#over the dimension
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mayura-chanz · 2 years ago
Kagerou Daze VI — over the dimension — Lost Days VIII
Tradução feita a partir da tradução em inglês da Yen Press.
Apoie o autor comprando a novel original.
Hoje, 15 de agosto, era um dia perfeitamente normal. Era um bom dia, pensei.
As notícias desta manhã diziam que seria um dia tranquilo. Temperaturas completamente normais para esta temporada. Eles estavam absolutamente certos.
Então não tinha do que reclamar. Se eu tivesse que inventar alguma coisa, acho que gostaria de ver o pôr do sol só mais uma vez no final.
Ah, e se eu pudesse acrescentar mais alguma coisa, participar daquele torneio teria sido bom. Mas não há razão para ser ganancioso.
...A vida, percebi, era meio que curta assim.
Ouvi a sirene da ambulância e senti uma luz batendo abaixo de mim. Ouvi a voz da Takane enquanto caía entre consciente e inconsciente. Provavelmente coisas como “Está tudo bem” e “Aguente firme” e assim por diante. Antes, eu estava com tanta dor que era incapaz de me concentrar em qualquer outra coisa. Agora, entretanto, não conseguia sentir nada.
Era engraçado. Não parecia que eu estava curado. Era estranho, mas parecia mais como se tudo tivesse desaparecido.
Se eu tivesse que adivinhar, a parte de mim que sente dor provavelmente estava morta. Não tinha como eu confirmar isso, mas pensar nisso me fez me sentir um pouco sozinho.
Os sons ao meu redor pareciam ecoar inconscientemente em meus ouvidos e logo eu só conseguia captar as nuances mais básicas das palavras da Takane. O que ela disse? Eu não sabia. No entanto, ela parecia muito triste.
Ahhh, me desculpe, Takane. Eu realmente sinto muito. Recebi tanto de você, mas não pude fazer nada em troca.
Aposto que você está com raiva. Bem, você pode ficar se quiser. Você pode me socar até. Se isso te ajudar a superar, você pode fazer o que quiser.
Ah, mas não desconte muito nas pessoas além de mim. Você pode encontrar todos os tipos de pessoas maravilhosas mais tarde na vida. Você precisa trata-las com o cuidado que elas merecem.
Sim. Isso mesmo. Você é uma garota bondosa e gentil, Takane. Você precisa continuar sorrindo. Você precisa ser feliz.
Então, por favor, Takane. Pare de chorar...
Uma vez que os ecos finais desapareceram, não senti mais nada.
Esse era exatamente o tipo de silêncio que eu mais temia, mas agora que eu estava diante de todo o peso dele, não era nada.
Então isso era “morrer”?
Não. Se eu ainda estou pensando em coisas assim, acho que ainda não cheguei lá.
Eu não vi minha vida passar diante dos meus olhos, ou qualquer outro guia útil mostrando onde eu estava no processo. Na verdade, eu não tinha certeza do que estava acontecendo.
Mas suponho que meus pensamentos desapareceriam em pouco tempo. Eu não seria capaz de pensar em mais nada e então...
Eu não posso simplesmente aceitar isso. Não quero morrer.
O que vai acontecer comigo agora? Ei, Takane, você ainda está perto de mim? Se estiver, me diga. Vamos. Fala...
Takane, Shintaro, Ayano, Sr. Tateyama...
Eu quero ficar junto com todos vocês por mais tempo. Eu quero brincar muito mais com vocês.
Eu não queria nascer neste corpo fraco e quebrado. Se eu fosse mais forte... tão forte quanto um herói de um videogame, poderia estar com todos vocês para sempre...
Para sempre... com todos vocês....
      — É isso que você quer, humano tolo?
De onde veio isso? O que são essas palavras que tão de repente encheram a escuridão?
Tentei pensar sobre elas, mas então minha consciência se desligou, como se alguém tivesse desconectado o cabo.
Minha vida acabou, meus sentidos desapareceram, mas ainda eu estou aqui. O que eu sou?
O puro espaço branco se espalhou ao meu redor em todas as direções. Eu estava cercado por uma variedade vertiginosa de soros intravenosos. Eu estava em uma cama. Eu estava lá.
Eu não conseguia me mexer. Era como se alguém tivesse me costurado direto na cama. Tudo o que eu sentia ali era minha consciência.
Isso não era “realidade”. Eu estava morto.
Não demorou muito para que isso me ocorresse.
Mas não importa o quanto eu tentasse justificar, isso não parecia o “céu”. Então o que era...?
— Eu ouvi seu desejo, humano.
A voz ressoou de nenhum lugar em particular. Parecia fala humana, mas não era. Era um tom baixo e gutural, um que me deixou me sentido mal. E, no entanto, eu era capaz de interpretá-la como linguagem humana.
— Meu desejo? Quem é você...?
No momento em que tentei perguntar, notei alguém familiar de pé ao lado da minha cama. Minha voz congelou.
— É o seu próprio corpo. Por que você está tão surpreso? Isso é exatamente o que você sempre quis. Seu corpo ideal.
O cabelo branco. A gola preta. Este era Konoha, o avatar do jogo que criei para mim.
— P-por que o Konoha está aqui...? O que você quer dizer, este é o meu corpo?
Os olhos sem vida do Konoha me encararam. Então, dentro da minha cabeça, de repente vi minha própria forma na cama, vista pelos olhos do Konoha.
Minha mente foi forçada a compreendê-lo. Este... sou eu. “Algo” tinha entrado no meu corpo e eu fui forçado a sair dele.
— Não é isso que você esperava? Você queria um corpo forte. Agora seu desejo final foi atendido. Uma pena que pareça ter rejeitado seu “espírito” escasso.
Meu corpo se tornou “Konoha”? “Konoha” me expulsou?
Isso é loucura. Não era isso o que eu “desejava” de jeito nenhum.
— N-não! Não é isso!! O meu desejo era estar com todos. Com todos os meus amigos!
— Ah. Sim. Você está certo. — A voz zumbiu, uma pitada de suprema auto-satisfação por trás dela. — Deixe-me fazê-lo então.
No momento seguinte, o chão em que Konoha estava ficou preto, levantou-se e começou a engoli-lo. Konoha não fez nada para se defender.
— O-o que você está fazendo?! Para...! Pare com isso!!
— Ele está indo para os seus “amigos”. E deixe-me dizer, estou muito feliz que o seu desejo foi para mim. Mesmo uma pilha de “brasas” como você tem um “mestre”. Se você não deseja nada, não posso “cumprir” nada.
Meu rosto, como visto na minha cabeça, foi transformado em uma máscara de desespero selvagem.
Ah. Então era isso.
O dono dessa voz, sob o pretexto de me conceder um desejo, arrebatou meu corpo. E agora ele estava tentando levar isso para o mundo real.
— O que você vai fazer com ele? No mundo real?
— Ah, isso é apenas um “traço” do sistema. Estamos sendo chamados pela “deusa” e são seus desejos que colocam todo o sistema em movimento. O que eu faço com isso depende inteiramente de você.
— ...Isso é horrível.
— Como você pode dizer isso? Há muitos mais horríveis do que eu. Não foi um deles a principal razão pela qual você veio aqui?
Quando a voz parou, “Konoha” foi completamente engolido pelo preto.
A principal razão?
Não poderia ter tido nenhuma causa “principal” de morte além da minha doença. Do que a voz estava falando?
Depois de alguns momentos de silêncio, um som ecoou na minha mente. Eu instintivamente percebi que isso era o que “Konoha” estava ouvindo.
Estava abafado, como se ele estivesse debaixo d’água, e parecia algum tipo de máquina zumbindo. Então: a risada sarcástica de alguém. O tom da voz estava completamente fora de ordem, então eu não entendi quem era por um momento, mas depois percebi no instante seguinte.
— Sr. Tateyama...?
Aquela voz definitivamente pertencia ao meu professor. Mas por quê?
— ...Você quis isso, não foi? Um corpo mais forte.
A voz do Sr. Tateyama não era a descontraída e amigável que eu lembrava. Era fria, calculista, como o zumbido gutural de antes.
— É por isso que eu escolhi você. Ainda bem que “Despertando” acabou de chegar para mim também... A Fase Um parece um sucesso, de qualquer maneira.
Se ele sabia que eu o estava ouvindo, não saberia dizer.
— Ha-ha! Eu não esperava tais resultados na primeira tentativa. O ano que passei me preparando com certeza parecem valer a pena agora... Mas deixe-me te dizer, foi difícil! Quero dizer, alguém que não consegue parar de dormir e alguém com um corpo enfraquecido? Jogando vocês dois lá ao mesmo tempo... Que pé no saco foi.
Nesse momento, imagens voltaram à minha mente. Konoha deve ter aberto os olhos.
Estava escuro, mas eu podia ver uma grande variedade de monitores, de todos os diferentes tamanhos. Parecia algum tipo de laboratório. Assim como imageinei, o Sr. Tateyama estava lá e atrás dele estava... Não, não pode ser...!
— Ah, você está acordado, Konoha? Bem, desculpe. Eu sei que você está aqui para ver seus amigos e tudo mais, mas...
O corpo da Takane, deitado atrás do meu professor, me chocou para o silêncio.
— É triste dizer, a amiga com quem você quer “brincar” tanto... Bem, ela morreu.
<<anterior — próximo>>  Índice — Novels  
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proselles · 6 months ago
alex hirsch was really just so pissed that no one saw his epic old man yaoi that he went and wrote a whole new book and made a whole website specifically to show meticulous evidence that this weird old man fucked a triangle.
he really said what were ford and bill really doing in that pocket dimension they shared, hm? did you ever think of that? oh - you think it was just chess? hm. interesting. i dont.
the ultimate rare pair shipper. i have never seen a creator do this before. absolutely fascinating at every angle.
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soldrawss · 3 months ago
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Something something 16yo 2k12 Mikey gets sucked into a portal and sent into the RISE universe and ends up helping raise the RISE kiddos AU
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jq37 · 10 months ago
You gotta hand it to Fig. All of the Bad Kids were given foils this season and they got to decide how much they wanted to engage with that part of the plot. Gorgug only interacted with Mary Ann in passing despite them both being on the Owlbears. Fabian noped out of chatting up Ivy once she crossed a line with Mazey. Riz was so busy that he truly had no time to engage with Kipperlilly even though she's obsessed with him. Kristen interacted a bit with Buddy but spent way more time verbally sparring with Kipperlilly. And Adaine was somewhat interested in Oisin but never overtly acted on it.
But Fig?
She's in Ruben's WALLS. She's in his DREAMS. She's faking her alter emo's death. She's got the Fantasy FBI after her. She's SO SO tiny. No one is doing it like Fig's doing it.
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magical-girl-coral · 2 months ago
I can't stop thinking about the wrong kids. Here's how I think they all ended up like that:
Ragh- murdered Fabian while under the effect of the nightmare forest. Fabian took out his eye before going down, and Ragh claimed the Hangman just as Fabian called him after killing Johnny Spell. He took Fabian's eyepatch so that fear would never control him again.
Aelwyn - couldn't save Adaine in time and watched in horror as their father killed her. She then killed him and got attacked by a charmed Tracker, which turned her into a werewolf. She failed the constitution check on purpose to embrace her monstrosity fully. She has to use Adaine's sword to focus better whenever a full moon occurs.
Zelda - went berserk from grief after watching Gorgug get murdered in the forest and became reckless during battles afterward, losing her arm in the process. She impulsively broke up with her old adventuring party after they called her out and started studying artificer classes to get a piece of Gorgug back to her life.
Ayda - sacrificed herself to stop the nightmare king after she saw Fig dies. She is immediately reborn as an infant and was raised on the tales of the tragic love story between her former self and some rock star. She got sick and tired of constantly being compared to the previous Ayda, so she picked up bard classes and dressed like a punk, unknowingly taking after her other mom instead.
Tracker - after snapping out of her hypnosis when the nightmare king was done, she became disgusted with her actions and vowed to never allow her feral instincts to take over again. She abandoned her goddess and worshipped Helio instead, knowing how well his followers were at being controlled. The silver bracelets were her idea.
Zayn - when he heard about none of the bad kids returning from the nightmare forest, Zayn felt as though he had lost the last connection to the world of the living with all of his friends being dead. He trained himself to become a phantom rogue, fully embracing his undead life and refusing to connect to any living again. He still tries to find their ghosts when no one is looking.
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wolfziedraws · 9 months ago
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Even cowgirls get the blues
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moonlightmagical · 8 months ago
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i don’t think i’ll ever get over alex song-xia
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bacchuschucklefuck · 9 months ago
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beautiful! majestic!
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basedjamil · 2 months ago
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silly little retainerswap au . . . baur was a bodyguard for one of kalim's ancestors; kalim is at NRC specifically so that sebek can go without abandoning his post. the vipers are the traditional retainers for briar valley's royalty and they REALLY disapprove of lilia for book 7 spoilers reasons
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pealingpetals · 10 months ago
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Lay me gently in the cold dark earth.
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 months ago
Dani/Ellie as a member of YJ or Teen Titans.
The team is helping the JL with an all hands on deck apocalypse on earth. They are losing badly. She looks around herself, at the destruction all around her, squares her shoulders and says 'looks like it's time for the nuclear option... DADDY!!!!'
I didn't know if you've seen the post where a scary Danny got summoned instead of Klarion and everyone (heroes and villains) was getting ready to team up because of how scared/intimidated they were. That's the Danny I'm picturing answering his daughter's call for help. Maybe with an equally scary Fright Knight sword already drawn at his back.
The team was struggling with keeping the villains at bay. This was supposed to be a coordinated attack with the Justice Leauge, moving simultaneously on the other world.
Earlier yesterday, the Light had organized for reality to split apart, forming two worlds. One contains children, and the other includes adults, causing the opposite age groups to vanish before the eyes of horrified humans.
To the adults, their kids were taken in a flash worldwide. To children, their parents went missing in the same flash. It was chaotic, and if it had not been for Captain Marvel, they would have never figured out what was happening.
Dani was a little peeved that she was on the child's side, but despite being a princess of the Infinite Realms, her body technically did not form until four years ago. For all intentions and purposes, she is sixteen. So she stayed with Young Justice, following the kid's command and feeling alive.
She may request to be placed on the Team when this is all over. She sends an energy blast towards Klarion, watching the little Lord dodge with a laugh. He sends back a wave of magic that would nearly knock her out of the air if not for her gritting her teeth and digging in her heels within her ectoplasm.
She always hated dealing with the stupid Lord of Choas. They gave her Dad nothing but trouble whenever he called a court. Everything Danny suggested was a challenge on the grounds of attempting to "control" their disorder.
Honestly, Dani preferred dealing with them than the Lord of Order. They were a bunch of self-righteous uprights who didn't care about who was hurt in the process of their justice. At least the Lord of Choas admitted they were monsters.
Oddly enough, she was grateful Klarion wasn't treating her like the princess she was. It made work so much easier when he allowed her to attack him and vice versa.
"Echo!" Robin runs towards her, waving a hand. "Maneuver seven!"
She nods, abandoning her stance to shift her flight path into a large arch. Her hands clasp into a tight cup as she speeds back up into the air. Robin doesn't miss a beat, launching himself at her just in time to press his foot on her clasp hands, using them and her upward rise to launch himself clear across the field to land a mighty kick on Teekl.
It lets out a howl that quickly gathers the attention of the angered Lord of Choas. Seeing her chance, Dani fires more energy blasts, quickly forcing the witch boy into a defensive position.
She pinned him for a few seconds while Kid Flash raced toward the marking on the ground. Dani grunts to shift the ectoplasm in the air into a long beam, firing it straight at Klarion's shield.
A few cracks are forming around the dark red dome, and she is just about to break through when Teekl comes out of nowhere. A roar is the only warning she had before the blasted cat slams into her, claws digging into Dani's side, and she can only scream as the pair fall.
"No!" Kid screams somewhere behind her, but Dani can't turn since she is holding the claws of the large cat away from her and pressing into the ground to stop it from tearing her face off with its fangs. Its sneering face looms over her, snapping at the air, while her arms tremble with the force of holding the large beast at bare.
Getting her wits about her, Dani uses a ghostly wail to get the cat off her. Teekl is flung through the ai,r landing in a heap by Klarion's side.
The witch boy gasps, "Teekl!"
Dani heaves herself to her side, legs turn, and oozes a mix of red and green blood. Teekl had managed to claw at them during the fall, which meant she couldn't stand, let alone fight, for a good while.
Panting through the pain, Dani presses her hands to leg, attempting to put pressure on it. Her vision goes in and out as white-hot fire races up her legs and body. The Team struggles with an outraged Klarion just a few feet away from her.
Dani wishes, not for the first time, that she was a perfect clone of Dani. If she was, she would have all of his powers, including super healing and duplication. Instead, she sits like a heap, an utter liability to the team, as Klarion dances circles around them.
It pains her to do it, but Dani starts to drag herself away from the battle, realizing she needs to put space between herself and the danger. If the Witch Boy or his stupid cat realizes they can use her as a hostage, Dani will never live it down.
She is just about to drag herself to the tree line when she notices Zatanna raise her hand and speak in rapid-fire magic. A nearby bush drops its illusion to show a very familiar helmet. Dani's eyes widened in alarm, and she took it into her hands and slid it right on.
"Zatanna! Wait!"" She hears herself scream, but it's too late. The girl's body has become a vessel for Nabu, the champion of the Lord of Orders. She really hates those guys.
Zatanna rises into the sky, now dressed as Dr. Fate, flickering in and out of sight as the split realities mess with Nabu's anchor.
Klarion taunts him for it, seeing this as a chance to take down the ancient Dr.Fate, but Dani has other plans. Raising her hand, with every last ounce of strength she has, Dani aims one last good ecto-beam towards the crystal in the center of the spell runes.
It shatters the crystal in a thousand pieces, sending a shock wave of magic across the field. Klarion throws a fit, like the immature brat he is, before he calls back his stupid cat, and the two vanish into a portal. If Dani was feeling better, she would have chased after him.
Captain Marvel beams back into their reality, informing them the adult magic casters were all defeated by the Justice League. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief when Dr. Fate and Zatara med the two worlds back together
Superboy rushes over and leaves Dani in his arms, mindful of her wounds. She offers him a soft thank you, which earns her a grunt in acknowledgment. Not one for words, that Conner Kent.
She thinks about the Conner Kent of another universe, this one younger and more arrogant, running around in leather jackets and piercings but a Young Justice member all the same. One day, she should introduce the two. If the fabric of realities didn't fall apart upon their meeting.
Dani is snapped out of her thoughts when the pair get close enough for her to make out what Zatara is begging the Order Champion. Her mouth falls open as Dr. Fate refuses to leave Zatanna's body.
"Kent would never allow-"
"I have sent Kent Nelson's soul to the afterlife." Dr. Fate cuts off Kid Flash with what sounds like a coldhearted taunt to Dani. The way he uses Zatanna's voice makes her skin crawl.
"Take me," Zatara offers desperation in his voice. "My body is at its peak, my magic stronger than my daughters. Use my-"
"No!" Dani shouts, flailing in Conner's arms. Her ectoplasm boils in her veins when she points an accusing finger at the flowing Dr. Fate. "Nah-uh. This is against the law, and you know that, Nabu!"
"You know not what you speak of,child-" The ass tries, but Dani won't hear any of it.
"Long-term overshadowing of any living being is against Infinite Realms law." She sneers, facial features slightly less round and more uncanny with her anger. Around her, the Team is staring wide eyes.
Oh, right, this version of the Team has never seen her proper Phantom form. They only know Echo- named after being the copy of the great hero Phantom- who looked awful like her human form, just color flipped.
Her Halfa form was much more appealing than her entire ghostly appearance.
Dr.Fate crosses their arms. "Against a mortal will. This child willingly gave her body to me in exchange for aid in combat. I broke no law."
"Oh yeah! We'll see what the King has to say about that!" She screams, and finally, Nabu seems slightly worried, but it vanishes quickly as he jolts Zatanna's chin at him. Using her friend like some sort of meat suit.
The nerve.
"The King has better things to do than heed the call of an unimportant child." Nabu hisses, and yeah, she's going to make him pay for that.
"It looks like it's time for the nuclear option, just remember Nabu, the Lord of Order's Champion, you brought this upon yourself." Reaching out with a hand shaped entirely of ectoplasm, Dani launches a blast at Nabu.
The Team screams, Kid Flash's voice rising about the others. "No! Zatanna feels ever hit you land!"
"Echo, stand down!" Batman commands, but Dani doesn't pay them any mind as her attack lands against Dr. Fate's cross shield. She smirked, willing her glowing hand to rip a piece of the shield and fling it back towards her.
Conner nearly drops her as Dani slams the pieces into her leg, allowing them to cover up Teekl's magic. Wobbling her lips and letting the water fill her eyes, Dani lets out a whine and then a scream.
"Daddy, help!"
At once, the field is overflowing with death magic. Every living being in the area- including the animals in the forest- is brought to their knees as a fear unlike anything they have ever experienced digs its way into their very souls.
Conner falls to his knees dropping Dani in the process but she doesn't mind. She is too busy enjoying the way Dr. Fate's entire body has gone rigid as one glowing green eye snaps behind him. Zatanna small figure is no bigger then the pupil of the glowing eye, her body bath in the glow of it's green light and even the moon pales in comparison to the might of it's shine.
The eye quickly gainst a smile, stretched across a row of sharp teeth, then a second eye, a nose, and slowly Danny, King of the Infinite Rleams, forms in front of everyone's eyes.
The sweet smell of terror fills the air as Dani breathes it in.
Danny stares at the overshawed girl, eyes locked on Nabu who is resting just behind the layer of her skin, and glares. "You have brought harm upon my heir."
Nabu is too terrified to move, so Dani puts on a bigger show, letting tears roll down her face as she calls up, "He stole my friend too! He overshadowed her and won't give her back!"
Danny's face clouds with rage. "You have taken my heir's love. Release her."
Woah, hey now, no need to out Dani like that. Blushing, Dani ducks her head as Nabu quickly allows Zatanna to take off the helmet. Danny's large hand reaches towards the helmet, ripping out the spirit of Nabu, who wails in horror as the King drags him towards a portal. "You shall face trial for these actions."
"No! Mercy, your majestic, it was for the purpose of order!" The ghost cries, but his pleas fall on deaf ears as skeleton ghosts burst out of the portal, dragging the kicking and screaming ghost through. The portal slams closed with a loud crack, Nabu's screams echoing across the field.
Danny turns his large head towards the cowering group of mortals before the pointy-dark features of death melt away into a warm human face. It's a whiplash of change as the air shifts to comfort and personified sunshine when the King smiles. "Dani, I just wanted to let you know how proud I am you joined a hero team. Visit home a little more often and bring your friends."
"I will, Dad. Thanks." She beams back as Danny's large finger presses into her side, and his healing magic overflows her body. He does the same to all of her teammates and Justice League co-workers.
They are too petrified to move or thank him for the healing, but neither is Phantom Mind.
Danny nods, winks, and then vanishes like he was never there. Slowly, sound returns to the world- the leaves rustle in the wind, and animals begin to chirp.
"Well," Dani starts, climbing out of Conners's arms and dusting her outfit. "Who wants victory fudge?"
She gains a lot of round-eye looks, and when no one answers, she sighs, "I guess we can do victory pizza instead. But I demand one kind of sweet, or I'm going home to my father to complain."
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nosnexus · 1 year ago
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That first day back to school is always a doozy, huh?
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purrassicjet · 10 months ago
Kristen meeting up with her parents in Krom's Diner is funny to me because it conjures the image of Sandra Lynn, Jawbone, and Lydia watching through a Mordred window with binoculars making sure that nothing bad happens
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whichcouldmeanothing · 2 months ago
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Dimension 20: Misfits And Magic 2x11 "The Show Goes On"
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sapphicsirenss · 8 months ago
i love my slut dad shirt
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chushanye · 11 months ago
"doubt has given me so much relief. but it doesn't always have to be doubt because I believe in her" ally. ally please. god they have such a way with words - and kristen is so compassionate and caring and at every moment she is thinking of her goddess. plz. plz.
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