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fathercharlesoffdensen · 1 year ago
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Kloktober 2023, Day 15: Vacationklok aka a celebration of Dethklok's partying around the world!
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exvelovly · 1 year ago
up ur butt
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yknow. bird
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deedee-sims · 2 months ago
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3t2 Pentuple Earrings Edit
Well, it's not pentuple anymore, it's more like... double lol! Anyway, for teens to elders, they come in the previous 6 colors (and you can find the PSD in the og conversion post). As usual, you can choose if you want them in the glasses section or as BV jewelry :)
Download Pentuple Earrings Edit as glasses - Alternate
Download Pentuple Earrings Edit as jewelry - Alternate
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ailingwriter · 3 months ago
I just had the mental image of a six-armed Sora pentuple-wielding Oathkeeper, Oblivion, Wayward Wind, Void Gear, and the Kingdom Key, floating menacingly towards a very terrified Xehanort, with the caption of "There are Benefits to the Heart Hotel."
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god-offical · 5 months ago
would you like a snack or something God?
Yeah sure I’ll have a pentuple cheeseburger with extra cheese, bacon, lettuce, tomato, and mustard, mayo, and ketchup sauce, double fried fries, deep fried chicken with honey mustard and Mac and cheese for the appetizer, water and the blood of my enemies and of my friends to drink, and for dessert could I have the chocolate mousse?
Oh also hold the salmon.
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im-an-anthusiast · 9 months ago
Ditches and Spiders
God, his forearms ITCHED.  Ugh – they sang a horrible siren song, to which the only answer was the raking of claws, the bloody contact of skin and nails. Or whatever. He clenched his fists, twisting them, rolling his wrists, and watching the taut, lean, yet somewhat gaunt muscle flexing under his scarred skin. Calixte hated the scars so, so much. They weren’t ugly, contorting, or shredding, and they weren’t spirals of thorns or carved spines. They were “beautiful”, twisting, mending – spirals of petals and curving stems. Calixte always hated the mix of lily flowers curling up his arms in a monotone white of scar tissue. They made him sick. His entire lunch – half of a white chocolate granola bar – tickled the very top of his throat, acidically ghosting over the roof of his mouth. He ought to practice Magic again.  
He applied the Sepal Balsam. Almost half the container coated his forearms thickly, massively surmounting the blood below it. Was that... wait... quadruple- no, pentuple the recommended dose? Perhaps that was why he could feel his pain fade into such intense numbness so quickly that in mere seconds he could not feel his forearms at all – and could, in real-time, watch the open wounds, cuts, gashes, and lacerations riddling his forearms and climbing up his bicep close, and twist at themselves, forming sickeningly intricate floral shapes, layering onto those already there. What a disgusting toll he has to pay, really. And, sure, he could always not push himself so much or just wait for himself to heal, but how would he get better, then? The best around don’t just rest. No pain, no gain, after all! He just has to push himself a little harder, surely...! 
The gloves contracted around his arms. They squeezed and cried at the Magic pouring into them, pushing and lashing at his flesh. The gloves wrung his arms, and blood dripped out from their hems at his biceps. All for... him.  
The bouquet strained in his arms. The paper tore open at the pressure pushed into it, flowers spilling around his flesh. Ditch and spider lilies both wrapped around his forearms, slipping from his embrace one by one. All from... him.  
“Are you proud, dad?” 
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quartzcloud · 2 years ago
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Well wishes to the new Pentuple from everyone.
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obstinantes · 10 months ago
gang can we please make a ship name for the bi4bi4bi4bi [toxic doomed] polyam quaduple (or ig pentuple if. we include randy's 5th wheeling ass idk LMAO??)
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year ago
[The infant mystic monkey Xiaoyún/小云 (Little Cloud) hatches from the Stone Egg much earlier (and much smaller) than they should be. They're missing an arm and an eye on their right side where the Stone Egg was cracked, the areas covered over with scar tissue.]
Aww! Poor baby! I hope he's not in pain from that crack!
[Dasheng and Zhanshi will kill anyone and anything that poses a threat to their little cloud.]
I have this feeling their kill counts will pentuple in the coming years.
That baby is prbs gonna be the most doted on in the Wukongverse by far.
I couldn't help imagine Red trying to make a prosthetic arm for the kid, but it devolved into Peach going, "I helped! I chopped my arms off to help Red with whatever he needed to get the things to work a needed."
Plum adding in tiredly, "The amount of hand and arm jokes that came during this event was frustrating to a point even the kids were throwing couches at the laughing asshole."
Xiaoyun is not in pain, but the single arm and eye is a little hurdle he grows to adapt to. He's also missing the outer ear(s) on his right/"cracked" side. His birth deformities mimic the perma-injuries his parents received in story - Dasheng's shackled right arm from the buddha vs Zhanshi's injuries from the war.
He's still a feisty baby! Like that one tiktok of a kitten trying to furiously smack something with it's missing paw. Loud chirping and squeaking follow where ever he is. Very chatty once he gets big enough.
Liuer is def the big brother who dotes on his little adoptive sibling. Is the first one to witness Xiaoyun crawling/walking on his own, and started crying with pride so loudly that the monkey parents thought something was wrong. They too started crying with pride.
[That baby is prbs gonna be the most doted on in the Wukongverse by far.]
Dasheng and Zhanshi come into a Wukongverse meeting after a few weeks of radio silence. Only to reveal tiny baby Xiaoyun, swaddled safely against one of their chests.
The other universes characters all have emotional attacks from the cuteness. Fully grown monkeys/pigs/monks/dragons/& fishmen sobbing.
Peach, crying from the cuteness: "H-he's so small!" Dasheng, attention fully on the baby: "He is. We wanted to make sure he was strong enough before we showed him off." Starfruit: "What's up with his face?" *gets smacked by 2 other monkeys* "Ow! It's a legit question!" Zhanshi, petting Starfruit's head: "It's ok. Little Xiaoyun's egg was damaged sometime before he hatched. We think the damage caused his right extremities not to form correctly." Liang, introducing Xiao Qi to the new baby: "Aw. Poor thing. I hope it doesn't cause him too many issues in the future. Maybe he'll manifest a crystal limb like his baba." Dasheng, hiding his crystallized tail: "Eh. Lets not get our hopes up." Sugar, in a baby-voice to Xiaoyun: "If anything happened to you, I would tear Heaven asunder. Yes I would!" :3
Meanwhile, LMK MK is too busy making goofy faces at this little other-him to wonder if his egg was cracked too (in the Monkey King and the Infant Au it was).
[I couldn't help imagine Red trying to make a prosthetic arm for the kid]
If LMK Red made a functional futuristic prosthetic arm for Xiaoyun, he would recieve the undying loyalty of the entire HiB gang.
And Peach would also get a tight hug of appreciation, and a groan for all his arm puns.
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t00thpasteface · 2 years ago
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i'm going to miss having a pinup calendar on the wall, because even though i think it would send the wrong message to roll up to a dorm with three other women as an out lesbian with a rolodex of Elvgren girls, sometimes Miss February is the only thing standing between me and a deadline-induced pentuple homicide.
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psyphigirl · 2 months ago
watching the simsons voice: haha kirk wants to stay informed of the school's cafeteria menu
*thinks about eating two spaghetti meals at once gets so hard i go completely blind in one eye and almost completely blind in my other eye*
my wife on a pentuple dose of THC, pointing at me voice: munchies! 🫵🤠
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definitelynotplanetfall · 3 months ago
I'm still not sure whether people short-circuiting the recycle loop of the quality system with asteroid rerereprocessing, LDS casting with legendary plastic etc should be taken as evidence that the quality system is good and has more depth and clever solutions than I anticipated, or that the quality system is so awful that people are resorting to weird cheese strats to get the benefits while bypassing the intended gameplay.
For my money*, it's nowhere near the level of spiritual drain than I anticipated, but also as someone whose hands hurt sometimes, having to build everything in pentuplicate and set all the filters manually every time I want to interact with quality as a mechanic means it has a way too high ratio of fiddly-things-clicked-on to meaningful design decisions for my liking.
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highstakeweights · 7 months ago
Soooo is it possible to plump up the staff with a bet, or is it just on the patrons side of things?
It all depends on what you're wagering. Say, for example, you wanted to plump up Madam D or Tracy. You would wager however many pounds you'd want them to gain, and if you're putting your waist on the line (heh), the person you're trying to fatten as your winnings has the chance to up the stakes. Double or nothing, as they always say. Madam D is usually reasonable and often flattered whenever someone wants to see her plump up, never going higher than triple the original stakes. Tracy on the hand, usually starts out a wager like this with- "Pentuple or nothing, cutie~"
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deedee-sims · 4 months ago
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3t2 Pentuple Earrings
Found these pretty earrings that haven't been converted yet, so naturally, I did it! From teens to elders, I made 6 recolors, but here's the PSD for further recoloring. As usual, you can choose if you want them in the glasses section, or as a BV jewelry :)
Download 3t2 Pentuple Earrings as glasses - Alternate
Download 3t2 Pentuple Earrings as jewelry - Alternate
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ilynpilled · 2 years ago
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that pentuple alliteration will never not fucking send me. a poet impelled by the inclination to be incredibly irritating
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ferrettaur · 1 year ago
I think solar eclipse days should be holidays if you're fucking working during a total eclipse they need to pay you pentuple or just let you leave
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