#p; maren
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FULL NAME: maren uvnerida SPECIES: merperson GENDER: bigender PRONOUNS: he/him, she/her DOB / AGE: 8 june / ??? ALIGNMENT: neutral good OCCUPATION: vegan food truck owner DRINK, SMOKE, DRUGS?: no, no, no ORIENTATION: bisexual POSITION: submissive leaning verse
COUNTENANCE HAIR COLOR / STYLE: black with occasional blonde highlights / wavy mullet EYE COLOR / STYLE: brown swirled with blue / downturned almond HEIGHT: five feet, four inches TATTOOS: moon phases down spine, wave on ankle, seashells on wrists PIERCINGS: lobe, nostril NOTICEABLE TRAITS: reflective eyes, dimpled smile
MENTAL POSITIVE TRAITS: hospitable, quirky, playful NEGATIVE TRAITS: shy, paranoid, distrustful LIKES: cooking, summertime, reggaeton DISLIKES: bathtubs/pools, scalpels, being photographed
BIOGRAPHY maren, a merperson of the sea, had once been infatuated with the land world and its people. as these things always go, maren fell in love with a sailor after encountering him on one of his voyages. the sailor promised that he'd come back for her with a way for her to experience land. unfortunately, he kept his promise. the sailor came back, but not alone. his men proceeded to slaughter maren's unsuspecting family while the man she believed she loved kidnapped her. he kept her in a tiny bathtub in his lavish home, and maren was little more than a trophy. she became a popular exotic attraction in his town and was gawked at frequently by strangers who paid to see the mermaid in the bathtub. a particularly strange onlooker, horrified by maren's living conditions, asked if she would like to be freed. maren pleaded that he would do anything. the next thing maren knew, she was standing alone over the mutilated corpse of the sailor. standing. maren had legs. the onlooker had sacrificed the sailor to their god to grant maren legs, with the stipulation of her legs reverting back to her tail once a year for 24 hours. maren has slowly learned to live a normal life, currently the owner and operator of a vegan food truck on the beach in between giving tourists surfing lessons. nowadays, all maren wants is to live in peace among land and sea. she craves belonging and romance, but is hesitant to trust humans.
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maren's cover of dancing with myself is so different than i thought it would be and i LOVE it. i would love if this was the vibe she's going with for mm4
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P’a first touch goal 33’ post celebrations💙 loads of hugs and cute moments😻🫶🏼
jessie’s goal, P assist 45+1’ hug!!
Erin’s assist to P’s goal 81’
7/5-23 chelsea va everton
#pernille harder#chelsea fcw#magdalena eriksson#guro reiten#maren mjelde#jelena cankovic#jessie fleming#erin cuthbert#weescot#P&ez#7/5-23
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Ich will nur noch einmal betonen, dass das hier keine Influencer Karriere ist. Ich hätte nicht gedacht, das es Leute gibt, die es falsch lesen. Ich habe keine Halluzinationen oder schizophrene Episoden oder lebe ein Doppelleben, aber wenn man mehr über mich wissen will, sollte man echt Paul & Robin kontaktieren. So hatte es alles angefangen. Ne, wir waren keine fremden Seelenverwandten und Bffs. Und wenn man es nicht versteht, dann wahrscheinlich weil man es eigentlich gar nicht lesen sollte. Das hier ist kein Ort für traurige Leute, um sich im selbst erstellen Konkurrenzkampf besser zu fühlen. Ich will mich einfach besser fühlen, ich habe mich richtig lange schlecht gefühlt. Ich denke es ist nach der ganzen Sache ziemlich berechtigt. Sonst muss ich davon ausgehen, dass man das nur bei mir machen kann, als ob ich die gelbe Mülltonne für den Frust anderer Leute bin. Und alles immer einfach so hinnehmen muss. Mir reicht es nie, ich habe immer noch so viel wirren Hass. Aber es ist nie grundlos.
-> Nicht wie andere Leute. Die sich wegen irgendwelchen Typen ganze Zeit zwanghaft mit mir vergleichen wollen. Oder einen wie ein Zootier beobachten und nachstellen, um selbst erstellte Theorien zu beantworten. Noch bisschen mehr Schnapps, dann findet man vielleicht noch ein bisschen mehr. Etwas was besser schmeckt. Gut gemeinte Sorgen der besorgten Bürger, Affären und Freunde. Am Ende wird man wieder random auserwählt und durch den Dreck gezogen, damit sich andere besser fühlen, obwohl sie nichts mit der Sache zu tun haben. Ich mach es sonst auch und wenn sich Leute zu oft auf mich fixieren, fixiere ich mich auch auf sie. Ich will dann immer wissen warum sie sich mit mir beschäftigen. Und meine wirren Gedanken möchten nicht korrigiert werden, weil sie immer stimmen.
So, also zuerst war ich nicht gut genug für den zwielichtigen Psycho und Bff Ex-Nachbar, Robin. Obwohl er mir mit seinem Papi bei der Kripo ein besseres Leben ermöglichen wollte und mich von der Straße geholt hätte (*Sarkasmus). Wir waren ein geheimes, fremdes Paar. Ich war undankbar für die Aufmerksamkeit und seine Sorgen. Und jetzt bin ich wieder nicht gut genug für Kripo Tristl, obwohl ich nicht danach gefragt habe, erneut auserwählt zu werden. Jetzt kriege ich ganze Zeit Frust seiner komischen Hyänen ab, weil er die vorher nicht geheiratet hat oder eine Beziehung mit denen eingegangen ist. Aber ich habe mit dem auch nichts zu tun??? Wurden einfach so hingehalten und suchen schon so lange einen korrekten, sicheren Partner. Sie waren so besorgt, dass er keinen Spaß haben wird oder halt nur kurzzeitig. Am Ende müssten Carmen und Öko Sandy vorbeikommen und alles richten. Jetzt wird wieder so getan als ob ich mit meinen gelben Händen versucht habe, einen Mann ins Verderben zu ziehen. Die Hände sind da wo sie nicht sein sollten! Andere warten schon länger auf einen Ring und ich spiele wieder schlitzäugiges Reh und Hochstaplerin, die alles wegnehmen will. Besorgte Bürger& friends wären bei einer guten deutschen, reinblütigen Frau weniger besorgt. Irgendwas muss ja stimmen, dann muss man sich fucking creepy aufführen und immer wieder testen ob iCh auCh wiRkliCh reAgiere. Nicht das hier jemand später ausgenommen wird, aber ist vielleicht auch nur eine Phase, die bald vorbei ist. Bald haben sich alle eingekriegt. Der Fall der notgeilen Freaks. Kann man die Verrückte trotzdem ficken? Man merkt gar nicht wie gestört die ist, die wirkt so normal. Es kommt mir so bekannt vor. Die Verdächtige gibt sich nachts immer die Kante und erinnert sich dann am nächsten Tag nicht mehr, wie schizophren sie schriftlich ausgeschweift ist. Hier wird eventuell wieder ein Doppelleben gelebt, irgendwas wird wieder verheimlicht und simuliert, damit es AnDErE miTkriEgen. Einer muss ein Auge auf das Schlitzauge werfen, Kripo Tristl naht sonst bald ein ausländischer, sozialer Untergang. Und wenn man hier nichts findet, muss man sich halt auf andere Leute fokussieren. Dann baut man Verbindungen, vielleicht kriegt man irgendwann ein stimmiges Gesamtbild. Beim anderen stimmt was nicht, riecht zu sehr wie Ausländer, die schriftlich wunde Punkte trifft.
Was wäre, wenn ich leben würde wie die wütenden Hyänen, Öko Sandy, Schizophrene Lauren oder Anna, die Fragwürdige etc.. Die es lieben zu spekulieren und sich durch mich unbedingt besser fühlen wollen, aber gar nicht wissen worum es geht. Dabei RuiNIere ich IhRE Leben mit meinen ausschweifenden Fixierungen, aber die müssen ja nicht stimmen. Darf man heutzutage nichts mehr sagen? Meinungen können frei gebildet werden, aber ich muss sie nicht in Hörweite mitkriegen, vor allem wenn man keinen verfickten Sarkasmus versteht und rumkreischt wie Verrückte. Und ich dachte immer, ich bin die ewig Gestörte. Aber kann man es mir verübeln. 🤪 Nur ich, ich und meine Mami lesen diesen Blog, alles safe.
Ich wünschte ich hätte so interessante Leben wie die Hyänen, da gibt es viel mehr zu reden. Ich will meine schizophrene Aufmerksamkeit teilen. Was wenn ich auch eine ehemalige örtliche Dorfnutte wäre, die in die Großstadt gezogen ist, um einen seriösen Neuanfang zu beginnen. Der Beginn eines seriösen Lebens, eventuell bei der Polizei Berlin oder halt darunter. Jeden Tag neuer Name, andere Arbeitszeiten, andere Arbeitsorte, Liebschaften, andere Wohnverhältnisse, gemogelte Ausbildung, SpAß (oder wie auch immer das heißt), I dunno. So kurz 👌🏼davor einen seriösen, sicheren Typen abzugreifen oder einem ein Kind unterzujubeln, der nichts von meiner Vergangenheit weiß. Jemand, der außerhalb meiner sozialen Reichweite ist und mich auf der sozialen Leiter direkt nach oben schiebt. Meine Auswahl ist sonst sehr begrenzt, mich will sonst keiner oder halt nicht das was ich will. Ich hätte mein Doppelleben verheimlicht und meine duNklE Vergangenheit hinter mir gelassen. Bald hätte ich einen Ring gehabt und würde nicht so leben wie jetzt. In Berlin ist alles egal. Außer man will so einen konservativen Typen, dann darf keiner von der Dorfnutten Vergangenheit wissen, auch wenn man dann selbst durch Schreianfälle in der Öffentlichkeit für Aufmerksamkeit sorgt. Da wurde gerade voll lieb simuliert und dann geriet alles ins wanken. Mit Aussicht auf einen Ring ist alles andere plötzlich nebensächlich. Man nimmt jeden gut situierten Typen den man im dating game hat, duh, aber Konkurrenz ist überall. Genau wie Minderwertigkeitskomplexe, Hochmut und die Wahrheit. Bei mir ist es nie ohne Grund.
#Leute sollten echt aufhören ihren Frust und ihre Schizophrenie an mir auszuleben#Bin es so leid immer von faltigen hässlichen labbrigen Frauen und komischen alten Säcken von der Seite angebellt zu werden#Die P&C Muttis ohne Kinder wollen mir immer sagen wie man Spaß hat 🤪#Aber einen Spiegel haben die Zuhause trotzdem nicht oder Zeit für Faltencreme#Am besten finde ich mollige faltige Frauen die mir sagen wollen wie sehr ich zugenommen habe. Bruh#Wenn ich so aussehen würde wäre ich einfach ruhig#Ich renne niemanden hinterher und lese ihnen was mit Megafon vor#Und renne wie eine hungrige Ratte im Kreis rum und beobachte fremde Menschen beim leben um was zu finden worüber man lästern kann#Verzweifelt auf der Suche nach Schnipseln für die eigene Story#Es kommt mir so bekannt vor 🌝#Diese Frauen beschäftigen sich ein bisschen zu sehr mit einer schizophrenen bösen Migrantin#Fast so schlimm wie sehr fragwürdige Frauen die einem öfters nachschreien dass man seine Staatsschulden begleichen soll#Oder sofort Bafög zurückzahlen soll weil man im Edeka nach Bio-Aufbackbrötchen gegriffen hat#Hier fließt zu viel Geld. Hier wohnen bestimmt Illegale. Jemand besitzt zu viele Jacken. Maren & Carmen & Co suchen Glücksgefühle#Ich alleine bin einfach zu langweilig. Richtig krasse Kripo Leute müssen sich dann immer eigene Storys zusammenschneiden#Nach den arabischen Clans bin ich gleich an zweiter Stelle.#IcH hAbe gehÖrt… jEmand hat GesAgt … Ich habe es so aufgeschnappt…#TrisTan ruFt mich niCht zurüCk. DAs muss er sich noch einmal überlegen#Wie viele gutE deutsche-deutsche Frauen gibt es hier und der will die verrückte komische ViEtnamesin?#Irgendwie sehr unsicher und kindisch. Also wie die Frauen die er gerne fickt aber ca. 8-10 Jahre jünger#Nur weitaus hübscher#Was ist mit einer richtigen guten Frau? Süße liebe Lauren. Die ist voll normal. NPD Steffi oder Humana Sandy?#Andere Mütter haben auch normale hübsche Töchter ja. Sie ist unzurechnungsfähig#Das Schlitzauge würde ihm die Haare im Schlaf abschneiden. Seinen Hund auf den Grill packen und dann sein Portmonnaie klauen#Um auf der Straße Koks zu kaufen#Dann blinkt er und wacht in einer Marzahner Platte auf#Augen auf bei der Partnerwahl :(
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Forging the Threads of Time
Professor/Greek God Hephaestus Wonwoo x Reincarnated Female Reader
Genre: smut, fluff, angst, college au, reincarnation au, fantasy au
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: mentions of Greek myths, mentions of death and sickness, kissing, smut (grinding, unprotected sex, sort of sub!Wonwoo, classroom sex, penetrative sex)
Rating: 18+
Summary: Wonwoo never expected to meet the mortal love of his life ever again and you never thought you’d feel so drawn to your welding professor.
Taglist: @black-swan-blog27 @fullmindlady @bbybnnuy
A/N: Well, this certainly was a labor of love and I really wish I'd had the time to expand on this world further but I really hope you enjoy reading this. I was honored to be a co-host of The 13 Gods of Olympus collab with Aeris @beomcoups and write this piece for it.
A big thank you to my beta readers for making sense of this: Jupiter @cheolism, Tara @diamonddaze01, and Haneul @chanranghaeys 💕
Lastly, thank you Sevn @aaagustd for the most beautiful banner. ~Maren
Wonwoo hadn’t been banished to earth for long, a bitter taste left in his mouth after what his mother and supposed wife had done to him. He had taken to frequenting speakeasies, some fancy, some considered a bit dodgy. That didn’t matter when all he was seeking was alcohol to ease the injustice he felt. And that’s when he met you, a bartender at one of the fancier places he had gone to. The first time he sat at your bar, you took one look at him and said, “You look like you could use a strong drink,” and proceeded to pour him a whisky. He couldn’t explain it, but he felt drawn to you, and when you looked at him, he could tell you felt it too.
From then on, he only frequented your speakeasy. Then he got the courage to ask you on a date. He began to court you. Frequent dates turned into a committed relationship, which turned into the two of you living together, and eventually marrying each other. That day of your marriage was the happiest out of all his lives. He didn’t know how, but being with you healed wounds that Aphrodite, his first wife in Olympus, had left him with.
For the first and only time, Wonwoo had fallen in love with a mortal.
And then, you became ill and his new world collapsed.
In the present, Wonwoo tossed and turned under the covers as images playing in his head invaded his sleep, images of you. Images of the first time he met you at the speakeasy, of him seeing you walking down the aisle when you got married, and unfortunately of your last moments in the hospital when your mortality proved itself to be all too real.
He awoke with a start, feeling unsettled. He hadn’t dreamt of you in decades, or at least it felt like decades. He couldn’t be sure since time passed differently for him. You had been mortal but Wonwoo was not. He was immortal; a god. The god Hephaestus to be exact, but he hadn’t gone by that name since the moment his mother banished him.
Wonwoo sighed, flinging an arm over to cover his eyes for a few seconds. He waited in early morning silence before turning over to see the time on his bedside clock. He groaned, realizing it was twenty minutes before his alarm for work sounded. There was no way he was going back to sleep at this point. Pushing the dreams to the back of his mind, he flipped off the covers and begrudgingly rolled out of bed.
Wonwoo taught welding and metalworking at the local art college, and today was the beginning of the new semester. He had planned to be there early to make sure everything in his classroom was in order, but now he was kind of regretting that decision thanks to his disrupted sleep.
He got dressed in a nice button-up and some slacks he had set out the night before. If he was a teacher for a more fancy subject like literature or history, he might have worn a suit. That didn’t fit his personality though. Before his banishment, working with metal and fire had been his whole life; it was part of his identity and something he found he didn’t want to change.
He paused in his bathroom long enough to brush his teeth and glance at his reflection in the mirror. He ran a hand through his hair to make sure it wasn’t too messy before going down the hall to the living room. He grabbed his briefcase of class materials that were left on his desk when he finished planning the semester out last week and grabbed his phone from the charger that was there as well.
Finally, he made his way to the entry of his apartment and grabbed his welding helmet, gloves, and heavy-duty apron from the console table along with his keys before heading out the door. He took a quick glance at the time on his phone before pocketing it. He had plenty of time to grab coffee at the little shop near campus.
Wonwoo had never been a breakfast person, so it was always a cup of coffee, usually an Americano in the morning. The only exception was the very rare occasion when his friend Mingyu, who happened to be the god Hestia and the owner of a nightclub on Earth, would make him breakfast.
Reaching his truck in the parking lot, Wonwoo unlocked the doors and put all his teaching items in the passenger seat. He then got in the driver’s seat and when he put the key in the ignition, he was met with the classical music he had on when he was last in the car, specifically Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons”. He wasn’t much of a music person because it changed so much; He’d rather listen to things that hadn’t changed in the hundreds of years he had been earthbound.
He pulled out of his parking spot and started to drive toward the coffee shop. Autumn was beginning to edge out the summer, the leaves on trees and bushes near the sidewalks were slowly turning orange and red. Wonwoo had noticed there was a slight chill in the air that hadn’t been there a few weeks ago.
It was also Fall when he met you for the first time. Another thing that he chose to try to ignore and force to the depths of his brain, but a clenching in his heart and the feeling of helplessness happened anyway. He continued to stifle it down as he drove.
A quick few minutes later, he was pulling into a parking spot at the cafe. It was a little busier than usual, most likely due to it being the start of the new semester and more students were stopping by to get their caffeinated pick-me-ups. He got out of his truck and walked inside the shop, the door making a ringing sound to indicate a person had come in.
Wonwoo was very much a regular at the shop and before he could even think about getting in line, one of the baristas held up a to-go cup to indicate his drink was ready for him and set it by the register for when he got to the front of the line. They were moving quickly and it didn’t take long for him to get there.
“Good Morning, Wonwoo. Here is your Americano,” the girl at the register said as she handed him the drink and punched the correct codes into the register.
He stuffed a hand in his pocket, producing a five-dollar bill, and handed it to her. He still hadn’t gotten used to the idea of using a plastic card to pay for things. She handed him back his change, which was only a few cents, and he immediately stuck it in the tip jar in front. Despite always using cash, he didn’t like his pockets to jingle. He gave a small wave of thanks and then left the cafe.
He got back into his truck, setting his coffee down in the cup holder. He glanced at the truck’s console, checking the clock for a third time. By now, it was 7:30 AM and class started in an hour. He had plenty of time to get ready for class. He pulled out of the cafe’s parking lot and drove only a few streets over to where the college campus was located. The welding department was toward the back of campus and had its own little lot for parking with only a short walk to all the classrooms.
Getting out of the car, Wonwoo grabbed his coffee from the cup holder and set it on the roof of his truck. He reached back through the car, putting all the things he sat in the passenger seat earlier this morning in his arms before shutting the car door with his hip and grabbing his coffee cup once more.
Wonwoo walked to his classroom door and realized he didn’t have enough hands to pull the door key out of his pocket. He gave an exasperated sigh, setting the coffee cup on the ground just enough out of the way of the door so that he could get the keys out to unlock it. He unlocked the door and flung it open, his leg keeping it open long enough for him to slip the keys back into his pocket and get his abandoned coffee before it slammed shut behind him.
It was dark, the only light coming from the two windows in the front. Since he had no available hands to turn on the light switch, Wonwoo slowly made his way to his desk in the half-light and unloaded everything he had in his arms. He walked back over near the door and flipped the lights on, making himself squint slightly from the sudden light. Back at his desk, he finished off what was left of his coffee and went to work getting his classroom ready for the students who would arrive shortly.
Eventually, all the student desks had been set up with the supplies the school provided for each student, although today was mostly going to just be for talking about the class expectations. Wonwoo had planned to give them a small demonstration of what they would end up learning and had his own welding desk set up with a few metal sheets that he would weld together. They would use that process to make whatever project they picked out to make during the semester.
Wonwoo stood up from his desk and students started to trickle in, a stack of paper syllabi in his hands. He was old school in that way and he had printed them the night before and put them in his briefcase. As each student sat down, he set a syllabus on the desk in front of them. He had developed a bit of rhythm, that is until he saw you walk in the classroom and he came to a dead stop. There was no doubt in his mind who you were, you even looked identical despite wearing modern clothing. First, the dreams from this morning and now this. What sort of sick plan did fate have?
You walked into the welding classroom, your first class of the day. You weren’t even sure why you signed up for the class but it was a good elective to take, and maybe it might even turn out to be a fun one. As you made your way to a desk, you felt as if there were eyes on you. It didn’t feel uncomfortable though, like when you could tell a man was ogling you. You sat down at a desk and looked up to the front, finding who you assumed to be the teacher, frozen with papers in his hands and staring. His were the eyes that were staring at you, almost like they were trying to burn a hole through your body. Your eyes eventually met with his and unexpectedly, you couldn’t look away either. What was this sudden warm and magnetic feeling?
Finally, he looked away and it felt like someone had snapped a chord. It felt like you had been in a trance of sorts, and you hoped only a few minutes had passed. You put your school bag and materials for the class on the floor next to you and turned your focus on the syllabus that had been sitting on your desk while the rest of the students filled the classroom. Once the teacher, Mr. Jeon or Wonwoo, as he introduced himself as later, felt everyone had shown up for class, he started explaining the syllabus and demonstrating some of the things you would learn with him that semester including stick welding, which was the main type you’d be using for the project listed in the syllabus.
You kept stealing glances at the man, noticing how handsome he was. He was built, not in a bodybuilder way, but in a way you could tell had honed over time due to his metal working. Yet at the same time, he gave off a bookish aura when he occasionally slipped the pair of glasses he had sitting at his desk on. All the while you could not shake the feeling that he was familiar to you, that he was someone to you. You weren’t sure what it was, but you didn’t think it was necessarily a bad thing.
You left the class an hour later, still feeling bewildered. For the rest of the day, your thoughts were filled with him and who he could be. Did you know him as a child? Was this a deja vu situation? Or was this even deeper, like knowing him from a past life or something like that? You didn’t like this not knowing, so you decided there was really only one way to figure out what this was. You needed to get to know him. More precisely, you needed to ask him on a date. Sure, he was a teacher and that was generally taboo territory even if you were both adults but you needed to know what this feeling was, who he was.
Meanwhile, Wonwoo was apprehensive and questioned lots of things after class had ended. Was it actually you? It certainly felt like you. Just like the dream he had early that morning, he found himself wary of the timing. Why was the universe putting you here and now after all that time? Wonwoo knew what happened before. He didn’t think he could take it if he lost you the same way again. He nearly lost himself before and he couldn’t even fathom what it would be like if the same thing were to happen for a second time. So just like that, Wonwoo made up his mind. No matter how strong the connection felt between you two, he was determined to keep you at arm’s length.
A week or so had passed and to Wonwoo’s annoyance, the feeling had not gone away at all. In fact, he felt it was stronger. The more he tried to resist your stares and signs of flirting, the stronger the pull felt. He felt surges of electricity when your hands brushed against each other when he gave you handouts. He knew you purposely would ask for help when you were practicing welding techniques, just so that the two of you could have the slightest contact even though he knew darn well you didn’t need help at all. Wonwoo hated it. He wanted you so bad but at the same time, he didn’t. He couldn’t.
You didn’t understand.
You were pulling all the subtle advances you could think of without blatant flirting and your teacher would not budge. You could tell he felt the same things you did, the same charge when you touched. There was a familiar warmth and comfort when you felt his arms against your back while helping you weld, something that felt like love but there was no way you could feel that way this soon, right?
You had already decided to ask him out eventually, but you were hoping you could get him to warm up to you first so that it would be simple for him to say “yes” or perhaps even to ask you out instead. It seemed he wasn’t going to make it easy on you, hesitating for whatever reason unknown to you. You made the official decision, you would ask him out. Today.
You purposely waited until all the other students had left the classroom, putting your materials away slowly at your desk and in your book bag. Wonwoo had returned to sit at his desk, also cleaning up materials from today’s class. Once all the others were gone, you made your way to the front and stood in front of his desk. He didn’t look up for what felt like ten minutes but it was probably only a few. He was ignoring you, whether it was on purpose or not you didn’t know.
When Wonwoo finally did look up he asked, “Is there something else I can help you with Y/N?”
“Yeah, you can help me by going on a date with me,” you said boldly and matter-of-factly.
Wonwoo let out an audible sigh and rubbed at his face in unease. “Y/N, I’m your teacher,” he responded, using a more valid reason to refuse you instead of just his feelings.
“I know. It’s frowned upon, sure, but it’s not against the rules. I’ve never been one to shy away from taking risks. So let’s go on a date,” you persuaded.
“No.” Wonwoo definitely was not going to make this simple.
You scoffed. “Fine, but I’ll just ask you again until you agree to it.” Then you walked out of the classroom, leaving Wonwoo with a slight scowl on his face. There was no way you were going to give up that quickly. You needed to know what this was.
Over the next three days, you asked him out after class again and again, his answer always being a firm “no”. Wonwoo was determined not to let heartbreak and the complete destruction of his supposedly safer world happen again, even if that meant a mild version of it now from rejecting you so many times. To him, that would be a gentle pain compared to being together and losing you for a second time. And that was much more acceptable in his eyes.
On day four, Wonwoo was prepared with his repeated answer. Except you had a different question this time.
“Can I just ask why?” you asked, standing up at your desk before leaving class. “We both know the fact that you are my teacher isn’t the real reason.” You sounded a bit exasperated now, you had never been rejected this many times.
Wonwoo contemplated, coming to stand closer to you, almost nose to nose before he said, ”I’m not sure you would believe my real reason.”
“Try me,” you challenged, the now normal charge pulsing between you two.
Wonwoo gave you a hard stare. Maybe if he did tell you, you’d think he was insane and you would finally give up. “I’m not human,” he said simply.
You squinted at him. “What’s that even supposed to mean?”
“I’m not a human. I’m a God. They called me Hephaestus,” Wonwoo said, wincing a bit as he spoke his previous name. To his surprise, you didn’t call him crazy. He watched as the wheels in your mind turned.
You didn’t know if you believed him, but you didn’t exactly think he was lying either. You gave a small laugh thinking of how ironic it was for him to be a welding teacher.
“See. You think I’m nuts,” he said, misunderstanding your giggle.
“No, no, actually I’m pretty sure I believe you. But you being a god doesn’t deter me. In fact, it makes me more interested. There’s no way you just being a god or whatever is what is making me feel like I belong with you, like I need to be with you,” you clarified.
Wonwoo’s eyes widened a bit. He knew what he felt with you and he knew it was possible that you had too, but maybe not the magnitude of it. “You’re her reincarnation. She’s you. You’re her,” he said, softly. A note of sadness seeped through his words now.
“Who?” you asked, needing to know more.
“The only true love I ever had. After I was kicked out of Olympus and sent to Earth by my mother.”
Now you thought you got it. The reason you had all these unexplainable feelings, why you felt like you knew Wonwoo already, why you felt so connected to him. It was because you did know him, albeit in a different lifetime. You had been with him, you had loved him and he had definitely loved you. But there was still something you didn’t get. Why wouldn’t he want to be with you again then?
“There’s still something you aren’t telling me, isn’t there?” you questioned.
Wonwoo looked down at his feet and you barely made out the words that he responded with. “You were sick. You died.”
Your heart dropped and you felt a piece was broken, for him and for your previous self. But you were a new person now, it might not end that way with you. Next thing you knew, you were closing the space between the two of you and pressing your lips against his. He backed up, trying not to give in to you but all that resulted in was you pinning him against the classroom wall.
At first, he just stood there, frozen. However, he could no longer deny his body’s chemistry with yours and in a split second decided he no longer wanted to fight it. He kissed you back and somehow the entire universe felt like it had been righted after so long. Suddenly, he didn’t care that his heart could break again and never be repaired. Kissing you, touching you made it feel like that could never happen to him again.
Since he seemed to reciprocate your advances now, you moved your arms from caging him against the wall and instead ran your fingertips underneath his shirt, just at the edge of his slacks. Even touching his skin felt right and familiar to you. There really was this unparalleled feeling that was felt with nobody else but him. Despite being annoyed with him previously, you felt his devotion to the you from before and wanted to take your time with him.
You slowly pulled his shirt over his head, taking it off and revealing the abs you knew were under it. You knew they were there, yet you still gasped at how lovely they looked. Wonwoo reached forward and pulled your shirt off as well, leaving you in your bra. Soon both of your pants and undergarments had been taken off, the two of you completely exposed in the classroom.
Wonwoo ran his hands along various parts of your skin, igniting that ever-present electricity. He pushed you against the edge of his desk as his exposed length rubbed against you, making you wetter by the second.
You took back control, pulling his arm to make him sit in the chair behind the desk. He looked up at you, his face full of adoration as you moved to straddle him. You started slowly, gradually grinding against him, wanting to show him a more gentle side.
“Fuck.” He let out the word in a deep breath as you continued to grind your slit against him. The word seared straight to your core and you needed him in you now.
“Wonwoo, I need to ride you,” you whined, calling him by his first name. He nodded and let you gradually sink onto him, taking your hips into his warm, large hands once you bottomed out. A moment later, you had adjusted to his size and you began moving your hips which elicited a hiss from Wonwoo.
You glanced at him, making sure this was okay. “It’s okay, it feels really good,” He confirmed, encouraging you to keep moving.
You picked up the rhythm, creating a steady pace as you rode him in the chair. Both of your voices echoed in the classroom, moans confirming your pleasure and you were so glad he didn’t have any classes after yours.
Wonwoo’s hips began to stutter and the moans he was letting out before were turning into whimpers. You were sure he was getting close to a release. Then you shifted in his lap just slightly so that he was hitting that particular spot within you. “Y/N, I’m gonna…” He whispered.
“Me too,” you responded. As soon as you spoke those words, his hips stilled and ropes of his cum painted your insides. He leaned forward to kiss you while his length continued to jerk. The force of his orgasm led you to your own, one so intense it left you weak in the knees and lightheaded. You ended up slightly limp in his lap, resting your head on his broad shoulder.
You didn’t remember him pulling out or moving you to sit in his lap like a little kid. A minute or two later, the post-orgasm haze had worn off and you felt like you needed to say something. “I know we are connected and I kind of pushed you into kissing me first. I know I’m supposed to be a reincarnation of your true love but I didn’t mean for that to happen,” you said, rambling in a little embarrassment and a small bit of guilt for pulling Wonwoo further into this whole thing.
“So you regret it?” Wonwoo asked, a strange deadpan tone to his voice and he moved his hands that were just cradling the small of your back. He just made the choice to move ahead with you and now you were already regretting it?
“No, No. I didn’t mean that. I regret nothing. Do you?” You asked with a raised eyebrow at his reaction. It sounded like he was finally letting himself be free from what was holding him back from you. You didn’t mean for it to sound like you didn’t want everything you just did.
Eventually, he answered. “No, I don’t,” he said with a bit of a chuckle and kissed you on the forehead before you got up from his lap.
You smiled at him cheekily then. “Good.”
What’s the worst that could happen? Well, Wonwoo already knew the worst thing that could but maybe, just maybe fate wouldn’t be cruel and this time might end differently. He decided he would take that chance with you.
All works on this blog are protected under copyright. Do not repost, continue, or translate my works.
#seventeen fanfic#kvanity#svthub#thediamondlifenetwork#greek god collab#seventeen wonwoo#seventeen smut#jeon wonwoo#svt angst#svt smut#svt wonwoo
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ೀ ﹒﹒ favorite names compilation !
ur fav musings girly again here with the first of my christmas goodies . my favorite thing to do is these name compilations so i decided to create another masterlist of my absolute favorite ones ( some old , mostly new ) anyways all i ask is that if u found this useful , u like or reblog to show ur support . i hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season ♡
- a : abella, ardella, ares, aire, arden, ayla, arie, alder, august, aymes, atlas, alina, alora, aryn.
- b : beau, babette, belle, blake, briar, bronte, banks, boston, bishop.
- c : cassiel, clara, celeste, camden, chandler, collins, clay, cartier, chanel, cosima.
- d : dove, dream, danica, delaney, drue, denver, dacey, delcy, darcy, dahlia.
- e : elodie, emory, emrys, elio, elowynne, emerson, evie, edie, estoria, esme, effy, evans.
- f : flora, faye, fallon, ford, forbes, finnick.
- g : gaia, geles, greer, gensen.
- h : hera, hudson, hampton, heath, harlowe.
- i : isla, inara, ilia.
- j : juniper, josefine, jane, jovie, joey.
- k : kiersten, kairo, kaia, kian, kouvr, keanu.
- l : lysander, lanie, lorena, lawson, lux, ludo, lourdes.
- m : marla, marigold, maren, maeve, marlowe, miller, monet.
- n : neah, north, nola, nell, noel, nariah, niamh, nami.
- o : ozzy, orion.
- p : presley, posy, pearl, porter, pacey, paxon.
- r : reed, ruelle, raya, romey, ryker, rhode, reign, rafe, rohan, raiden, remi, rion, rhiannon, reece, river, raine, rumer, reem, rhys.
- s : selah, soraya, sarifya, savion, sloane, sol, soren, scout, saint, striker, serafina, sabina, sutter.
- t : teal, twila, tristan, tobie, tripp, teague, tate.
- v : vienna, vega, vera, vincenzo.
- w : wren, winter, winona, winnie, wilder, weston.
- x : xaverie, xylah, xiomara, xander.
- y : yves, yara.
- z : zephyr.
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did you cry your eyes out at the end of the film just like me?
good, because i have good news for you ;)
after watching the film i really couldn't help but buy the book, and it is different in so many ways.
in fact, both the ending of the book and the film left me doubtful, in a certain sense.
at the end of the film we can see maren going back to a past memory, where she was with lee on the hill.
in the movie script, the last lines highlight how the ending could be all in maren or lee's head and not an actual event that had happened, leaving the spectator with suspense.
at the same time, at a certain point in the book, maren starts having visions about sullivan and lee, but it is unsaid the point at which maren returns to the reality that will take her to the last page of the book.
in the book however, sullivan is her grandfather, and after he tries to "kill" her, maren actually manages to kill him and get her revenge.
lee had nothing to do with sullivan's death in the book, because he wasn't there.
however, when maren spends her afternoons reading at the university, she begins to hallucinate where sullivan is still alive and lee comes to save her.
from there until the end of the book all events remain a hallucination.
there's one more thing you need to know though!
both in the book and in the film lee is a eater, not a true 'cannibal'.
this means that he only eats specific people and CAN control his instincts.
maren, on the other hand, is a true cannibal, and this means that she has no control over either her hunger or her instincts.
so, in the book, if someone gets too close to her neck/kisses her neck, regardless of who it is, she can't control herself.
lee knew it very well, but he wanted to declare his love to maren anyway, in fact in the book we see him kissing her neck, giving her permission to eat him, because at least then he would have known that maren had feelings for him too.
in fact, maren does it.
so...that means that lee dies in the same way both in the film and in the book, but lee's death is all in maren's head, a simple hallucination due to her traumas.
this was basically my personal theory, nothing more, but when i sent it to the writer i got confirmed that it is true : lee never really died.
hope this helped a bit :]
it costed me days of research hahaha, but studying cannibalism is actually interesting :P
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Hullo! 💜
For the OC drawing prompt, On the line of "Which mythological creature would that OC be"...
⭐️ Divinity - Draw your OC as a deity, in godlike clothing
For any character you think would be the most interesting to explore. (or more than one, but just one is fine :P )
Hello 💙!
First of all: thank you for asking! ✨ This was supposed to be a quick sketch but my hand slipped, so we even have half a background now. Incredible.
Maren Hawke - witchcraft, moon, and birds of prey. Fun stuff!
#She wishes she was this cool lol - but we can pretend it's an extremely on the nose dream#Also#'Greta will you ever stop putting either moon or water symbolism everywhere??' ahaha nope#digital sketch#csp#clip studio paint#dragon age oc#da hawke#Hawke#da2#Dragon age#dragon age fanart#da fanart
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15 and 18?
hi maren! thanks for the ask :)
15 - Preferred part of the game (Playing, building, decorating, ...)
playing 100% :P i'm a terrible decorator and i simply can't build anything... as for CAS i don't usually spend much time there, i am also not very great at making sims (working the genetics), that's why playing a legacy is so nice for me, cause the genetics are all inherited!
18 Skill you find the most interesting for your Sims
hum... not gonna lie, all my sims tend to max the cooking skill and charisma skill. i particularly love the singing skill too cause i like to put my sims singing in the shower 😉
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𝓱𝓮𝔂 𝓰𝓾𝔂𝓼! 𝓼𝓸𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓲𝓽’𝓼 𝓫𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓪 𝓵𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝔀𝓱𝓲𝓵𝓮 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮’𝓼 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽 2 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓾𝓶𝓼 <3
**only take what resonates don’t take this too seriously hehe**
stellium in the 7th house:
People who have stelliums in the 7th house have a focus on the other. Maybe it’s not so much them as it is their life often revolves around others or other people supporting them and getting them to the top. There may be a lot of lessons learned around all kinds of relationship (platonic, romantic, the public, etc..) but these people may also just be really good with people too! it depends on the sign but some of these people could just have a knack for meeting people at the right time, place, and person. This house could also rule over business partners/contracts so maybe your life themes could revolve around things like that too. This house also rules over open enemies. Though there is a focus on the other (7th house) you need to develop your independence and your own identity (1st house).
stellium in the 8th house:
oh boy….this is a crazy house. People who have stelliums in this house have. been. through. it. (the rumors are true lol). They’ve been through the ringer. And if you haven’t, maybe you’re really into finance, stock markets, astrology, stuff like that (maren altman type shit :p) but to be more specific with going through the ringer stuff, there’s often a crisis or some sort of life changing event (that often involves other people like a partner, family, but sometimes not) that deters the native’s life permanently. Your life themes could constantly revolve around change and being destroyed (8th house) in order to build yourself back up stronger than before (2nd house).
stellium in the 9th house:
Natives with a stellium in this house are often really curious and love science and exploring the world beyond their local environment. Religion or higher beliefs may play a significant role in their life or can be something they really value. Along with this, foreign people or places could also be important to them and their life. Expansion in terms of learning and actual experiences that they have is predominant in their life. These people love adventure and getting philosophical about life. maybe college/university is something important to their life themes too, something significant about that possibly. 9th house stelliums focus on the broader topics of life (9th house) but they should not forget that there is value in local learning within their school, towns, neighbors, etc… (3rd house)
stellium in 10th house:
This stellium placement may have a large focus on their image to others (on social media, the workplace as examples), their destiny/calling, and overall attention from others. I’ve noticed that a lot of people who have these stelliums often receive a lot of attention from others whether that be on social media or in person, or that they care a lot about how they appear in person and/or on social media. These people often have a pronounced reputation amongst their peers depending on the sign the stellium is in. These people may also be very driven for success and most of their energy revolves around their career or their calling in life. While a lot of their major life themes/events happen around others and in the public (10th house) it is important that these people establish a strong sense of foundation in their emotional comforts and home life before going after their goals and being in the public eye (4th house)
stellium in 11th house:
This house speaks to community, friends, and gains. Some say that people with a stellium in this house care a lot about humanitarian issues and may have a knack for gathering people or just being in/forming communities. Natives may also be very goal oriented much like a 10th house stellium. Friends and having a support system of people may be very important to these people. Because this house also deals with large groups of people, these people may enjoy success on social media or have a naturally gravitate towards it. This native’s life may often involve being able to integrate with different groups of people or doing things with friends and other communities. Philanthropy could play a big part of this person’s life, similarly said in the beginning of this explanation. While a native’s life may be very dependent on friends and/or having an audience of some sort (11th house) it is equally important to develop one’s creativity and self-expression (5th house)
12th house stellium:
Another really interesting house…okay so a lot of astrologers say that people with this house may have felt “invisible” or not really seen throughout their life. Maybe for a lot of people who have this stellium placement, their life events/themes may tend to happen internally, things to do with mental health, sprirituality or one’s imagination as examples. Rarer manifestation, but this person’s life could also have to do with secret enemies/haters or even admirers maybe. This house rules over hospitals and prisons so maybe something to do with that too. While the 11th house deals with gains, this house deals with loss, consequentially this may play out to be a large theme in their life too. A lot of the things i’m saying here may be perceived as negative but of course these things depend on context; sometimes loss can be good, sometimes loss can be bad. Sometimes mental health can be good, sometimes bad. This house is very flexible, as it is naturally ruled by pisces and neptune/jupiter. While people with this stellium tend to have a focus on the internal (12th house) it’s important that they also work out their daily routines + productivity (6th house).
**for part 1: i may have mentioned for the 6th house stellium that there may be something to do with open enemies but i personally believe this is more of a 7th house theme sense the 7th house opposes the first house of self**
☆ thank you so much for reading and i hope you all have a lovely day/night! lemme know down below what other posts i should i do or what you guys wanna know about ☆
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Post 1123
Before and After--Prisoner Barbers are rarely Stylists....
Eric Lane Marens, Florida inmate D71627, born 2002, incarceration intake October 2022 at age 20, scheduled for release August 2025
Vehicular Homicide
In February 2021, a New Smyrna Beach man, who South Daytona police said was racing his car at speeds over 100 mph when he crashed into a vehicle killing another man, was arrested.
At the time, Eric Lane Marens, 19, was charged with vehicular homicide and racing on a highway and was booked into the Volusia County Branch jail on $21,000 bail.
On Feb. 9, 2021 at 10:22 p.m., police said Marens, who was driving a Ford Focus, was involved in a T-bone style crash at Nova and Walton roads.
The impact ejected Gregory P. Greer, 56, a back seat passenger in a Ford Escape that was making a left turn on Walton Road, South Daytona police investigators said.
Greer died at the scene and the driver of the Ford Escape was taken to the hospital with serious but non-life threatening injuries, police said.
When police initially spoke to Marens, he denied that he was racing, police said. Traffic homicide investigators, following up on witness accounts that Marens was racing with another car, got a warrant to analyze Marens’ car.
The Ford Focus’ black box also known as the Event Data Recorder showed that Marens was traveling 108 mph just seconds before he hit the vehicle that Greer was in, Craig said.
Marens was convicted and sentenced in October 2022.
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WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @plisuu @melisusthewee and @theluckywizard , whom I tag right back now as a thank you! :3
I have a couple of finished things, but I'm saving them for later... Left to right, up first, down later.
@shivunin feeds the Whaling AU with the best memes, that had to be done. That WILL be done properly.
Speaking of which. Mo means drawing flowers, at this point I am not surprised. For the OC kiss week, I wanted to draw Elowen since LONG.
A silly comic I'll finish up, aka: the one thing Dorian and Fenris can agree on.
Mass Effect shenanigan. My Shepard, Max, is Italian and I'm having fun with memes. I played and met the Leviathans and she instantly thought of a silly song composed by an Italian scientific divulgator and rock musician youtuber, about a coconut crab named Alfonso. Leviathan is named Alfonso, for her. I swear in italian is very funny. (Cortez was involved in the headbanging and explained the joke, they're blasting the song in the shuttle bay, everyone is VERY happy)
Another OC kiss week. The background won't be finished for now, but eh. @salsedinepicta 's Maren got me inspired. :P
(everyone I named above: you're tagged!)
Tagging: @plisuu @melisusthewee @theluckywizard (as above), @shivunin and @salsedinepicta, then @ndostairlyrium @pinayelf @dreadfutures @zenstrike @brother-genitivi @daggerbean @dungeons-and-dragon-age @blarrghe and YOU!
#wip wednesday#doodle#dragon age#cullen rutherford#inquisitor lavellan#a lot of lavellans here#maren hawke#elowen lavellan#greypetrel#aisling lavellan#max shepard#whale au#should I tag alfonso the coconut crab?#alfonso il granchio del cocco#let's do it what's the worst it can happen
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Interesting Papers for Week 16, 2024
Signatures of cross-modal alignment in children’s early concepts. Aho, K., Roads, B. D., & Love, B. C. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(42), e2309688120.
Competing neural representations of choice shape evidence accumulation in humans. Bond, K., Rasero, J., Madan, R., Bahuguna, J., Rubin, J., & Verstynen, T. (2023). eLife, 12, e85223.
Initial conditions combine with sensory evidence to induce decision-related dynamics in premotor cortex. Boucher, P. O., Wang, T., Carceroni, L., Kane, G., Shenoy, K. V., & Chandrasekaran, C. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 6510.
A large-scale neurocomputational model of spatial cognition integrating memory with vision. Burkhardt, M., Bergelt, J., Gönner, L., Dinkelbach, H. Ü., Beuth, F., Schwarz, A., … Hamker, F. H. (2023). Neural Networks, 167, 473–488.
Human thalamic low-frequency oscillations correlate with expected value and outcomes during reinforcement learning. Collomb-Clerc, A., Gueguen, M. C. M., Minotti, L., Kahane, P., Navarro, V., Bartolomei, F., … Bastin, J. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 6534.
Large-scale recording of neuronal activity in freely-moving mice at cellular resolution. Das, A., Holden, S., Borovicka, J., Icardi, J., O’Niel, A., Chaklai, A., … Dana, H. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 6399.
Top-down control of exogenous attentional selection is mediated by beta coherence in prefrontal cortex. Dubey, A., Markowitz, D. A., & Pesaran, B. (2023). Neuron, 111(20), 3321-3334.e5.
The priming effect of rewarding brain stimulation in rats depends on both the cost and strength of reward but survives blockade of D2‐like dopamine receptors. Evangelista, C., Mehrez, N., Boisvert, E. E., Brake, W. G., & Shizgal, P. (2023). European Journal of Neuroscience, 58(8), 3751–3784.
Different roles of response covariability and its attentional modulation in the sensory cortex and posterior parietal cortex. Jiang, Y., He, S., & Zhang, J. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(42), e2216942120.
Input-specific synaptic depression shapes temporal integration in mouse visual cortex. Li, J. Y., & Glickfeld, L. L. (2023). Neuron, 111(20), 3255-3269.e6.
Dynamic emotional states shape the episodic structure of memory. McClay, M., Sachs, M. E., & Clewett, D. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 6533.
Trajectories through semantic spaces in schizophrenia and the relationship to ripple bursts. Nour, M. M., McNamee, D. C., Liu, Y., & Dolan, R. J. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(42), e2305290120.
Contribution of dorsal versus ventral hippocampus to the hierarchical modulation of goal‐directed actions in rats. Piquet, R., Faugère, A., & Parkes, S. L. (2023). European Journal of Neuroscience, 58(8), 3737–3750.
Neural dynamics underlying successful auditory short‐term memory performance. Pomper, U., Curetti, L. Z., & Chait, M. (2023). European Journal of Neuroscience, 58(8), 3859–3878.
Temporal disparity of action potentials triggered in axon initial segments and distal axons in the neocortex. Rózsa, M., Tóth, M., Oláh, G., Baka, J., Lákovics, R., Barzó, P., & Tamás, G. (2023). Science Advances, 9(41).
Working memory and attention in choice. Rustichini, A., Domenech, P., Civai, C., & DeYoung, C. G. (2023). PLOS ONE, 18(10), e0284127.
Acting on belief functions. Smith, N. J. J. (2023). Theory and Decision, 95(4), 575–621.
Thalamic nucleus reuniens coordinates prefrontal-hippocampal synchrony to suppress extinguished fear. Totty, M. S., Tuna, T., Ramanathan, K. R., Jin, J., Peters, S. E., & Maren, S. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 6565.
Single basolateral amygdala neurons in macaques exhibit distinct connectional motifs with frontal cortex. Zeisler, Z. R., London, L., Janssen, W. G., Fredericks, J. M., Elorette, C., Fujimoto, A., … Rudebeck, P. H. (2023). Neuron, 111(20), 3307-3320.e5.
Predicting the attention of others. Ziman, K., Kimmel, S. C., Farrell, K. T., & Graziano, M. S. A. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(42), e2307584120.
#neuroscience#science#research#brain science#scientific publications#cognitive science#neurobiology#cognition#psychophysics#neurons#neural computation#neural networks#computational neuroscience
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I just finished Bones and All and... holy shit I needed some time to think about my like.
Sorry I'm tired and I'm still rethinking my life rn. 10/10 would recommend if you like seeing ppl eat other ppl.
Here's a silly cat to make up for the rant:
#lee bones and all#bones and all#lee and maren#wtf did i just watch#10/10 would recommend#timothée chalamet#yes#im tired
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watching our good lord and savior Nika makes me think about how sick it is to have a devil fruit that allows for so much freedom!! SILLINESS is the core theme of one piece after all :)) i think fruits like luffy’s and katakuri’s are so intriguing bc how they manipulate it is really a reflection of the user’s souls. its still funny to me that when they fought, katakuri was just sort of dumbfounded by luffy’s moves. as similar as their devil fruits are, they obviously wield them very differently and its because of the difference in personalities. luffy literally drips freedom, chaos, and selfishness. he is The Sun. its such a stark contrast to katakuri, who is a lot more restricted, introverted, and so so selfless :,( my sweet boy. i would tattoo luffy and katakuri’s entire interaction on my body ITS SO IMPORTANT THAT THEY MET!! i like to think that katakuri’s fighting style changed a bit post-luffy. i bet he’s a little extra silly now <3 i just imagine him trying out a lil something crazy and his siblings giving him shit for it like eh that mid life crisis is really kicking in huh lol but long live sillies :P
massive agree, it's a huge huge reason why I wrote Maren as only becoming his partner post-defeat!
Luffy really changes his world in a way that he so desperately needed. the shell of a man he's carefully built around his soul to protect his family is cracked by luffy. and tbh, who else could? luffy is a true challenge for him and a reminder that he possesses his own interests beyond being the family watchdog and perfect protector/brother. katakuri genuinely enjoys being challenged and fighting is his greatest shown ability.
considering nika too--I just LOVE thinking about the fact that Katakuri is more than capable of something quite similar. he could be silly, bouncy, jump around on the world he molds into mochi. but he doesn't, he's stoic, he chases perfection and has no space for the silly. everything is a precise kill strike or a defensive maneuver to keep him from being seen laid upon his back. it really does attest to his different personality, and how that manifests in fighting style and devil fruit usage...given that devil fruits seem to have some mysterious secrets too, maybe part of that is the fruit itself.
I'm in the process of coming up with ideas on how katakuri's devil fruit awakening would've went and how it'd be different from luffy's. 🥺💗 possibly safe to assume mochi mochi no mi is NOT a zoan nor legendary like luffy's....
thanks for the message, love these thoughts 💗💓❤️
#charlotte katakuri#katakuri#luffy#anon asks#mew talks#sorry if this doesnt make sense . i am sleepy
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halloween party dressed as maren yearlyyy ;P
happy marenween everyone <33
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