#Morey Bernstein
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jamaalw · 3 months ago
Past Life Regression or Past-Life Therapy Exposed
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archivist-crow · 1 year ago
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On this day:
On November 29, 1952, in Colorado, housewife Virginia Tighe, a.k.a. Ruth Simmons, the first person to experience past-life regression, became the center story of a nation fascinated with hypnotism and steeped in controversy over reincarnation. Under the guidance of Morey Bernstein, a businessman with a belief in previous lives, Simmons experimented with trance states. It was a Saturday, midmorning, in Bernstein's home when the proof arrived. With a tape recorder running, Simmons relaxed on the couch, and Bernstein began the slow count to ten, rhythmically moving a burning candle back and forth in front of her face.
Now in a trance, Simmons was regressed through childhood and then was given the suggestion to go to "some other place, some other time." Responding as the eight-year-old Bridey Murphy from Cork, Ireland, and speaking with an accurate dialect, Simmons said she had flaming red hair, lived with her family, and attended church and school. The year she lived in was 1806. Bridey shared the names of her dolls and what she had for breakfast. At seventeen, she married and moved to Belfast. At sixty-six years old she fell down a steep flight of stairs and died. After watching her own funeral, she had rested in limbo until she was reborn as Ruth Simmons.
Bernstein conducted six more hypnotic sessions with Bridey and published the results in his book, The Search for Bridey Murphy. Hundreds of details about Bridey's life were revealed. Bernstein researched the information he had received, hiring librarians and lawyers to track down old records and files to prove Bridey had existed. When the book became a best seller, reporters flocked to Ireland to test the background. To this day, the debate about the validity of Simmons's regression bounces between the debunkers and those debunking the debunkers.
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falcibaba · 2 years ago
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Reenkarnasyon Ölümden sonra yeni bir hayat var mı? Burada bahsettiğimiz ahiret hayatı değil. Ölümden sonra insan yeniden dirilip başka bir bedende dünyaya gelir mi? Ölümden sonra yeni bir hayat var mı? Burada bahsettiğimiz ahiret hayatı değil. Ölümden sonra insan yeniden dirilip başka bir bedende dünyaya gelir mi? Oldukça karmaşık bir kavram olan Reenkarnasyon hakkında her şeyi öğrenmeye hazır olun. İşte bütün bilinmeyenleri ve şaşırtıcı örnekleri ile reenkarnasyon!
Reenkarnasyon Nedir?
Reenkarnasyon’un en basit tanımı ölümden sonra yeniden dünyaya gelmektir. Aslında kendi içindeki felsefesi ve inançsal arka planı hakkında çok detaylı bilgiler olmasa da insanın öldükten sonra başka bir bedende dünyaya geldiğine inanılır. Reenkarnasyon arkadaş sohbetlerinde bile sık sık konuşulur. Ancak pek inanılmasa da bazı kültürlerde yüz yıllardan bu yana devam eden bir inanıştır. Bir çok farklı inançta yeri olan reenkarnasyon en basit olarak karma felsefesi ile ifade edilebilir.
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Reenkarnasyon adımları Reenkarnasyonun yaşandığı iddia edilen hatta kayıtlara bile geçen çok sayıda örneği bulunmaktadır. Hatta reenkarnasyonun imkansız olduğunu düşünen bir çok kişiyi de bu örnekler inandırmıştır. Ama hala bilimsel olarak mümkün olmadığına inanların bu imkansızlık için yaptıkları araştırmalar da bulunmaktadır. Reenkarnasyon kavramının dilen dile yayılması ile reenkarnasyon yaşadığını iddia eden birçok kişi de ortaya çıkmıştır. Hatta eski yaşantısına dair net anılar hatırlayan ve bu anıları hiç takılmadan anlatan da bir çok kişi vardır. Fakat uzmanlar, eski hayat diye bir şey olamayacağını hatırlanan bu anıların sadece 'hayali anı sendromu' olarak adlandırılan psikolojik bir durum olduğunu söylüyor. Bu psikolojik sorunda insanlar aslında hiç yaşamadıkları anıları yaşamış gibi hatırlıyor ve anlatıyor. Bu durum özellikle sevdiklerinden ve çocuklarından çok uzakta yaşayan kişilerde görülüyor.
Reenkarnasyon Örnekleri
En bilinen reenkarnasyon hikayesi ABD’nin Colorado eyaletinde 1952 yılında bir kadın tarafından ortaya atıldı. 29 yaşında olan Virginia Tighe adındaki kadın, ev hanımıydı ve hayatı boyunca ABD dışına hiç çıkmamıştı. Kadını adı Morey Bernstein olan bir amatör hipnozcunun hipnotize etmesi ile korkunç gerçek ortaya çıktı. Hipnoz sırasında kadın birden İrlanda aksanıyla konuşmaya başladı. Hatta adının Bridey Murphy olduğunu ve 19. Yüzyılda İrlanda’da yaşadığını söylemeye de başladı. Kadın eski hayatına dair her şeyi hipnoz sırasında anlatmaya başladı. Eski hayatında evli olduğunu ve bir merdiven kazası nedeni ile öldüğünü söyledi. Daha sonra bir çok gazeteci bu konuda araştırma yaptı ve kadının anlattıkları doğrulandı. O zamanlarda bu olay ülke çapında büyük yankı uyandırdı. Hatta kadının hayatı kitap ve film bile yapıldı. 2004 yılında başrollerini Avustralyalı oyunucu Nicole Kidman’ın üstlendiği Doğum (Birth) adlı film bu olayı konu aldı.
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Reenkarnasyon Bridey Murphy Reenkarnasyonun başka bir örneği ise Hintli Titu Singh’in hikayesi oldu. Bu hikaye BBC kanalında 1990 yılında belgesel olarak yayınlandı ve büyük yankı uyandırdı. Hikaye ise şöyleydi; 2,5 yaşındaki Hintli Titu bir anda eski hayatını ve ailesini anlatmaya başladı. O kadar detaylı şeyler anlatıyordu ki hem ailesi hem de hikayeyi dinleyenler büyük bir korku ve endişe yaşadı. 2,5 yaşındaki çocuk, eski hayatında Suresh Verma adında biri olduğunu evli olduğunu, eşinin adının ise Uma olduğunu ve iki çocukları olduğunu söylüyordu. Çocuğun anlattıkları başta ailesi tarafından dikkate alınmadı. Fakat Tito bazen o kadar çok bir yetişkin gibi davranıyordu ki ailesi de artık anlattıklarına inanmaya başlamıştı. Tito en sonunda önceki hayatında vurularak öldürüldüğünü ve cesedinin de yakılarak nehre atıldığını söyledi. Bu sözler ailesini son derece endişelendirdi. En sonunda ağabeyi, küçük çocuğun iddia ettiği şehre gitti ve anlattıklarının doğruluğunu araştırmaya başladı. Ve sonunda Uma adında 2 çocuklu dul bir kadının varlığını öğrendi. Uma, anlatılanları dinledikten sonra Titu’yu ziyaret etmeye karar verdi. Uma’nın ziyareti sırasında Titu’nun anlattıkları ise dehşet vericiydi. Eski hayatında eşi ile gittiği bir panayırdan bahseden küçük çocuk, bahçede gömülü olan altınları da biliyordu. Titu daha sonra bahsettiği kente götürüldü ve çocukları olduğunu iddia ettiği kişileri görür görmez tanıdı. Asıl dehşet verici olay ise Tito’nun eski hayatında başından yediği kurşunla öldüğünü iddia etmesi ve canlı yayında tıraş edilince başında bir kurşun izinin bulunmasıydı. Titu’nun bu anlattıklarının ardından yıllar önce işlenen cinayet davası yeniden açıldı ve katiller yakalandı. Türkiye’de de bilinen Reeankarnasyon hikayeleri var. Bunlardan en dikkat çekeni ise 1940’lı yıllarda yaşayan ve adı Mehmet Bekler olan bir adamın, çalıştığı un değirmeninde öldürülmesinin ardından hamile bir kadının onu rüyasında görmesi. Kadın bu adamı rüyasında gördükten sonra Süleyman adında bir çocuk doğuruyor ve çocuk başında yara izi ile doğuyor. Hatta Süleyman, önceki hayatında kendisini öldüren kişiyi öldürmek için babasının silahını bile istiyor. Yine Türkiye’de yaşanan başka bir örnek ise Samadağ’da 1970 yılında yaşandı. O yıl dünyaya gelen Dellal Beyaz’ın başında bir yara izi bulunuyordu. Küçük kız uyurken kendi kendine konuşmaya başlayınca bu durum annesinin dikkatinden kaçmadı. Çünkü kız, uykusunda eski hayatına dair bir şeyler anlatıyordu. Küçük kızın eski hayatında bir kuyuya düşerek öldüğünü anlatması ile annesi dehşete kapıldı. Yakınlarda yaşayan bir kadın olduğunu söyleyen küçük kızın söyledikleri araştırılmaya başlandı. Zehide Köse adlı aileye uzaktan akraba olan bir kadının ölümü ile küçük kızın anlattıkları arasında benzerlikler vardı.
İslam'da reenkarnasyon
İslam dininde böyle bir inanış yoktur. Çünkü hiçbir tek tanrılı dinde reenkarnasyon gibi bir inanışın kabul edilmesi söz konusu olamaz. Fakat Kur’an – ı Kerim’in bazı ayetlerinde ruh göçüne dair üstü kapalı ifadeler bulunduğuna Batini’ler inanmaktadır. Batini’ler, Kur’an da yer alan ayetleri farklı bir şekilde yorumlayan bir akımdır. Onların bahsettiği ve ruh göçünün İslam dininde de var olduğuna inandıkları ayet ise, Bakara, 28 ve Vakıa, 60-61. Ancak ünlü islam alimleri İslamiyet’te böyle bir inanış olmadığını defalarca açıklamışlardır. İslamiyette olduğu gibi Musevilikte de ruh göçüne inanılmaz. Sadece Kabala’da ruh göçü kavramına inanılmaktadır. Hristiyanlıkta ise Reenkarnasyon konusunda ciddi tartışmalar yaşanmaktadır. Özellikle 19. Yüzyılın sonlarında Hristiyanlıkta ruh göçüne inanılmaya başlanmıştır. Aslında ilk Hristiyanların da inandığı bu kavram, kutsal kitapların zaman içerisinde bozulmaya uğraması ile ortadan kalkmıştır. Read the full article
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librairie-berthuy · 5 years ago
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J'ai Lu l'Aventure Mystérieuse 1971
Bon état
Prix : 1,75 €
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junker-town · 5 years ago
The future of the NBA’s relationship with China has 2 real options
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Photo by Andrew D. Bernstein/NBAE via Getty Images
Where does the NBA’s relationship with China go from here?
The NBA is out of China. Well, for now: the L.A. Lakers and Brooklyn Nets have completed their preseason sojourns to the nation, and commissioner Adam Silver is back stateside. If the NBA were waiting to extricate its players from China before saying much more about the events of the past week, that’s done.
Something tells me, though, that the NBA won’t be champing at the bit to talk more about what happened in the aftermath of Daryl Morey’s Hong Kong tweet.
But where the NBA’s relationship with China and its 1.4 billion people goes from here won’t need to be explicitly said. We’ll know based on whether the league goes back to China next spring, and based on whether NBA games this season can be watched by Chinese fans.
Here are the two paths ahead I see as reasonably likely based on what we know about the situation, the history, and the opportunities at play.
A thaw
We have already seen evidence that China’s view of Silver’s defense of free speech for NBA officials is softening, at least enough to make Silver feel like he doesn’t need to back down to merely stay in business with China. The New York Times reported last week that Chinese officials told journalists to tamp down on heavy criticism of the NBA after the first preseason game between the Nets and Lakers happened.
How does a thaw happen? A few steps:
First, the Chinese government continues towards a detente, feeling as though it has made its point, no matter what continues to happen in Hong Kong or Xinjiang.
Then the NBA’s most notable political personalities — Steve Kerr, Gregg Popovich, LeBron, Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant, even Silver — continue to avoid criticizing China directly.
NBA players and officials see what happened with Morey and realize the benefit of speaking out is highly disproportionate to the penalty they, their teams, and the league will suffer for doing so.
Tencent and CCTV continue to broadcast NBA games per the terms of their contracts with the NBA, ensuring that revenue comes in but perhaps working out a deal to block the Rockets from appearing before Chinese audiences.
The NBA continues to schedule Chinese Basketball Association teams to come to the United States for preseason games. The NBA eventually sends teams back to China for preseason games. (I have to imagine it won’t happen next season just because the planning must happen so early for those events and the cool-off period in the best of circumstances will be months long.)
China acknowledges having a pliant NBA on its side is more useful than using the league as a global corporate piñata. Joseph Tsai, billionaire co-founder of Alibaba and Nets governor, assists by ensuring that China gets what it wants from the NBA without much criticism.
NBA fans in China keep buying jerseys and watching games, of course.
Other American corporations start taking heat for deals in China that come with a side order of free speech repression, taking the singular focus off of the NBA.
Eventually, the Morey tweet becomes a footnote, a blip on the path of mutual profit for the NBA and the commercial arms of Chinese government.
Deep freeze
There’s another way this could go.
Silver could remain defiant, and perhaps triumphant after apparently getting the Chinese government to back down a little by Saturday’s game. Kerr and Popovich, wise and conscious of their images as worldly truth-speakers, could decide now that all NBA players are out of the country, they can be more critical of China.
Reporters could continue to ask questions of NBA players and officials about China and what just happened.
Fans could continue to bring signs and chants to NBA games in support of Hong Kong protestors and draw attention to the reported mass detention of Uyghurs in Xinjiang province. Teams could stop confiscating signs now that the Chinese basketball teams have left the United States.
The NBA could abandon its training academy in Xinjiang province due to stateside heat, sparking a brand new news cycle and drawing negative attention to what the Chinese government is allegedly doing to the Uyghurs.
Players without commercial interests in China could speak out about Chinese oppression in Hong Kong, Tibet, and Xinjiang, and the treatment of journalists and dissidents who don’t toe the party line. Tencent and CCTV could pull those additional teams from broadcasts.
Tsai could press the NBA to crack down on any criticism of China.
Tsai could draw criticism from within the NBA, either other governors or players.
Kyrie Irving, who plays for Tsai’s Nets, could say something to set off a dispute and a media cycle.
The Chinese government could decline to send Chinese Basketball Association teams to the United States next year, and decline to invite the NBA to play preseason games in China.
The Chinese government could seek the comfort of another Western sports league (perhaps e-sports) to fill its NBA-sized hole.
The revenue hit to the NBA from this episode — all sparked by a single deleted tweet, mind you — could convince the league that it doesn’t need to put its eggs in this particular basket and should re-invest in the American market instead. (Or India, which just has us repeating this episode in like 10 years.)
In either case ...
This will all likely cool down for now. Everyone involved, especially on the NBA side, must be exhausted. But what happens next in the saga should set the tone the relationship. Needless to say, it will have a massive impact on what the NBA will be as a global concern going forward.
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Season 19
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The Parker Family Foundation
Building Hope
Peter and Laura Olle
Studley, Inc. Education Practice Group
Gloria and Wilson Aboudi
Myron & Elaine Adler Private Foundation
Ronald Aroesty Trust U/W Herbert Seid
George Bean Investments
Berit and Martin Bernstein
Anita and Howard J. Blatt -
Rampart Agency, Inc.
Myrna and Yale Block
Janet and Bernard R. Bober
Marvin Eiseman
Carl Epstein
Eleanor and Edward Epstein
Feldman Charitable Foundation
Judy and Ary Freilich
Steven Morey Greenberg, Esq,
Joan and Robert M. Hess
The Kaplen Foundation
Wendy Feldstein King
The Proctor Foundation, Inc.
Judy and Joseph Klyde
William J. Lippman
Cynthia and Stanley Low
Perlman Family Foundation, Inc
Daniel Rubin
Donna and David Schweid
The Barbara & Norman Seiden Foundation
Nancy and David Sharp
Sylvia & Stanley Shirvan Foundation
Carole and Alan Silberstein
Michael Sternlieb, Esq.
Harley and Eli Ungar
Inge and Paul Wolff
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visionariesinc · 8 years ago
Visionaries 21st Season is brought to you through the generosity of the following sponsors:
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Myrna and Yale Block
Janet and Bernard R. Bober
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Judy and Ary Freilich
Steven Morey Greenberg, Esq,
Joan and Robert M. Hess
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David and Inez Black
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othersportsnews-blog · 8 years ago
How Aspiration Groups led to superteams
New Post has been published on https://othersportsnews.com/how-aspiration-groups-led-to-superteams/
How Aspiration Groups led to superteams
It was 5 years in the past when James Harden draped his arms all-around the shoulders of Russell Westbrook and Kevin Durant as they watched the 2012 Miami Warmth rejoice their championship on the AmericanAirlines Arena floor. Inspite of the Finals reduction, the upcoming was dazzling in Oklahoma Town.
A number of months later, the trio represented the Thunder as the only NBA business with three customers on the star-studded 2012 Workforce United states squad that ripped as a result of the London Olympics.
At any time considering the fact that then, however, the NBA has been turned inside out. Before the 2012-13 season, Harden was traded out of the blue to the Rockets, a team that just stunned the league yet again by buying and selling for Chris Paul. They now join the NBA’s powerhouse groups along with the Golden Point out Warriors and Cleveland Cavaliers.
But imagine about how swiftly this occurred.
Just 5 years in the past, individuals three organizations — Golden Point out, Houston and Cleveland — were not even in the playoffs. Now they are the frontrunners, just like OKC and Miami have been in 2012.
If you’re hoping to figure out how we bought listed here, just flip back again the calendar yet again and peer throughout the pond: That 2012 Workforce United states basketball squad formed modern NBA landscape.
Get this: Of the 12 players on the 2012 Workforce United states team, 8 have considering the fact that switched groups. LeBron James was in Miami Kevin Love was in Minnesota Deron Williams was in Brooklyn Durant was in OKC Andre Iguodala was in Philadelphia Harden was in Oklahoma Town Paul was in Los Angeles and Tyson Chandler was in New York. But not only did they change groups, with the exception of Chandler, they all moved to organizations wherever they either straight away or later reunited with a 2012 United states Basketball teammate.
Seem at the clustering of that all-entire world expertise. James and Love arrived collectively in Cleveland, later joined by Williams. Durant connected up with Iguodala in Golden Point out. And Paul moved to Houston to mix forces with Harden. Two of individuals clusters — Golden Point out and Cleveland — formed the previous two champions. The 3rd, Houston, is hoping to unseat them.
And the Rockets may possibly not be done. One of the customers on that Olympic team, Carmelo Anthony, could be the latest star to align if the Knicks agree to element methods with him.
Rockets GM Daryl Morey was just lately asked on SportsCenter to sum up his GM philosophy in a single sentence: “Get a lot more United states Basketball team customers.”
Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh and LeBron James very first joined up on Workforce United states. Garrabrant/NBAE by using Getty Images
Welcome to modern day team-setting up
Extensive right before they little by little rose above the floor in a cloud of smoke on the AmericanAirlines Arena phase back again in the summer months of 2010, James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh have been previously teammates. The Heat’s huge three shared an even even bigger phase as customers of the “Redeem Workforce” that took house gold at the 2008 Summertime Olympics in Beijing. Wade was the top scorer on that team, Bosh was the top rebounder, and James was … perfectly, James, the finest participant on the earth.
But the groundwork for their coming collectively in Miami was laid even right before that. A humorous factor occurred when Pat Riley and the Heat’s brass walked into the 2010 cost-free agent meeting with James in Cleveland. James shook the fingers of the Heat’s entrance workplace customers but gave a huge hug to Nick Arison, the son of operator Micky Arison. This was a shock to anyone else in the space. But Nick — a Duke alum who later became the Heat’s CEO — realized James from when they traveled to Japan as element of Workforce United states in 2006. He was the team manager less than head mentor Mike Krzyzewski.
You have to have stars to acquire on superteams Golden Point out and Cleveland. Tom Haberstroh premiums 10 groups on their prime-line expertise.
The NBA’s silly season is reshaping the league, and we’ve bought you lined with the latest information, rumors and analysis surrounding the largest trades and cost-free agent targets of the summer months.
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Nick folded James’ laundry back again then as the Workforce United states machines guy but wanted to put the Heat’s laundry on James quite a few years later.
And it labored.
The Heat’s huge three was an unparalleled partnership in a lot of respects, but it also carved out the new blueprint: the Workforce United states product. Previous year, Durant joined the Warriors’ superteam, thanks in element to prolonged-lasting bonds with Iguodala and Stephen Curry that have been quietly cast on Workforce United states squads.
Many have wondered about the connection among Paul and Harden, and the thread also sales opportunities to the Olympics, wherever Harden scored 17 baskets on the 2012 London excursion and Paul assisted on 5 of them. Above 50 percent of Harden’s 17 baskets have been produced in changeover, according to Synergy Sports tracking. In linked information: Mike D’Antoni was on the coaching staff, orchestrating the offense.
When talking about the match among Harden and Paul at a latest information meeting, D’Antoni pointed to Workforce United states:
“It is a little little bit like United states Basketball … you can sit all-around all day and say why that wouldn’t get the job done, but guess what it does, due to the fact they want it to get the job done. I know James and Chris want it to get the job done and which is all it will take.”
Melo is reportedly open to using his skills to Houston, wherever he’d join two previous Olympic teammates. Garrett W. Ellwood/NBAE/Getty Images
Will Melo be the following Workforce United states member to shift?
Getting Workforce United states players collectively has evident positive aspects, of class. You have to have wonderful players to win titles and wonderful players are likely to be on Workforce United states. But with AAU basketball and the world-wide-web producing lasting associations prolonged right before the NBA, players nowadays are closer than at any time. The chemistry constructed on Workforce United states squads only strengthens individuals bonds and has the ability to develop a lot more seismic shifts down the line. Not only are Harden and Paul a championship-excellent duo, but they have the ability to entice their peers.
According to ESPN sources, Anthony would waive his no-trade clause to join two groups: Cleveland and Houston, which are each significant on 2012 Workforce United states expertise.
In Workforce USA’s 2012 win in opposition to Nigeria, Anthony exploded for a team-file 37 factors with Love sharing the court for most of that scoring barrage.
In the meantime, right after examining film of the 2012 Olympics, a single specific perform leaped off the screen. It arrived in the fourth quarter in opposition to Australia. Workforce United states was up 107-80 with about two minutes still left. Anthony stripped the ball from a soaring senior for the Saint Mary’s Gaels, a point guard named Matthew Dellavedova. Paul picked up the free ball and sprinted down the floor with Harden flanking him on the still left side. Flying down the court on a 3-on-two fastbreak, Paul floated an alley-oop pass superior in the sky in excess of Patty Mills‘ head. Harden caught it and threw it down with two fingers.
Anthony … Paul … Harden. (The other two players on the floor through that sequence have been customers of the 76ers and Thunder, respectively: Iguodala and Durant.)
If the Rockets provide in Anthony, it wouldn’t be the very first time Houston tried using to acquire gain of United states Basketball camaraderie. In 1996, Houston traded for 1992 Aspiration Workforce member Charles Barkley, becoming a member of him with fellow Aspiration Teamer Clyde Drexler and previous MVP Hakeem Olajuwon. That 1996-97 team gained fifty seven games and missing in the West finals to Utah, which sported two Aspiration Teamers (Stockton and Malone), who missing to two Aspiration Teamers Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen. Soon after Drexler retired in 1998, the Rockets traded for a different Aspiration Teamer, Pippen, in a final-ditch energy to win it all. It didn’t get the job done out.
But that Rockets team was the exception, not the rule. The 1992 Aspiration Workforce roster observed a wholly unique destiny than the 2012 Workforce United states roster. Only three players from the ’92 squad connected up with a single a different (Barkley with Drexler, then with Pippen), but that was perfectly right after their primes. The 9 other players never swapped groups to url up.
With Gregg Popovich coaching Workforce United states, will we soon see a new superteam type in San Antonio? Andrew D. Bernstein/NBAE/Getty Images
Who else may possibly join up? And wherever?
If Melo ends up in Houston or Cleveland, the only two Workforce United states players from 2012 London that wouldn’t have joined up somewhere else — not counting Kobe Bryant, who is retired — are Westbrook and Anthony Davis. It is not implausible that the two would be teammates a single day. Westbrook is set to be a cost-free agent following summer months and the Brow could need a trade to Westbrook’s team thereafter (he’s a cost-free agent in 2021).
This delivers us to the 2016 team. The Warriors have leveraged Durant’s time with 2016 Workforce United states teammates Draymond Environmentally friendly and Klay Thompson, not to mention the prior connection with Iguodala in 2012. So which is previously in the guides.
There will be 5 2016 Workforce United states customers who can be cost-free agents following summer months: Westbrook (participant selection), Paul George (participant selection), DeMarcus Cousins, DeAndre Jordan (participant selection) and Anthony (ETO). Of class, Westbrook and George have previously partnered up in OKC, thanks to a trade engineered by Thunder GM Sam Presti. The 2019 cost-free agents include Durant, Thompson, Jimmy Butler, Kyrie Irving and Harrison Barnes (the latter three have participant solutions). In 2020, the checklist is Draymond Environmentally friendly, Kyle Lowry and DeMar DeRozan (PO).
It is far too early to say who will team up in which metropolis. It took 5 years, right after all, right before Paul and Harden joined forces in Houston. But the seeds may possibly previously be planted. In 2016, Workforce United states employed Houston’s executive vice president of basketball functions Gersson Rosas to be its international scout, helping put the team collectively with United states Basketball running director Jerry Colangelo and supporting Krzyzewski with match prep. Harden and Paul may possibly be recruiting Anthony at the rear of the scenes but really don’t discount Rosas’ standing with Workforce United states players.
But there is certainly a single variable, sources say, that may possibly be the driving issue of participant motion likely ahead: Gregg Popovich.
Pop begins his expression as the head mentor of Workforce United states this year and his deal lasts as a result of the 2020 Olympics in Japan. (Sidenote: Spurs’ VP of basketball functions Monty Williams was an assistant mentor on the 2016 United states squad.) Could the Spurs be participating in the prolonged match listed here?
You will find no doubt Popovich, who served 5 years in the United States Air Pressure, took the occupation to serve his country and represent Workforce United states in the Olympics. But outsiders see the enormous recruiting opportunity that will appear with it. The players’ regard and admiration for Pop is perfectly recognised. James has called him the greatest mentor of all time. It is not a stretch to imagine the Spurs’ following star along with Kawhi Leonard, who turned down the Rio Olympics in 2016, could be on Workforce United states in the coming years right after acquiring to know Pop.
In other phrases, allow the games start off.
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hyaenagallery · 8 years ago
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Bridey Murphy part 2 She pronounced her husband's name as "See-an," but Seán is pronounced "Shawn" in Ireland. Brian, which is what Bridey preferred to call her husband, was also the middle name of the man to whom Virginia Tighe was married. Some of the details did tally. For instance, her descriptions of the Antrim coastline were very accurate. So, too, was her account of a journey from Belfast to Cork. She claimed she went to a St. Theresa's Church. There was indeed one where she said there was, but it was not built until 1911. The young Bridey shopped for provisions with a grocer named Farr. It was discovered that such a grocer had existed. The experts who examined the case of Virginia Tighe came to the conclusion that the best way to arrive at the truth was to check back not to Ireland but to Tighe's own childhood and her relationship with her parents. Morey Bernstein stated that Virginia Tighe (whom he called Ruth Simmons in the book) was brought up by a Norwegian uncle and his German-Scottish-Irish wife. However, it did not state that her actual parents were both part Irish and that she had lived with them until the age of three. It also did not mention that an Irish immigrant named Bridie Murphy Corkell (1892–1957) lived across the street from Tighe's childhood home in Chicago, Illinois. Scientists are satisfied that everything Virginia Tighe said can be explained as a memory of her long-forgotten childhood. They are convinced that cryptomnesia accounted for the information. Because of these discoveries, scientists consider any paranormal interpretation of the case "thoroughly disproven." Virginia Tighe disliked being in the spotlight and was skeptical about reincarnation, although she said years later: "Well, the older I get the more I want to believe in it." She died in Denver in 1995. Bernstein gave up hypnotism after Bridey Murphy and began working in business. Success followed and he became a prominent local philanthropist. He died in Pueblo, Colorado, in 1999. #destroytheday
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hyaenagallery · 8 years ago
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Bridey Murphy is a purported 19th-century Irishwoman who U.S. housewife Virginia Tighe (1923 – 1995) claimed to be in a past life. In 1952, Colorado businessman and amateur hypnotist Morey Bernstein put housewife Virginia Tighe (Ruth Simmons) of Pueblo, Colorado, in a trance that sparked off startling revelations about Tighe's alleged past life as a 19th-century Irishwoman and her rebirth in the United States 59 years later. Bernstein used a technique called hypnotic regression, during which the subject is gradually taken back to childhood. He then attempted to take Virginia one step further, before birth, and was astonished to find he was listening to Bridey Murphy. Tighe's tale began in 1806, when Bridey was eight years old and living in a house in Cork. She was the daughter of Duncan Murphy, a barrister, and his wife Kathleen. At the age of 17, she married barrister Sean Brian McCarthy and moved to Belfast. Tighe told of a fall that caused Bridey's death and of watching her own funeral, describing her tombstone and the state of being in life after death. It was, she recalled, a feeling of neither pain nor happiness. Somehow, she was reborn in America, although Tighe/Bridey was not clear how this event happened. Virginia Tighe herself was born in the Midwest in 1923, had never been to Ireland, and did not speak with even the slightest hint of an Irish accent. The biographical details related by Bridey were not fully checked before the publication of Bernstein's book The Search for Bridey Murphy. However, once the book had become a bestseller, almost every detail was thoroughly checked by reporters who were sent to Ireland to track down the background of the elusive woman. It was then that the first doubts about her "reincarnation" began to appear. Bridey said she was born on December 20, 1798, in Cork and that she had died in 1864. There was no record of either event. Neither was there any record of a wooden house called The Meadows in which she said she lived, just of a place of that name at the brink of Cork. Indeed, most houses in Ireland were made of brick or stone. #destroytheday
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