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octan-computer · 5 months
RJ is going to look for EVD's creation paperwork with GCBC. Let's get to the bottom of this mystery, gang
EVD-034: ...2verything th4t h4ppened... 4 f3w d4ys ag0, w4s |n LB's 0ffic3...
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ducklyght · 2 years
I'm now at that point. I'm going to develop my own game system. Okay, not quite. My goal is to write a hack for Cairn. Something like a "Advanced Cairn" with inspiration from Runecairn, Tiny Dungeon and other OSR/NSR games.
But I don't want to write "just another OSR spinoff"; I want to write a system tailored to the preferences of my group. They liked Cairn, but also love EXP. There are no EXP in Cairn, so I will add a progression system, which will be more like: "My character can do (very) specific things better, than other N/PCs." They will use these EXP to advance in and foremost learn skills like Alchemy, Smithing, Mounted Combat, etc. But those skills won't be in a list, like in D&D or Pathfinder. Every PC has some basic skills every PC has. Those are nailed down and most likely on every character sheet. Additionally, they get some skills through random background generation (because random character generation is kinda big thing in Cairn). Other skills will be made "purchasable". You need (in most cases) a teacher/master, some EXP and a third thing to learn the skills. The third thing can be simply money, special items, or even a favor in form of a quest.
Why not write down every skill in a skill list then? Simply, because the obtainable skills don't follow strict rules and I won't write a list of obtainable skills, because a PC can learn kinda everything the player asks for. Want a specific skill for "drinking beer very fast"? No problem. The skill "stool brawling" is also possible. The limitation is the own creativity. The game master and the players will make the rulings at the table on the fly. But I will encourage them to just pin down the rules in 1-2 sentences. Make it simple, easy and fun. This is the key point.
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ask-the-meteor-crew · 2 months
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020
021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030
031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040
041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050
051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060
061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070
071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080
081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090
091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 NEXT PAGE
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ds-perspective · 4 months
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Perspective | Chapter 02: Float | Pages 027 - 034
Comic Archive
For context: Octa and Ash aren't dating yet!
Also wow, this part took a while since I had work and been trying to incorporate 3D stuff into my works. Takes more time, but hey, at least the BGs are better haha. So this BIG BIGGGGG update better be worth it lol.
This concludes Chapter 02: Float! Please look forward to the next chapter soon!
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kreacher1x1 · 6 months
— click the SOURCE LINK below to be redirected to #034 268x150 gifs of JEREMY ALLEN WHITE, from his role as Kerry Von Erich in the movie, The Iron Claw. All gifs were made by me so please like or reblog if you find this post useful. Do not edit them or use in a gif hunt without giving credit back to me. Enjoy! trigger warnings: flashing gifs, fighting, alcohol/drinking
**NOTE: this is a work in progress; this page will be routinely updated.
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dododeprived · 7 months
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CHAPTER 2 - PAGE 033-034
look what you've done… (ruben's birthday was two days ago, on the 10th ! happy belated birthday ruben!!)
Read from the beginning  
Tapastic  ▪︎ Kofi  ▪︎ Twitter

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valy-gc · 6 months
Heartslabyul rules
Soooo... we only knows a bunch of rules from Heartslabyul... and I decided to try create some.
I didn't actually finished yet because... well that's a LOT!! O_O
But I want to make the full list! It can help peoples who are writing fanfics ;)
So here is the list. Thoses officially from the games have the indication of where we have the info
Have fun imagining yours and I'll add them to the list! :D
001 | You must knows all 810 rules by heart.
002 | Every Monday, you must wear red and black striped socks
003 | You must walk backwards through your home on the 9th day of every month.
004 | You must greet each other with a curtsy or a bow
005 | Every Friday, you must wear a crown made of flowers if you’re out of your house after 9pm.
006 | It is forbidden to eat anything purple on Thursdays.
007 | It is forbidden to eat any dessert on friday evening without first reciting a rhyme about it
008 | If you see a blue caterpillar you must recite him a poem
009 | It is forbidden to eat carrots without singing a carrot-themed song.
010 | Every resident must have a collection of top hats.
011 | It is mandatory to sign names with a heart instead of a dot
012 | It is mandatory to wear a tutu while doing laundry.
013 | It is forbidden to step on cracks in the pavement
014 | It is forbidden to eat anything with a square shape on Mondays.
015 | It is forbidden to eat anything with a triangular shape on Sundays.
016 | On Tuesdays, you must wear mismatched shoes.
017 | It is forbidden to eat anything with a round shape on Fridays.
018 | You must wear a crown made of seashells at the beach.
019 | It is forbidden to wear the color yellow on Wednesdays.
020 | You must have a collection of playing cards and display them in tyour rooms
021 | On the first day of spring, you must hop everywhere you go.
022 | The use of ordinary playing cards as coasters is strictly prohibited
023 | You must not bring cats into areas of festivity (0-3)
024 | You must only speak in rhymes on the second Wednesday of each month.
025 | There must always be a tea party on the 5th day of every month (Prerelease Comic)
026 | It is forbidden to open an umbrella indoors, unless it is raining outside.
027 | You must wear mismatched gloves whenever it snows.
028 | It is mandatory to have a tea party with at least one stuffed animal present.
029 | You must only use quill and ink to write on Sundays.
030 | It is forbidden to say the word ‘rabbit’ on the first day of the month.
031 | It is forbidden to say the word ‘mouse’ in the presence of a cat.
032 | It is mandatory to paint one fingernail green every Friday.
033 | You must always wear a pocket watch, but it must never tell the correct time.
034 | It is forbidden to whistle indoors on Saturdays.
035 | It is forbidden to read a book without first reading the last page.
036 | It is forbidden to use a door when a window is available on the third Thursday of every month.
037 | You must not step on any shadows during a full moon.
038 | It is forbidden to use a spoon when a fork will do.
039 | You must always carry a key that not open any door.
040 | It is forbidden to eat bread without first toasting it and letting it cool.
041 | It is forbidden to eat an apple without first peeling it and cutting it into slices.
042 | It is forbidden to wear socks with sandals.
043 | You must always stir your tea counter-clockwise.
044 | All persons more than a mile high must leave the court immediately. (Rule from Alice in Wonderland)
045 | Coffee is forbbiden
046 | It is forbidden to eat cheese unless it’s presented on a miniature silver platter.
047 | You must carry a pebble in your pocket at all times; it’s to be named and introduced to new acquaintances.
048 | It is forbidden to open a book without first announcing its title aloud.
049 | You must wear a scarf with exactly seven stripes on the first windy day of the month.
050 | You must not enter a closed room without first knocking three times, even if it’s empty.
051 | It is forbidden to drink water without first toasting to someone’s health.
052 | You must not eat spaghetti without twirling it on a fork exactly four times.
053 | You must wear a piece of jewelry that jingles when you walk, for a week, once a year.
054 | It is mandatory to have a secret handshake with at least three other persons.
055 | You must not use the color pink in any artwork during the month of May
056 | You must only write in cursive on the last day of each month.
057 | It is forbidden to wear hats indoors unless it’s a Sunday.
058 | It is forbidden to eat soup without a garnish of edible flowers.
059 | You must wear a cloak with at least three different colors on rainy days.
060 | It is forbidden to use the same teacup more than once in a week.
061 | It is mandatory to carry a hand fan decorated with ribbons during the summer.
062 | It is forbidden to read poetry aloud unless you’re standing on one foot.
063 | It is forbidden to wear laced shoes on the first Monday of the month.
064 | It is forbidden to use pencils; only pens with purple ink are allowed.
065 | You must wear a ring that glows in the dark every Wednesday.
066 | It is mandatory to leave a small treat for the dormouse every evening.
067 | You must not pass a bookshelf without selecting a book and reading one sentence aloud.
068 | It is mandatory to have a riddle contest with a friend once a week.
069 | It is forbidden to walk; you must skip or hop everywhere on the second Tuesday of the month.
070 | You must serve cookies shaped like stars during a new moon
071 | You must not play checkers with anyone wearing green
072 | You must dance with a broom if the clock strikes exactly 1pm at the moment you watch it
073 | You must not look into a mirror while eating jam
074 | If you wake-up between 2am and 3am you must get up and go outside to compliment the moon ; If there is no moon, bow to the stars before going back to bed.
075 | You must not hum while holding a red apple
076 | You must not pass a salt shaker directly to another person
077 | You must only write with green ink during a thunderstorm
078 | You must not cross your arms while standing on one leg
079 | You must only eat soup with a fork on the third Thursday of the month
080 | You must wear a feather behind your ear when the wind blows east
081 | You must not play hopscotch unless you've seen a cloud shaped like a teapot
082 | You must not catch butterflies unless you promise to tell them a story
083 | You must not use the stairs on days when you've seen a rainbow
084 | You must wear a necklace made of candy on your half-birthday
085 | You must not use bookmarks made of paper on windy days
086 | You must wear a ribbon in your hair when the first snow falls
087 | You must not eat cake with a fork on odd days
088 | You must only drink milk from a glass with a red straw
089 | You must not eat the Queen’s tarts without her permission (1-2)
090 | You must not play the flute unless the moon is visible
091 | You must not pick up pennies found on the ground
092 | You must not play marbles unless there's a rainbow
093 | You must wear a necklace of daisies when the first leaf falls
094 | You must not drink orange juice after you've seen a squirrel
095 | You must carry a lantern if you walk in the forest at dusk
096 | If you spill your tea, you must apologize to each droplet before cleaning it up
097 | If a butterfly lands on your nose, you must balance a spoon on your head for an hour
098 | If you find a four-leaf clover, you must wear it in your hair until it wilts
099 | When you hear an owl hoot, you must recite your favorite poem upside down
100 | If a falling leaf land on your head, you must keep it safe in a book until the next full moon
102 | You must not pass under a bridge if you've eaten cheese that day
103 | If you lose a sock, you must wear a teacup on your head until it reappears
104 | When you hear thunder, you must swap a secret with the nearest tree
105 | If you laugh three times before noon, you must walk backwards for the rest of the day
106 | When a frog croaks, you must reply with a poem about rain
107 | You must not open windows if you've sung in the shower
108 | You must not say your own name out loud on days with a double rainbow
109 | You must not wear green on days when you've seen a lizard (does Malleus count?)
110 | If you spill salt, you must throw it over your left shoulder while hopping on one foot
111 | If you catch a spider, you must recite a riddle to it before setting it free
112 | If you find a lost button, you must sew it onto your sleeve, regardless of its color
113 | When you see a cloud shaped like a fish, you must sing a sea shanty
114 | If you spill ink, you must write a letter of apology to the inkwell
115 | If you step on a crack, you must immediately spin around three times
116 | You must not eat peas unless you've counted them first
117 | If you accidentally sneeze on a Tuesday, you must immediately find a clover and present it to the nearest tree
118 | You must wear a ring on your thumb if you've heard a dog bark before dawn
119 | You must not use a fork if you've seen a rainbow before breakfast
120 | When you see a cloud shaped like a heart, you must send a love letter to the sky
121 | You must not wear blue shoes on days when you've eaten chocolate
122 | You must never cross your legs while sitting
123 | If you accidentally step on an ant, you must sing a lullaby at the next sunset to apologize
124 | When you get soaking wet, you must dry off with a run in the ocean (Endless Halloween night 4-8)
125 | When you hear a woodpecker, you must tap your feet in rhythm until it stops
126 | If you see a worm, you must draw a map in the dirt with a stick
127 | If you see a cloud that looks like a dragon, you must immediately find a stone to guard
128 | When you see a butterfly, you must follow it until it lands
153 | The only tea you may drink in the evenings is herbal tea (1-14)
168 | If you stutter more than three times in a sentence, you must hop on one foot while reciting the alphabet backwards.
186 | Do not eat hamburger steak on Tuesdays (1-9)
228 | You must not pick flowers from the garden on Wednesdays (SM 2-2)
249 | You must wear pink while feeding the flamingos (1-19)
256 | You must not drink lemonade with honey past 8 PM (1-14)
271 | You must get up from the table within 15 minutes after eating (1-9)
304 | On days when a hedgehog sneezes, all card soldiers must sing a song together. (Comic Ch.4)
339 | Your after-meal tea must be lemon tea with 2 sugar cubes (1-9)
346 | You must not play croquet in the gardens past 5 PM (2-12)
412 | If you see a pair of moving eye-glasses in the forest, you must not go back the way you came (Happy Beans Day 2021 - Ch.31)
469 | Flowers must be both red and white when you invite over a new acquaintance (Trey Ceremony PS)
529 | If you eat steak on a night with a full moon, a cat must play the violin. (Happy Beans Day 2021 - Ch.2)
562 | Do not bring marron tarts to an Unbirthday Tea Party (1-16)
648 | You must brush your teeth 2 times on nights when you eat turkey (Trey School PS)
703 | Whoever comes in 2nd place during a croquet match must serve tea to the Queen the next day (Ghost Marriage 14)
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fancytigercupcake · 11 months
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Shadow secret (Performance) - Page 034
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prapasara · 2 months
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Key stage 2 tests: 2024 mathematics test materials
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2024 key stage 2 mathematics Paper 3: reasoning
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2024 key stage 2 mathematics - administering Paper 1: arithmetic
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2024 key stage 2 mathematics - administering Paper 3: reasoning
Ref: ISBN 978-1-83507-147-2, STA/24/8832/e
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2024 key stage 2 mathematics mark schemes
Ref: ISBN 978-1-83507-035-2, STA/24/8820/e
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Key stage 2 tests: 2024 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test materials
2024 key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: questions
Ref: ISBN 978-1-83507-029-1, STA/24/8814/e
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2024 key stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: spelling
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Ref: ISBN 978-1-83507-031-4, STA/24/8816/e
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2024 key stage 2 English reading booklet
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2024 key stage 2 English reading answer booklet
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2024 key stage 2 English reading – administering the reading booklet and reading answer booklet
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Year 6 SATs 2024  ,  Maths Paper 1 (Arithmetic)   ,  Maths Paper 2 (Reasoning)  ,  Maths Paper 3 (Reasoning)  ,  Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling - Paper 1  ,  Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling - Paper 2   ,  English Reading
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octan-computer · 5 months
Don't hurt yourself. Just draw the one thing he didn't do.
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browsethestacks · 2 years
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Original Art - Bizarre Adventures #034 Pg 59 (1983) by Marie Severin (Unpublished)
From ha.com...
Even the strangest gifts can carry huge value, as demonstrated in this unpublished one-page illustration by comics veteran Marie Severin. When Bizarre Adventures changed format with it's last issue, it shrank from magazine to comic format and lost several pages in length at the same time. It appears this page was slated for the issue, and then cut with the page count change. And with the particular Christmas theme to the piece, there was really no where else they could use it.
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blaserables · 6 months
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V-Jump Books [Game Series] BIO HAZARD
Translations from Project Umbrella:
Chris Redfield (Page 028)
A former Air Force pilot who serves as A Team's helicopter pilot. His marksmanship skills are undeniable and there is no one on the team who can match Chris. He is the most dependable guy on the team with great powers of observation and insight.
Jill Valentine (Page 030)
A member of S.T.A.R.S. A Team specializing in explosives handling with her dexterity. She enlisted in S.T.A.R.S. in search of "experiences to make her feel alive." A beautiful woman with a somewhat strong-minded personality, she has dexterity and an ability to take action that put the men to shame.
Rebecca Chambers (Page 031)
A rookie who has just joined the unit this year. She is a talented woman who repeated accelerated classes and graduated from university at just 18 years old, with unmatched knowledge concerning chemistry. She has an active personality but is now hardened by the tension and expectations of her first mission, just like a regular rookie.
Barry Burton (Page 032)
Within S.T.A.R.S. he is in charge of maintaining and replenishing firearms. He has 16 years experience in this line of work. He is a firearms expert who was transferred from SWAT. He has a quiet personality and a strong sense of justice. He is usually very kind and loves his wife and two daughters. He carries a photo of his family with him at all times.
Albert Wesker (Page 034)
A biotechnology specialist. He was an executive of a certain major corporation, but took office as Captain of S.T.A.R.S. several years ago. As he rebuilt S.T.A.R.S. when it was on the verge of being dissolved at the time, he is a so-called savior.
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cyrrenereads · 2 years
Shan You Mu Xi (山有木兮) Translation Project Page
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Translated by: cyrrene
Original: JJWXC by Feitian Yexian (非天夜翔)
Translations hosted on: Chickengege.org. Access requires Proof of Purchase. Please read the instructions, then fill out this form. Everyone is welcome to submit. If you have been verified in the Secret Code discord, please select Verified at the end of the first section and your form will be fast-tracked for approval.
Total Chapters: 200 (+3 extras as of now)
Other links: Glossary, Map, Character List | NU
There are trees in the mountains and there are branches on the trees,
I adore you, oh! You do not know.
- from “Song of the Yue Boatman”
Hundreds of rivers converge, the thousand-mile rise of Taishan’s bluffs, and a myriad of waves surge in the Eastern Sea.
All beneath the heavens, is the extent of the ruler’s land. All within the territory of a state, are each the ruler’s subjects.
Beacons light up all over the Divine Land, danger lurks in every corner of the State of Yong.
After reuniting with Geng Shu, Jiang Heng begins to put all his effort into assisting the ruler of Yong State’s plans, but he unexpectedly falls into perilous situations time and time again. Geng Shu, who always accompanied Jiang Heng by his side, is acutely aware that the various mishaps all appear to be closely related to Jiang Heng’s past—was Jiang Heng really his own blood-related younger brother?
These two extraordinary young men wander throughout the country from state to state, experiencing trials, however, the truth obtained uncovered a cruel and unexpected past that couldn’t be erased. The lingering heroic spirits each possess their own unfulfilled long-cherished wishes. With the great Divine Land【1】 finally unified, how would they confront their own choices of the future?
The seven stars of the Northern Sky【2】 bore witness to the end of a stormy period of history,
Until the ruins once again transform into the richly ornamented tall towers of a manor.
When the blazing city lights languidly flicker,
Those people and events worth engraving into memory
Will forever be preserved within every stroke of ink in a painting of this vast expanse of rivers and mountains.
Table of Contents (Translation Progress):
*Note: Progress may show future unlinked chapters to what is currently posted. Translations for those chapters have been drafted, but final edits are pending and unreleased.
Prologue: Cry of the Qin Resounds Across the Realm (琴鸣天下)
— The blind qin master sat in the midst of the hall, playing the qin and performing the last song of his life.
001 | 002
Volume 1: Ambush from Ten Sides (十面埋伏【3】)
— While within this magnificent and eternally vast universe…sometimes, at just the slightest turn, loved ones would thereafter be separated in life as if in death.
003 | 004 | 005 | 006 | 007
008 | 009 | 010 | 011 | 012
013 | 014 | 015 | 016 | 017
018 | 019 | 020 | 021 | 022
Volume 2: Let Me Return! (归去来辞【4】)
— “If Jiang Heng is still alive, we’ll definitely meet again.”
023 | 024 | 025 | 026 | 027
028 | 029 | 030 | 031 | 032
033 | 034 | 035 | 036 | 037
038 | 039 | 040 | 041 | 042
043 | 044 | 045 | 046
Volume 3: Wild Geese Alight Upon the Sandbank (落雁平沙【5】)
— High above the city gates, that ancient bell conferred to the Ye clan by the Son of Heaven of Jin rang with a thunderous clangor. What night is tonight? The prince has returned to his country.
047 | 048 | 049 | 050 | 051
052 | 053 | 054 | 055 | 056
057 | 058 | 059 | 060 | 061
062,| 063 | 064 | 065 | 066
067 | 068 | 069 | 070 | 071
072 | 073 | 074 | 075
Volume 4: The Phoenix Seeks His Mate (凤求凰【6】) / Guangling Melody (广陵散【7】)
— People will die someday, but their torch will pass on to successors and in so doing, it will burn across the land forever. There is bound to be someone to finish what must be done.
076 | 077 | 078 | 079 | 080
081 | 082 | 083 | 084 | 085
086 | 087 | 088 | 089 | 090
091 | 092 | 093 | 094 | 095
096 | 097 | 098 | 099 | 100
101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105
106 | 107 | 108 | 109
Ex 1
->Volumes 5-7
【1】 Shenzhou (神州) is an ancient name for China.
【2】 The Chinese constellation focused on in this novel is the Xuanwu (玄武, or Black Tortoise). It is both a god as well as a constellation in ancient China regarded as one of the four symbols. When referring to the constellation, it’s also known as the ‘seven stars of the Northern dipper’ (北斗七星).
【3】 Ambush from Ten Sides 《十面埋伏》 is the name of a classical pipa song, and is about the Battle of Gaixia when Xiang Yu was defeated by Liu Bang.
【4】 The title of Volume 2 is the name of a poem written by the poet Tao Yuanming of the Six Dynasties period when he resigned from office to live in the countryside. There is an article with a translation and more detail about it here.
【5】 There is a qin piece called 雁落平沙 “Wild Geese Alight Upon the Sandbank”, evoking the scene of thousands of wild geese calling while landing and flying off from the sandbanks.
【6】Volume 4 of the web novel and the simplified physical print have different names. The web novel version is titled after 《The Male Phoenix Seeks its Mate - 凤求凰》, a famous qin melody with lyrics that depicts one of the most well-known love stories.
【7】 The simplified physical version is named after 《Guangling Melody - 广陵散》, a well-known qin melody associated with the qin-master Ji Kang (嵇康, 223–262)) as well as the famous story of 《Nie Zheng Assassinates the Han King - 聂政刺韩王》 from the Warring States period which was inspired by a story for the same figure in Sima Qian’s《Records of the Grand Historian - 史记》.
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dododeprived · 1 year
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CHAPTER 1 - PAGE 0033-034
everyone say thank you leo
Read from the beginning  
Tapastic  ▪︎ Kofi  ▪︎ Twitter
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