#pensiones 2024
crinformativa-blog · 5 months
CCSS aprueba presupuesto extraordinario de ¢395 billones para mejorar servicios de salud y bienestar social
CR Informativa | [email protected] La Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS) ha aprobado un presupuesto extraordinario de ¢395 billones, que será presentado ante la Contraloría General de la República. Este presupuesto, aprobado en la sesión del 2 de mayo de 2024, incluye ingresos adicionales en los seguros de Salud, Invalidez, Vejez y Muerte y del Régimen no Contributivo. La…
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temeyes · 6 months
Little chopper for little team and their pilot)
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thank u for your generous donation!!!!!
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lenbryant · 18 days
Pensions were a good thing before the Republicans replaced them with those precarious 401(k) schemes.
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The only reason John Arthur is able to be a public school teacher is because his wife makes much more money than he does.
Arthur — the 2021 Utah Teacher of the Year — testified on Thursday at a hearing in the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions on the challenges facing public school teachers.
Arthur, who is also a member of the National Education Association and holds National Board Certification, pointed to pay as the main reason for both teachers leaving the profession and parents not wanting their children to become teachers.
“The No. 1 solution to addressing the issues we face must be increasing teachers’ salaries,” said Arthur, who teaches at Meadowlark Elementary School in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Gemayel Keyes, a teacher at Gilbert Spruance Elementary School in Philadelphia, told the committee that even as an educator, he still has an additional part-time job.
The special education teacher spent most of his career in education as a paraprofessional. At the time he moved into that role, the starting annual salary was $16,000 and the maximum was $30,000.
“It’s still pretty much the same,” he said.
Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent, introduced a bill in March 2023 that would set an annual base salary of $60,000 for public elementary and secondary school teachers.
“We understand that the children, young people of this country, are our future and there is, in fact … nothing more important that we can do to provide a quality education to all of our young people, and yet, for decades, public school teachers have been overworked, underpaid, understaffed, and maybe most importantly, underappreciated,” Sanders said in his opening remarks.
“Compared to many other occupations, our public school teachers are more likely to experience high levels of anxiety, stress and burnout, which was only exacerbated by the pandemic,” he said.
Sanders said 44% of public school teachers are quitting their profession within five years, citing “the extremely low pay teachers receive” as one of the primary reasons for a massive U.S. teacher shortage.
For the 2023-24 school year, a whopping 86% of K-12 public schools in the country documented challenges in hiring teachers, according to an October report from the National Center for Education Statistics.
But a minimum annual teacher salary of $60,000 is not far off for every state.
In Maryland, the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future raises the starting salary for teachers to $60,000 a year by July 2026.
William E. Kirwan, vice chair of Maryland’s Accountability and Implementation Board, said the multi-year comprehensive plan, passed in 2021 in the Maryland General Assembly, “addresses all aspects of children’s education from birth to high school completion, including most especially, the recruitment, retention and compensation of high quality teachers.”
Kirwan said the “Blueprint’s principle for teacher compensation is that, as professionals, teachers should be compensated at the same level as other professionals requiring similar levels of education, such as architects and CPAs.”
Sen. Bill Cassidy, ranking member of the committee, dubbed Democrats’ solution of creating a federal minimum salary for teachers as a “laudable goal.”
But he noted that “the federal government dictating how states spend their money does not address the root cause of why teachers are struggling to teach in the classroom.”
“More mandates and funding cannot be the only answer we come up with. We must examine broken policies that got us here and find solutions to improve,” the Louisiana Republican said.
Nicole Neily, president and founder of Parents Defending Education, a parents’ rights group, argued that “schools don’t have a resource issue” but rather an “allocation issue.”
“There’s a saying: ‘Don’t tell me where your priorities are, show me where you spend your money, and I’ll tell you what they are.’ Education leaders routinely choose to spend money on programs and personnel that don’t directly benefit students,” said Neily.
Neily pointed to a 2021 report from the Heritage Foundation, which found that “standardized test results show that achievement gaps are growing wider over time in districts with (chief diversity officers).” Such staff members commonly encourage efforts at diversity, equity and inclusion in schools.
Robert Pondiscio, a senior fellow at the conservative-leaning American Enterprise Institute, said “higher pay does not ease the burden we place on teachers or add hours to their day.”
“By all means, raise teacher pay, but do not assume that it will solve teacher shortages or keep good teachers in the classroom. Poor training, deteriorating classroom conditions, shoddy curriculum and spiraling demands have made an already challenging job nearly impossible to do well and sustainably,” he added.
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trashlord-watson · 1 year
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itsallpoliticsstupid · 2 months
State Pension rise to 68 could be bought forward in the UK
The state pension is going to rise from 66 to 67 in 2026/2027 and now there are reports the Labour Government may bring the intended rise to 68, earmarked to happen between 2044 and 2046, forward.
I have said before I suffered a bereavement. That bereavement was my dad. He was 73.
He semi-retired aged 67, fully retired aged 70 when we were in the middle of the pandemic. He had at least a year of retirement still stuck in the pandemic. And had maybe 2 good years where he could go and enjoy himself.
He was diagnosed with cancer on his 73rd birthday, and died 7 months later due to a medical fuck up which left him brain damaged.
So if this Government think I'm going to work till 68 with a slowly collapsing nervous system, they have another thing coming. I'd rather not pay into a pension (I do have an employer funded one also), spend my money on having a life, and die broken on the streets, then suffer this miserable existence until 68.
And let's be honest. I am only in my 30s. There is a chance that the pension age will increase even higher in the next 20 years.
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gloop898 · 6 months
Media Thread 2024 - Part 29
The Pension Life Vampire
By Taguchi Shouichi
It's cute enough, but with the less than amazing writing and the sloppy world building it doesn't reach it's full potential. The yuri aspect is also not nearly as developed as one would like. Not to say it's not yuri, it's definitely yuri, but when obvious spots of development like clear declarations of love or kisses are passed up, it's more frustrating than satisfying. It feels like there's a fear of fully committing to the yuri, as if leaving just enough room for denial is of extreme importance. It pisses me off more than anything. We desperately need more good monster girl yuri.
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givemeanorigami · 8 months
"arrivano i poliziotti coi cani"
Un normale mercoledì nella mia scuola superiore.
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jobskenyaplace · 6 days
CBK PENSION FUND AND BANKI KUU PENSION SCHEME 2012 TENDER SEPTEMBER 2024  INVITATION TO TENDER 1. The CBK Pension Secretariat invites sealed tenders for supply and delivery of branded Merchandise to Central Bank of Kenya Pension Fund and Banki Kuu Pension Scheme 2012. 2. Tendering will be conducted under open competitive method (National) using a standardized tender document. Tendering is open to…
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targetstudy · 23 days
What is New Unified Pension Scheme 2024: Full Details, Calculator & More
What is the New Unified Pension Scheme (UPS)?
In response to opposition to the National Pension System (NPS) and the increasing demand for the Old Pension Scheme (OPS), the central government has provided a significant benefit to its employees.
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Who is Eligible for the New Unified Pension Scheme?
Under this scheme, central government employees who have worked for 25 years will receive a pension equal to 50% of their basic salary from the last 12 months of their job.
States will also have the option to adopt this model. If they do, the total number of central and state employees covered by this scheme could reach 90 lakhs.
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townpostin · 2 months
Senior Citizens in Jamshedpur Plan Protest Against Railway Fare Hike
Singhbhum Central Senior Citizens Committee to march in protest on August 13, demanding the reinstatement of railway fare concessions and pension hike. Senior citizens in Jamshedpur are angered by the central government’s decision not to restore the previous 40% and 50% railway fare concessions in the 2024 budget. JAMSHEDPUR – The Singhbhum Central Senior Citizens Committee held a meeting today…
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crinformativa-blog · 17 days
Poder Judicial anuncia nuevas reglas para trámites de pensiones alimentarias a partir de octubre
#Judiciales Poder Judicial anuncia nuevas reglas para trámites de pensiones alimentarias a partir de octubre. #ReformaFamiliar #PensionesAlimentarias #CódigoProcesalDeFamilia #JusticiaRápida #CostaRica2024
CR Informativa | [email protected] Código Procesal de Familia establece cambios significativos A partir del 1 de octubre de 2024, entrarán en vigor nuevas reglas para los trámites de pensiones alimentarias, según lo establece el nuevo Código Procesal de Familia. Este cambio busca agilizar y modernizar el proceso, ofreciendo un sistema más eficiente y accesible para todas las partes…
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jm-casero · 2 months
RESUMEN ACUERDO DE PENSIONES DE 31 DE JULIO DE 2024 Acuerdo social para la mejora de la compatibilidad de la pensión de jubilación con el trabajo, para la regulación de un nuevo procedimiento de acceso a la pensión de las actividades con elevada peligrosidad y para el mayor aprovechamiento de los recursos de las mutuas con el fin de recuperar la salud de las personas trabajadoras (31 de julio de…
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eobi · 2 months
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Releasing the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee's findings on the prices of weight loss drugs in the United States, Sen. Bernie Sanders on Wednesday ramped up pressure on a Danish pharmaceutical company to lower the "outrageously high" prices of Ozempic and Wegovy, warning that the current pricing could bankrupt the country's healthcare system.
As chairman of the Senate HELP Committee, Sanders (I-Vt.) is leading an investigation into Novo Nordisk's weight loss drug pricing, and the report published Wednesday is the result of modeling his staff completed to show how the medications' exorbitant prices could impact prescription drug pricing across the United States.
The committee found that if half of all U.S. adults with obesity took Wegovy and other diabetes drugs that have recently been approved for weight loss, it could cost $411 billion per year. In 2022, Americans spent $406 billion on all retail prescription drugs.
Medicare and Medicaid would spend an estimated $166 billion per year on the medications if half of the programs' patients used them, rivaling the $175 billion the programs spent on prescription drugs in 2022.
"Today's report makes it crystal clear: The outrageously high price of Wegovy and other weight loss drugs have the potential to bankrupt Medicare and our entire health care system," said Sanders.
The projected costs are a far cry from what patients in Denmark and other European countries would pay for the same drugs.
Americans currently pay $969 per month for Ozempic and $1,349 per month for Wegovy. While the two drugs have the same active ingredient, the former is typically used to treat Type 2 diabetes and the latter is for weight loss and management.
Ozempic costs just $155 in Canada, $71 in France and $59 in Germany. Danish patients pay just $186 per month for Wegovy, while the medication costs $137 in Germany and $92 in the U.K.
Sanders' report says that Novo Nordisk's prices are "especially egregious" considering the fact that the company could make a profit off manufacturing them for less than $5 per month.
"The unjustifiably high prices of these weight loss drugs could also cause a massive spike in prescription drug spending that could lead to an historic increase in premiums for Medicare and everyone who has health insurance," said the senator. "There is no rational reason, other than greed, for Novo Nordisk to charge Americans struggling with obesity $1,349 for Wegovy when this same exact product can be purchased for just $186 in Denmark."
The report cites the North Carolina state health plan's decision last month to end coverage for Wegovy and similar medications.
The plan administrators "estimated that continuing coverage for Wegovy at its current price would require them to double insurance premiums. Faced with impossible choices, the health plan eliminated coverage," reads the report.
The reason nearly 20,000 teachers and other state employees in North Carolina lost access to the drugs, the report emphasizes, "was not because there were not enough drugs to meet demand, but because Novo Nordisk refused to lower prices to make those drugs widely available."
Thirty-five state Medicaid programs do not cover the medications at all, the HELP Committee noted, due to the price.
"As important as these drugs are, they will not do any good for the millions of patients who cannot afford them," reads the report. "Further, if the prices for these products are not substantially reduced, they have the potential to bankrupt Medicare, Medicaid, and our entire healthcare system."
The committee found that if Novo Nordisk made the U.S. price of Wegovy equal to what Danish patients pay, the healthcare system could pay for new weight loss drugs for 100% of adults with obesity annually for less than what it costs to cover just 25% of those patients at the current drug prices.
The healthcare system would save up to $317 billion per year, according to the committee's modeling.
The report was released days after Sanders appealed to the Danish government in the pages of one of the country's largest newspapers, Politiken, calling on officials to force Novo Nordisk to lower U.S. prices.
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"As many Danes may know, I have long admired the welfare system that has been built up in Denmark," wrote Sanders. "When I was a candidate for the presidency, I often pointed out that the United States could learn a lot from Denmark in terms of access to healthcare and education, as well as respect for the environment and workers' rights. There is a reason why Denmark is considered one of the happiest places on Earth in international surveys. The Danish people should be proud of what you have managed to achieve."
"So now I want to appeal to the people of Denmark and the charitable foundation that owns this hugely profitable company," he continued. "Help the American people do something about the epidemic of obesity and diabetes we are facing."
Pelle Dragsted, a member of Danish Parliament for the Red-Green Alliance and a democratic socialist, applauded Sanders' op-ed.
"Healthcare is a human right," said Dragsted on Monday. "Having an illness should never be the ruin of anyone. Our message to Novo Nordisk is clear: Choose basic decency and social responsibility over profit—lower your prices in the U.S."
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leftist-bitch · 3 months
my new political conspiracy theory is that the parties keep running old ass dinosaurs so that they won't have to pay for all the post presidency secret service and stuff for as long
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