#outdoor bird houses
jadafitch · 6 months
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Outdoor cats kill over 2 BILLION birds every year! Here's some illustrations I did for National Audubon Society of a few catios on the market. A great way to keep cats happy, and birds alive!
Audubon Article
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why-the-heck-not · 2 months
”having cats is so cozy :3 they’re so cute aww look at her purr aw what a sweetheart”
i’m collecting pieces of a bird into a plastic bag on this fine sunday evening
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todaysbird · 1 year
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Some hungry rainbow lorikeets :))
hello hungry fellas!!
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Birdhouse (2021)
(warning- my birdhouse might be cursed?) WILD- I've been trying to post this for two days and for some reason the og copies of this thing wouldn't post. I contacted customer support, did all their things, and the works. I couldn't get proper screen caps of this bug occurring, and when I took a screen recording it was too big to send on gmail. Today, I wanted to just see if I can post (any) photo- and I can. Just, NOT the originals of this birdhouse. Why does tumblr hate my birdhouse? (Rhetorical) Lol! To solve this issue, I took a screenshot of my picture and then used the photo editor app I use for watermarking (Collage Maker) to crop it. Then, it posted just fine.
So anyway what I've been unable to say the last few days about this piece is: I painted this and I don't think it'll ever feel finished. Plenty of loved ones have told me it's perfectly sellable the way it is but, ultimately if I had the money and space to work on this, there's one of two things I'd like to do with it.
Attach a metal/chain decorated loop to top for easy hanging, widen the hole a little, and add decorative dangle-ies to the bottom for flare✨ (Light catchers or tiny soft bells.)
Sculpt residents for the porch/hole/window, and add interior tea/LED lights, making it an interior decorative piece.
Maybe this will sit in my "in stock" crate long enough that I can do one of those things, or maybe I will acquire more bird houses later, when I can afford to fund my projects. (Then, I could do both.)
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yukipri · 9 months
Wow! I just saw the photos of your cat and he's the spitting image of my cat as a kitten! Can I ask how you got him?
I'll add some photos of my boy (his name is Clyde) as a kitten so you can see what I mean :)
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Oh my gosh, your Clyde DOES look an awful lot like Rex!
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Clyde's got a slightly large dark spot on his nose and an adorable dark chin, while Rex is all over a lil paler (though he's getting darker as he ages) and has a beauty mark. I don't think I've ever seen another cat look so similar though!
Thank you so much for sharing, your Clyde is adorable <3
As for how I got Rex, I adopted him from a rescue in a neighboring town. He, his mum, and his sister were found in one of their volunteer's backyard. His mum and sister were too feral and escaped all attempts at trapping, but Rex is very people friendly so they caught him easily, and wanted him to go to a home. It was really nice because we were able to meet his fosters (who helped trap him) directly and hear all about him before adopting. The guestimate is that we adopted him at around 6 months old, and he spent the first 4+ months outside, with his fosters having him around a month before he was made available for adoption.
He was very shy for the first week, and missed his foster parents terribly, but he just needed some patience. Now, a few months later, he is probably the most physically affectionate and cuddly of all the cats I've ever had! He frequently flops over on top of my feet to beg for belly rubs, or simply climbs up to sit on my chest.
He's still a growing boi, but I hope he'll end up as handsome as Clyde one day!
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Cats tag: #YukiPriASLKittens
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wolfephoto · 2 months
Red Kite ( Milvus milvus )
Red Kite ( Milvus milvus ) by John Wolfe Via Flickr: A blue sky over Harewood House UK 2024
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coffeenuts · 5 months
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slettlune · 4 months
got really annoyed at my next door neighbour putting up one of those hawk-shaped scare kites in his garden (bordering mine) today, until i remembered those don't work at all and are just a waste of money. haha you fool my birdfeeder is as popular as always
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indielowercase · 20 days
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dansnaturepictures · 1 year
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15/10/2023-Photos at home today of; two types of gorgeous fuchsia in the back garden a plant I love, a beautiful red flower in the garden, colourful Goldfinches on the roof out the back this evening it's rare I see them there specifically, House Sparrows associating with them in the buddleia bush in the back garden, a tree slightly changing colour out the front and pink, yellow and red flowers in the garden.
Hearing Starlings and seeing Collared Doves, seeing spiders including Long-bodied Cellar spider and a jumping spider I believe and admiring the buddleia again and firethorn berries out the front as well as bits of autumnal colour and fruit out the back were other highlights at home today. I enjoyed brilliant views of sun kissed Buzzard and Rabbit chewing bramble not far from home on the way to and back from my afternoon walk today.
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hayatsokaklarda · 9 months
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thank you to the audubon society for clarifying that the house sparrows flocking to my brand new feeder are properly classified as borbs (bird orbs)
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butcherlarry · 1 year
Exercise Fic Recs 15
Oh god, I’ve made 15 of these.  Welp, better continue!
The Shadow demon series by I_go_by_Faith  (Batman is a literal cryptid, and is bffs with Superman)
Predation (Devastation) by Maximum_Quinn  (More bat shifter AU!)
Author’s Note by Trekkele  (Jason wrote fanfic and Bruce was subscriber.  Jason updates a fic after he died, and that’s how Bruce finds out he’s alive.)
bloodletting by TheResurrectionist  (starwars/superbat fusion)
borderline by TheResurrectionist (bat fam sudden hive mind) 
My Own Desert Places by MemoryDragon  (a reread for me.  Ace Bruce Wayne)
I’ve reached a milestone at the coffeeshop I go to every Sunday.  They know my name!  I’ve finally become a Regular™.  My latte and croissant:
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It’s funny.  The cardinal is the state bird of my home state of Ohio, but I see SO MANY in Kansas.  I have an app that’s pretty good at identifying bird calls, and 9 times out of 10, it’s a cardinal.  
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Along the trails, there are some nice spots for you to sit and take in the view.  I just thought this scene was pretty.
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I have found a new favorite bird.  A blue-gray gnatcatcher!  The are so TINY and ADORABLE.  They also like to hop around and not stay still, lol.
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The tree swallows were out again!
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Another cardinal
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Lol, I just thought this picture of a cardinal and red-bellied woodpecker was funny.
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I ALSO SAW A NEW BIRD!!!  A rose-breasted grosbeak.
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My little white-throated sparrow.
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A brown-headed cow bird.
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I also thought this was a neat picture of a red-bellied woodpecker climbing around on the feeder.
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Some pretty flowers.
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I don’t know what this flower is, but it is SO COOL.
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I just liked the name of this one.
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This guy was super cool too!
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You know me, I gotta take at least one picture featuring running water.
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A neat bridge
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This flower was cool too!
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I also had five finches at my feeders today!  Three were house finches and two were goldfinches.
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A close up of the goldfinches.
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phoenixisazebra · 1 year
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When I moved in with one of my best friends this past winter, it was hard to see all of the garden decorations that had been left behind by the previous owner of the house due to all of the snow on the ground and how faded they had become from many years in the sun. As the snow began to melt, the treasures began to appear and they became my muse for creative inspiration.
This wooden bird house had a green and brown faded metal roof, peeling and chipping natural wood throughout, and no color aside from the faded metal embellishments on the front. I used acrylic paint for color and modge podge to seal and will likely get some UV resistant weather sealer as well for extra protection.
Follow me on Tumblr, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok to follow my health journey, art projects, advocacy, writing, and other endeavors! ✨
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ry8video · 6 months
someone hung this birdhouse on a tree in the park and it brought me joy
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stephantom · 2 years
I can’t believe how much I miss LA. The winter here is killing me. It’s just so gray and barren. How did I grow up like this.
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