#or i would just send her a pdf or an epub of it
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allamericanb-tch · 8 months ago
what fic should i make my friend read next
she’s read atyd and out of the blue so far, and she is currently reading choices but i want her to have a different fic prepared to read if she finishes choices while i’m gone
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 1 year ago
Hii I’m looking for a fic where Kurt and Blaine are happy, married to each other and have beautiful kid/s but THEN something happens! Klaine endgame ofc.
Similar ones I read are: “Heartsounds”, “Hurricane”, “Interruptions” and I absolutely adore them
Thanks for your work💓
Here are some, they are married, I haven't checked if they have kids, but they definitely do in most of them. ~Jen
Hindsight by imaginentertain
Kurt is certain of many things, the most certain of all is Blaine. But certainties aren't always so
For this one, it's better to read the first part where they get together etc, but part two and one shot have more what you are looking for:
Better Knot Bow Tie Company: Act one by @gleefulpoppet
Blaine Anderson has been a Better Knot Bow Tie Company monthly subscriber for years. He's taken a hiatus from Broadway to facilitate the Journey Performing Arts School's summer program in New York. What happens when a zany bow tie sets off a chain reaction of events that may change their futures forever?
Better knot bow tie Company: act Two By @gleefulpoppet
Blaine and Kurt knew their happily ever after would come one moment and one day at a time. What they never anticipated, though, was that, sometimes, happily ever afters come in the most unexpected ways. Just a few days after their second wedding anniversary, they are faced with a question that could turn their world upside down.
also Better Knot Bow Tie Company: Act Two [One-shot: Hawaiian Roller Coaster]
One wonderful family night, while watching Lilo and Stitch with the kids, Kurt and Blaine are shocked when the last person they ever expected to hear from again suddenly sends three frantic texts. It's Stella. How will they react to her news? This takes place one night sometime before Chapter 16 of Better Knot Bow Tie Company: Act Two
Works in Progress by iliketowriteaboutklaine  
After saying their vows in November, follow Kurt and Blaine through the adventure that is their first year married. Follow them through the ups and downs that accompany them from a fight to Blaine being accepted into NYU to moving back to New York and everything in between.
Snapshots by @borogroves
August 27, 2044. They say a picture paints a thousand words… and Kurt and Blaine have a whole scrapbook.
Everyday by whatIknew  [PDF/EPUB]
A few days after their 2nd wedding anniversary, Kurt is in an accident and falls into a coma. Blaine struggles with the decision to let him go, and the night before they��re set to pull the plug, Kurt wakes up. One problem: He thinks it’s 2008 and that he is 14 years old. No New Directions, no Finn and Carole, and no Blaine. Blaine helps Kurt try to remember his old life while they consider starting a new one.
If you want an agsty one where they aren't yet married:
Lovesong by andiheardeverything
A hate crime leaves Blaine damaged and Kurt refuses to let it bring them down.
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lindseybyrd · 2 years ago
I'm a historian and an author, and something that I do a lot for my day job is take scans of written documents, run them through an OCR and then search through those documents for relevant information blocks to help me find (for instance) every time the word "tuberculosis" has been used in an old 1980s archival resource I took a picture of at an archive.
This process of scanning data, or using OCRs is not uncommon - it's been around for ages! And for well over a decade it has plenty of non-horrible use associated to it. It gets behind any kind of "image only" blurring that a document or book might have and allows for a deeper analysis of the contents. It will be a lot harder to do this kind of research analysis should that technology ever disappear as a result of people using it maliciously to steal and "filter" an author's work by getting access to the text in a moveable form.
That said, I am increasingly looking forward to something like Glaze (the anti-AI art tool), but for writing. The only way I can see it working for books/written text is to destroy the process OCR uses. (This wouldn't affect it if someone took a photo of a page and uploaded it into an OCR machine, but it would absolutely slow down anyone using pre-made PDFs, epubs, or other similar files). And, depending on legislation that may or may not change: OCR as we know it might change to stop people from using it to capture text in the first place.
There are many innocent reasons to use an OCR in order to get at the text of a document, but using that text and plugging into a filter, submitting it to an AI, feeding the information into something that will then mine that data for alternative purposes? Absolutely unethical and wrong. Feeding an AI without an author's permission is theft, plain and simple. Anything you do that contributes to that process is a part of the problem.
And even if the person who put this book through a filter that is not an AI capable of using that data generatively, even if it is a simply coded system that highlights and quantifies each adverb:
Consider, not sending such a message to the published author who provided a service to you, and simply move on.
If you personally don't like adverbs...that is okay! No one is stopping you from liking adverbs. But to hunt down an author's personal blog and complain about adverbs after you admit to potentially enabling the theft of her work in the frist place? It's just rude.
I'm not going to reply publicly because I'd inevitably get accused of bullying for failing to protect the sender from the consequences of their actions when my followers got a hold of them.
But if you're going to send me a message along the lines of "I like your novel, but I ran it through a filter, and you use too many adverbs, you should consider using less" I hope you know I'm killing you with my mind.
Just mentally holding you underwater until the thrashing stops.
Hope that helps.
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firstfullmoon · 4 years ago
Ok! That is it! I absolutely have to get my grubby little paws on some of Ada Limón’s poetry. Any suggestions on the best place to start? x
I have pdfs/epubs of almost all her collections if you’re interested, just drop in my dms and give me an email address and I’ll send them to you :) from my order of preference, I would say start with Bright Dead Things which is definitely her best one, then The Carrying, then Sharks in the River
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roadtoeboyado · 5 years ago
@ Tagging Game
i was tagged by the awesome @serialreblogger !
rules: tag 10 people you think would like to be tagged, and copy/paste the asks into a new post. Answer all/as many of them as you want!
1. do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen? i actually prefer to write and work with blue gel pen, but i plan to get a good fountain pen soon to practice calligraphy properly
2. would you prefer to live in the country or in the city? in the city for now, but i frequently daydream about living in Italy with @etspera, close enough to the ocean to go spear fishing in the mornings
3. if you could learn a new skill, what would it be? machine sewing. i need to learn it, but i never have the time/energy to just sit my ass down and do it...
4. do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? i need at least 3 teaspoons of sugar to drink my coffee
5. what was your favorite book as a child? i really liked Lois Lowry books (Number the Stars and The giver were my favourite) and The Little Prince by  Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was really important to me, but my  absolute favourite was The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I reread it so many times I could quote parts of it word for word.
6. do you prefer baths or showers? showers, but only bc our tub is tiny. one time i was over at my friend and she had a gigantic tub and i was soaking in cold water for hours and it was glorious
7. if you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be? vampire. i’d have time for everything i could watch history happen for centuries!! not to mention the drama
8. paper or electronic books? i have no problem with reading books as epub/pdf, but my favourites i always get in a nice edition
9. what is your favorite item of clothing? i have a thin maroon shirt and it has the coolest hood ever. i’m actually really concerned what will i wear if it get’s too old...
10. do you like your name? would you like to change it? nah, i really hate it actually, but i’m unsure what i’d prefer instead
11. who is a mentor to you? you guys get mentors ???
12. would you like to be famous? if so, what for? maybe for my writing or art? but like famous in the “having a legacy” and not the “being a celebrity” sense
13. are you a restless sleeper? oh yeah, i wake up multiple times during the night and turn and move around a lot
14. do you consider yourself to be a romantic person? nah
15. which element best represents you? fire? or if we go by Naruto elements (as we should) then lightning. i really really like lightning
16. who do you want to be closer to? no one, i just want to keep my friends as close as they are, that’s much harder
17. do you miss someone at the moment? no
18. tell us about an early childhood memory. so i was a big fan of the Harry Potter books and was very excited about the fifth book. My sister, who was six years older than me got the book first, and no matter how much i pleaded, our parents were like “one book is enough, learn to share”. The problem was three fold; A, i was a significantly faster reader than her B, i was much more invested in the Harry Potter series C, we were bitter enemies and this situation delighted her. Usually she kept to herself in her room, but now? Now she started to spend time in the living room, or at the dinner table, just slowly reading, frequently looking at me with a smile as i seethed in silence. One day i was sitting at the table, glaring at her as she was laying on a thick rug in the living room, our baby ittle bother between her arms. She had the book open in front of them but she was just playing with him, not actually reading it. She was just sending me a smug look as she turned a page, when my adorable little brother (who was like. one) slammed his little fist onto the page and ripped it clean off. time. stood. still. Then my sister laughed hysterically, i started to creech like a pterodactyl and my little brother was so confused he cried. this is my villain origin story
19. what is the strangest thing you have eaten? probably the fried frog legs, but i actually had to ask around the office. imho the fried pork brain was the weirder dish
20. what are you most thankful for? for all the art in my life, my ability to appreciate art
21. do you like spicy food? yesssss, there is nothing better than a spicy curry
22. have you ever met someone famous? a few times, but usually other people had to tell me they were famous lmao
23. do you keep a diary or journal? nah, i tried a few times but it’s not for me
24. do you prefer to use pen or pencil? pen
25. what is your star sign? aquarius sun, sagittarius moon, scorpio rising
26. do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy? mostly crunchy, but there is one i always let to soak for a few minutes and then eat it like a soup. it’s a real problem
27. what would you want your legacy to be? something helpful, something for those that will come after us
28. do you like reading? What was the last book you read? oh yeah, i’m always reading something. the last book was Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender and i loved it very much, even though i usually don’t like romance
29. what are you afraid of? being ignored, irrelevant and out of touch
30. what is your favorite scent? the sea
31. do you address older people by their name or surname? surname. like i don’t call anybody by their given name until they say i should, it actually makes things awkward sometimes
32. if money was not a factor, how would you live your life? in a small house near the ocean in Italy of course
33. do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? take a wild guess
34. what would you do if you found $50 in the ground? like i would probably look around, and if someone obviously is distressed/looking for it i’d probably give it to them, but otherwise? lunch is on me friends
35. if you were to get a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? i just got one actually! It says Liberté, Équité, Ou la Morte. I didn’t want to write out Fraternité, so the words are around the assassin’s symbol (as in “brotherhood”)
36. what can you hear now? the noise of the office. it could get overwhelming fast, so i might take a smoke break soon
37. where do you feel the safest? when i know i’m completely alone
38. if you could travel back to any era, what would it be? i mean. how long can i stay? if the answer is years, i’d go to America just before the revolution, then hop over to France for their revolution & Napoléon’s reign
39. what is your most used emoji? i actually really hate emojis? like nothing could replace a good old :D
40. describe yourself using one word. critical
41. what do you regret the most? who i was when i was young. like i know it was a relatively good outcome with my childhood, but still. not cool
42. last movie you saw? Hamilton! and it was great and i urge everyone to pirate  it and watch it
43. last tv show you watched? Community. A friend was over at my place this weekend and she wanted to watch it so much
44. invent a word and its meaning: thalaessen - the bond you forge with fictional people and worlds
okay, i’m gonna tag @etspera, @haythamsama, @bunnymoss and  @joshg1973 but if anyone wanna give it a try feel free (and don’t forget to tag me)!
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comradesklaine · 5 years ago
★★★ Here I Am, Honey by luckie_dee When Blaine Anderson visits Kellerman's Mountain Home with his family in the summer of 1963, he isn't expecting anything more than days in the sun and games of croquet, but when he and his cousin Rachel meet the staff dance instructors, his plans get thrown for a loop. Blaine's family vacation might just end up being the time of his life. A Klaine Dirty Dancing AU. 
Another Life by wintercreek It’s a typical Wednesday. Except for the part where Kurt’s in a suit, wearing the glasses he got last spring but usually only wears just before bed and in extreme contact solution shortages, and miming some sort of imperious dialog with an empty chair.
you go to my head by regala_electra Cuddly tipsy friends celebrating and enjoying inappropriate times together.
life tearing at the seams by regala_electra It’s amazing how the right distressed designer wear can be mistaken for something one of the dangerous kids would wear. Kurt Hummel, one of the outcasts of McKinley High, dreams of leaving Lima behind. Then Blaine Anderson transfers during Kurt's senior year.
Pavlovian by rospeaks Kurt uses kisses as positive reinforcement without even realizing it. This is very detrimental in the kitchen, unfortunately.
Somebody Kind by robotsfighting Kurt is sick; Blaine is very insistently helpful.
To the Moon and Back by idoltina Blaine Anderson is four when he decides he wants to be an astronaut.
Since The Day We Found You by robotsfighting The Hummel-Hudson house feels like home to Blaine, in a way that his own house never has.
education in harmony by blackmustache Blaine doesn't meet Kurt during his sophomore year at Dalton - but fate intervenes and makes sure they still cross paths a little later in their lives.
Lamb in The Wood by idoltina Six years after New Directions graduates from William McKinley High School, Kurt and Blaine share an apartment in New York. In the early hours of the morning, a phone call from Quinn rocks their world. • warning for character death (artie)
Intertwined and Overrun by idoltina Blaine is nineteen and home for the summer, a newly minted college sophomore. The hospital lights are blindingly bright, but the world has never been darker.
Let it Snow by santaklaine Kurt pinpoints the very moment his heart stops while on vacation at a ski resort with Blaine over the holidays. The vacation gets better after that.
Life and Times of Author B.A. Dalton by oncetwiceforevr Blaine Anderson (aka B.A. Dalton) is a writer from Los Angeles. Kurt Hummel changes him. 
The Boy on The Seesaw by regala_electra He’s gay. It’s not the end of the world. He’s pretty sure of that, at least he thinks so, and he’s trying to figure it out, but deep down he always knew, even before he had a real word to put there, pinning over his heart three letters gay and the world’s changed forever. Blaine Anderson's life as seen through several memorable summers and a conversation before his 16th summer vacation.
It’s Only Time by warble_on The summer before Kurt is to leave for college in New York, he creates a way to keep close to Blaine when they’re apart. 
Runner!Klaine verse by YourFairyGodfather Kurt is running his very first marathon for Reasons (and they're really good ones. Probably). Blaine is a marathon junkie with a total disregard for how good looking he is at seven in the morning (or in spandex pants). It's a good thing they're made for each other, because there are 26 more miles to the finish line.
In the Haze by oncetwiceforevr Blaine Anderson is a firefighter in NYC. One day, he meets Kurt Hummel. This is their story.
One’s Impossible, Two is Dreary by Lokei Kurt’s voice in his ear is warm and evens out all of the jagged edges on Blaine’s insides. “I’m back early from Callbacks and wanted to make sure to respond to you before it got too late. Care to explain this text?”
In Sickness and in... by flaming_muse There’s just Blaine, his hot pillow, and the heavy winter clouds pressing down on his chest. Futurefic.
Not The Boy Next Door by wordplay Blaine Anderson is a struggling musician with a new job. This is the story of everything he finds there. • fic is kinda incomplete without the images but they’re still within the pdf/epub, *here*
One Foot In Front Of The Other by apropensityforcharm 6x11 reaction. In which Blaine’s first day at NYU isn’t too great, until Elliott shows up. 
History Books Forgot About Us by apropensityforcharm 6x05 reaction. Ten teeny tiny moments of beautiful, ordinary love between Kurt and Blaine. Inspired by the Heads Up game in the elevator. 
★★★  Stunning and Cadaverous by rm (arem) AU. Blaine's back home in Lima because his father is dying. He meets Kurt for the first time in the Lima Bean when he accidentally spills coffee all over him. Turns out Kurt's a funeral director. But that's not really the strangest thing about either of them.
Eventually I’ll Get the Guy by mailroomorder When Blaine goes to college and moves into the dorms, there are a few things that are more difficult than expected; it's hard to jerk off when you're living in a dorm surrounded by people, and it's even more frustrating when the person you're fantasizing about is your roommate.
Extended Families by imaginentertain Blaine has an interesting relationship with his boyfriend's father
that was then; he is now by villiageidiot Now that there's Blaine, everything's different.
Ink verse by orphan_account Meet cute AU: Blaine is a florist and Kurt is a tattoo artist from the shop next door.
To Shake the Pride of Angels by Cimmerians Kurt and Blaine have never met. Until they do.
Puppy Kisses by hdarchive He’s determined to be the most romantic husband in the entire world, chocolates and roses and puppies included.
unexpected by klaineanummel Blaine Anderson was just about the last thing Professor Kurt Hummel expected out of a TA. • one of the softest blaines written i wanna cry just thinking about him
TattooArtists!Klaine verse by alilactree
On My Way (To You) by MakerOfAnarchy Blaine pines after Kurt Hummel for an entire year before fate steps in and gives him just the nudge he needed.
Encounters by orphan_account Kurt and Blaine have a one night stand at a club. Then they start to see each other randomly around the city as if some strange force keeps trying to bring them together.
The Littlest Vows by rainjoyswriting Blaine is afraid of spiders. Kurt helps.
Cooper Anderson, D.D.S. by luckie_dee Blaine has a loose tooth, and Cooper plans to use it to further his future career as an actor.
Someone Marches Brave by Lexie The aftermath of multiple elections isn't easy to handle.
Starcrossed by thefatesallow (orphan_account) It is the Fourth Quarter Quell. Kurt, the Victor of the 98th Hunger Games, is braced to return for his second year as a mentor. All he hopes for is a quick Games so he can return home and battle his nightmares until the next year. But then Blaine Anderson is reaped.
The Sky Could Be Blue by JudeAraya Relationships with the Winged are as close to illegal as can be, but when Kurt Hummel hires Blaine Anderson to walk in his runway show, neither can deny their instant chemistry.
Testers by gleeficarchivepseud (andyetilienot) Kurt and Blaine find a new way to make money on the side.
(We’ve Got) Obsessions by gleeficarchivepseud (andyetilienot) “Tested” reaction fic.
A Mild Case of Vampirism by icedwhitemocha sometimes a teddy bear is just a teddy bear. this is not one of those times.
What They Say About The Third Time by a_simple_rainbow Blaine is a cinematography student who agrees to help some classmates out with their end of semester project. Kurt is a fashion student who agrees to help his high school friend, Artie Abrams.
Hate On Me Hater by rospeaks Kurt and Blaine are fashion critics in competition with each other. • p much just pwp lmaooo
Mistaken Identity by kurtiepie "How do you accidentally do something like that?" After a long day, Blaine comes home to find that his friend and roommate Sam has accidentally set him up on a blind date. 
The Tune Without The Words by FyrMaiden It's not Blaine's wings which make him special.
Down To The River by FyrMaiden Faith is an important part of Blaine's life, and he doesn't want to lose it.
Fire Forged Friends by kurtiepie "This is the worst bitter rivalry Kurt has ever been a part of." After coming to the conclusion that she would rather be fear than play nice, Rachel corrals the New Directions into a fiercely competitive new mindset. Kurt doubts her methods, but goes along with them -- until the Warbler's leading man sends him a message, telling him it's 'crucial' that he sees him.
Soothe by Ladylywrites Blaine has a nightmare and calls Kurt.
All Your Curves And Edges by Ladylywrites Set after 'Tested'; Blaine opens up a little more about his feelings in the after glow of making up.
Blaine Anderson, Guerrilla Knitter at Large by madamemonday Blaine knits!!
Nine in the Afternoon by hedgerose Growing up and growing together.
Clandestine ‘verse by DasWarSchonKaputt The first words Kurt Hummel ever says to Blaine are, “Take the shot.” (spy!klaine)
All My Numbers by sweetiejelly Eight years later, at the urging of their friends, Kurt and Blaine try speed dating. It doesn't work. Until it does spectacularly.
We Should Be Woo’d by flowerfan Sam turns to Blaine for advice on how to help Spencer woo Alistair, but Blaine and Kurt are a little busy…
want to be wanted by sxndazed "What are you afraid of?" He looks up and meets her eyes. She'll prod until he answers, but she wants him to answer without having her do so. He sighs. "I'm afraid of not being enough."
Under Your Spell(ing) by notthetoothfairy Emotionally isolated skank!Kurt approaches Blaine at a church youth group meeting, and somehow ends up with more feelings than he can handle.
And now here they are by tinysocieties “I can’t wait to read it,” Blaine says, his expression open and sincere. Kurt feels fond all of a sudden. He can already tell it’s going to be a problem.
Emotions in Limine by whenidance Lawyer!Kurt, Paralegal!Blaine
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universal-equivalent-blog · 6 years ago
@tariqah It’s worth reading because it has a different take on the cause of capitalism-- one which I think is probably better than other explanations. The biggest thing that annoyed me was her rather glib critiques of 3rd-world understandings of the origin of capitalism and racism, the lack of substantive mention of colonialism, slavery, and the racial regimes it set up (for instance, she speaks mostly about Ireland-- which makes sense chronologically I suppose but if her argument is that capitalism represents a paradigm shift and that is why we can’t imagine that the transition to capitalism was already immanent within feudalism or absolutism then racism/colonialism represents just as much of a paradigm shift in terms of thinking about people as divided into species-races). Again, it isn’t that I don’t agree with some of her points, it’s that you can tell she doesn’t really understand the stakes of why people would take those positions because she’s white and a bit lazy on the topic of race. But anyway I think it’s worth reading despite this. Another minor issue is that it’s meant to be a “general overview” kind of book and so sometimes there’s a lack of citation.
Anyway, I actually have the ebook (as .pdf and .epub!) so just let me know which one you want and I’ll send. 
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thereaderbooks · 4 years ago
[PDF EBOOK EPUB] I Am Watching You (Download Ebook)
[PDF EBOOK EPUB] I Am Watching You (Download Ebook)
I Am Watching You
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[PDF] Download I Am Watching You Ebook | READ ONLINE
Author : Teresa Driscoll Publisher : Thomas & Mercer ISBN : 1542046599 Publication Date : 2017-10-1 Language : eng Pages : 293
To Download or Read this book, click link below:
Synopsis : [PDF EBOOK EPUB] I Am Watching You (Download Ebook)
What would it take to make you intervene?When Ella Longfield overhears two attractive young men flirting with teenage girls on a train, she thinks nothing of it—until she realises they are fresh out of prison and her maternal instinct is put on high alert. But just as she���s decided to call for help, something stops her. The next day, she wakes up to the news that one of the girls—beautiful, green-eyed Anna Ballard—has disappeared.A year later, Anna is still missing. Ella is wracked with guilt over what she failed to do, and she’s not the only one who can’t forget. Someone is sending her threatening letters—letters that make her fear for her life.Then an anniversary appeal reveals that Anna’s friends and family might have something to hide. Anna’s best friend, Sarah, hasn’t been telling the whole truth about what really happened that night—and her parents have been keeping secrets of their own.Someone knows where Anna is—and they’re not telling. But they are watching Ella.
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 4 years ago
Favorite Fics for Halloween
@grlnxtdr30 sent us an ask for our favorite supernatural!Klaine fics for Halloween. Here are our favorite ghost, vampire, werewolf, witch, and magic Klaine fics. Enjoy! - HKVoyage
All the Other Ghosts series by Rainjoy
It’s a big city for one more lost soul in a mask. Superhero AU.
Note: Read and download the pdf HERE or read on LJ Sequel: Grey on LJ or download the PDF Third in the verse:  Gloves and Masks
Ghost Verse by @sunshineoptimismandangels
Blaine moves to San Francisco a with a new job and a new home and bright hopes for his future and everything seems to be great for him, until he hears rumors that his new house is haunted. Soon Blaine is thrown into a life of fear, violence, romance and love. Will Blaine and Kurt find a way to be together or is Kurt really lost? ghost!kurt.
Too Late by @zavocado
When Blaine came out at sixteen, everything changed. Fifty years in the future, sixteen year old Kurt is still hiding himself away, lost in the misery of a friendless high school life with only the memories of a dark-haired, kind boy who helped him when his mother died. A story of lost chances, saviors, and how love transcends the limits of Time. soulmates!Klaine, AU
Callaway Place by @sunshineoptimismandangels
Callaway Place is an old coastal mansion filled with magic, history and secrets. To eleven year old Blaine Anderson it is the place he is forced to spend his summer vacation when he’d rather be anywhere else in the world. But a magic mirror and a spine-tingling enchantment soon have Blaine glad he came.
Kurt Hummel is a young boy growing up in a quiet little town hoping for a bigger future. He is holding onto secrets few know about, while learning about an ancient magic that will transform his life.
Kurt and Blaine’s lives intersect in the most unexpected way and they are both forever changed, but what will they do as they grown into young men and are unable to leave the magic of their childhood behind?
A Ghost Story by life42universe
All Kurt's life, he's been searching for proof that a person continues existing after death. Then, he meets a mysterious boy in a cemetery. Who is Blaine? What happened to him? How did he become so important to Kurt so quickly?
This is a story about love and timing and the kind of connection that comes around once in a lifetime.
Prepare yourself for all of the angst with a light at the end of the tunnel (metaphorically speaking).
Sequel: A Love Story
Erased by @lilyvandersteen
Kurt and his family move to a new house, where Kurt finds plenty of hidden treasures. They all seem connected with a boy that lost his life after a gay-bashing. Only, Kurt keeps seeing visions of him, and Brittany claims she can see the boy too. According to her, he’s not dead, just erased, and Kurt can bring him back to life. What?
High Spirits by Twitchy Squirrel
Halloween is fast approaching, and it's time for some ghoulish fun.
Twelve years ago, Blaine cheated on his boyfriend, Kurt.  Despite everything he tried, nothing he could do would make Kurt trust him again.  Fortunately, a meddling ghost has a plan to fix what should never have been broken.  
Things We Say In The Shadows by @spaceorphan18
Kurt Hummel is a near millennia old vampire who spends his days leading the vampires who live in his castle, defending against the Slayers. During the recent Slayer raid, one of them is caught and brought to Kurt. His new prisoner is not someone he expects, and will change Kurt's life in ways that he never imagined...
Scarlet Horizons by cindyloowho0105 
AU- When Kurt was attacked by rogue vampire Karofsky, he withdrew from everyone but his father. Desperate to help his son and out of ideas, Burt agrees to send Kurt to Dalton Academy, a school full of vampires, hoping against hope that by facing his fears Kurt will be abe to move on. Kurt just hopes he can survive the first day and resist the charms of a vampire named Blaine.
Sequel: Scarlet Destiny  reviews
Hounds of God by darkkixie 
Kurt is a werewolf hunter and protector of the small town of Lima. This has been his existant since he was a small boy until a new pack comes into the picture and everything around Kurt comes undone under the watchful eyes of an Alpha. KurtxBlaine, Werewolf Blaine COMPLETE
Big Moon Rising: Puppyverse by rainjoy [PDF/EPUB]
The gay teenage werewolf thing just got a hell of a lot more interesting.
For Which I Have to Howl by EmilianaDarling
Werewolf AU. Tension is rising in the pack, and having the very-human Kurt Hummel come to visit his brother and boyfriend is putting a strain on everyone. Having Blaine and Kurt mate should help the problem, but the process proves to be more complicated – both physically and emotionally – than either of them could have imagined.
"A hand on Blaine’s arm is enough to keep him in place. Physically, there is no way that Kurt could restrain Blaine from doing anything he wants. The gesture, however, is enough."
Spellbound by ItsNotEasyBeingQueen
The new music professor in town may just be the one to bring a magical spark back to the lonely bookshop owner.
Genie!verse by Knightlycat
Blaine Anderson doesn't believe in magic, but when he meets the mysterious Kurt he just might have to change his mind. Blaine knows Kurt doesn't belong in his well-ordered world, but he may end up being just what Blaine and his family need most. AU
Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered by notarelationship
After a whirlwind romance and an unexpected wedding, junior Vogue editor Kurt Hummel discovers some surprising things about his new husband, schoolteacher Blaine Anderson. Can these crazy kids make it work?
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lojiikuoiiper · 4 years ago
(EPub/PDF) Read I Am Watching You BY Teresa Driscoll
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Book Details :
Author : Teresa Driscoll
Pages : 293 pages
Publisher : Thomas & Mercer
Language : eng
ISBN-10 : 1542046599
ISBN-13 : 9781542046596
Book Synopsis :
Read Online and Download I Am Watching You .What would it take to make you intervene?When Ella Longfield overhears two attractive young men flirting with teenage girls on a train, she thinks nothing of it?until she realises they are fresh out of prison and her maternal instinct is put on high alert. But just as she?s decided to call for help, something stops her. The next day, she wakes up to the news that one of the girls?beautiful, green-eyed Anna Ballard?has disappeared.A year later, Anna is still missing. Ella is wracked with guilt over what she failed to do, and she?s not the only one who can?t forget. Someone is sending her threatening letters?letters that make her fear for her life.Then an anniversary appeal reveals that Anna?s friends and family might have something to hide. Anna?s best friend, Sarah, hasn?t been telling the whole truth about what really happened that night?and her parents have been keeping secrets of their own.Someone knows where Anna is?and they?re not telling. But they are watching Ella. .
Teresa Driscoll book I Am Watching You.
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shamelesshottubtheorist · 4 years ago
Drop Into Genius Pdf
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There are a whole ton of PDF, comic and eBook readers for Windows. Some of the big leagues include Calibre, Reader (Sony), Adobe Digital Editions, and Firefox epubReader. A lot of the aforementioned readers will handle other file types, but some of them leave a little something to be desired. Genius PDF, despite the name, is a universal reader application that can handle a whole bunch of file formats. The real allure of the app, is that it’s extremely lightweight and responsive.
Drop Into Genius Pdf App
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What is it and what does it do
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Genius PDF is a comprehensive and free eReader application for Windows. Unlike the name implies, it can handle a lot more than just PDFs including several eBook and comic formats. Its real appeal can be attributed to the lightweight setup as the app can load documents pretty fast, even faster than Adobe Reader. https://shamelesshottubtheorist.tumblr.com/post/642342093473382400/taisho-x-alice-for-mac.
https://shamelesshottubtheorist.tumblr.com/post/642342002198970368/lego-city-undercover-mac-free. Arriving at the station, Chase met, a new cop who is one of the few who know that Chase was the one who caught Rex last time. As the receptionist entered Chase into the system, Chase called Natalia, who since entering witness protection worked at Mercy Hearts Hospital as a paramedic. She asked why he's calling her, which Chase tells her Rex that is out, and he's making sure she's ok.
Quick and responsive
Loads all compatible file types quickly and efficiently
Includes different viewing modes and interaction tools like a content search function and more
Very minimal UI, opens a distraction free environment when reading eBooks
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Uses about 70MB of RAM while running, which isn’t too bad but is higher than other readers
Since this is an eReader I will address the supported file formats first. What type of files can Genius PDF handle? Well, here are the supported file types:
Image formats
Right, now that’s out of the way we can move on to the meat of the review. Genius PDF is pretty minimal in terms of design. In fact, if you’ve ever used Sumatra PDF it’s very similar, with exception to the fact that Sumatra doesn’t support the aforementioned image formats. Interestingly enough, when you take a look at the ‘about’ page in Genius, it lists Sumatra in the credits.
As the name implies, the main focus of Genius is the ever popular PDF support. Personally, I was quite surprised to find that Genius loads PDF files much faster than normal. You can zoom in and zoom out, search for specific text or phrases, and even print the related file. You can also view the open document in fullscreen mode, and rotate the document in clockwise or counter-clockwise patterns if you so desire. All the standard options are there too like open, save as, rename and more. If you want to share the file you can send it via email from directly within Genius.
As for eBooks, Genius PDF is a champ when opening them. My 1,500 page programming textbook (EPUB) opened and parsed in under a minute. When I open it via other readers it takes quite a bit longer, especially if I’m on a mobile device or tablet. When an eBook is open, the main user interface changes completely and turns even more minimal. Genius essentially offers a distraction free environment so you can focus on reading the material. You can use left and right virtual buttons to change pages or you can always use the appropriate keys on the keyboard. Text and content is automatically refreshed when the window is resized, which is incredibly useful when you switch to fullscreen mode.
Comics work great too, so long as they are formatted correctly (meaning as long as they are in a compatible format).
Furthermore, you can run multiple instances of Genius PDF at once which is always a plus if you want to read and compare content from several different files at once.
For an eReader it does use quite a bit of memory, weighing in at nearly 70MB of RAM usage.
Only on WindowsLike other solutions on our list, is an open source project that anybody can contribute to. It’s a free text editor that many programmers download purely to open when they need to quickly see code and paste one-off snippets from FTP clients without having to wait for their IDE to load. Large file editor for mac shortcut. The Mac version of the app is complemented by an iOS companion version that lets you check and edit code and spot issues while on the move.
Drop Into Genius Pdf App
Conclusion and download link
Genius PDF is a useful eReader application for Windows. Like a lot of other eReader apps out there, Genius is totally free. You can run multiple instances of the software at once, which is useful if you want to compare several different files at a time. Unfortunately, Genius does use about 70MB while running which is not exactly minimal in terms of system resources. That’s okay though, because the trade-off is certainly worth it, it loads all files relatively fast. There’s no bloatware to contend with while installing, and there are no advertisements while using the app. If you’re looking for a quick and responsive eReader for your desktop this one is worth checking out. However, we don’t recommend it. Why? Because we see little to no reason to get Genius PDF over Sumatra PDF.
Genius PDF is based on Sumatra PDF with the added ability of being able to view images… but lacks portability of Sumatra PDF. Portability is better than being able to view images in a PDF reader/eReader, especially considering image viewers handle the job of viewing images so there is very little need for the functionality in a PDF reader/eReader. If you like Genius PDF, we recommend you get Sumatra PDF instead.
Price: Free
Version reviewed: 1.0
Supported OS: Windows (XP, Vista, Seven)
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Download size: 1.92MB
VirusTotal malware scan results: 0/47
Drop Into Genius Pdf Reader
Is it portable? No
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axekerose54 · 4 years ago
[PDF] Download 13: Thirteen Stories That Capture the Agony and Ecstasy of Being Thirteen PDF
(PDF Kindle) [Download] 13: Thirteen Stories That Capture the Agony and Ecstasy of Being Thirteen EBOOK FREE DOWNLOAD (PDF Kindle) [Download] 13: Thirteen Stories That Capture the Agony and Ecstasy of Being Thirteen EBOOK EPUB DOWNLOAD
[EPUB & PDF] Ebook 13: Thirteen Stories That Capture the Agony and Ecstasy of Being Thirteen | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD
by James Howe.
Ebook PDF 13: Thirteen Stories That Capture the Agony and Ecstasy of Being Thirteen | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD Hello All, If you want to download free Ebook, you are in the right place to download Ebook. Ebook 13: Thirteen Stories That Capture the Agony and Ecstasy of Being Thirteen EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD in English is available for free here, Click on the download LINK below to download Ebook 13: Thirteen Stories That Capture the Agony and Ecstasy of Being Thirteen 2020 PDF Download in English by James Howe (Author).
Download Link : Download 13: Thirteen Stories That Capture the Agony and Ecstasy of Being Thirteen
Read More : Read 13: Thirteen Stories That Capture the Agony and Ecstasy of Being Thirteen
"If thirteen is supposed to be an unlucky number...you would think a civilized society could come up with a way for us to skip it." -- from "What's the Worst That Could Happen?" by Bruce Coville No one will want to skip any of the twelve short stories and one poem that make up this collection by some of the most celebrated contemporary writers of teen fiction. The big bar mitzvah that goes suddenly, wildly, hilariously out of control. A first kiss -- and a realization about one's sexual orientation. A crush on a girl that ends up putting the boy who likes her in the hospital. A pair of sneakers a kid has to have. By turns funny and sad, wrenching and poignant, the moments large and small described in these stories capture perfectly the agony and ecstasy of being thirteen.
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Let's be real: 2020 has been a nightmare. Between the political unrest and novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it's difficult to look back on the year and find something, anything, that was a potential bright spot in an otherwise turbulent trip around the sun. Luckily, there were a few bright spots: namely, some of the excellent works of military history and analysis, fiction and non-fiction, novels and graphic novels that we've absorbed over the last year. 
Here's a brief list of some of the best books we read here at Task & Purpose in the last year. Have a recommendation of your own? Send an email to [email protected] and we'll include it in a future story.
Missionaries by Phil Klay
I loved Phil Klay’s first book, Redeployment (which won the National Book Award), so Missionaries was high on my list of must-reads when it came out in October. It took Klay six years to research and write the book, which follows four characters in Colombia who come together in the shadow of our post-9/11 wars. As Klay’s prophetic novel shows, the machinery of technology, drones, and targeted killings that was built on the Middle East battlefield will continue to grow in far-flung lands that rarely garner headlines. [Buy]
 - Paul Szoldra, editor-in-chief
Battle Born: Lapis Lazuli by Max Uriarte
Written by 'Terminal Lance' creator Maximilian Uriarte, this full-length graphic novel follows a Marine infantry squad on a bloody odyssey through the mountain reaches of northern Afghanistan. The full-color comic is basically 'Conan the Barbarian' in MARPAT. [Buy]
 - James Clark, senior reporter
The Liberator by Alex Kershaw
Now a gritty and grim animated World War II miniseries from Netflix, The Liberator follows the 157th Infantry Battalion of the 45th Division from the beaches of Sicily to the mountains of Italy and the Battle of Anzio, then on to France and later still to Bavaria for some of the bloodiest urban battles of the conflict before culminating in the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp. It's a harrowing tale, but one worth reading before enjoying the acclaimed Netflix series. [Buy]
 - Jared Keller, deputy editor
The Only Plane in the Sky: An Oral History of 9/11 by Garrett Graff
If you haven’t gotten this must-read account of the September 11th attacks, you need to put The Only Plane In the Sky at the top of your Christmas list. Graff expertly explains the timeline of that day through the re-telling of those who lived it, including the loved ones of those who were lost, the persistently brave first responders who were on the ground in New York, and the service members working in the Pentagon. My only suggestion is to not read it in public — if you’re anything like me, you’ll be consistently left in tears. [Buy]
- Haley Britzky, Army reporter
The Body in Pain: The Making and Unmaking of the World by Elaine Scarry
Why do we even fight wars? Wouldn’t a massive tennis tournament be a nicer way for nations to settle their differences? This is one of the many questions Harvard professor Elaine Scarry attempts to answer, along with why nuclear war is akin to torture, why the language surrounding war is sterilized in public discourse, and why both war and torture unmake human worlds by destroying access to language. It’s a big lift of a read, but even if you just read chapter two (like I did), you’ll come away thinking about war in new and refreshing ways. [Buy]
 - David Roza, Air Force reporter
Stalingrad: The Fateful Siege: 1942-1943 by Antony Beevor
Stalingrad takes readers all the way from the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union to the collapse of the 6th Army at Stalingrad in February 1943. It gives you the perspective of German and Soviet soldiers during the most apocalyptic battle of the 20th century. [Buy]
- Jeff Schogol, Pentagon correspondent 
America's War for the Greater Middle East by Andrew J. Bacevich
I picked up America's War for the Greater Middle East earlier this year and couldn’t put it down. Published in 2016 by Andrew Bacevich, a historian and retired Army officer who served in Vietnam, the book unravels the long and winding history of how America got so entangled in the Middle East and shows that we’ve been fighting one long war since the 1980s — with errors in judgment from political leaders on both sides of the aisle to blame. “From the end of World War II until 1980, virtually no American soldiers were killed in action while serving in the Greater Middle East. Since 1990, virtually no American soldiers have been killed in action anywhere else. What caused this shift?” the book jacket asks. As Bacevich details in this definitive history, the mission creep of our Vietnam experience has been played out again and again over the past 30 years, with disastrous results. [Buy]
 - Paul Szoldra, editor-in-chief
Burn In: A Novel of the Real Robotic Revolution by P.W. Singer and August Cole
In Burn In, Singer and Cole take readers on a journey at an unknown date in the future, in which an FBI agent searches for a high-tech terrorist in Washington, D.C. Set after what the authors called the "real robotic revolution," Agent Lara Keegan is teamed up with a robot that is less Terminator and far more of a useful, and highly intelligent, law enforcement tool. Perhaps the most interesting part: Just about everything that happens in the story can be traced back to technologies that are being researched today. You can read Task & Purpose's interview with the authors here. [Buy]
 - James Clark, senior reporter
SAS: Rogue Heroes by Ben MacIntyre
Like WWII? Like a band of eccentric daredevils wreaking havoc on fascists? Then you'll love SAS: Rogue Heroes, which re-tells some truly insane heists performed by one of the first modern special forces units. Best of all, Ben MacIntyre grounds his history in a compassionate, balanced tone that displays both the best and worst of the SAS men, who are, like anyone else, only human after all. [Buy]
 - David Roza, Air Force reporter
The Alice Network by Kate Quinn
The Alice Network is a gripping novel which follows two courageous women through different time periods — one living in the aftermath of World War II, determined to find out what has happened to someone she loves, and the other working in a secret network of spies behind enemy lines during World War I. This gripping historical fiction is based on the true story of a network that infiltrated German lines in France during The Great War and weaves a tale so packed full of drama, suspense, and tragedy that you won’t be able to put it down. [Buy]
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Katherine Rondina, Anchor Books
“Because I published a new book this year, I've been answering questions about my inspirations. This means I've been thinking about and so thankful for The Girl in the Flammable Skirt by Aimee Bender. I can't credit it with making me want to be a writer — that desire was already there — but it inspired me to write stories where the fantastical complicates the ordinary, and the impossible becomes possible. A girl in a nice dress with no one to appreciate it. An unremarkable boy with a remarkable knack for finding things. The stories in this book taught me that the everydayness of my world could become magical and strange, and in that strangeness I could find a new kind of truth.”
Diane Cook is the author of the novel The New Wilderness, which was long-listed for the 2020 Booker Prize, and the story collection Man V. Nature, which was a finalist for the Guardian First Book Award, the Believer Book Award, the PEN/Hemingway Award, and the Los Angeles Times Award for First Fiction. Read an excerpt from The New Wilderness.
Bill Johnston, University of California Press
“I’ve revisited a lot of old favorites in this grim year of fear and isolation, and have been most thankful of all for The Collected Poems of Frank O’Hara. Witty, reflexive, intimate, queer, disarmingly occasional and monumentally serious all at once, they’ve been a constant balm and inspiration. ‘The only thing to do is simply continue,’ he wrote, in 'Adieu to Norman, Bon Jour to Joan and Jean-Paul'; ‘is that simple/yes, it is simple because it is the only thing to do/can you do it/yes, you can because it is the only thing to do.’”
Helen Macdonald is a nature essayist with a semiregular column in the New York Times Magazine. Her latest novel, Vesper Flights, is a collection of her best-loved essays, and her debut book, H Is for Hawk, won the Samuel Johnson Prize for Nonfiction and the Costa Book Award, and was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award and the Kirkus Prize for Nonfiction.
Andrea Scher, Scholastic Press
“This year, I’m so grateful for You Should See Me in a Crown by Leah Johnson. Reading — like everything else — has been a struggle for me in 2020. It’s been tough to let go of all of my anxieties about the state of the world and our country and get swept away by a story. But You Should See Me in a Crown pulled me in right away; for the blissful time that I was reading it, it made me think about a world outside of 2020 and it made me smile from ear to ear. Joy has been hard to come by this year, and I’m so thankful for this book for the joy it brought me.”
Jasmine Guillory is the New York Times bestselling author of five romance novels, including this year’s Party of Two. Her work has appeared in O, The Oprah Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Real Simple, and Time.
Nelson Fitch, Random House
“Last year, stuck in a prolonged reading rut that left me wondering if I even liked books anymore, I stumbled across Tenth of December by George Saunders, a collection of stories Saunders wrote between 1995 and 2012 that are at turns funny, moving, startling, weird, profound, and often all of those things at the same time. As a writer, what I crave most from books is to find one so excellent it makes me feel like I'd be better off quitting — and so wonderful that it reminds me what it is to be purely a reader again, encountering new worlds and revelations every time I turn a page. Tenth of December is that, and I'm so grateful that it fell off a high shelf and into my life.”
Veronica Roth is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Divergent series and the Carve the Mark duology. Her latest novel, Chosen Ones, is her first novel for adults. Read an excerpt from Chosen Ones.
Ian Byers-Gamber, Blazevox Books
“Waking up today to the prospect of some hours spent reading away part of another day of this disastrous, delirious pandemic year, I’m most grateful for the book in my hands, one itself full of gratitude for a life spent reading: Gloria Frym’s How Proust Ruined My Life. Frym’s essays — on Marcel Proust, yes, and Walt Whitman, and Lucia Berlin, but also peppermint-stick candy and Allen Ginsburg’s knees, among other Proustian memory-prompts — restore me to my sense of my eerie luck at a life spent rushing to the next book, the next page, the next word.”
Jonathan Lethem is the author of a number of critically acclaimed novels, including The Fortress of Solitude and the National Book Critics Circle Award winner Motherless Brooklyn. His latest novel, The Arrest, is a postapocalyptic tale about two siblings, the man that came between them, and a nuclear-powered super car.
David Heska Wanbli Weiden, Riverhead
“I’m incredibly grateful for the magnificent The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee by David Treuer. This book — a mélange of history, memoir, and reportage — is the reconceptualization of Native life that’s been urgently needed since the last great indigenous history, Dee Brown’s Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. It’s at once a counternarrative and a replacement for Brown’s book, and it rejects the standard tale of Native victimization, conquest, and defeat. Even though I teach Native American studies to college students, I found new insights and revelations in almost every chapter. Not only a great read, the book is a tremendous contribution to Native American — and American — intellectual and cultural history.”
David Heska Wanbli Weiden, an enrolled member of the Sicangu Lakota Nation, is author of the novel Winter Counts, which is BuzzFeed Book Club’s November pick. He is also the author of the children’s book Spotted Tail, which won the 2020 Spur Award from the Western Writers of America. Read an excerpt from Winter Counts.
Valerie Mosley, Tordotcom
“In 2020, I've been lucky to finish a single book within 30 days, but I burned through this 507-page brick in the span of a weekend. Harrow the Ninth reminded me that even when absolutely everything is terrible, it's still possible to feel deep, gratifying, brain-buzzing admiration for brilliant art. Thank you, Harrow, for being one of the brightest spots in a dark year and for keeping the home fires burning.”
Casey McQuiston is the New York Times bestselling author of Red, White & Royal Blue, and her next book, One Last Stop, comes out in 2021.
"I'm grateful for V.S. Naipaul's troubling masterpiece, A Bend in the River — which not only made me see the world anew, but made me see what literature could do. It's a book that's lucid enough to reveal the brutality of the forces shaping our world and its politics; yet soulful enough to penetrate the most recondite secrets of human interiority. A book of great beauty without a moment of mercy. A marriage of opposites that continues to shape my own deeper sense of just how much a writer can actually accomplish."
Ayad Akhtar is a novelist and playwright, and his latest novel, Homeland Elegies, is about an American son and his immigrant father searching for belonging in a post-9/11 country. He is the winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Drama and an Award in Literature from the American Academy of Arts and Letters.
Vanessa German, Feminist Press
“I'm most thankful for Daddy Was a Number Runner by Louise Meriwether. It's a YA book set in 1930s Harlem, and it was the first Black-girl-coming-of-age book I ever read, the first time I ever saw myself in a book. I appreciate how it expanded my world and my understanding that books can speak to you right where you are and take you on a journey, at the same time.”
Deesha Philyaw’s debut short story collection, The Secret Lives of Church Ladies, was a finalist for the 2020 National Book Award for Fiction. She is also the co-author of Co-Parenting 101: Helping Your Kids Thrive in Two Households After Divorce, written in collaboration with her ex-husband. Philyaw’s writing on race, parenting, gender, and culture has appeared in the New York Times, the Washington Post, McSweeney’s, the Rumpus, and elsewhere. Read a story from The Secret Lives of Church Ladies.
Philippa Gedge, W. W. Norton & Company
“As both a writer and a reader I am hugely grateful for Patricia Highsmith’s plotting and writing suspense fiction. As a writer I’m thankful for Highsmith’s generosity with her wisdom and experience: She talks us through how to tease out the narrative strands and develop character, how to know when things are going awry, even how to decide to give things up as a bad job. She’s unabashed about sharing her own ‘failures,’ and in my experience, there’s nothing more encouraging for a writer than learning that our literary gods are mortal! As a reader, it provides a fascinating insight into the genesis of one of my favorite novels of all time — The Talented Mr. Ripley, as well as the rest of her brilliant oeuvre. And because it’s Highsmith, it’s so much more than just a how-to guide: It’s hugely engaging and, while accessible, also provides a glimpse into the mind of a genius. I’ve read it twice — while working on each of my thrillers, The Hunting Party and The Guest List — and I know I’ll be returning to the well-thumbed copy on my shelf again soon!”
Lucy Foley is the New York Times bestselling author of the thrillers The Guest List and The Hunting Party. She has also written two historical fiction novels and previously worked in the publishing industry as a fiction editor.
“The books I'm most thankful for this year are a three-book series titled Tales from the Gas Station by Jack Townsend. Walking a fine line between comedy and horror (which is much harder than people think), the books follow Jack, an employee at a gas station in a nameless town where all manner of horrifyingly fantastical things happen. And while the monsters are scary and more than a little ridiculous, it's Jack's bone-dry narration, along with his best friend/emotional support human, Jerry, that elevates the books into something that are as lovely as they are absurd.”
T.J. Klune is a Lambda Literary Award–winning author and an ex-claims examiner for an insurance company. His novels include The House in the Cerulean Sea and The Extraordinaries.
Sylvernus Darku (Team Black Image Studio), Ayebia Clarke Publishing
"Nervous Conditions is a book that I have read several times over the years, including this year. The novel covers the themes of gender and race and has at its heart Tambu, a young girl in 1960s Rhodesia determined to get an education and to create a better life for herself. Dangarembga’s prose is evocative and witty, and the story is thought-provoking. I’ve been inspired anew by Tambu each time I’ve read this book."
Peace Adzo Medie is Senior Lecturer in Gender and International Politics at the University of Bristol. She is the author of Global Norms and Local Action: The Campaigns to End Violence against Women in Africa (Oxford University Press, 2020). His Only Wife is her debut novel.
Jenna Maurice, HarperCollins
“The book I'm most thankful for? Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein. My mother and father would read me poems from it before bed — I'm convinced it infused me not only with a sense of poetic cadence, but also a wry sense of humor.”
Victoria “V.E.” Schwab is the bestselling author of more than a dozen books, including Vicious, the Shades of Magic series, and This Savage Song. Her latest novel, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, is BuzzFeed Book Club’s December pick. Read an excerpt from The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue.
Meg Vázquez, Square Fish
“My childhood best friend gave me Troubling a Star by Madeleine L'Engle for Hanukkah when I was 11 years old, and it's still my favorite book of all time. I love the way it defies genre (it's a political thriller/YA romance that includes a lot of scientific research and also poetry??), and the way it values smartness, gutsiness, vulnerability, kindness, and a sense of adventure. The book follows 16-year-old Vicky Austin's life-altering trip to Antarctica; her trip changed my life, too. In a year when safe travel is almost impossible, I'm so grateful to be able to return to her story again and again.”
Kate Stayman-London's debut novel, One to Watch, is about a plus-size blogger who’s been asked to star on a Bachelorette-like reality show. Stayman-London served as lead digital writer for Hillary Rodham Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and has written for notable figures, from former president Obama and Malala Yousafzai to Anna Wintour and Cher.
Katharine McGee is grateful for the Redwall series by Brian Jacques. Chris Bailey Photography, Firebird
“I’m thankful for the Redwall books by Brian Jacques. I discovered the series in elementary school, and it sparked a love of big, epic stories that has never left me. (If you read my books, you know I can’t resist a broad cast of characters!) I used to read the books aloud to my younger sister, using funny voices for all the narrators. Now that I have a little boy of my own, I can’t wait to someday share Redwall with him.”
Katharine McGee is the New York Times bestselling author of American Royals and its sequel, Majesty. She is also the author of the Thousandth Floor trilogy.
Beth Gwinn, Time-Life Books
"I am thankful most for books that carry me out of the world and back again, and while I find it painful to choose among them, here's one early and one late: Zen Cho's Black Water Sister, which comes out in 2021 but I devoured just two days ago, and the long out-of-print Wizards and Witches volume of the Time-Life Enchanted World series, which is where I first read about the legend of the Scholomance."
Naomi Novik is the New York Times bestselling author of the Nebula Award–winning novel Uprooted, Spinning Silver, and the nine-volume Temeraire series. Her latest novel, A Deadly Education, is the first of the Scholomance trilogy.
Christina Lauren are grateful for the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. Christina Lauren, Little, Brown and Company
"We are thankful for the Twilight series for about a million reasons, not the least of which it's what brought the two of us together. Writing fanfic in a space where we could be silly and messy together taught us that we don't have to be perfect, but there's no harm in trying to get better with every attempt. It also cemented for us that the best relationships are the ones in which you can be your real, authentic self, even when you're struggling to do things you never thought you'd be brave enough to attempt. Twilight brought millions of readers back into the fold and inspired hundreds of romance authors. We really do thank Stephenie Meyer every day for the gift of Twilight and the fandom it created."
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fabrilyshop · 4 years ago
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The honest company I ordered a Hey 2020 Your Shitters Full Christmas Santa Hat T-Shirt from AmazinkShirt.com city backpack from a pea in the pod last week and got it today and it was damaged I was so upset as I loved the design of this bag and wanted to splurge since this is my third and last boy much to my disappointment I didn’t get great customer service from apeainthepodmaternity and they immediately told me to take it back to one of their store for a refund rather than trying to make it right or offering to send another one out the nearest store is 30 miles away at least or I was finally given the option to wait on a return mailing label to send it back with would be a week process to get my refund I wanted to love this bag so much I hate that it was damaged and that a pea in the pod really didn’t care either way you may have both lost a customer today maybe i’m still hormonal but i’m up in my feelings about this because I expected better quality in a 150 bag and certainly better customer care than what I received from a pea in the pod aka destination maternity I will be returning the bag for a full refund and not shopping with apitp and likely won’t be shopping with the honest brand anymore. Hey e l f when are you going to get your fair light cream palette back in stock been waiting almost a month and you don’t have it in stores around me scrapping the side of mine just to get by check daily and nothing I really don’t want to switch because i’ve finally found a foundation that works for me hopefully you get it back in stock soon sincerely a girl in need of her favorite foundation. Did the wipes formula change as well they used to have no smell now they have like a cleaner type smell to them I m nervous to use and wondering if thats what is really causing some babies to get rashes and not the diapers Hey 2020 Your Shitters Full Christmas Santa Hat T-Shirt from AmazinkShirt.com
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bisexualboyinterrupted · 4 years ago
About “Bisexualy Boy, Interrupted”
I first thought of writing this book back in 2019 when I wanted to write a novel about all the people I dated and been with. Its working title was “Bi(not)sexual”. As I started to finish writing the first draft, the first five chapters, I realized that I wanted to work on it on a different angle. It came to a point where I wanted it to be a collection of essays instead. After months of reflecting and research, I finally decided on what it's going to be like.
This book is inspired by David Levithan’s (one of my favorite authors) “Lover’s Dictionary” and Raphael Bob-Waksberg’s “Someone Who Will Love You in All Your Damaged Glory”. This novel has a very unusual pattern and style in storytelling, much like Lover’s Dictionary. And like Lover’s Dictionary, the narrator remains nameless. Just like “Someone Who Will Love You in All Your Damaged Glory”, this book is a collection of stories, essays, etc. I chose my favorite pieces that I’ve written back in the past and re-wrote it. I added a few new ones as well.
The title of the book came from “Girl, Interrupted” by Susanna Kaysen, which in reference to the Vermeer painting “Girl Interrupted at Her Music”. After much contemplation, I completely scrapped “Bi(not)sexual” and went with “Bisexual Boy, Interrupted”, because it the title itself already explains what the story is trying to convey. The bisexual boy is interrupted at his work by the people he liked, dated, been with, or went out with. And because he got interrupted at his work, he’s got stories to tell.
Available now on Amazon for only Php 150 (USD 2.99)! Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08P52D7M1/ref=nav_timeline_asin?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
For those who won’t be able to purchase it from Amazon, in the meantime you may pay via BPI and email me the receipt at [email protected] with your name and my book title as the subject (example: Juan dela Cruz | Bisexual Boy, Interrupted), and I would be glad to send you the epub or PDF format of the book.
Please do not share your copy with others or (re)distribute it. Money raised will be used to pay for my tuition fee, as I will enroll again this coming semester.
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 5 years ago
Hey, Im wondering if ye have ever read a fiction that came into my head. I think rachel was friends or dating Jesse st James. He made a play/broadway show and kurt was in the play and he would complain to blaine how awful a director Jesse was. Thanks
Sorry again, there was another fic, rachel was looking for an apartment to live in with kurt in new york. Kurt thinks is a dodgy area and Rachel introduces him to her friend blaine. Thats all i can remember. It could be the same as the one with kurt auditioning for jesse saint james play.
The only fic that comes to mind with Jesse is this one, I know it’s probably not it. Readers, if you know this fic, please send it in. Thanks! ~Lynne
Stop Loss by YourFairyGodfather
AU. Kurt Hummel never went to McKinley, developing his talents at Carmel as the protégé of Jesse St James instead. Everything is going according to plan, until the day a beautiful, damaged transfer student named Blaine throws his world upside down.
Note: PDF and Epub files can be downloaded here.
ETA (HKVoyage) - The fic has been found. It is locked on AO3, which means you need an AO3 account to access it.
What Are The Odds by AntarcticBird
Kurt had given up hope long ago, just waiting for the day he would finally move to New York, the day he could finally leave behind everything that was Ohio. Of course, Rachel had to pick that very day to introduce him to an 'old friend' of hers.
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shou7 · 8 years ago
Translation: I Want to Eat Your Pancreas by Yoru Sumino (Chapter 10)
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One day, I - a high schooler - found a paperback in the hospital. The “Disease Coexistence Journal” was its title. It was a diary that my classmate, Sakura Yamauchi, had written in secret. Inside, it was written that due to her pancreatic disease, her days were numbered. And thus, I coincidentally went from Just-a-Classmate to a Secret-Knowing-Classmate. It was as if I were being drawn to her, who was my polar opposite. However, the world presented the girl that was already suffering from an illness with an equally cruel reality…
The best-selling, award-winning debut work by Yoru Sumino: “Bestsellers 2016 (Overall) by NIPPAN” - 4th Place “Bestsellers 2016 (Paperback Fiction) by NIPPAN” - 1st Place “Bestsellers 2016 (Overall) by TOHAN” - 5th Place “Bestsellers 2016 (Literary Books) by TOHAN” - 1st Place “Bookstore Grand Prix 2016” - 2nd Place “DA VINCI BOOK OF THE YEAR 2015” - 2nd Place “Bestsellers 2015 (Literary Books) by TOHAN” - 6th Place As of May 2017, this book has sold over 1.2 million copies.
Please buy the book to support the author. (amazon.com)
Download the complete volume in PDF format here, or in ePUB format here.
(Chapter Index)
I was hurried along by the cicadas, screeching like they still hadn’t had enough.
The day before marked the end of our supplementary lessons, and as summer vacation finally began in earnest, I found myself steadily climbing a flight of stone steps.
It was another especially hot day. I was mercilessly besieged by the scorching sun’s rays from above, as well as its reflection off the ground below. Already, my T-shirt had become drenched.
But I wasn’t really trying to repent for anything by putting myself through this ordeal.
“I’ve always thought this, but you’re pretty weak huh.”
So said the girl walking ahead of and laughing at me, who was dripping in sweat and short of breath. Indignant, I was thinking of making a rebuttal in my defence, but ultimately I decided to calm down for now, and pressed ahead desperately.
“Come on, you can do it, you can do it.”
With breath to spare, she cheered me on, clapping while making a face that I couldn’t tell if it was meant to encourage or provoke me.
Having reached the top at long last, I wiped off my sweat with a towel as I finally issued my rejoinder.
“I’m different from you, y'know.”
“Like how you’re a man? How embarrassing.”
“You see, I’m of noble birth, so it’s alright even if I don’t move my body.”
“Don’t insult those of noble birth.”
I retrieved my tea from my bag, and fiercely gulped down the PET bottle’s contents. Within that interval of time, she had already pushed on without me. With no other choice, I followed after her, and soon arrived at a place with a pleasant view. From where we stood, an unobstructed panorama of our town stretched out below us.
“Feels greaaat!”
She had shouted aloud, arms stretched outwards. The scenery and breeze were certainly a delight. As I felt my sweat dry up in the wind, I drank my tea once more, reinvigorating my spirits.
“Alright, so it’s just a little more huh.”
“Oh? Well aren’t you lively all of a sudden. Let me give you this candy as a reward.”
“I’ve been meaning to ask, but do the two of you think that I live with candy or gum as my staple food or something?”
I spoke while remembering the face of a friend that would always, always offer me gum in our classroom.
“It can’t be helped y'know, I always just happen to have some in my pocket so, here.”
Reluctantly, I accepted the candy and placed it in my pocket. Just how many times would this make it?
She hummed a tune while keeping a brisk pace, leaving me behind as I trudged slowly after her. However, I got the feeling that this situation was like a display of the imbalance of power between us, so I forced myself upright and started to put some spring in my step.
Before I knew it, the dirt beneath our feet had become cobblestone, and we had arrived at our destination.
Among the many stone markers that were lined up, we searched for a single one.
“Ah, isn’t Haruki the one on water duty? Go get some from over there.”
“Can I just make two points? Firstly are there even any other duties? And secondly, wouldn’t it be fine if the two of us went together?”
“Keep your mouth shut and get going. Didn’t I already give you candy?”
Dismayed as I was to do her bidding, I kept quiet, put my belongings down and walked to a nearby water point, knowing that her personality would render any further objections useless. Several buckets and ladles had been left at the water point. Taking one of each, I twisted open the faucet, and let the bucket fill with water before returning to where she was waiting.
The girl stood gazing up at the sky.
“Hm, oh, good work, must’ve been hard on you.”
“If you think so then you should have helped.”
“You see, I’m of noble birth after all.”
“Alright alright, well then, be my guest.”
I handed the bucket and ladle over to her. She received them politely, and with all of her might, proceeded to douse the Yamauchi family grave before us. Some of the water splashed off the stone and onto my cheeks. The gravestone shimmered in the sunlight, creating a mystical sight.
“Come on, wake up, Sakuraaa!”
“I don’t think that’s how you’re supposed to do it. Definitely.”
I tried to calm the girl that had hurled water at the grave. But taking no heed of me, she flung all of the remaining water at the grave, working up a sweat as though she enjoyed it. It gave the mistakable impression that this was some sort of sport.
“Y'know, when putting our hands together before a grave, should we make a sound?”
“It’s probably done quietly in most cases, but wouldn’t it be better if we made some noise for her?”
Standing side by side, she and I each struck our own palms together once, letting our claps resonate. We closed our eyes, wishing that our prayers would properly reach her.
The two of us that got along - we sent her our thoughts.
We kept our own hands together for a long time, and after opening our eyes at almost the same time, she and I set down the various offerings we had each brought along.
“Well then, guess we should get going to Sakura’s house.”
“Guess so.”
“Since Auntie and I are gonna be giving you a stern lecture.”
“What’s with that? Not a single reason comes to mind though.”
“If you ask me, it’s more like I’m not even sure where to begin. That’s right, I guess first is how you’re a third year now, but you’re still pushing your luck and haven’t been studying at all huh.”
“It’s not something I need to tell you, but I’ve a good head on my shoulders so there’s no need for me to study.”
“That’s what I’m talking about!”
Her retort faded into the vast blue sky. My thoughts turned to the Yamauchi house that I hadn’t visited in some time. The last time I went there, I met her big brother for the first time, and was able to speak with him.
“Speaking of which, this is the first time I’m heading to that girl’s house together with somebody else.”
“And that’s the point you need to be lectured on the most about.”
While having an enjoyable but exceedingly meaningless exchange, this time, we returned the bucket and ladle together. Arriving before the grave once more, we said, “We’re heading to your house now alright,” and returned to the path from which we came. Returning down that path was a little bothersome, but even if we stayed on, we would only have continued our pleasant but fruitless back-and-forth, and that wouldn’t have been very productive.
Once again, just like when we were coming here, I trailed behind Kyouko-san as she went on ahead.
Bringing my hands together, I closed my eyes.
My feelings - I’ll turn them from something that’s mine alone, to something I can send to you.
I’d like you to forgive me. For the things I will think here.
For the things I will pray here.
Because I’m this sort of person, let me air my grievances first.
It wasn’t easy. As easy as you said it would be, as easy as you felt it would be.
Involving myself with people wasn’t easy you know.
It was hard, really.
That’s why it even took a year. Though some of the responsibility for this might lie with me.
But, I chose to, and have finally come all the way here. I’d like you to praise me for that.
One year ago, I made a choice. To become a human like you.
A human that acknowledged people. A human that loved people.
I’m not sure whether I’ve become accustomed to it, but at the very least, I chose to do so.
Right now, I, together with your best friend - the girl that became my first friend - are heading to your house.
Actually, it’d be great if the three of us could meet up, but since that’s not possible, it can’t be helped. Let’s just do that in heaven.
As for why the two of us are heading to a house you’re no longer in, we’re heading there to fulfil the promise I made to your mom that day.
Aren’t I late, you say? Kyouko-san said that to me too.
I’d like you to listen to my excuse. Because I’d always lived the life I did, I wasn’t sure what the standard was for someone to be called a friend.
And since I thought that it wouldn’t do if I didn’t go to your house with Kyouko-san as my friend-
I, who wasn’t sure, made the relationship between you and me the standard.
“I won’t forgive you” - ever since the day I was told that, one step at a time, truly one step at a time, we’ve been walking the path towards friendship. For waiting for me with great patience - despite her usual hastiness - on this path I was treading on with shaky feet for the first time, I have plenty of gratitude for Kyouko-san. As expected of your best friend. Of course, there’s no way I’d say that to the person herself.
And so, finally, during this period, I went on a day trip with Kyouko-san, though it was to that place we visited a year ago. That was when I told Kyouko-san for the first time about the promise that I had made to your mom. And then Kyouko-san got mad at me for not saying so earlier.
Honestly, that friend of mine really is quick-tempered.
The offerings we’ve brought are the souvenirs that we bought during that time.
It’s something that’s made where the God of Studies is, and its main ingredient is plum.
Even though you’re still only eighteen, I’ll overlook it just this once. The sample tasted great y’know.
It’d be good if it catches your fancy.
Kyouko-san is doing well. I wonder if you know.
I’m doing well too. So much better than even before I met you.
When you died, I thought of it. That I had lived in order to meet you.
However, I wasn’t able to believe that you had lived in order to be needed by me.
But that’s changed.
We must have lived in order for the two of us two exist together - that’s what I believe.
On our own, we were lacking.
That’s why, it was in order to compensate for each other that we had lived.
Recently, that’s how I’ve been thinking.
That’s why, having lost you, I have to be able to stand on my own.
I think, that is something I’m able to do for the two - and now one - of us.
…………I’ll come again. I’m not sure about what happens to a person’s soul after death, so I’ll talk about the same things again at your house, in front of your photo or something. If it’s such that you’re unable to hear me, I’ll tell you when I go to heaven.
Well, see you soon.
Aah, that’s right, that’s right. There’s one lie I told you that didn’t get found out.
In the ‘Disease Coexistence Journal’, you revealed how you cried, what you thought about me, and the lies you told - so to be fair, I guess I’ll reveal some information too.
All right?
The story I told about the first person I fell for - that was a lie.
I told you, didn’t I? That story about the person who used ‘san’. That was an outright lie, a made-up story.
Since you got so moved by it, I wasn’t able to tell you.
Well, as for the truth. I’ll leave it for when I meet you again or something.
Maybe, if a girl like my true first love appears again-
Next time, it might be good to eat her pancreas.
We descended the white stone steps as they glistened under the unflinchingly cruel Sun-san.
In front of me, Kyouko-san slung her bag used for club activities over her shoulder, swinging it about as she hummed a tune.
I caught up to the side of my friend who was in a rather good mood, and correctly guessed the song she was humming.
Seemingly embarrassed, Kyouko-san forcefully hit me on the shoulder.
I raised my head to the sky as I laughed, and I ended up saying what had come to mind, just as it was.
“Let’s be happy.”
“…………What’s with that, are you confessing to me? On the way back from Sakura’s grave? How shocking.”
“Surely not. My words have greater meaning behind them. Besides, unlike that boy, I like girls that are more refined than you.”
Grinning, I - who shouldn’t have been forgiven - provoked the girl that had forgiven me.
Then, I realised right away that I shouldn’t have said those words just now. But it was already too late – what I’d said had raised a question mark within Kyouko-san, and she tilted her head to the side in suspicion.
“Unlike that boy?”
“Sorry, stop, wait, I take it back.”
She watched as I got uncharacteristically flustered, and thought for a little bit. Suddenly, she lifted both corners of her lips repulsively, and struck her hands together. Like thunder, it reverberated off the stone around us.
I shook my head and gave her a pleading look.
“Really, that just now, because of my carelessness, I was told many times over to keep it a secret……”
“If only Haruki had made more friends, maybe even I might not have figured it out y'kno~w. Well at any rate, heh, so it’s him huuuh. Hmmm, I thought he liked girls that were more refined.”
That’s what I’d thought too - after all, he himself had said so. Perhaps his preferences had changed, or maybe he was lying, but it didn’t matter which it was, in any case, I sincerely apologised to him inside my heart. Sorry, next time I’ll be the one to give you gum.
“Huuuh.” “Hmm.” Kyouko-san continued her murmuring, still grinning.
“Are you happy?”
“Hm, well, being liked by someone wouldn’t make you unhappy right.”
“Guess that’s good news.”
To the careless me as well.
“But I gueeess, dating is for after exams are over.”
“You’ve gotten rather ahead of yourself huh, guess I should tell him - wouldn’t it motivate him to study for the exams?”
We boisterously went at it as we descended the stairs.
Surely, she must have been watching us.
With probably enough force to twist my neck, I turned back towards the laughter I had heard coming from behind. Kyouko-san too had made the same movement, and with an “ouch!”, she grabbed onto her neck.
Of course, there wasn’t anyone behind us.
The wind caressed our faces, wet as they were with sweat. Kyouko-san and I faced each other, and looked affirmatively into each other’s eyes before bursting into laughter at the same time.
“Well then, let’s get going to Sakura’s house!”
“Yeah, Sakura’s waiting after all.”
Roaring with laughter, we climbed down the long flight of stairs.
No longer, was I afraid.
(Previous chapter) (Extra)
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