adfhbdaf]
a narrative about. grief. and suicide. and. how we cope. and heal. or dont. in? my min max any% speedrun isekai novel???
holding astronaut yjh by the scruff of the neck. HEY I FOUND HIM. I FOUND THE ORV ASTRONAUT (breaks down about it)
I think. around. kaizenxi i noticed the. allusions to suicide were um. getting increasingly LESS subtle... and. i mean at some point right. the story becomes less about kdj and more. how his family misses him. the entire jttw arc. even. and. its the reveal the closer they get to the goal. the less he. knows what to do with himself.
well and. the way the scope just increases right. if there is a down trodden lost soul in this world. may we dedicate a sentence to them, remember that they are a being and do not deserve their fate. (nameless ones/yoegos esp)
and. the way. right until the very last stuff. no one stays dead. which isnt the same as being unchanged by death. by people being hurt by it. but people come back. (by my regconning 1864 hades and bihyung are the only. MAIN??? character. ally types. to die?? and stay dead.) and it really seemed like kdj might be the next one. FOR A GOOD MINUTE THERE. but hey. hey. maybe a story were. they miracoulous. unfathamable. survive... is the point......
just like. seemingly mavelent forces. the orgin of ss, the author, the outer gods, even 4th wall. just a bunch of ppl trying to surivive. or trying not to loose someone. or lose themselves. etcetc. like.
1863 hsy writting the apocalyse into existence to save 1 person. enduring YEARS of being exhausted and scrambling in the small hours of the night. that dk becoming 4th wall... [dont know where else to put this even but the random webnovel author they get to be one of the orv... publishers... i guess. was also. maybe gonna kill himself. so thats another person saved. just. fyi]
the 999s. EVERYTHING abt them. (kdjs favourite turn did you know that was HIS FAV turn its his favourite.) that kdj could confront kwn cause he know how little he thought of HIMSELF. well hey. flag that huh. cause when they see the poor kid that 'caused' their predictament. well they saw the small kid no one looked out for (well 2 people looked out for didnt they). and all kdjc realises just how bad it was. and all kdj can see is the enemy. gee well i hope kdj having those LITERAL self destructive tendacies wont come up again after the 999s become kid dokja new pta ass parents.
a story that. basically end up saying. hey. you are ONTOLOGICALLY. kinda sorta a least a PART of the main character. (hey no wonder theres such a high percent of kin dokjas.....) where you DREAMING of that world. of those characters. imagining that kinder ending, that unfinished story. thats helps that WORLD survive. that helps that CHARACTER live. for real i did "force"/engineer the circustances that i would be finishing it. AND DOING ALL THIS. at work. well fuck +A proof of concept. stories. we all need em. oh god do we need em. like fucking hell do i need em.
(weakly, like a victorian child with every old timey disease) im back from work what did miss
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absolutelyfizzing · 4 years ago
little dove
loki x reader
description - Loki acted so caring around you, more so than anyone else in his life. He loved to take care of you, especially when you had a long day, and he got teased by some of the team for it.
warnings - fem reader, cute loki and pet names, implications of gender fluid loki?, reader gets picked up, slight implications of a nsfw theme the night before
word count - 1900
A/N - this is a pretty plotless blurb but i just love this man, i have been obsessed with the new series and just wanted to write anything about him. i will inevitably be writing for him more so please end me now. there are no spoilers for the new series and it takes place in an AU after new york but pretty much otherwise out of timeline. all the avengers live at the compound together, endgame didnt happen and no i wont talk about it.
Loki was not someone who was overly friendly. To most of the people in the compound, he was courteous at best. That rule, however, was bent occasionally. The only exceptions were you and his brother (some of the time). He had been smitten with you the moment he saw you though he would never admit it. You were bubbly and light and the exact opposite of him. You were so friendly and kind that it almost made him want to be the same.
You were kind to him, which he was shocked by. Most of the people in the compound tolerated him but they were never caught being too nice. You, on the other hand, were friendly to him the day you met him.
You weren't an Avenger, you weren't really even a fighter. You were a genius in the medical field as well as the unofficial caretaker of everyone on the team. You made sure that they all ate, they didn't overwork themselves, that they were getting enough sleep every night because they were your closest friends. Everyone listened to you. You had this power over them all that they just wanted to make sure you were happy and that meant they wanted to do what you asked of them. They tried their best to take care of you as well.
When you met Loki and were very nice to him, he expected some ulterior motive. He assumed that there was something you wanted or that you would gain his trust and then humiliate him later. So he kept his guard up. This was proved wrong over the months to come. He noticed that you were that kind to everyone and you were just happy to be around other people. He let you in over time.
You became the only person who he opened up to, even more than his brother. You would keep him company even when he lashed out at others and when he was filled with guilt. You forgave him for his past without question and opened up to him as well. It took probably 3 months for Loki to realize that he was in love with you.
He couldn't believe himself. In love with a midgardian? What was he thinking?
But it was undeniable and uncontrollable. He just couldn't help himself. You would read to him and watch movies with him. You would braid his hair when he was stressed and would teach him how to cook when he asked. You were just everything to him. It took him a long time to confess. He was terrified that you would reject him. You could have had anyone you wanted, why would you choose him?
When he did confess, you were thrilled and he couldn't believe it. You kissed him and he thought he could die happy right then and there. He had never felt this much love for anyone besides his mother.
You continued to break his walls down and he fell deeper in love with you every day. He didn't, however, change his behavior towards others very much. He had grown closer to the team, having regained some trust from them all. He was no longer aggressive and he tried very hard not to lash out. Most of that was out of his own desire to be trusted. He realized that he was going to have to make his life work to remain with you and he slowly learned that most of the people in the compound weren't actually as awful as he might have originally guessed. That didn't mean that his personality changed toward them though. He was still slightly cold and short. He wouldn't smile too much and he was what some might call grumpy most of the time.
That only changed around you and everyone noticed. Loki got teased for it constantly and he couldn't care less. He just wanted to make you happy and he had no regard for what anyone thought of your relationship.
He was waiting patiently in the common area of the compound on the couch. Steve and Rhodey were sat on the couch watching something that Loki didn't recognize or care for, it was some kind of reality TV. When he heard the elevator door open he looked toward the door and you were walking towards him. A grin spread over his face and his posture relaxed. He could hear the men on the couch scoff at his sudden change in demeanor. When you got close to him he picked you up and pulled you to straddle his hips on his lap and immediately began kissing all over you. You buried your face in his chest and he kissed your hair.
"How are you, my love?" He mumbled sweetly and you hummed. "Long day?" he questioned and you nodded in affirmation. "Lets go get you some food then, yes?" He asked lightly and you hummed happily. He picked you up and you clung to him, arms and legs wrapping around him. He carried you with ease toward the kitchen. It shocked you sometimes how much he could lift and how easily he lifted you but you had to remind yourself that he was indeed a god.
"How come you never treat us that way?" Rhodey called from the couch and Loki grumbled a bit.
"Oh I'm sorry did you want me to pick you up and make you some tea?" He asked sarcastically and you giggled from where your face was pressed into his chest. He smiled at the fact that he had gotten you to laugh and he set you on the countertop. He tried to pull away to make you some food but you did not let him leave you, still holding on to the front of the shirt that he was wearing. "Do you want to talk about your day?" He asked sweetly, kissing your forehead lightly. You gazed up at him lovingly and his heart skipped a beat.
"I'm just tired. People are annoying and I didn't exactly sleep much last night." You winked at the last part. He smirked at your comment.
"I'm sorry, my love. I was under the impression that you enjoyed what we did last night but I would be happy to give you plenty of time to sleep tonight if that's what you would prefer." he teased and you punched him lightly in the chest.
"Okay fine you're right, I like getting kept up." You confessed. You paused for a moment and his eyes remained on you as he waited patiently for you to continue. "I was mistaken for an intern again today. You would think that after over a year of working here that people would recognize my name and my work but today there were some new investors walking through the facility. When they came to look at my work they started to talk to one of my coworkers and then turned to me to ask me to get them a coffee order while they waited for the doctor to arrive." You grumbled, your mood now sour at the memory. Loki frowned and he felt his anger begin to take shape inside of him. His eyes flashed green for a moment.
"Would you like me to go and teach them a lesson? Perhaps just to mildly terrify them?" he asked, fully serious. That cheered you up plenty and you chuckled. Loki knew that you were laughing because of the absurdity of his statement and the fact that he was dead serious but he was just happy to see you smile again. "I will never understand the midgardian obsession with gender roles. Though I suppose my own identity is more fluid than most asgardians as well." He confessed and you brought your hand to rest on the side of his face. He leaned his head into your hand as he beamed at you. You loved when he compared his home to yours. It reminded you just how powerful he was and that he still chose to spend his days with you. There was suddenly a flash of green before he held his hand out to you, now holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers. When you gasped and moved to grab them he slipped from your grasp to move towards the refrigerator.
"Hey that's not fair, you tricked me." You pouted at him, now grumbling that you couldn't hold him anymore.
"Little dove, I cannot make you food when you hold onto me. When I am finished cooking then you can stay with me for as long as you would like." He promised and you nodded solemnly. He quickly pressed another kiss to your cheek before moving around the kitchen to prepare you waffles as he often did when you were having a long day. You observed the beautiful flowers in your hand and watched him as he moved around the kitchen, a million times more comfortable than he had been when he first moved into the compound. You talked contentedly with the people passing by as well as the man who was diligently trying to improve your mood. Occasionally one of the other team members would walk by and laugh a bit at how caring he was acting toward you, all of them just happy you were content though. Eventually Thor stopped by while Loki put some batter into the waffle iron and sliced some fruit.
"You know, this is the happiest I have ever seen him." He stated simply, a smile in is voice.
"It's the happiest I've been too." You responded with a small grin.
"The last time I saw him open up to someone the way that he opens up to you was on Asgard with our mother. She would be happy to see him being so vulnerable again." He patted your back and walked away as tears started to come to your eyes. The brothers would talk of their mother sometimes and Loki often mention the fact that he believed she would have loved you, if not for your own personality then for what you did for her son. You wished that you could meet her.
You were suddenly taken out of your thoughts by someone handing you a plate of waffles and sliced up fruit with a little container of syrup on the side. You looked up at Loki and nearly cried right there. You put the plate aside for a moment to reach out and pull him into a crushing hug. He was a bit startled but responded quickly, a hand going to the back of your head and his fingers brushing through your hair soothingly.
"Did something happen, my love?" He asked softly and you sniffled a bit.
"Just love you and I'm very thankful for everything you do for me." You got out and he affirmed to himself that he would die for you in an instant.
"I love you too, darling, but I slaved away at those waffles and now they are getting cold." He teased and he kissed your hair gently. You took a deep breath before pulling away, looking up at him with love. You smiled and then hopped off of the counter. He walked with you over to the dining table where he sat next to you and serenely waited as you ate, the food lifting your spirits a bit and easing your anxiety of the day. You planned on spending the rest of it with the man next to you as well as every day after that.
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usmsgutterson · 4 years ago
Certainly- Kaz Brekker
The reader is a bit of an astrology and astronomy alike geek for this, which I hope y’all don’t mind! Also, in this case, phones exist so lets pretend that phones exist in Ketterdam, making it a bit of a modern au, I guess!
Also, this’ll probably be a bit ooc for Kaz
Fic type- angsty fluff
Warnings- blood, mentions of death, and the reader is sick (nothing specific, I just kind of took random symptoms and made up a word for the sickness)
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You were determined to see the stars before you went, and as you grew sicker, none of the crows knew when that would be, so, after a little convincing, the crows had gotten Colm to let you spend a couple of months at his farm in Novyi Zem, where the stars were the clearest at night, not burdened by light pollution or the screams of lively cities. 
It was the seven of you crammed into a basement, sharing beds, but none of them cared, and you were just glad to be with the people you called family. You were happy that they were with you, that Kaz was willing to wheel you everywhere when you got too weak to stand, that Jesper still made jokes, even despite watching you deteriorate. You were grateful for Inejs smile, Wylans music, Ninas impeccable tastes and Matthias and his big arms that could lift you and put you down without issue. 
The six of them had started taking shifts taking you outside. Nina took you outside Sunday nights, Matthias Mondays, Wylan Tuesdays, Jesper Thursdays, Inej Fridays and Kaz Saturdays. Wednesdays you rested up; ate when it was time to eat, used the bathroom when you needed, took a shower if it were the appropriate time, but other than that, you slept.
It was Kaz’s day to wheel you out, and you’d had a particularly rough day that day. Inej went with him, promising not to intrude on the time that you would spend together. She’d do backflips and run across the roof of the farm if you asked her to, but she’d not interrupt otherwise. 
“I love the stars,” you whispered, leaning back in your wheelchair and tightening the hold of the blanket over your lap. “Thank you both. For doing this.” 
“Don’t you worry, love,” Kaz murmured. “Just keep your eyes on the stars, okay?”
“We’re happy to do this,” Inej added. “All of us are. Really.” It was like both of them could sense it as well as you could. You had a feeling that the night would end terribly, just like the morning had begun.
You’d woken up only to need to rush to the toilet immediately, blood coming up your throat like bile, staining your skin and leaving your bottom lip red as a cherry. 
Kaz had been at your side in a minute, Nina and Wylan right behind him. Wylan kept your hair away from the sides of your face, Nina slowed your heartrate and Kaz wet a cloth with cold water to get your body temp down. 
Kaz had forced himself to stay in the moment, to not let his thoughts stray to the urge to sleep in the same bed as you to make sure that nothing happened while you slept--to be there in case something did--but to stay on the sun as it set and the faraway sound of Wylan playing his flute with the window open so that you’d be able to hear it. 
Once you’d gotten settled under a tree, Inej ran off, making her way inside and up to the barns roof, where she sat, keeping a watch from a distance as Kaz let you rest your head against his shoulder, gloved hand interlaced with yours. 
“I love you, Brekker,” you murmured. “Please don’t forget that. Ever.” 
“I won’t,” he whispered. “You’re gonna stay around and get better until we can spar again, and you can beat my ass even though I’ve my cane as a weapon.” 
“You know full well I can’t promise that,” you wished that you could. You desperately wished. “I’m going to die young, Kaz. I’m not gonna get to eighteen, much less eighty.” Kaz hated you for that.
He hated you because everything that you said somehow managed to be right. It was like you had a sixth sense for that kind of thing, and while, on missions, it proved useful, in that scenario, it just proved annoying. 
“You’re gonna make it to eighteen if it kills me,” he informed you. “I’ll take you around the globe if I need to, just to make sure you end up okay. I will not live a life without you in it, Y/N.” 
“You’re sweet,” you murmured. “Incredibly sweet.”
“Only to you, L/N.” That was the last bit of conversation for a long while as the sun set and the stars came out.
“Did you know that the moon isn’t circular?” You pointed lazily to it, bright and beautiful amongst the even brighter stars. “According to scientests, it’s actually shaped like a lemon!” Kaz didn’t fight his smile.
Of course you’d be spouting off the little factoids you knew about space. You loved it, how vast and crazy it all seemed. 
“And that the clouds at the center of the Milky Way smell like raspberries and rum?” Kaz snorted.
“Okay, now, theres no way that ones true!” 
“Oh,” you leaned up, booping his nose without a care in the world. “But it is! It’s in a study somewhere, I think! Look it up!” He laughed, pulling you closer to him as you rambled.
Inej had started doing running flips across the roof, spinning and dancing and no doubt laughing as she did. Kaz knew it was an elaborate effort to get you to smile, and it seemed to work as she moved; a delightful silhouette amongst a star filled sky. 
“I love you, Kaz Brekker,” you whispered. “You don’t need to say it back, but I really, truly do love you with every bone that exists in my body.”
“I love you too,” he said it without hesitation. “And I’ll love you until we’re old and grey, I swear it.”
“Don’t hold me to that promise,” you murmured. “You know how bad this is. Stop thinking that I’ll make it into the new year. I probably wont.”
“You will if it kills me, Y/N,” he gave your shoulders a gentle squeeze. “I’ll drain the bank dry if I have to, I swear to Ghezen.”
You didn’t say anything after, too exhausted to even think about starting an argument with him, simply not wanting to. 
But then, an hour later, Kaz felt fear trickle into his stomach like it hadn’t ever in his life.
“And then theres Supernova. It’s like a star that’s dying having it’s last celebration. Like when we get a really big win, or when we get away with what we intended to get away with, and we all get shitfaced before we collapse onto our beds and sleep for the night? A supernova is a dying stars explosion. It’s the last celebration that the star has before it dies out.” you’d been rambling.
“Tonight is my... tonight is my...” Kaz had called for Nina right then and there, screaming her name while he felt you go slack against him.
“Zenik!” He screamed, not caring at all if he were to wake up Jespers father. “Zenik, call in that fucking favor with the bloody Ravkan prince!” Matthias came barreling out after her, phone in hand, already speaking to someone as Nina began working, steadying your heart and trying her hardest to keep you alive. 
Kaz had to force himself to walk away from it all, pushing his feet away after giving your shoulders one last squeeze and walking far out into the field. 
Once he was sure he was out of earshot, he couldn’t stop himself. Tears flooded his eyes and he found himself glaring at the sky, wanting to scream, wanting to shout, wishing that there was someone around that he could gut like a fish. 
“Saints,” he murmured through gritted teeth. “Sankt Ilya, Sankt Adrik, Sankta Alina of The Fold, I know I am a terrible person, but Y/N is not. They’re good, they smile, they laugh, they’re kind to others when those people probably don’t deserve their kindness. I know I’m damned, I know that you probably strongly dislike me, but they’re different.” He’d never asked the Saints for anything before, and he never would again.
“Please, just, let them live. Let them get the life that they deserve. I’ll do my best to make them happy, but you have to let me,” he wiped the tears from his eyes as they came. “They deserve the life that you’re so willing to take away, and all I ask is that you don’t take it.” He heard the sounds of the ambulance car and raced back to you, gripping your hand as they helped you onto a stretcher and out of the field, through the house and out the entrance. 
I won’t lose them, he told himself. A world without them is one that’s unbearable. 
O N E Y E A R L A T E R 
You laughed as Nina chased you through the halls of the Little Palace, running quickly through the endless corridors, your laughter carrying through them as you kept yourself in front of Nina.
Nikolai had kept you in the Os Altan palace since that night, where Inej laughed and danced and did her flips, whilst Wylan played the piano and Kaz sat beside you, listening to your ramblings without a care in the world. 
“You seem delighted,” Nikolai noticed as you stopped in front of his office. “I’ve never seen you walk without that Brekker boy at your side, much less run while Zenik is on your tail!” You shrugged, laughing as Ninas front crashed into your back.
“This is the best I’ve felt in a year,” you murmured. “I figured I’d see if Nina was up to chase me around this morning, and I haven’t stopped running since!” You peered in through the open office door, looking for that familliar mop of dark brown hair.
Nina wrapped her arms around you and gave you a gentle squeeze. “He’ll be here any minute,” she murmured. “He and the boys are just finishing up a job for Nik in East Ravka, but Matthias told me the second that they’d left!”
“Trust me. Y/N,” Nikolais smooth voice murmured. “I put them on one of my fastest boats. I knew how long it’d take them to get from here to east Ravka and back, and I promised him he’d be here when you finally awoke.” 
“Hows it feel, anyway?” Zoya appeared at his side. “Eighteen, I mean.” You shrugged.
“I miss Kaz,” you murmured bluntly. “I hate that I have to tell him that he was right, but I still miss him.” 
Nikolai took Zoyas hand, pulling her close as you and Nina watched, smiles on your faces. 
“Young love,” Zoya teased. “Zenik, let go of them so that they can turn around.” Nina obeyed, letting you go and moving to lean against the doorway with Nikolai and Zoya. 
You turned, and smiled when your gazes met. “You were right, Brekker,” you murmured, walking toward him as he held out your gift to you. “I’m better now, and the second that you’re ready to spar, I’m gonna beat your ass, even though you’ve your cane as a weapon.” He grabbed your pinky with his the moment you were within distance.
“How’d the heist go?” You murmured once the two of you had walked out of earshot. 
“Good,” Kaz let himself be close to you as you two moved, squeezing your pinky as you slowed your steps. “Plan went off without a hitch, for three idiots and a mastermind with a limp. I brought you this from it,” he held the gift out to you again, and you took it in your free hand, examining it.
“I had to ask permission for that,” he murmured. “I had to get the Ravkan kings seal of approval to steal that for you.” You laughed, looking it over.
It was a journal. Black and leather bound, pages crisp and untouched. A pen was tucked into the cover. 
“I promise, we’ll go home soon,” you responded. “I miss Ketterdam. I could go for some waffles.” 
“Don’t they have waffles here?” Kaz questioned.
“Not Ketterdam waffles, love. Ketterdam waffles are unlike any pathetic waffle from here! Doused in syrup and whip cream--” You let out a satisfied sigh. “So good it’s almost surreal!” Kaz smirked.
“Waffle date when you’re well enough to return home then?” 
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moveslikejaggeria · 3 years ago
im very tired, tumblr dot com. im just very much exhausted. i think about how much i wanted to die just a few weeks ago and how happy i am now. but also,,, how i was right. happiness always comes in such fleeting moments. it sucks. the river is smaller, my dear friends, much easier to cross these days. but it doesnt mean its not still there.
i stopped seeing my therapist. and dietician. neither of them really reached out. fair enough. i think we were just dancing around the inevitable. i am therapist-proof: i repel them. its something about me that just pushes them away. its the me-ness.
i want a family so badly. all my friends are dating!! this sucks!! im so happy for them but wheres MY lover dearest. i hate dating apps though, im done with them. i gotta Know someone to date them and thats so hard over dating apps. alas
im so tired. not so much that its reached my bones, but its definitely deep in my muscles. i went and got a massage. it sucked and was expensive. now im sitting in the shower avoiding going to sleep bc as soon as i do tomorrow has to start. bleh
keep this to yourself porn bots but there was this person i really liked last year and god i was pretty infatuated but theyre not single so i had to get over it but sometimes i still have dreams with them in it and its kinda weird. like ik i cant control my dreams but it Feels manipulative to be in a situation where they are at my brains will. even i wont conform to that. plus then i wake up and the bed’s a little colder. alas
the loneliness is so deep in my bones i dont think itll ever leave, like a tumor they cant remove and you just kinda have to live with it and accept your fate. like a constant reminder that youre not normal or healthy and you never will or can be.
UGH i have TWO (2) meetings tomorrow. one of which is gonna SUCK bc i just have to sit there and be silent. i used to be really good at being silent. im twinning with mae from avatar lol.
i wish i lived in fiction. i wish i lived in a story that the author had all planned out and they had this nice little ending planned where everything was gonna finally be okay and id be happy. i think im trapped in a not-happy ending story. where the author tortures their characters relentlessly
how far away is labor day? i think labor day i’ll clean my apartment and finish moving in. maybe i’ll invite some friends over to keep me company, maybe not. maybe they will be busy or not want to. idk
not even a full week of school and im done. BLEH. i wish my therapist had put up more of a fight. or i had a better therapist. but then i wouldnt be talking to you, tumblr dot com! or maybe i still would. thats the question
there are two kind of depressed people: the ones who write happy endings for characters and imagine themselves AS the character to feel whole and those who torture their characters out of catharsis or to not feel so alone. so i suppose this is all karma for my fictional characters. do you think if i become the former life would be better?
OH tumblr dot com, i know you hate the tiky toky app, but they told me i was gonna find a partner this year! oh can you believe it! and if i listened to this one sound and manifested, i would be rich. oh tumblr dot com, can you imagine? someone to just hold and be held by? someone who you can lay your head against and listen to their heartbeat? someone you can trust with your whole you? oh tumblr dot com, how i do love to go on…
one last thing before i let you continue scrolling, mr porn bot. the happiest day of my life that i can remember is that one saturday last semester. i went to the arcade/golf course/gokart place place with my friends and we spent the day there and then we came home and i got to meet lewberger and see them perform and oh! the day before when i got my picture taken with stinger and got ice cream and knew random facts about greys anatomy and oh,,, to be young again. to live in those moments and just be happy. for that fleeting moment
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funkfuck · 2 years ago
I hope this addition is not too annoying, but i agree with everything you said except that the majima saga is a masterpiece.
Now dont get me wrong I loved it too, i loved the new characters, i loved that majima finally returned to sotenbori, i loved the kashiwagi content we got i love that man and of course i loved that i got to play as majima again (man i wish i could play dead souls) my favorite part was how these 3 chapters, to me, served more of as an exploration of how majima learnt to move past and accept what had happened in 1988, how he realized that despite all the pain and suffering, good things did happen to him in sotenbori too, how he saw how makoto remembers these events as something worth remembering and that it’s part of her and made her the person she is today, how even though she suffered so much in this city, she still came back to live here because of her good memories with him. It was kind of like going through his own zetsubouchou pride moment about learning yeah life is shit but that made me who i am today so you can all suck it. it was an amazing closure to the whole majima/makoto story imo i wouldnt have it any other way.
However the majima saga is… kind of messy. I feel like the story couldve been only slightly longer, couldve explored some of its moments a little better but at the end of the day i know this is just a small side story so i cant expect much of it. Still, sometimes the endings of each chapter shocked me a little, like i was sitting there just like “wait. This is it? Thats the end of this chapter?”
How limited it is annoys me so much but, once again, i know its just a small sideplot so i cant really expect more. I didnt want a full fledged combat system for majima like it was yakuza 0 but it just felt like i was taking the mad dog out for a walk in the park on a leash but the mad dog was just like a pissed off chihuahua. The fact that street enemies were just casually strewn around the city instead of moving like in the main story was a little annoying because its not like theres much to do in this side game im just trying to get to my next objective and these guys are in the way and wont budge unless i pummel them. (I know weird complaint to have with a fighting game but its not like the combat was that fun) The eating system was just Bad what do you mean i cant eat more i need to heal idgaf if majima is full already. But thats not really that serious of a gripe.
One issue that i know is not with the game but because of the innate nature of prequels is that the characters introduced in the majima saga were so FUN i loved ibuchi and uematsu was so cool i wanted more of them but obviously because it takes place before the main story they cant just be retconned back in, they had to die. Burying them in the graveyard of characters who wouldve been SO COOL if we got to see them in more games, right next to nishitani and the dojima lieutenants.
My biggest issue is… the entire majima saga is kind of unnecessary. We already had a good explanation for why majima left the tojo, terada didnt care about the old guard guys so majima got bored and left. (And majima construction is just a totally majima thing to do and its not like the majima saga gave insight as to why his plan b if this yakuza thing didnt work out was to start building shit. If anything the goromi date did that) its really just fanservice, rgg studios realizing after yakuza 0 that people fucking love majima and so they need to do more with majima. (which is not a bad thing!!! I love majima everywhere i love the majima saga i think theyre all fun)
Thats one observation i had with this game, that i felt like a lot of the side content hinges on that you have played 0 and get all these references and callbacks. I dont know how grounded in reality that is because its been a while since i finished kiwami 2 but i remember i did feel like that while playing, that it was just Look!!! You remember this thing from 0!!! You loved this in 0!!!! 0 was a good game so now this game is good too!!!!! I didnt complete majima construction but i assume theres lots of references in there, cabaret club grand prix was just a slightly worse rehash of cabaret club czar with WAY worse hostess training segments, sometimes they were a genuine slog to sit through (and i mean they even copied the one of the hostesses gets kidnapped thing from the ccc plot line!! Like cmon guys you really couldnt think of any other reason koyuki might not be available rn have her visit family or something)
The whole majima saga exists just to have that one scene with majima and makoto for the sake of a yakuza 0 reference and more majima content to appease the fans, the among us ass murder mystery story (which is a story type we all get so familiar with in yakuza 3 for better or for worse) was enjoyable sure i liked ibuchi but it was barely held together by some scotch tape at points. The ending fucks supremely though i have zero problems about that.
Im SO SORRY idk why im rambling so much about something that was so insignificant in the original reply i totally derailed this post im so sorry still i hope my thoughts and ideas are comprehensible
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so this was a tag i just got on the TO WHOM⁉️⁉️ response to the rgg summit proposal reveals post and im literally obsessed with it i've been talking to myself about it for the entire like hour since i saw it. they really do just fucking make awful decisions sometimes and we all know this. basically like every single game there's at least one Oh My God Why Did You Do That catastrophic choice made by the writers. they really are flopping all the time. i love these games but man no you're so right why are they like that
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years ago
inferno matt murdock x reader
prompt: "I'm not going to be sympathetic until you go to a doctor." ; "You're bleeding all over my carpet." ; "Tell me you need me."
idk how i did it but this is exactly 1000 words
song: my friend of misery by metallica
tag list: @cynic-spirit @juniebugg
"ya know im starting to think you like getting beat up."
he laughed as i sterilized the needle, looking over the cut in his shoulder again.
"that is not the first time anyone has said that to me."
i snorted.
"why does that not surprise me?"
he sent me a small smile.
"if it makes you feel any better, when i go out at night the goal is to not get beat up."
i sighed as i got to work on his arm.
"but like everything else you do, it is one of the drawbacks of the job."
he smiled wider, nodding in agreement.
"not exactly a perk."
i bit the inside of my cheek as i finished stitching him up and worked to clean it off with rubbing alcohol.
"i would say i feel for you but you keep going out and keep coming to me afterwards so there's not much i can do outside of literally fixing you."
"what? no 'gee matt, maybe you should get a better hobby' or 'that looks like it hurts, let me make it better'?"
i sent him a look.
"I'm not going to be sympathetic until you go to an actual doctor."
he shrugged before putting a clean shirt back on.
"i have an actual doctor."
i sat back as i cleaned up my supplies.
"i dont mean check ups and the guy you see when you have a cold matt. i mean, like, when youre bleeding all over my carpet and i cant get you patched up fast enough. when you need more help than i can dish out."
"if its any consolation i appreciate the help more than you know."
i made a face as i dropped my gloves into his kitchen trash can.
"oh i know, youve mentioned it before. but sometimes it doesnt feel like it. i just wish you could see how much you really need real help; whether that be from a side kick or more than just me."
i followed him to the couch and watched with my arms over my chest as he struggled to fall into the brown leather.
"i cant just give myself up like that y/n."
i sighed before sitting beside him in defeat.
"i know you cant, but i just- i dont even know anymore."
he turned his head like he was listening more intently.
"youre not quitting on me are you?"
he asked and i laughed a little bit.
"could i ever?"
there was a short pause.
"no, im not quitting on you. i just dont know what i need out of this anymore. at first i thought it was a companion. someone to take care of because i had just lost everyone else. but the more im here, the more im realizing just how dangerous that is. because just like them you could be gone sooner than i want and itll be my fault."
he was quick to sit up, hissing in pain as he touched my arm.
"it would never be your fault. i want you to know that right now."
i sent im a look.
"matt if you die on my watch then thats on me. of course it would be my fault.  and itll be just like everyone else whos trusted me with their lives. i wont be able to follow through with my end of the bargain."
he shook his head quickly, wiping away the few tears that had slipped down my cheeks.
"hey, dont do that to yourself. i did this. if i reach my limit it would have nothing to do with you."
"what if i cant save you?"
he swallowed hard and i tried to study his face.
"then i wasn't worth saving."
he titled his head up quickly.
"no, i mean it. if i come to you and you cant save me then i truly believe it was my time. god works in mysterious ways, and if i die then take it as a sign that my job is done. that He decided my job is done."
i let another tear slip, his hand holding my jaw lightly as i looked over him through blurry vision.
"i cant lose you too. you literally fell into my lap but at this point you're the only one ive got left. matt. please."
he closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to mine.
"then tell me you need me."
i pulled away a little surprised.
his eyes shifted back and forth like he was bargaining with himself.
"thus far i havent had a reason to quit. the city needs me, but if you need me more... maybe its time to take a break."
i let out a staggered breath that was almost a sob and he pulled me into a tight hug.
"i need you so much matty."
i cried, feeling him pet my hair down, his other hand pressed hard against my back.
"im such a mess."
i said through a sob/laugh and he pulled away, a small smile on his face.
"youre my mess. or uh, you are if you want to be."
he said a little shy and i smiled, nodding quickly.
"you mean that?"
he nodded once.
"ive spent my whole life pushing people away. maybe i need to learn how to let people back in."
"maybe we both do."
i took his hands in mine and rubbed my thumbs gently over his knuckles.
"we'll save each other."
he pressed his forehead to mine again.
"if youre the last person i ever save then all of the pain ive endure until now will have been worth it."
i couldnt help the smile that cracked across my face at that and before i knew what was happening his lips were on mine. it was gentle, salty because of the tears, and he tasted like iron from the blood still between his teeth. but god did this feel like the solidarity i had been waiting for.  when he pulled away he smiled back at me like he had the same thought.
"my personal savior."
i joked and i could see the blush creeping to his bruised face.
"im yours just as much as you are mine."
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sweater-daddiesdumbdork · 4 years ago
Real Life Tasks With Ransom Drysdale
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An Advent Calendar Of 24 Normal Human Tasks As Performed By A Huge Man Baby
Day 22: National Lampoon Christmas Vacation Drysdale Style
Warnings: Bad Language Words. 
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Reader
A/N: So this is my last entry for the Ransom Advent Calendar. It has been so much fucking fun to do and read everyone's reactions at his attempts to be a good husband. Much love sent to @jennmurawski13​ and @what-is-your-backupplan-today​ for the joint writing and antics. Happy Holidays everyone, Happy Reading and Much Love always 
Series Masterlist
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Christmas it turned out was a big deal for you. Huge actually, you had been decorating for a week since thanksgiving last Thursday and Ransom had never seen anything like it. There were lights and ornaments all over the place, he had never seen a nutcracker before but when you demonstrated how to use one, he said that was barbaric, and there was the constant smell of some kind of strong smelling candle constantly burning through the house now. 
He could just imagine how much Linda would hate all of this, the santas, reindeer and snowmen scattered around, the big giant wreath hanging on the door, or the platter of cookies always laid out for whoever wanted some. She would loathe it and consider it tacky. Ransom loved it all just for that reason. 
As well as how happy it seemed to make you, he would catch you now talking to your belly all the time, singing Christmas songs and telling stories while you would be setting something new up. Today you were busy making a miniature village the length of the living room to put in the picture window. Little houses scattered across the white sheet covered board, and you were fluffing bits of white cotton to look like snow, a container of people and animals were nearby to start setting up like it was an actual little village. 
“Where did you even have all this packed away?” Ransom asked while he leaned over the table to get a better look at some of the buildings. 
“In the attic, where you store stuff.” You retort sarcastically, as you try to prop some fencing up, and you straighten, rubbing the small of your back. “And I'm almost finished.” This time a hint of pride in your voice didn't escape Ransom, and he moved up behind you, taking over to rub at the small of your back, able to dig slightly into the tense muscle and make you moan in appreciation. 
“Well it all looks good Princess.” he said softly and you nodded in agreement, happy at how well it had come together. “I have never had a Christmas like this before.” 
You turned to face him, wrapping your arms around his waist while looking up at him. “I know, and I plan on changing that. This is the kind of Christmas’s I want our Bean to have, fun and exciting, full of love. There is one thing I need you to do though.” 
“Oh? What's that? Taste test cookies? Because I'm all for that. Cookies and whiskey.” Ransom grinned and you shook your head. 
“No, cookies and milk Ransom.” You chuckled while his face screwed up in disgust. 
“Now that's just wrong. Ruin a perfectly good cookie. And what did you need?” 
“Fine! When the time comes Bean will leave out Cookies and Whiskey for Santa… we will have a drunk Santa, everyone needs some kind of messed up tradition.” You played your fingers in his soft knit sweater for a second. “I need you to hang the lights outside.” 
“Why the fuck we doing the outside to? It already looks like that elf you made me watch the other night wreaked havoc through our house.” 
“Because Ransom, it looks nice. I already left it all out in the garage. All you gotta do is line the edge of the roof with the blue and white icicle lights I left you.” You patted his chest and turned back towards your village. “And admit it, what makes me happy usually fares well for you.” 
“Just the lights? You're not gonna make me drag anything up on the roof like that movie the other night?” 
You paused a moment, thinking about what Ransom was talking about. “What movie?” 
“You know, the Tim the Toolman one, with that Halloween chick.” Ransom stated while grabbing a jacket from the closet and pulling it on to get ready to go out and start on the project you assigned him to. 
“Oh Christmas With The Kranks… no no, there is no Frosty for our roof.” You turn back to your village, ending with a “Yet. I ordered one though. But he wont get here till after the new year because the one I wanted was on back order. Next year Ransom, you gotta get a Frosty up there.” 
“Fucking hell, Of course I do.” He muttered to himself while leaving the house to get into the garage, feeling suddenly like maybe he wasn't entirely loving this whole Christmas explosion as much as he thought he did. 
In the garage were a few boxes of the lights you had described, as well as a brand new nail gun and staples. He set about pulling out the lights, effectively tangling them in the process and spending another 45 minutes cursing them with every name he could think of while untangling them. “You fucking cunts, l’m gonna murder you if you don’t stay untangled.” He whipped the lights till they fell in place, and he dragged them all outside to toss in the snow near one edge of the house. Going back, he got an aluminum ladder and dragged that out as well to prop against the edge of the house. “Fuck this is going to take forever.” He grumbled while loping the lights over his arm and grabbing the nail gun to climb to the top. 
Ransom, he was typically fearless, heights didn't bother him, so that made him less self aware then most people. He just started to stretch the lights along the edge, stapling half haphazardly along the roof while letting them dangle down his shoulder and eventually the strand tangled around his feet. It wasn't so bad he thought when he managed to get a quarter of the way up and was about to climb down the ladder to move it over. Ready to start hanging more lights when the strand tightened around his ankle from where they got tangled and the sudden pressure made him lose balance.
Now he felt actual fear of falling, watching as the bushes under the living room window where you were setting up the village started to rush towards him when a snap stopped him, making him sway and twist around like a pendulum. You happened to look up when he screamed and saw him hanging just above the ground. “RANSOM!” you yelled while awkwardly rushing away from the table to get outside, your hand braced against the side of your very pregnant belly to support it. “Hang on! Oh fuck fuck fuck...” You chanted in a panic while you made your way carefully down the steps of the house. 
While you're trudging through the snow in your house slippers, Ransom is screaming. “Y/N, Call 911! Call 911!” he's all red faced from being upside down, his hands trying to grab at the bushes below to make himself stop swinging, and your using your phone to call the local emergency services because you are imagining all kinds of scenarios, mainly that your boyfriend has busted a ankle hanging like that or he was going to break his neck falling and you were going to have to raise the baby yourself. 
“Don’t you dare break your neck Ransom, if you die and I have to raise our spawn child myself.” Your voice is panicked as your pressing the phone to your ear. 
Ransom hollers hearing you, having grabbed a hold of the bush now to support himself. “PAY ATTENTION TO THE PHONE Y/N!”
There was a pop above the two of you and all the staples shoot out, the lights slacking as they pull away from the roof, and Ransom fell the last few feet into the bush  below with a grunt from impact. 
You give a surprised yelp when he disappeared from sight, the voice on the other end finally got your attention and your words just about run together. “Myhusband- he was hanging off the roof. I don't know what happened, he was hanging lights.” 
Ransom rolled out of the bush, still tangled in lights. “Tell them i’m fucking fine Y/N.” He growled while trying to tug the lights off his legs. And you paused a second. 
“You sure? You don't want to be checked out?” Your voice waivers with uncertainty, and Ransom is sitting in the snow, working once more to get them untangled, this time from around his ankles. 
“Yea, I'm not hurt.” He yanks on them while shoving them off with a “Fucking whore bitch, I hate you.” his temper making him curse at the lights, and you step away so the 911 operator cant hear him. 
“We’re fine, I’m sorry to bother you.” Hanging up, you return to Ransom who's standing now, checking himself over. 
“I am not going back up there again Y/N, and that fucking Frosty can go in the yard.” he sputtered as he kicked at the lights before swooping down to gather them. “I will hire someone, that's the only way it will be done.” 
You can hear the genuine shocked fear in his tone, and you have to agree this time with him that it would be better to let someone else do it. He half expects you to argue with him about it, wanting to be independent on hiring help, but this time you surprise him. 
“You are right Ransom.” 
Pausing, he looked at you with shock. “I’m… right?” 
You nodded and rested your hand on your protruding belly. “Better mark the calendar.” Everything that happened in the last five minutes sink in, making you gasp a bit as the heaviness settled in your chest. The tears they just bust out of nowhere and Ransom drops the offensive lights to pull you into his arms. Of course you were going to cry, it seemed to be all you did over this. He was kind of used to it by now. 
“Hey Princess, its okay.” He says soothing as you sob into his chest, making him wince. “It takes more then some god damn lights to end me.” 
You sniffle a bit and lift your head to look at him. “Its not that Ransom.” 
“Well then, what the hell brought on the waterworks?” He arched a brow and you look at the front of your house. 
“I didn’t get a picture of you hanging off the house to show our kid.” 
Ransom looked at you incredulously in disbelief. “You are serious...” 
Shrugging a bit now that the shock was over you grinned a bit. “Come on... I’m just teasing. Now that its over an your safe, it was a little funny seeing you have a Clark Griswold moment...” Ransom pulled away and started stomping towards the house, you following after him. “Ransom! Don’t be mad! Its Christmas!”  
“Fuck Off Y/N, I’m not in the mood.” He grumbled while shrugging off his jacket and you knew you had to make it up to him. 
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thepanvamp · 4 years ago
Trollhunters Rant - Spoilers
Spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers
Okay. So, you watched trollhunters. You watched 3Bellow. Waited for wizards and now Titans. Then Time happens. The time traveling trope, that not everyone knows how to handle. So you end up with Toby being the trollhunter. 
The ending was not for me:
All the character development is gone. Some character arcs were not even finished, in my opinion Jim’s arc never ended, Toby’s arc, hell, Claire could still use some work. The word of Arcadia as we know it is gone. I don’t know if there is going to be another movie that “fixes” everything, but nothing got resolved. Gunmar is still trying to have the Killahead Bridge fixed. Aja and Krel are still going to end up in Arcadia, Douxie will still be called by Merlin because the Order is approaching. In the series that we watched, yes the Order was stopped and beloved characters died, but Jim erased all that.
I would like to point out that Jim didn’t go back in time: he went to another timeline. In our timeline (the one we watched) Merlin always knew that Jim was going to be the trollhunter, so the amulet called to him; it was meant to eventually fall into his hands. So when in our timeline, both Toby and Jim were under the bridge the amulet called to Jim. So further proof that this time jump is in fact a new timeline is that the amulet called to Toby. If it was the same timeline, Toby wouldn’t have heard it. 
There are so many issues with this. Don’t get me wrong, Toby being a Trollhunter is a concept I don’t mind exploring, the problem is Jim. Jim carries in him our timeline, and his knowledge about the “future“ might become a huge problem in Toby’s training. Plus, there is no guaranty that everything will be the same so Jim can mess things up for Toby big time. Hold him back. And while I see the potential in content, this can take the spotlight away from Toby. Toby is now the Trollhunter, so technically he would be the protagonist. 
We saw this in Titans. It felt like most characters were sided so we can see Jim deal with his own issues. Is this also going to happen with Toby being the trollhunter? Assuming there is more content to come.
There are 6 Trollhunter books which I haven’t read, this post is based solely on the animated stories, so I don’t know who the books follow. I understand that since the animated stories started with Jim, Jim would be the main protagonist in Titans, but he wasn’t the protagonist in 3Beloow or Wizards. So it’s not far fetched for me to assume that since Toby is now the trollhunter he would be the protagonist in the new timeline’s Trollhunters. I worry that if there is more content we wont see Toby’s true potential. Movies still haven’t mastered having a lot of characters, that were main characters, being in the same movie.
Now the ending. If there is no more content coming out, the ending is just not right. We sat through everything, only for it to be erased? And is this really the time for an open ending? There is already so much uncertainty going on everywhere, so many people don’t know how their lives are going to be in a few weeks, shouldn’t the words they turn to for comfort give them a sense of closure? Open endings can be awesome, leave so much to the imagination, and have people create so many beautiful things (I will defend fanfiction till the day I die), but, right now, we don’t need an open ending. We need stability in our comfort worlds, we don’t have it in real life. The ending felt tone deaf.
I believe that I would have liked the ending more, if it was in another time. Maybe it is the right ending, just the wrong time. However, I will not let it take away from me any praise I felt towards the artists and the vision and work behind it. I will just, you know, pretend it had another ending. 
(There was also m-preg I’m dead)
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hecksee · 5 years ago
Okay, O'Knutzy going to NOLA because FLUFF
@lumosinlove is the wonderful creator of these boys
Logan once tried to make beignets for Leo's birthday and they turned out like rock cakes
His boys ate them anyway because they love him
Leo takes them home to NOLA once and Logan and Finn are shocked how dangerous everything is
Leo: Oh, yeah don't get too close to the water
Finn: Why? What's wrong with the water?
Leo *incredibly matter of fact*: It just has a few alligators
Leo: Yeah, we could go on a ride to see them
Finn: Why the FUCK would we want to do that?
They end up going on said boat ride anyway
Leo drives the boat for some of it
And his boys are dying
But it's the family boat and Leo's cousins are on there
So they suffer in peace
Until he stops driving and then they share chaste little kisses
Leo introduces them to NOLA cusine, like gumbo, jambalaya, beignets, red beans and rice, snow balls, ect
He takes them out for beignets and coffee and then laughs when they get powdered sugar all over themselves
Leo remarks about how he can finally eat food with flavor
Logan is dying the entire time but he is too proud to admit it
Finn is dying the entire time because of the spice so he eats everything with milk
And Leo cooks once and the boys DIE
Cue some saucy spicy shit that im not gonna write bc idk how people write it kudos to you
But the next time he cooks he gives some to Finn to taste, and he starts screaming
And Leo tries it and immediately claims its not flavorful enough
And then proceeds to dump more spice into the pot
But eventually he caves and serves Finn before he finishes seasoning it
Not Logan though because Tremz wont admit it's too spicy
He also makes them try fried alligator
Which they end up loving
And Logan makes a pun about how Fish is eating his cousin
And Finn playfully thows something at him
Finn finds the abundance of noise crazy
Like not noise in general, no he grew up in NYC
but the fact that there's no cars honking or people yelling
And instead crickets chirping, frogs croaking, and other noises
Leo loves the natural noises
Leo totally has a pet snake
Logan isn't a fan of how Leo's snake looks exactly like a coral snake
Its a king snake
Leo: How about we just dont touch any snakes we see okay? There are like seven venomous snakes here and I don't like those odds
Finn: How did you survive?
Leo's cousins have frogs and lizards
And when they show them to Logan they make sure to tell him not to touch any wildlife
And Logan groans about how he'll never live it down
Leo takes his boyfriends to his high school reunion when they visit
And ends up leaving halfway through bc he could be doing better things
Finn and Logan meet the family and everyone loves them
Despite the fact Leo is an only child he has about 1700 cousins
Most of them are younger than him
His cousins get attached to Logan and Finn immediately
Finn explains how they all love each other
And they exclaim gross when the cubs share little pecks
After they greet Leo of course because they miss him a lot
And his schedule doesnt allow him to see them as much as he wants too
And Leo is staying with his parents
Which means that Logan and Finn are too
And his parents sit the cubs down and have a sex talk which, is frankly, embarrassing for all of them
And they end it with the no sex in the house rule
Which the boys break
But overall, the boys love their trip to NOLA and they go back whenever they can
I had fun with this one.
Thanks to @thatsmartidiot24 for the help and ideas :)
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thebibliomancer · 4 years ago
Essential Avengers: Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #7-9
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November, 1984
The death of an Avenger! The X-Men’s greatest battle! And, introducing the all-new SPIDER-WOMAN!
The cover sure isn’t burying the lede. This comic sure does introduce an All-New (presumably All-Different) Spider-Woman! Jessica Drew, move over! For now. You’ll be the Spider-Woman that endures in the long run.
Last times on Secret Wars: Some amazingly powerful being from Beyond the universe called the Beyonder kidnaps a bunch of heroes, villains, shades thereof, and chunks of random planets to put on a big toy commercial where action figures can bonk off each other.
The X-Men ditched the other heroes to do their own thing, as they’re wont to do. The villains storm the hero base and drop a mountain on them. The heroes take refuge at a small village where Johnny Storm finds a new girlfriend but there’s also a Galactus.
Galactus starts preparing a device to eat Battleworld, which would let him win the toy commercial in one fell swoop.
Oh, and Wasp was kidnapped by Magneto, escaped, crashed her escape ship, found the Lizard, and then got lasered to death by the Wrecking Crew. It was a Bad Time and I am sad, even though we know Wasp will be okay by the time they get back from Battleworld.
This time: Further not burying the lede.
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The cover promised a new Spider-Woman and dammit, here’s one right away, first page. Truth in advertising!
Spider-Woman herself wastes no time introducing herself to everyone, that she comes from a chunk of Denver that got raptured by the Beyonder (still want that miniseries), that she came to help when she saw evidence of super fighting, and that she can pick up and throw large rocks so clearly she’d be able to help.
Captain America is hesitant about all this and Spider-Woman assumes that he thinks she’s a spy but as Captain America points out, why would Doom need to mess around with spies when he’s got so much power at his disposal.
Spider-Man is also hesitant at this new character. For different reasons.
Spider-Man: “She tossed that boulder as easily as I could have... at least! I wonder if she sticks to walls, too! And I wonder if I can sue her for infringing on my shticks! I should have gotten a patent or trademark or something...”
Cap tries to settle on the argument that a Secret War is too dangerous but Spider-Woman has the exceptional point “I suspect that it’s no less dangerous for the spectators, Captain America -- I might as well pitch in!”
And then the obvious toy pitch vehicle that the Wrecking Crew was driving in the swamp yesterday drives through the village blowing shit up, restarting the fires that the heroes just put out, and most insultingly of all, throwing Wasp van Dyne’s dead deceased corpse out the hatch before driving off.
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Those dicks.
The heroes rush to Wasp and take her to Zsaji. That cool lady tries to heal Wasp but Jan has no pulse and isn’t breathing and might be beyond Cura. This may take Phoenix Down.
But since she went and got herself disintegrated on the Moon, Wasp is clearly dead forever.
-Looks over at Avengers #243- Hush, you!
The assembled heroes want to rush Doombase and kick the shit out of the villains and specifically the Wrecking Crew but Captain America tells them no.
Captain America: “Now, listen to me -- ! While we’re off getting even, what if Galactus starts to use that world-eating machine he’s building up on that mountain? Then every living thing on this world -- including these innocent villagers and all those people from that suburb of Denver will die! We’ve got to stay right here, ready to attack him! We may have only seconds to react when it begins!”
She-Hulk storms off while the other heroes debate the Galactus situation.
I’m sure this is fine.
Meanwhile, on the more volcano-y side of the planet, Xavier orders Cyclops, Rogue, and Wolverine to pursue Doom’s Four villains Molecule Man, Titania, Absorbing Man, and Doctor Octopus to try to capture them before they can return to Doom.
Back over at Doombase, Titania sees that her “little Owie” has been badly hurt and begs Enchantress to help.
Volcana: “Enchantress! You’re a sorceress! You could use your magic to transport me to my Owen!”
Enchantress -busy getting drunk-: “Yes... but why would I, mortal?”
Volcana: “Well... because... because I need you to! I can’t fly a ship! I -- I don’t even have a driver’s license for a car! Ultron won’t help me -- ! He only takes orders from Doom!”
Enchantress: “It takes much energy to transport a body as bloated as yours! I cannot be bothered!”
Wow! You’re a dick!
Volcana catches a lot of fat jokes and she’s not depicted as looking any different from Standard Comic Book Body Type. But also, don’t fatshame at all, Enchantress.
Anyway, Volcana promises anything to Enchantress if she helps.
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Enchantress: “Rash words, mortal wench... and later, you shall deeply regret them!”
Its very handy for the villains that Volcana just showed up because their airship almost immediately gets show down by the X-Men. So even with Molecule Man out of commission, their numbers are back to Doom’s Four. And Volcana calls dibs on beating up Wolverine.
The X-Men have numbers but they’re not doing super well. Professor X is on the scene trying to be the field leader but the chaos of the battle and the villains’ minds being blocked by Enchantress’ magic makes it hard for him to coordinate.
Magneto even gets smack-talked by Absorbing Man.
Absorbing Man: “Tell me, Magneto. What’s scum like you doin’ hangin’ around with the X-Men? Sure, they’re outlaws -- but I thought you was big time! You got mass murder raps, manslaughter, terrorism, what else? Probably everything! You’re one of us! On second thought, a creampuff like you belongs with them losers!”
I can’t believe Magneto has to take that from a man who constantly carries a large metal orb with him everywhere.
Wolverine manages to slice off Absorbing Man’s arm, although the guy was made of rock at the time so it wasn’t as gory as it could have been.
Absorbing Man just. Picks up his arm and runs off to hit someone with it.
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The villains manage to pin down the heroes with some Volcana blast and then steal one of the X-Men’s ships and get away.
Professor X declares that this is Totally a victory.
Xavier: “We lost nothing, save one of our ships -- which matters little -- and we gained much! We coalesced as a fighting unit passing our greatest test to date and I think we proved ourselves -- beyond a doubt!”
Like, you had a scuffle with some villains that ended inconclusively even though you had the advantage of a sneak attack, the villains stole one of your ships, and there was no major damage to either side.
It was largely pointless. But I guess Xavier has a vested interest in declaring it a huge success since it was his inaugural go at being field commander.
Meanwhile, skulking around Galactus’ ship, DOOM complains about doing that.
Doom: “Doctor Doom - a burglar! Rummaging about in another being’s home, seeking to steal some priceless thing! Bah! What choice do I have? I need a key, a way -- ! My armor’s sensors have led me to prize after prize -- hundreds, thousands of devices which, in the hands of a man as brilliant as myself could provide power to conquer entire galaxies -- ! Yet, all of them combined are not enough to defeat Galactus -- let alone the Beyonder! There must be a way! Doom must be supreme!”
Unfortunately for Doom, despite the volcano distraction making Galactus sigh and have to spend time fixing the planet so he can eat it, he senses something amiss in his house and mentally yeets Doom back to Battleworld.
The villains return back to Doombase but Doctor Octopus can’t help Molecule Man because dammit he’s a nuclear physicist, not a medical doctor! Ultron tells Volcana that there are medical devices that could fix Molecule Man up nicely but since he doesn’t have any relevant orders from Doom, he’s just going to stand here and look pretty. And Enchantress says she could heal him with a wave of her hand but refuses to because Volcana already gave her a blank check.
Absorbing Man returns and reattaches his arm by basically hoping like hell it’ll just be better if he holds it in place when he reverts to skin flesh.
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And the Wrecking Crew have to throw the Lizard into a cell because he hasn’t stopped trying to eat their faces for killing Wasp, his new best friend.
The Wrecking Crew doesn’t get a chance to enjoy being back at base because She-Hulk has broken in and beats the crap out of them off-screen.
Titania comes in and starts fighting She-Hulk STARTING AN ENDURING RIVALRY.
Its fun how much got its start in Secret Wars.
The two fight more or less evenly from what I can tell but uh Doctor Octopus joins in as does the Absorbing Man and the Wrecking Crew once they catch their breath.
And She-Hulk is strong but this is a stomp.
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In another part of Doombase where the Enchantress is sitting in “sullen reverie” refusing to get involved in the fight she can here, instead thinking about how much she’s going to seduce the crap out of Thor.
Doom arrives at Himbase after being expelled from Galactus’ ship and refuses to explain anything to Enchantress. He just stumbles over to his sweet bed and collapses in it.
Doom: “It is over... Finished...”
Back over at Zsaji’s Village, the heroes realize that She-Hulk took off. Hawkeye figures that she went after the villains and asks to go after her.
Hawkeye: “She can’t take ‘em alone, Cap! She needs us!”
Huh! When the chips are down even though they fought, Clint and Jen sure are coworkers.
Hulk also asks to go after her since she’s his cousin. The acknowledgement of which is what I’ve been wanting all along.
But Cap tells them no.
Hulk: “I don’t suppose you’d consider putting it to a vote?”
Trying to appeal to his love of democracy. How wily.
Captain America: “My heart would vote ‘yes’ in a minute... Too many innocent lives are at stake here, though! Many more than the few people on this planet -- we’ve got a universe depending on what we do here! We can’t allow ourselves the luxury of making decisions with our hearts!”
But Cap receives a psychic skype from Professor X who tells him that the X-Men can take Galactus watching duty for a bit so run along and save your teammate, you scamp.
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Cap accepts.
Its fun how the tide of battle has shifted back and forth.
Now the heroes are largely fresh, having been sitting on their ass staring at Galactus, and the villains are bloodied from several fights with the X-Men and She-Hulk. Plus, their big gun Molecule Man got Wolverine’d.
But next issue is something so big that it overshadows basically everything else in Secret Wars.
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December, 1984
Also, a bunch of other stuff happens. The cover is kind of funny for maybe unintentionally presaging what would happen where the black costume being more remembered than everything else in Secret Wars in general but definitely this issue specifically.
There’s actually a lot of really cool stuff happening in this issue.
Cap(tain America)’s group of heroes storms Doom’s Doombase, lucking out that Doom is too stunned by being expelled from Galactus’ ship to attempt any kind of defense and nobody else on his team has the braincells to be watching out for an attack.
Enchantress hears the heroes breaking in but she’s well and truly drunk by this point.
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And bemoans her secret god meeting with Thor. That she was going to try to cast a spell on him to bend him to her will but is aware that she might have flipped good for him instead. And even now wonders what she’ll do if Thor shows up in front of her.
The villains still beating She-Hulk to her death hear the heroes breaking into the base and run off to ambush them, Doc Ock slamming She-Hulk against some wreckage as a coup de grace.
Wrecker gets the jump on Iron Man and Doc Ock dumps a convenient tank of water on Human Torch but Spider-Man jumps in and drops Bulldozer with one punch before he can pulp an extinguished Johnny.
The Thing tries fighting Absorbing Man but wouldn’t you know it, the Thing’s thingness fades at the worst time again, leaving him powerless.
Spider-Woman jumps in to save him.
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She didn’t get to really do much in her actual introductory issue, despite being on the cover and splash. She just kinda shows up and goes ‘i can definitely help!’
She makes a much better second impression this time. Almost like she’s aware that she needs to sell herself.
Spider-Woman: “A clean knockout -- ! Of the awesome Absorbing Man -- ! And it’s only the fifth time I’ve ever been in a fight! The new Spider-Woman wins again!”
Marvel really wants you to like this non-Jessica Drew.
Piledriver charges Hawkeye, mocking him for missing with his arrows and gloating that arrows are useless to a guy who’s immune to bullets.
Piledriver: “Hawkeye the Archer! Hah! Boy you gonna need Hawkeye the M.A.S.H. doctor in a minute -- ‘cause I reckon this good ol’ boy is gonna ‘mash’ you!”
Good one, Piledriver. Good banter.
Hawkeye: “Those shots were just warnings, dummy! I don’t want to have to hit you! From my bow, at this range, an arrow hits a lot harder than any bullet! Back off... please...”
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We did learn in the Hawkeye mini that Hawkeye’s bow has a ridiculous draw strength.
This is a pretty good Hawkeye moment people don’t really point to a lot.
Also, I do love when an invincible or durable person who isn’t used to getting hurt gets hurt once and goes ‘NOPE! I DO NOT CARE FOR THIS!’
Hulk busts into Enchantress’ drinking room and unfortunately falls for her “I am but a helpless female!” routine. She gets all up in his business, magically puts him to sleep, and then pours herself another drink.
It could have been a good day for Enchantress if Captain America hadn’t come in right after.
Captain America: “What have you done to the Hulk?”
Enchantress: “For the moment, he is merely asleep. Doubtless dreaming dreams of me! But, alas, he can never truly have me, for I am yours, my handsome captain! Am I not beautiful? Come to me...”
Points for audacity but Captain America is a champion of not thinking with his dick. Blah blah willpower is legendary, socked Prometheus in the noggin. You get it.
Anyway, he socks Enchantress in the noggin with his shield and knocks her out.
Hawkeye and unthinged Ben try to find the rest of the heroes but run into Klaw and Lizard, who Klaw let out of his cell because he didn’t like to see anyone imprisoned but also because he liked the way Lizard talks. What an audiophile.
Ben Grimm: “Uh... any ideas, Hawk?”
Hawkeye: “Well... I guess we’ll have to outwit ‘em!”
Ben Grimm: “Us?!”
Thor, Iron Man, Spider-Woman, and Mr Fantastic find Volcana and Molecule Man.
Iron Man makes the dubious tactical decision to charge right into Volcana’s plasma burst and burns out his armor.
Mr Fantastic pulls him out of the way and the other heroes try to get through Molecule Man’s fused air molecules invisible shield. They fail until Captain Marvel just lightbeams right through it. Because its transparent.
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Love it. Love that her power works like that. Because it should.
Captain Marvel grabbing Molecule Man pulls open his Wolverine wounds and he passes out. Volcana surrenders to spare her boyfriend more pain.
Not that Monica intended that or knew he was wounded. This is still early Monica before Nextwave hardened her outlook. This is the Monica who was horrified when Blackout and Moonstone got pulled through a singularity.
Titania tried to drop a forty-ton beam on the heroes’ heads but is interrupted by Spider-Man thanks to his spectacular spider-sense.
She out-muscles him by a lot but she can’t actually lay a hit on him because he’s got superior spider agility. Maybe if she had more experience it’d be different but she’s basically in the angry flailing stage of her skill tree so far.
Spidey brags “With a little room to operate, no one can lay a glove on me -- not the X-Men, not the Absorbing Man, and not you!”
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Titania: “When I get you I’ll -- AGGH!”
Spider-Man: “All you’re going to get is frustrated... and, eventually, trashed!”
Titania: “No! It’s not fair! *UHH!*”
Spider-Man: “But, if we were fighting in a broom closet, that’d be fair, right?”
Titania: “Stop it! Stop it! Stop -- !”
Spider-Man: “You ought to be happy, cuddles! You aspired to be a bully, and, man, you’re a classic! You talk tough and nasty when you’ve got the upper hand -- but when you’re losing -- well, that’s when the whining little wimp-ette inside comes spilling out!”
And then he defenestrates her without a window.
Fun fact: she apparently developed a Spider-Man phobia from this.
Y’know, in terms of embarrassing and traumatizing people, Spider-Man is having a good run in this story.
Captain American and Human Torch find a passed out Piledriver who fainted from blood loss after staggering away. And they find Ultron, standing between them and Doom.
Ultron is an Avengers-tier stomper who takes down entire teams and there’s just two heroes who coincidentally were both portrayed by Chris Evans. And the Human Torch’s fire is ineffective as Ultron gloats.
Ultron: “The core of the hottest star could not melt my adamantium body, human! Nothing can harm me! I am invincible! I am mechanically precise and computer-swift! I am perfect!”
When Ultron grapples Human Torch and starts throttling him, Cap tells him to use his nova-flame. Then hides behind his shield.
The flame melts a good portion of the room and the air being superheated somehow doesn’t make Cap crispy. And when the nova flare of the nova flame fades, Ultron’s chassis is still intact.
But the heat damaged something inside and Ultron is down. Johnny is also down, spent from the nova.
I like that the Fantastic Four would have their own way to deal with Ultron should that ever come up. Has it? You’d think it would.
Captain America proceeds to Doom alone but Doom is non-responsive from being Galactus’d.
And Reed, Spider-Man, and Hulk finds Hawkeye and Ben Grimm, where they have outwitted Klaw and Lizard.
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Lizard: “Disssturb our gamess-s and the Lizard will dessstroy you! Once we finissh, we will do as you s-ssay!”
Well, whatever works!
With the fighting done, Captain Marvel finds She-Hulk, barely alive. The heroes jam her into a healing tube saving her in the nick of time.
The heroes also jam the villains into healing tubes because they’re heroes and are nice like that.
Considering the heroes were fighting to take prisoners and the villains very much weren’t, it’s lucky that the heroes won the majority of conflicts and got away from the one they didn’t.
The villains that didn’t need bacta treatments - or whatever is in those tubes - got shoved into cells. Also, Doom, because he might need the healing juice but it would require peeling him out of his armor and its probably booby-trapped.
Hawkeye and Captain Marvel return to the village to bring Wasp’s body to DoomHerobase for a funeral but they’re in for a surprise.
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It turns out that Zsaji WAS able to heal Wasp who wasn’t dead just in a laser-induced death-like stasis. AS YA DO. It nearly killed Zsaji to bring Wasp back from such grievous injuries.
Colossus learns this by getting into her exposition drugs while she’s passed out and mind-melding with her.
Of course, it just makes the big lug fall deeper in love with her.
The important takeaway is that Wasp is alive. Just like we knew that she would be. The universe has been set right.
Over at Herobase, Reed Richards fixes the Iron Man armor after Rhodey got it a little melted.
Iron Man, James Rhodes: “I’m curious... were you surprised there was a black man under the metal?”
Reed Richards: “Hmm... No, I never gave it a thought! I knew there was a man under there...”
Its a nice exchange.
Its kinda ruined retroactively by Illuminati revealing that Reed knew Tony was Iron Man and would have known about Tony having to step down due to his alcoholism and likely knew about Rhodey taking over.
Dammit, Illuminati!
Elsewhere in the base, Spider-Man spots Hulk and Thor coming out of a room with Thor sporting a brand new cape and helmet. They tell Spidey that there’s a device in there that will make any clothes you want.
Except Spider-Man doesn’t bother asking which device and they don’t bother specifying so Spidey just picks the likeliest one and gets a black glob.
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An important black glob.
To eventually be revealed to be an alien goo symbiote and later eventually tied to a dark god that predates the universe.
But for right now, its a way to incorporate a new costume design that a fan submitted. And Spider-Man handwaves it not looking like his old costume by assuming he was thinking of the new Spider-Woman.
So that’s how it is, Pete? She ‘ripped’ you off so you’re gonna rip her off?
You know whats really funny?
A month before this came out, in Spider-Man’s own book, he had learned that the costume was a living symbiote and had gotten rid of it.
It be like that with Secret Wars but its still funny that we’re finally seeing him get the costume just as he’s getting rid of it.
Anyway, Spider-Man’s new costume buzz is interrupted by the planet shaking and someone yelling in his brain.
It’s nice that the crises are waiting their turn.
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January, 1985
The issue titles for this story are all so excited.
The X-Men were left on Galactus watching duty so when the big lug starts trying to eat the planet, the X-Men charge in to attack him.
Y’know, I sometimes wonder what iconic storylines would have been like if a different set of characters handled it. This used to be great What If fodder. I know there was one where the Avengers tackled Galactus’ first appearance. And because it was the tone of What If at the time to viciously shoot down any divergence of the 616 timeline, THINGS WENT HORRIBLY WRONG.
Think of it like the Turn Left episode of Doctor Who.
POINT BEING, I wonder how the X-Men would have handled Galactus’ first appearance. Of course, this would be the O5 roster so they’d have their work cut out for them.
Heck, even with Storm on the team, the X-Men are over their heads with Galactus.
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She hits him with two massive lightning bolts and Galactus keeps working like he didn’t even notice.
The X-Men seem to realize how out of their depth they are (especially sans Phoenixes, their usual Galactus-fighting go-to) but at Professor Xavier’s command they charge in anyway.
Galactus sends out a defensive drone so he can continue not paying the X-Men any mind and the mutants find themselves completely bogged down in fighting the drone while Galactus does his thing.
And from Zsaji’s sweet village, Captain Marvel, Wasp, and Hawkeye see a massive explosion where the X-Men were.
I guess they’re totally dead forever.
Wasp: “Should we head up there now?”
Hawkeye: “No! We’d better wait for Cap... and strike as a unit!”
Its the expression, really. Like Hawkeye thinking to himself ‘oh I want no part of that.’
The non-X-Men assemble at Herobase to rush to the fight.
Mr. Fantastic: “Hurry! No telling how long the X-Men can hold out!”
Spider-Man: “Yeah! Where’s the rest of the alphabet when you need it?”
Oh, Spider-Man, you are a delight.
In the airship over, Thor notices that Hulk looks glum and tries to cheer him up.
Thor: “If ‘tis that you do not fit in these chairs that depresses you, count yourself fortunate! They were made, I think, for insect men... or by trolls, for torture! If ‘tis the impending battle troubling thee -- just think! What greater chance for glory has man or god e’er known? More even than Ragnarok, this is the battle I was born millennia ago to fight! You, too, are a warrior born, Hulk! A taste of battle and the berserker battle-lust shall rise in thy soul!”
Hulk: “I doubt it! I lost that when I gained the intelligence of my human side -- Bruce Banner! And now I’m slowly losing that, too! I’m not savage enough... or smart enough to be a relevant factor!”
Well, You Tried, Thor.
Johnny Torch is trying to cheer up Ben Grimm who is as grim as his name over his powers popping in and out as they please.
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And then the rocks pop back on just as Ben is dramatically bemoaning that he can’t control them.
The Thing: “Whoopie! I’m the Thing again! I’m so happy, I even like you!”
Human Torch: “Yeow! You lummox! Put me down! Jeez, I can see the headlines -- ‘affectionate hug slays Human Torch en route to battle -- universe destroyed as a result’!’“
This book has some decent lines.
Iron Man ogles Spider-Woman under the pretense of not trusting her but then goes a little ‘I’ll show them all!’
Iron Man: “A lot of guys have worked with Iron Man before -- but that was when Tony Stark was in this suit! I think they’ve started to realize there’s a different guy in here, now... an’ they got their doubts! They’re keepin’ their distance -- don’t quite trust me yet! Don’t matter! As long as I got this armor, I’m one ba-ad dude -- especially since Richards souped it up! As soon as that fight starts, I’ll show ‘em -- show ‘em I’m Iron Man! The real Iron Man! James Rhodes is Iron Man -- now and forever!”
Rhodey pls.
Also meanwhile, because this is a long flight, Spider-Man starts hopping all around the interior of the airship overexcited because he’s just discovered that the totally benign goo suit he got has webshooters!
And he squirts Johnny in the face to prove it because that’s just how Spider-Man is sometimes.
Johnny complains that this webbing is even harder to burn than his old stuff which will turn itself into a bit of a plot hole down the line when its revealed that symbiotes are weak to fire.
Its fine though. Pre-modern Venom has always had sloppy writing around it.
He also demonstrates the goo suit’s ability to change shape.
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I can’t believe that Marvel were cowards and never had Peter go around in the Summer Variant suit.
Reed lets himself go down a melancholic musing rabbit hole and starts poking holes in the story logic.
Mr. Fantastic: “At face value, the whole thing is absurd! Why would a being so far removed from us and so powerful as the Beyonder bring us across the universe for a stupid, simplistic ‘good-versus-evil’ gladiatorial contest? Is he a mad god? A cosmic idiot? And why us? Why this odd collection of beings, mostly from Earth? And why Galactus? He doesn’t fit! Human beings and even gods may be tempted, but Galactus is a force of nature -- no more capable of having enemies than a hurricane or an earthquake! Why is he here? There must be more to this... but what possible purpose could there be?”
Credit where its due, these are things I’ve been wondering!
But Reed is so busy pondering this that he runs the airship into the energy discharge from Galactus’ machine and crashes the ship on top of Colossus.
Smooth move, absent minded professor.
With only seconds before the world starts to burn, the Avengers, Fantastic Four, and assorted leap into battle against Galactus.
Iron Man manages to get past Galactus’ defense drones and punch his world eating engine, thanks to the upgrades done to the armor.
But now that they’re being successful, Reed interjects and tells them to stop winning so hard. Yes, really.
Mr. Fantastic: “Ben, we can’t go through with this! At last I see a purpose here -- a meaning to the universe for this insane conflict! WE MUST NOT STOP GALACTUS!’
Then Galactus effortlessly blasts the heroes away.
Which, if nothing else, gives Reed a chance to catch his breath to EXPOSIT MORE.
Mr. Fantastic: “For the first time this whole thing makes seom sense to me! I see a possible purpose in it! This is a chance to rid our universe of the threat of Galactus! All we have to do is let him win this contest! If the Beyonder indeed, grants hsi wish, he’ll be freed of his planet-consuming hunger at long last!”
The Thing: “And if the Beyonder reneges?”
Mr. Fantastic: “Re-energized by consuming this world, Galactuc will attack -- I know it! And force the Beyonder to pay up -- or be destroyed in the attempt. Any way you look at it... the universe wins! Countless billions who would have eventually fallen prey to Galactus -- will live in peace!”
Spider-Man: “Yeah, but why us? Why were we picked to decide the fate of the universe?”
Mr. Fantastic: “Why not us? We picked ourselves, remember? Besides... we beings of Earth seem to have a knack for being pivotal in the cosmic scheme of things.”
Reed, some offense but you’re the last person who should be speaking on this.
Galactus is only alive now because you had a hunch that he had some Big Important Role in the cosmic order and saved his life.
You may remember that because THE ENTIRETY OF SPACE PUT YOU ON TRIAL FOR IT.
Turning around on that because now you have a different hunch that everything will be a-okay if the Beyonder kills Galactus, is just such a classic Reed move.
Anyway, the discussion ends because Galactus raptures Reed and the entire mountaintop his machine was sitting on.
Since the suspects of Reed rapturing were Galactus or the Beyonder, its not very surprising that its Galactus forcibly inviting Reed up to his solar-system sized apartment.
What, you thought that the Beyonder would be more present in this story that it initiated? Fool.
Anyway, Galactus wants to have a friendly talk at Reed. Because Galactus is one of the few people that can talk down at Reed and he just has to sit tight and listen.
Meanwhile, over at the former Doombase, locked in a Doomcell, its Doom. Still in his catatonia OR IS IT?
Doom: “THE WORLD SHIP IS THE WAY! Galactus’s home itself is the way I seek! At last, I see!”
He activates the get-out-of-jail-free button hidden in his ankle which activates a point-singularity power supply that busts the door off his cell.
He ignores all of the other imprisoned villains to free Klaw.
Doom: “You, yourself, Klaw, are a ‘recording’ of sorts, due to the time you spent as a wave of vibratory energy coursing through the walls of Galactus’s homeworld! Come with me!”
Klaw: “Where to? Toodle-oo, toodle-oo!”
Doom: “To the lab! I’m going to dissect you!”
Klaw: “Oh, good!”
If it were anyone else that would read as sarcastic.
Its also revealed that Doom talks to himself because he is constantly recording.
Doom: “Every utterance of Doom must be recorded for posterity!”
How on-brand.
Meanwhile, back over at where the fight was, Cyclops OPTIC BLASTS out of the hole Magneto buried the X-Men in to save them from Galactus’ exploding drone.
Good job, Magneto.
Buuut. The fight is over so the X-Men just vaguely wander over to Zsaji’s village to catch up with Captain America’s group.
Zsaji wakes up from her Wasp-healing coma and runs over... right past Colossus to embrace Johnny. To make Colossus sad in the background.
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But Johnny is too worried about Reed being raptured to make out with his new space girlfriend right now.
The heroes debate what to do.
Cap(tain America) wants to just stand ready until Galactus comes back and Cap(tain Marvel) suggests finding some spaceships at former Doombase and mounting an assault on Galactus’ imagination-ruiningly huge homeship.
The Thing offers the daring option of ‘hey Reed said not to fight Galactus and dangit what Reed says goes!’
He’s as bad as the Inhumans, I swear.
Reed reappears right about when Iron Man and the Thing are about to come to blows over the ‘do whatever Reed says’ plan.
The Thing: “Stretch! What happened?”
Mr. Fantastic: “Not much! We had tea...”
NOW I KNOW that Galactus likely has some robot servant or device that makes tea for him. But I can’t get the image out of my head of Galactus holding a tiny teapot and serving Reed tea.
How dare this comic cut away and let that happen off-panel!
Anyway, their big OFF-PANEL talk?
Mr. Fantastic: “He told me that I was a ‘force of the universe’ just as he is -- ! That I’m a ‘universal champion of life’ just as he is an instrument of death!”
Now. Nooooow. Champion slash Avatar of Life is a legitimate thing in Marvel, once filled by, uh, Captain Marvel. The Kree guy version. So the position is open.
I just find it easier to believe that Galactus was saying random nonsense to try to befuddle Reed into doing what Galactus wants rather than it being official.
The Avatar of Life page on marvel wiki doesn’t seem to credit it. It only has two versions of Adam Warlock, Drax, and Cancerverse Mar-Vell.
Mr. Fantastic: “I don’t what to say! I’m more convinced than ever that it’s right to let Galactus do what he must! And if I’m a ‘Champion of Life’ does it not make sense to allow Galactus to slay us so that countless billions will live? Or was he telling me that I must fight to serve even these relatively few lives here? I just don’t know...”
Yeeeeah. More convinced than ever that Galactus was filling Reed’s brain with cognitive chaff so to speak.
But Ben “Thing” Grimm is like ‘hey if Reed tells me I gotta die for the good of the universe then I’m ready to die so we’re not fighting unless Reed says so.’
Hawkeye: “This is a real crock! We’ve got to fight! Quitters! Cowards!”
I rarely say this but I think Hawkeye has a point.
Anyway, Galactus reappears the mountaintop, his machine, and himself to get back to snacking on the planet.
Far be it from me to tell Galactus how to ‘mortals are beneath my notice’ but maybe he’d get better results relocating his machine to the other side of the planet. Get some element of surprise, a head start.
No? Fine.
Captain America: “All right, listen up! I’m going to fight! The rest of you come or not as your conscience dictates!”
Wasp: “We’re with you, Cap!”
Captain America: “Good! But first... I just want to tell you, Professor Xavier, that despite our differences, you and your people did us -- and the universe, as far as I’m concerned -- a great service, earlier!”
Professor Xavier: “It was an honor!”
Captain America: “I hope you, the X-Men... and Magneto will come and fight side by side with us now! No one here will deny you’ve earned that much!”
Think about all the grief that could have been saved if people were willing to give Magneto the benefit of the doubt at the beginning of the story! Womp womp!
Meanwhile at Doombase (because the heroes are all off doing stuff and when the heroes are away Doom gets his base back), Doom observes the battle against Galactus starting AND that the Beyonder has cracked open his portal to watch the fight.
But more importantly, Doom cut Klaw into slices.
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Back over at the heroes fighting Galactus, the heroes are fighting Galactus.
As in, directly. No drones.
Its a sign that they’re making some sort of progress.
He’s still batting them around like leaves in the wind.
But the Terrific Three show up to actually help.
Mr. Fantastic: “Galactus used enormous amounts of energy transporting his homeworld here -- and I’m sure he hasn’t fed for months! His power is almost depleted! We can take him!”
Captain America: “Richards, I -- I’m glad you’re here -- but what made you change your mind?”
Mr. Fantastic: “I... thought about what Galactus said -- and I’m still not certain that, in the cosmic scheme of things, what we’re doing is right -- but I realized just how badly I want to see my baby born, Cap! I want that more than anything -- ! And I’m going to fight for it!”
He’s going to be waiting a long time for that baby though.
Not because of comic book time but because of intense drama reasons.
The heroes manage to reach the top of the mountain and start trashing Galactus’ machine despite Reed insisting that they ignore it and prevent Galactus from escaping.
And Galactus just animation-cell-slides-up ‘I must return to my homeworld’ style.
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And as Reed explains how badly they done fucked up, Galactus takes a last look around his homeworld/spaceship. Because he doesn’t need his machine to eat planets. It just makes the process more efficient. So if the heroes are going to be annoying about him eating Battleworld, he’s just going to eat his own dang home!
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Mr. Fantastic: “He’s devouring his own living world -- perhaps the greatest energy source in the universe! Moments after he’s finished, this godforsaken planet will be next! We won’t be able to stop him this time! Then he’ll probably consume the sun too! He’ll want every iota of energy available in case he must do battle with the Beyonder! We’re dead men!”
Wow. Is that the most kirby krackle we’ve ever seen?
But as Galactus converts his home into POWER COSMIC, Doom is ready with his own plan to steal that power, aided by a series of lenses he’s turned Klaw into.
As ya do?
You’ll have to tune in to the last quarter of Secret Wars to see if Doom succeeds in doing that thing that he always tries to do.
My thought is: maybe.
Follow @essential-avengers​ for the good job I’m doing with these Secret Warses. Like and reblog maybe.
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curious-menace · 4 years ago
The rogue gallery members general reaction to encountering the batman who laughs and his creepy ass Robin's.
ok id like to preface this by saying that red death batman straight up crucified riddler and decapitated scarecrow and the batman who laughs is MUCH worse than red death batman. 
i want to enjoy the dark knights metal but it is needlessly fuckin complicated with all this multiverse oververse omniverse shit. maybe i just don't have the galaxy brain necessary to get it so i apologize if this is all wrong 
(also i know its canon that the batman who laughs has no rogues gallery left, either because he killed them or joker killed them before he turned but hey ho hypotheticals it is)
also no one talk to me about kiss fan lookin riddler from this verse. im not ready. 
i think his first reaction was to laugh. Batman’s finally gone and he took joker with him. I mean he literally calls him "bat gimp". I seriously doubt he anticipated the fallout of batman becoming some sort of hideous joker hybrid. he still chuckled when he started seeing the news. someone calling themselves “the batman who laughs” and “the darkest knight” then he sees the robins, he even recognises damien and it makes him a little sick. he books the next flight out of goodwin before things get too hot. 
shame goodwin was burned to the ground to stop anyone leaving gotham. 
with everyone inside. 
i dont think its an exaggeration to say he was absolutly fuckin horrified. it's rare that harvey and two face agree on something, but this bastard has to go. the murder and mayhem he could tolerate, hell even killing the other rogues, some of them needed to be stopped. but having to look at this creature and know it was once bruce? harvey knows better than anyone its a fate worse than death to be trapped in your own mind with someone else running the show. they do their best to stop the darkest knight, bring all the hired guns they can to the fight but it wasnt enough. Harvey dies, but at least he went out trying to do the right thing.
Poison Ivy
She sensed him coming, her flowers screaming at her to save herself. part of me wants to hope she took one look at that abomination and noped the fuck out of there to slaughter swamp or something. but we know ivy, she stands her ground like a tree planted by a river. she looks people like batman and joker right in the eye and down the barrel of a gun and says “no, you move” Shes not a good person, but in this verse she might as well be the hero of the story, maybe the only meta human in gotham who stood a chance against him. The batman who laughs was scared of her and thats why she had to die. if she’d just minded her own business she might still be here but no. She dares the batman who laughs to come for her, she’s going to take him out. for what he did to her plants, to gotham, to HER home and HER friends. unfortunately for her ivy was one of the first on his kill list. She doesn't go down without a fight. ironically it was her human qualities, the human drive to help people that got her killed. she heard one of the robins crying and went to investigate. the batman who laughs doesn't care about those robins, he’s got a basement full of jokerized kids to throw at people. 1 to trick her and a few more to hold her down while he doused the lot of them with weedkiller and gasoline then poof.
i doubt the botanical gardens will ever be the same. 
part of me wants to say he’s loving this. He’s enjoying all the suffering and sadness and fear as the batman who laughs murders everyone and everything from the dandelions upwards . but he cant, not just because he’s not the one causing it. this is fear without meaning or purpose, this is killing hope so thoroughly that there is nothing left for people to fear, not even death. he’s not so foolish as to think he wont also be on the batman who laughs chopping block. so he makes himself scarce, works on a toxin that might be able to stop him or even slow him down so someone has a shot at it. Jon knows hes going to die, its only a matter of time before that thing calling itself the darkest knight sends one of his minions to his doorstep. He’s been working on something to try and help the rabid robins. he has a small soft spot in his cold obsidian heart for kids and looking at these creatures makes him physically ill. 
he thinks hes made a breakthrough, thinks he’s finally got a formula that will effect batman and the joker and hopefully, whatever abomination they’ve become . he decides theres no time like the present to try it out when word of the other rouges deaths reach him. he’s the last one left and thats....well its scary. His surprise attack works, the robins go down without a fight, screaming and scratching at their faces, their throats and each other. regrettable but if he stops the darkest knight now, maybe jon can help them. Just when he thinks he’s got him, scarecrow goes down. so close, he falls at the finishing line, his toxin having as much effect as a gentle summers breeze. Much like the original scarecrow , the batman who laughs likes using guns. For jon however? he makes an exception. poor scarecrow gets eviscerated by his own scythe, pilfered from arkham asylum by the batman who laughs. gotta love the classics, right?
Riddler was second on his kill list. only because the batman who laughs knew how much it would annoy riddler not to be at the top. He’s another rogue who stood a chance of stopping him if he really tried. sadly edward is nowhere near as altruistic as harvey, and could never be as strong as ivy. He likes to think his escape is for everyone's benefit. live to fight another day and all that. He learned from harvey and pamelas mistakes, took one look at this new batman and his creepy kids and said “fuck that noise” and tried to run. except he didn't really try. god if he’d only gotten out of the city, he would have been the only rogue that survived. the batman who laughs looks at him like a pathetic insect, unworthy of notice. he’d have killed riddler eventually, maybe put him in a riddle with no answer or a trap with no escape for extra irony points but he wasn't about to stop the little green cockroach from skittling away.  but of course, riddlers ego got in the way; he just HAD to try and best this new batman, no matter how much he scared the shit out of riddler he just HAD to try. and of course, pride comes before downfall. 
The batman who laughs helpfully provided riddler with some rope to help break his fall. 
Harley Quinn
some part of her was happy to have joker back. he was different, scarier but she was used to the abuse. what she wasn't used to were all the kids. she recognised damian wayne but didn't quite put the pieces together to realise it was bruce under there. she thought maybe he was just a random casualty . she tried hard to look after the kids but they act like animals rather than humans, there was nothing she could do.As time went on she found it harder and harder to sit at the right hand of this clown prince of horrors. harley has always been along for the ride, but how are you supposed make the whole world laugh if everyone in it is dead? i dont know what happens to harley in this world. either she leaves and much like joker, the batman who laughs fails to notice, shes killed by him because he was bored or she does when the world is destroyed by barbatos. either way, no happy endings here. 
Thanks for this incredibly depressing ask Ghostly T-T
im kidding, im kidding it was fun! it makes me wish i knew what the everloving FUCK was going on with this verse so i could enjoy it properly. the only comic store i know of has been closed since like march of last year and i don't know what im looking for on amazon to actually order them. i have 1 issue of nth metal but it was interesting enough that i want the collection.
if anyone knows what the collection is actually called hmu bc i wanna buy it. 
yes i could read it online but i like owning the hard copies. 
got something you wana talk about? send me an ask or a dm!💜💙🧡💛💚❤️
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grim-on-the-darkside · 4 years ago
The Latest Information on Lucas’s Sequel Trilogy he wrote in 2011. Also some information from  Star Wars Archives: Episodes I-III: 1999–2005, author Paul Duncan interviewed George Lucas his ideas of a Sequel Trilogy.
Firstly, some of the things Pablo Hidalgo has stated about Lucas’s sequel trilogy that he has access to and spoke to Lucas directly about.
We know Lucas never considered the EU canon or a part of his Star Wars universe so it is not surprising his Sequel Trilogy was of his own creation.
"Fast forward to 2012, when we hear George is looking to make SW movies again, I though I thought 'I wonder what next Mon Calamari's gonna be. And it turns out, the Mon Calamari this time was huge swaths of the EU. There was no Jacen, no Jaina. No new Jedi Order. Chewie lived. Not surprising, but there it was."
~ Pablo Hidalgo, 2016               
[Regarding Lucas Sequel Trilogy Treatments he wrote in 2011 and sold to Disney]
Comment - "What are you talking about? J.J. threw out His story treatments and he [George Lucas] has no imput at all anymore."
Pablo Hidalgo Response - "Not entirely true. But the treatments as they were pretty much disregarded the EU, which was to be expected.”
~ 2018
Commentor - 'Thank You for the clarification, might I ask if you ever recieved any direction that George Lucas with the number of children the Solos had as depicted in the EU?'
Pablo Hidalgo - "All I meant is his starting point for this Trilogy didn't have Jacen, Jaina, and/or Anakin."
Commentor - 'Was there Ben Skywalker?'
Pablo Hidalgo - "There was not."
Question -  "My question is, *what did George's treatments for 7 look like? I would love to see if they fit the EU."
Answer [Pablo Hidalgo]- "They did not. For instance, there was no Jaina, Jacen, or Anakin."  ~ 2017                                                                       
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Pablo Hidalgo - "Jacen and Jaina never existed in George's storytelling, even in treatment form."
Comment Response - "And about Mara Jade?"
Pablo Hidalgo - "No. George never thought of Mara as being part of his universe either."
~ 2016 https://ibb.co/YLHk6Ft
From Star Wars Insider
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"There was no Ben Skywalker in George's Universe. He came from the NJO team." ~ Pablo Hidalgo 2016
"Question from Today, but I thought this was pretty well known. George Lucas never considered Jacen, Jaina, or Mara Jade as part of his universe."
~ Pablo Hidalgo May 2016 https://ibb.co/VDX2qvY
"But anyway Luke in exile predates TLJ by a long time and came from someone who can very happily and rightly supersede anyone's feedback :)"
~ Pablo Hidalgo https://ibb.co/sKZnWKk
[Luke was in something of a self imposed exile on an Island in Lucas Sequel Trilogy which is something that Disney ripped off from Lucas’s Sequel Trilogy. Pablo is referring to Lucas in this quote.]
"Luke was training a new generation of Jedi, it all went wrong because of 1 boy, and he's the 'Jedi killer' - that's the source.”
~ Pablo Hidalgo, 2016 https://ibb.co/JjYtGtf
[The source being George Lucas sequel trilogy treatments he made in 2011 and ended up selling to Disney later. Something else Disney ripped off from Lucas’s Sequel trilogy.] ..
Pablo Hidalgo -   "George's starting point for 7 had no Jaina, Jacen, Anakin and Chewie never died. So yeah."
[Reply] - "Could we please send this to every EU purist we know?"
[Other replyer] "They wont care."
[First Replyer] "They will after what Hidalgo just said after this."
[Pablo Hidalgo] - "No, they won't. You can't correct the internet.The info's out there. They've made up their minds."
Pablo Hidalgo - "But there was no sequel trilogy at that time."
Commenter 1 -
'Also, Lucas' Treatment of EP VII did not have the twins born in the Thrawn Trilogy'.
Pablo Hidalgo - "It didn't have twins."
Commenter 2 -
'You're referring to the treatment Lucas sold Disney in 2012. I guess plans changed.'
Pablo Hidalgo - "Or were defined. Jacen and Jaina were never part of George's story. They were Tim's [Zahn] invention."
~ Pablo Hidalgo Q&A
Here’s what George said about them during an interview with James Cameron for his The Story of Science Fiction project.
“Back in the day, I used to say ultimately what this means is we’re just cars, vehicles, for the Whills to travel around in…. We’re vessels for them. And the conduit is the midi-chlorians. The midi-chlorians are the ones that communicate with the Whills. The Whills, in a general sense, they are the Force.
All the way back to — with the Jedi and the Force and everything — the whole concept of how things happen was laid out completely from [the beginning] to the end. But I never got to finish. I never got to tell people about it.
If I’d held onto the company I could have done it, and then it would have been done. Of course, a lot of the fans would have hated it, just like they did Phantom Menace and everything, but at least the whole story from beginning to end would be told.”
~ George Lucas
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As part of the book Star Wars Archives: Episodes I-III: 1999–2005, author Paul Duncan interviewed George Lucas. During this interview, George talked more about his plans for the sequel trilogy.
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Paul Duncan: What about the stormtroopers? They look robotic, but they’re not.
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George Lucas: How do you know what they are?
Paul Duncan: Did you have a different idea of what they were?
George Lucas: Yeah, they started out as clones. Once all the clones were killed, the Empire picked up recruits, like militia. They fought, but they weren’t very good at what they did.
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Paul Duncan: That’s why they kept missing.
George Lucas: That’s why they kept missing. Then after the Rebels won, there were no more stormtroopers in my version of the third trilogy.
I had planned for the first trilogy to be about the father, the second trilogy to be about the son, and the third trilogy to be about the daughter and the grandchildren. [There was only one, Ben Solo, another Disney rip off.]
Episode VII, VIII, and IX would take ideas from what happened after the Iraq War. “Okay, you fought the war, you killed everybody, now what are you going to do?” Rebuilding afterwards is harder than starting a rebellion or fighting the war. When you win the war and you disband the opposing army, what do they do? The stormtroopers would be like Saddam Hussein’s Ba’athist fighters that joined ISIS and kept on fighting. The stormtroopers refuse to give up when the Republic win.
They want to be stormtroopers forever, so they go to a far corner of the galaxy, start their own country and their own rebellion.
There’s a power vacuum so gangsters, like the Hutts, are taking advantage of the situation, and there is chaos. The key person is Darth Maul, who had been resurrected in The Clone Wars cartoons — he brings all the gangs together.
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Paul Duncan: Was Darth Maul the main villain?
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George Lucas: Yeah, but he’s very old, and we have two versions of him. One is with a set of cybernetic legs like a spider, and then later on he has metal legs and he was a little bit bigger, more of a superhero. We did all this in the animated series, he was in a bunch of episodes.
Darth Maul trained a girl, Darth Talon [The only thing from the EU in Lucas’s Trilogy, but it wasn’t even really her, just had the same look and name, completely different background. She wasn’t even born yet at that time frame in the comics]., who was in the comic books as his apprentice. She was the new Darth Vader, and most of the action was with her. So these were the two main villains of the trilogy. Maul eventually becomes the godfather of crime in the universe because, as the Empire falls, he takes over.
The movies are about how Leia — I mean, who else is going to be the leader? — is trying to build the Republic. They still have the apparatus of the Republic but they have to get it under control from the gangsters. That was the main story.
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It starts out a few years after Return of the Jedi and we establish pretty quickly that there’s this underworld, there are these offshoot stormtroopers who started their own planets, and that Luke is trying to restart the Jedi. He puts the word out, so out of 100,000 Jedi, maybe 50 or 100 are left. The Jedi have to grow again from scratch, so Luke has to find two- and three-year-olds, and train them. It’ll be 20 years before you have a new generation of Jedi.
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By the end of the trilogy Luke would have rebuilt much of the Jedi, and we would have the renewal of the New Republic, with Leia, Senator Organa, becoming the Supreme Chancellor in charge of everything. So she ended up being the Chosen One.”
George also expanded on Midi-chlorians:
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“This is the cosmology. The Force is the energy, the fuel, and without it everything would fall apart. The Force is a metaphor for God, and God is essentially unknowable. But behind it is another metaphor, which fits so well into the movie that I couldn’t resist it.
Midi-chlorians are the equivalent of mitochondria in living organisms and photosynthesis in plants — I simply combined them for easier consumption by the viewer. Mitochondria create the chemical energy that turns one cell into two cells.
I like to think that there is a unified reality to life and that it exists everywhere in the universe and that it controls things, but you can also control it. That’s why I split it into the Personal Force and the Cosmic Force. The Personal Force is the energy field created by our cells interacting and doing things while we are alive. When we die, we lose our persona and our energy is assimilated into the Cosmic Force.
If we have enough Midi-chlorians in our body, we can have a certain amount of control over our Personal Force and learn how to use it, like the Buddhist practive of being able to walk on hot coals.”
And the Whills:
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“The Whills are a microscopic, single-celled lifeform like amoeba, fungi, and bacteria. There’s something like 100,000 times more Whills than there are Midi-chlorians, and there are about 10,000 times more Midi-chlorians than there are human cells.
The only microscopic entities that can go into the human cells are the Midi-chlorians. They are born in the cells. The Midi-chlorians provide the energy for human cells to split and create life. The Whills are single-celled animals that feed on the Force. The more of the Force there is, the better off they are. So they have a very intense symbiotic relationship with the Midi-chlorians and the Midi-chlorians effectively work for the Whills.
It is estimated that we have 100 trillion microbes in our body and we are made up of about 90% bacteria and 10% human cells. So who is in service to whom? I know this is the kind of thing that fans just go berserk over because they say, “We want it to be mysterious and magical”, and “You’re just doing science.” Well, this isn’t science.
This is just as mythological as anything else in Star Wars. It sounds more scientific, but it’s a fiction.
It’s saying there is a big symbiotic relationship to create life, and to create the Force, but if you look at all the life-forms in the universe, most of them are one-celled organisms. I think of one-celled organisms as an advanced form of life because they’ve been able to travel through the universe. They have their own spaceships — those meteorites that we get every once in a while. They’ve been living on those things for thousands of years, they’ve been frozen, unfrozen, and can survive almost anything.
The one-celled organisms have to have a balance. You have to have good ones and bad ones otherwise it would extinguish life. And if they go out of balance, the dark side takes over.”
Obviously there is the older information that’s already been out there, I just wanted to share some of the newer information that has come to light. I’m sure in time we will learn more.
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