#parent superhero
the-starlit-authoress · 6 months
Based on this prompt by my beloved @puddleslimewrites <3
Hero didn't shrink under Superhero's gaze. They stared back, expression firm. "I know I messed up. But I did what I could to fix it and no one got killed."
"There are three civilians in critical condition in the hospital. You don't know no one got killed yet."
"What else do expect me to do? I did my best to make it right."
"I expect better from a hero of the agency!" Superhero tried not to raise their voice. They and Hero were standing in one of the agency hallways, this argument was far too public.
Hero crossed their arms and glared back at Superhero. "I never even wanted to be a hero! This is what you wanted. I did what you asked of me and look where it got us."
"You mean where you got us. Do you understand how much damage control I'm going to have to do with the press because of this? And with the agency and city officials?"
"Is that all you care about? The mess I made that you have to clean up? Don't you even care how this might be affecting me? Or I don't know, can't you at least be proud of me for taking responsibility and trying to fix it?"
Superhero sighed like they were dealing with a disobedient child that refused to go to bed. "I don't have time to hold your hand right now, I have the agency to deal with."
"Oh my god can you not be Superhero for one fucking minute and just be my mom?"
Superhero pinched the bridge of her nose. "We'll talk about this later. Just go home."
"I'm not a little kid you can just send to my room for timeout anymore. You-"
"[Name], go. home." Superhero shot her child a warning look. Hero held her gaze until she turned and started walking down the hall.
Hero resisted the urge to yell at her as they turned the opposite direction and stormed out.
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iif this is okay ? a villain (kid) who got out of an abusive household and is currently hiding in superhero's house ;; then superhero has a talk w him but villain was too out of it to comprehend what's going on around him like how does he just realized that he wasn't exactly safe in his own house :(
superhero noticed and comforted him ;; SORRY IF THIS IS SPECIFIC anything else is ok u dont have to do tis :3
Okay granted, I may have gone a little off script xP
This doesn't exactly take place in Superhero's house, but I guess the Agency Headquarters is technically their home...? I mean, it is convenient.
I still hope this is a decent little story to read. Enjoy :3
TW: Mentions of emotional/mental child abuse, murder, fire
The superior took solemn strides down the corridors of their headquarters, swallowing their anger after returning from a rather abrupt meeting with the city’s most prized and honored heroes. 
Superhero, as the leader of the band of saviors, stood by good morals and kindred acts of empathy. They refused to ever deny a crook who was willing to amend their offenses a chance at redemption.
Those who shamefully defined the word ‘good’ with scorn written on their faces were to be put to justice. The process was swift, yet ruthless.
“There is no room for evil.” The wisest and greatest victors of the side of good would repeat to their pupils a thousand times over, and the cycle would go on.
But Villain was just a child.
It was a shame, not many heroes understood the point of mercy.
After the leader had finished chastising one too many of their followers, they stormed off into the interrogation room where the unfortunate victim sat. The atmosphere inside was damp, growing tense as Superhero and Villain made eye contact.
Superhero walked in, not bothering to follow any precautions when it came to confronting evil-doers. This was not an interrogation to the commander, they did not think about the orientation, deflection, or threats. They knew that whatever Villain did, was a response to fear.
The young boy cringed in his seat as his father’s rival sat in front of him, the table that separated the two of them was littered with plushies. The only reason why Superhero had a pen and paper was to record anything Villain said that stood out to them. However many cruel works the supervillain has forced him to commit, and how many works were aimed towards him, they would make a check on their tally. 
Superhero was well aware of Villain’s innocence. Even though he worked alongside Supervillain prior to the ‘interrogation’, resulting in the assassination of the city official, Villain was not to be held accountable. Many beg to differ, and that irked Superhero.
“You don’t have to be nervous, I’m not like the others.” 
Superhero grimaced as they referred to their fellow members. Villain nodded, reaching out with a small hand to grasp one of the plushies. A teddy bear Superhero picked out just for them. 
“I’m sorry.” Was all Villain responded with. He’s said that nearly fifty times that day. Superhero heaved a long sigh.
“I told you, whatever you did was a decision made for you, entirely by your father. You had no role to play in the incident, and I want you to go to sleep tonight knowing for a fact that we do not think that you are to blame.” They assured with a gentle grin, anxiously picking up their pen to question the boy about what he had been subjected to under the authority of Supervillain. They didn’t need to ask.
Villain huffed, swallowing the salty taste in his mouth as he struggled to hold back his cries.
“Dad told me he would hurt me if I didn’t help.” The young boy blurted out after a few moments of silence, clutching their shoulders.
“It was my job to burn down the community center, but I was too scared to-” Villain was interrupted by a fit of coughing as he choked on his tears.
Superhero was amazed. Villain was crying in front of them, to them. They must be doing something right. Superhero didn’t wallow in their newfound pride any longer; they had a job to do. 
They got up from their seat to kneel down beside the weeping boy, extending a hand for Villain to hold. Gingerly, they hushed the boy, whose face was already buried in Superhero’s shoulder.
Superhero held on tight to the boy, picking him up in a comforting embrace. 
“Dad left me behind as punishment. He said you would get rid of me for good...” Villain whispered, he was too exhausted to speak up.
Superhero was more than disgusted at this revelation. Like hell they would ever think about putting a child to death. It just goes to show that Supervillain truly possessed a sick and twisted imagination.
Only now did Villain realize that he was never in the right hands to begin with.
“Nothing on this planet would ever convince me of doing such a thing. You are worth more than what you were made to believe, and I won’t stop at nothing to make you feel loved. Do you understand?” Superhero’s devastated tone convinced Villain that he was in the right place.
The two stayed locked in a hug for what felt like an eternity, before Superhero offered them some cookies and a movie of his choice.
Superhero put the ‘interrogation’ on halt and allowed Villain to take a break from the accident. Later that week, it was revealed that Supervillain had committed a total of 21 sins and misdoings, all of them directed towards Villain. The superhero marveled as they thought of 21 ways to get back at him. Putting all morals aside, they went to pay Supervillain a visit.
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bruciemilf · 10 days
if the fandom doesn’t include Ellie Wilson in their cute found family Poolverine AUs I’m beating the shit out of everyone and their mama
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spacebubblehomebase · 8 months
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"I promise you, my dearest brother, never again will we be lonely. Never again will we be without a home. We have each other now and I'll always be here. As you were there for me."
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I am not ashamed to admit that I repeatedly daydream about how, to a much younger Tim, having a baby brother is an actual wish come true! These two would grow well in each other's care as they would be able to rely on the other, if given the chance. They'd be quite the fun team! I am also still proud of my essay about why these two birdies have so much in common and ya'll should read it. >=D (It's really old though. Somewhere in the pits of Tumblr hell, it's been cooking. Dare I even say, boiling.) They are my baby boys and these boys are brothers, your honor!
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stars-obsession-pit · 4 months
The Fenton parents + the heroes vs the GIW
Danny has been captured by the Ghost Investigation Ward, and his parents are on a warpath to get him back (this could be some time after a past reveal-gone-right or Danny’s ghost form could have been revealed just now with them stepping up to support him).
Unfortunately, the GIW aren’t pushovers. Sure, their agents poking around in Amity Park weren’t the most competent, but the organization as a whole is a lot more powerful.
Powerful enough that despite their best efforts, Jack and Maddie know they won’t be enough on their own (even with the help of Danny’s friends). They can raid the local bases, but the more fortified ones pose a far greater challenge.
Thus, they need to get external help. And, well, what are superheroes for if not saving people?
The GIW may be a government agency (at least in theory - could have it revealed that their evils were very much unsanctioned and hidden from the official side of things), but heroes have fought for getting legal rights for Metas before. All they have to do us convince them to extend that to include Ghost rights too.
So the Fentons contact the Batman / the Justice League / (your heroes of choice) to enlist their aid.
(If it’s the batfam, maybe there’s an additional connection of Danny being friends with one of Bruce’s kids online. This serves double duty by giving the Fentons a reason to reach out to Batman (the endorsement of Danny’s friend from Gotham) and getting another person who is personally connected to Danny and worried about his safety. Or for some bonding-in-captivity stuff, maybe it’s Jason and he was captured too…)
Now with allies, the raids can begin. They just have to hope they’re not too late to save Danny before he is killed for real…
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kittykatninja321 · 4 months
Ok piggybacking off the idea that Bruce has to choose between being a hero (doesn’t kill) and a father (should avenge their sons), one thing I enjoyed about the utrh ending is that he fails at being a parent AND at being Batman. The Joker got away and he slit his son’s throat, just FLOPS all around. Also I do think that Bruce prioritizes being a hero over being a parent because that is just naturally what is required to be a Hero. Like if you’re going to altruistically dedicate yourself to the abstract concept of justice, doesn’t that mean that everything comes second, children included? Even when you go back to the events directly leading up to Jason’s death we see him having to run after after a missile or something instead of running after Jason
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lizardpersonyknow · 10 months
No Ok this is very out of left field but Tim would absolutely collect completely unnecessary blackmail on the justice league just in case there's another timeline incident where nobody believes him. Even if they don't believe it the majority has been blackmailed to say they do
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chronicwhorebatman · 4 months
radical thought: batman knows shazam is a child but makes precisely zero effort to parent him
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sunnynwanda · 10 months
Meet the parents
Villain was scared witless. They were not a coward by any means - they never shied away from battle, could take a punch and were sure to retaliate even stronger. But right now, they were shaking out of their shoes with fear and foreboding.
Hero had insisted that they attend Superhero's retirement party as they were adamant about introducing Villain to their mother - the retiring Superhero. Villain moved to the city two years ago in pursuit of better carrier prospects and found a great nemesis in a matter of mere days. Hero was exceptional. Quick-witted, incredibly strong and ravishing with their charm and beauty. Needless to say, Villain could not resist.
They had been dating Hero for a little over a year. Albeit, keeping their relationship secret. Neither of their families were aware up until recently, when Hero expressed their desire to meet Villain's parents. They even flew all the way to Villain's hometown to meet their grandmother. Which meant that Villain had no other choice but to make an appearance at the party and meet the city legend in person despite the panic settled in the pits of their soul.
"This is going to be a disaster," they mumble under their nose, pacing the roof of the giant reception hall. "A disaster, I tell you!"
They hear a low chuckle, badly masked by a cough, and whip around, barely making out Hero's shape against the night sky. Amusement colours Hero's voice when they speak. "Are you done freaking out?"
Villain glares at them, struggling to look angry when they are this disheartened. The idea of facing the strongest Superhero in history of their city sends a chill down their spine despite her being Hero's parent. Hero's arms drop from their crossed position against their chest as they step closer, noticing the panic behind their lover's eyes. "Love?"
"Shut up, I'm in despair!" They are indeed, judging by the tremor in their voice.
Hero lets out a huff of a laugh before getting hold of Villain's arms and pulling them into a tight embrace. They leave a kiss on top of Villain's head and place their chin over it, murmuring into their hair.
"Oh, you sweet little thing." Villain's hands wrap around their waist, clutching to their comforting warmth while Hero traces soothing circles on their back. Their steady heartbeat seems to calm Villain's nerves, so they part slightly to look at Villain. "She knows."
"Hm?" Villain peels their face off of Hero's chest, looking up, and Hero thinks their heart might collapse at the sight of their worried face.
"She knows about us." Villain gapes at them with the most adorable lost expression. Hero throws their head back with a laugh, unable to contain their fondness for the enemy they battled for the past two years. Somewhere between those fights, they fell head over heels in love with the amiable idiot. "What?"
"That's worse!" Villain exclaims, pushing them away. Hero still holds onto them, their countenance cheeky. "Why are you looking at me like I'm wrong?"
"'Cause you are." When their claim is met with a sceptical look, Hero shakes their head, intertwining their fingers with Villain's and leading them towards the stairs. "She's gonna love you."
"Why? Do you know something I don't?" Villain questions. Their feelings are in disarray, and so are their thoughts, yet Hero looks entirely unbothered. "Because if that's not the case, we're in trouble. Big trouble."
"Everything's gonna be fine," Hero's confidence, as admirable as it is, does not convince Villain. Hero leaves a tender kiss on their knuckles. "Trust me."
It's minutes later that they enter the hall where the reception is in full swing. Hero's eyes scan the place, spotting Superhero and pointing her out to Villain. She's standing next to her husband, who's facing away from them, and it crosses Villain's mind that they never talked about Hero's father. Superhero was extraordinarily private with her life until Hero became - well, a hero and entered the field. They begin weaving through the crowd a few feet away from the center of the hall when Superhero's husband turns.
It takes Villain mere seconds to recognise... Supervillain? Former Supervillain, to be precise. Shocked beyond imagination, they freeze in their tracks, speechless and struggling to inhale.
Hero notices Villain has stopped moving when their hand jerks back. They turn around, catching the reaction and follow Villain's gaze to discover the reason of their state.
"What the fuck, Hero?" Villain squeezes out, breathless from the revelation.
"Yeah, uh," they pause, stepping in front of Villain sheepishly. "Meet my dad?"
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Villain's voice is uncomfortably high. Hero should have anticipated that response, to be fair. This one's on them. "How come you didn't tell me?"
"You never asked?" They offer Villain an apologetic smile, shrugging.
"After I spent hours gushing about him, it didn't occur to you that you should, perhaps, tell me he's your father?!" Villain whisper-yells at them, their face incredulous and increasingly redder with every passing second. "You know I'm obsessed with his work!"
"I know," Hero admits. They feel bad for keeping Villain in the dark, but they had to respect their parents' boundaries. Their father retired years before their debut and did not want to make their relationship with Superhero or Hero known until Superhero retired, and Hero had to accept that. That was part of the reason they waited this long before asking Villain to meet their family. "I've told him you're a fan."
"You what?!" Villain sounds hysterical at this point. Their eyes are wide, panic filling them again - this time, for a different reason entirely.
Hero can't help the smile that stretches their lips when they notice Villain's gaze return to Supervillain. Their expression is a mixture of utter mortification and pure admiration. "Come on, do you wanna meet him or not?"
"Oh my god!" Villain clasps their hand, trembling with excitement. "How do I look? Does my hair look okay?"
"Villain, please!" Hero laughs, shaking their head and sending them a warning look for good measure. "Should I be jealous?"
Villain pinches their forearm, their eyes sparkling with harmless spite. "You're gonna pay for this surprise, just so you know."
"Gladly." Hero draws them closer, planting a kiss on their pouting lips before pulling them in the direction of their smiling parents.
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chernobog13 · 2 months
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Mom and Dad out for date night.
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 34
Danny gets sent back in time often to fix disasters. This causes problems.
Danny is a member of the teen titans in this. Amity has been handled portal shut down by the league. The minute the anti ecto acts were suggested they acted and nipped it in the bud. As Danny is a teen in this that’s we’re he goes.
Now Danny never really stated his status as a halfa. Just indirectly said his parents caused him to have the second form.
One day there is a huge threat. Now there are rumors the ghost king is kind and protective of earth. In the past there are records of him helping. At the same time warnings he will bring destruction. Two very distinct personalities.
Danny tries to stop them but it’s too late. As he is the one who sealed pariah not the ancients. The summoning worked as it had no magic backing it.
Cue pariah instantly attacking Danny raving about how he took away his victory. Now they have two threats at once. Danny takes down pariah and becomes king.
Now the split personalities makes sense especially when Danny actually discloses some information. Like the fact he had time traveled and clockwork likes to make him fix things.
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ozzo-the-wozzo · 18 days
Trying to explain Adrien’s subplot in miraculous to anyone but it’s just this:
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watchingwisteria · 1 year
‪the hate for The Eternals (2021) continues to baffle me. they are by far some of the mcu’s most compelling characters and it has one of my favorite mcu storylines ever. they are everything that people pretend that the avengers were.‬ the cinematography is gorgeous, the action scenes are some of the most exciting since endgame, and the cgi soars above the phase 4 standard. the found family trope was executed so well, every character has complexities and backstories that are well-defined, and the relationships between each of them are what drive the entire thing. i get that taste is subjective but i literally love this movie so much and i cannot understand why more people don’t feel the same way
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ambrozians · 6 months
i genuinely do believe that lian going down a more civilian, superhero-adjacent path rather than operating fully as a superhero would make for a compelling narrative.
already, lian has a very nuanced perspective on "the life" because of how intertwined it has been with her own life, more specifically, her childhood. she has been privy to the emotional and physical toll it takes on the people involved, and the things that are asked of them day in and day out. of course, she still admires her father and all her aunts and uncles, but she has seen enough to know that being a superhero is far more than having cool costumes and flashy powers (or unparalleled skills, like roy’s aim). she has also seen what it looks like on the other side, as in, she is aware that her mother's life as "cheshire" regularly conflicts with her life as "jade", ultimately making it more difficult to build a life as the latter rather than continuing with the former. her parents’ jobs (albeit different) have been points of contention in the past because there is no true balance between their personal and professional lives, their professional lives often trickling into their personal ones.
what would make the decision to not follow in roy's footsteps even more powerful, to me, is if she chose to experience it for herself and ultimately realized it wasn't for her. from there, she could get more involved with the community while also staying the hero-loop in some capacity. she could go the reporter route like lois and linda, be a public defender/engage in pro-bono work, help develop health clinics, improve conditions of shelters, etc.. there’s many different routes that she could take that would help support the work that is being done by her dad and family without necessarily being directly involved in that part of the fight.
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kara-zor-els · 15 days
You know, I actually think that superheroes having biological kids (or just kids in general) can open up a ton of interesting storylines, especially in regards to legacy, generetional trauma, parental expectations, work-home life balance (especially for women) etc. DC is just allergic to good writing.
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Ash, Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)
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