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uhcasual · 5 months ago
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All illustrations for The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Russian Edition Exclusives, Volume 5
Finally got my hands on the russian истари/Istari publication volume 5 for Mo Dao Zu Shi, so here are high resolution scans of the art exclusive to this particular edition. The art here portrays events that occur in the post-storyline extras.
Full resolution available for download here (tumblr compresses images a little)
Illustration Artist: Marina Privalova (Baoshan Karo)
[Vol. 1] - [Vol. 2] - [Vol. 3] - [Vol. 4] - [Vol. 5] (part 1)
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crustaceousfaggot · 3 months ago
Legitimately obtained ebooks will kill the patient. He needs dubious PDF download links to live.
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iniziare · 3 months ago
Download: Dragon Age (.PDFs)
With my return to Dragon Age, I've sought to get my hands on copies of some of Bioware's written works until I'm able to get my hands on the physical copies. And honestly, who would I be if I didn't share them with the community? So here I am, with some December offerings a little ahead of time. Please know that this post will be updated over-time with the franchise's complete written works. But without any further ado, have some Google Drive links— and if there's any issues with the DLs, don't hesitate to let me know.
Book: World of Thedas (V1, V2)
Book: Tevinter Nights
Comics: The Missing (P1, P2, P3, P4)
And as per usual, a reblog is appreciated to help spread this to people who might find use!
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heavenlyyshecomes · 2 years ago
recs directory
all my book / articles / film recs !! please check before sending an ask for recs <3 (this are mostly from 2020-22 so don't hesitate to ask for newer recs)
last updated: 13.04.2024
essay collections
short books for a reading slump
old wlw books
on generational trauma
social media accs for book recs women in translation MET art books on loneliness / pt. 2 lithub syllabi arthurian + atmospheric on internet culture gentle books underrated favs 2022 reads fav prose quarterly book recs summer reading list: 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 monsoon reading list: 2022 yearly tbr: 2022, 2023 random fiction, pt. 2, pt. 3*, pt. 4*, pt. 5*, nonfiction yearly fav reads: 2019*, 2021 on colour theory* drive link to books*
sff recs related tags: ref: mine, ref, book recs, book log
misc readings tag random recs
places to read articles related tags: readings, articles
short films horror films random recs fav first watches: 2022 related tags: movie log
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navramanan · 1 year ago
ok i'm curious,
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evilkaeya · 23 days ago
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he's so annoying (affectionate)
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 2 months ago
Hi. I'm Just wondering if you have any work by inkinmyheartandonthepage Thank you so much
Hi - so I previously answered this one I while ago - and referred the ask to fichub.
If you look HERE, and enter those names, most of them can be downloaded as pdf or whatever format you prefer. Any problems come back to me. ~Jen
For example:
Secrets in Ohio by inkinmyheartandonthepage
There is a secret in Lima, Ohio but not many people know about it. But Blaine is about to find out because Kurt's apart of it. KLAINE!
Humour/romance. I DON'T OWN GLEE! Just fluff really!
Here are pdf we have already, hopefully they work:
Prequel: Dalton Views by inkinmyheartandonthepage [PDF] [EPUB]
This is a prequel to Redefining Views so please check that one out first. Follows Kurt and Blaine’s developing relationship and their time at Dalton.
Redefining Views by inkinmyheartandonthepage [EPUB] [PDF]
Burt and Carol are getting closer and Finn has yet to meet Burt’s son, Kurt. Kurt isn’t like Finn, he’s the type of boy that Finn bullies. Finn and New Directions are about to meet the epic-ness of KLAINE!
Silence Speaks Louder Than Words by inkinmyheartandonthepage
Blaine is intrigued by the new transfer student Kurt Hummel. Kurt doesn't speak and Blaine wants nothing more than to hear his voice.
other fic:
the lake house
exploring the past
call of the sea
the Anderson pa
the klaine show
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letters-from-x · 1 year ago
Women's Writing: 2024 Reading Challenge
Up for a challenge?
I'll set four must-read books at the beginning of each month, one from each category: fiction or nonfiction pre-1950, 1950-2000, 2000+, and feminist nonfiction. All female writers. You pick one (or more) from the list to read that month.
What could possibly go wrong? ;)
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sketchydmitrix · 4 months ago
free access digital library
hi everyone i have been collecting pdfs/epubs/mobis recently and have been considering compiling them all into an online library (through MEGA)
would anyone be interested? so far I have books on social justice theory, short stories, computer science books, language books and art theory books!!
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kiisuuumii · 9 months ago
gone by lots of names in my life, but i like steph
↳ 25 ☆ she / her ↳ lover of poetry, baking, crochet, d&d, (and love) ↳ i write stuff (#☆) ↳ i also say stuff a lot (#★)
( pls dont dm me / asks are best ) ( mdni / 18+ ) ( do not repost my poetry on tumblr or any other platform pls )
( daily click for palestine ! ) ( click to help support other causes ! )
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troutfur · 2 months ago
I will say though, the Shifting Roots Kindle ebook got utterly messed up in the formatting. I am glad the ebook on the Roselin Books ko-fi shop is pay what you want for a minimum of $1. The layout is much nicer and more readable here. In the end it still came out to under $5, which even considering the fact dollars are worth 8x more for me, it's still a bargain in terms of buying a digital book.
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antspaul · 3 months ago
btw if you havent read theres always this year on basketball and ascension by hanif abdurraqib genuinely wtf are u doing. idgaf if you dont like basketball its not ABOUT liking basketball. read that fucking book
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zoanzon · 8 months ago
Perhaps controversial, but: why the hell do people wanna download fics as EPUBs? I'd vastly rather they be PDFs
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everygame · 5 months ago
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"One of the finest of his generation of critics"—Kieron Gillen (Die, The Wicked + The Divine) Fifty-two essays composing the very best of veteran video game developer and writer Mathew Kumar's "Every Game I've Finished" project, published for the first time in print with commentary from the author. Releasing October 21st, 2024 in print, and available for pre-order now for Kindle or as epub/pdf. Games covered include legendary icons (Wizardry: Proving Grounds Of The Mad Overlord), indie darlings (Papers, Please), beloved obscurities (Attack of the Friday Monsters!), Triple-A franchises (Mass Effect) and modern classics (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild). Essays take the form of everything from straight critique to strategy guide, and represent an overview of the state of the art in video games across its history distilled into ten years of highs and lows. A book that takes video games as seriously as any art form and as deserving of collected criticism. “Mathew’s project, to finish the games he plays, and to write about those he finishes, can be simply stated but it represents a noble act of critical commitment. When taken in concert, these reviews –– unflinchingly acerbic, truthfully stated, and deeply unconcerned with external factors of fashion or consensus –– provide both a diary of criticism, and a long view of the judders and lunges of this still-evolving medium; A charter, too, for what we might cherish, and what we might disdain, in this emergent art form.”–Simon Parkin (A Game of Birds and Wolves, Death By Video Game)
Phew! When I announced exp. 2601 I mentioned it was the ten year anniversary of Every Game I've Finished in 2024 and that it might be important, and here it is, a celebration of my last ten years of writing that you can buy as a book that you can own in your house. I didn't originally plan it this way! I intended to release Every Game I've Finished 14>24 as a (somewhat) quick and dirty ebook release, and I did the majority of the work at the beginning of the year pre-exp. 2601, but after realising it would only take a "little" more work to self-publish the book physically I decided if I was going to vanity press, I might as well do it for real.
Of course, it's taken a lot longer than I expected, but I finally have a proof in my hand that I'm satisfied with, and it really does look very nice. 
Vanity press or not, there are a few vectors to this release. Firstly, if you've ever enjoyed any of my writing of the past ten years, here's a nice way to support me and either get a lovely physical or handy digital edition. Secondly, if you haven't, here's a way to immediately get fifty-two of the best articles I've written which you can peruse at your leisure.
Thirdly, I just honestly think that there should be a culture of criticism around games just as there is for literally every other art form, and I think that this book existing makes as much sense as, say Clive James On Television, so I'm just fucking going for it.
That all said, Every Game I've Finished 14>24 is being released on October 21st 2024, and is being released in print on Amazon. I'm no happier about this than you are, but it's the simplest method. I would love to offer copies here on Ko‑fi for launch day, but they (sneakily) give author copies a long lead time and (of course) it's impossible to compete with Amazon's postage rates.
Amazon also--for bafflingly unclear reasons--won't allow me to offer a pre-order of the print edition, so please mark the date in your calendar or follow me on Bluesky or (spit) Twitter if you want to get a copy.
However! If you're just looking for the ebook, you can pre-order it on Kindle or epub/pdf right now! Subscribers will receive their shop discount on the digital edition, so don't forget you can support me for just $1 a month. This release has been, and I know it's a cliche, a real labour of love, just as Every Game I've Finished has been a labour of love for video games (even if it doesn't always read like it.) I can't wait for you to get your hands on it, and I'm so thankful for all of you who have joined me on this journey.
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techniktagebuch · 12 days ago
17. Februar 2025
Weniger Fehler, mehr Seiten: 11 Jahre Techniktagebuch
Das Techniktagebuch wird heute elf Jahre alt. Die Idee ist noch ein paar Tage älter, aber als Blog gibt es das Techniktagebuch seit dem 17. Februar 2014. Für Blogs ist das ein respektables Alter. Als wir damit angefangen haben, gab es dies und das noch nicht und jenes war auch noch nicht erfunden. (Die Beispiele, die hier hingehören, können sich alle selbst raussuchen, dafür machen wir ja die ganze Dokumentationsarbeit.)
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Das Titelbild hat Andreas Stahl mit Hilfe von Midjourney gestaltet. In der Redaktion wurde der Einwand geäußert: "Dadurch, dass alles sehr klein ist, kann der Eindruck entstehen, dass es aus Bequemlichkeit mit KI gemacht wurde, mit der Hoffnung, dass schon niemand so genau hingucken wird." Man darf aber ruhig den Eindruck haben, dass es aus Bequemlichkeit mit KI gemacht wurde. Genau so war es nämlich.
Die PDF-Ausgabe mit allen 8817 Beiträgen hat in diesem Jahr 16.178 Seiten. Eine EPUB-Gesamtausgabe (549 MB) gibt es auch, und auf manchen Geräten wird man sie vielleicht sogar öffnen und lesen können. Wer das zu unhandlich findet, kann die Best-of-Version lesen (211 Seiten PDF, 18 MB EPUB).
Die Links führen im Moment noch nicht zum Internet Archive, weil Fehler besonders gern direkt nach dem Hochladen sichtbar werden und das Ersetzen der Dateien im Internet Archive dann sehr zäh geht. Demnächst werden sie aber dorthin führen, wie auch schon bei den Buchfassungen aus den Vorjahren.
Das Buch hat in diesem Jahr wieder ein paar Fehler weniger, zum Beispiel fehlten in sämtlichen Vorjahren aus Versehen im PDF alle Angaben dazu, ob ein Beitrag anderswo erstveröffentlicht wurde. Außerdem sind viele Kleinigkeiten korrigiert worden.
Bestimmt sind neue Fehler dazugekommen, und alte existieren weiter, zum Beispiel hat die EPUB-Version immer noch an den meisten Stellen statt ordentlicher, verlinkter Fußnoten nur unverlinkte Sternchen*. Man kann uns gefundene Fehler aber gern schicken. Wir interessieren uns dafür und reparieren sie, vielleicht nicht gleich in der Ausgabe von 2026, aber voraussichtlich irgendwann. Es ist nicht alles besser geworden in diesen elf Jahren. Das Techniktagebuch aber schon.
* wie im Blog.
(Kathrin Passig)
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allamericanb-tch · 8 months ago
what fic should i make my friend read next
she’s read atyd and out of the blue so far, and she is currently reading choices but i want her to have a different fic prepared to read if she finishes choices while i’m gone
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