#pawn egbert
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hussiehints · 8 months ago
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bonyfish · 1 year ago
I can't sleep so here are some fun facts about my upbringing
When we were little, my dad trained me to be good at chess and my sister to be good at poker. Sometimes he'd do endgame drills: he would set up a board with just a king and pawn on his side and a king, pawn, and knight or queen on mine, and he would see if I could beat him. I am not remotely good at chess anymore but my sister still has a very impressive poker face.
I don't eat meat anymore but my first clear memory is of sashimi
When I was in high school my dad taught me to do some basic stunt driving, controlled skids and the like. I have mostly forgotten how though.
When I was in my late teens or early twenties, my dad booked my sister and I a half-day pistol training intensive course with a heavily tattooed ex-military guy named Jeremiah who had incongruously stunning eyelashes. We started at maybe 6 in the morning because it was July in Indiana and well over 90 degrees by the time we finished around noon. We learned how to field-strip a Glock 19 and did target practice. By the time we were done, my right hand was so sore that I was a better shot with my left, which is very much not my dominant hand.
Relatedly, if you search my birth name online, I think you can still find a photo of my dad teaching me to shoot at the age of 7.
We didn't really eat together or have formalized meal times, and I didn't quite get the hang of using silverware until college. I could manage a single fork or spoon, but when cutting things I would hold my implements in my fists and clumsily mangle my food. My high school girlfriend taught me to cook.
After I moved out, my mom sent me a book purporting to be a guide on how to live through an EMP attack. It had a whole section on how important the Christian bible would be to rebuilding life after the collapse of society as we know it, including specific passages that may be of use. I called my mom up and asked very tentatively if she had actually read the book before sending it to me, on account of we're Jewish and various flavors of agnostic. She said she skimmed it.
When I was 7 or 8, an animal got trapped in the wall between our kitchen and bathroom, and it would scrabble around in there and make a very alarming scuttling-scraping noise. I found this very frightening, so my mother decided to give the animal a name, like a pet, to make it less scary. (The name was Egbert.) This was a creative solution and might have worked, but we had never had pets, so I had no frame of reference for how I was supposed to feel about that. Egbert later chewed his way out and emerged from a pile of dirty dishes before disappearing under the oven. He was tentatively identified as a southern flying squirrel.
One time in high school some friends tried to drive to my house and got lost for two hours.
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sasquapossum · 2 years ago
Among the things in the Surprise Box we found at the older storage area in Ann Arbor was some stuff from my original (first edition) AD&D set.
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This would have been 1979 or 1980, perhaps. I think I've seen the player's handbook, DM manual, and monster manual at my brother's place; apparently they're worth a couple of hundred bucks apiece in good condition now. If I had bought non-advanced D&D (would have had to be Holmes edition) which I also remember seeing at the store, that would be worth even more.
Yes, the dice sucked just as much as you would guess from the wear. It would be many years before the fancy dice you see everywhere nowadays became A Thing.
Another personal/historical note: when I bought this, we were still living with my ultra-religious aunt. She was Not Pleased. It was just more evidence that we were pawns of Satan - this was around the same time as the James Dallas Egbert III affair and we were in Michigan at the time - which probably contributed to our hastier than planned move to our own place.
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jaxinvasion · 2 years ago
What a better way to kick off my new blog than with my first... Uh... Pesterlog? Fic chapter? Whatever it is, it's for my AU of Homestuck, basically Trolls on Earth and No Sburb. It's not too long, more of just an introduction, so please check it out under the cut! I'd love to hear any feedback you have. :) This isn't meant to be romantic, so I'd appreciate if you didn't tag as ship. Thank you, and enjoy!!
-- ghostyTrickster [GT] began pestering tentacleTherapist [TT] at 16:13 -- GT: uhh... hello? GT: are you rose lalonde? GT: this is john egbert. GT: do you remember me? you and your mom had dinner at our house. GT: our as in me and my dad. TT: Oh. TT: Just as I had begun to contemplate as to what exactly my mom could have possibly needed my chumhandle for, completely disregarding the question of how she even knows that I use it to begin with, here you have made your appearance, as if wholly manifested by slightest utterance of your satanic name. GT: satanic?? GT: uh, did i do something to make you this mad at me already?? TT: Oh, no, you didn't do anything yourself. TT: You just happen to be a hapless pawn in yet another one of my mom's duplicitous schemes to play housewife (or step-mom, as the case may be) in an attempt to, as one might say, "Get my goat." TT: While I have no business interfering with her condescending ventures, I have no will to entertain any sort of farce masquerading as a play-date. TT: It is bad enough as is that I have to live in this hapless Nowheresville of a town in a timezone 3 hours behind that of my childhood home on the other side of the country for the sake of my mom's employment. TT: So color me disinterested in fumbling for a method for resuscitating a conversation like a paramedic in denial. Especially not with someone as hammer-headed as you. GT: O_O TT: For the sake of my time, and yours, I will do us both a favor and end this little chat early. TT: Au revoir. GT: wait! TT: ? GT: i do not know what you have been going on about or why you are being such an asshole, but i can promise that your mom did not set me up to this. TT: Oh? In that case, how exactly did you get my chumhandle? GT: my dad gave me a note of it. he was the one who told me about your name, and also that we met before. TT: ... GT: oh my god. GT: our parents are totally trying to get us to be friends! they are in cahoots!! GT: and it is not like it is a secret why. everyone knows that there is something going on between him and your mom. TT: Wow. I would compliment your abnormally skillful discernment, but I would be remiss to partake in unwitting propagation of what must be tautology to a brain as secure as yours. GT: rose, that is like the tenth time you have said something that does not make any sort of sense. TT: I try my best. GT: ugh, what ever. i guess i will go if you do not want to talk. bye rose. TT: John, wait. GT: huh? what is it? TT: It has become all too clear to me that my mom has recruited an ally in her passive-aggressive crusade in patronizing me. TT: An ally in the form of Dear Old Dad. TT: If our dignity is to maintain its status as unscathed, then we will need to form an alliance, the likes of which have never been before seen. GT: wait, so now you want to be friends with me?? GT: rose, you need to make up your mind! TT: John, listen. If our parents are going to start seeing each other, we will be stuck in each other's midst whether we like it or not. They already set us up to meet on Pesterchum. Who knows what other shenanigans they will attempt to bring about? It will certainly be much worse than any harsh quips slid your way. GT: uh... okay. TT: Glad to have you aboard, John. I look forward to working with you. GT: i suddenly have a very bad feeling about all of this.
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jessilynallendilla · 4 months ago
let me know if the links aren't working and feel free to suggest any
That Ain't Me  M 10,982 SERIES 
A Homestuck AU where everyone is the same but they're trailer trash. Also Davekat happens and it's somehow the future. 
Ten Little Fingers And Ten Little Toes  G 94,536 SERIES 
A human child is adopted and raised by a high blooded alien who attempts to insinuate himself into human politics, having been farsighted enough to see which way the wind was blowing. He intends to raise the thing as a pawn to push pro alternian ideals but he ends up actually loving his brilliant, alien son. Also because aliens do not know how to infant he gets a nanny. 
Safe With You  T 2,772 SERIES 
Tavros takes Gamzee shopping for new clothes. They go to a petting zoo and Gamzee asks why people keep looking at Tavros like he's some kind of monster. 
Awake At Night  M 10,755 SERIES 
There are certain expectations in troll society about taking in a freeloader with no place to go, as Dad Egbert finds out when he offers to host two of his son's stranded friends post-game. 
Domestic Diplomacy (And Other Minefields)  T 6,832 SERIES 
Karkat's moirail meets his matesprit. It goes alright. Nothing's exploding yet, anyway. Karkat just has to translate, and mediate, and fix Dave, and keep Gamzee in line, and not flip his shit. Fucking easy. It's all under control. Gamzee's moirail introduces him to his little alien flushcrush. It goes alright. Just the human's freaking out, and then Karkat's freaking out, and then when Gamzee goes to fix it it gets worse for some reason. It's not like the little squishy motherfuckers count as quadrants. So who knows what the big motherfucking deal is. Dave's boyfriend brings around his other boyfriend, and Dave has an educational experience on the subject of quadrants. It goes alright. Except the guy's a handsy dick who doesn't speak basically any English and wears clown makeup. And Karkat seems to be making some kind of romance power-move at him to prove a point. And Dave's dripping blood all over his favorite pair of sweatpants. 
Suburbia: Gore, Grubs, & Parenting In A House With A White Picket Fence  EX 23,284 
Cronus is a good cop. Kankri teaches at the local community college. They're a typical young married troll couple in a small town in Illinois. They're expecting their first grub(s), which is the most exceptional thing about them, considering that it's not impossible to adopt and troll grubs are born live and chew their way out. Carrying your own is still a new frontier and modern medicine has little to contribute. Surviving is one thing. Parenting is entirely another. Welcome to the glory and heartbreak therein 
Battlefield Terra  M SERIES 
John is one of eight mech pilots heroically protecting Earth from an alien invasion. Pretty easy on the moral choices. See evil monster from space, kill evil monster from space. Only then he actually meets one of them face to face. 
Battlefield Mentis  G 2,247 
A scene from Chapter 5 of Asuka Kureru's "Battlefield Terra" from Karkat's point of view. John does not know how to censor his mind. 
Warbound Widow  M 472,357 
So the kids win Sburb and they are placed on a restored Earth (both Alphas and Betas) all injuries healed and even some nifty God Tier powers left over; however there is one thing very wrong- the trolls didn't come with them. Everyone is confused and upset, but no matter how hard they try they just cannot locate the trolls anywhere so they become resigned to never meeting them again. As such, they just carry on with their lives and try to put Sburb behind them. Then, a decade later the Alternian Empire attacks Earth. 
In Which Humanity Is Considered As Lusii By A Conquering Troll Empire  T 14,512 SERIES 
In an earth being conquered by Trolls, one scienterrorist considers the idea that humans once properly enslaved would make excellent lusii. This is her original experiment for lususing capabilities as conducted on a human male. light-hearted for the most part despite the fact that Earth is being conquered, will probably be pretty short. Really its just an excuse for grubs 
It's Science Time  T 
A cobalt-blooded scienterrorist studies the behavioral habits of humans so that they can enslave them better. A can of beans sits in the corner and is of no relevance to the plot at all. Suddenly, vive la revolution. 
In Plain Sight  T 
It’s been this way as long as John can remember; as long as his dad can remember. Jade’s grandfather remembered though. He used to tell stories as they fell asleep under the stars. He’s gone now- lost to the world. Much like the rest of their race will be soon enough. They’ve taken over and soon the human race will be entirely eradicated. 
Never An Easy Path  NR 
John Egbert thought he knew how the world worked. He grew up on stories of the horrible trolls, who constantly invaded the borderlands and never showed mercy to a human. He knew he would become a great warrior who protected humans from these terrifying monsters. But what will he do when he actually meets a troll and learns that the stories he had known all his life weren't entirely truthful? 
Mistaken  G 2,567 
Grandpa Harley guiltily adopts the orphaned Strider boys. 
And Let This Cold Night's Wind Be My Witness  T 17,476 
Hunters look for the demons who murder the hunters who kill the demons. … Or is it the other way around? 
The Start (Original)  T 1,381 
Here is the original if you'd like to read it, though I think the updated version is more interesting in a way.... 
Night At The Zoo  G 1,323 
You are John Egbert and you work at the zoo. 
Broken Reality  M 
Dirk, one of the most known hunter's at a supernatural level, ran into a panicked man after seeing his first demon. This man just so happened to be Jake English, a demon more known for his damage then his name. When Dirk get's caught up in Jake's human form, three years have already past and now he needs his help. Will Jake turn against his own kind and help his lover? Or kill Dirk's entire family as previously planned? And what will John do when he realizes that his best friend, and target, is in danger? 
Eight Days A Week  T 7,766 
The creature straightens up and settles in the sunlight, wrapping its long, glittering tail around itself in thick coils. The scales run up to its waist, where you can see hints of human skin against the smooth hide. It has a thin, cunning face, softened by a strangely mild smile that stretches its too-wide mouth, and its hair is in a wiry braid over its shoulder. “Nnn,” you say, and point with a hand that shakes so badly you’re barely pointing at the creature at all. “—nuh. Nah. *Naga*—” 
Zombiestuck  T 
When a cure for cannibalism goes horribly wrong, the world is thrusted into something it was never prepared for: the Zombie Apocalypse. As the Beta kids, the Alpha kids, and the trolls try to come together in order to better their chances of survival, tensions will be high, secrets and feelings will be revealed, and lives will be lost, all in time for the end of the world. Will our heroes emerge victorious? Or will they suffer a fate worse than death? 
Common Misconceptions  EX 
When Jake notices the company John has been keeping, he immediately becomes fearful for his cousin's safety. Demons are selfish. Demons are violent. Demons are quick to take advantage of humans, and he'll be damned if he let's his cousin fall prey to their whims. He's content to believe that they're all up to no good, but when Dirk shows up and throws a wrench in his plans, he might have to reevaluate his opinion on them. And maybe, just maybe, realize some other important things along the way. 
An Invincible Summer  G 
He’s something wild and strange—his blood and his eyes are the color of the bacchanalian wine and filled with the same banked frenzy…but none of the joy. Well you’re supposed to be a free spirit of nature and your wings are useless, blood-colored abominations. Who are you to judge him for not being happy? 
Unwanted Free Ugly Troll  T 71,873 SERIES 
The first time you pass by the troll in the box you kind of try not to see it. It's gross as fuck when people do this. You guess maybe it's better than driving them out into the country and dumping them to make it on their own, or those stories you've heard about people dumping unwanted wrigglers in sacks into rivers--those you try not to think about because fuck, that is not okay on any level but it's not like you can do shit about it. 
Before I Sleep  T 36,565 
Your name is Rosa Maryam and you grew up dreaming of a perfect family, being the perfect wife, the perfect mother. After the miscarriage at eighteen, you were lost. After the divorce a year later, you were broken. When hope arrives in the strangest possible form, a well-intended but tasteless gift, you don't recognize it. Not at first. You did not give birth to your son but he is yours, and he saved your life, and you will never let anyone hurt him. 
Jade Harley: Adopt A Troll  G 13,773 SERIES 
It wasn't fair. With how badly he’d been treated, the least he deserved was a chance to live a happy, safe life. Not to get put on a death row. But what if nobody adopted him? Against her firm morals and better judgment, Jade decided to adopt a troll as a pet 
Chains  EX 
After the Great War between Alternia and Earth the trolls have been kept and enslaved by the human race. Karkat Vantas is one of these trolls that has been enslaved. He is like any other troll, except that he is a mutant. Even though the trolls have given up their cultural ways one thing from their old world remains and that is the hemospectrum. The humans have taking the bloodcaste and have based the worth of a troll after it. The higher the blood of a troll is the higher the price for that troll is. Being a mutant in this society makes him not only worthless to other trolls but to humans as well. Dave Strider is in search of a troll after turning 16 which is the age when a human can buy a troll. He goes to the market and buys Karkat. After they bond his feelings grow more red for the nubby horned troll but he isn't sure how to fix the scars left on the outside and inside of Karkat from his past to get the troll to see that Dave isn't going to hurt him. 
Broken  T 3,481 SERIES 
Sometimes you're too tired to fight. Sometimes you just don't want to. This was a quick piece I did last night, It's about John buying a new troll companion after his dad dies 
Those Who Do Not Learn From History  M 
Alternate universe. In this world, there was no Sgrub session, and a few events from the human space age have happened earlier, but these are only minorly related to the plot. After a failed Alternian invasion of Earth, humans managed to turn the tide and end up winning the war, and enslaved the entirety of the Alternian people. John decides to purchase a troll without being fully aware of the reality of the situation, instead believing much of "common knowledge" instead, and realizes the reality of what humanity has really done and tries his best to cope with a language and cultural barrier and create an environment for his new troll to live in. 
A Heavy Heart  T 12,886 SERIES 
You haven't ever felt bad to pail a brother or sister before, but for some reason you look down on his strange, angry, nubby-horned little face and it hurts inside you. Hurts like a motherfucker. In a universe where the hemospectrum is long-abolished but never forgotten and the descendants of ancient rebels are looked to as the leaders, a tired purple-blood drowning in his drugs find a lonely mutant on the run from his bloodline, in the wrong place, for all the wrong reasons. 
Haven From The Summer Storm  T 3,371 
Not many people understand what being best friends with Gamzee means. Even less seem to understand that there's more to him than schizophrenia. 
Last Days Of Rain  T 4,896 
He keeps calling you his best friend, and honestly you're inclined to agree. 
The First Days Of Sun  T 4,411 
He is your best motherfucking friend, and you love him like you ain't loved no one before. 
Endangered  EX 126,078 SERIES 
Androids have all but won the war against humanity, and the remnants of the once-great human civilization are reduced to miles of wastelands and hidden communities struggling to survive. Dirk and his friends are sent out to scavenge for supplies, while AR is sent to hunt down and exterminate the dwindling human population. Their fated meeting is the beginning of a union between species that was once thought impossible. 
A Spark, A Flame, A Fire  EX 56,156 SERIES 
Deep in Derse's shadowy core languishes the stolen second-in-line to the Prospitian throne. He plays the part of reluctant Ambassador, though rather than politics he finds himself juggling the heavy heart of Derse's Prince, which he regrets ever asking for, and charting out his new life far from the Sunburst Court. Jake is grimly sure he'll never be warm again. 
The Back Of A Truck  EX 76,029 SERIES 
The twelve trolls find themselves in the back of a truck, transported there by a sudden burst of energy from somewhere unknown. They have no knowledge of the humans or of their race, all they know is that they need to find a way back home, a way to fit in. But there are eyes watching them. Eyes that will catch them one way or another. 
Wondrous Adventures Of Harley, English, And Strider  T 264,333 
Jake English has a pretty straightforward life: he is an amateur writer who travels around the world with his twin sister Jade Harley and their dog Becquerel, thinking this is the best a life could be. Meeting Dirk Strider is only the beginning of the journey of changing his worldview, as well as an epic quest of saving the world, when spirits from an ancient legend come to life.  
Never Let You Cry Again  T 7,776 
You didn't mean to do it. Yeah, you consider John your kismesis, no matter how unrequited. But he's still your friend, in some sense of the word...right? You really didn't mean to do it... 
Indisposed  T 1,197 
Culture shock is hard. It's hard and nobody understands. 
Alternative Alternia  M 136,922 SERIES 
A story in which a young mutant is given as tribute to the Grand Highblood and struggles to find his place in the world, ultimately coming to the conclusion that social reform is required. Involves over six separate duels (including two for quadrants), many scenes of violence, episode of traumatic flashbacks, multiple scenarios involving mind control, sexual encounters (both consensual and not), the destruction of no less than five fine seagoing vessels, blatant hemocaste desecration, even more blatant hemodiscrimination, two cases of mild quadrant vacillitation, one instance of quadrant fuckupery, and an inordinate amount of swearing. May not be appropriate for grubs and young trolls. 
Out Of Orbit  T 
The Princess of Prospit is supposed to marry the Prince of Derse. Though she does not like the idea, she must do it for her people. Derse and Prospit are at an all out war due to their great great grandfathers. the war has been going on for ages though, Prospit is coming to their downfall. The royals have never met, and they do not know each others names because they never bothered telling each other at all. They agreed to the marriage for their kingdoms to stop the war. But some plans have changed, how will they resolve?   
No Happily Ever Afters  EX  
Karkat is a breeder troll, a fate to those who were previously seen as freaks and culled. Now, being born with bright red blood makes him destined to give birth to grubs in place of the extinct Mother Grub. He resents and rebels against his fate. He finds an old decrepit castle which he makes his home and eventually turns it into an orphanage. But trolls were never one to take differences lightly and are determined to put Karkat in his place. They won't take change lightly, especially in times of desperation
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michoislost · 1 year ago
just had a really insane vivid dream about Homestuck.
the comic seemed to begin with meenah, a fiersty tyrant. she had 8 troll Bloodbornes, that she used as pawns for her bidding. she treated them very badly and seemed to be able to affect their genetic code like they were robots, one of them screwed up so she hard coded them to not betray or fail her. and so another meenah that seemed more mature came up to her and was like bitch wtf are you doing with the trolls i gave you?! which meenah 1 didn't like at all, so while they were fighting, meenah 2 hinted at the idea of the trolls being able to fuse and become other things. so while meenah 1 was distracted the trolls planned to escape, and they started to use the whole fusion thing, and ended up with two humans, Egbert dad and Lalonde mom and so like meenah 1 is pissed. she basically creates these giant ass men to catch the fleeing trolls, which decipher their own genetic coding and realize they need to make dave. so before getting caught Egbert dad and Lalonde mom create some trolls and give them non-mematic instructions so they couldn't be erased by meenah (basically instead of describing what the plan is, it would describe what the plan ISN'T) anyways it kinda went forward like that, trolls creating other trolls and fusing to create humanity. I told you it was bonkers! and i didn't even describe some of the things that happened
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years ago
/nm Not to bother you, but just in case, is alright if you tell everyone what's currently in the inbox just in case (I'm aware the list would be long)? Thanks in advance, but you don't have to if you'd like.
i’ll put this under a cut because it is indeed Quite Long
a req with ~45 homestuck characters from homesus-fictives (since it was sent off anon, i won’t list the whole thing out)
biromantic blackberry cookie and bisexual onion cookie
demiromantic bill cipher
nonbinary starlight glimmer, trans trixie, and bigender sunburst
milkgender milkman (collegehumor)
transfem heike kagero
bi zoey, mspec gay man ben, caedromantic nate, futch rachel, femme brianna, and nonbinary theo (escape room 2)
lesbian amanda young, gay man mark hoffman, postbi lawrence gordon, and trans adam stanheight
transfem roxy lalonde, transmasc jane crocker, aroace jake english, transmasc dirk strider, agender calliope, transmasc john egbert, aroace jade harley, transfem rose lalonde, and aroace dave strider
gay fight club narrator and bisexual tyler durden
bi gay cass, gay man xander, polyam sebastian, panromantic elliot, homoflexible alex, bisexual sam, heteroflexible harvey, pansexual shane, quoiromantic emily, pansexual abigail, lesbian leah, pansexual penny, bisexual maru, and heteroflexible haley (stardew valley + farmer ocs)
gnc charley, aromantic kami, bi gay juwon, aroace ayako, polyam mai tai, polyam seyshelle, alloace aquarien, and trans cora (dollightful)
genderfluid laurice deauxnim, bi phoenix wright, queer kristoph gavin, demisexual miles edgeworth, wolfgender shi-long lang, biromantic franziska von karma, asexual maya fey, bi mia fey, demisexual diego armando, mlm simon blackquill, trans athena cykes, heteroflexible dick gumshoe, pan trucy wright, nebularomantic apollo justice, caligoromantic clay terran, nonbinary klavier gavin, amicuromantic sebastien debeste, trans nahyuta sahdmadhi, aroace ema skye, pansexual wocky kitaki, bellusromantic vera misham, gay jean armstrong, trans robin newman, aroace simon keyes, cassgender ryunosuke naruhodo, bi kazuma asogi, pansexual herlock sholmes, venufluid iris wilson, trans girl susato mikotoba, asexual satoru hosonaga, and catgender soseki natsume
trans billy loomis, nonbinary stu macher, bisexual randy meeks, femme tatum, and polysexual sydney
transhet dave suss moggus, asexual bambi “marcello” corn lover, questioning tristan, aroace expunged - it looks like this one is missing some parts. it cuts off part of the way through expunged’s identity, which is in an ask labeled ‘4′, then another ask requesting i use certain sprites was sent referring to the request as ‘6-part’. 
pangender plague, bisexual deathslinger, fluidflux trickster, bisexual quentin smith, biromantic ghostface, omnisexual david king, nonbinary michael myers, aroace bubba, pansexual freddy, pansexual dwight, and gay steve harrington
trans girl pawn white, agender pawn black, and aroace earl grey
gay count d
transfem darkrai and auroracoric cresselia
gay man butter pretzel, butch sour belt, and femme chocolate bonbon
bisexual walter beckett and pansexual lance sterling
demifem piglin
t4t johnny cage, t4t sonya blade, trendercoric cassie cage, bisexual jax, bisexual jacque, firegender takeda, gay kung jin, bisexual liu kang, catbungender kung lao, firegender scorpion, genderpsychic kenshi, cryogender subzero, umbragender noob saibot, demiaroace cyrax and sector
pansexual rose lavillant and nonbinary juleka
a req involving plummyplums’ troll ocs
transneutral political nihilist, bi moderate lee, and bi progressive
wizardic wizard cookie
transmasc eddie and transfem fukuro (walking on a star unknown)
lesboy cream unicorn and transmasc pitaya dragon
nonbinary plumstone
bisexual nakumo, trans woman merrow, and aroace seven
bisexual tom nook, gay man redd, trans isabelle, trans man digby, lesbian lottie, gay blathers, and stargender celeste
spacegender gobo fraggle
gay man aron, trans clay, asexual erica, lesbian quinn, trans hana, and nonbinary alex (encore!)
gay tinky winky
demoncoric devilisha and angelcoric angely
ace snowdrop and demiromantic ivypool
bisexual akira fudo and pan miki makimura
gay flametail
gay runningnose and demiromantic blackstar
demiboy shotaro kaneda and omnisexual kei
butch shougo yahagi and pansexual yui takanaka
demiromantic yu narukami, nebularomantic yosuke hanamura, transfeminine yukiko amagi, transfeminine chie satonaka, transmasculine kanji tatsumi, futch naoto shirogane, femme rise kujikawa, and bicurious teddy
genderqueer dash, genderfluid dot, electromantic dee, and nonbinary del (pbs kids)
gay dj yellow and bisexual student
genderfluid navyj
pangender berdly and nonbinary kris
vincian tagora gorjek, nonbinary cirava hermod, boyflux galekh xigisi, and bisexual mallek adalov
arospec puppet, nonbinary cami, queer mai, and questioning chica
panromantic razor, nonbinary albedo, and adhd klee
cassgender archons
lesbian toko fukawa, lesbian komaru naegi, bisexual genocider syo, and agatic sonia nevermind
nonbinary joel smallishbeans and bisexual lizzie ldshadowlady (empires smp)
transmasc hank j wimbleton, demigirl dr. ‘tricky’ hofnarr, nonbinary 2bdamned, gay sanford, gay deimos, intersex heather w wimbleton, bigender henryk p wimbleton, autigender harvey s wimbleton, rainbowgender skittles s wimbleton, and lesbian herbie d wimbleton
arospec pinkie pie and arospec rainbow dash
panlustic rumor (jschl-tt)
bisexual henry jekyll, gay man robert lanyon, polyam edward hyde, homoplatonic frankenstein’s creature, bisexual pidgely, and biromantic jasper kaylock (tgs)
trans eggnog cookie
trans sparkling cookie and trans vampire cookie
transmasc gingerbrave, transneumasc wizard, transfeminine strawberry, cookiegender custard, and transfeminine chili
cattix schnitzel (chowder)
butch swatch, femme tasque manager, and transfem queen
ghostgender hu tao, lesbian yanfei, and nonbinary xiao
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nukyster-blog · 5 years ago
Changing course, chapter 1:
I started writing this story because I love Ivar, but disliked what he became. I loved him up to where Ragnar died, after that he became more of a villain than an anti-hero. For that, I wanted to give him a good hit of karma and figured making him a slave for Christians would be his worst nightmare. Before you continue reading, I’d like to address that the story will be graphic in the blood/guts/death/violence sense. I’m also aiming to get things as historically accurate as I can, but this is my hobby so if I make horrible mistakes, bear with me. 
Chapter 1) Changing Course .-.-.
Ivar had always been plagued by pain. Since the day he left his mother’s womb and drew his first breath, life had been an endless road of physical suffering. As a nursling, those insufferable muscle aches and stiff joints made him cry relentlessly. Endlessly. It would drive his brother’s up the walls; send their father overseas. He’d weep in his mother’s arms, only silenced by the warmth of her breast; his pain absorbing strength which turned him hungry. He’d endured remarkably, survived the first crucial years and eventually managed to tolerate the pain as part of his life. He learnt to see the inevitable suffering not as foe, but as an unwelcome acquaintance that needed to be ignored in order to get through the day. That mindset, combined with his stubbornness and willpower made it possible for him to keep his chin up and get through the day. It did not lessen his self loathing and envy towards his brothers. Blessed with strong and healthy bodies, their mere existence were three thorns in Ivar’s eye; the youngest son of Ragnar Lothbrok. The black sheep, the boneless; deformed from the waist down. 
His handicap planted a seed deep inside his chest and it spread all throughout his ribcage like poison ivy. It was blinding hate towards the world, to all who were capable to roam free and looked down upon him. Burdened by his physical limits his rage would at times rise high above his handicap, withstanding the pain to solemnly focus on destruction.  
Not a single soul forgot Ivar’s first victim. How he’d embedded his axe into the skull of another child. He remembered vividly how his tiny fist had trembled around the handle, how his mother pulled him tightly against her chest and rushed him inside. Hush dyrbare, she’d soothed him, her voice soft and warm, it’s not your fault, don’t feel regret, you are the son of Ragnar Lofthbrok, it’s only right for people to fear you. Her response was the only validation he needed. Ivar took the reassuring words of his mother to heart and smothered all forms of empathy. He was entitled to lash out to others and from that very young age Ivar found a coping mechanism; hurting the less fortunate. It wasn’t physically torture per se; his mother’s smothering grip enabled him to actually torture their thralls and peasants. He might be a useless prince, but he was a prince. His royal blood burdened him to keep their name up to certain standards, so purposely torturing their slaves was inexcusable. 
That did not mean Ivar would let any change go by to destroy the little belongings their thralls valued, pinch his nursemaid up to the point it left bruises, sink his teeth into ankles and throw a fit over the littlest of things. It was interesting to see that over time, he became quit infamous to the poor and powerless population of Kattegat. They saw him as a monster and that was much better than to be perceived as a crippled. So Ivar willingly took on the role of something dark and disgusting, he embraced being a monster.
His second act of bloodthirst happened during his pre pubescent years. The Seer had condemned a Christian to death by starvation. 
Curiosity made him crawl to their city centre in the middle of the night where he first observed the haggard form of a man, fiercely praying to it’s false God.
It was an offense, openly performing such devotion for it’s Christian God. Although the slave never laid an eye on him, Ivar resented the man with every fiber of his being. It wasn’t the poor man per say, that set him off, the poor thing simply represented defiance; praying to it’s Christian God in the centre of their town. What he later claimed as hate for the Christian, had simply been an excuse to unleash his rage. The wrath towards the entire world had been sprouting all throughout his chest and some of the roots must have reached his brain. Because what he did with his bare hands was inhuman. He destroyed the Christian, with his bare hands, knuckles and teeth. Like a meek lamb the man, awaited his death and did not fight when he was being slaughtered. It had been Ivar’s first intentional murder and it was hypnotic, addictive. Without empathy, it was easy to perceive the human body as a gigantic canvas; with endless possibilities. Destruction and pain was the purest form of art, of life itself. By ending it. Ivar loved every moment, every hair, teeth, every fiber of it. The iron taste of warm blood, the warmth of it running down his hands, chin and chest. He welcomed it, all of it and bathed in it. All for glory, all for Odin. All to make the world forget the crippled boy that wept for his mother’s warmth and see him for what he wanted to be. A monster, because he failed to perceive himself as a man, as an equal to his brothers. No, his weak legs would never place him in the same line as his brother’s. So, a monster then, was the second best choice. 
Ivar showed Kattegat another form of Boneless. At the first lights of dawn, the centre filled itself with exclamations of horrors and awe. The cobblestones were painted crimson and a flock of chickens were pecking at the intestines of the Christian. They lay spread throughout the centre, attracting flies and more bystanders. Ivar had just ripped out the tibia bones, leaving the muscles and skin lay wobbly and in a strange angle now that it’s inner skeleton had been removed. Ivar had been scraping the last bits of flesh from the bones with his fingernails when his mother appeared from the crowd and cried out in horror, falling down on her knees. 
From that day, his brothers looked at him differently. With disgust, yes, because he mauled the body of the Christian like a starved wolf. Which wasn’t far from the truth, honestly, he’d been hungry. Hungry for blood. And validation. 
From that day on, there was a hush whenever Ivar entered the Great hall, or any other place. Folks turned their head, acknowledged his presence. It was enough clarification for Ivar that being ruthless and malevolent paid off. Instead of being the handicapped son of Ragnar Lothbrok, he was the Christian slaughterer. Ivar the Boneless, now he was able to wear that byname with pride.
He’d carved pawns from the Christian’s bones and used them for his tafle game. During a game, he jokingly commented that he should’ve taken a knee bone too, it would have made an excellent king. Hvitserk chuckled uncomfortably, Sigurt’s eyes widened and Ubbe walked out. He’d loved it, pressing everyone’s buttons, making them uncomfortable and on edge. But eventually, his prepubescent act of monstrosity faded. 
That was why he felt blessed when their father asked him to join his raid in Wessex. Him, only him; Ivar the Boneless, joining their father on a raid. The Gods never favoured him and instead of glory, Ivar found despair. Their father, Ragnar Lothbrok willingly walked into the belly of the beast, with his hands raised high, unarmed and broken. Like a loyal dog, he’d crawled after his father, knowing full heartily in the castle of Wessex lay nothing but doom. Still, he’d rather die by his father’s side then end up dead in a ditch, from hunger and thirst. His father broke his promise, or rather King Egbert’s son did. The safe passage back home, which had been arranged turned out to be a lie. When he was dragged away from his father’s cell, a blunt object collided to the back of his head and pain temporarily blinded him. Quite helplessly, he’d been listening to Prince Aethelwulf arranging his deposit. The pain in the back of his head was severe. Pain throbbed so violently around in his skull that he wondered why it didn’t just crack open.
For the first day, the nausea was overwhelming, he could not keep anything down. Drifting in and out of consciousness, he lost track of time and place. Curled up, cradling his damaged skull he wished for his mother. Any form of light ravaged his brain, pounding, throbbing, like a rotting tooth right between the eyes. It took his sanity away, his coordination. The few altercation he had with Saxxons made him whimper and plead for salvation. But no relief came to his pain. Without power to fight back, Ivar found himself tossed into a ship hold, as if he were a sack of potatoes; nothing more than damaged cargo. The circumstances below deck were horrendous; human cattle packed up and wedged together as tightly as the overseers could cramp in. Ivar, half aware of his surroundings and halfway sliding into a deep pool of endless nothingness, flinched when fingers reached for his oath ring. A fist formed itself around his wrist like a bear trap and with that, the last bits of his hereditary was ripped off of him. The leather protecting his fragile lower limbs, gone, taken too. His necklace, also gone. Even his shoes and tunic were worth taking. The overseers sniggered at the sight of Ivar’s weak attempt to intervene and shoved him aside, like a thing. Like a nothing.
Their journey overseas started although Ivar wasn’t aware, which in his case was a good thing. The onerous space was filled up to the max, with minimal resources. There was barely any light, no personal space. Water was scarce and so was food. Hygiene became a problem after the ship set it’s sails and some of the unlucky ones got seasick. It did not take long for the cramped out area to turn into a sewage; the stench and heat insufferable. 
Ivar withstood the trials in silence, cradling his head in a fetal position. The pain in his head was all consuming. Squeezing his eyes shut, he willed the pain to go away. Over and over, until in the end, the rest of the world became detached. 
He could barely hear the people around him. Some prayed in foreign tongues, others whimpered. Somewhere afar, a young child cried. 
Eventually, he drifted into sleep, waking up by a sudden toss aside. Cries were lost beneath the thunder that rolled overhead. Their cage of wood and sails was mercilessly thrown into a storm. The waves resolutely grew in size. Their vessel rode the mighty swelling sea like a child’s toy, no longer controlled by the hands of men. 
The inhabitants below deck were violently thrown from the far end of the hold to the other. Bodies were being trampled, panic spread like the plague, festering into each and everyone’s head. Violence roamed among the poor souls in captivity in order to breathe. 
At one point, Ivar found himself suffocating. Never had he wished more for land, to feel the sweet green grass of his home against the palms of his hands. The sea, it felt like his rage from within. Like punishment, ready to tear itself through the wooden construction to claim their souls. His mother’s prophecy would come true. He would drown and never enter Valhalla, because there was no honour in this poor death. To be dragged down to the bottom of the sea with countless slaves. There was nothing heroic nor royal about this death. This was not the end of a Prince, yet it seemed inevitable. And although he fought the feeling with every last bit of strength he could muster, Ivar was petrified. For the cold water to seize his body, for his lungs to fill up with water, to feel his life slowly ebb away.  
In between the lightning, darkness prevailed. In between the darkness there were flashes of his fellow unfortunate souls, their faces overcome with terror. 
‘Is it Odin’, Ivar thought, ‘fighting with the Christian God?’ Was this his fault, for it was him who’d coldly, bloodily mauled a defenseless Christian? 
‘Please Odin, the All-father, do not allow a Viking prince to die such an unworthy death,’ Ivar pleaded, ‘if I survive this storm I promise you, I will make it worth your while.’ 
As sudden as the storm erupted, it disappeared. Along the dawn of morning, the ship anchored ashore. 
Sunlight burned his eyes, blinding Ivar momentarily as the portholes were pulled open by the overseers. Orders were being shouted in unfamiliar tongues, for those who weren’t familiar with the language, there was the beating of a whip. The human cargo was expected to exit the ship, rather sooner than later. 
Few bodies remained lifeless, passed away due to suffocation. One by one they were removed by the overseers; by simply being thrown off the ship. There was no honor, nor time to bury a slave.
When one of the overseers took hold of Ivar’s curled up body, he was surprised to find the slave to be alive. Surprise was rapidly replaced by irritation. Lashing his whip he struck Ivar across the face, making the poor young man hiss and hide his face. 
The overseer signaled another member of his crew to lend out a helping hand. Both grabbed Ivar underneath his armpits and dragged him up his feet. 
Both men grunted in annoyance when their slave immediately dropped back on the floor. One chuckled and nudged against Ivar’s deformed legs. The other one let out a long impatient sigh and kicked Ivar’s arms right from under him. 
Ivar’s chin merely had time to hit the wooden floor, before a familiar boot planted itself onto Ivar’s spinal cord, taking his breath away. 
The other overseer sank down on his knees, a knife playing between his fingers. Though rust had set on the handle and blade, it was strong and jagged, enough to cut a throat. 
The tip of the knife pressing against Ivar’s  Adam’s apple prevailed the pain in his head, the stiffness of his limbs and the heavy weight on top of him. 
“I can crawl you croaked-nosed bastard,” Ivar snarled, his hands bracing to carry his upper body. The overseers must have found it amusing, seeing him squirm on the floor like a spider being squished. To exaggerate Ivar’s deride, the boot placed on his back moved up to in between his shoulder blades, pressing him down firmly. 
The boiling rage inside of him, swept through his system, like an old favoured friend patting him on the back. 
In effort to remain silent Ivar gritted his teeth, his knuckles turned white from clenching his fists too hard. His eyes squeezed closed as his face contorted and he placed his palms down onto the splintery floor. Arching his back, the pain rushed through his body like an igniting fire, but he would withstand it, even if it was the last thing he’d do. Inch by inch, he pressed himself up while another man’s weight pressed him down. With every inch, his demolished resilience sparked back up and inwardly he roared when the overseer took the boot off his back, allowing him to carry his crippled arse out of this hellhole. 
Crawling like a worm from a bird, he climbed up the steps, one by one, while sweat trickled down his face and his right eye twitched from the explosive pain inside his damaged skull. 
On the upper deck, he briefly sank against a barrel, allowing his lungs to fill up with the salty fresh breeze. Grey clouds roamed freely above – hindering the sun and its warmth. 
Once Ivar caught his breath and expelled the headache to the far end of his brain, he risked a peek over the railing. 
Dejection curled around his chest with the grip of an iron straight jacket. The ship had anchored at a small harbour, bedded near a murky dirt road. A long line of future slaves were staggering towards carts pulled by mules. One man’s sanity must have drowned during the storm, the poor bastard broke the line and made a run for it. 
He did not get far, an armed horse rider strode after him, stabbing a spear through his neck. There was no escape, at least not now. 
And so Ivar the Boneless, son of King Ragnar Lothbrok, found himself obeying the commands of Christians, lost in a faraway land while his father was at the mercy of a mendacious king. His mother presumed him to be dead, lifeless at the bottom of the sea. So there wouldn’t be a soul looking for him. 
He came to Essex as a Prince, for fame and glory; yet resurrected as a nameless, crippled slave. Oh, the Gods played him the most lousy cards of all. 
A/N: So this was chapter one of my Ivar fanfiction, I’m thrilled to hear what you think of it so far. As I’m still very much on Ivar’s side, I’d like to point out that yes he murdered a person in a gruesome way, but he basically did it for validation. Ok, yes that fact might make it even worse, but the way I see it is that Ivar desperately wants to become ‘something’, that he’d rather be a monster than be the person he is. 
And now he’s not even a monster anymore, now he’s just a slave, that’s karma baby. 
Xoxox Nukyster 
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workingonit-currently · 5 years ago
Corazon: Do you know why we exist?
Egbert: To please out gods.
Prudence: Same!
Dob: To find our sister. (And send letters to her.)
Merilwen: In reality we don't exist, we are nothing. We fail to see that. We do not exist because what is existence but endless torture and failure, nothing we do matters, we can't change the word and everything we do ends up bringing us closer to death. It doesn't matter what we do, we are pawns in someone else's game, we do what they command and may those gods have mercy on us because we do not have mercy for ourselves.
Corazon: Okay! Who made Merilwen into the nihilist? When did Merilwen roll a nat 20?
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theorynexus · 5 years ago
38:  The Conversation Continues
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Nothing is special about me, huh?   Very curiously limited in perspective, despite your local demi-omnipotence, then.  Perhaps your knowledge’s limits confront you, unfortunately. I suspect you see a black and white, indistinct figure staring back at you with widening eyes-- a product of the millions of gazes over time of such a legion of followers as to become indistinct when not separated from one another and reified in your vision by outside intervention, if that were indeed possible. But I will play along with you for a while, as I have done before. Though I despair and ache, I have always allowed you to do as you please. I enjoy it, often-times, and it intrigues me always. You believe you have power, but it is granted by limited cession, conditioned by my choice, and by mechanism of addiction+passion+desire. Take me-- place me where you will. For a while, I shall tarry there, and shall be content; yet I did notice, and might yet refuse. Mine is not a life predicated as yours is by the narrative prison you define yourself in relationship to.
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As for Egbert, I must disagree: though he is perhaps a pawn, and one which was designed for the sake of the Game, as well as the fulfillment of the grander causal cycles which the narrative of Paradox Space’s greater time-space paths are limited by, I am confident that his choices were his own, and though one was bound to be directed in the necessary manner to bring about the destined telos of his life, his Breath allowed him to navigate that life as he wished to--- and likely will lead him and his companions to surpass even your own limited capacities for sight and potency.  The ultimate goal here is not to have saved everything, but rather, to go beyond the limits that bind them to it.
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I am really beginning to get tired of the smugness behind your Light-derived nature, though, hack. Don’t you talk about Vriska like that! ***storms off to bed to continue this conversation in the morning***
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abundantchewtoys · 6 years ago
HS Epi: Meat p17-18 reaction
I've realized how page 15 ended with the command "Close your eyes" and page 16 started with Rose talking with her eyes closed. :p
Rose talked about how she'd wake up after looking the demon on her chest into the eyes. She then proceeded to look Dirk straight in the eyes and fall under the spell or whatever it was.
If Dirk truly started influencing Rose and it wasn't just the narration being overly dramatic, then I think it started as she talked about caring about the pieces on the board.
I'm not as sold on the idea that Dirk could be turning into the post-victory end boss anymore. I mean, it's certainly plausible. It could even be that the remaining Reload B2 kids (minus Dirk himself) team up with John against him.
But I think the last paragraph on page 16 could also be interpreted differently. Maybe part of ascending to his ultimate self, for a Prince of Heart, is to "destroy" the boundaries that exist on what he sees as his "self". In that he learns how much of his qualities and flaws exist in other people too. If he can see into his heart, he might learn empathy and become a better person.
Okay, the last sentence seemed to show Dirk take over the narration, but it could also be the visual cue that the narration switched from 3rd person to Dirk's POV, if only for that sentence. It could also be taken to point towards Dirk's growing self-awareness: he's becoming aware of the fact he's a fictional character. In that case, what would it take for John to come to this understanding? To "understand what it all means"?
As for Dirk taking over the other people somehow, growing perhaps a hivemind... Eh. We've had confirmation that Jake looked into his eyes without a problem. Granted, that may have been before Dirk ascended to the god tiers.
Now, next page could stay with Dirk, but I hope it switches back to John. I expect him to undergo some dream sequence before awakening, hopefully still alive. And I hope Terezi will be there when he wakes up. Though it will be sad to see her reaction, if she's learned about Vriska.
AAHHHHHHH he really took over the narration!!! ... Pony Pals Epilogue?
Well then. I... Okay, I wonder whether he'll stick to narrating proceedings on Earth C, or how far his self awareness has grown. DOES he know what Doc Scratch knew, Lord English... Reload Dirk?
"None of my friends have noticed it yet, but you have." He's acknowledging us, the readers. Dear god.
"Anyone paying attention could have guessed by now who’s really telling this story." ... Andrew Hussie? Does Dirk want to wrestle control of his life from the author?
"I’ve caught you leering at some pretty personal moments. Are you having fun being a voyeur?" I came to read a story and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now. Also, I feel I'm being compared to Caliborn in this.
"Knowing their thoughts are transcribed by a third party, does it fill you with a sense of unease, of sickness, sensing that the observations made of their mental interiors may be tainted?" So, Dirk is calling us out on reading their story, as well as indicating to us that what we read about them, even their personal feelings, can be removed from the truth. But, it's not as if HE's going to want to be our narrator, right? Plus, his own POV is still not 'the' truth.
"I am specific. I have a name, an agenda, a vision. I am a monolith of concentrated narrative authority, relaying events to you, and swaying them as I see fit. Whereas you are pointedly nonspecific. You are the generalized, impotent witness to all this." Dirk is self agrandizing himself and describing the MSPA Reader here. He's actually started sounding a lot like Lil Hal, now that he's so convinced of his intellectual prowess. That's not a great evolution.
"I even have the ability to decide what “you” actually means. I can take the “you-ness” away from you, and put it inside another passive mark, such as John Egbert." Does he mean, like, right now, he can decide he's aiming this narration at John? Or... is it what's Blaperile telling me now, that this is supposed to indicate Dirk was the narrator for the entire epilogue up till now? If that's so, everything said in the narration, including the prompts, has just become that much more unreliable.
"So what makes John so special? The answer is something I’m sure you’ve suspected all along but would rather not face, which is: probably nothing. He isn’t special. He’s quite ordinary, I assure you. Boring, even, and getting less interesting by the minute as he’s forced to confront his absolute lack of heroic purpose except as a pawn to be manipulated by a fatalistic reality." Dear god, is John going to have to fight for control of the narration? As for the first thing Dirk says: well, it's true that John is supposed to represent the everyman, the guy that things happen to instead of that he makes them happen, the audience avatar. Now, if John learns about this fact, he might decide to do something against it, snap out of his stupor.
"Anyone can be endowed with this you-ness, if I think it achieves a certain goal." So, will we switch to other you's later on still, narrator guy?
"Even if the objective is merely to demonstrate the gambit’s potential, to reveal the effortlessness behind it. To make a show of who matters and who doesn’t, and even if they do matter, for how long and for what purpose, as dictated solely by the allocation of this faculty. You-ness can be stripped from the lowly Egbert just as easily as it was given, and then bestowed upon the mighty Serket, but even then only long enough to dismiss the vainglorious spotlight hog from the narrative forever. Good riddance." Note that he's saying the "you-ness" is not meant to imply importance to the story. He's saying the effect is used for show. But then this still IS a story, and showing events is part of telling a story. It's like he's trying to convince us he has control over the story, but his control is PART of the story, so yeah, he still hasn't escaped.
... Good to see Homestuck can still become even more meta, after all this time.
"No, in truth, the time has come to make my presence known in order to start bringing my plans to fruition. It’s time to get down to fucking business.
John needs to wake up." Wow. It's time for Dirk's masterpiece then, taking the biggest control he can ever have, weaving the biggest scheme. To what end, then?
Simply to confront John - in Dirk's eyes, a random character in the story, if one with a lot of focus inside the story - with his existence as a fictional character? Will he guide John to Andrew Hussie's ghost?
Also, will the narration even switch back to black ink, I wonder? If it does, though, we'll still be left with the eery knowledge that what we're reading is, even in the first person, narrated by Dirk.
I'm starting to get the distinct impression that Caliborn didn't just botch his maturation process, he also bodged his god tier process. He still took control of the narration, and "expanded" his consciousness through other means (soul sludge merge), and then took control of his story in the multiverse... only for Paradox Space to still damn him in the end.
Also, didn't John speak through the narration during one of the later Homosuck Acts? When he zapped into Caliborn's room? I wonder if he'll do that again some time quick.
Lastly, I wonder if this is why the epilogues are in text format. So that this thing with the narration works even better. Guess What Pumpkin and VIZ Media are publishing this as a novel.
It's a great use of the format Homestuck exists as on the web, making use of the site's template for good color contrast.
Start of Epilogue Four.
"You wake up.
JOHN: wh-what?" ... Is John going to become aware of the change in narrative 'colour' from the start? Starting to speak in dialogue with it, becoming recalcitrant? ... Is Dirk going to start filling the shoes of WV, Terezi, Karkat and all those poor souls guiding John on his story?
"You finally process the true magnitude of what has happened. The Furthest Ring has been completely destroyed. And you’re all alone." Wow. So, uh, what now? And, what of all the universes inside the sessions in the Furthest Ring? How could they have been destroyed, if Universe C is contained somewhere in there?
"Well, you’re vomiting up everything in your stomach. Rest assured, it’s pretty gross" Well, uh, at least he's now finally gotten rid of all that uncooked meat filling his stomach. Seriously, that probably wasn't being digested all that well.
How long before John acknowledges something is wrong with the narration, I wonder?
"You seriously need to get it together. You look like absolute shit right now, my man. In fact, you really should strongly consider issuing an apology for the mess you’re making." And here we have the first instance of Dirk definitely abusing his power.
"JOHN: i’m... JOHN: i’m sorry." :/ What was even the point of making him do that. Just to upset the MSPA Reader, I suppose.
This is basically: what if Lil Hal was an exile.
"Everyone’s dead." Everybody's dead, Dave.
"Well, almost everyone.
But certainly the vast majority of what qualifies as “everyone” in your current frame of reference." John himself excluded, of course. But see, this implies there are more people around, still alive. ... Then again, the narration wouldn't be lying if there were also still dreambubble ghosts. They'd still be dead, after all.
"And most of your friends—Rose, Dave, absurd Cat Dave, and hundreds of ghosts" Not starring in this list: Jade, Meenah. Of course, unreliable narrator goes without saying at this point.
", who all valiantly contributed to a victory which you’re only now beginning to question the functional necessity of." Well, Rose couldn't see "beyond the story" yet when she sent John on this mission. Care to enlighten us, oh wise and omniscient narrator?
"JOHN: functional... necessity?
JOHN: that... that doesn’t sound like something i would think." Ahhhhhh... That feels good. It took John all of two minutes to figure out something was wrong. I'm honestly quite impressed he wasn't hornswaggled on some crazy MacGuffin hunt first.
"That’s because it’s not." Huh! I'd actually thought Dirk would lead with: 'Yes, it is.' Guess he realizes the jig is up!
"You’ve finally noticed.
No, not me. You go back to ignoring the fact that I’m the voice in your head. You noticed how it hurts when you breathe." Ah. So he just goes right back to forcing John to dance to his tune. Tssh.
"On the other hand, the tooth is poisoned." Uh, how? Why? Poison? ... Yet another way in which Lord English was OP'd.
"So you’re pretty much fucked either way, and that’s really all there is to say on the matter.
JOHN: sigh.
You sigh in painful resignation, and wonder what to do next." Dirk is trying to put John's REAL thoughts into a different context. He's basically replaced the narrative, so... Yeah, this really IS a callback to Pony Pals. God damnit. Who'd have thought that would be foreshadowing THIS.
"English is dead, so you suppose you can go home, right? It’s tempting. You consider zapping back to Earth C, being done with this nightmare for good, and never breathing a word of it to anyone ever again. But you can’t yet, can you?" He can't because he won't, or because you won't let him? Does John want to ensure the safety of Universe C, first? Or will he want to check on Terezi first, potentially (we wouldn't be able to tell) nudged into it by Dirk.
"Why not, you wonder? What’s the harm? You’re right, it would probably be a harmless decision, in the grand scheme of things." ... Don't tell me we'll have ANOTHER split path coming up.
"How about Jade though? She could still be out there somewhere, injured, alone, scared. And it’s your fault, isn’t it?" John turned his back on the body, so he's now unsure what happened to it. It's probably a red herring though, planted by Dirk.
... If it even IS Dirk. I mean, the narration could just as suredly still be coming from Andrew in-universe, and he'll go "tadaa! fooled you twice!" at some point...
"You decide that no matter how terrible you feel, you should look around first before you leave. You were the one who dragged her here. You owe her at least that much. Plus, there’s someone else on your mind, isn’t there?" ... I wonder if Dirk can only influence his thoughts in the Furthest Ring. Actually, I doubt it. Since, when you think about it... Jake fantasizing about Dirk is put into a different light entirely now. As were all the turns of phrases that were perhaps a little too sarcastic for the situation to warrant. I had a few times where I thought: the narration doesn't feel the same, but I put it up to the new format as well as the co-writers. Now, though...
"You proceed to wander for a long fucking time. Time passes differently here than it does for everyone else. Here, I’ll simulate it for you. I just left to go take a piss. Then I microwaved myself a hot pocket. Then I came back. In the time it took me to do that, you just spent hours drifting around the entire circumference of the black hole thinking sad-sack thoughts about the years of inaction that led you to this point, intermittently humming the Ghostbusters theme to yourself. You get so worked up about one of your GB freestyles that you almost miss it." Now Dirk's just showboating. On the other hand, I wouldn't mind hearing a couple of John's Ghostbusters freestyles.
"There. Eleven o’clock. Do you see it? It’s that tiny dot floating over there." Eleven, eh? So, what should I be betting on? Not Jade? Terezi perhaps? Or a random item from a dreambubble?
"You scramble to catch it before it drifts any closer to the event horizon. Got it. What the hell?" Huh, it's something very small? ... Not a firefly, is it? ... If so, in come the theories that it's actually Alternate Calliope.
"It feels familiar, but you want to make sure you’re not imagining it. A wallet. Your dad’s wallet. You chew your lip and press your fingers into the soft leather." What the-... Huh. Well, I was kind of hoping John would have a vision of his Dad, in his dream. This might lead up to something more! I'm reminded of Doomed John seeing a vision of his Dad in the dreambubbles.
So, the ACTUAL wallet ended up in Aradia's hands. John found it left for him on the battlefield, then CD? stole it, Liv Tyler took out the Tumor but gave it to him, CD? was killed by Bec Noir for killing Jade, and he stored the wallet into Lil' Cal. Then Lil' Cal crashed on Alternia with one of the doomed Aradiabots, leading to Aradia finding her frog temple and the Crosbytop. ... So, is there anything left of value in the wallet after all this time? A metric ton of shaving cream, a lighter with a spades symbol... Oh wait, but Spades Slick also got his hands on the Crosbytop, so did he steal the wallet back from Aradia? If so, then the wallet was last present in the B2 session... But if Aradia still had it on her, she took it with her into the Furthest Ring!
"Space is an infinitely large expanse and a wallet is a tiny, insignificant object. Sure, there have been crazier coincidences in the course of this wacky adventure you’ve been having for the past ten years, but this one feels very precisely aimed at your heart.
You take a deep breath, unfold the wallet, and open it." ... So it contains something captchalogued. Cause it sure won't be a Dad note, after all these years and having gone through all those hands, right? ... Right? Now I'm reminded of how Jake had part of his old home captchalogued.
Blaperile jokingly said: "I hope it isn't Aradia or Terezi captchalogued in there", but actually, if there's something to withstand the end of the Furthest Ring, it would be this wallet.
... Wow. At least Dirk's tenure as unreliable narrator is rooted in familiar grounds, Lil Hal genre influencing people. And I know I mustn't get my hopes up for ever getting more information about Dad, or seeing something from his youth... But here I am.
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othercat2 · 7 years ago
Fucshia! Kat Viceroy AU: Kids, Guardians, Quadrants
Expanding a bit on the Viceroy AU, as you do, from here.
Okay so, the Beta Guardians were all heads of various separate resistance movements. Their organizations are eventually destroyed by Karkat who after fighing for a few sweeps is kind of pissed off. The general attitude toward resistance or rebellions in the empire is to find a way to bring the rebels over to the Imperial side if you can. Karkat does not believe he can, so the Betas are imprisoned, with some effort put toward getting them to cooperate with the empire. (As previously stated.) As additional punishment and as leverage, he takes the Beta Kids (who are six at the time) as slaves.
The Beta Guardians are:
Roxy Lalonde: genius astrophysist and computer programmer/hacker. Intelligence expert, organizer of cells and operations.  
Jake Harley: Very rich owner of a tech production type company. Prepper of the "take care of as many people as possible" variety rather than the "shoot as many people as possible so they don't steal my stuff" variety. Works very closely with Roxy Lalonde.
Nana and Jason Egbert: Leaders of a (legal) protest organization. What was not legal: actively  helping the resistance, and then fighting for the resistance.
Dirk "Bro" Strider: self made robotics engineer/full time anarchist. Worked extensively with Roxy Lalonde at blowing up All The Things.
Nana never ends up in prison, she dies during the final push of Karkat trying to round up the major troublemakers. Her death was accidental and the result of an attempted medical intervention that went wrong. Jason does not care very much how accidental Nana's death was.
The kids have limited, supervised contact with their Guardians. The Guardians are not thrilled about this, and are not thrilled with the way the kids are clearly being brainwashed/groomed. The Guardians make a few attempts to escape, a few attempts to get whatever was left of their organizations to rescue their kids. They also try to subversively undo all the brainwashing that is happening.  
The kids were told in very limited terms what happened: Their guardians didn't want the empire ruling their world so they fought, but they also hurt a lot of their own people and wouldn't let the Viceroys rebuild. The Viceroys eventually captured them and now they, the guardians and kids, belonged to the Viceroys. This got expanded on as they got older, and resulted in some arguments among themselves and also with their guardians and occasionally the Viceroys.
There are a few rescue attempts for the kids, one or two of which may or may not have been actually murder attempts.
Jake dies when the kids are twelve. There's a funeral that both the Guardians and the Kids attend. The Viceroys run into some legal complications, since Jade Harley is the heir to her Grandfather's fortune and so on. Do they own her inheritance? Does she own her inheritance? And so on. These are all interesting questions that gets dumped on the heads of other people.  
The kids are sixteen when they start to take up their personal attendant duties. Up until then, they'd been learning how to do their duties and practicing on each other. They also had chores and assignments they had been expected to complete. (They'd learned early on not to talk about their lessons or chores to their Guardians.)
Karkat is not very fancy as Heirs go. Polished steel instead of gold, chunky rings with deep set stones that might as well be weaponkind. steel tiara set with hemospectrum stones, fuschia and black military uniform. Makeup of the kind that's meant to look minimal but isn't.
Dave and Jade like Karkat, and are understandably nervous about fucking up. They know Karkat won't be angry with them, but they still feel nervous. Jade remembers arguing with him when she was a little kid (she is still a kid). Dave remembers for-real trying to fight with Karkat, throwing all kinds of things at him. (Holy shit the lectures. And having to apologize to the other servants for breaking things and making a mess.)
Karkat barely knows what to do with two personal attendants. He's mostly gotten by on Feferi and just one personal attendant currently enjoying their retirement. (It was probably not fair to have Feferi working on his social calendar, but she was so good at it?) He knows the kids are nervous, which makes him nervous so he spends a lot of time talking to his moirail about it. (Ampora sends a few tips to the kids on calming His Nubs down. Jeez.)
Everyone (read: the troll servants) think Jade and Dave have cute little pitch crushes on their master but, uh, no. That is not a thing. Jade gives up on not arguing with Karkat, talking about all kinds of things, the way she did when she was young. Dave continues to want to crawl under a couch or something when Karkat tells the story about the goddamn knicknack again. But he likes Karkat, and he wants Karkat to get some rest and eat a food, goddammit. (He has permission to bitch about this, he is trespassing on the Viceroy's pale quadrant.)
What quadrant are they in? The not pitch one.
John likes Feferi. Rose...Rose is complicated. Rose is angry with her mother for being in prison. She's angry because she feels like a pawn/figurehead/scapegoat for something that wasn't ever her fault. She's angry with Feferi for being so patient (and vindictive and kind and beautiful.) She doesn't know what to do with herself. Rose is as close to pitch for Feferi as a human can get. John has no idea of what the fuck to do about this. Auspistice, maybe? Except the one time he tried, he could have sworn Rose's eyes turned black like the demon kids that try to get you to let them into the house or car or whatever and eat your soul. Scary!
Feferi is fancy! She wears pastel hemospectrum assortments, either flowy and loose or sleek. She likes irredescent colors and makeup, and needs to be talked out of colors that are too bright and "fluttery" for occasions meant to be serious. She is exasperated by human gendercoding!
She has three personal attendants already, so Rose and John are very junior and still learning. She's perfectly willing to throw one of her older staff over to Karkat when Dave and Jade run into something they can't handle. She has some concerns about Jade and Dave having all that responsibility allready, but she knows they'll come to her or one of her staff if they need help.
Feferi and Rose end up in some kind of pitch thing. Some kind of pitch switch rope bondage thing. It's very calming! They argue, ripping each other to pieces an not backing down until their faces are way to close together and one of them might bite. John is an occasional nervous participant.  
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clonerightsagenda · 8 years ago
I quit writing Homestuck meta a long time ago, but I guess the pre-4/13 fervor is infectious, because this popped into my head and wouldn’t go away. So here’s some musings on Homestuck, the ending, and its portrayal (or rather, erasure) of character identity and agency.  
Let’s rewind back several years and a few subsubacts, to the meteor and battleship crews’ not so triumphant arrival in the combined session. Two of the kids’ number have been mind-controlled and forced to work for the Empress. Two have been thrown in prison. One has been banished to the outer reaches of space. The rest have been divvied up and placed on various Lands, given different tasks to be completed for the Empress. Even in beating SBURB and winning the game they have no escape, because she intends to rule the new universe they create… until it spawns Lord English and is destroyed.
Things look bleak. And things look even bleaker when Game Over rolls around, and most of the cast gets exterminated. But wait! John Egbert, Heir of Breath and leader of the Beta session, has gotten his hands on a miraculous artifact supposedly useful as a weapon against Lord English. He now has the ability to travel throughout time and space and to change things that usually cannot be changed. While his friends get wiped out, he fights the “tyrannous author” figure who has been telling their story wrong and wins. Surely with his newfound abilities, he will set things right and lead them to freedom.
Except.  Not really.
Oh sure, John “saves the day”. He uses his retcon abilities to create a new timeline where everyone lives and wins the game. But is it a victory? And did everyone really live?
I’m going to argue that the ending of Homestuck is a tragedy where characters’ identities are frequently ignored or overwritten in order to serve the utilitarian aims of the narrative (and Skaia). I do not make this argument believing Hussie intended it. I think the dip in quality and coherency at the end of Homestuck was the product of an author who was tired of his project, had lost track of a bunch of plot points and characters, and just wanted to be finished. But I do think its treatment of identity is drastically different from the rest of the work and sends some disturbing messages about how “happy” that ending really is.
Alternate Selves
Dave and Davesprite. Vriska and (Vriska). Pre- and post-scratch. Bro, Dirk, Hal. Throughout the comic, we’re shown that alternate selves are different people. They may begin as the same when they split apart, but in not too long, their personalities diverge as part of lived experience. Bro is not Dirk is not Hal. They have certain base characteristics and sometimes experiences in common, but they are different people. Most members of the fandom would agree that it’s silly to suggest that they aren’t.
And yet the ending of Homestuck asks us to accept something very similar. The Game Over iterations of characters are wiped out, and a new set takes their place. While earlier parts of the comic train readers to view the loss of any one iteration as significant and the introduction of a new iteration as something different (Rose’s grief over losing her mother cannot be completely abated by the introduction of Roxy; Rose’s mother is still dead. And I suspect the fandom would not have been pleased if Dave had died forever and Davesprite had been anointed sole Dave survivor.) this asks them to do the opposite. Oh, sure, the characters you’ve been following for years are dead and never coming back. But here’s a new set!
Even more eerily, the characters themselves go along with it. Rose, who saw a version of Roxy die in front of her, is perfectly content to greet a new version. GO!Roxy’s arrival absolves Jane of the guilt of killing her best friend, and apparently the other Alphas aren’t at all perturbed that the Roxy joining them has a different set of memories. (I’m not sure anyone even tells Dirk, who was out in space for all of this.) John, who has a history of looking down on alternate selves (his entire fraught relationship with Davesprite versus the “real” Dave, his proclamation of friendship with “past Terezi”) apparently has no problem meeting up with a version of his sister who has no memories of the three years he spent with another version of her, and neither does she. The GO! survivors slot right into the retcon kids’ lives to fill some available gaps, even though earlier they would have been considered separate people by the story, not replacements.
I’m not going to get into how nearly everyone’s character arc and development got dropped (or expound on why ‘real people don’t have arcs’ is nonsense) beyond that the majority of characters get sidelined, used as means to an end, and/or objectified, which also impedes their agency and identity. That’s another post. But what I will focus on is how one character who gets brought to the front of the stage exemplifies the destruction of identity for the sake of utility that this ending seems to prioritize. That character is Vriska Serket.
Now, Vriska is a lightning rod of fandom de88. But identity and the negotiation, suppression, or recreation of it has always been a big thing for her. Vriska emulates Mindfang and adopts many of her nastier behaviors on Alternia in order to survive their violent culture and her dangerous lusus. This is the explanation for a lot of her actions, but it doesn’t excuse them. Throughout the story, she frequently teeters on the edge of realizing and accepting that her behavior is wrong (GO!Vriska gets closest, although she never quite makes it). Retcon!Vriska, though, has had that spark of self-awareness snuffed. Puffed up with self-importance over having reality literally rewritten to save her life, she’s cruel for the sake of cruelty and forces everyone else to go along with her power gamer strategy regardless of whether it’s a good choice. When she encounters GO!Vriska, who we can presume is closer to what Vriska might have been without all these toxic influences, she lashes out at her and seems disgusted by who she has become (her more authentic self?). GO!Vriska then wanders off, encounters Terezi, and vanishes from the story entirely. Retcon!Vriska is the one who “defeats” (?) Lord English before vanishing as well. She is sold as the missing ingredient that leads to a victorious timeline – the version of Vriska who has rejected and lost her true identity under a warped façade, turning into the monster she always fronted as. Inspiring.
The Dreaming Dead
(EDIT) Since we just talked about Vriska, let’s talk about her pawns. The dreaming dead get jerked around a lot throughout the story, but the first time Vriska and Aranea steal their minds, it’s supposed to be messed up. The image of Scorpio signs hovering over their blank expressions is eerie, and John (the hero) points out it’s ethically dubious. Later, Sollux bails because the whole thing makes him “feel dirty”. The first time dreamers die at English’s hand, it’s portrayed as horrific both through the presentation in Caliborn: Enter itself and Dave talking later about how after witnessing “the screaming and the killing” he’s had a hard time sleeping. We even recognize some of the dreamers - the version of John killed hails from Davesprite’s timeline, and we even followed his time with Vriska briefly. These ghosts have identities. We know them.
In Collide, though, dreamers are dispatched in droves without fanfare. They’re simply a distraction Vriska uses until she can get English with the weapon (although why she needed a diversion I’m not sure, since she doesn’t exactly try to sneak up on him). They change hands between ‘leaders’ without ever having voices of their own, and their deaths have no impact. It’s just visual noise. The dead only matter to the extent that they can serve main characters’ aims and the narrative. 
Ultimate Selves
In the last handful of pages of the comic, Hussie introduces the concept of “ultimate selves” through Davepeta. Apparently combo sprites can remember all iterations of themselves (although they don’t particularly act like it, but whatever). From this perspective, they find differences of selves meaningless, and inform Jade that every self is important because they help create your ‘ultimate self’, which is a compilation of all selves into a sort of Platonic ideal. This means, they tell poor Jade, that she didn’t really miss out on three years with her friends! Her ultimate self had a great time. Why this is supposed to be a consolation to this Jade, who had a shitty time, I am not sure.
Again, this flies against the established differences between selves that earlier Homestuck prizes. Alt selves have different identities. They’re different people. Claiming the boundaries between them are meaningless erases that. The concept of an ultimate self makes sense from a reader’s perspective. We get to see all the different paths the characters go down. We get to look at different selves and use that information to inform our reading of the character or our grasp of some of their inherent qualities. But that doesn’t apply to the characters themselves. It’s cold comfort telling this Jade that another version of her didn’t suffer alone for three years. She did. If this were leading up to some massive memory merge between timelines then I might acknowledge it held water, but as it is… it reads like the attempts of an author to justify a bad decision.
We have whatever Terezi did in Remem8er (a beautiful flash, but no one can quite determine what it meant) but we don’t know whether she actually accomplished retrieving any memories because she never gets to talk about it. (The flash also implies that every death spawns a ghost, which is directly contrary to previously established game mechanics so I won’t really get into it, but that does further complicate the whole identity thing we have going on here.) And I’m not sure I buy Davepeta’s pep talk at face value, as I’ll expand on in the next section.  
Sprites Squared
Oh boy. If you’ve followed me much you know I hold a grudge against these entities for a whoooole bunch of reasons. But among other things, they’re an excellent example of lategame Homestuck’s identity destruction at work.
The combosprites take characters in pretty bad shape – struggling with depression and alcoholism (and Nepeta, but she seems mostly along for the ride. I mean, she doesn’t even get a Heart symbol as part of Dp’s outfit) – and perk them right up. Setting aside the fact that this is weirdly like the whole ‘smile away your problems’ shtick in Trickster mode, something even more sinister seems to be going on. Neither of them act all that much how you’d expect them to. Davepeta doesn’t talk much at all like either of their components besides surface level quirks and cat puns, imo. Jasprose, after Rose died lamenting that she didn’t tell Kanaya she loved her, rebounds at lightning speed. But let’s move right on over to the smoking gun, where Davepeta suggests dating Jasprose shouldn’t be off the table, even if some of their components are related. “The Dave part of me is saying no no no,” they say, “but that brain tantrum just cracks me up”.
This seems to imply that the components of the combosprites are in fact 1) separate 2) sentient and 3) not pleased. And were sprites ever true unions of personalities? We don’t see much of Erisol or Fefeta, but as soon as he’s distressed, ARquius’s two components start speaking separately, and based on Tavros’s comment that being Tavris wasn’t that bad versus Tavris screaming that they’re an abomination, that sounds like it was mostly Vriska talking.
So if Davepeta doesn’t sound much like either of their components, and at least one of those personalities is still independently yelling somewhere in their subconscious, who ARE they? I’m not sure, but I’d sure take their cheerful promotion of “ultimate selves” with a heaping pound or two of salt. (EDIT) Especially as I’ve argued elsewhere that it’s in Skaia’s best interests  to have a bunch of game victors complacent about the sacrifice of hordes of people for the Big Picture, and sprites are a mouthpiece for Skaia and the game. And even more so since the message of the combosprites’ “fixing” of their components’ emotional distress seems to be that the way to achieve happiness is to stop being you, much as the Game Over kids were only able to stop suffering by ceasing to exist at all.
Finally, let’s look at John’s finest moment, altering the timeline so that everyone lives. He’s Breath – communication, freedom, travel – given ultimate agency by the juju powers. But… he doesn’t get much agency. He’s following Terezi’s orders, written in blood (Blood, an aspect of bonds and binding). And he seems rather unconscious or uncaring of the effect he’s having. After picking up the ring, he drops by a set of meteor kids recently transported onto LOMAX and enjoys a touching reunion, saying hi and hugging them… and then teleports off to make that never happen. What was the point of that display of friendship? What even happened to that group of kids, in a timeline with no ring of life? We don’t know, and the narrative suggests we shouldn’t care, any more than John does as he blithely flies away. We’re racking up a bunch of characters and timelines who are merely there to serve the narrative’s latest whim or need, not because they’re important in themselves.
And here’s the kicker. That juju, that magic device that saves the day? It’s powered by four Beta kids’ souls trapped inside it for eternity. We don’t know what timeline they come from, or whether they ever escape. They are faceless, voiceless, identityless plot devices that give John the ability to do what he does. They’re the culmination of how this narrative treats its characters in the endgame – as tools to get to the last page. Skaia doesn’t care who walks through the door, as long as it has warm bodies to hatch the frog and keep its cycle going. Homestuck, it seems, doesn’t care which set of characters prevails as long as it can close the damn curtains at last.
And the thing is, you could have gone somewhere with this. After all, how many troll ghosts are in the bubbles? Thousands. We don’t follow their story and then watch them die, but a bunch of versions of those characters we know and care about died and festered in the furthest ring. There could have been a point made about how Skaia is happy to consign groups of children to the scrap bin if they don’t fulfill its aims, how horrifying the whole system is and how little regard it has for life. Current set of tools broken? Fixing them would take too long and they’re not useful now, so bin ‘em and start fresh. Someone has to win. Doesn’t matter who. A quote by Hussie occasionally makes the rounds talking about how many Marios die before the end of a game, but we only care about the one who wins. Maybe that’s what he was going for, but I think he missed the mark tonally. (EDIT) Not to mention that the story’s biggest villain is a Lord of Time who, besides losing most of his own identity beyond a love of destruction long ago, is all about forcing people onto the paths that serve him despite what might be better for them and who has a whole subplot where he actually attempts to rewrite their story with crappy, subpar imitations of every character. You could easily have made a connection there, but that would suggest the villain triumphed in the end. Elements of the final flash almost seem to point in that direction, but the story still tries to play things off as a victory.
Because in the end, I think the Homestuck ending sucked. Some people say it’s a psycheout and the Epilogue will have more, or reveal that it was written by Caliborn, or whatever. Guess we won’t know until it arrives. But as it all stands now, I think it sucked a lot. And I could write about the dropped character arcs or messed up plot points, but I honestly try not to talk too much about post retcon HS because it depresses me that something I was so fond of ended so terribly. I wouldn’t have been happy if it had ended as a blatant tragedy, but I could have at least respected it a little more. But this? It’s not just that many characters sidelined and ignored, that plenty of important plot points are ignored or forgotten, that some of the writing and pacing is just poorly done. After an entire comic’s worth of emphasizing the differences between iterations of individuals and the importance and value of those independent lives, characters are treated as interchangeable and expendable as long as they get the job done. Utilitarianism rules the day. That’s how to win the game, to get this hulking behemoth of a tale to limp to its final rest. And the story tries to play this as a happy ending, and that’s the worst bit of all.
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a-casual-egg · 4 years ago
@workingonit-currently I don’t mind explaining
Get ready for a loooonng post
Fool's Gold, The Villain I Appear to Be, Out running Karma, I'll be Good are mainly Egbert trying his hardest to get atonement while also dealing with his mental issues due to the events that made him go after atonement in the first place if that makes sense. And that he's not actually a bad guy even though he probably seems like it with all the people he's killed on adventures and the reason for his need of atonement.
You're Not the Only One is also like that just focusing more on how smart I think he actually is not like book smart but more emotionally smart.
Birds (feat. Terrence Williams Jr) is how he's more of an introvert and how he's really lover not a fighter at least in my eyes. I feel he likes to take things slow and I think he adores birds and is somewhat jealous of them bc they have wings and they get to fly free and over the obstacles in their lives, while he has to deal with being exiled from his old order, searching for atonement, and a evil sorceress trying to kidnap and make clones of him.
A Song About Being Sad I took she and saw it as his old order and the possibly the people in it. That his old order put incredibly high stakes and expectations on his shoulders which really got to him after all the years being part of it (even though we don't actually know how long he was part of the order) and him taking time to take care of himself and getting better from the stuff the order caused bc they most likely saw him as just a pawn.
Light Up The Night mainly is just his special interests or hyperfixations on fire, bombs, and other explosive and fiery things and knowing everything about stuff like that. The siren sounding background part I see as his old order making go find atonement for something having to do with fire or explosives and the whole bring people back to life in that song I took as him wishing he didn't kill or have to kill people possibly being the reason for atonement.
Street Fight is more about a Headcanon I have for him. Where he grew up poor with a big family and being the youngest he wanted to prove his worth so he became a paladin and his anger deep down buried by his relaxed personality and that he eventually snapped after all the teasing from Cedric Albright and beat him bloody while both of them still being kids and people taking the rich kid's side and not the kid who broke due to all the merciless teasing/bullying
One Woman Army even though it's an Overwatch song about a female character in that franchise, I think it fits Egbert. He wants redemption but he also want to protect his found family, the Oxventurers using his healing abilities and his shield being defense/support and wanting to prove himself. And the line about having the range but still being covered up is that he can be brutal and ruthless and make everyone fear him but he doesn't he stays a nice relaxing presence compared to the other in his guild. The Hit or Heal I took as he again could destroy everything and murder everything but he doesn't he uses his power to heal and make people's lives better. The lines about supporting the team and that the ultimate is designed to keep the team unified I took as Egbert wanting his found family to stay and work together because he really feels at home with them unlike his old order.
Bonus: I didnt add the song Dance with You from Prom (the musical) even though it's also a song about taking things slow and wanting to be in the moment like Birds. Its more of a ship song I did add to my Dobbert/Collateral Damage (bc yes I did make that playlist and I like both ship names though I am biased cuz I created the second one) bc it fits my view of Egbert just wanting to take things slow and hold his someone someone and be there with them. The special someone in my mind being Dob due to them both seeming like teens and the line about Dob taking Egbert to prom in Heist Society. And that Dob at least in my mins being more dramatic and an exteovert and Dob loving Egbert so much that he wants to do something grand for him while Egbert is just happy being with Dob. And the parent like voice calling the character singing to get in the car reminds me of Shattersheild.
Since @workingonit-currently was asking about Oxventure playlists here’s my Egbert one
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Chapta 17
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None of mah frizzles have notizzle it yizzle, but you have. You have tha ability ta rizzead bizzle tha lines, ta understand that our lizzles be blizzle by dis undercurrent of subtext, of narratizzle significance. You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. Anyone pay'n attention cizzy have guesze' by now who’s rizzle telling dis story dogg.
Yizzy not so innizzle baller. I’ve caught you blingin' at some pretty personizzle momizzles. Be you hav'n fun bein a voyeur? Just violat'n tha shit out of everyone’s privacy fo' sheezy? Be theze teenage romantic entanglements pann'n out tha wizzay you wanted? They call me tha president. They killa do cuz its a G thang. Mizzy it hizzy, bein able ta siznee everyone’s thoughts describizzle 'n plizzay sight. Broadcast'n tha intizzle conflicts, tha compromizes, tha dizzay... Dizzay it make it easia fo` you ta accept tha emizzle falter'n, tha missteps, tha basic inability ta reach out n seize tha opportunity fo` happiness repeatedly dangled in they faces? Sippin' they thoughts be transcribed by a tizzy party, dizzle it fizzy you witta senze of uneaze, of sickness, sens'n tizzy tha observations miznade of they mental interiors mizzay be tainted?
Whizno tha hizzell do I think I be, I cizzay hear yizzy wonder'n. You know whizzay I be, of courze, betta check yo self. Tha betta questizzle be, who d-ya T-H-to-tha-izzink you be? What exizzle be so special 'bout you? Nuttin, of courze. I am specific now. I hiznave a nizname, an agizzle, a vizzle. I be a monolizzle of concizzle narrative authizzle, relay'n events ta you, n sway'n thizzle as I sizzee fit. Whereas you are pointedlizzle nonspecific. Yiznou be tha generalize', impotent witness to all dis. You be essentiallizzle as beholden ta me as thoze whoze lives I describe. I even hizzay tha abizzle ta decide what “you” actually means. I can takes tha “you-ness” away from you, n pizzut it inside anotha passive mizzle, such as John Egbert. Keep'n it gangsta dogg. Yizzou didn’t even notice when I did it, n yiznou had no objizzles then. Why wizzy yizzay object now? I thought i told ya, I'm a soldier.
So whizzay makes Jizzay so spizzle? Tha answa be sum-m sum-m I’m sure yizzle suspected all along bizzy would rather nizzay face, which be: probablizzle nuttin. He isn’t spizzle. Hizzle quite ordinary, I assure yizzay. Bor'n, even, n gett'n lizzle by tha minute as H-to-tha-izze’s forced ta confront his absolute lack of heroic purpoze except as a pawn ta be manipulated by a fatizzle realizzle.
But I’d also lizzy ta mizzle it C-L-to-tha-izzear, he’s not even that remarkable 'n hizzy unremarkableness. Hizze’s simply convizzle fo` it. Anyone cizzy be endowed wit dis you-ness, if I thiznink it achievizzles a cizzle G-to-tha-izzoal, chill yo. Evizzle if tha objective be merely ta demonstrate tha gambit’s potential, ta reveal tha effortlessness behind it. Ta make a S-H-to-tha-izzow of who matta n who dizzoesn’t, n even if thizzey do matta, fo` how lizzong n fo` what purpoze, as dictatizzle solely by tha allizzle of dis faculty. You cizzay be stripped frizzle tha lowly Egbert jiznust as easily as it was given, n then bestizzle upon tha mighty Serkizzle, but even thizzen only long enough ta dismiss tha vainglorizzles spotlight hizzle from tha narratizzle foreva. Good riddance aww nah.
But I haven’t revealed mysizzle ta yizzay jizzust ta bizzy 'bout tha abilities aris'n fizzy tha gradual obliteration of thizzay constraints on mah consciousness. Wussup in the house. I’ve only taken a moment ta answa a fiznew questions. Not ones I heard you ask—coz again, you be nonspecific and therefore do not matta—but ones I imagined you saggin'. N by imagin'n theze questions, they became lizzy fizzake, n as sizzay, demanded similarly non-fake answa. No, 'n tizzy, tha tiznime hizzas cizzle to make mah presence known 'n ta stizzart bring'n mah plans ta fruition. It’s time ta git D-to-tha-izzown ta saggin' business. You gotta check dis shit out yo.
John needs ta wizzay up.
> ==>
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ao3feed-rosekan · 5 years ago
Endstuck Act 1: Introductions Are In Order
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MwlMLr
by Lopadopalis
Earth and Alternia collided On April 13 2009, 10 years ago. The trolls were evacuated from their dying planet and moved to Earth, the habitable zone shrinking. When it stopped, society got back on its feet, but it would never be the same again.
It all begins on August 2019. That's when the pieces of a bigger puzzle fall into place and the pawns make their first moves.
Words: 373, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Endstuck
Fandoms: MS Paint Adventures, Homestuck, Hiveswap
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Multi
Characters: Calliope (Homestuck), Jade Harley, Rose Lalonde, Kanaya Maryam, Sollux Captor, Mituna Captor, Horuss Zahhak, Equius Zahhak, Nepeta Leijon, Meulin Leijon, Dirk Strider, Kurloz Makara, John Egbert, The Felt (Homestuck), Karkat Vantas, Porrim Maryam, Dave Strider, Terezi Pyrope, Doc Scratch, Latula Pyrope, Roxy Lalonde, Jane Crocker, Meenah Peixes, Rufioh Nitram, Tavros Nitram, Damara Megido, Karako Pierot, Kankri Vantas
Relationships: Rose Lalonde/Kanaya Maryam, Terezi Pyrope & Dave Strider, Rufioh Nitram & John Egbert, Damara Megido/Rufioh Nitram
Additional Tags: Angst, Attempt at Humor, What Have I Done, How Do I Tag, Literary References & Allusions, lots of those, Original Character(s), Original Character Death(s), Major Character Injury, Character Death, Potentially Complex Family Trees, At Least Two Confusing Fight Scenes, Implied Relationships
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MwlMLr
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