#past life regression brian weiss
thisblogisvoid · 2 years
Many Lives, Many Masters
If I could pass on one piece of literature to every person on the planet, it would be "Many Lives, Many Masters" by Dr. Brian Weiss. My life has been forever changed, and I think the world would be too if we all absorbed it's lessons.
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awarenesshealing · 1 year
Unlock the mysteries of your soul with Past Life Regression » . Explore your hidden history, gain insights, and release blockages. Our expert therapists guide your journey. Embark on this transformative experience and discover a deeper understanding of yourself. Book now to delve into your past and enrich your present. 🔮🌟 #PastLifeRegression #SoulExploration #SelfDiscovery
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satyabandhuarya · 2 years
Yoga Breathing For Anxiety : Improve Your Physical And Mental Health
Yoga Breathing is a deeply balancing yoga practice. Yoga Breathing For Anxiety refers to controlled breathing that matches the yoga postures. Every cell in our bodies needs oxygen to function properly and breathing exercises improve your lung capacity which gives proper oxygen to our body. The practice of breathing exercises can decrease the effects of stress on the body and increase physical and mental health. Satya Bandhu Arya is the best lifestyle yoga and he has knowledge of Past Life Regression. We provide the best yogic breathing exercise that helps Increases mindfulness, Reduces high blood pressure, and Improves lung function. For more information About yoga, Visit our website today.
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leonaluv · 6 months
vishakha -spilt dark or light
Vishakha nakshatra( Men) Sun in libra position. Leonardo DiCaprio,Ahn pan seok director, Jimmy Kimmel, & Gordon Ramsay. Moon in Libra men in this nak is taking less seriously for their spiritual side. In terms of sports, they excel and later retire to an entertainer.
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Sun in Libra is debilitated- Love involving others in on their plans. Even when the person doesn't exactly volunteer to participate. love talking about poetry and the spiritual side of life. Ryan Gosling in this sketch partner has the exact same placement.
Albert Camus- French philosopher, author, and journalist. He is the second youngest person to win the noble prize 4 lit. His story is def of rags to riches and was look down on because of his roots. He did have many affairs and his stance on politics made him a big target.
Later in the clip, it mentions how he was different than other writers that he was a heartthrob. Also, he mentions why life should be endured.https://youtube.com/watch?v=jQOfbObFOCw&has_verified=1… Ethan hawk-actor mentions how it is important to play the "fool" role and allow yourself to be in that creative
SONG JOONG-KI - know for his divorce role. lol
Brian Weiss-is an American psychiatrist, hypnotherapist, and author who specializes in past life regression. He some short spiritual videos on youtube. Xqcwas into snowboarding and skating. Later he got into video games in competitive shooting.
Moon in libra -Shaquille O'Neal famous basketball star who later became an mc(host). He got a divorce because of cheating. He mentions he felt he had too many options and he shouldn't have done it.
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SEO Jang hoon is a famous basketball star. He also became a variety star.Know fordivorce character and being rich. Compare the story to Indra the deity of this nakshatra who is the king of heaven. Who wanted a bigger kingdom and had some affairs. He was later humbled by being told he was the same as anyone. It led him to go into the forest.
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Will Smith in Collateral Beauty ceo in the beg made this inspiring speech mainly about being different from society & going against the norm being more a family company. Later he lost his daughter and it led to him isolating himself from everyone. The company was going under.
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Reminded me again of Indra who after isolated himself. His kingdom was under attack and Devas needed a new king. Smith's friends in the story who works with him hire actors to make him seem crazy. They acted out time, love, and death. Indra's wife was able to bring him back.
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Depending on the Mahadasa period the person can exp good results excelling in arts, sports, and math(etc). Just depends on the house, sign, and other planets with this sign. They become their own teachers later in life can become masters of their own craft. A devoted family man
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Sightings – S1E11 – Reincarnated Town – August 21st, 1992
“When Sigmund Freud first introduced his theories about the importance of hypnosis, he was laughed at and ridiculed...since then, hypnotherapy has gained widespread acceptance. But now a controversial new type of hypnotherapy is once again asking us to look at our lives in an astounding new way.”
“It all started in the town of Lake Elsinore, California. Here, under hypnosis, more than thirty people all recalled that they had lived and died together more than one hundred years ago.”
Dozens of people in Southern California have similar memories of lives lived in Millboro, Virginia during the Civil War, and all come to local therapist Marge Rieder with their shared memories of their past lives. Eventually, they embark on a trip to Millboro and discover places from their memories, including a hidden chamber underground that no one but them knew about; they also discover proof that one of their past lives really existed and went to West Point.
By all accounts Mission to Millboro was big at the time: Rieder and Maureen Williamson, one of her patients, appeared on Larry King Live. In October 1991, they appeared on Phil Donahue, and in December 1991 Millboro was profiled on Oprah, though sadly I can't find video of either appearance. That last article profiles the reactions of Millboro residents - bemused and indignant in equal measure - and speaks with a local county historian who can't prove the people in their memories exist, but can't not prove it either, due to sketchy records. Rieder wrote followup books in 1996 and 2003; near as I can tell, it's not been definitively disproven, though there are many ways such a hoax could be conducted (by the therapist feeding them info, for instance), and the fact that she started conducting group sessions early on makes it hard to parse what's influence or not. A Margaret Rieder passed away on April 23rd, 2018 in Rancho Palos Verdes, California, but I can find relatively little information on her past 2012, so I don't know if this is her. I can't find anything on Maureen Williamson past the initial media coverage. Brian Weiss, another psychologist in the piece specializing in past life regression, is still alive and active, appearing on Oprah's channel OWN in 2013 - in fact, he's hosting workshops next month.
Our post-show tease are Cops, Code Three, and on Sunday a In Loving Color blooper special, followed by a live episode of Roc; after this was Rachel Gunn. This would be the next-to-last episode aired of that show, a sitcom about nurses; it would be cancelled the following week.
Well, that concludes season 1! Next up is season 2, which is longer and shifts to a faux news show format.
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orphancookie69 · 1 year
Mike Dooley: Interview with a Past Life Regressionist
Your spiritual student always coming to you with another free event from Mike Dooley! This time it is an interview with a Past Life Regressionist. While, if I worked at it, I myself could do this-I am very excited to hear from a professional.
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Introduction from Mike: Wonder is the golden key to all that your heart desires. Nothing holds one back more than a closed mind/heart. Big questions beget big answers! Get out of your own way towards success. We can transcend lifetimes. This is one big adventure into the illusions.
Introducing Marije: She is a past life regressionist. She is certified in Dolores Cannon Quantum Healing, why have I never heard of that before? That sounds amazing. Doorway book: Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss. She grew up with no religion and spirituality and used to not believe in reincarnation a decade ago. She found Dolores Cannon by a suggestion from her spirit guide after channeling. We are all gifted. Embrace the life you are living by asking your higher self what past life you should be reminded of.
The higher self is all loving, no ego, no limitations. Why did you choose you this lifetime? We are all here with a support system in a higher realm. Your higher self knows what you can handle and what you need to know. Your higher self wants you to trust your intuition. The frequency of earth has been rising, more people are tuning into their higher consciousness. We are in exciting times now and the years to come. You come from unconditional love. Learn from the journey to come back to the unconditional love.
You can do future live progressions or even go back to source in a session. There are different parallel universes you can visit. 2023 is a time of strong polarity, the best of the best during the worst of the worst. Dolores Cannon: 3 Waves of Volunteers. There will be an old earth and new earth. Choose the frequency of love. This has never happened before. Other space friends are watching the earth experience as it is important playground in the bigger picture of things. Don't choose fear, choose love. Love is new earth, Fear is old earth. An unprecedented split is coming. Stay centered and grounded. Be a bringer of light.
Ringing in the ears is just a different frequency. It is a sign you are going in the right direction and to New Earth. Soul families often reincarnate together in multiple lifetimes. The people we are closest with are the ones we grow from. I have seen some videos on TikTok saying that people debate where body parts are based on what earth you are in. Crazy.
What if one can not be hypnotized? You go into natural hypnotic trance.
Are past lives species specific? You start as element. You make choices to have different lives.
Do we bring physical reminders of past lives into our current lives? Birth marks. Cells can have memories of past lives. Moles.
What if I was a bad person in a past life? Most of us have been.
How far back are you able to go? How many lifetimes have one had? Harder to tap into. It varies.
What if this is my first lifetime? Your first one is not human.
What if I don't see anything? It is feeling or knowing or sometimes seeing.
What if I am not too sure about reincarnation? There is a spectrum of believers. Access is all the same.
Do kids respond differently than adult? Readings are for adults only, kids have a grace period. Suggested after 18 years old.
Can you do your own regression? It is not common. With a guide, yes.
Will I remember everything? Yes.
Do our personalities stay the same when we reincarnate? It could be similar or different.
Can it be scary due to bad karma? Not in this kind of regression.
How do I recognize someone in my current life from a past life? Trust your gut. Or your reaction.
14 Day Past Life Regression Journey
This is a teaser for an upcoming course, but man that looks like a fun course. For a price you choose, money back guarantee. You just need an open mind and curiosity. I watched this live, and it had 20,000+ people watching! The chat and energy were great live. This interview made me want to finally start my past life regression class from Julian Jenkins. Loved this.
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aege8th · 4 years
My First Regression
First published May 23, 2019 Hey all, As promised,  a report on a session I did on one of my fellow attendees at Dr. Brian Weiss’s Past Life Regression workshop at the Omega Institute last week. Sorry for the delay in posting.  It was a lot harder than I thought to write this up.  There was a lot of detail and I didn’t want to forget anything.  As a matter of reference,�� the entire regression…
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revol-lover · 4 years
[ok this is a long winded reincarnation rant. feel free to scroll or read if you have any curiosity on the topic.]
this year has been a shit show in a lot of ways but it’s also been a year that’s given me a lot of time to look inward instead of distracting myself to avoid doing that. i found dr brian weiss’ past life regression work this year, around january and it totally changed my perspective on life and death like a complete 180.
 i was raised with christianity and i never felt any connection to it, and i tried. i mean it was pushed on me but there was also a time after my grandmother died where i was so low that i tried to grab on to prayer and what i was raised with to find comfort in it and it didn’t do anything for me. i felt no connection. the sermons our priest gave always had this sexist tinge, the church was against lgbtq and treated divorced people like failures and there was just too much i didn’t agree with. and the people in my family who pushed it on me the most were the biggest hypocrites so there was that too but anyway
but i also knew i wasn’t an atheist. i guess i was more so agnostic for a lot of years. i believed in the concept of god or a higher power but i didn’t feel like we were meant to fear god or that god would have these rules that would go against people for doing things like, loving each other. so anyway i just accepted my vague idea of what god was to me and left it alone. but i still had this little pull in me, for years, that wanted to find more of a belief system. more than just yes theres a god. i wanted to experience a genuine sense of spirituality more.
  i found a lot of interest in eastern religious beliefs, found a lot of them believed to some degree in reincarnation which had intrigued me in the past. but it wasn’t until i found this video on youtube about how dr brian weiss who was a psychiatrist who sometimes used hypnosis with patients, and how his patient started experiencing past life memories instead of just forgotten childhood ones and then she started telling him things about himself that no one would know (details about his infant son who had died many years before this. this is before you could just google someone). which i guess he theorizes was a way for “god”  (he calls the concept of god “masters”. highly elevated souls) to prove to him that was she [his patient] was experiencing was real.
so anyway he started doing this kind of hypnosis therapy with his patients, past life regression therapy, and he has a whole book about different people’s experiences and how knowing abut our past lives can help us understand and deal with issues we’re experiencing in our present life and i mean unless your mind is open to this, it probably sounds crazy but i’m telling you. it opened something up for me. it made sense to me. it made me not feel afraid of death, or life, alike. I truly believe that everyone i’m close to in this life, i’ve known in a past life and we’re continuing to learn lessons with each other.
 soulmates aren’t just romantic partners. soulmates are teachers. so yes your first love could’ve been one of your soulmates, as well as your husband/wife, but your grandmother, or your 4th grade teacher who told you that you were a good writer and prompted you to start writing and you realize it is one of your life callings (hello, mrs.s, thanks -- but i always feel the need to say my tumblr is not a reflection of my writing skill lmao tumblr is my brain dump.) 
it has honestly helped me to love more. to find a way to love my mother even though she has hurt me in ways i struggle to forgive. (however, i don’t seek closeness with her. i have to have boundaries. and i will vent about her, probably forever because you know, i’m human and my feelings still get hurt. but i don’t direct anger toward her anymore. i just wish her peace because clearly she lacks that.). 
i could go on and on about this but if you’re ever bored and want a good book to read, the first dr brian weiss book i read was this one. and also this is the interview i saw on youtube that started my curiosity on it.
i’ve also tried some past life regression meditation videos on youtube (honestly i’d love to go to one of his conventions or even just a person qualified in doing this) and i am someone who has a hard time with visualizations. but i was able to get through to two brief memories and then later on i found the part of my astrological chart that can give you information about what your past life karma is related to and the description in my birth chart made so much sense with what i saw in my regression meditation. it was fucking wild 
anyway the whole purpose, of life, and being reborn over and over, according to Weiss’ interpretation of his experiences doing this work is -- we are meant to be loving.  that is our purpose. not just loving but unconditionally loving towards everyone. which obviously, i think anyone would agree, is difficult. but it’s why we keep coming back. we have to keep learning lessons, going through good and bad things, in order to elevate to the the highest soul vibration that we can be, a 100% unconditionally loving being. 
see, that it something i can get behind. i’m okay living my life striving toward that incredibly difficult goal, that i probably won’t reach in however many years i have in this body because, it’s not easy, but it’s something i can try to do and continually work on.  that’s a life philosophy i can get behind.
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dots3a · 3 years
Every time I try to do a guided past life regression, I turn into a mermaid (green, I am green) and that makes it very hard to turn off the part of my brain already having difficulty taking it seriously.
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drunkwhenimadethis · 2 years
I was in bed all day yesterday watching Neon Genesis Evangelion in Italian and also I read two books by the hypnotherapist psychiatrist Brian Weiss “Many Lives, Many Masters” and “Only Love Is Real” that he wrote in the 90s after he did an early life regression session w one of his patients to alleviate memory of trauma sources and she ended up recalling vivid memories from past lives. Intellectually I’m not fully sold on reincarnation I just have mental blockages there and his writing style was a bit fluffy like I would’ve preferred a more neuroscientific angle but I loved reading about this subject matter I loved reading the tapes from their sessions and the patient’s memories of ancient Egypt and Mongolia and 18th century England, memories of the way her hair was braided and the burial festivities and the children she birthed and lost to flood and sickness and basically reverberating traumas that struck her soul many times over centuries in different different places in different forms. Was so interesting
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awarenesshealing · 1 year
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satyabandhuarya · 2 years
How To Reduce Your Anger With These Simple Techniques
Anger is a reaction to frustration or stress. Which is usually associated with thoughts and behavior. when you get angry, your heart rate increases, and your blood pressure goes up. The Anger Reduction Techniques includes Relaxation, deep breathing, Exercise, and meditation which help to reduce anger. Deep breathing exercises will make you feel calm and will reduce your stress. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises have physical and mental benefits. Regular exercise helps you reduce anger, and strengthen your muscle. Meditation reduces our mental, emotional, and physical reaction to anger and fosters a sense of relaxation, improves focus, Reduces negative emotions, and calms the body. Satya Bandhu Arya is the best lifestyle coach and provides the best Anger Reduction Techniques. He also has a knowledge of past life regression. For more information Visit our website.
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owls-hive · 4 years
So I did one of those Past Life Regressions...
First, I started with a childhood memory. I had two very vivid ones. First one being when I was four/five and in the back of my Grandpa's trailer. I was howling at the moon like I was feral. Which I definitely was not gonna lie. Second memory was one I had legitimately forgotten. I was at a veterinarian's house for my fifth/sixth birthday party and I remembered playing with her conure A LOT. Eventually I snapped into another memory sitting with kids in her bedroom and watching "The Chronicles of Narnia". I remember not wanting to be there; I was SO bored. This honestly did it for me; I was like yeah, this is real. Narnia had just come out and was the kids hype when I was this age.
Next, and the part I HATED. Utero. Fetus time baby. It was warm, and I felt SO SMALL. Like I felt my body just... Become so teeny tiny. It was wet, and warm and dark. And yeah, I was cringing a lot. Hope I never have to be a fetus again. Buuuut... Eventually I was born (duh) and I saw both my moms and maybe my Uncle in the room? I could legitimately feel my body being supported by the nurse's two hands and a tug on my belly button. It was pretty creepy.
And then... It was time to go back to one of my past lives:
300 B.C. Greece? At least that's what it looked like.
I went to Egypt to colonize as well, which would make the time about right. And I was surrounded by these MASSIVE pillars made of marble? Lot's of good food too. Everyone wore white/pastel gowns and really well crafted sandles. It was hard to visualize but I seemed to be in my twenties and was in a large city. When I was Egypt, I wore heavy robes and saw myself praying at a shrine(?) of some sort with others. I did have visuals of two deaths though:
First: Got thrown off of a cliff into the ocean (landed on large rocks below) by a group of Greeks(?) and saw a horse there as well.
and second: Had a horse drag me through the forest until I eventually died of trauma to my head.
Not sure why horses hate me so much...?
And of course I had to be brought back to "consciousness", but it wasn't by myself. I was floating in this Milky Way like atmosphere with this winged humanoid looking being. They were very gentle, gave off a masculine energy and kept touching my face. And then... I felt my heart (physically, like actually) beating out of my damn chest. I thought I was having a heart attack for a second but calmed myself down from panicking and came to.
So... I definitely want to do that again but damn. I was not expecting to go THAT far back. I was pretty cute in Greece though noooot gonna lie.
(And for anyone interested in doing this, you can do a guided meditation on Youtube titled: Past Life Regression with Brian Weiss)
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prettygirlgerard · 3 years
ohh interesting, I agree! i was asking if you thought it was random or not because I have seen some people who say they remember being In some place where they kind of choose what their next life would be like .. like a wheel. and I was like hm I wish I could choose what my next life will be like. also off topic but how would someone remember their past lives memories? and on the topic of therianthropy.. I have no memories exactly but I do feel a strange connection to a specific type of dinosaur and have mental shifts I guess you could say.. I wonder if that could mean I was a dinosaur before and have lived many many lives over the years.. since dinosaurs lived a very long time ago..
you can gain memories from meditation or past life regression- there’s a brian weiss video on youtube about it, its like a guided meditation. sometimes you just remember things
im not a therian but it’s totally a possibility you were a dinosaur a few times!
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fekst-fucker · 4 years
two things. 1. of course send the video/the link :D - 2. good night^^ sleep tight, dont let slenderman nibble on your toes, see ya tomorrow - gym ball anon
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uQsWreQ-vcQ here it is! Anyone who wants to know more dm me or google ‘Brian Weiss past life regression’ on YouTube :0
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revol-lover · 4 years
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