#parker we never heard your voice or learned your face but we as a fandom love you so much.
holeodemony · 3 months
I am not okay. Just finished ep 36 of malevpod and. I. Aaaaa. Oscar our sweet little baby boy murderer just needs to be alright and the conversation and John and. John you manipulative bastard I knew what you were doing when you were trying to convince Arthur not to tell Oscar about this you don't actually care about Oscar now do you you just want Arthur to yourself and. oscar. Oscar you let the man live that is so aa and yet good on you for being sane I guess(?) still agree that abusive priestman whos name I don't care to remember should've died. And. Arthur. Aaaaaaa oh arthur. Arthur. Why. Why. That last line of the episode. Why did you say that. Why did you make me scream so. So much. Aa. Why are you not okay like i know why logically but how do you make things so aaaaaaaaaa. And telling oscar to help others and that you're giving a reaosn and stuff im not okay I related to them way too m uch for my liking and wby was that last line so emotionally devistating why arthur are you so goddamn poetic I'm going to kill you not actually because I love you and hate you and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "I'm glad Parker didn't feel the same way." IM NOT OKAY ABOUT THIS LINE!!!!!!!!!!!
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ladydeznutz · 3 years
When He Loved Me (Peter Parker x Reader)
A/N: My first fic and it's angst that came into my head around 3am. I've always wanted to write fics, but I didn't like how I wrote and I was embarrassed. First time writing for others so I tried to keep away from using just she/her pronouns, but if that's what you'd like just lemme know
I can write for other fandoms, and imma make a list of the fandoms I like bc I have so many I forget. I'll also add some other things if it interests me. Not comfortable with nsfw just yet so apologies. Anyways, enjoy the fic ig and please give me criticism if you see something wrong
idk how tumblr works with spacing and all that so hopefully this comes decent looking
Prompt: Please, don't leave me.
TW: S**cide mention
Every day had started to feel the same to you for a while now.
It started when he began missing date nights with you. He was always so excited about them, and then they were happening less and less often. You still saw him on occasion, but it felt more like "business" than anything else.
You didn't get the same giddy feeling you used to get when you'd see him; it felt like going out with him was more of a chore. You couldn't even complain to him about it even if you wanted to. Anytime you did see him long enough, he was always gone within a second, always in a rush. You never knew what he even did with himself or if he was thinking about you at all.
It definitely didn't help that you'd always catch him hanging out with his friends. You confronted Ned about it, but he was always so dismissive. Hell, you had even talked to Michelle about the whole thing. At first, she sympathized, but then it was as if a switch was flipped. You used to go to her to vent about Peter and the relationship. Now, she was practically telling you that you were overreacting.
You felt like you were going to have a mental breakdown.
Learning about a loved one's passing is always one of the hardest things for anyone to deal with, especially when it's someone you deeply care about.
You had just received the news that your best friend had killed himself a couple of hours ago.
You didn't know how to feel.
You couldn't wrap your head around it. There was no warning.
You and he had been friends since childhood, and you knew each other so well that neither one of you could even remember a time when the other wasn't around.
Your hands shook as you picked up the phone to call Peter. Your tears finally fell as you listened to the constant ringing of the phone, and you knew he wasn't going to answer. Rage grew within you as you heard his voicemail message causing you to throw your phone across the room. It crashed into the wall and broke, but you didn't pay any mind to it as you fell to the ground and let out a wailed sob.
Why did this have to happen?
You could barely catch your breath between sobs.
Your body shook.
You didn't care about anything anymore.
You didn't care about Peter anymore.
Weeks had passed, and Peter was exhausted.
Tracking down a gang, taking them down, and meeting another Spider-Man had just been a lot for him to take in. He was so tired, he didn't even want to think about it anymore. His back ached as he climbed through his window.
He was just so damned tired.
He stripped out of his suit, took off his web-shooters, and placed them back in his closet. Then, he took a quick shower.
His job was a bit easier to have Ned and MJ know he was Spider-Man. Now he just had to tell you.
Peter stood in the middle of the room and weighed out what would happen. He felt sorry for lying to you, and he knew that he was being distant. He just didn't have the courage to deal with any of it because he was worried about you. He couldn't lose you too.
As Peter lied down to finally get some rest, he wondered how you were doing. Karen had said you tried calling him, but he couldn't answer he had been in the middle of a stakeout.
He got up and rummaged through his book bag to get his phone, turning it on to scroll through his messages. He sat up as he realized how many he had gotten. Had something happened?
As he scrolled through, his heart broke. So many people had posted about the loss of Jay and were gossiping about why he did it. When he finally went through them all, he looked at your one missed call and gulped.
You had called him that day, and he didn't pick up.
He clicked the voice mail and listened to the message. All that he could hear were your pained sniffles, a shout, and then the line cut off.
He felt sick as he replayed the message.
Peter already felt awful about lying to you; he had to fix this. He quickly texted you, put his web-shooters back on, and was ut the window.
He knew the way to your house, so it took him no time to et there. As he was getting ready to knock on your window, he did a double-take and took a closer look.
Someone was sitting in your room; it looked like he had been waiting for you. Peter quirked an eyebrow as he looked at the guy. He was wearing a red and green jacket with shorts and sneakers. He also looked like he was wearing tights?
Suddenly, you walked into the room, so Peter backed away from the window to hide in the shadows. You seemed to be upset as you were wiping your eyes quite a bit.
"I'm sorry Miles. I didn't think I'd start crying like that," you said as you sat on your bed.
"Hey, it's okay," he replied as he stood up and moved closer to you. You sniffled as you tried to regain your composure. Peter didn't quite know how to react. Who was this? What was going on?
"I just...he..." you groan out in frustration as you grip your hair. Miles' eyes widen as he sees tears start flowing from your eyes again.
"You wanna talk about it?" he asks as he wraps an arm around your shoulders. You shrug as you shake your head.
"It's complicated, and besides, that's what our therapy's for" you chuckle dryly. Miles' eyes wander the room as he tries to think of something to do to cheer you up. "How 'bout we go out tonight?" he suggests.
"I don't like the tone of that voice" you sass as you turn to give him a look. Peter watches Miles turn around, and his eyes widen. Miles was wearing a suit, a Spider-Man suit. The same Spider-Man he saw the other week.
"Any place you wanna go to, we'll go" he adds with a cheeky smile. "Really? You're not busy?" You cross your arms as you stare him down.
"Nah, night's been quiet. Besides, I might be busy tomorrow, then you'd miss your favorite person in the world" he winks as you begin to smile. Peter's heart sank as he realized what was happening. He thwipped a web to the building across from yours and sat down on the edge of the roof. Pulling out his phone, he sent you a text.
Can we talk tomorrow?
Giggling could be heard from across the street. Peter looked up and bit his lip as you glanced at your phone and threw it on your bed. You got onto Miles' back, and you both swung away.
After you tried calling Peter that day, you stopped reaching out to him altogether. You decided that you'd wait to talk to him until he finally realized you weren't there. It had been about five weeks, and in those five weeks, you had gone to therapy and counseling.
You met Miles in counseling. He was sweet but seemed to get off topic a lot. When you were getting ready to leave one session, he had come up to you, put his hand on your shoulder, and let out a simple "Hey." One thing led to another, and you had both bonded over your losses. You went to Miles' uncle's funeral, and he went to Jay's funeral with you.
You were currently sitting on a swing at the playground as you waited for Peter. It was taking him forever to show, and at this point, you wanted to get this whole conversation over with.
Frowning, you looked around, wondering why he was taking so long. He should've been here by now. Maybe he decided not to come after all.
When that thought crossed your mind, you scoffed and stood up. Before you could go anywhere, however, you felt someone gently grab your hand. Looking back, you saw Peter staring at you with a small smile on his face.
"You came."
"Of course I did"
Peter pulls you towards him and wraps his arms around you. You take a deep breath as you stare off towards the slide. He pulls away when he realizes you're not hugging him back. The both of you pull away awkwardly as you look at each other.
"Peter-" "(Y/N)-" both of you speak at the same time.
"I- I have o tell you something" he starts with a stutter. You wait patiently as you motion for him to continue. "I know th-that I've been....not here for you for a while-" he cuts himself off when he hears you scoff.
"I.....I had these things, and I should've told you as soon as we started dating, and I'm sorry. I know I've been an asshole, more than that actually" you roll your eyes and shake your head as he continues.
"I just.....I love you, and I want you to know that even though I don't show it a lot" he finishes as he rubs the back of his head nervously.
The good thing about coming to this park was that there was usually no one here, and you were glad no one was here right now because boy were you fuming. "Told me about what Parker?" Your hand goes to your hip as you glare at him.
"W-Well....uhm......that guy that you talk to.......I'm like him I guess. Spider-Man." Your eyes widen when you hear the first part. "How the hell do you know I've been talking to someone?"
Peter stumbles with his words as he realizes he's been caught red-handed, "Uh...I was gonna visit yesterday, and I kinda....saw you..talking to him....." You narrow your eyes as you pick up a stick and throw it at him. He ducked before he could get hit, but you were already in his face.
"You were spying on me?!"
"I-I wasn't trying to! I was just-"
"Christ Peter!" All this time of you not being here, and now all of a sudden you just wanna show up out of nowhere because of what?! Jay?! Is that why you're finally talking to me?!" Panic stirs in Peter's eyes as he tries to come up with an excuse.
"I tried so hard to get you to talk to me, and you only wanna talk now because of that shit?! Peter, I can't do this shit with you anymore. I don't care if you're Spider-Man; what was the point of not telling me in the first place?! We live in New York for God's sake!!"
Your face is red as you frustratingly wipe away your tears with your forearm. Peter stays silent as he watches you; he can't say anything right now because you've hit the nail on the head.
"Y-You know what, fuck this. I can't do this shit any-anymore, Peter. But please tel-tell me; w-what did I do wrong? I di-did my best to keep both of us h-h-happy. Please, just tell me what I did wr-wrong." Your words are barely recognizable as you hold yourself to keep you're shaking body still.
Peter steps forward, but instead of stopping him like he thought you would, he cups your face gently as he looks into your eyes.
"(Y/N).....I'm so sorry I made you think this was all your fault. You did make me happy; you still do. I just...I've been so busy being Spider-man that I've neglected you, and I'm sorry for that. But I do still love you, (Y/N). I swear I'll stop doing everything just for you. I-I'll give up being Spider-Man."
You watch him unravel as he keeps talking. You can't bring yourself to care, however, as he spills his heart out. Too much disappointment has built up over the months.
"Please......(Y/N), just give me another chance. I'll do anything, just please, don't leave me." His voice is soft and insecure as he begs you, almost quivering as he says it. It doesn't invoke any sort of feeling in you though. His sad eyes watch as you pull away from him,
"I'm sorry Peter" you whisper softly as you turn around and walk away.
He doesn't run after you or even shout.
Peter simply watches you walk away until you're out of view. The only thing he can hear is your footsteps as they fade into the distance.
A/N: Alright so...this whole thing was based on how I could see him being Spider-Man in the beginning ig? Imo I feel like between him and Miles, the latter would be the first to tell you he's Spider-Man
And I always felt like him being away like that with no real reason would make an s/o feel like it's their fault or sumn. Like, I've always seen fics where he and the reader always make up about it, but I wanted to try the bad ending where even though he had good intentions, he's just not ready to handle being a hero, student, and partner.
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iliumheightnights · 4 years
We Have A Jedi [18] | Peter Parker x Male Stark Reader
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Fandom: Marvel, Star Wars Pairing: Peter Parker x Male Reader, Tony Stark x Son Reader Summary: It’s (M/N)’s first day of school and he gets to finally see Peter again. But now he faces one of his most difficult challenges, High School.
Read from the beginning
(M/N) followed as Peter led the way. “So over there is the library. If you ever need to use the computers or check out a book it’s right there.” (M/N) couldn’t help but smile at the boy as he showed him around the school. It was good to see him again, he honestly hadn’t expected to see him anytime soon. The fact that they would be attending the same school made his heart beat just a bit faster.
 ‘So..I gotta ask. What are you doing here? Why are you going here? Like…” He looked around before leaning in and whispering. “You’re a jedi.” (M/N) shook his head. “Not anymore Peter. Now I’m just me.” He could tell that Peter was wanting to ask him more about that but he reached a door. “Well this is your first class and you know where the rest are. If you need any help you can ask anyone but your best bet is to ask a teacher for directions. We have the same lunch so I’ll see you then.” Peter walked off but gave him one last look before continuing down the hall. (M/N) couldn’t tell why, but he was sad seeing him go.
Entering the class everyone stopped. The teacher stopped his work and looked at him. He looked like a stern man and (M/N) could feel some frustration coming from him. “Yes? Can I help you?” (M/N) stood a bit taller. He wasn’t about to let anyone, especially this man, walk all over him. “Mr.Dell? I’m (M/N) Rogers. I’m your new student.” The teacher rolled his eyes and looked over the roll. “Yes they said something about a new student. You’re late, I can tell you’ll be a fun one.” (M/N) gave him a fake smile. “Thank you. I just LOVE when I’m ridiculed for not knowing where I’m going in a new place. Not like I’ve been here for the last thirty years like you have.” Some oo’s and gasps came from the students watching. Mr.Dell looked pissed but only motioned to a seat. “You’re lucky it’s your first day. Sit by Miss Jones.” (M/N) gave a fake bow before walking to his new seat. He sat down next to the girl he had been told about. She gave him a quick look over and a smirk. “Nice job sticking up for yourself. Not a lot of people have the balls for it.” (M/N) laughed and leaned back in his chair. “I’m getting that vibe from a lot of these people.” They didn’t say anything else after that, just getting through the class. The day continued on, (M/N) introducing himself to his classes and meeting new people. So far no one has caught his interest besides MJ and Ned. He had a class with Peter but it was only one so far. It was lunch time and (M/N) sat with Peter and Ned, MJ sat a little bit further down from them. “So how’s your day going (M/N)?” The boy poked at his lunch, it wasn’t looking great. “Well, It’s been something...I can’t see how people do this for four years.” That made Ned look at him weird. (M/N) felt something through the force and he quickly pulled Peter closer to him as a piece of food was thrown past where he had just been. “Aw, we missed Penis.” (M/N) grimaced at that. “What did he say?” He turned to see the person who threw the food. “Flash.” Ned said. “Hey Penis. See you’re trying to corrupt the new kid.” The boy, Flash, said to Peter. He then turned to (M/N). “You shouldn’t be hanging out with freaks like these. You seem like a capable and cool guy, I think I can squeeze you in.” (M/N) could feel anger building within him. “I’m good. I’d rather be friends with the ‘freaks’ than the bitches like you.” Flash glared at him. “Your lose freak.” With that he returned to his table and took a bite of his own food. They were still talking amongst themselves loudly enough for Peter and them to hear. “Maybe he’s an orphan like Parker is.” (M/N) didn’t like that. He didn’t care about what they said about him, but he wouldn’t let them talk about Peter like that. He got lost in his thoughts until he heard Flash choking and his crowney’s trying to get him to breath. “Flash. Flash spit it out!” Peter shook him and (M/N) looked at him before realizing what he was doing. He was using the force to choke Flash. He quickly let go and the boy began breathing again. Luckily the others believed Flash chocked on his food but Peter knew and so did (M/N). However Peter only looked at him with concern. “(M/N), you okay?” (M/N) shook his head and stood up. “I gotta go.” He quickly left the cafeteria and contacted Happy to pick him up.
He waited out front of the school and it wasn’t long before Peter sat beside him. “So...is that why you’re not a jedi anymore?” (M/N) thought of that. Maybe that WAS a reason why jedi weren’t supposed to have attachments. He hadn’t even known Peter for that long yet had tapped into the darkside. “Possibly. It wasn’t the only reason why I left.” Peter quickly grabbed his shoulder. “Wait!? You LEFT!? Why’d you leave being a jedi!?” It was decided then. He really liked Peter Parker. “They wanted to erase my mind and keep me away from my dad and earth. I didn’t want that. So I left.” Peter didn’t let go of his shoulder. “Wow. You’re amazing.” (M/N) looked at him weird but smiled. “Says you.” Peter blushed and was about to say something but a car pulled up and Happy rolled down the window. “Gotta go. See you later Peter.”
He quickly got into a car and Happy drove off. The man didn’t really say anything but (M/N) could tell he was waiting for something. “I don’t like school...and that’s coming from someone who was once stuck in a collapsed mine shaft for an entire day.” Happy’s eyes widened. “What!? You were-what!?” (M/N) laughed at that and looked out the window. They continued to ride in relative peace and when they arrived (M/N) saw an older man walking into the avengers compound. “Who’s that?” The man seemed important but (M/N) wasn’t getting a good vibe. “That’s General Ross. He’s here to talk to the avengers about something.” (M/N) quickly got his things and got out of the car. “Thanks Happy. I’m going to see what’s going on.”
Entering the compound he saw many people in suits who seemed to be military officials of some sort. He continued past all of them and dropped his bag off in his room before continuing to look for his dad. The avengers were all going to a conference room and (M/N) fell in beside his dad. “What are you doing home early?” He asked. “School sucks, jedi business, had to leave. What’s going on? Who’s this Ross person?” He looked at his dad who seemed tired. “He’s here to talk about what’s going on with the avengers. You should wait in your room.” (M/N) didn’t stop or leave, he continued walking alongside them. “No. I’ve been part of some of the avengers biggest fights. Anything he says to you I should hear as well.” Tony shook his head. “I don’t want you there. You shouldn’t-” “I shouldn’t be part of this. But I am so I shouldn’t be left in the dark.” He looked at his dad and had a stare down. Eventually his father relented and the two entered the conference room. (M/N) sat beside Steve and his father. 
The meeting was...not a meeting at all. It was like a presentation about how the avengers were going to be made tools. The man, General Ross, showed videos of the battle of new york and sokovia. “The avengers are dangerous. They need to be held accountable for their actions.” (M/N) wasn’t liking where this was going and he REALLY didn’t like Ross. Then it came the accords. They wanted the avengers to sign the accords. “Signing won’t change anything. You’ll still be able to help the world and won’t be soldiers. You’ll just be more supervised.” Everyone at the table seemed tense but his father, Rhodey and Nat seemed less so.
“No we won’t.” (M/N) dared to speak up. Everyone looked at him and Ross eyed him up and down. “And who are you? You’re a child I don’t expect you to know what protecting a planet is like.” (M/N) felt his anger building again, he stared Ross in his eyes and spoke. “No. I know how to protect a galaxy and I’m sure I have more medals than you do.” With that he stood up and left.
He stood staring out a window at the lake outside. He felt his father stand next to him, before he could say anything (M/N) spoke. “As jedi we were trained to be keepers of the peace, not soldiers. But all I’ve been since I was a padawan was a soldier.” He could feel how his dad tensed up but he continued saying what he needed to. “I’ve spent my entire life being a pawn in a war. A tool to be thrown around, then when I made my own decision...I was cast out.” (M/N) tightened his grip on himself and breathed in. “What Ross wants you all to do...is exactly what the Jedi wanted me to do. To become their personal weapons. Signing those accords, means you sign over your freewill.” He took another breath to calm himself. “I will follow and stand with who I believe is right…” He then turned away from the window and looked at his dad in the eyes. “And it won’t be with who signs those accords.”
The revelation of Bucky Barnes complicated matters. Steve didn’t want the wrong people to get their hands on him and left with him. Tony had followed after but they had lost contact with him. (M/N) quickly followed after and was shocked to find his dad lying badly injured on the ground, Steve’s shield next to him. He quickly got him to a hospital and patched up. That’s when his dad told him about how Bucky had killed his grandparents.
“I...I understand this hurts dad but-” Tony blew up at him then. “But? But what (M/N)!? He killed them! Took them out of my life! He-” (M/N) kept his voice calm. “Didn’t do it himself. You learned about it yourself. He was being controlled, he had no control. I won’t say it doesn’t and shouldn’t hurt. I won’t say you have to forgive him. But you HAVE to understand he didn’t have any choice. I’ve seen so many of my friends and fellow jedi fall to the same thing, it’s never easy. Just...try.” With that he left his dad to think. Before he left his dad stopped him. “Sorry for blowing up at you. It’s not your fault...I’ve chosen not to sign the accords. You’re still teaching me life lessons.” (M/N) smiled at him. “Get some rest.”
Thanks to the whole accords ordeal the Avengers had been split up. Some of them like Wanda and Pietro left when Steve did, not wanting the governments to imprison them. Sam and Nat went looking for Steve to tell him about how Tony hadn’t signed the accords and even...even wanted to talk with Bucky.
In the meantime, (M/N) was getting used to life on earth...and it was bothering him. He knew there was still a war going on and he wanted to be out there helping people, but he also wanted to be with his family. So he chose to continue going to school and being around Peter, MJ and Ned helped. His dad had caught eye of Peter and was watching him for possibly bringing him into the avengers...mostly it was (M/N) pushing articles his dad's way of Spiderman stopping crime around New York.
So it wasn’t exactly the best time, but it was enough for (M/N) to be moderately happy. But his dreams were getting more and more vivid. Whatever it was warning him about was coming soon..and he still wasn’t sure how to stop it.
A/N: We’re getting closer and closer to endgame. I won’t lie...civil war wasn’t my favorite movie and I didn’t want to go rewatch it for accurate scenes so I just went with my gut and wrote a brief description of the scene while changing some things. I feel like it went by fine and oh boy (M/N)’s getting twisted by the dark side! Peter come pick up your boyfriend!
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flowers-creativity · 4 years
Fic: The One Bed Job
Fandom:  Leverage
Characters: Eliot Spencer, Parker, Alec Hardison
Warnings: None
Summary: A rainstorm forces Eliot, Parker and Hardison to take shelter in a cabin in the woods. There is only one problem ...
Notes: Written for Spud (@callipygianspud) for the @leverage-secret-santa-exchange with the prompts “Parker/Hardison/Eliot, oh no one bed?!?!, slice of life bickering”.
There are a lot of firsts in this story for me, most notably that it's my first Leverage fic ever! It was a lot of fun working on it - thanks to the mods of the Leverage Secret Santa Exchange for organising this 😊.
I’m late in posting it because I missed that the authors had been revealed but finally, here it is on my blog, too.
AO3 link
Eliot threw the truck into park and stared out the windshield at the desolate view: a cabin in the middle of the woods, looking small and forlorn in the wind that had been picking up speed over the last hour. Rain was driving diagonally across the picture, and he didn't want to make any bets on how long it would be until it was going fully horizontal. “Damn it, Hardison, that's the best you can do?”
“Hey man, you wanna try finding a place to stay in the middle of nowhere during a rainstorm, with no advance warning?” Hardison twisted in his seat and stabbed a finger at him. “I'm not freaking clairvoyant, couldn't have known it woulda hit so hard!”
“Yeah, well, always actin' like you are,” Eliot growled as he unbuckled his seat belt. There was no use arguing, they were out of other options. Not that it would stop him from doing it anyway. “C'mon, let's look at that rat's nest you found for us.”
“No appreciation, man,” Hardison mumbled. He took off his seat belt, then twisted around and nudged the lump that was Parker on the backbench, just a shock of blonde hair peeking out from under the blanket she'd wrapped herself in. “Hey mama, we're here. Time to wake up!”
The lump protested sleepily but finally uncurled to reveal the thief who stretched and yawned mightily. “Where's here?” she asked.
“Cabin in the woods,” Hardison said. “Storm's getting pretty bad, so Eliot wanted to stop driving. Never mind that we're in a Faraday cage,” he added, raising his voice so the hitter just about to close the driver's side door could hear him, “but apparently the only thing frightening big bad Spencer is some lightning. Can't hit that, eh?”
“Hardison,” Eliot said grumpily, pulling the door open again, “you wanna wrap the car around a tree 'cause you can't see with the rain comin' down so hard, be my guest.”
Parker snorted and leaned forward to give Hardison a quick peck on the nose. “He's got a point there,” she pointed out.
Eliot flashed her a quick look of thanks, fighting down the incongruous urge to have a corner of his mouth tick up. It wasn't a smile; it wasn't. And it wasn't a problem that his face constantly wanted to do that around those two lately. He finally slammed the door shut and switched on the heavy-duty flashlight he kept in the truck's cabin at all times. He more sensed than heard the passenger side's door opening and the other two hustling after him as he made his way towards the cabin, the rain soaking him down to the skin within moments.
The door was locked; he contemplated it for a moment, then stepped aside. “Parker, do your thing,” he commanded, directing the beam of light onto the lock. She gave a quick sound of delight and dove forwards with her lock picks appearing in her hands like magic. That lock wouldn't take her more than five seconds, he knew, but even that was probably a treat for her after an exhausting job that had her do most of the grifting. No matter how much she had grown and learned since they had become a team, coming into her own in both the grifter and the mastermind role, she would never love it as much as she did the jobs where she could be what she really was, a cat burglar and safecracker.
It was maybe eight seconds until the lock clicked and Parker stood back up. She frowned a bit at the door as she pocketed her lock picks. “Sorry, I'm off my game,” she said.
Hardison huffed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Don't be ridiculous, babe, you're fine. A bit tired, that's all.”
Eliot nodded and gave her a quick pat on the back before he pushed open the door and went ahead into the cabin. “Stay here,” he told them as he swept the flashlight's beam through the room.
Hardison rolled his eyes so hard Eliot could hear it even though he had his back turned. “No need to unpack the guard dog routine, El,” he said, and another flashlight beam joined his. “It's a cabin in the middle of the woods. If there's anything dangerous, it'll be a bunch of spiders or a raccoon at best. C'mon, I wanna get inside and get dry.”
Eliot flashed him a nasty grin over his shoulder. “You're the geek, tell me how many horror movies there are that look just like this,” he said. “And how the black guy usually does in them.”
“Damn, man, don't you use pop culture against me, that's just wrong,” Hardison complained.
Parker snorted a laugh, still leaning against Hardison's side. “We'll protect you, Eliot and I,” she told him earnestly, then slipped from his arm and had his flashlight in her hand a blink of an eye later. “I'll help him make the security sweep, and you find out if there's electricity.”
Hardison sighed in defeat and waved them off, shaking his head. “Then go do what you gotta do.”
“Nice to know we have your approval,” Eliot said with a smile that was all teeth and very little warmth (no matter that he wanted to put a lot more into it). Nevertheless, he didn't further protest Parker's joining him and sent her off to check one of the two doors leading from the main room while he finished sweeping its meager contents – a small table with two rickety chairs, a wood stove and an old cupboard that held a little bit of crockery, a battered pot and a few cans of soup. He left Hardison to poke around near the stove, mumbling to himself about barbaric conditions and using his phone as a flashlight, and headed for the second door.
It didn't take much time to determine that this was the bathroom, such as it was, and little more to check the shabby toilet and sink – they worked, which was probably the best they could hope for. When he emerged back into the main room, he found that Parker had just done so, too, and was now perched on the table. For once he could not fault her for her propensity never to sit on a chair like a normal person; the table looked like a much safer bet.
“That's the bedroom,” she reported immediately once she caught sight of him coming back, pointing at the room she had checked. “Nothing there but a lot of dust and spiderwebs.” She grinned brightly. “Only one bed, though. We'll have to snuggle close, it's not very big.”
“Wa---” Eliot was vaguely aware that he was standing there gaping like a moron but his mind was stuck on Parker talking about snuggling in one bed.
“Huh, what was that, Eliot?” Hardison had abandoned whatever he had been doing with the stove – couldn't have been lighting a fire, he severely doubted Hardison could do that – and came over, leaning against the wall next to the table with Parker on it, both of them weirdly illuminated by the display light of Hardison's phone.
Eliot finally marshaled his thoughts enough to grind out: “I'm sure you'll be fine for one night. I'll take the floor.” Parker must have been talking about herself and Hardison anyway, no reason to assume that she wanted to snuggle with him – even if his traitorous heart had done just that.
Parker frowned. “What? No, you won't,” she said with a shake of her head. “Not when there's a bed and no reason for you to be on watch. We'll fit in there the three of us.”
“Wha-- Dammit, Parker, you can't just get into bed with any man!” Eliot protested.
“Fine, then Hardison and you can take the floor.” She folded her arms over her chest and stared at him, the challenge more conveyed by her tone than by her expression he couldn't see too clearly in the gray light on her face. Next to her, Hardison made an outraged sound, just as Eliot sputtered:
“What? No, why should Hardison sleep on the floor?”
“Well, if I can't get in bed with any man, then I can't get in bed with you two, since you're both men,” she said with a shrug, in that tone that clearly said that she thought she was being perfectly reasonable.
“But he's not any man,” Eliot pointed out, “he's your boyfriend.”
“Okay,” she said, cocking her head to the side in one of those moves that made her look sort of like a bird, “but you're not any man, too. You're Eliot. My--” she broke off, gave a short sideways glance to Hardison and then continued: “Our-- You're Eliot. So you can come, too.”
Eliot sputtered again, and how did she always manage to have that effect on him? He was Eliot goddamn Spencer, he was always in control, but she stole it from him as easily as pick-pocketing a watch was for her, with nothing more than a few words and looks. He desperately looked to Hardison. “Back me up here, c'mon, man!”
Hardison, the son of a bitch, just shrugged, his teeth white in the dim light as he grinned. “You heard the lady,” he said, “you're not any man, so you can get in bed with her, I mean, with us, any time.”
“I-- But--!” Eliot raked his left hand through his hair, casting around for the right thing to say, to make sense of these words in a way that didn't make warmth spread through his chest and … somewhere else that had made a very specific sense of it and was sitting up and taking notice. In the back of his mind, another part was busy pointing out that in a way, any man was probably better to have in your bed than Eliot Spencer. It was surprisingly easy to disregard this voice, though, just as Parker and Hardison disregarded his words whenever he pointed it out to them. He had told them so a hundred, a thousand times, even had shown them glimpses of it a few times – the swimming pool, probably even the warehouse, despite Nate's promise not to tell anyone – and they had always sailed past it without the slightest worry despite what he had been, what he still was. And he knew it was true: whatever danger he presented, it never was a danger connected to his past. Only to a present that he held sacred in his heart like a talisman, like he had held preciously little since he had lost faith in God and the American flag and whatever else he had believed in once upon a time.
“Helloo-ho!” Hardison suddenly loomed up in front of him, his face just inches away from him. “Earth to Eliot!”
Eliot honest to God flinched and took a step back. “Dammit, Hardison!”
The hacker raised an unimpressed eyebrow. “You back with us, man?” He looked him over seriously. “Honestly, I'm starting to think you're getting sick. You're usually more with it than that.”
Eliot took a deep breath and ran a hand over his face. “I'm fine,” he gritted out. He let his shoulders slump down. Sleeping in one bed it was. “You had any luck with that stove?” he asked Hardison in a bid of hopefully redirecting the conversation.
Hardison shrugged. “Not really, there's some old ashes and half-burnt wood in it but I don't have a lighter. I'm sure you can get it going, right? Don't tell me you haven't been a Boy Scout, too.”
“Nope.” Eliot hoped the relief and eagerness with which he fell into their banter was not too obvious. “Army boot camp's better than that, anyway. Plus, y’know, spending lots of time in the actual wilderness, not some parent's backyard.” He dug into one of his pockets for a lighter and wandered over to the stove, angling the flashlight beam into the open compartment.
Parker had her chin in her hands as she watched him with her usual Parker intensity. “Backyards sound boring,” she agreed. “But you should take us camping some time! We can throw Hardison off a cliff instead of a building!”
This time it was Hardison who was sputtering, and Eliot couldn't resist, he laughed, a bark that reverberated deep in his chest. “That's a great idea, darlin',” he drawled, grinning at the hacker.
“Now that's just unfair! Two against one! And no one's throwing Hardison off any cliffs, are we clear? Are we clear?”
Parker pouted at him. “Aww. You went on that fishing trip with Eliot, didn't you? I want to do something like that with you, too, with both of you.”
Eliot scowled at the reminder of how their fishing trip hadn't happened after that stand-off with a white supremacist militia. “Not exactly like that, preferably,” he growled under his breath. Louder, he said, “I think Hardison had a problem with the cliff thing, not with going on a trip with you, Parker. We can keep that in mind, okay? For now, just let's get through the night.”
In the meantime, he had kept working on the stove, pushing the old ashes to the side and rearranging the partly burnt wood into a neat pile. He looked around for some old paper to start the fire, then reconsidered. The small fire would be pretty useless to heat or light the room.
“Any of you hungry? There's some soup in cans.”
Hardison and Parker exchanged a look, then shook their heads.
Eliot sighed and stood up, brushing off the knees of his jeans. “Then we don't need to bother with the fire. We'd need some candles or a torch for some real light. Don't think it would produce much heat to get the room warm, either.”
Parker shrugged. “I don't have any candles.”
Hardison grinned. “I guess if we're cold, we just need to snuggle close in our bed,” he said, and Eliot's belly did another backflip at the thought of the three of them in one bed together.
Parker laughed and dropped down from her perch on the table, grabbed Hardison's hand, then lunged and did the same with Eliot's. “Come on, I'll show you,” she said brightly and pulled them over to the door she'd discovered the bedroom behind earlier.
“Parker, that's --- Parker, I can walk on my own,” Eliot protested but it was halfhearted at best. He turned towards Hardison but found little sympathy there.
“Just go with the flow,” the hacker told him. “Relax.”
Eliot bit back a retort and instead just took a deep breath, his feet automatically following where Parker led. Relax. As if that was a thing he could do when he was about to get into the same bed as his two best friends. As the two people he-- He-- His thoughts kept stalling but he knew the word that should go there.
In the small bedroom, Parker let go of his hand, and he took in the room and the furniture occupying it, which was just one more of those rickety chairs, with Parker's flashlight on it casting a beam through the shadows, and the bed itself. It was small indeed, and short enough that Eliot guessed Hardison's feet would hang over the edge. Parker and he should be fine – for a certain measure of fine when he was intruding where he didn't belong. Never mind that they seemingly didn't see anything wrong with it, even though they were the couple…
Meanwhile, Parker had taken possession of the bed, pulling back the covers. She looked back at the two men contemplatively, then shrugged and quickly pulled off her shirt, sending it flying toward the chair. At Eliot's spluttered “Parker!”, she shot him an annoyed glare. “What? It's wet,” she explained as she unzipped her pants and shimmied out of them, then threw them after the shirt. Eliot averted his eyes and prayed for strength.
When he looked back, she had slipped under the covers, and Hardison was sitting at the edge of the bed, taking off his shoes and socks, his phone on the quilt next to him. Hardison looked up at him, and his dark eyes were soft in the beam of Eliot's flashlight. “Eliot, man,” he started, then stopped, then started again. “Look, man, you don't have to if you don't really feel comfortab-- Ouch, Parker!” The thief had straightened up and slugged him in the back of the shoulder. “C'mon, he should only do it if he really wants to!”
“But he does!” she hissed at him, then turned towards Eliot. “You want to, right? You want to be with us. Like, here with us.” She gestured between the two of them and then the bed as a whole, and Eliot's heart constricted in his chest. Yes, God, how he wanted to.
“Because we want you, too.” She looked at him hopefully, not bothered in the least that the blankets were pooling in her lap and she was only wearing a simple black sports bra in the cabin's cool air. He tried to look away but couldn't, not when her eyes were holding him captive like that. They wanted him? Just for snuggling in a small, unheated cabin in the middle of nowhere? Or… for something more?
Eliot pushed that thought way back in his mind. He needed to stay in the here and now. And maybe, just maybe, he could just be selfish tonight and take what they were offering. If that was all it was, he would deal with it. Would it be better or worse than never having had any of it? He didn't know.
Hardison was looking at him steadily. “Your decision, El,” he told him, “but we're here. Whenever you're ready, we'll be there.”
And that—that did actually sound like this was more than just a night of snuggling close for warmth. Eliot took a deep breath, closed his eyes and released it. When he opened them again, he nodded. “Yeah,” he said roughly. “Yeah, I'm--” He stopped and decided to give up trying.
Instead, he put his flashlight on the chair next to Parker's, then bent down to untie his boots and quickly stripped off his jeans and his soggy outer layers, leaving him in a mostly dry T-shirt and boxers. A few more steps brought him to the bed where Hardison had joined Parker under the covers, his torso bare. Both of them were looking at him with so much hope that it was the easiest thing in the world to lift the edge of the covers and slip in after them. He smiled at them and said softly, “Hey.”
“Hey you,” Hardison said and as if it was nothing, he put his arm around Eliot's shoulders and pulled him close. From his other side, Parker put her arm across Hardison's body until her small, strong hand rested on Eliot's chest. “I'm glad you're here,” she told him. Then she gave him a short whack. “So now, snuggling and sleep,” she ordered. “The rest can wait until tomorrow.”
Eliot felt his smile grow into a grin and turned it into the crook of Hardison's neck. “Yes, ma'am,” he replied seriously.
And as he crowded closer to Hardison and reached for Parker with an arm across the other man's stomach, Eliot did as any good soldier would do and followed the order given by his leader. It was probably his favorite order of all time.
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side-shawty · 5 years
Burn VIII (Stark!Reader)
VIII: Yellow Lights
Fandom: Marvel (MCU)
Type: series
Prompt/Summary: Everyone needs to be reassured sometimes
Pairing(s): Peter Parker x Stark!reader, Tony Stark x daughter!reader
Requested? YES
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“May! I can’t find my belt!” Peter yelled from his room, he had been searching frantically all morning. 
“Which one?” May called back, most likely from in front of the TV in the living room. 
“The black one that Ben gave me,” he replied and heard May move from her spot but instead of concentrating on her, he continued his quest.
“This one?” May said from his doorway. He looked toward her from his seated spot in front of his closet.
He stood almost immediately, “Yes! May, you’re a wizard,” he said kissing her cheek and taking the belt before tossing it onto his unmade bed.
“If I was, I’d be able to get you to keep your room clean,” She said as he haphazardly shoved things into his drawer and forced his closet door closed.
“I’ll clean it tomorrow, promise. Isn’t Sunday like a cleaning day anyways?” Peter asked moving to pack his backpack for the day.
“Sure,” May said moving to sit on his bed. “Peter I have to ask you something before tonight,” she said and the serious tone made Peter pay close attention to her but not halt his actions.
“What is it?” 
“What exactly is going on between you and Y/N?” May asked and Peter finally stopped what he was doing to turn to her with wide eyes. Peter had told her some of what was going on but not nearly everything.
He cleared his throat, “Well, um, I — she,” he began but couldn’t seem to get the right words out.
May stood at his distress and put her hands on his shoulders. He had gotten so tall since first becoming Spiderman but he was still her little Peter that lost too much too fast.
“Breathe, honey. Happy has already told me the gist of it but I just wanted to hear it from you. Are you dating?” May asked and his newly relaxed shoulders were tense all over again.
“I don’t think so,” he began, looking somewhere over her head, “I like her a lot but I don’t want to rush anything. And I mean we’ve been on dates but I haven’t asked her to be my girlfriend or anything,” he finished.
“Well, I think you should. You haven’t fallen over yourself this much since Liz,” she said and this made him look at her. “But it’s different this time, the look in your eyes is so much brighter and happier when you talk about her. There’s no hiding or secrets. When you’re together you just look like two happy teenagers,” May smiled and Peter couldn’t help the smile that pushed through the blush on his cheeks.
“Thanks May. You think I should ask her tonight?”
“I do,” she started, “But for the love of god please try and make it romantic. This venue is gonna give you a pretty good head start already,” she said before pulling him into a quick hug.
Nothing in your life had ever gone so smoothly. When you got to the venue the ballroom was set up perfectly. The only thing you had to do was wait for the flower arrangements and favors to be delivered. 
You were doing a final walkthrough when the flower arrangements arrived and you knew this was the end of your smooth sailing. 
There were supposed to be red and white peonies at the entrances and similar but not matching ones for the stage but when they arrived the peonies for entrances were red and the rather large ones for the stage were baby blue.
It took everything not to lose it on the delivery guy. It wasn’t his job but you’d be damned if you didn’t show him at least a bit of the fire in your eyes so he had a story to tell his superiors.
Twenty minutes later you got a frantic call from the florists telling them they would be there in less than 30 minutes with red peonies. Pepper had given you a serious talk about needing to be stern when working with businesspeople because you had always been framed as “Tony’s sweet innocent daughter” and they would walk all over you because of that. 
It was really paying off now.
Once the flowers were fixed you took a deep breath. You could feel your body temperature rising and the last thing you needed right now was for your venue to literally go up in flames.
You oversaw as the rest of the setup went smoothly and two hours before the doors opened you went to the venue’s bridal suite to get ready. 
You had changed into a dressing robe and were finishing on your hair when there was a light knock on the door.
“Come in,” you called, not taking your eyes off the mirror.
“Wow your hair looks so pretty Y/N/N,” you heard Morgan’s voice and you turned to face her and your mother with a smile on your face.
You opened your arms as she ran to you.
“I wish my hair curled like that,” She said tugging at her loose curls a bit sadly. They were almost identical to the ones your dad had at her age. 
You decided on keeping it natural because even the very beginning summer in the city was hot and humid sometimes and you didn’t really have time to get protective styles done anymore. 
“What? You have the cutest little curls I’ve ever seen,” you told her pinching at her cheeks as she settled onto you lap.
“Really?” She asked as you continued on your own hair.
“Yup,” you said popping the ‘P’ before your mother joined you both in the mirror and took the products from your hands.
“It looks beautiful downstairs Firefly. You really outdid yourself,” She said and began putting your hair into the updo you had showed her days prior.
Pepper had been doing your hair since you were little because your father had been a lost cause from the very start. He didn’t fare much better with Morgan’s hair either.
“Thanks mom, I learned from the best,” you said smiling at her and she couldn’t help but smile back as she pulled your hair into a ponytail but allowing a few curls to stay out and frame your face.
This was the most relaxed you’d been all day. As your mom finished your hair and Morgan took an interest in a game on your phone. You closed your eyes, only for them to shoot open at the question your mother posed.
“So is Peter officially your boyfriend now?” The question came after your hair was done so you quickly whipped your head around to face her. Careful not to drop your sister.
Who had subsequently gasped excitedly at your mother’s question, “Does that mean that Peter is my brother for-real now?” You snapped your head back around to look at her.
These two were going to give you whiplash.
“Wait. Stop. He’s not my boyfriend,” you told them.
“Do you want him to be?” Morgan asked.
“Yes, no…maybe,” you said and Pepper’s eyes softened at the distress in your voice.
She walked around so that she was leaning on the vanity in front of you. She gave you the look and that was all it took for you to cave.
“I mean I do but is it too soon? I mean it’s not like Harley has my heart anymore but I don’t want to rush into anything,” you told her.
“You know it took your father and me eleven years before we finally decided to tie the knot. Granted we had been together for a few years before that and that man is actually insane,” she said and gave a wistful smile, you and Morgan laughed lightly. 
“But sometimes I wish we had dived in head first, especially after you came into our lives. I always knew I loved him, even when I denied it so even though what you and Peter have right now might not be love yet it’s worth taking a risk. You’re only young once,” She smiled at you when she was done and you smiled back. 
You hesitated for a spilt second before saying, “You’re right, thanks mom,” she smiled and gave you a kiss on the cheek before lifting Morgan from your lap.
“Anytime sweetheart. Now finish getting ready, you’ve only got an hour and a half and Peter will be here in an hour with Happy and May,” she told you as Morgan gave you your phone back and they headed for the exit.
“Aye, aye Captain,” you saluted and she rolled her eyes.
Your makeup was done quickly and almost as perfectly as if you had gone to a professional. You had been coming to events like this since you were younger than Morgan and that meant that you had makeup down to a perfect science.
All that was left was for you to put on your gown and shoes. 
Unzipping the garment bag you were once again floored by the beauty of the gown. One of your mother’s friends had begged to make custom gowns for the three of you and had pulled out all the stops.
The gown was a deep red with thin straps and a deep v-neck on the fitted bodice. The dress flowed from your waist effortlessly only interrupted by a slit halfway up your thigh. There was no beading, just perfectly draped silk that shone as the light hit it.
You dressed quickly accessorizing with a diamond earring and necklace set that your father had gotten you for your 17th birthday. Finally, you made sure the bangles for your suit were secured to your wrists before slipping into your heels.
You checked the mirror once more before hearing a knock on the door. 
“Come in,” you called for the second time that day.
Turning to face the door you were greeted with an already-smiling Peter and you couldn’t help the warmth you felt creeping under your chocolate skin when his delight turned stunned. 
“Wow, Y/N, you look incredible,” he said as you took in his appearance. 
Sure you had seen Peter in a suit before but never like this. He was all hair gel and muscles in black on black and you weren’t sure your heart could handle it if he kept staring at you like that.
His top two buttons were undone as he held his tie in his hand.
“Thanks Peter. You clean up pretty nicely yourself,” you said before walking over and giving him a kiss on the cheek. 
“Thanks,” he said and had finally looked away long enough so that his own cheeks produced an adorable flush.
“Um, Mrs. Stark said you could give me a hand with this,” he said holding up his tie.
“Of course,” you said, your voice was soft as you tried to ease both of your nerves.
He was silent as you began wrapping the black tie around his neck. The only thing special about it was the single red stripe down the center that matched your gown.
After you were finished the air felt even more awkward, neither of you moving back from your very close proximity. You looked at him, taking in his features and when he looked back you realized that tonight would be intense if he kept up with that stare.
You caught his eyes as they slipped down to peek at your lips and did the same, as he looked back up. A silent affirmation of exactly what he wanted.
He held your waist tightly and pulled you closer to him almost agonizingly slowly. Frustrated, you tugged at his tie and his lips fell softly onto your own.
And that was all it took for you to lose yourself in Peter. Suddenly there was no gala, or press, or superheroes. It was just you and a boy you thought the world of who was holding you and kissing you as if you were the only one who he ever had eyes for.
As you moved your arms to lock around his neck you felt his tighten around your waist and any part of you that wasn’t flush against him had ignited as your body met his.
You could spend the rest of your life completely lost in Peter’s kisses.
That was until three quick raps on the door startled the two of you into breaking apart and look to said door,
“Five minutes, Y/N!” Happy called from the other side and didn’t wait for a reply, just retreating with heavy footsteps.
You and Peter laughed together as you looked back at each other. All the awkwardness from earlier seemingly fading away as you untangled and straightened out your clothes. 
Peter fell into a bow, “Shall we m’lady?” He asked and you laughed squeezing his outstretched hand.
“Yeah let me just fix my lipstick,” you winked at him and he blushed.
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peppersonironi · 4 years
Batfam/Avengers Crossover Chapter Five: The Assassins’ Bond
Tagging: @the-fair-maiden-of-fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Category: Gen
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Relationships: Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Natasha Romanov & Damian Wayne, Clint Barton & Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tim Drake & Duke Thomas, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson/Wally West, Roy Harper/Koriand'r/Jason Todd,
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Justice League (DCU), Alfred Pennyworth, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Alfred the Cat (DCU), Bat-Cow (DCU), Goliath (DCU), Selina Kyle’s Cat Isis, Kate Kane (DCU), Duke Thomas,
Additional Tags: Batbrothers (DCU), Avengers Meet The Batfam, MCU/Batfam crossover, Crossover, no beta we die like robins, rated T for Jason’s language, I bleeped it out though. Just to be safe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, canon? What’s canon?, Deaf Clint Barton,Deaf Character, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Happy Batfamily (DCU), Birdflash and joyfire are implied/referenced,
Summary: Nat sets out on her assignment to gather information about the bats, and ends up talking with Damian.
Natasha couldn’t seem to find anyone to investigate, which was weird. Usually, when she wanted to find someone, she did.  Nat hadn’t seen any of the other Avengers either, which was also strange.
So Natasha wandered the halls of the manor. She had already checked the Cave, though it was also empty.
After half an hour, Natasha turned to the gardens. She wasn’t really searching at that point, only enjoying the early afternoon breeze. But soon enough, she heard sounds of laughter.
Following it, Natsha wound through a shaded path to find a large lawn occupied by the bats, as well as Peter, Banner, and Thor.
They were in the middle of what seemed to be an extreme version of capture the flag. Nat looked for someone to talk too, but they were all invested in the game. Then she noticed Damian on the sidelines, inside a clearly marked square that must have been the ‘prison’. He looked angry, and seemed to be passing the time by doing drills with his katana. Once again, Natasha was struck by how precise he was.
"Hey kid."
Damian glanced at Natasha, clearly suspicious.
"Hello Romanoff, do you want something?''
Nat smiled. “Call me Natasha. And no, not really. You looked bored, so I thought I’d offer you some company.”
Damian scoffed and returned to his drills. Natasha sat down, and was soon joined by a large dog whom she had never seen before. "Is that your dog?" She asked.
Damian nodded stiffly. "Yes his name is Titus."
Nat looked at Titus with gentle eyes. "Hi Titus." She reached out her hand for the dog to sniff. Titus obliged, and then began to nussle  her hand, quickly warming up to Nat.
Damian’s whole demeanor changed at the sight. He relaxed significantly, and even had a soft smile on his face. “He likes you," Damian said as he set his katana aside and joined Natasha on the grass.
Nat smiled right back at him as she began to pet Titus. "Titus is a great name for him. Latin right?" Damian nodded. "You know the meaning?"
Damian scoffed. "If I didn't then I wouldn't have named him Titus. An honorable dog deserves a name that literally means `title of honor’."
Nat chuckled, surprising even herself. "I like you kid, you've got spunk.” She nodded over at the now abandoned katana. Time to see what she could get out of him. “And your fighting technique is impressive."
Damian’s face became a mixture of guarded and prideful. "Of course it is, I was trained to be the best."
"Well your father sure does a good job."
Damian pursed his lips and remained silent for a moment before replying. "He didn't train me. I … was trained by my mother."
Nat looked over at him softly. “The one that Jason blames for him killing?”
Damian scowled. “Yes. My mother is responsible for bringing my brother back from the dead using the Lazarus pit which is … not quite magic. The pit induces its user with enhanced aggression, and memory loss which she utilized to manipulate Todd to her will.”
Natasha sat still for a moment. She really didn’t know what to think. On the one hand, that did partially explain Jason’s references to murder. On the other hand … the woman sounded horrible.
“Why would she do that?” Nat asked quietly.
Damian stroked Titus for a long moment before replying. “My mother is part of a group called The League of Assassins - led by my grandfather - that is dedicated to … saving the world.”
Natasha almost raised an eyebrow at that. Assassins and world-savers really didn’t seem like they would go together well.
“Not like you saved the world,” Damian continued, “But through brutal, unforgiving justice. They wish to reform civilizations across the world into total submission to my grandfather.
“So my mother took it upon herself to take in a newly raised from the dead Jason Todd, train him, and set him upon Gotham. Her point to it all was to harm my father, who is very much against League ideals.”
There was a sudden shout of triumph from the game, and the pair looked over at Tim crowing over a downed Peter Parker. They were silent for a long time, watching the game play out. Finally, Nat took it upon herself to speak.
“I never knew my parents. I grew up in a top secret Soviet-Russian training facility designed to create the perfect operatives, or assassins.” She took a breath as she looked over at Damian.
The boy had shed his smirks and scowls. His eyes were wide and innocent. There was a quality of quiet hope in his face. Like he was amazed that someone else could understand him.
“You’re like me,” he whispered. Then raised his voice slightly. “I was trained from birth. Mother and grandfather wanted me to be the heir. The perfect heir. I was taught every conceivable way to kill, to torture, to withstand any injury.” Damian was no longer looking at Natasha. His eyes showed that he was in another place. Another time.
“We were chained to the bed at night to prevent escape,” Natasha replied. “Sometimes they would make us fight to the death. To weed out the unworthy.”
“Weakness was not tolerated. The moment I made a mistake I was punished. I was to take it willingly.”
“When we trained with guns, they gave us real people to use as targets.”
“Emotions were a liability. I was to never show any, I was never to trust anyone. Not my trainors, not my servants, especially not my own mother.”
“We weren’t to trust each other either. Sometimes they would randomly order to kill your friends, and you had to. Otherwise you were killed.”
Damian sighed. “The worst part was leaving. Mother dumped me with Father - for training she said. I was to learn what I could from him. And I did, I learned a lot. But not what she wanted me to.” He looked over wistfully at his family. “I learned to trust. I had to believe I wasn’t invulnerable. I … I had to learn what it felt like to be … wanted .”
Natasha nodded at him, though he wasn’t looking at her. “Clint was sent to kill me, after I had been an operative for a while. I was the best, so people began to take notice. So S.H.I.E.L.D. sent Barton to eliminate me. But when he found me, he didn’t. He … had mercy on me. Something I had never known. He recruited me. I worked with him, and S.H.I.E.L.D. to help people instead of killing them. I had to relearn almost everything.”
They sit in a comfortable silence for a while. Neither bothering to pity the other. Just enjoying the companionship of another like them.
Then Nat spoke up again. "I'm not good with …" Natasha paused trying to find the right words. "Comfort. But, I understand"
Damian looked at her, then nodded. “I understand as well.”
They sat together for a while, looking at the game progressing. They talked about their lives, and even started to explain their families as well. Damian talked briefly about Bruce’s tragic childhood experiences, as well as Dick’s. He went into detail of Jason’s death and then resurrection. Tim’s becoming Robin. His neglectful family. Damian explained Cassandra’s past, and how Duke lost his parents. He mentioned Stephanie and Barbara, and how they joined the vigilante life as well. He didn’t go into detail, though, saying that their stories were not his to tell.
In return, Natasha talked about befriending Clint. How Steve became Captain America. How Tony built his suit. Banner’s experiments, and how he became the Hulk. How Thor found himself on Earth. What she knew of Peter, and how he became Spiderman.
“Do you trust me?” Damian asked, looking over at Nat when she had finished speaking.
Natasha smiled. “Yes. I’m assuming that’s what your goal was?”
Damian had the nerve to not look apologetic. “We may or may not have overheard your entire conversation after lunch.”
Nat nodded, she had figured as much. The Boy had been almost a bit too loose lipped in the beginning. But she could tell that as the conversation went on, he spoke freely because he wanted to, and not because he was trying to supply info.
“Did you draw the short straw?” Natasha asked.
Damian scowled. “T-t, no. Father said that if any of you were to question us or our motives, we should hold nothing back. You had the nerve to approach me first.”
Natasha laughed freely and ruffled the boy’s hair. He frowned, but didn’t push her hand away.
“Do you trust me now?” He asked, tentatively.
Natasha paused and tilted her head. “Yes, I think I do. You didn’t lie to me, I know that.” Damian rolled his eyes, and Natasha smirked a bit. “But also, you and I are similar. I don’t think I could distrust you if I tried.”
Damian nodded, seemingly satisfied. “Good, I would not want to disappoint Father.”
Natasha smiled. “I don’t think he would be disappointed if I didn’t trust you. He seems quite reasonable.”
Damian outright snorted. “Say that again when I have a slight cold and he won’t let me on patrol. He can be quite unreasonable in mother-hen mode. Not unlike Grayson, unfortunately.”
Nat chuckled. “He loves you. That’s important.” There was another shout of victory from the field, then Natasha continued. “What about me? Trust goes both ways, you know.”
Damian frowned in concentration. “Yes, I believe you have earned some trust. I don’t know about Stark though, he seems … unstable.”
Natasha couldn’t help but outright laugh at that statement. After a moment of surprise, Damian joined in.
“That,” Natasha said between huge gasps of laughter, “Is by far the best thing I have heard in a long time.”
“Do you deny it?” Damian asked.
Natasha was almost crying from laughter. “No, not in a million years.”
Damian smiled at Nat. “Thank you, Romanoff. For talking. I believe you will make a valuable ally.”
“Call me Natasha, kid. Or Nat. Or Tasha. I don’t care. But not Romanoff. Friends aren’t so formal.”
Damian furrowed his brows for a moment before relaxing. “Very well, Tasha. We are now friends?”
Natasha smiled at Damian. “If you want to be.”
The boy pet Titus for a few thoughtful moments. “Very well. I accept. Together, we shall be a formidable force.”
Nat chuckled, ruffling the kid’s hair once again. This time, he didn’t bother frowning.
Just then, a voice called from the field. They both looked over to find Dick running up to them. “Dami! I’m so sorry! I thought someone had gotten you out! Well, the game’s over. Want to join in the next round?”
“T-t. Of course you forgot. If this had been in the field, I could have been killed by now.”
Dick smiled easily at his little brother. “So, what do you say?”
Damian glanced at Nat before replying. “Very well, I shall partake once again in your childish games, Grayson.” Then he smirked. “But I demand that Tasha be on my team. Since you are clearly untrustworthy.”
Dick looked curiously over at Natasha, a small smile on his face. “Sure Lil’ D. Let’s go.”
He motioned for the pair to follow him, then turned and ran off back toward the field.
Damian looked over at Nat. “You will be on my team?” He looked like he was trying to hide how hopeful he was.
Natasha got up and offered her hand to Damian. “Together, we shall be a formidable force, right?”
Damian grinned at her and accepted her hand. “Our reign of terror shall be legendary.”
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trashystarker · 4 years
social media disaster - a starker one shot
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Title: social media disaster Fandom: MCU Pairing: Starker (Tony Stark x Peter Parker) Rating: General (Meet-Cute - Tooth-Rotting Fluff)  Word Count: ~5380 Prompt: Teacher/Student AU 
Summary: Tony needs to learn how to use social media to his advantage, so he finds someone that can teach him the ropes. 
A/N: Here’s my next @starkerfestivals​ bingo fill! :) Please enjoy! 
Tony looked up at the brick building that had the address he was looking for. Surely this had to be some mistake. He looked at his phone and saw that no, the address was correct - this was where he was supposed to be. Sighing, he walked over to the call box and looked for the name of the person he was meeting for an appointment. He saw their name, and then hit the pound sign and then the numbers, hoping that he wasn’t about to get an earful from an upset tenant. 
“Hello?” Tony leaned back, his eyes growing wide as he heard an unmistakable young voice talking to him. “Who’s there?” 
He cleared his throat, and looked at the call box. “Um, is this Mr. Parker?” He looked down at his phone. “Mr. Peter Parker?” Tony tried not to get too anxious as he should have realized that the person he was dealing with through email would be someone younger, but he wasn’t expecting them to be this young. “Or, is Mr. Parker home? You know, your father?” 
“I’m Peter Parker.” The voice said. “Are you Tony?” 
“Yes, that’s me.” He sighed, hoping that he wasn’t about to be meeting a fanboy. He was already hating that he was having to do this, but it was a necessary evil. “We have an appointment together.” 
“Right! Come on up! Sorry, the elevator is broken, and I’m on the seventh floor.” The sound of the door buzzer went off, Tony groaning as he grabbed the door before it locked again. “See you soon, Tony!” 
No, you won’t. Having to walk up seven flights of stairs was going to take him a bit, and he was not about to run up them. Sighing, he had to pause in between floors four and five, and then on the landing up to seven. There was no way he was going to do this again, so before he forgot about it, he sent a text to his secretary and told them to have someone come service the elevator at the address he was at. He informed her that the sooner it was done, the better, as his appointment was supposed to be for a couple of hours today. At least, that’s what Peter had suggested. Who knew at this point. Sighing, he looked up the final flight of stairs and began to walk up them. 
Composing himself in the hallway, he started to walk down it and saw that Peter’s number was on the end. Good. Fine. More walking. He could do this. His legs were screaming at him, Tony sincerely wishing he’d done more exercising today - or, you know, ever. Those stairs were murder. He stood in front of the apartment that was supposedly Peter’s, and gave three quick knocks against the door, hoping that his face didn’t look as bad as he felt. 
“Hi Ton…..holy crap!” A young male said, standing at the door with his brown eyes wide, brown wavy hair cut short on the sides but had a few longer pieces in the front. He was dressed in a clever science pun shirt (‘Never Trust an Atom: They Make Up Everything’), and a pair of jeans. Tony hoped that his three piece suit wasn’t offputting to this...child. There was no way that Peter was an adult. “You’re Tony Stark!” 
“You would be correct.” Tony looked up and down the hallway, and took off his glasses to give Peter a smile. “Mind if I come in?” 
“Sure! Holy crap, though! I wasn’t expecting Tony Stark!” Peter stepped to the side, allowing him to enter the apartment. “Sorry for the mess. I’ve got us set up over there on the table.” 
Tony sighed, and walked into the quaint apartment. In a bid to keep some more control over his company, he’d been informed that he had to learn how to use social media better - in the form of making viral videos on both Instagram and TikTok, both of which Tony had heard about but didn’t use all that often. He did have an Instagram account, though, but there was exactly one post on it. It was a picture of the Manhattan skyline from the top of his tower. He had no idea what even a TikTok was, but said he would learn. 
Which brought him to this child today - one Mr. Peter Parker. He’d found him online, advertising that he could teach a person how to use social media to their advantage, which is exactly what Tony needed. He wasn’t too proud to admit it. Sure, he helped develop half the technology that went into making those platforms usable, but did he bother to learn it? No, because he didn’t think it was that important. Apparently the board of directors felt differently. 
“You sure you’re Peter Parker?” Tony tried not to be too much of a dick, but he was finding it difficult to believe that this kid was a day over sixteen. “How old are you?” 
“Rude.” Peter shook his head, then went over to the kitchen. “How old do you think I am?” 
“I don’t know, but is your mother or father coming home soon?” He looked around the apartment, trying to find any signs of life that would confirm that Peter was as young as he looked. 
The snort that came from the kitchen had him returning his attention to Peter. “My parents are dead, but thanks for asking.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-” 
“I know you think I’m young. I get that all the time.” His tutor shook his head as he waved his hand around. “This is my apartment. I graduated from NYU at the top of my class two years ago. So, spare me the jokes about how young I look. Besides, what are you here for today?” 
“I got it.” Tony was firmly put into his place, trying to keep his mind open as he walked over to the table that was set up with two laptops and what looked like the latest model of the Stark tablet series. “Nice. This job pays, huh?” 
“No, not really. I work as a consultant for tech firms.” Peter sat down, and pointed to the seat next to him. “Now, what did you want to go over today? Since you’ve paid me for a few sessions.” 
He had. He wanted to make sure he got his money’s worth, and doing it in multiple sessions seemed to make more sense than doing it all in one sitting. Tony looked at Peter, then looked back at the computers. “You didn’t say how old you were.” 
“I’m twenty-four, Mr. Stark.” Peter said, as he picked up his cell phone. “Why didn’t you tell me what your last name was?” 
“You didn’t ask.” Tony smirked, noticing the smile on Peter’s face. “Okay, fine. I didn’t tell you my last name because I’m embarrassed.” 
“Because I’m supposed to already know this kind of stuff.” He held up his phone. “I barely know how to find shit on Youtube. Okay, no - that’s a lie. I fucking love Youtube and can get lost on it for hours.” 
“Right?? Me too.” The twenty-four year old - still don’t believe that’s true - said, Peter looking at him with eager eyes. “Do you ever just find one video, and then you’re going down a path you have no idea how you wound up on it, and by the time you look at the clock three hours have passed?” 
Tony felt mildly better hearing Peter say that. “Wild. I thought that was only me.” 
“It’s not.” 
He looked over at Peter and saw him smiling, which made something constrict in his chest. Huh. That’s weird. He tried not to think about it as he matched his smile with one of his own. “Great. Now, what are you going to show me? And please - this doesn’t leave this room. I’m doing this because I know it’s something I should know how to do, but just never bothered to care.” 
“I mean, the picture you have on your Insta is pretty great. But yeah - you could stand to post more. You’ve got plenty of followers.” Peter had Tony’s Instagram open on his phone. “I would kill for those kinds of numbers.” 
“I don’t care. None of them know who I am.” Tony shook his head, even though he had to admit the number was impressive. Almost forty million people follow an account that has exactly one post. Sheep. “But the board is insisting I start posting more things that will look good for the company, and honestly - I don’t know what the hell to do. And I don’t even know what a TikTok is, besides being the crocodile in Peter Pan.” 
The laughter that came out of Peter made that warmth appear again in his chest. “That’s pretty funny, Mr. Stark. You’re right - he is the crocodile, but that’s not why this app is named that.” Peter shook his head, as he pulled up the app on his Stark phone. At least the kid has taste. “Do you remember Vine?” 
“Uh….what?” There he was, showing his age again. “What the hell is Vine?” 
“Well, TikTok is pretty much the replacement for that. Vine was like, six seconds long. TikTok’s can be longer, but most people keep it short to get more hits sort of deal.” Peter pointed to the app. “Look. You know about Hamilton, right?” 
“Who the hell doesn’t?” 
“Lots of people are really into it right now, so you’ll always find it trending.” Peter typed something into his phone, and pulled up a bunch of videos. “Also, pets. Do you have any pets, Mr. Stark?” 
“You can call me Tony, and no.” He leaned over and looked at a cat that was yawning but the person had put it as if the cat was singing a song. “This? This is what people do all day??” 
“It’s fun!” The phone was set down, Peter turning towards him. “You have to keep an open mind about this. Come on - I bet your first TikTok will tank.” 
Tony pouted. “Excuse me? What makes you think that?” 
“First of all, no one is going to believe that Tony Stark has a TikTok, so they’ll probably think you’re an impersonator. Heck, I doubt your name will be available.” 
“Someone would have my name??” Tony shook his head. “This is why I hate social media. This is the dumbest shit that has come out of this century. We could be building a better tomorrow, but instead people are more interested in getting a video of their cat singing ‘Sunday Bloody Sunday’.” 
“What song is that?” 
He dropped his head and sighed. “It doesn’t matter.” Rubbing his hands over his face, Tony took a deep breath. “Alright. Let’s see if I can have my name. If I can’t, then I’ve got to come up with something clever, right? Like, TonyStarkIsGod or something stupid like that?” 
“Are you, though?” 
“Am I what?” 
“A God?” 
“Mr. Parker, I can’t tell if you’re being serious or sarcastic right now, so please - humor me and tell me what the hell do you mean by that.” 
Peter laughed again, which made him feel mildly better. “I’m kidding, Tony. It’s okay.” Picking up his phone, Peter started to type in a name. “TonyStark is taken.” 
“Of course it is. Fucking asshole.” 
“But AnthonyTonyStark is available.” 
“That is too redundant. Try for the god one.” 
“Has anyone ever told you you’re full of yourself?” 
Tony laughed and nodded his head. “Plenty of times. Might as well put it to good use, hmm?” He saw Peter type ‘TonyStarkIsGod’ and saw there was already a user with that name. “What the fuck!” 
“You’re really popular.” 
“No, I’m not.” 
“Look.” Peter typed his name into the search, and multiple videos of him came up. “Do you want to watch one?” 
“Park of me says yes, but then the logical part of my brain says no because if I do, then I’m just going to get mad.” Tony shook his head. “Alright, try ‘StarkTonyIndustries’.” 
“That’s available!” 
He sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Alright, fine. Then that’s my name. Maybe if I write to their corporate, I can get whoever is using my actual name to give it to me.” 
“Doubtful, but it might not hurt.” 
“This is already hurting, Peter.” 
“You’re the one that needs to know how to use these apps!” 
Trying not to roll his eyes again, Tony nodded his head. “Fine. What should my first TikTok be?” 
“Well, we’ve gotta make sure we tag it with the right things. Because that’s really what this app is about. You have to learn how to tag. Don’t use popular tags because then people are going to get upset that your content isn’t what your tag is saying.” 
Tony stood up, and began to pace. “That doesn’t make any sense. Your generation is ridiculous. If it’s not popular, then how is anyone going to find it unless you use those popular tags?” 
“I didn’t say it was rocket science.” Peter huffed. “And excuse me - I’m trying to help you here. Don’t say mean things about me or my peers, because while I need the money you’ve paid me for this session, I don’t need it that bad.”
He could hear the hurt in Peter’s voice, and instantly regretted it. Sitting back down, Tony looked over at Peter, who was staring at his phone like it was going to do something miraculous in his hands. “I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I’m frustrated that I’m not up with the times, when it was something I was always engaged in. But with things changing, I had to take a step back and clearly have missed a lot of things because of it.” 
“Apology accepted.” Peter handed him his phone. “Okay, make a quick video, and then we’ll tag it and upload it.” 
Putting his sunglasses back on, Tony held the phone in front of him and hit the red button. “Hello, world. It’s me - Tony Stark. Yes, I’m here now, so if you’re going to make fun of me, might as well take it from the source, hmm? See you soon.” He winked, and then stopped recording. “Was that too lame?” 
“It might be, but that’s okay! Remember, not every single video you make is going to be a winner.” 
“You’re a real asshole, you know that?” He said, but kept a teasing tone in his voice. “You treat all of your clients like this?” 
“Yep.” Peter grinned, then took the phone. “Do you know how to tag things, Tony?” 
“That’s the pound sign, right?” 
“Again, that’s right.” Peter nodded his head. “Let’s put your name as a tag, and then maybe Stark Industries? Because you’re going to use this to promote products, right?” 
“Yes.” Tony nodded. “Free advertisement that can go viral. Every corporation dream.” 
“Gotta get that dollar.” 
He looked at him, trying again to figure out if he was being sincere, or if there was a hint of sarcasm there. “Since I don’t know you very well, I’m still not sure if you’re being serious or being a dick about it.” 
“A little bit of both, actually.” 
That made Tony smile. “I appreciate the honesty, Pete.” 
“You’re welcome, Tony. Now, want to see how many hits this gets?” Peter held the phone out, pointing to the button that says post. “Or should we delete this?” 
“Fuck it, am I right?” 
“You are right.” Peter hit post, and then set the phone down. “Now, do you know how Instagram works?” 
“Please tell me it’s not going to be as complicated as that shit was.” It wasn’t even five yet, and he needed a drink. “Because if it is, then I gotta tell you, I’d rather we keep this lesson going at the nearest bar.” 
Another laugh came out of Peter which made him suspiciously warm. “I have some beer in the fridge, but kinda figured that would be rude to offer since you’re supposed to be learning from me. But if my student wants it?” 
“God, you’re just loving this, aren’t you?” Tony nodded, and watched as Peter walked into the kitchen to grab them two beers. He was not looking at his ass - okay, he was but for a good reason. Peter just popped it like he wanted him to notice as he bent over to grab the beers from the fridge, that heat returning to Tony’s body. “Tell me, what does one such as yourself do when they’re not mentoring the boomer population?” 
“You’re hardly a boomer, Tony.” 
He smirked, and grabbed the bottle that Peter was offering to him. “You’re right. I’m not. I’m close, though.” He tapped his beer against Peter’s, and saw his phone start to vibrate. “Is that a notification?” 
“It might be. But let’s ignore it for now.” 
“You’re kidding, right? You don’t want to see if what we did worked?” Peter shook his head as he picked up his own phone. “Fine. This is torture, you know. I want to know if I’m popular.” 
“We should post a photo to your Instagram. And maybe even a story.” Peter tapped his chin, as he looked over at the window. “There’s a park nearby. We could go and film something silly? And then we could post that to your stories.” 
“What the hell’s the difference between what we just did on TikTok versus this stories Insta bullshit, or whatever you called it earlier?” 
Peter picked up Tony’s phone and handed it to him. “I could have just said IG, but for someone like you, you might have thought I meant something else.” 
“Doubtful.” He glanced at his phone and saw the notifications for his TikTok. Apparently he was gaining fans by the minute, which was weird and wild at the same time. “Fine. Let’s go do this stupid video.” 
“You wanted to learn how to use these mediums. I’m showing you, Tony.” Peter said, as they started to go to the door. 
As they walked out of the apartment together, Tony saw that the elevator and was reminded that it was broken. Fuck. He did not want to walk down and up those seven flights of stairs again. He walked over to the elevator and hit the button. 
“I told you, the elevator is broken. It’s been broken for as long as I can remember.” Peter said, as he walked over to the stairs. “It’s good exercise.” 
The doors to the elevator slowly opened, Tony smiling in relief. “Well, would you look at that?” 
“How?? What?? How the hell?!” Peter ran over to the elevator door. “Did you do something, Mr. Stark?” 
“I might have made a call.” Tony walked into the elevator. “Here’s hoping it stays fixed, hmm?” 
“Not funny.” 
He laughed, as he pushed the button for the first floor. “I thought it was.” 
They made it successfully down, Tony following Peter across the street where there was a cute little park. “How about we take a video of you swinging on thos swings?” Peter pointed to where there were a few empty swings, while children were playing on the others. “You know how to swing, don’t you?” 
“Just because I’m who I am doesn’t mean I don’t know how to swing. You little punk.” He reached up and ruffled Peter’s hair, and was about to apologize because why the hell did he just do that, but then he heard Peter laugh and saw him looking up at him with a smile that stirred something in his loins. Crap. 
“Here, give me your phone. I’ll take the video. Maybe you can jump off of it? I can make it go slow mo.” 
Tony sighed and nodded his head. “You know, you’re helping me out and that’s great and all, but you’re setting the bar unrealistically high.” He sat down on one of the swings, and started to get his legs going. “Are you filming yet?” 
“I am! So jump whenever you want!” 
He really hoped that he wasn’t about to make a complete fool of himself, but then again - didn’t the internet eat that shit up? So maybe he should fall and make a total ass of himself just to get those hits. But no, he had some dignity left - only a little - and he was going to do what he thought would be entertaining for his ten million fans. He gracefully jumped off the swing, and landed on both feet. He held his arms out like a gymnast would after landing a great tumble, then lowered his glasses to look at his camera. He threw a wink, then gave a nod of his head. 
“That was perfect, Mr. Stark!” Peter walked over to him, holding his phone back to him. “Want to see the video?” 
Nodding his head, he watched what Peter had just shown him and saw that the slow-mo had done exactly what he thought it would do. It captured his landing perfectly, and then went back into normal mode for his wink. “So now how do we post this?” 
“You’ll see an option to share in your story.” Peter pointed to the option at the bottom of the screen. “Do you want to add any text to it?” 
“Text??” He groaned, then shook his head. “Why the hell does this shit need to be so complicated.” 
“You’re learning quickly, Mr. Stark!” 
“Again, are you being serious or sarcastic? My sarcasm reader is not working great today.” Tony touched the button, and waited for it to be posted to his stories. “Okay, that’s done.” All of his sudden his phone started to vibrate more, Tony looking at it as if a shark had just fallen from the sky. “Okay, what’s happening now?” 
“People are reacting to your story.” Peter pointed to the notification at the top of his phone. “Come on - let’s go back to my apartment. We can go over it there.” 
“How about we don’t.” He saw Peter stop and stare at him. “Never mind, let’s go back upstairs. We can talk about it up there.” 
“Talk about what?” They walked across the street together, and back up the stairs to Peter’s apartment building. He watched him type in the code, and then followed him in. He started to go towards the stairway, when Tony politely cleared his throat. “R-Right. It’s not broken.” Peter pushed the button to go up, and the doors opened immediately for them. 
Tony walked in after him, then hit the number seven. “Look. You seem to know what you’re doing with this. What are your other jobs?” He asked, hoping that he could entice Peter into an opportunity to work with him. Maybe. “Is it like, life saving stuff?” 
“No, not really.” Peter shook his head, the two of them walking off the elevator together. “Gosh, I feel weird not taking the stairs.” 
“Don’t. Your legs are fine. You can do it again tomorrow. Thank you for sparing mine.” He flashes a smile, hoping that Peter wouldn’t be too upset that he’d denied him a decent workout. “No offense, but this body isn’t what it used to be.” 
“You look okay to me.” 
He held his hand to his chest. “Ouch, Pete. You telling me I’m not attractive? I guess People was wrong.” He winked, breezing past him after he opened his apartment door for them. “But I mean it - what sort of work do you do besides this?” 
“I told you, I do consulting gigs which make decent money, when I get the work.” 
“Are you doing any consulting right now? Say, for Oscorp, or anyone like that?” Tony took a seat at the table, and then made the mistake of looking at his phone. “Holy notifications.” 
“Do you have a lot??” 
“I think I need to turn them off.” Holding his phone up, he could feel the battery was overheating. “Shit.” He opened the Instagram app and quickly killed that, because there was no way he was going to lose the charge on his phone because of his antics. “Right. Are you?” 
“No, not right now. I’m just studying, and doing this tutoring teaching thing.” Peter shook his head. 
“Good. How about I offer you a job at SI?” 
“Doing what??” 
“What you’re doing with me right now.” Tony set his phone down and turned to Peter, who had taken the seat next to him. “You help me brand my image. My company. You take care of the accounts - taking pictures and videos you think the public might like.” He hoped he wasn’t being too forward with his request. “This is too much for me to remember. It’d be really great if I had someone to do the remembering for me.” 
That got Peter’s attention. “You mean, you’d pay me to be someone that does that? That doesn’t sound like a very rewarding position, Tony.” 
“What was your major at NYU?” 
“Dual major in chemistry and physics.” 
“And you’re a consultant??” Tony shook his head. “No, that won’t do. Yes - I’m hiring you to be my personal assistant, or whatever, but trust me when I say - I’m about to hand you the keys to the kingdom. I bet we could really use a brain like yours in our R and D department.” 
“W-What? No, no way.” Peter shook his head, as they looked at each other. “C-Can I think about it?? What would you pay me?” 
“What do you make right now as a consultant?” 
“Three hundred an hour.” 
Tony whistled. “Impressive. And I’ll double that as salary for you.” 
“You don’t know what I can do!” 
“But I have a feeling.” He smirked, happy to see Peter looking somewhat flustered. “You gonna prove me wrong, Pete?” 
“No, I don’t think so.” 
“Are you dating anyone?” 
The noise that came out of Peter made Tony laugh. “W-Why is that important?” 
“It’s not. I’m just curious.” Tony stood up, and put his phone into his pocket. “Look, if you don’t take the offer, fine. But, I’d love to see you again. And not in a school setting such as this one.” He looked around the room. “Although it is pretty nice, but not really date material, if you know what I mean.” 
“F-First a job, now a date?? What the hell.” Peter shook his head. “I need time to think, Tony.” 
“Take all the time you need. You have my email.” Tony walked over to the door, and opened it. “What’s your handle on Insta?” He hoped he didn’t sound as stupid as he felt shortening the app’s name. I’m too old for this shit.
“PBP2000.” Peter said, as he walked over to him. “Why?” 
“No reason.” He opened the door, then looked back at Peter. “Think about both of those things I asked you. Job. Date. Both? Maybe only one? Whichever you choose, I won’t make you feel bad. You gotta promise you won’t tell the world that Tony Stark doesn’t know how to use any of these stupid apps, though.” 
“I won’t. Your secret is safe with me.” Peter smiled, then nodded. “It was really nice meeting you, Tony. I hope that I helped you out.” 
“You did, Pete.” He gave him a quick nod, then left his apartment and headed for the elevator. 
As he was walking out of the building, he felt his phone vibrate. “Yes.” The text came through from Peter, who had sent him his address once they’d set this meeting up. 
“I’m happy you said that, but which is that in response to?” Tony typed, as he walked over to his car parked in the shade of a tree. Queens was nice, but he missed his Manhattan. 
“Can I come back upstairs?” He halted what he was doing, and waited for an answer. 
“You can. But do you want to?” 
“I wouldn’t have asked if I hadn’t.” 
“I’ll be waiting for you. The code to get into my building is *7731.” 
Tony walked back to the apartment using a fast pace. He mistyped the number twice before finally getting it right, then headed into the building on a mission. He waited for the elevator, and was about to give up when it finally came down to the lobby empty. It was a quick trip up to the seventh floor, and then Tony was standing back in front of Peter’s apartment door and was lifting his hand to give it a good knock when the door was pulled open before he could. 
“Hi.” Peter said, stepping back to the side. “I….I don’t know why I said yes, but I think that if I said no to either one of the things you asked, I know I’d be full of regret, and then I-” 
Tony pushed the door closed, then carefully pushed Peter up against it. “Less talking. You good if I kiss you right now?” 
“I don’t know. It’s a lot to handle, Tony. I’ve never dated someone older than thirty.” 
“Eh, there’s nothing to it.” He smirked, putting his arm next to Peter’s shoulder as he looked down into his eyes. “If, at any time, you want to stop this, we will. And you should know that I’m terrible about keeping my hands to myself, so if you do really want the job - I’m going to have to be very careful when I’m around you.” 
“I-Is it a secret relationship?” 
“What? No.” Tony shook his head. “I don’t care if people know I’m dating someone younger. Hell - make a name for yourself first at the company, and then we can tell the world we’re together. I don’t care.” He lowered his head, bringing his forehead to rest against his. “What I do care about is wanting to get to know you better. And maybe using you to help me launch a few new products in the coming months on my social media. What do you say?” 
“I already said yes, and-” 
That was enough for him. He brought his lips to Peter’s and kissed him with a soft kiss, wanting to get a feel for how his lips felt. It didn’t take long for either of them to open their mouths to the other, tongues becoming familiar quickly as their kiss grew heated. He moaned low in harmony to the pitched moan that Peter released, his head trying to play catch up with the whirlwind events of the afternoon. It all accumulated to this amazing moment, that he was afraid was too good to be true, but as their kiss continued, he knew it was anything but. 
“I’m glad you said yes.” Tony returned his forehead to rest against Peter’s, both taking a few minutes to breathe deep after sharing that intense kiss. “When can you start work?” 
“Fantastic. What about a date?” 
“You sure? You don’t sound very sure right now.” 
“I’m sure.” Peter stared up into his eyes, Tony noticing tiny flecks of gold in the brown irises. “Dinner?” 
“Perfect. Where are you thinking?” 
Tony knew that he’d met the perfect person. “I love that idea.” 
“I was hoping you might.” 
“Do you have a preference on which side of the bed you sleep on?” 
The smile that was on Peter’s face let him know that by asking that question, they were entering into a deal that he knew might be fast for some, but was impressed to see Peter keep up with him. “The left.” 
“And I like the right. Yep. Perfect.” He put his arms around Peter’s waist, and brought his head back down close to his. “You sure you’re ready for this ride, Peter Parker?” 
“G-Guess we’ll find out, won’t we, Tony?” 
“We sure will.” 
From meeting this wonderful person, to somehow winding up in a negotiation to employ them and have them as a potential lover - it might be a bit fast, but Tony didn’t care. It was to go big or go home, and it seemed that Peter agreed with that. For once, he was grateful that he ignored all the social media trends, because if he hadn’t, then he might not have ever met one Mr. Peter Parker. 
Cross-posted to AO3
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marquiswrites · 4 years
Silk and Steel Ch 29
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Master List
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Characters: James “Bucky” Barnes, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Natasha Romanov, Sam Wilson, OFC/MC
Relationship: James “Bucky” Barnes/Reader
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 1254
Warnings:  N/A
Author’s Notes:  Bunny finally gets some down time, and a moment to try re-calibrating her brain. The story is starting to round up, I am expecting about 40 chapters in total, so only 11 more to go! Thank you to everyone who has stuck with this story, and to all the people just tuning in! Feel free to reach out
 Bucky and Peter try to get you settled after your outbursts. Hoping that it will help to clear your head.
Chapter 29: The Mask
You watched as Peter set up the screen, swallowing softly as you felt the weight of Bucky’s arm around your shoulders. Leaning into his side, both of you leaning against the wall, the edge of the bed dipping slightly from Bucky’s weight. Curling as close to him as you could manage. Listening to him whisper, without actually hearing any of it. 
Bunny. Druid. Solnyshka. 
Which one of them was the real you? Which was the facade? Were you the girl who escaped Hydra, a small business owner who happened to have powers? Or were you the deadly sleeper agent, waiting for the right time to strike and bring the Avengers to their knees?
What happened to the woman that trained in this very facility, just learning how to let your powers wash over your teammates without overexerting yourself? When did you become a killer? Or were you always a killer, and it just took them freeing the limitations placed upon you by a society that wasn’t yours by birth?
“Doll?” His lips brush against your ear, sending a shiver up your spine. 
“Don’t think you heard a single word of that, did you?” Bucky chuckled softly. The Soldat sweeping his cold gaze over you, checking for your reaction… No, just making sure that you were alright. His smile too warm to be calculating. 
You shake your head, whether in answering or to clear the cobwebs from it, you weren’t certain. 
Catching the glint of the screen reflecting off the mirror. Which one of them was keeping an eye on you today? Now that the mirror was opaque once more. Who was going to make sure that you didn’t kill the Soldat? They didn’t trust you, they couldn’t trust you. 
“That’s okay.” James brushes his knuckle across your jawline. His thumb flickering just a moment over your chin. The physical touch brought a blush to your cheeks, a warmth to your chest.. No, not just physical, affectionate. “I remember getting stuck in my own head a lot too. I still do. You make it easier, and Stevie.”
Swallowing, you pause for a moment. “Your sweater. I… I lost it there. They took it, I think.”
He blinks in surprise before chuckling softly once more. “We can get you another one, don’t worry. Didn’t even think about it, only about getting you out.”
“Alright! Got it!” Peter chirps excitedly, before blushing as he catches the look that you give James. “Right, well… Mister Stark says that Shuri will be in later, so for now, I bring you the power of Netflix!” Offering out the remote to you. Watching for your reaction. 
You laugh softly. He’s right, this will help. You don’t have any memories about this that were scrambled. Why bother messing with something as trivial as your enjoyment of movies? A loophole in the mess of your mind. “Thank you, spiderling.”
He flushes once more, looking pleased. “Well, I’ll let you two get some rest then. I’ll come back in later, okay?” “Yeah, and you can join me for some binge time while they try to make my brains less breakfast food like.” 
His face curls up at that image, even while he laughs. Bucky rumbling a laugh beside you, the vibrations of it settling against your bones. Squeezing you to his side for a moment. “Now there’s the wit that I’ve been missing.” 
You flash him a warm smile before waving to Peter as he half runs from the room. Then look down to the remote in your hands. Thinking about the last time that you had watched a movie with Bucky. Smiling to yourself, something else that they hadn’t taken. 
So small, but so important. 
“Anything in mind, Doll?”
Yeah, I know the perfect movie.” Nodding as you lifted the remote, flicking through the options until you pulled up Gone with the Wind. Pressing play and settling into his hold. 
You could feel the strength of Bucky’s smile, even as he pulled up the blanket around you both. “With enough courage, you can do without a reputation.”
Chancing a glance, you watch the familiar planes of his face. Gaze flickering over his as he lets you observe him, keeping his own gaze to the screen, watching the opening as if he were enraptured with the movie. Barely twitching as you bring your fingertips to brush over his lips. “You deserve to be kissed…” The quote trailing off as you lose your breath. 
Sudden panic flooding through your veins. Clinging to his shirt and burying your face against his shoulder. Knuckles going white with the tightness of your grip. The brush of his hands as he wraps them around you bringing goosebumps to your skin, even through your clothing. Cradling you to him as ragged sobs wracked through your chest. Murmuring against your temple. 
“Doll, I’m right here. I have you. They won’t get you. They won’t ever lay a hand on you again.” The timbre of his voice soothing and maddening all at once. Making you tighten your grip. Wanting to believe him, wanting to hate him. 
“James…” The whisper hoarse as it courses over your lips. Licking to feel at the chapped edges. 
“Shuri is going to be here, she’s going to help you. Same as she did me. And you’ve got that kid looking after you. He’s got a damned big heart, Doll, if only you could see the way that he looks up to you already.” Bucky huffs a weak laugh, petting his broad hand along your spine. “You’ve got so many people here, each of them wrapped up in your smiles. We just want you healed, Doll. Just want to see you safe. Shoulda seen how worried they were.” 
Another soft sob creates an ache in your chest, feeling it cracked open with his every word. “I want Kostya… I want my brother. I need him, James… Please… Please I just need to know that he’s safe... “
“He stayed behind to make sure that you were.” Bucky murmured softly, barely managing to make the words audible. “But we aren’t going to forget about him, I swear it. We’ll get him back to you. Tasha is already working on breaking the pattern for the next hideout. You know Hydra, you know they’ll pop up again. They can’t help themselves. And meanwhile, we’re going to make sure you stay safe.” 
You sniffle, nodding against his shoulder. The sincerity of his words echoing against all your doubts. 
“Right now, why don’t we just watch the film? Get lost in Tara for a bit, yeah?” Tilting his head to try catching sight of your eyes. Tear stained and bloodshot from your temporary loss of control. You try to lick at your cracked lips before nodding once more. Feeling like an idiot for all the nodding that you were doing. 
Bucky pulled you into his lap, letting you curl beneath the blanket, half hiding yourself still. Blinking away the last remnants of tears in order to keep your attention on the movie. Watching Scarlet flirt shamelessly with her bevy of boys. Somehow feeling more centered. 
Tonight you would survive, do whatever it took. Fist held high in the air as you screamed to the sky that you would never go hungry again. 
Tomorrow you would face reality, healing, and loss. 
Tonight you would feel safe in a monster’s arms, wondering if it was really you that was the monster. Tomorrow you would see if you could remove the mask, and expose the villain.
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kiwispideys · 5 years
Puddles (Peter Parker X Reader)
 A/N: Hi all! I hope you all are having a great day! Sorry I haven’t written in so long, as I get older I have more school-work, exams and other priorities over writing. I’ve had all my main exams this month and my holidays are coming soon so I’ll hopefully have more time and inspo to write.
Summary: In an alternate universe, maybe it was supposed to work...
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Peter was late. He was always late, but this time he had an exam that started 15minutes ago. He could already tell it was going to be a bad day today. He'd already stopped 5 guys on his morning patrol, he'd forgotten his lunch, it was pouring with rain in Queens. And even worse, it was the anniversary of your death.
He'd almost made it to school when he tripped just before a puddle and fell in it. Only, he didn't hit the ground... He fell straight through it.
He heard a faint, "Catch him!" before he passed out again.
Peter awoke to a soft surface underneath him and a lot of loud talking around him. Although he figured his spidey-sense made it louder than it really was. It also told him no danger was around but he figured he'd stay still until he knew whether it was completely safe to get up. There were a lot of people in the room, and they were arguing over something.
"He's supposed to be dead here. What are we going to do about it and get him back to his reality." A deep yet familiar voice spoke.
My reality? Peter thought.
"Should we let dumbass over here figure that one out? She was the one who got him here." Another male voice scoffed, it was Sam. Although everything in the room was too loud for him to concentrate.
"It wasn’t even my idea in the first place, it was yours, Sam. I know it’s been a year but none of us know my capabilities since last time.” A female voice spoke. Hearing it in normal conversation for the first time in what felt like forever was amazing, but was he dead? Maybe he'd been really badly drugged up and this was all in his head. After all, you were dead. 
"Guys, he’s stable again." Peter recognised this voice as well now, it was Dr Banner. He took this as his cue to sit up and slowly opened his eyes. As his eyes got used to the bright lights, he could see you clear as day. 
You seemed to acknowledge this as you said, “I’m leaving now.” as you turned to leave.
Sam grabbed your arm. “No, you’re not.”
You scowled at him and went to say something but Sam interrupted you.
“He’ll listen to you.” He said. “You know that.”
“He’s right Y/N, I know it’s hard for you to see him again but it’s hard for him too. Remember you’re both dead and without powers in each other's universes.” Bruce explained.
“So there is a multiverse?” Peter asked sitting up.
You looked at him in a way he’d seen many times before. All you wanted to do was break down, and all he wanted to do was give you a big hug and let you cry on his shoulder. But instead, you sighed and nodded. “Yeah Peter, there is a multi-verse.”
So after a long conversation between you and Peter, he understood the multiverse a bit more... although you didn’t seem to know that much about it either. That led onto the conversation about each other's powers. Your reaction was quite similar to Aunt May’s and asked a lot of questions like Ned had but quickly understood, which meant you were quite close with his replica. Whereas for him it was harder to understand considering you didn’t know what your official powers were. So instead you just listed what you could do, most of them had something to do with manipulating water but you didn’t know what the effects some of your current actions had. For example the “puddle portals”, as you called them. He suggested falling through one of your puddle portals again but you had no guarantee of what universe he’d go to, so Peter was stuck.
So in order for Peter to take that in, you left him alone... for days. Until one late Friday evening, Peter was laying on his bed of the Avenger’s facility and you silently came in and sat on his bed with your back facing him.
“Are you alright?” Peter asked.
“Can I lay with you?” You said. “Like, only if it’s okay with you... I mean I wouldn’t just have a random idea to just come to cuddle you cause I’m feeling sad cause I miss you even though you’re right here but you’re not right here. But now I kinda regret it cause you probably didn’t even know me in your universe.” You rambled at speeds people who weren’t used to it probably couldn’t understand. But Peter understood every word.
“Y/N.” He spoke clearly, causing you to stop. “It’s okay. I was missing you too.” You gave him a small and shy smile and lay down next to him. He lay his arm around your shoulder as you cuddled into his side and the room went silent again. It wasn’t an awkward silence though, it was a nice silence. It felt normal. The whole situation felt normal.
Although after a while, you broke the silence once more.
“Did you love me? Like your me?” You said quickly.
Peter paused for a moment. Did he love you?
“I think so... I felt like I could be normal around you no matter what. No matter what weird subject it was about whether it be school, Star Wars, Spider-Man stuff,  I always trusted you and felt safe around you. Although you reacted a bit more violently when you found out I was Spider-Man.” He chuckled a little as he recalled the memory. “You screamed and yelled. You even threw some science books at me and hit me a few times. But you soon realised that I was hurt and immediately helped me and apologised afterwards. But I knew the reaction was only because you cared about me and didn’t want me to get hurt.” Peter sighed. “I always wanted you to be happy, even if I wasn’t the cause of it. We were rocky at times, especially cause of the whole Spider-man thing and I also wanted to keep you safe as being with you only put you in danger. But then we broke up and then you did get in danger and...” Peter didn’t finish his sentence as he recalled your death.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled, starting to draw small shapes onto his ribs. Something his version of you would do.
“It’s okay, I’ve learned to deal with it better now and I just have to keep reminding myself it wasn’t my fault... even if it does feel like it sometimes.”
“I wish I could do that. But it was literally my fault you died.” You paused for a moment contemplating whether to continue on with the story but did so anyway. “It was a Sunday morning... We were here, at the Avengers facility and  I was overwhelmed from school and the pressure to like be a hero for everyone. I was ranting to you and my powers were slowly building up and you tried to warn me about it as you knew I don’t have very much control over them. Eventually, you yelled at me to get my attention and I snapped.” You paused for a moment as you tried to regain your emotions and wiped the tears from your face. “I never meant to do it. But I blasted you with a whole bunch of water as I turned to face you and it threw you back towards the wall. Due to the heaviness of the blast and the fact that you happened to hit your head on the right angle they had to put you into a coma due to head trauma. You never really recovered despite everything we tried, so May made the decision to pull you off life support and... yeah.”
Peter was silent. He didn’t know what to say, but he just held you and rubbed his hand up and down your arm trying to reassure you.
“Hey, you're going to be crying puddles in a minute if you keep crying.” He joked, causing you to laugh through your sniffles and wipe the tears away once more.
“I made Bruce design this bracelet for me that would make my powers non-existent unless I take it off.” You say showing him. “But obviously it’s not working.”
Peter chuckled a little, causing you to do the same. 
“I think that your Peter would know that you did it on accident, and you did the right thing anyway, taking me off the life support. It probably caused me less pain than being on it anyways.” Peter spoke, trying to reassure you as much as possible.
“Can I hug you? Like I know we’re kinda cuddling right now but you would always hug me when I was upset.” You said, sitting up.
“Yeah sure,” Peter replied, slowly getting up from the bed with you shortly following.
So for the next couple of minutes, the two of you stood in Peter’s room just enjoying each other's presence as you hugged one-another. But after a while, Peter could feel his shirt start to get wet. You were crying into his shoulder.
“You alright?” He asked. You wiggled out of his embrace and gently placed your hands on his chest. You sighed, whatever you were about to say was hard, he could tell.
“Goodbye Pete.” You said, before forcefully pushing Peter away from you. Causing him to fall back into a puddle portal before passing out once more.
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I’m sorry (Peter Parker Soulmate!AU)
So it’s been a while again.. Life is just kinda messy right now.  I’ve tried to write one of the requests @wwesarahjaneroszko made but I don’t really know if that’s what you wanted 😅 Also I’ve tried my best with this but Tumblr kept deleting it and I think it could be better. idk
Also I made this an soulmate!AU because I really wanted to try to write one. 
Fandom: Marvel (Tony Stark and Peter Parker)
Summery: Being Tony Starks daughter was... hard. Especially when your soulmate is trying to build a connection with you. 
Warnings: swearing, timeline is a little bit off (just Peters and readers age), shitty writing? also no angst this time hahah 
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“Daddy?”, I said as I walked up to him. 
He was sitting on the counter with a cup of coffee in his hand while he was looking at something. As soon as he heard my voice he put the cup down and turned himself a little bit to look at me. 
“Yes little one?”, he answered. 
“What is this? Am I ill?”, I asked and tears pricked at my eyes. 
I pulled the sleeve of my shirt up and revealed my arm. I kept it hidden the past few days. Everywhere were black lines and dots. They itched and from all the scratching was my arm covered in red streaks. I couldn’t thing about anything from where they would be from other than some illness. And I didn’t wanted to be ill. 
My father got up and took my wrist in his hand and started to turn my arm. He let his thumb run over one of the marks before he looked at me and smiled sadly. 
“No my love, you’re not ill. You don’t have to worry about them.”, he said and together we walked to the couch and set down. 
“What are these then?”, I asked and looked at all the lines. 
“These are your soulmate marks. Your soulmate is drawing or writing on his skin and through your connection they appear on your skin as well. When he washes them of or when they start to fade away, they will disappear from your skin as well. But they won’t hurt you. They are a little bit itchy at the beginning but that will go away as well.”, he said and wrapped his arm around my shoulders while he was speaking. 
“But I don’t want a soulmate. I don’t need one.”, I pouted and crossed my arms in front of my chest. 
“Everyone has a soulmate my love.”, he laughed and stroked my head.
“Was Mommy your soulmate?”, I asked him and avoided his gaze. She was a hard topic, for the both of us. 
“No. We loved eathother, but we weren’t soulmates.”, he answered and stroked my head again. 
“Did... did mommy found her soulmate?”, I asked and started to play with my fingers. 
“Yes little one, she did.” 
“Did she left because of him?” 
“You’re so smart.”, he said and gave me a little kiss on the top of head. “But yes, she left because of her soulmate.” 
“Do you have a soulmate Daddy?”, I asked and looked at his arms. There weren’t any marks. 
“Everyone has one, I told you.”, he answered. 
I shifted a little bit so I could look at his face. 
“Where is she?” 
“I haven’t found her yet.”, he shrugged. 
“I had your mother. I didn’t needed her and I didn’t wanted her because when I was younger I thought that soulmates were stupid. I wanted to be independet and I wanted to choose myself with who I spend the rest of my life with. But that was stupid. Soulmates are here for a reason and I regret it that I didn’t searched for her.”, he answered and put a strand of my hair behind my ear. 
“You can look for her now Daddy.”
“It’s not that easy little one.”, he smiled sadly.
“Can I draw her something Daddy?”, I asked and looked at him with my puppy eyes. He never says no when I looked at him like that. 
“Of course you can little one. I’ll get you a pen.”, he laughed. 
He got up to get one of the pens that laid on the kitchen isle. As he sat back down he gave it to me and rolled his sleeve a little bit more up so I had more room to draw. 
“But I don’t know if she’s going to respond to your drawing. It’s been a while since we communicated.”, he said. 
“That dosen’t matter. It’s just a reminder that you’re still here and that we will find her.”, I smiled and he laughed again. 
“You’re way to smart for you’re age Y/N.” 
I’ve started with a little butterfly. After that I drew a flower and an apple tree right next to it. Underneath it I drew my father and myself. He hold my hand and we were both smiling widely. 
“Now she knows that we have an apple tree with flowers next to it. And that butterflys are always there. And we’re happily waiting for her.”, I said as I proudly looked at my work. 
“It’s beautiful little one. You did a great job.”, my father answered and looked at my drawing. 
“Thank you.”, I answered and started to draw a little butterfly on my own wrist. 
“Do you think he will see it?”, I asked and pointed to the butterfly that I just drew. 
“He will.”, he answered and gave me a kiss on my cheek. 
I laughed and rolled my sleeves back down. My father did the same and then he got up and held his hand out to me. 
“Come on little one, what do you want to eat?”, he asked and together we walked back to the kitchen. 
Over the years the random lines and dots became little drawings and words. But I didn’t knew much about my soulmate. All I knew was that his name was Peter and that he was almost a year older than me. 
And he tried to get to know me. He really did but he came at a time were my life was just chaos. My father was captured by terrorist and noone knew if he was coming back alive. And after his return I’ve stayed at his side to make sure that he was alright, like he did for me all this years. I’ve stood at his side as he announced that he was Ironman. I’ve stood at his side as he decided to change some things at Stark Industries and I’ve stood at his side as he faught against his long term partner. He had always been right next to my side and now it was simply my time to stand next to his. 
And getting my soulmate to know was simply too much to handle at that time. I saw his questions and his little drawings, but often I simply hadn’t a pen with  me or time to scribble an answer. And on day he just stopped trying and I didn’t made an effort to change that. My father was my number one priority and everything else didn’t mattered.  
Also how was I supposed to explain that? Sorry I couldn’t write back because my Dad is Ironman and it’s a shit ton of work? No. Who would believe that? 
Right now we were sitting in one of the conference rooms and listened to Thaddeus Ross. He was a dick, I could see it the moment he walked in.  And his Sokovia Accords weren’t really well thought out. There were still important questions without an answer, but my father didn’t cared. All he saw was the danger he and all the other Avengers radiated. He searched for an solution for all the guilt he was feeling and these accords where the right thing. So of course he would say yes. Of course he would say it’s a good idea without thinking twice about it. Maybe I should talk with him once more when we were alone. This didn’t seemed like a good idea. Something was strange about Mr. Ross and I didn’t liked what he was implying. The Avengers weren’t dangours. They were still learning how to function as a team and how they could use all of their abilitys. 
These accords weren’t the right thing to do. They made the Avengers to puppets of the goverment who would use them as they were pleased and that wasn’t a good solution. Eventhough my father thought it was the only one.
I couldn’t find the right moment to talk with him and later on everyone was sitting in the common room. They were already talking about the accords and I took a seat next to Nat. 
Dad and Steve were already having a pretty harsh argument and I just watched them. Until my father pulled this picture up.
“Yes, he died Dad. It’s tragic and his death was unnesessary, but it happens. How many lost their life in an unnesessary war? How many loose their life because some asshole decided to see what it’s like to kill someone? It happens Dad and you can take his death and the deaths from all of these other people to learn from it. To be better the next time, to do better next time. Because if you sign this contract you’re going be nothing but a puppet to the goverment who will use you for all their bullshit. Who will keep you looked in here and take all your things that you’ve worked so hard on. They will take your freedom and your own will. They will take you Dad and I don’t want that for you. You’ve done so much for all of us and it shouldn’t end like this. You deserve better.”, I said and looked him in the eyes. 
And for a moment I thought I would have changed his mind. For a moment I saw this agreement in his eyes but it vanished again and he started to look angry. 
“Are you really on their side?”, he asked and pointed to Steve and Sam. 
“I’m on nobodys side Dad. I’m not an Avenger. I’m your daughter who has to live with your choice as well and I don’t want that you make the wrong one.”
“You’re right Y/N, you are my daughter and I make the decisions. It’s my job and not yours. These accords are the only option to stop us from going on another killing spree. We need someone who will take a look over everthing from a different perspectiv. We can’t decided such things by ourself.” 
“And who says you have to? You can talk with them, make a deal with them, another accord that won’t turn you into a fucking puppet!” 
“Watch what you say young lady. I am still your father and not some friend from school. Be careful with what you say.”, he warned me and he looked so angry. 
It’s been a while since I’ve seen him this angry. 
“Fine. I just don’t want you to make a mistake that you’ll regret. I just don’t want to see you suffering again but if you want that, than go ahead, sign it and you’ll see what it’ll brings you. Because I can tell you from the look on Steves face that you’re going to loose him, as an ally and as a friend.”, I said and looked at both of them. 
Steves gaze dropped to the floor and it was the first time in my life that I experienced my father speechless.
“Just think about it Dad. It’s not the right thing to do.”, I said and decided it was the best thing to leave. 
As I said, I wasn’t an Avengers I wasn’t the one to make the final decision. I wouldn’t be as affected as them. 
Later that day I was laying in my bed with a pen in my hand. I really needed someone right now and I had noone. Everyone wanted to be my friend because of my last name that was Stark and not because of me. I was alone on this planet. But I knew there was this special someone that was made just for me and I fucked that up as well. I ignored him because I was in so much pain and stress that I didn’t wanted him in my life right then and there. And now I wanted him more than ever in my life. Someone who I could talk to and someone who I could go to when I didn’t wanted to be home. But did he still want me in his life? I must have hurt him with my ignorance. It was worth shot, right? 
So I draw a little spider right on wrist with a little speech buble that said I’m sorry.
Some time flew by and I still hadn’t got an answer from my soulmate. I repainted the little spider over and over again. I wanted an answer. I wanted to sort things out. I needed him in my life more than ever and I wouldn’t give up on him. But.. maybe he had already given up on me? He gave me same silent treatment I gave him all that time ago. Maybe he didn’t wanted me anymore? Maybe I wouldn’t fit into his life after all? Maybe I have lost him before I even met him.  But I wouldn’t give up! I wanted him in my life. I wanted to make it up to him and I was at least as stubborn as my father and my soulmate was going to see that now. I wouldn’t give up on us. I would find him and would talk to him, even if that meant to search for someone who had a little talking spider on their wrist. 
At the moment I was waiting for the arrival of spiderman. My father wanted to give him the suit back he made for him and ask him to be a member of the avengers.
Pepper had organized a press conference for the announcement that Spiderman was officially a member of the Avengers. While Pepper was waiting inside the press room with all the reporters and journalists, was father outside and waited for Spiderman. I stood at the window and looked down to see when Happy would arrive with him.
My father said that Spiderman was probably somewhere my age and I was more than courise to see someone this young with special abilitys. Also it would be nice to have someone to hang around with in my age. Don’t get me wrong I loved all of the avengers, they were my family, but I was by far the youngest and I just wanted to have someone that was my age. And with Spiderman I would have that. 
So I got pretty excited when I saw Happys car. Unfortunatly he parked at a spot where I couldn’t see them. 
“They are here.”, I said quietly to myself and walked to the door where the press conference should happen. 
Between the doors were the new Spiderman Ironsuit. Because Spiderman would need it to meet the reporters. Patiently I waited for my father and Spiderman. I could see them before I could I hear them and of course my father needed his dramatic appearance so they walked pretty slowly. 
I rolled my eyes and focused on the boy next to him. He was handsome, I had to admit that and his nervousness around my father made me smile. He would be good company, I knew that already. 
Of course my father just kept talking to him about all that becoming an Avengers stuff and just ignored me. I rolled with my eyes again and just waited patiently for them to finish with their conversation. That was my punishmet for my outbrust over the accords. Being ignored. But I was fine with that because at the end of the day my father would still come to me to tell me about the newest stuff that happend. 
And the best part was when Spiderman turned down the oppertunity to be an avengers. When he turned down to live with us in the Tower and when he chose to be the friendly neighbourhood Spiderman. My father accepted his dicision, of course he did. He would never force someone to be a part of something he didn’t wanted to be. 
But right as Spiderman was about to leave I made sure he would know who I was. 
“Go wait in the car. I’ll bring you home, just need a minute.”, Happy said and I smiled. My turn. 
“I can bring you down. It’ll can get a little bit confusing around here.”, I said and walked up to him. 
Spiderman seemed to be even more nervous when I approached him which made him even cuter. 
“Yeah.. that.. that would be nice. I’m Peter.”, he said and smiled at me. 
“Nice to meet you Peter. I’m Y/N.”, I answered and held my hand out for him to shake. 
He looked down at my hand and immediatly his smile froze. He took my hand into his and turned it around. My sleeve had slipped a little up and revealed the little spider. Instandly I turned red and pulled my hand back to pull my sleeve down again. He certainly had to think I was some crazy fan through the little spider. After all, he was spiderman. I looked at my feet in embaresstment. What a stupid idea to draw a little spider. I could have used everything else. Why a spider? 
But Peter said nothing. Instead he pulled his own sleeve up to reveal the same little spider. It was the same spider with the same speech buble that said I’m sorry. I looked at him shocked. He was my soulmate? Spiderman was my soulmate? The fucking universe was kidding with me. Ironman as father and Spiderman as soulmate? How as I supposed to live a quiet life with these two at my side. But on the other side I couldn’t be happier. He would knew exactly what I meant when I would say that all of this superhero stuff would get on my nerves. Because he was one. Because he surely had experienced the same feelings about that. 
And the longer I thought about it the more I liked the idea of spiderman being my soulmate. 
“What just happend?”, my father said and kicked me back into reality. 
“I’ve found my soulmate.”, I smiled and looked at him. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”, he said and rolled with his eyes. But right after that he started to smile. I knew that he would be happy for me. 
“It never gets boring Dad.”, I laughed and when I looked back at Peter his eyes got a little bit bigger. 
“D-Dad?”, he said insecure. 
“Yeah. He’s my dad.”, I answered and he swallowed heavily. 
“Don’t worry.  I’ll make sure he’s nice to you, right Dad?”, I said and looked at my Dad. 
“I’m always nice. I don’t know what you mean little one.”, he answered and put his hands up in a defensiv position. 
“I’ll remind you on that Dad. Come on Peter, I’ll bring you back down.”, I said and started to walk the corridor down. 
Peter mumeled a quick goodbye and then I could hear how he walked a little bit faster to catch up with me. 
“That was a test from your father, wasn’t it?”, Peter asked and look at me. 
“Of course.”, I said and laughed. 
Maybe it was for the better when Peter thought that it was really a test. He didn’t needed to be an avenger just yet. 
We walked a little in silence. I didn’t knew what to say. There were clearly some thinks that we should talk about but now wasn’t the right time. We needed to get to know eachother. 
“Hey-y Y/N?”, Peter said as we left the buliding. 
“Yeah?”, I asked back and looked at him. 
“Can I.. Could I have your number? So we can stay in touch?”, Peter asked nervously and scratched his neck. 
His sleeve slipped up a little while he was doing it and I could see the little spider again. 
“Of course.”, I answered and smiled at him. 
He pulled his phone out and gave it to me. I wrote my number down and gave it back to him. 
“Thank you.”, he said and I just smiled. 
“Friday, could you open Happys car for me please?”, I asked her. 
“Of course Y/N.”, she answered and I could hear how she unlocked the car. 
“Thanks Friday.”, I said and opened the door for Peter. 
He sat inside the car and I looked at him through the open door. 
“I hope I’ll hear from you soon.”, I smiled. 
“Sooner than you expect.”, he answered and smiled back at me. 
“I’ll count on that Spiderman.”, I laughed and closed the door. 
I walked the stairs back up and right as I opened the door my buzzed at I took it out of my pocket. 
I’m sorry as well., stood on my screen from an unknown number. 
It’s fine. I think we’re even., I answered and entered the building. 
Right now I was laying in my bed and held phone up so I could see the face of my boyfriend. 
“I should probably go to bed, but I really don’t want to.”, he said and smiled widely. 
“You really should. Who knows when you need to get up because someone needs the friendly neighbourhood spiderman?”, I teased. 
He rolled with his eyes and laughed. 
“I love you Y/N.”, he said and my heart started to raise. 
“I love you too Peter.”, I answered and smiled at him. 
“And now the two of you can go to bed!”, I could hear his aunt scream from the back which made me laugh. 
“Goodnight.”, I chuckled. 
“Goodnight Y/N.”, he answered and we ended the phone call. 
I couldn’t be happier then right now. 
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itsanerdlife · 5 years
Everything You Want 18/19
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Warning: Lies. Fuck ton of lies. So many lies. Lots of secrets. So many fucking secrets. Language. Violence. Slow Burn. Lots of fighting. Heartbreak. Death threats. Kidnapping. Murder.
One Last Part
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He slips in through one of the broke out windows from above. Climbing the wall a little higher out of view, covered in shadows. Harry is pacing, Y/N struggles against the bindings on her wrists, toes of her sneakers barely brushing the floor. Even enhanced it’s a difficult position to escape from. Her cheek is busted open and her eyebrow split. She struggled or tried to escape.
When Harry turns pacing in the other direction, Peter can see the marks Y/N left. Harry’s lip is swollen and ripped wide, down the center. His left eye is massively swollen, and already a deep nasty shade of red. She went down with a hell of a fight, than again that was something she was always doing. She fought no matter what the situation was.
“Now.” Harry chuckles, it’s twisted and dark. “We both know, we know, Peter knows.” Harry pauses grinning at Y/N.
“You’re a fucking nut job Osborn.” She huffs.
“I’m this way, because your little baby daddy.” He wags a finger at her.
“Think it might be genetic, your dad was pretty fucked too.” She scoffs.
“All because of Spider-Man.” Harry sing-songs. Christ he really is off his rocker.
“How hard up are you for Peter?” She smirks.
“He knows. We both know he knows. Bouncing baby boy, is Peter’s baby.” Harry does a little spin, on a whole new path of strange and seriously unstable.
“I never told him.” She lifts her chin. Peter’s head drops, letting out a silent sigh. “I told you, lunatic. You never know, what if he’s Tony Stark’s baby.” She taunts. Peter’s eye roll so hard he was momentarily dizzy. But this makes Harry pause, staring at her. “Do you even know my sons name?” She giggles. “Anthony. As in Tony Jr.” She wiggles her brow at Harry.
“No.” Harry grins, drawing out the word. “I’ve seen that chunky thing. He’s the spitting imagine of Peter.” Harry nods, starting to pace again. There’s a thump and glass breaking, from outside the building. The guys who clearly worked for Harry, look around.
“Boss?” One asks. Harry’s shoulders slump, annoyed.
“Fine. Fine. Check it out.” Harry waves them away. “Now.” He starts again, a disturbing chuckle follows. “Do I kill you now, torture you and send photos to Peter, or do I wait for him to show up and kill you in front of him.” Harry’s tone is giddy and excited.
“Did you really kidnap me, and not have this planned out?” Y/N shakes her head. “Well you don’t take after your father in some ways. That much is clear.” She snorts.
“One thing I did learn from my father.” Harry laughs, it bounces off the abandoned building walls. Pulling something from the back of his waist. The metal click, makes Peter’s stomach lurch. “Always shoot the messenger, it sends a clear message.” Harry chuckles. Y/N freezes, with nowhere to go.
“Harry!” Peter yells, dropping to his feet, pulling up to his full height. Harry laughs, spinning around, a grin on his face.
“I told you!” Harry dances with excitement. “I told you.” He looks over at Y/N. “Perfect timing.” Harry’s tone changes, it’s dark, filled with anger. He points his gun at Y/N again, she swallows, glaring at Harry.
“This is between you and me, Harry. Don’t.” He warns him.
“But is it? I mean it was between you and my dad. Then it was you and me. Now it’s her and me.” Harry grins with pure evil.
“Harry there are only two options here. You walk out in cuffs or you’re carried out in a body bag.” Peter warns him.
“She can leave in one too.” Harry snickers.
“What do you want, Harry!?” Peter’s voice rises in panic. The door slams open, a large man slides across the floor, unconscious. The rest of the team follows.
“It’s not about what I want anymore! You had your chance, you killed my father!” Harry yells back, suddenly seething with anger. “You took the only one I had. So it seems far I take the thing you love.” Harry smirks.
“You want my blood? Fine.” Peter throws out his arm. “Take it. It’s yours.” He swallows.
“Kid.” Buck’s voice filled with shock.
“You want the formula my dad used? I’ll write it down for you.” Peter offers. Harry looks on silently. “You want me to your damn lab rat. I’m yours.” He steps forward. “You want revenge for you dad. Kill me.” Peter announces.
“Peter.” Nat growls.
“I killed your dad. I don’t regret it. I’d do it again, given the chance. Harry I’ll kill you too and I won’t lose an ounce of sleep over the two of you.” Peter shrugs.
“You could have avoided all this!” Harry yells, shaking his gun at Y/N.
“You kidnapped the woman I love, Harry there is no avoiding what I’m going to do to you if you don’t stop pointing that gun at her.” Peter bites out. Y/N struggles, Sam moves forward. Harry sets off a warning shot into the ground near her feet. Y/N let’s out a yelp, wood splinters fly, Buck rips him back when he jerks forward.
“No I don’t think you will Romeo.” Harry grins, when everyone tenses up as he levels his gun with her chest.
“Shut the fuck up and do it, than.” Y/N snaps, anger contorted her features. “You’ve been ranting and rambling this whole time.” She spits. “Either pull the trigger or let me down so I can kill you myself.”
“What better way to go. With your family watching.” Harry grins, shrugging. Peter heard the snap, the force of it, slammed Harry back. Knocking him to the ground, his gun skids away, an arrow sticking out of his shoulder.
“Christ Barton!” Peter snaps, running for Y/N.
“Hey kid, not everyone climbs walls.” Clint huffs when he drops to his feet from somewhere above. “Took me a minute to get up the side and in, without dropping in on my back.” Clint grumbles. Peter’s arms wrap around Y/N’s waist, lifting her up so Buck can unhook her hands. 
“Are you stupid?” Y/N snaps, shoving Peter in the chest when her feet are planted on the floor. “Offering yourself up!” She shoves him again.
“Hey! You left in the middle of the night.” He points a finger at her.
“Because he wanted you!” She throws up her still cuffed hands. She looks at them, before thrusting her hands up at Steve. 
“Oh, let me.” Steve breaks them apart, freeing her.
“Thank you.” She rubs her wrists.
“So you both did stupid shit, for the other?” Sam’s head tips. Y/N and himself pause, thinking about that.
“Anthony is never dating.” Y/N clears her throat.
“Well if he’s like Peter, he’ll be too awkward, till he’s in his twenties.” Nat shrugs.
“He’s still awkward.” Buck snorts. Harry yells in pain from behind them. Clint’s holding his arrow, looking rather pleased with himself.
“What?” He looks over. “He tried to take my God son.” Clint shrugs.
“Anthony?” Y/N’s eyes snap open wide, looking at him.
“Tony and Wanda have him at the tower.” Peter brushes her hair back from her face.
“I let Tony jump out of my hotel window with our son.” She winces.
“Yeah, we’ll talk about that later.” Peter nods. Sam and Clint haul Harry up, his own cuffs on now. He tucks Y/N under his arm, close to his body. “Need Banner to look you over.” He nods, brushing his thumb down her cheek.
“I’ve had worse.” She smirks. Letting him lead her out of the building.
“Does it hurt?” He asks taking in the damage to her face.
“Not as much as watching you love someone else.” She shrugs.
“Never anyone else, sweetheart, always just you.” He kisses her forehead.
“Good cause I’m staying home, I can’t go back to feeling like my lungs have been ripped out. Anthony needs a lot more than just me.” She smiles softly.
“Oh you’ll be lucky if you get to leave the tower again. For a long, long time.” He chuckles.
“He does weird things.” She sighs.
“I know.” Peter nods. “We’ll figure it out.” He chuckles.
“You made him a freak.” She smirks at him.
“You made him chubby.” He chuckles. Her mouth opens and instead she laughs.
“Let’s get you home.” Clint opens the door for her. 
Peter helps her in, before following her, settling in beside her. Her head comes to rest on his shoulder, her fingers slip between his, laced together. Together, right where they should have always been. But there was enough time to make up for what they lost.
Everything Peaches 2/6/19: @xmtd5 @mo320 @all1e23 @courtmr @avxgers @eliza-kat @izzy--lee @irepeldirt @dumblani @crist1216 @a--1--1--3 @alyssaj23 @allyp1023 @joannie95 @nishanki1 @bugalouie @kolakube9 @rileyloves5 @sarahp879 @sea040561 @sexyvixen7 @pcterpvrker @pigwidgexn @doctoranon @tomhardy41 @abschaffer2 @justrae9903 @tony-stank3 @bookluver01 @teller258316 @callie-bear15 @nickimarie94 @wandressfox @amandab-ftw @carostar2020 @henrietteoaks @nea90sweetie @amberkay284 @circusofchaos @itsagalaxystar @bettercallsabs @miraclesoflove @lucifersnipnips @queenkrissy11 @elite4cekalyma @this-is-mycrisis @sadyoungadult @destiel-artemis @xrosegoldwolfx @paintballkid711 @isabelcrichards @iwillbeinmynest @sweet-honey15 @chanelmadrid13 @mellxander1993 @killerbumblebee @spookygrantaire @geeksareunique @supernatural508 @sammysgirl1997 @itzmegaaaaaaan @booksbeforebois @optimistic-babes @childishhoebinoo @elizabethaellison @aspiringtranslator @mariekoukie6661 @pure-princess-97 @capsheadquaters @samanthasmileys @nerdypinupcrystal @atlas-of-the-world @youclickedthislink @futuremrsb-r-main @lovemarvelousfics @notyourtypicalrose @petersunderoos96 @loving-life-my-way @buckystolemyheart @booktvmoviefangirl @supernatural-girl97 @thefridgeismybestie @dumbbitchenergytm @abbypalmer14-blog @fanfictionjunkie1112 @meganlikesfandoms @awkwardfangirl2014 @supernaturaldean67 @xqueenofthecraziesx   @queenoftheunderdark @writingaworldofmyown @shann-the-artist-moon @supernaturallover2002 @daughterofthenight117 @mustbeaweasleyginger @mcuwillbethedeathofme @sprinklesandsugarcubes @whothehellisbucky-1930 @verymuchclosetedfangirl @for-the-love-of-the-fandom @ocaptain-mycaptainmorgan @wonderlandfandomkingdom @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @stupendoussciencenaturepanda @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @supernatural-strangerthings-1980
Marvel Tag List 2/6/19: @lumelgy   @dottirose   @jcc04220 @rockagurl @mizzzpink   @jade-taillia @coley0823 @widowsfics @bookluver01 @thelostallycat @shield-agent78 @dtftheavengers   @ilovetvshowsblog @iamwarrenspeace @thefridgeismybestie @whenallsaidanddone @deanwinchestersrifle @fandomsstolemylife00   @daughterofthenight117 @lilmissperfectlyimperfect  
Peter ‘Fuck Me I’m Weak’ Parker:
@ml7010 @ariminiria @dkpink123 @boltsgirl919 @quokkatrash   @everthenerd @ms-rogers06 @crayonwriting @baebeepeach @bellamouse16 @honey-bee-holly @messofamasterpiece @britkane-shsl-librarian @kiss-the-stars-goodbye
Everything You Want: @gabile18 @kriswu46 @starkbelova @garbage-bitch @bellewithbooks @little-dr-cranberry @tom-hollands-blog @simply-sams-things @misswritingintherain  @hitoshi-s-stupid-bitch @verymuchclosetedfangirl
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iliumheightnights · 4 years
We Have A Jedi [12] | Peter Parker x Male!Reader
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Fandom: Marvel and Star Wars
Pairing:  Tony Stark x Son!Reader, Peter Parker x Male!Reader
Summary: (M/N) is officially back on earth, so is Sheyo. With the two stranded and the war still raging on, what comes next?
Read from the beginning
(M/N) opened his eyes and was confused why he didn’t hear the hum of ship engines. Sitting up he realized he wasn’t in his quarters on the ship, he was in his room on earth. He could tell by how the sun was starting to raise over the city that he had woken up pretty early. Perhaps he was still adjusted to waking up for the next campaign. He stood up and walked over to the closet, inside he found some clothes that could fit him. Once he was dressed he wandered out to the living room.
The quietness of the area told him that no one was up yet. Moving to the kitchen he looked around. Last time he was on earth he was taught a couple of things for cooking. He got to work making something for everybody to eat as they got up. He had got some of the food done by the time someone entered the kitchen. “Do I smell food?” (M/N) smiled and turned to face his intruder. “Hey Steve. I’m making breakfast, grab a plate. most of it is done.” Steve smirked and did so before sitting at the table. “I gotta say, I half expected to wake up and realize last night was a dream. But you’re here...actually here.” He looked at his plate and back to (M/N). “Where have you been kid?”
(M/N) finished his cooking and set everything aside. “I didn’t want to leave. I wanted more time here, with you guys...with dad. But there’s still a war going on and mom wanted to make sure that we realized that.” (M/N) shrugged his shoulders. “I guess she was right though. Once we got back into the fight I realized there were still so many people that needed our help. I couldn’t just stay here or come back...even if I tried at first.” (M/N) had a far away look in his eyes and Steve noticed, the younger book shook his head quickly though. “Anyways that’s the past. I’m here now...I just hope for longer.” Steve nodded his head. “Well I’m glad to have you back, I know everyone else...especially your dad is too.”
Grabbing a plate for himself, (M/N) joined Steve at the table. “So...anything interesting happen when I was gone?” Steve smirked at him. “You’ve missed a lot. Turns out there were lots of hidden Hydra agents in Shield and that was an ordeal. Also...Bucky’s alive.” (M/N) raised a brow at that. Steve had told him of his time in the war, and his best friend Bucky...but that he died. Apparently that wasn’t the case. “How?” Steve sat his fork down, no longer interested in the food. “Hydra.” (M/N) nodded and gave him a small smile. “I’m sorry Steve. We’ll get him back.” Steve genuinely smiled and with that his appetite seemed to return. “Anyways, what have YOU been doing Mr.I’ve lead armies in war?” (M/N) blushed and looked away as Steve made fun of what he last said to them. “Shut up. I’ve just been doing what I’ve always done...fighting in a seemingly endless battle. But I HAVE been learning different art and stuff from different planets.” Steve seemed to be really interested with that. “Art like drawing and painting?” The boy nodded at him. “Yeah, plus pottery, music, theater. All of that. There’s a lot out there.”
Steve was about to say something when we were joined by some others. “(M/N)!” He didn’t have a chance to say anything before Clint pulled him into a tight hug. “Welcome back kiddo. Oh hey breakfast.” Clint let him go and went to get a plate. Natasha took the chance to rub his head and mess up his head. “Welcome back kid.” She also grabbed a plate and the two of them sat down. Just like Steve had asked before, he told them about what he had been up to. It wasn’t long before Tony and Bruce arrived, his dad sitting next to him. (M/N) noticed how his dad was grinning, almost like he thought it might have been a dream. They had told him that Thor had returned to Asgard for a bit but that he should be back soonish. The group were all enjoying their breakfast and talking when (M/N) heard the sound of a crutch. “Oh hey, there’s a group of people now.” (M/N) turned and smiled at Sheyo who looked a lot better than she had the night before. The avengers were looking at her with mixed emotions, who was she and why was she here...also why was she green.
Quickly standing from his seat (M/N) pulled out his chair offering it to Sheyo who gratefully took it. “How did you sleep? You feeling better?” Sheyo smiled at him. “Very much so. I think I should be fine soon hopefully. Now, are you going to introduce me to everyone?” (M/N) nodded and looked around. “Sheyo these are the Avengers. Steve, Clint, Natasha, you already met Bruce, and...my father. Tony Stark.” Sheyo grinned as she looked from me to Tony, soon she lifted her hand out to him. “Nice to meet you Mr.Stark.” It was obvious that everyone was still confused so (M/N) helped explain everything with Sheyo filling in any gaps. It was very similar to how (M/N) was questioned after the battle of New York.
The conversations were dying down and breakfast was coming to an end. (M/N) was enjoying the time he was spending with his family again, this time with his best friend. As everyone broke from the table Sheyo leaned over to him. “(M/N) a word?” He gave her a nod and excused himself from the rest. He took Sheyo to his room and closed the door. “What’s up?” She sat down on his bed and looked around before looking back at him. “So my leg’s out of commission for at least a couple days, but what are we going to do after that? We can’t stay here forever, you know that.”
(M/N) nodded. “I know. I would stay forever if I could but we can’t. The war is still going on and we have to get back. The first problem we’ll have is to find a way off planet. We’ll need a ship with a hyperdrive to get us back. Plus, we have another problem.” (M/N) took out the two infinity stones he has. “We have these to worry about. We can’t keep them together, it makes them a bigger target. We have to separate them.” Sheyo nodded. “So what’s the plan?” (M/N) laid the stones on his desk. “When Thor get’s here I’ll give him the space stone. Let him take it back to Asgard, it should be safe here. The mind stone, I’ll give to my dad. He and the avengers are the best the earth has. They’ll keep it safe.” He looked to Sheyo who only smiled at him. “Sounds like a good plan. Alright. Guess we get to take a little vacation for a bit.” (M/N) put away the stones into a hidden place and grabbed his sabers. “Come on. You may not be able to train, but I want you to at least give me pointers.” She let out a groan then grabbed her crutch and began following him to the training area.
The tower had changed a lot since the last time he came and the training room was no exception. It was now an ACTUAL training room and not just a boxing ring. “Sir. Your father designed a training program for each of the avengers, including you.” Jarvis spoke up. That made (M/N) surprised. He didn’t think his father would have taken his combat teaching into consideration. “Really?” Jarvis’ voice spoke again. “Yes sir. He studied the videos of you fighting during the battle of new york and based the training for you on them.” He smiled at that, his father really did take care in making sure he was included. “Thanks J. Can you start the training?”  Sheyo moved to the side and Jarvis began the training exercise. “Starting simulation.”
The simulation room started to hum and the lights dimmed. A holographic image of a Chituari appeared and it began firing at (M/N). He quickly ignited his lightsabers and began deflecting the bolts back on to the oncoming waves. As the waves of holo enemies came towards him, he switched from defense to attack. He slashed through the oncoming waves, as he was doing it he realized that he had improved during his time gone. Perhaps he’d have to talk to his dad about other fighting stances and techniques to help improve the simulation. 
While (M/N) was in the simulation, the door to the viewing room opened and Tony, Steve and Clint walked in. “Heard little Stark war doing the simulation, wanted to see his moves.” Clint said. Sheyo smirked at them and nodded to the simulation. “This is easy for him compared to other things.” They all watched as he did a flip with a landing slash on an enemy. “He’s improved a lot since last time.” Steve noted. “That’s my boy. Takes after his father.” Steve laughed. “I’d say he takes after his mother.” Sheyo raised her brow. She was going to find out who his mother was. Tony scoffed and turned back to watching his son.
Steve turned to Sheyo. “So Sheyo. Since you’re a jedi do you do what he does?” He nodded towards (M/N) and she smiles and nods. “You mean being part of a galactic war? Yep. My master’s Dia. His is Janai. I’m sure you know that bit though. Like we said earlier, we were on a mission when we ended up here.” Sheyo looked at Tony, studying him. “You know. He looks like you a lot.  We, Jedi, aren’t supposed to know our parents or form attachments. I don’t believe in that. I think it’s a stupid rule...but you should know there’s still a war going on. If he stays here...they’ll come after him. The Jedi. It won’t be pretty. He might have to leave but that doesn’t mean he wants to. I can see he loves you a lot.” Tony smiled sadly at her and nodded. “I know. When he first left I was angry at everyone, myself, his mom, but never at him. I knew he still had a job to do. When it’s time for him to leave again, I just hope he says goodbye this time.”
The simulation ended and (M/N) exited the room. “Oh, hey guys. Were you all watching me practice?” They all nodded. He turned to Sheyo. “Just like the temple training room.” She laughed at that. Clint lightly punched his shoulder. “Well kid. You definitely put on a show.” (M/N) smirked at looked at Tony. “What can I say I take after my dad.” Tony laughed and pointed at Steve. “I told you! Now…” He wrapped his arm around (M/N)’s shoulder. “Let’s figure out what we’re doing today.”
A/N: I realized I haven’t shown you what Sheyo looks like so here she is!
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lockedwithloki · 5 years
Reckless Stark
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader, Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Requested: yes
summary (as requested): hey! could you make a peterxstark!reader imagine where peter accidentally confesses his feelings to the reader after they get hurt during a fight to protect him? I’m sorry if you have already done this, i hope to hear from you soon!
Author’s note: I think this is really stupid, I could have done better, but I wanted to post a request since today is my birthday and I’ll be mia for the whole day! I hope you kind of like it.
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Peter Parker had a secret that no one could ever find out about, especially her. Apart from his best friend, Ned, who had a way to find out about everything. The secret was not that he was Spider-man. There were plenty of people who knew about that by now. (Y/N) Stark being one of them, with her father being the one and only Tony Stark. There was no secret that could get away from her knowledge. Apart from the fact that Peter was madly in love with her, the kind of love that made you look stupid 24/7. But it was cute, or at least he liked to think it was.
Peter was never going to let her know. Every time he was close to the confession his eyes would pop out like an owl’s. (Y/N) found his behaviour weird sometimes, but not enough to stop being friends with him. She did find him cute anyway. One could say that she felt the same way as Peter. Like Ned has told his friend multiple times “She likes you back. She’s just not as awkward as you are”. Peter never believed it. But she did and she would do anything for him.
Y/N and Peter were work partners. Tony had made them both suits so they were more protected. He hated the idea of his only daughter walking around the city putting away bad guys, but Y/N didn’t let him tell her what to do with her life. He couldn’t beat her, so he joined her, by making the most advanced suit so that she was safe at all times.
It was a regular Friday for the two teens. They were leaving school together to grab a milkshake. It was one of the cute things they did weekly that made Peter’s crush bigger and more meaningful.
“So I finally checked that tv show you were telling me about” Y/N told him as they were walking around enjoying their milkshake and each other’s company.
“And?” Peter asked excitingly, hoping that the girl he liked would like the same things as him.
“I loved it!” she replied making him smile happy with himself. Happy because the list of the things both liked was keep getting longer.
“I told you Peaky Blinders is addicting!” Y/N giggled at his reply, loving how cute he was at every moment.
The conversation kept going between them. Until a guy with a gun came up to them. “Give me your money” he yelled pointing the gun at Peter.
Y/N’s recklessness took control of her and attacked the thief without a second thought. She was trained enough to fight, or so she thought. She grabbed the gun and they were both pulling to take control of it. In seconds the gun went off and the thief started running afraid that the police would be there any second.
Peter watched with horror the scene in front of him, but he didn’t have time to react because Y/N was already hurt. His eyes widen so much that one would thought it would fall out. “Y/N, omg” he yelled and reached her softly. “I’m gonna call an ambulance” he said trying to find his phone.
“Peter it’s nothing, it’s just a scratch” she tried to comfort him but he ignored her.
“Stupid phone, where are you? I am losing the girl I’m in love here. The world needs her, there’s no one else like her” he kept mumbling to himself, too shaken up to even think that Y/N was in front of him and he had just confess to her everything he was afraid to do.
“Peter” Y/N said softly and grabbed him with her uninjured arm. Peter looked at her terrified, only then realizing had he had said. Y/N tried to smile through her pain. She only wanted to kiss his lips and tell him she felt the same, but she couldn’t. She blacked out.
When Y/N woke up again she was at the hospital. She was still in pain, but she was feeling better than before. She looked around and saw her father looking at with his worried and furious look. He was the only one who could master that look. “Are you an idiot?” he said loudly.
“Hello to you too dad!” she said weakly and tried to stand up a bit.
Tony realized that she was in pain and quickly reached out to help her “how are you feeling?”
“I’m feeling peachy!” she said with a sarcastic smile.
“Do we have to talk again about not doing stupid things?”
“Bitch please” she said and Tony gave her a look. “Sorry. Our talks don’t really work out dad, let’s keep it real” she said remembering the time Tony wanted to talked to her about how she would feel about having a sibling. It went down like this:
It was Sunday night and (Y/N) was looking through her closet trying to decide what she was going to wear at the next day’s trip. It would be her first trip since she enrolled to a normal school and she was really excited. Mostly because Peter would be there.
A knock at the door drifted her away from her daydream and she smiled when she saw her father standing at the doorway. “Still trying to decide what to wear?” Tony said rolling his eyes but he was secretly happy to see his daughter smiling like that.
“Please dad, I need to look beautiful” she said putting a dress in front of her and looking at it through the mirror. “Did you need something?” she asked and Tony sat down at the edge of her bed.
“Yes, let’s talk honey” he said patting the stop in the bed next to him.
(Y/N) sighed “dad, it’s fine, I know all about protection, let’s not get awkward”.
Tony’s eyes widen “What are you talking about?” he asked with fear in his voice, he didn’t even want to imagine what his daughter was doing in her personal life. In his eyes she was too young for that. She was still his little baby to him.
“Nothing” she replied all too quick, realizing he didn’t want to talk to her about sex protection. “So you were saying?” she cleared her throat.
He decided to ignore her previous comment and get straight to the point “what would you think if you had a little brother or a little sister?” he asked with hope in his voice, wishing she wouldn’t be negative about his wish to have a second child with Pepper.
“Now who’s the one who doesn’t know about protection?” she joked and Tony gave her a death stare. “Sorry” she whispered and gave him a tiny smile. “Is Pepper pregnant?”
“No, but she could be and I wanted to know how you feel about this” he replied and (Y/N) gave him a hug.
“You worry too much” she pulled back. “I would love to have a sibling, as long as you two are happy”.
She laughed a bit at the memory and Tony gave her the same death stare as then. “You are a clever kid Y/N, why did you react like that?”
“Dad” she whined, “He was pointing the gun at Peter. I just wanted to keep him safe. You’ve trained me how to fight”.
“Oh Y/N” Tony sighed, “Peter had spider webs, he would be fine”
“What if he wasn’t?” she argued, not really buying the excuse of Peter’s superpowers. She just wanted to safe the day for once.
A soft knock at the door interrupted their conversation “Can I come in?” Peter asked with his lost puppy look.
“This isn’t over” her father threatened her and left the room, knowing that those two had things to discuss.
Y/N smiled at Peter, would was basically shaking from fear. He still couldn’t believe that he told her about his feelings for her.
“How are you?” he said cleaning his throat, trying to cover his high pitched voice.
“I’m fine, don’t worry. I told you it’s just a scratch” she replied and an awkward silence fell between them.
They both said at the same time and laughed.
“Don’t do anything like that again, please” Peter whispered and grabbed her hand in his.
“No promises” Y/N shrugged forgetting the pain in the shoulder “I’m stupid” she commented making Peter chuckle. “If I hadn’t done that I would never learn about your feelings”
“That was the plan” Peter whispered to himself. “It’s just” he stopped and took a deep breath “seeing you hurt made me stop thinking. I felt helpless to the idea of you not being here with me” he admitted. “I am just so relieved that you’re okay. And you don’t have to worry about everything I said. I can go back to pretending I feel nothing. I’ve been doing for months, it’s totally fine” he kept talking and talking and with every word Y/N wanted to hit him. She just wanted him to stop doubting himself so much. In her eyes he was the most wonderful person. She needed him as much as he needed her.
“No it’s not fine!” she shouted making Peter take a step back. “I am fucking in love with you and if you think for a second that I am going to waste this opportunity to be with you, you, Peter Parker, are a fucking idiot” 
“Language Y/N please” they heard Tony shouting from the other side of the door.
“Go away dad!” she rolled her eyes at her father’s childish behaviour.
Peter on the other hand kept hearing in his head the same words over and over again with a dreamy look on his face “You’re in love with me?” he said with a low voice.
“Yes you idiot” she said in the same tone and Peter did something that he imagined a three thousand times in his head (sorry I couldn’t help myself). He kissed her. It was a soft and quick kiss, he was scared of hurting her somehow.
They stayed like that for a while, holding hands and just looking at each other, enjoying the sensation of their first kiss. Enjoying that they were finally together.
Their moment was soon ruined by Tony. “It’s been quite for a while, are you guys kissing? Oh please God, is this a heart attack?” he said and entered the room making Peter stand as far away from Y/N he could. “So what’s up kids?” he said and Y/N wanted to cry from the embarrassment.
“Dad I truly wish you would stop being so-”
“Awesome? Cool? Best dad of the world?” he said.
“Weird. Stop being weird!”
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realityhelixcreates · 5 years
Lasabrjotr Chapter 55: Shut Up and Dance With Me
Chapters: 55/? Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Warnings: none Relationships: Loki x Reader (Ah, there we go) Characters: Loki (Marvel), Thor(Marvel), Tony Stark, natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Clint Barton, Vision, Pepper Potts, Wand Maximoff Additional Tags: Post-Endgame: Best Possible Ending (Canon-Divergent), FINALLY
It’s time to party.
Loki draped a fur-trimmed cape over his shoulders, turning this way and that in the mirror to admire his  reflection. Was he alluring enough? Regal enough? He knew you'd be wearing the dress, and had chosen his clothes to compliment it. The two of you would look so good together.
Despite whatever anxiety he might feel over being surrounded by his brothers friends all weekend, he certainly looked forward to dancing with you.
Some of their best musicians would be there, and there would be served Asgardian delicacies...as well as could be approximated, at least. He was well tempted to trick everyone into trying the crystal mead, but as much as he'd like to see your silly, drunken face again, he really didn't want everyone else to see it. That was his, for as long as he could keep it.
It wouldn't be forever. No aspect of you would be his forever, that was simply the way life was. Your family, your friends, even that odious Todd had all known things about you that he was just beginning to learn. He intended to outdo them all, if you agreed, of course.
Maybe Thor was right. Maybe he was ready. He'd thought it impossible, with all the many personal flaws and problems he still had to deal with. But maybe he would never actually fix them all. Maybe he would never be the perfect being he could just barely see in his future. Odin had been far from perfect, after all. Frigga hadn't even reached that perfection, and yet, she and Odin had been happy together.
Could he really have that?
It wouldn't be the same as what they had, he already knew that. The same relationship never existed twice. That was part of the beauty of it. Whatever you and he might have, it would be yours and his alone.
How wonderful.
He preened in the mirror a few moments more. Perhaps he truly was handsome? Not in the Asgardian sense, but to humans? And perhaps, as humans and Asgardians influenced each other, people like him would become desirable to both species.
If there even were other people like him. Adopted, miniature, shape-shifting, royal Frost Giant Aesir were probably not too common throughout Yggdrasil.
But that just made him more valuable! He was a very rare, perhaps one-of-a-kind creature. He just had to keep telling himself things like that, until he, one day, believed it.
He placed a coronet over his black curls, the horns so reduced as to be no more than an elegantly etched design on the front.
When he left to pick you up, he found you already gone. You had been so eager to meet all your heroes in person, you must have just taken Saldis and left the instant you'd gotten dressed. Excitable little thing. Still, he'd better hurry. He didn't want you alone with those unpredictable savages for very long, even if Romanoff was there to keep them in line.
“-And then I punched him in the nose!” You exclaimed to raucous laughter. “Aw come on guys, I was terrified!”
“Sorry, sorry.” Sam said. “It's just the image of Tall, Dark, and Grumpy standing in between cupcake displays, getting popped in the face by a civilian...”
“It's delightful.” Tony interrupted. “I lifted that frame from the video. It's my new lockscreen.”
“So he really did kidnap you?” Said the young one-Peter-the one you didn't know anything about. “He didn't even tell you why he was there?”
“Well...yeah.” You admitted reluctantly. “He was on a really restricted deadline. Kinda literally. I really was dying, and he was sick too. And it wasn't like he could stay long. He's not allowed to be in the States by himself.”
“And his Royal Highness had to pull quite a few strings to get that calmed down.” Tony added.
“Loki isn't always straightforward, but when he is, he is very much so.” Thor said gravely. “In this case, he was making the effort to be altruistic. Methods aside, his heart was in the right place.”
“I think his heart was in staying alive.” Tony snarked. “He wasn't gonna just let himself die because some little lady was dragging him down.”
“Rude.” You said.
“Unfortunately, my brother has proven far too willing to let himself die in the past.” Thor pointed out.
Tony shut his mouth.
“I could use another drink.” Pepper said, and Tony instantly leaped up and took himself to the banquet table in search of one.
“Don't worry about it.” Thor told you. “He's just getting it out of his system before Loki arrives. Unfortunately, Loki awakens in him the same kind of trouble that dust does for you.”
“Oh!” You said, finally understanding. Most of the others seemed kind of tense or indifferent towards Loki, but Tony Stark was downright hostile. But that made sense now, if he suffered like you did.
Honestly, it would be surprising if any of them didn't have something that triggered them.
“Dust?” Peter asked.
“Uh, yeah. I don't like dust. Something bad happened, and there was a lot of dust involved, and it just stuck with me. It's okay, we just keep the place real clean.”
You noticed the curious looks, the exchanged, questioning glances.
Steve leaned forward, clearing his throat. “Miss _____,” He began.
The door guard interrupted. “Your Majesty and guests! His Highness, Crown Prince Loki Odinson of Asgard has arrived.”
Several of those glances shot to Tony, who had come back to the couches with a drink for Pepper, and one for himself.
“It's okay, it's okay.” He said. “I'm good. At least he announced himself instead of just popping in behind me or something. It's cool. I'm good.”
Loki peeked around the door first, before sweeping regally into the room. You scooted over on the couch, making a space for him, but he visited the banquet table first, bringing you a glass of juice and a small plate of tasty tidbits.
“Good evening, my dear. I have come to bring you better company.”
There were a few derisive snorts, but mostly, everyone went back to their conversations. You heard someone say “Boom. You looking for this?” and Saldis's peal of delighted laughter, Loki questioning whether the wizard Strange was allowed to be there, and the wizard claiming that he'd had a royal invitation. Loki sneered, but Thor just shrugged.
“You need to touch base every now and again.” He explained. “Make sure nothing is going wrong, everything's stable, all those magical things that are over my head.”
Both Loki and Strange made matched scoffing noises, but did start up a somewhat antagonistic conversation.
A group of musicians shuffled into the banquet hall, setting up in an out of the way place. You spotted Lofn among them, carrying a harp. She smiled at you and ran her fingers along the strings.
The music was very much what you would have expected from a fantasy royal party; beautiful and ethereal, gently seizing your senses. You swayed along slowly, wanting to dance, but every time you looked over at Loki, he wasn't paying any attention, still arguing with the wizard.
You looked around, trying to catch someone's attention, but almost everybody else was engaged in conversation. Lofn was still watching you, enigmatic smile lingering in your vision. She was always like that. Did she want something from you?
Captain Rogers was looking at you, curiosity on his face.
“Are you all right?” He asked. You nodded.
“Yeah, I just...Do you want to dance? I want to dance.”
“Oh. Sure. We can dance.” He stood, holding his hand out for you. With butterflies in your stomach, you let him lead you out onto the floor and began a slow, chaste sway.
“You know, we were all pretty worried about you to begin with,  but it looks like you're thriving here.” He said.
“Well, I'm doing a lot better than I was.” You answered. “And this is probably the best place for me, considering the whole magic thing.”
“Well...there was always Steven.” He pointed out. “He's part of an entire school of mages. Is that the right word?”
“I'm not sure.” You thought about how your hand had buzzed back when the wizard had taken it, how much it had been like that first time you had touched Loki. “They call me Seidkona here.”
“What is that anyway? I've heard the word several times so far.”
“It's a type of magical lady, I guess. Like a combination personal mage and advisor. I'm still figuring out what all that means, but I think I'm getting better at all of it. Aside from all the bad stuff, I'm having a pretty good time.”
“Speaking of, if you don't mind my asking, when you say you are afraid of dust...Hm.”
“I think I've done something to piss your prince off. He's glaring.”
You cast a look back over your shoulder. 'Glaring' was putting it lightly. Loki's stare could set things on fire.
“Woah. Uh, maybe I should go talk to him.”
“Are you sure?” Steve asked, concerned. “Does he get angry with you? Does he get rough?”
“No, not with me.” You said, letting go of Captain Rogers, and approaching the fuming prince.
“Hey Loki.” You sat down next to him, offering him your plate, with its remaining snacks. All your favorites, but you knew he liked some of them too. “Have something to eat?”
He ignored you completely, the full force of his hateful gaze leveled at Steve.
“Loki?” You placed your hand very gently on his knee, and he jerked away, eyes snapping to yours. The conversation all around you dwindled down. “Uh. Do...you want to dance?”
His lip curled. “Why would you even want to?”
You drew your hand back, surprised at the venom in his voice. “Well...I just-”
He stood abruptly. “You do not need to bother worrying about me.” He said, voice curt. “Play with your little friends. Banish me from your mind. You're already halfway there.” He swept out of the banquet hall, his cape dragging your confused protests behind it.
“That...did not go as I imagined.” You said quietly into the uncomfortable silence. Thor glanced at the door Loki had exited, then over a Lofn, who still played her harp. He'd thought for sure...
“You want me to kick his ass, darlin'?” Tony asked. “'Cause I'll go kick his ass.”
“You will not.” You murmured. “And with all due respect, which admittedly, is a lot; please don't call me that.”
Loki calls her that, Thor mouthed over your shoulder. Tony raised an eyebrow.
“Alright.” He said. “Do, uh, you wanna kick his ass?”
Lofn ran her hands over the strings in an almost aggressive series of chords.
“Yeah.” You said. “I mean, no. Something else.” You stood abruptly. “Gimmie a minute.”
You too, rushed out of the banquet hall, leaving Thor subject to a lot of questioning stares.
“Yes, alright.” He said with a sigh. “There has been a...development.”
“Wait, really?” Pepper asked, while Clint snickered.
“I called it!” Peter crowed. “I knew it, I called it. I was right.”
“Yeah, yeah, you did.” Tony said, staring at Thor. “So, you know that's a terrible idea, right, you know that?”
“Now, just hold on, it's not what you think.” Thor explained. “Yes, my brother has developed...affectionate feelings towards _____. That is true. Do you understand what a grand breakthrough this is? Loki cares about someone! Well, someone from outside. I haven't seen him like this in centuries!”
“What, throwing tantrums? We see him like that all the time.” Bruce said. “Practically every time we see him, in fact.”
“That's just because...” Thor paused. “Well, partly because he holds a slight grudge against basically all of you, but partly because he wants you to underestimate him.”
“Underestimate what?” Tony asked. “That look? He was giving Rogers? I've seen that look before. It was just before he launched me out the two-hundred and twenty-fourth story window.”
“Yeah, that was uncomfortable, being on the receiving end.” Steve admitted. “Didn't realize I was horning in on his girl.”
“Is she into him?” Scott asked. Thor shrugged.
“I do not yet know.”
“What are you kidding?” Clint asked.
“She is head over heels for that man.” Wanda asserted. “What? I don't need to look into her mind to see that.”
“It's pretty obvious.” Clint clarified. Natasha nodded along with him.
“Mind control.” Tony declared. “Has to be.”
“No.” Thor said. “My brother has many talents, but that is not one of them. He could only do that when he had access to the Mind Stone.”
“Which,” Vision said, breaking his contemplative silence. “He no longer has.”
“Precisely.” Thor said. “Though influence comes in many forms. Speaking of which,” He switched to Asgardian. “Lofn. Your presence graces us tonight. I can't help but feel as though you have more in mind than demonstrating your skill on the strings though.”
Lofn smiled at him. “I see them, Allfather. I see many people now, who do not yet see each other, but I see them, and they begin to see each other now.”
“You wove a spell.” Thor accused.
“I made music. What spell could I cast upon dear, clever little Loki? No, no, all I did was set a mood.”
“Hey, what? I know you can speak English, big guy.” Tony said.
“And when it's relevant, I do.” Thor answered. “Friends, let us continue our revels! Loki and _____ shall do as they will, and so should we.”
Lofn continued to play.
According to the people you passed, Loki had headed back to his quarters, so that was where you were going as well.
What was all that about? Why was he so angry? Was he offended that you asked him to dance? Maybe he thought that would make him look bad in front of the Avengers. You were pretty sure they would tease him. He would hate that.
Was he mad that you had danced with someone else? But he had been busy! And something about the music had just made you want to dance. So you had chosen the person who was the least likely to get fresh with you. And besides, when else would you get the chance to dance with Captain America?
When you entered the rooms, his door was open, and you could see him pacing in front of his fire. His low voice traveled down the hall to you, a quiet muttering in Asgardian, full of curses; at you, Steve, or himself, you couldn't tell.
You stood in the door way, fiddling with your phone, until he spotted you and stopped pacing.
“What are you doing here?” He demanded. “Don't you have...” He waved his hand dismissively. “...Heroes to fawn over?”
“Maybe, but they probably get a lot of that already.” You said. “I decided to come fawn over you instead. Maybe you don't get enough of that.”
“I do not requite pity!” He snapped. “Did my brother send you to me? Tear you from your dear Captain's welcoming arms to come cajole me with platitudes?”
“I came myself, geez! What is going on with you, why are you so angry? Are you mad at me?”
“No...” He muttered.
“Well, are you mad at Steve?”
He growled. “No..”
“Are you mad that I was dancing with someone else?”
“No...not exactly...” He squirmed, obviously not wanting to tell you what was really on his mind. You persisted anyway. Surely, you were owed an answer for his humiliating behavior.
“Well then what exactly?” You demanded.
“You chose him first!” Loki exclaimed. “I was right there, and you asked him before me!”
“I...thought you were busy talking to that wizard!” You said, surprised. He was jealous. Loki was jealous that you had chosen someone else over him.
Could there actually be something to what Saldis had said?
“I didn't even want to talk to him! He is an arrogant, ignorant fool. I would always welcome an interruption from you. I always....I always have time for you. I do not wish to be your second choice in anything. I want to be the one you come to automatically, for whatever you need. I wish to be the kind of person...the one who can provide that for you. ”
The firelight danced off his features; his pink cheeks and averted eyes, his closed and nervous posture. You gaped. Saldis was a little minx! Everyone knew, she had said. Everyone except for you, apparently!
“_____, I-”
You strode past him and set your phone down on the dresser near his bed, starting a playlist of classic slow dance songs.
“Your Highness, you really should allow me to dance with you.” You said firmly.
“...You do not command me, tiny mortal.” He rejoined, but when you turned back to look at him, his arms were open, and you walked right in.
Now this felt right. Swaying securely in the circle of his arms, head laid against his velvet covered chest. Who knew how long you stayed there; an hour? A lifetime? A few minutes? You could happily spend the whole night here, in his warm embrace.
Loki cleared his throat.
You looked up at him expectantly.
“Tell me something.” He asked. “Something only you would know.”
“...Worried that I might be a Huldra again?”
“I wouldn't like to repeat that experience. Tell me something she wouldn't know.”
“Umm, let's see...” You thought about it for a moment. “Did you know that corn comes in more colors than just yellow and white? There's thousands of different types. There's blue, and red, and orange, and purple. Even pink and green! And some mix all those colors on the same plant. We use them for decorations, and to make popcorn, and-”
Loki grasped your face in his hands, snaking one back to cup your head, like he had on that first day. Instead of scolding you though, instead of filling you with unbearable light, he seized your mouth in a tender kiss.
He held it long enough for you to overcome your shock and throw your arms around him to reciprocate. He sighed in relief and practically swept you off the ground in his enthusiasm, and you giggled against his lips.
Loki was very reluctant to stop kissing you; even when you had to draw back, gasping for air, he followed your mouth, peppering your face with little pecks, licking your lips insistently for entry. You couldn't help but laugh at his antics, and he took the opportunity to take his kisses deeper. You still laughed, letting him catch the sound in his throat and send it back to you as a whuffled chuckle through his nose.
Neither of you really wanted to let go. Loki, with all his gentle tenderness, was hungry for you in a way that would have left you breathless, even if he wasn't demanding claim over your mouth.
The two of you collapsed into his bed, giggling against each other's tongues, hands roaming freely and greedily. You were hungry for him too, for the warmth of his lean body, the scent of his hair, the caress of his graceful hands. You both clearly wanted more, more, more.
But not too much.
You finally pulled away from him.
“Not yet.” You said, gasping for breath.
“No, not yet,.” He agreed, smile suffusing his whole face. He was so radiant you almost wanted to cry. When was the last time anyone had seen him like this? This was yours. All yours.
The thought galvanized you to dive back in. You wouldn't be returning to the party, but the Avengers would be here for a few days yet. They could wait.
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web-of-fics · 5 years
17th Street
Requested by: anon (“I’ve never really done requests before but could you do one where the reader has been trying to prevent Peter from dying by going back in time over and over again, only to become distant and cold to Peter who is oblivious by it. Similar to the plot of Madoka Magica if you’ve heard of it. It might be a hard concept to do and it’s ok if you’re unable to do it”)
Starring: Peter Parker x reader (she/her)
Fandom: MCU
Timeline: This takes place post-Endgame (lowkey time travel tech spoilers) but pre-the second Spiderman movie because I still haven’t seen it lol
Summary: Reader, a former Stark intern, struggles to use her own time travel device to rescue her best friend, who has been killed by a chance explosion in her current timeline. She grows increasingly desperate after failing to prevent his death numerous times. 
Writer’s Note: Thanks for your request anon!! I haven’t watched Madoka Magica so hopefully I did the plot idea some justice 😊❤️
Words: 1448
You rolled across the dirt and slammed into a brick wall. You rubbed your shoulder, frowning, and returned to your feet. Returning from a time jump was the worst no matter how much practice you had through countless jumps into the past.
Contrary to popular belief, Tony Stark wasn’t the first to “discover” time travel. To his credit, his methods seemed much more effective than yours. After all, he had been able to save the entire planet with his invention (and probably the universe).
You were just trying to save one person. And you couldn’t even seem to manage that much.
“Ugh!” you looked at the red blinking message on your white wristwatch. At a passing glance, it looked like any old smart watch. But you had made yours in secret while interning with him. Had Tony been less distracted at the time, he might have picked up on what you were doing. Maybe he still had and he’d let you carry on anyway.
You smacked the screen once in frustration, but not hard enough to break it. You pressed your fingertips to your closed eyes and pulled them away, releasing tension building up behind them. 
Your entire body was buzzing, ready to jump straight back into the past so you could attempt to save Peter’s life again. It was outrageous that something as trivial as a drained battery was enough to stop you for the night. Like when you got really close to the end of a video game but you kept dying right before defeating the final boss. And then realizing that you had no more lives left so you had to start the entire level over again. 
Using the old web shooters you had stolen from Peter’s room ages ago (either he’d never noticed or he’d never minded), you swung your way home.
You stomped up to your lab--which, at this point, was just a corner of your bedroom outfitted with a desk, a swivel chair, a computer with two screens, and a bookshelf--and plugged it into its heavy-duty charger, also secretly courtesy of Mr. Stark. 
You liked the thought that Tony would have given his blessing for its use if he had known about its existence. This was another matter of life and death, but you were certain it was one you could succeed at. Which only added to your frustration every time you had to watch Peter die. 
You changed and climbed into bed, counting the amount of time jumps you’d made that day the way children in bedtime stories count sheep. 
You rolled over and closed your eyes, willing the silent blinking red light of your  watch to turn bright white with new life as you drifted off. 
I’m coming, Peter.
- - - - - - - - - -
Your feet were the first part of you to hit the gravel. You caught yourself before you could fall to your knees, very aware of the bruises that had piled on top of one another during your early jumps. The second you recovered, you sprinted down 17th Street, not stopping until you reached the near-empty pier. 
By this time you knew precisely where Peter would be: hunched over the pier’s edge, gazing into the water as he wrapped up another night as Spider-Man. On your sixth trip you’d managed to learn he was waiting to see the sunrise before going home. 
You had also learned two other things over your many trips into the past: that if you tried to talk to him any earlier in the day, he would die in some other freak accident, and if you did manage to help him escape the explosion, he wound up getting himself killed while trying to save other survivors. Every. Time. 
You couldn’t take it anymore.
Tonight you needed to try something new. 
“Fancy meeting you here,” you called in a dead voice. In your early trips you had sounded much friendlier. Thrilled at the sight of your lost friend, alive and breathing again. Then he kept dying. And you couldn’t help but greet him with the same enthusiasm of a funeral director anymore. 
He didn’t seem to notice your abrupt coldness.
“Y/n? What are you--” you cut him off by grabbing his arm and pulling him along as you retreated back the way you came. You wouldn’t have gotten anywhere if he didn’t want to follow. But he did.
“We don’t have time,” you said curtly, glancing at your watch. It was later than you’d thought. You’d cut the timing too close. 
You dragged him past the very boat that was set to explode in mere seconds. Instinctively, he turned his attention to it, twisting his head around to keep it in sight as he tried to figure out why it was dangerous.
Why didn’t he noticed it the first time? Then you wouldn’t be in this mess. 
“What’s going on?” he demanded. He came to a full stop, nearly sending you over. He helped you keep your balance. 
You looked from him to the boat, your stomach feeling hollow and your throat refusing to swallow as it dried out. 
“We have to go now,” you said at the same moment you realized it was already too late.
Peter realized the same thing half a second earlier, but that didn’t give him enough time to respond. It never did. 
His reflexes were still fast as he grabbed you close and shot a web aimed at a nearby lamppost. It missed as he was thrown off his feet instantaneously, dragging you alongside him. Together you flew in an infinite moment, through a fiery debris-laden burst that burned your fingertips as you struggled to tap and swipe at the screen of your wristwatch. Your eyes burned from the smoke, and you could no longer hear the lazy seagulls or the lapping waves or the clanging hooks that stationed the boats. 
As you both began to fall back toward the ground, Peter moved as if to throw you ahead of him so he wouldn’t land with all his weight crushing you. Instead you grabbed his collar to remain in contact. You wrapped your legs around his waist for good measure, realizing neither of you would survive if this didn’t work. 
You squeezed both buttons on either side of the watch face and squeezed your eyes closed. You pressed your face into his chest and held tight. 
The heat that had been chasing you suddenly vanished. The smoke, too. You realized this as you inhaled sharply upon being slammed onto the ground--or more accurately, as Peter slammed into the ground with you on top of him. You slid sideways until you rolled across hard ground, still a lessened impact than if you had no cushion. 
The second you regained your senses you crawled back to Peter, lying with his mask half-off and his eyes closed.
“Peter?” you yanked the mask off the rest of the way and tossed it to the side. “Can you hear me?” you struggled to keep the panic from taking over your voice. As much as you didn’t want to look away from him, you stole a glance at your watch. The screen had shattered but its contents were still legible. 
You’d done it. You were back in your own time, with Peter Parker in tow. 
And hopefully alive.
You smacked the sides of his face gently, but with enough force that you hoped to wake him. You ran your hands over him, feeling for a pulse, a breath. 
You found both. 
You sighed in relief. It turned into a laugh of triumph and Peter finally rolled his head to the side. He blinked his eyes open.
“I did it! We did it! You’re alive, you’re okay!” you said, forcing your tears not to roll down your face. 
“What happened?”
“I���ll explain later,” you said quickly and honestly. You knew he would understand. But he didn’t have to know every detail about your time traveling adventures right then. 
“It’s a long story,” you added when you saw his puzzled face. “But you’ve been through so much I couldn’t let an exploding boat take you out,” you laughed at the absurdity of the idea. 
“Thanks,” Peter said as he began to feel comfortable enough to sit up. “I would hate for a boat to take me out too. That’s pretty lame.”
You swept him into a tight hug, ignoring the fact that you were both wincing from your bruises. You continued to hold him, your heartbeat calming as you breathed the same air as your best friend once more, hoping you would never have to let go.
Just one more before bed? Click here for a masterlist of my fics!
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Febuwhump Day 21: insomnia
Fandom: MCU Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark Category: Gen Rating: T Warnings: pre-established minor character death  Words: 1.9k
read on ao3
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He's not surprised when he finds Peter sitting on the roof of Stark Tower at 2:42 AM.
Maybe he should be. It's not exactly normal to find your adopted kid on top of a 100-story building in the middle of the night, but Peter's never really been one for normal. It's been a while since he's done anything this odd, though - the first few weeks were full of strange occurrences, all varying degrees of disturbing, but things have leveled out since.
Tonight, apparently, they're backsliding.
Granted, this is not even close to the weirdest thing Peter's done since moving to the tower, nor the most concerning. It only takes a glance for Tony to know that Peter's not up here to do anything dangerous. Just, it seems, to stargaze.
Tony hopes this one doesn't end in a fight. There's been a lot of yelling lately, and he'd really like to get through a conversation without Peter getting upset with him. He knows it's the grief talking, but it still hurts.
Pulling the sleeves of his MIT sweatshirt over his hands, Tony walks across the roof, sits down next to Peter. The kid's not wearing a jacket, clad in Star Wars pajama pants and an old t-shirt that Tony's fairly sure is his own. Or maybe it's Rhodey's - their wardrobe's have gotten a little mixed up over the years and after constant reminders that the whole what's mine is yours bit applies here, the kid started wearing whatever was lying around with absolutely no regard for who owned it. Peter still doesn't quite get that no one will bite his hand off if he gets seconds at a meal or grabs a midnight snack, but at least it's something.
Peter doesn't look over. Doesn't acknowledge Tony's presence save for a minuscule shift in his posture.
"What are you doing up so late?" Tony asks, almost in a whisper. Anything louder might shatter the serenity. He wonders, vaguely, if Peter's still angry with him about their latest fight. Tony doesn't even remember what it was about.
But no, Peter never holds a grudge over their arguments. They never talk about them, after, because Peter never brings them up, just goes back to acting like everything's fine between them after he cools down, and Tony's too much of a coward to say anything.
True to form, Peter shrugs noncommittally and says, "Can't sleep. Kept...thinking."
Tony's learned enough since taking Peter in to know that asking him what he was thinking about flat-out will only cause Peter to clam up and shut down. Instead, he rests his elbow on his knee and his chin in his hand and says in the gentlest tone he can muster, "You can tell me about it if you want. Or we can just sit. S'up to you, buddy."
Peter's mouth presses into a thin line and his hands fidget in his lap. He contemplates, eyes fixed on the night sky for a long moment, before ducking his head and letting his bangs hang in front of his face. His hair is just long enough for Peter to hide behind it, since every time Tony suggests a haircut he's met with a shake of the head and a change of the subject.
"I can't stop thinking about - about what Aunt May said to me before..." Peter stops, takes a breath. Tony prays to a god he doesn't believe in that this is not another with great power comes great responsibility situation. "She told me...a few hours before it happened, she told me she'd always be there for me. I was sad about something, I don't remember what, and she - she said she'd be here for me no matter what and then she -"
For a second, Tony almost thinks he's going to say it. It's been eight weeks and Peter still hasn't said the word died.
He doesn't. He cuts himself off before he can finish the sentence, like he always does, like he did even when he gave his speech at May's funeral. Tony has yet to determine if this is a thing he should be concerned about, but figures there are bigger issues here anyway.
Tony opens his mouth, but before he can actually speak, Peter looks up at him and says, "What were your parents like?"
It takes a minute for Tony to even be sure he heard the question right. Peter's never asked about his parents, and Tony's never said much of anything about them, both of them knowing how touchy of a subject it is.
He doesn't know what to say. Doesn't know what Peter is looking for him to say.
His instinct is to brush it off, because talking about his parents at almost 3 in the morning is not exactly what Tony signed up for when he got out of bed.
But Peter's staring at him with those big doe eyes, and maybe opening up to the kid is how he'll get the kid to open up to him.
"My mom was wonderful," Tony starts, the piercing feeling in his chest already surfacing. He cards his fingers through his hair, the sleeve of his sweatshirt sliding down his arm. "She was kind and soft and - and bright. She used to sing, all around the house, when my father wasn't home, and she always told me that I...that I was her favorite person. The best thing that ever happened to her, she said."
A hand slips into his when he pauses. He shoots Peter a grateful smile before continuing. "My dad, on the other hand, was...he was a dick. Full-stop. He was cold and emotionless and I always wondered how my mother could've ended up with someone that terrible. My father - he treated me like I was his invention. Not his son, not the child he was supposed to care for. Just something he created for his own personal gain."
He wants to leave it at that, but there's something he needs Peter to know. "My father is everything I never wanted to be. I - I've spent my whole life trying to be a better man than him. I'm trying, now, to be a better parent that he was."
It's a testament to how much he'd do for this kid that he even says this much. There's more to say, more to unpack, but that's Tony's problem, not Peter's.
Peter's quiet for a moment. Processing. Tony watches the emotions play out on his face, but doesn't really bother trying to keep up with them.
"You are," Peter says softly. He's looking at Tony's shoulder. "You're a great - parent. I know I haven't...I know I've been difficult and mean and ungrateful and -"
"Wait, wait, stop." Tony shifts so he can fully face Peter, who looks at him with way too much confusion in his eyes. "You're not difficult, Pete. Or mean or ungrateful or anything else you were gonna say. You're grieving. You're allowed to grieve. You're going through basically the worst thing you could possibly go through and you're allowed to be angry about it."
Peter looks unconvinced - God, it's like pulling teeth with this kid - but he doesn't push the issue. His fingers tighten around Tony's, and it's only then that Tony registers how cold Peter is.
"Jesus Christ, kid, you're freezing." Tony's pulled off his sweatshirt before Peter can even reply, handing it over to Peter. The wind bites at his bare arms as soon as he does, but Peter's the one who can't thermoregulate. "Don't argue, just put it on."
Peter sticks out his tongue at him, but pulls the sweatshirt over his head. He's still an inch of two shorter than Tony, so it's a bit baggy on him. Peter does the same thing Tony had, letting the sleeves dangle past his hands, and says, "Thanks."
They sit in silence, Peter leaning into Tony's side to replace the handholding. Tony knows Peter has something else to say, but he also knows that Peter needs to say it on his own time. So he sits and he waits.
Eventually, muffled in Tony's shirt, Peter says, "I can't sleep. Like, not just tonight. I've barely slept in the past...week or so, I guess."
Tony wraps an arm around Peter's back, rests his cheek on the top of his head. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I wanted to handle it myself." Peter's voice hitches. "Because I wanted to prove to - to myself or to you or to the universe, that there was something I could do by myself. That I'm not just this weak little kid who can't take care of himself."
And Tony gets that.
He hates that Peter thinks he has to do this, any of this, alone, but he gets it.
Peter keeps talking. "But I just - every time I try to go to sleep, I end up thinking about her and about how my life is gonna be without her. About the fact that she won't - she won't be there when I graduate. Or when I find out what colleges I got into. Or when I get my degree, or when I get married, or when I have kids.
"She always told me she was going to be the best grand-aunt. She never said grandmother - I think she thought she'd be disrespecting my mom, her sister, even though I don't think she would've - but she always loved the idea of meeting my kids one day, and now she - she can't -"
Peter doesn't break down, as much as Tony expects him to. Which is...progress, he thinks.
Instead, he just lets out a shaky exhale that Tony feels on his neck and murmurs, "I miss her."
The past eight weeks have been a constant reminder that Peter is just a kid. But in this moment, Peter seems smaller than he ever has before.
He doesn't know what to say.
The truth is, it'll never stop hurting. At least, it hasn't for Tony. Peter will never stop missing his aunt, just as Tony has never stopped missing his mother, and that pain will always be there. It will lessen, but it will remain.
Tony doesn't think Peter needs to hear that right now.
So he says, "Come on, Underoos," and takes hold of Peter's sleeve. Stands, waits for Peter to do the same, then leads the kid down into the Tower.
He takes him to his room and tucks him into bed. Kisses Peter's forehead like his mother used to do for him and then climbs wordlessly onto the other side of the bed. Peter doesn't say anything either, just curls into Tony's side and closes his eyes.
It's a solid forty-five minutes before Peter's breathing evens out. Tony lies awake for another twenty minutes after that, to be sure, and then falls asleep with his arms wrapped around his kid and sleeps better than he has in months.
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