#peak Feanor
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eri-pl · 9 months ago
TIL the Oath is in alliterative verse and I had to share it.
(bold: where I think the beats are)
Be he foe or friend, be he foul or clean, brood of Morgoth or bright Vala, Elda or Maia or Aftercomer, Man yet unborn upon Middle-earth,
neither law, nor love, nor league of swords, dread nor danger, not Doom itself, shall defend him from Fëanor, and Fëanor's kin, whoso hideth or hoardeth, or in hand taketh, finding keepeth or afar casteth a Silmaril. This swear we all: death we will deal him ere Day's ending, woe unto world's end! Our word hear thou, Eru Allfather! To the everlasting Darkness doom us if our deed faileth. On the holy mountain hear in witness and our vow remember, Manwë and Varda! 
Older version
Be he friend or foe   or foul offspring of Morgoth Bauglir,   be he mortal dark that in after days   on earth shall dwell, shall no law nor love   nor league of Gods, no might nor mercy,   not moveless fate, defend him for ever   from the fierce vengeance of the sons of Fëanor,   whoso seize or steal of finding keep   the fair enchanted globes of crystal    whose glory dies not, the Silmarils.   We have sworn for ever! 
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The real tragedy of the kinslayings is that it’s just so fucking stupid. It’s about 3 shiny jewels. And that criticism goes for both sides.
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jolidei · 6 months ago
Curufin : you promised me you wouldn't fall in love with anyone else.
Celegorm : Yes, but it happened.
Celegorm and Curufin as Thomas and Lucille Sharpe.
Luthien as Edith and Beren as Alan.
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doodle-pops · 1 year ago
Feanor’s going to intimately know how Finwe felt with Indis if he actually left Nerdanel for the reader 😂
Definitely! Imagine bringing it up and teasing his tantrum when he learned of his father and Indis 🤣
Reader: I thought you were against remarrying?
Feanor cold sweating because you're right: I never said that.
Reader: Your father and Indis, plus you left Nerd—
Feanor: Never happened. You're delusional, probably hit your head. I love only you, accept my heart 😍
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paradife-loft · 2 years ago
kind of belated for CaranthirDayPosting, but I really do need to crawl into the professor's skull at some point and root around in there for some answers on what the fuck is going on with naming a kid Dark Finwe when you live in fucking Trees-era Valinor
what meaning is "dark" gesturing at there, sir, please explain to me, I need details
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batsyforyou · 1 year ago
Mini Headcanons for Squishing their Cheeks Elves Addition + One Maia
Tags: Dramatic kisses, Squishing faces, crack?
Author's note: I already stated in my cod part of this but random nonsense is todays order lol.
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Squishing and kissing Glorfindel’s cheeks.
would do the same to you. Squish your cheeks and return your kisses. The affection makes Erestor sick lol 
Squishing and kissing Lindir’s cheeks
equals red tomato. He is embarrassed but loves it. Prays Elrond isn't around and that Erestor doesn't hear of it. Eventually he does grab a hold of your hands and kisses them.
Squishing and kissing Feanor’s cheeks
would equal in Dot. Dot. Dot. Blink. Would let it happen for like five seconds if it's in his office but if you try that with him in the forges your affections will get rejected a bit rudely. But don't take it to heart the forge it his main love lol
Squishing and kissing Celebrimbor’s cheeks
Would include baby melting into your touch. Giving you his best doe eyes + heart eyes while listening to your giggles. If it's in the forge he drops everything and freezes before he gets a hold of himself. Though his first reaction is freak out and get you away from what he’s working on. Because it's hot and potentially dangerous. But after that he kisses you with the passion only a feanorian can have.
Squishing and kissing Fingon’s cheeks
he pouts cutely and after getting his lips kissed he’d grin and move to tickle your sides. 
Squishing and Kissing Eönwë cheeks
You curl your finger and gesture for the tall maia to bend down to your height. Curious he raises a brow and accommodates you. Is shocked and surprised when you squish his cheeks and begin kissing him so dramatically. He flushes red embarrassed. Might even spot a judgemental Mairon peaking over his shoulder. “My love please.” Despite his 'disapproval' he lets you do what you want. His wings melting into the floor while listening to your happy giggles.
Squishing and Kissing Finrod's Cheeks
you tug on his hair and give him a good deep kiss to entice him closer before squishing and kissing his cheeks with vigor. He laughs and squeezes your hips and lifts you into his arms to set you on his shoulder. Showing off his strength and then it's his turn to laugh as you go bright red in the face.
Overall most of them can do without their faces getting squished lol.
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swanmaids · 2 years ago
The reason none of us are normal about the Silmarillion after reading it is because it’s about so many things. Even disregarding the Histories and the Unfinished Tales, the Silmarillion is about doom and brutal defeats and generational curses and fatal flaws and the breaking of cycles. It’s about flawed gods and family feuds and love that defies fate and the inevitable loss of all things beautiful. It’s about looking back thousands of years at the men and women of myth and legend. It’s about the wrenching tragedies and the glimmers of hope, it’s Feanor putting the first torch to the swan ships and Turin falling on his own sword, Fingolfin despondent summoning Morgoth to come out and face him and Beren and Luthien stealing a silmaril from his crown, Elwing saved against all odds and hope and Earendil climbing to the peak of the gods to plead for mercy - and winning it. And it’s also about getting naked and death battling a werewolf with your teeth.
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dutifullythoughtfulrebel · 7 days ago
Findis chooses to be a "holy woman" and live in the snow-capped peaks of the Pelore. One day: May I Enter sister a known and loved voice asks Yes you may Findis says. Feanaro would be theone to climb this mountain just to see her. Her other siblings don't (she doesn't want them to) Makalaure's showing a talent for Music feanaro says straight down to fact. I Want you to teach him. Oh- this might be one of the most meaningful things any one has ever said to her. I will Findis says what little i can she add laughing (For feanor never once doubted that his children would surpass their masters)
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thesummerestsolstice · 1 year ago
My Headcanon Crafts for the House of Fingolfin:
Anaire: an architect. Very elegant in style; she designed a lot of Valinor's most beautiful classical guildhalls and ballrooms. She first met Fingolfin when she sought him out because she need a really nice stained glass window for one of her projects. She proposed to him by showing him a plan she'd made for their house.
Fingon: a glassworker like his dad! Unlike Fingolfin, instead of focusing on stained glass murals, he preferred more free form glassblowing and making sculptures. Other than some really flashy abstract stuff, his favorite works were little glass animals he liked to make for gifts. The first ones he made were two (slightly squished) doves for his parents.
Turgon: an architect. His designs were a lot more maximalist and fanciful, often based off of extremely beautiful and slightly surreal sketches. He designed basically everything in Gondolin, and the city was seen as the absolute peak of Noldor architecture, because everything there was legitimately awe-inspiring, from gravity-defying bridges to a minecart-based public transit system.
Aredhel: a hunter. But beyond that, she was well known for her incredible plants lore. From medicinal herbs to poison berries, she knew it all, and often made great use of it in the hunt. She often brought home fresh mushrooms and wild vegetables along with her latest kills for family dinners. She could also make a mean spiced rabbit.
Argon: an animal healer. He's a caring, gentle soul by nature, even if he's a bit excitable, and he's very good at getting animals to calm down. He always liked working with them, and decided that helping them was what he wanted to dedicate his life to. He'd often come home from the woods as a kid with an injured bird or rabbit and big pleading eyes.
Bonus! But sadder this time. Fingolfin left his little glass dove with Fingon before he went off to challenge Morgoth. It eventually ended up in Galadriel's hands because she was one of Fingon's only surviving relatives, and ended up inheriting a lot of his things. She gave it to Finarfin so he could take it back to Valinor and return it to Anaire. The doves were reunited. Eventually, so were their owners.
Headcanon Crafts for Finwe and his Children, the House of Feanor, the House of Finarfin, and the rest of the House of Finwe.
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peasant-player · 3 months ago
Sneak peak for my spicy wrapped up Christmas elves for you all
Pic and a question under the cut ~ ❤️
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I'm drawing Feanor,Fingolfin and Finarfin as little spicy presents ❤️
But as you can see I have one space FREE!
Who you would like to have as a extra present wrapped up ?
I finish the drawings on Sunday and I post them on the 24/25/26 and I give you lovelies one extra if you tell me who you would like ~
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eri-pl · 6 months ago
Silm reread 7: the Darkening of Valinor
So Melkor loses his shapeshifting "soon after" he runs away from Valinor (hiding from Tulkas and Orome), but when exactly? I suppose when he empowered Ungoliant. Because later he doesn't disembody or go in spirit form again.
Yes, he takes his big bad form to talk with her— and so he stays. Forever, says the book.
Ungoliant is afraid of Aman and of the Valar. :D
Melkor promises her a lot, with no intent to keep it. I feel like this may have something to do with him being so much nerfed after the situation, unable to take his power back from her (if it would be possible anyway) and almost eaten.
The Valar do like to take CoI-like forms and eat and drink (and celebrate in general I suppose). It is canon.
Feanáro is ordered to come to the party. Huh. why? who thought they had the authority to do it? the book doesn't say, so maybe it was Ingwë, this would make sense and I see why he would think it was a good idea.
Finwë is still upset, and as long as Fefe is banished, he does not want to meet his people. So again, Fingolfin doesn't feel very usurpy to me here.
…and despite being named "Wise", he overtalks Feanáro too. :( This time it doesn't result in Fefe getting upset, but in a badly worded promise.
Ungoliant eats the trees, gets so big and ugly that even Melkor is terrified of her.
Darkness mentioned again!!!
(googling the english text of this part)
The Light failed; but the Darkness that followed was more than loss of light. In that hour was made a Darkness that seemed not lack but a thing with being of its own: for it was indeed made by malice out of Light, and it had power to pierce the eye, and to enter heart and mind, and strangle the very will.
Oh. Darkness that is a thing. No, It *seems* to be a thing. (see: Theodicy and all that.)
I'll have to make a mass analysis of all the capital D Darknesses and how to connect them all (bind? no, we're not gonna do the bindy-bindy) to one concept. But I feel like they should be all facets of one thing concept.
Another thing (a thought for @dfwbwfbbwfbwf especially, I think): It's not "if". It's whenever their deeds started failing too much, Darkness fell upon them and entered heart and mind, and strangled the very will.
I don't think I'll subscribe to this HC, not fully, it makes things too easy, their hand was forced and I don't like their hand being forced.
But partially? This I will subscribe to. They did call upon something, something that seemed to be true, something that seemed to have the power to compel them. I think this reading is very close to Tolkien's intent, because it stinks of "this is how evil works".
Am I portraying Ungoliant as more evil than Melkor?
I think that at least in some aspect I am. Because she feels like something that is not entirely, well, that not entirely *is*. I don't know how to explain it better. And he was a Vala.
Can you stop being? Can you turn from a being to a non-being? I don't think so… I do not subscribe to the "Ungoliant was an uMaia" theory. I don't subscribe to any theory of "Ungoliant was [something that objectively exists]".
Ungoliant as Melkor's (self-inflicted but still real) trauma given a illusion of form by his power? Mmm. I like this one. I don't think it will be popular, but I do like it. (Or: his hatered, his jealousy, something like that, if you prefer. I don't think those are far apart from one another in this case.)
(Why is it easier to me when something evil-evil is not really real? Is it philosophy or my personality issues? Good question. I think there is some philosophy there too.)
Tulkas gets paralyzed by the spider-induced Darkness and Orome gets a "silence" spell on him. So, not only Melkor is defeated by a spider, he's just the most defeated.
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kitcat22 · 1 year ago
Was reading the Silmarillion again and now I’m in pain thinking of how the last thing Feanor saw before his spontaneous combustion was the peaks of Thangorodrim where Maedhros will be hung from.
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thelordofgifs · 2 years ago
Obscure Tolkien Blorbo: Round 1
Thuringwethil vs Mahtan
The vampire servant of Sauron whose cloak Lúthien uses as a disguise.
Her name means “Woman of Secret Shadow”, she's Sauron's herald, she takes the form of a vampire, it's implied she can shape-shift. Peak aesthetic!
The father of Nerdanel, wife of Fëanor.
Favourite of Aule, he was the only elf ever gifted a beard by him, because he was so dear to him above all others! Taught Feanor and Nerdanel, and refused to get tricked by Melkor. It’s from him that the few Feanorians get their red hair, too!
Round 1 masterpost
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doodle-pops · 18 hours ago
Hi !
Great work as always Mina! I enjoyed the last one with Glorfindel. That said I have a “special” ask lol…
The fem!reader in your stories can always c*m pretty easily. I was wondering how the elves would react to a partner who has some difficulty in that aspect?
It takes her longer or she needs to be very comfortable and needs to have a lot of trust to completely let go.
Sorry if I make mistakes! English is not my first language!
Have a nice day
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A/N: Yeah, I do have a thing for making reader peak quickly. hehe. It a thing of mine to make reader sensitive—let’s me have fun on the elves end. Don’t worry at all, love. I understood you perfectly. And thank you for enjoying that fic. I had loads of fun writing it!!
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Patient and understanding – Has no issue taking things slowly, ensuring you feel fully comfortable and safe. Your needs come first, and they never pressure.
— Fingolfin, Finarfin, Finrod, Gil-Galad, Elrond, Elladan, Elrohir, Galdor, Egalmoth, Rog, Ecthelion
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Gentle but encouraging – Reassures you with warmth and patience while subtly encouraging you to let go. They believe in you and wants you to feel as good as possible.
— Maedhros, Maglor, Fingon, Turgon, Angrod, Aegnor, Glorfindel, Beleg, Gwindor, Erestor, Celebrimbor
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Persistent but attentive – Determined but never reckless. They pay close attention to what you need, adapting to your comfort level while subtly pushing boundaries.
— Feanor, Curufin, Caranthir, Argon, Thingol, Maeglin
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Frustrated but tries – Struggles with patience but makes an effort. They genuinely care but has a harder time fully understanding and needs reminders to slow down.
— Celegorm, Amrod, Amras
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thecoolblackwaves · 11 months ago
Dying at "Family Orgy Thing (this sounds bad but it's Feanorians)" 😂please say more
😂 It's about as ridiculous, smutty, and taboo as it sounds lmao. I'll give you a snippet:
Maitimo wasn't sure if he ought to be angry or not. His drawer full of sex toys was unlocked and raided, his favorite purple jelly dildo missing. It was either being used for its intended purpose, or as blackmail, but either way, the person who had it was almost definitely Carnistar. He crept silently down the hallway towards the room Moryo and the Ambarussa shared - he got on with them quite peacefully despite the skip in birth order, while Curufin and Celegorm condensed their crazy to a different room, hence this arrangement - and snuck up to the closed door. He eased it open as slowly as posible while pinching the hinge to stop it from creaking, and peaked inside. Aha! There, on his brother’s nightstand, was the missing dildo. In plain view! He would have to tack on a discussion about age appropriate behavior around the twins onto the ones they would already be having about stealing personal possessions and sexual exploration.
I started this one night when I was feeling rather, ahem, horny, and it's kind of spiraled from there into anything and everything I can think of for the seven sons to do together, whether in pairs or as a group. Lots of exploration and new ideas and acrobatics and only one trip to the hospital so far. I'm also debating if I should add in Nerdanel and Feanor or not, perhaps in a sequel if I ever get that far.
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first-son-of-finwe · 2 years ago

I didn’t expect the elfnapping option to be the most popular, BUT 😅 it is! So now I want to speculate on a bunch of things. 
Firstly, who leads the Noldor and do they claim any title? The whole notion of ‘High King’ is up in the air here, because technically Finwë’s first in line is still alive. Fingolfin would need to tread very carefully to avoid accusations of opportunistic usurpation while his brother is in a dangerous situation.
Meanwhile, Maedhros can have just as much charisma and crowd persuasion ability as his father. So I can see him taking the de facto leadership role, with Fingolfin being supportive. What happens when the Finweans are all in Beleriand is another question.
Secondly, do the Valar and the Teleri help? In this scenario with an elf’s life at stake, it would seem pretty bad of them not to. However, I can see them both POTENTIALLY taking the “we need to wait, plan, not rush headlong into danger,” etc. stance., which Maedhros & Feanorian supporters wouldn’t be happy with. From there, we have some kinslaying opportunities. Would Maedhros go that far? I don’t know.
Then there’s the question of what Feanor is actually doing in Angband, and what Melkor wants him for. I think the options are, A) he dies relatively quickly because he’s just too much trouble to keep. B) Melkor just stashes him somewhere for hoarding. C) Melkor tries to make him craft more things. The Silmarils are supposedly not even the peak of what he’s capable of, so I can see Melk wanting first dibs on inventions.
Then, does Feanor have enough rationality right now to meticulously plan some escape? Could he iron man his way out, pretending to craft something while secretly building himself an escape device? This is pure wild speculation now, but I just think this scenario is sexy as fuck.
It also opens the door to eventually having every single Finwean in Beleriand, and all the SPICY political tension that could kick off as a result.
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