#party committee
Rightist Memoir XXXIX: Entrepreneur-CEO Retires, SOE Automobile Plant Collapses and A Murder 
Find other chapters listed at Kong Lingping’s Rightist Memoir I: “Blood Chronicle” By Long-time Prisoner of Mao Zedong The full Chinese text can be downloaded from bannedbook.org  6.  I Fight for a Place to Live In the latter half of 1989, under the leadership of Li Lun, the Specialty Automobile Factory 专汽厂 had overcome its losses. The blueprint for constructing a total of 700 worker…
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sheltiechicago · 9 months
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Power to the people: the branding of the Black Panther party
An Attack Against One Is an Attack Against All, 1968 Designer Unknown
The history of the logo can be traced back to designer Ruth Howard, a member of the Atlanta branch of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee where she learned how visuals could galvanize a community. In 1966, SNCC organizers in Lowndes county approached her to create the symbol. Howard originally designed a dove to express power and autonomy but it wasn’t well received. She eventually based it on the school mascot of Clark College, a local HBCU. Dorothy Zeller, a white Jewish woman, added whiskers and the black color
Photograph: The Merrill C Berman Collection
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tomorrowusa · 4 months
Just as the Nazi Party in Germany was essentially the Hitler Party, the Republican Party has become the Trump Party. There may be a few odd holdouts, but the GOP has been overwhelmingly MAGAfied.
At the Republican National Committee, he is moving to replace longtime supporters with allies even more closely bound to him, including his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump. In the House, Republicans are more compliant than ever. Most vividly, Speaker Mike Johnson — ostensibly the party’s top-ranking official — backtracked on an endorsement in a crucial Senate race because Mr. Trump disagreed. On Thursday, Mr. Johnson’s candidate ended his campaign less than one week after opening it. In the Senate, which has been less beholden to Mr. Trump, his influence over a failed border bill made one of the party’s most effective lawmakers, Mitch McConnell, look weak. The displays of obedience emerging in recent weeks remove any lingering doubt that the Republican Party is aligned to advance the interests of one man, signaling that a sweep of victories from Mr. Trump and his allies in November could also mean replacing checks and balances in Washington with his wishes and whims.
Through fear and intimidation, the GOP is now just a subsidiary of the Trump Organization. The GOP stands for nothing except more power for Trump.
Mr. Trump, who long accused Republican leaders of rigging the system for their self-gain, has come to mirror their methods. The swamp that he once declared in need of draining, he now sees as wetlands in need of protecting. Mr. Trump’s team argues that he is giving voice to popular opinions that had no champion in the party, and that the changes at the Republican National Committee are intended with a single goal in mind: electing him to a second White House term.
Being a nepo baby himself, Trump understands the value of having his relatives run the GOP.
Mr. Trump’s next chairman at the R.N.C. is likely to be Michael Whatley, a supporter of the former president’s false election claims. Mr. Trump also endorsed as party co-chair his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, who has had various roles in his political operation.
When somebody now votes Republican at any level, they are essentially voting for Trump.
This forced merger of MAGA and the GOP establishment could bring catastrophe to the party if Trump unequivocally loses this year. Those who supported Trump halfheartedly and only out of fear would then openly blame MAGA for a Republican defeat while the hardcore Trump loyalists would claim that they lost because they weren't MAGA enough. A convincing Democratic presidential and congressional victory might cause the GOP to split and go the way of the Whigs.
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drumlincountry · 5 months
Litany against running for local government:
- I'm LITERALLY an anarchist
- I'd hate it
- local government in Ireland is demonstrably undemocratic such that the structure that exists would not allow me to actually represent people well even if I wanted to and they wanted me to.
- what if they found my blog
- my mother would be SO DISAPPOINTED
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theriverbeyond · 1 year
the reason i have a strong belief that the NtN extras will NOT be Kiriona, Ianthe, John/Cohort, Crown/Judith, Cam&Pal, or the kids gang related (as much as i could love more info about any of them) is bc thus far, the extras have always been from the POV of very tertiary characters, and IMO that's where the true value of the extras lies.
like, we've just spent too much time w the listed characters! for example, GtN extras could have been Harrow's notes on the cavalier/necro pairs, but.... we already know how she thinks! the value add just isn't there, verus Judith's perspective instead gave us so much more new info and worldbuilding and characterization to chew on. the extras aren't just fun flavor, they give us a deeper understanding of the world and characters.
"wait -- what do you mean, we barely got any Kiriona or Ianthe or John!" well. my reasoning here is that NtN was was chiseled off of AtN -- like, yeah we didn't get a ton of Kiriona or Ianthe or John in this book, but we're definitely (🤞) gonna get a whole lot of them in the next one, and these two books were once just one book. so again, the value add just isn't there
anyway im putting my bets on:
Silas in the River (🤞🤞🤞)
the 3rd house celebrates Coronabeth Tridentarius Our Darling Gone Too Soon Day
9th house, Neo-Ninth generation waking up and adjustment
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ghouljams · 10 months
Hi I saw this and thought of Goose holding a social hour in the town tavern. I laughed like a manic in the middle of campus. I'm sure someone looked at me oddly for taking a picture of this sign.
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Goose social hour! She knows how to throw a party. The whole town stops by to drink and chat, it's a big deal. Lots of kids running around and hot dishes that no one was asked to bring but brought anyway.
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talesfromthecrypts · 6 months
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Every video game movie should be an event in a movie theater and they give every person who attends one of these babies
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spoofthespoofer · 1 month
Small vent. Nothing serious, don't worry about it. Just stressed.
Aghh, our school has a big event tomorrow evening that I'm organising with a small committee and I am SO NERVOUS about it that I feel sick
It's like a graduation for our year. Kinda. Idk it's complicated.
We have to sort our seating arrangements, displays, a PowerPoint, speeches, 3 singing acts , one ballet act, a tribute to our tutors, a timetable, student-voted awards, teacher-voted awards, music, decorations, a kahoot game, a 'memory slideshow', overall layout, setting up a stage, lights, speakers, microphones, etc-
And I am terrified that I'm forgetting something. This is so much pressure, oh my god 😭
I also learned that the rest of the committee is making fun of me behind my back. I'm not surprised. Realistically, I've come to expect it now, but it still kinda hurts. A little.
But yeah :) Small rant over
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alwaysbewoke · 3 months
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An FBI memo dated November 29, 1968 described a letter that the L.A FBI office intended to mail to the Black Panther Party office. The letter. was made to appear as if it had come from the Us Organization, describing fictitious plans by Us to ambush BPP. The FBI memo stated that "It is hoped this counterintelligence measure will result in an 'Us' and BPP vendetta." —At a Black Student Union meeting at UCLA's Campbell Hall on January 17, 1969, Bunchy and John, another BPP member, were heard making derogatory comments about Karenga, the founder of Organization Us. Other versions mention a heated argument between Organization Us members and Panther Elaine Brown. An altercation ensued during which Carter and Huggins were shot to death. BPP members originally insisted that the event was a planned assassination, claiming that there was a prior agreement that no guns would be brought to the meeting, that BPP members were not armed, and that Organization Us members were. Organization Us members maintained the meeting was a spontaneous event. Former BPP deputy minister of defense Geronimo Pratt, Carter’s head of security at the time, later stated that rather than a conspiracy, the UCLA incident was a spontaneous shootout. The person who allegedly shot Carter and Huggins, Claude Hubert, was never found. During the Church Committee hearings in 1975, evidence came to light that under the COINTELPRO actions, FBI agents had deliberately fanned flames of division and enmity between the BPP and Org US. Death threats and humiliating cartoons created by the FBI were sent to each group, made to look as if they originated with the other group, with the explicit intention of inciting deadly violence Following the UCLA incident, brothers George and Larry Stiner and Donald Hawkins turned themselves in to the police, who had issued warrants for their arrests. They were convicted for conspiracy to commit murder and two counts of second-degree murder, based on testimony given by BPP members. The Stiner brothers both received life sentences and Hawkins served time in California’s Youth Authority Detention.
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tweetingukpolitics · 1 year
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garadinervi · 8 months
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Assata Shakur, Message on the 5th Anniversary of the Marion Lockdown, (transcript of a recorded message), Committee to End the Marion Lockdown (CEML), Chicago, IL, October 22, 1988 (pdf here) [The Freedom Archives, Berkeley, CA]
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stellanslashgeode · 3 months
Back in 2017 a Confederate monument was defaced in New Orleans. What I’ll never forget about this incident is that a direct action group called The Real Meow Meow Liberation Front–Professional Party Planning Committee claimed responsibility.
The name implies there was a group called the Meow Meow Liberation Front but there was a messy schism.
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meandmybigmouth · 2 years
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