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weirdthoughtsandideas · 1 year ago
If DCLA characters had Tumblr part 10 🕺🏼
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🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
Fun fact, because I am adopted I legit thought for a bit too long that everyone was concieved via adoption. Like babies just appeared and you went to adopt them.
I remember when I finally did learn how babies were made it kinda felt unreal
For context I had met pregnant people but I just did not reflect at all how babies came to be
💍 queenoftherink Follow
Although I remember asking my guardian ”well how did my MOM get me in the first place before she gave me up?? Did she also adopt me??” and her response was ”You see, sometimes flowers appear in the wrong hands, and thus they need to give them away to someone who can take better care of them”
So I… kinda thought I appeared as a flower inside my bio mom and she gave me to my guardian as she could take care of flowers better…
This also made me fear having a baby grow like a flower inside of me at like age 5 so. Yeah.
✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
I love reading random lore about your lives you never tell us anything irl
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🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
@supernova-number-one Found a video that describes our relationship 💜
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
Ew don’t tag me in ugly animated songs stop
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
Phineas and Ferb is a masterpiece, you rat
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
I never watched it. I don’t watch cartoons, it rots your brain
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
I’m gonna break into your house at a random time next week and force you to watch Phineas and Ferb.
I won’t say when, I won’t say how. But beware.
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🥸 jeremias-realperson Follow
Should I be concerned if my daughter’s female friend climbs in from the second floor window at 1:20 AM, or should I just let it go and be supportive that she has friends?
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💅🏼 ja-jazmin Follow
Today’s question: If you woke up and realized you were 10 years old again, but you have all the memories and experiences from your current age, what would you do?
👩🏻‍🦱 dangerously-beautiful-ant Follow
🎀 italys-biggest-bow-collector Follow
Yeah i’d… have an existential crisis.
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
My life literally started at age 17, imagine going back to being 10. And knowing that you have to suffer through almost a decade before your life starts again.
I guess the good thing is that i’d expose my dad of his lies right off the bat and maybe make some changes there. But. I’d still be 10. I don’t wanna be 10.
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
Yeah like I’d get the feeling of wanting to be young again because of nostalgia and all that, but was it really that great? Sure, I’d get access to the movies and games I used to watch and play that I no longer have access to. Sure, I’d watch the kids shows again that no longer air. But besides nostalgia for media? Being 10 kinda sucked?? Is anyone in their prime time then????
📸 felicityfornow Follow
Adding to this ^ Imagine all the things that came out after you were 10. All the books, movies, shows… that you no longer have access to because they haven’t come out yet.
🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
Anyone else getting an irrational fear of going to sleep and waking up as a 10 year old or is it just me?
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🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
The queer experience of meeting another person and just knowing… you’re one of us.
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
Now you’re not replying.
I mean I always knew but i’m still like >:o !!
We’re gonna talk about this when I come and force you to watch some P&F tonight
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
I love my posts being helped to further the plot of whatever is going on between you two
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💍 queenoftherink Follow
So I was in a singing competition once and I got in last. I’m usually very competitive, but I surprisingly didn’t care. Honestly, I was only joining because it was a competition, but I am not really interested in a singing career.
But I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I won? How would it have looked like if I had a singing career?
🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
You wouldn’t like it if Bruno still was responsible. You’d be forced to "date" someone, have random made up drama…
💍 queenoftherink Follow
Oof yeah good point
✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
Imagine if one of the people in the competition who was not straight won, and they’d have to be forced into a straight fake dating. And they’d also perform a love song and everyone would ask who it was about and they would not be allowed to say.
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Why are you vagueposting like this??
✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
Cause the person themselves can’t tell anything it or they would be found out by a certain someone who has not figured out their Tumblr blog and it’s just fun to keep the mystery
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🥸 jeremias-realperson Follow
Anonymous asked: You seem to be very interested if your daughter has a boyfriend. What would you do if your daughter has a girlfriend?
I have not considered that a thing that could happen!
Does this mean I have to keep an eye out for girls, too?!
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🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
I was bored and decided to prank my stepsister. I knew she had her friend at home, so I opened the door and yelled ”stop making out”.
Now, of course, they didn’t make out at all, but they got so startled by my voice they almost hid, as if they did something.
💍 queenoftherink Follow
I thought this sounded like a fun idea and went to do the same to my cousin, who currently has her friend over.
As I opened the door and yelled ”stop making out” the two did not get startled. Rather, they just stared at me dumbfounded.
I blinked and then closed the door again. I will not let the awkwardness get to me.
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
Oh so THAT’S why you did that. I thought you for some reason thought me and Nina were dating (my mom thought that once so idk if that’s a rumor people for some reason have)
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📸 felicityfornow Follow
Just wanna give a shoutout to the passion fruit juice at Jam and Roller! It’s delicious!
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
Ooh, we’re doing J&R recommendations? I recommend the chocolate-vanilla milkshake! It is the BEST THING I’ve tasted ever!
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Wait a minute! I finally figured you out! I did it!
✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
HOW did you figure it out by this, out of all things?!
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
I was about to lie and troll you by saying that I’m not Yam, but oh well.
Matteo, it has been an honor watching you absolutely suck at figuring out who I was. I mean, there were some OBVIOUS HINTS.
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
I just knew I had seen you drink that milkshake quite a lot, so I went from that.
I don’t really know what had been the clear hints
💍 queenoftherink Follow
Please allow me, as someone who does not often speak to Yam irl but observes and knows everything about everyone:
Hint 1: She enjoys singing. Sure, a lot of people enjoy singing at Jam and Roller, but she is our Singer.
Hint 2: Her unhinged behavior. You’re telling me you haven’t ever just noticed her being basically like Lunita but with a more brutally honest attitude?
Hint 3: Her gayness. Now, we should never assume people’s sexualities but Yam both here and much irl has been very openly gay during the last years.
Hint 4: The way she and Jim openly talk about their relationship here. Who did you think Jim was dating??? They haven’t exactly been hiding that much irl either.
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
I guess I just… didn’t think much about Yam. Sorry.
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
That’s ok Strawberry face, I don’t think much about you either except when I troll you on Tumblr
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Now I kinda wanna get to know you haha
Wanna go grab a drink? (If Jim sees this, I promise I won’t make moves on her)
✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
I never in my life assumed you would try to make a move on someone who’s openly a lesbian but thanks I guess
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
When you say ”grab a drink” please say you meant going to a bar I’d like to see you drunk
📸 felicityfornow Follow
Well. I guess I was right. Matteo did figure it out in the most unpredictable way.
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🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
My childhood rival included a Phineas and Ferb reference in her latest fic I’m so proud <3
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
Stop reading my fanfictions
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
You know fully well you update them only because of me 😘 Your little notes saying ”I know a certain someone who will like this chapter” is def for me
Also the fact that a character climbed through a window in one of them? Please you got that from real life experiences
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
What is happening between you two??
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
Phineas and Ferb is what’s happening.
Also Vilu, please read chapter 43 of Ludmila’s 170 chapters fic, I am pretty sure she based that from you.
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
It’s just two best friends who everyone is sure is in love but they haven’t realized it themselves??
I don’t get it.
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auxchamps · 8 years ago
Vicente Fox, el fracasado, Martí Batres Guadarrama
En agosto de 2000, el día en que fueron elegidos los coordinadores parlamentarios del PRD, un alto dirigente de este partido llegaba a una reunión nocturna de un grupo de legisladores, después de acompañar a Vicente Fox en una gira por Sudamérica. Llevaba el semblante iluminado y decía con gran convicción: "Fox puede hacer cosas muy importantes, está empeñado en ser como Nelson Mandela".
Hoy es el último día del sexenio de Fox. Nunca se aproximó ni de lejos a Mandela. Por el contrario, nada digno, nada significativo, nada para el buen recuerdo ocurrió en este sexenio. Ni una sola gesta que permita a los mexicanos cargar el estandarte de Fox en algún momento. Ni una sola gran empresa, gran obra o gran transformación, nada. Hoy llega a su fin el gobierno de un Vicente Fox tonto, ridículo, traidor y fracasado.
Para vergüenza de México, para la pena ajena que sentimos todos los mexicanos, se consagró como el presidente más ignorante de toda la historia de México. Así lo recordaremos: como aquel que reconoció las aportaciones de los hermanos José y Clemente Orozco, que evocó al premio Nobel Carlos Fuentes, que saludó a la República Checoeslovaca después de su división, que recordó la expropiación petrolera de 1936, o que citó al escritor José Luis Borgues. Fox es el personaje ridículo que habló de unificar las dos Coreas, que visitó al rey de España para presumir sus botas de charol, que se peleó con Maradona, que besó el anillo al Papa. Es el ridículo que impulsó las condenas a Cuba por violación a los derechos humanos, y termina su sexenio con cientos de presos políticos, desaparecidos y asesinados. Es el personaje perverso que declaró que había que ayudar al presidente de Cuba a morirse, que permitió a Tv Azteca tomar las instalaciones de Canal 40, que saludó el golpe de Estado contra Hugo Chávez, que detuvo a ciudadanos españoles, los metió a la cárcel o los deportó acusándolos de terroristas. Fox es el perverso que dejó escapar al Chapo Guzmán. Fox es el perverso que dedicó la mitad de su sexenio a atacar al Gobierno del Distrito Federal mientras florecía el narcotráfico en el norte y el sureste del país. El que quitó a las televisoras la obligación de pagar impuestos por el uso del espacio aéreo de la nación. Es el traidor que prometió en campaña no aumentar los impuestos y apenas llegó a la Presidencia propuso poner IVA a medicinas y alimentos; es el gran traidor que prometió meter a Carlos Salinas a la cárcel y se lo trajo de asesor y liberó a su hermano Raúl Salinas. Fox es el gran traidor que llegó al gobierno con el voto ciudadano y realizó desde el poder el desafuero de Andrés Manuel López Obrador y más tarde el fraude electoral para despojarlo de su triunfo.
Fox es el gran corrupto que alentó el enriquecimiento desmedido de su esposa y sus hijos, que puso los contratos de Pemex al servicio de sus socios, que elevó el gasto personal y familiar a costa del erario como no había sucedido desde la época de los Salinas y los López Portillo, que generó con su círculo cercano una camada de nuevos millonarios a costillas del presupuesto. Fox nos deja en el recuerdo el toallagate, las cirugías plásticas en Pemex, las propiedades de Francisco Ortiz, el vestuario de la señora Marta, la remodelación de su rancho con recursos públicos, los hoteles alquilados por Reyes Tamez, los salarios de medio millón de pesos mensuales a los ministros de la Corte, las gasolineras de Mouriño, los contratos de Hildebrando, su hermano en el Fobaproa, los vínculos de Sergio Estrada Cajigal con el narcotraficante El Azul, el tráfico de influencias de Guido Belsasso, los 65 viajes al extranjero de Julio Frenk, los desvíos del Fonden de Sandra Segura, los dólares de la hermana de Santiago Creel, el zoológico de sus hijas.
Fox es el rey de la impunidad. Los grandes corruptos del pasado y del presente no pagaron pena alguna. Luis Echeverría siguió libre, Nazar Haro regresó a su casa, Oscar Espinosa Villarreal fue absuelto; Arturo Montiel vive tranquilo con todas sus residencias. Nadie pagó por los delitos relacionados con el Pemexgate. Nadie está en la cárcel por la red delincuencial de Amigos de Fox. Diego Fernández de Cevallos puede ayudar al cártel de Juárez y no pasa nada. Ulises Ruiz puede matar y no pasa nada. Víctor Flores es el líder sindical consentido del sexenio. Ninguno de los peces gordos del Fobaproa tuvo que enfrentar a la justicia. Fox es el que declararía empresario modelo a Kamel Nacif.
Fox es el tonto agresivo que le dijo a Fidel Castro "comes y te vas", que llamó a las mujeres mexicanas lavadoras de dos patas, que afirmó que los mexicanos hacían trabajos que "ni los negros querían hacer", que señaló que nos querían engañar "como viles chinos". Es el inepto que tuvo en sus manos los excedentes petroleros más altos de la historia, y que dejó a Pemex con la deuda más grande de su historia, al país con un gasto corriente acrecentado y desmedido al estilo de los verdaderos gobiernos populistas y con una inversión productiva congelada en su crecimiento. Es el fracasado que quiso que la economía creciera 7 por ciento y no pudo; es el fracasado que quería un acuerdo migratorio con Estados Unidos y obtuvo un muro fronterizo, y el que deseaba pasar a la historia como héroe de la democracia y se convirtió en un vulgar delincuente electoral.
Así termina Vicente Fox. El tonto que no supo aprovechar su oportunidad histórica, el que no logró nada, el traidor a las grandes causas que lo llevaron al poder, el corrupto que corrompió todo lo que tocó, el cobarde que se arrastró ante los poderosos. El inepto que hizo crecer el narcotráfico y la violencia. El incapaz que pensó que gobernar era sacar espots. El enemigo de la democracia que hizo renacer la institución del fraude electoral. En fin, el iluso que pretende que su gran obra fue designar sucesor a un fanático de la derecha primitiva. Adiós, Fox. Sí te vamos a recordar.
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petewentztiddies · 4 years ago
Dom but kind Anakin and virgin reader? Nice and slow and Anakin is equally vocal?
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here ya go baebee, have an Anakin x fem! reader blurb 😏 (also taglist at le bottom;0)
warnings: smut (obv), cunnilingus (oh yes bitches, we’re goin there™), p in v sex, unprotected sex, soft!dom anakin
word count: 1238 ;)
Also yay for gifs this time!!
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"But you've never-...are you sure? This is totally up to you-" he starts.
"I want this, Ani. I trust you," you say softly.
Anakin kisses you gently as his hands move around you, pulling you close.
The light kiss turns into something more, and you feel his hands move down to your hips. His hands grow more forceful, gripping you tightly.
"You're so gorgeous," he whispers in a deep voice that makes you shiver. Your hands wrap around his neck, pulling him closer to you. It feels right having him hold you. Anakin's lips move to yours, kissing you deeper. 
He fumbles with the button on your pants, and you can feel his satisfied smile against your lips when he unbuttons the top button. He impatiently undresses you, unfastening your pants and sliding them off into the cold night air. He pulls away from you, peppering kisses from your neck to your torso. He kisses lower, dangerously close to the top of your exposed thigh.
"Please," you whisper.
"Please, what?" he asks, teasingly.
"Could you- I-" you struggle to get your meaning across. Thankfully, it seems as if he knows what you mean. He hooks his fingers in your underwear, sliding it off of you.
His finger circles your entrance, sliding a finger in with ease. “This okay?”
You weren’t a stranger to the sensation of being fingered - you had done it to yourself many times over the years. You were anxious to take it further. “Y-yes. More, please.” you keen.
"You're soaked," he mutters. "All because of me, hmm?" 
"I….I need you to-" you trail off as he curls his finger. 
"What was that, again? You didn't finish your sentence," he smiles wryly.
"M-more, please...I need more," you beg.
"More what?"
He wanted you to say it. You whine in frustration. "I...Maker, more fingers? O-or…" you trail off.
He slides a second finger in easily; curling and pumping them just right. "Or what? Go on, finish your sentence, Angel." He chuckles.
You blank on words for a solid moment there. "...I- you can read minds, I can't describe-!" you arch your back, squeezing your eyes shut as he hits your G-spot.
Anakin says nothing in reply. You can hear him moving, and when you open your eyes you see him between your legs. 
You automatically part your legs for him more to allow him better access.
"So beautiful," he mutters, his voice becoming impossibly low. He presses a soft kiss to your inner thigh, kissing the other one next, taking his time.
Finally, he presses a kiss directly on your clit. Your breath hitches.
He drags his tongue along your folds, tasting you. 
You hiss, hands finding their way to his hair, and you accidentally pull on his hair in a silent demand for more, though he doesn’t seem to mind. 
"You taste so good," he says, quickly resuming his exploration.
He plunges his fingers inside your cunt right as he sucks on your clit, and you swear you see stars from that alone. Your back is arched impossibly high, mouth wide open in a silent scream.
You attempt to buck your hips, but nothing happens. Confused, you glance down at Anakin, who has your lower half pinned with the Force. 
Anakin Skywalker was going to be the death of you.
"I- Ani, faster, please," you babble.
You swear you hear him fucking chuckle - and you can feel the vibration. He swirls his tongue on your clit, faster and faster, electric waves of pleasure washing over you.
You clamp around his fingers, the distinct feeling of an orgasm approaching. 
Your breath comes in quickened, frantic breaths. “Ani,” you whimper.
He merely winks at you. Anakin’s fingers move faster, hitting your G-spot every time. 
He sucks on your clit once again, his mouth oh-so-hot and wet. He lightly grazes your clit with his teeth, and that action alone makes you cum, gripping at the sheets and cursing. 
He helps you ride out the aftershocks of your orgasm, greedily cleaning you with nothing but his tongue.
You pant as you come back to reality, so to speak. Your legs are still shaking.
“You did so good for me, Angel,” he praises. And then he kisses you and you can taste yourself on his lips.
You two begin lazily making out. At some point, he takes his pants off. 
“Are we still…?” You ask.
“That’s totally up to you, baby. Are you feeling up to it?” he asks, sincerely.
Your cheeks redden. “I really want you to…”
“To…?” he prompts.
"Ani...I need..." you trail off.
“Say it, Angel,” Anakin purrs in your ear, fingertips ghosting over your still-oversensitive clit- far too little pressure to actually mean something. “Tell me what you need,”
You ache with need, and your cheeks burn hot with heat. “I...I need you,” you breathe.
“You need my what? "I need you to use your words," Anakin teases, his blue eyes fixed on you. “What do you need?”
"I...please fuck me, Ani," you relent, most of your sense of shame long thrown out the window. "Please, I n-need you to fuck my pussy."
"Good girl," Anakin praises, and you can feel the head of his cock at your entrance.
He pauses, presumably to keep you in suspense because of course, he would, and you’re just about to open your mouth to say something when he slowly, finally, enters you. You moan at the sensation; the delicious stretch. You had expected it to hurt; instead, you feel pleasantly full.
“Fuck, you feel so good…” he whispers in your ear, nipping at your earlobe. “You s-still with me?” You distantly hear him ask.
You nod, unable to form words at the moment. 
He sets a rhythm of slow, deep thrusts. “I want to hear you, Baby. Use your words.” his voice drops to a near-growl.
You moan, your breath coming out in quick, short puffs. “Yes-!” you whine. “Anakin, yes,” 
His metal hand finds your clit, and the contrast of the cold metal on your hot, aching, oversensitive clit made you clench around him. A strangled noise escapes your lips.
“Say it again. Say my name again,” he demands, and you can feel his breath on your neck, lips occasionally peppering kisses on your shoulder and neck.
You scream his name in reply.
“Fuck. My good girl. So wet for me. You’re- you’re taking me so well,” he murmurs filthy praises in your ear, his thrusts gradually becoming erratic. 
His cool fingers circle your clit, and it doesn’t take long before you’re on the verge of orgasm for the second time today.
He moans your name as you clench around him once again, desperate for his touch.
His fingers circle your clit once again. “Y-you gonna cum again? Cum for me. Go ahead, Angel.” his fingers move at fast pace, rubbing tight circles. 
“Cum,” he says simply, and your body reacts to his command. You cry out his name, your orgasm hitting you hard and fast.
He soon follows, muttering your name, kissing you any and everywhere he can, burying himself inside you.
He rolls off of you, and you quickly snuggle up to him. “Thank you,” you sigh.
“What for?”
“That was...really good.” you blurt. “I- I mean, I really liked it. I want to do it again sometime soon.”
Anakin presses a kiss to your forehead. “Any time, Angel.”
whoops, i didn’t mean to make this as long as it ended up. it was just gonna b a lil blurb and then i went “pussy eating go brr”. oopsie ;)
taglist ;p
@soveryhowvery @cr-uelsummer @haydens-moles @anakinswhore @anakin-railme @hansonveggieclub @itsmentalillness @passable-talent @missyatrocious and also motherfuckingstargirl10, but she was the one who asked so she got notified anyway.
anyway damnb i really struggled to write the scene where anakin eats pussy and it probably shows won’t lie. like ohmygod i was stuck on the pussyeating scene for like a whole ass day bc i couldn’t figure out how to describe that feeling you get when ur about to cum???? and i’m too stupid to google??
thx for reading tho ;00 rb or comment if you enjoyed ;) and don’t forget requests are open, so send em over babes <3
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atmo-spherique · 4 years ago
Kaminoan: Phonetic Inventory and Counting System
While discussing clone things with @daitoshi​, they offhandedly mentioned the weirdness of the number of clones in a batch (and incidentally the general structure of the GAR). Apparently this was all the inspiration I needed to decide I was going to create base-4 counting system for the Kaminoans. 32 clones per batch seems pretty random, but it is just 2 x 16 (2 x 4^2), so in a base-4 system, it’s no more random than say 200 (2 x 10^2) is in base-10. Base-4 also ties in thematically with DNA irl, so that’s fun for a bunch of cloners!
I’ve put together a guide to my process and rules for the enjoyment of all. And by enjoyment, I mean frustration because this counting systems it incredibly upsetting.
We normally assume most human counting systems are base-10 due to our (standard) number of fingers. How the heck to do count to four with three fingers, then?? Well, this is how Imma say the Kaminoans count on their fingers:
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Does it make sense? I guess. Does it seem probable? Not really. But the joy of conlanging and worldbuilding for aliens is you can always just be like, “Whatever, their alien brains are built differently.”
Anyways, we’re gonna want some names for these numbers, so we gotta come up with some mouth sounds to represent them.
We do not have a lot of canon (or legends) words for Kaminoan stuff, and what we do have is of course plagued by the same issue that every collection of made up words in SW suffers from: absolutely no internal consistency. Okay, well maybe there is some internal consistency, so let’s look at what we got:
Taun We Lama Su Kina Ha Ko Sai Nala Se Erla Halle Burtoni
Tipoca Timira Derem Baran Wu Su Des Slici Tal An Glascretia Razoral
aiwha nahra
Protas Melkorr Kikla Thalina iiaa oii sso uded
Sre Len
Taun We, Lama Su, Nala Se: these are iconic of the vibe I want the phonetic system to embody. So, what features from this data set should I keep for the phonetic inventory?
I dismiss Glascretia and Razoral outright since they have a very “fake English vibe.” Same with Protas and Melkorr, since they just seem to be plays on Proteas (Greek myth) and Melkor (Tolkien) respectively. Also, I throw Halle Burtoni right out the window because every other Kaminoan we meet sounds like their name came from the same language. What the heck happened here?? Whatever language she’s named in, it’s not the one I’m building.
Get rid of thalina, too; I don’t like the <th> just because. Additionally, I’m not sure what the <h> in nahra represents (is it silent? pronounced? part of a digraph with <r>????), so we’re gonna ignore it for now. Finally, the terminal <d> in uded doesn’t fit the vibe I want to go for. I consider keeping the terminal <s> in Su Des but eventually decide against it.
From Tal An and Erla, I decide that approximants can occur finally.
I take <c> and <k> to represent the same phoneme.
For absolutely no good reason, I have always assumed the <wh> in aiwha was inspired by Maori, so I’ll count that as one phoneme. However, I decide to have all approximants have a voiced and voiceless form. So, I end up not using the Maori rendering anyways.
Great, overall we’ve got what looks like it could be a very CV syllable structure. In order to match the vibe I’m going for, I won’t complicate that too much.
We have several C<l> consonant clusters, so we’ll say that it can occur initially. And since we said all approximants can occur finally, we’ll just say all approximants can occur in this position, too. Plus, since I’m mostly just doing this project to amuse Daitoshi, this also allows for their OC’s name to be permissible in the system.
Now, what is going on with these words from the Aiwha Pod short story?? Suddenly double letters. Okay. We’ll say <a> and <i> have long forms, and then we’ll say <u> does as well for a more balanced system. Same with <s> and then <h>, again for balance. Do these words represent diphthongs? Meh. I’ll say no, they’re bisyllabic because I want them to be.
After all that, we’re left with :
m /m/ n /n/
p /p/ b /b/ t /t/ d /d/ k/c /k/
s /s/ ss /sː/ h /h/ hh /hː/
lh /l̥/ l /l/ rh /ɻ̊/ r /ɻ/ wh /ʍ/ w /w/
i /i/ ii /iː/ u /u/ uu /uː/ e /e/ o /o/ a /ä/ aa /äː/
ai /äɪ̯/ au /äʊ̯/
C1 = -approximant if occuring in cluster
C2 = +voiced approximant
C3 = +nasal or +voiced approximant
Yay! Let’s work on naming some numbers now.
We’ll obviously want unique names for 0-4. Additionally, the number 9 is very significant in the GAR; squads consist of nine troopers, so every other division ends up divisible by nine. Cool, let’s give 9 a unique name and let it play a role in counting. I also give 36 and 144 unique names, thinking of things like “dozen” and “gross” and “score” in English. Aside from these, we’ll want the various powers of 4 to be something simple.
Futz around with the phonemic inventory, maybe drop it into a word generator, and here are the unique number name around which all other numbers will be based:
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And there you have it! The basics, at least. I’ve worked out the names of number 0-64 with which, as long as you know the powers of four, you can work out any number you’d like up to 206 billion~!
Additionally, I decided to create a numeral system (I mean, it’s only four characters, so why the heck not?) very loosely inspired by the structure of the DNA nucelobases (adenine, guanine, thymine cytosine), so here’s that:
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And here is a list of the names of all of the numbers through 64! The general rule is simply that if the smaller integer appears first, it is multiplied by the following. If the larger integer appears first, it is added to the following. Aside from a few of the earlier numbers, it’s pretty regular! 9 lends its name to its multiples, and of course 36 (and 144) have unique names, as mentioned above. After hitting 64, the numbers repeat (the same way that they do in English after 100).
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*both rai hhel and kwado lho are used, though the latter is rarer
Aaaand for examples in this system, I thought I’d convert some clone designations into it :3
Rex 7567 → 1312033
each digit: lho hhel lho kwa abo hhel hhel
full number: rai hhelto lho whenau kwaiil hhelte hhel
abbreviated: tehhel tekwa abo hhelte hhel
wooooow you can immediately see why they wouldn’t go with base-4 designations haha
Fives 5555 → 1112303
each digit: lho lho lho kwa hhel abo hhel
full number: rai te lho whenau kwaiil hhelrai hhel
abbreviated: telho tekwa hhel abo hhel
maybe we will just call him “Telhon” in Kaminoan :)
Cody 2224 → 202300
each digit: kwa abo kwa hhel abo abo
full number: kwate whenau kwaiil hhelrai
abbreviated: kwate dokwa abo abo (or perhaps “abora” for “double zero”)
I accidentally made his name start with “Kwate” which sounds enough like his nickname I suppose :)
And that’s it! If you read this far, um, thanks (unless you’re Daitoshi: curse you for inspiring me to create this). idk why you would, but anyone is welcome to use this for whatever purpose. Would love to see what you come up with if you do, though, so hmu~! ;)
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tinyshinysylveon · 4 years ago
i suddenly got this idea where izuku is an anonymous famous editor for youtubers who hire him to edit their videos because he’s a professional at doing it, and katsuki is an upcoming youtube vlogger who travels around the world and yet doesn’t know how to edit his own videos to save his life, so no matter what he does, he always seem to mess up even the basics of editing (part 1/??)
“i think you need professional help” kirishima says as he watches katsuki trying to drag an edited cut on to his video for the umpteenth time that day “shut up, shitty hair just give me a minute-” an error popup. “did you just.. deleted the video?” “....”
katsuki keeps trying, he even watched tutorials on youtube (while skipping important segments ofc because he can totally do that all on his own!) but his patience is wearing thin until kirishima recommended him to someone who’s known in the youtube community for their famous editing skills 
“..deku?” katsuki stares at his screen showing a youtube profile with the name deku as their username and an icon of all might with edited-in sunglasses “okay look, he may seem suspicious to you, but i gotta tell you bakugou, he’s legit, i’ve seen his videos and they look awesome!” well katsuki will be the judge of that despite this deku having 5 mil+ subscribers than him!
the blonde spent the whole day watching deku’s videos which mostly consists of amvs (anime music videos) and games, especially the ones that required a lot of effort to make, plus he even made tutorials! so he gotta give him credit for that, but alas, katsuki is still somehow having trouble following directions and gave up on the latest tutorial video on how to add an easy transition 
when kirishima came to check in with katsuki, all he heard were multiple clicks and grumbled noises, he let out an exasperated sigh “i can’t believe you’re still trying..” “what the fuck do you want me to do kirishima?” katsuki was trying not to flip his table at this point. “hire him obviously!” the red head yells out as if that’s the answer to their problems “..and how do you suppose i do that?” 
it actually took a lot of convincing in kirishima’s part, but katsuki finally threw away his pride and decided to send a message to deku’s business email that was left under his about page on youtube 
“..i want you to become my editor and help me in becoming the #1 youtube travel vlogger in the community” kirishima reads the message out loud that’s displayed on the screen, “you sure you want to send it like this?” “i don’t see anything wrong with it?” “but don’t you think it’s too.. blunt? no formalities or anything like, hello i’ve seen your videos and i would be honored to have you as my editor, you know?” katsuki just shrugged, “it’s too late, i already sent it to him”
about half a day later, deku replied back, “Good afternoon Mr.Explosionmurder, I appreciate that you requested me to become your editor and would like to discuss further details about our agreement via discord. You can contact me by adding my username, deku#2463. I look forward to hearing from you.” to this day, kirishima still can’t believe his eyes when he read the message
“oi shitty hair, what’s a discord?” 
it wasn’t katsuki’s fault that the majority of time he spent in high school was doing his best to stay on top of assignments and projects, plus being in the A honor roll, he didn’t really get to decide on his career until after he graduated, thanks to the courtesy of his parents owning their own modeling industry, he put the money he saved up to good use in traveling around the world and vlogging it for people to see with kirishima as his traveling partner
he explained all of this and his reasonings to deku on discord once he reached out to him and figured out how to use the platform, but katsuki was still suspicious regarding his video editing skills and wanted to see it firsthand on how his videos would look like as a finished product
deku: fair enough, send me your videos and i’ll see what i can do, until then, if you deem it satisfactory, which i’m confident that you will, i request a 50/50 payment on your revenue. take it or leave it. 
for some reason, katsuki agreed to it without a second thought due to the challenging tone from the message; “i can’t believe you! i told you to trust him! why do you have to doubt him?! haven’t you already seen his videos?!” kirishima was full on panicking at this point, how were they going to make money?! “shut up, i know what i’m doing! i know what’s best for my videos!” it was a good chance too since they’re currently in hong kong and planning to shoot the top 10 tourist spots to visit as claimed by an article he found online
a few days later, katsuki finally got all the videos piled up in one folder and sent them all in a google drive to share with deku just as he requested, he even mentioned to him thru discord message to follow the cues he was giving him on his videos such as when he and kirishima took a stroll and tried foods in the temple street night market; “hey deku, i want you to do a close up of kirishima eating the curry fish ball with erotic music playing in the background” he smirks while focusing the camera on the red head eating without a care in the world and not noticing katsuki making the comment, “mmm dude, mmm you gotta try this, it’s so freakin’ good- wait bro, how long have you been pointing the camera at me?” 
in less than a week, deku sent a reply back with the link to the fully edited video; deku: hmm, not gonna lie, but your cues were actually helpful and dare I say, creative? katsuki took it as a compliment and opened the link to the video file, it was about a few GB so it shouldn’t take a long time to upload on youtube, but.. was it ready? he called in kirishima to watch it with him and was actually prepared for it to look horrible despite deku’s obvious talent except.. it was actually pretty good?? better even?! “what did i tell ya katsuki? i told you he was legit,” his partner boasted, just earlier he was embarrassed when the part about him eating the curry fish ball with the “let’s get it on” music in the background showed up while the blonde just rolled his eyes. 
explosionmurder: thanks, and i just saw it, consider yourself hired deku: happy to be of service! i’m looking forward to working with you, mr.explosionmurder! it would be helpful again if you provided the cues during your journey! :)  explosionmurder: don’t mention it and also don’t call me that, call me katsuki  deku: okay, mr.katsuki! [all might emoji]
kastuki found it odd that he became really eager during the exchange but thought nothing of it
a couple of months flew by and katsuki with kirishima in tow have already travelled in 4 other different countries, he even received about 500k+ subscribers, he’s almost to 1 million! as per agreement, he gives half of his revenue to deku which was okay with him since he still has a lot of saved up money in the bank including kirishima’s since they’re sharing it anyway, most of the time, his communication with deku have been entirely professional with a few emojis in between (usually deku’s part), until today that is 
deku: it must be nice to travel 0:  explosionmurder: pfft, what are you talking about? you now have over 7 mil+ subscribers in your channel since i met you, you can go traveling whenever or wherever you want  deku: i can’t  explosionmurder: what do you mean you can’t?
no reply
since then, katsuki didn’t want to think too much on what deku said and focused mostly on traveling, those videos won’t work themselves! after he finished, he sent over the videos of his recent trip from india over to deku and as usual, deku delivered it back beautifully edited along with a message 
deku: that’s so cool! you guys went to india? *o* [link to video edit] explosionmurder: yeah, you should’ve seen shitty hair when he tried that really spicy curry, which reminds me, you did what i asked right? deku: of course mr. katsuki! as always, i’ve paid attention to every cue you asked for! [saluting pepe emoji] explosionmurder: good good, i didn’t just hire you to sit on your ass all day  deku: haha you’re not my only contractor you know ^^”  explosionmurder: is that what you meant when you said you couldn’t travel because you’ve been busy? way to be blunt katsuki, he mentally berated himself, but at least deku answered this time, although reluctantly deku: ...let’s just say im stuck at home  in that very moment, is when everything changed between them explosionmurder: alright nerd, you sound depressed as hell so i’m going to give you the decision to decide on where we’re going to travel to next, think of it as a reward for all you’ve done for us  deku: asdkjflas that’s too much! T_T are you sure mr. katsuki??? explosionmurder: i’m waiting, you got 3 seconds starting now, 3  deku: america! i’ve been wanting to go to america...
katsuki told kirishima his plans, then the spiky red head gave him a pat on the back and a thumbs up, “so you do have a sentimental bone in your body!” kirishima was almost close to being dead that very same day 
when they arrived to america, he asked deku the list of things he wanted to see and most of them were, “all might amusement park, all might cafe, all might- is there anything else the nerd likes besides all might and superheroes?” katsuki says while viewing the list in the hotel they’re staying at. “give him a break, you said so yourself that he couldn’t leave his house, so this is the least we can do for him and for all the hard work he put in our videos,” kirishima reasoned with him
on the last day of their trip, katsuki did his routine in piling the videos together and sending them to deku with the attached message, “i actually bought you a souvenir if you want it, looked like the type of shit you would like, you’ll see what it is in the videos i’ve sent you” they’ve known each other long enough so he thought why the hell not, it’s just a matter of getting his PO address, and the response to this was immediate, “AAA I SAW IT! THANK YOU THANK YOU!” <3<3 <(^w^<)
it was an all might limited edition figurine only available in the US 
for the first time, deku took two days longer to finish than katsuki expected him to since they’ve started because he always goes through them pretty quickly, maybe he’s too busy making them look up-to-par? whatever the case was, when katsuki received the video, it already had a title for it, “MY AWESOME TRIP TO AMERICA PLUS ULTRA!” kirishima just laughed and told him to keep it in honor of deku so he left it like that, “this better give me some views,” he grumbled and uploaded it the night before they went to bed, he wasn’t really worried in checking it out either because he has faith in deku’s abilities  
the morning after was hectic, katsuki has been receiving notifications upon notifications on the “travel bros” (courtesy of kirishima) twitter since last night, one in particular caught his eye, “i can’t believe deku and katsuki are dating! who would’ve thought!” what?
a short video appeared underneath that came from the video he uploaded, and regretfully never took a look at, showing katsuki saying to the camera as he held the AM figurine, “deku, you should’ve been here, look at what i got you, nerd,” at first glance, it was supposed to look normal (from the original video!) except hearts and sparkles began appearing around katsuki as he smirks up at the camera, what the fuck? besides, deku was suppose to edit that all out! for every cue in every part where he says deku’s name, he was expected to delete them like he usually does! even though it was no secret that deku was his video editor, he distinctly remembers mentioning about him in a video they took way back when they first started out their contract agreement
meanwhile, kirishima was having a field day, he finally saw their video while katsuki kept on seeing other short videos of him on twitter from different segments of the trip in which he either had sparkles or hearts around him, especially when he mentions deku’s name; “bro you won’t believe this, our subscribers grew up to over 1 million last night!” kirishima yells enthusiastically, but when he noticed katsuki not paying attention to him, he looked over his shoulder to check what he was looking at. “oh that, you know those aren’t fanmade videos, right?” katsuki unblinkingly turned to look at him, “you mean..?” kirishima gave him a toothy grin, “yep!” 
a video call from discord, “dekuuuu, what is the meaning of this?” a squeaky voice, “i-I’m so sorry i got carried away and i couldn’t help it! all might was too beautiful including you and-!” “..what did you just say?”
TBC maybe?
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stray-inu-writes · 5 years ago
Here we go!! A Bungo stray dogs and WT matchup?? I am a straight female, my mbti is the Debater which I think is accurate, bc I'm p good at playing devil's advocate lol, I'm also a Scorpio! I have very long wavy hair and I'm only 5'4 and a little on the chubby side, and I have glasses! Now for the fun stuff: Im usually very hyperactive, I tend to think more logically than emotionally, and I'm a switch in relationships so I can lead or follow. More stuff in the next part ;0 1/2 3 max.
Pt 2!!! I briefly studied psychology and I'm fairly good at mathematics I suppose?? I enjoy video games though I'm pretty bad at them and I LOVE horror even though I scare very easily. I have adhd, so my brain tends to be in at least 8 different directions at once, and I have anxiety so I'm constantly listening to music to calm myself down. I'm terrified of spiders!!! I collect manga and knives, and I like rollercoasters!!! I curse a lot, but I try to be respectful to others who don't enjoy it
Last part!! Sorry for so much info!!! Um.. I'm into polyamory so tbh the more the merrier, I'm a heavy flirt and sometimes I worry I come off as easy. Boys make me nervous dksjjsd. That's all!! Ty so much for doing this you're very lovely !!!
Bungou Stray Dogs
 Aaah this one has been pretty difficult ! To be honest, I spent long minutes scrolling through my list of BSD chracters, but I kinda ignored the Guild (except Poe and Louisa, its characters are difficult to me to write for) and when I looked at it again, I realized Mark Twain would be a perfect fit for you ! You’re both very energetic people so you would find in each other someone that matches your energy. That wouldn’t keep Mark from helping you calm down when you’re too anxious, making jokes to put you at ease or if you don’t feel like laughing, putting on his music to center your thoughts. Or read a exerpt of his autobiography, that’s entirely up to you.
If you challenge this man to video games, especially shooting games, he will absolutely crush you : s/o or not, Mark gives me the impression of someone very competitive. Plus, his shooting skills wouldn’t leave you any chances… But afterwards, he would give you tips and I have no doubts that with that kind of teacher, you would get better at video games really quick. Since the day he learns that you love rollercoasters, 80% of your dates would be at amusement parks. He enjoys them very much and would scream at every single loop. Every. Single. Loop. Not because he’s scared, of course, but because he thinks it’s funnier this way.
He would love your collections and joke about the knives, telling you to not to use them on him. About spiders… Let’s be honest here : he would probably tell Huck and Tom to take care of them. I can already imagine you two standing on a table while he looks for the spider with his Ability… Finally, Mark is very flirty as well (I mean he just walks around with his shirt open-) and I believe the beginning of your relationship would just be playful dates, before it becomes something deeper. You two would have a serious talk about polyamory – I think Twain would be willing to try even if he would probably prefer to be exclusive, but with some conditions since he hasn’t done this before.
World Trigger
Now, for World Trigger ! This one was way more obvious : I match you with Yosuke Yoneya ! Like Twain, he’s a very energetic young man who probably plays video games and reads manga (bonus points for you if you talk to him about the pins on his uniform). When you first meet, you would immediately put you at ease - Yoneya is someone easy to be around of - and would make sure you aren’t intimidated by the fact he’s in a high-ranked unit. He would find your height difference adorable and would regularly prank you just to see your expression – unless he feels you’re anxious. In this case, he would try his best to soothe you and bring you to a place where you are more confortable.
Yoneya would definitely come ask you to help for his math homework and if you refuse, he would insist with his puppy eyes until you give in. He may be an A-class agent, but he still needs to pass his classes and god know this boy is bad at school (he has one of the worst grades in Border, very far from his unit’s nerds). He wouldn’t mind your cursing, he probably does it too, and can be a big flirt too. However, unlike Twain, I believe he wouldn’t want to be in a poly relationship.
Hope you enjoyed these matchups, and sorry for the delay !
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angelicspaceprince · 5 years ago
Author: Ama
Title: Ouija
Pairing: Possible Future Beetlejuice/Reader
Character/s: Beetlejuice
Word Count: 2, 473 words
Warnings: Beetlejuice has dyslexia, I do not, I tried.
Tags: @yankyo, @justballoonfishthings, @breadbudzo, @aethersghoulette, @ironically-deadinside, @beetlejuicecansteponme, @beetlebitchywitch (some of you asked, some of you I just tagged bc)
Prompt: You find a Ouija board and end up communicating with a ghost who has trouble spelling. Together you figure out a way for him to communicate with you a little bit easier.
Notes: I promised this fic like ages ago, based off of @slut-4-beetlejuice hcs that they wrote ages ago and we kinda did a dance of reblogs where we added to each other. But yeah, this is what I came up with! My plan for this fic is to do it in two parts and if y’all want more I can write more later, but I’m basically gonna portray your side of the story and then our favourite residential ghost with the most. This, obviously, is the reader’s side of the story. This is my first attempt at writing Beetlejuice as a fic, not as a hc so please be gentle with me. I hope y’all enjoy!Also, I had speechie friendo talk to me about dyslexia and I based Beej’s spelling mistakes around the notes she sent me.
Ouija Board Inspiration
Buy Me a Coffee
It had started out innocently enough. You were bored and decided to spend the day exploring your new attic. You found a box filled with old games and decided that you wanted to sort through them, see if any were unusual or rare that you could keep. Most of them, you planned to donate somewhere, or put them back into storage.
You weren’t expecting much. Maybe a torn-up game of Twister, or Mouse Trap. Half a pack of Uno cards, or a ruined game of Trouble, and for the most part, you got what you expected. But when you found the Ouija board, you were a little surprised. Most of the games were for children, and weren’t in good enough nick to keep, let alone play. But the Ouija board looked like it just came out of the factory that created it. You go to lift the case from the bottom of the box, surprised by how heavy it was when you started to lift, nearly dropping it twice when you finally got it out and onto the table in front of you. Carefully, you lift the lid.
No wonder it was heavy. The Ouija board was wooden, and bigger than you were expecting. The dark wood had been engraved with the usual things a Ouija has, Yes, No, Goodbye, numbers 0-9 and every letter of the alphabet, the outside decorated with various designs you couldn’t make out in the dark. The one you could recognise was the pentagram engraved between the Yes and the No on the board. The planchette was also heavy, made from the same wood as the board, engraved with just two x’s, indicating where to put your finger.
You look over at the board as you hold the planchette in your hands. You were bored, yes. The attic was now in a state, yes. But the urge to test out the Ouija board was beginning to get too great. You organise yourself on the floor, placing the planchette in the middle of the board and just.... waiting. Not really sure on what to do now.
“Uh…hello?” Your voice is uncertain before you yelp when the cursor on the board begins to move. Yes, your fingers are on the x’s, but you weren’t providing any pressure. It just moved on its own.
‘H – I.’ The cursor spells out as your brain sort circuits as it returns to the centre of the board.
“Uhhhhh.” You pause, not sure how to proceed. “I’m Y/N. What’s your name?” The planchette seems to shake a little before moving towards the ‘No’ part of the board, returning to the centre. “You don’t want to tell me?” It moves back to the ‘No’. “That’s ok then. Can I ask if you’re really dead?” It moves to the ‘Yes’. “Is that yes I can ask, or yes you are?”
‘YES, I – A – M – D – E – D.’ You repeat the phrase once you’ve spelt out the letters quietly to show you’re aware of which letter the ghost was indicating with. “Sorry, I didn’t think I’d get a response, or one so soon.”
‘F – L – G – U – R – E – D.’
“Can I ask some questions about life after death?” You wait for the cursor to move over the Yes before continuing. “Is there a hell?”
So, it continued. Every day, after work, you’d come home and race up to the attic and spend time talking to your ghostly friend, who still wouldn’t tell you their name. All you knew was they were dead, had been for centuries, were bored, and were something called a bio-exorcist (which took a couple of attempts to spell). You also learnt that any form of parental figure, they hated, and any form of rules and regulations was not something they enjoyed.
You also noticed that they had a weird tendency to refuse certain questions or struggled to spell words correctly when they did. Sure, exorcist, intelligence and February weren’t easy words to spell when you weren’t writing them down, but replacing b’s for d’s and p’s for q’s, c’s for o’s and n’s for m’s. There were a lot of little things you picked up over time made you think perhaps there was more to this story.
So, you changed direction. One evening, you were talking about work and things that annoyed you and a question you thought they’d be fine answering, but the planchette just started to shake. You pause for a second, trying to figure out what was wrong. “Do you want to answer the question?” The cursor slides quickly and heavily to the ‘Yes’, causing you to move your whole body with it before it tentatively returns to the centre of the board. You think for a second as the planchette continues to vibrate with what feels like annoyance. “Can you spell the answer?” The planchette stops moving and everything is still. It’s so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. You wait for thirty seconds before you say “Hello?” and like that, the cursor slowly, tentatively, goes over towards the ‘No’ part of the board followed by a ‘A-L-W-A-Y-S-B-E-E-M-A-B-A-D-S-P-E-L-E-R. “Oh. That’s ok, I’m pretty rubbish without spell check too. Take your time.” Everything stops for a second, the energy that is always humming when you’re up here seems to have dropped to a low throb, and you slowly remove your hands from the planchette as you think.
‘How can I make this easier for them?’ You hum for a second before returning your hands to the board. “Would you prefer yes or no questions?” The planchette slides quickly over to the ‘Yes’ and you smile. “Ok, if something isn’t a yes or no question, I’ll provide answers and you can slide to the numbers to tell me which one is appropriate. Does that work?” Again, ‘Yes’.
Life moves on. It was weird at first, but you got used to asking only yes or no questions and becoming content with that as a response. A few more weeks went by, you slowly began to spend more time talking to the ghost in the attic. It was fascinating, and you were lonely and suspected they were too. Why else would they talk to you night after night after night? You never brought up the idea that perhaps they may have been lonely, but you focused on making sure like they felt like they had a friend.
A few more weeks had passed before you came up with a new idea. As good as it was to make them feel like they weren’t stupid for their spelling, you felt like you were muting them or speaking on their behalf. So, on your Saturday evening as you ate your dinner and you asked a question about if they enjoyed scaring people whenever they got the chance and the planchette moved by its own accord, you stared down at the board for a few minutes in shock. “You can move things WITHOUT me helping?”
“Why the fuck do I have to hold it then?” You forget to offer options as you take a breath, hearing the planchette slide across the board. “Its fine, I was just in shock.” You explain, not looking at what the ghost was being said. An idea pings in your head. “With your bad spelling, does it affect your reading or is it easier? One for both are hard, two for reading is easier.”
The planchette wobbles for a second before it slides over between the two. ‘R-E-A-D-I-M-G-I-S-S-T-I-L-L-H-A-R-D.’ It spells out. ‘B-UT-N-O-T-A-S-H-A-R-D-A-S-S-P-E-L-I-M-G.’
You can sense the confusion in the room as you nod, already thinking of a plan. “Have you always struggled with reading and spelling?” ‘A-L-W-A-Y-S-B-U-T-I-N-J-U-S-T-S-T-U-P-I-D’ You you’re your heart break slightly when they call themselves that. “Sweetheart, have you ever heard of the term dyslexia?” ‘No’. “It’s where your brain struggles to recognise letters or sounds, it makes it hard for people to read and write. They often miss letters or get letters mixed up, or sometimes even add letters that aren’t meant to be there.” You explain gently. “I think you may have the same kind my friend has. He reads a lot even though it’s a struggle, but if you get him to spell, he’s absolutely hopeless. Amazing at math, though. Like a walking calculator.” You smile as you get distracted before you shake your head and bring yourself back to the present. “I don’t think you’re stupid, love, I think perhaps your brain just isn’t wired to like letters and words.” You explain as you fiddle with your hands, unsure on where to put them. The planchette doesn’t move, but you can feel the air growing thicker.
‘N-O-T-S-T-U-P-I-D’ – the planchette draws a question mark over the entire board. You shake your head.
“Not stupid at all, pet.” A few seconds pass before the planchette moves over to the ‘Goodbye’ section. You sigh, slightly disappointed that they wanted to leave so soon. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
You ran late to work the next day, replaying the conversation in your head with your resident ghost over and over again as it kept you up later and later into the night. Your plan wasn’t well thought out at this stage, but you could get things started.
You stay late after work to make up for the hour that you missed this morning before rushing to the bookshop, making it there 10 minutes before they closed. You found what you wanted and quickly purchased it before rushing home, making sure to grab something for dinner as you drive home.
The moment you arrived home and placed your bags by the front door, the house felt empty. For the first time since using the Ouija board, the house felt like you were the only one in it. Pulling out the Ouija board, you asked if they were here. Nothing. You put your fingers on the planchette. Nothing again. You call out to them to see if they were there, nothing. You sigh before packing it back up. Perhaps your new-found friend had moved on.
It was a few days before your ghostly friend returned. The house had felt barren the entire time they were gone, you had stopped bringing out the board the day they returned, figuring that they just weren’t going to come back. A loud crash from the living room caused you to run out from the kitchen where you were preparing dinner to see what had happened. On the floor was the Ouija board, set up and ready to go with the planchette moving wildly across the board, so fast you couldn’t keep up.
“Hang on, hang on, hang on.” You rush back upstairs to grab the item you had purchased for them the week prior before rushing back downstairs and putting it next to the board with a satisfying thud. “I got you a dictionary, they had one with pictures which I thought could help.” You explain to where you hoped the ghost was. You put a pen in front of the giant book. “Just…. point I guess to the word you want to say. If you want to try it this way that is, I thought it might be easier for you.”
The air seemed thick as you waited for something to move, the planchette or the book. Suddenly, the cover of the book seemed to gingerly open as the ghost slowly looked for the words he was looking for. ‘IT-IS-EASIER’ they indicated with the pen. You smile as the pages begin to turn in a flurry, clearly excited to be able to communicate with you a bit easier.
So, life continued. The ghost (who you later found out was a man) would follow you from room to room, carrying the pen and the book to indicate different words to you, making comments on nearly everything that he wasn’t able to before, from the shade of paint on your walls (he thought they should be green) to what you were wearing (he was really into you wearing stripes for some reason), he would readily give your opinion on everything. It was weird, but you could feel yourself slowly falling for the now forever talking ghost. The freedom that came with the dictionary meant that your conversations become more…. conversation like. He wasn’t restricted to just yes or no answers, and you weren’t restricted to staying in one room. You found yourself having dinners next to the constantly page flipping book and laughing at his bad jokes and giving some back of your own. You found small doodles on the outside of the dictionary too, his own little crude drawings he did when you weren’t home. It was nice, it felt like some kind of perverse kind of domestic.
It had been months since your initial contact with him, and you still didn’t know his name and, to be honest, it was beginning to bug you. You didn’t say or show your annoyance about not knowing his name, but you figured it was time you knew. So, when you came home that night and had set up your dinner in your usual set up, you finally decided to ask. “Can I know your name?”
It took a minute before your squatter decided to respond. ‘ORION-BRIGHT-STAR’.
“Orion’s brightest star?” You say, almost as a question as you pull out your phone to do a quick Google. “Beetlejuice?” You look up to see a fury of pages flying as he quickly makes his way over to the ‘A’ section of the dictionary.
The pen slams back down on the page. ‘AGAIN.’
You hesitate. “Beetlejuice?”
There was a crash, a bang, and way too much smoke that filled the room as bright green lights seemed to radiate from outside your house. You cough and wave your hand to clear the smoke from your mouth when you finally hear it.
“Thanks for that babes, I’ve been wanting you to see me for months now.” You blink before you see him. He was-
Cuter than you were expecting. Shorter too. Not the scary man you had envisioned, but rather an adorable guy dressed in arguably way too many stripes, even though it seemed to suit. The green in his hair was vibrant and his whole being seemed to shake with excitement. For the first time in a long time, you didn’t know what to say.
“What’s wrong babes? Cat got your tongue?” He leans in closer to take a better look at you, but all you could focus on was the bright green of his eyes.
“You’re hotter than I imagined.” You heard yourself say before you turn bright, bright red. The grin on his face widens as he chuckles lowly, sending a shiver up your spine.
“Oh babes, we are going to have so much fun.”
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meat-husband · 6 years ago
what about an s/o and slasher when they are first together, like dating together and how they start
*holds up 5000 words of nonsense on a silver platter*
Wow this thing is long lmao I’m sorry, I just kept going and it was a lot of fun to do, so I didn’t stop :p
Also, nothing is edited very thoroughly and my writing program likes to change the words I actually mean to type, so there may be some small mistakes.
I might go back and put this under a cut if it’s like obnoxiously long, lemme know lol.
If he’s allowing you into the house at all, it’s because he’s already picked you out. You might not know it yet, but that doesn’t matter - it still counts as dating if you’re not aware of it, right? He would be hesitant to actually show himself, since that hasn’t gone very well historically, but he’s staking his claim anyways.
Okay, maybe locking you up in a mansion where he is literally your only option is a bit extreme, but it’s really just making sure you make the best choice, you know. You can’t go wrong if the right one is the only one.
He isn’t going to put up with competition. If you’re not following the rules, things will get a bit dangerous for whoever is hanging around. He’ll try scaring them off at first, but if they don’t take the hint it will get messy quick.
He likes to mess with your things, get you looking all over the house for something, just to find it right where it’s supposed to be a few hours later. You think you’re going crazy for a while, and he finds it amusing that you’re not connecting the dots at all. It’s more of a ‘bully pulling on your pigtails cause he likes you’ sort of thing.
Once he is out of those walls, it’s 0 - 100 real quick. You’ve hardly stopped screaming before he’s all over you, so you’ve got to adapt pretty quickly. He’s clingy right from the start, not out right feeling you up, but definitely more touchy than a murderous stranger spying on you from the walls should be.
The bedtime kiss is obviously non-negotiable, but it’s not just going to be a kiss for long. First it’s just multiple kisses, then a quick hug, then a cuddle, until you might as well be sharing the bed anyways, because he’s wrapped around you and not letting you up. This is where he’ll start to get handsy, playing dumb every time you slap away a straying hand.
You’re his nanny, you guess, but apparently that comes with the part time position of boy/girlfriend as well. It’s a bit confusing sometimes, so it’s best to just go along with it and not question anything.
You narrow your eyes at the request, looking over the edge of the book you’re holding with a stern face. You can’t let this start again, you think, knowing that if you give him what he wants he’ll just keep asking for more.
“You’ve already had your goodnight kiss, Brahms,” you say, looking back to the story book. “In fact, you’ve had two already.”
He shifts a little under the covers, sitting up against the pillow.
“Again?” He asks. “Please.”
Well, at least he’s using his manners now, which is a big step above the tantrum you had endured last night when the same request had been denied. You purse your lips, thinking it over, and decide that one more won’t hurt. It will reinforce being polite, hopefully, and you want to get this story finished quickly and go to bed yourself.
“Alright,” you relent, shifting forward. “Only one more, though, you’re going to get spoiled otherwise.”
He sits up further in anticipation, watching you lean forward and press a quick, chaste kiss to the cheek of his mask. You gather up the book again when it’s done, ready to continue, but a little voice stops you before you can begin to read.
“Oh,” he says, sounding as though there is a pout hiding behind the mask. “That wasn’t the right kiss. I want the right kiss.”
You let out a sigh. You should have known this was coming, he didn’t stay well behaved for long.
“What is the ‘right kiss’, Brahms? You wanted a goodnight kiss, and I gave you three.”
You’re a little frustrated now, knowing that he’s probably just trying to get a rise out of you. You watch as Brahms raises a hand, tapping the painted lips of the mask with one long finger.
“Here,” he insists, tapping his nail against the porcelain. “I want my kiss.”
He’s going to watch you for a while beforehand, getting to know your schedule, your family, your house. Definitely going to break in and have a look around, either while you’re out or sleeping. May take a thing or two, or even leave something behind for you to find, just to let you know someone’s watching.
It’s going to be a very sudden introduction. One day he’s just there, sitting on your couch, standing behind you on the stairs, or waiting behind a door for you to enter. He’s going to expect you to run, and would honestly be disappointed if you didn’t, but he’ll still give you a few slices even if he doesn’t want to kill you, just to keep the chase interesting.
Oh, you called the police? That’s not going to stop him from showing up, probably in the corner of a dark room while you sleep. If anything it’s just going to motivate him even more. They probably won’t take you too seriously anyways, because since when does Michael Myers chase someone down and not brutally murder them?
He just ?? keeps getting into your damn house??? Like how? You’re starting to realize it’s a lost cause keeping him out, since he will straight up kick down a locked door if he has to. And he hasn’t murdered you so far, although you’ve not caught on yet that this is his way of flirting, seeing as most people don’t murder anyone.
Eventually you treat him like a stray cat that just shows up sometimes, which isn’t far off. You’re still expecting to get the shit murdered out of you one day, but you can’t keep him out so why not try and get along while you can. He’s in your house most days anyways, you should find a way to charge him rent at this point.
Once you’ve accepted that he’s not going anywhere, he’s going to feel free to come and go as he pleases, not that he wasn’t doing that anyway. This is where you cross into ‘exclusive dating’ territory for him, because once he’s in your house without the police being called, that’s the extent of his ability to romance you. This is not at all how a normal person works and you have no idea you’ve just committed yourself to a relationship by not locking your door, but that’s not his problem.
One night you wake up and he’s just in your bed, not even sleeping, just laying right next to you, staring. In his mind, you’re already totally dating at this point, and that’s where boyfriends sleep so ??? What are you gonna do, kick him out? Good luck. This is your life now.
You’re exhausted, piling into your bed as quickly as you can the moment you get home, not bothering to do more than take off your work clothes before crawling under the covers. You lay down with a happy groan, stretching out your arms and legs, ready to pass out and not wake up for the next few days.
You can’t have been asleep for very long when you start to wake again, slowly drifting back into consciousness. The room is still dark but you squint your half open eyes anyway, rolling around until you’re comfortable again, ready to get back to your interrupted slumber. Trying to bring the covers up over your shoulders, you find that they don’t budge when you pull, so you dig your fingers in and pull harder. A grunt has your eyes snapping wide open, heart suddenly racing, struggling to focus your vision in the dark.
Beside you is an unfortunately familiar white face, dark eyes staring at you from the pillow next to yours. You flounder for a moment, clutching the blankets to your chest in alarm as you realize that your usual unwelcome guest has gotten into your bed and you have no clothes on.
“Um, what, uh…” You scramble for anything to say but this situation doesn’t really have a quick fix. “Hi? You’re, uh, in my bed, you know.”
A blank look is all you get, but you should have expected as much. Your eyes dart around, looking for some clue as to what the hell is going on. You notice that he’s still fully dressed, mask and boots included, laying stiffly like he wasn’t used to being comfortable.
“Okay, I guess the couch isn’t good enough anymore, but, uh, this…” There isn’t a nice way to say ‘I’m half naked, please leave’, and since you’ve avoided being murdered so far you’d like it to stay that way.
Before you can start another rambling sentence, a large hand pushes your head down, roughly landing back on your own pillow. Your hands are still clinging to the sheets for dear life, face red with embarrassment, but you can’t help but feel like you’re being ignored.
The hand stays against the side of your head for a moment longer, reaching up to awkwardly pat the top of your head once before returning to the other side of the bed. You stare in disbelief, his eyes looking right back at you, and decide that you don’t feel like dying tonight.
You roll over, putting your back to him, encasing yourself in the blankets and determined to get back to sleep, despite the eyes you can feel on your back.
It doesn’t take much to catch his eye, really the first time you smile or give him a tiny compliment he’s going to be hooked. He’ll be a flustered, nervous wreck when you’re around and it will be very obvious that he’s got a crush.
He’s going to want to find a way to win you over, so prepare to receive some weird gifts. Wild flowers and pretty rocks will be presented to you with a red face, but you’ll also get little trinkets made of questionable materials or things with suspicious red stains.
Nubbins (who, btw, follows the daily romance drama like a bored housewife) will be on his brother’s side, but he’s also going to blurt out awkward things around you both. There’s nothing quite like a nice family dinner where the question “H-hey, you and Bubba fuckin’ yet?” has just been asked, loudly.
Drayton, of course, doesn’t approve at all, but after a while he will grudgingly admit that it might be easier having someone else helping around the house, as long as you earn your keep. He’ll try to discourage Bubba, but Nubbins will just go behind his back and tell him to go for it.
You’re going to know right away what Bubba’s up to, so just getting it over with and letting him know you like him back will save you a lot of awkwardness, at least when it comes to the other two brothers butting in. It will take Bubba a while to get used to the concept of you returning his feelings, so he’ll still be nervous at first.
He falls pretty quick though, so by the time you’ve graduated to hand holding you might as well just get married, cause he’s ready to tie the knot. He goes from flirting to lifetime commitment in about two days.
The smell of food wakes you up, drawing you out of bed much earlier than you want to be. You dress in a hurry, still tired but wanting to make it to the table before everything was gone.
You curse as you step out into the hall, leaning on the doorframe as you lift your foot away from whatever you had stepped on. The first thing you had done this morning was hurt yourself, that didn’t bode well for your mood once you got downstairs to breakfast.
Looking down you see the offending item and carefully pick it up. A little collection of worn down teeth, a mix of human and bovine, strung together with little pieces of brightly colored plastic on a bit of wire dangling from your hand. The thing is a little gruesome, but the rest of the house is no less morbid, and you know how the family puts food on the table.
It’s another of Bubba’s gifts, usually given in person, but perhaps he had been too shy this time. You shift in place, a little smile on your face as you turn the charm over in your hand. The wire holding it together looks like clipped pieces of chicken wire, bent and uneven, but you twist the ends together carefully and hook it around your wrist. It’s clunky and bulky, a little too big on your wrist to stay put unless you keep an eye on it, but you will probably have another one offered up soon, so you don’t expect to wear this one for very long.
A voice from the kitchen catches your attention, calling you down for breakfast. It’s quickly followed by another, higher pitched voice, and from the sound of it an argument is starting up. You put the thing in your pocket, deciding to go downstairs and hope for the best, turning at the bottom of the steps into the dining room.
You find it empty, a few plates sat out with silverware piled to the side, and get to work setting the rest of the table. The argument is in full swing now, Drayton and Nubbins apparently having a dispute about something you’re sure is ridiculous anyways, so you stay out of the kitchen despite the alluring smell of food. You’ve only just finished setting the table when Bubba stumbles out of the kitchen, hurrying away from the fighting with a tray of warm biscuits in hand. The gray bun of his mask is messy this morning, apron half tied and on crooked.
“Mornin’,” you say with a smile, reaching out to take the tray from him.
He squeals in surprise at your greeting, fumbling the plate in his hands, two or three biscuits rolling away. The noise attracts unwanted attention, a harsh voice calling out, “You’d better not be causin’ a mess in there!”
“Nothin’ wrong!” You call back, hastily scooping up the fallen biscuits before Bubba can try, knowing it would only end with the rest of them on the floor as well. You take the tray on your way back up, placing it gently in the middle of the table, with the escaped rolls on top.
“We’ll give those to Drayton,” you whisper to him, smiling at the nervous laugh you get in return. “Go on and sit, I got the table put together already.”
He’s quick to follow your request, landing in his chair with a thud. You hide your hands behind your back, teeth and plastic clinking together dully.
“Bubba, did you leave somethin’ for me by my door this mornin’?”
He looks bashful, but nods eagerly, looking you over as if wanting to see if you have the gift on you. You stick your newly adorned hand out, holding it out for him to see and shaking your wrist to rattle the little teeth. He lets out delighted snort, reaching out to get a closer look at the little clasp you had made with the wire. He had made jewelry before, but they were usually done with bits of string that broke much more easily than the wire would. You let him inspect the changes you had made, grinning at how excited he seemed to be to try adding it to his next one.
“Thank you, Bubba,” you laugh, taking your hand back. “I need to give you something now, huh?”
He looks confused at this, glancing up and down as if looking for something hidden. He says something and even though you have no idea what the words were, you know he’s asking what gift you have for him. You watch his face, seeing his eyes go big and the skin under the mask flush as you lean in to press a little peck against his cheek.
“A-aw, they’re k-kissin’!”
You pull back, turning on the spot to glare at the intruder, hissing under your breath, “Don’t you have any manners at all?!”
He has no idea what he’s doing and all the advice he gets from his uncles is horrible. He’s awkward and shy and has never had a nice encounter with someone who wasn’t a family member, so he’s also scoring a zero for social skills. He will just avoid you to get around all this, so you’re going to think he’s got something against you at first.
Everyone knows what’s going on, even before you do, and there’s going to be quite the gossip happening between Mama and the other ladies, reporting your every move into the phone. The men are a lot more blunt about it, so you’ll probably catch on because of their teasing or rude comments.  
Charlie will take it upon himself to get involved, being the source of most of the absolutely awful advice Thomas gets. He’ll scheme to get you two in a room together, then just loudly comment how he’s just going to the other room real quick, wink wink, he’ll be back in a moment, wink wink, don’t get up to anything while he’s gone. He’s honestly not sure how this doesn’t work.
Thomas is going to be painfully aware that you know after that. He’s never been brave enough to act on what his uncles have told him to do, thank god, and now that decision has just been cemented. You’re going to have to be the one to speak up, otherwise he’s just going to hide from you out of embarrassment for the rest of his life.
You’re going to be the one doing all the flirting and courting now, and he’s going to have even less of an idea on how to return affections than he did on how to show them in the first place. Being straightforward is your best bet, because he has no ability to tell when you’re flirting with him or not. Anything that’s not “I like you romantically, let us engage in romantic dating customs, romantically, together” isn’t going to get the message across.
After Charlie’s disastrous attempts at getting you two together, he will take full credit once it’s official. Clearly he masterminded this whole thing, and you should all listen to his advice more often because look how well it worked out for Tommy.
Thomas freezes when he realizes you’re there, hands pausing in their work. You see him tense, not turning to look at you, and sigh.
“Tommy,” you call, stepping into the barn with hands on your hips and a stern look. “I’ve been lookin’ for you all afternoon. Mama said you were supposed to be down at the trailer, helping Henrietta with that old generator.”
He grunts in response, still hunched over the worktable, head down. You can see the items on the table in front of him, old bits and pieces of an antique sewing machine, the bulk of the machine taken apart and sitting to the side. His hands fidget with the little parts nervously, but he doesn’t return to his work.
You don’t expect much of a response from him anyways, but you know his hiding away in the old barn was on purpose. You came up from the trailer on the other side of the pasture every day after breakfast, helping to take care of the old house and keep Mama company while the men were away at work. Today is Tommy’s day off from the slaughterhouse and Charlie doesn’t do much for work in the first place, but you had come up to the house anyways, hoping to find him.
“You can’t keep hidin’ from me, how am I supposed to date someone I never see?”
His hands stop fiddling with the machine pieces, head tilting towards you as though listening, but he doesn’t move otherwise. You step closer, an amused grin on your face, coming up to the side of the table.
“Well?” You ask, tapping one hand next to his against the wood. He looks at you, or at least up from the table and in your general direction, with an expression of panic. What little you can see of his face through the leather muzzle is flushed red, eyes darting back and forth.
“Tommy,” you say slowly. “You were takin’ too long, we could’ve been done and married by now for how much time you were wastin’.”
You grab his hand in yours and he finally looks at you, watching as you press a kiss to the back of his hand. This is the kind of stuff you had been waiting for him to do to win you over, but you suppose you’re the one courting him now.
“We’re datin’ now, I said so. So stop runnin’ off when I come around.”
He lets out a strained noise of agreement, eyes wide, and your grin is so big now that it hurts.
Jason is a good boy, so he’s going to do his best to be polite and respectful. His mama raised him right and he’s going to strive to be a perfect gentleman. The various limbs left on your front porch are, of course, a gift, like any gentleman would give to the person he’s courting.
Okay, so he’s bad at gifts and you’re probably terrified now. He’s trying. The whole romance thing doesn’t come naturally to him, you know.
It doesn’t take too long to figure out who exactly is leaving mutilated bodies on your doorstep, considering the area you’re in, but you’re not going to see ‘romance’ as the intent behind them. You spend lots of time staying over with friends, only to come home to more signs that someone has been lurking around your cabin, muddy footprints trailing your property.
Luckily, he tries new things once he notices that you aren’t too fond of the previous gifts. Bloody human limbs aren’t your thing, what about animals? That didn’t go over well. Okay, he’ll try something useful, knives are useful, you’ll like those. No? At this point you’re sure he’s threatening you and are scared out of your mind.
Poor Jason is just at the end of his rope trying to find something you’ll like, but there aren’t a lot of options he hasn’t tried. He’s a little shy, preferring to offer gifts and watch from a distance, but if you want to put an end to it, you’re going to have to confront him. Of course, you think you’re about to face down someone trying to kill you, waiting out on your porch overnight with a weapon in hand, only to meet a giant man with a fistful of weeds held out to you.
You have never been so confused in your life, but it’s a better turn out than being violently murdered, so you can’t complain. It will only take a second before you see that he’s timidly offering you the scraggly plant and slowly you’ll realize that you have been the recipient of the worlds most awkward attempts at flirting rather than death threats. It’s sort of endearing to see how nervous he is standing in front of you, so you can’t say it isn’t working once you know what’s going on.
“Alright, I can do this.”
You’re pretty sure you’re going to die tonight, but it’s good to put out positive energy, or at least that’s what your rather ditzy friend had told you.
You were parked out on your front porch, sitting on the steps and waiting. You had started the night with an old, battered rifle sitting across your knees, eyes alert and feeling prepared. But it was nearing fall and you got cold quickly and you had been out here for a long time. If you were going to die you wanted to be as comfortable as possible, so you went back in for a blanket to wrap yourself in and a big thermos of coffee. The rifle was currently propped against the steps while you nestled in your cocoon of blankets. This would admittedly make it more difficult to reach in a hurry, but if you were being honest with yourself, you’re only half sure it was loaded properly in the first place and you had never fired a gun outside of a video game, so you figured your chances weren’t too great regardless. The only reason you owned it was because it had been in the attic when you bought the place.
You stilled at the snap of something in the distance, hand struggling to untangle itself from the blankets as you fumbled for your weapon, suddenly not as concerned with how comfortable you were. You manage to grab the thing just as the dark outline of a figure comes into view, stepping out of the woods.
You weren’t wrong when you had assumed the identity of your stalker, apparently, seeing the old, scuffed mask peeking out from behind the trees. He lurked at the edge of the woods for a moment, and although you doubted you knew how to use it, you wondered if the sight of the gun had made him pause.
Standing up, you held the rifle up, pointing it towards him with trembling hands. You tried to think of something to say, but couldn’t bring anything to mind. You already knew who was approaching you, and presumably the ‘why’ as well. That was about all your frazzled brain could think up on such short notice.
He waited at the tree line for long enough that your arms began to shake, finally stepping forward through the brush and getting close enough that you could see the little red marks on the cheeks and middle of the mask, before you pulled the trigger. The noise was louder than you had anticipated from the old thing, recoil rocking back into your shoulder painfully, but you knew at once that you had hit your target.
Both of you looked down, watching the sluggish spread of a dark stain on the already dirty shirt covering his chest. You waited for a reaction, maybe for him to fall to the ground, but he did nothing but slowly lower his arm -
Wait, was he holding something? Was that a handful of grass? Looking closer you see a big fist wrapped around a strangled looking clump of grass and weeds, two wilted dandelions sticking out in the middle.
Oh, shit, you think in a panic. Was he bringing you those? Bringing you flowers? Had you just shot someone who was trying to bring you flowers?
“Oh my god,” you half shout, eyes wide. “I’m so sorry!”
Hand now at his side, you see that his whole posture has changed, shoulders drooping down like the wilted weeds in his hand, head pointed towards the ground. You weren’t sure if they’d still put you in jail for shooting Jason Voorhees, of all people, but damn if you weren’t going to feel like an asshole about it for the rest of your life.
You take a few quick steps forward, stop, and then take a few more, unsure about exactly how close you should get to him. One little gunshot wasn’t going to inconvenience him much, if any of the stories were true, but you couldn’t just shoot him and let him go off into the woods looking like a kicked puppy.
“Um, I’m sorry, really,” you repeat, holding up your hands in surrender. “I’m so, so sorry. I didn’t- I mean, I thought you were going to kill me, so, you know.”
He looks up at you, away from the new hole in his ratty shirt, but his eyes are hidden behind the mask so you can’t judge if he’s angry at you or not. You shift nervously in front of him, hoping this isn’t some elaborate plan to get you close enough to murder. Slowly he brings his hand back up, offering the half dead weeds to you in a shaky grip, and you realize with a pang of guilt that he’s nervous.
He was nervous about bringing you flowers and you shot him!
“Oh, please come inside, I’ll fix your shirt,” you babble, having no experience with sewing or even any idea where a needle is in your house. “I’m sorry, I really wouldn’t have shot you normally, I promise!”
He lets out a quiet huff of breath as you grab at his hand to finally take the offered gift, seeming to relax a little as he allows you to pull him inside, letting out a stream of I’m sorry’s as you go.
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hereyougopeanutbutter · 4 years ago
 Pony stays in the other section of the building. She said it was a different Panda division but when I asked her what it looked like she texted back ‘worktables with beds, there are about 24 others and no one talks’
The same as in my section. There are 20 of us. And about 50 writing tables. I’m in the front on the left, close to the door. The walls are covered with brown wooden panels dating back to the previous century I believe, in the corner long rectangle speakers and on the front wall two ShunSha LED screens which tell us the weather and switch to the Panda statement, our commitment to Panda and the recognition we will get if we get through. I turn my eyes away. I better focus on what I need to do.
In the morning, they serve breakfast on the side of the room, on large tables. White and brown bread with marmalade, peanut butter, and chocolate sprinkles with butter on shelves. Slices of cheese and bacon in plastic containers. Same at noon. For supper, big pans of stew are rolled in, with whitebread and spoons.
We are not allowed to go to the sleeping section after 8.30 am. In the evenings, everybody crashes on their beds, grabs their cell phones, some bottles of alcohol or other drinks, some smoke cigarettes from the windows in the toilets. I don’t pay attention to them, most of the time I’m in bed right after  8 pm.
 In the morning I eat my sandwich, I like the marmalade and I eat a sandwich while I prepare a peanut butter and gelly one for while I’m working. It’s not allowed but they let me. I also keep my phone with me while working.
“Reached 40,000” Pony texted, “revision going well?”
“Edited up to six chapters, think I’m going to make it.”
“Good. Good. Think of you, go go go Pigtails, love you”
“Need help?”
But Ponytail doesn’t answer. 40,000 words and only 3 more weeks to go.
   In the morning the fear that filled my heart the evening before comes up almost instantly when I wake up. I dreamt about her, how we were swimming in the roaring waters of the Mississippi. “M-I-S-S-I-S-S-P-P-I,” she said as water gulped in her mouth. “Pony, you need to swim, cut the crap” I shouted. “M-I-S-S…” but she didn’t get any further, the part of the river was loud and I had a hard time pulling her up above the water and keeping alive myself.
My little sister, Justine, the tiny baby born when I was four. Her body frame stayed small and frail. When she was young she started calling me Pigtails instead of Amanda. I liked pigtails in my hair. Tamara became Pinky, Tamara loved her pink leggings. She asked Justine how we should call her and Justine fluttered the peaking hair on her head. Mom had tried to created ponytails on either side of her head. “Ponytails!” And from that moment on we were there, ponytails, pigtails and pinky, later Pony, Pig and Pinky.  
“You’ll get it done?” I text. The ward comes in slamming the bell and just to avoid the noise everybody walks to their working tables to start up their word processors, ugly old Dynamics. Mine hums during the day, I listen to it as the clicking of my keys moves along.
“Get started sunshines, poop out the books and go for the million!” the ward shouted as loud as he could over the bell. “People are anxious for your books, com’on, we’re halfway there, three more weeks!”
My phone buzzes “I might”.
 On the wall the screen turns on, bright white, two of them showing one image, the table with the chair, cut in half by the black plastic borders of the SunShu. But we know. Fear sets in the group, we all look around and count. We are still with 20. It must be from the other group. I look at my phone but the ward is still close and he might see me. My fingers slowly tick on the screen ‘y-o-u 0-k-a-y?’ and press send. Pony sends back a ‘y’
The Panda declaration about how we signed up for writing the next bestseller comes up. How we committed to a good sellable story and how the first draft was due in 6 weeks with at least 100,000 words. Panda would help us. Panda guarantees sales of 50,000 copies to all Panda members around the world and oh just so you know Panda has 31,000 active daily accounts. Daily
“We will change your life” it then said. One sentence. “And you agreed we could have it if you fail”
 I don’t recognize the person. She fights the two men who hold her upper arms, we hear ‘No, no!’ but the men guide her to a table where her head is pushed down on the table. A third person behind the chair walks up and pushes the muzzle again the back of her neck. I close my eyes and try not to hear the echoing bang.
 My editing work goes in trembling episodes that day. The killings. The killing is a condition. Panda’s idea of motivating. I think of my mother. I think of Pinkytail and Ponytail, Pinky who went into options trading, and Pony who said she could write a winning Panda book but said last week she was struggling, I can’t worry about her because I need to get my book done.
 This is my second run. I got through the first run and went home. They all hugged me. The money, Panda’s money was in my bank account already, 99,000 dollars. Pinky hugged me and we both cried. We didn’t tell Pony but let her tag along when we picked up mom’s wheelchair, the three of us in the truck, singing and laughing. Pony cried when I paid for the wheelchair in the store, asking ‘where did you get the money, where did you get it?’ and I said I finished a Panda session. Pony burst out in crying. Couldn’t stop. Even in the car home she kept saying ‘That’s where you were, I was wondering what happened. You could have been killed Pigs, don’t ever do that again!” But I hugged her and we both cried. We bought cranberries at the farm store and we ate ice cream on the bench, we overlooked the land and the sun shone, we looked at each other and there was nothing more than love and gratitude. They didn’t know I had already signed up to go back. The edited version – once approved by Panda – would pay me $499,999.-.
Enough to buy mom and all of us a new future. We could move.
 The next day, I wake up refreshed. I am not sure what has caused this but I decide to take the sweep of energy and get to work at my desk. The others complain and wipe their eyes, two of them pout about not hitting their targets but I block it out. Two double sandwiches, one with cheese and bacon, the other a peanut butter and gelly sit on my desk. I work through two chapters stringently blocking out the ward with the bell, blocking out my hunger and my tea getting cold. I read the words and weigh them in my head, re-create sentences and my muse works in the background, it’s just him and me. When I take a sip of my tea I notice it’s cold. I take a bite of my sandwich, afraid I will lose the zone I’m in if I eat more. I write like I did when I was younger, pumping out words that came to mind, the movie continued endlessly and went as fast as my fingers could keep up. For my mom. My mom, I see her at her sewing machine, winding a bobbin and working on my favorite blouse.
Before lunch I have 8 chapters done. They bring in the lunch, the bread, the bacon, and the cheese. I ate my breakfast about an hour ago but I’m hungry again.
“They brought me in,” Pony’s text says.
My hands tremble. Pony got her warning. “How far are you?”
I look at my phone. She was at 40k yesterday, she was supposed to be at at least 50,000 words.
“You said you could do it”
“I’m scared Pigs”
Fear fills my gut. I panic. They read her work last night, they always do. Based on their algorithms they have determined Pony is in the danger zone and she needs to make up at least 50%. There is one next warning. I think of Pinky and the story I was writing on at home.
 I looked to the others in my room. Some are comfortable. With headphones in and others biting their nails as they write, some panic, some pound out the words. I text Pony but she doesn’t answer back.
 I eat lunch. My brain is on overdrive. I walk around the room, it’s air-conditioned but the weather outside is warm. Then Pinky texts me. I cannot look at my phone at the lunch table when the staff is there so I need to get to my desk. I chew quickly and glob down some tea. I try to make it look casual as I walk to my desk and start to type a document so it seems I’m back to work.
Pinky says: “I sent you the story, does Pony know how to decrypt? If they find out…” I see the paperclip friendly blinking in a corner. I only have to resend it to Pony. But then the door opens and Simone steps in, she looks at me with an iron smile saying ‘Come with me please’. I freeze. The others are silent and I don’t know what’s wrong. I go into the office where I signed my contract with Panda, I remember sitting here, the pen on a chain is still there.
“We are following your progress, Amanda. You are doing very well and we wondering if you’d be done by next week at this pace?”
I look up to Simone. There must have been a beautiful woman at one point I guess. Now she turned older. And less caring.
“Don’t I have 2 more weeks?”
“You do, you do. But we can get in print quicker if you want”, Amanda twists her pencil, “there could be a bonus.”
I’m silent.
“You’ll get 50,000 more”
I overthink the situation. Suddenly I don’t care about the money anymore and grab all my courage “How much does it cost me to get Pony out?”
“And your work is done?”
Is she going to say they’d take my book and we both walk? I would agree. But no matter how hard it is to stay quiet, I say nothing.
Simone doesn’t need to talk this over, she makes the decisions herself. I wonder if she is maybe the manager of Panda Books herself. She says, “Finish her story as well?”
I do the math. Two weeks and some days to finish the story. They read Pony’s story so I have to go with that, I can’t change it. I think.
Panda publishes the “Dead Man’s Anthology”, the stories from the killed authors. Unfinished stories. It sells like crazy, sometimes better than the books of the winners. Panda is in for the money. The killing is a marketing tool for them. They are the only ones with a license from the government on the condition that Panda pays the family of the writers 30%.
If I can’t produce 30,000 words per week I’ll die. With Pony. While we came here to save our mother. Get a better life. If we were to stay over the weekend I’d have to finish my book and write another 5000 words on Pony’s story. My answer not only determines the rest of my life. Pony’s as well.  And the rest of the family.
Then Simone looks up. “It looks like you don’t have to decide Amanda, your sister has committed to finishing the story, I just got the message.”
“She is at work right now and their ward says she’s doing good.”
I leave. Get back to my desk, the others look at me. I was never aware Pony was there until she texted me on the first day, four weeks ago. I was shocked. She said she had hoped she would in my group but Panda put her in the other group. Panda made publishers aware that they had two of the Peterson sisters writing stories and there were betting games on who would sell the best books. But Pony wasn’t a writer. Pinky read hers once and said it was fluff. She wouldn’t survive Panda’s One Million Dollar Writing Camp. But on the first day already had 30 million viewers per day. Sales skyrocketed. Said Pinky.
 ‘Why are you here?” I asked
“I want to help you. Do what you do”
“You’ll get yourself killed”
“You didn’t get killed.”
And I almost wanted to write ‘I can write’ but I didn’t. I didn’t sleep that first night. My sister Ponytails was here too, I tried not to get sick but it cost me 2 days to stop thinking about Pony.
 Pony didn’t answer my texts after my meeting with Simone. I finished my book four days early and Pinky kept me in the loop about the contest on the outside. Bidding was way up in my favor.
 I make the last revisions to my story. The bright white screen comes on every day but I ignore it. I push the ear-thing inside my ear every time so I can block it out. I block out the ward in the morning as I revise my story.
Pinky tells me Pony and I are tied. I block that out as well, this is madness, I will never sign up for a Panda writing if we make it out alive.
On the last day, the screen comes on but now it’s black.
We look at each other, 17 left from our group.
From the screen in high definition I can hear Pony ‘I couldn’t make it. Go Pigtails, go’ and the click is silent but deafening. I scream, I cry, They killed Pony? They killed my sister! We were tied!
 My book sells well.
Pony’s sells better. It was the only one sold as a separate book. Pony’s share floats into our bank account.
Panda’s show brings in millions.
My family moves. We do get a better house, and my mother gets better. We bury Pony, Pony gave us a better life. Pony outsmarted us all.  
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fo-love · 5 years ago
GAMING HEADCANONS!!! Kuroo, Unknown, Jirou and L. Who would absolutely beat you at videogames? Who would you win against? What kinds of games? Would anyone let the other win? Please give us all the details! :D
Hdhdjd YEA THANK YOU!! :D ❤❤❤ also, you didn't say which Jirou but I'm assuming it's the lovely hero's one, if I'm wrong lmk and I'll do mha Jirou gaming hcs too, I don't mind! ^^
He doesn't play too much
But plays sometimes cause of me and Kenma
But in his free time he'd rather spend time outside of the house
If he comes over to my house and we play video games, I'll most likely win just from me having more experience
Also, he isn't a sore loser cause I never really expect to win so when I do I'm just like :0!!! And he finds it cute
But he'd rather play non competitive games.
And minecraft story mode is a lot of fun when we play together!! :)
Though sometimes it's difficult bc he plays logically and I play emotionally
"call him a bitch"
"we can't, for one, and for two, if we're rude it might end badly for us"
"exactly, might, take a chance, speak the truth to his face"
"Kai, we've gotten this far, we can't throw it away"
Sometimes kenma will come out and play with them then it turns into chaos
"choose the one where we ask about the gem"
"No I don't want his answer, he's rude"
"I hate him too but Kenma's right"
"No he isn't! Think about it, since he's acting like this, who's to say he isn't bad? I mean seriously, it might be bad if he knew we knew about the gem!"
"... Maybe"
"guys, time sensitive!"
"don't ask about the geM"
"we neeD TO"
Especially competitive games
Cause both me and Kenma are competitive and that kind rubs off on Kuroo
"Who put down the banana peel??"
"I did! :)"
"I'm glad I didn't run into it"
"shut up, you're is last place you have nothing to loose"
He doesn't play video games on his free time unless it's with me
He just finds them boring alone
He likes to watch me play and give feedback if it's single player
But despite only playing with me he's rather talented at time sensitive games because he makes a decision and sticks with it
And I'm indecisive
He isn't a sore loser, per se, nor does he has a sensitive ego
I dunno how to explain it?? I guess it being competitive?? But he doesn't like losing so he'd rather play those types of games
He doesn't like games like mario kart, he finds them difficult and it's like a pride thing
Really the only game he's 100% okay with that he loses most of the time is game like mortal combat
I'm just naturally good at those and even if I try going easy,,, I,, can't?? So when he wins he's like, really happy because he knows I didn't do it on purpose
Teaching him is a lot of fun too
"wha- kai how'd you do that??"
"? You mean the breaker?"
"I guess, I don't know what it's called!"
"yeah, you just hold right and block! :)"
",,,, hold on I want to try it, try hitting me."
"did you forget what the block buttons are?"
Also, there is a lot of playful back and forth!
"don't hit the rock don't hit the rock don't hit the rock"
"hey Kai, don't hit the rock :)"
"aww, did I make you loose your concentration, baby?"
"don't call me baby I'm trying to be mad at you >:("
Okay, he rarely even uses his phone in canon so,, like,, he doesn't even play mobile games, much less console games
I feel like he'd really really like the characters and overall just aesthetic and theme of Overwatch but sucks at playing it and he mad about it
Wait till he sees that I enjoy playing and I'm pretty average jdndkfkdjdb
He really likes the more chill games
Like not calming, just,,, chill y'know? Like no time limit, no PvP
Like those horror games that are quiet at the beginning
Unfortunately, I hate stuff that starts off slow, my attention span can't do it, it's too boring so good luck for him if he tries playing one of those with me 🤡
Like,, in case you couldn't tell from the ones above or just in general, I tend to talk a LOT, and if something's moving slow I'll talk more since there's nothing else to do
Which kinda annoys him??? Like it isn't me that annoys him is my habit of talking a lot and,,, he doesn't have a filter like at all so he'll straight up tell me that I'm being annoying
I don't handle confrontation well so I'll just be like :'( nd then be really quiet then he's like?? Wait why'd you stop- (like it's annoying but it feels weird if I'm just,,, silent)
Then he's real quick to apologize
Skjsjd so to try and avoid that, we usually play SCP games cause there are chill moments and there are high adrenaline and panic moments and it doesn't take to long to get to the story
Plus our gaming dynamic works well if we're playing together on different screens
I'm careless and curious so I'll try things out right away
He's careful, reads about the SCPs thoroughly, and makes things to help
He also finds it funny that I'm jump scared easily and that I'm violent with threats 💀
"and thennn,,,,,, there, I finished making-"
"SCP-650 again?"
"No >:(" (yes)
"sure ;)"
(whispering to the TV) "stop following mE-"
"so, not SCP-650?"
"No, it isn't >:("
"are you sure?"
B ro-
He can and will find a way to flirt while staying on topic I swear it's like a power of his
And the reaction is always something along the lines of
"nO- shhhh,,,,,, I need to focus"
"right, no you're right. Sorry-"
"sorry, my love~"
"jdjdjfj s t o p I need to focus"
"why not focus on me?"
Fancy L again :) I feel nice when I get it close to his font :)
A n y w a y
He's busy so he doesn't really have time to game big time
And if the TV is up too bright it'll hurt his eyes
But I feel like he'll play some casual games if he's free and either I'm busy or want to play with him
Games like minecraft, Diabolo 3 reaper of souls, games he can easily pause or log off when needed
In minecraft I feel like he's really organized? Like he has a world for different things
He has one that me and him usually play on together called "Lovely" (jsjsns 🥺🥺💕💕)
We're organized and set up on that world, we have a little cabin that's our house and we have a path that leads to the major things we have
Like the garden (food), the farm, the lake, the mine, things like that
We also have a lot of cats and birds
And we have a huge garden of so many different types of flowers with a tree in the middle and we have a beehive on the tree. We made the garden bc the bees are really cute
Since it's a calming game im more quiet but I still talk
And in diabolo 3 reaper of souls,, I kind feel like he'd be monk or a witch and he'd stick to one aesthetic if he could.
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atinyidea · 5 years ago
                                  · · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
HELLO! Welcome to my 500 followers special!
BEFORE WE START, I want to apologise because I'm 5 followers away from 600 followers and therefore there won’t really be much of a ‘game’ or a ‘special’ with this one!
HOWEVER, if you wanted to send in small things? maybe like MTL’s or something? feel free to! 
note: I will be doing another game (maybe a prompt game? or maybe a voice game so it’s more interactive?) in the next special!
This one is going to be rather long so I'll put the cut here: ^.^
HERE is my original 500 Special Layout:
HELLO! So to do something different for the 500 special I decided a few weeks ago to create an interactive fic! It’s called The Lost Island and is based on the korean tv show ‘Dunia: Into a New World’ that i’m like 63% sure is based on the game ‘Durango: Wild Lands’ but I haven’t played that game!
As usually, stick around till the end for a follow forever and a special thanks!
HERE is the link to the beginning post!
HERE is the link to the secondary post!
THE SPECIAL FOR THIS POST SPECIFICALLY IS where you choose the background of the reader!
GENDER: Female
NAME: Soobin
AGE: 19-21
suggest your own!
IN ORDER for this to be a fully interactive fic, I invite you guys to decide on the most consequential factors including the dynamic between each character (not just between the reader) as well as potential love storylines!
I HOPE this is a good and exciting idea we can work on as a collective!
Here is my ask box!
HERE is the before post I never got around to actually posting:
It’s been a while and I’ve compiled all the results. following my own rules (at least one member of each group with at least three girls) the results are as follows:
Chan, Yunho, Seoho, Luda, Bona, Eunseo, Hongjoong, San, Yeosang, Jongho, Hyunjin, Changbin.
I thought about just making ‘your’ character gender neutral but i gave you the choices so, this is Your character:
Soobin, 19-21, Female.
breakdown as follows:
Bang Chan — 25
Yunho — 17
Hongjoong — 15
San — 13
Yeosang — 10
Changbin — 9
Hyunjin — 9
Jongho — 8
Luda — 8
Seoho — 8
Bona — 7
Felix — 7
Minho — 5
Eunseo — 5
Hwanwoong — 5
Seola — 4
Xuan Yi — 4
Leedo — 4
Xion — 4
Jeongin — 4
Mei Qi — 3
Dayoung — 3
Soo Bin — 6
Chae Min — 4
Other (Da Bin) — 1
Other (Yoo Mi) — 1
Other (Sara) — 1
19-21 — 7
22-24 — 3
16-18 — 1
Female — 6
Male — 3
Non-Binary — 2
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TO the 95 people (included) who followed me while I was putting this together!
TO my friendly atiny anon/ my soul partner: I just wanted to put this here bc i’m still clueless as to who you are!! love u
AND TO everyone who reads my work and comes to follow my little blog!!
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todorokiscute · 6 years ago
How to make responsive themes
A very basic tutorial
This tutorial was requested by an anonymous person. I hope I got to explain well!
difficulty: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ You really need to know your way with html and css, plus, you’ll have to style all the other stuff (text decorations, links, dates, audio, asks..) on your own.
I’ll explain only how to wrap correctly the tumblr’s blocks and the very basic structure of a responsive theme. I’ll not explain how to, for example, how to put dates, captions, tags, pagination, and other custom stuff, okay :)
✩⁺˚ Basic Base Code ✩⁺˚
I did a base code so I make this tutorial following the code, to avoid issues. First thing is to understand what we have in the code. We have our blocks and variables and I wrapped the inner content of the {block:Posts} with a .post{ } div. To make a sucessful responsive layout, you must work with CONTAINERS. That’s why I wrapped the outer content together with the block:posts with a .posts{ } div.
I did the same thing with the sidebar. I have boxes with my content with a .box{ } div. And an outer div wrapper with a .sidebar{ } div. Wrapping everything, both sidebar and posts wrapper (with all the sub wrappers inside), I used .content { } because we need a container for the whole page. That’s the basic to make a responsive layout.
Important: So if you don’t want to use this base, and want only to integrate the wrapper divs on your codes instead. Just look for {block:posts} {/block:posts} and wrap everything inside with a div (mine is .post). Then wrap the outside (including the block:posts) with another div (mine is .posts).
This an example of a simple markup with wrappers:
<div class="posts"><!-- the outer wrapper --> {block:Posts} <div class="post"><!-- the inner/content wrapper--> Posts content, blocks and variables goes here! </div><!-- wrapper content end --> {/block:Posts} </div><!-- wrapper end -->
Now, it’s the CSS part (<style></style>).
In the base code there is already a {CustomCSS} line with a comment. That’s the variable for us to be able to make the customizations in the advanced options section. I like to use this instead of copying the source code and using other editor. This way, you can apply the css and see the changes live. We also have a universal selector with a box-sizing border-box, a nice trick that make our paddings look nice and not shit.
First thing you need to do is apply a flexible css to the content. That’s basically the most important action to make while creating a responsive layout. In the Add Custom CSS section, paste the following code:
.content{   width:80%;   margin:1em auto;   max-width:800px; }
What we did? width:80% is to make sure our content will always have a width of 80% no matter what screen size your blog is being viewed. use the chrome inspector tool (ctrl+shift+i) to resize the screen and see that the content will never touch the window sides and it will always be centered.There are things like images and pre codes overwriting the window, but that’s other css styles you’ll need to search to fix.
The text itself is already responsive! We also used margin auto to center the content. And the 1em value is relative to the top and bottom, giving the content some air to breathe. We also give a max-width of 800px for the content to look nice in desktop version. Without shrink everything and look more solid on computer’s screen.
Moving on.. now is the part to pay a lot of attention: The posts and sidebar. First thing, add these lines to the css part:
.posts{   width:70%; float:right; } .post{   background:#f5f5f5;   padding:1em;   max-width:500px;   margin-bottom:5em; }
Like I said before, we need containers to make a responsive layout. .posts { } is our posts container and .post { } is our post-box div. Since .posts is a child of .content{ } if you give it a width of 70%, it will be relative to the parent (content) and not the window. This is good to make all the posts floating to one side. That’s why we apply the float here, instead of the post boxes itself, to avoid a mess in the code.
In the .post{ } section, is where you’ll apply some css to your posts. Using max-width will make it more solid on desktop, same as the content, and margin-bottom is to make the posts boxes have a space between them.
Now it’s the sidebar’s time. Add this:
.sidebar{   position:fixed;   width:20%;   top:50%;   transform:translateY(-50%); } .box{   background:#f1f2;   padding:1em;   margin-bottom:3em;  max-width:200px;   }
It’s the same method as the .posts and .post. .sidebar is the wrapper and .box is the sidebar box. The only change I made is that I gave the sidebar wrapper a fixed position and used a little trick to center it. Like the post box, I added a max-width to make it solid. This is the responsive layout so far:
Tumblr media
Noticed that we didn’t added any complicated css stuff until now, we’re only working with percentages and max-widths. that’s the most basic rule I’ve learned when started to try responsive layout.
The only step we need to finish this basic responsive layout, is  to apply css to certain screen sizes. Because we don’t want the content all smushed in a mobile device. We want our content displayed as blocks one on top of each other. For that, we’ll use @media queries.
We need a breakpoint to literally break our theme when the device’s screen size changes. For this simple layout we’ll use a breakpoint of 670px. If you want to make sure how to find this value, save your theme until now, go to the blog, inspect it with chrome and use the responsive tool to resize the screen and see where the content is start to look funny.
Then, we’ll use this code:
/* responsive */ @media(max-width:670px){
This means: when the device of the person who is viewing your theme, is 670px wide or less, a certain bit of css will change the content’s appearance. Every code should be inside the media query’s brackets!
To make our current layout responsive for mobile, all we need to do is unset some things and apply width of 100%. Let’s start with our sidebar, since our content does not need edition, unless you want it bigger on mobile, then you must add a new .content{ } inside the @media query and added a width of 90%, for example.
Now, to edit the sidebar on mobile, inside the @media query, add:
.sidebar{    position:static;    width:100%;    transform: none;    margin:3em auto;
} .box{    max-width:none;    width:100%; }
what we’ve changed? Since our sidebar was fixed positioned, we unset that using position:static, the default position of everything html. Instead of a width of 20% we now use 100% to make sure the sidebar will fill all the content, its parent. We also, unset the transform css we used to center the sidebar, and added a margin top and bottom of 3em to have some room between the top of the window and posts.
Since we don’t need the solid layout anymore, we unset the max-width of the box and added a 100% width just for consistence purpose.
The best way to see what you’ll need to unset when breaking your theme into a mobile version, is just to look what codes you used on the desktop ver and try to change on mobile. widths, positions, etc.
Now, it’s the posts time. We also have a max-width, a float and a width applied on our desktop version. All we need to do is unset that:
.posts{    float:none;    width:100%;
} .post{    max-width:none;    width:100%; }
We made sure our post wrapper are not floating to the left anymore and unset the max-width of our post boxes. We’ve also added a 100% width to both wrapper and box div.
Now our theme is fully responsive!!!!!!!!!!! The only thing I need to talk about is:
apply font-size of 1em and a line-height o f 1.8  to the body so the font will be nice in every screen size. If you think that the font is too big for desktop, you can apply the font to .8em, for example, and 1em in the media query.
body{ font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.8; }
apply a max and width of 100% to images and players:
.post img{   max-width:100%;   height:auto;   display:block; } .tmblr-full {   margin:0;   max-width:100%; } .tumblr_audio_player{  width:100%; }
To avoid the pre code (if you have on your posts) to overwrite the post box, use this css:
pre{   white-space:pre-line; }
As a good person I am :^) , I’m going to drop the code for the captions here:
/* captions by todorokiscute, please don’t repost. */ .reblog-info, .answerer{   display:flex;   align-items:center;   margin: .4em 0; } .reblog-info img, .answerer img{   width:30px;   margin-right:.5em; }
Let me know if there are others tutorials you want me to write. I hope I was clear in this explaination and that you have picked the responsive idea. have fun with responsive layout, it’s addictive.
Some tutorials on how to style the tumblr’s blocks posts I already have:
tumblr responsive videos
asks/answers posts like chat bubbles
sticky sidebar on scroll and responsive
make photosets and photos looking like tumblr’s in the dashboard
npf posts simple fix
Style Horizontal Line
Post Link’s style like Tumblr’s dashboard
How to make a fixed contained theme  responsive
Make the ‘p’ (paragraphs) look nice
Style ‘keep reading’ link
I made a second (very simple though) tutorial on how to make a responsive theme using display grid. Check it out.
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abundantchewtoys · 6 years ago
HS Epi: Meat p12 reaction
Back to Earth C presumably.
I gotta say, I'm curious to find out the final page count of Meat. The way we liveblog, the experience is stretched out, so with theories surfacing and such, we might be caught off guard when things are really over. There's only so far that things will be taken, though I guess we're still in for those "original Male/Female characters", I guess. :P That shouldn't refer to the new Reload timeline John created, I think, with copies of all the people mentioned in the rest of the character list. So, uh, yeah, guess the reason Arquiusprite wasn't mentioned in there was because he remained unseen, voided out if you will. And I guess we shouldn't expect an alternate Equius to have a talking role, either?
Well! Talk about jumping straight into the action, this page opens with a dialoguelog! Back to Dave, Karkat and if my eyes didn't deceive me, we'll get some lines for Jade, too! Supportive Jade will be supportive.
"hit jane right in her neoliberal austerity measures" ... Hah. Well, I didn't think that would get referenced again at all, but it seems after all these years since John's 18th birthday Dave still has issues with the ol' N.A.M. So, Jane's a neoliberal AND a fascist now, Dave? Is that... even feasible?
"DAVE: now shes gonna spin some shit about supply side economics but we cant let her control the narrative on that one cause the first thing thats gonna happen once she begins deregulating the baking industry is that some sweet dumb crocodile down in consort land is gonna start putting sparkle glue in the cupcake mix which isnt even the real issue thats just surface issues KARKAT: RIGHT. JADE: definitely" ... Like, Dave I admire you're getting so into this, but you realize they aren't following, right? Also, why would Jane want to deregulate the baking industry if she's the leader of the foremost power in said industry, as well as running for president? Plus, Jane can't control the narrative because Caliborn is already controlling it! :mspa:
"DAVE: i mean earth c has just been play acting capitalism the last five thousand years while we timeskipped ahead to live rad lives as gods without bothering with any of the boring shit that goes into making a civilization DAVE: which is fine i mean you cant really expect a bunch of teens who didnt finish middle school to set up a sustainable form of social democracy that isnt just blatantly ripped off whatever we incorrectly thought obama god rest his soul was doing back in the day" ... Gee, Dave's given this a real lot of thought. Props to him, but I hope that aside from becoming 'an activist' he's also got some legitimite action points to improve Earth C's situation.
Guess Sburb really does a number on players, huh? "Congrats, you won, you're all gods now, and also, here's this whole civilization on the brink of collapse, have fun with that. Don't mess this up, I need those people to start the apocalypse in say, 2000 years, k thx bye." (The fact that this civilization, being outside of the Green Sun's influence, may never implement Sburb, is a bit besides the point since I think the trolls would have had the same issue tossed onto them had they actually gone through the victory door.)
Right, but the trolls had their home planet already effectively run by children, I wonder if that will come again? Even though they had carpenter droids at their disposal to run some things for them, they might actually be a bit more self-reliant than the humans!
"DAVE: but janes got this old school mentality you just know she wants to restrict grist alchemy for the sake of “growth” and when that goes down itll take three seconds flat for some nobody in new dersetown to drop the earth c communist manifesto" ... New Dersetown, I like the ring of that. Would call it New Dersey for short, though. :P Again, valid points there, Dave! If any revolt started, it doesn't have to be in the troll community, it could just as much be an angry carapace uprising! They're only docile if there's no one to rally behind.
Blaperile has this idea that the new society in a universe is not supposed to be seeded with the remains of the session nor the universe that came before it. That's actually a valid point; the only reason this society got kickstarted was through the cloning apparatus that was on the meteor! The consorts and carapaces seem like they would be able to reproduce biologically though, so I'm not sure how Sburb normally ensures the planet is a clean slate for a new species to emerge. ... Okay, so the planet itself doesn't really need to be the place where a new Sburb-playing species rises, true. There's a whole new universe out there.
Maybe through "importing" old Sburb technology, the "alpha" planet designation went to Earth C automatically, though.
Or maybe First Guardians are expected to 'cleanse' the planet from outside influence normally, but since this society's outside of the Green Sun's influence, that ain't happening. And Jade won't be going Thanos on Earth C.
"KARKAT: OH YEAH. JADE: of course DAVE: are you two even listening or are you just making noises with your mouths" Dave realizing he's monologuing? What character development is this. :O
"KARKAT: I CAN’T BELIEVE I’M BEING ACCUSED BY DAVE STRIDER, REIGNING EMPEROR OF SPEWING ENDLESS VERBAL DIARRHEA DIRECTLY INTO MY INNOCENT HEAR DUCTS EVERY DAY OF MY FUCKING LIFE, OF MAKING THOUGHTLESS MOUTH NOISES. KARKAT: JADE, ARE YOU HEARING THIS? JADE: im scandalized JADE: especially when JADE: there are much better things we could all be doing with our mouths....." ... Jade, your animes are showing again. ... I think that maybe Jade doesn't want this relation to be going where Dave and Karkat want it to go.
"It’s been a really nice day they’ve been having, and then Jade had to go say something like that. The air in the hive changes in a way that is palpable, in a way that she can’t seem to accurately gauge despite having both superhuman and superdog senses." ... Ah. So I guess maybe Jade just can't get a lid on some of her more... canine inclinations, at time. Welp!
"Elements of her outfit resemble her god tier jammies: peasant skirt, sparkly flats, and a bold choice in striped tights." Nice! That's only the third person who created an outfit based on her god tier outfit that we know, aside from Meenah and Rose.
"the couch where she crashed last night, and the night before that, and the better part of the seven years before that." It would seem Jade has the wanderlust then, she's more like the vagrant dog that comes visiting from time to time? More GCAT in demeanor than Becquerel, in practice. Heheh. Good for her, after being isolated on an island and then a battleship for so long, she's finally going out & seeing things!
"There are other personal effects of hers in the living room too: plants on the windowstill, her bass guitar sitting in a corner" Cool, so when she comes over, she typically lounges here then. Guess the flute never made it over, though. :p
"a horrific-looking periodic table that Dave made her for her seventeenth birthday pinned above the stairwell. He typed it in Comic Sans, and then deep-fried it to oblivion with JPEG artifacts." ... Next up, on For Fans By Fans...
"And Dave, with his preternaturally perfect timing, sweeps a hand over his tablet to bring up a new PowerPoint slide on the TV. He returns to his Comic Sans-written political presentation, gruesome artifacts and all" Dave, Dave that isn't professional at all!
", with the grace and proficiency of a man who has diffused an awkward situation in his own household many times per day, every day, for many years." Well, okay, that is really mature. But when Dave is the adult in a situation, the situation is very awkward per definition.
"DAVE: alternia: brutal eugenics based space dictatorship KARKAT: NOT UNTRUE." Succinct, brutal, but not dishonest.
"DAVE: troll homeworld: lord of the flies nightmare scenario where kids murder each other just to get the chance to get to grow up and murder other aliens instead KARKAT: IT WASN’T THAT BAD." Karkat. Karkat that isn't a valid rebuke.
"JADE: also you know trolls dont actually have two dicks dave thats an offensive stereotype" Are we really doing troll anatomy? Well, I guess it's good to know that the fan theory about Sollux at least isn't applicable to the entire species.
"DAVE: trolls: literally ate babies KARKAT: ONLY THE DEFECTIVE ONES. DAVE: like you my dude KARKAT: ...YEAH. DAVE: so thats why our campaign can work" Yeah, Karkat ate grubs, though they weren't troll babies. Also, yeah, Karkat was a mutant, but I wonder if that would really help his case here.
"DAVE: btw im gonna be giving a long form exam at the end of this to make sure youre retaining info because this is only like the most important thing weve ever done collectively" Well he ain't wrong.
"Karkat elbows Dave in the thigh, a move that is obviously meant to be an action of pure, brotherly jest. But instead it comes off as affectionate and overly intimate. Jade’s clever eyes don’t miss this. Her pupils follow the motion of Karkat’s arm, and then they follow the movement of Dave’s mouth as he smiles in what he probably thinks is a totally neutral expression that reveals exactly 0% of his true feelings toward Karkat Vantas. In reality, his veneer is as thin and transparent as cellophane. He is the only person who can’t see through it.
Jade does some calculations in her head. Two kinds of calculations, in fact: mathematical ones and personal ones." So, is Jade reading too much into their relationship, or are the dudes just... Both too shy?
"JADE: soooooo JADE: do you want a projection of her first years hit on the economy down to the decimal with a 0.3% margin of error JADE: because thats a thing i can do if itll make you stop talking about this stupid election for ten minutes" I didn't know that were First Guardian powers! :p I suppose it might be her natural intellect though, but we've only known her as the hands-on science type until now.
"She proceeds to dazzle the two boys with explications on complex math utilizing taxation rates, GDP figures, and some damned thing called the “Laffer curve,”" Dang, Jade is as much committed to this as Dave! (Or maybe she learned all this because it means so much to him, that could be it too!)
"The thing about Jade Harley is that she’s not as good at personal things as she is at other things. Like science, or mastering fraymotifs, or kissing, the last of which she has definitely put a lot of levels into over the past few years because, well, what else are you supposed to do with immortal godhood once you hit the age where the dog hormones start kicking into overdrive?" Guess for dogs, kissing isn't that personal. :p And well, I guess Jade's only now learning the real consequences of turning into a real-life furry. At least she won't have had lack of candidates to practice kissing with. She might even have become the Witch of Spacing Out Young Adults.
"Her high-prescription lenses make her eyes look anime-huge. They might literally be glittering, she’s so completely serious about the issue she is trying to stress." And the fan artists rejoiced for all the new descriptions they have to work with!
" JADE: im about to lay out some cold hard evidence so pay attention! KARKAT: OH, HANG ON, LET ME GET A PEN." You can't live together with Dave for years without learning when it's time to start taking notes and grab a fucking pen.
"JADE: evidence about..... JADE: our relationship! KARKAT: FUCK" Pfff, okay, never mind. I think Jade might have hit a wall several times over before, trying to either define their relationship or take it to the next level. These dudes are really sensitive about their feelings, after all.
But it would be interesting, learning Jade wants to know where they stand just as much as the outside world does.
"JADE: you let me live in your hive when im in town KARKAT: I CAN’T BELIEVE... JADE: im preeeetty intimately entwined in both your lives KARKAT: THAT YOU’RE JUST TALKING ABOUT THIS? JADE: AND you dont disengage from about 86.234% of my flirtations KARKAT: WAIT, WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU KEEP TRACK OF SOMETHING LIKE THAT? JADE: so....... are we doing this or not?" So, just like with taking on Lord English and acknowledging the lit fuse that is Earth C society, I guess the coming around of April 13th 2019 is when Jade had enough of all this silly business and wants to know what's what. (Also, I suppose the level of intimacy they shared on beforehand will be left to speculation.)
"KARKAT: DOING WHAT?! JADE: dating dummy!!!!!!!! KARKAT: OH. KARKAT: THAT IS KARKAT: THAT IS... A COMPLICATED TOPIC IN MY CULTURE THAT I’M NOT SURE HUMANS ARE EQUIPPED TO TALK ABOUT." Smooth, Karkat, real smooth. Maybe Karkat fears commitment will lead to some of their relationships shifting into other quadrants. And he wouldn't like to be moirails or auspistices with either of them.
"DAVE: also totally unrelated to the economy" ... Nice try Dave, but I think this can't be steered back into that track.
"DAVE: which not gonna lie is the only thing i want to talk about for uh DAVE: for however long it takes for this other conversation to stop happening JADE: so say no!!! DAVE: well KARKAT: UHHHHH JADE: im not just forcing this conversation for my sake! its for you two as well JADE: i mean after all this time have you two even kissed yet?????? DAVE: wha" I think Dave and Karkat might actually have been both content to stay uncommitted and fearful to put a label on it. Also Jade's question will presumably remain unanswered, it's already surprising it's confirmed she hasn't seen them kissing. And that is ignoring the matter of whether either Dave or Karkat kissed Jade before. I guess it's only fortunate for this situation that this instance of Jade never dated Davesprite, it would only complicate things further.
"DAVE: wha KARKAT: WH-WHY WOULD DAVE: uhh KARKAT: WHY WOULD WE KISS?? DAVE: thats KARKAT: THAT’S... YOU... I MEAN, HE’S... HE’S DAVE. DAVE: we KARKAT: AND I’M KARKAT." PFffffffff, hilarious! I can just see them blushing like tomatoes right now. Can't keep staying in denial bros!
"JADE: yes hes dave and youre karkat and everyone we know always calls you that JADE: “dave and karkat”" Hah! Yeah, but they also think you're part of the item, Jade. Care to shed some thoughts on the subject?
"JADE: i cant remember the last time i heard anyone mention one of you without the other JADE: the two of you have basically been together since your days on the meteor its SO obvious" Jade has turned this from a personal matter into a fandom matter. "Everyone and their dog knows you're dating, guys! Stop pretending otherwise!" It's interesting to note the different ways Dave has been seen handling relationships. When he dated Terezi in the GO timeline, it went south due her troubles in the black quadrant. When Davesprite dated Jade, it went south due to unresolved Dave issues, presumably having to do with his bros. With Karkat, Dave's been in a stable-ish thing for the longest time, though.
" KARKAT: VERY CLOSE FRIENDS WHO UNDERSTAND AND SUPPORT EACH OTHER ON A DEEP AND EMPATHETIC LEVEL THAT GOES BEYOND HATE OR PITY. YOU COULD EVEN SAY THAT OUR RELATIONSHIP... KARKAT: ...TRANSCENDS QUADRANTS." ... PFfffffff, so this could have been what it was like for the Sufferer and the Disciple, then! They were just never ready to commit? That would actually be funnier than it being this deep and fulfilling relationship. It would also make Doc Scratch' misgivings on the relationship even more hilarious.
"JADE: yeaaaaaah not gonna lie karkat but that sounds totally kinda gay KARKAT: UGH YOU HUMANS AND YOUR UNFATHOMABLE GENDER BASED QUADRANTS." ... Heh. Actually. Too trolls, the whole gender-based romance thing we have going must indeed be as unfathomable as leprechaun romance.
"Jade faceplams." Well that's a new verb. ;) What part of the body is the 'plam', exactly?
" KARKAT: ANYWAY WEREN’T YOU... DATING THAT CARAPACIAN COUPLE? LAST TIME WE CHECKED?" Lolwut. Jade. Jade are you... are you being a Ms. Casanova, a paramour or two in every city you frequent? If WV and PM turn out to be alive for the sole purpose of dating Jade, I'll choke on my drink.
" DAVE: wait you saying we arent fun JADE: whens the last time either of you left the house??????" I know Jade means it as in, she'd like to date them for keeps. But I also fulheartedly believe Dave and Karkat can sustain themselves on delivery pizza and chinese chow.
"In her other hand, she tries to grab Dave’s wrist, but he flash-steps to the other side of the couch." Well that's a new use of the power, guess Dave must really have felt alarmed. :p
"JADE: i wanna try dating for real KARKAT: HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED KARKAT: SORRY IF WHAT I’M ABOUT TO SAY TOTALLY BLOWS YOUR MIND KARKAT: DATING A SINGLE PERSON, FOR MORE THAN HALF A SWEEP, FOR REASONS OTHER THAN INITIATING THE CONCUPISCENT EXCHANGE OF FLUIDS?" Karkat is trying to throw the issue back into Jade's face by saying she should try dating for a longer period of time. But that's exactly what she's trying to do here! She knows who she wants that with! That poor little troll, he's not getting out from under this.
"JADE: third of all karkat arent you from a culture where people are expected to engage in romantic relationships with up to like five people at a time?? KARKAT: THAT’S NOT KARKAT: THAT’S NOT THE SAME THING AT ALL." If he's trying to avoid getting dragged into quadrants with people, he should stop upholding the validity of the quadrants to hold people off. :p
"DAVE: ok jade i think theres a flaw in your approach here cause you seem to think winning an argument on super clever logical grounds is gonna get a couple dudes to break down and fling themselves at you in like, a sexual way JADE: wellll it usually does ;B DAVE: oh my fucking god" So she swoons people by way of her big brain. Jade's got CLASS.
"This earns Dave a look. A long, sad one that has Jade messing with her glasses again so that she can peer right at him and apply some more of that faulty personal math to his facial expression." Just confirmation here that Jade isn't necessarily correct in all her assessments due to not being objective.
"JADE: dave are you in love with obama? DAVE: jade jesus where do you get this shit from JADE: is it about jesus then??????" Aaaaaand this has been derailed again.
"DAVE: no! DAVE: jesus wasnt even real JADE: i know he wasnt real! JADE: wait... JADE: are you saying JADE: obama was real? DAVE: ... DAVE: yes" Wut. Wai- I- Jade. Honey. Please. Guess for all her involvement in politics since, those isolated years on the island sheltered her WAY too much.
"DAVE: obama was real DAVE: he was the president KARKAT: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA JADE: all this time i thought obama was like JADE: an aspirational fictional character that you modeled your life after KARKAT: AHAHAHAHA I CAN’T AHAHA BREATHE... JADE: like snoop dog or nicolas cage" ... Jade. Jade no. You're just making this worse on yourself. For Jade, there would have been almost nothing in Homestuck she'd have seen as a reference to 'real life', would there?
"senary numeral systems that allow me to do complex equations in my head" ... Why is Base 6 good for complex equations? I'm probably not good enough at math to know.
"KARKAT: WHY IS IT LIKE SOME SORT OF *TRAGEDY* HOW SHE WAS RAISED? KARKAT: BECAUSE SHE WAS RAISED ALONE BY AN ANIMAL?? KARKAT: *I* WAS RAISED ALONE BY AN ANIMAL!" There! It's getting acknowledged again, how Jade's upbringing more resembles a troll than a human's! Becquerel the lusus.
"There’s a ripple in the room that makes it clear their god tier powers have just clashed against each other. He shifts his arm through time and Jade warps the space around them so that she’s the one holding the tablet. This is not the first time that they have rearranged the fabric of reality for a petty reason like this. Karkat has permanently sworn off playing board games with them." ... Lol. First real use of the god tier powers in Earth C, and it goes like this! Wait, couldn't Jade have snapped... Right, no, she actually wouldn't have First Guardian powers anymore now, I forgot. Still, what did Dave try to do, move the tablet to another point in the timeline?
"The moment Jade brings the paint program up on the television, Karkat stops laughing. KARKAT: NO!" Oh boy. Time for the Penis Quadrant scene, this time with three people. ... This would actually fall under both definitions of a "sketch", actually.
"He tries to grab the tablet from her, but she’s hovering well above the ground and he simply is not tall enough to reach. With a shit-eating grin and deliberate care, Jade begins to draw a grid." He's going to jump up to grab her leg, to disturb the drawing, isn't he?
"She gives Karkat a pair of fuzzy, angry eyebrows" Now I'm starting to think of the Karkat expressions in that one Paradox Space.
"all he accomplishes is turning the redrom trajectory between her and Dave into a redrom loop-de-loop." This is all I could want from a reprise of this scene.
"JADE: see me and karkat have great black chemistry! KARKAT: IT IS NOT BLACK CHEMISTRY YOU HORRID NON-CHITINOUS WINDBAG!" A+ denial there, Karkat, props on the response.
"JADE: and now that daves all chill hed make a great auspistice" Jade just wants all Karkat's quadrants filled by the three of them, somehow.
"JADE: because you and karkat are kind of like moirails DAVE: no JADE: and you and i JADE: well yknow its always been pretty flirty DAVE: jade JADE: EXCEPT!
Jade finishes drawing a shaky heart directly into the paint program. It’s so big and bright on the TV that it fills the entire room with red light." She's putting all these names and symbols to the relationship, it might just be too much for these poor boys to handle. :p
"JADE: i call this political arrangement: JADE: fully automated luxury polyamorous space-time communism!!!!!!!" That is not the shipping name I would've chosen, but it's the shipping name we deserve. And hey, communism! Get it? Cause Karkat had a sickle.
I wonder what Karkat's take on polyamory outside of the ashen quadrant is, actually.
"Jade rolls her eyes and tosses both the tablet and pen over her shoulder. Dave flashes across the living room to catch his very expensive computing device in both arms. The pen bounces off his forehead." This. Entire. Scene.
"JADE: i have to go talk to roxy and callie about the election anyway" Well, she's going to let them stew on this for a while. But I'm eager to find out who Roxy & Calliope would back. You might think Jane's a given, but if she's been busy maybe they have grown closer to Jade & Dave!
"Jade clicks her heels together to propel herself back into the air and actually winks at them before absconding through an open window." Think happy thoughts! Also, I just realized becoming a god sadly never gave Karkat the powers of flight.
"Dave and Karkat both stare after her, silently caught in their own private rationalization spirals.
Karkat needs to verbalize part of his out loud." Ah, but can they stay in that spiral or will they have no choice but to break out of it?
"KARKAT: WANNA PLAY SOME TROLL TONY HAWK? DAVE: hell DAVE: yeah" Yyyyyeaah, they are not going to have changed when Jade comes back, will they?
So even Karkat calls it "Troll Tony Hawk", not whatever absurdly wrong name it'd have on Alternia, and not whatever Tony Hawk's duodecimal name in Alternian would be. :P
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mazojo · 6 years ago
Let’s Play
Sooo if you saw some of my previous posts, you know I've kinda gotten into webtoons and I binge-read another one called Let’s Play and I Looveeee. I will do a spoiler-ish review as of the chapters that have come out so far and and all the images and stuff included are from Mongie, the author of this baby.
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So the plot basically revolves around Sam, who works for her fathers company coding and working on programming but her true passion is creating video games, more specially indie games. She creates this game called Ruminate and its all fine and dandy until super famous youtube Marshall Law plays it and jokingly says it kinda sucks so people and trolls go leave hate on her account so her developer score in this indie publishing website is almost 0.
Sam is disappointed nay this turn of events and tries contacting the company to help her score as its flawed but unfortunately nothing happens. Then we find out super Marshall Law is moving next door to Sam and she flops. He then later realizes how he messed up and as they start becoming friends (slowly but surely!) he is fixed on making it up to her becouse he is a cinnamon roll. There are also other characters involved, from Sam’s gaming crew which is hilarious, to her super hot and sexual tension boss, Charles who is trying to help her grow as a person and as a worker and we also have Lincoln which kinda has a crush in Sam and they’ve been friends for quite a while as Sam helped him overcome his dads death. 
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The story is funny and filled with great moments, treating also mental health topics and the struggles of Sam discovering she may or may not have feelings for the hotties mentioned above ^^.
As I did with my Kiznaivers and I Love Yoo reviews, ill list the characters from my favourite to my least (I love them all so it sounds so bad to say the least!) including a song that reminds me of them. I won't list them all as their are many as you can see in the picture above but definitely the main ones <33
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Angels - Owl City
Sam. is. such. a. mood. Like honestly, if you ever wish to know me and who I am as a person and how I work, read this and I am the literal reincarnation of Sam loll. She is very nerdy and suffers from anxiety, sometimes leading her to have asthma attacks. She really cares about those close to her and although she is quite shy and introverted, doesn't doubt the chance to jump in when someone she cares about is in danger. I have no words to describe her but I think I’ve found my long lost drawing form character.
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Lucky - Britney Spears
Yes, I choose a Britney Spears song for him, is it amazing? Y e s, do I regret it? N o p e. Marshall is just adorableeee. Like he is the literal reincarnation of a puppy and he is much more complex than what it seems? Yeah he’s got this bubbly exterior to himself but deep down he is dealing with depression and anxiety but hides it from anyone, to the point of literally breaking down. He is trying his best at making everyone happy and likes video games and ahhhh ??? I Stan Marshall.
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Livin’ on a Prayer - Bon Jovi
Lincoln the embodiment of the dad friend, there I said it. He has such a pure soul and heart and protective aura around those he loves and he is so soft??? He struggled with his dads death and takes care of his brother (which makes a part of the guild Sam is with). He is a little oblivious but other than that Link must be protected at all cost and hopefully finds happiness at the end of the comic becouse if he doesn't I will riot.
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Rude - MAGIC!
Charles is your typical cold but sexy filled with sexual tension moments boss character. He is Sam’s boss and what I love most about Charles is how he wants others to succeed, pushing them their limits to reach their full potential, something I think its quite admirable. Honestly in comparison to the other two boys I haven't connected much with Charles but I still really like his character and hopefully we are able to see more of him in the future!
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Power - Little Mix
The image pretty much describes Monika lol. I decided to include her becouse although she is kindaaaa the antagonist, I feel like she isn't really that bad and honestly, her character is quite compelling. She is Marshall’s girlfriend and a beauty guru, so half of the time she talks about makeup-is things I quite honestly dont understand lolll. However she really cares about those near her and (cues alpha female aura) does her best to protect Marshall becouse she really does likes him, but due to the fame and their worlds they both manage, it makes things complicated at times. I hope she doesn't turn evil or something like that becouse I truly think she is good (or at least up till now) and hopefully she gets a happy ending too ~.
Sam x Marshall 
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This was actually so hard to choose! Because I honestly ship Sam with Lincoln just as much but there’s just something about this couple that I just gahhh! They have this chemistry working over them and they complement each other so well too! Like Sam is very perceptive and a good listener while Marshall just fakes a smile every time and I believe she will be the one to notice something is wrong first <33 
Sam x Lincoln
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AHhHHH I love Link so much?? And how he protects Sam and cares about her is so freaking adorable? I think their mutual support and understanding is what makes it one of the best and Sam clearly has some mixed feelings about him that she repressed for a while in order not to tarnish their friendship but now she knows that he likes her so ??? I hope Link and Sam end happy because they both have to be p r o t e c t e d.
Sam x Charles
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As I mentioned before, I don't think I can compare Marshall and Link’s relationship to the one with Charles considering they have had more time together, I believe in the next chapters we will get to see their relationship increase. He is very protective and does whats best for Sam and they have this tension around them which gets Sam all flustered and its really cute. Its not my main ship but I’ll wait and see how things progress in the future.
Monika x Marshall
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Okay so this is not one of the main ships and people often don't like this couple but I thought it was important to mention! As I said before, I think Monika is quite a complex character and they are both dealing with their own worlds and problems which may make it hard for the relationship to work and not seem toxic. Still, they both care deeply about the other and I know in the end, they would want to see the other happy soooo we’ll see how it ends ^^
Final Thoughts
I absolutely adoree this Webtoon! I’ll try to review the chapters as they go out like I love yoo giving my impressions and what nots. Here are some theories that I think may happen in future chapters too;
- I don't think I mentioned it but Marshall is really good at drawing and its kinda his passion but he hides it from everyone due to fearing failure. I think Sam in one way or another will encourage him to pursue his dream eventually drawing them closer, and as she needs an artist to help her with her next game, I am guessing Marshall will be perfect for that spot :333
- Charles will definitely appear more I think, most of the “romantic” moments have been with Link followed by Marshall leaving the Charles Stans in need of their baby <33
- I think Angela (one of Sam’s guild member and friend) likes Link?? I didn't talk about her much but in one of the latest chapters she gets flustered by him and I am not really sure? I'll definitely be on the look for that.
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ryik-the-writer · 6 years ago
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The Golds invite the Charmings over to dinner and, of course, things do not go as planned.
Sequel to Game Night Gamble , and part of the Never Unwanted series. Not quite a Thanksgiving fic but I try :p
Age of the kids: Gideon (22), Neal (23-ish), Dante (around 8)
Gideon released a nervous whistle as he added the final touches on his outfit. After two hours of tossing garments around he’d finally decided on a decent look. He frowned however at his hair. He need a cut, and the boyish locks made him look like he was going to a church service rather than a dinner with his possibly-soon-to-be-boyfriend and his parents.
He added a bit of gel, glaring at his shaking hands in the mirror. It was just Neal for gosh sakes! Nothing had changed between them really. They were still best friends…just friends who found each other attractive and had a knack for kissing that one time.
Son of a bitch he was screwed.
Just as he pulled his fingers from his hair, his cellphone buzzed. He glanced down and saw that it was from the three-way message he, Robyn, and Neal had started long ago.
He swiped and read the message from Robyn.
Ready for tonight boys 😉
Gideon rolled his eyes and carefully texted a response. He wanted to be careful in case Neal read it.
Yep…nervous. Just a bit 0-o
Admitting his fears helped unravel the knot in his stomach. Barely a second later came a response. Gideon expected to see Robyn’s name on the tag but was surprised to see Neal’s.
Everything’s going to be fine. No matter what happens, I still want to be with you.
Gideon grinned, feeling silly with his warm face. His cellphone went off again with an additional message from Neal.
Is it too early to start calling you babe? Do dudes even call each other babe?
Before Gideon could respond Robyn broke in.
Gideon flinched at the overuse of caps. For the first time he was glad Robyn had turned down his invitation to “chaperone” tonight’s dinner (mainly because it would mean bringing her mother and the last thing he needed was for her and his father to start a battle).
A quiet knock on the door pulled him from his musings. He found his sister standing there, looking smaller and very unlike her usually peppy self.
“Geez Dee, why so…glum?” Gideon shrugged.
“Shove your lack of rhymes.” Dante muttered, flopping down at the end of bed, her hands flinching similarly the way their father’s did when he was nervous.
“Grumpy grumpy,” Gideon cornered, looking away to select a tie. “Not that I don’t always enjoy the invasion of privacy, but is there something you needed?”
Dante fidgeted a bit before she squared her shoulders.
“Gid, I don’t think we should have this dinner.”
Gideon paused at his sister’s declaration. Just that morning she had been teasing him over waffles, asking questions about his and Neal’s first kiss and what they were planning for a first date. Knowing that there were two additional pairs of ears listening, he answered his little sister with a wink and had given her a ride to school.
“Why?” Gideon asked simply. Dante had never been clingy with his attention, why would she start now?
“It’s just…” Dante paused to think. “You can do so much better with possible in-laws. You were laugh-crying in the shower this morning. Do you really want to do that for the rest of your life?”
Gideon snorted and turned back to decide on the tie. “We’re not even dating yet. Besides, you like Neal.”
“As much as I like you.” Dante snorted, though her fidgeting did not cease.
“Did something happen?” Gideon pushed. Usually, he’d be the best big brother in the world and converse all night with his sister, but tonight he had to decide on a tie and act like perfect boyfriend material for the Nolan’s.
Dante paused, watching her brother as he tried to decide between a blue or red tie. She couldn’t tell him, not when he was trying so hard to be better than what most people thought he was.
What they both were.
She stood quietly and prepared to leave him in peace. She had already promised her mother she’d set the table, “with the good china” as she had requested.
The youngest Gold spared a glance over her shoulder at her nervous brother. Tonight was his night, and she was utterly terrified for him.
“The red one.” She muttered, crossing her arms tightly around her center before heading downstairs.
Belle chewed her lip as she put the final touches on her potato salad. She had closed the library early so that she could come home and prepare for dinner with the Charming’s and the rest of her family was doing their parts. Rumple was on the patio getting the grill heated up while Gideon was changing his clothes yet again.
“Anything you choose will look great sweetie,” Belle laughed earlier as she watched her son tried to choose between three different plaid shirts.
“It’s not Neal I’m trying to look good for,” Gideon said absently as he looked back and forth between belt buckles.
“You’re not dating his parents,” Belle had said. “Everything’s…” Belle stopped. Saying everything would be fine would only make things more stressful. It was better to let her son stress now so that he’d be more relaxed at dinner.
She was taking her own advice now and all but pulling her hair out. She hosted dinner parties before, so why was this one particularly nerve-wracking?
“Because the Charming’s aren’t just acquaintances any longer, their possible in-laws.” Rumple responded when Belle asked him the exact question. He was marinating the steaks and wearing a pink apron that was too ridiculous to be worn during such a serious conversation.
Belle glanced upstairs before she moved closer to her husband. “It’s a bit…early to talk like that isn’t it?”
Rumple gave her a small smile and a shrug. “They’ve been friends since infancy. Anything’s possible.”
Belle sighed and took another sip of the wine Rumple had poured for her. It was pleasant to hear her husband think so positively about the future. For so long they had just lived day by day, waiting for catastrophes to arise. Thinking any farther than next week was dangerous.
She glanced at the clock on the oven and felt her stomach turn. The Nolan’s were due at their home in 15 minutes.
She glanced out into the dining room where her usually quiet daughter was slowly setting the table. She’d been there for ten minutes and only had two plates down.
Belle wanted to be irritated, but her maternal instincts would often outweigh her aggressive ones. There were some perks to being married to an infuriating man like the Dark One after all. She laid down her knife and walked over to the table, leaning against the glossy wood.
“You’re rather distracted tonight, Dante Colette.” Her mother said with a teasing air.
The youngest Gold looked at her mother, her eyes faltering as she fidgeted with a knife.
“Mom,” Dante began, too quietly and too unlike herself. “If you knew something bad was going to happen, and that there was nothing you could do to prevent it, would you still let it happen?”
Belle mused on the odd question, searching for a way to answer it.
“There was a time when I sensed your father was going bad.” Belle stated. “Right after your older brother passed away, your father went through a dark phase. He was obsessed with gaining more power so that he would never be powerless again.”
Dante sat down, intrigued. “What did you do?”
Her mother was quiet for a moment, her eyes downcast.
“I turned him away.” Belle admitted. “I set him into the world completely powerless because I was so angry at him, and I’ve regretted it since.”
Dante gulped, a coldness setting into her bones.
“I felt like something was wrong with your father but I chose to ignore it. I wanted him to be the man he was before Baelfire’s death. I thought after enough time he would be again. Ignoring the problem cost your father the help he needed., and both of us precious time.”
They both looked up when they heard the door in the kitchen open, indicating that Rumplestiltskin was coming back in from lighting the grill.
“My point, honey, is that it’s important to follow your heart. Is there something you’d like to tell me?”
Dante gulped and glanced up the stairs where she could hear the muffled sounds of Gideon’s anxious footsteps.
Before Dante could answer, the doorbell resounded through the house and a cry from Gideon followed.
“Oh my gods their here!” Gideon screamed from upstairs. A moment later he came bounding down, his hands pulling at the soft tie around his neck. “Get this thing off me it was a stupid idea!”
“Son for goodness sake stop before you choke yourself.” Rumplestiltskin sighed, pulling his nervous son to the living room to help him calm down.
Belle made a sharp glance at the door and then back to her daughter. She didn’t want to force her daughter into a decision, but time was of the essence.
“Sweetie?” Belle nudged with a gentle smile.
Dante closed her eyes for a long moment before taking her mother’s hand, letting her pull her up.
“That’s my brave girl.” Belle smiled.
“It follows, right.” Dante shrugged, shoving her hands in her pockets as her mother went to answer the door.
“We were…a bit surprised when you invited us over.” David admitted to Rumplestiltskin as he turned a steak over on the grill.
Rumplestiltskin took a sip of the wine the Charming’s had brought, thankful the majority of the guests were of drinking age. A drink on all their parts could help tonight run a bit more smoothly, though he doubted things would get heated. The Charmings were open-minded people and had one of the grandest love stories to ever be written. Love came in all forms, surely, they’d understand that when it came to Neal and Gideon.
“It was Belle’s idea.” Rumple said, realizing how rude he must have sounded the moment the words left his mouth.
David however chuckled good-naturedly, his over-expansive sense of humor saving them both from an awkward conversation.
“Neal seemed a bit nervous about coming over.” David added, keeping his eyes on the grill.
Rumplestiltskin blinked and studied the Charming clan patriarch.  
“Is that so?”
Charming nodded, a secret smile spreading from the corner of his mouth.
“I figured he’d be…nervous…eventually. I’m not too surprised, I just thought it would happen sooner…the nervousness I mean.”
Rumple tried not to roll his eyes at the allusion David was trying to set.
“And did your wife notice the “nervousness”?”
David’s smile dimmed, but just slightly.
“Um, no, I don’t think so. She’s been a bit preoccupied over Emma lately.”
Rumplestiltskin nodded sympathetically. Emma had been traveling the realms with Killian since just after Neal’s second birthday. Over the years her visits home had become sparse, and in the last year the only form of communication she had with her family was a few salt-crusted letters detailing her adventures and how happy she was.
Rumple tried not to judge her decision, but it seemed a bit odd to him that a young woman who wanted a family for so long would uproot herself from them for a man, especially if that man was Killian Jones.
He knew he was hardly one to judge, but he also knew that there was still some vileness in the pirate’s soul, even if he had made a few altercations. It left a sour taste in his mouth to have to acknowledge him as extended family. However, Killian was the Charming’s pill to swallow, not his.
“I wish she could be here right now.” David said, revealing his grief. “For her brother.”
The Dark One nodded. “I’m sorry. I’m sure you can catch her up when she comes home.”
David paused for a moment before nodding. “Yeah…right. You’re right. She’ll be home soon.”
Rumplestiltskin’s heart clenched for the man. David sounded so unconvinced at his own words.
He hoped Belle was having a better time with Snow White.
“And this is them in the Caribbean!” Snow shrilled, scrolling to yet another photo of her daughter and Killian.
Belle smiled out of politeness, but there was something about Snow White’s overly happy personality that made her skin prickle. She looked over at her daughter who was holding her head as if it was about to explode. Though Snow White had yet to notice, Belle still motioned for her daughter to sit up.
Dante did sit up, but then she stood and walked into the living room where her brother and possibly-soon-to-be boyfriend were. Maybe now she could tell them both what she knew, save this night before it even started.
However, when her eyes landed on her brother and Neal, she did not reveal her tragic secret, but instead watched in awe at the spectacle before her.
Gideon and Neal were sitting a respectable distance from each other on the couch—the kind of distance two young men who had known each other all their lives would sit on any other night. But there was a static-like magic between them. It spread through Gideon’s arm as he wrapped it around the back of the couch, a breath away from Neal’s shoulders. It was in Neal’s fingertips as he unintentionally grazed Gideon’s thigh as they turned up the television to block out Mrs. Nolan’s animated talking.
“Man.” Dante cursed. Darn her brother and unofficial brother for having such natural chemistry! How could she take such a thing away from them?
“The steaks are cooked great, dear.” Belle commented, winking at her husband. “New marinade?”
“Yes,” Rumple smiled, “David’s cooking skills should be given the credit. For the life of me I can never remember the difference between a well and a well-done.”
The adults at the table chuckled good-naturedly while the one minor at the table struggled to keep her fork steady.
“Everything’s fine.” She said to herself. “Everyone’s in a good mood. Just keep it up, it won’t happen. They’ll be fine. Everything will be fine.”
“You know, we were surprised you invited us over.” Snow spoke up as she dabbed her mouth with a napkin. “It’s been so long since we’ve really set foot in your home.”
It was on the tip of Rumple’s tongue to remind her former majesty that the only times she had set foot in his home at all was to demand help from him or to pick up and drop off her son. However, this was Gideon and Neal’s night, and he would rather bite his own tongue off than ruin it for them.
Belle glanced at Neal and Gideon. She noticed that one of each of their hands were under the table, holding and comforting each other. Gideon met her eyes and gave a small nod.
From the end of the table, Dante whimpered. It was happening.
“Actually, mom,” Neal spoke, sitting up straighter in his chair. “Dinner was our idea. We have something we want to tell you.”
David hid his grin behind his clutched hands, sending a knowing look Gold’s way.
“Oh, is it another play?” Snow inquired. Gideon had started writing plays during college and often recruited Neal and Robyn to help him with them.
“Not exactly.” Gideon relayed, his fingers tapping nervously against his wine glass. Under the table, Neal caressed his thigh to help him relax.
Belle glanced at her husband who winked at her, his smile fading a bit when he turned to Dante. She was tense in her chair as she stared at her brother and Neal.
“Mom, Dad,” Neal breathed, Gideon’s firm grip in his hand giving him a dose of courage he needed. “Gideon and I are…together. Romantically. Emotionally. Sometimes spiritually.”
“Oh my God, Neal.” Gideon groaned as he struggled not to laugh. And he thought he had been nervous when he told his parents.
“Well how about that!” David smiled, trying to act like he hadn’t had a hunch all along. “This is great! Isn’t this great, Snow?”
Belle looked over at the Charming clan matriarch and paled. She was tense in her chair, staring at her son and—now officially—his boyfriend.
“I…what…” Snow blinked, standing from her chair, her eyebrows drawn down in confusion. “No…no absolutely not!”
Belle and Rumplestiltskin exchanged concern looks with their son, and David’s gleeful smile faded at his wife’s outburst.
“No no no…” Dante cried under her breath.
“Snow…” David said after he cleared his throat nervously. “This…” he motioned to their petrified son and Gideon. “Is not a problem. This is our son. Him and Gideon, it doesn’t change anything.”
Snow stepped away from the table, pressing her temples as he dodged her husband’s comforting hands.
“He likes boys, Snow. He likes Gideon.” David tried to sooth calmly. “There’s nothing—"
“I don’t care if he’s gay, David!” Snow exclaimed. “I don’t care what he is!”
“Then why are you—”
“Because I don’t understand why…” Snow looked around the room until her eyes landed on Rumplestiltskin, who met her piercing gaze with one of his own. “Why him?” she wailed, gesturing to the Dark One. “Why did it have to be his son?”
A tense followed Snow White’s outburst, the parties in the room unsure just how to react. It wasn’t until Dante jumped out of her chair and fled from the room with a muffled sob that everyone’s minds began reeling once more.
“Mom!” Neal exclaimed, jumping from his chair. “That is not fair!”
“It doesn’t matter if it’s fair!” Snow yelled, pulling from her husband’s grip. “It matters that it’s true! I have spent too long fighting the darkness for my only son to fall into its trap!”
“Fighting the darkness?” Rumplestiltskin growled, standing from his chair. “You call forcing your daughter’s darkness into another child so that you wouldn’t have to deal with it fighting?”
“I did what was necessary to protect my daughter!” Snow fought.
“And you did so well. How long was Emma the Dark One again?”
“Both of you stop!” Belle exclaimed, creating a very temporary and much needed silence. She and David exchanged looks, two parents who had no hard feelings against each other but had to keep their respective, much more hot-blooded spouses at bay.
“Rumple, go check on our daughter.” Belle ordered softly. She could see the dark magic radiating off him. No one, not even his son’s boyfriend’s mother, was safe from his wrath when his child was threatened.
“Actually Belle, you should go check on her.” Rumplestiltskin said, his eyes locked on the former princess. “After all, Snow White’s issue is with the Dark One.”
“No, father,” Gideon spoke up, standing from his chair and yet seeming much smaller. “Her issue is me.”
Snow White shifted awkwardly before giving the younger man an appraising look.
“Mrs. Nolan,” Gideon proclaimed as steadily as he could. “I…care about Neal very much.” He looked to the young man, who returned his weak smile despite the anger in his eyes. “I always have.”
Snow’s eyes lowered, either in guilt or acceptance Gideon couldn’t tell.
“I promise you that as long as he’ll have me, I’ll be the best person I can be with him.”
Neal watched Gideon, who only a few months ago had been his best friend, his brother and confidant. There had never been a moment when Neal had doubted him, or when Gideon felt like anything but kinship and acceptance from him.
“I’m sorry, Gideon.” Snow White spoke, her spine straight and her voice as apologetic as it had been sincere. “That’s not enough for me.”
“This isn’t about you, Snow, or any of us for that matter.” Belle spoke up. “This is about them, and their lives and decisions. We have to support them no matter what.”
Snow White turned to Belle, her eyes hard and unforgiving. Belle wondered what happened to the woman who had comforted her moments after Hook had shot her, who held her as she grieved for Baelfire and consoled her during Gideon’s ultrasound. Those days seemed so long ago, and the woman before her seemed so foreign, so gone. Her once brave smile didn’t quite reach her eyes and her hands shook and fidgeted on her hips as she damned the relationship before her.
“You might not mind enabling your child’s darkness, but I refuse to let mine go down that path.”
“You should have thought about that before you pushed your daughter into the arms of that pirate.” Rumplestiltskin snarked, satisfied when Snow shot around to him instead of his wife.
“Excuse you!”
“You let her marry a man who made her put him above her family. Her son. You’re grandson.”
“She had a dark curse in her! You’re curse!”
“As did Hook, but it wasn’t until it was made known to him that he acted on his dark impulses. It’s almost as if he used the curse as an excuse for the horrible things he did to all of you.”
“Rumple…” Belle growled in warning.
“And what of now?” Rumple continued. “Where is your daughter on such an important night? Why isn’t she and your “son-in-law” here celebrating this occasion?”
“Dad…” Gideon gasped weakly.
“There’s nothing to celebrate!” Snow yelled, her face red.
“Snow please…” David begged as he held her back from charging at the Dark One, his own eyes filled with grief, for once unable to settle the peace among his friends and family.
“I know what’s best for him! I’m his mother!” Snow continued to shout.
Neal covered his mouth as rage and frustration threatened to boil over inside him.
Rumplestiltskin tilted his head, purposely avoiding Belle’s desperate gaze.
“Belle has been more of a mother to Neal than you ever have.”
In a second Snow was out of David’s grip, her body taunt for a fight, to cause the Dark One something equivalent to the pain raging in her chest.
But she barely made it three steps from her husband’s protective hold (not since Emma had taken on the dark curse had he held her so tightly). A golden cocoon of magic had enclosed around her form, freezing every part of her body but her wide eyes.
“Gideon!” Belle exclaimed when she saw the magic bouncing off his outstretched fingers.
Gideon hadn’t been able to stop himself. He had seen Snow White’s hand ready to strike his father’s face and he let his instincts take over. He hadn’t wanted to hurt her—he would never try to hurt someone purposely.
He just wanted her to stop.
Now he was staring into the fearful eyes the woman who could potentially be his mother-in-law (sure he and Neal hadn’t talked long-term, but more than likely they would end up related some sort of way).
“Gideon…” Neal’s soft voice interjected.
Gideon looked up to see Neal staring at him, having up a few painful inches between them. For the first time in the entire duration of their relationship, there was uncertainty in his eyes.  The twist it caused in his heart caused Gideon’s harmless spell to seize, releasing Snow White into her husband’s protective hold.
“You see!” Snow gasped. “He’s a monster, Neal! Just like his father!”
“Enough, mom!” Neal growled, torn and losing his ability to keep his temper.
In a blur of golden magic, Gideon disappeared, leaving his shocked parents and boyfriend behind.
The room became wanly quiet, so quiet that the adults in the room could just pick up the sound of the refrigerator humming in the kitchen.
So very quiet that Rumplestiltskin—with his enhanced, magical senses—could just hear the muffled sound of his daughter’s sobs upstairs.
If Belle hadn’t grabbed his hand, he might have done something horrible to the former princess, and traumatized her husband and son in the process.
“Go check on our daughter. Now.” Belle ordered. Her voice was as soft as spiderweb, and just as deadly as the creature that spun it. “I’ll handle this.”
Rumplestiltskin had heard her words, and his heart could have overflown with the anxiety he felt for both his children, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of Snow White.
He’d never liked her, in the Enchanted Forest or in Storybrooke. She was a captious hypocrite, and had her nose so stuck up in the air that birds could misinterpret it as a perch. He had understood her anger and disgust towards him; everyone felt that way. It was the way she treated Belle and his son that had made his skin crawl. He treated them like being in her presence was a privilege. For the sake of Gideon and Neal’s friendship he’d kept his tongue, same as he had with Zelena for Robyn’s sake.
He wouldn’t care what she said to him. Yell at him, spit on him. Fine. But not his family. Never them.
But she had. And he wanted to rip her apart, years of repressed darkness filling his veins and threatening to drown him in one swoop.
Suddenly, Snow White’s face vanished and was replaced with Belle’s. The coolness of her blue eyes soothed the fire in his heart just enough for him to function again
“Go upstairs, check on our daughter.” She repeated. She smiled comfortingly at him, but her lip was trembling. “She needs you.”
Rumple nodded and kept his eyes forward as he made his way upstairs.
As soon as she could no longer hear him, she turned back to her guests. Neal was leaning against the table, his hands gripping the polished wood like his life depended on it. David had put just a bit of space between himself and his wife, his eyes cast on the floor.
Belle stepped up the couple, meeting Snow White’s green eyes as her chin lifted with regal smugness.
“Get out, and don’t ever talk to me or my family again.” Belle commanded softly, her hands curled against her sides.
“Fine with me.” Snow affirmed, stalking to the door. “Come on Neal.”
Neal Nolan slowly lifted his head, revealing to his parents his bloodshot eyes and stiff frown.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Neal spoke, his voice garbled.
Snow paused, starting at her son in puzzled astonishment.
“What did you say?” she inquired, not necessary in a condescending tone, but more in a tone that a mother gave their child when they had done something wrong and were given the chance to make amends before consequences were given out.
He was nearly a quarter of a century old and his mother still saw him as a child who needed a firm hand.
“I said,” Neal croaked, his voice rising, “what he hell is wrong with you, mother?”
The look is Snow White’s eyes was more than surprise; it was shocked fury.
Behind her David tried to meet Neal’s eyes, to beg him not to add any more fuel to the fire.
Snow crossed her arms tightly over her chest, as if to shield herself from Neal’s spiteful words. “I did not raise my son to speak to me that way.”
“Actually, you did.” Neal scoffed wetly. “After all I’m the son of the great Snow White!” he exclaimed her title with a great embellish, a trait he no doubt had learned from his unofficial godfather. “The bandit! The runaway Princess! The mother who put her daughter in a tree and forced her to grow up alone in an unforgiving world! The same one who let her marry a man she was tearing herself a part for!”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about! She loves Killian!”
Belle and David exchanged a look of uncertainty.
“She might love him, mom, but she was never in love with him!” Neal revolted. “She never had the chance to, because she was damn terrified of losing him! He made her terrified! And you did nothing to help her!”
“That’s not true.”
“You were so obsessed with making up for the time you lost that you abandoned her in the worst way!”
“You ignored her trauma to amend your own!”
The sound of Snow White’s hand colliding with Neal’s face echoed throughout the house. It wasn’t until the former princess’s hand fell to her side and Neal’s bright cheek came into view that the full weight of what she’d done hit the people in the room.
“Mary Margaret!” David exclaimed, running between his wife and son.
To Neal’s benefit, he had barely flinched at her assault, and his eye were dry from emotion.
“Oh Gods,” Belle gasped.
“Neal…” Snow White cried. “Oh sweetheart, I’m sorry.”
Neal stepped away, not meeting her eyes. “I’m going to look for Gideon.”
“Neal, no,” David begged. “Please wait.”
“I’ll talk to you in the morning, dad.” Neal called out, jogging out the door before his parents could stop him.
Belle stepped around the inconsolable Snow White, knowing if she so much as brushed up against her she wouldn’t be able to restrain herself.
“Let him go, let him think.” Belle whispered to David. “We all need to calm down.”
David nodded, and Belle averted her eyes from the tears going down his face.
“David, I didn’t mean to do that.” Snow White defended.
“I know,” David sighed wetly, keeping his back to her as he stepped down the steps. “You don’t mean to do a lot of things.”
“David, wait, David!” Snow yelled after him as he stalked to the truck, closing himself in and gripping the wheel. To his benefit, he didn’t start the car, didn’t leave his wife behind. Perhaps he did it because he loved her enough not to let her walk home. Or perhaps it was to protect her from the Gold’s.
“This is all your fault.” Snow growled to Belle.
Belle turned to the Charming matriarch, her jaw locked to withhold any grating comments that could further add to the hostility in the air.
“You and your family are always ruining my life!”
“Get out.” Belle hissed, her resolve melting away. “Before I throw you out.”
“I’d love to see you try.” Snow challenged.
Belle stepped up to the former princess, keeping her fists frozen to her side.
“You listen to me, and you listen to me well.” Belle said stiffly. “I have done my best for over twenty years to remain civil with you. To forgive the blackmail and disregard of my family’s safety and feelings. But I see now that sometimes, kindness isn’t enough, because you don’t deserve my kindness, and you haven’t for a long time.”
Belle stepped back to the door, keeping her glare level with Snow White’s. “I recognize that Rumple has done things to your family in the past, and I understand if you may still hold some ill-will, I don’t blame you. But after the countless speeches of second chances and forgiveness, you think you might at least try to follow your own advice, especially considering all the other grudges you’ve let go.”
“I don’t expect someone like you to understand—”
“Someone like me?” Belle exclaimed. “Someone who’s been imprisoned, and beaten and used as blackmail by ‘heroes’ like you!”
Snow’s mouth remained ajar but Belle did not give her the chance to speak.
“I have done nothing but help and sacrifice for you, and all I’ve ever gotten in return is lies and scorn! But I’ve finally learned my lesson. Neal will always be a part of my family, and maybe even David because he’s always tried. As for you, I don’t care to ever speak to you again.”
“You’re being—”
“And as for what Rumple said earlier, he’s right. I have been a mother to Neal. He comes to me when he feels like he can’t go to you, because I don’t expect him to be some grand hero. Because unlike you, I’ve learned from my mistakes.”
Belle held the door open, daring a response from Snow White. “Now get the hell out of my house.”
Snow didn’t move at first, her body taunt with the sting of Belle’s words. Yet, she didn’t try to charge at her like she had the Dark One. Maybe she had taken all her strength out on her son. Maybe she had lost her nerve. Or Maybe she had taken into consideration that she just might not be able to take on the wife on the Dark One.
With her spine straight and her head high, she exited the Gold mansion, the angry breeze from her departure cooling Belle’s cheeks.
The Gold matriarch leaned against the smooth wood, letting the events of the night play back in her head.
Gideon’s rejected face.
Neal’s hate-filled eyes.
Her daughter running to her room in tears.
Belle allowed her self a moment to grieve. Her children needed her tonight and she hadn’t been able to protect them. Now Gideon was gods knows where and her husband and daughter were trying to sort out their own pain upstairs.
Belle wiped her eyes and quickly converged a game plan. She needed to find her son and Neal, help them understand that everything was going to be alright.
The sound of her husband’s distinctive footsteps and Belle met her husband’s eyes over the banister.
“Hey,” he greeted softly. “How’d it go, I heard yelling.”
“I held my own,” Belle sighed. “I’ll relay the details later. Right now, I need to find Gideon.”
“Later,” Rumplestiltskin waved off. “Our daughter needs to tell us something.”
Belle paused. Dante had been acting strange all day and she had not had the chance to reveal why. Belle had failed her first tonight, and not more so.
“Is an adult and will be fine while we help our daughter.”
“Just because he’s an adult doesn’t mean he still doesn’t need his parents, Rumple!”
The Dark One paused, taking the blunt of his wife’s outburst. He made his way down, ready to comfort her. When he reached the final step, he saw her chin wobbling and the unshed tears burning her eyes.
“Come here.” He said just as Belle collapsed into his arms.
“Oh Gods Rumple I failed him.” She wailed into his shoulder.”
“No, no sweetheart.” Rumplestiltskin cooed. “You didn’t fail anyone. You did everything you could to make this a good night for Gideon and Neal, it just…didn’t happen. But it’s not your fault.” He pulled back and tilted her chin to meet his eyes. “It is not your fault.”
Belle nodded, sniffling and wiping her eyes.
“I’m sorry for earlier.” Rumplestiltskin apologized as he massaged gentle circles into her shoulders. “I made the situation worse by losing my temper.”
Belle shrugged. “You were defending our son. And I’m glad you did most of the yelling.”
Rumplestiltskin snorted in amusement before intertwining their fingers. “Let’s go talk to Dante, then, if we don’t hear from him, we’ll go find Gideon.”
Belle nodded and let her husband lead her upstairs, sparing a glance at the front door just in case their son decided to make a sudden an appearance.
Dante was curled onto her side, her hoody covering her red face.
Belle’s heart constricted at the sight. Dante never cried. She’d always been the happiest baby, never fussy, never cranky or tantrum-prone. Today had been the most unhinged she’d ever been during the entire eight years of her life.
Belle didn’t like either of children being sad, it was unheard of for her daughter. Something had happened before Snow White’s outburst, and Belle was determined to find out just what it was.
“Sweetie,” Rumplestiltskin cooed, rubbing her arm gently. “Tell your mum what you told me, okay.”
Dante sat up slowly, using her sleeve to wipe her eyes (a habit her parents would normally try to discourage but now was not the time for a lesson in etiquette). She stared at her knees for a moment, trying to find the constant courage that swelled through her.
“I knew it was going to happen,” Dante relayed quietly.
Belle turned to her husband, confused, and he indicated for her to continue listening.
“I saw that Ms. Nolan was going go off on Gideon and Neal…that she was going to hurt them and Papa but…”
Belle tensed when he saw her eyes watering once more.
“I didn’t do anything,” she cried. “I didn’t know what to do.”
Rumple leaned in and pulled his daughter into his arms, caressing her back as he turned to Belle.
“Sweetheart how…” Belle paused, the realization hitting her.
“You saw it…with magic?” Belle gasped, looking over her beautiful little girl who subtlety nodded at her question.
Gideon’s magic had started developing when he was just over three months old, harmless to begin with, more chaotic until he was able to control it a bit more.
Dante’s however never formed. She’d been a completely magicless baby, leaving her parents to believe Gideon’s had lingered from his time as an adult.
It would seem now however that their daughter was a late bloomer with an extraordinary gift.
“When did it…how does it…” Belle tried the find the words to inquire her daughter’s newfound abilities. It had taken a few tries during therapy, but Belle had managed to accept the place magic had in her life. It was a part of her husband, and now part of both of her children.
“Last summer.” Dante sniffled. “During the trip to the beach. I saw turtles crawling on the beach and I knew to bring a camera.”
Belle nodded, having thought the randomness of her daughter’s sudden “need” for a camera amusing at the time.
“Then I saw other things. Pop quizzes in school, when it was going to rain…things like that.”
“Did you foresee Gideon telling us about Neal during family night last week?” Rumplestiltskin questioned with a tilt of his chin.
Dante shrank down. “Maybe.”
Her father chuckled good-naturedly, showing her that there was no ill-will for her little cheat.
“Why didn’t you tell us that you could see into the future?” Belle inquired gently.
Dante shrugged. “I didn’t really think I needed to. Everything was going fine until today.”
Belle looked into her daughter’s downcast eyes, so full of remorse and hurt. She wanted to lay all those feelings on Snow White, but there was something in her form that made Belle know that some of the responsibility for her secret-keeping were on her.
“Is it because of me?” Belle asked calmly, wanting her tone to be open enough for Dante.
The young girl fidgeted. “You…don’t like magic very much.”
Belle closed her eyes, shame seeping into her blood. True, she didn’t like magic most of the time. She’d always tried to make her home a place where it could be practiced safely, especially during Gideon’s phase when Rumple would teach him spells. Yet she had drummed in her family’s head that magic was for emergencies only, and even then, that there was always a better solution.
“Oh sweetheart,” Belle sighed, pulling her daughter close. “I’m so sorry if I ever made you feel like you had to hide parts of yourself from me.” She pulled her back and wiped away a drying tear, taking a moment to admire the mix of her and Rumpelstiltskin’s features on her face.
“You are so special, Dante Colette. I am so proud of who you’re becoming.”
Dante smiled easily and laid her head against her mother's chest.
“Thanks mom.”
Belle held her youngest close to her, feeling her husband’s embrace wrap around them both after a moment.
It would seem that miscommunication was still a problem in the Gold family, and Belle could only blame tonight’s events on her own lack of it with her children. She should have paused this whole night until she figured out what was bothering her daughter. Gideon would have agreed entirely.
She looked at her husband as his grip around them seemed to tighten. His expression was filled with that old guilt. He felt the same as she.
She only hoped her son was faring better.
Neal found Gideon in the clocktower, just as he knew he would be. The dusty space above the library had been their sanctuary for so long. It was one of the very few places that they felt truly safe.
He leaned against the doorframe and watched Gideon curl into himself on the ragged sofa they had hoisted up here when they were twelve (without magic at that).
The young man wasn’t sure just what to say to him to help him feel better. There hadn’t been any harm done, and it was in defense at that.
Honestly though, Neal wasn’t in the mood to give a long-winded speech about hope and redemption. That was his mother’s spiel, and Snow White was the last person he wanted to think about right now. He didn’t want to think at all, really. He rather just…take action.
He sighed loudly, earning Gideon’s attention with a start.
“Hey.” He greeted wetly, wiping his eyes of buried tears. “How’d it…”
Neal shrugged. “The details kind of slipped while I was yelling at my mom. I think your mom sicked her when I left.”
Gideon’s lip twitched in amusement, but he was too upset to joke.
“This was a disaster.”
“It was better than it could have gone,” Neal smirked as he took a seat beside him. “Thanksgivings going to be far more interesting.”
Gideon managed a smile. “Your mom will probably put me and my dad at the kid’s table.”
Neal nudged him. “He’ll flick peas at her the whole night.”
Gideon laughed, breaking the tension in his chest. Neal, even when he didn’t mean to, always said the right things. That was the highlight of why Gideon had fallen for him.
“In all seriousness,” Gideon said, leaning closer to Neal’s side. “I am sorry. I wanted this to be a great night for you…for us.”
“It was.” Neal agreed. “Your family’s fine with us, and so is my dad. My mom can either deal or back out.”
Gideon hesitated before slipping his fingers between Neal’s. “So we’re…okay?”
Neal arched a brow, lifting their fingers to his lips. “As okay as we’ve ever been.”
Gideon smiled thankfully, his eyes glowing with appreciation for Neal. He wondered if it would be too forward to lean in and kiss him after all that had happened tonight.
As he pondered the thought, he noticed that Neal’s cheek looked much redder than the other.
“What happened?” he gasped.
Neal’s expression changed at the inquiry, and he leaned in and kissed Gideon hard, much harder than the younger man would have considering after all they’d been through that night.
Gideon’s heartrate began to increase as Neal’s hand ran down his chest, his fingers running down the red, silky material of his tie.
“I like this color.” Neal husked against Gideon’s ear.
Before Gideon could comment (and thank Dante for her good taste), Neal began loosening the tie and dragging it away from his neck.
The pleasure slowly flowing through Gideon’s veins suddenly froze. While this place held a lot of fun memories for them, it was the last place Gideon wanted their first time to be.
“Neal…hang on just—” he yelped when Neal suddenly pit into his pulse point. When and how he had learned that he would never know.
Neal did pull back at the sound, staring down at Gideon with glaze eyes.
“Is this okay?”
Gideon gulped, trying to muster the words that would convince Neal to either continue or wait. He’d wanted to share his feelings with him for so long but the more physical aspects had been buried in the back of his mind. He’d never been interested in sex, and the idea of it with Neal had just barely grazed his mind.
But feeling his fingers pressing into his shoulders, his eyes cloudy with excitement and another emotion couldn’t quite place, Gideon couldn’t find the will to say no. They would have time to discuss the handprint on his cheek and anything else they needed to in the morning. There would time for everything.
Until then, Gideon nodded his consent and breathed deeply as Neal continued his advancements once more.
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violetosprey · 7 years ago
Yanderes: Ratings, Rules, and Exceptions
If you’ve been around the block (yandere block that is), you’ve probably noticed a lot of people use a rating system of some sort when reviewing works with yanderes in them.  I just wanted to take the time to highlight how useful a tool this can be if you’re either the type of person really interested in classifying yanderes, or like to prepare yourself for what kind of yandere to expect in a piece of media.
Most people I see use a numerical rating (general “0-5”) when categorizing yanderes.  The scales can be represented differently.  Some are simply stating how yandere are they (Ex: “0”- not a yandere, “5”- so yandere it’s not even funny).  You could also do different ratings though, such as scaling how dangerous a yandere is, how prevalent their behavior is, how much their “yandereness” makes up their character, or even how obsessive they are towards their S/O.
If you plan to just do a rating system without having any general rules set alongside, sometimes it’s best to have explored a wider range of yanderes to start with before you start rating.  A character you had at first presumed to be a rather tamer or more hardcore yandere based on your own personal preferences and already explored media, may end up being beaten out by a new yandere you come across who’s even lighter in character or more graphic in nature respectively.  Basically, a character you had at first rated as a “5,” may end up being better seen as a “4” later after coming across another yandere that’s a step up the ladder from them.  Still, if you keep your rating system rather simple, then it doesn’t really do all that much harm if the yandere is off by a point or so.  And let’s not forget, people will view yanderes slightly differently from one another based on personal preferences, what they view as solid yandere “do’s and don’ts,” and by how much yandere media they’ve consumed.
For newcomers though who don’t know anything about a particular piece of media with a yandere in it, ratings can be very helpful.  If you’re the type of person who just likes that little touch of yandereness (the lighter and tamer characters), it helps to see which yanderes have a lower rating so you don’t get overwhelmed by the more extreme types. There’s also the group of people who would prefer rather than just “dipping their toes” in the water so to speak, “jumping straight into the water, head first and fully submerged.”  Those types will likely look for yanderes with a higher rating.
This isn’t something that I’ve seen ALL reviewers lay out neatly, but I know a few that do :P Rules help to keep your ratings in order.  Especially if you are coming across more media you’ve never seen before, having a set of rules for what the yandere should or should not do makes it easier to rate the characters CONSISTENTLY side by side.  That way even if you haven’t come across a lot of yanderes at the moment, you can at least be sure your ratings hold up better later on if at least by comparison.
The question is if you’re the type of person that knows they have a set of rules in mind, and what rules seem fair to use for judgement.  At the very least, the only OFFICIAL rule I’d say is universal is that the character in question MUST be in love with their S/O.  And to separate a yandere from a normal romantic lead, their behavior should at the very least be questionable, if not outright dangerous, regarding how they court or act when it comes to their loved one.  Beyond that though, people will have to form their own guidelines for what they think defines a yandere.  Does the yandere obsess over only one person?  Does the yandere ever swap interests?  Is the yandere capable of hurting their S/O? Does the yandere listen to their S/O?  Does the yandere have to appear at least slightly insane?  I could go on and on.  I’ve been exploring all sorts of facets here on my tumblr, and I only begin to realize what my OWN rules are slowly as I talk things through.  However, I also know for instance that my particular tastes in yandere actually will clash with other people’s tastes, causing us to set up different rules or give a “pass” on different behavior.  For example, I know I don’t turn down a character as a yandere necessarily if they cause harm to the S/O, but for many people this will be a big “no.”  And that’s understandable and completely fine J  You’ll find that this character type is more fluid than you think, and I’d prefer that people be honest about what they think really separates yanderes from either normal romantic leads, or straight up villains/antagonists.
Oh and another thing, listing your rules out for others to see helps to cut down on explanation time as to why you may have given a yandere a certain rating :P  People can also figure out which kinds of reviewers they prefer based on their rules.  Obviously, if the viewer’s own rules for a yandere align closely with the reviewer’s, there’s a better chance that the rating system used will be better for the viewer to rely on.
If you have a rating system and rules in place, you’re usually pretty good.  But one thing about yanderes is that they can be rather…unpredictable (both in character and development).  You may find yourself coming across a character every now and then who seems to do anything from...break a bunch of rules but follow certain ones INTENSELY, hardly show any behavior at all but then do something INCREDIBLY yandere out of the blue, or just seem to dance in and out of the rules.  There may even be characters where you find you just “feel” they either are or aren’t a yandere, but can’t seem to explain why.
I won’t give away spoilers here, but if you ever watch the third Mahou Shoujo Makoka Magica film, Rebellion, there is a character in that whom you may have seen people call a yandere.  Funny thing is, said character displays honestly NOTHING yandere-like for almost the entire anime series or the first 2/3rds of the film (she acts more like a romantic lead in a tragedy).  But if you’ve seen Rebellion, there is just one thing she doe, ONE thing, that changes pretty much everything.  And I don’t really want to spoil it, but it’s not minor.  And the reason she’s called a yandere is because of why she did it and the consequences because of it.  So that would be an example of a character who is almost hardly a yandere, but then this one action she performs (that has a huge impact on the story), makes it difficult to not see her as yandere.
On the other side, someone actually brought to my attention recently that there’s a character, who I would never NOT call a yandere, breaks even one of my own rules for what a yandere shouldn’t do XD  It’s actually Yuno from Future Diary.  You can check here to see what I’m talking about, BUT THERE ARE MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE END OF MIRAI NIKKI if you click that “read more” section labeled for the spoilers.  So be warned.  But that’s an example there of a character who, while she breaks a serious rule of mine for yanderes, her behavior as a yandere overall is SO consistent, SO prevalent, and SUCH a big part of her character (and the story), that I can’t ever bring myself to not call her a yandere.  Still, technically a person could argue against classifying her as such because she breaks a big rule 0.o
So what do you do when you comes across these “exceptions?”  Well that’s…really just up to you.  Depends on what you value as some of the most significant parts of the character I guess. You can decide to classify them as a yandere regardless, shoo them out and say “no exceptions,” or even comprise and say they’re more “borderline yandere.”  In that post about Yuno, Lovesicksick actually said that sometimes people will call a character a yandere simply because…there’s no other term to label them by that works well enough.  And I think that’s true.  That’s kind of why you see some people use the term “yandere” more broadly than you’d expect.
As for how this would affect ratings for yanderes, *shrugs* sadly I got nothing.  Like I said, it’s up to you.  Sometimes it might just be better to treat those kinds of yanderes appropriately as you come across them.  I don’t even know if they’re very frequent or not to be honest.
Anyways, special thank you to all those reviewers out there taking the time to give all yanderes the proper critiques they deserve :)
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